Hytera PT580H Owner's Manual R4.0 - Chi&eng

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2013 Hytera Corp., Ltd.
-/: 518057
0123: 400 - 830 - 7020
http : //www . hytera . com
L07157 T09773

Thanks for your favor in our product. To derive optimum performance from the product, please read this
manual, the corresponding TETRA Terminal Series Feature Book and the Safety Information Booklet
carefully before use.
This manual is applicable to the following model:
PT580H TETRA Portable Terminal
Copyright Information RF Radiation Safety EU Regulatory Conformance
Hytera is the trademark or registered trademark of In order to ensure user health, experts from relevant As certified by the qualified laboratory, the product is in
Hytera Communications Co., Ltd. (the Company) in industries including science, engineering, medicine and compliance with the essential requirements and other
PRC and/or other countries or areas. The Company health work with international organizations to develop relevant provisions of the Directive 1999/5/EC.Please
retains the ownership of its trademarks and product standards for safe exposure to RF radiation. These note that the above information is applicable to EU
names. All other trademarks and/or product names standards consist of: countries only.
that may be used in this manual are properties of their ●● United States Federal Communications Commission,
respective owners. Code of Federal Regulations; 47CFR part 2 sub-part
●● American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/
The Company endeavors to achieve the accuracy Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
and completeness of this manual, but no warranty of C95. 1-1992;
accuracy or reliability is given. All the specifications
and designs are subject to change without notice due ●● Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
to continuous technology development. No part of C95. 1 – 1999;
this manual may be copied, modified, translated, or ●● International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
distributed in any manner without the express written Protection (ICNIRP) 1998;
permission of us.
We do not guarantee, for any particular purpose, the
FCC Regulations
accuracy, validity, timeliness, legitimacy or completeness Federal Communication Commission (FCC) requires
of the Third Party products and contents involved in this that all radio communication products should meet the
manual. requirements set forth in the above standards before
they can be marketed in the U.S, .and the manufacturer
If you have any suggestions or would like to learn more
shall post a RF label on the product to inform users
details, please visit our website at: http://www.hytera.
of operational instructions, so as to enhance their
occupational health against exposure to RF energy.
RF Radiation Information Operational Instructions and Training
This product must be restricted to operations in an Guidelines
Occupational/Controlled RF exposure Environments.
To ensure optimal performance and compliance with
Users must be fully aware of the hazards of the
the occupational/controlled environment RF energy
exposure and able to exercise control over their RF
exposure limits in the above standards and guidelines,
exposure to qualify for the higher exposure limits.
users should transmit no more than 50% of the time and
RF Radiation Profile always adhere to the following procedures:
Radio Frequency (RF) is a frequency of electromagnetic ●● Your radio radiates measurable RF energy only
radiation in the range at which radio signals are while it is transmitting (during talking), not when it is
transmitted. RF technology is widely used in receiving (listening) or in standby mode.
communication, medicine, food processing and other ●● Keep the radio at least 2.5 centimeters away from
fields. It may generate radiation during use. your body during transmission.

Document Conventions--------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Instructional Conventions------------------------------------------------------- 2
Notational Conventions---------------------------------------------------------- 2
Key Operation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Term Explanation------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
Items in the Package------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Product Overview----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Product Controls------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Programmable Keys-------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Before Use--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Charging the Battery-------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Assembling the Accessories--------------------------------------------------- 3
Status Indication------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
Status Icon--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
LED Indicator------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
Menu Navigation------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
TMO Menu--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
DMO Menu--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Basic Operations------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
Turning On/Off---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
Switching Operation Mode------------------------------------------------------ 6
Adjusting the Call Volume------------------------------------------------------- 6
Inputting through Keypad-------------------------------------------------------- 6
Locking/Unlocking the Keypad------------------------------------------------- 6
PIN Code Security and Changing--------------------------------------------- 6
Managing the Contacts---------------------------------------------------------- 6
Call Services------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
TMO------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
DMO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Message------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
Status Message ------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
User Message ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
Troubleshooting------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Care and Cleaning---------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Optional Accessories----------------------------------------------------------------10
SSI&TSI Dialing Rules ----------------------------------------------------------10

Document Conventions Term Description Items in the Package
Half-duplex communication is also called
“two-way alternate communication”. It
For your better understanding of this manual, please Half- indicates the communication is provided Please unpack carefully and check that all items listed
read the following conventions first. duplex in both directions, but only one direction below are received. If any item is missing or damaged,
at a time, that is, only one party is allowed please contact your dealer.
Instructional Conventions to transmit or receive at a time.
Full-duplex communication is also called Portable Terminal Battery Belt clip
Icon Description “full-duplex synchronous communication”.
Indicates references that can further Full- It indicates the communication is allowed
describe the related topics. duplex in both directions simultaneously, that is,
Indicates situations that could cause both parties can transmit and receive at
Caution the same time.
data loss or equipment damage.
DMO supports half-duplex operation and
allows the terminals to communicate
Notational Conventions Direct directly with each other, without using a
Mode TETRA network infrastructure.
Convention Description
Operation Antenna Charger Power Adapter
The quotation marks enclose the name (DMO) Thus functions that require network
“” of a software interface element. For access, such as telephone call, will be
example, click “OK”. unavailable.
The text in boldface denotes the name TMO supports either half-duplex or full-
Bold of a hardware button. For example, duplex operation and allows the terminals
press the PTT key. to communicate with each other via the
The symbol directs you to access TETRA network. Thus functions that
a multi-level menu. For example, to require network access are available. To
-> Operation
select “New” from the “File” menu, we operate in TMO mode, the terminal must
will describe it as follows: File -> New. be granted authorization by your service
provider, and must stay within the network Strap Documentation Kit
Key Operation
Operation Definition
Short press To press a key and release it quickly.
To press a key for the preset time (2s OWNE
Long press NUAL
by default) and release it.
Hold To press a key and do not release it.

Term Explanation Note:The frequency band is marked on the

Term Description label of antenna; if not, refer to the label on
A half-duplex or full-duplex call initiated the terminal for frequency band information.
by an individual user to another individual
Group A half-duplex call initiated by an individual
Call user to a group.

