Dissertation - Jane Final Correction
Dissertation - Jane Final Correction
Dissertation - Jane Final Correction
The undersigned certify that he has read and hereby recommend for acceptance by
Dar es Salaam,” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of
recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the author or the Open
University of Tanzania.
I, Janeth Libent Mghase, do hereby declare that this dissertation is my own original
work and that it has not been presented and will not be presented to any other
university for a similar or any other degree award. I also, declare that all sources that
I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete
First and foremost, I would like to thank God who gave me good health, brain and
for his empathy, encouragement and moral support. Also, I would like to express my
special thanks to Dr Saria, the Programme cordinator for his tolerance and facilitate
Lastly but not least, I wish to thank Buguruni ward and Ilala Municipal Council
through Health Department for technical, material support and permission to pursue
The Buguruni ward, within Ilala Municipality has been experiencing highest rate and
frequency of Cholera outbreaks than any other ward within the Ilala Municipality.
The objective of this study was; to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practices
associated with cholera outbreak in the ward. A case study approach was adopted,
with purposive random sampling used to select 120 respondents from all
opinion; this was also supplemented by focus group discussion and participants’
observation. Statistical Package for Social Sciences soft ware version 16 was used to
generate descriptive statistics which were further summarized into pie charts and
tables. Results indicate that the study population (52%) had little awareness on
means or causes of the disease and the way the disease can be communicated
between individuals and across communities. It was also found out that community
practiced several risk behaviors including; not preferring treated water (72%),
consumption of locally made fruit juices (34.5%) sold by street vendors across the
ward. Other risk behaviors were related to presence of rudimentary waste disposal
system thus rendering most of the wastes on open spaces and at home. The study
concludes that residents in Buguruni ward remain under high risk of Cholera
Ilala Municipality
CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION ....................................................................................................... iv
DEDIACATION ......................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE......................................................................................................... 1
4.3.6 Toilet Type and Common ways of Waste Disposal in Buguruni Ward ......... 29
5.4.5 Toilet Type and Common ways of Waste Disposal in Buguruni Ward ......... 34
CHAPTER SIX......................................................................................................... 35
6.3.1 The Public Promotion and Education Council Health Management Team ... 36
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 42
APPENDECIES........................................................................................................ 49
Table 2.1: Univariate Analysis Results of Potential Risk Factors During the 5
in Ifakara ................................................................................................. 13
Table 4.4: Preference of Consuming Locally Made Fruit Juices from Food
Table 4.9: Toilet Type and Common ways of Waste Disposal in Buguruni Ward ... 30
1.1 Introduction
URT, 2004; and Spagnuolo et al., 2011). Symptoms of cholera can vary from mild to
severe (UNICEF, 2004). UNICEF, (2004) and Wahed et al., (2013) asserts also that,
the disease occurs in epidemics when conditions of poor sanitation, crowding and
famine are present. It attacks both children and adults all over the world, but most
common in typical areas such as per-urban and slums, where basic infrastructure is
not available as well as camps for internally displaced people or refugees where
rank third in causing mortality and morbidity in low- and middle-income countries.
Sundaram et al. (2013) also explained that, on estimate, diarrhea diseases accounts
for 1·78 million deaths per year and 58·7 million disability-adjusted life years.
Cholera is a rapidly dehydrating diarrhea disease, estimated to cause the death of 100
000–130 000 persons and accounts for 3–5 million cases per year (Mpazi and
Mnyika, 2005).
