Placer Comparing Regulations

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Acoustics requirements and regulations comparison between National Building Code of the

Philippines (NBCP) and Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB-Germany)

Arabela May D. Placer

Email: [email protected] / Tel. No.: +639563077668

Acoustics requirements and regulations between the National Building Code of the Philippines
(NBCP) and Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB-Germany)

Arabela May D. Placer

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology
Puerto Princesa City

Introduction focuses on sociocultural and functional aspects, including

health, comfort, user satisfaction, and
Acoustic is a term that refers to the properties of sound and functionality. Specifically, soc1.3 underscores the
how it is produced, transmitted, and received. When importance of acoustic comfort in fostering pleasant and
architects sketch out spots like concert halls or recording efficient indoor spaces.
studios, acoustics take center stage. It is about nailing the NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES
room dimensions, selecting suitable materials, and (PD 1096)
strategically placing sound-absorbing elements to elevate
the sound experience. However, the influence of acoustics In the regulations outlined in Section 75 to Section 78 of
extends beyond the creation of beautiful sounds; it also the National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096),
ventures into the realm of noise reduction, addressing the and in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the
need for acoustic solutions that harmonize with both National Pollution Control Commission (1978), the
auditory aesthetics and practical considerations in diverse following requirements and restrictions regarding noise
settings. In essence, acoustics, whether in the rhythmic control are established:
notes of music or the carefully calculated design of spaces, Sec. 75. General Requirements and Restrictions:
unveils itself as a multidimensional field weaving together
science, art, and functionality. (a) The utilization of the best available technology
Acoustics requirements between the National Building to reduce noise emissions is mandated.
Code of the Philippines (NBCP) and Deutsche Gesellschaft
Für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) is a complex task that (b) Noise level violations may occur during the
involves analyzing various criteria and indicators related to construction, modification, or operation of sound
sound quality, noise control, and acoustic comfort. The sources, and activities leading to noise emission
NBCP provides minimum standards for building design beyond established standards require clearance
and construction in the Philippines, while the DGNB is a from the commission. Undertaking such activities
voluntary certification system for sustainable buildings in without clearance will result in accountability
Germany. The acronym "DGNB" stands for "Deutsche under the rules and regulations.
Gesellschaft Für Nachhaltiges Bauen," which translates to
"German Sustainable Building Council" in English. The (c) Malfunction reporting is mandatory in case of
initial letters differ due to the translation from German to equipment breakdown or failure resulting in noise
English. The word order and grammar are different in level violations. Individuals responsible must
German, so the acronym does not directly correspond to promptly inform the commission, providing
the English translation. It is a common occurrence in relevant details and confirmation of equipment or
acronyms that span multiple languages. Both codes aim to facility resumption.
ensure that buildings meet the needs and expectations of Sec. 76. Prohibited Acts:
their occupants and users and contribute to environmental
(a) The use of sound reproduction devices, or influencing
protection and social responsibility. However, the two
their operation, is forbidden for various purposes:
codes have significant differences in the scope,
methodology, and evaluation of acoustic requirements.
(1) Drawing attention to commercial activities,
When applying them to a specific project or context,
such as performances, shows, sales, displays, or
careful consideration and adaptation.
merchandise related to businesses, including those
Discussion: selling electronic devices, is prohibited. This
includes public spaces like streets, parks, or places
The Section 906 of the National Building Code of the adjacent to business buildings, as well as vehicles.
Philippines (PD 1096) mandates that industrial facilities Incidental sounds with a permit are an exception.
incorporate effective noise reduction mechanisms for
equipment and machinery. This ensures compliance with (2) Generating noise from a sound reproduction
acceptable noise levels set by regulatory bodies like device on public transportation, such as a railroad
the Department of Labor and the National Pollution or ferry, audible to others, is not allowed.
Control Commission. The goal is to mitigate noise (3) Unnecessary noise creation is prohibited,
pollution, creating comfortable and conducive indoor except when related to essential vehicle signals or
environments for occupants and the surrounding steam whistle use for work or imminent danger.
community. Architects, engineers, building owners, and
contractors all prioritize occupant well-being, with (b) Owners must prevent pets, including birds, from
