ECE Syllabus

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Dated: 07.07.2023
Sub: Amendment to Ordinance V
[E.C Resolution No. 14-1/-(14-1-13/-) dated 09.06.2023]
Following addition be made to Appendix-II-A to the Ordinance V (2-A) of the Ordinances of the
Add the following:
Syllabi alongwith course credit distribution of Semester-I & Semester-II of Bachelor of Technology
(B.Tech.) in Computer Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical
Engineering under Faculty of Technology in respect of Department of Computer Engineering,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Department of Electrical
Engineering respectively under UGCF to be implemented from academic session 2023-24
Hours per
week Total Course
Sr. Course
Course Title Hrs. per Credits
No. Domain
L T P week

1. DSC-1 Mathematics-I 3 1 0 4 4

3 0 2 5 4
DSC-5* Introduction to Electrical and Electronics
3. DSC-3 Fundamentals of Computer Programming 3 0 2 5 4
Select a course from the specified list of GEs
4. GE 4
Select a course from the specified list of AECs
5. AEC 2
Select a course from the specified list of SECs
6. SEC
Select a course from the specified list of VACs
7. VAC 2

Total Credits 22
*1. Half of the students enrolled will take up Physics and half of the students will take up
Introduction to Electrical & Electronics Engineering in the Semester I and vice versa in the
Semester II.

Hours per Total
Sr. Course week Contact
Course Title Credits
No. Domain Hrs. per

1. DSC-4 Mathematics-II 3 1 0 4 4
Introduction to Electrical and
3 0 2 5 4
DSC-5/ Electronics Engineering
3. DSC-6 Data Structures 3 0 2 5 4
Select a course from the specified list of Ges
4. GE 4
Select a course from the specified list of AECs
5. AEC 2
Select a course from the specified list of SECs
6. SEC
Select a course from the specified list of VACs
7. VAC 2

Total Credits 22

*1. Half of the students enrolled will take up Physics and half of the students will take up
Introduction to Electronics & Electrical Engineering in the Semester I and vice versa in the
Semester II.


1. Computer Workshop (Course Credit: 0L-0T-2P, Course Hours:

2. Electronics Workshop (Course Credit: 0L-0T-2P, Course Hours:
3. Electrical Workshop (Course Credit: 0L-0T-2P , Course Hours:


The students will be offered a list of Generic Electives as decided by the university
from time to time.


The students will be required to choose these courses from a pool of courses
offered by the University as per UGCF-2022


The students will be required to choose these courses from a pool of courses
offered by the University as per UGCF-2022


Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.

2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze

complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering

problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.

4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge

and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation
of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and odelling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual

knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and

responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a

member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and

understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.

12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of
technological change.

Assessment & Scheme of examination:

As per University of Delhi rules as applicable from time to time.

Course title Credits Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-
& Code course criteria requisite
of the
Lecture Tutorial Practical/
(if any)
Mathematics- 4 3L 1T 0P Class XII NIL
I with Physics,

Course Hours: L: 03 T: 01 P: 00

Course Objectives:
To teach students concepts of Linear Algebra, Vectors and Calculus and apply
them for problem solving.

Course Outcomes:

After completing the course, the students should be able to:

1. Develop a basic understanding of the linear algebra, vectors and calculus use
in engineering
2. Solve mathematical problems of vector spaces and matrices
3. Derive calculus theorems and use these to solve some integral problems.
4. Apply calculus to solve suitable engineering applications

Matrices: Matrices, Vectors: addition and scalar multiplication, Matrix
multiplication, Linear systems of equations, Linear Independence, Rank of a
matrix, Determinants, Cramer’s Rule, Inverse of a matrix, Gauss elimination and
Gauss-Jordan elimination.

Vector spaces I: Vector Space, Linear dependence of vectors, Basis,
Dimension,Range and kernal, Rank and nullity, Inverse of a linear transformation,
Rank nullity theorem,
Vector spaces II: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors, Symmetric, Skew-symmetric and
Orthogonal Matrices, Eigenbases, Diagonalization, Inner product spaces, Gram-
Schmidt orthogonalization.
Calculus: Indeterminate forms and L’Hospital’srule, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean value
theorems, Taylor’s and Maclaurin theorems, Evaluation of definite and improper
integrals, Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes
of revolutions, Beta and Gamma functions and their properties.

