ISO 50009 2021 (En)

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First edition

Energy management systems —

Guidance for implementing a common
energy management system in
multiple organizations
Systèmes de management de l'énergie — Recommandations pour la
mise en oeuvre d'un système commun de management de l'énergie
dans les groupements d'organismes

Reference number
ISO 50009:2021(E)

© ISO 2021
Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.
ISO 50009:2021(E)


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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.
ISO 50009:2021(E)

Contents Page

Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms................................................................................................................................. 1
3.1 Terms related to organization.................................................................................................................................................... 1
3.2 Terms related to management system................................................................................................................................ 2
3.3 Terms related to requirement..................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Terms related to performance.................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.5 Terms related to energy................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Abbreviated terms................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
4 Context of the energy management group.................................................................................................................................. 9
4.1 Understanding the energy management group and its context.................................................................... 9
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties............................................................... 9
4.2.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4.2.2 Understanding the legal requirements and other requirements......................................... 10
4.3 Determining the scope of the common energy management system................................................... 10
4.3.1 Establishing the scope of the common energy management system............................... 10
4.3.2 Changes to the composition of the energy management group........................................... 11
4.4 Energy management system..................................................................................................................................................... 11
5 Leadership................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Leadership and commitment................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.1 Top management of each constituent organization........................................................................ 12
5.1.2 Energy management committee...................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Common energy policy.................................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities....................................................................................... 14
6 Planning....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 Objectives, energy targets and planning to achieve them............................................................................... 15
6.3 Energy review........................................................................................................................................................................................ 16
6.4 Energy performance indicators.............................................................................................................................................. 17
6.5 Energy baseline.................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.6 Planning for collection of energy data.............................................................................................................................. 18
7 Support......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Resources................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Competence............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
7.3 Awareness................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
7.4 Communication.................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
7.5 Documented information............................................................................................................................................................. 19
8 Operation................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.1 Operational planning and control........................................................................................................................................ 20
8.2 Design........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
8.3 Procurement........................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
9 Performance evaluation.............................................................................................................................................................................20
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy performance and the
EnMS.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
9.1.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
9.1.2 Actions to improve energy performance by constituent organizations ....................... 21
9.1.3 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements........... 21
9.2 Internal audit.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
9.3 Management review......................................................................................................................................................................... 22

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

10 Improvement..........................................................................................................................................................................................................22
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action............................................................................................................................... 22
10.2 Continual improvement by constituent organizations....................................................................................... 22
Annex A (informative) Roles and responsibilities of the energy management committee.......................24
Annex B (informative) Examples of energy management groups and common energy
management systems....................................................................................................................................................................................26
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.
ISO 50009:2021(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www​.iso​.org/​directives).
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 301, Energy management and energy
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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.
ISO 50009:2021(E)

ISO 50001 has been developed to enable a single organization to establish the systems and processes
necessary to continually improve energy performance. In some situations, better energy management
results are accomplished when several organizations work together to manage their energy collectively
by forming an energy management group (EnMG). These situations can be driven by changes in
technology and the spread of distributed energy resources.
EnMGs can include organizations which:
— operate in a geographical region, such as a city, district or a single industrial park;
— are in a single sector, such as food processing, rail transportation or universities;
— share a common customer (supply chain members), such as a supermarket chain or car manufacturer;
— are served by a common service supplier, such as a building landlord in a shopping mall;
— share one utility system (steam, electricity, etc.);
— form part of a franchise group, which can have (but does not need to have) a common supplier, such
as a franchised fast food chain (with common supplier), or independent retail stores that operate
under a cooperative banner;
— form part of a wider economic group, with financial links or common ownership;
— are different type of facilities owned by a municipal government (city office, library, hospital, etc.);
— share a common objective or energy target (either voluntarily set or mandated);
— have agreed to improve the same energy performance indicator (EnPI);
— are members of a trade association.
The approach within this document may also be used by a multi-site organization covered by a single or
common management system.
Groups of organizations can derive energy management benefits beyond those realizable by a single
organization through a joint or common approach to energy management by several organizations. In
addition, opportunities can be found by focusing on the energy that flows across the boundaries of each
constituent organization. This type of opportunity cannot be found in a single organization. Generally,
the wider the boundary becomes, the more opportunities there are to improve energy performance and
the amount of improvement.
The establishment of the EnMG can be driven by common energy needs, with the aim of facilitating
synergies or sharing expertise to improve energy performance.
EXAMPLE 1 Large energy investments can be more efficient (one large boiler rather than several small).

EXAMPLE 2 Waste heat or local renewable energy supplies can be shared.

It can be helpful for the implementation of an energy management system (EnMS) for a group of
organizations if at least one constituent organization has experience in energy management.
This document presents guidance on establishing a common EnMS modelled on ISO 50001 but focusing
on the issues that arise when multiple organizations coordinate energy management. The presence
of multiple organizations requires guidance with respect to management aspects of a common EnMS,
such as:
— leadership;
— planning;

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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.
ISO 50009:2021(E)

— support for common or joint actions;

— operations or execution of common or joint actions;
— knowledge transfer;
— sharing of best practice;
— performance evaluation;
— ensuring continual improvement.
One additional benefit of a common EnMS is the ability to share expertise, equipment, etc. among
constituent organizations to reduce costs and promote system improvements.
EXAMPLE 3 In an isolated mining or agricultural region it can be costly to bring in expertise (e.g. pumping
experts to reduce energy consumption in irrigated agriculture) or to hire specialized machinery. An EnMG is
often able to share experts’ fees, travel and accommodation costs.

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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.

Energy management systems — Guidance for

implementing a common energy management system in
multiple organizations

1 Scope
This document gives guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving a common
energy management system (EnMS) for multiple organizations.
This document follows the general structure used in ISO 50001:2018.

2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http://​w ww​.electropedia​.org/​

3.1 Terms related to organization

person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships
to achieve its objectives (3.4.11)
Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to, sole-trader, company, corporation, firm,
enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private.

Note 2 to entry: This document refers to “multiple organizations”. Multiple simply means “more than one” and
these organizations need not all have the same form or legal structure.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.1.1, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]
constituent organization
organization (3.1.1) within the energy management group (3.1.7) that implements a common energy
management system (3.2.3)
top management
person or group of people who directs and controls a constituent organization (3.1.2) at the highest level
Note 1 to entry: Top management is empowered to delegate authority and provide resources within the
constituent organization.

Note 2 to entry: If the scope of the management system (3.2.1) covers only part of a constituent organization, then
top management refers to those who direct and control that part of the constituent organization.

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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.
ISO 50009:2021(E)

Note 3 to entry: In an energy management group (3.1.7) there is usually no single top management covering the
entire group.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.1.2, modified — “constituent organization” has replaced “organization”.
Note 3 to entry has been replaced.]
physical or site limits and/or organizational limits as defined by the energy management group (EnMG)
(3.1.7) and the constituent organizations (3.1.2)
Note 1 to entry: The whole or any part of a constituent organization can be included in the boundary of an EnMG.

