Apprec Alc Unit 1 A Stud

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Topic 1.

1 – Functions and Graph Behavior – Classwork

The heart of Precalculus is the study of functions. A function is a
mathematical relationship that maps a set of input values to a set
of output values. In the figure to the right, we see a function
machine. Inputs go into the machine at the top and outputs come
out the side.

Function Notation: When describing functions, we usually use from Math Insight
the variables x and y. To write that y is a function of x, we call
the function f and say that y = f x which is stated as y equals f of x. While f is usually used to describe
functions, other letters can be used such as g and h. And we are not constrained to x and y and sometimes use
letters for variables that make sense in the context of the situation.

Since we input x and output y, we say that x is the independent variable and y is the dependent variable. The
value of any output y depends on its input x.

For instance, if the number of points blood pressure falls is a function of the amount of a medication taken, we
( )
might write P = f m where m is the amount of medication taken and P is the number of points fallen.

Example 1) For each situation, generate a function, describing the independent and dependent variable and the
possible units in which they are measured.

a) The cost of an Iphone is a function of how much memory it has.

b) The time to fill a bathtub is a function of the rate that water comes from the faucet.

c) The temperature of a broiler is a function of the amount of time it is heated.

Domain and Range: In a function, the set of allowable input values is called the domain of the function. The
set of allowable output values is called the range of the function.

In the examples above, the amount of memory available for the Iphone might be limited. The domain might be
16 gig, 32 gig, and 64 gig. And for each, there is a corresponding cost: So the range might be $699, $899, and

The bathtub function might have a domain of values between 0 and 2 gallons per minute. And it might have a
corresponding range between 10 minutes and infinity.

The broiler function might have a domain between 0 and infinity and a range of 0 to 550o F.

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Example 2) Determine the domain and range of these functions.
a) f x = x + 1 b) y = x 2 ()
c) g x = x − 4 d) y =

Function Definition: In a function, for every x in the domain, there can only be one and only one y in the
range. What this says is that no x-value can repeat. However, it is possible for a y-value to repeat.

Let is see why this rule is important and why it makes sense. Suppose in a school, a
locker is given to every student. We have a function that can be described in the figure
to the right. The domain x is the set of students in the school. The range is the lockers
y, numbered 1 – 1000. For every x, we have one y. The function is clear. If we know
the student, we know his or her locker numbers.

Now examine the situation to the right. In this case Anna and Ted are assigned to the
same locker. So the y-value of 3 repeats. While this situation might not seem fair, there
is no issue as far as the function is concerned. Again, we know the student, we know the
locker. So repeating values of y are allowable. It is possible that everyone might have
the same locker.

Now examine the situation to the right. In this case, Anna is assigned to 2 lockers. If we
had to get something from her locker, we would not know which one contained her
possessions. That’s a problem. So in a function, an x in the domain cannot have more
than one y in the range.

In final situation, Ted is not assigned a locker. His x is a valid member of the domain
but there is no corresponding y. That obviously causes a problem. So in a function,
every x in the domain must have a y in the range

Example 3) In the following mappings, determine which are functions. If it fails to be a function, explain why.

a) b) c) d)

Expressing Functions: The input and output values of a function vary in tandem (working together) according
to the function rule. This rule can be expressed in 4 different ways: verbally, analytically, numerically, or
graphically. Typically we start with the verbal or analytic and generate the others. Sometimes though we work
in the other direction which can be harder. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses and that is why having
all 4 is helpful. Throughout this course, we will shift from one method to another.

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Verbally: words are used to describe the relationship. Mathematical models usually start with a verbal
description of a function. Example: Older brother Steve gets $2 more allowance then Tom.

Analytically Numerically: a set of possible x and y values are given

x = Tom's allowance
y= x+2
y = Steve's allowance

Graphically: a graph of x vs. y is shown to give a sense of the pattern of the

relationship. It is important that all the important features of the relationship are
shown, which we call graph behavior, covered below.

