Human Health Risk Assessment of Potentially Toxic

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2018) 25:28086–28093


Human health risk assessment of potentially toxic heavy metals

in the atmospheric dust of city of Hamedan, west of Iran
Soheil Sobhanardakani 1

Received: 14 January 2018 / Accepted: 20 July 2018 / Published online: 1 August 2018
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2018

The atmospheric dust is an important route of human exposure to kinds of pollutants particularly toxic heavy metals. The current
study was carried out to assess the ecological and health risk assessment of Co, Cr, and Mn in the atmospheric dust of city of
Hamedan, Iran. In so doing, a total of 54 samples of atmospheric dust were collected from the three regions of the study area in
2014. After acid digestion of samples in the laboratory, the Co, Cr, and Mn contents were determined using inductively coupled
plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES). The results showed that the average contents (mg kg−1) of Co, Cr, and Mn in
the analyzed samples were 0.23, 0.89, and 8.10, respectively. The results of human health risk assessment showed that ingestion
of dust particles is the main exposure route to heavy metals in the dust for the local residents. Also, the upper limit of the 95%
confidence interval of hazard indices for non-carcinogenic risks of all analyzed metals in the atmospheric dust was within the safe
level (= 1) for both children and adults. The carcinogenic risk levels of Co and Cr were all lower than the acceptable range for
local citizens. Based on the results, it can be suggested that special attention be paid to toxic heavy metals that long-term exposure
to which via atmospheric dust can have adverse effects on the city resident health.

Keywords Health risk assessment . Toxic heavy metals . Atmospheric dust . Non-carcinogen

Introduction repair shops, and production industries, are usually at high risk
of heavy metals poisoning such as lung diseases, oxidative
Heavy metal refers to the metallic chemical element that has a damage to DNA, oxidative stress, acute inflammatory reaction
relatively high density which usually makes it toxic for living through inhalation, ingestion, and dermal absorption of air-
organisms even at low contents. Natural and human factors, borne particulate matter containing heavy metals (Alhassan
such as storm runoff, soil erosion, industrial activities, et al. 2012; Philip et al. 2017). Therefore, concerns about the
smelting and quarrying activities, metal plating, agriculture, quality of dust and atmospheric depositions are growing
mining, and fossil-fuel combustion can discharge high around the globe (Dick et al. 2003; Valavanidis et al. 2006;
amounts of heavy metals into the surface and groundwater, Al-Momani et al. 2008; Shi et al. 2008; Sobhanardakani and
soil, air and ultimately the biosphere (Sobhanardakani et al. Saedi 2015; Shokri Ragheb and Sobhanardakani 2016).
2015; Philip et al. 2017). In this regard, some factors, includ- Emissions to the atmosphere in the form of particles and
ing industrial discharges, exhaust fumes, oil lubricants, corro- gases from natural and anthropogenic sources can return to the
sion of building materials, automobile parts, and also atmo- land and sea through atmospheric depositional processes by
spheric deposition can cause accumulation of heavy metals on dry and wet precipitation (Zheng et al. 2005). In this regard,
urban surfaces especially street dust. Therefore, people living particle size and also the surface properties of the substrate on
along highways, areas with high traffic volume, automobile which metals are deposited are the main factors that affect the
dispersion and distribution of environmentally sensitive ele-
Responsible editor: Philippe Garrigues ments (Wong et al. 2006).
Cobalt is an essential nutrient which is beneficial to
* Soheil Sobhanardakani humans because it is an integral part of vitamin B12, is a vital
[email protected] element for proper thyroid functioning and plays important
roles in regulating blood pressure. However, the exposure to
Department of the Environment, College of Basic Sciences, high amounts of Co can cause adverse effects on human health
Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:28086–28093 28087