Note 2 to entry: The boundary can correspond to a geographic area, such as a city or metropolitan region or state
or nation, or the franchise area of a utility or other energy service provider.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.1.3, modified — The words “site limits and/or” have been added before
“organizational” and the words “as defined by the energy management group (EnMG) and the
constituent organizations” have been added after “limits”. The example has been deleted. Notes 1 and 2
to entry have been added.]
interested party (preferred term)
stakeholder (admitted term)
person or organization (3.1.1) that can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a
decision or activity
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.1.5]
energy management committee
committee to coordinate the common energy management system (3.2.3) on behalf of an energy
management group (3.1.7)
energy management group
two or more organizations (3.1.1) implementing a common energy management system (3.2.3)
Note 1 to entry: Constituent organizations (3.1.2) within an EnMG can have (but do not need to have) a financial

3.2 Terms related to management system

management system
set of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization (3.1.1), constituent organization (3.1.2)
or energy management group (3.1.7) to establish policies (3.2.5) and objectives (3.4.11) and processes
(3.3.6) to achieve those objectives
Note 1 to entry: A management system can address a single discipline or several disciplines.

Note 2 to entry: The system elements include the entity’s structure, roles and responsibilities, planning and

Note 3 to entry: The scope of a management system can include the whole of the organization, constituent
organization or energy management group, specific and identified functions or sections of each organization or
constituent organization, or one or more functions across the energy management group.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.2.1, modified — “constituent organization or energy management group”
has been added to the definition and to Note 3 to entry. “The EnMS scope includes all energy types
within its boundaries” has been deleted from Note 3 to entry.]
energy management system
management system (3.2.1) to establish an energy policy (3.2.6), objectives (3.4.11), energy targets
(3.4.13), action plans and process(es) (3.3.6) to achieve the objectives and energy targets
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.2.2]
common energy management system
common EnMS
EnMS (3.2.2) implemented by two or more organizations (3.1.1) that is coordinated by an energy
management committee (3.1.6)
common energy management system scope
common EnMS scope
set of activities which the energy management group (3.1.7) addresses through a common EnMS (3.2.3)
Note 1 to entry: The common EnMS scope can include several boundaries (3.1.4).

Note 2 to entry: The common EnMS scope can include activities outside the boundaries of individual constituent
organizations (3.1.2) and transport operations.

intentions and direction of an organization (3.1.1), as formally expressed by its top management (3.1.3)
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.2.3]
energy policy
statement by the energy management group (3.1.7) of its overall intention(s), direction(s) and
commitment(s) related to its energy performance (3.4.3)
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.2.4, modified — “energy management group” has replaced “organization”
and “as formally expressed by top management” has been deleted.]

3.3 Terms related to requirement

need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
Note 1 to entry: “Generally implied” means that it is custom or common practice for the organization (3.1.1),
constituent organization (3.1.2), energy management group (3.1.7) and interested parties (3.1.5) that the need or
expectation under consideration is implied.

Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement is one that is stated, for example in documented information (3.3.5).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.1, modified — “constituent organization, energy management group”
has been added to Note 1 to entry.]
fulfilment of a requirement (3.3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.2]

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.3.1)
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.3]
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity (3.3.3) and to prevent recurrence
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.4]
documented information
information required to be controlled and maintained by a constituent organization (3.1.2) or the energy
management committee (3.1.6) and the medium on which it is contained
Note 1 to entry: Documented information can be in any format and media, and from any source.

Note 2 to entry: Documented information can refer to:

— the management system (3.2.1), including related processes (3.3.6);

— information created in order for the organization (3.1.1) to operate (documentation);

— evidence of results achieved (records).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.5, modified — “a constituent organization or the energy management
committee” has replaced “an organization”.]
set of interrelated or interacting activities which transform inputs into outputs
Note 1 to entry: A process related to an organization’s (3.1.1) activities can be:

— physical (e.g. energy-using processes, such as combustion); or

— business or service (e.g. order fulfilment).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.6]

determining the status of a system, a process (3.3.6) or an activity
Note 1 to entry: To determine the status, there can be a need to check, supervise or critically observe.

Note 2 to entry: In an energy management system (3.2.2), monitoring can be a review of energy data.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.7]

systematic, independent and documented process (3.3.6) for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it
objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled
Note 1 to entry: An audit can be an internal audit (first party) or an external audit (second party or third party),
and it can be a combined audit (combining two or more disciplines).

Note 2 to entry: An internal audit is conducted by the organization (3.1.1) itself, or by another constituent
organization (3.1.2) within the energy management group (3.1.7), or by an external party on its behalf.

Note 3 to entry: “Audit evidence” and “audit criteria” are defined in ISO 19011.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

Note 4 to entry: The term “audit” as defined here and as used in this document means the internal audit of an
energy management system (3.2.2). This is different from an “energy audit”. In this definition, “audit evidence”
means evidence from an internal audit of the energy management system, and not evidence from an energy audit.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.8, modified — “or by another constituent organization within the energy
management group” has been added to Note 2 to entry.]
outsource, verb
make an arrangement where an external organization (3.1.1) performs part of an organization’s
function or process (3.3.6)
Note 1 to entry: While an external organization is outside the scope of the management system (3.2.1), the
outsourced function or process is within the scope.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.3.9]

3.4 Terms related to performance

process (3.3.6) to determine a value
Note 1 to entry: See ISO/IEC Guide 99 for additional information on measurement-related concepts.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.1]

measurable result
Note 1 to entry: Performance can relate either to quantitative or qualitative findings.

Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate to the management of activities, processes (3.3.6), products (including
services), systems, organizations (3.1.1), constituent organizations (3.1.2) or to the energy management group

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.2, modified — The words “constituent organizations or to the energy
management group” have been added to Note 2 to entry.]
energy performance
measurable result(s) related to energy efficiency (3.5.3), energy use (3.5.4) and energy consumption (3.5.2)
Note 1 to entry: Energy performance can be measured against the constituent organization’s (3.1.2) or the energy
management group’s (3.1.7) objectives (3.4.11), energy targets (3.4.13) and other energy performance requirements

Note 2 to entry: Energy performance is one component of the performance (3.4.2) of the energy management
system (3.2.2).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.3, modified — “constituent organization’s or the energy management
group’s” has replaced “organization’s” in Note 1 to entry.]
energy performance indicator
measure or unit of energy performance (3.4.3), as defined by the energy management group (EnMG)
(3.1.7) or its constituent organizations (3.1.2)
Note 1 to entry: EnPI(s) can be expressed by using a simple metric, ratio or a model, depending on the nature of
the activities being measured.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

Note 2 to entry: See ISO 50006 for additional information on EnPIs.

Note 3 to entry: In the energy management system (3.2.2) activity by an EnMG, one or more EnPIs can be set for
the whole group. Constituent organizations can have their own EnPI(s).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.4, modified — “energy management group (EnMG) or its constituent
organizations” has replaced “organization”. Note 3 to entry has been added.]
energy performance indicator value
EnPI value
quantification of the EnPI (3.4.4) at a point in or over a specified period of time
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.5]
energy performance improvement
improvement in measurable results of energy efficiency (3.5.3), or energy consumption (3.5.2) related to
energy use (3.5.4), compared to the energy baseline (3.4.7)
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.6]
energy baseline
quantitative reference(s) providing a basis for comparison of energy performance (3.4.3)
Note 1 to entry: An energy baseline is based on data from a specified period of time and/or conditions.