Restricting the Domain: In functions, we may want to restrict the domain of a

function. Only certain values of x are permitted.

Verbally: Example, suppose a market sells deli cheese at $6.00 a pound. But
because of shortages, a customer is restricted to only 5 pounds.

Analytically: Numerically: Graphically:

x = Number of pounds
Pounds 0 0.5 1 2 5
y = Cost
Cost 0 3 6 12 30
y = 6x, x ≤ 5

When we restrict the domain, we can describe it analytically, graphically, or with interval notation:
Graphically, closed circles means that the value is included while open circles means that the value is not
included. With interval notation, a bracket includes the value while a parentheses does not include the value.

If both endpoints are included [a, b], it is called the closed interval. If both endpoints are not included, (a, b), it
is called the open interval. Since infinity or negative infinity is not a value, parentheses are always used. So
( )
x > 4 would be written as 4,∞ while x ≤ –2 would be written −∞,−2 ⎤⎦ .(
Function Test: The test for whether a graph is a function is called the vertical line test. If you draw a vertical
line at any x-value in its domain, the line can only intersect the graph in one point. If it intersects the graph in
more than one point, it is not a function.

Example 4) Determine whether the following graphs are functions.

a) b) c) d) e)

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Graph Behavior: What we are most interested in is the general behavior of a graph. That includes the shape of
the graph as well as several other features. We start with a definition: increasing and decreasing functions.

In general, increasing means that the function is rising as we move left to right and decreasing means the
function is falling as we move left to right. However, we make a distinction in this definition.

() ()
• A function is increasing over an interval [a, b] if when b > a, f b ≥ f a . This means that if the input
value increases, the output values either stay the same or increase. So it need not always increase … it
just cannot decrease. If the function increases on its entire domain, we call it an increasing function.
() ()
• A function is strictly increasing over an interval [a, b] if when b > a, f b > f a . This means that if the
input value increases, the output value increases. If the function increases on its entire domain, we call it
a strictly increasing function.

For instance, suppose you are hiking up a steep hill with several flat sections. Your height above sea level is
increasing over time but there are a few time intervals where it will remain the same. As long as there are no
sections where you lose height, your height is an increasing function of time.

However, suppose you are purchasing deli meat at $8 a pound. Your total cost always goes up based on the
weight of the meat. This function is always increasing and can never stay the same. So cost is a strictly
increasing function of time. Here are some examples:

Function is increasing Function is strictly Function is strictly

Function is increasing
0≤x≤3 increasing ⎡⎣ −2,1⎤⎦ , ⎡⎣3,∞ ) increasing

() ()
• A function is decreasing over an interval [a, b] if when b > a, f b ≤ f a . This means that if the input
value increases, the output values either stay the same or decrease. So it need not always decrease … it
just cannot increase. If the function decreases on its entire domain, we call it a decreasing function.
() ()
• A function is strictly decreasing over an interval [a, b] if when b > a, f b < f a . This means that if the
input value increases, the output value decreases. If the function decreases on its entire domain, we call
it a strictly decreasing function.

Function is decreasing Function is strictly Decreasing, unclear if Function is strictly

−∞ < x ≤ 1 decreasing ( −∞ − 2 ⎤⎦ , ⎡⎣1,3⎤⎦ strictly decreasing decreasing

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When we examine functions with curves, we will define their curvature in terms of concavity. Concavity comes
in two flavors, concave up and concave down.

Straight lines, horizontal or slanted, have no concavity.

When a curve changes from concave up to concave down, we call it an inflection

point. The exact location of an inflection point is not obvious and it won’t be until
AP Calculus when you can find the specific intervals where a function is concave
up, concave down, and the exact location of an inflection point. Still you should be
able to recognize the approximate locations when given a graph of a function. The
( ) ( )
function to the right is concave down on −∞,1 , concave up on 1,∞ and so the
inflection point appears to be at x = 1.

