PIPE Preboard Set A Answer Key

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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

College of Engineering
Tacloban City



INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following

questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box
corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.
1. Two kilogram of air in a rigid tank changes its temperature from 32°C
to 150°C. Find the work done during the process.
A. 236 B. 170 C. 195 D. 0

2. Air compressed adiabatically from 30°C to 100°C. If the mass of air

being compressed is 5 kg, find the change of entropy.
A. 1.039 kJ/K B. 0.746 kJ/K C. 0 D. 1.245 kJ/K

3. A 10-stage air compressor compresses air from 100 kPa to 800 kPa.
Find the intercooler pressure between the 1st and 2nd stage.
A. 282.84 kPa B. 113.21 kPa C. 123.11 kPa D. 333.51 kPa

4. A dual cycle has an initial temperature of 30°C. The compression ratio

is 6 and the heat addition at constant volume process is 600 kJ/kg. If
the cut-off ratio is 2.5, find the maximum temperature of the cycle.
A. 3638.50°C B. 3365.50°C C. 3565.50°C D. 3965.50°C

5. A diesel cycle has a cut off ratio of 2.5 and expansion ratio of 4.
Find the clearance of the cycle.
A. 9.11% B. 5.55% C. 11.11% D. 15.15%

6. An Otto cycle has a compression ratio of 8. Find the pressure during

A. 18.38 B. 16.38 C. 14.38 D. 12.28

7. An air compressor has a power of 40 kW at 4% clearance. If the

clearance will increase to 7%, what is the new power?
A. 70 kW B. 40 kW C. 53 kW D. 60 kW

8. If the energy efficiency ratio of the refrigeration system is 12.6,

what is the COP of the system?
A. 3.69 B. 4.23 C. 5.92 D. 6.83

9. Find the mass of carbon dioxide having a pressure of 20 psia at 200°F

with 10 ft3 volume.
A. 1.04 lbs B. 1.14 lbs C. 1.24 lbs D. 1.34 lbs

10. Find the depth in furlong of the ocean (SG = 1.03) if the pressure
at the seabed is 2,032.56 kPa.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
11. What is the hydraulic gradient of a 1 mile, 17 inches inside diameter
pipe when 3300 gal/min of water flow with f = 0.03?
A. 0.00714 B. 0.00614 C. 0.00234 D. 0.00187

12. Compute the mass of a 2 m3 propane at 280 kPa and 40°C.

A. 6.47 kg B. 5.1 kg C. 10.20 kg D. 9.47 kg

13. Find the enthalpy of Helium if its internal energy is 200 kJ/kg.
A. 144 kJ/kg C. 333.42 kJ/kg
B. 223.42 kJ/kg D. 168 kJ/kg

14. Two kilogram of gas is confined in a 1 m3 tank at 200 kPa and 88°C.
What type of gas is in the tank?
A. Helium B. Ethane C. Methane D. Ethene

15. Find the work possess for a helium gas at 20°C.

A. 609 kJ/kg B. 168 kJ/kg C. 229 kJ/kg D. 339 kJ/kg

16. A Carnot refrigerator operates in a room in which the temperature

is 25°C and consumes 2 kW of power when operating. If the food
compartment of the refrigerator is to be maintained at 3°C, determine
the rate of heat removal from the food compartment.
A. 1504.8 kJ/min C. 1625 kJ/min
B. 12.86 kJ/min D. 9.57 kJ/min

17. A household refrigerator with EER 8.0 removes heat from the
refrigerated space at a rate of 90 kJ/min. Determine the rate of heat
transfer to the kitchen air.
A. 101.25 kJ/min C. 128.46 kJ/min
B. 63.05 kJ/min D. 80 kJ/min

18. An air-conditioning system is used to maintain a house at 75°F when

the temperature outside is 95°F. The house is gaining the heat through
the walls and windows at a rate of 1250 Btu/min, and the heat generation
rate within the house from people, lights, and appliances amounts to 350
Btu/min. Determine the minimum power input required for this air-
conditioning system.
A. 10.06 hp C. 1.41 hp
B. 1.36 hp D. 7.94 hp

