MG GS Service Manual

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Service Manual 2015



This manual provides information on the specifications, the system introduction, the service procedures and the
adjustments for the 2015 series MG GS Vehicle.

The technicians, worked for the servicing station authorized by SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co., Ltd., can provide
better service for the owners of MG GS vehicle based on a profound understanding this manual and related updated
Service Bulletins.

You are suggested that please contact SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co., Ltd. if you want to obtain related information
mentioned in this manual about the brand, the parts number, and special tools etc.

SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co., Ltd.

Copy Right Reserved

All information received cutoff date is March 2015

Any information contained in this manual are the property of the SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co., Ltd.. No part of
this manual may be copied, stored in any retrieval system, or spread by any means (including but not limited in electronic,
mechanical, photocopying and recording) without written SMC authorization. This applies to all text, illustrations, and
tables (not limited in above) mentioned in this manual.

How To Use This Manual NOTE statements emphasize a necessary characteristic of

General a diagnostic or repair procedure. NOTE statements are
designed to do the following:
To assist in the use of this Manual, it is divided into sections
and sub-sections. The relevant sub-section title is given at the • Clarify a procedure.
header of each page. • Present additional information for accomplishing a
There is a single Contents section at the front of the Manual,
which is divided by section and sub-section. The book is • Give insight into the reason or reasons for performing a
numbered from page 1. The page number is given at the procedure in the manner recommended.
bottom of each page. • Present information that will help to accomplish a
procedure in a more effective manner.
The individual actions of the repair operations must be
followed in the sequence in which they appear. Item numbers • Present information that gives the technician the benefit
in the illustrations refer to the relevant numbered text under of past experience in accomplishing a procedure with
the illustration. greater ease.
Adjustment and repair operations include reference to Service TIP: Gives helpful information.
tool numbers and the associated illustration depicts the tool in References
use. Adjustment and repair operations also include reference
References to the LH or RH side given in this Manual are made
to wear limits, relevant data, torque figures, and specialist
when viewing the vehicle from the rear. With the engine and
information and useful assembly details. Each adjustment or
gearbox assembly removed, the crankshaft pulley end of the
repair operation is given a unique Repair Operation number.
engine is referred to as the front.
Operations covered in this Manual do not include reference
following meanings:
to testing the vehicle after repair. It is essential that work
When encountering a WARNING, you will be asked to take is inspected and tested after completion and if necessary a
a necessary action or not to take a prohibited action. If a road test of the vehicle is carried out. This is of particular
WARNING is not heeded, the following consequences may importance where safety related items are concerned.
occur: Dimensions
• Serious bodily injury or death to the technician.
The dimensions quoted are to design engineering specification.
• Serious bodily injury or death to other technicians in the Service limits are included where applicable.
workplace area.
Our company are constantly seeking to improve the
• Serious bodily injury to the driver and/or passenger(s) of
specification, design and production of their vehicles and
the vehicle, if the vehicle has been improperly repaired.
alterations take place accordingly. While every effort has been
CAUTION call special attention to a necessary action or to a made to ensure the accuracy of this Manual, it should not be
prohibited action. If a CAUTION is not heeded, the following regarded as an infallible guide to current specifications of any
consequences may occur: particular vehicle.
• Damage to the vehicle.
• Unnecessary vehicle repairs.
• Unnecessary component replacement.
• Improper operation or performance of the system or
component under repair.
• Damage to any systems or components which are
dependent upon the proper operation of the system or
component under repair.
• Improper operation or performance of any systems
or components which are dependent upon the proper
operation or performance of the system or component
under repair.
• Damage to fasteners, basic tools, or special tools.
• The leakage of coolant, lubricant, or other vital fluids.

1.0 1

Repairs and Replacements

When replacement parts are required it is essential that only
our company’s recommended parts are used.

Attention is particularly drawn to the following points

concerning repairs and the fitting of replacement parts and

• Safety features and corrosion prevention treatments

embodied in the vehicle may be impaired if other than
SMC recommended parts are fitted.
• Torque wrench setting figures given in this Manual must
be used.
• Locking devices, where specified, must be fitted. If the
efficiency of a locking device is impaired during removal
it must be renewed.
• The terms of the vehicle warranty may be invalidated by
the fitting of parts other than SMC recommended parts.

All SMC recommended parts have the full backing of the vehicle

SMC Dealers are obliged to supply only SMC recommended

Special tools
Special tools have been developed to facilitate removal,
dismantling and assembly of mechanical components in a cost
effective and time efficient manner. The use of special tools
also helps prevent the potential for damage to components.

Some operations in the manual cannot be carried out properly

without the aid of the relevant special tools.

Special tools can be obtained from the following supplier.

Shanghai Xiangzhi Industrial Development Co., Ltd

Address: 17F, Building C, No.900, Yishan Road, Shanghai

Post Code: 200233

Tel: 021-54234810

1.0 2
General Information ........................... 1 Intake/Exhaust Phase Modulator.................... 66
General Information .............................................1 Oil-gas Separator ......................................... 67
General Precautions ........................................... 1 Cylinder Head Check ................................... 68
Safety Instructions .............................................. 2 Crankshaft Check......................................... 72
Environmental Precautions.................................. 3 Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Check............. 76
General Fitting Instructions................................. 5 Piston Check................................................ 77
Ball and Roller Bearings ...................................... 6 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal ............................... 79
Oil Seals ............................................................ 7 Front Crankshaft Oil Seal.............................. 80
Joints and Joint Faces .......................................... 8 Flywheel - Dual Clutch Automatic
Transmission ................................................ 81
Locking Devices ................................................. 8
Valve............................................................ 82
Screw Threads ................................................... 9
Valve Hydraulic Tappet Assembly................... 85
Fasteners Identification....................................... 9
Camshaft Cover ........................................... 86
Flexible Pipes and Hoses................................... 11
Camshaft - Intake or Exhaust ........................ 89
Fuel Handling Precautions................................. 12
Intake Manifold Gasket.................................. 90
Electrical Precautions ....................................... 13
Exhaust Manifold Gasket ............................... 92
Supplementary Restraint System
Precautions...................................................... 14 Oil Pump ..................................................... 93
SRS Component Replacement Policy................. 20 Engine Oil and Oil Filter................................ 94
Air Conditioning System Precautions ................ 21 Engine Oil Pressure Check............................ 95
Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Strainer .................................................. 95
Replacement .................................................... 23 Oil Pan......................................................... 96
Lifting & Towing...................................................24 Lower Crankcase ......................................... 97
Lifting Vehicle................................................... 24 Front Timing Cover ...................................... 99
Roadside Assistance ......................................... 25 Engine Timing Chain ................................... 101
Vehicle Identification Number ...........................26 Crankshaft Torsional Vibration
Vehicle Identification Number........................... 26 Damper ..................................................... 104
Position of Other Plates ................................... 27 Right Hydraulic Engine Suspension............... 104
Engine and Dual Clutch Automatic
Lubrication & Maintenance ................................29
Transmission .............................................. 106
Capacity .......................................................... 29
Cylinder Gasket ......................................... 109
Fluid ................................................................ 29
Turbocharger ............................................. 111
Lubricating Fluids ............................................. 30
Turbocharger Coolant Outlet Pipe .............. 114
Engine................................................. 31 Turbocharger Coolant Inlet Pipe.................. 115
Engine mechanical system-2.0T.........................31 Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe ..................... 117
Specifications ................................................... 31 Turbocharger Air Intake Hose..................... 118
Torque ......................................................... 31 Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe ......................... 118
Parameters................................................... 34 Electronic Throttle Intake Pipe .................... 119
Description and Operation............................... 40 Intercooler Air Inlet Hose........................... 120
System Layout .............................................. 40 Oil Filter Module ........................................ 120
Description .................................................. 60 Special Tools .................................................. 122
Operation .................................................... 62 Engine mechanical system-1.5T.......................124
Service Procedures........................................... 64 Specifications ................................................. 124
Mechanical Vacuum Pump ............................. 64 Torque ....................................................... 124
Oil Control Valve ......................................... 64 Parameter .................................................. 126
CVVT Cover ................................................ 65 Description and Operation............................. 131
Thermostat Housing..................................... 65 System Layout ........................................... 131

1.0 1
Description ................................................ 149 Front Timing Cover .................................... 192
Operation .................................................. 151 Intake and Exhaust Valves............................ 193
Diagnostic...................................................... 153 Timing Chain.............................................. 194
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical Camshaft Phase Regulation Actuator ........... 196
System ....................................................... 153 Timing Chain Tensioner .............................. 197
Engine Misfire, and No Internal Noise........... 154 Crankshaft Sprocket ................................... 197
Engine Misfire, and Abnormal Noise Found Camshaft.................................................... 198
Below Internal Engine ................................. 156
Hydraulic Tappets ....................................... 199
Engine Misfire, and Abnormal Noise Found
in Valve System........................................... 157 Intake Manifold ........................................... 200
Engine Misfire with Coolant Piston ........................................................ 201
Consumption ............................................. 158 Connecting Rod ......................................... 202
Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil Oil Pump ................................................... 204
Consumption ............................................. 159 Engine Oil Strainer ..................................... 205
Engine Noise on Start-Up, but Only Lasting Front Crankshaft Oil Seal............................ 205
a Few Seconds............................................ 160
Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal ............................. 206
Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine
Speed......................................................... 161 Vacuum Pump ............................................ 206
Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Seal-Vacuum Pump ..................................... 207
Speed......................................................... 162 Turbocharger ............................................. 208
Engine Noise Under Load ........................... 163 Turbocharger Fuel Inlet Pipe ....................... 209
Engine Unable to Start - Crankshaft Not Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe ..................... 210
Rotate ....................................................... 164
Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe .................... 211
Ingress of Coolant into Combustion Turbocharger Water Return Pipe ................ 211
Chamber.................................................... 165
Water Outlet Assembly .............................. 212
Ingress of Coolant into Engine Oil ............... 166
Oil Cooler ................................................. 213
Engine Compression Pressure Test .............. 167
Cylinder Head Check ................................. 213
Cylinder Leak Test...................................... 167
Valve Mechanism Check.............................. 218
Oil Consumption Diagnosis ........................ 169
Piston Connecting Rod Check..................... 221
Engine Oil Pressure Diagnosis and
Test ........................................................... 170 Cylinder Block Check ................................. 224
Engine Oil Leak Diagnosis ........................... 171 Crankshaft Check....................................... 226
Crankcase Ventilation System Engine Oil Filter ......................................... 229
Inspection/Diagnosis ................................... 173 Special Tools .................................................. 231
Service Procedures......................................... 174 Engine Cooling System .....................................233
Powertrain Disassembly and Assembly - Specifications ................................................. 233
MT ............................................................ 174 Torque ....................................................... 233
Powertrain Disassembly and Assembly - Parameters................................................. 234
AT ............................................................. 176
Description and Operation............................. 236
Powertrain Mount ...................................... 179
System Layout ............................................ 236
Flywheel - MT ............................................ 180
Description ................................................ 242
Flywheel - AT ............................................. 181
Operation .................................................. 244
Cylinder Head ............................................ 182
Service Procedures-2.0T................................. 248
Cylinder Block............................................ 184
Coolant - Drain and Refill ........................... 248
Crankshaft ................................................. 185
Expansion Tank Cap - Pressure Test............. 249
Lower Crankcase ....................................... 187
System Pressure Test .................................. 250
Oil Pan....................................................... 188
Coolant Expansion Tank.............................. 251
Camshaft Cover ......................................... 190
Radiator Inlet Pipe ...................................... 252
Crankshaft Vibration Damper ..................... 191

2 1.0
Radiator Outlet Pipe................................... 252 Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right
Heater Water Inlet Pipe.............................. 253 Lower ........................................................ 281
Heater Water Outlet Pipe .......................... 254 Thermostat ................................................ 282
Expansion Water Tank Outlet Pipe.............. 254 Mechanical Water Pump ............................. 282
Engine Overflow Pipe A .............................. 255 Special Tools .................................................. 284
Engine Overflow Pipe B .............................. 256 Engine Fuel & Management System................285
Cooling Fan Assembly................................. 256 Specifications ................................................. 285
Cooling Fan Low Speed Resistance.............. 257 Torque ....................................................... 285
Radiator Assembly...................................... 258 Description and Operation............................. 286
2.0T Intercooler ......................................... 259 System Layout ............................................ 286
Description ................................................ 288
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left
Upper ........................................................ 261 Service Procedures......................................... 289
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Canister..................................................... 289
Lower ........................................................ 261 Underfloor Fuel Pipe - 2.0T ........................ 289
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right Underfloor Fuel Pipe-1.5T .......................... 290
Upper ........................................................ 262
Rubber Fuel Pipe ........................................ 292
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right
Lower ........................................................ 262 Fuel Tank Heat Shield - AWD...................... 292
Transmission Outlet Hose........................... 263 Fuel Tank - 2WD........................................ 293
Transmission Inlet Hose .............................. 264 Fuel Tank - AWD........................................ 294
Thermostat ................................................ 265 Fuel Pump - 2WD ...................................... 295
Fuel Pump - AWD ...................................... 296
Clutch Water Pump.................................... 266
Electronic Auxiliary Pump ........................... 267 Fuel System - Pressure Release - 2.0T........... 297
Service Procedures-1.5T................................. 268 Fuel System - Pressure Release-1.5T............ 298
Fuel System - Pressure Test - 2.0T............... 298
Coolant - Drain and Refill ........................... 268
Expansion Tank Cap - Pressure Test............. 269 Fuel System - Pressure Test - 1.5T............... 299
System Pressure Test .................................. 270 Fuel Tank - Drain........................................ 300
Coolant Expansion Tank.............................. 270 Fuel Tank Filler Pipe.................................... 300
Remove ..................................................... 270 Fuel Filter................................................... 301
Refit .......................................................... 271 Special Tools .................................................. 302
Radiator Inlet Pipe ...................................... 272 Engine Control System-2.0T ............................303
Radiator Outlet Pipe................................... 272 Specifications ................................................. 303
Heater Water Inlet Pipe.............................. 273 Torque ....................................................... 303
Heater Water Outlet Hose......................... 274 Description and Operation............................. 304
Engine Overflow Pipe ................................. 275 System Layout ............................................ 304
Radiator Overflow Pipe .............................. 275 System Control Diagram............................. 305
Cooling Fan Assembly................................. 276 Description ................................................ 307
Coolant Fan Low Speed Resistor................. 277 Service Procedures......................................... 325
Radiator Assembly...................................... 278 Spark Plug .................................................. 325
1.5T Intercooler ......................................... 278 Ignition Coil ............................................... 325
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Engine Control Module (ECM) .................... 326
Upper ........................................................ 280 ECT Sensor................................................ 327
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Intake Camshaft Position Sensor.................. 327
Lower ........................................................ 280 Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor ............... 328
Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right Oil Pressure Switch .................................... 328
Upper ........................................................ 281
Hot Film Meter (HFM)................................ 329
High-pressure Fuel Pump ............................ 329

1.0 3
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor ............................ 331 Specifications ................................................. 372
Crankshaft Position Sensor ......................... 331 Torque ....................................................... 372
Intake Air Temperature/Manifold Absolute Description and Operation............................. 373
Pressure Sensor.......................................... 332 System Layout ............................................ 373
Manifold Absolute Pressure/Temperature System Control Diagram............................. 374
Sensor ....................................................... 332
Description ................................................ 376
Knock Sensor............................................. 333
Operation .................................................. 379
Heated Oxygen Sensor - Front ................... 333
Service Procedures......................................... 380
Heated Oxygen Sensor - Rear..................... 334
Alternator.................................................. 380
Turbocharger Solenoid Valve ....................... 334
Auxiliary Drive Belt .................................... 381
Fuel Rail ..................................................... 335
Starter Motor ............................................ 382
Injector ...................................................... 336
Automatic Tensioning Wheel - Auxiliary
Canister Solenoid ....................................... 337 Drive Belt .................................................. 382
Special Tools .................................................. 338 Battery Negative Cable............................... 383
Engine Control System-1.5T ............................339 Battery Positive Cable................................. 383
Specifications ................................................. 339
Battery....................................................... 384
Torque ....................................................... 339 Battery Sensor ........................................... 385
Parameter .................................................. 339 Special Tools .................................................. 386
Description and Operation............................. 342 Engine Electrical System-1.5T .........................387
System Layout ........................................... 342 Specifications ................................................. 387
System Control Diagram ............................ 345 Torque ....................................................... 387
Description ............................................... 347 Description and Operation............................. 388
Operation ................................................. 358 System Layout ............................................ 388
Service Procedures......................................... 359 Description ................................................ 389
Fuel Pump .................................................. 359 Service Procedures......................................... 391
Fuel Rail ..................................................... 360 Alternator.................................................. 391
Fuel Injector............................................... 361 Starter Motor ............................................ 391
Spark Plug .................................................. 361
Auxiliary Drive Belt .................................... 392
Engine Control Module (ECM) .................... 362 Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner..................... 392
Ignition Coil ............................................... 363 Engine Accessory Belt Abnormal Noise
Crankshaft Position Sensor ......................... 363 Diagnosis ................................................... 392
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor............ 364 Engine Accessory Belt Vibration
Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor.............. 364 Diagnosis ................................................... 396
Camshaft Position Sensor ........................... 365 Accessory Belt Failure Diagnosis ................. 398
Camshaft Phase Adjustment Solenoid Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis.................... 399
Valve.......................................................... 365 Battery Negative Cable............................... 400
Oil Pressure Sensor .................................... 366 Battery Positive Cable................................. 401
Knock Sensor............................................. 366 Battery....................................................... 402
Oxygen Sensor........................................... 367 Special Tools .................................................. 403
Canister Solenoid ....................................... 368 Engine Manifold & Exhaust
Turbocharger Electrically Controlled System-2.0T .......................................................404
Bypass Valve ............................................... 368 Specifications ................................................. 404
Turbocharger Relief Valve ........................... 369 Torque ....................................................... 404
Intake Air Temperature and Pressure Description and Operation............................. 405
Sensor ....................................................... 370 System Layout ............................................ 405
Special Tools .................................................. 371 Description ................................................ 408
Engine Electrical System-2.0T .........................372