Cholera disease was initially prevalent only in the Indian subcontinent, with the
Ganges River possibly being the reservoir for the contamination (McGraw-Hill,
2003). It then travelled through trade routes to Russia, Western Europe and North
Europe and North America owing to the filtration and chlorination process to which
According to Acosta et al., (2001) since the seventh pandemic caused by Vibrio
cholerae biotype El Tor began in Indonesia in 1961, most regions of the world
continue to report cholera. The same author narrates that, 1997 was marked by a
cholera epidemic affecting most countries in East Africa, with spread toward central
Since the beginning of this millennium, global cholera incidence has increased
steadily with 24% more cases reported between 2004 and 2008 compared with 2000
and 2004, (Reyburn et al., 2011). With continuous and increasing rates of morbidity
the health sector and to households, and indirectly to the economy and society at
large because of time lost allocated to work, school and other productive activities
Kadaleka, (2011) and Traerup et al., (2011) also explained that, water-related
diarrheal diseases, including cholera, are widespread in areas where water resources
are scarce, the majority of such diseases being attributed to environmental factors
A report by WHO, (2013) indicates that, globally cholera incidence has increased
steadily since 2005 with cholera outbreaks affecting several continents. The same
report shows that, Cholera continues to pose a serious public health problem among
developing world populations which have no access to adequate water and sanitation
that causes the disease cholera. The same author explained that V. cholerae colonizes
the upper, small intestine where it produces a toxin that leads to watery diarrhea,
characterizing the disease. It is ingested through infected water or food products and
once it establishes infection, it induces a severe watery diarrhea that persists for days
In 1997, a total of 118,347 cholera cases and 5,853 deaths were reported from 27
African countries (WHO, 2001). Similar reports show that, among these countries,
Tanzania had the highest number of cases with 40,249 cases followed by Guinea
Bissau, Kenya, Chad and Mozambique with 20,555; 17,200; 8,801 and 8,739 cases
considerable socio economic cost to affected population. The disease may occur in
The first outbreak of cholera in Tanzania was reported in Kyela district, Mbeya
region in 1974 (MoHSW, 1989). Mpazi and Mnyika (2005), while studying
narrated that, in Tanzania Mainland, about 48% of all admissions in the country due
to notifiable diseases among patients aged 5 years and above were due to cholera
cases in the year 1997, they also explained that, about 57% of deaths due to
notifiable diseases for the same category of patients were due to cholera. According
to URT (2006) and Mpazi and Mnyika (2005), Dar-es-Salaam region is one of the
areas mostly hit by cholera outbreaks in the country. URT (2006) explained also that,
in the year 2006, among the three Municipalities making up the Dar es Salaam
Kinondoni and Temeke with 1,305 and 2,100 cases respectively. Records by URT
(2010), shows that among 26 wards of Ilala Municipality, Buguruni ward had the
There are various reasons for the current trend of disease re emergence in a locality,
some authors attribute this trend to climatic changes (Traerup et al., 2011, Reyburn
et al., 2011 and Reiner et al., 2012). Other researchers attribute this to poor
Countries (Wahed et al., 2013). This problem might also be excavated by the fact
that few research work have been directed towards affected communities, an
example of such studies include a research by Mpazi and Mnyika (2005), who
this research, therefore, was to assess the level of awareness of buguruni Ward
Irrespective of the fact that Cholera has been a recognized disease for about 200
years, control of the deadly disease remains a challenge (WHO, 2008). According to
WHO, (2008) and Kadaleka, (2011) several efforts are being employed to control
cholera outbreaks, most of which are focused upon basic sanitary and hygiene
measures such as treated water supplies, improving water delivery and sewage
control, hand washing facilities, latrines and adequate hygiene in food handling. In
some countries, Oral Cholera vaccine has been provided and replaced injectable
Cholera vaccine with side effects and questionable protective efficacy to aid in
disease control (Seidlein et al., 2014). As it has been described by other authors
explaining about Cholera outbreak in other Countries (Seidlein et al., 2014; Emch, et
al,. 2002, and Reyburn et al., 2011), aside from these large outbreaks, endemic
and West Africa. Same authors explained that, Control activities based on the
provision of safe drinking water and improved sanitation have failed to contain the
spread of cholera, and outbreaks are now common in sub-Saharan Africa. It also
asserted that, the risk factors for cholera outbreaks in Africa are incompletely
disease outbreak, Buguruni ward has been experiencing the highest rate of cholera
outbreaks for the past five years as compared to other wards in Ilala Municipality
(URT, 1998). Since Buguruni ward recorded the highest rate of morbidity due to
cholera during the 2006 outbreak (WHO, 2006) the purpose of this study therefore, is
to assess risk factors associated with the disease outbreak in the ward. This is in
support with previous study by, WHO (2008) who reported that, acquiring
(i) What are community attitudes and practices responsible for cholera disease
This study aims at filling up the existing knowledge gap on Cholera prevention and
control. Findings from this study will be used by global and local partners involved