19. A reversed Carnot has a refrigerating COP of 2.5. Determine the ratio
A. 1.4 B. 1.5 C. 1.25 D. 1.2

20. Three thousand cubic feet per minute of air are circulated over an
air-cooled condenser. If the load on the condenser is 64,800 Btu/hr,
compute the temperature rise of the air passing over the condenser.
Specific volume of standard air (13.34 ft3/lb).
A. 10°F B. 15°F C. 20°F D. 25°F

21. A two stage cascade vapor compression refrigeration system uses

ammonia in the low- temperature loop and R-12 in the high-temperature
loop. The ammonia provides 15 tons of cooling. If the high-loop
temperature requires 10.12 kW compressor power and low loop 15.93 kW,
determine the COP of the system.
A. 2.027 TR B. 5.22 TR C. 3.314 TR D. 9.1 TR
22. When a man returns to his well-sealed house on a summer day, he
finds that the house is at 32°C. He turns on the air conditioner, which
cools the entire house to 20°C in 15 min. If COP of the air conditioner
system is 2.5, determine the power drawn by the air conditioners. Assume
the entire mass within the house is equivalent to 800 kg of air for
which c = 0.72 kJ/kg-°C.
A. 7.08 kW B. 3.07 kW C. 19.2 kW D. 12.08 Kw

23. If the initial volume of an ideal gas is compressed the one-half its
original volume and to twice its temperature, the pressure:
A. Doubles B. Quadruples C. Remains constant D. Halves

24. If the gage pressure of a medium is 30 kPa (vacuum) and the

atmospheric pressure is 101.3 kPa, the absolute pressure will be?
A. 131.3 kPa B. -71.3 kPa C. 71.3 kPa D. -131.3 kPa

25. If a particle has a velocity of 4 meters per second and a kinetic

energy of 144 Joules, then the mass, in kilograms of this particle must
A. 44 B. 16 C. 18 D. 24

26. A condenser vacuum gauge reads 715 mm Hg when the barometer stands
at 757 mm Hg. State the absolute pressure in the condenser in kN/m2 or
A. 5.6 kPa B. 5.9 kPa C. 6.5 kPa D. 5.2 kPa

27. Determine the force in newton in a piston of 465 mm2 area with a
pressure of 0.172 MPa.
A. 65 N B. 72 N C. 80 N D. 111 N

28. One piston of a hydraulic press has an area of 1 cm2. The other
piston has an area of 25 cm2. If a force of 150 N is applied on the
smaller piston, what will be the total force on the larger piston if
both piston surfaces are on the same level?
A. 6 N B. 175 N C. 3750 N D. 4250 N

29. The work done on air is 10.86 kJ/kg, determine the compressor power
if it is receiving 272 kg/min of air.
A. 36.72 hp B. 49.23 hp C. 2954 hp D. 66 hp

30. A water tank 18 ft wide, 14 ft long, and 4 ft high, calculate the

pressure at the bottom of the tank.
A. 1.733 psi B. 1.999 psi C. 2.337 psi D. 3.773 psi

31. A thermoelectric refrigerator that resembles a small ice chest is

powered by a car battery and has a COP of 0.10. If the refrigerator
cools a 0.350 L canned drink from 20°C to 4°C in 30 min, determine the
average electric power consumed by the thermoelectric refrigerator.
A. 130 watts B. 110 watts C. 120 watts D. 140 watts

32. A house is maintained at 22°C in winter by electric resistance

heaters. If the outdoor temperature is 5°C, the second law efficiency
of the resistance heaters is?
A. 0% B. 5.8% C. 34% D. 77%