The curve to the right changes concavity several times. It is concave up on the
( ) ( ) (
approximate interval −∞,−1.5 and 1.5,∞ . It is concave down on −1.5,1.5 and )
has inflection points at x = –1.5 and x = 1.5.

The last important aspect of a function is called its zeros. This is the location (the
x-value) where the function touches or crosses the x-axis. We use the term “zeros”
because that is where the y-value equals zero. Another term for zeros is roots.

A function can have no zeros, one zero, two zeros, and an infinite number of zeros as shown below. Later in the
course, we will explore analytic methods to determine the locations of the zeros but for now, like intervals of
increasing, decreasing, concave up, concave down, and inflection points, we will find them by eye.

no zeros one zero two zeros infinite zeros

Zeros are important. Sometimes a graph comes very close to the x-

axis but it is unclear whether it touches it in 2 locations, one location,
or not at all. Extreme zooming on a graphing utility must be done, or,
better, the function should be explored analytically.

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Example 5) For the following function graphs, determine intervals of increasing, strictly decreasing, concave
up, concave down, and inflection points. Also find the zeros of the function.

a) b)

c) d)

Using Graphing Utilities: This manual is set up assuming students are using TI-84’s to graph functions. Any
graphing utility will work. On the TI-84, a useful setting is to input the function, pressing Window to set
xMin and xMax. Then pressing Zoom 0 : Fit will choose corresponding yMin and yMax to show all of the
curve’s important behavior.

Example 6) You are given a function and an x-interval to view it. Determine intervals of strictly increasing,
strictly decreasing, concave up and down, inflection points (approx.) as well as the zeros of the function.
a) y = 2 x − 4 ⎡⎣ −5,5⎤⎦ b) y = 15 + 2x − x 2 ⎡⎣ −5,5⎤⎦ c) y = x 3 − 4x ⎡⎣ −3,3⎤⎦

d) y = 2x 3 − 7x 2 − 17x + 10 ⎡⎣ −5,5⎤⎦ e) y = 5 x ⎡⎣ −10,10 ⎤⎦ (

f) y = 4 − x 2 ) ( x + 9)
⎡⎣ −8,8 ⎤⎦

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Topic 1.1 – Functions and Graph Behavior – Homework
1. For each situation, generate a function, describing the independent and dependent variable as well as
possible units of measure.

a. The cost of an Uber is a function of how far the customer travels.

b. The time to polish a floor is a function of how large it is.

c. The rating of a football team is a function of how many wins it has.

2. Determine the domain and range of these functions.

a. f x = 5x − 3 b. y = 5 − x 2 ()
c. g x = 3 x − 1 d. y = 4 x + 8

e. f x = 4 x f. y =
g. g x = 2 h. y = 1− x − 1

3. In the following mappings, determine which are functions. If it fails to be a function, explain why.

a. b. c. d.

4. Determine whether the following graphs are functions.

a. b. c. d. e.

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5. For the following function graphs, determine approximate intervals of increasing, decreasing, concave up,
concave down, and inflection points. Also find the zeros of the function.

a. b.

c. d.

6. You are given a function and an x-interval to view it. Determine intervals of increasing, decreasing, concave
up and down, inflection points (approx.) as well as the zeros of the function.

a. y = 4x ⎡⎣ −5,5⎤⎦ b. y = 1− x 3 ⎡⎣ −5,5⎤⎦ c. y = 25x − x 3 ⎡⎣ −6,6 ⎤⎦

x x3 x3 + 8
d. y = ⎡ −5,5⎤⎦ e. y = ⎡ −5,5⎤⎦ f. y = ⎡ −3,3⎤⎦
x −4 ⎣
x −1 ⎣ x2 + 1 ⎣

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Topics 1.2 – Rates of Change – Classwork
Typically as the x-values in a function change, the y-values will change as well. In
precalculus, we are interested in how fast those values are changing. Sometimes, they
change very slowly or occasionally, not at all. Other times, they change very quickly. We
wish to quantify that change.

