Reserch Proposal 2

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Investigating Impact of Training and Development of Employee’s Performance:

Case Study of Commercial Banks

Student's Name

Department, Institutional Affiliation

Course Code: Course Title

Professor's Name



Table of Contents

1.0 Acknowledgement..................................................................................................................................................4

1.1 Abbreviations.........................................................................................................................................................4

1.2 Background of study...............................................................................................................................................4

1.3 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................4

1.4 Research Title.........................................................................................................................................................6

1.5 Research Problem...................................................................................................................................................6

1.6 Research Question/s...............................................................................................................................................6

1.7 Research aim..........................................................................................................................................................7

1.8 Research objectives................................................................................................................................................7

1.09 Rationale for project justification/ Significance of the study................................................................................7

1.10 Scope of the study.................................................................................................................................................8

1.11 Limitations of the study........................................................................................................................................8

Training and development.............................................................................................................................................8

Functions of Various Gatherings in Training and development...................................................................................9

Advantages of Training and development..................................................................................................................10

3 Methodology.........................................................................................................................................................10

3.1 : Research Design.................................................................................................................................................10

3.2 : Data Collection Instruments...............................................................................................................................11

3.3 : Data Type...........................................................................................................................................................11

3.4 : Data collection Procedure 3.4.1: Data Collection Methods...............................................................................11

3.4.2 : Sampling...................................................................................................................................................12 : Population.............................................................................................................................................12 : Sample...................................................................................................................................................12

3 : Sampling procedures.............................................................................................................................12

3.5 : Variables.............................................................................................................................................................13

3.7 Suitability, Validity & Reliability Validity..........................................................................................................13


3.8 Research ethics (Code of ethics)..........................................................................................................................14

3.10 Direction for Further Research........................................................................................................................14

4.0 Action plan...........................................................................................................................................................15

4.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................17

4.2 Reference List.......................................................................................................................................................18


1.0 Acknowledgement

I would like to thank the Almighty God for the gift of life and good health as well as His

guidance in writing this research proposal. I would like to thank everyone who assisted me in

this study, my supervisors, family members and my fellow students. May you be blessed


1.1 Abbreviations

HRTD – human resource training and development

1.2 Background of study

Human capital plays a significant role in the economic success of the United Kingdom,

Japan, China, and the United States of America (Sahinidis & Bouris, 2008). This economic

prosperity can be achieved by commercial banks if they have the resources and adequate

financial assistance, provided that the training and growth of human resources are paid

attention to. The government is now taking the necessary steps to ensure that citizens are

educated and equipped with the necessary information and skills. Education reforms,

vocational and tertiary universities, institutes and colleges for vocational training, secondary

and technical schools are all examples of this trend.

The quality of an organization's human capital is critical to its long-term success. All

associations should work to improve the quality of their workforce in this way. This can be

done by preparing ahead of time. Aside from its immediate impact on employee presentation,

preparation is critical (Powell, 2002). Workers' performance improves, which in turn

improves the company's presentation.

1.3 Introduction

A growing number of businesses are embracing Human Resource Management (HRM) as a

management strategy. Investing in HR management training is an excellent way to reduce


employee turnover and boost productivity. NVAIs (non-value-added activities) must be

eliminated and linked to investments and staff development efforts that have a direct impact

on organizational performance (Machin & Wilkinson, 1995). An important part of reducing

the company's staff turnover is allocating significant resources for training and development

activities. As a result of the challenges and the desired efficiency impacts of businesses, it is

wise to implement employee training and development (Gnawali, 2021). The success of an

organization is directly linked to the quality of its workforce training and management.

Investments in skills development, better alignment with strategic issues and more effective

alignment with production needs and customer requirements are all facilitated by this


Previous studies have shown that the linkages being studied are more complicated than first

thought. Researchers were surprised to find that training had little effect on organizational

performance, and in some cases had the opposite effect (Suhardis et al., 2021). On the

other side, it has been found that employee turnover has a large moderating influence. Only

in a setting where turnover is low can there be a negative correlation between the level of

intensity of training and development and financial profitability (Guest, 2017). In addition,

training and development have a positive correlation when turnover is large, whereas they

have a negative correlation when turnover is low.

The purpose of this study is to determine how it affects employee performance. In the

investigation, commercial banks are the focus. The use of polls can help employees, human

resources, and the account director understand how polls affect the presentation of employees

in the case of preparing for them. The focus of this investigation is on the human asset of the

executives, specifically on one of its capabilities, training and advancement, which focuses

on overseeing employee satisfaction in order to achieve the organization's goals.

Investigation of Training and Development's Impact on Employee Performance and


Productivity in Business Banks is the working title of this investigation. This is an

association-based investigation, and information will be gathered from the staff of a local

commercial bank.

