Psychoanalytic Criticism Essay

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Psychoanalytic Criticism Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of psychoanalytic criticism is no small feat, as it involves delving
into the intricate realms of psychology, literary analysis, and the complex theories put forth by figures
such as Sigmund Freud. The challenge lies not only in comprehending these intricate concepts but
also in effectively integrating them into a coherent and compelling narrative.

One must navigate through Freud's psychoanalytic theories, exploring concepts like the id, ego, and
superego, as well as the various defense mechanisms that shape human behavior. Additionally, a
thorough understanding of how these theories intersect with literature is essential. This involves
deciphering the subconscious elements embedded in literary works, identifying symbols, and
uncovering hidden meanings.

Moreover, the writer must be adept at connecting the dots between the characters' motivations,
desires, and conflicts, and Freudian principles. This requires a nuanced understanding of the chosen
literary work and the ability to interpret it through the lens of psychoanalytic criticism.

Organizing such an essay poses its own set of challenges. Balancing the theoretical framework with
the analysis of specific literary examples requires a careful and strategic approach. The essay should
not only present a coherent argument but also engage the reader by providing insightful
interpretations and drawing meaningful connections.

In conclusion, the task of composing a psychoanalytic criticism essay demands a unique combination
of skills encompassing psychology, literary analysis, and effective communication. It requires a deep
dive into both the literary and psychological realms, making it a formidable undertaking for those
who embark on this intellectual journey.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such essays or similar academic
challenges, resources like offer support and expertise. Professional guidance can
be invaluable in ensuring a well-crafted and insightful exploration of psychoanalytic criticism or any
other intricate topic.
Psychoanalytic Criticism EssayPsychoanalytic Criticism Essay
The Politics of Census in Nigeria


Population is the major determinant of national affairs. It leverages power and
determines public policy and revenue allocation as areas with higher population are
entitled to a greater share of the national resources in terms of state creation,
representation and other national consideration. Moreover, politics especially democracy
thrives on numbers. So, population figures also shapes election result, since a more
population place will justifiably cast more voters. It, therefore, a power toll. Both for
economic and political activities (Ezukanma 2003).

The imperatives of population in gaining leverage at every of national affairs makes

census count imperative and vita for any and ... Show more content on ...
It put North at 55.4% of Nigeria population and north over the years has manipulated
census figure provided a mainstay for northern hegemony. Nigeria population was used
as a basis for allocating parliamentary seats at the centre among the then three regions of
the federation (north, west and east).

This invariable led to the politicization of census that seems to have intensified with each
subsequent census (Haruna 2007)
There has never been an accurate population census in Nigeria rather what the nation
always has are inflated figures full of controversies, manipulation and friction owing to
politicization such exercise suffice it to assert omitted the usually defeated and truncated
the last enumeration which took place in March 2006 is the reason d etve for this study.
At this juncture, the basic questions to be tackled in this study are:
(1)How has socio economic factors shaped the politicization to census in Nigeria?
(2)What are the implications of the politicization of census in Nigeria for national
(3)How cultural belief has strongly affected the real fact of count in Nigeria?


Modern nation appreciated the importance of accurate demographic data for
development, the management and realistic planning of social services and the
distribution of resource to states and local governments. Many census exercises have
failed because of technical inadequacies and short comings in planning lack of proper
training of
Dominate Cultural Patterns of Switzerland Essay
Interpersonal Relations/Communications