4 1.0
Operation .................................................. 409 Shifter Assembly - Dual Clutch Automatic
Service Procedures......................................... 410 Transmission .............................................. 438
Electronic Throttle Self-learning - UMC Shift Lever P Gear Emergency Unlocking -
System ....................................................... 410 Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission ........... 439
Electronic Throttle - with Parking Cable Inspection and Adjustment -
Adjustment ................................................ 410 Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission ........... 439
Air Filter Assembly ..................................... 411 Gear Indicator............................................ 440
Air Filter Element ....................................... 412 Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto ....................442
Rear Muffler Assembly................................ 412 Description and Operation............................. 442
Catalytic Converter .................................... 413 System Layout ............................................ 442
Front Exhaust Pipe...................................... 414 Description ................................................ 443
Heat Shield - Rear Muffler........................... 415 Service Procedures......................................... 444
Heat Shield - Exhaust Passage ..................... 415 Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve Assembly........... 444
Engine Manifold & Exhaust Shift Lever Assembly................................... 445
System-1.5T .......................................................416 Gear Panel ................................................. 446
Specifications ................................................. 416 Gear Cable ................................................ 447
Torque ....................................................... 416 Shift Lock Control-6MT....................................448
Description and Operation............................. 417 Description and Operation............................. 448
System Layout ............................................ 417 System Layout ............................................ 448
Description ................................................ 421 Service Procedures......................................... 449
Operation .................................................. 422 Shift Lever Ball Head and Sleeve Assembly-
Service Procedures......................................... 423 Manual ...................................................... 449
Electronic Throttle Self-learning - UMC Shift Lever Assembly - Manual .................... 450
System ....................................................... 423 Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6
Speed ..................................................................452
Air Filter Assembly ..................................... 423
Air Filter Element ....................................... 424 Specifications ................................................. 452
Electronic Throttle ..................................... 424 Torque ....................................................... 452
Rear Muffler Assembly................................ 425 Parameters................................................. 453
Three-way Catalytic Converter ................... 425 Description and Operation............................. 454
Front Exhaust Pipe...................................... 427 System Layout ............................................ 454
Heat Shield - Rear Muffler Assembly............ 428 System Control Diagram............................. 462
Heat Shield - Exhaust Passage...................... 428 Description ................................................ 465
Hose - Turbocharger to Intercooler ............ 429 Operation .................................................. 478
Hose - Turbocharger Intercooler to Service Procedures......................................... 488
Throttle Body ............................................ 429 Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission ........... 488
TCM - Dual Clutch Automatic
Transmission .................................... 431 Transmission .............................................. 491
Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto ....................431 Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid
Specifications ................................................. 431 - Drain and Refill ........................................ 491
Torque ....................................................... 431 Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid
- Fluid Level Check and Refill ...................... 492
Description and Operation............................. 432
Differential Oil Seal - Transmission
System Control Diagram............................. 432 Housing ..................................................... 494
Description ................................................ 433 Differential Oil Seal -Clutch Housing ........... 494
Operation .................................................. 436 Pressure Filter ............................................ 495
Service Procedures......................................... 437 Parking Brake Cable Bracket ....................... 496
Shift Lever Knob and Gear Display Panel - Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission ........... 437 Arm........................................................... 496

1.0 5
Oil Seal - Parking Brake Cable Shaft ............ 497 Special Tools .................................................. 589
Reverse Gear Shaft Sealing Cap ................... 498 Transmission-6MT .............................................593
Special Tools .................................................. 499 Specifications ................................................. 593
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Torque ....................................................... 593
Speed ..................................................................500 Parameter .................................................. 594
Specifications ................................................. 500 Description and Operation............................. 596
Torque ....................................................... 500 System Layout ............................................ 596
Parameter .................................................. 502 Description ................................................ 605
Description and Operation............................. 503 Operation .................................................. 607
System Layout ............................................ 503 Service Procedures......................................... 616
System Control Diagram............................. 519
Manual Transmission Assembly.................... 616
Description ................................................ 521 Gear Shift Control Mechanism
Operation .................................................. 529 Assembly ................................................... 618
Service Procedures......................................... 553 Manual Transmission Fluid - Drain and
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Refill .......................................................... 620
Oil - Drain and Refill................................... 553 Reverse Lamp Switch - Manual .................... 621
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Left Differential Oil Seal - Manual ................ 621
Oil - Check and Refill ................................. 554 Right Differential Oil Seal - Manual .............. 622
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Manual Transmission Remove...................... 622
Assembly ................................................... 556
Differential Assembly .................................. 625
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Harness ..................................................... 558 Transmission Accessories and Release
Mechanism ................................................. 626
Transmission Control Module (TCM) - Dry
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission ........... 559 Input Shaft Assembly................................... 628
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control Output Shaft Assembly 1 ............................ 629
Assembly ................................................... 560 Output Shaft Assembly 2 ............................ 632
Fork Position Sensor Assembly ................... 562 Reverse Idler Shaft Assembly....................... 634
Input Speed Sensor Assembly...................... 563 Neutral Position Sensor .............................. 635
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control Special Tools .................................................. 636
Assembly Harness ...................................... 563 Cluth-6MT..........................................................638
Dual Clutch Assembly - Dry Dual Clutch Specifications ................................................. 638
Automatic Transmission.............................. 564
Torque ....................................................... 638
Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly - Dry
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission ........... 566 Parameter .................................................. 639
Shift Shaft Oil Seal - Transmission Description and Operation............................. 640
Housing ..................................................... 567 System Layout ............................................ 640
Input Shaft Housing Oil Seal - Clutch Description ................................................ 641
Housing ..................................................... 568 Operation .................................................. 643
Differential Oil Seal - Transmission Service Procedures......................................... 644
Housing ..................................................... 568
Clutch Assembly......................................... 644
Differential Oil Seal - Clutch Housing........... 569
Clutch Central Release Cylinder ................. 646
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Disassembly ............................................... 570 Clutch Pipeline System Bleeding .................. 647
246R Input Shaft Oil Seal ............................ 577 Clutch Master Cylinder............................... 647
Input Shaft Assembly Disassembly ............... 578 Special Tools .................................................. 649
1267 Output Shaft Assembly ....................... 579 Power Transfer Unit -AWD ..............................650
345R Output Shaft Assembly ...................... 580 Specifications ................................................. 650
Differential Assembly .................................. 580 Torque ....................................................... 650
Transmission Failure Diagnosis .................... 582 Parameters................................................. 651

6 1.0
Description and Operation............................. 652 Whether the Refrigerant Refilling is
System Layout ............................................ 652 Successful................................................... 693
Description ................................................ 654 Compressor............................................... 694
Operation .................................................. 656 Compressor–1.5T ...................................... 695
Service Procedures......................................... 657 Compressor Bracket-1.5T........................... 696
PTU Assembly............................................ 657 Evaporator ................................................. 696
Right Oil Seal - PTU Assembly .................... 658 Expansion Valve.......................................... 697
O Ring - PTU Assembly .............................. 659 Condenser ................................................. 697
Drain and Refill .......................................... 659 A/C Pressure Sensor .................................. 698
PTU Assembly Oil Check and Refill ............ 660 A/C Pipe - Compressor/Condenser............. 699
A/C Pipe A - Evaporator Compressor........... 700
Breather Plug ............................................. 660
Special Tools .................................................. 661 A/C Pipe B - Evaporator Compressor........... 701
Final Drive Unit-AWD ......................................662 A/C Filter Cover ........................................ 702
Specifications ................................................. 662 Air Filter Element ....................................... 703
Torque ....................................................... 662 Heater Assembly ........................................ 703
Parameters................................................. 663 Blower....................................................... 705
Description and Operation............................. 664 Heater Core .............................................. 705
System Layout ............................................ 664 Blower Speed Regulation Resistance............ 706
System Control Diagram............................. 666 Left Floor Vent Pipe.................................... 707
Description ................................................ 667 Right Floor Vent Pipe.................................. 707
Left Body Relief Valve ................................. 708
Operation .................................................. 669
Service Procedures......................................... 672 Right Body Relief Valve ............................... 708
Rear Axle Assembly.................................... 672 Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe.................. 709
Left Instrument Defroster Air Outlet
Torque Control .......................................... 673
Pipe ........................................................... 709
Harness - Torque Control .......................... 674
Right Instrument Defroster Air Outlet
FDU Input Shaft Oil Seal............................. 674 Pipe ........................................................... 710
4WD Control Module (TCCM) .................. 675 Central Instrument Defroster Air Outlet
Right Oil Seal - Rear Axle Assembly ............ 676 Pipe ........................................................... 710
Left Oil Seal - Rear Axle Assembly .............. 676 Special Tools .................................................. 711
Drain and Refill - Rear Axle ........................ 677 HVAC System-MTC ..........................................712
FDUFluid Check and Refill.......................... 677 Description and Operation............................. 712
Breather Plug ............................................. 678 System Layout ........................................... 712
Special Tools .................................................. 679 System Control Diagram............................. 714
Description ................................................ 715
HVAC System.................................. 681
Operation .................................................. 716
HVAC System....................................................681 Service Procedures......................................... 717
Specifications ................................................. 681 A/C Controller Assembly - MTC ................ 717
Torque ....................................................... 681 A/C panel - MTC........................................ 718
Parameters................................................. 682 Mode Damper Cable .................................. 718
Description and Operation............................. 683 Temperature Damper Cable........................ 719
System Layout ............................................ 683 Special Tools .................................................. 720
Description ................................................ 685 HVAC System-ATC...........................................721
Operation .................................................. 690 Specifications ................................................. 721
Service Procedures......................................... 692 Torque ....................................................... 721
Refrigerant Recovery and Refill ................... 692 Description and Operation............................. 722

1.0 7
System Layout ............................................ 722 Steering Wheel
System Control Diagram............................. 724 Positioning/Adjustment ............................... 753
Description ................................................ 725 Steering Wheel Assembly ........................... 753
Operation .................................................. 728 Blank Trim Cover of Steering Wheel
Switch........................................................ 755
Service Procedures......................................... 730
Steering Wheel Finisher.............................. 755
A/C Controller Assembly - ATC ................. 730
Steering Column Trim Cover ...................... 756
A/C Panel - ATC ........................................ 730
Steering Column Assembly ......................... 756
Evaporator Core Temperature
Sensor ....................................................... 731 Steering Wheel Entertainment
Button ....................................................... 758
Solar Sensor............................................... 732
Shift Paddle Switch...................................... 758
Outside Ambient Temperature
Sensor ....................................................... 732 Steering Column Combination
Switch........................................................ 759
Interior Ambient Temperature
Special Tools .................................................. 761
Sensor ....................................................... 733
Face Air Outlet Temperature Sensor ........... 733 Suspension System.......................... 763
Footwell Air Outlet Temperature
Sensor ....................................................... 734 Wheel Alignment ..............................................763
Blend Damper Servo Motor........................ 734 Specifications ................................................. 763
Servo Motor of Recirculated Air Torque ....................................................... 763
Damper ..................................................... 735 Parameters................................................. 764
Mode Damper Servo Motor........................ 735 Description and Operation............................. 765
Special Tools .................................................. 736 Description ................................................ 765
Service Procedures......................................... 768
Steering System .............................. 737
Four-wheel Alignment................................. 768
Front Wheel Steering .......................................737 Front Suspension ...............................................770
Specifications ................................................. 737 Specifications ................................................. 770
Torque ....................................................... 737 Torque ....................................................... 770
Parameters................................................. 738 Parameters................................................. 771
Description and Operation............................. 739
Description and Operation............................. 772
System Layout ............................................ 739 System Layout ............................................ 772
Description ................................................ 741 Description ................................................ 775
Operation .................................................. 743 Service Procedures......................................... 777
Service Procedures......................................... 744 Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly .............. 777
Steering Gear Assembly.............................. 744 Front Lower Swing Arm Outer Ball
Steering Gear Boot .................................... 745 Joint........................................................... 778
Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod ..................... 746 Front Lower Swing Arm Rear Bush ............. 778
Steering Gear Inner Tie Rod ...................... 747 Front Shock Absorber Assembly ................. 779
Special Tools .................................................. 748 Front Subframe Assembly ........................... 781
Steering Wheel and Column ...........................749 Front Subframe Support Rod ...................... 782
Specifications ................................................. 749 Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar.................... 783
Torque ....................................................... 749 Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar
Description and Operation............................. 750 Bushing ...................................................... 784
System Layout ............................................ 750 Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting
Rod ........................................................... 784
System Control Diagram............................. 751
Front Wheel Hub Assembly ........................ 785
Description ................................................ 752
Special Tools .................................................. 787
Service Procedures......................................... 753
Rear Suspension ................................................788

8 1.0
Specifications ................................................. 788 Rear Brake Disc ......................................... 822
Torque ....................................................... 788 Rear Brake Caliper Housing
Parameters................................................. 789 Assembly ................................................... 823
Description and Operation............................. 790 Thickness and Circular Runout Check -
Rear Brake Disc ......................................... 824
System Layout ............................................ 790
Thickness and Circular Runout Check -
Description ................................................ 793 Front Brake Disc ........................................ 825
Service Procedures......................................... 795 Pedal Assembly-MT .................................... 826
Rear Upper Swing Arm Assembly................ 795 Pedal Assembly - AT ................................... 827
Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly................ 795 Brake Pedal Position Sensor ........................ 828
Rear Upper Swing Arm Bush....................... 796 Vacuum Booster Assembly.......................... 829
Rear Shock Absorber Assembly .................. 796 Brake Lamp Signal Sensor............................ 830
Rear Suspension Spring Assembly................ 797 Brake Lamp Switch Assembly ...................... 830
Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar ..................... 798
Brake System Bleeding ................................ 831
Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Brake Master Cylinder and Reservoir
Rod ........................................................... 799 Assembly ................................................... 832
Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Front Brake Hose ....................................... 833
Bushing ...................................................... 799
Rear Brake Hose ........................................ 834
Rear Lower Swing Arm Bush ...................... 800
Left Front Brake Pipe.................................. 835
Rear Wheel Hub ........................................ 800
Right Front Brake Pipe ................................ 836
Rear Subframe Assembly............................. 802
Brake Master Cylinder Pipe......................... 837
Rear Subframe Assembly - AWD................. 803
Connecting Pipe from ABS to Rear Brake
Rear Lateral Push Rod Assembly ................. 804 Hard Tube ................................................. 837
Rear Lateral Push Rod Bushing .................... 805 Rear Brake Line.......................................... 838
Trailing Arm Assembly ................................ 805 Special Tools .................................................. 840
Rear Trailing Arm Bushing........................... 806 Park Brake .........................................................841
Special Tools .................................................. 807 Specifications ................................................. 841
Tyres and Wheels ..............................................808 Torque ....................................................... 841
Specifications ................................................. 808
Description and Operation............................. 842
Torque ....................................................... 808 System Layout ............................................ 842
Service Procedures......................................... 809 System Control Diagram............................. 843
Wheel........................................................ 809 Description ................................................ 844
Brake System................................... 811 Service Procedures......................................... 846
EPB Module................................................ 846
Brake ..................................................................811
Parking Brake Cable.................................... 847
Specifications ................................................. 811
Brake Module.....................................................848
Torque ....................................................... 811
Specifications ................................................. 848
Parameters................................................. 812
Torque ....................................................... 848
Description and Operation............................. 813
Description and Operation............................. 849
System Layout ............................................ 813
System Layout ............................................ 849
Description ................................................ 814
System Control Diagram............................. 851
Service Procedures......................................... 818
Description ................................................ 852
Front Brake Pad.......................................... 818
Service Procedures......................................... 857
Front Brake Disc ........................................ 819
ABS Modulator........................................... 857
Front Brake Caliper Housing
Assembly ................................................... 820 Front Wheel Speed Sensor ......................... 858
Rear Brake Pad........................................... 821 Rear Wheel Speed Sensor .......................... 859

