Article 3 - Applications and Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete

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Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications www.ijera.

ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131


Applications and Properties of Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Amit Rai1, Dr. Y.P Joshi 2
Scholar M.E (Transportation Engineering) Department of Civil Engineering SATI Govt. Engineering College,
Vidisha (M.P) 464001.
Professor Department of Civil Engineering SATI Govt. Engineering College, Vidisha (M.P.) 464001.

In conventional concrete, micro-cracks develop before structure is loaded because of drying shrinkage and other
causes of volume change. When the structure is loaded, the micro cracks open up and propagate because of
development of such micro-cracks, results in inelastic deformation in concrete. Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC)
is cementing concrete reinforced mixture with more or less randomly distributed small fibres. In the FRC, a
numbers of small fibres are dispersed and distributed randomly in the concrete at the time of mixing, and thus
improve concrete properties in all directions. The fibers help to transfer load to the internal micro cracks. FRC is
cement based composite material that has been developed in recent years. It has been successfully used in
construction with its excellent flexural-tensile strength, resistance to spitting, impact resistance and excellent
permeability and frost resistance. It is an effective way to increase toughness, shock resistance and resistance to
plastic shrinkage cracking of the mortar. These fibers have many benefits. Steel fibers can improve the structural
strength to reduce in the heavy steel reinforcement requirement. Freeze thaw resistance of the concrete is
improved. Durability of the concrete is improved to reduce in the crack widths. Polypropylene and Nylon fibers
are used to improve the impact resistance. Many developments have been made in the fiber reinforced concrete.
Key words: Fiber Reinforced Concrete; Steel Fiber; Glass Fiber; Natural Fiber; Aspect Ratio; Mechanicaland
Structural Properties.

I. INTRODUCTION aspect ratio[l/d] range from 30 to 150 for length

Concrete made from Portland cement, is dimensions of 0.1 to 7.62 cm typical fibre diameters
relatively strong in compression but weak in are 0.25 to 0.76 mm for steel and 0.02 to 0.5 mm for
tensionand tends to be brittle(Banthia N (2012).The plastic.
weakness in tension can be overcome by the use of The plain concrete fails suddenly when the
conventional steel bars reinforcement and to some deflection corresponding to the ultimate flexural
extent by the mixing of a sufficient volume of certain strength is exceeded, on the other hand fiber-
fibers. The use of fibers also recalibrates the behavior reinforced concrete continue to sustain considerable
of the fiber-matrix composite after it has cracked loads even at deflections considerably in excess of
through improving its toughness (Nataraja M.C., Dhang the fracture deflection of the plain concrete.


.This thesis is aims to provide information on the
properties and applications of the more commonly
available fibers and their uses to produce concrete 1.1 STEEL FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE-
with certain characteristics. A new kind of fibre teel fibre reinforce concrete is a composite material
reinforced concrete is developed which is made from which is made up from cement concrete mix and steel
cellulose fibers. fibres as a reinforcing. The steel fibres, which are
A fibre is a small discrete reinforcing uniformly distributed in the cementations mix .This
material produced from various materials like steel, mix, have various volume fractions, geometries,
plastic, glass, carbon and natural materials in various orientations and material properties. It has been
shapes and size(ACI Committee 440. 1996). shown in the research that fibres with low volume
A numerical parameter describing a fibre as fractions (<1%), in fibre reinforced concrete, have an
its aspect ratio, which is defined as the fibre length, insignificant effect on both the compressive and
divided by an equivalent fibre diameter [l/d].Typical tensile strength. 123 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

Figure -1 Steel Fiber

The types of steel fibers are defined by • Concrete mix and its age

 Type I: cold-drawn wire
ASTM A820:- Steel fiber content, volume fraction

 Type II; cut sheet
Fiber geometry, its aspect ratio (length to

 Type III: melt-extracted

diameter ratio) and bond characteristics volume
 Type IV: mill cut
 Type V: modified cold-drawn wire 1.2-GLASS FIBER REINFORCED CONCRETE
-Glass fibre–reinforced concrete is (GFRC) basically
Generally SFRC is very ductile and a concrete composition which is composed of
particularly well suited for structures which are material like cement, sand, water, and admixtures, in
required to exhibit:- which short length discrete glass fibers are dispersed.
• High fatigue strength resistance to impact, blast Inclusion of these fibres in these composite resultsin
and shock loads improved tensile strength andimpact strength of the
• Shrinkage control of concrete material.GFRC has been used for a period of 30 years
• Tensile strength, very high flexural, shear in several construction elements but at that time it
• Erosion and abrasion resistance to splitting was not so popular, mainly in non-structural ones,
• Temperature resistance, high thermal like facingpanels (about 80% of the GRC
• Earth quake resistance production), usedin piping for sanitation network
systems, decorativenon-recoverable formwork, and
The degree of improvement gained in any other products.
specific property exhibited by SFRC is dependent on
a number of factors that include:-

