Essay Examples For Kids

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Essay Examples For Kids

Crafting an essay on the topic "Essay Examples for Kids" may initially appear deceptively
straightforward, given the seemingly uncomplicated subject matter. However, delving into the task
reveals a unique set of challenges that make it both intriguing and demanding.

To begin with, tailoring the content to suit a young audience necessitates a delicate balance between
simplicity and engagement. The language must be accessible, yet vibrant enough to capture the
attention of young readers. Striking this equilibrium can be a meticulous process, requiring careful
consideration of vocabulary, sentence structure, and overall tone.

Moreover, the challenge extends beyond mere linguistic choices. Developing relevant and relatable
examples that resonate with the experiences and interests of children is crucial. This involves a deep
understanding of the target age group, as well as the ability to convey ideas in a manner that sparks
their curiosity and encourages exploration.

Another facet to grapple with is the structural organization of the essay. Maintaining coherence and
logical flow while catering to the comprehension levels of kids demands a thoughtful approach. Each
paragraph should seamlessly connect to the next, guiding young readers through the narrative or
argument with clarity.

Furthermore, the challenge is not just about simplifying complex ideas but ensuring that the essence
of the essay remains intact. Maintaining educational value while adapting content for a younger
audience requires finesse, as oversimplification may undermine the intended message.

In summary, writing an essay on "Essay Examples for Kids" requires a nuanced approach that
involves linguistic finesse, insight into the target audience, and adept structuring of ideas. It is a task
that demands a unique set of skills to ensure that the final product is not only comprehensible but
also engaging and educational for its intended readers.

For those seeking assistance with such endeavors, it's worth noting that similar essays and more can
be conveniently ordered on . Expert writers are available to tailor content for
various audiences, ensuring that the final result meets both educational and entertainment objectives.
Essay Examples For Kids Essay Examples For Kids
Transgenders In Prisons
Orange is the New Black, a comedy drama TV show that first aired on Netflix is 2013,
follows Piper Chapman on her journey through an all women s minimum security
prison. The show is critically acclaimed due to the wide expanse of topics it covers. Not
only is it taking on the topic of female prisoners in the United States prison systems and
its accomplishments and flaws, it focuses on the female inmates and their backgrounds.
The show touches various subjects such as sexual orientation, gender, race, and religion.
There are inmates of all races and ethnicities and various different religions are portrayed,
such as Catholicism, Buddhism, and Wicken. There are heterosexual, bisexual and
homosexual inmates. There is one inmate that ... Show more content on ...
In order to reduce the risk of harm, many prisons have elected to put their transgender
inmates into segregation, to keep them away for the general population (Smith, 2012).
Administrative segregation is often used the most when housing transgender inmates.
This form of segregation is very similar to solitary confinement, meaning that inmates are
put in a single cell and left alone for hours at a time (Simopoulos Khin Khin, 2014).
When put into administrative segregation, the inmate often loses various opportunities
such as being able to work, having visitation hours, exercise, specified treatment, and
other activities (Smith, 2012). It is not unusual for the segregation cells to be less then
desirable. Most times they dirty, unkempt and sometime even
Prison Industrial Complex In Prison
Most of us probably don t give jail much thought but with a rapid rise in the prison
population, we probably should.

PIC or Prison Industrial Complex is the term used to reflect the rising prison population
in the US and other countries. Yes, even here in Canada.

It s interesting to note that the US has more people behind bars than China. A country
with 5 times the population yet America is considered the land of the free .

The majority of people in jail are Black or Hispanic. Also interesting to note: US federal
law cracks the whip down on the possession of rock cocaine (crack). Less than 2 ounces
will get you 10 years in prison. Possess 500 grams of cocaine powder you only get 5
years. That s almost 18 ounces yet the sentence is less.

What s wrong with ... Show more content on ...

In the US, a first time offense with possession of any amount of marijuana gets you a
misdemeanor, 1 year in jail and a $1000 fine...for weed!

So now that we know the system is racist and ridiculous, we now need to understand
something else.

In 2013, there were 133,000 state and federal prisoners confined in privately owned
prisons in the US. Hmm, privately owned. What are they doing in there? Sounds like
business to me.