adherence to acoustic standards playing a pivotal role in causing unnecessary noise.
achieving this objective.
(c) Excessive noise from construction, commercial, and
On another note, within the DGNB system, the soc1.3 industrial activities is prohibited, except when vital for
criterion evaluates the holistic quality of buildings. It
emergencies, public safety, national interests, preventing ii-Areas directly fronting or facing a four-lane or wider
danger, or similar incidents. road--+ 10 dBA
(d) Handling containers and construction materials (c) Noise standards for sound reproduction devices.
generating unnecessary noise in public places is restricted. (1) The noise level emitted from sound
reproduction devices installed in a building or
(e) Regulating exhaust noise is mandated, prohibiting the establishment within or adjacent to a public place,
release of engine exhaust creating noise exceeding 90 dB such as a public road, street, thoroughfare, park,
during acceleration at a distance of 10 meters. plaza, or area frequented by people or pedestrians,
(f) Noise emission near schools, hospitals, and courts is should not exceed 75 dBA measured at one meter
restricted, prohibiting unnecessary noise production on directly in front of the speaker. Alternatively, it
streets adjacent to these institutions. should align with the ambient standard when
measured at the property line or doorway of the
Sec. 77. The designation of noise-sensitive zones involves building or establishment where the point source
a collaborative process with relevant government agencies. is located, selecting the appropriate criterion as
The commission may identify specific geographical areas deemed suitable.
in the country where individuals are prohibited from
creating noise. (2) These restrictions do not cover incidental
sounds exceeding 75 dBA originating from a
Sec. 78. The commission aims to establish ambient noise sporting event, entertainment function, or public
quality and emission standards through the systematic gathering for which a permit has been duly issued.
classification of general areas in cities, regions, or urban
centers. This classification helps develop a comprehensive (d) The noise standards for construction activities are
understanding of diverse acoustic landscapes based on the outlined as follows:
following criteria: (1) The maximum permissible noise level from
(a) The commission, with the objective of formulating certain construction activities, categorized in
ambient noise quality standards, engages in the systematic paragraph (2) below, when measured at a distance
classification of general areas within any city, region, or of 30 meters from the noise source, is specified as
urban center. This categorization process is integral for follows:
developing a comprehensive understanding of the diverse Class 1 ---------90 dba
acoustic landscapes present in these locations. The Class 2 ---------85 dba
commission classifies these areas according to the Class 3-4-------75 dba
following criteria: (2) The above standards apply to the following
construction activities:
Class AA---Sections or contiguous areas requiring Class 1 pertains to activities involving pile drivers
quietness, including those within 100 meters of school (excluding manual type), pile extractors, riveting hammers,
sites, nursery schools, hospitals, and unique homes for the or a combination of these tools. It's important to note that
aged. this classification excludes work that combines pile drivers
with earth augers.
Class A---Sections or contiguous areas primarily used for
Class 2 involves work related to rock construction (3) and
residential purposes.
does not include percussion drills or similar equipment. No
person should participate in or authorize the use of
Class B---Sections or contiguous areas zoned or used as
jackhammers or pavement breakers in this type of
heavy industrial areas.
Class C---Sections or areas used as light industrial areas.
Class 3 pertains to tasks involving air conditioning
Class D---Sections primarily zoned or used as light activities in classes AA, A, and B compressors. However,
industrial areas. this classification specifically excludes compressors that
power rock drills, jackhammers, and pavement breakers.
(b) The commission establishes maximum allowable noise
levels in general areas, as specified in Table I. Class 4 Operations related to batching plants (with a mixer
Table I. capacity of 0.5 or more cubic meters) and/or asphalt plants
Environmental quality standards for noise in general areas (with a mixer capacity of 200 kg or more). Excludes
Category of Morning Nighttime batching plants for making mortar. Work restrictions for
area and evening Class 1-2 apply from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am, and for Class 3-
Aa 50 dB 45 dB 40 db 4, from 9:00 pm to 7:00 am, as specified in paragraph "9"
A 55 dB 50 dB 45 db above. Exceptions include emergencies, disasters,
B 65 dB 60 dB 55 db calamities, or valid permits issued by the proper authority.
D 75 dB 70 dB 65 db BAUEN (DGNB-GERMANY):
General areas The establishment of favorable acoustic conditions in
In situations where regions are directly impacted by a rooms is essential, considering their size and intended use.
public transportation route or an urban traffic artery, the Different room types have specific acoustic requirements
prescribed standards will be enforced, with an additional to ensure comfort and functionality. The DGNB criterion