1.0 9
Driveline/Axle.................................. 861 Description ................................................ 891
Drive Axle ..........................................................861 Operation .................................................. 892
Specifications ................................................. 861 Service Procedures......................................... 894
Torque ....................................................... 861 Front Seat Assembly ................................... 894
Description and Operation............................. 862 Front Seat Back Foam ................................. 895
System Layout ............................................ 862 Front Seat Back Upholstery ........................ 895
Description ................................................ 866 Rear Seat (with central armrest) ................. 896
Service Procedures......................................... 867 Rear Seat Cushion ...................................... 897
Right Front Axle Shaft Assembly.................. 867 Rear Seat Cushion Upholstery .................... 898
Right Rear Axle Shaft Assembly................... 868 Rear Seat Cushion Foam............................. 898
Left Front Axle Shaft Assembly ................... 869 Rear Seat Back (with central armrest)........... 899
Left Rear Axle Shaft Assembly..................... 871 Rear Seat Back Upholstery.......................... 899
Rear Seat Back Foam .................................. 900
Rear Drive Shaft ......................................... 872
Constant Velocity Joint Assembly ................ 873 External Trim Panel - Front Seat.................. 900
Constant Velocity Joint Assembly Front Seat Cushion Upholstery ................... 901
Sleeve ........................................................ 874 Door Trim ..........................................................902
Tripod Joint Assembly ................................. 874 Specifications ................................................. 902
Tripod Joint Assembly Sleeve....................... 875 Torque ....................................................... 902
Special Tools .................................................. 876 Service Procedures......................................... 903
Front Door Interior Trim Panel ................... 903
Interior Fitting................................. 877
Front Door Waterproof Membrane ............ 904
Instrument Panel and Console.........................877 Front Door Inner Handle............................ 904
Specifications ................................................. 877 Rear Door Interior Trim Panel .................... 905
Torque ....................................................... 877
Rear Door Waterproof Membrane.............. 905
Service Procedures......................................... 878 Rear Door Inner Handle ............................. 906
Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Interior Trim and Paneling ...............................907
Assembly ................................................... 878
Specifications ................................................. 907
Glove Box Assembly................................... 878
Torque ....................................................... 907
Instrument Panel (I/P) Assembly .................. 879
Service Procedures......................................... 908
Instrument Panel Right Trim Panel
Assembly ................................................... 880 A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly ............ 908
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Assembly ............ 908
Instrument Panel Beam Assembly ................ 880
Center Console Assembly .......................... 882 B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly............. 909
Instrument Panel Left Trim Panel B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Assembly............. 909
Assembly ................................................... 883 D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly ........... 910
Insulation Pad of Engine Compartment Sunvisor Assembly...................................... 910
Heat Shield................................................. 883 Roof Interior.............................................. 911
Front Insulation Pad.................................... 884 Inner Roof Handle ...................................... 911
Center Console Combination Switch........... 885 Luggage Compartment Interior Trim
Combination Switch of Upper Center Panel.......................................................... 912
Console ..................................................... 886 Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel
Seat.....................................................................887 Assembly .................................................. 912
Specifications ................................................. 887 Tail Gate Trim Panel.................................... 913
Torque ....................................................... 887 Luggage Cover Assembly ............................ 913
Description and Operation............................. 888 Carpet ....................................................... 914
System Layout ............................................ 888
Exterior Fitting................................ 915
System Control Diagram............................. 890

10 1.0
Fixed Windows ..................................................915 Description and Operation............................. 937
Service Procedures......................................... 915 System Layout ............................................ 937
Rear Door Quarter Window ...................... 915 System Control Diagram............................. 938
Windshield Assembly ................................. 915 Description ................................................ 939
Rear Window Assembly ............................ 916 Operation .................................................. 940
Bumpers, Fascias and Grille .............................917 Service Procedures......................................... 941
Specifications ................................................. 917 Sunroof Assembly....................................... 941
Torque ....................................................... 917 Sunroof Glass Panel .................................... 941
Service Procedures......................................... 918 Sunroof Sunvisor ....................................... 942
Front Bumper............................................. 918 Sunroof Motor ........................................... 942
Rear Bumper.............................................. 919 Wipers and Washer ..........................................943
Front Bumper Beam ................................... 920 Specifications ................................................. 943
Rear Bumper Beam .................................... 920 Torque ....................................................... 943
Exterior Trim and Paneling ..............................921 Description and Operation............................. 944
Specifications ................................................. 921 System Layout ............................................ 944
Torque ....................................................... 921 System Control Diagram............................. 946
Service Procedures......................................... 922 Description ................................................ 947
Bottom Deflector....................................... 922 Operation .................................................. 949
Front Wheelhouse Liner............................. 922 Service Procedures......................................... 951
Rear Wheelhouse Liner .............................. 923 Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly ............... 951
A/C Air Intake Grille Assembly ................... 923 Windshield Wiper Linkage and Motor
Roof Rack Assembly .................................. 924 Assembly .................................................. 951
Roof Moulding............................................ 924 Windshield Wiper Blade Assembly.............. 952
Washer Reservoir Assembly ....................... 952
Spoiler Assembly ........................................ 925
Rear Cover Lower Moulding ...................... 925 Washer Pump ........................................... 953
Tail Gate Moulding ..................................... 926 Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly ........... 953
Sill Moulding .............................................. 926 Rear Wiper Blade Assembly ....................... 954
Pedal Assembly .......................................... 927 Rear Window Wiper Motor ....................... 954
Mirrors................................................................928 Lighting Systems ............................. 955
Specifications ................................................. 928
Torque ....................................................... 928
Specifications ................................................. 955
Description and Operation............................. 929
Torque ....................................................... 955
System Layout ............................................ 929
Description and Operation............................. 956
System Control Diagram............................. 930
System Layout ............................................ 956
Description ................................................ 931
System Control Diagram............................. 957
Operation .................................................. 933
Description ................................................ 958
Service Procedures......................................... 934
Operation .................................................. 959
Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly ............ 934
Service Procedures......................................... 961
Exterior Rearview Mirror Cover ................. 934
Master Lighting Switch (MLS) ...................... 961
Automatic Anti-dazzle Interior Rearview
Mirror Assembly ........................................ 935 Front Reading Lamp Assembly..................... 961
Manual Anti-dazzle Interior Rearview Rear Reading Lamp Assembly...................... 962
Mirror Assembly ........................................ 935 Lamps .................................................................963
Roof.....................................................................936 Specifications ................................................. 963
Specifications ................................................. 936 Torque ....................................................... 963
Torque ....................................................... 936 Description and Operation............................. 964

1.0 11
System Layout ............................................ 964 Front Door Adjustment ............................. 993
System Control Diagram............................. 965 Front Door Assembly ................................. 994
Description ................................................ 967 Drive Side Door Outer Handle ................... 995
Operation .................................................. 970 Driver Side Door Outer Handle (with
Service Procedures......................................... 974 Keyless Entry) ............................................ 995
Tail Lamp Bulb ........................................... 974 Front Passenger Door Outer Handle........... 996
Rear License Plate Lamp Bulb...................... 974 Front Passenger Door Exterior Handle
(with Keyless Entry).................................... 997
Rear Fog Lamp Bulb.................................... 975
Front Door Hinge Assembly ....................... 998
Rear Combination Lamp Bulb ..................... 975
Front Door Lock Cylinder .......................... 999
Rear Fog Lamp Assembly ............................ 976
Front Door Lock Assembly........................1000
Daytime Running Lamp Assembly ............... 976
Front Door Outer Handle Plate ................1001
Low Beam Bulb .......................................... 977
Rear Door Outer Handle ..........................1002
Front Fog Lamp Bulb .................................. 977
Rear Door Adjustment .............................1003
Front Fog Lamp Assembly ........................... 978
Rear Door Assembly .................................1004
Headlamp Lighting Calibration (Low Beam
Rear Door Hinge Assembly........................1005
and High Beam) .......................................... 978
Headlamp Assembly.................................... 979 Rear Door Lock Assembly .........................1005
Front Direction Indicator Bulb .................... 979 Front Side Door Window
Rectifier..................................................... 980
Front Door Window Inner
High Mounted Stop Lamp Assembly ............ 980 Weatherstrip.............................................1007
Tail Lamp LED Bulb..................................... 981
Front Door Window Outer
LED Rear Combination Lamp Bulb .............. 981 Weatherstrip.............................................1007
Rear Combination Lamp Assembly .............. 982 Front Door Window Regulator..................1008
Tail Lamp Assembly .................................... 982 Front Door Window Glass ........................1009
High Beam Bulb.......................................... 983 Power Window Switch - Rear Door
Headlamp Xenon Bulb ................................ 983 ................................................................1010
Dynamic Headlamp Leveling Control Power Window Switch - Driver .................1010
Module ...................................................... 984 Power Window Switch - Front Passenger
Headlamp Leveling Front Suspension ................................................................1011
Height Sensor ............................................ 984 Rear Door Window Outer
Headlamp Leveling Rear Suspension Height Weatherstrip.............................................1011
Sensor ....................................................... 985 Rear Door Window Inner
Left Headlamp Direction Drive Control Weatherstrip.............................................1012
Module ...................................................... 986 Rear Door Window Weatherstrip .............1012
Right Headlamp Direction Drive Control Rear Door Window Regulator...................1013
Module ...................................................... 986 Rear Door Window Glass .........................1013
Body Systems .................................. 987 Front Closures .................................................1015
Specifications ................................................1015
Torque ......................................................1015
Specifications ................................................. 987
Service Procedures........................................1016
Torque ....................................................... 987
Bonnet Assembly.......................................1016
Description and Operation............................. 988
Bonnet Hinge Assembly .............................1017
System Layout ............................................ 988
Bonnet Inspection and Adjustment ............1017
System Control Diagram............................. 989
Bonnet Lock Body Assembly ......................1018
Description ................................................ 990
Bonnet Release Cable ................................1019
Operation .................................................. 992
Bonnet Open Handle Assembly..................1020
Service Procedures......................................... 993
Fender Assembly .......................................1020

12 1.0
Upper Radiator Beam ................................1021 Side and Top..............................................1051
Battery Tray ..............................................1023 Bottom .....................................................1053
Rear Closures...................................................1024 Rear End ...................................................1055
Specifications ................................................1024 Internal .....................................................1056
Torque ......................................................1024 Front End..................................................1057
Service Procedures........................................1025 Gap Information............................................1058
Fuel Filler Door Assembly..........................1025 Information of Bodyside and Fuel Fill
Fuel Filler Door Release Cable Door ........................................................1058
Assembly ..................................................1025 Front End Information ...............................1059
Fuel Filler Door Open Handle....................1026 Rear End Information.................................1061
Tail Gate Assembly ....................................1027 Sunroof Information ..................................1063
Tail Gate Lock Assembly ............................1028 Paint and Coatings ..........................................1064
Tail Gate Striker ........................................1029 Overview ..................................................1064
Tail Gate Hinge Assembly...........................1029 Collision Repair ...............................................1067
Tail Gate Air Spring and Mounting Ball Description and Operation............................1067
General Welding Protection
Horn .................................................................1031 Measures...................................................1067
Specifications ................................................1031 Corrosion Protection ...............................1072
Torque ......................................................1031 Body Seal ..................................................1075
Service Procedures........................................1032 Diagnostic.....................................................1076
Horn.........................................................1032 Leak Test...................................................1076
Body Control Module......................................1033 Service Procedures........................................1077
Specifications ................................................1033 Roof Panel ................................................1077
Torque ......................................................1033 Engine Compartment Panel........................1078
Description and Operation............................1034 Dash Panel ................................................1079
System Layout ...........................................1034 Bodyside Panel ..........................................1080
System Control Diagram............................1035 Front Floor ...............................................1081
Description ...............................................1036 Rear Floor ................................................1082
Operation .................................................1041 Door Panel Assembly ...............................1083
Service Procedures........................................1043 Bonnet Panel Assembly..............................1084
Body Control Module (BCM) .....................1043 Tail Gate Panel Assembly ...........................1085
PMDC ...............................................................1044
Safety and Restraints .................... 1087
Specifications ................................................1044
Torque ......................................................1044 Vehicle Access..................................................1087
Description and Operation............................1045 Specifications ................................................1087
System Layout ...........................................1045 Torque ......................................................1087
System Control Diagram............................1046 Description and Operation............................1088
Description ...............................................1047 System Layout ...........................................1088
Operation .................................................1048 System Control Diagram............................1089
Service Procedures........................................1049 Description ...............................................1091
DC Converter with Electrical Power Service Procedures........................................1099
Management..............................................1049 Add and Disable a Key ...............................1099
Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS)
Body Repair ................................... 1051 Control Module ........................................1100
Body Dimension ..............................................1051 Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS)
Point to Point Dimensional Antenna - Front.........................................1100

1.0 13
Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) Torque ......................................................1127
Antenna - Middle.......................................1101 Description and Operation............................1128
Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) System Layout ...........................................1128
Antenna - Rear .........................................1101
System Control Diagram............................1129
Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS)
Antenna - Rear Bumper Upholstery Description ...............................................1130
................................................................1102 Operation .................................................1134
Antenna for Keyless Entry and Start (PEPS) Service Procedures........................................1136
- Door Handle...........................................1102 Airbag Control Module..............................1136
One-touch Ignition Switch .........................1103 Collision Sensor ........................................1136
Mechanical Ignition Switch .........................1103 Steering Wheel Airbag...............................1137
Alarm System..................................................1104 Instrument Panel Airbag ............................1138
Description and Operation............................1104 Head Impact Protection Airbag
System Layout ...........................................1104 Module .....................................................1139
System Control Diagram............................1105 Park Assistant System ....................................1141
Description ...............................................1106 Specifications ................................................1141
Operation .................................................1107 Torque ......................................................1141
Service Procedures........................................1108 Description and Operation............................1142
Low Frequency Anti-theft Receiving System Layout ...........................................1142
Coil ..........................................................1108 System Control Diagram............................1143
Backup Coil...............................................1108 Description ...............................................1144
Gateway............................................................1109 Operation .................................................1146
Specifications ................................................1109 Service Procedures........................................1148
Torque ......................................................1109 Parking Assist Control Module ..................1148
Description and Operation............................1110 Ultrasonic Sensor ......................................1148
System Layout ...........................................1110 Rear View Camera ....................................1149
Description ...............................................1111
Service Procedures........................................1114 Information and
Gateway Module ......................................1114
Entertainment ............................... 1151
Seat Belts .........................................................1115 Entertainment and Navigation ......................1151
Specifications ................................................1115 Specifications ................................................1151
Torque ......................................................1115 Torque ......................................................1151
Description and Operation............................1116 Description and Operation............................1152
System Layout ...........................................1116 System Layout ...........................................1152
System Control Diagram............................1117 System Control Diagram............................1153
Description ...............................................1118 Description ...............................................1154
Operation .................................................1120 Operation .................................................1164
Service Procedures........................................1121 Service Procedures........................................1165
Front Seat Belt Height Regulator ................1121 Entertainment Mainframe ..........................1165
Front Seat Belt Assembly ...........................1122 A Pillar Tweeter.........................................1166
Front Seat Belt Buckle ...............................1123 Front Door Full Range Speaker .................1166
Rear Seat Belt Assembly ............................1123 Rear Door Tweeter ...................................1167
Rear Middle Seat Belt ................................1124 Rear Door Woofer....................................1167
Rear Seat Middle Belt ................................1125 Roof Antenna Connecting Cable ................1168
Rear Seat Belt Buckle.................................1126 Communication Module.............................1168
Supplementary Restraint Systems ................1127 Communication Module Battery.................1170
Specifications ................................................1127 Microphone...............................................1170

14 1.0
Communication Antenna ...........................1171 Instrument Pack (IPK) ...................................1230
Displays and Gages ..........................................1172 SDM.............................................................1231
Specifications ................................................1172 Entertainment System Control Module
Torque ......................................................1172 (FICM)..........................................................1232
Description and Operation............................1173 PMDC ..........................................................1233
System Layout ...........................................1173 PDC Module.................................................1234

System Control Diagram............................1175 Glossary List ....................................................1235

Description ...............................................1176
Operation .................................................1189
Service Procedures........................................1190
Instrument Pack ........................................1190
Fuse Box and Harness.....................................1191
Specifications ................................................1191
Torque ......................................................1191
Service Procedures........................................1192
Engine Compartment Fuse Box ..................1192
Battery Fuse Box .......................................1193
Body Harness............................................1193
Instrument Panel Harness ..........................1201
Driver Door Harness ................................1203
Front Passenger Door Harness ..................1204
Rear Door Harness ...................................1205
Center Console Harness ...........................1206
Driver Power Seat Harness .......................1207
Front Power Socket...................................1208

Self-learning/Programming .......... 1209

Glass Regulator/Sunroof Initialization .............1209
Operation after Battery Disconnection
TCM ............................................................1212
Transmission Control Module (TCM) -
7-speed Automatic ........................................1216
SCU .............................................................1218
TCCM ..........................................................1219
Air Conditioning System (HVAC)...................1220
EPS Module..................................................1221
EPB Module .................................................1222
Stability Control System (SCS) .......................1223
Steering Angle Sensor (SAS) .........................1224
BCM ............................................................1225
Communication Module (TBOX) ...................1226
Gateway (GW) .............................................1227
DHL .............................................................1228
PEPS .............................................................1229

1.0 15


General Information
General Information Health Protection Precautions
General Precautions The following precautions should be observed at all times.
Dangerous Substances
• Wear protective clothing, including impervious gloves
Modern vehicles contain many materials and liquids which if not where practicable.
handled with care can be hazardous to both personal health • Avoid prolonged and repeated contact with oils,
and the environment. particularly used engine oils.
Warning: Many liquids and other substances used in • Do not put oily rags in pockets.
vehicles are poisonous and should under no circumstances • Avoid contaminating clothes (particularly those next to
be consumed and should, as far as possible, be kept the skin) with oil.
from contact with the skin. These liquids and substances
• Overalls must be cleaned regularly. Discard heavily soiled
include acid, antifreeze, brake fluid, fuel, windscreen
clothing and oil impregnated footwear.
washer additives, lubricants, refrigerants and various
adhesives. • First aid treatment should be obtained immediately for
open cuts and wounds.
Warning: Always read carefully the instructions printed
• Apply barrier creams before each work period to help
on labels or stamped on components and obey them
prevent lubricating oil from contaminating the skin.
implicitly. Such instructions are included for reasons of
your health and personal safety. Never disregard them. • Wash with soap and water to ensure all oil is removed
(proprietary skin cleansers and nail brushes will help).
Synthetic Rubber
• Use moisturisers after cleaning; preparations containing
Many O-rings, seals, hoses, flexible pipes and other similar lanolin help replace the skin's natural oils which have been
items which appear to be natural rubber, are in fact, made removed.
of synthetic materials called Fluoroelastomers. Under normal
• Do not use petrol/gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, oil,
operating conditions this material is safe and does not present
thinners or solvents for cleaning skin.
a health hazard. However, if the material is damaged by fire
or excessive heating, it can break down and produce highly • Where practicable, degrease components prior to
corrosive Hydrofluoric acid. handling.
• If skin disorders develop, obtain medical advice without
Contact with Hydrofluoric acid can cause serious burns on
contact with skin. If skin contact does occur:
• Wear eye protection (e.g. goggles or face shield) if there
• Remove any contaminated clothing immediately. is a risk of eye contamination. Eye wash facilities should
• Irrigate affected area of skin with a copious amount of be provided in close vicinity to the work area.
cold water or limewater for 15 to 60 minutes.
• Obtain medical assistance immediately.
Should any material be in a burnt or overheated condition,
handle with extreme caution and wear protective clothing
(seamless industrial gloves, protective apron etc.).

