How To End A Persuasive Essay
How To End A Persuasive Essay
How To End A Persuasive Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "How To End A Persuasive Essay" can be a challenging task. The
conclusion of an essay is a crucial element as it leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Crafting a
compelling ending requires careful consideration of various factors, such as summarizing key points,
reinforcing the thesis, and leaving a memorable impact.
One of the difficulties lies in finding the right balance between summarizing the main arguments and
introducing a fresh perspective. A good conclusion should not merely repeat the information
presented earlier but should offer a new insight or a call to action. This requires a deep
understanding of the persuasive techniques used throughout the essay and the ability to synthesize
them effectively.
Additionally, writers may face challenges in creating a sense of closure while maintaining the
persuasive tone. Striking the right emotional chord is essential, as the conclusion is the last
opportunity to sway the reader's opinion. Crafting a powerful ending requires careful word choice
and an understanding of the target audience.
Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichés and generic phrases. A memorable conclusion
requires originality and creativity. Writers must strive to make their conclusion stand out and resonate
with the reader.
In summary, writing an essay on how to end a persuasive essay demands a thoughtful approach. It
involves synthesizing key arguments, introducing fresh perspectives, striking an emotional chord, and
avoiding clichés. Successful execution of these elements can result in a conclusion that leaves a
lasting impact on the reader.
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How To End A Persuasive EssayHow To End A Persuasive Essay
`` Princess Mononoke `` Directed By Hayao Miyazaki
In an interview with the director Hayao Miyazaki, he states that, When you talk about
plants, or an ecological system or forest, things are very easy if you decide that bad
people ruined it. But that s not what humans have been doing. It s not bad people who
are destroying forests. With problems such as pollution, deforestation, and global
warming constantly on the rise due to human consumption, creative minds around the
globe are incorporating these themes into their works to express their thoughts on these
environmental issues. One of those works is Princess Mononokedirected by Hayao
Miyazaki. In this animated film Miyazaki shines a light on the senseless destruction of
the environment caused by humanity s desire for material goods. The core theme in
Princess Mononoke is simply that if humans continue to mindlessly devastate the
environment we will eventually exhaust all of our resources and destroy the planet.
Many artists, authors, and directors have also dealt with this subject matter but the way
Miyazaki directs and conveys this theme is what makes Princess Mononoke a truly
unique movie. In this film, Miyazaki examines some of the impact and consequences of
environmental destruction and employs techniques such as the personification of
animals to argue that humans should have more respect and take care of the environment
around them. Princess Mononoke takes place during an unspecified period in medieval
Japan. The movie opens with a boar like monster
City Of Boston Case Summary
1. Identify the various types of goods (private, public, and in between) involved in this
case. What was the primary objective being sought, and how was it being financed?
Explain the unintended consequences of the financing approach. Is that financing
approach appropriate for the type of good involved?
In the case involving the City of Boston and its residents, various types of goods exist.
The primary resource that is being debated in this case study is water. In this instance,
water is both a public and private good. It is public when the City of Boston provides it
and private when it is dispensed by a private well. Therefore, in this situation, water has
many different characteristics as it is both exclusion feasible (when metered ... Show
more content on ...
Charging the users of wells is justifiable as the city maintains the obligation of
disposing of the expended water. In the Boston case study, it was mentioned that Legal
Sea Foods uses a well capable of providing 15,000 gallons per day for laundry and other
uses. Levying a significant fee to dispose of and treat this water, as well as charging a
permit fee for installing a well, should dissuade people from leaving the city s potable
The Essentials Of The Requirements For Secured Transactions
I wanted to reach out the team today and go over the requirements for Secured
Transactions and to be sure that all team members of the business are aware of what it
is and how to create one. Secure Transactions will help to ensure that we as a business
will be able to recover our interest if any client defaults on a credit obligation to the
business. While the Secured Transactions help both parties, we should be very cautious
in entering any agreements that are not secured or have not been fully perfected and
understand the risk associated. There are 6 key terms that the business should be familiar
with when entering into secured agreements with consumers (business and personal
consumers). They are Secured Transactions, Debtor,... Show more content on ...
To create the Security Transaction, the creditor will need to 1) create a written
authenticated security agreement that clearly describes the collateral subject to the
security interest 2) The secured party must give the debtor something of value and 3) The
debtor must have rights in the collateral. These three things should be clearly defined in
the Security Agreement so that both parties understand the condition of the transaction.
If more than one creditor has a security interest in the same collateral, both companies
may not recover the debt from the debtors in cases of bankruptcy where a third party
may have their debts satisfied from the same collateral. One way to avoid this is to
perfect the agreement which is the legal process that secured parties protect themselves
against third party claims to have their debts satisfied from the same collateral. One of
the most common ways to perfect a secured transaction is perfection by filling. This is
when a debtor files a financing statement with the appropriate government office. By
filing with the government office, this will be satisfactory in notifying the public of the
Security Interest in the collateral. Another form of perfection is perfection by possession
where a debtor transfers the collateral to the creditors possession. When the debt is paid
off, the collateral is then returned to the debtor. Another common perfection method is by
Explain Why I Want To Go To Mitty
I want to go to Mitty for many reason. Some reasons include the energetic and inclusive
community, amazing sports, and education programs. When I shadowed ar Mitty the
community felt so inclusive and alive. Everyone made me feel like I was one of the
student too. I was able to shadow Mitty on the spirit rally day, and it was amazing. I
could see all of the enthusiasm and energy the student had and I could see how much
they loved Mitty. My shadow host really tried to include me in everything going on.