Note 2 to entry: One or more energy baselines are used for determination of energy performance improvement
(3.4.6), as a reference before and after, or with and without implementation of energy performance improvement

Note 3 to entry: See ISO 50015 for additional information on measurement (3.4.1) and verification of energy

Note 4 to entry: See ISO 50006 for additional information on energy performance indicators (3.4.4) and energy
baselines (3.4.7).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.7, modified — “as defined by the organization” has been deleted from
Note 1 to entry.]
relevant variable
quantifiable factor that significantly impacts energy performance (3.4.3) and routinely changes
EXAMPLE Weather conditions, operating conditions (indoor temperature, light level), working hours,
production output.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.9, modified — Note 1 to entry has been deleted.]
effect of uncertainty
Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation from the expected – positive or negative.

Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state, even partial, of deficiency of information related to, understanding or
knowledge of, an event, its consequence, or likelihood.

Note 3 to entry: Risk is often characterized by reference to potential “events” (as defined in ISO Guide 73) and
“consequences” (as defined in ISO Guide 73), or a combination of these.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event (including
changes in circumstances) and the associated “likelihood” (as defined in ISO Guide 73) of occurrence.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.11]

ability to apply knowledge and skills to achieve intended results
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.12]
results to be achieved
Note 1 to entry: Objectives are set to meet the energy policy (3.2.6) of an energy management group (EnMG) (3.1.7).

Note 2 to entry: The objectives of a constituent organization (3.1.2) can be part of the objectives of the EnMG.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.13, modified — Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4 to entry have been deleted. Notes 1
and 2 to entry have been added.]
extent to which planned activities are realized and planned results achieved
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.14]
energy target
quantifiable objective (3.4.11) of energy performance improvement (3.4.6)
Note 1 to entry: An energy target can be included within an objective.

Note 2 to entry: An energy target for each constituent organization (3.1.2) can be different from the energy target
of the energy management group (3.1.7).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.15, modified — Note 2 to entry has been added.]
continual improvement
recurring activity to enhance performance (3.4.2)
Note 1 to entry: The concept relates to the improvement of energy performance (3.4.3) and the energy management
system (3.2.2).

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.4.16]

3.5 Terms related to energy

electricity, fuels, steam, heat, compressed air and other similar media
Note 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, energy refers to the various types of energy, including
renewable, which can be purchased, stored, treated, used in an equipment or in a process (3.3.6), or recovered.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.5.1]

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

energy consumption
quantity of energy (3.5.1) applied
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.5.2]
energy efficiency
ratio or other quantitative relationship between an output of performance (3.4.2), service, goods,
commodities, or energy (3.5.1), and an input of energy
EXAMPLE Conversion efficiency; energy required/energy consumed.

Note 1 to entry: Both input and output should be clearly specified in terms of quantity and quality and be

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.5.3]

energy use
application of energy (3.5.1)
EXAMPLE Ventilation; lighting; heating; cooling; transportation; data storage; production process (3.3.6).

Note 1 to entry: Energy use is sometimes referred to as “energy end-use”.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.5.4]

energy review
analysis of energy efficiency (3.5.3), energy use (3.5.4) and energy consumption (3.5.2) based on data
and other information, leading to identification of significant energy uses (3.5.6) and opportunities for
energy performance improvement (3.4.6)
[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.5.5]
significant energy use
energy use (3.5.4) accounting for substantial energy consumption (3.5.2) and/or offering considerable
potential for energy performance improvement (3.4.6)
Note 1 to entry: Significance criteria are determined by the energy management committee (3.1.6) and can apply
at the level of one or more constituent organizations (3.1.2) or the energy management group (3.1.7).

Note 2 to entry: SEUs can be facilities, systems, processes (3.3.6), or equipment.

[SOURCE: ISO 50001:2018, 3.5.6, modified — “energy management committee and can apply at the level
of one or more constituent organizations or the energy management group” has replaced “organization”
in Note 1 to entry.]

3.6 Abbreviated terms

AHU air handling unit

BMS building management system

CHP combined heat and power

common EnMS common energy management system

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common EnMS scope common energy management system scope

EnB energy baseline

EnMC energy management committee

EnMG energy management group

EnMS energy management system

EnPI energy performance indicator

MOU memorandum of understanding

SEU significant energy use

4 Context of the energy management group

4.1 Understanding the energy management group and its context

Members of the EnMG (referred to in this document as the “constituent organizations”) have agreed
to manage their energy use collaboratively to improve energy performance by using a common EnMS.
In order to do so they may form an EnMG, which can be (but does not need to be) a separate legal
entity, to develop and maintain a common EnMS. The EnMG will be responsible for determining the
scope and boundaries of the common EnMS that they establish. The common EnMS includes the energy
uses that each of the constituent EnMG members choose to manage in common (see 4.3.1). Constituent
organizations should manage at least some, but not necessarily all, of their energy through the common
EnMS. There can be a variety of forms for an EnMG.
The Introduction includes a list of possible situations where EnMGs may be formed. Examples of EnMGs
are given in Annex B.
The EnMG should establish an energy management committee (EnMC) to coordinate the activities of
the common EnMS. This may be a formal committee or an informal group of individuals representing
constituent organizations.
The EnMG should be responsible for drawing up necessary memorandums of understanding (MOU) and
non-disclosure agreements concerning the establishment of the EnMC and the operation of the common
EnMS, including how confidential data should be handled and made available for EnMS auditing
The EnMG or EnMC should determine external and internal issues that are relevant to the EnMG that
could affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of the common EnMS. The activities of the
EnMC are described in 5.1.2.

4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

4.2.1 General

The EnMG or its EnMC should determine:

a) the interested parties that are relevant to the common EnMS and energy performance;
b) any relevant requirements of the interested parties.
EXAMPLE In a shopping mall where all the tenants have formed an EnMG, the landlord would be an
interested party.

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4.2.2 Understanding the legal requirements and other requirements

The EnMG or the EnMC should identify and ensure that it has access to the applicable legal requirements
and other requirements related to the EnMG’s energy use, energy consumption and energy efficiency.
The EnMC should determine how these requirements apply and should ensure that they are taken into
account in establishing, implementing and maintaining the common EnMS.
Legal requirements and other requirements should be reviewed at defined intervals by the EnMG or the
EnMC. It should take into account factors such as confidentiality, conflict of interest and competition
when planning and implementing the common EnMS.

4.3 Determining the scope of the common energy management system

4.3.1 Establishing the scope of the common energy management system

The boundaries may be different for each constituent organization, but the scope of the common EnMS
should clearly identify the set of activities and processes which the EnMG addresses (see Figure 1).

Figure 1 — Scope and boundaries of the common EnMS

The scope of the common EnMS may include:

— activities and processes which each constituent organization chooses to include within it;
— activities and processes that are not under the control of any individual constituent organization
(e.g. street lighting in an industrial park or corridor lighting in a retail mall).
The EnMG should take into account:
a) that the scope of each constituent organization should be relevant to its need for energy performance
improvement and related external and internal issues common to all constituent organizations;
b) the person(s) available to establish and maintain the common EnMS.
EXAMPLE 1 In the case of a utility with a large number of small customers which are the constituent
organizations, the scope for each customer could be very limited, such as allowing permission for another
constituent organization or a third party (which can be the utility) to use its energy consumption data for
statistical purposes to track a group EnPI.

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EXAMPLE 2 In a common EnMS covering the supply chain for an electronics assembly plant, the scope includes
energy used in transporting components or semi-finished goods between the constituent organizations, but
excludes transport energy used by them for other purposes.

EXAMPLE 3 In an EnMS covering the supply chain for an automobile assembly plant, part of the supply chain is
a facility that produces air conditioners for cars, trucks and railway vehicles. The scope includes the energy used
to construct automobile air conditioners but not the other types of air conditioners.

