Generation Y Essay

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Generation Y Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Generation Y" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.
Generation Y, also known as Millennials, is a diverse and complex cohort born roughly between the
early 1980s and mid-1990s. Exploring the characteristics, values, and societal impacts of this
generation requires a thorough understanding of cultural, technological, and economic shifts that
have shaped their experiences.

One of the challenges in writing about Generation Y lies in the need for accurate and up-to-date
information. Given the rapid pace of technological advancements and societal changes, it can be
difficult to keep the content relevant and reflective of the current state of affairs.

Furthermore, the multifaceted nature of Generation Y poses another hurdle. The generation
encompasses individuals with varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Navigating
through this diversity while providing a comprehensive analysis requires meticulous research and
thoughtful consideration.

Addressing the societal implications of Generation Y's values and behaviors adds an additional layer
of complexity. Analyzing how this generation has influenced and been influenced by social,
economic, and political factors demands a nuanced approach.

Moreover, conveying the essence of Generation Y in a way that engages readers and offers fresh
insights is crucial. Striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility is a skill that requires
careful honing. The essay should not only inform but also provoke critical thinking and generate
interest in the subject matter.

In conclusion, writing an essay on Generation Y demands a combination of research, analytical skills,

and a keen understanding of the generation's intricacies. Navigating the challenges of relevance,
diversity, and societal implications requires dedication and attention to detail. However, the potential
for gaining insights into a generation that has significantly shaped the contemporary landscape makes
the effort worthwhile.

For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, a resource like can provide valuable support. Professional services can aid in overcoming
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Generation Y Essay Generation Y Essay
Hospital Falls
Falls among Hospitalized Adults There s an increased rate at which patients fall in
hospital settings are affecting the healthcare industries, patients and family members.
According to studies performed, it is evident that those who are mainly affected are the
adults that are over 60 years of age. Some of the factors that lead to these falls are;
visual impairments, wrong footwear and tripping are some of the external causes of falls
among these hospitalized patients. Because this has become a major concern, research
has embarked on how these factors have led to increased falls in these patients. Adult
patients falls are major threat to patients safety and cost management in hospitals making
prevention measures a key area of concern and... Show more content on
One patient pays about $30,000 and the price rises because over 810,000 are
hospitalized on an annual basis. The costs are calculated regarding the amount spent
in hospitals as well as that which will be spent at home after discharge to ensure a full
recovery. Other expenses are on drugs, processing insurance covers, and other medical
equipment required in treating the patients. The John Hopkins Fall Risk Assessment
has played an integral role in reducing the number of falls. The toolkit has reduced the
number of falls to 20% since it was introduced. The license fees have also been
reduced to $600 thus not hard for anyone to afford (Carrol, Slattum, Cox, 2005).
Clinical Practice Guideline These falls can be fatal as they have led to many deaths
especially when it has to do with older patients. Because of this, the American Medical
Directors Association (AMDA) is a clinical practice that has been introduced to provide
guidelines and principles as well as the role of nurses in fall prevention (Vance, 2011).
The clinical practice has been formulated in a manner that gives both the nurses involved
and the long term care staff to have a clear comprehension of the risk factors that are
associated with falls among older patients. The systematic approach provided by AMDA
ensures patient assessment and choosing of the best interventions and strategies that will
see to it that the patients receive the
The Berlin Wall s Impact On Economic, Social And...
The Berlin wall had a highly significant impact on the economic, social and political
relations between West and East Europe. It stood from 1961 1989 as a physical
reminder of that divide, a daily reminder of the divide that still influences the nation
today, and a physical barrier in which 138 East Germans died trying to cross. So dire was
the Berlin Wallthat Heinrich Albertz, an aide to West Berlin Mayor, compared it to as if;
They are cutting up a city, cutting into living flesh without anesthesia . Thus it can be
observed that so high was its importance, that only after the Berlin wall was abolished in
that the cold warwas finally coming to an end and so traumatising was its presence that
Berlin has yet to fully recover.