Suggested Readings*:
1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, Pearson
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons.
3. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, Brooks Cole.
4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing
Company Limited.
5. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi
6. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
7. V. Krishnamurthy, V.P. Mainra and J. L. Arora, An introduction to Linear
Algebra, Affiliated East– West Press Private limited
*Latest Edition of the books to be followed.

Course title Credits Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-
& Code course criteria requisite
of the
Lecture Tutorial Practical/
(if any)
Physics 4 3L 0T 1P Class XII NIL
with Physics,

Course Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 02

Course Objectives:
To teach students basic concepts of atomic structures, mechanics, electron theory,
semiconductors and investigate their characteristics and applicability.
Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students should be able to:
1. Develop a basic understanding of concepts of atomic structures, electron
theory and semiconductors.
2. Correlate mechanics and electron theory with engineering applications.
3. Apply concepts of semiconductor junctions and operations for device
4. Plot characteristics of the studied devices, measure their characteristics and
use these for some practical applications.

Review of Atomic Structure and Statistical Mechanics: - Ideas on Atomic
Structure, Quantum Mechanics, The Schrodinger Wave Equation, Statistical
Mechanics, Bonding of atoms, Crystalline state
Free electron theory, Density of states and energy band diagrams, Kronig-Penny
model (to introduce origin of band gap), Energy bands in solids, E-k diagram,
Direct and indirect band gaps, Types of electronic materials: metals,
semiconductors, and insulators, Density of states, Occupation probability, Fermi
level, Effective mass, Phonons.

Elemental and compound semiconductors, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors,
Dependence of Fermi level on carrier-concentration and temperature (equilibrium
carrier statistics), Carrier generation and recombination, Carrier transport:
diffusion and drift, The Hall Effect, Einstein Relations, Excess carriers in
semiconductors p-n junction, Excess carriers and Quasi-Fermi Levels, Basic
equations for semiconductor device operation, Solution of carrier transport

P-N Junctions: - The abrupt junction (Electric field, potential, capacitance), V-I
characteristic of an ideal diode, a real diode. Metal-semiconductor junction (Ohmic
and Schottky), Semiconductor materials of interest for optoelectronic devices
Optical transitions in bulk semiconductors: absorption, spontaneous emission, and
stimulated emission; Joint density of states, Density of states for photons,
Transition rates (Fermi’s golden rule), Optical loss and gain; Photovoltaic effect,
Exciton, Drude model.

Four-point probe and measurements for carrier density, resistivity, and hall
mobility; Hot-point probe measurement, capacitance-voltage measurements,
parameter extraction from diode I-V characteristics, DLTS, band gap by UV-VIS
spectroscopy, absorption/transmission.
Density of states in 2D, 1D and 0D (qualitatively). Practical examples of low-
dimensional systems such as quantum wells, wires, and dots: design, fabrication,
and characterization techniques. Heterojunctions and associated band- diagram.

Practical Component :

Note: Course coordinator will prepare a list of experiments and lab manual for the
Practicals covering the whole syllabus.

Suggested Readings*:
1. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamental,
2. P. Bhattacharya, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Pearson Education
3. J. Singh, Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Physics and Technology,
McGraw-Hill Inc.
4. B.E.A. Saleh and M.C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.
5. S. M. Sze, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, Wiley
6. A. Yariv and P. Yeh, Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern
Communications, Oxford University Press, New York.
7. Online course: “Semiconductor Optoelectronics” by M R Shenoy on NPTEL
8. Online course: "Optoelectronic Materials and Devices" by Monica Katiyar,
Deepak Gupta on NPTEL.

*Latest Edition of the books to be followed.



