Essay On Summer

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Essay On Summer

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Summer" may seem deceptively simple at first glance, as the
season itself is associated with warmth, leisure, and joy. However, delving into the task reveals the
multifaceted nature of the topic, making it a challenge to capture its essence comprehensively.

The difficulty arises from the need to strike a balance between personal experiences and universal
elements of summer. Everyone's perception of this season varies, influenced by geographical
location, cultural background, and individual preferences. Consequently, the writer must navigate
through diverse perspectives to create an essay that resonates with a broad audience.

Moreover, describing summer requires more than a mere recollection of sunny days and outdoor
activities. Effective essays on this topic demand the incorporation of sensory details, vivid imagery,
and eloquent language to transport the reader into the warmth of the season. Balancing nostalgia
with a fresh perspective adds another layer of complexity, as the writer strives to convey the timeless
allure of summer while offering a unique perspective that engages the reader.

The challenge intensifies when attempting to avoid clichés and stereotypes associated with summer.
Steering clear of overused phrases and predictable narratives is crucial to infusing originality into the
essay. This requires a careful selection of anecdotes, observations, and reflections that breathe life
into the prose without succumbing to common tropes.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "Summer" demands finesse, creativity, and a keen
understanding of the diverse facets associated with this season. Striking a balance between personal
experiences and universal themes, avoiding clichés, and employing evocative language are all
essential elements that elevate the difficulty of this writing task. However, navigating these
challenges skillfully can result in an essay that captures the essence of summer in a way that resonates
with a wide audience.