She and some of the students even taught me the sophomore cheer so that I could
participate too. Another thing I love about Mitty is the incredible sports program. While
I was shadow I was able to see all of the gyms and sports fields. I was
The Education Of Cyrus By Cyrus
In the Education of Cyrus, the historian Xenophon tells of the account of Cyrus rise to
power and the education that helped him reach this goal. Cyrus dual upbringing in both
the frugal Persian and extravagant Median cultures, gave him an understanding of the
world unique to both. This education made him a strong leader with knowledge
accumulated from the strengths of both societies, but what exactly did Cyrus do that
made him so successful? The following essay will explore the deeds that allowed him
to be successful, including ensuring the preparedness of his troops, giving the gods
their dues, outwitting his enemies, and retaining the love and support of his allies.
Cyrus father Cambyses taught Cyrus the most important aspect of Cyrus education, the
lesson to always take care never to delay providing provisions, and always remain
prepared for both good and bad situations. Cambyses taught that a prepared leader set a
strong example for those under their command and maintained the respect of both
enemies and allies alike. After receiving his mission to aid the Medesagainst the
Assyrians, Cyrus sought to gather the provisions necessary for a potential prolonged
campaign. After some consideration Cyrus wisely decided against relying on
Cyaxares to be the sole supplier of his army. He feared the possibility that Cyaxares
might not have the ability to provide for his army or that Cyaxares was lying about his
willingness to do so. Soldiers were more likely to
Rondinone s Seven Magic Mountains
Artist, Ugo Rondinone, in his art, Seven Magic Mountains, comprised of seven towers of
colorful, stacked boulders standing more than thirty feet high. Rondinone purpose is to
convey the idea that, Seven Magic Mountains elicits continuities and solidarities between
human and nature, artificial and natural, then and now, states Rondinone. He creates a
sense of romantic minimalism. Across the desert south of Las Vegas, Nevada, elevates a
sizably voluminous, colorful anomaly. Seven colossal stone forms defy gravity with their
teetering formations. The shapes, reminiscent of naturally occurring hoodoos, seem
poised between monumentality and collapse. The mammoth contemporary cairns
engendered by internationally renowned Swiss artist Ugo Rondinone evoke the art of
meditative rock balancing, and mark his place in the history of Land Art.... Show more
content on ...
The designations and forms of his paintings and sculptures have frequently evoked
primordial phenomena such as air, moons, the sun, and the cosmos. Referring
concurrently to the natural world, romanticism, and existentialism, Seven Magic
Mountains encapsulates a marginally noetic trinity that has underpinned the artist s work
for more than two decades. In an incipient iteration of themes and materials, Seven Magic
Mountains engenders a sense of romantic minimalism. Seven Magic Mountains elicits
continuities and solidarities between human and nature, artificial and natural, then and
now, states Rondinone. Located a short distance from Nevada s legendary Jean Dry Lake
where Jean Tinguely and Michael Heizer engendered consequential sculptures, Seven
Magic Mountains is one of the most astronomically immense land predicated art
installations in the Cumulated States consummated in over 40 years. The work pays
homage to the history of Land Art while additionally offering a contemporary critique of
the simulacra in nearby Las
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Industrialised Building...
Through globalization, technology has increased rapidly in not only in Malaysia but also
other country. In Malaysia, Industrialised Building System (IBS) is one of the
technologies that has implemented by government. It has started since 1960 s. But
however it becomes more popular in 1998 when government recommends a Strategic
Plan as the blueprint for whole construction sector.
IBS system has been promoting by CIDB. To increase the use of IBS, CIDB has taken
the step of formulating IBS Roadmap. The main reason for implementing IBS system in
Malaysia is to increase the productivity, waste of construction material, time and reduce
the use foreign labors.
However, implementation of IBS has not found popular from local construction industry.
There is very low profile of construction sector using IBS as their main building
Hence, in this assignment has discussed the definition of IBS, types, characteristics,
advantages and disadvantages of IBS. IBS is being proposed to ... Show more content on ...
This technique of construction is a friendly and controlled environment, transported,
positioned and assembled into a formation with least additional site work needed.
Besides, industrialized building system (IBS) can be defined where all slab, wall,
beam, column, and staircase are mass produced either in factory or at site factory with
strict quality control according to Warswaski (1999). It can be defined by industrialized
process which every building components are planning, prefabricated, conceived,
transported and erected on site. (Thanoon W. A. M., Peng, L, 2003). Hence, in simple
form of definition of IBS is a construction system that built using prefabricated
components based on Rahman and Omar (2006). This IBS system can be made using
machine, formworks and other machinery