33. A water reservoir contains 100,000 kg of water at an average

elevation of 60 m. The maximum amount of electric power that can be
generated from this water is?
A. 8 kWh B. 16 kWh C. 1630 kWh D. 58,800 kWh

34. Helium gas in an ideal Otto cycle is compressed from 20°C and 2 L
to 0.25 L and its temperature increases by an additional 800°C during
the heat addition process. The temperature of Helium before the
expansion process is?
A. 1700°C B. 1440°C C. 1240°C D. 880°C

35. Air in an ideal Diesel cycle is compressed from 3 L to 0.15 L and

then it expands during the constant pressure heat addition process to
0.3 L. Under cold air standard conditions, the thermal efficiency of
this cycle is
A. 35% B. 44% C. 65% D. 70%

36. An ideal gas mixture consists of 2 kmol of N2 and 6 kmol of CO2. The
mass fraction of CO2
A. 0.175 B. 0.250 C. 0.825 D. 0.750

37. Consider two Carnot heat engines operating in series. The first
engine receives heat from the reservoir at 2400 K and rejects the waste
heat to another reservoir at temperature T. The second engine receives
heat by the first one, convert some of it to work, and rejects the rest
to a reservoir at 300 K. If thermal efficiencies of both engines are the
same, determine the temperature T.
A. 849 K B. 578 K C. 763 K D. 978 K

38. A simple Rankine cycle produces 40 MW of power, 50 MW of process

heated and rejects 50 MW of heat to the surroundings. What is the
utilization factor of this cogeneration cycle neglecting the pump work?
A. 50% B. 60% C. 64% D. 80%

39. A Carnot cycle operates between the temperature limits of 300 K and
1500 K and produces 600 kW of net power. The rate of entropy change of
the working fluid during heat addition process is?
A. 0 B. 0.4 C. 0.5 D. 2.0

40. A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1200 K at a rate of 500
kJ/s and rejects the wasted heat to a sink at 300 K. If the power output
of the engine is 200 kW, the second law efficiency of this heat engine
A. 35% B. 40% C. 53% D. 75%

41. A mixture with 70% quality at 500 kPa is heated isothermally until
its pressure is 300 kPa. Find the heat added during the process.
@ 600 kPa: sf = 1.8607 kJ/kg-K sfg = 4.9606 kJ/kg-K
@ 300 kPa and 151.86°C: s = 7.0888 kJ/kg-K
A. 745.92 kJ/kg C. 982.44 kJ/kg
B. 535.16 kJ/kg D. 765.34 kJ/kg

42. Water substance at 70 bar and 65°C enters a boiler tube of constant
inside diameter of 25 mm. The water leaves the boiler tube at 50 bar and
700 K at velocity of 150 m/s. Calculate the inlet velocity (m/s).
From steam tables:
@ 70 bar (7Mpa) and 65°C: υ1 = 0.001017 m3/kg
@ 50 bar (5Mpa) and 700 K (427°C): υ2 = 0.06081 m3/kg
A. 1.56 B. 2.51 C. 1.672 D. 3.230
43. Steam leaves an industrial boiler at 827.4 kPa and 171.6°C. A portion
of the steam is passed through a throttling calorimeter and is exhausted
to the atmosphere when the calorimeter pressure is 101.4 kPa. How much
moisture is leaving the boiler container if the temperature of the steam
at the calorimeter is 115.6°C?
@ 827.4 kPa and 171.6°C: hf = 727.25 kJ/kg hfg = 2043.2 kJ/kg
@ 101.4 kPa and 115.6°C: h2 = 2707.6 kJ/kg
A. 3.78% B. 3.08% C. 4.56% D. 2.34%

44. A throttling calorimeter is connected to a de-superheated steam line

supplying steam to the auxiliary feed pump on a ship. The line pressure
measures 2.5 MPa. The calorimeter pressure is 110 kPa at 150°C. Determine
the entropy of the steam line.
@ 110 kPa and 150°C: h2 = 2775.6 kJ/kg
@ 2.5 MPa: hf = 962.11 kJ/kg hfg = 1841 kJ/kg
sf = 2.5547 kJ/kg-K sfg = 3.7028 kJ/kg-K
A. 6.8 kJ/kg-K C. 6.6 kJ/kg-K
B. 6.2 kJ/kg-K D. 7.5 kJ/kg-K

