Web Dev Csic102
Web Dev Csic102
Lab Instructions
Whether an experiment contains one or
several practicals /programs
Several ?
practicals / programs One
practical / program
• Teacher decides whether the completed practicals / programs can be appropriately described
using flow chart, algorithm, query statement, etc.
• Teacher issues necessary instructions to the students for writing practicals / programs
• Students write experiments in practical files and get them signed by the lab teacher
• Students make entries in the list of contents of the practical files and get them signed by
the lab teacher
• In case of an experiment containing several practicals, a lab teacher needs to think whether a
practical performed by the students in one group needs to be repeated by the other groups in lab on
the same day?
A practical performed by the students in one group needs to be repeated as assignments to be
completed by the students of other groups in their hostels? Here, an assignment includes both
executing a program on computer and also writing the same in practical file.
A practical performed by the students in one group needs to be repeated as assignments, only
writing practicals in their practical files, for the students of other groups in their hostels?
Course Content:
1.Introduction: Introduction to world wide web, Web Browsers, Web Servers, Hypertext
Transfer Protocol, URLs, Domain Names, Internet Service Provider, Basic steps for
Developing Website, Choosing the Contents, Planning and Designing Web Site, Creating a
Website, Web Publishing, Hosting Site, Types of hosting packages, Five Golden rules of
web designing.
4. XML: XML: Introduction – benefits of XML, well formed XML documents, XML syntax,
XML declaration ,XML schema , XML with CSS, Document Type Definition (DTD),creating
DTD – Types(internal DTD, external DTD),XSL.
Reference Books:
1. Thomas A Powell, HTML: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Scott Guelich, Shishir Gundavaram, Gunther Birzniek; CGI Programming with Perl
3. Doug Tidwell, James Snell, Pavel Kulchenko; Programming Web Services with SOAP,
4. Robert. W. Sebesta, "Programming the World Wide Web", Fourth Edition, Pearson
5. Yong, XML Step by Step, PHI.
6. Chris Bales, “Web programming- Building Internet Application”.
7. Deitel, Deitel, Goldberg, "Internet & World Wide Web How To Program", Third
Edition,Pearson Education, 2006.
8. Marty Hall and Larry Brown, “Core Web Programming” Second Edition, Volume I and
II,Pearson Education, 2001.
9. Bayross Ivan, “Web Enabled Commercial Applications Development using HTML,
Javascript, DHTML & PHP”, BPB Publication, 2005.
Course outcomes
1. Knowledge of basic principles of web site design.
2. Design proficiency of websites adhering to current web standards (HTML, XML, CSS).
3.Knowledge of various scripting languages.
Experiment 1: Design the following static web pages required for an online book
store web site.
i. Biodata
ii. Home Page
iii. Login Page
iv. Catalogue Page
Experiment 2: Design the following static web pages required for an online book
store web site.
i. Registration Page
ii. Cart Page
Experiment 5: Modify the JavaScript program done in Part A by changing the way
output is displayed. In this part, you are expected to output the same text in an
alert window.
Experiment 6: Write a JavaScript program that asks the user to input five integer
numbers to determine the sum of the numbers and outputs the result to the
browser window. You are expected to use a while loop to perform repeated
operations. Followed by a for loop to achieve the same task.
F. $700–799
G. $800–899
H. $900–999
I. $1000 and over
Experiment 9: Write an XML file which will display the Book information which
includes the following: Title of the book, Author Name, ISBN number, Publisher
name, Edition and Price. Validate the above document using DTD and XML Schema.