correction factor applied as outlined below: plays a crucial role in achieving commendable room
i-Areas directly fronting or facing a four-lane road-- +5 acoustic conditions tailored to each room's purpose. The
dBA assessment of acoustic comfort is carried out through
various indicators, taking into account distinct room types
and utilizing the specifications of DIN 18041:2016-03,
titled "Acoustic quality in rooms," or local standards. well-being. The NBCP emphasizes regulatory control, with
Additional points can be earned for the criterion documentation and verification procedures in case of
assessment through detailed acoustic simulations. malfunctions or violations.
The specified rooms for analysis in the indicators are In contrast, the DGNB acoustic regulations take a more
classified according to DIN 18041:2016-03 into Rooms in holistic and international approach. Developed by a
groups A and B, individual offices, and multi-person German organization with a global perspective on
offices categorized by room acoustics classes A, B, and C. sustainable building, the DGNB criterion evaluates the
The relevance of these indicators is crucial for assessing overall quality of buildings, including sociocultural and
and addressing the unique acoustic needs of each room functional aspects such as acoustic comfort. Unlike the
type. NBCP's emphasis on industrial noise, the DGNB considers
various room types, providing specific indicators for
Indicator 1: Acoustic Strategy during Planning compliance with standards like din 18041:2016-03. The
DGNB integrates a comprehensive set of indicators,
Indicator 1.1: The creation and ongoing refinement of a including formulating acoustic concepts, compliance with
room acoustics concept during the planning process, room acoustics classes, and detailed acoustic simulations.
considering the diverse acoustic needs of room groups A
and B (as per DIN 18041:2016-03). Conclusion
Indicator 2: Assessment and documentation of sound
protection and acoustic design adherence for room In conclusion, the study underscores the critical role of
acoustics classes A, B, or C in office settings. Evaluation regulatory frameworks in shaping acoustic environments
includes noise reduction through sound absorption, with within buildings. The National Building Code of the
measurement options before or after project completion. Philippines (NBCP) focuses on mandatory noise control
measures in industrial settings, emphasizing compliance
Indicator 3: Focus on larger multi-person offices, with defined standards. On the other hand, the Deutsche
considering room acoustics classes A, B, and C. Gesellschaft Für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB) system
Assessment includes reverberation time, A-weighted sound adopts a voluntary, comprehensive approach to assessing
pressure level of speech, and decay rate of speech, acoustic comfort in various building types. Both
preferably documented through room acoustics frameworks highlight the importance of considering
simulations. Measurement options are available for both occupant well-being and fostering environments that align
completed and ongoing projects. with established standards. Architects, designers, and
Indicator 4: RAdherence to room acoustics building professionals play pivotal roles in implementing
recommendations for specific room groups (A1–A5) these regulations, ultimately creating indoor spaces
outlined in DIN 18041:2016-03. Evaluation involves prioritizing health, comfort, and overall functionality.
calculations or measurements of reverberation time with
furnishings and 80% occupancy, ensuring compliance with
DIN standards.
Dgnb system – new buildings criteria set. (2020b). Soc1.3 /
acoustic comfort. Germany. pdf
Indicator 5: Assessment of reverberation time with
furnishings and 50% occupancy, following DIN 18041 Npcc memorandum circular no. 0022 series of 1980.
standards. Compliance with recommendations for the a/v (1980, october 6). The national building code (p.d. 1096).
ratio within the frequency range of 250–2000 Hz is crucial. Manila. pdf
Measurement options are available for both completed and
ongoing projects.
Indicator 6: Points awarded for meeting quality standards
in Indicators 2–5, promoting stress reduction, health, and
well-being through elevated acoustic quality and comfort.

2.1 Individual and Multi-Person Offices (Up to 40 m²) –

Adherence to reverberation time requirements.
3.1 Multi-Person Offices (Exceeding 40 m²) – Adherence
to reverberation time requirements.
4.1 Rooms in Groups A1–A5 – Meeting the criteria for
designated reverberation time (t target).
5.1 Rooms in Building Use Types b3–b5 – Meeting
minimum standards for the a/v ratio within the frequency
range of 250–2000 Hz.
The National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
and the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Nachhaltiges Bauen
(DGNB) acoustic regulations represent distinct approaches
to addressing noise concerns in the built environment. The
NBCP, specific to the Philippines, centers its regulations
on noise pollution control in industrial settings. It sets
ambient noise levels and emission standards, prohibiting
various acts contributing to noise pollution. The focus is on
specific areas and activities, ensuring compliance with
predetermined standards to safeguard public health and

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