How To Use Eplatform

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Get reading on ePlatform

ePlatform Library
Curro Online ePlatform
• We have access to more than 1200+
great ebooks – catering for different
interests and age groups.
• Learners and teachers can access the
library using their Curro email.
• Books can be “checked out” for up to two
• You can read the same book on multiple
devices if you have downloaded the
ePlatform app.
• Each participating Curro school has its
own ePlatform. Ask your teacher for the
link to your library e.g.

Log into the Curro Online ePlatform
Step 1 Step 2
• Launch your browser • Type your Curro email address where
• Go to your school’s ePlatform link it says “Username”
• Click “Sign in” in the top right hand corner • Type “1234” where it says “Password”
• Click “Sign in”

Browse for books
• Click on “Browse” to look for a book you
would like to read.

• Under “Availability” select “available now”

to see books where our copy is available.
If you select “Out/ Queued” you can
reserve a book for later.

• Under “Audience” say whether you are

looking for books aimed at children, teens
or “all”.

• Under “Category” tick the boxes that

indicate the types of books you enjoy.

Find a specific book

• Do an “Advanced Search” if you are looking

for a specific author or book title.

• Look for books tagged at specific

Accelerated Reader book levels or interest
levels to help you find a book that is
appropriate for your age or reading ability.

• Note that learners in some grades may not be

able to access books aimed at older learners.

Confirm that you want to read a book
• Click on the book you want to read to find out
• Read the blurb (book description) to see if you
would really like to read it.
• Click on “Look Inside” to see the first few pages
of the book to decide whether you really want to
read the whole book.
• If you do want to read the whole book, click
“Borrow” to check out the book.

“Acceptable Use”
• We only have one copy of each book in the
library. Don’t borrow a book if you aren’t going
to read it. Someone else may REALLY want to
read that book.
• We only get a limited number of “borrows” a
month. Don’t waste a “borrow” to read a few
pages before checking the book back in.
Read a book
• Click on “Read” to open the book.

• Use the arrows on the left and right of the

screen to page through the book.
• Click on the magnifying glass to enlarge the
• Click on the three dots to open a table of text.
contents. You can use this menu to jump to • Click on the four direction arrow to view the
specific sections of the book book in full screen mode.

Access eReader features and functions
• Click on the AA button to change the font • Click the three dots on the right to access
type and size and back ground colour. additional library functions, including
bookmarking a page, returning your book or
• Select settings that work well for your
eyes and device.
• Your settings will be applied to each book • You can store your book offline so that you
you read, unless you change them. can continue to read it when your laptop is
not connected to the internet.

Download the ePlatform app

Step 1 Step 2
Click on “Find your library” and
Download the ePlatform app search for Curro Online.
from the app or play store on
Log in with your Curro email
to your tablet or phone. address and password.
You will only need to do this the
first time you use the app.

Step 3
Continue to read the same book
you loaned from your laptop or
browse and borrow a new book.
Once a book is downloaded you
can read it offline.

Loan history and limits

• You can take out one book at a time –

for up to two weeks.
• When your loan time is up, the book is
automatically checked back in – but
you can take it out again if no one else
is waiting for it.
• If you finish your book before it
expires, you can return it for someone
else to read and can select another
• Learners can see what books they
have taken out before.
• Teachers can see all the books their
learners have read and who is reading

Troubleshooting and FAQs – Accessing ePlatform
Problem Possible issue Solution
I can’t sign into • You are only enrolled in your school’s • Make sure you are at the correct URL for your
ePlatform ePlatform and you are trying to access school’s library.
another school’s library. • Make sure you are using your Curro email
• You have recently joined Curro and have address and that it is typed correctly.
not yet been enrolled in ePlatform. • Use the generic password 1234 – unless your
• You are not using your Curro email as teacher gives you another password.
your username. • If you are a new student, check with your teacher
• You have forgotten your password. if you have been enrolled into ePlatform.
• Click on “Contact” to send a message to the
library administrator if you still can’t get in.
I can’t download the • Some devices don’t support the • Access ePlatform through the browser on your
ePlatform app ePlatform app. tablet or phone.

I was still reading a • The standard borrowing period is two • Check the book out again. Your notes and
book and it weeks. When the two weeks is up, the bookmarks will still be there.
“disappeared” book is removed from your device. • If someone else has reserved the book, it will go
to that person first, but you can reserve it to read
after the other person is finished.
Troubleshooting and FAQs – Borrowing Books

Problem Possible issue Solution

I can’t borrow any • You need to be signed in to ePlatform to • Check you are connected to the internet.
book borrow a book. • Sign in before trying to borrow a book.
• You need to be connected to the internet to • Make sure you don’t have a book out already OR
download a book. return the book you were reading before trying to
• You can only borrow one book at a time. borrow a new one.
• All the loans for the month may have been • Click on “Contact” to send a message to the
used up. library administrator if you still can’t borrow a
I can’t borrow a • You may not have permission to borrow • Reserve a book that is currently “out” so that you
specific book books aimed at older readers. will be next in the queue when the book is
• Someone else may already have borrowed returned.
the book you want. • Speak to your teacher about getting your reading
restrictions adjusted.
• Use the “browse” and “search” tools to find
another book you may enjoy instead.

Let’s get reading

ePlatform Library

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