Course title Credits Credit distribution ofthe Eligibility Pre-
& Code course criteria requisit
e of the
Lecture Tutorial Practical/
(if any)
Introduction 4 3L 0T 1P Class XII NIL
to Electrical with
and Physics,
Electronics Chemistr
Engineering y and

Course Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 02
Course Objectives:
To solve electric circuits, to characterize motors, bipolar devices, and multi stage

Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students should be able to:
1. Solve various DC & AC circuits using applicable theorems.
2. Demonstrate the working of electric motors using different laws and
3. Characterize and measure properties of bipolar devices
4. Conceptualize multi stage amplifiers and apply these for engineering

Unit I: D.C. and A.C. Circuits:
Introduction to circuit elements, uncontrolled energy sources, Kirchhoff’s laws,
Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s and maximum power transfer Theorems, AC
Fundamentals: Sinusoidal a.c. quantities, instantaneous, maximum, average and
effective values, Phasor representation, Steady state response of series and parallel
R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits, Concept of impedance and admittance, J-method,
Active, Reactive and Apparent Power.
Unit II: Transformers and Electric Motors:
Electromagnetism: Simple magnetic circuits, Electric Circuit analogy.
Electromagnetically induced EMF and Induced Force on a conductor. Faraday’s
Law, Lenz’s Law Concept of Self and Mutual Inductance, Transformers:
Construction and operation of single phase transformer, EMF equation, Losses,
Efficiency and applications of transformers, Electrical Motors: Constructional
details of D.C. Motor, Equations, operating characteristics and applications of
shunt, series and Compound Motors, Construction, operation and application of
different types of single phase induction motors, Measuring Instruments: Moving
coil and moving iron Voltmeters and ammeters and extension of range,
Dynamometer type wattmeter.
Unit III: Devices and Circuits:
PN Junction diode and its use in Rectifier circuits, Capacitive and Inductive filters,
Operation and application of special diodes: Zener diode, photodiode, and light
emitting diode (LED), Construction and operation of Bi-polar junction transistors,
Characteristics under CB, CE, CC configurations, Voltage and current gains, input
and output resistances, Biasing of transistors, load line and operating point,
Transistor as a switch, Introduction to FET, UJT SCR, Traic and Diac, their
characteristics and applications.

Unit IV: Multi Stage Amplifiers:

R-C coupled amplifier and its frequency response, concept of Bandwidth, Push
pull amplifiers, Feedback amplifiers: Classification of feedback amplifiers, Gain,
input & output resistance of feedback amplifiers, Advantage of negative feedback,
Measuring Instruments: Digital voltmeters, Digital multimeters, CRO and its
applications. DSO and oscilloscope probes.

Practical Component :

Note: Course coordinator will prepare a list of experiments and lab manual for the
Practicals covering the whole syllabus.
Suggested Readings*:
1. Electrical and Electronics Technology by Hughes Revised by John H. Ley,
Et al, Pearson
2. Principles of Electrical Engineering by Del-Toro. Pearson.
3. S.N. Singh, Basic Electrical Engineering, S.N. Singh,PHI Learning Private
4. Boylestad, R.L. and Nashelsky, L. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory.
Pearson Education.
5. Millman, J. and Grabel, A. Microelectronics. McGraw-Hill, Incl.
6. Malvino, A. and Bates, D. Electronic Principles, with Simulation
CD,McGraw-Hill, Inc.

*Latest Edition of the books to be followed.



Course title & Credit Credit distribution ofthe Eligibility Pre-
Code s course criteria requisite
of the
Lecture Tutorial Practical/
course (if
Fundamentals 4 3L 0T 1P Class XII NIL
of Computer with
Programming Physics,
y and

Course Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 02
Course Objectives:
To teach students computer fundamentals and do programming using C for
problem solving.

Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the use of software and programming for problem solving.
2. Develop programming using simple concepts of input, output and control
3. Apply arrays, functions, strings, structures, and pointers for problem solving.
4. Design and implement solutions for data handling with permanent storage
using modular programming and files

Unit I
Programming Fundamentals & Control Statements: Block Diagram of
Computer, Hardware vs software, concept of operating system and compiler,

Introduction to C programming, basic programming using input and output
operators and expressions, programming using if and if-else, Programming using
looping-for, while, do-while; use of switch and break.

Unit II
Arrays based Programming: Defining and processing 1-D and 2-D Arrays for
Problem solving, string as array of char and its processing

Unit III
Modular programming using Functions: Structured Programming, storage
classes defining and calling a function, modular programming using functions,
passing arguments and arrays to functions, functions of void and returning values.
Recursion, file handling

Unit IV
Programming using pointers, structures and unions: Pointers in C: Pointer
declaration, Passing Pointer to functions, pointers vs arrays, dynamic memory
allocation. Structures and Unions, Programming Using Array of Structures and
Unions, Memory Requirements for Unions.

