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Explanation and Manual

Tone Arm Alignment Gauge

distribution of sound
System © Walter E. Schön www.dos-hifi.de · info@ dos-hifi.de

T his unique tone arm alignment gauge allows you

to check the tone arm geometry of your record
player and to install the pickup ideally aligned (offset
angle and overhang) to keep distortion to a minimum.
rm nte
Just how important this is for the audio quality is r ce ot O ff
tte piv set
Pla arm
shown by a comparison of the distortion (harmonic Modulated ng to
verha dis
distortion HD2) caused by the relative lateral tracking range O




error when playing a record with the distortion in the range

signal processing in the phono preamp, preamp and


power amp: it is higher by at least two orders of mag- s

r max
nitude! If the tone arm geometry is not ideal, as is un- 
fortunately often the case, or if the installation of the
pickup system was not checked, the harmonic distor-
tion HD2 caused by too high a relative lateral tracking
error can reach values of more than 3%. In contrast to Fig. 1: A tangential tone arm guides the pickup system Fig. 3: The stylus of a pickup system on a pivoted tone
this, all electronic components of hi-fi systems com- like a disc-cutting lathe guides its cutting stylus: along arm traverses an arc over the record, and the horizon-
a radius that is always tangential to the circle. Such tal axis of the pickup system does not remain tangen-
bined show values below 0.1% or even under 0.01%.
an arm may swivel within a narrow angle, but as soon tial. The relevant parameters for the lateral tracking
The optimization of the tone arm geometry using a as a very small lateral tracking error “” emerges, the error are the platter center to tone arm axis distance,
good alignment gauge can therefore produce a much feed of the sled is released automatically (stroke “s”). the offset angle and the effective length or overhang.
higher gain in audio quality than three-figure or four-
figure investments in better electronics. But before we
look into how you can achieve this gain in audio qual- +
ity with the Schön gauge, we should look at some of -
the basic principles of tone arm geometry and at the

relationship between „lateral tracking error“ and the

distortion which results from it.

Lateral tracking error

What is lateral tracking error and what causes it? Modulated E

When a track is being recorded, a cutting stylus cuts

r max

the sound signal into the lacquer as a spiral groove. F

r max

The cutting stylus is guided in parallel from the out-

side to the inside by a rigid arm on a carriage so that Axis Axis
Tangent Tangent
the cutting head axis always remains tangential to the
© Walter E. Schön · Nachdruck und Weiterverbreitung (auch auszugsweise) nur nach vorheriger Vereinbarung und mit Quellenangabe

arc of the circle of the groove when viewed from top.