(Fallah et al. 2011; Hosseini et al. 2013; Sobhanardakani and Sampling and sample analysis
Jamshidi 2015).
Chromium as an essential mineral is widely distributed in In this study, totally 36 atmospheric dry deposition samples
human tissues even in extremely low and variable concentra- were collected on five-day intervals from mid-September to
tions. Trivalent chromium can help in the consumption of mid-October, 2014. Samples were collected from residential
proteins and lipids, and also in the metabolism of carbohy- areas of three regions of the Hamedan with high (A), moderate
drate (Hosseini et al. 2013; Stancheva et al. 2014), whereas, (B), and low/light (C) traffic intensity (Fig. 1) by placing high-
Cr(VI) compounds are known as toxic carcinogens that pose density polyethylene bucket with a 30 cm diameter on an
risks to human health (Kabata-Pendias 2010). elevated tripod stand (1 m) above the ground surface to min-
Like Co and Cr, manganese is also known as an essential imize contamination from resuspended particles generated by
element,. Toxicity of Mn has been reported as a result occu- natural wind and traffic-induced. For samples digestion, 1.0 g
pational and dietary overexposure and can affect the central of each sieved sample was transferred into a digestion vessel
nervous system, although cardiac, liver, lung, reproductive and 10 ml of HNO3 was added, mixed thoroughly and covered
and fetal toxicity have also been noted. Also, neurotoxicity with a watch glass. Then, the samples were heated to 90 °C
of this element can cause a progressive disorder of the extra- and refluxed at this temperature for 15 min after which they
pyramidal system which is similar to Parkinson’s disease were allowed to cool for 10 min at 20 °C. Thereafter, 5 ml of
(Crossgrove and Zheng 2004; ÓNeal and Zheng 2015). concentrated nitric acid was added to each sample, which was
However, there is no evidence that manganese can cause can- covered and refluxed again at 90 °C for 30 min. Then, the
cer in humans (Shokri Ragheb and Sobhanardakani 2016). solutions were allowed to evaporate without boiling to ap-
As similar studies in terms of the human health risk assess- proximately 5 ml each and cooled again for 10 min at room
ment of heavy metals in the atmospheric dust have not previ- temperature. This was followed by the addition of 2 ml of
ously been conducted in the study area, the current study was deionized water and 3 ml of H2O2 (30%) to each. The vessels
conducted for the first time to analyze human health risks were covered and heated just enough to warm the solutions for
caused by heavy metals (Co, Cr, and Mn) in an atmospheric the peroxide reaction to start. This process was continued until
dust in regions with different traffic intensity in the city of effervescence subsided and the solutions were cooled (Zheng
Hamedan in 2014. et al. 2005; Al-Momani et al. 2008; Shokri Ragheb and
Sobhanardakani 2016). Finally, the elements content were an-
alyzed using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission
spectrometry (710-ES, Varian, Australia) at wavelengths
Materials and methods 228.615 nm for Co, 267.716 nm for Cr, and 257.610 nm for
Mn. The accuracy of the analytical methods, limits of detec-
Study area tion (LOD) and limits of quantification (LOQ) were all deter-
mined based on the method described by Al-Momani et al.
The city of Hamedan as the capital of Hamedan Province is (2008) and Lu et al. (Lu et al. 2010). The results showed good
one of the biggest cities in the western part of Iran, located in accuracy, with recovery rates for analyzed elements between
the northern part of Mount Alvand at an altitude of 1850 m 97.1 and 100.2 for dust samples. Limits of detection and LOQ
above sea level and lies between longitudes 48° 31′ E, and values are presented in Table 1.
between latitudes 34° 48′ N with an urban area about of
56 km2 and a population of 581,925. It has a favorable cli- Health risk assessment model
mate, with four distinct seasons. Hamedan has cold winters
and there is usually rainfall in the winter and spring. The In this study, the model developed by the U.S. EPA was used
annual average temperature and annual average precipitation to evaluate the human exposure to heavy metals in atmospher-
of this city are 11.3 °C, and 317.7 mm, respectively (Shokri ic dry deposition samples in Hamedan. The assumptions of
Ragheb and Sobhanardakani 2016). this model are as follows: (1) Human beings are exposed to
atmospheric dry deposition through ingestion (Ding), inhala-
tion via the nose and mouth (Dinh) and also dermal absorption
Reagents of metals in dust particles adhered to exposed skin (Ddermal),
(2) particle emission factors and intake rates approximate
Standard stock solutions of analyzing metal ions at the content those developed in the soil, (3) relevant exposure parameters
of 1000 ppm were used to prepare working solutions after of adults and children in the study area are similar to those of
appropriate dilution. Standard solutions were of analytical reference populations, (4) the total non-carcinogenic risk for
grade (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). Distilled deionized wa- Co, Cr, and Mn, and the overall carcinogenic risk for Co, and
ter was used in all dilution procedures. Cr can be calculated by summing the individual risks obtained