Practical Component :

Note: The programming language to be used for teaching and implementation will
be C. The Course coordinator will prepare a list of experiments and lab manual
for the Practicals covering the whole syllabus.

Suggested Readings*:
1. Byron S. Gottfried, Programming with C Language, Schaum Series, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. E Balaguruswamy, Programming with C, Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Kernighan & Richie, C Programming, Prentice Hall of India.

*Latest Edition of the books to be followed.



Course title Credits Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-
& Code course criteria requisite
of the
Lecture Tutorial Practical/
(if any)
Mathematics- 4 3L 1T 0P Class XII NIL
II with Physics,

Course Hours: L: 03 T: 01 P: 00

Course Objectives:
To teach students process of doing Laplace and Fourier transformation, apply
probability distributions over random variables, and statistical techniques for data

Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students should be able to:
1. Develop a basic understanding of the Laplace and Fourier transformations
2. Apply random variable and probability distributions for different stochastic
3. Evaluate data characteristics using statistical measures and techniques.
4. Compare and contrast different statistical tests for data evaluation.

Laplace and Fourier Transform: Laplace transformation and its properties, Unit
– step, Impulse and Periodic functions; Fourier Transform, Fourier Sine and

Cosine Transform, Finite Sine and Cosine transform, Convolution theorem.
Application of Fourier transform.

Random variables and probability distributions: Conditional probability,
Probability spaces, Discrete random variables, Independent random variables,
Expectation of discrete random variables, Sums of independent random variables,
Moments, Variance of a sum, Correlation coefficient, Chebyshev's Inequality, The
multinomial distribution, Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution,
Infinite sequences of Bernoulli trials, Continuous random variables and their
properties, Distribution functions and densities, Normal, Exponential and Gamma
densities, Conditional densities, Bayes' rule.

Basic Statistics: Measures of Central tendency: Moments, Skewness and
Kurtosis - Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal - evaluation of
statistical parameters for these three distributions; Correlation and regression –
Rank correlation; Curve fitting by the method of least squares- fitting of straight
lines, second degree parabolas and more general curves.

Applied Statistics: Test of significance: Large sample test for single proportion,
difference of proportions, single mean, difference of means, and difference of
standard deviations; Small samples: Test for single mean, difference of means and
correlation coefficients; Test for ratio of variances - Chisquare test for goodness of
fit and independence of attributes; T-test, Anova Test, F-Test.

Suggested Readings*:
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons.
2. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory,
Universal Book Stall.
3. S. Ross, A First Course in Probability, Pearson Education.
4. W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Wiley.
5. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi
6. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.
7. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics (for semester III), Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited.

*Latest Edition of the books to be followed.




Course title Credits Credit distribution of the Eligibility Pre-
& Code course criteria requisite
of the
Lecture Tutorial Practical/
(if any)
Data 4 3L 0T 1P Class XII NIL
Structures with Physics,

Course Hours: L: 03 T: 00 P: 02
Course Objectives:

To understand and efficiently apply various data structures such as stacks,

queues, linked lists, trees and graphs for solving various computing problems
using C programming language.

Course Outcomes:
After completing the course, the students should be able to:
1. Develop skills to identify and determine the usage of various data structures,
operations, associated algorithms and implement their applications.
2. Implement trees and graphs, and explain its applications.
3. Design and implement algorithms for searching and sorting.
4. Analyze efficiency of different algorithms using time and space complexity.

Simple Data Structures: Arrays based Linear Data Structures: Array storage,
sparse arrays; Transpose and addition of sparse matrices, Stacks and Queues and
their applications, multiple stacks, and queues in an array.

Searching and Sorting: Searching techniques: Linear and Binary, Sorting
techniques: Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Merge sort, Quicksort; Complexity
analysis; revision of Pointers and Dynamic Memory,

Linked Data Structures: Singly, Doubly & Circular Linked Lists; representation,
operations and applications, linked stacks and queues, linked lists based
polynomial addition.

