Persuasive Abortion Essay
Persuasive Abortion Essay
Persuasive Abortion Essay
Writing a persuasive essay on the topic of abortion can be a challenging task, as it involves delving
into a highly sensitive and controversial subject that elicits strong emotions and diverse opinions.
Crafting a compelling argument requires a deep understanding of the various perspectives
surrounding the issue, ranging from ethical and moral considerations to legal and social aspects.
One of the complexities lies in presenting a balanced view while advocating for a specific stance.
Striking the right balance between empathy and conviction is crucial to persuading the audience.
Researching credible sources, understanding the historical context, and exploring the cultural
dimensions of abortion are essential to developing a well-informed and nuanced essay.
Moreover, navigating the ethical nuances of the topic demands a careful examination of personal
beliefs and values. Addressing counterarguments respectfully and acknowledging the complexity of
the issue adds depth to the persuasive essay. Balancing emotions and logic is a delicate art, as
emotional appeals must be grounded in sound reasoning and evidence.
Additionally, the ever-evolving legal landscape surrounding abortion adds another layer of
complexity. Staying abreast of current laws and court decisions is vital to presenting an accurate and
up-to-date argument. Crafting a persuasive essay on abortion requires a commitment to intellectual
honesty and a willingness to engage with opposing viewpoints.
In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on the topic of abortion involves navigating a complex web
of ethical, legal, and emotional considerations. It demands meticulous research, empathetic
understanding, and the ability to construct a compelling argument that resonates with the audience.
Success in this endeavor requires a delicate balance between passion and reason, making it a
challenging but worthwhile task for any writer.
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Persuasive Abortion EssayPersuasive Abortion Essay
Dust Bowl Research Paper
The cause of the Dust Bowl was a mixture of natural drought and poor farming
practices. It started in 1931. The Dust Bowl was a disaster for many reasons. First,
many people lost their lives. Secondly, there was a drought so the crops were damaged
and the people had no water. Also, plagues of grasshoppers moved on the Plains and
ruined whatever was left of the crops. Plus, between the dust and ground a lot of
electricity was built up. Lastly, the Dust Bowllasted nearly a decade.
An estimated 2 million people became homeless because of the Dust Bowl and the
damage it did to their farms. During only one year of the Dust Bowl about 6,500
people were killed. There was more than 100 million acres of land affected. Some of the
Influences In Edgar Allen Poe s Work
Edgar Allen Poe and his poems have influenced many people and writers. People from all
ages can read Poe s work. Poe s work are used in schools from elementary, high school,
and colleges. Personally I have started reading Poe s work in seventh grade. The first
time I have read him I was confused and when the teacher explained his work, it all
clicked right into my head. Poems like The Raven and Annabel Lee are very dark and
gloomy and his personality is dark and he is gloomy. Poe has a mysterious appearance.
Poe has influenced many readers and he was very famous in his life.
Edgar Allen Poe is a very puzzling and peculiar human being. He was born January 19th,
1809 in Boston (Ljungquist). Poe s parents were Elizabeth Arnold ... Show more content
on ...
Around the same time, his first book was published (Ljungquist). In 1820, Poe entered
the US military at West Point (Mark 8). When Poe was at West Point, he wouldn t take
the necessary financial support, which led him getting expelled in order to find a job.