45. 23.5 kg of steam per second at 5 MPa and 400°C is produced by a

steam generator. The feedwater enters the economizer at 145°C and leaves
at 205°C. The steam leaves the boiler drum with a quality of 98%. The
unit consumes 3 kg of coal per second as received having value of 25,102
kJ/kg. What would be the overall efficiency of the unit in percent?
Steam properties:
@ 5 MPa and 400°C: h = 3195.7 kJ/kg
@ 5 MPa: hf = 1154.23 kJ/kg hfg = 1640.1 kJ/kg
@ 205°C: hf = 875.04 kJ/kg
@ At 145°C: hf = 610.63 kJ/kg
A. 65.72 B. 80.67 C. 88.28 D. 78.82

46. In a Rankine cycle steam enters the turbine at 2.5 MPa (enthalpies
& entropies given) and condenser of 50 kPa (properties given), what is
the thermal efficiency of the cycle?
@ 2.5 MPa: hg = 2803.1 kJ/kg sg = 6.2575 kJ/kg-K
@ 50 kPa: sf = 1.0910 kJ/kg-K sfg = 6.5029 kJ/kg-K
hf = 340.49 kJ/kg hfg = 2305.4 kJ/kg
υf = 0.00103 m3/kg
A. 25.55% B. 45.23% C. 34.23% D. 12.34%

47. A thermal power plant generates 5 MW and the heat generated by fuel
is 13,000 kJ/s. If the thermal efficiency is 36.15%, find the power
needed for the auxiliaries.
A. 310 kW B. 300 kW C. 400 kW D. 350 kW

48. In Francis turbine, the pressure gage leading to the turbine casing
reads 380 kPa. The velocity of water entering the turbine is 8 m/s. If
net head of the turbine is 45 m, find the distance from the center of
the spiral casing to the tailrace.
A. 3.0 m B. 3.5 m C. 4.0 m D. 4.5 m

49. A turbine has a mechanical efficiency of 93%, volumetric efficiency

of 95% and total efficiency of 82%. If the effective head is 40 m, find
the total head.
A. 48.72 m B. 40.72 m C. 36.22 m D. 34.72 m
50. A Pelton type turbine has 25 m head friction loss of 4.5 m. The
coefficient of friction head loss (Morse) is 0.00093 and penstock length
of 80 m. What is the penstock diameter?
A. 1,355.73 mm C. 6771.23 mm
B. 3476.12 mm D. 1686.73 mm

51. Water flows steadily with a velocity of 3.05 m/s in a horizontal

pipe having a diameter of 25.24 cm. At one section of the pipe, the
temperature and pressure of the water are 21°C and 689.3 kPa
respectively. At a distance of 304.8 m downstream, the pressure is 516.9
kPa. What is the friction factor?
A. 0.134 B. 0.0050 C. 0.0307 D. 0.641

52. A heat engine has a thermal efficiency of 50%. How much power does
the engine produce when heat is transferred at a rate of 109 kJ/hr?
A. 50 MW B. 75 MW C. 139 MW D. 147 MW

53. One kilogram of air is compressed adiabatically and in a steady-flow

manner. The compression efficiency is 80% and the work done on the air
is 265 kJ/kg. Compute the heat.
A. 212 kJ/kg B. 100 kJ/kg C. 0 kJ/kg D. 331.25 kJ/kg

54. Three-hundred kilojoules of heat flow by conduction from the outside

to the inside of a cold storage in one hour. If the temperature and all
other conditions are the same, what is the heat flowing through the cold
storage room in two hours?
A. 600 kJ B. 900 kJ C. 300 kJ D. 1,200 kJ