Decontaminate and dispose of gloves immediately after use.

Lubricating Oils
Avoid excessive skin contact with used lubricating oils and
always adhere to the health protection precautions.
Warning: Avoid excessive skin contact with used engine
oil. Used engine oil contains potentially harmful
contaminants which may cause skin cancer or other
serious skin disorders.
Warning: Avoid excessive skin contact with mineral oil.
Mineral oils remove the natural fats from the skin, leading
to dryness, irritation and dermatitis.

1.0 1

General Information
Safety Instructions • Observe absolute cleanliness when working with
Jacking hydraulic components.

Caution: It is best to use the lift when working under the Cooling System Caps and Plugs
vehicle. Be sure to hold the wheels with chocks and apply expansion tank caps and coolant drain or bleed screws when
parking brake. the engine is hot, especially if it is overheated. To avoid
Always use the recommended jacking points. the possibility of scalding, allow the engine to cool before
attempting removal.
Always ensure that any lifting apparatus has sufficient load
capacity for the weight to be lifted.

Ensure the vehicle is standing on level ground prior to lifting

or jacking.
Apply the parking brake and chock the wheels.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety

Do not leave tools, lifting equipment, spilt oil, etc. around or

on the work bench area. Always keep a clean and tidy work
Brake Shoes and Pads
Always fit the correct grade and specification of brake linings.
When renewing brake pads and brake shoes, always replace as
complete axle sets.
Brake Hydraulics
Observe the following recommendations when working on the
brake system:

• Ensure that hoses run in a natural curve and are not

kinked or twisted.
• Ensure that hoses run in a natural curve and are not
kinked or twisted.
• Fit brake pipes securely in their retaining clips and ensure
that the pipe cannot contact a potential chafing point.
• Containers used for brake fluid must be kept absolutely
• Do not store brake fluid in an unsealed container, it will
absorb water and in this condition would be dangerous
to use due to a lowering of its boiling point.
• Do not allow brake fluid to be contaminated with mineral
oil, or put new brake fluid in a container which has
previously contained mineral oil.
• Do not re-use brake fluid removed from the system.
• Always use clean brake fluid or a recommended
alternative to clean hydraulic components.
• After disconnection of brake pipes and hoses,
immediately fit suitable blanking caps or plugs to prevent
the ingress of dirt.
• Only use the correct brake fittings with compatible

1.0 2

General Information
Environmental Precautions Discharges to Water
General Oil, petrol, solvent, acids, hydraulic oil, antifreeze and other
This section provides general information which can help to such substances should never be poured down the drain and
reduce the environmental impacts from the activities carried every precaution must be taken to prevent spillage reaching
out in workshops. the drains.
Emissions to Air Handling of such materials must take place well away from the
Many of the activities that are carried out in workshops emit drains and preferably in an area with a kerb or wall around it, to
gases and fumes which contribute to global warming, depletion prevent discharge into the drain. If a spillage occurs it should
of the ozone layer and/or the formation of photochemical be soaked up immediately. Having a spill kit available will make
smog at ground level. By considering how the workshop this easier.
activities are carried out, these gases and fumes can be Checklist
minimised, thus reducing the impact on the environment.
Always adhere to the following disposal and spillage prevention
Exhaust Fumes instructions.
Running car engines is an essential part of workshop activities • Never pour anything down a drain without first checking
and exhaust fumes need to be ventilated to atmosphere. that it is environmentally safe to do so, and that it does
However, the amount of time engines are running and the not contravene any local regulations.
position of the vehicle should be carefully considered at all
• Store liquids in a walled area;
times, to reduce the release of poisonous gases and minimise
• Protect bulk storage tanks from vandalism by locking the
the inconvenience to people living nearby.
• Transfer liquids from one container to another in an area
Some of the cleaning agents used are solvent based and will away from open drains;
evaporate to atmosphere if used carelessly, or if cans are left
• Ensure lids are replaced securely on containers;
unsealed. All solvent containers should be firmly closed when
• Make sure that taps on liquid containers are secure and
not needed and solvent should be used sparingly. Suitable
cannot be accidentally turned on;
alternative materials may be available to replace some of the
commonly used solvents. Similarly, many paints are solvent • Have spill kits available near to points of storage and
based and the spray should be minimised to reduce solvent handling of liquids.
emissions. Spill Kits
Refrigerant Special materials are available to absorb a number of different
Discharge and replacement of these materials from air substances. They can be in granular form, ready to use and
conditioning units should only be carried out using the correct bought in convenient containers for storage. Disposal of used
equipment. spill-absorbing material is dealt with in 'Waste Management'
Land Contamination
Always adhere to the following.
Oils, fuels and solvents etc. can contaminate any soil that
• Don't leave engines running unnecessarily; they are allowed to contact. Such materials should never be
• Minimise testing times and check where the exhaust disposed of by pouring onto soil and every precaution must be
fumes are being blown. taken to prevent spillage reaching soil. Waste materials stored
Materials: on open ground could also leak, or have polluting substances
washed off them that would contaminate the land. Always
• Keep lids on containers of solvents;
store these materials in suitable robust containers.
• Only use the minimum quantity;
• Consider alternative materials;
Always adhere to the following.
• Minimise over-spray when painting.
Gases: • Don't pour or spill anything onto the soil or bare ground;

• Use the correct equipment for collecting refrigerants; • Don't store waste materials on bare ground, see 'Spillage
prevention' list.
• Don't burn rubbish on site.

1.0 3

General Information
Local Issues Dispose of waste in accordance with the following guidelines.
A number of environmental issues will be of particular concern • Fuel, hydraulic fluid, anti-freeze and oil: keep separate
to residents and other neighbours close to the site. The and dispose of to specialist contractor.
sensitivity of these issues will depend on the proximity of the • Refrigerant: collect in specialist equipment and reuse.
site and the layout and amount of activity carried on at the site.
• Detergents: safe to pour down the foul drain if diluted.
Car alarm testing, panel beating, hammering and other such • Paint, thinners: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
noisy activities should, whenever possible, be carried out contractor.
indoors with doors and windows shut or as far away from
• Components: send back to supplier for refurbishment,
houses as possible.
or disassemble and reuse any suitable parts. Dispose of
Be sensitive to the time of day when these activities are carried the remainder in ordinary waste.
out and minimise the time of the noisy operation, particularly • Small parts: reuse any suitable parts, dispose of the
in the early morning and late evening. remainder in ordinary waste.
Another local concern will be the smell from the various • Metals: can be sold if kept separate from general waste.
materials used. Using less solvent, paint and petrol could help • Tyres: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
prevent this annoyance. contractor.
Local residents and other business users will also be concerned • Packaging: compact as much as possible and dispose of
about traffic congestion, noise and exhaust fumes, be sensitive in ordinary waste.
to these concerns and try to minimise inconvenience from • asbestos material : keep separate and dispose of to
deliveries, customers and servicing operations.
specialist contractor.
Checklist • Oily and fuel wastes (e.g. rags, used spill kit material):
Always adhere to the following. keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
• Air filters: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
• Identify where the neighbours who are likely to be
affected are situated;
• Rubber/plastics: dispose of in ordinary waste.
• Minimise noise, smells and traffic nuisance;
• Hoses: dispose of in ordinary waste.
• Prevent litter by disposing of waste in the correct
manner; • Batteries: keep separate and dispose of to specialist
• Have waste containers emptied regularly.
• Airbags - explosives: keep separate and dispose of to
Waste Management
specialist contractor.
One of the major ways that pollution can be reduced is by the
• Electrical components: send back to supplier for
careful handling, storage and disposal of all waste materials that
refurbishment, or disassemble and reuse any suitable
occur on sites. This means that it is necessary to not only know
parts. Dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
what the waste materials are, but also to have the necessary
documentation and to know local regulations that apply. • Catalysts: can be sold if kept separate from general waste
• Used spill-absorbing material: keep separate and dispose
Handling and Storage of Waste
of to specialist contractor.
They should be stored in such a way as to prevent the escape
of the material to land, water or air.

They must also be segregated into different types of waste

e.g. oil, metals, batteries, used vehicle components. This will
prevent any reaction between different materials and assist in
Disposal of Waste
Disposal of waste materials must only be to waste carriers who
are authorised to carry those particular waste materials and
have all the necessary documentation. The waste carrier is
responsible for ensuring that the waste is taken to the correct
disposal sites.

1.0 4

General Information
General Fitting Instructions • Never inspect a component for wear or dimensional
Component Removal check unless it is absolutely clean; a slight smear of grease
can conceal an incipient failure.
Whenever possible, clean components and surrounding area
before removal. • When a component is to be checked dimensionally
against recommended values, use the appropriate
• Blank off openings exposed by component removal. measuring equipment (surface plates, micrometers,
• Immediately seal fuel, oil or hydraulic lines when dial gauges etc.). Ensure the measuring equipment is
apertures are exposed; use plastic caps or plugs to calibrated and in good serviceable condition.
prevent loss of fluid and ingress of dirt. • Reject a component if its dimensions are outside the
• Close the open ends of oilways exposed by component specified tolerances, or if it appears to be damaged.
removal with tapered hardwood plugs or conspicuous • A part may be refitted if its critical dimension is exactly
plastic plugs.
to its tolerance limit and it appears to be in satisfactory
• Immediately a component is removed, place it in a condition. Use 'Plastigauge' for checking bearing surface
suitable container; use a separate container for each clearances.
component and its associated parts.
• Clean bench and provide marking materials, labels and
containers before dismantling a component.
Observe scrupulous cleanliness when dismantling components,
particularly when brake, fuel or hydraulic system parts are
being worked on. A particle of dirt or a cloth fragment could
cause a serious malfunction if trapped in these systems.
• Blow out all tapped holes, crevices, oilways and fluid
passages with an air line. Ensure that any O-rings used
for sealing are correctly replaced or renewed, if disturbed
during the process.
• Use marking ink to identify mating parts and ensure
correct reassembly. Do not use a centre punch or
scriber to mark parts, they could initiate cracks or
distortion in marked components.
• Wire together mating parts where necessary to prevent
accidental interchange (e.g. roller bearing components).
• Attach labels to all parts which are to be renewed, and
to parts requiring further inspection before being passed
for reassembly; place these parts in separate containers
from those containing parts for rebuild.
• Do not discard a part due for renewal until after
comparing it with a new part, to ensure that its correct
replacement has been obtained.
Cleaning Components
Always use the recommended cleaning agent or equivalent.
Ensure that adequate ventilation is provided when volatile
degreasing agents are being used. Do not use degreasing
equipment for components containing items which could be
damaged by the use of this process.
General Inspection
All components should be inspected for wear or damage
before being reassembled.

1.0 5

General Information
Ball and Roller Bearings • In the case of grease lubricated bearings (eg. hub
General bearings) fill the space between bearing and outer seal
with the recommended grade of grease before fitting
When removing and installing bearings, ensure that the
following practices are observed to ensure component
serviceability. • Always mark components of separable bearings (eg.
taper roller bearings) when dismantling, to ensure
• Remove all traces of lubricant from bearing under
correct reassembly. Never fit new rollers in a used outer
inspection by cleaning with a suitable degreasant;
ring; always fit a complete new bearing assembly.
maintain absolute cleanliness throughout operations.
• Hold inner race of bearing between finger and thumb of
one hand and spin outer race to check that it revolves
absolutely smoothly. Repeat, holding outer race and
spinning inner race.
• Rotate outer ring gently with a reciprocating motion,
while holding inner ring; feel for any check or obstruction
to rotation. Reject bearing if action is not perfectly
• Lubricate bearing with generous amounts of lubricant
appropriate to installation.
• Inspect shaft and bearing housing for discoloration or
other markings which indicate movement between
bearing and housing.
• Ensure that shaft and housing are clean and free from
burrs before fitting bearing.
• If one bearing of a pair shows an imperfection, it
is advisable to replace both with new bearings; an
exception could be if the faulty bearing had covered a
low mileage, and it can be established that damage is
confined to only one bearing.
• Never refit a ball or roller bearing without first ensuring
that it is in a fully serviceable condition.
• When hub bearings are removed or displaced, new
bearings must be fitted; do not attempt to refit the old
hub bearings.
• When fitting a bearing to a shaft, only apply force to the
inner ring of the bearing. When fitting a bearing into a
housing, only apply force to the outer ring of the bearing.

1.0 6

General Information
Oil Seals
Always renew oil seals which have been removed from their
working location (whether as an individual component or
as part of an assembly). NEVER use a seal which has been
improperly stored or handled, such as hung on a hook or nail.

• Carefully examine seal before fitting to ensure that it is

clean and undamaged.
• Ensure the surface on which the new seal is to run is
free of burrs or scratches. Renew the component if the
original sealing surface cannot be completely restored.
• Protect the seal from any surface which it has to pass
• Use the recommended service tool to fit an oil seal. If
when being fitted. Use a protective sleeve or tape to
the correct service tool is not available, use a suitable
cover the relevant surface.
tube approximately 0.4 mm (0.015 in.) smaller than
• Lubricate the sealing lips with a recommended lubricant the outside diameter of the seal. Use a hammer VERY
before use to prevent damage during initial use. On dual GENTLY on drift if a suitable press is not available.
lipped seals, smear the area between the lips with grease.
• Use the recommended service tool to fit an oil seal. If
• If a seal spring is provided, ensure that it is fitted correctly. the correct service tool is not available, use a suitable
Place lip of seal towards fluid to be sealed and slide into tube approximately 0.4 mm (0.015 in.) smaller than
position on shaft. Use fitting sleeve where possible to the outside diameter of the seal. Use a hammer VERY
protect sealing lip from damage by sharp corners, threads GENTLY on drift if a suitable press is not available.
or splines. If a fitting sleeve is not available, use plastic
tube or tape to prevent damage to the sealing lip.

• Grease outside diameter of seal, place square to housing

recess and press into position using great care, and if
possible a 'bell piece' to ensure that seal is not tilted. In
some cases it may be preferable to fit seal to housing
before fitting to shaft. Never let weight of unsupported
shaft rest in seal.

1.0 7

General Information
Joints and Joint Faces Locking Devices
General General
Fit joints dry unless specified otherwise. Always replace locking devices with one of the same design.

• Always use the correct gaskets as specified. Tab Washers

• When sealing compound is used, apply in a thin uniform Always release locking tabs and fit new locking washers. Do
film to metal surfaces; take care to prevent sealing not re-use locking tabs.
compound from entering oilways, pipes or blind tapped Locking Nuts
Always use a backing spanner when loosening or tightening
• If gaskets and/or sealing compound is recommended for
locking nuts, brake and fuel pipe unions.
use; remove all traces of old sealing compound prior to
reassembly. Do not use a tool which will damage the Roll Pins
joint faces and smooth out any scratches or burrs using Always fit new roll pins of an interference fit in the hole.
an oil stone. Circlips
• Prior to reassembly, blow through any pipes, channels or
Always fit new circlips of the correct size for the groove.
crevices with compressed air.
Keys and Keyways
Remove burrs from edges of keyways with a fine file and clean
thoroughly before attempting to refit key.