Fig. 2: The axis of a pickup can be tangential to the Fig. 4: The lateral tracking error of an angled tone arm
If the stylus of the pickup should later track the wave groove only at one radius if the tone arm is not angled. varies a from positive to negative and back to positive.
of the groove corresponding to the music signal with-
out distortion when playing the record, the pickup The American Percy Wilson made some geometrical
Lateral tracking error 0°
would likewise have to be guided in tangential align- calculations on this in 1924 and proposed an offset
ment to the circle with the tracking radius. Tangential tone arm with a pickup installed at an angle with zero
tone arms (Fig. 1), however, require a motor tracking points calculated so that the amount of the maximum
which is precisely controlled, complex and so prone to (negative) lateral tracking error between these points Lateral tracking error 3°
disturbance. There is also a high effort involved in will be just as large as the maximum (positive) lateral a
avoiding irritating rumbling due to a jerky tone arm tracking error in the outer groove and inner groove. In
tracking. Pivotal tone arms are therefore used which this way, he achieved the smallest possible maximum
lateral tracking error (as soon as it is attempted to re- Distorted tone
neither cause rumbling nor require tone arm tracking.
duce one of the three equal maxima by a change of Undistorted tone
However, because a pivoting tone arm continuously
the zero points, one of the other maxima, or even both,
changes its direction and would only be aligned tan- Fundamental 2nd harmonic
would become larger than on its or their optimization). tone The difference is mostly
gentially to the course of the groove at one single ra-
Unfortunately, this was not yet the best possible solu-
dius (Fig. 2), a positive lateral tracking error would the 2nd harmonic
tion, as was discovered more than a decade later.
arise further to the outside (i.e. seen from above, an
angle difference from the tangent counter clockwise) Doubled tracking error for better perception
Why does lateral tracking error cause distortion?
and a negative lateral tracking error further to the in- Pickup system axis tilted  y-axis tilted
a' a
side. Both cause equally audible distortion. Mathematical attempts to explain why lateral tracking Difference ≈ 2nd harmonic
error causes irritating distortion and to describe the
If, however, the pickup is attached to the tone arm at Difference = 0
type of this distortion were made by the Swede Erik
an angle of around 17° (on a 12” or 300 mm tone arm)
Løfgren in 1938 and, in a different approach, by the Fig. 5: With a precisely tangential aligned horizontal
to around 23° (on a 9” or 230 mm tone arm) towards
American H. G. Baerwald in 1941 - both with the same pickup axis, the stylus at the tip of the cantilever fol-
the turntable axis, an exactly tangential alignment is
result. Both men discovered that the distortion result- lows the modulation of the groove with an oscillation
possible for two radii and the amount of the lateral rectangular to the direction of the groove. With a later-
ing from lateral tracking error is almost exclusively
tracking error in the remaining range of radii is sub- al tracking error, the stylus oscillates with an oblique
made up of the so-called „2nd harmonic“ (a harmonic
stantially smaller (Figs. 3 and 4). amplitude “a”, and this results in a distorted electrical
of double the frequency of the base tone). This result
signal (= red curve). The difference between this dis-
The radii at which a tangential alignment, and so no can fortunately be illustrated in graphical form with- torted and the undistorted signal is called “harmonic
lateral tracking error, is present are the “zero radii” or out too much math (Fig. 5): When the stylus rides on distortion“ because it consists predominantly of the
“null radii” (or “zero points” or “null points”). the waves of the record groove at an oblique angle to second harmonic (a tone of the double frequency).
the groove instead of at a right angle due to a lateral or S-shaped), of their effective length or of their mate-
tracking error ≠ 0, it detects the amplitudes just as in Lateral tracking error r
erro Disto
rtio 0.6% rial (e.g. carbon compound material or aluminum al-
2° ckin F
a ­coordinate system with a y axis tilted by the lateral l tra loy). They apply to all maximum and minimum radii, to
tera /cm
tiv e la °
tracking error. As can be seen (very magnified wave at Rela 0.15 0.4% all record speeds and to mono and stereo LPs. The re-
the bottom in Fig. 5), the difference (yellow area) be- /cm sults which can be achieved only depend on the effec-
1° 0.10 °
tween the resulting electrical signal (red curve) and D
0.05 °/cm
0.2% tive tone arm length, on the spindle to pivot distance
the correct desired signal (black curve) is a curve of and on the underlying outer and inner groove radii.
double the base frequency with a small amplitude –
50 mm 100 mm Radius 150 mm These formulas deliver the zero points 63.1 mm and
just like the 2nd harmonic. Further harmonic portions
119.2 mm for the range of radii according to DIN ISO
contained therein have such low levels that they do -0.05 °/cm 0.2%
-1° 98. The distortion HD2 can thus be reduced in theory
not become audible and thus can be neglected. E
- 0.10
°/cm to just under 0.6% (short 9” tone arm, see Fig. 6) or to
This distortion is expressed in percent as the second - 0.1 just above 0.4% (long 12” tone arm). This is around
5 °/
harmonic distortion HD2. Fortunately, a low HD2 is not -2° cm 60% of the harmonic distortion in the optimization ac-
a problem in music since the tonal palette of the in- DIN IEC 98 cording to Percy Wilson and a further improvement.
struments also contains harmonics which are even Relative Unweighted distortion (2nd harmonic)
very important. These harmonics and their intensity lateral tracking error Reducing the distortion using RIAA equalization
ratios allow us to recognize e.g. whether the sound is D Positive maxima F
0.1°/cm 0.4% In the same way as the Dolby® system reduces an-
coming from a bassoon (high harmonic content) or
0.2% noying noise by a dynamic preemphasis in recording
from a flute (low harmonic content). However, if the B A and by a dynamic deemphasis during playback using
added distortion HD2 exceeds a value of around 0.2% 50 mm 100 mm Radius 150 mm
0.2% tapes and cassettes, a low-noise reproduction is also
to 0.5%, even musically untrained ears perceive it as
produced (together with a smaller amplitude for the
irritating and as audible distortion. -0.1°/cm 0.4%
E Negative maximum
bass for narrower groove distances and so longer
playing times) by raising the high frequencies during
How does HD2 depend on the tracking error? DIN IEC 98
Amount of the relative recording and an opposite lowering in playback. While
Løfgren and Baerwald therefore calculated the degree lateral tracking error Unweighted distortion (2nd harmonic) this has nothing to do with our optimization of the
of distortion and found that the distortion HD2 is not 0.6% tone arm geometry at first glance, it does have an in-
Audible D E F
just proportional to the lateral tracking error, but also 0,1°/cm 0.4% direct effect: Because the deemphasis in the playback
inversely proportional to the radius. However this 0.2% takes place with a curve steepness of on average 4 dB
Not yet audible
means (what Percy Wilson did not consider) that the per octave (Fig. 7) and because our distortion HD2 as
0 50 mm B 100 mm A Radius 150 mm
distortion in the inner groove becomes much stronger a 2nd harmonic is precisely one octave higher than
than in the outer groove with an equal lateral tracking Fig. 6: The lateral tracking error of a 230 mm effective the base tone distorted by the lateral tracking error, it
error. With today‘s LPs whose outer grooves have a length tone arm optimized according to Løfgren and is also reduced by 4 dB. The unit dB stands for decibel
radius of around 2.5 times that of the inner grooves, Baerwald for a minimum radius of 57.5 mm according which is a dimensionless logarithmic measure to indi-
the distortion at the inner grooves would be around to DIN IEC 98 with the resulting unweighted harmonic cate proportions, e.g. here between the harmonic dis-