And rather than talking about that change from one point to another, we also like to examine the average change
over a series of points. For instance.

• As you increase the diameter of a pizza from 10 inches to 18 inches, the average increase in price is $1.20 per
inch. That doesn’t mean that every extra inch in diameter costs you an additional $1.20. It is an average
with some extra inches costing more than $1.20 and some less.

• As you increase the number from 4 people to 8, the average decrease in the time to paint an entire house is 8
hours/person. That doesn’t mean that each extra person decreases the time by 8 hours. Some work faster
and some slower. It is an average.

• As you increase the amount of time traveled from 0 hours to 0.5 hours, the average increase in distance is 48
miles per hour (this is called the average velocity). This doesn’t mean we are always traveling at 48 mph –
just an average.

Secant Lines as Average Rate of Change

We draw the secant line through

PQ. Point Q moves along f ( x )
A line is drawn through points
A line is drawn that touches f ( x )
P and Q, both on f ( x ) . That line
towards point P. When Point Q is
at only point P. We call its slope
is called the secant line through very close to point P, we can
the instantaneous rate
P and Q. We call its slope the approximate the instantaneous rate
of change of f at point P.
average rate of change of f . of change at point P by using average
rate of change between P and Q.

An average rate of change can be either positive or negative. A positive average rate of change indicates that as
x increases, y on average increases. A plant can grow on average of 3 inches per year but that doesn’t mean that
at some time, the plant hasn’t lost height. Similarly, a negative average rate of change indicates that as x
increases, y on average decreases.

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We take the two points and give them general coordinates
P ( x0 , y0 ) and Q ( x1, y1 ) .

We draw the right triangle below the curve (the rise and the run).
The length of the rise is y1 − y0 and the length of the run is x1 − x0 .
We now find the slope of the secant line PQ which we know to the
average rate of change between P and Q and denote it as
rise y1 − y0
msec = = . Since y = f ( x ) , we can also say that
run x1 − x0
f ( x1 ) − f ( x0 )
msec = average rate of change = .
x1 − x0

Example 1) Find the average rate of change of the given function over the interval. Draw the secant line on the
curve to verify your answer.

a) f x = x 2 − 3 ⎡⎣ −1,2 ⎤⎦ ()
b) g x = 5 − x + 3x 2 − x 3 ⎡⎣ −1,4 ⎤⎦
4x + 8
c) g ( x ) = 2
x +4 ⎣
⎡ −4,4 ⎤⎦

Instantaneous Rate of Change:

We will say that as Q gets closer and closer to P, that the average rate of change between P and Q gets closer to
the instantaneous rate of change at P. As the interval between P and Q gets smaller, we can usually get a sense
of the average rate of change at P.

As an example, let f ( x ) = x 2 . Let us try and find the average rate of change between x = 1 and a value of x
greater than but very close to 1. Complete the table. Set your calculator to maximum decimal place accuracy.

x 2 1.5 1.1 1.05 1.01

f ( x)
( ) ()
Rise: f x − f 1
Run: x − 1
Average rate of change

It appears that the instantaneous rate of change at x = 1 is 2. Note that this is a guess and we do not know this
for sure. Only a course in calculus will determine this.

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Let us use an analogy. You leave home at 10 AM on a trip and arrive at 12 noon. The trip is a total of 100 miles.
How fast are you going at 11 AM? It should be obvious that we don’t have a clue. We could be traveling at 60
mph. We could be stopped. We have no idea.

We cannot find the actual velocity at 11 AM (called the instantaneous velocity). But we can find the average
total distance
velocity between 10 AM and any other time, using the fact that average velocity = . The average
total time
velocity between 10 AM and 12 noon is 50 mph. But again, that doesn’t mean we are always traveling at 50

In the table below, let’s suppose you are given the distance you traveled between 11 AM and the given time.
Complete the table by calculating the time difference (in hours) and then calculate the average velocity.