Product Overview Programmable Keys During charging, the LED indicator on the charger will
indicate the charging status. The charging begins when
For enhanced convenience, you can request your
the charger LED glows red. When charging is complete,
dealer to program the keys (SKI, SK2, navigation key,
Product Controls the charger LED glows green.
answer/call key, numeric keys 1-9, and ) as
the shortcuts to needed menus and functions. For the See the following table for details.
detailed introduction, please read the corresponding Note:
TETRA Terminal Series Feature Book. ●● To achieve optimal battery performance,
please charge the batter y for 5 hours
before initial use.
●● Be sure to read the Safety Information
Booklet, to get necessar y safety
Before Use
LED Indication Charging Status
Charging the Battery Flashes red slowly Standby(no load)
Glows red Charging
Caution: Make sure the radio is powered off
Glows orange 90% charged
during charging.
Glows green Fully charged
Only use the charger and battery specified by the Flashes red rapidly Failure
No. Part Name No. Part Name Company. The charger LED indicator will indicate the
1 SK1 (Side Key 1) 15 Antenna Connector charging process. See the figure below showing the Assembling the Accessories
PTT (Push-to-talk) Power On-Off/Volume steps for charging.
2 16 Installing the SIM card
Key Control Knob
Half-duplex If a SIM card is required to realize the End-to-End
3 SK2 (Side Key 2) 17 Encryption (E2EE) feature which should be purchased
separately, please install the SIM card first.
Accessory Contact
4 Emergency Key 18
Cover 1. Turn off the terminal, and then slide the battery latch
5 LED Indicator 19 Options/Back Key upwards to unlock the battery.
6 Antenna 20 End Key 2. Loosen the screw fixing the SIM card cover, remove
Group Selector the cover, and then place the card in the holder
7 21 Navigation Key
Knob properly as shown below.
8 22 Battery Latch
9 LCD Display 23 Accessory Contact
10 Func/OK Key 24 Strap Hole
11 Answer/Call Key 25 Belt Clip 1. Connect the power adapter to AC socket. See arrow
Half-duplex ①.
12 26 Battery
Speaker 2. Plug the other end of the power adapter into the rear
jack of charger. See arrow ②. 3. Replace the cover and tighten the screw as shown
13 Numeric Keypad 27 Charging Piece
Full-duplex 3. Place the terminal with the battery attached, or the
Microphone battery alone, into the charger. See arrow ③.
Status Indication
Status Icon
Name Icon Indication
The battery is low.
Attaching the Antenna Strength Icon
More bars indicate better
Turn the antenna clockwise to fasten it. battery strength.
The terminal has not
registered with the network
RSSI Icon (applicable for TMO only).
More bars indicate better
signal strength.
To remove the belt clip, loosen the screws. Please keep Unread message(s).
the screws properly. It is recommended to replace them Message Icon
The Inbox is full.
to the terminal.
To remove the antenna, rotate it counter-clockwise. The terminal is operating in
Assembling the Audio Accessory/ TMO.
Attaching the battery Programming Cable Operation The terminal is operating in
1. Fit the battery into the battery slot properly as shown Mode Icon DMO.
1. Loosen the screws on the accessory contact cover, The terminal is operating in
by arrow ① below.
and open the cover as shown below. fall-back mode.
2. Slightly press the bottom of the battery until a click is Silent
heard as shown by arrow ② below.
Profile Icon Normal

Accessory The audio accessory is

Icon connected.
A GPS module is connected
and the valid GPS data is
Attaching the Belt Clip 2. Align the pins on plug with the accessory contact. received.
Va l i d G P S d a t a c a n b e
1. Remove the two screws on the back of the terminal. 3. Tighten the screws on the plug.
received, and the audio
2. Align the screw holes on the belt clip with those on To remove the accessory, loosen the screw and pull out accessory has been
the terminal’s body, and then tighten the screws as the plug. connected.
GPS Icon
shown below. A GPS module is connected
After the above assembly procedure, the terminal is
and no valid GPS data is
ready for use.
Caution: When you are using an external No valid GPS data can
accessory, waterproof performance of the be received, and the
radio may get affected. audio accessory has been

Name Icon Indication Main Menu

Call Icon A call is in progress.

Group The terminal is selecting a
Selection Icon talkgroup.
A gateway device is Func Options

available and connected in

Gateway Icon
A gateway device is
available but unconnected
Phone Grp Positioni PSTN PABX
in DMO. Book
Message Call Log RUA Profiles Settings Others
DMO Language
A repeater is available and
New Create RUA Date
connected in DMO. Dialed Normal My Info Date
Repeater Icon Contact Msg Logon &Time
A repeater is available but RUA
Memory Inbox Received Silent KP Lock Shortcuts Time
unconnected in DMO. Logoff
LED Indicator
Outbox Missed Vibration Calendar Long.

Drafts Display Lat.

LED Indication Terminal Status
Glows red Transmitting
Security Alti.
Glows green Receiving
Flashes green slowly Channel free in DMO Man
Reset All Sate.
Glows orange. Channel busy in DMO
DMO Menu
Main Menu

Menu Navigation Func Options

The following menu lists show the full menus of the

terminal in TMO and DMO. You can select your needed
menus to be displayed via your dealer. To select and
confirm the options in the menu, operate as follows: in PhoneBook Message Call Log Profiles Settings Others
TMO Language Positioning
Catalog Set
the home screen, you can press the Func/OK key to
enter the “Func” menu, or press the Options/Back key New Create Date Call
Dialed Normal My Info Date
Contact Msg &Time Type
to enter the “Options” menu; then press the Up/Down
key on the Navigation key to select the needed menu, Memory Inbox Received Silent KP Lock Shortcuts Time
finally press the Func/OK key to confirm. In sections Disp
Outbox Missed Vibration Calendar Long.
introducing operations, a menu path is provided for your
convenience, e.g. Message -> Create Msg. Drafts Display Lat.

TMO Menu Security Alti.