in Cholera prevention and control to plan and form up appropriate policies and
strategies to combat the deadly disease. This being a case study, results from this
research will also aid in forming up appropriate and specific measures to combat re
While it is likely to have been responsible for human infections and mortality
throughout human history, cholera outbreaks have only been formally known to
science since 1817 (Pollitzer, 1954). Sir John Snow was credited in 1849 as being the
first person to connect contaminated water with cholera outbreaks and to use that
genesis of modern epidemiology, his observation may also be the first study on the
ecology of Vibrio cholerae. However, it took another 120 years for V. cholerae to be
cholerae has over 200 sero groups, with O1and O139 being the causative agents of
cholera, due to their carriage of the genes encoding cholera toxin (CT) and the toxin
sanitation, crowding, war and famine are present. Naha et al., (2013) stated that,
though in different periods, in Asia for instance, Cholera outbreaks can be traced as
back as 1950 - 1969 periods. During this time, cholera outbreaks were recorded from
23 countries in Asia with 1,355,747 cases which caused 6,787 deaths. In the same
period, America recorded a total of 391,220 cases with 4,002 deaths. Africa was
reported to have 11,086 cases of cholera outbreaks with 747 deaths from 16
The out breaks of cholera disrupt social structures, impede economic development
and cause about 100,000 deaths a year (Longini et al., 2007). According to Hartley et
introduced into populations lacking prior immunity to the organism and its spread
through the population is fast and attacks people of all age groups. Spagnuolo et al.,
(2011) explained that, upon ingestion, the majority of Vibrio cholerae bacteria are
killed by the acidic pH in the stomach and those survive enter the lumen of the small
intestine and begin colonization human inoculums size is likely large, since there is
stomach. People with lower immunity such as malnourished children or people living
Clinical signs for V. Cholera infection often begins with stomach cramps and
vomiting followed by diarrhea, which may progress to fluid losses of up to one litter
per hour. These losses result in severe fluid volume depletion and metabolic acidosis,
which may lead to circulatory collapse and death (Camilli, et al., 2009). UNICEF,
(2004) explained that symptoms of cholera can vary from mild to severe, the most
common ones include sudden onset of watery diarrhea, dehydration, rapid heart rate,
dry mouth, excessive thirst, low urine output, nausea and vomiting.
The first 10 cholera cases were reported in 1974 and since 1977 cholera cases were
reported each year with a case fatality rate (CFR) averaging 10.5% between 1977
Acosta et al. (2001) reported that the first major outbreak occurred in 1992 when
18,526 cases including 2,173 deaths were recorded. WHO (1998) narrated also that,
Tanzania has consistently reported cholera cases; annual reports ranged from 1,671
cases in 1977 to 18,526 in 1992. Health statistics from the Ministry of Health
indicated that, during the last 2 decades, three major cholera epidemics have
occurred: 1977-78, 1992, and 1997. Similar records show that in 1997, Tanzania had
one of the highest case-fatality rates in East Africa (5.6%) with 2,268 deaths in
40,226 cases (URT, 1997). In 1997 an epidemic which started at the end of January
in Dar es Salaam accounted for 40,249 cases and 2,231 deaths with CFR reaching
5.54%, during this outbreak, seven regions was affected and Vibrio cholerae El Tor
During the 1997 epidemic, the Tanzanian Government, together with WHO and
to implement control activities health education, training and purchase supplies and
(WHO, 2008). Reports indicate that between 2002 and 2006, Tanzania regions
reported more than 2,000 cholera cases, these were; Dar es Salaam, Dodoma,
Kigoma, Lindi, Mbeya, Morogoro, Mtwara, Pwani, and Tanga region (WHO, 2008).
A region with the highest CFR was Mtwara (33.3%), Iringa (12.7%) and Dodoma
(6.7%). It was reported that the main epidemic peak in 2006 occurred during the
month of April with a total number of 3 169 cases and 254 related deaths. The most
affected region was Dar es Salaam with 8,965 cases representing 62.7% of the total
cases and 101 deaths, this, constituted 39.8% of total deaths (MoHSW, 2010).
According to WHO (2001), 109 cases of cholera with 3 deaths were reported
between 18 May and 20 July 2001 in Temeke and Ilala Districts in Dar es Salaam
Region. Between September 2003 and March 2004, peri urban areas of Ilala
municipality were severely hit by cholera, during this outbreak; Ilala Municipality
was reported to have the highest number of cholera cases (2508) as compared to
Kinondoni (983) and (415) Temeke, (Mpazi and Mnyika, 2005). In response to the
series of Cholera outbreaks for four consecutive years from 2007 to 2010, in each
year, reported cases were 340, 10,262, and 20 respectively. In all cases, Buguruni
ward was the mostly hit as compared to other wards in the Municipality. During this
period, other wards which were highly affected were Vingunguti and Tabata wards
being hit at the rate of about 60% of the total cases (MoHSW, 2010).
The risk factors for cholera outbreaks in Africa are incompletely understood, and the
traditional emphasis on providing safe drinking water and improving sanitation and
marine food chain (De magn et al., 2008; Sendorovich et al., 2010; Vezuli et al.,
which was conducted by Acosta et al., (2001) in Southern Tanzania found out that,
eating uncooked dried fish contributed greatly to counteracting the Cholera disease.