Between 11 AM & 11:30 11:15 11:10 11:05 11:01 11:00:30

Distance traveled 24 miles 13 miles 10 miles 5.5 miles 0.8 miles 0.5 miles
Time duration (hrs)
Average velocity
distance time
Instantaneous velocity at 11 AM ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

While we still don’t know exactly how fast we are traveleing at 11 AM, it should be clear that it should be close
to 60 mph. That is because between 11 AM and 11:00:30 AM, a matter of 30 seconds, there just isn’t that much
time for us to radically change speeds. The closer we get to 11 AM, the closer the average velocity should be to
the instantaneous velocity.

Example 2) For the following functions, find the average rate of change on the interval [P, Q] given. Then
approximate the instantaneous rate of change at P using P + k. Calculators allowed.

a) f x = x 2 + x ⎡⎣1,3⎤⎦ ,k = 0.1 ()
b) f x = 4x − 1− x 2 ⎡⎣ −3,−1⎤⎦ ,k = 0.01

Avg rate Instantaneous rate Avg rate Instantaneous rate

c) f x = x 3 − x 2 + 1 ⎡⎣ −2,3⎤⎦ ,k = 0.1 d) f ( x ) =
⎡1,4 ⎤ ,k = 0.05
x +1 ⎣ ⎦

Avg rate Instantaneous rate Avg rate Instantaneous rate

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e) f x = 8 ⎡⎣ −5,4 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.1 ()
f) f x = 8x ⎡⎣ −10,12 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.005

Avg rate Instantaneous rate Avg rate Instantaneous rate

In the case of the last 2 problems only, they graph lines. We show now that the average rate of change of any
line over any interval is simply the slope of the line. And the instantaneous rate of change at any point using
any value of k is also the slope of the line. Again, this is only true about lines.

Avg rate Instantaneous rate

g) f x = mx ⎡⎣ a,b ⎤⎦

Comparing Rates of Change

We can compare whether a function is changing faster at one point compared to another by approximating the
instantaneous change at the two points. Since this is an approximation, there is no hard and fast rule for
choosing our value of k. In calculus, this issue is addressed. For now, let’s settle on using k = 0.1.

Example 3) Determine at which value of x the given function changes faster. Check the graph to confirm.

a) f x = x 2 + 3x − 4, x = 0 and x = 1

b) f x = x 3 − 16x, x = −1 and x = 2

c) Ted puts $1,000 into a bank account that gains interest. At the end of t years, the amount of money in the
() ( )
account is given by the function M t = 1000 20.05t . Determine if his money is growing faster at the end of
1 year or 2 years. Justify your answer.

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Topic 1.2 – Rates of Change – Homework
1. Find the average rate of change of the given function over the interval. Draw the secant line on the curve to
verify your answer.

a. f x = 4 − 3x 2 ⎡⎣ −2,2 ⎤⎦ ()
b. g x = x 2 − x 3 ⎡⎣ −4,3⎤⎦

1 3x + 2
c. g ( x ) = ⎡1,9 ⎤ d. h ( x ) = ⎡0,3⎤
2x − 1 ⎣ ⎦ 2x + 3 ⎣ ⎦

e. f x = x − x ⎡⎣ 4,9 ⎤⎦ ()
f. g x = 16 x ⎡⎣1 4,1 2 ⎤⎦

2. For the following functions, find the average rate of change on the interval [P, Q] given. Then approximate
the instantaneous rate of change at P using P + k. Calculators allowed.

a. f x = 6x − 5 ⎡⎣ 2,6 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.1 ()
b. f x = x 2 + 9x − 3 ⎡⎣ −4,4 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.1

Avg rate Instantaneous rate Avg rate Instantaneous rate

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c. f x = x 3 + x 2 − x − 1 ⎡⎣0,2 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.1 d. f ( x ) =
⎡5,9 ⎤ ,k = 0.05
x+3 ⎣ ⎦
Avg rate Instantaneous rate Avg rate Instantaneous rate

e. f x = ⎡⎣1, 94 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.01 ()
f. f x = 2 x + 2− x ⎡⎣0,2 ⎤⎦ ,k = 0.01
Avg rate Instantaneous rate Avg rate Instantaneous rate