Clean and inspect key closely; keys are suitable for refitting only
if indistinguishable from new, as any indentation may indicate
the onset of wear.
Split Pins
Always fit new split-pins of the correct size for the hole in the
bolt or stud.

1.0 8

General Information
Screw Threads Fasteners Identification
General Bolt Identification
Metric threads to ISO standards are used.

Damaged nuts, bolts and screws must always be discarded.

Cleaning damaged threads with a die or tap impairs the
strength and fit of the threads and is not recommended.

Always ensure that replacement bolts are at least equal in

strength to those replaced.

Castellated nuts must not be loosened to accept a split-pin,

except in recommended cases when this forms part of an

Do not allow oil or grease to enter blind threaded holes. The

hydraulic action on screwing in the bolt or stud could split the
housing. An ISO metric bolt or screw made of steel and larger than 6
mm in diameter can be identified by either of the symbols ISO
Always tighten a nut or bolt to the recommended torque
M or M embossed or indented on top of the bolt head.
figure. Damaged or corroded threads can affect the torque
reading. In addition to marks identifying the manufacturer, the top of the
bolt head is also marked with symbols indicating the strength
To check or re-tighten a bolt or screw to a specified torque
grade, e.g. 8.8; 10.9; 12.9; 14.9. As an alternative, some bolts
figure, first loosen a quarter of a turn, then re-tighten to the
and screws have the M and strength grade symbol stamped on
correct torque figure.
the flats of the hexagon.
Oil thread lightly before tightening to ensure a free Encapsulated Bolts and Screws
running thread, except in the case of threads treated with
sealant/lubricant, and selflocking nuts.

Encapsulated bolts and screws have a microencapsulated

locking agent pre-applied to the thread. They are identified
by a coloured section which extends 360° around the thread.
The locking agent is released and activated by the assembly
process and is then chemically cured to provide the locking

Unless a specific repair procedure states otherwise,

encapsulated bolts may be reused providing the threads are
undamaged and the following procedure is adopted:

• Remove loose adhesive from the bolt and housing

• Ensure threads are clean and free of oil and grease.
• Apply an approved locking agent.

1.0 9

General Information
An encapsulated bolt may be replaced with a bolt of equivalent also marked and some have the metric symbol M on the flat
specification provided it is treated with an approved locking opposite the strength grade marking.
When tightening a slotted or castellated nut, never loosen it
Self-locking Bolts and Screws to insert a split pin except where recommended as part of an
adjustment. If difficulty is experienced, alternative washers or
nuts should be selected, or the washer thickness reduced.

Where bearing preload is involved, nuts should be tightened in

accordance with special instructions.
Self-locking Nuts
Self-locking bolts and screws, i.e. nylon patched or trilobular
thread can be reused providing resistance can be felt when the
locking portion enters the female thread.
Nylon patched bolts and screws have a locking agent
pre-applied to the threads. They are identified by the presence
of a coloured section of thread which extends for up to 180°
Self-locking nuts, e.g. nylon insert or deferred thread nuts, can
around the thread.
be reused providing resistance can be felt when the locking
Trilobular bolts (i.e. Powerlok) have a special thread form portion of the nut passes over the thread of the bolt or stud.
which creates a slight interference with the thread of the hole
Where self-locking nuts have been removed, it is advisable to
or nut into which it is screwed.
replace them with new ones of the same type.
DO NOT reuse self-locking fasteners in critical locations (e.g.
Don't use non self-lock nuts in the area where self-lock nuts
engine bearings, flywheel). Always use the correct replacement
must be used.
self-locking nut, bolt or screw.
DO NOT fit non self-locking fasteners in applications where a
self-locking nut, bolt or screw is specified.
Nut Identification A

A nut with an ISO metric thread is marked on one face or on

one of the flats of the hexagon with the strength grade symbol
8, 12, or 14. Some nuts with a strength grade 4, 5 or 6 are

1.0 10

General Information
Flexible Pipes and Hoses Hose Orientation and Connection
When removing and installing flexible hydraulic pipes and
hoses, ensure that the following practices are observed to
ensure component serviceability.

• Clean end fittings and the area surrounding them as

thoroughly as possible.
• Obtain appropriate plugs or caps before detaching hose
end fittings, so that the ports can be immediately covered
to prevent the ingress of dirt.

Clean hose externally and blow through with airline.

Examine carefully for cracks, separation of plies, security
of end fittings and external damage. Reject any faulty
Correct orientation of cooling hoses is important in ensuring
that the hose does not become fatigued or damaged through
• When refitting a hose, ensure that no unnecessary bends contact with adjacent components. Where 'timing' marks (1)
are introduced, and that hose is not twisted before or are provided on the hose and corresponding connection, these
during tightening of union nuts. must be used to ensure correct orientation. Hoses must be
• Fit a cap to seal a hydraulic union and a plug to its socket pushed fully onto their connection points. Usually, a moulded
form (2) on the stub pipe provides a positive indicator.
after removal to prevent ingress of dirt.
• Absolute cleanliness must be observed with hydraulic Hose Clip
components at all times.
After any work on hydraulic systems, carefully inspect
for leaks underneath the vehicle while a second operator
applies maximum brake pressure to the brakes (engine
running) and operates the steering.
Fuel System Hoses
Markings (1) are usually provided on the hose to indicate the
correct clip position. If no markings are provided, position the
clip directly behind the retaining lip at the end of the stub as
shown. Worm drive clips should be oriented with the crimped
side of the drive housing (2) facing towards the end of the hose,
or the hose may become pinched between the clip and the stub
pipe retaining lip. Worm drive clips should be tightened to 3
All fuel hoses are made up of two laminations, an armoured Nm unless otherwise stated. Ensure that hose clips do not foul
rubber outer sleeve and an inner viton core. If any of the fuel adjacent components.
system hoses have been disconnected, it is imperative that the
Heat Protection
internal bore is inspected to ensure that the viton lining has
not become separated from the armoured outer sleeve. A Always ensure that heatshields and protective sheathing are
new hose must be fitted if separation is evident. in good condition. Replace if damage is evident. Particular
care must be taken when routing hoses close to hot engine
Cooling System Hoses
components, such as the exhaust manifold and the Exhaust Gas
The following precautions MUST be followed to ensure that Recirculation (EGR) pipe. Hoses will relax and deflect slightly
integrity of cooling hoses and their connections to system
components are maintained.

1.0 11

General Information
when hot; ensure this movement is taken into account when Fuel Handling Precautions
routing and securing hoses. General
Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined spaces is
also explosive and toxic. The vapour is heavier than air
and will always fall to the lowest level. The vapour can be
easily distributed throughout a workshop by air currents;
consequently, even a small spillage of fuel is potentially very

The following information provides basic precautions which

must be observed if fuel is to be handled safely. It also
outlines other areas of risk which must not be ignored. This
information is issued for basic guidance only, if in doubt consult
your local Fire Officer.

Always have a fire extinguisher containing FOAM, CO2, GAS

or POWDER close at hand when handling or draining fuel or
when dismantling fuel systems. Fire extinguishers should also
be located in areas where fuel containers are stored.

Always disconnect the vehicle battery before carrying out

dismantling or draining work on a fuel system.
Whenever fuel is being handled, drained or stored, or when
fuel systems are being dismantled, all forms of ignition must be
extinguished or removed; any lead lamps must be flameproof
and kept clear of spillage.
Warning: No one should be permitted to repair
components associated with fuel without first having
specialist training.

Warning: Do not remove fuel system components while

the vehicle is over a pit.
Fuel Tank Draining
Fuel tank draining should be carried out in accordance with
the procedure outlined in the FUEL DELIVERY section of this
manual and observing the following precautions
Warning: Do not remove fuel system components while
the vehicle is over a pit. Extraction or draining of fuel
must be carried out in a well ventilated area.

The capacity of containers must be more than adequate for

the amount of fuel to be extracted or drained. The container
should be clearly marked with its contents and placed in a safe
storage area which meets the requirements of local authority
Fuel Tank Removal
When the fuel line is secured to the fuel tank outlet by a
spring steel clip, the clip must be released before the fuel line
is disconnected or the fuel tank is removed. This procedure
will avoid the possibility of fumes in the fuel tank being ignited
when the clip is released.

1.0 12

General Information
As an added precaution, fuel tanks should have a 'FUEL Electrical Precautions
VAPOUR' warning label attached to them as soon as they are General
removed from the vehicle.
The following guidelines are intended to ensure the safety of
Fuel Tank Repairs the operator while preventing damage to the electrical and
No attempt should be made to repair a plastic fuel tank. If the electronic components fitted to the vehicle. Where necessary,
structure of the tank is damaged, a new tank must be fitted. specific precautions are detailed in the individual procedures of
this manual.
Body Repairs
Plastic fuel pipes are particularly susceptible to heat, even
at relatively low temperature, and can be melted by heat Prior to commencing any test procedure on the vehicle ensure
conducted from some distance away. that the relevant test equipment is working correctly and any
harness or connectors are in good condition. It is particularly
When body repairs involve the use of heat, all fuel pipes which
important to check the condition of the lead and plugs of mains
run in the vicinity of the repair area must be removed, and the
operated equipment.
tank outlet plugged.
Warning: If welding is to be carried out in the vicinity of
Never reverse connect the vehicle battery and always ensure
the fuel tank, the fuel system must be drained and the tank
the correct polarity when connecting test equipment.
removed before welding commences.
High Voltage Circuits
Whenever disconnecting live HT circuits always use insulated
pliers and never allow the open end of the HT lead to contact
other components, particularly ECUs. Exercise caution when
measuring the voltage on the coil terminals while the engine is
running, high voltage spikes can occur on these terminals.
Connectors and Harnesses
The engine compartment of a vehicle is a particularly hostile
environment for electrical components and connectors:

• Always ensure electrically related items are dry and oil

free before disconnecting and connecting test equipment.
• Ensure disconnected multiplugs and sensors are
protected from being contaminated with oil, coolant
or other solutions. Contamination could impair
performance or result in catastrophic failure.
• Never force connectors apart using tools to prise apart
or by pulling on the wiring harness.
• Always ensure locking tabs are disengaged before
disconnection, and match orientation to enable correct
• Ensure that any protection (covers, insulation etc.) is
replaced if disturbed.

Having confirmed a component to be faulty:

• Switch off the ignition and disconnect the battery.

• Remove the component and support the disconnected
• When replacing the component keep oily hands away
from electrical connection areas and push connectors
home until any locking tabs fully engage.

1.0 13

General Information
Battery Disconnection Supplementary Restraint System Precautions
Before disconnecting the battery, disable the alarm system and General Precautions
switch off all electrical equipment. The SRS system contains components which could be
potentially hazardous to the service engineer if not serviced
Caution: To prevent damage to electrical components,
and handled correctly. The following guidelines are intended
always disconnect the battery when working on the
to alert the service engineer to potential sources of danger
vehicle's electrical system. The ground lead must be
and emphasise the importance of ensuring the integrity of
disconnected first and reconnected last.
SRS components fitted to the vehicle.
Caution: Always ensure that battery leads are routed
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
correctly and are not close to any potential chafing
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
information is read thoroughly.
Battery Charging
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
Always ensure any battery charging area is well ventilated and
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
that every precaution is taken to avoid naked flames and sparks.
information is read thoroughly.
Warning: The airbag module contains sodium azide which
Remove the handset prior to making any connection or is poisonous and extremely flammable. Contact with
disconnection in the system to prevent electrical surges water, acid or heavy metals may produce harmful or
caused by disconnecting ‘live' connections damaging electronic explosive compounds. Do not dismantle, incinerate or
components. bring into contact with electricity, before the unit has
Ensure hands and work surfaces are clean and free of grease, been deployed.
swarf, etc. Grease collects dirt which can cause electrical Warning: Always replace a seat belt assembly that has
tracking (shortcircuits) or high resistance contacts.
withstood the strain of a severe vehicle impact, or if the
When handling printed circuit boards, treat with care and hold webbing shows signs of fraying.
by the edges only; note that some electronic components are Warning: Always disconnect the vehicle battery before
susceptible to body static. carrying out any electric welding on a vehicle fitted with
Connectors should never be subjected to forced removal or an SRS system.
refit, especially inter-board connectors. Damaged contacts can Caution: Do not expose an airbag module or seat belt
cause short-circuit and open-circuit fault conditions. pre-tensioner to heat exceeding 85℃.
Prior to commencing test, and periodically during a test, touch It should be noted that these precautions are not restricted
a good vehicle body earth to discharge static charge. Some to operations performed when servicing the SRS system,
electronic components are vulnerable to the static electricity the same care must be exercised when working on ancillary
that may be generated by the operator. systems and components located in the vicinity of the SRS
Electrical Multiplugs Lubricate components; these include, but are not limited to:
In order to prevent corrosion, Some multiplugs under bonnet • Steering system steering wheel airbag, rotary coupler.
and carpet is wiped special lubricate in factory. If these is • Front fascia passenger front airbag.
destroyed in maintaining, repair and replacing process, special
• Interior trim ICS Head Curtain Airbags((‘A'-post trim,
lubricate should be newly wiped
‘B'-post upper trim, grab handles, headlining above front
doors); SRS Electronic Control Unit (ECU) (beneath
centre console); side impact crash sensors (under carpet
beneath front seats)
• Seats side (thorax) airbags.
• Electrical system–SRS harnesses, link leads and
Making the System Safe
Before working on, or in the vicinity of SRS components,
ensure the system is rendered safe by performing the following

1.0 14

General Information
• Ensure the ECU is always installed correctly. SRS ECU.
SRS ECU There must not be any gap between the ECU
and the bracket to which it is mounted. SRS ECU
An incorrectly mounted ECU could cause the system to
• Do not supply power to the ECU are connected. SRS
before all SRS components SRS ECU before all SRS

Caution: Ensure SRS components are not contaminated

with oil, grease, detergent or water.

Caution: Torque wrenches should be regularly checked for

accuracy to ensure that all fixings are tightened to the
• Remove the handset from the docking station. correct torque.
• Disconnect both battery leads, earth lead first.
Caution: Following seat belt pretensioner deployment,
• Wait 10 minutes for SRS ECU the SRS ECU back-up the seat belts can still be used as conventional seat
power circuit to discharge. belts, but will need to be replaced as soon as possible to
re-establish full SRS protection.
The SRS system uses energy reserve capacitors to keep
the system active in the event of electrical supply failure Caution: If the SRS component is to be replaced, the bar
under crash conditions. It is necessary to allow the capacitor code of the new unit must be recorded.
sufficient time to discharge (10 minutes) in order to avoid the SRS Component Testing Precautions
risk of accidental deployment.
Caution: Disconnect the battery before starting the SRS
operation. Disconnect the battery negative terminal first.
DO NOT disconnect the battery in the reverse order.
In order to ensure system integrity, it is essential that the
SRS system is regularly checked and maintained SRS so that
it is ready for effective operation in the event of a collision.
Carefully inspect SRS components before installation. SRS
Do not install a part that shows signs of being dropped or
improperly handled, such as dents, cracks or deformation.

Warning: The integrity of the SRS system is critical for

safety reasons. The SRS components are triggered using relatively low
Ensure the following precautions are always adhered to: operating currents, always adhere to the following precautions:

• Never install used SRS components from another vehicle Warning: Do not use a multimeter or other general
SRS or attempt to repair an SRS component. purpose test equipment on SRS system components
• Never use the SRS parts without a clear identification or accidental deployment may occur. Only use the
SRS label. recommended diagnostic equipment to diagnose system
• Never use an airbag or SRS ECU that has been dropped.
• When repairing an SRS system only use SRS genuine new Warning: Do not use electrical test equipment on the SRS
parts. harness while it is connected to any of the SRS system
components. It may cause accidental deployment and
• Never apply electrical power to an SRS component
personal injury.
unless instructed to do SRS so as part of an approved
test procedure.
• Ensure the bolts are tightened to the correct torque.
Always use new fixings SRS when replacing SRS

1.0 15

General Information
Handling and Storage

Warning: Store the airbag module with the deployment
side uppermost. If it is stored deployment side down,
Always comply with the following handling precautions.
accidental deployment will propel the airbag module with
Warning: The SRS components are sensitive and
enough force to cause serious injury.
potentially hazardous if not handled correctly; always
comply with the following handling precautions: Warning: Airbag modules and seat belt pre-tensioners are
classed as explosive devices. For overnight and longer
• ECU and airbag must be stored in a cabinet in a dry
term storage, they must be stored in a secure steel cabinet
room at normal room temperatures not exceeding
which has been approved as suitable for the purpose and
85° C. Ensure that heating, fire, water and other
has been registered by the local authority.
chemical corrosive substances cannot contaminate
the stored SRS components. Warning: When recovering the seat belt pretensioner, DO
• For safety reasons, do not store inflammable goods NOT aim the piston pipe at yourself or others. Keep the
close to the area where the SRS components are pistons facing the ground. Hold the case instead of the
stored. seat belt.
• Keep new airbag module in the original packaging, Warning: Store the airbag module or seat belt
until just before fitting. pre-tensioners in a designated storage area.
• The storage area must comply with all legal Caution: Improper handling or storage can internally
requirements. It must have suitable fire extinguishers
damage the airbag module, making it inoperative. If you
or other fire extinguishing equipment. suspect the airbag module has been damaged, install
• Never drop an SRS component. The airbag a new module and refer to theDeployment/Disposal
diagnostic control unit is a particularly shock Procedures for disposal of the damaged module.
sensitive device and must be handled with extreme
SRS Harnesses and Connectors
• Never wrap your arms around an airbag module. If
an airbag module has to be carried, hold it by the
cover, with the cover uppermost and the base away
from your body.
• Never transport airbag modules or seat belt
pre-tensioners in the cabin of a vehicle.
Warning: Never attach anything to an airbag cover or any
trim componentcovering an airbag module. Do not allow
anything to rest on top of an airbag module.