1.4 Research Title

Employer training and development: a case study of a commercial bank in our
country's economy.

1.5 Research Problem

In the long run, training improves employee performance and profitability in organizations by

enhancing their abilities, information, traits, and capabilities. Training and development of

employees is a major focus for many organizations in the country. Moreover, many

organizations have departments, groups, and segments dedicated to this purpose. Among the

organizations that are always brainstorming is the well-known commercial banks (Welikala

& Dayarathna, 2017). A commercial bank's human asset demands for its corporate goals

should be examined in light of development and extension destinations' human asset

requirements, disregarding current problems of skilled personnel access for the financial

company. This investigation is aimed at assessing the impact of training on human skill and

how this affects employee performance.

1.6 Research Question/s

It is hoped that this investigation will provide answers to the following questions about the

relationship between training and development, performance, and profitability at a

commercial bank:

1. How do the employees of a commercial bank perceive the company's

overall training and development program? What do you think of all of
the exercises in the program? Are there any specific areas where the
program is lacking?


2. Training and development programs are generally regarded as adequate

by commercial bank employees. How does this impact the board
division's human resources?
3. How do Commercial bank employees view their overall development
and growth? Is it accurate to say that they are acquiring the necessary
skills, knowledge, and abilities to continue in their current position?
4. How important is training and development in determining the
performance and efficiency of commercial bank employees? In what
ways does training and development help employees to better their
public image?
1.7 Research aim

The primary goal of this study was to examine the impact of training and education on

employee productivity and efficiency at a commercial bank.

1.8 Research objectives

Instead of responding to the following questions, the analysis would answer
the following clear destinations:
1. Respecting and acknowledging member feedback regarding excessive
training/improvement in the organization

2. Recognize the views of members on how important it is for them to

plan and improve;
3. Recognizing that the planned and developed standards of expertise of
members have been improved;
4. Examining the relationship between individual performance and
productivity as it relates to both planning and enhancement
5. It is the responsibility of the executive division to increase the
company's human resource base. and
6. To increase planning and development by drafting laws and responding to them

1.09 Rationale for project justification/ Significance of the study

The goal of this study is to increase board members' awareness of the various human

resources issues at Commercial Bank, in order to boost the company's overall effectiveness.


The executive's actions can be more effective if he or she understands the issues and how

they affect the organization's leadership. In this investigation, HR issues such as training and

development, employee performance, and representative efficiency will be addressed.

Following the findings of this investigation, the human asset office of a commercial bank will

be provided with rules and proposals for improving its cycles so that a quality workforce can

be maintained in the future (Armstrong & Landers, 2018). If the organization and its

employees are well-trained in the specific methodologies that will yield the most

productivity, the board of directors will be a proactive human asset. The study is also

important because it can identify the factors that influence the likelihood of success through a

successful manager-representative relationship that is supported by the human capital


1.10 Scope of the study

1.11 Limitations of the study

This report will only focus on the Bank's various training programs and how they are

implemented throughout the year due to time and resource constraints. Only the HRTD of

commercial bank employees, including managers, will be studied by the researcher. The

focus of the study is on the Bank's human resources management, particularly training and

development. In order for the report to be complete, only the information that respondents are

able to provide is included. There are some questions that can only be answered if the

respondents are willing to do so. Due to its secrecy, knowledge may still be discovered. 2.0

2.0 Preliminary Literature review

Training and development

In essence, training and development are responsible for the acquisition of knowledge and

skills. The truth is that training and development is one of the goals of human asset

executives because it can improve performance at the individual, team, and organizational


levels. If you're looking to expand your ability to move forward, associations are becoming

more specific with hierarchical learning and the aggregation of the events that lead there. For

this reason, authoritative learning can be defined as a method that uses both internal and

external data of a generally unambiguous nature as input into its analysis and decision-

making. Easterby-Smith et al. (1999) claim that hierarchical learning is based on the idea that

prior learning supports were viewed as important for their business value and lacked

observational data on learning outcomes.

Authoritative realizing, which is one of the few responses, manages the acquisition of

knowledge and skills, as well as processes and procedures. An authoritative asset can be

created by the individuals who secure, induce, and use these scholarly intangibles to achieve

the association's overall training and development In order to improve the performance of

current and future positions, training and development are organized learning experiences.

The focus of training is on preparing employees for their current roles, whereas the focus of

improvement is on preparing them for possible future roles. The primary goal of training and

development is to enhance the overall mission of the organization.

Functions of Various Groups in Training and development

Employees fill in for the purpose of preparing and improving themselves. To gain from the

representative's perspective, the primary goal is to acquire the skills and information

necessary to carry out the job and to advance one's career. Training and development

contribute to the professional and personal growth of employees by encouraging them to

pursue new career paths. Learning can be defined as the acquisition of information, skills,

abilities, mentalities, and thoughts, as well as a change in one's behavior as a result of the

process of understanding.

