Assignment #1-Annotated Bibliography

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NURS18997D: Nursing Theoretical Foundations 1

Assignment #1 – Annotated Bibliography

Worth: 20% of the final grade.

Due: Submit to the assignment drop-box on SLATE by

Student Instructions:

You will choose one topic to explore in greater depth from a list of suggested topics or
your own topic. You will then develop an annotated bibliography containing four
academic sources as well as a discussion of what you learned from your research. This
assignment is designed to help you evaluate sources of information.

What is an Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to sources (books, articles, films, websites,
etc.) that you’ve used when researching a topic. An annotated bibliography is descriptive
and critical; they expose the author's point of view, clarity and appropriateness of
expression, and includes a summary and evaluation of each source.

How to Get Started

1. Find four sources on your topic – these should be your best sources so that means
you will likely have reviewed at least twice this many.
2. For the four sources –all should be scholarly peer-reviewed articles.
3. Look for reliable, valid sources that discuss research and use academic language.
4. ONLY use APA citation formatting consistently in the assignment.
5. Start with a brief introduction. The introduction should be the first item and
should include the research topic, the types of sources included, the process used
to locate the sources, and any other information related to the scope of the
6. As you write your annotated paragraph include both a summary of the source
AND an evaluation of the validity of the source and its usefulness. Paragraphs
should be in full sentences 70-200 words long. Length of the entry is often linked
with the length of the source.
a. Summarize the theme and content of the source – be descriptive and
b. Evaluate the accuracy and validity of the source.
c. Comment on the intended audience.
d. Compare or contrast this work with another source you have cited.
e. Explain how this work illuminates your bibliography topic.

Identifying valid sources

 Look for the author’s credentials. Are they a person who has a documented
knowledge of what they’re researching? Who is paying them to write this?
NURS18997D: Nursing Theoretical Foundations 1

 When was the source created? Could research since the time of publishing
have changed the information included in your source? If so, look for more
recent works that give you the same (or different) information.

 What type of source is this – peer-edited journal, website, book?

 The depth and level of detail offered in the source. It should be appropriate to
your level of understanding but use relevant vocabulary and cite research to
support its information.

Annotation Format
 The format should list the citation, then the appropriate paragraph
annotation followed by the next citation and annotation. All entries should
be typed and double spaced.
 Hanging indents: These are required for all entries in the bibliography.
The first line of the citation starts at the left margin and subsequent lines
are indented.
 The annotation begins on a new line and is indented to align with the
hanging indent.
 Double spacing with no extra lines between entries.
 Arrangement: use alphabetical ordering (by author).

List of Topics

 The impact of social media on nursing

 The use of technology in nursing
 The importance of nursing research
 The role of nurses in promoting public health
 The impact of nursing on patient outcomes
 The importance of evidence-informed practice in nursing
 The impact of professional development on nursing practice
 The impact of interprofessional practice on patient outcomes
 The influence of culture on nursing practice
NURS18997D: Nursing Theoretical Foundations 1


Field, T., Diego, M., & Solien-Wolfe, L. (2014). Massage therapy plus topical analgesic is

more effective than massage alone for hand arthritis pain. Journal of Bodywork &

Movement Therapies, 18(3), 322-325. doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2013.12.002

Summary Methods 20 adults were randomly assigned to massage therapy or a

massage therapy plus a topical analgesic application group. Both groups

received a weekly massage from a therapist and were taught self-massage

(same procedure) to be done by each participant once daily over a four-week

period. Results The massage plus topical analgesic group as compared to the

massage group had greater improvement in hand function as measured by a

digital hand exerciser following the first session and across the four-week period.

That group also had a greater increase in perceived grip strength and a greater

decrease in hand pain, depressed mood and sleep disturbances over the four-

week period. Massage therapy has been effective for several pain syndromes

including migraine headaches (Lawle and Cameron, 2006)), lower back pain

(Hsieh et al., 2004), fibromyalgia (Kalichman, 2010), neck and shoulder pain

(Kong et al., 2013), carpal tunnel syndrome (Elliott and Burkett, 2013), and pain

related to upper limb arthritis (Field et al., 2013). The purpose of the current

study was to determine whether applying a topical analgesic following massage

might be more effective than massage alone in treating pain associated with

hand arthritis.

Bell, C., & Holder, M. (2019). The Interrelationship between Race, Social Norms, and
NURS18997D: Nursing Theoretical Foundations 1

Dietary Behaviors among College-attending Women. American Journal of Health

Behavior, 43(1), 23-36.

This article examines a study conducted to compare racial identity and dietary

habits of women on college campuses. The findings of the study found that

women with perceived differences and social/family norms were more likely to

develop unhealthy dietary habits in college, most specifically related to fruit and

vegetable consumption. This resource is useful because it examines self-

perception of race and how that can impact behavior in ways that influence one's

health in the future.

NURS18997D: Nursing Theoretical Foundations 1

Rubric: Annotated Bibliography

Research Sources
5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
Sources chosen are Most sources chosen Some sources chosen Few sources chosen Sources are not
Relevance and highly relevant to are relevant to the are relevant to the are relevant to the relevant to topic
Credibility the topic. topic. topic. topic.

All sources are from Most sources are from Some sources are Few sources are Sources lack
credible, scholarly credible, scholarly from credible, from credible, credibility.
materials. materials. scholarly materials. scholarly materials

Quality of Annotations
10 Points 8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 2 Points
Annotations Most annotations Annotations may Few annotations Most annotations
Summaries succinctly and are succinct; Most be too short or meet the length are either too
comprehensively comprehensively too long. requirements, few short or too long.
describe the source describe the source annotations
material. material. adequately Annotations do
Annotations describe the not describe the
Annotations offer Annotations offer adequately source material. source material;
great insight into the some insight into the describe the annotations offer
source material. source material. source material, Annotations offer no insight.
but lack insight. little insight.
Evaluation clearly Most evaluations Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation does
Evaluations explains why the explain why the sometimes mostly lacking in not explain why
sources were sources were explains why the explaining why the sources were
chosen; chosen; sources were the sources were chosen;
demonstrates a clear Understands the chosen; chosen; demonstrates no
NURS18997D: Nursing Theoretical Foundations 1

understanding of process of source demonstrates demonstrates understanding of

research process: acquisition some little research process
offers insight into understanding of understanding of
source research process research process
APA and Formatting
5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
Each source has a There are few errors There are some errors There are many (7-9) There is no
APA and proper APA citation; (3 or fewer) in (4-6) in citations and and frequent errors adherence to APA
formatting All citations are citations and format. format. in citations and citations and format
complete format.

Virtually free from Fewer than 2 errors in 3-5 errors in 6-7 errors in 8 or more errors in
errors in grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation, punctuation, grammar,
punctuation, spelling, and sentence spelling, and sentence grammar, spelling, spelling, and sentence
spelling, and structure structure and sentence structure
sentence structure structure

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