2.5 times that at the outer grooves when the tone arm distortion for a velocity of 10 cm/s. Distortion increases tortion HD2‘ after the reduction of the higher frequen-
with smaller radii because the relative lateral tracking
was optimized according to Percy Wilson. This is why cies and the harmonic distortion HD2 before it.
error (= tracking error divided by the radius) is propor-
it is not the tracking error, but rather the “relative tional to the distortion. The y-axis of the graph in the After transformation of the equation
tracking error” (= tracking error divided by the respec- middle has therefore been scaled with the relative 4 dB = 20 · lg (HD2‘/HD2) we get
tive radius, given in °/cm) must remain small. tracking error. As the distortion is independent of the
HD2‘ = 10 0.2 · HD2 = 0.63096 HD2 = approx. 63% HD2.
sign (positive or negative) of the relative tracking er-
This can be explained with simple math: Since records ror, the graph at the bottom gives the amount of the rel- This means that the reduction in higher frequencies
rotate at a constant speed (33 1/3 r.p.m. with today‘s ative tracking error (the curve below the x-axis be-
according to the RIAA equalization curve reduces the
LPs), the periphery of the inner groove must contain tween the null radii A and B has been turned upward).
distortion HD2 caused by the lateral tracking error to
just as many waves as the outer groove, which is al-
around 63%. The harmonic distortion obtained by this
most 2.5 times larger, with a constant tone pitch. The Because the distortion is proportional to the relative
„weighting“ in accordance with the RIAA curve is
waves inscribed in the groove (Fig. 5) are therefore in- lateral tracking error according to the calculations of
called the „weighted harmonic distortion“ and indi-
creasingly compressed in the longitudinal direction as Løfgren and Baerwald, it follows that an optimization
cates the actual value decisive for audible distortion.
the radii decrease – in the inner groove almost by the to the lowest possible maximum distortion has to be
factor 1/2.5 relative to waves of equal pitch in the carried out over three equal maximum amounts of the However, because it is not usually the weighted dis-
outer groove. An oblique oscillation direction of the relative, and not the absolute, lateral tracking error. tortion HD2‘ later reduced in the equalizer pre-amp
stylii in the inner groove must therefore have an effect Both men were also able to devise mathematical for- which is indicated in diagrams (such as Fig. 6) which
which is 2.5 times worse than that in the outer groove. mulas for this which still apply today to all tone arms give the relative lateral tracking error in dependence
swinging about a vertical axis at a distance d from the on the radius and contain a scale for the distortion
How big can the maximum distortion HD2 be? turntable axis, irrespective of their shape (e.g. straight HD2, but rather the unweighted distortion produced
by the lateral tracking error, we will also keep to the
According to the calculations of Løfgren and Baer- Equalization RIAA curve IEC curve unweighted HD2 here to allow direct comparability. It
wald, the percentage of the harmonic distortion HD2 0 dB
dB is after all irrelevant for the optimization of the tone
caused by the lateral tracking error on full modulation /oc
-10 dB tav
e arm geometry which number we read off the scale.
(maximum velocity = 10 cm/s) amounts to four times
-20 dB What is most important is a uniform scale and that all
the relative lateral tracking error measured in °/cm.
three maxima (in the outer and inner groove as well
-30 dB
A 9” tone arm without angling and with the same lat- as at the negative maximum between the zero points)
eral tracking error in the outer groove and in the inner -40 dB become equal and thus as small as possible.
Audible range
groove (as usual before Percy Wilson) produces a lat- -50 dB
eral tracking error of almost 11° in the inner groove of 60 Hz Looking for the ideal lateral tracking error curve
today‘s LPs (at a radius of 57.5 mm according to DIN 1 Hz 10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
If the relative lateral tracking error is calculated with
IEC 98), which results in a relative lateral tracking er-
Fig. 7: During playback of a record, the RIAA equaliza- reference to specific data (effective tone arm length,
ror of 1.9°/cm and harmonic distortion HD2 of 7.6%.
tion lowers the level of higher frequencies by about platter center to tone arm pivot distance or overhang,
With an angled tone arm of the same effective length, 4 dB per octave to compensate for the complementary offset angle and radii of the outer groove and inner
in accordance with Percy Wilson‘s proposal it would emphasis during cutting of the record for better noise groove), a rather asymmetrical parabola-like curve re-
be possible to achieve an identical lateral tracking er- reduction and smaller amplitudes of low frequencies. sults which extends a lot more steeply over the inner
This reduces the harmonic distortion resulting from the
ror of a minimum of 1.4° (with zero points at 65.8 mm groove region than over the outer groove region (see
relative tracking error by about 63% (= weighted dis-
and 127.7 mm) at the outside and at the inside. This tortion) above 60 Hz. The IEC equalization also reduces Fig. 6) and intersects the x axis at two “zero radii” A
produces a relative lateral tracking error of 0.243°/cm the rumble. However, in most diagrams the unweighted and B. It is noticeable that the position of these two
and distortion HD2 of 0.97% at the inner groove. distortion is used, and this is why we will do so, too. zero radii does not depend on the data of the tone arm
(effective length, overhang, offset angle), but only on calculations! It is a matter of course in the develop-
Rel. tracking error Unweighted distortion (2nd harmonic)
the radii of the outer groove and of the inner groove. ment of industrial products to take tolerances into ac-
max. 2.84 %
0.7 °/cm 2.8% count. Let us take the example of photographic lens-
Which radius of the outer groove and inner groove we Disadvantage
2.6% es: If it is found in these products that the tolerances
choose for our optimization gives rise to some ques- +2.27 %
0.6 °/cm 2.4% which cannot be avoided in production (e.g. the obser-
tions: 1. There are different standards with mutually
2.2% vation of lens element radii, lens element distances or
differing values (problem can be solved). 2. Some re- max. 2.13 %
0.5 °/cm 2.0% the centering accuracy) would result in noticeable
cord manufacturers ignore these standards and use +1.56 % degradation of the imaging quality relative to the the-
their own standards (but the differences in today‘s LPs 1.8%
oretical ideal, the parameters are changed for so long
are small). 3. Most records do not utilize the full per- 0.4 °/cm 1.6%
max. 1.47 % until a solution is found in which the tolerances do not
mitted range of radii because they have a shorter 1.4%
+0.90 % have such a serious effect even though the theoreti-
playing length (supposed audiophiles are in for a nas- 0.3 °/cm 1.2%
cally achievable ideal is now slightly degraded. It is
ty surprise here). Let us first look at the standards: 1.0%
better always to achieve a result which is as good as
0.2 °/cm 0.8%
Standard Inner groove radius Outer groove radius possible rather than one which may be somewhat bet-
max. 0.57%
0.6% ter in some cases, but which is often a lot worse due
DIN 45547 57.5 mm 146.3 mm Advantage
0.1°/cm 0.4% to the unavoidable tolerances.
DIN IEC 98 57.5 mm 146.05 mm
IEC 60.325 mm (2 3/8 in.) 146.05 mm (5 3/4 in.) We should follow the same procedure in the alignment
NAB 57.15 mm (2 1/4 in.) 146.05 mm (5 3/4 in.) 50 mm 100 mm Radius 150 mm of the pickup for ideal tone arm geometry. The ques-
JIS 57.6 mm 146.5 mm tion which then has to be asked is what is the extent
-0.1°/cm 0.4%
Løfgren/Baerwald of the adjustment tolerance to be considered. Two tol-
The outer groove radius is not critical since the differ- 0.6% erance causes must be taken into account:
ences are low here and they only have a small influ- -0.2 °/cm
65 70 75 mm “Audiophile” (?) lower limit
