Anh 8 2021-2022

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Năm học: 2021-2022

Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)

Họ và tên: ............................................SBD...........

Trường: ………………….. Lớp: …… Số phách:

Người chấm số 1: ............................................ Điểm: ....................... Số phách:

Người chấm số 2: ............................................ Bằng chữ : ............................
(Môn Tiếng Anh 8; Đề thi gồm 05trang; Học sinh làm bài vào đề thi)
A.LISTENING (3,0 points)
A- I. Listen to a school teacher talking about cyber-bullying. Fill each of the gaps with no more than
ONE word. You will listen TWICE. (2,0 points)
The Internet is said to be one of the most amazing (1)_______ that humans have made. Since its
appearance, the Internet has been so popular that nearly everyone (2)________it or knows about it. However,
the Internet can be a scary place, especially because of cyber-bullying. Open any (3)_______ these days and
you will see a story about this cyber-bullying. It’s a really nasty (4)_______ growing problem. Cyber-bullies
are real cowards. They hide (5)_______ their computers and scare people, send them hate mail or threaten
them. Even worse is when they (6) _________ pictures of their victims online. I have a friend (7)______ had a
bad time at the hands of a cyber-bully. The cyber-bully (8)_________lots of gossips and lies on the Internet.
My friend’s reputation was (9)_______ damaged. You may wonder how cyber-bullying starts at school. Many
schoolchildren physically bully others in class and then continue doing it online. Their victim isn’t safe
anywhere. It is high time we (10) ________hands to stop cyber-bullying.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
A- II. Listen to the report which tells you about the effect of plastic rubbish and decide if the following
statements are True (T) or False (F). You will listen twice. (1,0 point)
11. Plastic rubbish kills a million sea birds every year.
12. The hermit crabs living on Pacific beaches die because of plastic pollution.
13. Every year, the world produces more than three million tonnes of plastic.
14. About 20% of plastic rubbish will be recycled.
15. It is predicted that there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
B- I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. (1,0 point)
16. A. caused B. promised C. increased D. practised 16.
17. A. fish B. animal C. picture D. ideal 17.
18. A. weather B. thread C. together D. rather 18.
19. A. benefits B. photographs C. inventors D. dumps 19.
20. A. plumber B. comb C. club D. climbing 20.
B- II. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (1,0 point)
21. A. official B. aquatic C. illustrate D. pollution 21.
22. A. arrangement B. entertain C. Vietnamese D. disagree 22.
23. A. comprise B. depend C. design D. novel 23.

Không viết vào chỗ gạch chéo này

24. A. embroider B. lantern C. impress D. desire 24.

25. A. loyalty B. minority C. majority D. technology 25.
C-I. Choose A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the sentences. (3,0 points)
26. She has decided to ___________ swimming because it is very good for her health.
A. take in B. take up C. take to D. take with
27. Tom went to work although he didn’t feel very well.
A. that he did not feel very well B. despite of the fact not feeling well
C. because he did not feel very well D. despite not feeling very well
28. The sky is here in the countryside because there are no buildings to block the view.
A. tidy B. close C. dense D. vast
29. ___________ from Mai, all the students said they would go camping.
A. Except B. Only C. Apart D. Separate
30. The Smiths never go out in the evening, ………………. ?
A. do they B. don’t they C. doesn’t he D. does he
31. Those shirts need _______ but you needn’t _______ them now.
A. iron/ iron B. ironed/ to iron C. to iron/ to iron D. ironing/ iron
32. Have you made up your mind about where to go on holiday ?
A. gone B. been C. made a decision D. started
33. Shhh! I hear someone _________ from the distance. Do you hear anything ?
A. crying B. . interesting C. boring D. thinking
34. A village is often _____________ than a city.
A. less densely populated B. more densely populated
C. less densely populating D. more densely populating
35 “Rescue workers saved a girl trapped in a collapsed school building.” _ "_____________ "
A. That's great! B. Oh, dear! C. How convenient! D. Good luck.
36. He was made _____________ hard for the next coming exam.
A. studying B. to study C. to studying D. study
37. The girls and flowers ________he painted were vivid.
A. that B. whose which D. who
38. People use a lot of cars and motorcycles. If people ___ the use of motor vehicles, there ____ less serious
air pollution.
A. reduce/ will be B. reduced/ would be
C. have reduced/ would have been D. had reduced/ would have been
39. Your room is messy. Please ______ as much junk as possible and clean it up.
A. stop over B. drop a line C. make clean of D. get rid of