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28088 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:28086–28093

Fig. 1 Map of the sampling


from the ingestion, inhalation and dermal exposure pathways where Ding indicates dose contacted via ingestion of atmo-
(Ferreira-Baptista and de Miguel 2005; Li et al. 2014). spheric dry deposition particles (mg kg−1 day−1); C is the
The exposure dose contacted via each of the three path- exposure point concentration (mg kg−1) of the heavy metal;
ways is calculated based on Eqs. 1 to 3 (Xu et al. 2015): IngR represents the ingestion rate (200 mg day −1 and
100 mg day−1 for children and adults, respectively); EF, ED,
IngR  EF  ED
Ding ¼ C   106 ; ð1Þ BW, and AT shows the exposure frequency (180 days year−1),
BW  AT exposure time (6 years and 24 years for children and adults,
respectively), average body weight (15.0 kg and 70 kg for
Table 1 Heavy metal analysis of atmospheric dust (mg kg−1) children and adults, respectively) and average time (ED ×
365 days for non-carcinogens and 26,280 (72 × 365) days
Sampling station Metal concentration
for carcinogens), respectively (Ferreira-Baptista and de
Co Cr Mn Miguel 2005; Zheng et al. 2010; Luo et al. 2012;
Sobhanardakani 2017).
A 0.29 ± 0.04a 1.01 ± 0.01a 8.82 ± 0.11a
InhR  EF  ED
B 0.21 ± 0.04b 1.02 ± 0.17a 8.24 ± 0.09b Dinh ¼ C  ; ð2Þ
C 0.19 ± 0.03b 0.65 ± 0.05b 7.23 ± 0.03c PEF  BW  AT
Min. 0.17 0.61 7.19 in this equation, Dinh indicates dose contacted via inhalation of
Max. 0.34 1.21 8.95 atmospheric dry deposition particles (mg kg−1 day−1); InhR
Mean 0.23 0.89 8.10 and PEF show the inhalation rate (7.6 m3 day−1 for children
S.D. 0.06 0.20 0.70 and 20 m3 day−1 for adults) and particle emission factor
LOD 0.06 0.08 0.05 (1.36 × 109 m3 kg−1), respectively (Li et al. 2013; Xu et al.
LOQ 0.19 0.23 0.16 2015).
The letters (a, b, and c) represent the significant difference between the SA  SL  ABS  EF  ED
mean content of metals in dust samples based on the results of onE−way Ddermal ¼ C   10−6 ; ð3Þ
ANOVA and Duncan’s multiple range test (p = 0.05)