For assistance with essays on various topics, including summer or any other subject, consider
exploring the services available on . Professional writers can provide support in
crafting essays that meet your specific requirements and ensure a high standard of quality.
Essay On Summer Essay On Summer
Pineapple Inequality
At what cost will we, consumers, pay for cheap pineapples? 75% of pineapples in
Europe are from plantations located in Costa Rica. In these plantations there are many
disturbing issues that large TNC s don t want us to see. This includes things like
chemical pollution in the local rivers and water sources, workers living in povertyfrom
their low wages and poor living conditions. There is clearly structural inequality between
the TNC s and the Trade Union/Workers.
We want cheap pineapples. As simple that seems, it comes with a price that may be too
expensive for us to pay. Every time the price drops on pineapples, the wages of the
workers that produce these pineapples also drop. Companies would try to maintain their
profit by using cheaper
My Life Span Development Class
On February 17, 2016, our Life Span Development class observed the physical,
cognitive, and social development of Asher, a 5.5 month old male. The observation was
conducted at Dordt College in room CL2260 and the infant s parent consented to
participate in the live observation. Asher was quite sick and later saw a doctor, so the
findings of this report may not entirely represent Asher s development.
Asher was 5 weeks along when his mother, Abby, found out she was pregnant. Asher is
the third child and has a 4 year old sister and a 3 year old brother. Abby tried to eat as
healthy as she could during her pregnancy to ensure that Asher would be as healthy as
possible. Thus, she avoided lunchmeats, seafood, and soft cheeses. At 20 weeks, Abby
had an ultrasound, in which no structural abnormalities were found. Since this was her
third child, Abby chose not to take part in prenatal counseling. Labor lasted only about
an hour, and Asher was born by Cesarean Delivery like his two siblings. Asher was born
on September 2nd, 2015, weighing 7lbs., 10oz. at a length of 21 inches. These are both
above average for both height and weight of newborns in North America but within two
standard deviations of the average (Santrock, 2014). At 5.5 months, Asher weighs 17
pounds. This is about the normal weight, for Asher is on pace to triple his birth weight
by age one (Santrock, 2014).
In terms of reflexes, Asher is mostly on pace with the average 5.5 month old, but there
are a few reflexes that
Surgical Wound Essay
Although pilonidal sinus cannot be considered a debilitating disease, patients are
confronted with discomfort and a lower degree of quality of life due to some
complications like the formation of abscess, sinus related drainage, and pain12,13. The
recurrence is often due to the omission of any tract during the initial operation, infection
of the wound, or abscess formation, that may lead to the formation of the new sinus tract
inside the cicatrizing surgical wound. Accumulation of debris or dead tissue in the
intergluteal cleft, sweating, friction or poor hygiene are the predisposing factors for
recurrence14. Also, placing the suture line on the midline with considerable tension on
the line and failure to lessen the depth of the natal cleft... Show more content on ...
However, similar wound infection rates have been reported in adult and pediatric
populations with saline irrigation versus 1% povidone iodine. A well established
disadvantage is its cytotoxicity to healthy cells and granulating tissues. The solution
dries and tends to discolor skin. It may also cause local irritation to the peri wound
skin25. 73(36.5%) patients in the povidone iodine group reported wound itching
following dressing, which stopped within two weeks. Brownish discoloration of the
granulating tissues was reported by all patients in this group. There was no difference
between the Povidone iodine group and the other groups regarding cosmetic healing of
the laid open wound. No local or systemic adverse effects of Povidone iodine use or
signs of toxicity were observed or reported by any patient in our
Feasibility Of A Small Scale Natural Grass Fed Cattle Ranch
Summary The final chapter summarizes the research problem, data collection
methodology, and the analysis of the data supporting this feasibility study. The research
conclusions will provide awareness of the feasibility supporting the final
recommendations concerning a small scale natural grass fed cattle ranchin North Platte,
Nebraska. The purpose of this researchis to determine the feasibility of starting a small
scale cattle ranch, focused on raising natural grass fed cattle in North Platte, Nebraska.
The research examines operating costs associated with small scale natural grass fed
cattle operations to determine the profitability and sustainability of a small scale natural
grass fed cattle ranch. Chapter 1 defined the research problem, the purpose of the study,
provided definitions, assumptions and limitations to the study, and presented four
research questions for this feasibility study: 1. What are the operating costs associated
with raising natural grass fed cattle? 2. Can the North Platte area sustain a natural grass
fed cattle ranch? 3. Will direct or on line sales produce more revenue? 4. Will the cattle
ranch be profitable within five years? Chapter 2 reviewed literature gathered by the
researcher to conduct the feasibility study. This literature examines 10 aspects of
establishing and operating a natural grass fed cattle ranch. Scholarly research indicated
that cattle breed, land management, and disease control are the three most
A Brief Look at Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol has been crowned as the father of Russian Realism on various popular
forums, and this titular position of his can be justified through the subtle balance his
writing strikes between generic complexity and social responsibility. Gogol has
consistently satirized bureaucracy and lamented the consequential dehumanization, The
General Inspector and Dead Souls are known for their satirical critique of the Russian
aristocratic mentality and character. This paper seeks to approach and appreciate The
Nose and The Overcoat as presenting a severe condemnation of 19th century Russian
bureaucracy as a hypocrite and suffocating state. They also demonstrate the
meaninglessness, tragedy and injustice of so impersonal a society being inflicted upon
its people. The Nose satirically portrays the ruptures and fissures in the society due to
surfeit of aristocracy. Whereas The Overcoat charters the exploitation and degradation
of an individual at the hands of beauraucratisation evoking a loss of identity, social
invisibility, lack of creativity and encroachment of public into the private. In process of
exploring the intensity of the pathological responses of policy makers creating an
accountability era of burgeoning bureaucracy [1], I will be looking at the idea of
bureaupathology as explored by Eugeine Samier in his study titled Corruption, Futility
and Madness: Relating Gogol s Portrayal to a Bureaupathology to an Accountability Era.
The analysis will also include exploring the
Weddings In The Elizabethan Era
Elizabethan Era Wedding Traditions Romeo and Juliet did not have a public wedding
do you think they still have public weddings in the Elizabethan era or were all of them
private? Queen Elizabeth was the queen of England during the Elizabethan era, and
people depict this time as the golden age of England. William Shakespeare lived and
based most of his plays on this time era from 1558 to 1603. In the Elizabethan erathe
weddings consisted of big wedding receptions and exotic dishes. The time of the 1558
to 1603 era receptions of weddings were a tradition for people to have, and everyone in
the community was invited ( Elizabethan wedding customs ). This was a custom for them
because of the small communities they lived in back then. Whereas

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