Reset All Sate.
Basic Operations Locking/Unlocking the Keypad Then press the Func/OK key to enter “Options -> New
Contact” to add a new contact: enter the contact’s alias
To enable the keypad lock, enter the Func menu by
in the editing screen, and press the Func/OK key to
pressing the Func/OK key in the home screen, and then
Turning On/Off go to “Settings -> KP Lock -> On”. After this feature is
enter the “Input No.” screen to input the contact number.
To turn on the terminal, rotate the Power On-Off/ And press the Func/OK key again to select the call type
enabled, keypad will get locked automatically when the
Volume Control knob clockwise. Then the LED (“Private No.”, “PABX” or “PSTN”).Finally, press Func/
preset time (preset by the dealer) expires. To unlock the
indicator flashes green, and the terminal shows the OK key to confirm.
keypad, press the Func/OK key and then .
power-up screen and sounds power-up alert. Upon Viewing the Memory
successful powering on, the terminal enters the home Apart from locking the keypad via menu, you can lock
the keypad quickly and temporarily by pressing the To view the phonebook memory, you can enter the
screen. In TMO, after being turned on, the terminal will
Func/OK key and then directly in the home Func menu by pressing the Func/OK key, and go to
logon to the network. In DMO, the terminal will be ready
screen. “PhoneBook” menu; then press Func/OK to enter
for use after being turned on.
To turn off the terminal, rotate the Power On-Off/ PIN Code Security and Changing
Volume Control knob counter-clockwise until a click is
PIN code can prevent unidentified user from using your
terminal. To enable or disable the PIN Code feature,
enter the Func menu from the home screen by pressing
Switching Operation Mode
This terminal can operate in either TMO or DMO. To
the Func/OK key, then go to “Settings -> Security -> Call Services
PIN Code”. Every time you need to change the settings,
switch the operation mode, press the Options/Back key it is required to input the PIN code first (default PIN
in the home screen to enter the “Options” menu, and code: 1234, preset by the dealer). TMO
then select “TMO” or “DMO”.
With this feature enabled, you will need to enter the Individual Call
Adjusting the Call Volume correct PIN code prior to operating the terminal after In TMO, an individual call can be initiated either as a
turning it on. If you input the wrong code for continuous half-duplex call or full-duplex call, which can be received
Rotate the Power On-Off/Volume Control knob
3 times (predefined by the dealer), the terminal will be without pressing any key (Direct Signaling) or by
clockwise to increase the call volume, or counter-
locked. In this case, you will need to enter the correct pressing the Answer/Call key or PTT (Hook Signaling).
clockwise to decrease the volume. After the adjustment,
PUK code (default PUK code: 12345678) to reset the Contact your dealer for such programming as well as
the terminal will save the settings and return to the
PIN code. more details.
former screen automatically.
To change the PIN code, go to “Settings -> Security
Initiating an Individual Call
Inputting through Keypad -> ChangePIN” from the home screen, and input the
correct current PIN code prior to changing the code. ●● Via Menu
You can use the numeric keypad to enter user alias
and number, edit messages, etc. The terminal supports In the home screen, press Func/OK key to enter the
these input methods: English and Number. To switch Managing the Contacts “PhoneBook” or “Call Log” submenu, and select a
the input method, press the key on the numeric Contact List contact. Then press PTT to initiate a half-duplex call, or
keypad. In either input method, you can enter special press to initiate a full-duplex call.
To view the list, go to the “Func. -> PhoneBook” from
characters and common punctuations by pressing the home screen. ●● Via Manual Dial
, enter “*” by pressing and enter a space by long
In the home screen, to initiate a half-duplex individual
pressing this key . As for other language input New Contact
call, input the number you want to call through the
methods (depending on your customization), operate To add a new contact, you can enter the Func menu keypad, and then press PTT. To initiate a full-duplex
accordingly. by pressing Func/OK key and go to “PhoneBook”. individual call, input the number you want to call through