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:28086–28093 28089

where Ddermal represent the dose absorbed via dermal contact Table 2 Daily exposure dose of metals in particles of atmospheric dry
deposition to children and adults via three routes (mg kg−1 day−1)
with street atmospheric dry deposition particles
(mg kg−1 day−1); SA, SL, and ABS indicate exposed skin area, Metal Co Cr Mn
(2800 cm2 and 5700 cm2 for children and adults respectively), Children
skin adherence factor (0.2 mg cm2–1 day−1 and 0.07 mg cm2– Minimum 1.12E−06 4.01E−06 4.73E−05
day−1 for children and adults, respectively) and dermal ab- Ding Maximum 2.24E−06 7.96E−06 5.88E−05
sorption factor (0.001) for Co, Cr, and Mn (Ferreira-Baptista 95% UCL 1.44E−06 5.56E−06 5.06E−05
and de Miguel 2005; Man et al. 2010; Zheng et al. 2010). Minimum 3.12E−11 1.12E−10 1.32E−09
The cancer risk through inhalation exposure route of Co Dinh Maximum 6.25E−11 2.22E−10 1.64E−09
and Cr was computed in accordance with Eq. 4: 95% UCL 4.01E−11 1.55E−10 1.41E−09
  Minimum 3.13E−09 1.12E−08 1.32E−07
C  EF InhRchild  EDchild InhRadult  EDadult
LADD ¼  þ ;
PEF  AT BWchild BWadult Ddermal Maximum 6.26E−09 2.23E−08 1.65E−07
ð4Þ 95% UCL 4.02E−09 1.56E−08 1.42E−07
Minimum 1.12E−06 4.02E−06 4.74E−05
where LADD represents the lifetime average daily dose Total Maximum 2.25E−06 7.98E−06 5.90E−05
(mg kg−1 day−1) (Xu et al. 2015). 95% UCL 1.44E−06 5.58E−06 5.07E−05
Risk characterization Minimum 1.20E−07 7.05E−08 5.07E−06
Ding Maximum 2.40E−07 8.52E−07 6.31E−06
After the exposure dose values contacted via each of the three 95% UCL 1.54E−07 5.96E−07 5.42E−06
pathways (Ding, Dinh, and Ddermal) were measured, the poten- Minimum 1.76E−11 6.32E−11 7.45E−10
tial non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks for individual Dinh Maximum 3.52E−11 1.25E−10 9.27E−10
metals were calculated using Eqs. 5 to 7, respectively: 95% UCL 2.26E−11 8.76E−11 7.97E−10
Minimum 4.78E−10 1.71E−09 2.20E−08
D Ddermal
HQ ¼ ; ð5Þ Maximum 9.56E−10 3.40E−09 2.52E−08
RfD 95% UCL 6.14E−10 2.38E−09 2.16E−08
HI ¼ ∑HQi; ð6Þ Minimum 1.20E−07 7.23E−08 5.09E−06
Total Maximum 2.41E−07 8.56E−07 6.34E−06
where HQ represents the non-cancer toxic risk, D and RfD
95% UCL 1.55E−07 5.98E−07 5.44E−06
indicate the average daily dose and a specific reference dose
(Tables 2, 3), respectively (Man et al. 2010).
Minimum 8.47E−12 3.04E−11
The hazard index (HI) is equal to the sum of HQs and is
Maximum 1.69E−11 6.03E−11
used to estimate the health risk of different exposure path-
95% UCL 1.09E−11 4.21E−11
ways. Here, HI ≤ 1 indicates no adverse health effects and
HI > 1 shows possible adverse health effects (Kong et al. 95% UCL: upper limit of the 95% confidence interval for the mean
CR ¼ D  SF; ð7Þ
Results and discussion

where CR and SF indicate the carcinogenic risk and the slope The mean content of heavy metals in the atmospheric dust is
factor (Table 3), respectively (Zheng et al. 2010). presented in Table 1. As the data in Table 1 shows among the
analyzed atmospheric dust samples, Co was detected in
amounts ranging from 0.17 to 0.34 mg kg−1, Cr from 0.61 to
Statistical analysis 1.21 mg kg−1, and Mn from 7.19 to 8.95 mg kg−1.

To analyze the obtained data first Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Table 3 Reference dose (RfD) and slope factor (SF) of heavy metals (Li
test was run to check the normality of the data. Then the et al. 2013; Xu et al. 2015)
homogeneity of the variance was tested running ANOVA with
Metal Co Cr Mn
a DMS post hoc and Duncan multiple range test. Besides, the
mean levels of heavy metals in the atmospheric dry deposition RfDing 2.00E−02 3.00E−03 4.60E−02
were compared with maximum permissible concentrations RfDinh 5.71E−06 2.86E−05 1.43E−05
(MPC) using a one sample t test. Finally, to study the correla- RfDdermal 1.60E−02 6.00E−05 1.84E−03
tion between the metals in the different samples, Pearson’s Inhal. SF 9.80E+00 4.20E+01
correlation was run.