Other risk factors associated to Cholera diseases which were concluded from Acosta
Other Authors listed other factors such as improper waste disposal, food handling,
systems as factors which place people at a greater risk of being infected with cholera
people in the affected area which influence practices may also contribute to spread of
cholera. These include low educational level, unhygienic food handling practices and
proximity to surface water (Ali et al., 2002 and Meftahuddin, 2002). This is because
the bacteria Vibrio cholerae that cause cholera are known to be normal inhabitants of
Table 2.1: Univariate Analysis Results of Potential Risk Factors During the 5
Days before Onset of Illness in Cases and Matched Controls in
S/N Risk Factors Cases, % Exposed % Matched 95%CI p-value
(n=180) (n=360) Odds ratio
A Social activities
and others.
Deaths from cholera can be prevented through simple treatment oral rehydration, and
severen Cases through intravenous rehydration, (Gaffga et al., 2007). Njoh (2010),
while studying the Cholera epidemic and barriers to health, hygiene and sanitation in
Cameroon, explained that, the mortality rate of cholera can be reduced to less than
the inclusion of glucose in the salt solution which allows oral replacement of
electrolytes has made treatment of the disease (particularly in rural areas) much more
effective. Also, the use of any metabolizable carbohydrate together with NaCl
rice soup is recommended for diarrhoeal patients who are unable to obtain a glucose-
salt solution. The efficacy of the oral replacement therapy can be seen by comparing
According to WHO (2001) and Battersby (2011), measures for the prevention of
cholera mostly consist of providing clean water and proper sanitation to populations
who do not yet have access to basic services. Same authors recommended provision
On the other hand CDC, (2008) and WHO, (2008) recommended raising community
washing with soap after defecation and before handling food or eating, as well as
safe preparation and conservation of food. They also recommended Chlorination and
boiling of drinking water as they are often the least expensive and most effective
According to URT (2004), a Field Manual which was produced to aid Council
(vii) To educate communities and relatives caring for patients about the
(ix) To work with other sectors to ensure safe drinking water and food safety.
Towner et al. (1980) recommended use of Antibiotics for moderately and severely ill
explained also that, by decreasing duration of diarrhea and stool volume, antibiotics
result in more rapid recovery and shorter lengths of inpatient stay, both of which
recommended that use of Tetracycline has been shown to be effective treatment for
This study was conducted in Buguruni ward within Ilala Municipality in Dar es
Salaam region. Buguruni ward was selected based on the fact that the ward has been
experiencing highest rate of cholera cases as compared to other wards. The study
covered all four administrative streets which are Mnyamani, Madenge, Malapa and
Kisiwani. The ward borders Ilala ward in the east, Vingunguti in the west, Kigogo
largest highway in the Country carrying both local and international traffic, a factor
that makes the ward a hot business centre. Businesses carried out in the ward ranges
from large wholesale outlets for a variety of consumer goods to small cooked food
According to 2012 population and housing census, the Ward had a total of 70,585
street varies greatly, Madenge 3420 households, Malapa 3466 households, Kisiwani
7943 households and Mnyamani 6000 households. This number of households and
its corresponding population places the ward in the list of highly populated wards
For the purpose of this study, which requires high level of knowledge, experience
and involvement in cholera disease, both purposive and stratified sampling method
were used to obtain 30 respondents from each of the four administrative streets in
Buguruni ward.
Thirty households were randomly selected from each administrative street in the
ward making a total of 120 respondents out of 20,829 households available in the
ward. From each street, respondents were randomly sampled based on their social
and economic activities. In this regard, the study population included food vendors,
Data collection
researcher. There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data which differ
There are two types of data that is Primary Data and Secondary Data collection in
research writing. According to Kothari (2004) Primary data are those which are
collected afresh, and thus happen to be original in character. There are several
questionnaires and interviews were used as tools for primary data collection.
Secondary data on the other hand, are those which have already been collected by
someone else and which have already been passed through the statistical process. In
Structured questionnaire with both closed and open ended questions were designed,
tested and adjusted before being administered to respondents (Appendix 2). Focus
obtain necessary information related to this study. A checklist of questions were used
to lead FGD with CBOs, NGOs and other community leaders (Representative) to
capture their experience and knowledge related to Cholera outbreak and control in
the study area. Target population was above 18 years in the households.