The rules that govern the best ways for people to learn are known as standards of learning.

Preparation will be more effective if training standards are more consistently recalled (Sims,


1990). The inspiration rule is the most important one. A person must have a desire to learn

in order to be able to learn. Motivating oneself to train, maintaining focus on the training

exercises, and strengthening the findings are all aspects of preparation that are influenced by


Learning at the collegial level focuses on enhancing proficiency and viability, as well as

promoting organizational change. Additionally, the organization's adaptability ethos enables

it to adapt to changing economic conditions and then boost employee performance. Learning

for the purpose of avoiding or preventing skill deficiencies, encouraging workforce planning

techniques, and furthermore the advancement of the executives and their interest and

maintenance are the main reasons for learning at the executive level. Motivating factors for

the training and development are as follows:

1) Preparation must be focused in order to address the shortcomings of the

staff's presentation. In order to eliminate current and future vocation
insufficiencies, the training programs are based.
2) To stay on top of advancements and changes in both the external and
internal environment, employees' abilities must be refreshed.
3) Preparation is essential for a newly advanced worker to refresh their
knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Advantages of Training and development

As a result, training and development is beneficial to both the organization and its employees.

Training and development have the potential to improve profitability or inspire more

inspirational perspectives on benefit direction, improves activity information and aptitudes at

all levels of the organization, increases the confidence of the workforce, and enables the

representatives to relate to hierarchical objectives more effectively. While individual

employees benefit from a wide range of training and development programs, training and

development can also benefit the entire organization by helping employees make better


decisions and improve their critical thinking abilities. Training and development also help

employees handle stress, strain, disappointment, and struggle, and it can also help employees

push themselves toward individual goals while improving their cooperation abilities.

3 Methodology

3.1 : Research Design

The quantitative and qualitative research plans will be used in this study. Due to the need for

data, the study research procedures will be used. The non-test research plans will also include

field overviews as part of their implementation strategy. Through this plan cycle, the

importance of training and development for commercial bank employees will be established.

3.2 : Data Collection Instruments

Remembering the importance of selecting appropriate data collection and analysis

methods, a variety of systems were used to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

3.3 : Data Type

One of the most convincing forms of quantitative research involves large-scale agent testing

and well-organized data collection methods. When it comes to estimations, the quantitative

plan is concerned with things like determining the magnitude of marvels, as well as

examining information based on the facts.

According to the term "subjective research," this refers to the collection of information in

various forms (e.g., word, picture, sound). It is possible to use mathematical information, but

advanced measurable strategies are rarely used to break down subjective information. During

the subjective cycle, a scientist aims to observe and examine the characteristics of a specific

problem. Focusing on the fact that "the two kinds of examination are legitimate and valuable"

allows for the advantages of both approaches. In addition, they say that a single examination

can use both techniques.


3.3 Data collection Procedure

3.4.1: Data Collection Methods

. These are the methods that will be used in the investigation:

• Structured and semi-organized meetings

• Focus bunch interviews

• Observation face to face

• polls and questionnaires

The specialist will collect data using a subjective approach. The information

gathering process will begin by filling in closed and open-ended questions, as

well as finding answers to key questions relevant to the investigation.

3.4.2 : Sampling : Population

The department of Human Capital commercial bank will be involved in the

research. Because of this, the analysis would rely on a deliberate sampling

system and focus in great detail on selected samples. The HR department's

analysis of employees is the focus of the thesis. : Sample

A demographic is a subset of a target population that is included in a survey

(Sekaran & Bougie, 2012). Regardless of the size of the sample, a subgroup of

the intended population would be chosen to reduce the study's financial


13 : Sampling procedures

The researcher intends to conduct a survey of about ten bank employees. The

study participants seem to like this number, so each has a fair chance of being

selected. The results of the survey will be distinct and analytical, eliminating

bias and facilitating reliability, so any information the researcher receives will

be critical.

3.4 : Variables

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

• Training and development • Employee performance

As an objective or characteristic, a variable has two kinds: independent and


3.7 Suitability, Validity

& Reliability Validity

Validity requires that the instruments used for testing are tested to ensure that they

are able to accurately measure their intended purpose.

• To compensate for questionable validity, a few data administrations or

techniques can be employed.

• For this purpose, questions will be included in the surveys to ensure

that the research addresses are sufficient.

• If the estimation consistently yields the same results when tested

repeatedly, the data is considered reliable.

• Verifying the trustworthiness and legitimacy of data through cross-




Specified questionnaires will be designed for this study and presented to the

supervisors for clarification and inspection. The validity and reliability of the

surveys would be evaluated.