EXAMPLE 4 A real estate company is establishing a common EnMS for its building tenants, who form
the constituent organizations. The tenants have no control over the central HVAC system. In this case, each
constituent organization’s scope could be very limited, such as allowing permission for the real estate company
to use its energy consumption data for statistical purposes to track a group EnPI.

4.3.2 Changes to the composition of the energy management group

When a constituent organization leaves or is added to an EnMG, the EnMC should determine any
necessary changes to the scope and operation of the common EnMS, considering:
— that the integrity of the EnMS should be maintained, keeping changes to a minimum;
— the terms for joining or leaving the EnMG that may have been set out in an MOU, or otherwise
determined by the EnMC;
— any changes to risks and opportunities as a result of the change in the composition (see 6.1).
The EnMC should periodically review whether the current constituent organizations are still
appropriate to participate in the EnMG, but the final decision lies with the EnMG.
In some cases (e.g. in a supply chain EnMS when the common customer withdraws), it is sometimes no
longer possible to maintain a common EnMS.

4.4 Energy management system

Each constituent organization should commit to implementing, maintaining and continually improving
its part of the common EnMS, including the processes needed and their interactions, and continually
improve its energy performance. It should also be encouraged to continually improve its own
organizational energy performance outside the common EnMS.
EXAMPLE When implementing the common EnMS in an industrial park, an assembly plant changes its
compressed air operational schedule to be consistent with optimizing energy performance across the EnMG.

NOTE 1 The processes needed in each constituent organization’s EnMS can differ due to:

— its size and its type of activities, processes, products and services;

— the complexity of processes and their interactions;

— the competence of personnel;

— its strategic direction.

NOTE 2 Responsibilities can differ depending on the nature of the constituent organization. For example, if the
constituent organization is a large manufacturing organization, it could contribute significant human resources
to the common EnMS.

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5 Leadership

5.1 Leadership and commitment

5.1.1 Top management of each constituent organization

Top management of each constituent organization should demonstrate leadership and commitment to
continually improving energy performance and the effectiveness of the common EnMS. The constituent
organizations may enter into a collaboration agreement setting out their roles and responsibilities in
respect of the EnMG, which should include agreeing to:
a) the need to plan for the process of implementing the common EnMS;
b) the establishment of the EnMC with terms of reference setting out its roles and responsibilities;
NOTE The function of the EnMC can sometimes be carried out by a pre-existing committee within
the EnMG.

c) the rules of the governance of the committee, e.g. decisions on investment;

d) the rules to enter or to leave the committee;
e) the allocation of adequate resources from constituent organizations;
f) a process for sharing information, data and common resources.
The members of the EnMC may consist of top management from the constituent organizations or
other appropriately qualified representatives. For EnMGs with a large number of small constituent
organizations, the small organizations can be represented as a class by one or more designated
committee members.
EXAMPLE In a retail mall with over 100 constituent organizations implementing a common EnMS, the
committee elects eight representatives, chosen to reflect the range of interested parties. These include top
management of smaller independent stores, the branch manager of a large supermarket in the mall, and a director
of the property company (landlord) that owns the mall.

5.1.2 Energy management committee

The role of the EnMC should be established through negotiation and agreement by the constituent
organizations. See Annex A.
Information required by the EnMC about each constituent organization (e.g. energy consumption,
relevant variables) may need to be kept confidential. The relevant information should be identified,
and the EnMG and its constituent organizations should agree in advance on how to handle confidential
information and what may be disclosed.
In the case of very small constituent organizations, the EnMS and representation on the committee may
be indirect. Examples of this case are:
— customers of a utility, which could include individual households, where the representation can be a
consumer-based non-governmental organization or a government agency with consumer protection
— a small supplier in a supply chain EnMG, who could be represented in the committee by a trade
When the EnMC reviews the context of the EnMG, it should consider the following points among others:
— the risks and opportunities common to the group;
— the need for energy performance improvements and related external issues common to the
constituent organizations;

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— information resources, human resources and expertise, guidelines, success cases and lessons
learned, etc. related to energy performance improvement, which can be shared by the constituent
— the common concept for organizing energy management in the EnMG;
— the importance of demonstrating energy performance improvement by the EnMG and its constituent
— how the common objective of the group enhances the strategic direction of the participating
— the extent to which one constituent organization’s energy performance improvement could affect
the energy performance of another constituent organization or of the group.
The EnMC may set up sub-committees as required and may delegate some of its responsibilities to
them. Sub-committees may also be established to address issues that apply to some, but not all, of the
constituent organizations.
EXAMPLE An EnMG is set up for tenants of a large shopping mall. Separate energy management sub-
committees are established for: 1) general retailers, and 2) restaurants within the mall.

The EnMC’s activities should include:

a) establishing the objectives and energy targets relevant to the EnMG;
b) setting investment recommendations or operational guidance for the energy performance
improvement of energy supply facilities and energy consuming equipment that are used by more
than one constituent organization;
c) determining common information and resources required;
d) determining the structure and the members of staff who set up the objectives and energy targets
under the EnMC;
e) agreeing with each constituent organization on the department(s) or personnel responsible for
implementation in that constituent organization;
f) understanding the energy performance improvement effects of both the EnMG and each constituent
organization, and evaluating these results;
g) making an action plan for the EnMG, taking into account the action plans (if any) of each constituent
h) specifying issues related to data such as provision, flow, storage and security;
i) specifying which organization has access to its own or others’ data and for what purpose accessed
data can be used.
The common EnMS should be integrated into the business processes and long-term planning of all
constituent organizations.
The EnMC should agree on what resources are made available for the common EnMS activities.
The committee’s activities may include arranging for the investment needs of one constituent of the
group to be met by capital from another constituent, with the funds to be made available on mutually
acceptable terms.
The EnMC may appoint a secretary. The EnMC may delegate some of its roles to the secretary but should
retain ultimate responsibility for the EnMS. The secretary’s roles may include:
— facilitating the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the EnMS;

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— co-ordinating with all the committee members to ensure smooth working of the committee;
— communicating responsibilities and authorities in order to facilitate effective energy management
across the EnMS group;
— controlling and maintaining the committee records and documents;
— promoting awareness of the common energy policy and objectives at all levels of the constituent
— organizing and holding the committee meetings at planned intervals.

5.2 Common energy policy

The EnMC should draw up a common energy policy that determines how the constituent organizations
can contribute to improve their energy performance and that of the EnMG. Constituent organizations
may have additional energy policies of their own.
The EnMC should establish an energy policy that:
a) is appropriate to the purpose of the EnMG and its constituent organizations;
b) provides a framework for setting and reviewing objectives and energy targets (see 6.2) and
includes guidance and a procedure for allocating these among constituent organizations;
c) includes a commitment to ensure the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve
objectives and energy targets;
d) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable legal requirements and other requirements;
e) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the EnMS and of the energy performance of
the EnMG.
The energy policy should be:
— communicated within the EnMG and all constituent organizations, and to interested parties, as
— periodically reviewed and updated as necessary.
If an EnMG and its constituent organizations agree, each constituent organization may set up its own
energy policy as a part of that of the wider group. In this case, the constituent organization should
share not only its own energy policy, but also that of the total EnMG, and should pursue both individual
and collective approaches toward achieving them.

