Corruption Essay

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Corruption Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of corruption is an intricate task that demands a nuanced
understanding of the topic, extensive research, and a keen ability to articulate thoughts coherently.
Corruption, being a multifaceted and pervasive issue, requires an in-depth exploration of its various
dimensions, causes, consequences, and potential solutions. To effectively address this complex topic,
one must delve into political, economic, social, and cultural contexts, navigating through a plethora
of historical examples, case studies, and theoretical frameworks.

Moreover, the challenge lies not only in presenting a comprehensive analysis but also in maintaining
a balanced perspective. Striking the right balance between providing a critical examination of
corruption and avoiding overly subjective opinions can be particularly challenging. The writer needs
to tread carefully, avoiding sweeping generalizations and unsubstantiated claims while ensuring that
the essay reflects a well-reasoned and evidence-based argument.

Furthermore, staying abreast of the latest developments and emerging trends in the field of
corruption is crucial. This dynamic nature of the subject requires continuous updates and an ability to
incorporate contemporary examples to make the essay relevant and impactful. The essayist must also
possess strong analytical skills to dissect complex issues, offering insightful interpretations and
fostering a deeper understanding among readers.

In conclusion, writing an essay on corruption demands not only a mastery of the subject matter but
also a high level of intellectual rigor and critical thinking. It is a task that necessitates time, effort,
and dedication to produce a piece that is both informative and thought-provoking. For those seeking
assistance with such challenging essays or similar tasks, there are resources available, like , where one can find support and guidance in navigating the complexities of essay
Corruption Essay Corruption Essay
Advantages Of Sukuk In Islamic Capital Market
Islamic Capital Market is a major part of the overall Islamic Financial System especially
in providing the component of liquidity to the otherwise illiquid assets. One of the most
popular instruments used today in Islamic Capital Market is Sukuk. The structures of
Sukuk based on Ijarah, Musharakah, Mudharabah and hybrid forms have evolved. Under
any circumstances, these innovations have appeal to many Shari ah issues and
arguments. Therefore, this article aims at analyzing the challenges of realizing Maqasid
al Shari ah in the Islamic capital market, focusing on sukukinstrument. In particular, this
study evaluates on the approach of one of the most popular sukuk structure, namely,
sukuk al Ijarah in the light of the perspective of Maqasid... Show more content on ...
An accurate analysis and comprehensive of the Shari ah rulings entails an
understanding that Shari ah objective at preserving and protecting public interests
(maslahah) in all aspects and segments of life. Many Shari ah though make known
clearly the resolution behind certain Shari ah rulings, propose that every ruling in Shari
ah approach with objective, which is to accommodate the mukallaf (accountable
person). For reference, when Quran prescribes Qisas, it speaks of the rationale of it,
that applying retaliation prevents further killing There is life for you in Qisas .
Similarly, when Quran prohibits wine it says that wine is the works of devil as it causes
quarrel and instills hatred and enmity among Muslims The devil only wants to excite
hatred and enmity between you in intoxicants and gambling and hinder you from
remembrance of Allah and from prayer
Swot Analysis Of Kotak Mahindra
The day US met UK The Merger of ING Vysya with Kotak Mahindra

India s banking industry is largely fragmented with more than half of the commercial
banks being state run entities. It has seen one of the biggest mergers of all time in the
recent past with Kotak Mahindra taking over ING Vysya. While the Indian banking
sector is still facing tough times, Kotak Mahindra s merger with ING Vysya will help the
former to expand their presence across India.
This merger has propelled Kotak into the top ranks of India s private lenders at number
4. The combined entity will possess assets worth $32 billion. The merger will result into
a network of more than 1,250 branches and 1,900 ATMs across the country. Post the
merger, Kotak which already has most of its branches in West and North India, will get a
strong hold in Southern India too, particularly in the states of Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh. While Kotak s strength lies in its corporate and retail banking, ING Vysya s
strength lies in its small and medium enterprise business (SMEs) operations, which will
truly complement Kotak.
I was one of the lucky ones to have witnessed this ... Show more content on ...
We can now penetrate deeper into India; can serve a lot more customers and offer a
wide range of products like tractor loans, mutual funds, insurance and more to a larger
customer base. I am a believer in deep India growth, he added.
The merger is an all stock merger. 1000 shares of Rs.10 each of ING Vysya will receive
725 shares of Rs.5 each of Kotak Mahindra Bank. This exchange ratio indicates an
implied price of Rs.790 for each ING Vysya share based on the average closing price of
Kotak shares during one month to November 19, 2014, which is a 16% premium to a
like measure of ING Vysya market price. The merger will result in issuance of
approximately 15.2% of the equity share capital of the merged
D-Day Turning Point
The Normandy landing was the operation that happened on Tuesday, June 6, 1944.
Where the Allied troops invaded Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II.
Also known as D Day, it was the largest seaborne attack in history, and the most ambitious
military assault ( Staff). The Allied troops was consisted of US, British, and
Canadian troop (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). D Day was the most
important turning point during WWII, requiring much preparation by the US and Allies,
excellent execution of the planned attack on D Day itself, and through the effect it had
helped the Allies gain a strong foothold in France and ultimately leading to victory.