ence on the zero points. DIN and IEC are the most First, the visual check to be used for the tangential
widespread (JIS is a Japanese standard which was alignment (using parallel lines on the alignment
abandoned in 1994; NAB was used practically only for Fig. 8: The high increase in the harmonic distortion at gauge) is not infinitely accurate.
mono records in the US) and DIN 45547 was adapted very small radii up to the minimum of 57.5 mm (DIN IEC
Second, it is not the alignment of the outer edges of
to outer groove radius of the IEC on the introduction of 98) compared with the almost negligible benefit within
the supposed “audiophile” range above 65 mm, 70 mm the pickup (which we have to use for orientation on
the more recent DIN IEC 98. The outer groove radius
or even 75 mm reveals a fatal missunderstanding. the adjustment) which is decisive, but rather the di-
should therefore be fixed at 146.05 mm.
rection of the connection line (not recognizable during
In addition: 146.3 mm (instead of 146.05 mm) delivers Are there records with inner grooves of 57.5 mm? adjustment) of the stylus tip to the cantilever’s pivot,
the same zero point B at 63.1 mm and an only mini- which may differ slightly. Regrettably, all people do
Because the immediate counter-argument will now be
mally displaced zero point A at 119.3 mm instead of not have an equally good visual check, nor is the can-
raised that there are hardly any records with so small
119.2 mm. The distortion values HD2 given in the fig- tilever installed with an alignment of the same preci-
inner groove radii, it is worth looking at our own col-
ures remain the same because they only differ from sion to the housing edges in all pickups.
lections. Just a fast, random check of only 40 LPs from
one another in the third digit after the decimal point.
the author‘s collection from the three fields of classic, Who can say that they can recognize a canting of 0.3°
With the inner groove radius, all the standards are jazz and pop/rock produced the following albums with relative to the housing edges when looking at a 5 mm
very close, except for the IEC, so that the old and new inner groove radii of even less than 57.5 mm: long cantilever of a pickup from below? This would
DIN inner groove radius of 57.5 mm is sensible. How- namely mean that the stylus is only offset relative to
CBS 78219, George Szell, „Mussorgsky, Strawinsky,
ever, there are still arguments about this since most the point of rotation of the cantilever by
Prokofieff, Kodaly“ (A side of disc 1) with 55.8 mm.
records do not utilize this limit value anyway. Some
tan 0.3° · 5 mm = 0.026 mm = about 1/40 mm ≈ 1 mil.
people say: Why take such a large groove range into DG 2530597, Herbert von Karajan „Berlioz: Symphonie
account if more favorable values can be achieved for fantastique“ (B side) with 57.2 mm. However, during the alignment, we only see the pick-
most LPs using a smaller range? Others say: Since the up from above, which makes the tangential alignment
Atlantic 450186-J, Klaus Doldinger „Jubilee ’75“
aim of optimization is to keep the largest possible dis-
(A side) with 57.0 mm.
tortion low („worst case“ limit), you have to use the
more critical smaller inner radius as your base. EMI 172-04222/23, Pink Floyd „Umma Gumma“
(B side of disc 2) with 56.8 mm.
A very precise calculation delivers some serious argu- 1 2
ments in favor of the smaller inner groove radius: The The author does, however, admit that he did not pri-
asymmetric shape of the relative lateral tracking error marily buy his records according to the criterion of an
and of the zero points has the consequence that if the „audiophile“ to test his hi-fi system, but rather to en-
larger inner curve radius of 60.325 mm or even more joy the music, hopefully like most record collectors.
is chosen, as some supposed “audiophile” record lov-
ers demand, the maximum relative lateral tracking er- What tolerances apply during the alignment?
ror and so the maximum distortion HD2 reduces less
All previous points indicate that we should follow the
than hoped, namely in the case of a 9” tone arm only
optimization proposals and formulas found by Løfgren
from 0.57% to 0.52%. If then, however, an LP whose
and Baerwald and use a range of radii from 57.5 mm
inner groove has a radius of actually only 57.5 mm is
to 146.05 mm. The following formulas for the calcula- 3 4
played with a tone arm/pickup adjusted as described,
tion of the zero points
this adjustment produces a huge HD2 increase to an
enormous 0.89%! Fans of the larger inner groove radi- rA = 2√¯2̄ · rmin · rmax / [(√¯2̄ + 1) · rmin + (√¯2̄ - 1) · rmax ]
us therefore pay for a modest improvement of 0.05%
r B = 2√¯2̄ · rmin · rmax / [(√¯2̄ - 1) · rmin + (√¯2̄ + 1) · rmax ] Fig. 9: The length of the cantilever is only about 5 mm.
with a sevenfold increase by a painful 0.37% with re- This makes it difficult to recognize an oblique orienta-
cords with the smaller inner groove radius. produce the radii rB = 63.10 mm and rA = 119.17 mm. tion relative to the edges of the housing if the angle is
very small. However, you cannot see the cantilever
If the „audiophile“ (?) record aficionado follows the No one will dispute that the zero tracking errors given
from above during alignment. You can only take your
Clearaudio recommendation and optimizes to an inner here with two places after the decimal point cannot cue from the orientation of the edges of the case. But
radius of 65 mm, 70 mm or 75 mm, this profit and loss be followed with 100% accuracy in practice due to these edges would indicate an incorrect orientation if
calculation becomes catastrophic: The gain in the ­unavoidable tolerances. The check of the tangential the cantilever is a little bit oblique. But furthermore, it
range of radii reduced in this manner is only 0.13%, alignment of the pickup axis to be carried out at both is not possible to recognize the parallelism of the short
0.20% and 0.26% respectively. However, if a record is zero points is also never possible with 100% accuracy, edges of the pickup’s case with the parallel lines on a
protractor without tolerances! Do you think you could
played with the still permitted inner groove radius of but is rather always subject to more or fewer errors.
recognize with absolute certainty if neither or one or
57.5 mm, HD2 increases by a huge 0.90%, 1.56% and Løfgren and Baerwald did speak about possible toler- both cantilevers (upper row) or pickup systems (lower
2.27% respectively (Fig. 8). Is this really acceptable ances, but before the present author no one ever row) is/are oblique, and if so, which and by which an-
for someone who claims the title of „audiophile“? thought of actually including them in the optimization gle? Please see the last page for the correct answer.
Rel. lat. tracking error Unweighted distortion (2nd harmonic) Rel. lat. tracking error Unweighted distortion (2nd harmonic) Rel. lat. tracking error Unweighted distortion (2nd harmonic)
0.3 °/cm 1.2% 0.3 °/cm 1.2% 0.3 °/cm 1.2%
Aligned according to Aligned according to Aligned according to
1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Løfgren/Baerwald Walter E. Schön Walter E. Schön
0.2 °/cm 0.8% 0.2 °/cm 0.8% 0.2 °/cm 0.8%
B 63.1 mm - A 119.2 mm B 62.5 mm - A 117.2 mm B 61.15 mm - A 111.65 mm
0.6% 0.6% 0.6%
 - 1°
0.1°/cm 0,4% 0.1°/cm 0.4% 0.1°/cm 0.4%
 - 0.3°  - 0.3°  - 1°
0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
B A B A B' A'
Radius 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm Radius 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm Radius 50 mm 100 mm 150 mm
0.2% 0.2% 0.2%
 + 0,3°  + 0.3°  + 1°
-0.1°/cm 0.4% -0.1°/cm 0.4% -0.1°/cm 0.4%
 + 1°
0.6% 0.6% 0.6%
-0,2 °/cm 0,8% -0.2 °/cm 0.8% -0.2 °/cm 0.8%
1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
Amount of the relative
lateral tracking error DIN IEC 98
Amount of the relative DIN IEC 98 Amount of the relative DIN IEC 98
max. 1.27%
0.3 °/cm 1.2% lateral tracking error lateral tracking error
1.0% 1.0% max. 1.02 % 1.0%
 ± 1° 0.85% max. 0.74%
0.2 °/cm 0.71% 0.8% 0.2 °/cm max. 0.62% 0.8% 0.2 °/cm 0.8%
max. 0.78% 0.65% max. 0.70%  ± 1°
0.57% 0.6% 0,55% 0.6% 0.50% 0.6%
max. 0.57%  ± 0,3° 0.49%  ± 0.3°
0.1°/cm 0.4% 0.1°/cm 0.4% 0.1°/cm 0.4%
0.2% 0.2% 0.2%