In order to come to a conclusion about the impact of the Berlin wall, one must first
understand the context of which it came to be. At the end of the second world war, the
disintegration of German central authority allowed allied powers to take control of
Germany. During the February of 1945, the allied victors held the Yalta conference, a
committee focused on the dismemberment of Germany, in order to come to a conclusion
on the current German question . This can be regarded as the defining moment of which
the division between East and West Europe became apparent. As victors struggled with
their losses and the defeated nations lost international favor, the Soviet Union and USA
began a power struggle to become the new global powerhouse. The Potsdam
Gold Rush Immigration Vs Chinese Immigration
During the Gold Rush in 1849, lots of people were drawn to the western states. The
Chinese took a part in this, and eventually many started moving and flourishing in the
states. Not too long after, the Chinese Execution Act was passed. Surprisingly, many
Americans supported the act for a number of reasons. Firstly, there was a huge cultural
difference between the Chinese and the Americans which caused lots of tension.
Additionally, the Chinese were super hard working and trusted so that most jobs went to
them, and they started becoming wealthier. Lastly, immigrants in general were disliked,
and the Chinese were especially seen as evil, wicked, etc. Coming to the country as fresh
immigrants straight off of the boat, there were sure... Show more content on ...
They seemed to feel like they, as a nation were in a huge danger. It continues to explain
how, while America had been in dosed off slumber, the Chinese have been
continuously working and flourishing. They then feel how their country has been
bombarded by the Chinese workingmen and they are left workless . The intention of
this speech is to rouse everyone to awaken and start working in their specialty and try
to take back some of the work in their land. Immigrants all over America in that time
period were disliked. In a cartoon drawn for a magazine during that time, it depicts a
gang of Irish and German men all coming and trying to attack a Chinese worker. The
significance of this is apparent. The Irish and Germans were already quite disliked
because they were foreigners and immigrants in a country which was not theirs. What can
be understood from this drawing is that those who were hated hated on others, showing
how much more so the Chinese were disliked
Gym Class Heroes Analysis
GYM CLASS HEROES LYRICS Stereo Hearts (feat. Adam Levine) [Adam Levine:] My
heart s a stereo It beats for you, so listen close Hear my thoughts in every no o o te Make
me your radio And turn me up when you feel low This melody was meant for you Just
sing along to my stereo [Travie McCoy:] Gym Class Heroes baby! If I was just another
dusty record on the shelf Would you blow me off and play me like everybody else? If I
asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that? Like yea [scratched], check it
Travie, I can handle that Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks It s just the
last girl that played me left a couple cracks I used to used to used to, now I m over that
Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts If I could only... Show more content
on ...
If I was an old school fifty pound boombox (remember them?) Would you hold me on
your shoulder wherever you walk Would you turn my volume up in front of the cops
(turn it up) And crank it higher everytime they told you to stop And all I ask is that
you don t get mad at me When you have to purchase mad D batteries Appreciate every
mixtape your friends make You never know we come and go like on the interstate I
think I finally found a note to make you understand If you can hit it, sing along and
take me by the hand Just keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune You
know my heart s a stereo that only plays for you [Chorus:] My heart s a stereo It beats
for you, so listen close Hear my thoughts in every no o o te Make me your
Parental Communication
Research findings of parental communication about sex were mixed and inconclusive.
The attempts to synthesise findings is complicated by different research methods, wide
varied measurements of parent adolescent communication, and differing perceptions of
various groups. The inconsistent and contradictory findings might result from a lack of
standard measurements across studies.

Existing studies on parent child communication about sex have several limitations. First,
a number of studies have been undertaken with white teenagers. Further, the findings of
the few studies which focused on the ethnic groups found inconsistent findings. Hovell et
al. (1994) and Hutchinson (2002) compared the amount of parent child communication
about sex in ... Show more content on ...
Teenagers appeared to be uncomfortable and embarrassed having conversations about
sex with their mothers. They expressed fear of parental punishment and anger about the
fact that they were sexually active (Guilamo Ramos et al., 2006a). They reported that
they wanted to talk to their parents on sex related topics. A qualitative study which
collected data by using focus groups with 78 caregivers of grades 5 6 students in
Washington confirmed consistent findings that parents recognised they should be the
primary source of sex education for their children, but they feel uncomfortable,
unprepared to discuss sex with their children. They did not know how to talk because
they had experienced no training on the subject. Parents agreed that many faced
difficulties such as working long hours, lacking cultural support for their parental roles,
and being poor role models (Walker et al., 2008). Moreover, parents were embarrassed to
discuss sexual intercourse and contraception with their teenagers.

A study with Australian mothers reported that their teenagers were impassive in
discussions with them, not only about sexual topics but also on a range of topics
(Rosenthal et al., 1998). Similarly, UK parents had not planned to discuss sex with their
teenagers and some parents found that they relied on their children to start discussing sex
but they found that their children
Product vs Process Layout
Product Layout is not always better than process layout. I disagree with the statement. To
understand the reasons behind why this is not true, this paper details the concept of
layout, differences between the layouts and applicability of product and process layout.
Facility layout is the physical arrangement of equipment, offices, rooms and other
resources within an organization. It describes the location of resources and their
relationship to each other. Layout planning aims to organize the physical arrangement of
facilities so that operations run as efficiently as possible. The content section describes
the reasons behind why the statement is not true.

Every organization has to consider the ... Show more content on ...
Each product uses the facilities in a different sequence. Departments are arranged in such
a way that each department performs the same activities or processes. A common
objective in designing such a layout is to arrange workcenters that have high interaction
closer to each other so as to minimize the flow of material.

Materials move between different departments depending on the process stages. For e.g
they may go from Dept 3 to Dept 6 to Dept 4 and then again to Dept 3 for some other


Advantages of process layouts include:
A variety of products can be made on the same facilities.
Operations continue if some equipment cannot be used because of breakdown or planned
It is suitable for low volumes and variable demand.
People work in cohesive groups and generally enjoy the environment.
General purpose flexible resources
Lower capital intensity automation
Higher labor intensity
Resources have greater flexibility
Disadvantages of process layouts include:
Small batches give lower utilization of equipment and unit costs can be high.
Movement of jobs between operations is complicated, with larger stocks of work in
Scheduling work on equipment is complicated and must be done continuously.
Controlling the work is difficult.
There is a lot of handling of products and materials.
Processing rates are slower
Material handling costs are higher

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