55. Determine the density of air at 760 mmHg absolute and 22°C?
A. 1.014 kg/m3 C. 1.197 kg/m3
B. 1.316 kg/m3 D. 1.266 kg/m3

56. A refrigerating machine that is classified as a one-ton machine has

the capacity to produce a cooling effect of?
A. 3.516 kW C. 211 kJ/min
B. 12,000 Btu/hr D. All of the above

57. At 1.3 MPa, a mixture of steam and water has an entropy of 3 kJ/kg-
K, Find the enthalpy of the mixture.
@ 1.3MPa: sf = 2.2515 kJ/kg-K sg = 6.4952 kJ/kg-K
hf = 814.93 kJ/kg hfg = 1972.7 kJ/kg
A. 1627.71 kJ/kg C. 1234.45 kJ/kg
B. 1533.33 kJ/kg D. 1162.40 kJ/kg

58. A refrigeration plant is rated at 15 tons capacity. How many pounds

of air per hour will it cool from 70°F to 90°F at constant temperature?
A. 50,000 lb/hr C. 52,000 lb/hr
B. 37,500 lb/hr D. 45,000 lb/hr

59. A perfect gas has a value of R = 58.8 ft-lb/lb-°R and k = 1.26. If

20 Btu are added to 10 lbs of this gas at constant volume when initial
temperature is 90°F, find the final temperature.
A. 97°F B. 104°F C. 154°F D. 185°F

60. An ideal gas at 0.80 atmospheres and 87°C occupies 0.450 liter. How
many moles are in the sample? (R = 0.0821 liter-atm/mole-K).
A. 0.0002 mole C. 0.0122 mole
B. 0.0378 mole D. 0.0091 mole
61. Is the most common dryer used which consist of rotating cylinder
inside which the materials flow while getting in contact with hot gas.
A. Tower dryer C. Tray dryer
B. Centrifugal dryer D. Rotary dryer

62. The total heat of the air is a function of

A. WB temperature C. DB temperature
B. DP temperature D. WB temperature

63. Is the ratio of the mass of water-vapor in air and the mass of air
if it is saturated is called:
A. humidity ratio C. vapor ratio
B. mass ratio D. relative humidity

64. The hands feel painfully cold when the skin temperature reaches
A. 8 deg C C. 12 deg C
B. 10 deg C D. 14 deg C

65. The refrigerant used in steam jet cooling is:

A. Steam C. Ammonia
B. R-11 D. Water

66. Boiling point of Freon-12 at atmospheric pressure is:

A. 21 oF C. 5 oF
B. 15 F D. 28 oF

67. Which of the following is NOT a type of water cooled condenser in

A. Double pipe C. Shell and coil
B. Double shell D. Shell and tube

68. Component of absorption refrigeration system in which the solution

is cooled by cooling water.
A. Rectifier C. Evaporator
B. Generator D. Absorber

69. Cascade refrigeration cycle is often used in industrial process

where objects must be cooled to temperature below:
A. -46 oC C. -66 oC
B. -56 Co D. -76 oC

70. Type of refrigerant control designed to maintain a pressure

difference while the compressor is operating.
A. Thermostatic expansion valve
B. Automatic expansion valve
C. Using low side float flooded system
D. Capillary tube

71. An ideal gas is compressed isothermally. what is the enthalpy

A. always negative C. zero
B. always positive D. undefined

72. Name the process that has no heat transfer.

A. Isothermal C. polytropic
B. isobaric D. adiabatic
73. When 1 mol carbon combines with 1 mol oxygen
A. 2 mols carbon dioxide
B. 1 mol carbon dioxide
C. 1 mole carbon and 1 mol carbon dioxide
D. 1 mol carbon dioxide

74. A substance whose burning with oxygen yields heat energy such as
coal, petroleum and natural gas.
A. Air C. Fuel
B. Fluid D. Gas