0 Radius 50 mm B 100 mm A 150 mm 0 Radius 50 mm B 100 mm A 150 mm 0 Radius 50 mm B' 100 mm A' 150 mm

Fig. 10: The bold curve in the diagram shows the course Fig. 11: This is the curve of the relative lateral tracking Fig. 12: When the housing of the pickup system does
of the relative lateral tracking error for a 230 mm effec- error for the same 230 mm effective length arm and the not have straight rectangular edges, but has a conical
tive length arm aligned according to Løfgren and Baer- same range of radii when optimized for a tolerance of or rounded shape, a larger angular tolerance of about
wald for a radius range from 57.5 mm to 146.05 mm (DIN ±0.3° with null points A at 62.5 mm and B at 117.2 mm. ±1° has to be taken into account. This results in the
IEC 98) with the zero tracking error points A at 63.1 mm The inner maximum distortion is significantly lower, zero points A‘ at 61.15 mm and B‘ at 111.65 mm. Then the
and B at 119.2 mm. The yellow zones on both sides of the middle maximum value is slightly lower, and only middle curve has a 0.14 % higher maximum value of
the theoretical ideal curve show within which ranges the outer maximum is slightly higher. The zero points 0.74 %, but the other maxima are lower than the maxi-
the real curve may vary when the alignment tolerance are shifted by -0.6 mm and -2.0 mm (compared with the ma of the standard curve. However, the decisive maxi-
is ±0.3° or ±1° respectively: The unweighted harmonic ideal curve) in order to provide three identical maxima mum is not the maximum of the bold middle curve but
distortion at the minimum groove radius can rise from of the zone of tolerance for a better result of only 0.70 % that of the border curve of the tolerance range! This
0.57 % to 0.78 % (when the tolerance is ±0.3°) or from harmonic distortion instead of 0.78 % in the worst case maximum is only 1.02 % instead of 1.27 % harmonic dis-
0.57 % to critical 1.27 % (when the tolerance is ±1°). of real world practice which is not free from tolerance. tortion in the worst case of +1% or -1% tolerance.