Figure - 2 Glass Fibers

At the beginning age of the GFRC improvement have been made, andpresently, the
development, one of the most considerable problems problem is practically solved with the new types of
was the durability of the glass fiber, which becomes alkali-resistant (AR resistance) glass fibers and with
more brittle with time, due to the alkalinity of the mortar additives that prevent the processes that lead
cement mortar. After some research, significant to the embrittlement of GFRC. 124 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

1.3-POLYMER FIBER REINFORCED polymer fiber composites onto the structure. This
CONCRETE:-Civil structures made of steel also helps to increase the toughnessand tensile
reinforced concrete normally suffer from corrosion of strength and improve thecracking and deformation
the steel by the salt, which results in the failure of characteristics of the resultant composite. But this
those structures. Constant maintenance and repairing method addsanother layer, which is prone to
is needed to enhance the life cycle of those civil degradation. These fiber polymer composites have
structures. been shown to suffer from degradation when exposed
There are many ways to minimize the failure to marine environment due to surface blistering. As a
of the concrete structures made of steel reinforce result, the adhesive bond strength is reduced, which
concrete. The custom approach is to adhesively bond results in the de-lamination of the composite.

Figure - 3 Polymer Fibers

A uniform distribution of fibers throughout * Airport Authority of India

the concrete improves the homogeneity of the * Military Engineering Services
concrete matrix. It also facilitates reduced water * Defence Airfields
absorption, greater impact resistance, enhanced * NF/Southern Railway
flexural strength and tensile strength of concrete. The * ISRO, Bangalore
use of polymer fibers with concrete has been
recognized by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
CONCRETE –The first use of fibers in reinforced
and Indian Road Congress and is included in the
following Standard documents:- concrete has been dated to 1870‟s. Since then,
researchers around the world have been interested in
IS: 456:2000 – Amendment No.7, 2007 improving the tensile properties of concrete by
IRC: 44-2008 – Cement Concrete Mix Designs for adding, iron and other wastes.
Pavements with fibers Local interest has been demonstrated
IRC: SP: 76:2008 – Guidelines for Ultra-Thin White through research work performed. In addition to
Topping with fibersVision: 2021 by Ministry of industrial fibers, natural organic and mineral fibers
Surface Transport, New Delhi have been also investigated in reinforced concrete.
Polymer Fibre Reinforced concrete has been Wood, sisal, jute, bamboo, coconut, asbestos
approved by National bodies like:- androckwool, are examples that have been used and
* Central Public Works Department (CPWD) investigated.

Figure - 4 Natural Fibers 125 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

Specification for Concrete Aggregates - in monofilament form in lengths from 0.75 to 2

