HS - Unit 6 - Revision Paper - G12 - ADV - 2022-2023

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Unit 6

Assessment of
Nutritional Status

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Term 2 Health Sciences 2022-2023

1. ________ describes the state of a person’s health depending on his or her diet.
a) Malnutrition
b) Nutritional status
c) Deficiency
d) BMI

2. Someone who is described as malnourished may be ________ .

a) underweight
b) overweight
c) obese
d) All of the above

3. The term ________ is used when a person does not eat enough food or get enough
nutrients from the foods that they consume.
a) malnutrition
b) undernutrition
c) stunting
d) undereating

4. ________ is a type of undernutrition which describes when someone is a low weight

for their height.
a) Wasting
a) Stunting (‫)التقزم‬
b) Underweight
c) deficient

5. There are five main categories of nutritional assessment. The “C” category in the
ABCDE methods of assessing nutritional status is known as ___________.
a) Containment method
b) Clinical method
c) Counting Fat method
d) Circumference method

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6. ________ is when someone is not getting enough of certain vitamins or minerals.
b) Macronutrient deficiency
c) Nutritional status
d) Micronutrient deficiency
e) Nutritional assessment

7. One reason why doing a nutritional assessment is helpful is because:

a) It can cure disease
b) It can identify issues or diseases which may be present.
c) It does not help identify people who are malnourished
d) It increases your weight

8. ________ are different methods of measurements such as height and weight or waist
circumference which can be used to work out the physical status of a person.
a) Nutritional methods
b) Clinical methods
c) Biochemical methods
d) Anthropometric measurements

9. Which of the following will you need to figure out where someone fits on a growth
a) The person’s gender (male or female)
b) The person’s age (usually in years)
c) The person’s height (in centimetres)
d) All of the above

10. The red, yellow, and green lines on a growth chart are called ________ .
a) measurements
b) percentiles
c) growth lines
d) percentages

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11. ________ is a measurement of a person’s weight for their height which is used to
identify weight status.
a) Body fat percentage
b) Body mass index (BMI)
c) Height
d) Waist circumference

12. The most accurate way to measure body fat is by using a ________ .
a) Skinfold thickness
b) Waste circumference
c) DEXA scanner
d) Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)

13. When measuring fat, ________ are measured using a tool called callipers which grip
the fat through the skin and can be used at different parts of the body.
a) arms
b) waist circumference
c) skinfolds
d) hand size

14. ________ is a method of measuring body fat where a weak electrical current is sent
through the body and the machine can tell when the electrical current is travelling
through fat as opposed to muscle.
a) DEXA Scanner
b) Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)
c) Waist circumference
d) Body fat percentage

15. ________ are physical examination methods where medical professionals look for
physical clues of nutrition-related health problems on the body.
a) Environmental methods
b) Biochemical methods
c) Dietary methods
d) Clinical methods

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16. ________ is a disease that can cause the bones of children to become soft or not
develop properly usually due to a deficiency in vitamin D and calcium.
a) Rickets
b) Cardiovascular disease
c) Stroke
d) Cancer

17. The E in the ABCDE of assessment of nutritional status stands for ________ .
a) Entry Assessment
b) Environmental factors
c) Enclosed factors
d) Efficiency

18. ________ is an environmental factor in the assessment of nutritional status relating

to people’s background or social status and income.
a) Wellbeing status
b) Socioeconomic status
c) Health status
d) Environmental status

19. Anthropometric measurements may provide a quick indication of malnutrition such

as obesity, stunting and wasting.
a) True
b) False

20. When you are measuring your weight to check your BMI, you should:
a) Keep heavy items on you.
b) Make sure the weighing scale is reliable.
c) Move around on the scale.
d) Measure weight in stones.

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21. When you are measuring your height to check your BMI, two things you should do are:
a) Remove shoes as they can add extra height
b) Look straight ahead.
c) Stand looking up
d) Tip toe on the balls of your feet

22. If a person’s hair can be pulled out very easily, it could mean they are low in protein.
a) True
b) False

23. Tissues of the body that can show nutrient deficiencies in clinical methods of
nutritional assessment can include the three of following:
a) skin
b) elbows
c) eyes
d) height
e) nails

24. The BMI classification for ‘Underweight’ is

a) 30+
b) 18.5 - 24.9
c) Less than or equal 18.5
d) 25 - 29.9

25. The BMI classification for ‘Overweight’ is

a) 30+
b) 18.5 - 24.9
c) Less than or equal 18.5
d) 25 - 29.9

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26. Which of the following are needed to calculate BMI? Choose two answers.
a) Age
b) Gender
c) Weight
d) Height