Soon after getting expelled, Poe left West Point for New York. Poe got his first job as
an editor for the Southern Literary Messenger in 1836. A year later Poe got married to
Virginia Clemm when she was thirteen and Poe was twenty seven. In 1839, Poe
worked as an editor at Burton s Gentleman s Magazine. He shortly left to try and start
his own magazine. Virginia ruptured a blood vessel and her health fell down in 1842
(Mark 9). When Poe released the The Raven , it got him extremely famous which led
to him getting good money. The year of 1847 was a very hard time for Poe because
Virginia died that year. On September 27th, Poe took a steamer to Baltimore on his
way to New York. Poe was apparently found senseless and drunk in a parking lot. He was
taken to a hospital where he died a few days later. Edgar Allen Poe died when he was
40 on October 7th (Mark 10). Poe was a very successful man. He earned his nickname
Father of the Detective Story . He acquired this name because of his talented and
amazing story telling (Edgar Allen Poe). This is the biography of the famous Edgar Allen
The Between Chile And Jamaica Essay
Kenya, Chile and Jamaica are three counties represent Africa, Latin America, and
Caribbean.Africa, Latin America, and Caribbean have a lot of similarity.They shared
history that dates back to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, these regions are also part of the
Global South and most countries of them are colonies of Europe.Therefore, their cultures
are mixtures of European and indigenous cultures and their regions and office languages
are very similar.Along with development of the times and progress of the society. they
have numerous of differences at economic,government, capital, educational and
scientific. For instance, populations of Kenya,Chile and Jamaica at 2016 were estimated
at 47 billion (Kenya),17 billion (Chile), and 2 billion (Jamaica). Nominal gross
domestic products of three countries were estimated at 63.40 billion (Kenya) ,240.22
billion (Chile) 14.75 billion dollars(Jamaica). The relationship between the three regions
had a lot of rooms for improvement. especially in terms of economic, politic, diplomatic,
educational, cultural and scientific exchanges and cooperation. Kenya is a rich country at
Africa, it divided into 47 counties and Nairobiis capital. Kenya s population is 30 million
and more and it has at least 40 different ethnic African groups, it include Kikuyu, Luhya,
Kalenjin tribes, Luo, Kamba, Somali, Kisii, Meru Embu, Mijikenda, Turkana and Maasai
( is largest group of Kenya, representing 22% of population. Kenya
had many
Essay On The Second Punic War
The Second Punic War
The Punic Wars were waged between Rome and Carthage, a city state founded on the
Gulf of Tunis by the Phoenicians in the 9th century BCE (United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 2015). The name Punic Wars comes from the fact
that Rome was ultimately the victor and therefore, the recorders of history. Punic is
derived from the Latin Punicus, for an inhabitant of Carthage (Merriam Webster, 2015).
Carthage was a powerful economic and territorial rival of Rome, with a strong presence
in the Western Mediterranean. The Second Punic War, (218 201 BCE), began when the
Carthaginians expanded into the Iberian Peninsula. Hannibal, the commander of the
Carthaginian forces in Spain, attacked Saguntum, ... Show more content on ...
(2006). Punic Wars: 3rd war, 149 146 BCE, (Image). Retrieved from
/e.o/atlas/h punic.3_war.htm
Morey, C., W. (1901). The second Punic war (B.C. 218 201). Outlines of Roman History.
Retrieved from
Moulton, C. (1998). Punic wars. Ancient Greece and Rome: An Encyclopedia for
Students, 13,166. New York, NY: Charles Scribner s Sons. Retrieved from http:/
/ v=2.1 u=lirn17237 it=r
p=GVRL sw=w asid=e2316dfbe9fd2b65dfabba8e361bda49
Punic. (2015). In Merriam Webster dictionary online. Retrieved from http://beta.merriam
Shelton, D., L., (Ed.). (2005). Carthage. Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against
Humanity. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference. Retrieved from http:/
/ inPS=true
prodId=GVRL userGroupName=lirn17237 tabID=T003 searchId=R1
resultListType=RESULT_LIST contentSegment= searchType=BasicSearchForm
currentPosition=3 contentSet=GALE%7CCX3434600061 docId=GALE|CX3434600061
docType=GALE United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization,
(UNESCO). (2015). Archaeological site of Carthage. Retrieved from
Intoredance And Intolerance In The Crucible By Arthur Miller
The definition of the word martyr as defined by Merriam Webster is a person who
voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a
religion. When many people think of a martyr their first instinct in their mind is not to
think of witchcraft and the town of Salem. The play written by Arthur Miller titled The
Crucible is based on real events that correlate with this definition. The Crucible depicts
the 1692 SalemWitch Trials that transformed the town of Salem into hysteria. The start
of the trials began way before Abigail Williams accused one of the townspeople of
witchcraft, but when many girls were caught dancing and singing in the woods. The
trials continued for less than a year but over 200 people were accused. With the breakout
of hysteria and intolerance the town everyone seemed to turn on eachother. Giles Corey
embodied the theme of the play The Crucible by being intolerant and going against the
others, eventually costing him his life.
