Sophicandle - Pathfinder 2nd Edition Conditions

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Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Conditions Cheat Sheet

by sophicandle via

Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Senses Weakness (cont) Mental

Fascinated -2 Perception and Skill Encumbered Clumsy 1, 10ft penalty to Frightened -X to all checks and DCs,
Checks, Unable to use Speed. X Unless specified otherwise
Concen​trate actions unless Slowed (X) Reduce your number of reduce by 1 at end of your
targeting the object of fascin​‐ actions gained at the start of turn.
ation, Condition ends if a your turn by X. Fleeing Must spend each action
creature uses a hostile action fleeing target as expedi​ently
Stunned (X) Lose X actions at the start of
against you or your allies as possible, Cannot Delay or
your turn and then reduce X
Dazzled All creatures and objects are by the number of actions Ready.
Concealed from you. lost, Overrides Slowed. Confused Flat-f​ooted, You don't treat
Blinded -4 Percep​tion, Crit fail all anyone as an ally, Cannot
visual Perception tests, All Grappled Delay, Ready, or use
terrain is difficult, Immune to Reactions, Must spend every
Immobi​‐ Cannot use any action with
visual effects. action Striking or casting
lized the Move trait, Any external
Deafened -2 Perception on init, Crit fail offensive cantrips (or facili​‐
movement must roll vs Effect
all auditory Perception tests, tating this, such as drawing a
DC or Fortitude to move you.
DC 5 test to perform actions weapon or move in range),
Grabbed Flat-f​ooted and Immobi​lized,
with the auditory trait, Immune Targets are randomly
Must roll flat check vs DC 5 to
to auditory effects. determined by GM, DC 11 flat
perform any manipulate
check when you take damage
action or the action is lost.
Weakness from an attack or spell to end
Restrained Flat-f​ooted and Immobi​lized, condition.
Flat-f​ooted -2 to AC. Cannot use any actions
Controlled Controller chooses all action
Prone Flat-f​ooted, -2 to attack rolls, except Escape or Force Open
for you, including attacks,
Only move actions you can your bonds, Overrides
reactions, and delays.
take are Crawl and Stand, Grabbed.
May Take Cover for +4 vs Paralyzed Flat-f​ooted, Cannot act Lowered Abilities
ranged attacks, Standing except to Recall Knowledge.
removes the condition. Clumsy -X penalty to all Dexterity
Petrified Turned into stone, Cannot
(X) checks (including AC, Reflex,
Fatigued -1 to AC and saving throws, act.
and Ranged attack rolls).
You can remove the condition
with a night's rest.

By sophicandle Published 6th January, 2023. Sponsored by

Last updated 6th January, 2023. Measure your website readability!
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Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Conditions Cheat Sheet
by sophicandle via

Lowered Abilities (cont)

Drained -X penalty to all Consti​tution

(X) checks, Lose hitpoints and
max hitpoints equal to X times
level, Reduce by 1 and
increase max hitpoints after a
full night's rest.
Enfeebled -X penalty to all Strength
(X) checks (including melee
attack and damage rolls).
Stupefied -X penalty to all Intell​igence,
(X) Wisdom, and Charisma
checks (including Will saving
throws, spell attack rolls, and
spell DCs), DC 5+X flat check
to cast a spell.
Sickened -X to all checks and DCs,
(X) Cannot willingly ingest
anything, May spend an
action retching rolling
Fortitude vs effect DC to
reduce Sickened value by 1
(2 on critical succcess).

By sophicandle Published 6th January, 2023. Sponsored by

Last updated 6th January, 2023. Measure your website readability!
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