Caution: Do not apply grease or cleaning solvents to seat

belt pretensioner units, component failure could result.
Always observe the following precautions SRS with regards to
SRS system electrical wiring:

• Never attempt to modify, splice or repair SRS wiring.

1.0 16

General Information
• Never install electronic equipment (such as a mobile Never fit cover on seat which fitting side airbag.
telephone, two-way radio or in-car entertainment
Children under 12 years old should not sit in the front seat.
system) in such a way that it could generate electrical
interference in the airbag harness. Seek specialist advice Only genuine accessory parts are allowed to be installed.
when installing such equipment. Only authorised people can remove airbag modules, ECU, SRS
Note: SRS system wiring can be identified by a special system wiring harness and connectors. SRS ECU and SRS
yellow outer sleeve protecting the wires (black with yellow system wiring harness and connectors.
stripe protective coverings are sometimes used). If the airbag and seat belt pre-tensioner are deployed during an
accident, SRS ECU must be replaced and discarded.

Every SRS system on every car SRS has been paired and
identified, SRS illegally adding or modifying the SRS system
and the wiring harness could injure people.

Modifying the vehicle structure or SRS system is strictly not

allowed SRS and may cause wrong airbag deployment or
failure to deploy when required.
Rotary Coupler Precautions
Caution: Always follow the procedure for fitting and
checking the rotary coupler as instructed in the SRS
repairs section. Comply with all safety and installation
procedures to ensure the system functions correctly.
Warning: Always ensure SRS wiring is routed correctly.
Be careful to avoidtrapping or pinching the SRS wiring. Observe the following precautions:
Do not leave the connectors hanging loose or allow SRS
• Do not unlock and rotate the rotary coupler when it is
components to hang from their harnesses. Look for
removed from the vehicle.
possible points of chafing.
• Do not turn the road wheels when the rotary coupler is
removed from the vehicle.
• Always ensure the rotary coupler is removed and
installed in its centred position and with the front road
wheels in the straight ahead position - procedure. SRS
refer to the SRS repair section for the correct removal
and installation
• If a new rotary coupler is being installed, ensure the
locking tab holding the coupler's rotational position is
not broken; units with a broken locking tab should not
be used.
Warning Labels
Warning symbols are displayed at various positions in the
Precautions for Vehicle Owners
vehicle. SRS components have additional warning labels
For the airbag to work effectively and protect vehicle owners, displayed on them to indicate that particular care is needed
follow the precautions listed below. when handling them. These include airbag modules, SRS
Driver and passengers must use seat belts correctly. Correctly ECU, seat belt pre-tensioners and the rotary coupler.
using the seat belts can protect the body and reduce injuries The following warning symbols may be displayed at various
in the event of an accident. locations on the vehicle:
Never fit any accessory that obstructs or impairs the operation
of the seat belt pretensioners or airbags.

Do not place any object on the steering wheel or instrument

panel that could penetrate an inflating airbag or be a thrown
item likely to cause injury.

1.0 17

General Information
4. Bar code. The code number must be recorded if the
rotary coupler is to be replaced.

A The need for caution when working in close proximity to
SRS components. SRS in close proximity to SRS components.
Bar Codes
B Refer to the publication where the procedures, SRS
instructions and advice can be found (usually Workshop Bar codes SRS are fitted to SRS system components and
components SRS which are critically related to SRS operation.
Manual or Owner's Handbook) for working on the SRS
system. The code number(s) must be recorded if the component is to
be replaced.
C Do not use rear facing child seats in the front passenger seat
if the vehicle is fitted with a passenger airbag. Components featuring bar codes include the following:

Warning: It is imperative that before any work • Driver's front airbag module – label attached to rear of
module housing
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
information is read thoroughly. • Passenger front airbag module – label attached at side of
module housing
The following list indicates possible locations and content
• SRS ECU Included SRS ECU on label on top of ECU
for warning labels. Exact positions and content may vary
dependent on model year, legislation and market trends. • Rotary coupler – several labels on front face
Vehicle Recovery
Towing SRS Components Not Deployed
Normal towing procedures are unlikely to cause an airbag to
deploy. However, as a precaution, remove the handset from
the docking station and then disconnect both battery leads.
Disconnect the negative ‘-’ lead first.
Towing SRS Components Not Deployed
Once the driver's airbag has been deployed, the vehicle must
have a suspended tow. However, as a precaution remove the
handset from the docking station and then disconnect both
battery leads. Disconnect the negative '-' lead first.
SRS Components Deployed
Do not use rear facing child seat in front passenger seat of
vehicles fitted with passenger airbag. If a vehicle is to be scrapped and contains an undeployed airbag
module, the module must be manually deployed.
Rotary Coupler
Always observe the following precautions:
1. The need for caution when working SRS in close
proximity to SRS components. Warning: Only personnel who have undergone the
2. Refer to Workshop Manual for detailed instructions. appropriate training should undertake deployment of
airbag and seat belt pre-tensioner modules.
3. Ensure the wheels are in the straight ahead position
before removal and refitting. Warning: A deployed airbag or seat belt pre-tensioner is
very hot, DO NOT return to a deployed airbag module
until at least 30 minutes have elapsed since deployment.

1.0 18

General Information
Warning: Only use approved deployment equipment, Warning: Compliance with the following precautions
and only deploy SRS components in a well-ventilated MUST be ensured:
designated area. Ensure SRS components are not • Only use deployment equipment approved for the
damaged or ruptured before deployment. intended purpose.
Warning: Contact with chemicals from deployed and • Before commencing deployment procedure, ensure
damaged SRS components could present a health hazard, the deployment tool functions properly.
wear protective clothing when handling. DO NOT eat, • Deployment of airbag/pre-tensioner modules should
drink or smoke when handling SRS components. be performed in a well ventilated area which has
Warning: Deployment of airbag modules and seat belt been designated for the purpose.
pre-tensioners can cause injury to personnel in the close • Ensure airbag/pre-tensioner modules are not
vicinity of the deploying unit. In case of injury seek urgent damaged or ruptured before attempting to deploy.
medical advice. Possible sources of injury include: • Notify the relevant authorities of intention to deploy
• impact - due to inflating airbag or pretensioner airbag and pretensioner units.
operation causing component 'kick'. • When deploying airbag and seat belt pre-tensioner
• hearing - due to noise produced by deploying airbags units, ensure that all personnel are at least 15 metres
and seat belt pretensioner units. away from the deployment zone.
• burns - hot component parts and gases. • When deploying seat belt pretensioners in the
• irritation to eyes and lungs - from deploying gases or vehicle, ensure the pre-tensioner unit is fully secured
combustion residue. to its fixing point.
• When removing deployed airbag and seat belt
Warning: Ensure the SRS component to be deployed is
pre-tensioner modules, wear protective clothing.
securely fastened to its mounting.
Use gloves and seal deployed units in a plastic bag.
• Following deployment of any component of the SRS
system within the vehicle, all SRS components must
be replaced. DO NOT re-use or salvage any parts of
the SRS system.
• Do not lean over airbag modules or seat belt
pre-tensioner units when connecting deployment

1.0 19

General Information
SRS Component Replacement Policy • SRS ECU
Impacts Which Do Not Deploy the Airbags or • Side impact crash sensors (both sides of vehicle)
In addition, the following should be inspected for damage and
Check for structural damage in the area of the impact, paying
replaced as necessary:
particular attention to bumper armatures, longitudinals, crash
cans and bracketry. • Front seat belts (retractors, webbing, tongue latching, 'D'
loop and body anchorage points)
Impacts Which Deploy the Airbags or
Pre-tensioners • Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, tongue
latching and body anchorage)
The replacement and inspection policy is dependent on the
type and severity of the crash condition. SRS. The following • Front seat frame (if there is evidence of external or airbag
guidelines are the minimum that should be exercised as a result deployment damage to seat frame)
of the deployment of specific SRS components: • 'BC' post internal finishers and fixings
Front Airbag Deployment (driver and passenger) • Door casings
If the front airbags are deployed, the following parts must be • Seat belt automatic height adjusters on 'B' post
replaced: • Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim
• Driver airbag module Inflatable Curtain Structure (ICS) Airbags
• Passenger airbag module
If the Inflatable Curtain Structure airbag modules are deployed,
• Flyleads (where applicable) connecting SRS front airbag
the following parts must be replaced, (ICS) on the side of the
modules to SRS harness
vehicle for which deployment occurred:
• Seat belt pre-tensioners
• ICS airbag module
• Driver's seat belt retractor
• Link lead between airbag gas generator SRS and SRS
• Rotary coupler
• Airbag retaining clips above window aperture
In addition, the following should be inspected for damage and
• 'A' post internal finisher
replaced as necessary:
• Front seat belt pre-tensioners
• Front passenger's seat belt retractor (webbing, tongue • SRS ECU
latching, 'D' loop, body anchorage point)
• Side impact crash sensors (both sides of vehicle)
• Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, body
anchorage and tongue latching function) In addition, the following should be inspected for damage and
replaced as necessary:
• Fascia moulding adjacent to passenger airbag module
• Steering wheel (if damage is evident) • Headlining
• Front seat frames and head restraints (if there is evidence • ICS mounting brackets
of damage to the seat frame or cushion pan) • Alarm sensor
• Steering column (if adjustment is lost or there are signs • Front seat belts (retractors, webbing, tongue latching, ‘D'
of collapse) loop and body anchorage points)
• Seat belt automatic height adjusters on 'BC' posts • Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, tongue
• Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim latching and body anchorage)

Side (Thorax) Airbags • 'BC' post upper finisher and fixings

If the side (thorax) airbags are deployed, the following parts • Door casing
must be replaced, on the side of the vehicle on which the • Seat belt automatic height adjusters on ‘B' post
deployment occurred: • Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim
• Seat (thorax) airbag module Rear Impacts
• Seat squab foam Rear impacts may cause the seat belt pretensioners to deploy.
• Seat squab cover If this occurs, all pretensioner units must be replaced. In
addition, the following components should be inspected for
• Front seat belt buckle pre-tensioners
damage and replaced as necessary:

1.0 20

General Information
• Front seat frames Air Conditioning System Precautions
• Seat belt automatic height adjusters on ‘B'- post General
• Front seat belts (retractors, webbing, tongue latching, 'D' The air conditioning system contains fluids and components
loop and body anchorage points) which could be potentially hazardous to the service engineer
• Rear seat belt buckles (webbing, buckle covers, tongue or the environment if not serviced and handled correctly. The
latching and body anchorage) following guidelines are intended to alert the service engineer
to potential sources of danger and emphasise the importance
• Rear seat belt escutcheons in parcel shelf trim
of ensuring the integrity of the air conditioning operating
conditions and components fitted to the vehicle.
Periodic Replacement of SRS Components
Where necessary, additional specific precautions are detailed
The performance of the propellants within airbags and in the relevant sections of this Manual which should be referred
pre-tensioners will deteriorate over a period of time. As a to prior to commencing repair operations.
result, it is essential that the airbags and pre-tensioners are
periodically replaced to maintain occupant safety. Airbags, The refrigerant used in the air conditioning system is HFC-134a
(Hydrofluorocarbon) R134a.
seat belt pre-tensioners and the rotary coupler should be
replaced at 12 year intervals. Warning: Servicing must only be carried out by personnel
familiar with both the vehicle system and the charging and
testing equipment. All operations must be carried out in
a well ventilated area away from open flame and heat
Warning: R134a is a hazardous liquid and when handled
incorrectly can cause serious injury. Suitable protective
clothing, consisting of face protection, heat-proof gloves,
rubber boots and rubber apron or waterproof overalls,
must be worn when carrying out operations on the air
conditioning system.
Remedial Actions
If an accident involving R134a should occur, conduct the
following remedial actions:
• If liquid R134a enters the eye, do not rub it. Gently run
large quantities of eye wash over affected eye to raise the
temperature. If an eye wash is not available, cool, clean
water may be used to flush the eye. After rinsing, cover
the eye with a clean pad and seek immediate medical
• If liquid R134a is splashed onto the skin, run large
quantities of water over the affected area to raise the
temperature. Implement the same action if the skin
comes in contact with discharging cylinders. Wrap
the contaminated body parts in blankets (or similar
materials) and seek immediate medical attention.
• If the debilitating effects of inhalation of R134a vapour
is suspected, seek fresh air. If the affected person is
unconscious, move them away from the contaminated
area to fresh air and apply artificial respiration and/ or
oxygen and seek immediate medical attention.

1.0 21

General Information
Warning: Due to its low evaporating temperature, R134a • Whenever the refrigerant system is opened, the
must be handled with care. R134a splashed on any part receiver/drier must be renewed immediately before
of the body will cause immediate freezing of that area. evacuating and recharging the system.
Also, refrigerant cylinders and replenishment trolleys • Use alcohol and a clean lint-free cloth to clean dirty
when discharging will freeze skin to them if contact is connections.
• Ensure that all new parts fitted are marked for use with
Service Precautions R134a.
Observe the following precautions when handling components Refrigerant Oil
used in the air conditioning system: Refrigerant oil easily absorbs water and must not be stored for
• Air conditioning units must not be lifted by their hoses, long periods. Do not pour unused refrigerant oil back into the
pipes or capillary lines. container. Always use an approved refrigerant oil.
• Hoses and lines must not be subjected to any twist or When replacing components in the A/C system, drain the
stress; the efficiency of the system will be impaired by refrigerant oil from the component being replaced into
kinks or restrictions. Ensure that hoses are correctly a graduated container. On assembly, add the quantity of
positioned before tightening couplings, and ensure that refrigerant oil drained to the new component.
all clips and supports are utilised.
• Flexible hoses should not be positioned close to the
A new compressor is sealed and pressurised with Nitrogen gas.
exhaust manifold (less than 100 mm) unless protected
When fitting a new compressor, slowly release the sealing cap;
by heat shielding.
gas pressure should be heard to vent as the seal is broken.
• Completed assemblies must be checked for refrigeration
lines touching metal panels. Any direct contact of Caution: Do not remove the cap(s) until immediately
components and panels may transmit noise and so must prior to connecting the air conditioning pipes to the
be eliminated. compressor.

• The appropriate torque wrench must be used when Rapid Refrigerant Discharge
tightening refrigerant connections to the stipulated If the air conditioning system is involved in accident damage and
value. An additional spanner must be used to hold the the system is punctured, the refrigerant will discharge rapidly.
union to prevent twisting of the pipe when tightening The rapid discharge of refrigerant will also result in the loss
connections. of most of the oil from the system. The compressor must be
• Before connecting any hose or pipe, ensure that removed and all the remaining oil in the compressor drained
refrigerant oil is applied to the seat of the new O-rings, and refilled as instructed in the air conditioning section of this
BUT NOT to the threads of the connection. manual.
• All protective plugs must remain in place to seal the Precautions for Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling
component until immediately prior to connection. and Recharging
• Ensure components are at room temperature before When the air conditioning system is recharged, any existing
uncapping, to prevent condensation of moisture from refrigerant is first recovered from the system and recycled.
the air that enters it. The system is then charged with the required weight of
• Components must not remain uncapped for longer than refrigerant and volume of refrigerant oil.
15 minutes. In the event of a delay, the caps must be Warning: Refrigerant must always be recycled before
fitted. re-use to ensure that the purity of the refrigerant is high
• When disconnecting, immediately cap all air conditioning enough for safe use in the air conditioning system.
pipes to prevent ingress of dirt and moisture into the
Warning: Recycling should always be carried out with
equipment which is design certified by Underwriter
• The receiver/drier contains desiccant which absorbs Laboratory Inc. for compliance with SAE J1991. Other
moisture. It must be positively sealed at all times. A equipment may not recycle refrigerant to the required
receiver/drier that has been left uncapped must not be level of purity.
used, fit a new unit.
Warning: A R134a Refrigerant Recovery Recycling
• The receiver/drier should be the last component
Recharging Station must not be used with any other type
connected to the system to ensure optimum dehydration
of refrigerant.
and maximum moisture protection of the system.

1.0 22

General Information
Warning: Refrigerant R134a from domestic and Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement
commercial sources must not be used in motor vehicle air Replacement Instructions
conditioning systems.
A new compressor is supplied filled with a full charge of
Caution: The system must be evacuated immediately refrigerant oil. The new compressor must be drained and a
before recharging commences. Delay between evacuation calculated quantity of oil added before fitting. To calculate the
and recharging is not permitted. quantity of oil to be added, carry out the following procedure:

1. Remove the filler/drain plug from the old compressor.

2. Invert the compressor and gravity drain the oil into a
calibrated measuring cylinder. Rotate the compressor
clutch to ensure the compressor is completely drained.
3. Record the quantity of oil drained, discard the oil.
4. Remove the filler/drain plug from the new compressor.
5. Invert the compressor and gravity drain the oil into a
calibrated measuring cylinder. Rotate the compressor
clutch to ensure the compressor is completely drained.
6. Add the same amount of oil drained from the old
compressor to the new compressor.
7. Discard the remaining oil drained from the new
8. Fit and tighten the compressor filler/drain plug.