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28090 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:28086–28093

The results of the K-S test for element contents in dust Table 4 The hazard quotient (non-carcinogenic risks) and carcinogenic
risk of each heavy metal and exposure pathway in particles of
samples showed that the data for all analyzed metals were
atmospheric dry deposition from city of Hamedan
normality distributed (p > 0.01). The results of the
Independent One-Sample t test comparing the heavy metal Metal Co Cr Mn
contents in the atmospheric dry deposition samples with the Children
MPC (30.0 mg kg−1 for Co, 100.0 mg kg−1 for Cr, and Minimum 5.60E−05 1.34E−03 1.03E−03
1500.0 mg kg−1 for Mn) established by WHO (Chen et al. HQing Maximum 1.12E−04 2.65E−03 1.28E−03
2005) showed that the mean contents of analyzed metals in 95% UCL 7.20E−05 1.85E−03 1.10E−03
all samples were lower than those in the MPC. Also, based on Minimum 5.46E−06 3.92E−06 9.23E−05
the results of Pearson’s test, although a meaningful relation- HQinh Maximum 1.09E−05 7.76E−06 1.15E−04
ships was not found between contents of Co and Cr (r = 0.620, 95% UCL 7.02E−06 5.42E−06 9.86E−05
p = 0.075), positive relationships were observed between con- Minimum 1.96E−07 1.87E−04 7.17E−05
tents of Co and Mn (r = 0.735, p = 0.024) and also between HQdermal Maximum 3.91E−07 3.72E−04 8.97E−05
contents of Cr and Mn (r = 0.857, p = 0.003). Here, when the 95% UCL 2.51E−07 2.60E−04 7.72E−05
Co and Cr contents increased, the Mn content increased too. Minimum 6.17E−05 1.53E−03 1.19E−03
The results of health risk assessment of metals in the parti- HI Maximum 1.23E−04 3.03E−03 1.48E−03
cles of atmospheric dust from Hamedan for both children and 95% UCL 7.93E−05 2.12E−03 1.28E−03
adults are presented in Table 2. Based on the results, the max- Carcinogenic risk
imum exposure doses for children and adults were 5.90E−05 Minimum 3.06E−10 4.70E−09
and 6.34E−06 mg kg−1 day−1, both for Mn. In the case of Maximum 6.12E−10 9.32E−09
children, the daily doses of all metals by ingestion were about 95% UCL 3.93E−10 6.51E−09
1.5 to 2 times higher than those obtained by the inhalation and Adults
dermal contact. While in the case of adults, the daily doses of Minimum 6.00E−06 2.35E−05 1.10E−04
all metals by ingestion were about 1.5 times higher than by the HQing Maximum 1.20E−05 2.84E−04 1.37E−04
other two pathways. In terms of total exposure amounts, Co 95% UCL 7.70E−06 1.99E−04 1.18E−04
and Cr were showed the same magnitudes (E Minimum 3.08E−06 2.21E−06 5.21E−05
−07 mg kg−1 day−1), which was lower than that of Mn (E HQinh Maximum 6.16E−06 4.37E−06 6.48E−05
−06 mg kg−1 day−1). On the whole, children are exposed to 95% UCL 3.96E−06 3.06E−06 5.57E−05
more metals in atmospheric dust than adults by each of the
Minimum 2.99E−08 2.85E−05 1.20E−05
three pathways. For carcinogenic metals, the maximum values
HQdermal Maximum 5.97E−08 5.67E−05 1.37E−05
dose of LADD (mg kg−1 day−1) for both Co and Cr was E−11.
95% UCL 3.84E−08 3.97E−05 1.17E−05
The results of the hazard quotient (HQ) values of different
Minimum 9.11E−06 2.86E−05 1.74E−04
exposure pathways, hazard index, and cancer risk of the ana-
HI Maximum 1.82E−05 3.45E−04 2.15E−04
lyzed heavy metals in the particles of atmospheric dust from
95% UCL 1.17E−05 2.42E−04 1.85E−04
Hamedan are presented in Table 4. Based on the results for
Carcinogenic risk
non-carcinogenic effect, ingestion of dust particles is the main
Minimum 1.72E−10 2.65E−09
route of exposure to heavy metals in dust compared to inha-
Maximum 3.45E−10 5.25E−09
lation and especially dermal adsorption. However, dermal ex-
95% UCL 2.21E−10 3.68E−09
posure to the particles for Co, Cr, and Mn is almost negligible
compared with the other exposure pathways. Also, there are
some differences between the 95% UCL values of HIs for all
the analyzed metals in the particle samples in both children
and adults, i.e., for children and adults the 95% UCL values of It has been proved that, the local natural environment, in-
HIs decrease in the order Cr > Mn > Co. That is, they all were cluding topography and climate, and also human activities,
far below the safe level (= 1) indicating that there would be such as waste disposal, industrial production, fossil-fuel com-
little non-carcinogenic health risk to local inhabitants, includ- bustion, exhaust fumes, as well as population size and devel-
ing children and adults due to the existence Co, Cr, and Mn in opment stage of the area are the main factors that influence the
the particles of atmospheric dust. On the other hand, the HQ metal content in the atmospheric dust and resuspended parti-
values of ingestion, inhalation and dermal exposure routes and cles of street dust (Charlesworth et al. 2003; Shi et al. 2008;
HI values of all analyzed heavy metals for children are higher Zhao et al. 2014). Consequently, the diversity in the content of
than those for adults. Therefore, children in comparison with heavy metals in the atmospheric dust may be related to their
adults may have more potential non-cancer risk due to the sources, their intensity, and also anthropogenic activities (Shi
exposure to airborne dust. et al. 2008; Xu et al. 2015).