75. What is the other term of the diameter of the circular cylinder?
A. Bore C. Swept volume
B. Stroke D. Clearance

76. What do you call the maximum distance traveled by the piston?
A. Bore C. Swept volume
B. Stroke D. Clearance

77. A constant volume combustion gas turbine operates on:

A. Ericsson cycle C. Brayton cycle
B. Joule cycle D. Atkinson cycle

78. Heat exchanger used to provide heat transfer between the exhaust
gases and the air prior to its entrance to the combustor
A. Evaporator C. Regenerator
B. Combustion chamber D. Heater

79. Measure of ability of a boiler to transfer the heat given by the

furnace to the water and steam is:
A. Grate efficiency C. Furnace efficiency
B. Stroke efficiency D. Boiler efficiency

80. The process in which heat energy is transferred to a thermal

energy storage device is known as:
A. Adiabatic C. Intercooling
B. Regeneration D. Isentropic

81. Converts chemical energy directly into electrical energy.

A. Magneto hydrodynamic generator
B. Thermoelectric generator
C. Battery
D. Fuel cell

82. Refers to the internal heat from the earth.

A. Molten heat C. Thermal energy
B. Geothermal D. Tectonic heat

83. Which of the following is NOT a unit of a/an energy?

A. Atomic unit C. Dynes
B. MeV D. Ergs

84. Which of the following is NOT a unit of energy?

A. Calories C. Pascals
B. Joules D. MeV

85. A ____ boiler has heat and gases of combustion that pass through
tubes surrounded by water
A. Fire tube C. Water tube
B. Cast iron sectional D. Straight-tube

86. A ____ boiler has water in the tubes and heat gases of combustion
passing through the tubes.
A. Fire tube C. Water tube
B. Cast iron sectional D. Fire box

87. The primary purpose of a turbine in a fluid is to:

A. Add energy to the flow
B. Add mass to the flow
C. Extract energy from the flow
D. None of the above

88. The volume flow passes through a venturi-meter is:

A. Increasing C. Constant
B. Decreasing D. Varying

89. All of the following pollutants are produced because of decaying

organic matter except:
A. Ammonia C. Methane
B. Sulfur dioxide D. Hydrogen sulfide

90. A material or substance that is accidentally or intentionally

introduce to the environment in a quantity that exceeds what occurs
A. Waste C. Pollutant
B. Sludge D. Biosolids

91. Mass density of liquid (p) is given by which of the following

A. P = mass/volume C. P = kg sec2/m4
B. P = metric slug/m D. All of the above

92. The most common method for calculating frictional energy loss for
laminar flowing fluids in noncircular pipes is:
A. The Darcy equation
B. The Hagan-Poisevill equation
C. The Hazen-Williams equation
D. The Swamee-Jin equation

93. Crankshaft of a reciprocating compressor is basically made of

A. semi-steel C. steel forging
B. aluminum alloy D. cast iron

94. All heat transfer processes:

A. involve transfer of energy
B. involve temperature difference between the bodies
C. obey first law of thermodynamics
D. obey second law of thermodynamics

95. What is thermal diffusivity?

A. A mathematical formula
B. A physical property of the material
C. A configuration for heat conduction
D. A dimensionless parameter

96. Which of the following is u unit of thermal diffusivity?

A. m2/hr C. Kcal/m2-hr-°C
B. Kcal/m2-hr D. m2/hr-°C

97. A device used to keep moisture from passing through the system is
A. Humidifier C. Aerator
B. Dehydrator D. Trap

98. Before securing a compressor to do maintenance work on it, be sure

A. Purge the system C. Pump down the system
B. Have spare parts ready D. B and C

99. Air conditioning is the process of:

A. keeping a place cool
B. removing heat from a specific area
C. maintaining the air at a required temperature and humidity
D. A or C

100. In an air-conditioning system, before the air is circulated to

the required area, it is:
A. cooled C. dehumidified
B. filtered D. all of the above

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