Water and admixtures - The water to be used for
the mix should be clean and of good quality. Nylon- Like poly-ester fibres, nylon fibres come only
Admixtures such as accelerating agents may be used in monofilament form. What primarily distinguishes
in order to decrease the influence of the glucose them from polypropylene and polyester fibers is their
retardant. hydrophilic nature. Nylon fibre manufacturers also
report that their fibres have higher aspect ratios (ratio
Fibres - The length of fibers may vary from 1 to 2 in. of length to diameter) than those made of
(25 to 500 mm). Because natural fibers are naturally polypropylene. Therefore, they can be added in
available materials, they are not uniform in diameter smaller dosages to produce the same reinforcing
and length. Typical values of diameter for effects. Usually no more than 1 pound per cubic yard
unprocessed natural fibres vary from 0.004 to 0.03 in. is needed.
(0.10 to 0.75 mm).
Mixing - Fibres can be added with the coarse and
Methods of mixing- The two methods of mixing and fine aggregate at the batch plant or to the central or
placing are:- truck mixer at the jobsite. If adding the fibers with
other mix ingredients, no extra mixing time is
1.Wet mix needed. If adding the fibers to mixed concrete, agitate
2. Dry-compacted mix. the concrete an additional 3 to 7 to disperse the fibers
In the wet mix, a low volume fraction of fibres is
used. The water to be added to the mix has to take II. Mechanical Properties of FRC-
into account the high natural water content in the 2.1 COMPRESSION-
natural fibers The presence of fibers may alter the failure mode of
cylinders, but the fiber effect will be minor on the
1.5 SYNTHETIC FIBRE-Synthetic fibres are no improvement of compressive strength values (0 to 15
substitute for primary reinforcement in concrete %).
because they add little or no strength. But structural
reinforcement doesn‟t provide its benefits until STEEL FIBER-The presence of fibers may alter the
concrete hardens. That‟s why some contractors add failure mode of concrete, but the fibers effect will be
synthetic fiber to concrete as secondary. Unlike minor on the improvement of compressive strength
structural reinforcement, synthetic fibers values (0 to 15 percent).
providebenefits while concrete are still plastic. They The strain of SFRC corresponding to peak
also enhance some of the properties of hardened compressive strength increases as the volume fraction
concrete. of fibers increases. As aspect ratio increases, the
compressive strength of SFRC also increases
1.5.1 Synthetic fibres types- The number of marginally.
synthetic fibre has grown in recent years, the primary
types of synthetic fibres commercially available in As the load increases, the deflection also increases.
the India are polypropylene, polyester, and nylon. However the area under the load–deflection curve
Though the fibres within each type come in various also increases substantially depending on the type
lengths, thicknesses, and geometries, synthetic fibres and amount of fibers added.
provide similar benefits when used as secondary
concrete reinforcement. GLASS FIBER – Glass fibers mixed thoroughly
mixed in the composition and filled in the Steel
Polypropylene- The synthetic fibers available in the mould of size 150 x 150 x 150 mm is well tighten
United States, polypropylene is the most widely used and oiled thoroughly. They were allowed for curing
in ready mixed concrete .Polypropylene fibers are in a curing tank for 28 days and they were tested in
hydrophobic, so they don‟t absorb water and have 200-tonnes electro hydraulic closed loop machine.
no effect on concrete mixing water requirements. The test procedures were used as per IS: 516-
They come as monofilaments. 1979[16].

Polyester- Though not as widely used as POLYMER FIBER - Compressive strength is

polypropylene fibers, polyester fibers are offered by essentially matrix dependent.In-plane (“edgewise”)
several manufacturers. The fiber bundles come only compressive strength will be somewhat lower than
cross-plane strength due to the layers of glass fibers 126 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