The fact is, it very much is a business. Just to give you an idea, the prison industry
raked in 5 billion dollars in 2011. It s starting to make sense now why these prison
sentences are unreasonable and designed to pick off minorities. I mean after all, the
prison industry can t run itself. It needs employees. What better way to make money than
by forcing people to work for next to nothing? Want to know who s benefiting?

There are many more companies benefiting from this slave labor. I m not saying people
in jail shouldn t do their time but going to jail isn t just about going to jail, it s all about
filling the wallets of major
Residential Tenancies Act 1997
Legal Issues and Relevant Current Legislations

The Victorian Government decision to review the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 was in
response to a changing tenant demographic where previously short term leasing was
considered a transitional stage often ending in home ownership (Michael 2017). In recent
years, the Real Estate Institute of Victoria s statistics indicate over 33% of renters
considering long term leases, having continuously renting for 5 years, many being older
couples on fixed income or families with young children desiring stable education,
schooling and employment (Preiss 2017).

Most of Victoria s rent agreements are based around the 12 month norm due to the
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Vic) states that fixed term leases ... Show more content
on ...
According to Zhou (2017) tenants within the lower income brackets are experiencing
lower quality properties with health and safety standards slipping despite rising rental
prices because of high earning renters pricing out inner city properties, pushing low socio
economic status individuals onto the fringes with many feeling being discriminated
against due to their low earnings. The state government s decision to forbid rental
bidding will strike a fair balance between the rights of landlords and protect tenants by
eliminating unfair discrimination against low income earners who cannot out compete
higher income earners, said Acting Consumer Affairs Minister Lily D Ambrosio
Fa�ade Of St Gervais
Description of the Façade of St. Gervais St. Protais The façade of St. Gervais designed
by early 17th century French architect Salomon de Brosse (1571 1626) was built in
1616, with the young king Louis XIII laying the first cornerstone. Different from the
Flamboyant Gothic of the interior, the façade is regarded as the French form of the
Roman Baroque style, which introduced the completely new classical style to 17th
century French architecture. The façade attaching to the existing Flamboyant Gothic
church is a symmetrical, three storey structure that has traditional three bays on first
two levels and remains the central bay on the top level. The most proximate stylistic
reference for this façade may be de l Orme s frontispiece of the Château of Anet.
Instead of using unnecessary ornaments, the façade underlines the characteristics of
classicism in balance, mass and clarity by creatively using classical architectural
language. Three storeys are used to cover the Gothic church behind rather than the
typical two storey church façade. In this way, the classical dimension and proportion are
maintained since the projecting Gothic aisles and buttresses make the whole visual
composition much wider. Therefore the façade is increased in height to balance the
horizontal dimension. St. Gervais is regarded as a leading work of proportion and
dignity from Baroque to classical architecture. The most dominant classical vocabulary
of orders is applied to the façade: from
PROJECTION The word projection denotes an individual placing their own values or
beliefs onto another person, to reflect their own morals. Often it is done because of or
to encourage a feeling of affinity or connection. I will be using this word to express
what I see as the systematic and often unconscious blurring of the lines between idol
and idolater. Whilst hero worship is not necessarily negative, in cases where a person
projects their own values or beliefs onto a vastly different person or group it can have
negative repercussions. In the Romantic era, projection took the form of Romantics
pressing their own modern views and values onto popular ancient figures and ideas
were ancient. This created a cycle of populist hero worship and historical discourse that
led to such absurdities as the common Victorian claim that Sappho was as a
Headmistress of a Girls finishing school.... Show more content on ...
Due to the popularity, class, education, and influence of authoritative Romantics,
Romantic ideology affected the structure of scholarship. Across Europe, schools had
introduced new education models emphasising language, both ancient and modern. In
addition, curriculums modelled on Greek forms intended to develop character and values
were widespread. To satisfy the demand for a more authoritative and restricted
community, classical study became specialised in the University of Gottingen, which
established an Altertumswissenschaft (science of antiquity) course. This collated the
many aspects of study or appreciation of ancient culture into one degree inaccessible to
many. What had been a disparate field open to amateur enthusiasts and professional
linguists or theologians alike became a more rigid and dogmatic expert community. This
community still retained the ideals it had been founded upon; elitism, mysticism,
projection, and an obsession with language and its burgeoning racial implications
permeated the new professional

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