Advanced Data Structures: Trees, Basic concepts and definitions of a tree and
binary tree and associated terminology, Binary tree traversal techniques, some
more operations on binary trees, Heaps, and heapsort; Graphs: Terminology and
Representations, Directed Graphs, Representation of graphs and their Transversal.

Practical Component :

Note: The programming language to be used for teaching and implementation will
be C. Course coordinator will prepare a list of experiments and lab manual for the
Practicals covering the whole syllabus. Course coordinator will also prepare some
mini projects to be done by the students utilizing various aspects of the subject &

Suggested Readings*:
1. E Horowitz and S. Sahni: Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, Second
Edition, Universities Press.
2. R.L. Kruse: Data Structures & Program Design in C, PHI.
3. D.F. Knuth: The Art of Computer Programming Vol-1, Narosa Publications.
4. Byron S. Gottfried: Theory and Problems of Programming with C Language,
Schaum’s Outlines Series, TMH.

*Latest Edition of the books to be followed.

Semester-I & II [Common to all branches]

Course Name – Computer Workshop

Course Credits: 0L-0T-2P
Course Hours: 0L+0T+4P
Pre-requisite: Nil
Course objectives: Students of Computer Engineering are to work with various
hardware and software not only in academia but also in the company. Thus,
students should get familiar with various hardware, software, operating systems,
and networking. This course will provide students a much-needed knowledge of
computer hardware and networking, enabling them to identify and rectify onboard
computer hardware, software, and network-related problems. With the help of this
course, the student will be able to understand the hardware specifications that are
required to run an operating system and various application programs.

Course outcomes: After completing their training in Computer Workshop,

students will be able to
CO1. Describe the procedure for installation of software on different systems and
identify the various components of hardware systems.
CO2. Identify and demonstrate components of computer and operating system and
their troubleshooting.
CO3. Describe the basics of Internet and web design
CO4. Perform the process of software installation

Job 1. Assembly/Disassembly of Computers

Hardware peripherals like RAM, ROM, input devices, output devices,
processors, etc. Processors and processor core counts and frequency etc.
motherboards, internal and external connectors. Types of data cables. LAN,
Audio, and Video. The physical set-up of Printers- Scanner set-up, Webcam,
Bluetooth device, Memory card reader, etc. Working of SMPS. Connection
of different types of devices to the ports (CPU), Single board computer:
Raspberry Pi.

Job 2. Assembly/Dis-assembly of Laptop
Mounting of processor. Fixing of the motherboard in the tower case.
Connection to the power supply. Installation of drivers. Connection of
cables. Mount the memory modules. Install the internal cards. Connection of
the external devices and power.

Job 3. Computer Network Setup

Networking components, devices, and tools; Preparing the network cables,
network setup, configuration and management commands, Installation and
configuration of network interface card and identification of MAC address.
Sharing of resources

Job 4. Software Installations

Installation of Windows Operating System, Types of software and their
installations, some useful software (MS office, Adobe Acrobat, Google Chrome,
VLC Media Player, LibreOffice, Win Rar)

Job 5. PC Maintenance
POST (Power on Self-Test), identifying problems by Beep codes errors, checking
power supply using Multi-meter, Replacement of components etc.

Job 6. Introduction to MS office

Introduction to MS office - MS Word, MS PPT, MS Excel, Working with MS
Word. MS Excel - Introduction to MS Excel, Basic computations, and
calculations. Creation of slides including hyperlink, video, audio, and textual

Job 7. Tools for Online Teaching and Meetings

Setting & troubleshooting of online meetings and video conferencing like google
meet, zoom, Microsoft teams, Webex etc; use of google classroom and google
forms for teaching, feedback, and evaluation.

Job 8. Internet and Basic Webpage Design

Searching the Internet, checking the speed of Internet connection, usage of E-
Commerce, Creating webpage using HTML, CSS with static text, images, tables,
audio, video etc and dynamic contents, animation usage and tools for webpages

Job 9. AI & ML Applications:

Case studies using module (Blackbox based) integration for AI & ML and its

Practical Component :

Note: Workshop incharge may make additions or deletions in respect of above

mentioned jobs as per the situation at any point of time.