For the purpose of drawing conclusions, the collected quantitative data were coded
and analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer
frequencies, percentages and means were used to summarize the results of analysis
presented in pie chart and tables. Content analysis was utilized to extract important
used to compare and validate information obtained from qualitative data analysis.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research findings. These are based on primary data which
were collected in Buguruni ward. To be able to elucidate these results clearly, results
are presented and discussed in three sub sections; the first part presents respondents’
general information. The second and third parts present and discuss findings on what
This part presents respondents’ demographic characteristics; these include age and
gender of the respondent as well as the type of household from which the respondent
Age of respondents has been presented in Figure.4:1, results shows that most of
respondents were found within 31-50 years old. This constituted 46.67% of the study
population. The second largest group ranged between 18-30 years, this made up
respondents with more than 50 years of age, this group constituted 16.67% of all
Most of the respondents who were interviewed were male, and this category made up
63.33% of the population. Only 36.7 % of the study population was females.
categorized into three groups, these were: those who live and work in the ward, those
who work but do not live in the ward and those who live in the ward but work in a
different location. This study found out that, of all respondents who were
interviewed, 60% were living and earning their livelihood from within the ward.
Same results indicated that 32% lived away from the ward with their main economic
activities located in the ward. In this category, 8% represented those who live in the
ward but work in different wards. On the other hand, the study found out that 63% of
the interviewed population had lived in the area for more than 10 years. In the same
category, 10% of all respondents had lived in the ward between 6 to 10 years, while
2 6 to 10 years 12 10
3 Within 5 years 32 27
To know the family size, responses fell into three categories, these were; those with
two members, three members and those with more than five members. This study
found out that, respondents with more than five members made up the majority of
the study population, this constituted 57% of all respondents. This study also found
out that 20% of the population had three members, with only 23% having two
The level of education of respondents was also investigated, education level was
classified into four groups, and these were; those who had completed primary
professional level and those who had completed University level. This study found
out that, interviewee who had attained secondary education made up the majority of
the study group, this represented 49% of all respondents. Residents who had primary
education made up the second largest proportion, this represented 32%. In this ward,
19% had attained post secondary professional courses. Only 2% of the respondents
Income level of the study population varied greatly. This study grouped income
classes into three sub categories, these were; those with their monthly income not
exceeding Tsh. 100,000, those with their income ranging between Tsh. 100,000 –
300,000, those who earns between Tsh 300,000 to 500,000 and those with their
monthly income not exceeding Tsh 500,000. This study found out that 52% of the
study population earned between Tsh 100,000 to 300,000. It can also be seen that,
30% represented those whose monthly income do not exceed Tsh. 100,000. It was
also found out that 13% of the responses represented those who earn between Tsh.
300,000 to 500,000. Only 5% of the interviewed population was earning more than
Tsh. 500,000.
Buguruni Ward
To estimate the level of community awareness on the way cholera disease can be
questions were used. In the first case, 86.7% of the population was seen to be aware
of ways in which the disease can be transmitted from one individual to another. In
this case only 13.3% of the study population was not certain whether the disease can
be communicated among human beings. On the other hand, when interviewees were
asked to list ways in which Cholera disease can be transmitted, 52% cited living in
an unplanned settlement as the major cause, other responses were 42%, 4%, and 2%
for having no toilet, shaking hands, and eating contaminated food respectively.
To estimate community reaction when a family member falls sick of any ailment,
respondents were asked on what steps are taken when a person falls sick. 43%
indicated that, they normally attend a nearest health facility like Medical store,
Dispensary or Hospital, 33% of the community would treat a family member with
remaining 24% would first seek advice from religious and traditional healers before
of Cholera prevention and Control. In the first case, respondents were asked whether
Cholera was a preventable disease, in this case 77% acknowledged the fact that this
disease can be prevented and controlled, the corresponding 23% thought that the
disease could neither be prevented nor controlled. When asked to identify ways in
Table 4.3, respondents had varied opinions. 59% indicated that the first and foremost
means of preventing occurrence and spreading of the disease was living in a planned
settlement. Other responses ware; 18%, 12%, 8%, and 3% for having means of
proper waste disposal, preparing food in hygienic environment, washing hands after
visiting the toilet and boiling water for all uses respectively.
Behaviors associated with eating unhygienic food are presented in Tables 4.4 and
4.5. Table 4.5 shows responses related to consumption of locally made fruit juices
from street food vendors. It can be seen from Table. 4.4: that, 48.5% of the study
population were less frequently taking locally made fruit juices from street food
vendors, followed by 34.5% who frequently took fruit juices, with only 17.2 % who
could not consume locally made fruit juices from street vendors.
