InfyIoT iSenzR Profile

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Internet of Infinite Things

ெபாருள்கருவி காலம் விைனயிடெனாடு ஐந்தும் திருக்குறள் 675

இருள்தீர எண்ணிச் ெசயல்.

Tools and means, time, place and deed

Decide these five and then proceed Thirukkural 675
InfyIoT - an Introduction

Mission & Vision

IIoT in Process

? Why InfyIoT?

Our Solutions
About InfyIoT

InfyIoT is a conglomeration of highly Mission

skilled industry veterans having diverse
skills in terms of technology, sales,
With IIoT-powered devices and years of experience on the ground,
marketing and consulting. We have an InfyIoT’s mission is to empower the plant stakeholders to monitor, alert,
average experience of 15+ years in the predict, maintain and make data-driven decisions.

We strive to combine our experiences
to put customers first and establish
trust and confidence among the
To make InfyIoT a thought leader and become the epicenter of
different people we work with. a network of intelligent industries, all powered by our IIoT
About InfyIoT

Harnessing the power of internet to assess and monitor machine health is one of the main
advantages of having an intelligent industry. Be it real time monitoring or periodic
monitoring, InfyIoT uses state of the art tech to facilitate industries stay on top of their
equipment health.

● We follow a collaborative and agile approach to deliver customized IoT solutions that
meet the unique needs of each of our clients.
● We work closely with our clients to understand their business requirements and
design solutions that are scalable, secure, and cost-effective.
IIOT in Process

Gaps Identified Infusion

● Multiple independent data collection sensors

● No consolidated overview of operational parameters

● Gaps in-between periodic data collection sessions

● Time consuming - data analysis

● Hierarchical data movement takes time

● Heavy reliance on human intervention for data collection

Why InfyIoT?

● Strong R&D team

● In-house Hardware & Software
● Customized solutions based on process
● On-Prem and Cloud based deployment
● 99% uptime
● Customized Analytics
RS 485 Based Sensor


pH Remote Monitoring
pH value

RS 485

0-20mA / 4-20mA Flow

0-5 / 0-10V DC Pressure

Master/Slave iSenzR
Powered by

iSenzR, the IIoT gateway device from InfyIoT is now a lot more
powerful than ever!

From being able to relay data from temperature, pressure and

flow sensors, now iSenzR will also be able to assimilate
information from pH & level Instruments. This provides
Stakeholders with a more comprehensive overview of the
process parameters / Critical parameters on their dashboard.

iSenzR fetches real time data and triggers alerts

pertaining to the threshold.
Capable to handle multi variant inputs.
Features of iSenzR
:: Real time data monitoring with
configurable polling rate; minimum 1
second polling rate
:: Internal memory for historic data
:: Application/Data Integration

:: Customizable, process
specific alert triggers
:: Email & SMS Alerts
:: User defined threshold alerts
Features of iSenzR

:: Single robust dashboard for all assets
and sensors
:: Dedicated mobile application for in
detailed configuration
:: Dashboard with device diagnostic
:: Dashboard based device reboot, reset Hardware
and OTA firmware upgradation :: Compact and easy to fit
:: Dashboard level user Management :: Resilient polycarbonate casing
:: Dashboard compatibility with asset :: Configurable device over the avail
handelings and mappings Wi-Fi network
:: Configurable RS485 parameter to
share the data to external field
device or read data from RS485
based field devices
:: Fail safe device to avoid
Features Advantages Benefits to customer / Client

Real time data monitoring with

configurable polling rate; minimum Every component is made in India Quick availability of components, speeds up the manufacturing
1 second polling rate process

Single robust dashboard for all

assets and sensors Installation within a minute No need to compromise on Operational schedule of the plant.

Visual LED Indicator on the Various colours of LED indicate the No training required for the shop-floor team. A change in colour
machine for edge equipment status at real-time. of the LEDs is an indication of discrepancy

Threshold setting Threshold can be set as per ISO standards and by mutual
configurable for generating Sensors Health Monitoring discussions with the Maintenance authorities.

Internet of Infinite Things

Features Advantages Benefits to customer / Client

Email & SMS Alerts

No charges for cloud, dashboard, additional hardware.

Monitors Temperature, Flow,

International Certifications ensures its Can be deployed in inaccessible, hazardous areas.
Pressure, pH and level
application in multiple industrial

Fail safe device to avoid

downtime Remote monitoring is possible Remote monitoring of equipment at any instance
of time, from any geographical area is possible.

Capable to handle wide range of Captures vibrations in axial, horizontal and

Inputs (4-20mA, 0-10Amps, vertical Insights for decision making.
RS485) . Output can be taken axes, surface temperature and noise levels. Potentially predicts 80% of the faults at 20% costs
via WiFi and RS485

Internet of Infinite Things

Energy Monitoring and

• Data of Multifunction Meter to the

• About 16 number of Multifunction Meter
data can be collected through a daisy chain
• Real time energy consumption monitoring.
• Real time energy parameters logging based
on the setted time interval.
• Energy consumption report in a trend graph.
• Alerts based on configured thresholds
Boiler Safety Monitoring

• The solution is achieved using a combination of

cutting edge technologies,

• Real time equipments state monitoring system.

• Real time steam flow monitoring.

• Custom safety violation parameter with actions.

• All the parameters were recorded for historical

data also for analytical purpose.

• Analytical report of boiler steam generation and

required amount of temperature to be


• With the predicted and current value if there any

anomalies it triggers the alert.

Safety & Security

• The solution is achieved using a combination of

cutting edge technologies.

• Real time safety equipments monitoring system.

• Real time safety violation alert system.

• Intruder identification and alert in the prohibited


• Surveillance the emergency exits and gave report

if there any safety violations occurred.

• Monitor and report the anomalies against the

safety measures based on the fields.

Weather Prediction &
Pollution Monitoring

• Real time energy consumption monitoring.

• Real time energy parameters logging

based on the setted time interval.

• Energy consumption report in a trend


• Alerts based on configured thresholds

• Has customized graphical visualization of

the data

• The solar power that can be generated in

next 1 hour will be predicted using

previous climate and weather data.

Automotive Cement Pharmaceutical Textile FMCG Chemical

Mining Fertilizer Packaging Power Oil & Gas Metal


[email protected] Executive Centre, Tamarai IT Park,

Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai-600032
+1 3098265515 Tamil Nadu.
+91 9159155441
2504 Shepard Rd
Normal, Illinois 61761

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