even more difficult because it is only possible with The optimization is different when tolerances apply dible threshold; Red = annoying distortion audible.
reference to housing edges which may deviate from The transition is not exactly the same for everyone
If the tangential alignment of the pickup at the zero
the direction of the cantilever (Fig. 9) and these edges and is fluid. With smaller radii, the distortion becomes
points A and B contains errors, we do not obtain the
are often not at right angles, but are rounded or coni- audible faster – illustrated by the somewhat slanted
lateral tracking error curve in accordance with the for-
cal (which the pickup manufacturers should avoid!). color area – because further distortion (including the
mulas of Løfgren/Baerwald, but rather a slightly de-
pinch effect, vinyl material deformation due to „com-
The author had already evaluated a test series of har- formed and displaced curve which runs higher or low-
pressed“ waves) is added there to the harmonic dis-
monic distortion measurements at around 70 tone er. If we assume the mean tolerance ± 0.3°, the real
tortion caused by the lateral tracking error.
arms and measurement results in a number of hi-fi curve can be found somewhere inside a tolerance zone
magazines to assess the total tolerances in 1981. The around the ideal curve (Fig. 10) which surrounds it like
Schön gauge provides the best possible alignment
distortion measurements were carried out in a hi-fi a tube. The tolerance zone does not, however, remain
test lab after three different lab engineers had each equally wide over the range, but its upper and lower As the first and currently only tone arm alignment
realigned the tone arms completely. A mean fluctua- boundaries rather run further and further apart from gauge, the Schön gauge is based, on the one hand, on
tion of the relative lateral tracking error was then cal- the outer groove to the inner groove (from right to left). the still valid formulas of Løfgren/Baerwald and on
culated from the obtained HD2 fluctuations for the the range of radii according to DIN IEC 98 of 57.5 mm
The fact that the tolerance zone increases continuous-
three alignment positions of each of the 70 pickups to 146.05 mm demonstrated to be expedient above; on
ly from the outside to the inside, that is from the outer
and this value was used to calculate the mean angle the other hand, however, it also takes account of the
groove over the negative maximum up to the inner
tolerance in the alignment of these pickups as approx. tolerances unavoidable on the alignment. These toler-
groove, can be seen from the fact that the maxima of
± 0.3°. If the alignment is not carried out by experi- ances are partly given ex works (parallelism of the
the ideal curve (Fig. 10) all have the same relative lat-
enced engineers, even higher tolerances are likely. cantilever axis to both lateral housing edges and right
eral tracking error or distortion of 0.57%, while the
angularity to the pickup end surface) and increase due
The evaluation of measurement results of various hi-fi maxima of the tolerance zone increase (distortion HD2
to the alignment of the pickup at the tone arm (head-
magazines produced very similar tolerance values in a increases from 0.65% over 0.71% to 0.78%).
shell) to be carried out only according to imperfect vi-
completely different manner. The effective tone arm
As we already know from the theoretical ideal curve, sual judgment with reference to very short housing
lengths and offset angles as well as the radii of the
the smallest possible maximum results when all three edges which may even be conical or arched. The zero
zero tracking errors of the lateral tracking error curve
maxima are equal. Because the positive maxima of points B at 62.5 mm and A at 117.2 mm which are
measured in the test labs of these magazines are giv-
the outer groove and of the inner groove lie on the up- used on the Schön gauge and which can be observed
en for the tone arms of the record players tested there.
per boundary curve of the tolerance zone, but the neg- precisely thanks to the inscribed grooves (for the
From the given zero points rA und rB and the effective
ative maximum lies on the lower boundary curve, this avoidance of the skating effect) are calculated so that
tone arm length teff, using the formula
can be seen more clearly with reference to the lower the smallest possible distortion maxima result with a
a = arc sin [(rA + r B)/2 t eff ] representation with an upwardly folded negative curve mean angular tolerance of ± 0.3° (which has been
portion. With an optimization to equal tolerance range shown to be realistic by measurement series).
the offset angle a can be calculated and, as was to be
maxima calculated by the author for a tolerance of
expected, the given measured value always differed For everyone who place less trust in their visual judg-
±0.3°, the curve (Fig. 11) shows three identical distor-
somewhat from the value calculated from the other ment, the old Schön gauge had two alternative zero
tion maxima of only 0.70% instead of 0.78% (in Fig.
data, and indeed up to 0.8° in one case and even up points B‘ at 61.15 mm and A‘ at 111.65 mm calculated
10). This is undoubtedly an improvement even if it is
to 0.9° in another case. A value of just above 0.3° re- for the angle tolerance ±1° in accordance with this
admittedly not a very large change.
sulted as the mean error of all values checked in this principle. They have been left off the Type 2 Schön
manner. This appears reason enough for the author The colored areas below these curves show how irri- gauge since they were rarely used and since the gauge
also to assume a mean tolerance of at least ±0.3°. tating the distortion becomes: Green = below the au- is clearer without the additional zero points.
How to measure and to align
ome record players or tone arms come with an Effective tone arm length (Stylus tip to arm axis)
alignment gauge which is based on unfavorable
The effective tone arm length is the horizontal dis-
zero points or on a range of radii without any practical
tance of the stylus tip from the vertical pivot axis of J
relevance. Some alignment gauges of expensive tone
the tone arm. Before starting the measurement, use a
arms quote an incorrect spindle to pivot distance. The
fine fiber-tip pen to mark the position of the pivot axis
offset angle is frequently not correctly matched to the
by drawing a dot on the tone arm bearing and to mark
effective tone arm length, but rather often seems only
the position of the stylus tip by drawing a dot on the
to have been chosen to match the “design”. A good
alignment gauge is therefore indispensable. This new
Schön gauge is the best possible tool for a precise
Fig. 16: For measuring the overhang directly, rotate the
­optimization of the tone arm geometry to minimize the gauge so that the line G points precisely to the axis of
maximum relative lateral tracking error and thus also 0
the tone arm pivot. Swivel the tone arm over the platter
the distortion. It also offers you more measuring op- center and read the overhang at the stylus position.
tions than any other alignment gauge.
presented below), turn the turntable with the gauge
1. The optimization criterion is the minimization of the until the line with the tip of the arrow G running
maximum relative lateral tracking error (“minimax through the centering hole points exactly toward the
principle”) since this is what causes the distortion pivot axis of the tone arm. Swing the tone arm toward
which is audible and irritating from a certain level. the center of the turntable without displacing the
gauge. You can then read off the overhang on the mil-
2. This optimization is mathematically correct for all
Fig. 14: Before measuring the effective tone arm length limeter scale J below the tip of the stylus.
tone arm lengths. Some gauges can only be used for it may be helpful to mark the ­position of the axis of the
one single tone arm length and produce more or less tone arm pivot and the position of the stylus on top of
Overhang (arm not pivotable over the platter center)
pronounced deviations with other lengths; a fact some the headshell of the cartridge with a thin fibertip pen.
gauge manufacturers often do not reveal. If your tone arm cannot be swung over the center of
headshell. You can measure the effective length up to
the turntable, turn the gauge on the turntable until the
3. Its base range of radii is not the standard IEC range 250 mm (around 10”) by placing the zero mark of the
line a little further down with the tip of the arrow H is
of 60.325 mm to 146.05 mm, which produces a huge gauge at the pivot axis of the tone arm (see Fig. 14)
aligned exactly with the pivot axis of the tone arm
increase in harmonic distortion with a small inner and by placing the millimeter scale over the stylus tip.
groove radius, but rather the more practice-orientated
You should use a ruler if the tone arm is longer.
range of DIN IEC 98 from 57.5 mm to 146.05 mm. A
small increase in the maximum harmonic distortion,
Spindle to pivot distance (turntable axis to arm axis)
e.g. with a tone arm length of 230 mm from 0.52% to
0.57%, is less irritating than if it escalates with re- You can use the same millimeter scale to measure the H