27. You need 3 things to calculate your body fat percentage.

a) medicine
b) Total body weight (TBW) in kilograms (kg)
c) Tape measure
d) Body fat in kilograms (kg)
e) Age

28. The person has gone above the healthy body fat for their age and they should try to
reduce it. Which colour indicates this result of body fat percentage?
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Amber
d) Red

29. This category shows that the person has too little body fat for their age. Which colour
indicates this result of body fat percentage?
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Amber
d) Red

30. The laboratory specialist who interprets the results needs to know certain things
about the patient who is being tested. The information they need to know includes
a) current medications.
b) Total body weight (TBW) in kilograms (kg)
c) previous medical history
d) Body fat in kilograms (kg)
e) a clinical examination report

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31. ________ is an open-ended method of nutritional assessment where patients must
record food intake for three days: two weekdays and one weekend day. This diary be
completed as you go along, rather than a recall or memory
a) Twenty-four-hour dietary
b) Three-day food diary
c) Food frequency questionnaire
d) Anthropometric Measurement

32. Which method of nutritional assessment involves taking physical measurements of

the body?
a) Anthropometry
b) Dietary assessment
c) Clinical methods
d) Environmental factors

33. Which is not a type of undernutrition?

a) stunting
b) underweight
c) wasting
d) obese

34. Mansoor has a waist circumference of 97cm, how would this waist circumference be
a) Desirable
b) High risk
c) Very high risk
d) Underweight

35. DEXA scanners, skinfold thickness and bioelectrical impedance analysis are ways of
measuring ________ .
a) body fat
b) body mass index
c) waist circumference
d) weight

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36. What is Sara’s BMI if her weight is 62kg and her height is 1.6m?
a) 24.025
b) 43.06
c) 24.2
d) 38.75

37. What is Rashid’s body fat percentage if his body fat is 20kg and his total body weight
(TBW) is 85kg? Give your answer to the nearest whole number.
a) 24
b) 23
c) 42.5
d) 21.25

38. Which of the following tissues can show evidence of nutrient deficiencies?
a) Skin
b) Gums
c) Nails
d) All of the options are correct

39. Which of the following is an example of how socioeconomic status affects food
a) If someone has limited income, they may not be able to spend money on food
b) If there are natural disasters or war, the food supply may be limited
c) If a Muslim person moves to a non-Islamic country, they may find it hard to find
halal food options
d) A plant-based diet is low in nutrients such as protein and iron

40. It involves a set number of questions with multiple choice answers. The questions are
not open-ended, they ask how often a food is eaten over the course of a week, month
or several months. Which method of recording dietary intakes is being described?
a) Twenty-four-hour dietary recall
b) Three-day food diary
c) Food frequency questionnaire
d) Biochemical methods

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41. ________ are areas where people don't have easy access to affordable healthy food
options this is usually because there is no grocery store within convenient distance.
a) Deserts
b) Remote areas
c) Food deserts
d) Costal areas

42. Which of the following is a clinical method of assessing nutritional status?

a) Taking blood or urine samples
b) Checking the physical appearance of nails
c) Recording a three-day food diary
d) Calculating body fat percentage

43. In terms of undernutrition, what is the meaning of stunting?

a) When someone is a low weight for their height
b) When someone is a low height for their age
c) When someone is a low weight for their age
d) When someone is a low height for their weight

44. Which of the following BMI readings fall into the overweight category?
a) 17.5
b) 21.5
c) 26.5
d) 31.5

45. The height for 15-year-old males on the 50th percentile is 168cm. What does this
a) 3% of males are 168cm or taller
b) All males aged 15-years-old are shorter than 168cm
c) The average height for 15-year-old males is 168cm
d) 3% of males are 168cm or shorter

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46. What is an advantage of using food frequency questionnaires to assess nutritional
a) It relies on honest responses from the individual
b) Eating patterns of food are not always consistent
c) The information is quick and easy to collect
d) It gives an overview of eating patterns for one day

47. What is bioelectrical impedance analysis used for?

a) To measure a person’s height
b) To measure a person’s weight
c) To measure a person’s body fat
d) To measure a person’s waist circumference

48. Which of the following is an anthropometric method of assessing nutritional status?

a) Testing blood or urine samples
b) Recording a three-day food diary
c) Measuring waist circumference
d) Recording the food eaten in different cultures