To begin, the theme of The Crucible is intolerance. To understand this theme you have to
know what Intolerance is. Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviors that differ
from one s own is intolerance. The reason supporting why Giles Corey embodies
intolerance is because in the play, Giles was a dynamic character. This means that he
went through a change throughout the play both physically and emotionally. The change
that we see Giles go through is when he becomes intolerant and goes away from what
majority of the others within Salem are believing, witchcraft. The argument of the proof
that Giles showed his neighbor,Ann Putnam, about the accusation of witchcraft was
another example of how he portrayed the theme throughout the play. Another lasting
impact that Giles has on the theme of the play is that was intolerant to a large group of
Salem townspeople whose main motive for witch accusations was for the dispute over
land and wealth within the community. The accusation of Giles and his wife Martha is
directly because of that dispute. Not only did the intolerance of the many people within
the town caused Giles to change, but unfortunately cost him his wife s and his own life.
A secondary thought to tie in with Giles and
The Death Of Robespierre, Leader Of The Jacobins Essay
Marat was sitting in his bathtub, he received a visitor by the name of Charlotte
Corday, who had been refused admittance earlier in the day. She claimed to have vital
information on escaped Girondins and proceeded to list off the names of the missing
Girondins. After he had finished writing out the list, Corday claimed that he told her, It
will not be long before they are guillotined , a statement she later changed at her trial
to, I will shortly have them all guillotined in Paris . With that statement, Corday
retrieved a knife she had brought and plunged it into his chest. Marat cried out in agony
saying Aidez moi, ma chère amie! ( Help me, my dear friend! ) and died. After Marat s
death, Maximilien Robespierre, leader of The Jacobins, was appointed as the head of The
Committee of Public Safetyon July 27, 1793. Although Robespierre was a bourgeoisie,
he identified with the plight of the sans culottes and would become their voice as the
revolution progressed. It was because of this representation that he would become a
prominent figure at the most radical point in the revolution. He defended the principle
that the rights of man should extend to all men including the poor, and the slaves in the
colonies. Beginning in the spring of 1792 and forward, France was in an upheaval. The
country was involved in foreign wars, civil war and revolt. While revolutionaries were
planning a new government without the king, counter revolutionaries were plotting the
Examples Of Perseverance In The Miracle Worker
I [Annie Sullivan] know the education of this child [Helen Keller] will be the
distinguishing event of my life, if I have the brains and perseverance to accomplish it .
Annie Sullivan was at first looked down upon by her student, Helen Keller s family.
They would tell Sullivan that there was no hope in teaching Keller a blind and deaf child
to properly behave and communicate. Although Sullivan faced many obstacles while
attempting to teach Keller the meaning of language, she was able to triumph over Keller
s handicaps. The non fiction drama titled The Miracle Workerwritten by William Gibson
depicted the methods that Sullivan utilized to educate Helen on how to behave and
converse with others. The drama expressed that for one to succeed in... Show more
content on ...
Helen has been a spoiled child for her entire life especially because her parents often
give her whatever she long for to distract Helen from disturbing them. When Helen is
taking food from her family s plates during breakfast, Annie stops her and demands
that she is left alone with the child in order to teach her how to properly eat. Before
Annie is able to teach Helen how to sit down and have a proper meal, she makes Helen
sit in a chair so Annie can eat her breakfast without Helen groping for her plate.
However, Helen persists and keeps going for Annie s food instead of her own. To stop
this, Annie must force utensils into Helen s hands and have her eat from her own
plate, rather than one of her family s. Annie is eventually able to get Helen to eat her
own food. The drama shows, HELEN swallows involuntarily... ANNIE forced her
palm open , throws four swift letters into it, then another four, and bows toward her
with devastating pleasantness. Good Girl (Gibson 523). Since Helen had never been
taught how to properly sit down at a table and eat with manners, this task was
cumbersome for Annie. She was able to get Helen to swallow her food and fold a
napkin which Helen s mother, Kate, emphasised. When Helen s father, Captain Keller,
would talk about how Annie was making no progress and only ruining the child, she
would bring up that Annie had gotten Helen to fold her napkin for the first time. Despite
Helen persisting to get her way and the Keller family not approving of Annie s teaching
methods, Annie was able to teach Helen a lot more than what she knew before tutoring