Dominant Cultural Patterns in the United States as Compared and Contrasted to

Dominant Cultural Patterns in Switzerland
Switzerland is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. The Alps cover more
than half of the country. It is a small country of 15,942 square miles. The country can be
geographically divided into 3 areas: the Alps, the Mittleland (plateau), and the Jura
The population of Switzerland is about 7.3 million, with the majority of the population
living in the Mittleland area. Switzerland is a melting pot of different ethnic groups
Germans, French, Italians, and Romansch. About 6% of the people who live in ... Show
more content on ...
The Swiss are more thoughtful and create a community of trust and loyalty.
Like each state in the United States, the Swiss cantons have their own constitution,
legislative, executive, and judiciary branch. Patriotism and loyalty are established by
military service. According to the reference book, Culturgram, every physically fit male
serves in the Swiss Army. They train on occasion and keep their gun and uniform at
home always ready to form a militia to defend the country (278).
When comparing and contrasting equality between the two countries, the citizens of both
the United States and Switzerland consider themselves equal. Both countries provide
constitutions that guarantee freedoms and liberties for their citizens. Freedom of religion
is guaranteed in the first amendant of the constitution in the United States. In 1973, a
referendum repealed articles of the constitution of Switzerland that were responsible for
banning the Jesuit order and the founding of new religions houses, guaranteeing freedom
of worship (Bram 65).
When comparing and contrasting the dominant cultural pattern of materialism, I can only
infer that the Swiss citizens enjoy creature comforts just as much as the citizens of the
United States. The Swiss are known to be conservative and value thrift. The United
States is credit orientated. We seem to be evolving around the
Comparison Of Tragedy, The Enquirer, And The Critics
In Tragedy, The Enquirer, and the Critics the authors talks about all tabloids being very
similar in the sense of them all writing modern versions of tragedies. This became more
obvious the closer i analyzed these magazines. For instance, in Life and Style magazine
one of the main articles was about how Tim Mcgraw has lost weight. First hand it that
seems like a good thingbut the further you get into the actual article it talks about how
unhappy he was with himself before he went and lost all the weight. In the end of
course he is happy with where he is now. Magazines like Life and Style tend to be
more of a good outcome story while magazines like The Enquirer are not.They usually
go with a harsher story. For example, an article about Matthew Perry s relapse. They
talk about Matthew going in out of rehab and how everyone believe he was sober but
was evidently not anymore. While the magazines were very similar in that nature, they
were very different in the way the perceived women. Life and Style talks about Vanessa
Williams having expert enhancements done and how the Doctor that [she] goes to for
[her] botox does it gently so [she] can still act and be expressive. while in The Enquirer,
Sharon Stone will do anything to save her career including secret liposuction to fix her
thunderous thighs! The differences in both articles are pretty evident. One magazineis
praising a woman for having work done while another is being slammed by the
magazine. The
Things Fall Apart Chapter 2 Summary
Chapters 1 and 2
2. a) War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys
states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it. , Martin Luther. This
statement is undoubtedly accurate; during the war, there is only chaos. Bombings,
bloodshed, gunfire, deaths of innocents, to only name a few of the unthinkable acts
during this time of devastation. After the Taliban had taken over, the bombing had
indeed stopped, but the brutality and disorder of the war remained. Women were forced
to stay in their homes, to leave what little education they had and were not allowed to go
to work. They always had wear burqas when out in public, they had to learn to hold their
tongues and hide their faces, because fatal and troubling consequences are happen to
young ... Show more content on ...
The right to education, the right to freedom, the right to having a voice, or the right to
simply wander and explore were snatched away from females and are never to be seen
again because of their gender. The innocence of a child is also taken without a second
thought; the first day of school, school performances, graduation, prom, earning a
driver s license, falling in love, and making all the wrong decisions, to name a few
situations. The simple moments in life that we take for granted are all wrenched out
of our grasps because war is a time of sexism, violence, discrimination, injustice and
inequality, not simplicity and peace Even now in society, women are constantly being
taken for granted. They are seen as being weak, frail, soft, vulnerable, helpless, quiet
and timid. We, as females, have evolved and stepped up in society since that dark era.
We have become international leaders, we have provided opportunities for millions of
people, we are compassionate and helpful to those in need and are now recognized as
some of the most powerful and influential individuals internationally. Take Michelle
Obama, Beyoncé, Hilary Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres and Melinda
The Reflection Of Wes Anderson Film
You can tell you are watching a Wes Anderson film instantly the minute everything
takes the shape of an animated painting, each shot is so meticulously designed if it
were to be paused in the middle it would assume the aesthetics form of an artwork.
Like an illustration every, patch of color and screen direction is chosen with the same
amount of care put into the script itself. His work as a director is entirely unique, each
of his films has a look and feel that is unmistakably his and can be recognized from the
start. Symmetry and color are the two distinct characteristics every one associates with a
Wes Andersonfilm. But beyond mere aesthetics in detail and what some would call an
obsessive OCD, his themes deal with nostalgia and situations dealing with the
troubled family dynamic. At the heart and root of it all Anderson s personal history is
perceived and ideology that is clearly influenced by his childhood. In this article, I will
address how through the uniquely storybook and whimsical comedic tones of Wes
Anderson films he is able to show the foils and limitations of estranged family relations
and address personal subject matters like loss and acceptance. Mise en scene quite
literally means, staging of the scene. It is a term adapted from the theatre and refers to
everything the audience will view and hear on stage, when applied to film it is
everything the audience sees hears and experiences while viewing it. Mise en scene can
be categorized as the most
Our Family Herritage
Please pardon our absence Henry and Clara.Our buggy s wheel popped off, I said
smoothing out the folds in my dress. Oh it s quite alright, Henry said waving off my
comment. What A lovely dress you have Mary, Clara said goggling my finery. Thank
You Clara, I said curtly. Shall we sit down my dear? My husband asked gesturing to
our seats. Yes of course, I said fingering the fine red material on the back of the chair. I
neatly arranged my dress so it wouldn t wrinkle, sat straight up, and and folded my
hands in front of me. Actors rushed across the stage to begin the quirky tale.Smiling I
turned to my husband and asked What was the name of this exquisite play? It s called
Our American......, He said slumping in his chair. I looked to the right and saw John
Booth standing there, smoke coming out of his gun. Brave Henry jumped out of his
seat and charged at the man. Henry was fast but John was faster. He stabbed Henry in
the shoulder and jumped out of the box and onto the stage below. I could hear his
bone snap but still he proceeded to continue to the middle of the stage. Henry are you
okay? Clara said rushing to his side. I then looked back at my husband. Blood soaked
his shirt, staining it red. So much I thought, so much blood. Honey can you move for
me? I squeaked. He did nothing except struggle to breath. In the background I heard
John yell Sic semper tyrannis! but I didn t care. I just opened my mouth and screamed.
Everyone went into a panic,

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