MH STD 9 CH Carbon Final

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Carbon: An Important Element

Q. 1. Select the proper option and complete the Hence, it is the most essential element in the organic
statements (single, all, double, ionic, carbon, give and compounds.
take, hydrogen, multiple, share, most, covalent) E. The element hydrogen is present in …. organic
A. A carbon atom forms a …… bond with other atoms. In compound.
this bond the two atoms …. electrons. Ans: The element hydrogen is present in most organic
Ans: A carbon atom forms a covalent bond with other compounds.
atoms. In this bond the two atoms share electrons. Explanation: Along with carbon, the element hydrogen
Explanation: A carbon atom forms a covalent bond with is also included in most organic compounds.
other atoms because its outer shell is half full as shown Q. 2 Answer the following questions
in the figure below: A. Why are carbon and its compounds used as fuels?
Ans : A. Carbon and its compounds used as fuels due to
the following reasons:
1. When most of the carbon and its compounds is burnt
in air, it gives a lot of heat, light and energy.
2. They have high calorific value. Thus, on burning in air,
they give large amount of heat and energy.
In the covalent bond, sharing of electrons takes place. 3. When saturated hydrocarbon (hydrocarbon having
For example: CH4 single bond) is burnt in air, less smoke with a clean
B. All the carbon bonds in a saturated hydrocarbon ....…. flame is produced.
electrons. Note: Calorific value is the amount of heat liberated in
Ans: All the carbon bonds in a saturated hydrocarbon calories by the complete combustion of a combustible
share electrons. material with oxygen.
Explanation: The hydrocarbons having only single bonds B. Answer the following questions In which compound
between carbon atoms are called saturated forms does carbon occur?
hydrocarbons. Saturated form covalent bond (by Ans: Carbon occurs in crystalline forms, non-
sharing of electrons) crystalline(amorphous) forms and in hydrocarbons
C. At least one carbon bond in an unsaturated forms.
hydrocarbon is …. 1. Carbon has three crystalline forms(allotropes) which
Ans: At least one carbon bond in an unsaturated are Diamond, Graphite and Fullerene.
hydrocarbon is double. 2. Coal, charcoal, coke are the non-crystalline forms of
Explanation: Some hydrocarbons have a multiple bond carbon.
between two carbon atoms. A multiple bond can be a 3. The two types of hydrocarbons forms in which carbon
double bond or a triple bond. Hydrocarbons having at occur are saturated hydrocarbons and unsaturated
least one multiple bond are called unsaturated hydrocarbons.
hydrocarbons. C. Answer the following questions Write the uses of
For example, ethane diamond.
Ans: Diamond is a crystalline form of carbon. Uses of
diamond are the following:
1. Diamonds are used in making ornaments.
D. …. is the essential element in all the organic 2. Diamonds are used in rock drilling and glass cutting
compounds? machines.
Ans: Carbon is the essential element in all the organic 3. To carry out eye surgery, diamond knives are used.
compounds. 4. Diamond dust is used for polishing other diamonds.
Explanation: A carbon atom exhibits a characteristic 5. Diamond is used to make windows giving protection
property. It can form a chain of carbon atoms by from radiation in space and in artificial satellites.
forming covalent bonds with other carbon atoms.
Wisdom Academy/STATE/9th /Science/Carbon: AEE Wisdom Academy ShivParvati Nagar :: 9422096599/9096116599
Carbon: An Important Element
Q. 3. Explain the difference 1. For making ornaments, properties like transparency
of substance, reflection of light and hardness should be
2. But in graphite, all these properties are absent.
3. It is soft, brittle, black and slippery in nature.
4. Thus, it is not used in making ornaments.
C. Limewater turns milky when CO2 is passed through it.
When limewater (CaOH)2 is passed through CO2, the
following reaction takes place:
(CaOH)2 + CO2→ CaCO3 + H2O
Limewater Calcium
1. In this reaction, when limewater comes in contact
with the gas released in the form of an effervescence, it
turns milky. This is chemical test for carbon dioxide gas.
2. When limewater turns milky, it is confirmed that the
effervescence is of carbon dioxide.