Regarding preheating of food leftovers before being consumed (Table 4.5); 70% of
the population would heat food leftovers before eating, while the remaining 30% of
Table 4.4: Preference of Consuming Locally Made Fruit Juices from Food
Vendors in the Study Area
No. Criteria Frequent Less Frequent Not At All Total
1. Consumption of locally 41 58 21 120
made fruit juices from
street food vendors
Total 34.5 48.5 17.2 100.0
Household’s means of water treatment and treated drinking water preference are
presented in Tables 4.6 and 4.7. It can be observed from Table 4.6 that, 66.4% of the
population does not treat water designated for any domestic use. The same Table
indicates that only 28.4% of the population adopted boiling as the main means of
domestic water treatment. It can also be seen that about 5.2% of all respondents
On the other hand, preference of treated drinking water displays a more or less trend
from what can be observed from water treatment methods. Results in Table 4.7,
shows that, 72% of the population drinks untreated water. Only 15% of the
population was boiling water for drinking, while, the remaining 13% would use
chlorinated water. FGD revealed however, that, most people in the study area
1 Responses 34 6 80 120
1 Responses 18 16 86 12
2 15 13 72 10
% Responses 0
Source: Research data (Mghase,2014)
Table.4.8 summarizes different water sources from which Buguruni residents obtain
water for their domestic uses. As it can be seen from table 4.8, Sources of water for
household use were grouped into six categories, amongst these categories; 43.3% of
interviewed households do use water from unprotected shallow well. The second
highest category were buying water from small distributers who use pull carts, this
made up 20% of all respondents. Those who use water directly supplied to their
homestead by water supply authority as well as from protected shallow well all
together, represented 13.3% of the population. Other categories were; those who get
water from deep borehole and those using water supplied by water distributing
4.3.6 Toilet Type and Common ways of Waste Disposal in Buguruni Ward
Table 4.9: Shows toilet type, and common means of waste disposal in the study area.
It can be seen that, toilets used varied from pit latrine to no toilets with open
defecation or attending neighboring facility. This study revealed that 56.7% had pit
latrines; similarly, 33.3% were using water closets with flushing cisterns. Other
responses were; 6.7% and 3.3% for those having their toilets connected to public
On the other hand, different methods were used to empty cesspits in the ward, 63.3%
of the study population were using cesspit empting trucks. The study also revealed
that 23.3% were connected to the public sewage system. In this area, only 13.3%
applied onsite excreta disposal. Other solid wastes were being disposed in a number
of ways; 46.7% were digging open pit holes closer to their homes to be used to
dispose solid waste generated by the household, while, 40% were disposing solid
waste in a special sanitary landfill. Other means of waste disposal included collecting
household waste and send them to a designated collection point, this accounted for
10% of all respondents. Only 3.3% of the study population collected and disposed
Table 4.9: Toilet Type and Common ways of Waste Disposal in Buguruni Ward
Cholera Outbreak
Respondents were asked to give their views on what were the Government and
Community reaction during and after the occurrence of Cholera in Buguruni ward,
Government and the community. It was explained that, during the last outbreak, the
Government provided free chlorine based water disinfectants which were directly
applied into all water wells. In the same way, waste water disinfectants were
regularly being supplied to be applied in all pit latrines and septic tanks. It was also
revealed that, the Government, in collaboration with NGOs and CBOs operating in
the area launched community health education campaign which was aimed at
5.1 Introduction
Demographic pattern displayed in this research follows the gender pattern which was
reported by REPOA (URT, 2010). The “Gender indicators Booklet” which was
indicated that 31-50 age groups was the most active age group in the community.
The pattern differs with findings by Chingayipe (2008), who shown that majority of
detection by the communities in Chiradzulu District” in Malawi fell within the “15 to
24” years age group. Same results show that most of them were women.
Education level of respondents in this research differed greatly with what was
attained primary education. The difference could be due to the fact that her research
was conducted in rural areas as opposed to this research which was carried out in
urban areas. The average family size was also found to be small as compared to
Buguruni Ward
Majority of the study population do not know the cause and ways in which cholera
can be communicated among populations this greatly differs with what Chingayipe
(2008), reported that majority of respondents cholera outbreaks are behind the
Bourque (2010), whose study found out that the majority of respondents, were not
Research findings by Mpanzi and Mnyika (2005), who explained that, analysis of
knowledge levels on cholera prevention and control was lagging behind in the study
The present study indicated that many of Buguruni residents had no access to safe
and hygienic water. These findings conform to explanation by REPOA (URT 2010)
who stated that, in rural areas, 60% of households still rely on unprotected, unsafe
sources of water. Same reports indicates however that, in urban areas, data shows a
declining trend in coverage from 2001 to 2005, particularly in piped water supply.
