Please Show All Work.: Voltage-0814v-V-Q61252285

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The Nernstequation is a mathematical formula that relates the reduction potential of an
electrochemical reaction (i.e., the tendency of a species to gain electrons and undergo
reduction) to the concentration of the species and the temperature of the system.

The equation is:



E is the reduction potential of the reaction at a given concentration and temperature

E° is the standard reduction potential of the reaction (measured under standard

conditions of 1 M concentration, 1 atm pressure, and 25 °C)

R is the gas constant ( 8.314J/(mol⋅K ))

T is the temperature (in kelvin)

The number of electrons that are exchanged during the reaction is n.

F is the Faraday constant ( 96,485C/mol )

The ratio of the raised concentrations of the products and reactants to their
stoichiometric coefficients is known as the reaction quotient, or Q.

The Nernst equation relates the potential of a half-cell to the concentrations of the species in
the cell and the standard potential of the cell. It is given by:


E = cell potential
E° = standard potential
R = gas constant ( 8.314J/K⋅mol )
T = temperature (in Kelvin)
n = number of electrons transferred
F = Faraday constant ( 96,485C/mol )


For a glass electrode-SCE pair, the half-reaction is:


and the standard potential is E°=0.00V .

In a pH 4.01 buffer, the concentration of H+ ions is 104−⋅01=7.94×105−M . The reaction

quotient Q is therefore:


Using the Nernst equation, we can calculate the cell potential at 25°C :


In a 1.00×103−M acetic acid solution (pH=3.88), the concentration of H+ ions is

103−⋅88=1.39×104−M . The reaction quotient Q is therefore:


Using the Nernst equation again, we can calculate the cell potential at 25 °C:


Therefore, the voltage that would be measured in a 1.00×103−M acetic acid solution is
0.6165V , which is option (d).

Option (a) is incorrect because it is too low compared to the initial voltage measured with a pH
4.01 buffer.

Option (c) is incorrect because it is too high compared to the expected voltage range for a pH
change from 4.01 to 3.88.

Option (d) is incorrect because it does not account for the logarithmic nature of the pH scale.

Option (b) is the correct answer because a change in pH from 4.01 to 3.88 corresponds to a
decrease in H+ concentration by a factor of 1.668(10(−4.01+3.88)=1.668x10(-1)) and this
change in concentration corresponds to a change in voltage of 0.05916 V at 25°C.

Therefore, the expected voltage in the 1.00×103−M acetic acid solution is

0.814V−0.05916V=0.75484V , which is closest to option (b)0.822V .

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