5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

Top management of each constituent organization should agree to an MOU that assigns the
responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles to personnel in each constituent organization, and
should communicate these within their organization.
Each constituent organization of the EnMG should be responsible for maintaining its part of the EnMS.
Some functions of the EnMS may be delegated to one or more constituent organizations or outsourced
to a third party. The EnMC should encourage constituent organizations to conform to ISO 50001.
The EnMC may also be responsible for:
— setting the scope, boundaries, objectives and energy targets of the common EnMS, and monitoring
energy performance;
— determining the relationship between constituent organizations;

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— managing the relationship between the EnMG and external entities, such as cities, regions or sectors
that may also set targets or other requirements.

6 Planning

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

When planning for the EnMS, the EnMC should consider the issues referred to in 4.1, the requirements
referred to in 4.2, and the scope and boundaries of the common EnMS to:
— determine the risks and opportunities in constituent organizations that could affect intended
outcome(s) of the common EnMS including energy performance improvement;
— plan actions to mitigate risks and take advantage of opportunities for continual improvement of
energy performance;
— share the identified risks and opportunities with all constituent organizations.
The EnMC should identify risks and opportunities for activities and processes that are not under
the control of any individual constituent organization, and specify whether they arise from common
sources and have common or separate consequences.
When the EnMC reviews the risks and opportunities that can affect the objectives, energy targets and
energy performance before planned actions are implemented, the EnMC should:
— share the determined risks and opportunities and planned actions with all constituent organizations;
— review whether a planned action by one constituent organization affects energy performance and
significant energy uses (SEUs) in other constituent organizations.

6.2 Objectives, energy targets and planning to achieve them

Objectives and energy targets may be developed through an iterative process recognizing the benefits
of cooperative action to improve energy performance. The EnMC should establish the objectives and
energy targets for the EnMG and each constituent organization should provide the EnMC with its own
objectives and energy targets that are consistent with the group objectives and energy targets. The
EnMC may need to reconcile the objectives and targets developed for the EnMG and those proposed
by the constituent organizations. When establishing or reconciling energy targets, the EnMC should
consider factors such as the ability of constituent organizations to measure and share data, and the
location of SEUs within the EnMG.
The EnMC should develop an action plan to achieve the energy targets of the EnMG. Constituent
organizations may need to develop their own action plans aligned with that of the EnMG.
The EnMC should:
a) agree to the procedure to establish common energy planning;
b) determine which actions to take when the constituent organizations change, e.g. when organizations
join or leave the group, or change business or ownership.
The EnMC should also consider:
— how the common energy targets are shared within the EnMG;
— how the targets for constituent organizations are combined into group targets, where applicable;
— how initial energy targets can change over time, and be modified to accommodate the changed
circumstances of constituent organizations;

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— how to manage a situation where reduced energy consumption in some constituent organizations
directly leads to increased energy consumption in others;
EXAMPLE 1 The EnMC determines that overall energy consumption could be reduced if all components
are assembled in a single location. This reduces energy consumption in several sub-component assemblers
but increases energy consumption in the common assembly location. It can also increase energy consumption
by the haulage company taking the components to the common assembly location.

— how the performance against energy targets will be verified, if only limited information is shared;
— how the EnMG can encourage better performance by constituent organizations whose measured
energy performance falls short of the agreed targets.
EXAMPLE 2 Organizations based in an industrial park are implementing a common EnMS. As all the
organizations use electricity and gas in their processes, the objective and energy target for the group covers only
these two types of energy. However, some constituent organizations also maintain a fleet of delivery vehicles
that use diesel. They have their own additional objectives and energy targets designed to improve the energy
performance of transportation and to reduce the consumption of diesel.

Energy targets should be determined based on the energy performance improvement opportunities
found in energy reviews but may also consider SEUs and the past achievements of each constituent
organization. Accordingly, different energy targets can be set depending on the maturity of energy
management in each constituent organization.
EXAMPLE 3 In a shopping mall, there are two stores. One has operated its own EnMS for many years; the
other is new to energy management. As a result, the EnMC has set an energy savings target of 2,5 % for the first
store, but 10 % for the other store.

Where large constituent organizations affect the overall energy performance improvement for the
EnMG, results should be weighted or directly summed in a way which ensures that overall energy
performance improvement of the EnMG is accurately represented.
Constituent organizations may agree to share the risks. For example, if one constituent organization has
been unable to achieve its energy target, the energy performance improvement of the other constituent
organizations may make up for the shortfall.
EXAMPLE 4 In a food court, there are several restaurants and the fried chicken store and the pizzeria are
owned by a single company. Although the EnMC initially set all restaurants a target of saving 5 % of energy
consumption, this company negotiates a change that allows it to make all its savings in the pizza restaurant by
investing in new ovens. In subsequent years, it could decide to invest in the fried chicken store to achieve its
energy targets, or to improve the lighting in both its restaurants.

6.3 Energy review

The EnMC should develop and conduct an energy review. To develop the energy review, the EnMC
should analyse energy consumption of the constituent organizations in the EnMG and identify SEUs
in each constituent organization. For each SEU, it should determine relevant variables and identify
the person(s) that influence or affect the SEUs. Energy consumption which is not significant in any
constituent organization can be significant at the EnMG level.
The energy review should include any energy uses that are not under the control of any individual
organization but are within the scope of the common EnMS.
Data from the energy review should be used to establish EnPI(s) for the EnMG. Unexpected or unusual
variations in energy consumption between constituent organizations should be identified and
The EnMC should determine and prioritize opportunities for improving energy performance. It is
important to find opportunities by focusing on the energy and materials that flow across the boundaries
of each constituent organization. This type of opportunity cannot be found in a single organization.
The energy review should explore energy performance improvement opportunities that depend on the
cooperation of constituent organizations.

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Subject to the requirements of confidentiality, constituent organizations can find it valuable to

undertake a peer review, with personnel from one constituent organization reviewing the results of the
energy review carried out by another constituent organization.
Energy performance benchmarking with a focus on the identification of best practices and their
replication can be used to compare energy consumption in constituent organizations under equivalent
EXAMPLE A shopping mall has several stores selling clothing. These stores agree to share data, through the
EnMC, to enable benchmarking in terms of total energy consumption and energy consumption used in lighting, in
both cases measured per square metre of floor space.

The EnMC may use common methods and criteria for developing and conducting the energy review in
each constituent organization, which should be documented.
If expertise to develop and conduct an energy review needs to be outsourced, the EnMC may agree on
joint procurement to reduce costs.

6.4 Energy performance indicators

The EnMC should establish group EnPIs for the common EnMS. Each constituent organization should
ensure that, where appropriate, EnPIs that it has established are compatible with the group EnPIs. These
should be consistent with the EnMG’s objectives and energy targets. An energy target of a constituent
organization may employ a different EnPI or set of EnPIs from that of the EnMG.
Group EnPIs should be representative of the energy performance of the EnMG, taking into account
differences in the energy consumption and activities undertaken by constituent organizations, and how
the energy performance of members of the group interacts. Where there are significant differences in
the organizations or their EnPIs, these can be combined in various ways. EnPIs may be determined to
allow users to use weighting factors for comparing different types of energy. These factors should be
the same for all constituent organizations and for the common EnMS.
EXAMPLE 1 Weighting factors can be used for:

— accounting for losses in the energy conversion process;

— comparing the consumption of the same type of energy at different times of the day or year;

— accounting for primary energy, environmental or other societal aspects of energy consumption.

