FE Kumar Avishek (Saurav) Resume
FE Kumar Avishek (Saurav) Resume
FE Kumar Avishek (Saurav) Resume
Ħ +91 8226818586 | ć [email protected] | u themodernmonk7.framer.website | ] linkedin.com/in/themodernmonk7
Work Experience
Freelance India
Frontend Developer | HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, ReactJs, NextJs Dec 2021 ‑ Dec 2022
• Engineered responsive interfaces using React.js and Next.js, driving a 30% increase in user engagement and ensuring an enhanced user
experience across multiple devices.
• Implemented engaging features and captivating animations with JavaScript and CSS, resulting in a 40% boost in user interaction and
increased application usage.
• Conducted rigorous code reviews, ensuring impeccable quality and 20% fewer bugs for improved application stability.
• Integrated APIs and third‑party libraries to amplify functionality, leading to a 25% enhancement in overall application efficiency and in‑
creased user satisfaction.
Indago ‑ Job Tracking Web App (Progressive Web App) ↗ LIVE↗ | GitHub↗
Full Stack Web Development Project (Lighthouse Scores: P‑99 | A‑97 | BP‑100 | SEO‑100 | PW‑6/6) Nov 2022 ‑ Jan 2023
• Developed Indago, a job tracking application that monitors application status, resulting in streamlined job management and catering to a user
base of over 250+ users.
• Optimized search functionality by implementing a debounce method, reducing query response time by 70%.
• Achieved 100% reduction in unauthorized access incidents by integrating JWT for secure user authentication and authorization.
• Transformed Indago into a Progressive Web App (PWA), expanding its accessibility and reach across platforms.
• Enhanced performance by implementing optimization techniques, achieving significant improvements in Light‑house scores, with a Perfor‑
mance score increased from 55 to 99 and Accessibility score improved from 84 to 97 for faster load times, smoother interactions, inclusivity,
and usability.
• Maintained a perfect score of 100 for Best Practices, adhering to industry standards, and consistently achieved a high SEO score of 100,
enhancing the app’s visibility in search engine rankings.
• Ranked 13th out of 50 in the Project Spotlight on Peerlist, recognizing the project as one of the top 50 projects for the month of March 2023.
• Leveraged React.js (v18), TailwindCSS, Recharts, Redux Toolkit (RTK), and React Router to develop robust and interactive user inter‑faces. On the
back‑end, employed Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Json Web Token (JWT), and the Cloudinary API for seamless data management
and secure authentication.
Shoptik ‑ Furniture eCommerce (Progressive Web App) ↗ LIVE↗ | GitHub↗
Full Stack Web Development Project (Lighthouse Scores: P‑91 | A‑97 | BP‑100 | SEO‑100 | PW‑6/6) Jan 2023 ‑ Feb 2023
• Crafted Shoptik, a full‑stack eCommerce web application tailored for furniture sales, delivering a seamless and delightful shopping experience.
• Optimized performance by incorporating lazy loading of product images and content, resulting in a significant 33% reduction in initial
page load time.
• Boosted Performance scores from 60 to 91 and Accessibility scores from 87 to 97, leading to a substantial enhancement in usability.
• Integrated the secure payment gateway, Stripe, ensuring 100% safe and convenient transactions.
• Secured user data with 100% effectiveness by implementing user authentication and authorization through Auth0.
• Utilized Airtable as a scalable and efficient database solution, reducing data retrieval time by 40%.
• Leveraged a diverse set of front‑end technologies, including React.js (v18) , ContextAPI, React Router, TailwindCSS, Google Auth0, and the Stripe
payment gateway, while employing back‑end technologies such as Netlify Serverless functions and Airtable for data storage.
• Incorporated Google Analytics 4 to track user behavior and gather valuable insights, enhancing data‑driven decision making for the project.
3D MapSnap ↗ LIVE↗ | GitHub↗
Frontend Development Project Apr 2023 ‑ Apr 2023
• Designed ”3D‑MapSnap,” a React project that synergizes Mapbox and BabylonJs functionalities, empowering users to select locations, visu‑
alize the area, and capture images for texture application on a 3D cuboid.
• Integrated Mapbox (v.2.13) to display the map, allowing users to pinpoint specific locations with ease and precision.
• Applied BabylonJs for 3D cuboid rendering and used the captured map image as a texture, thereby improving the visual representation.
• Demonstrated proficiency in ReactJs, Mapbox, and BabylonJs to deliver a unique and engaging 3D mapping experience.
Front‑end: HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript ES6 , ReactJs, Tanstack (Query, Table), Redux Toolkit, TypeScript, NextJs, TailwindCSS
Back‑end: NodeJs, ExpressJs, mongoDB, mongoose, REST API
Version Control: Git, GitHub, CI/CD, Webpack, Babel
Purnea University, Purnea Purnea, Bihar, India
Bachelor of Science (Zoology) Aug 2019 ‑ Dec 2022