D. Biogas is an eco-friendly fuel.

a. Animal dung, dry leaves, wet garbage get
decomposed by anaerobic microbes in a biogas plant.
b. This produces biogas (methane gas).
Q. 4. Write scientific reasons c. Biogas is a very cheap fuel option which is also used
A. Graphite is a conductor of electricity. for cooking gas.
Graphite is a good conductor of electricity due to the d. It is also used for production of electricity.
following reasons: e. Biogas contains about 55% to 60% methane and the
1. In graphite, carbon atoms are arranged in different
rest is carbon dioxide.
layers. f. Biogas is very good manure and is convenient to use.
2. In each layer, every carbon atom is linked to three g. It is very good manure.
neighboring carbon atoms.
3. Thus, the fourth electron of each carbon atom is free
to move continuously within the entire layer.
4. Because of the presence of these free electrons in
different layers, graphite becomes a god conductor of
B. Graphite is not used in ornaments.
Graphite is not used in ornaments due to the following

Wisdom Academy/STATE/9th /Science/Carbon: AEE Wisdom Academy ShivParvati Nagar :: 9422096599/9096116599

Carbon: An Important Element
Q. 5 Explain the following. Note: Allotropes- Some elements occur in nature in
A. Diamond, graphite and fullerenes are crystalline more than one form. This property of elements is called
forms of carbon. allotropy. The elements which show this property are
Ans: Diamond, graphite and fullerene are the three called allotropes.
crystalline forms of carbon. E. Use of CO2 in fire extinguisher
1. A crystalline form has a definite and regular Ans: CO2 is used in fire extinguisher:
geometric pattern. 1. CO2 is filled under pressure in the fire extinguisher.
2. The structure of all the three crystalline forms has a 2. When we decrease that pressure, it becomes gaseous
definite shape, sharp edges and plane surfaces. and comes out forcefully.
3. The carbon dioxide displaces the oxygen (a main
cause of fire to burn)
4. By removing oxygen, we can put out a fire.
5. The reaction taking place:

3. Graphite has a hexagonal layered structure. F. Practical uses of CO2.

4. Diamond has a tetragonal three-dimensional Ans : Practical uses of CO2:
structure. 1. The most important use of CO2 is that plants use CO2
5. Fullerene exists in the form of buckyballs and in the process of photosynthesis.
buckytubes. 2. Liquid CO2 is used as solvent in dry cleaning.
B. Methane is called marsh gas. 3. CO2 is used to make aerated drinks.
Ans: Methane gas is also called "marsh gas" because it 4. CO2 is used in fire extinguisher to remove oxygen.
is the product of decay in swamps and marshes from 5. Solid CO2 is used to keep milk and milk products cool
organic material underwater and in the muck. The main while travelling.
process for the production of methane is anaerobic Q. 6. Write two physical properties each.
digestion. A. Diamond
C. Petrol, diesel, coal are fossil fuels. Ans: A. Two physical properties of diamond are:
Ans: Petrol, diesel, coal are fossil fuels because: 1. Diamond is the hardest natural substance found in
1. They are main source of heat and energy. the earth and does not dissolve in any solvent.
2. They release heat, light and energy when burnt in air. 2. Diamond does not show any change when treated
3. They are formed from the decayed living organisms with acids/bases.
(plants and animals) that are present in the earth’s B. Charcoal
crust. Ans: Two physical properties of Charcoal are:
D. Uses of various allotropes of carbon. 1. Charcoal when burnt produces bad heat and energy.
Ans: Uses of various allotropes of carbon: It is also a bad conductor of electricity.
1. Diamond- It is used in making ornaments, rock drilling 2. It is highly porous substance and has low density.
and glass cutting, artificial satellites etc. C. Fullerene
2. Graphite- It is used in pencils, paints, polish, for Ans: Two physical properties of Fullerene are:
making carbon electrodes, lubricants etc. 1. Fullerenes dissolve in solvents like carbon disulphide
3. Fullerene- It is used as insulators, used as a catalyst in (CS2) and chlorobenzene.
the water purification. 2. One molecule of fullerene contains around 30 to 900
4. Coal- Coal is used in thermal power plants, used as carbon atom.
fuel in factories and industries. Q. 7. Complete the following Chemical reactions.
5. Coke- It is used as a reducing agent and a domestic 1. ........+.......→ CO2 + 2H2O + Heat
fuel. Ans: CH4 + 2O2→ CO2 + 2H2O + heat