the keypad, and press repeatedly to select the When initiating the individual call, press the Options/ In the home screen, press Options/Back key to
call type “Private No.”. Then press to initiate a full- Back key or to terminate it. enter the “PSTN GATE” or “PABX GATE” submenu.
duplex call. In the presence of an incoming individual call, press the Select an appropriate gateway, and press Func/OK
Note: key to confirm.
Options/Back key or to reject it.
●● Entry of individual numbers must comply 2. Input a telephone number.
In the process of an individual call, any party can press
with the SSI&TSI dialing rules. See
“SSI&TSI Dialing Rules” in “Appendix” Return to the home screen by pressing . Input
for more details. a PABX or PSTN number, which is composed of a
Group Call prefix (specified by the gateway, please contact the
●● C a l l s w i l l e n d a u t o m a t i c a l l y i f t h e
predefined call timer expires. Initiating a Group Call system administrator) and the telephone number of
In the home screen, you can initiate a group call to the the target contact.
Answering an Individual Call default group by pressing PTT. To call other groups, 3. Select a call type.
●● Half-duplex Individual Call please do as follows:
Select “PABX” or “PSTN” through the Func/OK key
»» If it is an incoming call with Direct Signaling, there 1. In the home screen, rotate the Group Call Selector with the screen-icon .
will be an alert tone to inform the called party that knob to select a group. Please perform this step as
a call is received. soon as the icon appears; otherwise, you may 4. Press to initiate the call.
fail to select. To answer or hang up/reject the call; see the “Individual
»» If it is an incoming call with Hook Signaling, the
Call” in “TMO”.
terminal sounds alert and vibrates to inform the 2. Press the Func/Ok key to confirm your selection.
called party that there is an incoming call. And 3. Press PTT to initiate a group call to this group. Emergency Call
to receive the call, the PTT key or Func/OK key
Answering a Group Call Initiating an Emergency Call
should be pressed.
You can receive a group call without any operation. Press the Emergency key and you can initiate an
To take the talk rights during the call, there are two emergency call to the predefined contact. Any individual
situations: 1) if you have no pre-emptive priority, hold To take the talk rights during the call, there are two
situations: 1) if you have no pre-emptive priority, hold contact, group contact, default group, PSTN or PABX
down PTT to talk after the talking party stops talking contact can be predefined as the emergency contact.
and releases its PTT; 2) if you have already been down PTT to talk after the talking party stops talking
and releases its PTT; 2) if you have already been There are two levels for emergency call: emergency
programmed with pre-emptive priority, hold down PTT to priority and pre-emptive priority 3, which can be
talk at any time. programmed with pre-emptive priority, hold down PTT to
talk at any time. programmed by your dealer. The emergency priority is
●● Full-duplex Individual Call endowed with the higher privilege; thus a call with such
Hanging up a Group Call priority can break any other call with pre-emptive priority
»» If it is an incoming call with Direct Signaling, there
The calling party can press to exit a group call. And 3, as well as calls with lower priorities.
will be an alert tone to inform the called party that
a call is received. for the called parties in a group call, only those enabled
Answering an Emergency Call
with “Hang Up” feature (programmable by the dealer)
»» If it is an incoming call with Hook Signaling, the can exit a group call. The emergency call is always received automatically.
terminal sounds alert and vibrates to inform the During an emergency call, the calling party can talk with
called party that there is an incoming call. And to Telephone Call no need to use any key. If another member needs to
receive the call, the PTT, Func/OK key or The telephone call is a full-duplex individual call with talk, he/she should hold down PTT only after the talking
should be pressed. Hook signaling. To initiate the call, follow the steps party stops talking and releases its PTT.
After the call is established, both parties can talk at any below. Hanging up an Emergency Call
time, with no need to use any key. See the corresponding part of “Individual call” or “Group
Initiating a Telephone Call
Hanging up/ Rejecting an Individual Call 1. Select a gateway. call” in accordance with the call type of the predefined
DMO Message Press the Func/OK key and navigate to “Message ->
Create Msg -> User Msg”. Press Func/OK again to edit
Individual Call a user message.
In DMO, an individual call can be initiated only as a half- Status Message Sending a User Message
duplex call. Status message, which should be programmed by
After editing, press Func/OK to confirm. Then select the
Initiating an Individual Call your dealer only, can facilitate instant messaging of the
target contact and decide whether to send it as a flash
frequently-used messages. You can only send or view
In the home screen, directly input the number you want message.
rather than editing the status messages. When the
to call through the keypad, or press Func/OK key to Note: If the message is sent as a flash
message is sent successfully, the target terminal will
enter the “PhoneBook” or “Call Log” submenu, and message, the receiving party can preview
receive either the status ID of the status message (if the
select a contact. Then press PTT to initiate the call. all the content in a predefined time period
message text has not been predefined via CPS) or the
without any operation. Once the time period
Note: Entr y of individual numbers must predefined text (if the message text has been predefined expires, the home screen will get restored,
comply with the SSI&TSI dialing rules. See via CPS).
“SSI&TSI Dialing Rules” in “Appendix” for with the icon displaying on the status bar.
more details. Note: The “Fixed Status Message” and the
“Status Message” are predefined by the Viewing the User Message
Answering an Individual Call dealer via the CPS. When the icon appears in the status bar, it indicates
You can receive an individual call in DMO automatically. there is/are unread message(s). Do as follows to
Sending a User Message
During the call, you can hold down PTT to talk after the view it:
●● Press the Func/OK key and navigate to “Message
initiating party stops talking and releases its PTT. ●● In the prompt screen for an unread message, press
-> Create Msg -> StatusMsg -> Sel Msg”. Select a
Hanging up an Individual Call desired status message, and press the Func/OK key the Func/OK key to enter the Inbox, and press
to proceed. Choose either an individual or a group as Func/OK key again to read.
The calling party can press to terminate the call.
the target contact, input the appropriate number and ●● In the home screen, press the Func/OK key and
And the called party can press to exit the call.
press Func/OK to send the message. navigate to “Message -> Inbox ”. Then you can press
Group Call ●● Long press the programmed Send StatusMsg key Func/OK key to view the unread message.
Group calls in DMO is the same as that in TMO. Please to send the preset status message directly
refer to operation method described in ”Group Call” in
Viewing the User Message Editing a User Message
the above “TMO” section.
When the icon appears in the status bar, it indicates Press the Func/OK key and navigate to “Message ->
Emergency Call there is/are unread message(s). Do as follows to view it: Create Msg -> User Msg”. Press Func/OK key again to
In DMO, emergency calls are endowed with emergency ●● In the prompt screen for an unread message, press edit a user message.
priority only. Please refer to operation method described the Func/OK key to enter the Inbox, and press
Sending a User Message
in ”Emergency Call” in the above “TMO” section. Func/OK key again to read.
After editing, press Func/OK to confirm. Then choose
●● In the home screen, press the Func/OK key and either to send to an individual or to a group, and then
navigate to “Message -> Inbox -> Inbox”. Then you input the target contact and press Func/OK key to send
can view the unread message. the message.

User Message Viewing the User Message

Operate in the same way as that described in ”Viewing
the User Message” in the above “TMO” section.
Editing a User Message

Troubleshooting Care and Cleaning

Phenomenon Analysis Solution To guarantee optimal performance as well as a long

Terminals cannot be The battery power gets too low to service life of the product, please follow the tips below.
Charge for the battery.
powered on. supply the terminal.
Product Care
The terminal is operating in DMO. Switch to TMO mode.
Network registration fails ●● Do not pierce or scrape the product.
The terminal gets out of the network Check the signal strength. Make sure the
or network can not be coverage (in TMO). terminal is within the network coverage. ●● Keep the product far away from substances that can
found. The terminal is not granted network Contact the network operator for the corrode the circuit.
access. terminal authorization.
●● Do not hold the product by its antenna or earpiece
The terminal or the called party is not Check the signal strength. Make sure the
within the network coverage. terminal is within the network coverage. cable directly.
Calls cannot be initiated.
The terminal operates in an improper Check the operation mode. Make sure the ●● Attach the accessory jack cover when the product is
mode. terminal works in the right mode. not in use.
Check whether the terminal is a member of
The terminal is not a member of the
A group call can not be group.
the group. If not, contact your dealer to add Product Cleaning
the terminal to the group.
initiated or received.
The terminal is not authorized to access Contact the network operator for the C a u t i o n : Po we r of f t h e p ro d u c t b e f o re
the target group. terminal authorization. cleaning.
The current channel is assigned to
Calls are always Wait until the channel becomes available ●● Clean up the dust and fine particles on the product
emergency calls or other calls with
interrupted. and try again. surface and charging piece with a clean and dry lint-
higher priority.
The predefined time period for Make sure the call is established within the free cloth or a brush regularly.
establishing a call expires. predefined time period. ●● Use neutral cleanser and a non-woven fabric to clean
The channel is occupied by another Wait until the channel becomes available the keys, control knobs and front case after long-time
A half-duplex call can not
terminal with higher call priority. and try again.
be established. use. Do not use chemical preparations such as stain
The channel resources are allocated
Wait until the channel becomes available removers, alcohol, sprays or oil preparations, so as
to other services due to overloaded
and try again. to avoid surface case damage.
The terminal gets out of the network Check the signal strength. Make sure the ●● Make sure the product is completely dry before use.
coverage (in TMO). terminal is within the network coverage.
Abnormal disconnection The terminal operates at an unfavorable
occurs during a call. position where communication may be Move to an open and flat area, and restart
blocked by high buildings or frustrated the terminal.
in the underground areas (in DMO).
As for the same status
message ID, the content The parties have associated the same
Make sure the status message ID is
displayed at the receiving status message ID with different
associated with the same content.
party is different from that contents.
of the sending party.
If the above solutions can not fix your problems, or you may have some other queries, please contact us or your
local dealer for more technical support.