1.0 23

General Information Lifting & Towing

Lifting & Towing Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

Lifting Vehicle only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
Hydraulic Jack
Before lifting the vehicle, note the followings:
The hydraulic jack to be used must have a bearing capacity of
• The vehicle shall be parked on a level and firm ground. at least 1500kg (3,300lbs).
• Put the hand brake in place.
Warning: Do not commence work on the underside of the
• Select P or N gear. vehicle until suitable safety supports have been positioned
To avoid damage to the underbody parts, please follow the under the sill reinforced brackets.
procedures below: Warning: Always chock the wheels when jacking.
Do not put the jack or axle bracket under the following Lifting and Supporting the Vehicle
components: Put the head of the jack at the lifting point of the front/rear
• Body Structural Parts doorsill of the vehicle.
• Bumper Caution: Do not jack or support the vehicle on any other
• Fuel Line points than those indicated. Failure to comply is likely to
result in damage to the body or chassis components.
• Brake Line
• Front Suspension Arm Warning: Do not commence work on the underside of the
• Steering Connecting Mechanism vehicle until suitable safety supports have been positioned
under the sill reinforced brackets.
• Rear Suspension Arm
• Fuel Tank Warning: Always chock the wheels when jacking.
• Engine Oil Pan
Column Lifter
• Transmission Housing
• Rear Towing Eye
Note: Jacking and supporting the front of the vehicle
should only be done under the customer front jacking
points and/or the jacking bracket on the front section of
the front subframe.
Front/Rear Supporting Point of the Vehicle
The jack of the vehicle is only applied to replace wheels in
emergency. Do not use it for other purposes.

Put the mat under the jacking point on the sill.

If use the jack to replace wheels, ensure that the jack is placed
on a solid level ground and under the supporting point near
the wheel to be removed. Note: the round head of the jack
must be in the corresponding slot on the baseplate.

1.0 24

Lifting & Towing General Information

Roadside Assistance Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission (2WD)
Instructions for Roadside Assistance Generally, the vehicles with dual clutch automatic transmission
It is recommended that a rescue trailer or a two-wheel rescue should be towed with the front wheels off the road (the front
vehicle shall be used. In emergency, towing the vehicle with wheels hanged up).
front towing point. Caution: A rear suspended tow must not be used for
Front Towing Eye vehicles with an automatic transmission, as serious
damage will be caused to the transmission.

When the vehicles with dual clutch automatic transmission are

towed with four wheels from front, attention must be paid to
the followings:

Warning: When the vehicle is being towed.

• The selector must be at ‘N'.
• The vehicle must not be towed at speeds greater than
30 km/h or for a distance exceeding 50 km.
• Do not tow if the gearbox or a drive shaft is faulty.
• Ensure the gear lever is in neutral and the parking
brake is released.
• Remember that greater effort than normal will be
In the front of the vehicle, removable towing eye can be used necessary to operate the brakes and steering if the
for rescue operation. The front towing eye is usually kept in vehicle is being towed without the engine running.
the vehicle toolbox and should be put back after use. To fit the
Caution: Do not tow on four wheels if the gearbox or drive
towing eye, the towing eye cover at the right side of the front
bumper shall be removed first, then screw the towing eye into shafts are touching the body or frame.
the mounting position of the front bumper assembly (bumper Note: A vehicle with an automatic transmission cannot be
beam). started by towing or pushing.
Rear Towing Hook AWD Vehicles

The fixed rear towing hook can only tow the light vehicles. For AWD vehicles, the vehicle shall be towed with all wheels
The rear towing point of the vehicle equipped with manual off the ground, this operation involves use of the wheel lift,
transmission can be used for rear towing. wheel trolley or flat-bed trailer.

Caution: A rear suspended tow must not be used for

vehicles with an automatic transmission, as serious
damage will be caused to the transmission.

1.0 25

General Information Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Identification Number

Vehicle Identification Number
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
For example, LSJA24W6XDSXXXXXX
Code of Vehicle
A2 Model/Type
Body Structural
4 Characteristics 4 = 5-Door
Engine W = Gasoline Engine
Check bit (represented by Position of Identification Plate
X any figure from 0 to 9 or
The identification plate is located at the lower side of the right
letter X)
Occupant Restraint System
6 6 = Seat Belt, Driver, Front
Passenger Frontal Airbag
and Side Airbag
D Model Year D = 2013
Assembly Plant S = Shanghai
6 digits = Production
Sequential Number
VIN Also printed at the following locations:

The plane behind the lower left corner of the windshield.


Printed on the seat beam under the right seat.

Identification plate contains the following information:

1. Vehicle Model
2. Number of Occupants
3. Engine Displacement
4. Manufacturing Date
5. Manufacturing country
6. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
7. Maximum Net Engine Power

1.0 26

Vehicle Identification Number General Information

8. Maximum Authorized Total Mass Position of Other Plates
9. Engine Model Engine Number
Printed on the left rear part of the cylinder block, as shown by
w the arrow.

Engine Number
Printed on the left rear part of the cylinder block, as shown by
the arrow.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Number

Printed on the top surface of the transmission housing, see the
figure below.

1.0 27

General Information Vehicle Identification Number

Automatic Transmission Number - 7AT

The label is printed on the surface of the transmission housing.

Manual Transmission Number - 6MT

The label is printed at the right side of the transmission


1.0 28

Lubrication & Maintenance General Information

Lubrication & Maintenance Fluid
Capacity Fuel
Liquid Capacity Following recommended oils must be applied:
The following capacity values are merely approximate value for For gasoline engines,
the corresponding system. RON 95 and above gasoline is recommended.
Component/System Capacity Antifreeze Fluid
Fuel Tank: The mixture with 50% water and 50% OAT shall be used.
Serviceable 55 L The antifreeze containing organic acid technology (OAT)
Engine-2.0T: preservative and summer coolant or ethylene-glycol-based
antifreeze (methanol not contained) are applied to protect
Replacement of the Engine 6.0 L
the cooling system. Only the antifreeze with OAT antiseptic
Oil and Oil Filter can be used.
Do not use other types of antifreeze to supplement or refill
Replacement of the Engine 5.5 L the cooling system. In emergency, if the antifreeze of this
Oil and Oil Filter type is unavailable, the clean water can be used to fill the
Dual Clutch Automatic
cooling system. However, this may lower the frost protection
6.5 L capability. The correct antifreeze concentration must be
Refill from Dry State recovered as soon as possible.
Manual Transmission –
SCM250: When it is time for inspection specified in the Maintenance List,
2.2 L
drain the cooling system and clean it, then refill the cooling
2.5 L system with appropriate coolant.
Refill from Dry State
After refilling antifreeze, attach the warning label at a
Automatic Transmission - prominent position of the vehicle to show the type of
7AT: antifreeze used in the cooling system, so that correct antifreeze
2.45 L
Refill can be used for next refill.
Power Takeoff (Refill from 0.58 L Concentration of Antifreeze Fluid
Dry State)
The overall antifreeze concentration shall not be less than 50%
FDU (Refill from Dry State) 0.56 L of the volume, meanwhile make sure the antisepsis property
Cooling System: of the coolant. Antifreeze concentration more than 60% is not
recommended as it will weaken the cooling efficiency.
Engine - 2.0T 8.2 L
The antifreeze capacity recommended in the following table
Cooling System:
shall provide frost protection at -37℃~-40℃.
Engine - 1.5T 7.1 L
Engine - 2.0T
Brake Fluid for Brake System 0.8 L
(Refill from Dry State) Concentration 50%
Windshield Washer 2.0 L Capacity of Antifreeze Fluid 4.1L
Concentration 50%
Capacity of Antifreeze Fluid 3.55L

Brake Fluid
Use brake fluid DOT4 only.

1.0 29

General Information Lubrication & Maintenance

Lubricating Fluids Lock, Lock Body and Hinge

Overview Do not apply any lubricating grease on the fixing end of the
The engine and other lubrication systems are filled with torsion bar spring, however, Krupp Isoflex Topas L32CN
high-performance lubricating fluid to extend the service life. grease is recommended for its rotating end.

Caution: Always use a high quality oil of the correct Washer Fluid
viscosity range in the engine. The use of oil of the Use QX-35 washer fluid.
incorrect specification can lead to high oil and fuel
consumption and ultimately to damaged components.

The use of the engine oil of recommended specifications

containing additives may decrease the corrosive acid caused
by combustion and prevent formation of residues. These
residues may block the oil passage. Other engine oil additives
should not be used. Repair and maintenance must be carried
out within the specified interval.
Engine Oil
5W/30 engine oil in compliance with ACEA C3 specifications
should be used. The engine oil viscosity/temperature range
refers to the following table:

Transmission Fluid
Failure to use the specified transmission fluid may result in
serious damage to the transmission.
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-6 Speed
Please refill with PENTOSIN FFL-2.
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Speed
Please refill with DEXRON·DCT Fluid.
Power Takeoff and Rear Axle Assembly
Please refill with Idemitsu Apolloil Wide Gear LW 80W-90
General Lubricating Grease
Use FN745/94 grease produced by Fuchs.

Engine Cover Lock Body

Use FN745/94 grease produced by Fuchs.

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Description Value
Bolt - mechanical vacuum pump to cylinder head 13-15Nm
Bolt - VVT Control valves to CVVT housing 5–7Nm
Bolt - CVVT Housing to camshaft cover 9-11Nm
Stud- thermostat housing to cylinder block 3-5Nm
Bolt - thermostat housing to cylinder block 9-11Nm
Bolt - thermostat housing bracket to block and cylinder head 22-28Nm
Bolt - turbocharger bracket to turbocharger 40–45Nm
Bolt - turbocharger bracket to crankcase 50–60Nm
Bolt - auxiliary pump bracket and CAC hose bracket to 9–11Nm
cylinder head
Bolt - VVT unit to camshaft 40Nm+120°
Bolt -oil separator to camshaft cover 9–11Nm
Bolt - camshaft cover to cylinder head 9–11Nm
Nut - exhaust manifold to cylinder head 23–27Nm
Bolt -exhaust manifold heat shield to exhaust manifold 22–28Nm
Nut - intake manifold to cylinder head 23–27Nm
Spark plugs 15-20Nm
Bolt - piston cooling jets to crankcase 18–22Nm
Bolt - crankshaft trigger wheel to crankshaft 10–12Nm
Bolt - crankshaft retainer to cylinder block 9–11Nm
Bolt - connecting rod 25Nm+90°
Bolt - bearing cap to cylinder block 9–11Nm
Bolt - flywheel to crankshaft 20Nm+60°
Bolt - PAS bracket to cylinder head 23–27Nm
Bolt - chain guide rail upper to camshaft cover 9–11Nm
Bolt - cylinder head heat shield to camshaft cover 9–11Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet pipe to cylinder head heat shield 8–12Nm
Nut - turbocharger inlet pipe to camshaft cover Stud 8–12Nm
Bolt -oxygen sensor connector bracket to camshaft cover 8–12Nm
Bolt -camshaft inspect cover to camshaft cover and cylinder 5–7Nm
Bolt -low pressure tube bracket to camshaft cover 9–11Nm
Stud - camshaft cover to cylinder head 9–11Nm
Stud- inlet manifold to cylinder head 9–11Nm
Bolt- intake manifold bracket to intake manifold 22–28Nm
Stud- exhaust manifold to cylinder head 13–17Nm
Stud-turbocharger to exhaust manifold 8–12Nm
Bolt - oil pump to bedplate 23–27Nm
Bolt - oil pump procket to oil pump 68–72Nm

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Description Value
Plug - sump drain 20–25Nm
Oil filter 20–25Nm
Bolt -oil pick pipe to oil pump 9–11Nm
Bolt - oil pick pipe bracket to bedplate 13–17Nm
Bolt -oil pick pipe to oil pick pipe bracket 9–11Nm
Bolt - sump and chain bedplate 8–12Nm
Bolt-Air conditioner compressor to engine 19–25Nm
Bolt - transmission to engine 75–90Nm
Bolt - bearing cap to cylinder block 35Nm +90°+45°
Bolt - bedplate to cylinder block 23-27Nm
Bolt - engine lifting eye 22–28Nm
Bolt - timing chain cover to engine 80–90Nm
Idler -idler A to timing chain cover 32–38Nm
Bolt - timing chain cover to engine 23–27Nm
Bolt - timing chain cover to engine 9-11Nm
Bolt - sump to timing chain cover 9-11Nm
Idler -idler C to cylinder block 45–55Nm
Bolt - PAS pulley to PAS idler 9–11Nm
Bolt - water pump pulley to water pump 7.5–10.4Nm
Bolt - Fuel pipe fixed bracket to engine 19–25Nm
Bolt - oil pump chain tensioner to bedplate 20–24Nm
Bolt - chain guide rail and chain tensioner rail 20-24Nm
Bolt - timing chain tensioner to cylinder block 9–11Nm
Bolt - torsion vibration damper to crankshaft 85Nm+90°
Bolt - engine mounting to body 90–110Nm
Bolt -engine mounting to engine 50Nm+90°
Bolt - transmission mounting bracket 55–65Nm
Nut - transmission bracket to transmission mounting 90–110Nm
Bolt-compressor/condenser pipe to compressor 19-25Nm
Bolt - coolant outlet tube to twin clutch sportronic 7–10Nm
clamp- clamp to twin clutch sportronic transmission 7–10Nm
Bolt - cylinder head to cylinder block 45Nm+90°+90°
Nut - turbocharger to exhaust manifold 28–32Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet oil tube to turbocharger 9–11Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet oil tube bracket to exhaust 22-28Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet oil tube to turbocharger inlet oil 9–11Nm
Bolt - turbocharger inlet oil tube to turbocharger 18–22Nm
Nut - turbocharger outlet pipe to turbocharger 35–40Nm
Nut - turbocharger inlet pipe to turbocharger 35–40Nm

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Description Value
Bolt -turbocharger heat shield to turbocharger 22–28Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet oil tube to crankcase 9–11Nm
Nut - turbocharger inlet oil tube to crankcase 18–22Nm
Bolt - CAC hose bracket to CAC hose 5.5Nm
Bolt - CAC hose bracket to intercooler 10–15Nm
Bolt - WAPU to cylinder block 22-28Nm
Bolt - coolant inlet pipe to WAPU 8–12Nm
Bolt - coolant inlet pipe to cylinder block 8–12Nm

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

NLE-2.0T Engine Assembly
Model 2.0 L gasoline engine, 16 valves, dual overhead camshaft,
variable intake/exhaust cam timing
Cylinder Arrangement 4 cylinders, inline
Cylinder Bore Diameter Φ88mm
Stroke 82mm
Displacement 1.995 L
Ignition Sequence 1-3-4-2
Compression Ratio 10
Direction of Rotation Clockwise (when viewed from the front engine)
Rated Power 162kW/5000-5300rpm
Max Torque 350Nm/2500-4000rpm
Idle Speed 700rev/min
Max Engine Speed 6500rpm
Weight (excluding engine oil, A/C, clutch assembly) 153.2kg

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Cylinder Block/Skirt Rack Classification/Dimension
Grade A Φ56.000-Φ56.005mm
Grade B Φ56.006-Φ56.011mm
Grade C Φ56.012-Φ56.019mm
Tolerance of Crankshaft Main Journal
Grade 1 Φ51.9810-Φ51.9879mm
Grade 2 Φ51.9880-Φ51.9939mm
Grade 3 Φ51.9940-Φ52.0000mm
Diameter of Crankshaft Connecting Rod Journal Φ51.981-Φ52.000mm
Cylindricity 0.004
Quantity of Main Bearing Shell 5 Pieces for Upper/Lower Sides Respectively
Model Upper Main Bearing Shell with Oil Hole and Oil Circuit
Thrust Washer Two half washers are fixed on the left/right thrust wahser at
the 4th main bearing seat, which fit the thrust surface.
Thickness of Thrust Washer 2.413-2.463mm
Crankshaft Axial Clearance 0.094-0.277mm

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Cylinder Block and Piston

Cylinder Block:
Material of Cylinder Block Aluminum Alloy
Cylinder Liner Type Precast Liner
Cylinder Liner Diameter Φ88-Φ88.01mm
Connecting Rod:
Model of Connecting Rod Fractured Connecting Rod, C70S6
Distance between Centres of Connecting Rod 150.5
Piston Pin Type Full Floating
Fitted Connecting Rod Gap
Length of Piston Pin 56.7-57mm
Connecting Rod Bearing Shell:
Gap 0.023-0.073mm
Model Alluminium Alloy Piston
Piston Diameter Φ87.965±0.009mm
Tolerance of Piston Pin Bore Φ23(+0.005,+0.013)mm
0.5±0.03 at 36
Max Ovality
0.7±0.03 at 10
Piston Ring:
Model Second Compression Ring, 1st Oil Ring
Top Compression Ring Steel Strip Ring, Height of Ringe: 1.2 (-0.03, -0.01)
Second Compression Ring Cast Iron Ring, Height of Ring: 1.2 (-0.03, -0.01)
Oil Ring Two-piece Oil Ring, Height of Ring: 2.0 (-0.03, -0.01)
Tolerance between Piston Ring and Ring Groove:
Top Compression Ring 0.04-0.08mm
Second Compression Ring 0.03-0.07mm
Oil Ring 0.02-0.06mm
Gap of Piston Ring Notch:
Top Compression Ring 0.20-0.35mm
Second Compression Ring 0.40-0.60mm
Oil Ring 0.20-0.40mm
Radial Width of Piston Ring:
Top Compression Ring 3.1±0.10mm
Second Compression Ring 3.6±0.10mm
Oil Ring 2.75±0.15mm