This finding is also similar to observations which were reported by Mpanzi and
water supply in most cholera endemic areas coupled with low level of knowledge
The study found that a greater proportion of the study population risk eating
unhygienic food, similar findings were reported by Wahed et al., (2013), in his study,
while analyzing “Knowledge of, attitudes toward, and preventive practices relating to
cholera and oral cholera vaccine among urban high-risk groups” in Dhaka-
This is also supported by WHO, (2003) who observed that greatest transmission
occurs in contaminated water or food. WHO (2005) reported also that, several
in a number of African countries in 2005, with 34 000 cases of cholera being due to
5.4.5 Toilet Type and Common ways of Waste Disposal in Buguruni Ward
were put forward by Hammer (2011), who explained that in developing countries,
many people still do not have access to any form of improved sanitation and continue
to practice open defecation. A similar remark by Kiunsi and Mchome (2008) shows
that the fact that Buguruni residents have poor municipal services has led the highest
6.1 Introduction
This chapter provides a summary of the main issues that are drawn from the study
and puts forward possible implications that may be deduced from within and finally
6.2 Conclusion
The cholera outbreak in Buguruni ward was found in the study is associated with
knowledge attitude and practices of Bugurni residents. The study found the 50% of
respondents do not treat drinking water. During the focus group discussion about
75%, of respondents were also of the opinion that most of people in the award do not
treat water due to lack of knowledge and desire to consume untreated water. Even
the juices sold by street vendors were prepared by using untreated water. The
infrastructure of water and sewage systems is in a very poor situation neither does
systematic waste disposal systems exist. There are frequent complaints of ill health
in the ward, possibly attributed to local drinking water and sewage disposal systems
are poor. Water was the major factor of cholera outbreak in ward.
The study also found that the majority of the respondents were not aware on the
causes of cholera outbreak and how to prevent them. The researcher observed most
of solid wastes were left in the ward without being collected by Municipal authority.
The respondents during group discussion observed that prevention measures were in
adequate. The governments have not done adequate prevention measures such as
sensitization and awareness campaigns against cholera such as health education and
6.3 Recommendations
Basing from the research findings, The cholera outbreak were mostly caused by lack
of knowledge, poor infrastructures, poor families, poor sanitation, lack of safe water
and unplanned settlement, the following are therefore recommendations of the study:
intensified and make use of posters and flip charts as well as a wide range of audio-
visuals, printed illustrations and photographs, fliers, newspaper articles, radio health
programmers, health posters, health school programmers, drama, songs and comedy.
Health educators must incorporate both micro and macro media successfully only
resources, techniques, channels, methods, and tools. Ilala Health Management Team
communities programmers that will ensure acceptance and use of health information.
Training enables personnel to acquire the necessary skills for the delivery of
community, is used to build their capacity for problem solving, decision making, and
collective action, thus developing and strengthening their networks in the area of
members to recognize their problems and needs, decide on what they can do and how
they can act collectively, that is, pool ideas as well as human and physical resources,
School health programs should be improved to offer a good entry point for improved
promotion. It is a realistic goal in most countries to ensure that all schools have good
sources and storage of food, clean water supply and good sanitation. This enables
schools to reinforce health and hygiene messages, ensure they translate into action,
The IHMT should establish health education unit and strengthened monitoring and
programmers’. The health education unit shall make concerted efforts to assess
sanitation and hygiene beliefs and practices. The unit must involve community
critical: hand washing with soap (or ash or other aid) before food preparation and
after dealing with faeces; latrine use and safe disposal of children’s faeces; safe
weaning food preparation; and safe water handling and storage. Additionally, the
(i) Work with other agencies (governmental and private) to plan, develop and
manage water resources and basic water and sanitation services, to advocate
and promote these investments, and ensure that activities to promote hand
(ii) Work with the DAWASCO AND DAWAS responsible for monitoring water
quality and sanitation to help ensure that this monitoring is carried out;
(iii) Provide other sectors with reliable data on water-associated diseases and
(iv) Provide leadership for action in hygiene education, safe nutrition including
(v) Advocate for adequate food and water supply, sanitation and hygiene
(vi) Health personnel must also ensure traditional way of treatment and storage of
health effects.