Wisdom Academy/STATE/9th /Science/Carbon: AEE Wisdom Academy ShivParvati Nagar :: 9422096599/9096116599

Carbon: An Important Element
Explanation: When methane (CH4) is burnt in the Observations: You will observe that the bulb starts to
presence of oxygen to form evolve a bluish flame. In the glow as soon as the current is applied. This proves that
above reaction, the methane burns completely. graphite is good conductor of electricity.
2. ...........+.........→ CH3Cl + HCl C. Explain the properties of carbon.
Ans: CH4 + Cl2→ CH3Cl + HCl Ans: The properties of carbon are the following:
Explanation: Methane(CH4) and chlorine(Cl2) gases react Carbon exists in two allotropic forms which are
with each other in presence of UV light and form mainly crystalline forms and another is non-crystalline forms.
methyl chloride (chloromethane – CH3Cl) and hydrogen
chloride. This reaction is called chlorination of methane.
3. 2 NaOH + CO2→........+........
Ans: 2NaOH + CO2→ Na2CO3 + H2O
Explanation: When aqueous solution of sodium
hydroxide is passed through carbon dioxide, it forms
sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
Q. 8 Write answers to the following in detail.
A. What are the different types of coal? What are their
Ans: The different types of coal are peat, bituminous,
anthracite and Lignite.
Peat- It is generally used as a fertilizer, as a packing
material (due to its spongy nature).
D. Classify carbon
Lignite- It is used in power generation (to generate
Ans: In saturated hydrocarbons (having single bond),
electricity) and is used to create fertilizer products like
carbon can be classified into primary carbon, secondary
anhydrous ammonia and ammonium sulphate.
carbon, tertiary carbon and quarternary carbon.
Bituminous- It is mainly used for the combustion for
coke, tar, coal, chemical and coke-oven gas. It is widely
used for steam raising.
Anthracite- It is mostly used in metallurgical process
and used in hand-fire furnaces.
B. How will you prove experimentally that graphite is
good conductor of electricity?
Q. 9. How will you verify the properties of carbon
Ans: Steps to prove that graphite conducts electricity:
Step 1: Take a pencil and sharp it from both sides.
Ans: Methods to verify the properties of carbon dioxide
Step 2: Now, take two clips and join each with their
respective leads of the pencil.
1.By using limewater
Step 3: Also join a small bulb in the setup and connect it
Step 1: Take some limewater in a test tube.
with a battery cell.
Step 2: Take some baking soda in another test tube and
Step 4: Assemble the apparatus properly as shown in
add lemon juice to it. Fit the bent tube over it.
thee figure below.
Step 3: Insert its other end into the lime water.
Step 5: Start the electric current in the circuit.
Observations: We will observe that limewater turns
milky as it comes in contact with the released gas in the
form of effervescence. When limewater turns milky, it is
confirmed that the effervescence released is of carbon
dioxide gas. The reaction taking place:
Ca(OH)2 + CO2→ CaCO3 + H2O
Wisdom Academy/STATE/9th /Science/Carbon: AEE Wisdom Academy ShivParvati Nagar :: 9422096599/9096116599
Carbon: An Important Element
2. Sodium carbonate is formed when carbon dioxide is
passed through an aqueous solution of sodium
hydroxide. The reaction taking place:
2NaOH + CO2→ Na2CO3 + H2O
3. Sodium bicarbonate is formed on passing CO2
through an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate. The
reaction taking place:
Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2→ 2NaHCO3

Wisdom Academy/STATE/9th /Science/Carbon: AEE Wisdom Academy ShivParvati Nagar :: 9422096599/9096116599

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