Optional Accessories EH-01 Receive-Only C-Earset (used with SM18N3) »» MCC+MNC+SSI:
EH-02 Receive-Only Swivel Earset (used with 1) MCC must contain 3 digits. Add 0 before the first
SM18N3) digit of MCC which is shorter than 3 digits;
The following items are the main optional accessories
for the product, and please consult your local dealer for ES-02 Receive-Only Earpiece with Transparent 2) MNC must contain 4 or 5 digits. When the MNC
more other accessories. Acoustic Tube (used with SM18N3) is shorter than 4 digits, add 0 before its first digit;
when it is 5 digits long, use it directly;
Caution: Use the accessories specified by the Others
Company only. If not, we shall not be liable for 3) SSI must be 8 digits long. Add 0 before the
LCY003 Leather Carrying Case for terminal with thin
any losses or damages arising out of use of first digit of SSI which is shorter than 8 digits.
battery (swivel)
unauthorized accessories. For example, when MCC is 460, MNC is 20 and
LCY006 Leather Carrying Case for terminal with thick SSI is 504, you need to input 460002000000504.
Power Supply battery (swivel)
MCA05 Battery Optimizing System PC36 Programming Cable (USB Port)
BL2505 Li-Ion Battery (2500mAh)
MCA06 MCU Multi-unit Rapid-rate Charger (for Li-
Ion/Ni-MH batteries)
MCA08 MCU Multi-unit Rapid-rate Charger (for Li-
Ion/Ni-MH batteries)
CH10A06 Dual-Pocket MCU Charger (for Li-Ion/Ni-MH
battery) SSI&TSI Dialing Rules
CHV09 Vehicle Adapter for Charger In the TETRA system, subscribers are distinguished
by different identities. Each subscriber is assigned with
Audio Accessory a unique short subscriber identity (SSI), which serves
ESN12 Earbud a part of the TETRA subscriber identity (TSI). And TSI
is generally composed in this way: Mobile Country
EHN16 C-Earset
Code (MCC) + Mobile Network Code (MNC) + SSI. To
EHN17 Swivel Earset initiate an individual call, please dial the SSI or TSI in
EWN09 Wireless Surveillance Earpiece with Inductive compliance with the rules below.
Neckloop ●● SSI Dialing
EAN23 Remote Earset with Transparent Acoustic Make sure there are not more than 8 digits.
●● TSI Dialing
EAN17 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece with Transparent
Acoustic Tube (Beige)
1) Input the MNC as it is;
EAN17 3-Wire Surveillance Earpiece with Transparent
Acoustic Tube (Black) 2) SSI must be 8 digits long. Add 0 before the
first digit of SSI which is shorter than 8 digits.
SM18N5 Remote Speaker Microphone (IP67)
For example, when MNC is 20 and SSI is 504,
SM18N3 Remote Speaker Microphone (IP54) you need to input 2000000504.
ES-01 Receive-Only Earbud (used with SM18N3)

阅读本手册、《TETRA 终端基本功能手册》及《安全信息手册》。
PT580H TETRA 手持终端
版权信息 ● 电气和电子工程师协会标准C95.1-1999版。

H y t e r a为海能达通信股份有限公司(以下简称“我 ● 国际非电离辐射防护委员会(ICNIRP)于1998年颁布的
司”)在中华人民共和国和世界其他国家和/或地区的商 标准。
权,本手册中可能提及的其他商标和产品名称为各自所 美国联邦通信委员会监管要求
有者所有。 按照美国联邦通信委员会的监管要求,本产品必须符合
免责声明 国市场上销售。并要求制造商可通过在产品上张贴标签
本手册在编制过程中力求内容的准确性与完整性,但对 的方式,告知用户应注意的事项,提高用户的防辐射意
于可能出现的错误或疏漏,我司不承担任何责任。由于 识。
对本手册进行复制、修改、翻译和散发。 为了使产品发挥最佳性能及确保符合上述标准中有关职
本手册中涉及的第三方产品和内容归第三方所有,我司 定因数的50%,且需遵照下列说明:
供保证。 ● 天线增益不得超过5dBi(UHF)和3.5dBi(VHF)。

如需更多信息或对本手册有任何建议,欢迎访问我们的 ● 天线的安装需按照厂商或供应商的要求进行,且安装
网站:http://www.hytera.com,或拨打我司服务热线400- 处与人体的距离不得少于1米。
射频辐射信息 本产品经独立第三方机构认证,符合欧盟指令“1999/5/
本产品仅限于能够满足射频能量辐射要求的职业应用。 EC”中的相关要求。请注意,本声明仅适合欧盟国家。


● 美国联邦通信委员会联邦政府法规汇编第47卷第2部
● 美国国家标准协会 (A N S I)/电气和电子工程师协会
(IEEE) 标准C95.1-1992版。
阅读约定------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
标识符号 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
界面元素------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
按键操作 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
术语说明 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
包装清单------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
熟悉本产品 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
部件介绍 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
可编程键------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
用前准备------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
充电------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
安装附件------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
状态指示 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
状态栏图标 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
LED指示灯 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
菜单导航------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
集群模式 (TMO) 菜单 ------------------------------------------------------------- 4
直通模式(DMO)菜单 ------------------------------------------------------------ 5
基本操作 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
开机与关机 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
工作模式切换 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
通话音量调节 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
键盘输入 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
键盘锁定及解锁 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
PIN 码保护与更改 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6
联系人管理--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
呼叫------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
TMO 模式 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6
DMO 模式 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
短信息---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
状态信息 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
用户信息 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
故障处理指南 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8
保修范围与期限 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
保养与清洁---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8
选购配件 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
附录------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
SSI&TSI 拨号方式 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9