Electronics Workshop (SEC-2)
Semester-I & II [Common to all branches]

Course Name-Electronics Workshop

Course Credits: 0L-0T-2P
Course Hours: 0L+0T+4P
Pre-requisite: Nil
Pre-requisite: Nil

Course objectives: To impart practical knowledge to the students about electronic

components, circuits, and electronic instruments. This course on Electronic
Workshop will enable students to get a good opportunity for beginning their
professional career even at the end of first year.
Course outcomes: After completing the course, the students should be able to:
CO1: Identify and troubleshoot various electronic components and instruments.
CO2: Differentiate between various ICs and PCBs
CO3: Disassemble a computer and identify various peripherals and internal circuit
CO4. Design and fabricate a product by building an actual power supply.
Job1. Basic components used in the Electronics circuits
• Identification of various components being used in any electronic circuit
such as resistor, capacitor, various diodes (p-n junction, Zenner, LED),
transistors (BJT, MOSFET, FET), breadboard, potentiometer.
• Learn graphical symbols used to represent the various components.
• Find the value of resistance, capacitance by its color code and value
mentioned on the component.
Job2. Instruments for measurement and analysis of Electronics circuits
• Study the various controls on the panel of a typical CRO, Multimeter.
• Testing of components such as resistor, capacitor and transistor as PNP or
NPN, Gain value of transistor, ensure the connectivity of their leads using

• Perform small jobs as given by your instructor by using some of the above
components and instruments.
Job3. Instruments for generating the signals for the electronic circuits
• Study the various controls on the panel of a function generator and DC power
• Using CRO and function generator perform jobs such as waveform analysis,
Voltage measurement, frequency measurement, phase difference measurement
Job4. Integrated circuits and (IC) tester
• Study the pin configuration of a given IC number.
• Study the function of IC tester.
• Testing of IC on the IC tester.
• Verify the truth table of various logic gates by assembling them on the
• Draw the Pin configuration of various logic gates in your file and record the
observations of the truth table of these logic gates.
Job5. Transformer and soldering iron
• Study the transformers used in the electronic circuits.
• Learn the precautions while using a soldering iron.
• Perform small jobs using soldering iron.
Job6. Printed circuit board
• Learn to make a layout of electronic circuit using any PCB design software
(OrCAD/TINA/ KiCAD/ DesignSpark PCB/ any other available software).
• Use of electronic components in the layout.
• Perform small jobs such as making a circuit on the PCB and learn soldering of
components on PCB.
• Analysis of the designed circuit using CRO, Multimeter and signal generator.
Job7. Identification of various peripheral devices of computer
• Learn to find complete specification of the given computer.
• Identify various peripheral devices including a keyboard, mouse, printer, and
flash drive of a computer.
Job8. Assembling and disassembling of computer
• Learn the precautions while disassembling of computer.

• Study of motherboard.
• Identification of various hardware peripherals like RAM, ROM and
• Study of various ports in a computer for interfacing with external hardware
Job9. Product Development (Part 1)
• Study the basic circuit of variable DC power supply.
• Procure all the components required to build a DC supply like transformer,
diodes, capacitor, resistance, potentiometer, on/off switch etc. for given
specifications of DC power supply.
• Test each component.
• Assemble it on breadboard and test its functionality.

Job10. Product Development (Part 2)

• Design a PCB for variable DC power supply designed in Job 9.
• Fabricate the variable DC power supply by assembling all the components
on PCB and perform soldering.
• Test the fabricated variable DC Power supply.

Practical Component :

Note: Workshop Incharge may make additions or deletions in respect of above-

mentioned jobs as per the situation at any point of time.

