Example of Essay Outline

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Example Of Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the topic "Example of Essay Outline" poses a unique challenge. At first glance,
it may seem straightforward—after all, outlining an essay is a fundamental step in the writing
process. However, delving deeper into the task reveals its complexity.

To begin with, crafting an essay about essay outlines requires a thorough understanding of the
purpose and structure of outlines themselves. It necessitates not only explaining what an outline is
but also demonstrating its significance in organizing thoughts, guiding the writing process, and
enhancing coherence in the final essay. This demands a comprehensive grasp of writing principles
and the ability to articulate them effectively.

Furthermore, while the topic may appear self-referential, it actually invites reflection on the broader
concepts of composition and communication. One must consider the various types of essay
outlines—such as alphanumeric, decimal, or full-sentence outlines—and discern when each is most
appropriate. Additionally, discussing the nuances of outlining techniques, such as topic clustering or
mind mapping, adds depth to the exploration.

Moreover, writing about essay outlines necessitates practical examples and case studies to illustrate
theoretical concepts. This requires sourcing relevant examples from academic, professional, or
personal contexts and analyzing how effective outlines contribute to the clarity and coherence of the
resulting essays. Integrating these examples seamlessly into the discussion demands both critical
thinking skills and adeptness in synthesizing information.

Lastly, crafting an engaging and informative essay on this topic requires clarity of expression and a
coherent structure—a fitting tribute to the subject matter itself. Balancing the theoretical
underpinnings with practical insights, providing clear explanations alongside illustrative examples,
and maintaining a cohesive narrative throughout the essay are all essential elements in meeting the
challenge of effectively conveying the importance and utility of essay outlines.

In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic "Example of Essay Outline" may initially seem
straightforward, it presents a multifaceted challenge that demands a deep understanding of writing
principles, critical analysis of outlining techniques, and adept synthesis of theoretical concepts with
practical examples. However, mastering this task offers invaluable insights into the art and science of
effective communication through writing.

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Example Of Essay Outline Example Of Essay Outline
Psychological and Sociological Factors in Smoking Addiction
Psychological and Sociological Factors in Smoking Addiction

Understanding the habit of smoking tobacco

The essay will discuss how smoking tobacco became a habit among people; what are the
factors that affect the thinking of individuals in experimenting tobacco smoking; and
what makes them think of quitting smoking. It will address both psychological and
sociological ideas and will attempt to apply each idea in order to understand people s

Tobacco is a green and leafy plant and mostly grows in a warm environment. When it
is fully grown, it will be harvested, dried, processed and can be used in different ways. It
can be smoked in the form of cigarette, cigar, pipe, sniffle through the nose or it can also
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According to the Department of Health (2003), Cancer Research UK (2010) and the
Office of National Statistics (2004), despite of the drop of statistics of smokers, there
are still individuals who would try smoking especially the young people between the
ages of eleven to sixteen. In the report of the three offices they listed the main reasons
why young people smoke and these are experimentation, to look mature or part of their
image, there are older people smokes around them, especially their parents, and peer
pressures (DH, 2003) (ONS, 2004) (CR UK, 2010).

This experimentation can be attributed through social learning theory, where

psychologists and theorists Julian Rotter and Albert Bandura describe it as how we
learn from others. Watching others can provide information on which kind of
behaviour leads to what consequences (Adams and Bromley, 1998). Parents have
strong influence among us. If we are surrounded by our family who smokes, there is a
strong possibility that we will imitate them. We also looked at other people such as our
peers, actors and singers. Seeing these people smoking can also lead us to emulate them
and try smoking. Once we learn to smoke, we keep smoking until it will be hard for us
to stop.