阅读约定 术语 说明 熟悉本产品
在集群模式下,终端通过T E T R A网络进
为方便您更好地理解手册内容,使用本手册前,请阅读 集 群 模 式 要网络支持的功能。若需在TMO模式下操 部件介绍
如下约定。 (TMO) 作,首先必须在网络运营商处注册,以获
标识符号 络覆盖范围内。
符号 意义
备注 表示对正文内容的补充、说明和强调。
界面元素 与您所购产品的经销商联系。
格式 意义 主机 电池 皮带夹
-> 如:选择“文件”菜单下的“新建”,表
示为:“文件 -> 新建”。 序号 部件名称 序号 部件名称
1 SK1(侧键1) 15 天线接口
按键操作 天线 充电座 电源适配器 2 PTT键(发射按键) 16 电源开关/音量旋钮
操作 定义 3 SK2(侧键2) 17 半双工麦克风
短按 按下某按键并快速松开。 4 紧急呼叫键 18 附件接口盖
按下某按键达预编程时间(默认为2秒) 5 LED指示灯 19 选项/返回键
6 天线 20 挂机键
按住 一直按住某按键。
7 组呼选择旋钮 21 导航键
8 全双工受话器 22 电池推钮
9 LCD 显示屏 23 附件接口
术语 说明 10 功能/确认键 24 吊绳孔
个呼 个呼是对单个用户发起呼叫。 吊绳 资料套件
11 接听/呼叫键 25 皮带夹
组呼 12 半双工扬声器 26 电池
半双工通信又称双向交替通信。指通信双 13 数字键盘 27 电池充电极片
半双工 方都可以发送或接收语音,但双方不能同 14 全双工麦克风
全双工通信又称为全双工同时通讯。指通 可编程键
讯双方都可以同时发送和接收语音。 为提高操作便利性,本产品【S K1】、【S K2】、导航
在直通模式下,终端之间可直接进行半双 键、接听/呼叫键、数字键1-9、 和 键为可编
工通信,不受网络限制。但用户无法使用 备注:天线频段请参考天线底部色环标签内容。若 程键,可由经销商设置为快捷功能键(可编程功能介绍
需网络支持的功能,例如电话呼叫。 标签未注明频段,则参考主机标签上的具体频段。 请参考《TETRA终端基本功能手册》)。

用前准备 绿色长亮 充电已满
红色快闪 故障

充电 安装附件
安装 SIM 卡
请使用我司指定的充电座对电池进行充电,充电座的指 外置SIM卡进行加密,请用如下方式安装SIM卡。
示灯显示充电状态(见下表)。充电示意图如下图所 安装皮带夹
示。 1. 将终端底部的电池推钮往上提起,取出电池。 1. 拧开主机后壳皮带夹螺钉。
2. 拧开主机SIM卡盖螺钉,将SIM卡正确放入SIM卡槽 2. 将皮带夹的螺钉孔对准主机背部的螺钉孔,然后用螺
内。 钉锁紧。

3. 将SIM卡盖重新安装至主机,用螺钉固定SIM卡盖。

1. 将电源适配器的插头插入电源插座,如图示①。
2. 将电源适配器的另一端插入充电座背面的插孔,如图
示②。 若需取下皮带夹,只需拧开螺钉取出皮带夹。取出皮带
安装天线 夹后,请将螺钉固定在主机后壳上。
3. 将电池或装有电池的主机正确插入充电座,如图示
③。 安装音频附件/编程线
充电座上的指示灯显示充电状态。指示灯红灯长亮时, 1. 逆时针旋转附件接口盖螺钉并按箭头所示方向打开附
表示充电开始。指示灯绿灯长亮时,表示充电完成。 件接口盖。
●● 为获得最佳电池性能,首次充电时,请充满5
●● 请参阅《安全信息手册》,以获取必要的电池 如需取下天线,逆时针旋转即可。
指示灯状态 当前充电状态
1. 将电池顶部凸起插入主机电池槽顶部,如图中①所
红色慢闪 空载
示。 2. 将音频附件或编程线的插头对准主机附件接口。
红色长亮 正在充电
橙色长亮 已充满90% 2. 轻压电池底部,直至听到“咔嗒”声,如图中②所
3. 拧紧附件插头/编程线插头上的螺钉。
状态指示 图标名称 图标 本产品状态 菜单导航
直通模式(D M O)下有网关
状态栏图标 网关连接状态标识 下图分别为本产品TMO模式和DMO 模式的菜单结构,您
直通模式(D M O)下有网关
图标名称 图标 本产品状态 但未连接
直通模式(D M O)下有中继
电池电量不足 单,再通过【方向】键中【上移】键/【下移】键定位所
电池电量标识 中继器连接状态标 器并已连接
条数越多,电池电量越多 识 直通模式(D M O)下有中继 确认以完成设置。本文档介绍菜单操作时,仅介绍菜单
器但未连接 项的顺序,例如,进入编辑短信的路径为“短信息 -> 编
模式) LED指示灯
信号条数越多,信号越强 指示灯状态 本产品状态
红灯长亮 正在发起呼叫
绿灯长亮 正在接收呼叫
集群模式 (TMO) 菜单
收件箱已满 绿灯慢闪 DMO信道空闲状态
橙灯长亮 DMO信道繁忙状态
处于集群模式 (TMO)

工作模式标识 处于直通模式 (DMO)

处于故障弱化模式 主菜单

情景模式标识 功能 选项

音频附件标识 音频附件已接入
通话组目 PABX网
电话簿 短消息 通话记录 RUA 情景模式 设置 其他 直通模式 语言 定位 网络管理 PSTN网关
录 关
GPS成功定位且音频附件 人
编辑信息 已拨号码 RUA 登录 正常模式 时间设置 我的信息 简体中文 日期

GPS状态标识 存储容量 收件箱 已接来电 RUA 登出 无声模式 键盘锁定 快捷方式 英文 时间

已启用GPS但未成功定位 发件箱 未接来电 振动模式 屏幕保护 日历 经度

草稿箱 显示设置 纬度
通话状态标识 正在通话 保密设置 高度

通话组选择标识 正在选择通话组 倒放

直通模式(DMO)菜单 基本操作

机过程中,L E D 指示灯亮绿灯,L C D 显示开机动画,
功能 选项
“咔哒”声,LCD 显示关机动画。

电话簿 短消息 通话记录 情景模式 设置 其他 集群模式 语言 定位 GW/RP设置
录 本产品可以在TMO集群模式和DMO直通模式下工作。若
编辑信息 已拨号码 正常模式 时间设置 我的信息 简体中文 日期 呼叫类型 键进入菜单项,选择“集群模式”或“直通模式”进行

存储容量 收件箱 已接来电 无声模式 键盘锁定 快捷方式 英文 时间 设备管理
发件箱 未接来电 振动模式 屏幕保护 日历 经度
草稿箱 显示设置 纬度 逆时针旋转该旋钮减小输出音量,调节完成后,产品将
保密设置 高度