Semester-I & II [Common to all branches]
Course Name: Electrical Workshop
Course Credits: 0L-0T-2P
Course Hours: 0L+0T+4P
Pre-requisite: Nil
Course objectives: In view of the multi exit facility to be provided to the students
leaving after first year, this course on Electrical Workshop will enable such to get a
good opportunity for beginning their professional career even at the end of first
Course Outcomes: After completing their training in Electrical Workshop,
students will be able to
CO1. Differentiate the tools, recall their names and develop skill of using each one
of these tools. They will also be able to describe the material and components used
in House Wiring, get apprised of their names and use in the process of wiring.
CO2. Design various types of wirings and do actual wiring with his/her own hands.
Students will also be able to explain the Energy Meter functions and make
connections of energy meter and MCBs.
CO 3. Discuss the constructional details of DC and one type of single phase AC
motor and maintain such items. Students will also be able to repair few house hold
CO4. Design and fabricate the product by building an actual battery charger.
Job 1. Tools in the field of Electrical Engineering:
• Gain awareness about various tools used in the field of Electrical
Engineering and to learn the operation of each tool. Like: Vice, drill
machine, hand grinder, combination pliers, screw driver set, wire striper,
tester, test lamp, multimeter, hammer, lug crimper, Soldering iron, hacksaw,
different types of files.
• Perform small jobs as given by your instructor by using some of the above

Job 2. House Wiring Materials:
• Make a study of various components and material used in house wiring.
Like: Aluminum and Copper wires of different specifications used in house
wiring. Wooden boards and Bakelite sheets, wall mounted switch boxes and
wiring plates, 2 pin, 3 pin, 5 pin wall sockets, power sockets, 2 pin, 3 pin &
power plugs, iron and PVC conduits, bends, casing capping, junction boxes,
Gang boxes, baton holder, pendant holder, bracket holder, angle holder,
incandescent bulbs, LEDs, tube light strips, CFL, Indicator lamps. One way,
2 way and power switches. Isolators, MCBs, ELCBs and other materials.
• Practice fixing of switches and sockets in gang box.
Job 3. Performing, House wiring:
• Study various types of house wiring techniques: Baton wiring, casing
capping wiring, surface conduit wiring and concealed conduit wiring.
• Perform surface conduit wiring to accomplish stair case lighting.
• Prepare an extension board with following: Two 6A sockets with
individual switches and individual indicators on an appropriate gang
Job 4. Electronic Energy Meter
• Study the connections of Electronic Energy Meter. Assemble an MCB
main board with a double pole MCB/isolator and 2 single pole MCBs
and make connection with energy meter on one side and two load
circuits on the other. Show operations of MCBs one by one.
Job 5. House hold Gadgets
• Study the construction and operation of a heater, heat convector,
Electric iron, kitchen Mixer, soldering iron (depending upon time
and availability this list can be modified).
• Assemble a heater from the available components. Operate it and
measure its current, Voltage and Power.
Job 6. DC and Single phase AC Motors
• Observe the given D.C. and single phase A.C. motors. Run them by
connecting appropriate supply.
• Open the given D.C. Motor, observe its construction, do its servicing,
clean its bearings and commutator. Reassemble and rut it.
• Open the given A.C. motor, study its construction. Clean its bearing.
Assemble it back and operate it. Measure it’s no load current.

Job 7. Ceiling Fans
Study the construction and operation of a ceiling fan, Dis-mental the
given ceiling fan. Observe all its parts. Clean its bearings and other parts.
Check the continuity of running and starting windings. Test the capacitor
for its functionality. Assemble the fan back. Operate it by connecting to
Reverse the direction of rotation by changing connection at the capacitor.
Connect an electronic regulator and control its speed.
Job 8. Product Development (Part-1)
• Study the circuit of a battery charger.
• Procure all the components required to build a charges like:
Transformer, diodes, capacitor, voltmeter, ammeter, indicator, rotary
switch, on/off switch, box connecting load. Test each component
separately. (specification of charger will be given)
• Assemble bridge rectifier using 4 diodes.
Job 9. Product Development (Part-2)
• Complete the testing of components procured in job 8.
• Fabricate the battery charger by ass�mbling all the components
procured and tested in job no. 8 (product development part-I) and
wire it..
• Test the fabricated charger.
Job 10. Experience of Electronic Devices
• Identify resistors, capacitors of various types and specifications
• Identify the given solid state devices like: diodes and transistors,
SCR, Triac, Diac, few ICS of various specifications.
• Study the circuit of a solid state low rating voltage regulator.
• Assemble· a voltage regulator and test it on fan and incandescent
bulb. Or assemble a timer circuit usirig 555 IC.
Practical Component:
Note: Workshop inc harge may make additions or deletions in respec t of above
mentioned jobs as per the situation at any point of time.


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