40. Bill Gates is probably the best known and most successful ______in computer software.
A. inventor B. generator C. pioneer D. volunteer
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
C-II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (1,0 point)
41. The money (steal) _______in the robbery was never found.
42. Don’t be surprised when you see how thin she is. She (be) ________ extremely ill.
43. Not only a dog but also two cats (be)________at home in his garage.
44. This time tomorrow, I (chat) ________with my cousin in Sydney on Skype.
45.The number of pupils getting poor marks since the beginning of the semester (to be) ______appalling.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
C-III. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. (1,0 point)
46. Viet Nam is a ________country with different peoples, religions and traditions. (CULTURE)
47. Plastic bags are not ____________ friendly. (ENVIRONMEMT))
48. Thousands of visitors come to enjoy________views of Ha Long Bay every year. (BREATH)
49. This decision marked a fundamental ___________ in policy. (TRANSFORM)
50. Astronauts who are orbiting the Earth often experience sensation of ______ (WEIGHT)
46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
C-IV. Fill in the blank with suitable article “a/ an/ the” (if necessary). (1,0 point)
51. I will keep __________ eye on the baby when his father is away.
52. Among ethnic eoples of Viet Nam in the North, ___________ Hoa has the most colorful costumes.
53. He’d like to become ________________ MC in the future.
54. _______ rich should do more to help the poor.
55. _________ Amazon is South America’s largest river.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
C-V. Find and correct a mistake in one sentence. (1,0 point)
56. The children were so (A) amused (B) at the cartoon that (C) they couldn't stand laugh (D).
57. Jane told me (A) that she will (B) have to go (C) to London the following day (D).
58. He decided to not apply (A) for that job because (B) he didn’t meet (C) all the qualifications (D)
59. The driver of(A)the car was serious (B) injured(C) in the accident (D).
60. The poor (A) woman with (B) her two children were (C) seen begging (D) in a street corner.
56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
D. READING (4,0 points)
D-I. Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage. (2,0 points)
The purpose of advertising is to (61)______ people to buy things. Nowadays, (62)_______, advertisers
don’t attempt to sell a product to everybody; they try to target the product at a particular segment or group of
the population. Market research attempts to identify these people and the products they need. Most products
have a (63)________ name and advertisers aim, through promotion and publicity, to turn these into
recognizable brands. This gives the product an imaginary added (64)______ which somehow convinces people
it is worth paying extra for. Once an (65)_______ agency has been commissioned by a producer, it will set
about organizing an advertising campaign. Slogans will be invented, advertising copy will be written and the
Media Planning and Buying department will work out which media will be best (66)_______ for the particular
niche the product is (67)_______ at. The advertiser will try to position the product relative to its rivals and will
point out its (68)______ and superiority. (69)______ products are often international, advertising tends to
(70)___ quite different in different countries, often falling back on stereotype images for each national market.
61. A. persuade B. make C. try D. sell
62. A. although B. well C. however D. but