3. Using k = 0.1, determine at which value of x the given function changes faster. Check the graph to confirm.

a. f x = 2x 2 + x − 4, x = 0 and x = 1

b. f x = −x 3 + 6x 2 + 4x − 1, x = −2 and x = 2

c. Jer is deep sea diving and is at depth 200 feet. He must ascend very slowly or will suffer the bends. His
depth D is given by D t = −200 + 1.1t where t is measured in minutes and negative values of D means
he is below sea level. Determine if he is rising faster at a half hour or ¾ of an hour into his ascent.

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Topic 1.3 – Change in Linear and
Quadratic Functions – Classwork
Let’s examine the rate of change of the function f x = x 2 + x from x = a to x = b where a
and b are any real numbers. To do that, let’s start by creating a table.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
f ( x ) 0 2 6 12 20 30 ()
Do you see any pattern to the values of f x ?

Now let’s find the average rate of change (AROC) from each value of x to the next. Since the increment from
() ()
x-value to x-value is 1, so we are just calculating f b − f a . For now, we will denote that as [a, b].

x ⎡⎣0,1⎤⎦ ⎡⎣1,2 ⎤⎦ ⎡⎣ 2,3⎤⎦ ⎡⎣3,4 ⎤⎦ ⎡⎣ 4,5⎤⎦

Do you see any pattern to the values of the AROC’s.
AROC 2 4 6 8 10

These values are linear, meaning that they can be expressed by a line. We only need two points to find a line.
Let’s use (0, 2) and (1, 4). The x-value in the point is the location of the start of the first average rate of change
calculation. Using y = mx + b, m = = 2 and y = 2x + 2 . This is the average rate of change formula.
1− 0

Average Rate of Change Definition vs. Average Rate of Change Formula

An analogy: If we were interested in whether large objects like sofas can get around corners, we might do a
series of calculations involving the measurement of the sofa as well as the width of the hallway. If we just had
to do this once, that calculation is adequate. But if we were doing this repeatedly, we might want to come up
with a general formula involving these parameters, and when needed, just stick them in the formula. It is more
work but we then have a formula that quickly gives us the answer.

So, if you have to find the AROC between two points on a quadratic, it is best to use the AROC definition. But
if we were asked to find multiple AROCs on the quadratic between 2 points, it is best to use the AROC formula.

To find the AROC between any two consecutive points [a, b] on a quadratic, you have a choice:
AROC formula: Generate the AROCs between ⎡⎣0,1⎤⎦ and ⎡⎣1,2 ⎤⎦
f ( b) − f ( a )
AROC definition = Find the equation of that line.
b− a
Use that formula to find the AROC between any 2 consecutive points

Example 1) Using f x = x 2 + x , find the average rate of change between two consecutive values of x using
the formula. Confirm by using the average rate of change definition.

a) 57 and 58 b) –100 and –99

AROC =2 (57 ) + 2 AROC = ( )

f 58 − f (57 )
AROC =2 ( −100 ) + 2 AROC = (
f −99 ) − f (100 )
58 − 57 58 − 57
= 114 + 2 = 116 = −200 + 2 = −198
= 3422 − 3306 = 116 = 9702 − 9900 = −198
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Example 2) Is this just true with this function and with an increment of 1? Let’s examine another quadratic
function and a different increment. We will use f x = 2x 2 − x − 4 with an increment of 2. Let’s combine the
two tables and complete it. Then we will generate the linear function which represents the average rate of
change of f x with an increment of 2. Confirm by using the average rate of change definition.

a) 79 and 81 b) –1.3 and 0.7

The work we just did is not a coincidence. The method will work with any quadratic equation and with any
increment. If you are asked for an AROC on an interval [a, b], b – a is your increment.