49. What is a food frequency questionnaire?

a) A record of all food and drinks eaten over three-day period
b) A number of multiple-choice questions about portion size and how often a food is
c) Patients record what they ate within a twenty-four-hour period
d) Physical examinations that look for clues of nutrition-related problems in the body

50. Taking samples of blood and urine are a/an ________ method of assessing nutritional
a) biochemical
b) clinical
c) dietary
d) environmental

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51. Hamdan has a BMI score of 23, which category does he belong to?
a) Underweight
b) Healthy weight
c) Overweight
d) Obese

52. Which of the following is considered an anthropometric measurement?

a) Weight
b) Height
c) Waist circumference
d) All of the above

53. What is a food desert?

a) An area of the desert that you would find a grocery store
b) A sweet meal that you usually eat after dinner
c) The act of fasting for a twenty-four-hour period
d) Areas where the nearest grocery stores are very far away

54. Which of the following are physical signs of a nutrient deficiency?

a) Thin, indented fingernails
b) Soft bones that do not grow properly
c) Hair thinning/hair loss
d) All of the above

55. What measurements are needed to calculate someone’s BMI?

a) Age and height
b) Gender and age
c) Height and weight
d) Weight and gender

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56. What does the term ‘undernutrition’ describe?
a) A person that is overweight and is trying to lose weight
b) A person that does not get enough nutrients from the food they eat
c) A person that is ‘healthy’ weight but is deficient in vitamins
d) All of the above

57. What type of assessment requires recording all food eaten in a time period?
a) Twenty-Four-Hour Dietary Recall
b) Three-day Food Diary
c) Food Frequency Questionnaire
d) All of the above

58. Which of the following is a dietary method of assessing nutritional status?

a) Measuring body fat
b) Testing blood samples
c) Recording height
d) Recording food intake

59. What is true about growth charts?

a) Can identify some medical problems at an early age
b) Used to follow a child’s growth
c) Used to compare height and weight against people of the same age and gender
d) All of the above

60. What do percentiles on growth charts mean?

a) They show how many other people of the same age are taller.
b) They show how many other people of the same age are the same height.
c) They show how many other people of the same age shorter.
d) All of the above

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61. What is a healthy waist circumference for males?
a) Less than 80 cm
b) Less than 90 cm
c) Less than 94 cm
d) Around 94-102 cm

62. What is a healthy waist circumference for females?

a) Less than 80 cm
b) Less than 84 cm
c) Less than 90 cm
d) Around 80-88 cm

63. ________ of nutritional assessment can also be called laboratory measurements of

nutritional assessment and can involve testing samples of blood and urine.
a) Dietary methods
b) Anthropometric methods
c) Biochemical methods
d) Clinical methods

64. Which is a biochemical method of measuring nutritional status?

a) Test to find blood in stools
b) Urine test
c) Using DEXA scanner
d) All of the above

65. What is the most accurate way to find a micronutrient deficiency?

a) by using clinical method
b) by using anthropometric method
c) by using dietary method
d) by using biochemical method

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Scenario Shahad is 25 years old. She is 1.62 m tall and her weight is 72.8 kg. Her body
fat is 25.7 kg. Answer the questions 66-73.

66. What is the formula used to calculate BMI?

a) BMI = weight (kg) – height2 (m2)
b) BMI = weight (kg) ÷ height2 (m2 )
c) BMI = weight (kg) + height (m2 )
d) All of the above

67. Using the information provided, Shahad’s BMI is

a) 28
b) 27
c) 29
d) 23

68. The BMI category that Shahad belongs to is

a) Underweight
b) Normal weight
c) Overweight
d) Obese

69. How could Shahad improve her BMI score?

a) by speaking to a healthcare professional about gaining weight in a healthy way
b) by aiming to maintain this weight by eating a healthy, balanced diet.
c) by talking to a healthcare professional about losing weight in a healthy way.
d) by seeking professional help as they need to reduce their weight.

70. What is the formula used to calculate body fat percentage?

a) Body fat ÷ TBW x 100
b) Body fat x total body weight x 100
c) Body fat = weight (kg) ÷ height2 (m2)
d) Body fat ÷ height x 100

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71. Using the information provided, Shahad’s body fat percentage is
a) 34%
b) 3%
c) 35%
d) 27%

72. Which body fat range she belongs to?

a) Underweight
b) Healthy
c) Excess fat
d) High body fat

73. What is the meaning of Shahad’s body fat range?

a) She has so much body fat for her age
b) She has gone above the healthy body fat for her age
c) She has a healthy amount of body fat for her age
d) She has too little body fat for her age

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• G12 – Term 2 – Unit 5: Disease Prevention


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