63. A. ancient B. brand C. bad D. excellent
64. A. price B. value C. personal D.government
65. A. advertising B. other C. estate D.old
66. A. suited B. rewarded C. paid D. engineered
67. A. thrown B. shot C. regarded D. aimed
68. A. errors B. size C. disadvantages D. advantages
69. A. Although B. Very C. Well D. Nevertheless
70. A. have B. come C. be D. fall
61. 62. 63. 64. 65.
66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
D-II. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (1,0 point)
Life in the big city is face-paced, fun and exciting. There are countless job opportunities and activities to
occupy your time. However, with the good, also comes the bad. Although, the big city has more job
opportunities; there are also more people competing for a single job. This can make your job search frustrating.
Oddly enough, you will see hundreds, if not thousands of jobs available each week, but you still might remain
unemployed, especially when the economy is down. In addition, the cost of living is typically higher in big
cities, and it can cost you an arm and a leg for a small apartment in a decent area of the city, not to mention
other costs to fulfill your basic demands. Diversity is a good thing, but the amount of people can be a bit
overwhelming if you are not accustomed to it. There will always be crowds and always be people around.
Moreover, traffic can be a nightmare in the big city. It can get so bad that it can turn you into an evil person. If
you hate driving in traffic, then the big city life is not for you. Heavy traffic also contributes to the pollution,
which is one of the biggest disadvantages of living in the city. Obviously, our health is affected most with
certain diseases relating to respiratory system and other body parts. A lot of premature deaths are supposed to
be the result of long-term exposure to small particles. Most importantly, there is always more crime in a big
city, causing you second case your decision for living in a big city. You are much more likely to be a victim of
a crime living in a big city than in a small town.
71. What does the phrase “cost an arm and a leg” mean ?
A. Your legs and arms have good value C. Cost a small amount of money
B. You must work hard to earn money D. Cost a lot of money
72. In the big city, people tend to ________ when the traffic is getting heavy.
A. go crazy C. get enough time to relax
B. wait a big longer D. slow down themselves
73. While big cities have more job opportunities, it also gives ____________.
A. more competition for a single job C. higher salary
B. growing economic crisis D. greater chances of being unemployed
74. Which of the following sentences is NOT true ?
A. pollution causes health problems. B. cities are always crowded.
C. it costs a lot of money to live in the big city. D. crime is not a serious problem in big cities.
75. According to the passage, some good things of living in the city are _________ .
A. excellent educational system and recreational activities
B. excellent educational system and countless job opportunities
C. countless job opportunities and activities to occupy your time
D. a lot of kinds of entertainment and shopping centers
71. 72. 73. 74. 75.
D-III. Read the following passage and put a word in each of the numbered blanks. (1,0 point)
Kipling was the first writer was expressed the faith and national pride. He was (76)_______in Bombay
India in 1865 and was taken (77) _____ England to be educated at the (78)________ of 6. But at the age of 17
he returned to India and became a journalist (79)________this time he was a great amount of prose and portry.

Afterwards he returned to England and travelled in Japan and America. He received the 1907 Nobel
(80)__________for literature and died in 1936 while he was working on his autbiographical notes.
E. WRITING (4,0 points)
E-I. Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same. (2,0 points)
81. “I’m sorry I gave you the wrong number.” said Paul to Susan.
→ Paul apologized.........................................................................................................................................
82. My brother likes making pottery because it is a creative activity.
→ My brother is hooked……………………………………………….........................................................
83. I haven’t seen John for five years.
→ I last………..……………………………….............................................................................................
84. Finding accommodation at busy time in Da Lat is difficult .
→ It’s.............................................................................................................................................................
85. She felt sorry she hadn’t gone to his birthday party.
→ She regretted……………………...………………………………………………………………….....
86. People say she is the most beautiful girl in the village.
→ She is .......................................................................................................................................................
87. “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William”, his mother said.
→ William’s mother told……………………………………………………………………………...........
88. Green Peace will organize a meeting at the Town Hall next Tuesday.
→There will be ..............................................................................................................................................
89. There is more heavy traffic on the road now than there used to be
→ There didn’t ..............................................................................................................................................
90. Although the dresses are very expensive, people buy them because they are trendy.
→ In spite of ………………………………………………………………………………………….............
E-II. Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word. (1,0 point)
91. Ships spill oils in oceans and rivers, so many aquatic animals and plants die. ( lead to)
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
92. There have been many challenges for the development of traditional handicrafts in Viet Nam.
( faced up to)
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
93. John failed to complete the job on time.( succeed)
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
94. The director offered him a good job, but he refused. ( turn)
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
95. Taking photographs inside the museum is forbidden. ( not)
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
E-III. Use the words or phrases given to make complete sentences. (1,0 point)
96. The date / meeting/ will/ have to/ change/ tomorrow.
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
97. He/ not clean/ his room/ at 8p.m last night.
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
98. Some people/still/ believe/world’s resources/ never/use/up./
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
99. your homeland/ beautiful/ so/ I wish/ have a chance/ visit/ again.
→ .................................................................................................................................................................
100. Although / Canberra / capital /Australia / not / popular / tourists / as / Sydney //.
→ .................................................................................................................................................................

