GuitarReview 13-2

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No. 3


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heG VI TA R revjeW
No. 13 1952
notes on ģuitar music w.M.
Published and copyright 1952, by the Society of the Classic Methods and Tutors
The best 'Method' is a good teacher, but where such a person
Guitar (a non- pro t membership corporation)
is not available the student can gain much help fromn published
409 East 50th Street, New York 22, N. Y. treatises. Those by Roch and Pujol are in line with modern
Editors: Vladimir Bobri, Gregory d'Alessio technique but there is much good material for study in the
older Methods of Aguado, Sor and Carcassi, etc. Part Two of
Associate Editor: Sydney Beck
the Carcassi Method has recently been reprinted by Schott,
Spanish Editor: Eithne Golden 48 Great Marlborough Street, London (and Agents). Daniel
Academy Section: Terry Usher, Editor; Jack Duarte, Co-Editor Fortea (Biblioteca Fortea, Cruz 27, Madrid, Spain), has revised
his Method and included English text in the new edition of
Art Editors: V. Bobri, G. Giusti
Parts One and Two. These contain very useful exercises for
Circulation: Saul Marantz, Karl Noell the student. First year studies (the rst of ten parts) have also
Advertising: Anne Schieve, J. Robert Theaman been received from Portgual-José Duarte Costa (Rua Capitao
Leitao 23 Lisboa). Editions Cranz (Brussels, London, ete.),
General Manager: J. Robert Theaman
have issued Part Two of the Ranieri Method for Guitar. This
Subscription (6 issues): $6.00. Single issues: $1.25 is in English, French, German and Italian with many studies
Foreign: $5.00. Single issues: $1.10 from the old masters. The most original modern Method is the
Schaller-Scheit Method- ve parts (in German), published by
Publicado y propriedad por The Society of the Classic Guitar,
Universal Edition, Vienna. (British Commonwealth Agents,
409 East 5Oth St., New York 22, N. Y.U. S. A., Subscripción: (Seis Alfred A. Kalmus, 24 Gt. Pulteney St., Regent Street, London
números) $5 (Cinco Dolares Americanos). Número solo: $1.10 W. 1.) The rst two parts have now been published in an excel-
lent English translation (6/ each); a musicianly work with
Representación en la República Argentina:
clear technical explanations and specially written exercises.
Casa Nuñez (Diego, Gracia y Cia), Sarmiento 1573, Buenos
Aires, R.A. New Solos and Lists
So much music has been published in recent months that it
would be impossible to list all of it. All the publishers men-
tioned above will send price lists of guitar music on request
and comprehensive lists may also be obtained from the leading
Argentine publishers of guitar music, Antigua Casa Nuñez,
Sarmiento 1573, Buenos Aires, and Ricordi Americana S. A.,
CONTENTS Cangallo 1509, Buenos Aires. The former publishes the largest
list of guitar music in the world-about 3,000itemns.In addition
Julio de Diego to their list the latter issues a monthly Bulletin (Ricordiana)
which nearly always gives new items for the guitarist.
Music Supplement Layout Antonio Petruccelli A useful list obtainable from Spain is that of Union Musical
llustrations and Decorations V. Bobri, Julio de Diego, Española, Carrera de San Jeronimo 26, Madrid. This includes
Dr. S. Garcia Fortea's arrangements of works by Albeniz and
G. Giusti, Antonio Petruccelli, S. Marantz
Granados, as well as original compositions by Sanchez Gra-
nada, Ferrer, Arcas,etc.
The list of Hausmusik' from Osterreichischer Bundesverlag,
Vienna, includes arrangements by Karl Scheit of Sonatas for
violin and guitar by Scheidler, Diabelli's Sonatine for Guitar
Notes on Guitar Music Wilitrid M. Appleby
and Piano (op. 68) , etc. Musikverlag V. Hladky of Vienna pub-
The Guitar and Myself Andrés Segovia lishes guitar music edited by Luise Walker.
la Guitarra y Yo Por Andrés Segovia Casa Editrice Berben, Via F Selmi, 41, Sede di Modena,
Italy, is the chief source for guitar music in Italy. They also
Music and the Guitar Jack Duarte
publish L'Arte Chitarristica," a periodical (in Italian) which
always contains a guitar solo as a supplement.
Casa del Vecchio, Rua Aurora 196 e 198, São Paulo, Brazil,
ILLUSTRATIONS has some useful music by Savio, Scupinari, Bernardini, etc.
One of the most attractive lists is that of Spanish Music
Virtus Unita Bellerofonte Castaldi Center, 1291 Sixth Avenue, New York-it includes items by
Aveugle enlevé sur les cornes d'un Taureau Froncisco Goya Vicente Gomez, Oyanguren, Bobri, Sabicas, ete.
A concert guitarist, Antonio Company, Germanias 107-
Tabernes de Valldigna (Valencia), Spain-is publishing music
MUSIC for the guitar by a manifolding process in fortnightly numbers
commencing September, 1951. The subscription is eleven
Prelude No. 2 (Duet) JS. Bach pesetas a month, post free.
Ediciones Mexicanas de Musica, A. C, Avenida Juarez 18,
Three lessons D. Aguado
Despacho 206, Mexico, D. F, have, so far, only one item to
Prelude No. 2 Anton Diabeli offer-the Suite "Fatima," by Luis Sandi (price 8 Mexican
TroisRomances (No. l)-ltor voice ond guitar) M. Giuliani pesos-1 dollar U. S.).
Preludio It is to be hoped that the recent competitions in Siena, Italy,
A. Segovia
for new guitar works will producesomeoutstandingcomposi-
Litle Studies Ferdinand Rebay tions; if guitarists will purchase as much musie as they can,
Love Song Ferdinand Rebay it will be possible for more new music to be published.
I| Serchio
This survey of the leading publishers of guitar music does
R.S. Brindle-Borsi
not pretend to be complete. The writer will be pleased to hear
Entire contents copyrighted 1952 by the Society of the Classic Guitar from otherpublishers.

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