Another motive in experimentation among the young people came from advertising. One
example from one Tobacco Company which says I am no longer my mother s
Comparing Human Family And Obama s Speech On Race
In our world today, we face the problems of diversity of race, religion, beliefs and a
great deal of other things. In history itself, there have been people that have tried to
take a stand for these beliefs and fight for their rights. Two people who have done this
are Maya Angelou in her poem, Human Family, and Barack Obama s Speech on Race. In
their texts, they share a common belief and the common belief that the two express is
that even though we are all different on the outside and in our minds, we are all still
people and part of the human race. Obama and Angelou express this idea in many ways.
One way that the two express this is how they think that the human race is stronger
together. In Angelou s poem, she states that We are more
Speckled Band Conflict
In The Adventure of the Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
uses his inquisitive skills to solve a mystery. Along with Sherlock is his companion,
Dr. Watson, who works with Sherlock to protect Helen Stoner from Dr. Roylott. To
begin, the story takes place in April, 1883, at the Roylott Stoke Maron Manor.
Troubled, Helen Stoner explains her case in vast detail to Sherlock and Dr. Watson. The
main conflict of the story is that Helen feared for her life and was suspicious about Julia
s death on the eve of Julia s wedding. After that, Sherlock and Dr. Watson begin their
investigation at the Roylott Stoke Maron Manor.
Before setting off, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are confronted by the ruthless Dr.
Roylott. Dr. Roylott threatens Sherlock and tells him bot to investigate the case. This
event is an interwoven conflict ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sherlock took account of Dr. Roylott s worn down chair, the small saucer of milk in
Dr. Roylott s room, the mysterious metal safe, as well as the bell string in Julia s
room. This case was a foul play mystery because the author led the audience to believe
a variety of red herrings throughout the story. Firstly, Helen Stoner suggested that the
Gypsies outside had something to do with the death of Julia. Additionally, Helen told
Sherlock that the metal clang she heard could have been the creaking of the timeworn
building. Lastly, the fact that Dr. Roylott owned a baboon and a cheetah had nothing
to do with the death of Julia Stoner. The last mood shift of the story is happy because
Helen could go in life and marry the man she desired. Furthermore, the final tone of the
story is uplifting because Helen was relieved to be able to live without fear in her life
again. Most likely, Helen would leave her current area to marry her lover in peace. All in
all, due to Sherlock, the mystery of Julia s death had been solved and Helen Stoner
would no longer live in fear
Augustus Caesar Biography
Augustus Caesar (63 BCE 14 CE) was the name of the first and, by all accounts,
greatest emperor of Rome. Augustus was born Gaius Octavius Thurinus on September
23, 63 BCE. He was adopted by his great uncle Julius Caesar in 44 BCE, and then took
the name Gaius Julius Caesar. Originally called Gaius Octavius, he changed his name to
Gaius Julius CaesarOctavian, upon being adopted by his great uncle. Seventeen years
later, the Senate awarded him with the name Augustus, meaning Revered One. Augustus
came from a prosperous family that had long been settled at Velletri, southeast of
Rome. Augustus married three times, although his first union, to Mark Antony s
stepdaughter Clodia Pulchra, was unconsummated. His second wife, Scribonia, who
had his only child, Julia the Elder. He divorced in 39 B.C. to marry Livia Drusilla,
who had two sons, by her first husband. The family tree became more complicated after
Augustus had his stepson Tiberius briefly marry his daughter, and then adopted
Tiberius outright as son and successor in A.D. 4. Augustus Caesar died in A.D. 14, his
empire secured and at peace. His reported last words were twofold: to his subjects he
said, I found Rome of clay; I leave it to you of marble, but to the friends who had
stayed with him in his rise to power he added, Have I played the part well? Then
applaud me as I exit. Soon after that acknowledgement of human frailty, the Roman
Senate officially declared their departed emperor, like Julius Caesar before
Analysis Of The Lady Of Shalott
In the story by Alfred Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott the story is about a fairy who is
isolated from the outside world in a tower. In a mythical and fairytale like setting, the
author uses imagery and the Lady Shalott s character to explain the underlying message
to his readers. The message of this story is the importance of one s identity seen in the
world. The author explains this aspect through the isolation of Lady Shalott to show
that love and affection is needed to enhance this identity. We as readers are introduced
early on to whom Lady Shalott really is and what her environment is like. The author
describes the island of Shalott dividing Lady Shalott s world of her tower on one side
of the river and another area of land on the other; the river keeping these areas apart.
The author emphasizes that the Lady of Shalott is unknown to society by stating, But
who hath seen her wave her hand? Thus, we can see that the Lady of Shalott is
isolated in a tower being basically nonexistent to others. Through looking outside her
window, she can see some shadows. Lady Shalott states, I am half sick of shadows to
emphasize to the reader that she enjoys seeing someone else, however, haven t been
physically interacted with one before. These aspects of the Lady of Shalott s
environment are crucial and impactful to this aspect of loneliness on identity. Tennyson
states that the Lady of Shalott is a fairy who weaves webs during her time in the tower.
The author uses this mythical character of a fairy due to their stereotypes. Such include
a very dainty and sometimes ditsy fairytale like creature. The ideas of being ditsy can
come from the fairies in Sleeping Beauty. The author uses this dainty and ditsy character
to show the Lady of Shalott being unaware of the outside world because of her isolation.
The author also mentions that the Lady of Shalott has an unknown curse put upon her.
Without going into much detail, the author states how this curse is unknown to herself.
This curse could possibly be an aspect of her own self. Because of Lady Shalott s
isolation, she is unaware of what the outside world is like. Thus, her mindset up this
curse upon herself is due to unknown aspects of life. Going further into
Lord Voldemort Character Analysis
Lord Voldemort: Rise to Riches Unraveled

Lord Voldemort, also known as Tom Riddle, came to prominence in a twisted version
of the rags to riches story. Born in an orphanage to an estranged father shortly before
the death of his mother, Riddle had a difficult upbringing. Years later, he was taken to
Hogwarts school of wizardry where he learned how to harness his magical powers,
unfortunately, he chose to use them for evil in order to become the greatest dark wizard
of all time. Lord Voldemort terrorized the wizarding world, especially targeting half
blooded wizards, himself a pure blood supremacist. His evil, which knew no bounds,
also wreaked havoc on the muggle (persons without magic powers) world. As a highly
effective villain, Voldemort proved to be powerful, intelligent, immoral, and extremely
determined, but what makes him a compelling one is his impossible cruelty paired with a
complex character and an almost sympathetic background.
First of all, it s because of his background that Lord Voldemort (Tom Riddle) becomes
who he is. Growing up in an orphanage, Tom Riddle had no friends. He often used his
mysterious powers to harm and manipulate fellow orphans. One day, Dumbledore,
headmaster of Hogwarts, collects Riddle, placing him in an environment where he not
only fits in because of his magical talents but thrives. Overtime, Riddle developes an
obsession with the Dark Arts (harmful spells, dark magic...), in particular horcruxes, the
splitting of a wizard s soul

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