4 Paragraph Essay Outline

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4 Paragraph Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the topic "4 Paragraph Essay Outline" can be a challenging task for various
reasons. Firstly, the specific nature of the topic demands a clear understanding of the structure and
components of a four-paragraph essay. Crafting a coherent and well-organized outline requires
meticulous planning and attention to detail, as each paragraph must serve a distinct purpose while
contributing to the overall flow of the essay.

Secondly, the challenge lies in ensuring that each paragraph seamlessly transitions into the next,
maintaining a logical progression of ideas. Achieving coherence while addressing the essay's central
theme can be tricky, especially for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of essay writing. Striking the
right balance between conciseness and depth of analysis within the limited space of four paragraphs
further adds to the complexity.

Additionally, identifying and selecting relevant supporting evidence or examples to bolster the
essay's arguments poses another hurdle. The task involves critical thinking and effective research to
provide substance to each paragraph without deviating from the main focus.

Moreover, the difficulty increases when attempting to engage the reader and create a compelling
introduction and conclusion. Capturing the audience's attention at the beginning and leaving a lasting
impression at the end necessitates skillful use of language and persuasive techniques.

In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic "4 Paragraph Essay Outline" demands a combination
of organizational skills, critical thinking, and a nuanced understanding of essay structure. It is a
challenging endeavor that requires careful consideration of each paragraph's content and its
contribution to the overall coherence of the essay.

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4 Paragraph Essay Outline 4 Paragraph Essay Outline
State Of Oklahoma, Oklahoma And Its Health Risks
Community Assessment
Communities are places where people come together, interact with one another and their
environment and share common characteristics, attitudes, interests, and goals. This paper
will talk about the smoking community of Tulsa, Oklahoma and its health risks. The
paper will then compare and contrast the major health risks of Tulsa to other cities and
the state of Oklahoma, and address why this risk is present. Next, the paper will discuss
the sources used, how the data was located, and the reliability of the information. Finally,
relevant charts and tables will be included to help explain and substantiate the data
The city of Tulsa, Oklahoma is a community that claims a diversified business base,
including ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Smoking is attributed to many diseases such as lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, COPD,
premature and low birth rates in babies, diabetes and over 100 other types of cancer
including colon, cervix, liver, stomach and pancreatic cancer. In Tulsa county, 1764
Deaths were linked to smoking such as bronchitis, emphysema and asthma (Health on
the Horizon Tulsa County 2014). Of the top 10 causes of death for Tulsa, 5 are directly
credited to smoking.
In the state of Oklahoma, 24.7% of the adult population (aged 18+ years) over 677,000
individuals are current cigarette smokers. Across all states, the prevalence of cigarette
smoking among adult s ranges from 9.3% to 26.5%. Oklahoma ranks 47th among the
states (State Highlights Oklahoma 2011). Tulsa s smoking community has a 24.6
percentage for smoking making the city relative to the state of Oklahoma s current
smoking percentage (Health on the Horizon Tulsa County 2014). Approximately 16% of
the annual revenue generated from Oklahoma excise taxes and settlement payments fund
Oklahoma s tobacco control program. However, in 2007, Oklahoma s funding for
tobacco control was 25.8% of the recommended level making it 19th among the other
The risk for the smoking community in Tulsa and the state of Oklahoma is of great
concern due to the county and state failing to adequately address the smoking issue. In
contrast, a gallop poll conducted in 2013 shows the state of Utah remains the lowest state
Prejudice And Ethnocentrism
Culture is defined in the textbook as learned beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and
traditions that are common to a group of people. In the dictionary it is defined as the sum
of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another.
Both definitions of culture are very similar. There are two factors, in culture, that inhibit
cultural awareness and they are prejudice and ethnocentrism. Prejudice is defined as a
largely fixed attitude, belief, or emotion held by an individual about another individual or
group that is based on unsubstantiated data. Prejudice is a preconceived opinion that is
not based on reason or actual experience. Prejudice can harm or cause injury from some
action or judgement. Ethnocentrism... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The GLOBE research program recognized nine cultural dimensions: uncertainty
avoidance, power distance, institutional collectivism, in group collectivism, gender
egalitarianism, assertiveness, future orientation, performance orientation, and humane
Uncertainty avoidance is when an organization or group create procedures to avoid
uncertainty in the cultures rules, structures, and laws of different cultures.
Power distance is the way cultures create levels due to power, authority, prestige, status,
wealth, and material assets.
Institutional collectivism is whether cultures classify social interest rather than individual
goals and accomplishments.
In group collectivism is when groups express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in
organizations and families.
Gender egalitarianism is a society minimized gender roles and promotes gender equality.
It determines the role a member plays in a group depending on biological sex.
Assertiveness is when a person or group is aggressive, confrontational, and assertive in
social relationships.
Future orientation is when people or group is concerned, plan and organize for the future
instead of the
Essay on The English Reformation
Though there was no driving force like Luther, Zwingli or Calvin during the English
Reformation, it succeeded because certain people strived for political power and not
exactly for religious freedom. People like Queen Elizabeth I and Henry VIII brought the
Reformation in England much success, however their reasons were based on self gain
and desire for political power.

Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I may have been the English Reformation s greatest
benefactors, all because of self interest. Henry VIII was not originally Protestant, but
after the pope denied him of his divorce, Henry VIII took things into his own hands.
Due to the power kings had in the Middle Ages, Henry VIII was able to control
Parliament and force it to do whatever ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nationalism made the Catholics believe that Henry VIII was right to remove the pope
even though they may not have agreed with Henry s decisions. This change gave the
Lutherans and other reformers great hope also, knowing now that their greatest rival, the
pope, had been deposed. Unfortunately, other Englishmen who stood firm against the Act
of Supremacy met strong opposition from the king. Soon after, another law was passed
called the Law of Treason and Heresy. This law made sure that everyone recognized the
king as the head of the church and more importantly, brought punishments to anyone who
did not receive the king as the lawful head of the Church of England.

In the early 1500s, Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, grew in the favor
of Henry VIII. When Henry VIII was attempting to divorce Catherine of Aragon,
Thomas Cranmer helped Henry VIII build his case for the annulment of the marriage.
Thomas Cranmer also supported the law of Royal Supremacy, which made the king the
head of the Church. These things led to Thomas Cranmer getting in Henry VIII good
books which later helped him once Edward VI acceded the throne. Thomas Cranmer s
willingness to compromise helped him reach such a powerful position in the church so
quickly. If Cranmer had gone about things the way Luther did, he would have easily
been executed for heresy and defying the Law of Treason and Heresy by revolting
against the king. By compromising some
Making My Fashion Dreams Become A Reality
Growing up surrounded by historical landmarks, creative arts, and Southern charm, I
have always been an admirer of fashion and beauty. When I was a young child of five
years, I would continually play dress up and dream of becoming a Fashionista that
assists movie stars and social elite for their red carpet appearances. I wanted to contribute
to others in seeing the beauty in themselves and the world around them. After about
eighteen years, nothing has really changed within my mind set. Today, I still dream of
working in the fashionindustry, but more importantly, making a difference in the world.
In the process of making my fashion dreams become a reality, at seventeen, I secured
enrollment at Northeast MississippiCommunity College majoring in fashion
merchandising. My first two years at junior college were wonderful, and I thoroughly
enjoyed participating in the arts, being the Captain of the Tiger Dancers and Pom
Squad, playing as a member of the tennis team, and supporting Prentiss county as Miss
Hospitality 2013. These years taught me time management like no other while also
leading me down the path of self expression and competitiveness. Finding immense
knowledge and encouragement from professors in little classrooms and civilians in a
small Mississippi town perfected my willingness to strive to do my utmost best in every
circumstance, whether it be reaching my goals or helping others. Attending Northeast
Mississippi Community College opened for me a world of
Call Him And The Largest Investment Bank Of The World
Lets call him Pat . That s not his name but close. I don t want to embarrass him although
I am 99.99% sure he won t be embarrassed even if I mention him.

I met him in 1999. He was the #2 guy at the largest investment bank in the world. He
wanted to invest in my next company. Here s what he ended up doing:

He put a million dollars into a company I was starting.

He called all his best friends: Henry Kravis, Jim McCann (the CEO of 1 800 Flowers)
and a bunch of other well known investors. He said, invest in this , and they all sent in
one million dollars within minutes. Henry Kravis wanted to send $5 million but I was
stupid enough to say no . Pat probably helped me raise another $15 million.