Example 3) Using the general average rate formula generated above to find the specific average rate of change
formula using the given f x . Then use it to find the average rate of change between the given x-values.
⎡ 1 1⎤
a) f x = 4x 2 − 3x − 8 ⎡⎣ 22,23⎤⎦ b) f ( x ) = 4x 2 − 3x − 8 ⎢ − , ⎥
⎣ 2 2⎦

Example 4) Show that the rate of change of the average rate of change of the following quadratic functions is a
constant. (Because you do not want to have to memorize the formula used in example 3, do necessary work.)

a) f x = x 2 + 4x − 6 b) f ( x ) = 3x 2 − x − 10

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1 2 −3 2
c) f x =
x + 10 d) f ( x) =
x − 4x + 8

Numerical Method for Determining Concavity

In chapter 1, we described functions in terms of concavity. We used the terms concave up

and concave down to describe the curvature of a graph. But at that point in time, we could
only determine the concavity by looking at the graph. Let us investigate a numerical method
to determine concavity.

We examine the graph of f x = x 2 which we know graphs a parabola that is concave up
as shown in the figure to the right.

Let us now examine the average rate of change using an increment of 1.

x −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 You should notice that the average

f ( x) rates of change are increasing. That means
AROC the slope of the secant lines are getting larger.

We examine the graph of f x = 18 − x 2 which we know graphs a parabola that is
concave down as shown in the figure to the right.

Let us now examine the average rate of change using an increment of 1.

x −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 You should notice that the average

f ( x) rates of change are decreasing. That means
AROC the slope of the secant lines are getting smaller.

So we now have a method of determining the concavity of a non-linear function:

When the average rate of change over equal-length input-values is increasing

for all small-length intervals, the graph of the equation is concave up.

When the average rate of change over equal-length input-values is decreasing

for all small-length intervals, the graph of the equation is concave down.
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Using this method of determining concavity has some issues (resolved in calculus) because there is no definite
way of defining “small-length intervals”. For now, let’s use intervals of 0.1. Use your calculator’s table feature
to evaluate functions at small values of x.

4) Determine whether the graph of the function is concave up or concave down is the interval containing the
given x-value. Verify graphically.

a) f x = x 2 + 3x + 4, x = 0 ()
b. f x = −10x 2 − 5, x = 1

c) f x = x 3 − x 2 , x = 0 ()
d) f x =
,x = 2

5) Show that the function has a point of inflection in the interval containing the x-value. Verify graphically.
a) f x = x − x 3 , x = 0

b) f x = x 3 + x + 2, x = 0

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Topic 1.3 – Change in Linear and Quadratic Functions – Homework
1. Given the quadratic function, f x and an increment and an interval, i) use the definition to find the average
rate of change on that interval. Then ii) complete the table to find the average rate of change formula at any
point x and iii) use the AROC formula to verify your answer in part i.

a. f x = x 2 + 6x,increment = 1, ⎡⎣34,35⎤⎦

b. f x = x 2 − 9x + 5,increment = 1, ⎡⎣87,88 ⎤⎦

c. f x = 2x 2 + 7x + 2,increment = 2, ⎡⎣ 48,50 ⎤⎦

d. f x = −3x 2 − 6x + 4,increment = 5, ⎡⎣67,72 ⎤⎦

1 2
e. f ( x ) = x + 8x,increment = 1, ⎡⎣ 28.5,29.5⎤⎦

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2. Determine whether the graph of the function is concave up or concave down is the interval containing the
given x-value. Verify graphically.

a. f x = 2x 2 + 5x + 4, x = 0 ()
b. f x = −8x 2 + 4x − 1, x = −1

c. f x = x 3 + 2x 2 − 3x + 1, x = 0 d. f ( x ) =
,x = 2

3. Show that the function has a point of inflection in the interval containing the x-value. Verify graphically.

a. f x = x 3 + 12x, x = 0

b. f x = 2 + 6x 2 − x 3 , x = 2

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