A.LISTENING (3,0 points)

A.I.Listen to a school teacher talking about cyber-bullying. Fill each of the gaps with no more than
TWO words. You will listen TWICE.
1. inventions 2. uses 3. newspaper 4. and 5. behind
6. publish 7. who 8. spreads 9. badly 10. joined

A.II. Listen to the report which tells you about the effect of plastic rubbish and decide if the following
statements are True (T) or False (F). You will listen twice. ( 1,0 point)
Mỗi đáp án đúng được 0,2 điểm
11. T 12. F 13. F 14. F 15. T

According to Greenpeace, more than 100,000 sea creatures and a million sea birds die every year after
eating plastic or getting trapped in plastic rubbish. Sometimes, when baby turtles get trapped in plastic the
shape of their shell changes when they grow. Some sea creatures make their homes in plastic rubbish, such as
the hermit crabs that live on polluted Pacific beaches.
Every year, the world produces more than 300 million tonnes of plastic! In a minute, people around the
globe use more than a million plastic bags and they throw away more than a million plastic bottles. Where will
all this plastic end up? About 10% of it will be recycled, and some will go to landfill, but a lot of it will end up
polluting the oceans. Experts estimate that there are already 200 million tonnes of plastic in the world's
oceans, and this will increase by about 7 million tonnes every year.
Because plastic isn't biodegradable it won't decompose naturally, so all the plastic that we have now in the
world will exist forever. That means we’ll need to clean up the oceans if we want to protect our sea creatures.
Better still, if we don’t use so much plastic, it won't end up in the ocean! Experts are warning that if we don't
take urgent action, there might be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050.

B1. Find the word which has different sound in the underlined part.
16. A 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. C

B2. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others.
21. C 22. A 23. D 24.. B 25. A


C-I. Chọn đáp án thích hợp nhất trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành câu. (3,0 points)
26. B 27. D 28. D 29. C 30. A
31. D 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. B
36. B 37. A 38. B 39. D 40. C

C-II: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc. (1,0 point)
41. stolen 42. has been 43. are 44. will be chatting 45. is

C-III: Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc. (1,0 point)

46. multicultural 47.environmentally 48. breathtaking 49. . transformation 50. weightlessness

C-IV. Fill in the blank with suitable article “a/ an/ the” (if necessary). (1,0 point)
51. an 52. the 53. an 54. The 55. The

C-V. Find and correct a mistake in one sentence. (1,0 point)
56.D → couldn't 57. B→ would 58. A→ not to apply 59. B→ seriously 60. C→ was
stand laughing

D. READING (4,0 points)

D-I. Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage. (2,0 points)
61.A 62. C 63. B 64. B 65. A
66. A 67.D 68. D 69. A 70. C

D-II. Read the passage and choose the best answer to complete the sentences. (1,0 point)
71. D 72. A 73. A 74. D 75. C

D-III. Read the following passage and put a word in each of the numbered blanks. (1,0 point)
76. born 77. to 78. age 79. By 80. prize

E. WRITING (4,0 points)

E-I. Rewrite the sentences so that their meaning stays the same. (2,0 points)
81. Paul apologized to Susan for giving/ having given her the wrong numbers.
82. My brother is hooked on making pottery because it is a creative activity.
83. I last saw John five years ago.
84. It’s difficult to find accommodation at busy time in Da Lat.
85. She regretted not going/ not having gone to his birthday party.
86. She is said to be the most beautiful girl in the village.
87. William’s mother told him not to leave the house until she got back.
88 There will be a meeting at the Town Hall organized (organized at the Town Hall) by Green Peace next
89. There didn’t use to be as much heavy traffic on the road as there is now.
90. In spite of being very expensive, people buy the dresses because they are trendy.

E-II. Use the given word to write the second sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence. Do not change the form of the given word. (1,0 point)
91. Oil spills from ships in oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants.
92. The development of traditional handicrafts in Viet Nam has faced up to many challenges.
93. John didn’t succeed in completing the job on time.
94. The director offered him a good job, but he turned down.
95.You must not take photographs inside the museum.
You are not allowed to take photographs inside the museum.
E-III. Use the words or phrases given to make complete sentences. (1,0 point)
96. The date of the meeting will have to be changed tomorrow.
97. He wasn't cleaning room at 8 p.m last night.
98. Some people still believe that the world’s resources will / can never be used up.
99. Your homeland is beautiful, so I wish I had a chance to visit it again.
100. Although Canberra is the capital of Australia, it isn't so/ as popular with tourists as Sydney.


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