cords with a long playing time, in this case to 0.89%. spindle to pivot distance. It is easier to measure in the
horizontal direction if you place an oblong object such
4. Only the Schön gauge takes account of tolerances
as a book or a CD jewel case onto the turntable so
which are unavoidable during alignment. The angle
that a perpendicular edge abuts the center spindle of
errors which occur even when the greatest care is tak- K
the turntable from the left (see Fig. 15).
en in aligning the small pickup to the parallel lines of
the gauge due to the restricted visual judgment and
the production tolerances of the pickup of around
± 0.3° are only taken into account in the calculation
with this gauge. Since the tolerances have a much BO
BUOKCH Fig. 17: For measuring the overhang indirectly, rotate
greater effect with smaller radii than with larger ones, the gauge so that the line H points precisely to the tone
the mathematical calculation of the zero points results
EA 0
arm pivot. Swivel the tone arm to the second overhang
scale at the circle of the inner groove. Read the value.
in the smaller values of 62.5 mm and 117.2 mm rather
than in 63.1 mm and 119.2 mm for DIN IEC 98. (Fig. 17). Then swing the tone arm up to the second
overhang scale K without displacing the gauge and
5. An accurate measuring tool and for checking the
put the tip of the stylus down there. Check whether
manufacturer‘s data as well as for a comparison of
the line with the tip of the arrow H still points exactly
the relative lateral tracking error before and after the
to the pivot axis of the tone arm and correct the align-
alignment (control of success) are also all only possi- Fig. 15: For measuring the distance between the platter
center and the horizontal arm pivot, position the zero ment as required. Then read off the overhang at the
ble using the Schön gauge. You can measure the ef-
mark above the platter center as shown. A book held point the tip of the stylus was placed down.
fective tone arm length, the pivot to spindle distance,
against the rod may help to measure horizontally.
the overhang (even if the tone arm cannot be pivoted This indirect measurement is just as exact as the di-
to the turntable center!) and even the value of the rel- If you lean the gauge against the perpendicular edge, rect measurement with medium-length tone arms.
ative lateral tracking error over the full range of radii the zero mark coincides with the axis of the pin and
Very short or very long tone arms produce a very slight
and then the corresponding curve for your tone arm. the long edge with the millimeter measurement has a
deviation (less than 1/100 mm), that is well below the
horizontal extent. You can read off the spindle to pivot
reading accuracy, so that it can be totally neglected.
distance on the millimeter scale at the center (axis) of
J B A G the tone arm bearing previously marked by a dot.
How to find the correct spindle to pivot distance

Justage-Kurzanleitung H
Overhang (arm pivotable over the platter center) When installing a separate tone arm into a turntable,
K D it is necessary to observe a pivot to spindle distance
The overhang states by how much the effective length
matched to the effective tone arm length with very
E of the tone arm is larger than the spindle to pivot dis-
C high precision. If the pivot to spindle distance is too
tance. It is a very critical parameter for the alignment
small or too high, so that this error cannot be reme-
I of the tone arm. It is later used to carry out the fine
died by changing the overhang (the movement path of
F matching of the effective tone arm length to the spin-
the pickup in the headshell’s oblong holes is restrict-
dle to pivot distance (see Fig. 18).
ed!), the tangential alignment cannot be achieved at
Fig. 13: The new “Schön-Schablone Typ 2” alignment Place the gauge onto the turntable like a record. If both zero tracking errors. An incorrect overhang can-
gauge for optimizing and measuring the tone arm geo- your tone arm can be swung over the center of the not be fully compensated later by the offset angle;
metry is clearly arranged and even more versatile. turntable (if not, a further measuring method will be only a middling good compromise then remains.
You should therefore first measure the effective tone As shown on the gauge, to increase the checking pre- Most exact zero positions - Alignment for purists
arm length before installing the tone arm. The pickup cision, you should use Scotch tape or self-adhesive
First roughly set the overhang. To do this, turn the
should be screwed at a middle position of the oblong modeling clay to stick the lead of a mechanical pencil
turntable with the gauge so that the line with the ar-
holes so that it can be moved back or forward for any to the pickup – to the front if it has a smooth front or
row tip G running through the centering hole points
required correction of the overhang. Use the following otherwise to the front edge of its screw plate. Place
exactly toward the tone arm axis (Fig. 22). Then swing
diagram (Fig. 18) to determine the overhang exactly the gauge onto the turntable and place the stylus tip
the tone arm over the gauge up to point C – without
matching the measured effective tone arm length. of the tone arm swung to the outer groove circle into
displacing the gauge. If you cannot put the stylus
the applied groove at point F (Fig. 19).
down exactly at the point C, move the pickup in the
Overhang Radius range according to DIN IEC 98
25 mm Then compare the direction of the pencil lead or, if oblong holes of the headshell so that you are exactly
you were unable to stick any lead on, the direction of on the point C. Then, to make sure, check whether the
the front edge of the pickup with the parallel lines on arrow tip G is still pointing toward the tone arm axis.
20 mm the gauge. Turn the turntable slowly clockwise (in the
Red = optimized for a tolerance of ±0.3° direction records turn) until the lines on the gauge ex-
16.5 mm
tend parallel to the pencil lead or to the front edge of
15 mm
the pickup. You can read off the amount of the relative