恢复出厂 键盘输入
倒放 卫星
入法。若需切换输入法,请按数字键盘上的 进行
殊字符,请按 。字母/数字输入法下,按 可
输入*,长按 可输入空格。其他国家语言,请根据

“设置 -> 键盘锁定 -> 开”,开启键盘锁功能。功能开
锁定后,可通过按【功能/确认】键后按 键解锁。
外,您还可以通过短按【确认】键后短按 键快速

PIN 码保护与更改 呼叫 » 若为H O O K呼叫,本产品将发出来电振铃提示,
按【PTT】键、【功能/确认】键或 应答该呼
开启或关闭此功能均需输入P I N密码。初始P I N码为
TMO 模式 呼叫建立之后,双方无需进行任何按键操作即可实现
项,选择“设置 -> 保密设置 -> PIN码保护”,输入PIN
码后,开启或关闭PIN码保护功能。 个呼 通话。

开启PIN码保护功能后,开机后需输入PIN码,才能使用 集群模式下,可发起半双工呼叫和全双工呼叫。半双 挂断或拒接呼叫

本产品。若连续错误输入PIN码3次(经销商预设值), 工呼叫和全双工呼叫可通过经销商设置为H OOK呼叫或
呼叫建立时,被叫方可通过按 键或【返回/选项】
产品将被锁定。此时,需通过正确输入PUK码(经销商 DIRECT呼叫。 键拒绝接听呼叫,主叫方可通过按【返回/选项】键或
预设值为12345678)重新设定PIN码。 键结束呼叫。呼叫建立后,主叫方和被叫方均可通
若需重新设定P I N码,待机界面下,通过【功能/确认】 ● 通过菜单操作 过按 键挂断呼叫。
键进入菜单项,选择“设置 -> 保密设置 -> P I N 码更
待机界面下,通过【功能/确认】键进入“电话簿” 组呼
改”,输入现有PIN码后即可设定新PIN 码。
或“通话记录”子菜单,选择所需联系人,然后按 发起呼叫
联系人管理 【PTT】键发起半双工呼叫,或按 键发起全双工 待机界面下,按【PTT】键对默认组(待机界面显示的组
联系人列表 呼号码)发起组呼。若需向其他组发起组呼,请按以下
● 通过手动拨号 步骤进行:
簿”查看联系人列表。 待机界面下,通过数字键盘输入联系人号码后,按 1. 待机界面下,旋转【组呼选择】旋钮选择所需通话
【PTT】键发起半双工呼叫;通过 选择号码类型 组,当前通话组名称会显示在屏幕上。
新增联系人 为“个人号码”后,按 键发起全双工呼叫。 2. 按【功能/确认】键选定通话组。
您可通过【功能/确认】键进入菜单项,选择“电话 备注:
簿”。通过【功能/确认】键进入“操作选项 -> 新增联系 3. 按【PTT】键即可对该组发起呼叫。
●● 当您输入个呼联系人号码时,须遵循SSI&TSI
人”添加联系人:“新增联系人”界面下,输入联系人 拨号规则。具体参见“附录:SSI&TSI 拨号规 接听和回复呼叫
姓名,按【功能/确认】键进入“输入号码”,输入联系 则”。 您无需进行任何按键操作即可接听组呼。如需发起讲
人号码,按【功能/确认】键进入“选择”,选择为“个 ●● 若超出预设通话保留时长,通话将自动挂断。 话,请在对方讲话完毕后,按住【PTT】键开始讲话。
接听和回复呼叫 当终端由经销商设置有话权抢占优先权时,您可按住
查看存储容量 ● 收到半双工呼叫 【PTT】键强制打断对方讲话。
您可通过【功能/确认】键进入菜单项,选择“电话簿 -> » 若为DIRECT呼叫,本产品响一声提示音提示呼叫 挂断呼叫
存储容量”,查询本产品联系人存储容量及使用情况。 已建立。
若您是组呼发起者,可以通过按 键退出呼叫。若您
» 若为H O O K呼叫,本产品将发出来电振铃提示, 不是组呼发起者,只有当终端开启“组呼被叫方挂机使
按【PTT】键或【功能/确认】键应答该呼叫(此 能”后,才能通过按 键退出呼叫。(若需开启“组
时只能接听,不能讲话)。 呼被叫方挂机使能”,请咨询经销商。)
(可通过经销商设置),可按住【PTT】键强制打断 PABX/电话呼叫为全双工HOOK个呼,下文将详述其发起
对方讲话,并发起讲话。 方式,关于“接听和回复呼叫”和“挂断或拒接呼叫”
● 收到全双工呼叫
» 若为DIRECT呼叫,本产品响一声提示音后提示呼
叫已建立。 1. 选择网关。待机界面下,通过按【选项/返回】键进入

“PABX网关”或“PSTN网关”,按【功能/确认】 挂断呼叫 用户信息
键选择相应的网关。 若您是发起者,可通过按 键挂断呼叫。若您不是发
TMO 模式
2. 输入号码。待机界面下,输入PABX或电话号码:前 起者,可通过按 键退出呼叫。
缀号(由网关规定)+目的终端号码。 编辑
通过【功能/确认】键进入“短信息 -> 编辑信息 -> 用户
3. 选择呼叫类型。按 选择号码类型为“PABX”或 具体步骤请参照 TMO 模式的组呼。
“电话”。 信息”,进入短信编辑界面。
紧急呼叫 发送
4. 按 键发起呼叫。
D M O模式下,只能向默认组发起优先级为“紧急优先 编辑完短信后,通过【功能/确认】键进入发送界面,向
紧急呼叫 级”的紧急呼叫。具体操作请参照T M O模式的紧急呼 个人或组发送短信或闪信。
发起呼叫 叫。
回到原界面,状态栏将有 提示用户有未读信
为“预占优先级3”的紧急呼叫。 短信息 查看
接听和回复呼叫 当界面出现 ,表示您有未读短信息,您可以通过以
被叫方无需任何操作即可接听呼叫。呼叫建立后,主 状态信息 下两种途径查看:
叫方无需按住【P T T】键即可讲话。紧急呼叫组内其他 您可通过经销商将经常使用的短消息设置为状态信息。 ● 未读短信提示界面下,通过【功能/确认】键进入“已
成员要发起讲话,需等主叫方释放【P T T】键后,按住 状态信息不能编辑,只能发送和查看。发送成功后,若 收消息”,查看未读信息。。
【PTT】键才能发起讲话。 目的终端未设置“状态消息”,将收到状态码;若目的 ● 待机界面下,通过【功能/确认】键进入“短信息 ->
挂断呼叫 终端设置该码的状态信息,则将收到本终端状态码对应 收件箱”,打开未读短信,即可阅读信息内容。
请根据“预设号码”类型,参考“个呼”或“组呼”相 DMO 模式
应内容。 备注:“TMO一键状态”和“状态消息”由经销
DMO 模式 通过【功能/确认】键进入“短信息 -> 编辑信息 -> 用户
发送 信息”,进入短信编辑界面。
● 通过【功能/确认】键进入“短信息 -> 编辑短信 -> 状
直通模式下,通过按【PTT】键发起半双工个呼。 发送
认】键,选择发送到个人或组,输入号码发送。 编辑完短信后,通过【功能/确认】键进入发送界面,向
待机界面下,通过数字键盘输入联系人号码或通过【功 ● 长按【一键状态码】键,可向目的方终端发送预设状
能/确认】键进入“电话簿”或“通话记录”选择所需联 态信息码。 查看
系人,然后按【PTT】键即可发起呼叫。 同TMO模式。
备注:当您输入个呼联系人号码时,须遵循 当界面出现 ,表示您有未读短信息,您可以通过以下
SSI&TSI拨号规则。具体参见“附录:SSI&TSI 拨 两种途径查看:
● 未读短信提示界面下,通过【功能/确认】键进入“已
接听和回复呼叫 收消息”,查看未读信息。
您无需进行按键操作即可接收。主叫方讲话完毕后,您 ● 待机界面下,通过【确认/菜单】键进入“短信息 ->
可按住【PTT】键回复。 收件箱”,打开未读短信,即可阅读信息内容。
故障处理指南 保修范围与期限