Constituent organizations may need to modify previously selected EnPIs when energy use within one
or more organizations is affected by energy use by other organizations within the EnMG.
EXAMPLE 2 Company A takes over the distribution of goods for Company B. Both companies previously
used energy consumed per unit delivered as their EnPI. Because Company A is now collecting goods from two
locations, the energy consumed per unit delivered by Company A has increased, but total energy consumed
across the two companies has fallen, as Company B previously had a less-efficient distribution network. This is
reflected by normalizing Company A’s EnPI to include distance as well as the number of units delivered.

If, for reasons of confidentiality, one constituent organization is unable to share its data with the EnMC,
the constituent organization should inform the EnMC and provide it with other relevant indicators (or
an index) which have been calculated using the confidential information and which meet the needs of
the EnMC in determining the energy performance of the EnMG.
NOTE Confidential records are sometimes required to be made available for both internal and external
EnMS audits.

EXAMPLE 3 Energy consumption data are confidential for constituent organizations that can confer with
the EnMC, which lets them provide it with a normalized EnPI(s) calculated by using energy consumption and
quantities of their products (the relevant variables) in order to calculate EnPIs for the total EnMG.

EXAMPLE 4 An EnMG requires constituent organizations to report by an agreed method, either by their
energy consumption or by the value of their EnPI or their energy savings, and combines the totals for the EnMG.

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EXAMPLE 5 An EnMG lets a third party aggregate data on energy consumption without attributing individual
numbers to a given constituent organization.

As the various constituent organizations can use a wide variety of types of energy, including some
generated onsite, it can be necessary to convert their energy consumption to a single energy equivalent.
This can be done by methods including calculating the delivered energy across the boundary of each
constituent organization, or by conversion to a common primary energy equivalent. More detail on
energy accounting (and how to determine energy savings from different types of energy) can be found
in ISO 50047:2016. Other approaches may be used and should be documented.

6.5 Energy baseline

The EnMC should set the baseline periods to be used by the group.
As the availability of data can vary between the constituent organizations, it is not always possible
to use a common baseline period. In this case, consideration should be given to how the baseline is
selected and normalized, and whether there is a need for revision (e.g. for changes to the EnMS scope or
boundaries). Partial revisions to baselines may also be needed where there are significant changes in
activities of some, but not all, constituent organizations.
EXAMPLE In a shopping mall, a shop that was selling shoes in the baseline year (with a fairly low energy
consumption) has now been converted into a coffee shop, with a much higher energy consumption.

The energy baselines (EnBs) to determine group energy performance should be chosen by the EnMC
and normalized, as appropriate, in consultation with the members of the EnMG. ISO 50006 describes
the methods for determining EnBs.
EnBs may need to be developed for individual constituent organizations where the relevant variables
are different. EnBs may be based on a different time period for different constituent organizations
provided that the EnBs are appropriately normalized for changes in conditions.
Consideration should also be given to cases where organizations join or leave an EnMG after the initial
baseline period. This can occur in malls or industrial parks where some units remain or become

6.6 Planning for collection of energy data

Collection of energy data and measurement should be planned, taking account of:
— characteristics of the way energy is used within the EnMG by the constituent organizations;
— any special characteristics of a specific type of energy used, such as the dependence of photovoltaics
on the availability of solar radiation or the maintenance requirement of different types of batteries;
— the need to make data available to the various members of the group;
— how confidential data will be treated.

7 Support

7.1 Resources
The constituent organizations should provide the EnMC with the resources necessary for the
establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of energy performance
of the group and the common EnMS. Additionally, some constituent organizations may agree to
provide resources such as staff time, finance, expertise and management advice to other constituent
organizations in the EnMG. Further, the constituent organizations should consider whether the
EnMG could access external resources, e.g. grants or partnerships with academic, research or other

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The EnMC may encourage personnel in constituent organizations with substantial energy management
experience in a particular type of energy use to share their experience with other members of the EnMG.
NOTE 1 A large organization whose group consists of its supply chain, and whose constituent organizations
are much smaller, could provide technical, managerial and financial assistance to the smaller organizations.

A utility or government may offer training and technical assistance, as well as financial aid.
NOTE 2 Activities such as training and procurement are good candidates for cooperation.

7.2 Competence
The EnMC should ensure that person(s) (including its own staff, relevant staff within constituent
organizations and those employed by third parties) are competent to implement the common EnMS and
deliver improved energy performance. Where necessary, the EnMC should take actions to enable these
person(s) to acquire the necessary competence and should evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken.
This may include establishing a training and energy awareness programme(s) specific to an energy
use(s) in group activities.
NOTE Costs can be reduced for constituent organizations by collectively paying for common consulting
services or training.

7.3 Awareness
The EnMC and constituent organizations should:
— develop an energy culture that is meaningful and useful to the EnMG and its constituent organizations;
— promote awareness of how activities or behaviour of personnel in each constituent organization
can impact the energy performance of the EnMG;
— consider the implications of not conforming to the requirements of the common EnMS.

7.4 Communication
The EnMC should determine the internal and external communications of the EnMG relevant to the
common EnMS, considering any potential conflict with individual constituent organizations, including:
— what to communicate;
— when to communicate;
— with whom to communicate;
— how to communicate;
— who will communicate.

7.5 Documented information

The EnMC should create and update documented information needed to operate the common EnMS.
The EnMC should determine whether documented information is controlled centrally by the EnMC, or
whether responsibility is devolved to the constituent organizations, or some combination of the two. In
making this decision, it should consider the need for confidentiality as well as the benefits of having a
single location for all relevant information. It may consider to whom and under what circumstances access
to data is allowed and whether to require the use of specific data formats for some or all of the data.

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8 Operation

8.1 Operational planning and control

The EnMC should:
— plan, implement and control the processes related to the SEUs under its direct responsibility;
— require all constituent organizations to control the processes related to the SEUs that are under
their responsibility;
— control (or influence) the outsourced processes.
The EnMC should seek to ensure that good practices are shared within the EnMG.

8.2 Design
The EnMC should ensure that constituent organizations consider energy performance improvement
when designing new, modified or renovated facilities and energy-using processes. When one
constituent organization introduces a plan, policy, design or specification that represents best practice,
it should share this with the EnMC and other organizations in the EnMG, subject to confidentiality and
competition considerations.
EXAMPLE Appropriately sized combined heat and power (CHP) systems have a higher energy efficiency. If
some of the constituent organizations collectively install a single CHP plant, the energy performance of the group
could be improved.

8.3 Procurement
The energy performance of the EnMG can often be improved by group procurement of energy services,
products and facilities management. Additionally, a larger order could allow the procurement of
products or energy services at a lower cost.

9 Performance evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy performance and

the EnMS

9.1.1 General

The effectiveness of the common EnMS should be evaluated at planned intervals in terms of how well
it is achieving its objectives, both on its own merits and compared to a case where each constituent
organization acted on its own with an individual EnMS.
The EnMC, in consultation with the constituent organizations, should implement the monitoring and
measurement plan described in 6.6 and, in addition, should monitor the EnMG’s energy performance and
the effectiveness of the common EnMS. The results should provide information on key characteristics
such as:
— EnPIs of the EnMG;
— operation of the EnMG’s SEUs;
— operation of the common EnMS;
— the effectiveness of the actions in achieving the EnMG’s energy targets.
The EnMC should evaluate the EnMG's energy performance by comparing its EnPI value, normalized if
necessary, with its corresponding EnB.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

The EnMC should:

— ensure that all instruments used for monitoring and measurement provide data which are accurate
and repeatable;
— analyse the data from monitoring and measurement to evaluate whether expected results have
been achieved, including energy performance improvement;
— investigate and respond to significant deviations in energy performance;
NOTE The significance criteria for deviations can be identical for the EnMG as a whole (e.g. a percentage
value) or different for constituent organizations.