On two separate occasions, the inter-retest reliability of the same test will be

evaluated. Once upon a time, it was common practice to conduct a survey of a

measure's repeatability. The better the relationship, the shorter the delay; the

worse the connection, the longer the delay (Zikmund et al., 2013).

3.8 Research ethics (Code of ethics)

So, in order to meet the standards, set forth by experts, institutions, and the

government for conducting research with human participants, morals are followed.

• Discuss the topic of intellectual property rights!

• Make sure you are aware of all the different things you're supposed to be doing.

• Informed consent rules should be adhered to.

• Respect for Privacy

• Ethics reserves can be tapped.

• Discuss the restrictions on secrecy.

• Make sure you're familiar with all applicable laws

• Realistic defense measures should be taken.

• Get a handle on the Internet's limits.

• Consider the possibility of data sharing before beginning your research.


3.10 Direction for Further Research

Training and growth affecting workforce engagement not only improves the

health of Organizations, but also promotes the stability of most nations that

have taken into account the creation and distribution of Workforce training and

development at the national level. Human resources development is a priority

for the government.

As a result, it is hoped that this will contribute to the economic well-being of

the country. In order to get the most out of the workforce and the workforce, it

is recommended that the management of Organizations give priority to

employee recruitment and growth. Boosting the company's productivity.

Analysis of teaching and learning is a good idea as well. Employees are

encouraged to take a more in-depth look at its usefulness.

4.0 Action plan



1st week

1st week

1st week

1st week

















Trancing of reading materials

Identification of research area
Submit of project proposal
Prepare introduction and objectives send to
Search literature review
Write up literature review and send to
supervisor each three weeks


Getting feedback from supervisor

Prepare methodology chapter and seek
advice to supervisor
Prepare primary & secondary data
questions based on literature review and
send to supervisor
Begin gathering primary and secondary data
Write up findings from primary data
collection and send to supervisor
Analyze and discuss findings from primary
data collection and send to supervisor
Carryout personal interviews
Prepare conclusions chapter which
discusses findings and links to literature
review and send to supervisor

Discuss limitations of the project and include

in conclusions chapter
Prepare reference list
Prepare personal reflective statement
Prepare executive summary
Prepare appendix contents page
Proof read work & contents page


4.1 Conclusion

The use of Human Resource Management (HRM) by both small and large organizations has

increased in recent years (Ibrahim et al., 2017). In light of technological advancements, job

growth, and changing contexts, there is a strong case for investing in employee and manager

training. According to various research, training and development positively affects employee

motivation. Studies have shown that training and development has no direct impact on

motivation, contrary to conventional notions. According to one of these studies, the training

enhances the employees' skills, which in turn increases their performance on the job. There is

no clear link between training and motivation because it is a feel and emotional part of one's

conduct at work that requires intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to strengthen it rather than



4.2 References

Armstrong, M. B., & Landers, R. N. (2018). Gamification of employee training and

development. International Journal of Training and Development, 22(2), 162-


Bindsardi A & Green J (2012) Research Methods for Management Pedagogic Teaching series,

Volume 2 Northwest Academic Publications London

Gnawali, A. (2021). Employees' job satisfaction and its impact on perceived performance in

Nepalese public commercial banks. Account and Financial Management

Journal, 04(01).

Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and employee well-being: Towards a new

analytic framework. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(1), 22-


Machin, S., & Wilkinson, D. (1995). undefined. Institute for Public Policy Research.

Powell, A. (2002). Improving workforce development. Industrial and Commercial

Training, 34(5), 176-181.

Ranasinghe, S & Fonseka,M (2012). Data Analysis and Reporting. In: Research in

management. Colombo: The Postgraduate Institute of Management. pp.110-160.

Sahinidis, A. G., & Bouris, J. (2008). Employee perceived training effectiveness relationship to

employee attitudes. Journal of European Industrial Training, 32(1), 63-


Sekaran,U & Bougie,R (2012). Research Methods for Business. 5th ed. Delhi: John Wiley

& Sons, Ltd. pp.284-316.

Suhardis, A., Rumengan, J., & Gunawan, D. (2021). Influence of emotional intelligence, self-

efficiency, working spirit, work satisfaction on employee work achievement in Batam


University. Conference Series, 3(2), 16-


Welikala, D., & Dayarathna, N. (2017). The impact of emotional intelligence on employee job

performance: An empirical study base on the commercial banks in central

province. Human Resource Management

Journal, 3(1).

Zikmund, W G,Babin, B J,Carr,J C,Adhikari,A & Griffin,M (2013). Business Research

Methods. 8th ed. Delhi: Cengage Learning India Pvt Ltd. pp.118-125 and pp.576-58




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