故障描述 原因分析 解决方法 我司承诺,凡我司生产的产品,自购买之日起,在正常

无法开机 电池电量过低 为电池充电。 使用、操作与维护条件下,出现材料或制造工艺方面的
处于直通模式 切换至集群模式。
未在服务区内 检查信号强度,保证位于服务区内。 主机 24个月
未获得网络授权 联络网络运营商获得网络授权。
本产品或目的终端未在服务区内 查看信号强度确保终端在服务区内。 电池、充电座、电源适配器 12个月
未切换至正确通话模式 确认各终端处于正确的通话模式。
未加入该通话组 确保终端已加入该组。
未获得通话组的授权 联系网络运营商获取权限。
正常通话被打断 收到优先级更高的呼叫或紧急呼叫 待其它呼叫结束后重新建立通话。
呼叫建立超时 保证呼叫建立时间不超过预设定时间。 保养与清洁
优先级更高的终端在请求建立呼叫 待其呼叫结束后重新建立呼叫。
网络繁忙,网络资源被分配给其它业务 待网络空闲时重新建立呼叫。 为了保证本产品发挥其良好性能,延长其使用寿命,请
未处于服务区内(集群模式) 检查信号强度,保证位于服务区内。 熟悉以下内容,以便更好地对本产品进行日常保养与清
通话中意外掉线 所处位置不佳,如受高大建筑物阻挡,或处于 转移至开阔平坦地后,关闭并再次打开终端 洁。
地下室隧道等信号受屏蔽的位置(直通模式) 重试。
收发端状态信息内容 保养
两终端状态信息ID定义不一致 确保两终端状态信息ID定义一致。 ● 请勿用硬物穿刺或刮花本产品。
如上述方法仍未解决您的问题,或您遇到一些其它故障,请联系当地经销商或我司以获取更多的技术支持。 ● 请勿将本产品存放于含有腐蚀电子电路物质的环境。
● 携带或使用本产品过程中,请勿用手提天线或耳机
● 当不使用附件时,请盖好附件接口盖。


● 请定期使用洁净干燥的无绒布或毛刷拭去本产品表面
● 本产品的按键、控制旋钮和机壳极易变脏。可用中性
● 清洁之后,务必保证本产品彻底干燥,否则请勿使

选购配件 其他:
LCY003 携带外套(薄电)(真皮)(可旋转)

本产品主要的选购附件已包含在如下列表中,如需更多 LCY006 携带外套(厚电)(真皮)(可旋转)

附件信息,请咨询您当地的经销商或拨打我司服务热线 PC36 编程连接线(USB转串口)

MCA05 电池分析仪
SSI&TSI 拨号方式
BL2505 锂离子电池 (2500mAh)
MCA06 锂电/镍电MCU快速排充 长度可分为TSI (TETRA用户识别码) 和SSI(TETRA
MCA08 锂电/镍电MCU快速排充 短用户识别码)。TSI由MCC(国家代码) 、MNC(网
络代码)和S S I(短用户识别码)构成。发起呼叫时,
CH10A06 锂电/镍电MCU双插槽充电座
CHV09 座充车载电源适配器 呼。

音频类: 本产品所支持的拨号方式包括:S S I&T S I、PA B X 和

PSTN(电话)。本节只介绍SSI&TSI 拨号方式,关于
ESN12 耳塞式耳机
PABX和PSTN(电话)拨号方式请参考8.3.1 PABX/电话
EHN16 C型耳挂式耳机 呼叫:
EHN17 可调节耳挂式耳机 ● 若使用SSI 拨号方式,输入的号码位数不能超过8位。
EWN09 无线项挂式耳机 ● 若使用TSI 拨号方式:
EAN23 分体式透明管耳机 » 当需输入M N C和S S I时,S S I 须为 8 位,不足
EAN17 三线透明管监控耳机(米色) 时在首位前补0,M N C 输入实际位数,如:当
MNC=20且SSI=504 时,输入2000000504即可;
EAN18 三线透明管监控耳机(黑色)
» 当需输入 MCC、MNC和SSI时,SSI 须为 8 位,
SM18N5 防水扬声器话筒(IP67)
M N C 须为 4 位(当M N C不足4位时,请补足4
SM18N3 防水扬声器话筒(IP54) 位)或 5 位(MNC为5位),MCC 须为 3 位,不
ES-01 只接收耳塞式耳机(适配SM18N3) 足时在首位前补0,如:当MCC=460,MNC=20
EH-01 只接收C型耳挂式耳机(适配SM18N3)
EH-02 只接收可调节耳挂式耳机(适配SM18N3)
ES-02 只接收透明管耳机(适配SM18N3)




2013 Hytera Corp., Ltd.
-/: 518057
0123: 400 - 830 - 7020
http : //www . hytera . com
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