Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of
Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of
Sustainable Waterfront Development-A Case Study of
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1 author:
Riham A. Ragheb
Pharos University
All content following this page was uploaded by Riham A. Ragheb on 29 December 2021.
Riham A. Ragheb
Department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Pharos University, Alexandria 21311, Egypt
Abstract: Sustainable waterfront development is about creating a vision for an area and then deploying the skills and resources to
realize it after involving a dialogue with the customer within an area. Also, it draws together many strands of place making such as
environmental responsibility, social equity and economic viability, planning and transportation policy, architectural design into the
creation of places of beauty and distinct identity. The development of waterfronts shapes communities around the water bodies and
reflects the ability of cities to adapt to altered economic and social circumstances. The aim of this paper is to identify some
approaches for applying sustainable waterfront development. By respecting the quality of life and defining sustainability in a broader
context, a case will be made for enhancing the waterfront development, through the place making criteria, analyzing the Bahary
waterfront in Alexandria, Egypt. The paper concludes some recommendations to develop Bahary waterfront based on the principles
that are collected from the theoretical study in order to well design a waterfront responded to the wishes of the community.
Key words: Place making, quality of life, Bahary, sustainable waterfront development.
Waterside development is local and attraction and holds out the hope of a better life.
environmental planning which puts emphasis on the
2.2 Types of Waterfront Development
water-human relationship design and the waterfront
remedy, and its objective is to create an accessible and A city must first and foremost determine what it
enjoyable water environment; intends its waterfront to be. These issues must be
Waterfront development is urban planning which sorted out before a city can plan for the redevelopment
puts emphasis on the feasibility study of the of its waterfront. In a trend of transforming the
development projects and the spatial design, and its waterfronts to vibrant zones of leisure, commerce and
objective is renewal and development of the urban housing by waterfront development [3], there are a
areas; number of conventional types:
Coastal development is national planning which 2.2.1 Major Waterfront Transformations
puts emphasis on the development strategies and the Major waterfront transformations are unique that
implementation of planning, and its objective is to meet the needs and aspirations of cities that are unlike
prescribe the character of the city and the development in geography, history and character. They share many
scheme. factors such as housing, shopping, offices and
recreation. There are complex negotiations, dedicated
2.1 Importance of Waterfront Development
leadership and huge sums of public and private money
Waterfronts are a special class of national resource are involved to accomplish the transformations.
due to their unique potential in affording society 2.2.2 The Commercial Waterfront
diversified opportunities for economic development, There are a variety of project typifies the dynamism
public enjoyment, and civic identity. They have of the commercial waterfront to encourage public
become the focus of many issues created by the enjoyment of the waterfront. These projects include
changing technologies and the pressures of population “festival marketplace” which is widespread and
and commerce. The nature and uses of waterfronts longstanding tradition of eating, shopping and
have changed and left large sections of waterfront socializing along water bodies, likewise is a public
land unused or under used. Therefore, the focal point, drawing people to attend many events.
development of waterfront areas has become a 2.2.3 The Cultural, Educational and Environmental
challenge to affect the identity and environmental Waterfront
quality of cities. Waterfronts have been called The cultural, educational and environmental
romantic and used as places for dreaming and waterfront emphasizes the vital connections between
recreation, also waterfronts left the feelings of people and water and can have a real effect on the
openness and freedom that tend to be everybody’s way they think about this basic resource which man
place. The presence of water in cities is an element of and natural are inseparable parts of the unified whole.