affecting the continuity of the matrix. Cross-plane elastic moduli were determined from the slopes of the
compressive strength (“flatwise”) is not influenced stress strain curves.
by the presence of glass fibers and will be about the
same as the compressive strength measured on bulk SYNTHETIC FIBERS - Modulus of elasticity is a
matrix materials in cube or cylinder tests measure of a material‟s stiffness under tension: The
constant relating stress (force) and strain
NATURAL FIBERS- The cubes tests prepared with (deformation) within the elastic range of a material or
different fibers, different fibers volumetric ratios and an engineering term used to describe a material‟s
different reductions in coarse aggregate, showed ability to stretch without losing its ability to return to
large variations in the test results as compared to the its original physical properties. The higher the
control specimens with no fibers. The variation in the modulus of elasticity the stiffer the material.
results could be attributed to the relatively small size
of the cube which may result in erroneous data 2.3FLEXURAL STRENGTH –
compared with 15x30 cm standard cylinders. STEEL FIBERS - For flexural strength test beam
specimens of dimension 100x100x500 mm were cast.
SYNTHETIC FIBERS - The compressive strength The specimens were demoulded after 24 hours of
of concrete is one of the most important and useful casting and were transferred to curing tank wherein
properties of concrete. In most structural applications they were allowed to cure for 28 days. These flexural
concrete is used primarily to resist compressive strength specimens were tested fewer than two point
stress. The compression test was conducted on cube and four point loading as per I.S. 516-1959, over an
specimens cured for 7, 14 & 28 days. The test cubes effective span of 400 mm on Flexural testing
were removed from the moist storage 24 hours before machine. Load and corresponding deflections were
testing. The top and bottom bearing plates of the noted up to failure. In each category three beams
compression testing machine were wiped and cleaned were tested and their average value is reported.
before the placement of the specimen.
GLASS FIBERS - The Steel mould of size 500 x
2.2 MODULUS OF ELASTICITY – Modulus of 100 x 100 mm is well tighten and oiled thoroughly.
elasticity of FRC increases slightly with an increase They were allowed for curing in a curing tank for 28
in the fibers content. It was found that for each 1 days and they were tested in universal testing
percent increase in fiber content by volume there is machine. The test procedures were used as per IS
an increase of 3 percent in the modulus of elasticity. 516-1979.
STEEL - The main parameters that characterise the
compressive behaviour of concrete are the slope of NATURAL FIBERS – Flexure load involves the
the ascending branch (Young's modulus),the ability of the material to bend. Flexure loads are
compressive strength, and the strain at peak stress. really a combination of tensile, compression and
These parameters were determined from the shear loads. When load is applied the upper surface is
respective average curve for each composite. put into compression, the lower face is in tension, and
the central portion of the partition experiences shear.
GLASS FIBER - Flexural stress-strain curves are
used to determine values of modulus of elasticity for SYNTHETIC FIBERS - The current Standards for
design purposes. Values of flexural modulus of determining the post-cracking strength or residual
elasticity are normally in the 1.5 to 2.9 X 10 6 Psi strength of fiber reinforced concrete such as ASTM
range, and will vary in accordance with water-cement 1018, JSCE-SF 4, assume a linear elastic behaviour
ratio, sand content, cure, density, and degree of micro to calculate the post cracking strength. This implies
cracking. There is a lack of a continuous network of that the post cracking strength of fiber reinforced
micro cracks at low stress level versus well develop concrete can be easily calculated using the equivalent
network of micro cracks at or near flexural strength,
thus giving lower E-value than normally associated 2.4 FATIGUE STRENGTH -
with precast concrete panels. Fatigue is exhibited when a material fails under stress
applied by direct tension or compression, torsion,
NATURAL FIBER - The elastic modulus of bending or a combination of these actions.
composites was determined using tensile tests.
Tensile tests were performed according to ASTM D STEEL FIBERS – All fatigue tests carried out using
638 specification. Tensile tests were carried out using a closed loop Electrohydraulic Universal Testing
an MTS testing machine with load cell capacity of Machine. The third point loading configuration used
10kN at a cross-head speed of 5 mm/min. Tensile for determining the flexural fatigue strength test. The
fatigue tests were conducted at various stress level 127 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

“S”, which relates the maximum fatigue stress “fmax” 2.5 STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR OF FRC
to corresponding static flexural strength “fsf” (S SHEAR –
=fmax/fsf ). The stress level “S” ranged from 0.65 to Addition of fibers increases shear capacity
0.90. The fatigue test was carried out by applying of reinforced concrete beams up to 80 percent.
constant amplitude sinusoidal non-reversal loads at a Addition of randomly distributed fibers increases
constant frequency of 20 cycles per second (20Hz). shear-friction strength, the first crack strength, and
ultimate strength.
GLAS FIBERS - Glass fiber reinforced polymer
(GFRP) has a very important role to play as STEEL FIBERS- In steel fiberAn important factor
reinforcement in concrete structures which is exposed to take into account when evaluating the shear
to harsh environment conditions where traditional performance of fiber reinforced beams is the type of
steel reinforcement could corrode. It was found that fibers, the increase in shear strength attributed to the
the unique physical properties of GFRP that made it fibers depends not only on the amount of fibers,
suitable for applications where conventional steel usually expressed as the fiber vol.fractions Vf but
would be unsuitable. Compressive strength, flexural also the aspect ratio and the anchorage conditions of
strength and split tensile strength for these AR glass steel fibers.
fibers are more as compared to other glass fibers. GLASS FIBERS- Shear is transmitted from one
plane to another in various ways in reinforced
NATURAL FIBERS - The use of thenatural fibers concrete members. The behaviour, including the
in concrete mixes has beneficial effects with respect failure modes, depends on themethod of shear
to increasing the flexuralstrength and providing a transmission. The simplest method of shear transfer
ductile post-cracking behaviour of the fiber is by shearing stresses. This occurs in uncracked
reinforced concrete mix,especially for the industrial members or in the uncracked portions of structural
hemp samples. Similar to the compression tests, members.
specimensprepared with 0.75 or 1% hemp fibers and
20% reduction in coarse aggregate providedrelatively NATURAL FIBERS – This load is tries to slide
good results. As for samples prepared with 0.5% adjacent layers of fibres over each other. Under shear
palm with (10-20) % coarseaggregate reduction and loads the resin plays the major role, transferring the
with 1% banana fibers, the results were satisfactorily stresses across the composites. For the composite to
but to a lesser extent. perform well under shear loads the resin element
must not only exhibit good mechanical properties but
SYNTHETIC FIBER – Fatigue strength can be must also have high adhesion to the reinforcement
increased by inclusion of macro-fiber in concrete. fibre. The interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of a
Essentially, it is the ability of concrete to withstand composite is often used to indicate this property in a
under cyclic load without failure when exposed to a multi-layer composite.