approach and a tool for comprehensive and equitable health development. The shift
of focus from health education to health promotion was catalyzed by the Ottawa
Health promotion strategies have been integrated into many health and development
programmes. The Ward Health Administration must intensify its focus on the
“healthy settings approach” that could pave the way for partnerships with
government sectors including NGOs and the private sector. However, gaps exist in
Health Promotion knowledge, skills and concept application even among health
personnel and decision makers in most countries. There is need for concerted efforts
to integrate health promotion activities across sectors in order to close the gap in the
Furthermore, the study recommends that the need to develop policies and strategies
that advocate for health promotion to be a part of the public health development
alliances for promoting health that include private and public sectors, and civil
society groups other than those traditionally engaged in health in order to build a
The Ministry of Health and Tanzania Health Service can do several things, in
collaboration with other sectors, to help ensure that investments in water supply and
sanitation result in greater health impact. The study recommends that the must be
The environmental health division must be restored to the Ministry of Health so that
there will be closer relationship among the public health division and the
communicable diseases. The Ilala Municipal council must also encourage persons to
research or carry out pilot projects to test new technologies or mechanisms such as
The study recommends that communities, District Assemblies and the Central
Government must make concerted efforts to forge partnership with UNICEF, WHO
and other partners, both international and local non-governmental organizations to:
wholesome water to households and good hygiene practices such as regular hand
Supply and educate mothers of children less than five years on the use of ORS and
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Questionnaire number……………..…………….
Street name………………………………………
Type of occupancy
One ( )
Two ( )
Three ( )
Four ( )
Five ( )
Above five ( )
No formal education ( )
Completed ( )
Secondary education ( )
< 5yrs ( )
6yrs-10 yrs. ( )
10 yrs. ( )
< 100,000 ( )
100,000-300,000 ( )
200,000-300,000 ( )
301,000-500,000 ( )
500,000 ( )
Seek advice from religious leaders and traditional healers before going to the
Hospital ( ).
Other (specify)…………………………………………………………………….
Do you know ways or methods on how cholera disease can be transmitted from one
What do you think are modes of transmission from one individual to another in the
Shaking hands ( )
What steps have been taken by the government and community to control it in the
Do you know how cholera disease can be prevented and controlled from spreading
Yes ( )
No ( )
Living in planned ( )
What type of water source do you use to get water for domestic use at your
Bore holes ( )
No treatment at all ( )
By boiling water ( )
Other specify………………………………………………………………………
What is your perception on using treated water for drinking and other home use?
How frequent do you consume locally made fruit juices from street vendors (Tick
where it is appropriate)
Frequent ( )
Less frequent ( )
Not at all ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Pit latrine ( )
Open defecation ( )
Sanitary landfills ( )
Pit holes ( )
Collected at home ( )
Treated different immediately disposed into pit latrines or buried into pit holes( )
Other specify……………………………………………………………………
What are the measures that are taken during cholera outbreaks.i.by family
what measures that are taken by Health professionals during cholera outbreaks
Measures that are taken by health professional s are they helpful or not helpful and
Type of settlement
High density ( )
Low densities ( )
Present ( )
Not present ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Yes ( )
No ( )
Jina la mtaa……………………………………………………………..………….…..
Umri wa muhusika
Zaidi ya 50
Jinsia ya muhusika…………………………………………………………….............
Aina ya makazi
Mmoja ( )
Wawili ( )
Zaidi ya wawili ( )
Hana elimu( )
Chini ya miaka 5( )
Zaidi ya miaka 10 ( )
Chini ya 100,000/- ( )
100,000-300,000/- ( )
301,000-500,000/- ( )
Zaidi ya 500,000/- ( )
hospitali( )
Nyinginezo eleza……………………………………………………………
Unajua njia na jinsi ugonjwa wa kipindupindu unavyoenea kutoka kwa mtu mmoja
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Unafikiri ni njia gani zinazosababisha kuenea kwa kipindupindu kutoka kwa mtu
Kupeana mikono ( )
Kutokuwa na choo ( )
Nyinginezo eleza…………………………………………………………..
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Njia zipi serikali na jamii imezifanya ili kuzuia kipindupindu kwenye eneo
Visima vifupi ( )
Kisima kirefu ( )
Maji ya bomba ( )
Mengineyo eliza………………………………………….
Mara chache ( )
Situmii kabisa ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Ni cha shimo ( )
Eneo la wazi ( )
Maelezo mengine…………………………
Magari ya kunyonya( )
Kuzifukia ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Ndiyo ( )
hapana ( )
Cha muda ( )
Kudumu ( )
Hakuna ( )
Cha maji ( )
Cha shimo ( )
Hakuna ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )
Ndiyo ( )
Hapana ( )