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Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:28086–28093 28091

Natural and anthropogenic sources, such as weathering of element before pathological changes result. Chromium and its
soil and rocks, erosion, sea water spray, volcanoes, forest fires, compounds can cause cancers of the nasal cavity, para nasal
continental, and marine biogenic emissions and also traffic are sinus, and lungs. Cancers of the stomach and larynx can also
known as the main sources of cobalt in the atmospheric dust/ be related to the exposure to Cr (Shi et al. 2008; Kabata-
street dust (Nriagu 1989). Based on the results of this study, Pendias 2010). As can be seen in Table 1, the Cr content in
Co contents in atmospheric dust samples were found in aver- atmospheric dust samples from Hamedan was found in the range
age amounts of 0.23 ± 0.06 mg kg−1. On the other hand, the of 0.61–1.21 mg kg−1 with an average of 0.89 ± 0.20 mg kg−1.
highest mean level of this element found in the station with Also, the highest mean level of Cr was found in areas with
heavy traffic volume (0.29 ± 0.04 mg kg−1) would result from moderate traffic intensity (1.02 ± 0.17 mg kg−1). While the low-
the corrosion of metallic parts of vehicles and the wear of the est contents of Cr was found in areas with light traffic volume
brake lining (Arditsoglou and Samara 2005; Al-Khashman (0.65 ± 0.05 mg kg−1). Therefore, it can be concluded that the
2007). Literature reviews showed the average content of co- content of Cr decreases with the traffic volume. It is believed that
balt in dust samples collected from Bushehr, Iran to be the chromium in dust may be associated with the chrome plating
11.70 mg kg−1 (Naderizadeh et al. 2016). Table 5 shows a of some motor vehicle parts and also corrosion of vehicular parts
comparison of metal content in the atmospheric dry (Al-Shayep and Seaward 2001; Lu et al. 2009). Also, natural and
deposition/street dust from Hamedan with some other cities anthropogenic sources, such as geogenic and tannery and dying
reported in the literature. industries, are also known as the sources of Cr in the environment
Chromium is used in many alloys especially stainless steel. (Imperato et al. 2003; Ahmed and Ishiga 2006). In general, the
Grinding, welding, and also polishing of stainless steel, as well as mean value of Cr from this work was lower than those measured
waste incineration and the burning of fossils fuels, can lead to the in other cities of the world like Baotou with an average of
discharge of Cr into the environment (Alhassan et al. 2012). 247.8 mg kg−1 (Xu et al. 2015), Xian with an average of
Human tissues can accumulate considerable quantities of this 52.61 mg kg−1 (Han et al. 2008), Luanda with an average of