Answer to the question below fig. 9: The cantilever of pickup system 2 is oblique by -0,2°, and the whole pickup system 4 is oblique by -0,3°; this results in a total error of -0,5°. · This manual has been printed environment friendly and CO2 neutral.
lateral tracking error at the outer radius 146.05 in de- G
Effective tone arm length
10 mm grees per centimeter (°/cm) at the point where the tip
200 mm 230 mm 250 mm 300 mm of the stylus is located. Mark this point on the corre-
sponding radius line on a copy of the master diagram
Fig. 18: These curves give the relation between over-
hang and tone arm length (the black curve is calcula- shown at the bottom of this page (Fig. 20).
ted without tolerance). Add effective length and over-
In the same way, measure the relative lateral tracking C
hang for platter center to tone arm pivot distance.
error for the other radii 140 mm, 130 mm, 120 mm, etc.
The marked dot shows an overhang of 16.5 mm for an down to 50 mm (while 50 mm is not relevant, it does
effective tone arm length of 230 mm. The correct pivot improve the curve accuracy for the range of small ra-
to spindle distance is the effective length minus the dii). After marking all the measurement points, draw a
Fig. 22: For the fastest setting or the final check of the
overhang, in this case 230 mm - 16.5 mm = 213.5 mm. smooth curve which follows the course of your mea- overhang rotate the gauge till line G points to the tone
sured points as closely as possible. arm’s pivot axis. Shift the pickup system in the head-
The black curve applies to an optimization according
shell until the stylus can be set precisely onto point C.
to Løfgren/Baerwald without considering the toleranc- Because your measurements (like the alignment) are
es with the zero points 63.1 mm and 119.2 mm. not free of tolerances, your measured points may be Alternatively, the overhang can be determined from
above or below the smooth course of the curve. When the effective tone arm length in the overhang diagram
Measurement of the relative lateral tracking error drawing your curve, use shape of the pale ideal curve (Fig. 18) and can be set at the overhang scale J or K.
of a 230 mm and 300 mm tone arm as your guideline.
The lateral tracking error is the angle by which the di-
rection of the cantilever projected onto the record
The quickest alignment of the tone arm geometry
plane differs from the tangential direction to the circle
with the respective radius. The relative lateral track- The fastest way to align the overhang and the offset
ing error, that is the lateral tracking error divided by angle using the alignment point I of the Schön gauge
the respective radius, is, however, decisive for the re- with the line H pointing to the tone arm pivot axis
sulting distortion. Only the Schön gauge provides the (Fig. 21): put the stylus down there and adjust both
precise measuring facility you need for this. overhang and offset angle for a parallel pencil lead.

Fig. 23: For the first step of aligning of the offset angle
set the stylus onto point A. Check the parallelism of the
pencil lead or the edge of the pickup system with the
lines on the gauge and rotate the pickup if necessary.

Place the stylus down in the groove exactly onto point


A (Fig 23). If the pencil lead or the pickup edge now

runs parallel to the parallel lines on the gauge, the

alignment is complete. If this is not the case, loosen
the fastening screws on the pickup and turn it a little
Fig. 19: For measuring the relative lateral tracking error, Fig. 21: For the fastest alignment or a final check point
set the stylus down in the outer groove at point F. Then line H to the tone arm’s pivot axis. Shift and rotate the (without displacing it!) until you have a parallel align-
rotate the gauge till the pencil lead is parallel with the pickup system until the stylus can be set precisely on ment at point A. Then tighten the screws again.
parallel lines on the gauge. Repeat for the other radii. point I with the lead parallel to the lines on the gauge.
If you then alternatively put the stylus down at the
start of the groove in front of point B and in front of
Relative lateral tracking error 70 80 90 100
point A (where a point has been marked in each case)
0.4 °/cm
and slowly rotate the gauge clockwise until the pencil
lead is parallel to the lines on the gauge, you can read
0.2 °/cm
2 30 m
m off at the two scales below the stylus how much the
0.1 °/cm 300 mm
overhang has to be corrected at B and how much the
0.0°/cm offset angle has to be corrected at A. Only the over-
-0.1°/cm hang may be changed at B and only the offset angle
-0.2°/cm at A. Repeat both checks until the pencil lead or the
-0.3°/cm pickup edge is parallel to the gauge lines at A and B.
Radius of the groove [mm] 50 57.5 110 120 130 140 146.05 If everything is then correct, you have finished the
alignment of the tone arm and you can now enjoy your
Fig. 20: Plot the results of your measurements into a copy of this diagram, not into this original. Then you can make music in the best possible audio quality.
as many new copies as you need at a later date for more measurements. The curves printed in pale blue and pale
orange show the relative lateral tracking error of two tone arms with effective lengths of 230 mm and 300 mm after Distributor: DOS GmbH, Britta Hoffmann,
having been aligned perfectly according to Walter E. Schön. Your alignment should result in a very similar curve. Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1, 53879 Euskirchen, Germany

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