Waterfronts have been providing beautiful setting for which are [7]:
religious architecture, memorials, public art and grand 2.3.1 The Pre-development Phase
cultural institutions and educational sites for The pre-development phase includes project
generations. initiation, project analysis, prepares the preliminary
2.2.4 The Historic Waterfront design and project packaging toward identifying
Instead of condemning old waterfront structures to opportunities for the development. During this phase,
non-use, decay and ultimate abandonment, some cities it is important to reevaluate the development concept
are working toward the preservation and adaptive and refine the program in light of changing
reuse of historic buildings that maintains a tangible circumstances and new information, research,
sense of the past and favoring a restorative approach comprehensive analysis, and calculations of time
that makes for a richer community and captures the range and cost of activities involved to fully realize
allure that comes from being in touch with the past in the development.
modern daily life. 2.3.2 The Development Phase
2.2.5 The Recreational Waterfront The development process focuses on design,
Spending a leisure time on the water, whether for financing and implementation. While these basic tasks
fishing, swimming or quiet contemplation is the recent transform a project proposal into physical reality, the
theme of the urban waterfront development around the timing of financial support and the activities of the
globe. Also, creating public spaces such as parks, professional designers and building contractors must
marinas, walkways and promenades with shade be carefully coordinated to produce the project that
pavilions, distinctive paving and lighted fountains meets the objectives.
constitute the biggest change along today’s urban 2.3.3 Post Development Phase
waterfront, add a pleasant atmosphere and provide The post development activities are determined to
relaxation and enjoyment with being on the extent the long-term viability. Although the managing
waterfront. and maintaining requirements of the waterfront
2.2.6 The Residential Waterfront projects are identified before the start of construction,
People throughout history have been living along the general trend agreements for public/private
the water for reasons both practical and poetic which development projects must clearly define which party
housing styles varied according to the culture. Water, will be responsible for the management and
rivers, lakes, coasts and canals are public resources; maintenance and who will pay the cost.
the space along the water’s edge is welcoming
3. Waterfront Development Approaches
balanced to visitors as well as to residential population.
This means that walkways and facilities are visible, High quality, well designed and managed urban
attractive and accessible and comfortable for the spaces play a crucial role in promoting wellbeing and
residents. contribute positive social, economic and
environmental value to cities for any improvement,
2.3 Waterfront Development Process
development and future monitoring. Public open
The opportunity for the urban waterfront spaces have positive associations with people’s
development exists when the difference in an existing quality of life, health, well-being and their feelings.
property’s value and its value in a changed state Therefore, a better understanding of the links between
exceeds the cost of the conversion. Waterfront the quality of public spaces and quality of life is vital
development process goes through different phases to justify greater development and improving public
Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 383
realm. The public realm is where most of human leaders and different parties including those who are
contact and interaction take place and its character interested in human development, social development,
will reinforce the public place. Therefore, it is sustainable development and healthy communities.
important to achieve what really matters to people and Thus, quality of life is important because a lot of
develop the sense of place by creating a public realm people and organizations are paying attention to it.
and built environment that are of the highest quality. There is a concern to measure the quality of life of
Also, commercial viability, tourist attractions, cities and understand how we are doing and feeling
livability and sustainability are important factors to [10].
take into consideration to provide a better quality of In the past few decades, social scientists have
life for the city [8] attempted to objectively measure the quality of urban
Several approaches discuss the benefits of a well life through a variety of quantifiable social indicators
designed built environment and its effect on many which have been structured around the social/cultural,
aspects of daily lives. There are clear denominators economic and environmental wellbeing to maintain
that link the different approaches that focus on the and improve quality of life in urban spaces. These
human wellbeing. Attractive and open mixed use indicators are: natural and living environment, overall
urban spaces with good accessibility encourage leisure experience of life, governance and basic rights, health,
activities and reduce crime and vandalism. Quality of education, economic and physical safety, leisure and
life, sustainability, and place making criteria are a social interactions, productive or main activity and
multidisciplinary philosophy incorporating many material living conditions [11].