Then Pat put another million into another company I was invested in.

Then Pat introduced us to a large private equity firm that put $100 million into a fund we
were doing.

Then I hired away Pat s top investment banker to work for the fund. I called Pat to say
no hard feelings. He replied that it was basically unfair of me but he understood.

Everything went bad after that. The fund we were doing went down the drain. Maybe we
invested $30 million of the fund but it did horribly.

The company all of Pat s friends invested in went down the drain. We lost everything.
They all lost all of their money. Altogether the company raised $120 million and was
sold a few years ago for $10 milion.

The other company disappeared. I don t even know what happened to it. I personally lost
a ton of
Holes Essay
Holes Essay: Intro: In the Film Holes different filmic conventions are used to portray
characters and construct atmosphere. The film is about a young boy named Stanley
Yelnats who follows a journey like his great great great grandfather did. He was sent to
Camp Green Lakes for a crime that he did not commit and when he arrived at camp he
uncovered some of his family secrets. Techniques such as camera angles, sound effects
and color constructs the characters and atmosphere in the film which creates the
mood.These film codes are very important in the film as they help the viewer understand
the story and conventions better. Body Paragraph 1: Character 2 film codes (explain
scene)STANLEY: Stanley Yelnats is the protagonist in the... Show more content on
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Holes uses technical and symbolic film codes to establish the characters personality
and what their life and history is like. Body Paragraph 2: Character , 2 film codes Mr
Sir The audience is positioned to dislike Mr Sir through the use of film codes that
portray his personality. Mr Sir works at Camp Green Lake and he thinks that he is the
boss of all the kids there, that is until the Warden comes into the picture. When the
warden comes Mr Sir is more quite and reserved as she overpowers him. The technical
codes display this using Camera Angles. When Mr Sir is with the warden he is always
behind her and the camera is always angled to make the Warden look bigger and Mr
Sir is always in the background. The effect created here is that the warden has more
power over Mr Sir. The viewer then gains a different perspective of Mr Sir s
personality through these technical codes. When Mr Sir was serving one of the
juvenile delinquents lunch, he noticed a gash which passed through the whole of Mr
Sir s side of his face. However, they had no knowledge that the reason for the gash was
because of the Warden s snake venom nail polish used when Mr Sir did not obey her
rules and standards. Mr sir got very defensive of this scar on his face and grabbed the
camper and told him Is there something wrong with my face, is there? . Mr Sir said this
in a very powerful and aggressive tone. The effect this creates on the viewer is that Mr
Sir is
Unemployment Rate In Macroeconomics
Written by Paul Krugman and Robin Wells, Macroeconomics states, In general, the
unemployment rate is a good indicator of how easy or difficult it is to find a job given
the current state of the economy (Krugman and Wells 219). A New York Times article,
Strong Unemployment News Bolsters Case for Fed to Raise Rates written by Reuters,
talks about how unemployment rate benefits are holding steady with a steady labor
market and how job openings are rising, which is encouraging the Federal Reserve to
higher interest rates. As explained in Macroeconomics, by Krugman and Wells interest
rates refer to, The price, calculated as a percentage of the amount borrowed , that lenders
charge borrowers the use of their savings for one year (Krugman... Show more content on
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As explained in Macroeconomics, by Krugman and Wells, In structural
unemployment, more people are seeking jobs in a particular labor market than there
are jobs available at the current wage rate, even when the economy is at the peak of
the business cycle (Krugman and Wells 227). If the government believes that this is the
case in which the unemployment rate will not continue to decrease but instead rise,
then the economy could face the costs of disinflation. The Christian Science Monitor
journalist Mike Tokars wrote, Sanders and O Malley: Raise Minimum Wage to $15. Is
it feasible which talks about how in the democratic debates on Saturday, November 14,
Bernie Sanders and Martin O Malley agreed that raising the Federal minimum wage to
$15 would be a stimulant to the economy and give the people of the United States more
disposable income. This article also shows that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
disagrees and suggests that would create more job loss and a higher unemployment rate.
If you look at the Republican side and Democratic Hillary Clinton who is more
conservative regarding economic policies this article supports the notion that the Federal
Reserve believes higher minimum wage will create structural unemployment and will
result in a higher unemployment rate over

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