AL1776 - Wraf6cflpjfyo7asY7I6 - Claim Form - 5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMi5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMi5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMiKeerthi Siddeshwar - AL1776
AL1776 - Wraf6cflpjfyo7asY7I6 - Claim Form - 5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMi5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMi5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMiKeerthi Siddeshwar - AL1776
AL1776 - Wraf6cflpjfyo7asY7I6 - Claim Form - 5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMi5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMi5pFRb6CSbuLftHjoSjMiKeerthi Siddeshwar - AL1776
* Non-submission of original bills and receipts is the main reason for delay in claim settlements. Please provide the originals & mandatory documents
- To receive update on your claim status, provide your mobile no. & E-mail ID
* You can track your claim status at: ➔Claims ➔ Health Claims ➔ Services ➔ Track your claims
Part - A (To be filled by Insured)
A 1. Type of Claim : Main Hospitalisation Expenses_J
✔ Pre&Post Hospitalisation Expenses _J Cashless Obtained: Yes _J No _J
A2. Details of the Insured person in respect of whom claim is made: (patient details)
K _J
Name of the Patient: _J E _J_J_J
E R T _J
H _J
I _J_J_J
S I _J_J_J_J_J
D D E S H _J_J_J_J_J
W A R _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J _J _J _J_J_J_J_J_J
Card No./ UHID of the Patient: I L 1 2
Gender: Male _J
✔ Female _J Date of Birth: _J_J 0�
2 7 I _J 1 9 �2.J
7 I _J2.) 9 7 Completed age: Years _J_J Months _J_J
Occupation: Service_j Self Employed _J Homemaker _J Student _J Retired_J Other _J (Please specify)--------
Are you previously covered by any other Mediclaim/ Health lnsurance:Yes _JNo _J_ If yes, Company name: ---------
Current residential address: _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
State· T _J
E _J
S _J 5 _J
T _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J Pin code: _J 6 _J
4 _J
3 _J
2 _J
9 8 4 5 3 5 2 8 7 1
Mobile no. _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_Jlandline no. _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
T E S T I N G + P G O P D @ P L U M H Q . C O M
E-mail: _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
A3. For Group/Corporate Policy For Individual/ Retail Policy (*Mandatory)
D _J
Member ID No./ Employee ID (Client ID): _J 1 _J_J
2 _J_J_J_J *Claim Intimation Service Request no.: _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J Is this a renewal policy: Yes _J No _J
P _J
Group/ Company name:_J A _J
Y _J
- _J
P _J
E _J
R _J_J
- U _J
S _J
E _J
- _J
T If Yes,kindly mention your previous policy no.:_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
E S T I N G - 2 T 0 C R V O
_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
A4. Name of the Proposer/Employee: K E _J_J_J
_J_J E R T _J
H _J_J_J_J_J
I S I D _J_J_J_J_J
D E S H W _J_J_J_J
A R _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
Relationship with Proposer*: _J
S _J
E _J
L _J
F _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J (*Policy Holder. For Retail policy, Proposername required. For Corporate policy, provide Employeename)
• IFSC code no. of the bank: S B I N 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PAN No. of the Proposer: E E Y H J 4 3 2 1 L _J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J_J
*Please provide a Cancelled cheque of account holder.
*Proposer/ Policy holder is the person who has paid premium for the policy.
For Retail policy, Name & Account details of Proposer required. For Corporate policy, Employee Name & Account details required.
Date: _J 5 I _J
0 _J 0 _J
1 I _J
2 _!..!
0 _J 2 _!..!
4 Place: ----------- Keerthi Siddeshwar
lnsured's Signature: ___________ _
A Your Claim details are just an SMS away, Please SMS <KEYWORD> to 57 57 58
• Cashless Status: <KEYWORD> is "ILHC AL <12-digit-AL-No.>" • Claim Status: <KEYWORD> is "ILHC CL <12-digit-CL-No.>" • Payment details: <KEYWORD> is "ILHC PAY <12-digit-Claim-No.>"
(AL No. & CL No. is the one you have received on your mobile no. after intimating us)