different fields. They are the process of creating
3.2 The Place Making Criteria
places where people feel safe, happy, and at home. To
achieve a great place making, it is necessary to requir Great public spaces are those places where
sustainability and quality of life criteria which are celebrations are held, social and economic exchanges
implemented by various principles. In order to analyze occur, friends meet, and cultures mix [12]. The public
a waterfront case study, it is important to set the places need to be unique, attractive, colorful, related
following principles to well design a waterfront. to the human-scale and have different contexts such as
historical, geographical, physical or cultural. The
3.1 The Quality of Life Indicators
places as streets, open spaces or seafronts can be
Quality of life is a relatively impressionistic and a designed visually and functionally, through sensitive
multidimensional concept which means different and imaginative design to provide a feeling of
things to different people [9]. The optimal level of well-being or comfort [8]. Engineering, architecture,
quality of life is produced by combining the physical landscape architecture, urban planning, social work,
and psychological inputs. The quality of life can be journalism, and public administration have improved
translated through social and environmental the urban physical environment to incorporate
considerations in the process of urban planning and is knowledge and ideas acquired from the social and
affected by the place in which we live. The concept of physical sciences on dealing with some of the social
quality of life includes subjective or qualitative problems associated with urbanization [13]. Therefore,
phenomena at the individual and the community level the process of place making allows diverse
as well as objective measures of the status of constituencies to identify how public spaces can be
individuals and the community [10]. shaped to make them welcoming, well-functioning
The interest in quality of life comes from city and attractive places for people. One of the most
384 Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt
critical factors in achieving a public space that truly access and linkages, uses and activities, comfort and
serves its constituents, improve the daily experience image, and sociability [12]:
and draws people time and again, is by asking people 3.2.1 Access and Linkages
about their concerns and wishes and allowing them to A place has to be well connected to its surroundings
influence decision-making about that space. visually and physically and easy to get to and to get
More than just promoting better urban design, place through. Also, the edges of a space are important as
making strengthens facilitates creative patterns of use, well and the place has to have a high parking turnover
paying particular attention to the physical, cultural, which is convenient to public transit [14].
and social identities that define a place and support its 3.2.2 Comfort and Image
ongoing evolution. According to public spaces which The key of a successful space is to be comfortable
are a nonprofit planning, design and educational and have a good image. Comfort includes perceptions
organization, public spaces have four major attributes about safety, cleanliness, and the availability of places
to evaluate a place and measure its success which are: to give people the choice to sit where they want [14].
3.2.3 Uses and Activities space and leisure, with shops, café and restaurants and
Uses and activities are the basic building blocks of provide cultural and recreational attraction.
a place. Having some activities to do in the place 3.3.3 Environmental
gives people a cause to come and return. It is Since the 1970s, there has been an emphasis on the
important to provide various well managed activities environmental issues that include cleaning up water
throughout the day for people of different ages, to be bodies, water supply, natural marine life and pollution.
used by singles or people in groups [14]. This demand is to protect the environment, and
3.2.4 Sociability encourage new waterfront investment.
When people see friends, meet their neighbors, and 3.3.4 Preservation
feel comfortable interacting with guests, they tend to The trend toward cultural tourism pushes to make
feel a stronger sense of place or attachment to the value to the historical building. Preservation and
place that fosters these types of social activities. This restoration are important to give a character to the city.
is a difficult quality for a place to achieve, but once The similar element in waterfront development around
attained, it becomes an unmistakable feature [14]. the world is the public’s desire to be near to the water.
Most existing waterfront areas which have not yet
3.3 Sustainable Development Principles
been discovered are either remains of industrial areas
Sustainable development projects are a key and slum areas. These areas may become fashionable
component of the transformation of urban places to live in, and can promote more investments
environments. In such urban environments, [3]. In dealing with the development of waterfronts,
waterfronts present themselves as a very particular they are classified into three categories [15]:
case. The declining and neglected waterfronts The first one is “conservation” which aims to use
constitute highly potential targets for transformation the site of an old waterfront, which still exists even
into new and refined patterns of land uses through the today, and restores it for the people;
development projects while aiming for a high quality The second category is “redevelopment”, which
of life, nourishment of business and conservation of is characterized by an attempt to resurrect the
the environment. Waterfront development schemes waterfront as important areas of urban life;
necessarily involve the principles of sustainability: The third is “development”, which is an attempt
economic, social, environmental, and preservation [3]. to create a waterfront which will meet the present