— maintain documented information of the methods used for monitoring, measurement, analysis and
— retain documented information of the results from these activities.
These activities may also include data from monitoring and measurement provided by constituent

9.1.2 Actions to improve energy performance by constituent organizations

If a constituent organization fails to meet its responsibilities under the collaboration agreement or MOU
(if one exists), or to provide necessary data on a timely basis or to improve its energy performance, the
EnMC may, as appropriate:
— investigate the reasons for the under-performance, including reviewing the selection of EnBs
and EnPIs;
— consider whether more resources need to be applied to that organization, either internally or by
providing more support from the EnMC;
— issue a formal nonconformity with recommendations for improvements;
— remove the organization from the EnMG;
— take other actions as provided under the MOU.

9.1.3 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and other requirements

At planned intervals, the EnMC should ensure the evaluation of compliance with legal and other
requirements (see 4.2.2) related to the EnMG’s energy efficiency, energy use, energy consumption and
the common EnMS. This evaluation may be carried out by the EnMC or by a combination of the EnMC
and some or all constituent organizations.
The EnMC should retain documented information on the results of the evaluation of compliance and
any actions taken.

9.2 Internal audit

The EnMC should facilitate the conducting of internal audits at planned intervals, as well as selecting
competent auditors to ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process. It is good practice
to engage auditors from one constituent organization for internal audits in other constituent
organizations. The scope of internal audit should be agreed within the EnMC. In an EnMG with many or
very small constituent organizations, it may be desirable to audit those organizations on a sample basis,
taking into account energy use, energy targets and energy consumption data. The EnMC should plan a
programme to ensure that, over an agreed period of years, all constituent organizations are eventually
subjected to an EnMC audit.

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9.3 Management review

The EnMC should review the common EnMS at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability,
adequacy, effectiveness and its continual improvement.
The EnMC should report the results of the management review to the top management of the constituent
organizations within the EnMG, with the purpose of:
— keeping the EnMG informed on the status of the common EnMS, such as its effectiveness and
— identifying opportunities to improve energy performance;
— requesting the allocation of resources from constituent organizations.
The management review can include results of energy performance benchmarking between constituent
The EnMG should have a process to identify the value of including new constituent organizations into
the group, and also evaluate whether current participants are still appropriate for the group.
EXAMPLE 1 If the EnMG is the supply chain of a single organization, that organization can require its new
suppliers to join the EnMG.

EXAMPLE 2 If a constituent organization in a supply chain chooses to outsource production of one of

its components to a new organization, the new organization can be required or invited to be a constituent
organization of the EnMG.

10 Improvement

10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action

During audits or during the routine operation of the common EnMS, the constituent organizations and
the EnMC can identify nonconformities within the scope of the common EnMS.
The EnMC should agree on which of these nonconformities are to be addressed by the EnMC rather than
the constituent organizations. The constituent organization addressing the nonconformity or the EnMC
should provide a plan to the EnMC on how the nonconformity will be addressed.
EXAMPLE 1 Nonconformities involving a shared cogeneration system can be addressed by the EnMC.

EXAMPLE 2 In a chain of franchised convenience stores, it is the responsibility of the individual stores to take
corrective actions on a nonconformity involving the operation of lighting.

When nonconformities are found in one constituent organization, investigation should be made to
determine whether they are applicable to any other constituent organizations.
EXAMPLE 3 In a chain of franchised convenience stores, if it is found that one store has a nonconformity
involving the control of air-conditioning, it is likely that a similar nonconformity could be found in other stores.

Corrective actions should be appropriate to the effects of the encountered nonconformities.

The EnMC should retain documented information of:
— the nature of the nonconformities and subsequent actions taken, whether by the EnMC or the
constituent organization(s) concerned;
— the results of any corrective action.

10.2 Continual improvement by constituent organizations

The EnMG and each constituent organization should continually improve their energy performance.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

There can be occasions where optimizing energy consumption across the EnMG as a whole leads to an
increase in energy consumption by one or more constituent organizations. In such cases, the energy
performance of the group should be the primary consideration of the common EnMS. This choice is one
of the reasons why a common EnMS can lead to better overall results than combining the results of the
EnMS of each constituent organization.
In the following examples the raw material supplier and the raw material processor are members of
the EnMG.
EXAMPLE 1 In a supply chain group it can make sense for one company in a particular city to be responsible
for operating a common transport fleet that is used by all companies in that city when delivering part-finished
goods to the organization (based in a different city) responsible for final product assembly.

EXAMPLE 2 The energy consumption to produce the final product is reduced, but the energy consumption
necessary for the raw materials in the supply chain is increased. The resultant total energy consumption is

EXAMPLE 3 In a supply chain EnMG the system is changed so that raw materials are refined earlier in the
process, at source. This reduces waste and transportation energy but leads to a higher energy consumption by
the refining company. Overall, the result is lower total energy consumption across the EnMG.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

Annex A

Roles and responsibilities of the energy management committee

A.1 Organizational considerations

The EnMC should:
— agree to its roles and responsibilities (terms of reference);
— determine the interested parties relevant to the EnMS and energy performance, and any
requirements (see 4.2.1);
— consider factors related to constituent organization confidentiality, conflict of interest and
competition (see 4.2.2);
— determine the structure and the members of the staff who set up the energy target under the EnMC
(see 5.1.2);
— hold meetings at least once a year (see 5.1.2);
— determine common information requirements and human resources to be available for energy
performance improvement (see 5.1.2);
— agree with each constituent organization on the department that is responsible for implementation
in that constituent organization (see 5.1.2);
— agree on what resources are made available for the common EnMS activities (see 5.1.2);
— develop an action plan that will improve the energy performance of the whole group (see 6.2);
— set up rules for maintaining confidentiality (see 6.4);
— review the competence of those who are to implement the EnMS and deliver improved energy
performance, and initiate training and awareness programmes (see 7.2);
— draw up MOUs and non-disclosure agreements, where needed (see 7.5).

A.2 Roles and responsibilities

The EnMC should:
— determine the EnMS scope and boundaries (see 4.3);
— establish the requirements for energy performance improvement and the energy target relevant to
the EnMG (see 5.1.2);
— understand the energy performance improvement effects of both the EnMG and each constituent
organization, and evaluate these results (see 5.1.2);
— make an action plan for the EnMG by reviewing and combining the action plans of each constituent
organization (see 5.1.2);
— set investment recommendations or operational guidance for energy performance improvement
(see 5.1.2);

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

— establish a common energy policy (see 5.2);

— review the risks and opportunities (see 6.1);
— establish the objective and energy target of a typical energy use(s) (see 6.2);
— agree on the procedure for common energy planning (6.2) for energy accounting and the collection
of energy data (see 6.6);
— develop and conduct an energy review (see 6.3);
— establish EnPIs and an EnB period of typical energy use (see 6.4 and 6.5);
— determine communications (see 7.4);
— determine the control of documents (see 7.5);
— facilitate internal audit (see 9.2);
— conduct a management review (see 9.3).