The planning of these operations began in 1942 but was not set ... Show more content on ...
After a significant psychological blow it prevented Adolf Hitler from sending troops to
his Eastern Front to advance for more protection ( Staff). On May 8, 1945,
the Allies had accepted the surrender of the Nazis, and after D Day, at the end of April
Adolf Hitler had committed suicide. This was known as The Beginning of the End of
Nazi Germany (
The Office Satire
In March of 2005, a comedy television show known as The Office premiered in the
United States. The Office is a mockumentary, a satirical style of comedy that mimics the
form of a true documentary film, including private interviews with each character. The
winner of multiple Emmy awards and Emmy nominations, The Office, aired for nine
seasons. With ratings of 8.8/10 from IMDB and 88% from Rotten Tomatoes it is no
surprise that the show is still widely popular today. The mockumentary documents the
daily lives of the office employees at Dunder Mifflinpaper company in Scranton,
Pennsylvania. The majority of the show takes place in the company office, hence the
name of the show, The Office. Although The Office is a comedic television show,... Show
more content on ...
Jim does not verbally communicate his feelings about Pam to her directly or to the
documentary interview crew. Instead, he shows his feelings through subtle hints or
actions throughout the episode. One example of a verbal hint is during an interview
with the documentary crew in which Jim says ...Um, Pam s favorite flavor of yogurt,
which is mixed berry. Although this seems very minor, it foreshadows Jim s deeper
feelings for Pam. In addition to Jim revealing the subtle hint about his feelings using
the yogurt description, in the Pilot episode he also exhibits his feelings towards Pam
in an indirect way. This is evident by his facial expressions and body language before
and after Roy interrupts Jim and Pam s conversation towards the end of the episode.
Before Roy enters the scene, Jim and Pam are both talking and laughing. They had
plans to get drinks after work with the other employees, when Roy becomes a part of
the conversation and commands Pam to leave work with him instead. Pam leaves the
room and Jim and Roy are left alone together, creating a tense and awkward scenario. It
is at this point that we first see Jim s animosity towards Roy. The Pilot episode
illustrates an example of the beginning of what a real, believable relationship could like.
The episode shows that feelings someone has for another person can take time to fully
develop, and not all relationships are
The Gas Ladies And Gentlemen
Both S. A Novel About the Balkans by Slavenka Drakulic and This Way for the Gas,
Ladies and Gentlemen by Tadeusz Borowski are novels that tell the tale of those who
were victims of some of the worst crimes ever committed in human history. The main
characters of each novel are subjected to terrible conditions but nevertheless both defeat
the odds and survive. Survivors of such events often struggle to deal with their past. The
authors of each noveldeal with this struggle in different ways through the characters.
In her novel, Slavenka writes in a dynamic way about the women s rape camps
established Bosnia during the Bosnian War in the early 1990 s. The main character of
the book is a woman named S. who was a normal well respected school teacher. ... Show
more content on ...
face similarly deplorable conditions but they both still survive. This is only because
they take a number of measures to ensure that they survived. Borowski saved food for
himself even when he had enough that he could have spared. He did not give food to
those who he knew were going to die because he knew it would just be a waste of food.
Even though it may have not been the most kind way of doing things the choices he
made were ones that helped him to survive his time in the camp. The only way that he
survived was because others died. It is nearly impossible for one to survive such
conditions and to help others. The only way he survived the camp was through an
every man for himself mentality. After being liberated from the camp Borowski
struggled with this survivor s guilt. Even though the novel is not an exact
autobiography it is based on his life inside the camps. Just six years after being
released from the camp Borowski committed suicide. Borowski opened a gas valve on
July 1, 1951 (pg. 11) One can conclude from this suicide that the events from the camp
and his own survivor s guilt most likely contributed to his tragic death. In a similar way
S. used makeup to preserve herself. S. began wearing makeup in the camp as a way to