3.3.1 Economic needs of the city.
The deindustrialization of city centers has resulted
4. The Gomrok District
in many changes in technology, and thus has caused
many industrial places and ports to relocate. Some Alexandria city extends today some 60 km along
cities shift their industrial places and activities from the Mediterranean coast, but its breadth is limited to
cities to suburbs. This relocation has left the existing an average of 1 to 5 km. It encompassed an area of
waterfronts land freed up for development. 2,680 km2. Residential land use is the most dominant
3.3.2 Social in the urban area, but it is difficult to segregate
The global culture today requires more open spaces residential land use from other urban functions.
for recreation and physical needs. Generally, more Commerce and workshops are often completely mixed
mobility has caused an expansion of tourism. This with the residential use. The city of Alexandria is
may encourage the installation of new mixed uses divided into six districts: Montazah District, Eastern
along the water bodies that combine areas of open District, Middle District, Gomrok District, Western
386 Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt
District and Amriya District. April 331 BC, Alexandria became the capital of the
The Gomrok District with total area of 4 km2 is Greco-Roman Egypt, its status as a beacon of culture
considered the smallest area with the highest symbolized by Pharos; the famous lighthouse.
population density with a rate of increase of 1.17% Dinocrates built the Heptastadion, the causeway
per year. between Pharos and the mainland. This divided the
harbors into the Western and Eastern [14]. Of modern
4.1 Historical Background
Alexandria, the oldest section is along the causeway
Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in which links what was once Pharos island with the
mainland and includes the districts of Gomrok that people-intensive public 191 people/acre.
includes Anfushi, and Ras el-Tin that are known to
4.4 The Land Use of the Gomrok District
westerners as the Turkish Quarter. The area forms
somewhat of a T-shape, dividing the Eastern Harbor Gomrok District is a mixed-use reaching a rate of
from the Western Harbor [16]. about 58% residential use and the proportion of
economic activities increases the proportion of
4.2 Climatic Conditions
services for up to about 17.4%. In addition, the
Due to the geographical location for the existing physical environment is considered a problem
Mediterranean Sea. The latter has apparently an due to its degradation and the marine pollution.
influential impact as it is related to the enjoyment of
4.5 Monuments and Ancient Sites in Gomrok District
the moderate climatic conditions of the study area
which is suitable for human life throughout the year. There are many monuments and ancient sites. Some
of them are highlighted in Fig. 8
4.3 Population of the Gomrok District
5. Bahary Study Area
The Gomrok District is considered the smallest area
of Alexandria with the highest density with an area of Bahary waterfront in Bahary, Kasr Ras El Tin,
622 acres and the current population is 123 thousand is classified as a main street in the street network of
388 Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt
Fig. 9 Pictures of the famous sites by order: Ras El Tin Palace; Alexandria Port; El Anfoushy Ptolemic Tombs; Commercial area
in the Turkish quartier; Abu El-Abbas Mosque; Anfoushy Fish Market; Fort of Qaitbay.
Alexandria. The Mediterranean Sea presents its delegations of the state. It also holds the function as a
waterfront to the north. The study area will focus on main gate to the Turkish quarter, which unfortunately
the coast which represents The Anfoushy Public began to gradually disappear due to the neglecting of
beach and the costal hinterland that represents Kasr this area’s building. Any waterfront development
Ras el Tin Street which leads to Ras El-Tin Palace, process goes through different phases. This study
which is allocated for the reception of official focuses on the pre-development phase.
Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 389
5.1. Analysis of Bahary Waterfront Kasr Ras El Tin Street and el Morsy Abo El Abbas
Mosque is permeable by Sidi Yakout Street. Walkable
Bahary has a waterfront scenic path, with
waterfront with activities are necessary to connect
prominent views of the Anfoushy Bay and Ras El Tin
various destinations in order to attract people to the
Palace. It is also with a historic background as it is the
waterfront and achieve a desirable waterfronts.
main entrance to the old Turkish Town of Alexandria,
5.1.2 Uses and Activities
which includes a unique urban pattern of houses and
The waterfront has a variety of land uses along its
streets. The analysis of study area is based on some
perimeter. To the north (waterfront), there are a lot of
principles collected during the theoretical part which
consecutive land uses; such as the Anfoushy Cultural
focuses on the principles of waterfront development.
Center, boat workshops, local club, children education
5.1.1 Access and Linkages
centre and a huge sand public beach that serves as an
The waterfront stretches 900 m along the sea and
with variable width, from 25m to 37m, joins the El attractive recreation area. The other street side has
Gish Road in the east to the very narrow streets of the mixed land uses with residential area. The residential
old city in the west, and it is the only main street area contains ground floor cafes and restaurants with
which serves the connection of its surrounding area some street seating. Retail consists of many simple
land uses to the rest of Alexandria. At the southern commercial shops and other service-related storefronts
street perimeter, there are more than 30 that add to the unique traditional style of the area and
T-intersections with small and poor local streets, to reach unique designs to the Bahary Waterfront only.
mostly with dead ends as well as some secondary The most effective way to create a livable city and
streets like Sidi El-Hagary Street, Safr Basha Street, make an attractive urban form is by increasing
and Sidi Yacout Street. Also, there is a promenade activities. There are a lot of activities such as social
along the sea but it does not encourage the public and sports club, cinema and services like hospital and
access and it was lined by palm trees to provide shade mosque. In addition, the waterfront thrives day and
and there is a safety railing and lighting units along night throughout the year by integrated seasonal
the walkway. The waterfront can be accessed by activities during different feasts that make users feel
different means of transportation: public bus, private welcome and safe.
car, horse cart, bicycles and boats. The city tram, of 5.1.3 Comfort and Image
which the network serves the old city, runs with other Bahary Waterfront has a different experience, due
traffic in the middle of its right-of-way. Hiring boats to its historical background and uses that create a
or horse cart are considered as tourist attraction. strong sense of place. The Anfoushy citizens are
Furthermore, the waterfront esplanade leads to various enjoying the waterfront at the sunset and at night-time
activities and attractions such as historical buildings, to meet each other. Fishing and boat industries are the
restaurant, the Anfoushy cultural center and the boats primary activities in this area. The sense of smell and
workshops that had run for decades. taste are characteristic to the study area and are shaped
The presence of variable activities and street level by the primary activities as the space can be
uses on the pedestrian paths are important to achieve understood through the sense and create a mental map.
walkability and vitality in the city These senses are used to clarify and survive the life of
In addition, multiple accesses to the waterfront the urban space to provide a unique and dynamic
provide a good accessibility to the different landmarks place to attract a range of people, they also should
in this areas: Palace Ras El Tin, The Anfoushy fish define people’s experience and keep people coming
market and the boat workshops are connected by the back. By analyzing the buildings conditions, there is no
390 Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt
Fig. 11 Map showing the site accessed by the different paths of the study area.
Fig. 13 The study area is divided into three zone to show the different land uses.
Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 391
Fig. 14 Pictures of some activities by order: Anfoushiya Fish restaurant; Farag Fish and El Sheikh Wafik restaurants; Boat
Workshops; El Anfoushy Cimena; Marine Sport Club; Child Club.
architectural style and character and buildings do not main path of the study area is the Kasr Ras El-Tin
respect the building regulation. Although landscape Street that connected Ras El-Tin Palace, The Anfoushy
element, amenities and furniture like seats, lighting Cultural Centre and the Ptolemaic tombs which present
units and sheds are used to provide comfort, social the landmark of the area. In addition, small districts are
interaction but they are not well designed and formed along the street such as El Sayala, El-Hagary,
organized. Also, there is a lack in parking areas. Armed Forces residential compound and Bahary areas.