load. Plain, un-reinforced concrete, when subjected to
a bending load, will withstand that load with very
little movement until the cyclic load exceeds its
fatigue strength.

1. STEEL FIBER - (Reference 15)

Superplasticizer – Superplasticizer Conforming IS 9103.
Fiber Dia. Length Aspect Density Qty. W/c Water Cement Fine aggr. Course
Type Ratio of Ratio aggre.
Straight 0.3 – 25-35 45,55 7900kg 10kg 0.50 180 kg OPC Passing 20 mm
, 0.7 mm 65,80 Per cu. Per Per m3 53 4.75mm
Hook mm m
end Max

Improvement in Concrete Properties by Steel Fibers –

Compressive strength - Improved strength

Tensile strength - Improved tensile
Flexural Strength - It‟s improved up to 3 times more as compared to conventional concrete.
Fatigue Strength -Increase in 1.5 times
Impact strength- Improved and better resistance to wear and tear 128 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

Permeability - Improved permeability by inclusion of fibers

Corrosion – It may affect, but in extreme condition

2. GLASS FIBERS -(Reference 15)

Fiber Dia. Length Aspect Qty. of W/c Water Cement Fine Course
Type Ratio fiber Ratio aggre. aggre.
CemFil 0.5 – 25-35 45,55,7 212 x 0.55 186 kg PPC Passing 20 mm
Anti- 0.6 mm 0 106 Per m3 Conf. 4.75mm
Crack mm IS: 4031

Improvement in Concrete Properties by Glass Fibers –

Compressive strength –Increased about 20 – 30%
Tensile strength–It is improved compared to conventional concrete
Flexural Strength–Increased about 25 – 30%
Split Strength –Increased up to 25 – 30%
Impact strength - Improved and better resistance to wear and tear
Permeability - Improved permeability by inclusion of fibers
Corrosion – Better resistance to atmospheric effect compared to normal concrete

4. POLYMER FIBER (Reference 17)

Fiber Dia. Length Sp. Aspect W/c Water Cement Fine Course
Type gravity Ratio Ratio aggre. aggre.
Poly 0.2- 12- 20 0.91 45,60,70, 0.50 180 kg OPC Passing 9 -19 mm
propylene 0.3 mm 100 Per m3 53 4.75mm
(Fibrillate mm

Improvement in Concrete Properties by Polymer Fibers –

Compressive strength –Increased about 16 %

Split strength –It is improved up to 23%
Flexural Strength – Increased about 30%
Abrasion resistance– Increased up to 20 – 50%
Toughness- Increases of 15%
Permeability - Improved,permeability decreases of 33% to45%by inclusion of fiber.

3. NATURAL FIBER (Reference 16)

Fiber Dia. Length Aspect Qty. of W/c Water Cement Fine Cours
Type Ratio Fiber Ratio aggr. e
Coir 0.6 30mm 50 10kg 0.68 272 PPC IS Passing 20 mm
mm. Per m3 litres 4031 4.75mm

Improvement in Concrete Properties by Natural Impact strength - Improved and better resistance to
Fibers – wear and tear
Permeability - Improved permeability by inclusion
Compressive strength –Increased about 10% of fibers
Tensile strength –It is improved compared up to Corrosion – Better resistance to atmospheric effect
1.78% compared to normal concrete
Flexural Strength – Increased about 25 – 30%
Split Strength – Increased up to 25 – 30% IV. SOME CONSIDERABLE FACTS
FOUND - 129 | P a g e
Amit Rai et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 5( Version 1), May 2014, pp.123-131

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