A.3 Variations in the role of the energy management committee

This document is a guidance standard, and for a particular implementation some of its recommendations
may need to be changed, depending on the strength of the ties among the constituent organizations.
Table A.1 provides an example of how the role can vary depending upon whether the ties between
constituent organizations are strong, medium or weak. In certain cases, it could be that one constituent
organization takes on some of the roles of the EnMC.

Table A.1 — Role of the EnMC depending on the strength of the ties between constituent
Element Strong Medium Weak
Role of the EnMC The EnMC implements Decision-making in the The top management of
energy performance EnMC is based on the largest member (or a
improvements in the negotiations and small group of members)
constituent consensus among the organizes the EnMC and
organizations rather constituent leads decision-making of
than only coordinating organizations. the EnMG.
the common EnMS.

Examples Group companies with Supply chain, customers of Local community, shopping
capital ties, joint venture a utility. mall, organizations within a
companies or a group with political jurisdiction.
a dominant firm.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

Annex B

Examples of energy management groups and common energy

management systems

B.1 Example 1 — Regional activity in implementing a common management

Ten company offices, connected to a district heating network, led by a general contractor located in
the centre of a city, established an EnMG and EnMC, and implemented a common EnMS and business
continuity management system (BCMS). They found using the common EnMS, based on ISO 50001, to be
effective for a number of companies to coordinate and achieve their common objectives. They analysed
the EnMG’s energy consumption in the energy review and set energy consumption per unit floor area
(MJ/m2) as a common EnPI. They also found that more than half of energy consumption is electricity
through the energy review. Therefore, their energy performance improvement action was focused on
the reduction of electricity consumption.
Their original objectives included:
— the improvement of business continuity, energy performance in that region and reputation of the
— to achieve certification of ISO 50001 as an entity;
— to achieve a favourable result of normalized energy savings by using a common EnMS;
— for medium and small members to get access to the EnMS through these activities.

B.2 Example 2 — Saving energy among independent restaurants through

A historic building in the North of England was converted to a complex of 16 independently operated
restaurants (which are the constituent organizations) in 2015. It is owned by an international property
company (A), which is an interested party and not part of the EnMG. The constituent organizations
worked with a facility management company (B) to form an EnMC, which was appointed to undertake
improvements on behalf of the EnMG.
B identified that energy consumption was much higher than expected for a similar complex. After an
initial review, B took the following actions:
— In 2016, a site audit was carried out of SEUs and the building management system (BMS) was
upgraded to capture energy-related data (including fan speeds and temperatures) every 15 min.
B and its contractors met with the building manager and key occupiers (restaurants) to ensure that
all understood the objectives of the programme.
— In early 2017, B produced a list of agreed actions to achieve savings. The building manager engaged
with occupiers to confirm when they needed fresh air supply from the main air handling units (AHUs)
and on changes that could impact conditions in their space during occupied hours; restaurants in
the building had different opening hours, with only some open in the morning, while others served
food until late at night. BMS engineers made the necessary software updates. Immediate changes to
the BMS settings resulted in significant reduction in runtimes for chillers and AHUs.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

— Since 2017, savings have been verified and the data monitored remotely by B; with the building
manager and occupiers notified of any alerts. The process is now being rolled out by A to other
buildings it manages.
Benefits of the project include:
— a payback on investment in less than three months;
— a 42 % reduction in energy consumption in the common areas during the first five months, compared
to the same period in the previous year;
— extending the lifespan of the equipment through more efficient use of equipment and reduced load,
e.g. for the main cooling and ventilation plant;
— peace of mind to the occupier that energy and equipment are being effectively and efficiently
— contributing to A’s responsible investment strategy and CO2 reduction targets;
— accurate apportionment of energy bills for retail occupiers, based on their actual consumption.
The programme brought together the key interested parties needed to facilitate operational changes
and the detailed consumption data for them to do so. This collaborative, data-driven process identified
previously unknown opportunities to reduce energy consumption and has resulted in significant
financial savings for both the building owners and occupiers.

B.3 Example 3 — Energy saving activities in an industrial park

A multi-national auto manufacturer and its affiliated companies and other companies in an industrial
park in Northeastern Japan (which are the constituent organizations making up the EnMG) established
a limited liability partnership (an F-grid LLP, EnMC) in February 2013 with the main objective of
providing the EnMG with a common energy supply.
— The F-grid LLP’s main business is the supply of electricity and heat to EnMG members, maintenance
of facilities and maintaining the supply of electricity after a possible large-scale disaster to members.
— The auto manufacturer, as the leading member of the EnMG, manages the EnMC and establishes a
cluster/community EnMS of the F-grid.
— The operation of the LLP is shared and conducted by the constituent organizations.
— The supply of energy to the LLP is two-fold:
— the supply of heat and power from the in-house power generation facility using city gas;
— the purchase of electricity from a power-generating company.
— The LLP makes an efficient supply of energy by optimizing the energy from an in-house power
generation facility and purchases of electricity based on the total energy demand aggregated from
all the companies.
— The activities of the EnMG were effective as they resulted in a reduction of energy consumption
by 20 % together with a CO2 reduction of 23 % in the first year of the project compared to the
previous year.

B.4 Example 4 — Constituent organizations coordinating the improvement of an

As described in this document, coordinating energy performance within an EnMG can require many
activities. One very important activity is the coordinated monitoring and improvement of EnPIs.

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ISO 50009:2021(E)

The main EnPI established by the EnMC is total energy consumption across the EnMG. The example
below shows how coordination between two constituent organizations (Companies X and Y) can
improve an EnPI by taking cooperative action to improve energy performance.
Companies X and Y (two of the constituent organizations) each make the same kind of final products.
The EnMC has determined that integrating one part of the manufacturing process will reduce their
combined consumption of energy. Accordingly, the two companies have agreed to integrate one part
of the manufacturing process (Process A) from Company X to Company Y (see Figure B.1). Company Y
could have spare production capacity or could be willing to invest in additional capacity creation.
— As a result of the integration, the production of semi-finished products from Process A in Company Y
will increase in order to supply them to Company X leading to higher capacity utilization (or higher
capacity in the case of additional investment).
— Following integration, the energy consumption per unit of product of Process A in Company Y will be
less than the previous energy consumption per unit of product in Company X due to higher capacity
utilization rates (or higher capacity in the case of additional investment).
— After integration of Process A, total energy consumption in Company Y (across all processes) will
increase while that in Company X will decrease.
— Thus, total energy consumption in Companies X and Y and across the EnMG will be reduced and the
EnPI will be improved.

Figure B.1 — Integration of processes to reduce energy consumption

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ISO 50009:2021(E)


[1] ISO 19011, Guidelines for auditing management systems

[2] ISO 50001:2018, Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
[3] ISO 50006, Energy management systems — Measuring energy performance using energy baselines
(EnB) and energy performance indicators (EnPI) — General principles and guidance
[4] ISO 50015, Energy management systems — Measurement and verification of energy performance
of organizations — General principles and guidance
[5] ISO 50047:2016, Energy savings — Determination of energy savings in organizations
[6] ISO Guide 73, Risk management — Vocabulary
[7] ISO/IEC Guide 99, International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and
associated terms (VIM)

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ICS 03.100.70; 27.015

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Esta norma forma parte del curso TALLER: REALIZACION DE AUDITORIAS ENERGETICAS, impartido por AENOR México del 26 de junio al 06 de julio 2023.

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