In Kasr Ras El Tin Street, the Mediterranean Sea At The Anfoushy Fish Market, there is a node with a
shore at Anfoushy Bay forms a strong edge. Also, the number of visitors.
392 Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt
5.1.4 Sociability
6.2 Problems related to Uses and Activities
Fishing and boat industries which are the primary
activities, give a local identity and character to Bahary Although the district is considered as one of the
and offer a lot of job opportunities to the resident. important archeological site, but is not given enough
Also, the old fish market is one of the main heritages attention.
building in this area. In addition, there are a lot The recreational uses located along the waterfront
activities, such as restaurants and marine center, based are very poor and limited.
on the primary activities. The uses and activities are not homogenous
distributed along the waterfront.
6. Conclusions
There are a mismatching between the function and
After analyzing the study area of Bahary Waterfront, activities of the area.
several conclusions of the existing conduction have
6.3 Problems Related to Comfort and Image
been highlighted, and some problems can be reached.
Some of the buildings are in a bad condition and do
6.1 Problems related to Access and Linkages
not have architecture style and details.
Due to the variety of mean of transport in the study The parking areas are not enough and they are
area, the movement is not organized and overlapped. along to the waterfront.
The secondary streets are very narrow and in a bad The palm lined the promenade, impede the
condition pedestrian walk.
Public access is not comfort and safe due to the lack The street furnitures like the sheds and seats are not
of integration between the two sides of the waterfront. well arranged in the area, and there is a very long
Sustainable Waterfront Development—A Case Study of Bahary in Alexandria, Egypt 393
distance between the street furniture. residential zone, Zone B is recreational and residential
area and Zone C is a historical area as it is can approach
6.4 The Absence of the View of the Waterfront and the
to the Ras el Tin Palace;
Public Art
Arranging of productive and compatible activities
Although this area has a different sense and very with the renewed context to ensure the diversity in the
rich of opportunities but it is not well exploited. zone’s economy;
The water sheet and the shoreline should be
6.5 Problems Related to Sociability
reserved for water uses and public access;
The public goals are not achieved. The ground floors of buildings should to reserve
The management of the community vision does not for recreational uses and the facilities of public
take in consideration the public goal. accommodation;
Devising a master plan of land use that blends the
7. Recommendations
values of old and new structures and uses of Bahary.
According to the previous results and problems of (3) Comfort and image recommendations
the case study, the following recommendations are set The using of the landmarks of this area revived the
to improve the Bahary Waterfront: interest of the city’s heritage;
(1) Access and linkages recommendations Reinforcing the attributes of the central area
Providing public access to the shoreline that is which is closely linked to the heart of the city;
supported by corridors and that establishes convenient Creating well organized street furniture along the
connections to the other side of the waterfront and to waterfront such as seating, shelters with good and
adjoining streets that extends from the street grid of the comfortable material;
city; Providing parking areas away from the
The creation of public transit routes that provide waterfront.
easy transit to the waterfront from the city center; (4) Sociability recommendations
The creation of “nodes” along the waterfront and The public participation of the local population is
providing pedestrian linkages between public access important to achieve their needs and to make
nodes; their own environment with the purpose of keeping
Separating the movement of the pedestrian and alive the memory and preserving the identity of
vehicle by changing their paths and increasing different Bahary;
crossing points between the two side of the waterfront The need of coastal management to address to the
and bridges and tunnels; unplanned urban growth to ensure the harmonious
Adding a bicycle lane way and large promenade development of human activities while protecting the
with well organized street furniture’s; submerged remains of the ancient city.
Creating floating promenades and platforms to
define a new path and edge with the waterfront;
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