gain power. When she was wearing makeup she almost had a power over the men that the
other women did not have. The other women could not understand why she was wearing
makeup but this was only because they did not that
Omelas Literary Argument Essay
March 26, 2012
The Iron Curtain of Omelas The short story, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
, written by Ursula Le Guin, is about a so called perfect society where the sacrifice of a
child is what provides harmony, equality, and prosperity to the citizens of this city. As a
reader, one is invited to create and visualize their own utopia, so that one is emerged
with the reality of a moral dilemma: the happiness of many for the unhappiness of one.
The symbol represented in the story reflects current and past society issues such as
military sacrifice, slavery, and injustice. The narrator describes the city of Omelas to
have no king (president), political system, technology, weapons, or many of the things
that currently permeate our ... Show more content on ...
As human beings, we strive for freedom, and as we see in both our world and the one
in the story, no one is truly free. They know that they, like the child, are not free, writes
the narrator, showing the reader that although the citizens apparently live free in a
perfect society, inside their souls, they are not free. There are no slaves in this utopia,
as described by the narrator, but in actuality, the child s freedom is taken from it,
similar to slavery. The child symbolizes slavery because it is not free and is a servant
to all the citizens of Omelas. The narrator clearly gives the reader a contradiction
stating, ...they did without...slavery, but she fails to conclude that the child is a servant
of Omelas as a slave is to its owner. The citizens of the city are described as equal,
prosperous, and joyous, except for the child who is malnourished, mistreated, and
confined. The child lives very much as slaves did in America, where the birth of a
slave s child was to become a slave and never to be freed. The filth and dirt on the
bottom floor of the tiny prison where the child sleeps reflects what many slaves used
to sleep in. Another symbol that reflects slavery in the story would be the smelly mops
next to the rusty buckets in the corner of the dirty closet, which serves as a reminder
the role the child has as a slave, as a servant to the people. The narrator tells the reader,
[i]t is afraid of the mops. It
New Heritage Doll Company Solution
2014,00 2010,00 Revenue Revenue Growth Production Costs Fixed Production Expense
(excl depreciation) Variable Production Costs Depreciation Total Production Costs
Selling, General Administrative Total Operating Expenses 0,00 1250,00 1250,00 575,00
2035,00 152,20 2762,20 1155,00 3917,20 575,00 3403,80 152,20 4131,00 1735,00
5866,00 586,50 4290,60 152,20 5029,30 2102,20 7131,50 598,20 4669,00 152,20
5419,40 2270,30 7689,70 610,10 5078,40 164,40 5852,90 2452,00 8304,90 622,30
5521,30 177,50 6321,10 2648,10 8969,20 634,80 6000,30 191,70 6826,80 2860,00
9686,80 647,50 6518,50 207,10 7373,10 3088,80 10461,90 660,40 7078,80 223,60
7962,80 3335,90 11298,70 673,70 7684,70 241,50 8599,90 3602,80 12202,70 Operating
Profit Operating Profit Operating... Show more content on ...
11,00 557,18 2012,00 168,99 2013,00 682,19 2014,00 540,96 2015,00 583,29 2016,00
629,99 2017,00 680,31 2018,00 734,70 2019,00 793,46 2020,00 17202,27 Payback
Analysis Cash flows Cumulative cash flow Payback period 5 year Cumulative EBITDA
2010,00 3020,00 3020,00 2011,00 557,18 3577,18 2012,00 168,99 3408,20 2013,00
682,19 2726,01 2014,00 540,96 2185,05 2015,00 583,29 1601,76 2016,00 629,99 971,77
2017,00 680,31 291,46 2018,00 2019,00 734,70 793,46 443,24 7,40 years 2020,00
17202,27 6522,20 Profitability Index NPV/Initial Investment 2,37 NOTES: Cash (Net
Working Capital) = Minimum Cash Balance as % of Sales x Revenue = 0.03 x 4,500 =
135 Account Receivable (Net Working Capital) = Days Sales Outstanding / 365 x
Revenue = 59.17 / 365 x 4,500 = 729,5 Inventories (Net Working Capital) = Total
Production Costs / Inventory Turnover = 2762,20 / 7.68 = 359.7 Accounts Payable
(Net Working Capital) = Days Payable Outstanding / 365 x (Total Production
Expenses Depreciation) = 30.76 / 365 x (3917.20 152.20) = 317.3 Corporate tax rate, t
= 40% EBIT = Operating Profit 2,8 mean std dev 0,00913 0,16402 0,459256 2010
Revenue Revenue Growth Production Costs Fixed Production Expense (excl
depreciation) Additional development costs (IT personnel) Variable Production Costs
Depreciation Total Production Costs Selling, General Administrative Total Operating
Expenses 0 1.201 1.201 2011 0 2012 6.000 NA 2013 14.360 139,3% 2014 20.222 40,8%

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