Table 5 Comparison of heavy

metal contents (mg kg−1) in Location Metal Source of data
atmospheric dust/street dusts
reported from the literature to Co Cr Mn
those measured in this study
Iran (Hamedan) 0.23 0.89 8.10 This study
Spain (Madrid) 3.00 – 362.00 (de Miguel et al. 1997)
Norway (Oslo) 19.00 – 833.00 (de Miguel et al. 1997)
U.K. (Lancaster) – 10–91 – (Harrison 1979)
Hawaii (Honolulu) 46.00 – – (Sutherland et al. 2000)
Canada (Ottawa) 2.31–12.59 14.7–71.7 145.1–618.3 (Rasmussen et al. 2001)
Spain (Aviles) – 42.0 – (Ordónez et al. 2003)
Turkey (Tokat) – 41.0 415.0 (Tūzen 2003)
Kosovo 10.77 – – (Arditsoglou and Samara 2005)
Turkey (Yozgat) 23.27 33.00 – (Divrikli et al. 2003)
Angola (Luanda) 2.90 – 258.00 (Ferreira-Baptista and de Miguel 2005)
Turkey (Kayseri) 19.66 27.91 – (Kartal et al. 2006)

Turkey (Kayseri) 16.50 29.00 (Tokalioğlu and Kartal 2006)
China (Xian) – – 687.00 (Yongming et al. 2006)
Jordan (Aqaba) 14.85 – – (Al-Khashman 2007)
Jordan (Amman) 0.00015 – – (Al-Momani et al. 2008)
Spain (Barcelona) – 104.07 – (Pérez et al. 2008)
Greece (Kavala) – 196.00 – (Christoforidis and Stamatis 2009)
China (Hangzhou) 51.29 51.29 – (Zhang and Wang 2009)
China (Baoji) 15.90 – – (Lu et al. 2010)
China (Nanjing) 10.11 – – (Li et al. 2013)
China (Shanghai) – 145.00 – (Zhang et al. 2013)
China (Xining) 50.00 – – (Zhao et al. 2014)
China (Baotou) 56.20 – 566.30 (Xu et al. 2015)

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28092 Environ Sci Pollut Res (2018) 25:28086–28093

25.65 mg kg−1 (Ferreira-Baptista and de Miguel 2005) and 9.32E−09 for Cr and in adults with 3.45E−10 for Co and 5.25E
Madrid with an average of 61.0 mg kg−1 (de Miguel et al. −09 for Cr were all lower than the acceptable range. Also, the
1997). A comparison of our findings with other studies is shown results of HQ showed that ingestion is the main exposure path-
in Table 5. way of local residents especially children to heavy metals in dust.
It has been shown that the main source of Manganese in the On the other hand, the 95%UCL of hazard indices for non-
atmospheric dust samples is related to the geological materials carcinogenic risks of Co, Cr and Mn in the dust samples were
(lithogenic source), traffic, and also tire wear (Akhter and within the safe level for both children and adults, although, chil-
Madany 1993; Divrikli et al. 2003). Based on the results, the dren may have more potential non-cancer risk than adults do.
highest Mn content with an average of 8.82 ± 0.11 mg kg−1 has Therefore, it is recommended that special attention be given to
been found to be at the heavy traffic intensity sampling station. In toxic heavy metals content of atmospheric dust that city residents
the literature, Mn contents in dust samples collected from Yozgat especially children have long-term exposure to.
(Turkey) was detected in amounts ranging from 778.0 to
910.0 mg kg−1 for areas with heavy traffic intensity, ranging from
472.0 to 655.0 mg kg−1 for areas with moderate traffic intensity,
and ranging from 433.0 to 627.0 mg kg−1 for area with light References
traffic intensity (Divrikli et al. 2003). Also, Alhassan et al.
(2012) reported that the Mn levels in street dust samples collected Ahmed F, Ishiga H (2006) Trace metal concentrations in street dusts of
Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Atmos Environ 40(21):3835–3844
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