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Cylinder Head and Valve

Cylinder Head:

Material Aluminum Alloy

Planeness of 25*25 Area 0.0075mm
Cylinder Head Height: 137±0.05mm

Planeness 0.08mm
Model Dual Overhead Assembled Camshaft
Bearing 6th Gear Bearing
Drive Timing Chain Drive
Camshaft Axial Clearance 0.07-0.22mm
Diameter of 1st Gear Journal: Φ31.957-Φ31.972mm
Camshaft Journal
Diameter of 2-6 Gear Journal: Φ24.96-Φ24.98mm
Clearance of 1st Gear Bearing: 0.04-0.075mm
Bearing Clearance
Clearance of 2-6 Gear Bearing: 0.02-0.061mm
Hydraulic Tappet:
Model Hydraulic tappet, roller rocker arm
OD of Hydraulic Tappet Φ11.994±0.006mm
Valve Timing Initial assembly timing is as follows:
Intake Valve:


Max. lift 40°CA BBDC

Exhaust Valve:


Max. lift 56°CA ABDC

Valve Stem Diameter:

Intake Valve Φ5.475±0.0075mm

Exhaust Valve Φ5.455±0.0075mm

Clearance between Valve Stem and Valve Guide:

Intake Valve 0.0175–0.0445mm

Exhaust Valve 0.0375–0.0645mm

Valve Stem Height A:

New Intake Valve 49.9-50.4mm

New Exhaust Valve 50.09-50.59mm

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Valve Head Diameter:

Intake Valve Φ34.2±0.1mm

Exhaust Valve Φ28.3±0.1mm

Valve Thickness:

Intake Valve 1.65±0.15mm

Exhaust Valve 1.75±0.15mm

Length of Intake Valve 113.4-113.9mm
Length of Exhaust Valve 116.29-116.79mm
Valve Surface Angle -Intake Valves & Exhaust Valves 45°15′±15′
Valve Spring:

Free Length 52.3mm

Mounting Length 40.2mm

Assembly Load 250N

Intake Valve Max. Opening/Load 533N

Exhaust Valve Max. Opening/Load 533N


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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Oil Pump Model External Gear Pump
Free Length of Pressure Relief Valve Spring 45mm
Oil Filter Oil Filter (Full Flow)
Cutoff Pressure of 1000r/min Pressure Relief Valve 0.5-0.6Mpa, oil temperature: 90°

Spark Plug
Spark Plug
Supplier: NGK
Clearance: 0.7-0.8mm
Manufacturer of Ignition Coil UAES
Primary Resistance 0.453Ω±12%
Secondary Resistance 9.64KΩ±12%

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Description and Operation

System Layout
Engine Layout

1. 2.0T Engine

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Cylinder Block Exploded View


1. Cylinder Block Assembly 6. Crankshaft Assembly

2. Transmission Locating Pin 7. Crankshaft Signal Wheel
3. Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal 8. Locating Pin - Engine
4. Locating Pin - A/C Compressor 9. Screw - Crankshaft Signal Wheel
5. Screw - Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal 10. Crankshaft Main Bearing Shell (Upper)

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

11. Crankshaft Thrust Washer 20. Piston Connecting Rod Assembly

12. Crankshaft Main Bearing Shell (Lower) 21. Connecting Rod Bearing Shell
13. Engine Oil Return Pipe 22. Crankshaft Key
14. Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Damper Button 23. Locating Pin - Timing Chain Cover
15. Cylinder Block Locating Pin 24. Piston
16. Bolt - Engine Skirt Rack 25. Plug - Cylinder Block Oil Passage
17. Bolt - Engine Skirt Rack 26. Cylinder Head Locating Pin
18. Piston Cooling Nozzle 27. Oil Check Valve
19. Bolt - Connecting Rod

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Cylinder Head Exploded View


1. Engine Cylinder Head Assembly 4. Bolt - Camshaft Bracket

2. Bolt - Camshaft Access Hole Cover Plate 5. Bolt - Camshaft Bracket
3. Cylinder Head Oil Passage Blocked 6. Bolt - Exhaust Manifold

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

7. Cylinder Head Gasket 18. Intake Valve

8. Engine Vacuum Pump Assembly 19. Valve Stem Oil Seal
9. Cover Plate - Camshaft Access Hole 20. Valve Spring
10. Cylinder Head Locating Pin 21. Valve Spring Cover
11. Bolt - Cylinder Head 22. Valve Lock Clamp
12. Exhaust Camshaft 23. Engine Rocker Arm Assembly
13. Intake Camshaft 24. Valve Tappet Assembly
14. Bolt - Engine Vacuum Pump 25. Stud - Intake Manifold
15. Gasket - Engine Vacuum Pump 26. Cylinder Head Oil Passage Blocked
16. Stud - Camshaft Bracket 27. Locating Pin - Power Steering Pump Bracket
17. Exhaust Valve

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Camshaft Cover Exploded View


1. Oil Separator Assembly 4. Bracket - Emission Control Valve

2. Bolt - Oil Control Valve Seat 5. Gasket - Oil Control Valve Seat
3. Bolt - Oil Separator Cover Plate 6. Bolt - Oil Control Valve

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

7. Oil Control Valve 12. Pipe Clip - Crankshaft Part Load Breather Hose
8. Machined Part of Oil Control Valve Seat 13. Crankshaft Full Load Breather Hose Assembly
9. Stud - Oil Control Valve Seat 14. Pipe Clip - Crankshaft Full Load Breather Hose
10. Bolt - Oil Control Valve Seat 15. Pipe - Oil Separator to Intake Manifold
11. Crankshaft Part Load Breather Hose Assembly

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Ignition System/Fuel Injection System Exploded


1. Engine Low-pressure Fuel Pipe 3. Engine High-pressure Fuel Pump

2. Screw - Engine Fuel Pump 4. Sensor - Fuel Rail Fuel Pressure

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

5. High-pressure Fuel Pump Tappet 13. Bolt - Engine Low-pressure Fuel Pipe
6. Engine High-pressure Fuel Pipe 14. Nut - Engine Low-pressure Fuel Pipe
7. Fuel Rail 15. Bolt - Fuel Rail
8. Bolt - Fuel Rail 16. Locating Pin - Fuel Rail
9. Clip - Injector 17. Spark Plug Assembly
10. Injector Assembly 18. Ignition Coil Assembly
11. Injector Seal Ring 19. Screw - Ignition Coil
12. Fuel Pump Sound Insulator

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Timing Chain System Exploded View

1. Bolt -Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Damper 13. Oil Pump Chain Tensioner
2. Bolt - Oil Pump Sprocket 14. Timing Chain Guide Rail
3. Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Damper 15. Timing Chain Guide Rail
4. Front Crankshaft Oil Seal 16. Bolt - Phase Modulator
5. Timing Chain Cover 17. Intake Phase Modulator
6. Bolt - Timing Chain Cover 18. Exhaust Phase Modulator
7. Bolt - Timing Chain Cover 19. Crankshaft Sprocket
8. Bolt - Timing Chain Cover 20. Timing Chain Assembly
9. Oil Filter Cap Assembly 21. Bolt - Timing Chain Guide Rail
10. Bolt - Timing Chain Tensioner 22. Timing Chain Guide Rail
11. Locating Pin - Timing Chain Guide Rail 23. Sprocket - Oil Pump
12. Timing Chain Tensioner Assembly 24. Chain - Oil Pump

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Oil Cooling Module/Oil Pump/Oil Pan Exploded



1. Oil Level Indicator 3. Oil Pan Assembly

2. Oil Pump Assembly 4. Bolt - Oil Pan

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

5. Bolt - Oil Pan 14. Oil Pump Suction Pipe Bracket
6. Bolt - Oil Pan 15. Screw - Oil Pump Suction Pipe Bracket
7. Gasket - Oil Pan Drain Plug 16. Oil Filter Assembly
8. Drain Plug - Oil Pan 17. Bolt - Oil Filter
9. Oil Pump Connector 18. Seal Ring - Oil Filter Module
10. Bolt - Oil Pump 19. Seal Ring - Oil Filter Cover
11. Bolt - Oil Pump 20. Oil Filter Element
12. Oil Pump Suction Pipe Assembly 21. Oil Filter Cover Assembly
13. Screw - Oil Pump Suction Pipe

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Water Pump/Thermostat Exploded View

1. Thermostat Assembly 12. Clip - Engine Cooling Water Pipe
2. Thermostat Housing Assembly 13. Water Pump Inlet Pipe Assembly
3. Nut - Thermostat Housing 14. Screw - Engine Cooling Water Pipe
4. Bolt - Thermostat Housing 15. Water Pump Inlet Pipe Assembly
5. Screw - Engine Cooling Water Pipe 16. O Ring - Water Pump Inlet Pipe
6. Bolt - Thermostat Housing Bracket 17. Water Pump Pulley
7. Bolt - Thermostat Housing Bracket 18. Bolt - Coolant Pump
8. Thermostat Housing Bracket 19. Screw - Water Pump Pulley
9. Seal Ring - Thermostat Housing 20. Thermostat Seal Ring
10. Bolt - Thermostat Housing 21. Engine Water Pump Assembly
11. Clip - Engine Cooling Water Pipe

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Intake Manifold Exploded View


1. Intake Manifold Assembly 4. Bolt - Intake Manifold Bracket

2. Intake Manifold Gasket 5. Gasket - Throttle Body
3. Intake Manifold Bracket 6. Nut - Intake Manifold

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

7. Intake Manifold Gasket 11. Solenoid Solenoid Assembly

8. Throttle Body Assembly 12. Canister Solenoid Bracket
9. Screw - Throttle Body 13. Clamp - Canister Solenoid Pipe
10. Pipe Assembly - Canister Solenoid to Manifold 14. Bolt - Canister Solenoid Bracket

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Exhaust Manifold Exploded View


1. Exhaust Manifold 4. Exhaust Manifold Gasket

2. Stud - Turbocharger 5. Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield
3. Nut - Turbocharger 6. Bolt - Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield

1.0 55

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

7. Gasket - Turbocharger 9. Exhaust Manifold Gasket

8. Nut - Exhaust Manifold Pipe 10. Bolt - Exhaust Manifold Heat Shield


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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Turbocharger Exploded View


1. Turbocharger Assembly 4. Gasket - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe

2. Stud - Turbocharger Exhaust Pipe 5. Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Assembly
3. Clip - Electronic Water Pump 6. Clip - Engine Cooling Water Pipe

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

7. Turbocharger Bracket 21. Electronic Water Pump Bracket

8. Bolt - Turbocharger Bracket 22. Bolt - Electronic Water Pump Bracket
9. Bolt - Turbocharger Bracket 23. Electronic Water Pump
10. Heat Shield - Turbocharger 24. Gasket - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe
11. Bolt - Turbocharger Heat Shield 25. Bolt - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe
12. Turbocharger Oil Inlet Assembly 26. Nut - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe Bracket
13. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe 27. Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe Assembly
14. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe 28. Clip - Engine Cooling Water Pipe
15. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe 29. Cylinder Head Heat Shield
16. Turbocharger Water Oil Outlet Pipe Assembly 30. Bolt - Cylinder Head Heat Shield Bracket
17. Gasket - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe 31. Bolt - Cylinder Head Heat Shield
18. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe Bracket 32. Bolt - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe Bracket
19. Cylinder Head Heat Shield Bracket 33. Bolt - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe
20. Electronic Water Pump Outlet Pipe Assembly 34. Gasket - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Accessory Belt Exploded View

1. Front Engine Belt 8. Bolt - Power Steering Pump Bracket
2. Screw - Tensioner 9. Bolt - Power Steering Pump Bracket
3. Auxiliary Belt Tensioner Assembly 10. Belt Idler Assembly
4. Belt Idler Assembly 11. Bolt - EPAS Idler
5. Pulley - Power Steering Pump 12. EPAS Idler
6. Power Steering Pump Bracket 13. Bolt - Power Steering Pump Pulley
7. Bolt - Power Steering Pump Bracket

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Description The exhaust valve can remove the carbon deposit, and the
Overview valve stem with a machined side can remove the carbon deposit
at the end of the valve guide and in the combustion chamber
The NLE engine features inline 4-cylinder, 16-valve, DOHC,
and thus avoid valve seizing.
timing chain drive and direct injection system.
The metal cylinder gasket is of a multi-layer structure, the
It is composed of cylinder block, cylinder head, crankshaft,
cylinder opening adopts a pressing ring structure, which
connecting rod and camshaft, etc.The cylinder head is made
enhances sealing at cylinder opening; local rubber coat
of cast aluminum, and 10 high-strength bolts connect it to
technology is adopted to ensure the sealing performance.
the cast aluminum cylinder block through multiple layers of
cylinder gasket, so the whole strength is high and the structure Four oil orifices are arranged on both the front and rear of the
is reliable. camshaft head journal, which correspond to two oil circuits
Cylinder Block Components respectively.The oil circuits are two-way circuits. When the
front takes oil, the rear drains and vice versa.Oil enters the
The cylinder block is made of common cast aluminum
oil control solenoid valve via the oil ducts.The tail end of the
AlSi9Cu3, this provides high overall strength, reducing the
camshaft is equipped with a camshaft signal wheel to provide
likelihood of deformation.The cylinder liner is formed by
signals for camshaft position sensor.There is a tail groove on
cylinder hole honing.Y-shaped water passages are processed
the camshaft for controlling camshaft timing phase during
between two adjacent cylinders to ensure radiating effect of
the cylinder block.
A phase modulator is fitted at the drive ends of the intake and
The aluminum alloy thermal expansion piston is fitted with full
exhaust camshafts, which is fixed by bolts.The phase modulator
floating piston pins, the clearance between the piston pin and
includes two hydraulic pressure chambers.The ECU controls
the connecting rod small end shall be appropriate, and the two
the duty cycle signal of the OCV valve according to the engine
ends of the piston pin is fixed by circlips.Each piston is provided
working condition, and the OCV valve adjusts the camshaft
with two compression rings and one oil ring.
phase and achieves an optimum distribution by controlling the
The forging steel connecting rod has the structure of the hydraulic pressure level in the two chambers.
H-section.The big end of the connecting rod moves on the
Two oil control valves are fitted on the housing of the camshaft
bearing shell of the crankshaft journal.The connecting rod
cover control valve, which are fixed by an O ring and a bolt
adopts forging+cracking process.
respectively.The control valve is a four-way proportioning
The crankshaft has four balance weights which are supported valve, which consists of an oil inlet, an oil return port and two
by five bearing shells.The end float is controlled by the thrust oil circuits connected with the phase modulator chamber.
washer on the top of the central main bearing shell.The radial
Lower Crankcase Components
clearance of the bearing shell is optional, controlled by the
The lower crankcase assembly includes the lower crankcase
bearing shells of two different grades.The oil groove offered
and oil pump. The aluminum lower crankcase is designed into
in the upper half part of the main bearing shell supply oil to the
a shape that is suitable for accumulating oil around the oil
connecting rod big end bearing shell through the oil hole in the
strainer, the oil pump is fitted to the bottom of the crankcase.
Oil passes through the oil strainer with screen, and it is then
Cylinder Head Components pressurized by the oil pump before returning to the oil strainer.
The cylinder head adopts 4-valve structure for each cylinder,
Clean oil is distributed to the main bearing and cylinder
the spark plug is mounted at the center of the combustion
head via main oil passage of the engine body to lubricate the
chamber. The overhead valve structure generates powerful
crankshaft, connecting rod and camshaft, etc.The mating face
whirlpool in the combustion chamber and allows the gas
of the lower crankcase and engine body are sealed by sealant
mixture to be distributed evenly, which facilitates spread of
and secured with bolts.
flame and improvement of the combustion condition, engine
Engine Accessories
power performance, fuel economy and emission performance.
The accessories are a single 6-ribbed belt drive system driven
One end of the camshaft drive roller rocker arm is supported
by crankshaft pulley: the system drives the water pump,
by the hydraulic tappet, and the other end is by the valve
alternator and A/C compressor, and tensions the belt via a
stem. The valve is driven by the moment of the rocker
damping tensioner.
arm.The hydraulic tappet can compensate the valve clearance
automatically.The valve stem oil seal is press-fitted on the
cylinder head oil seal seat and can be used as the valve spring
seat to support the valve spring.

1.0 60

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Positive Crankcase Ventilation fuel injection pulse width so as to meet the requirements for
injection under different conditions.
The ventilation system redirects the exhaust gas escaped to
the crankcase back into the intake system with the help of Turbocharger
intake system vacuum level, then sends it to the cylinder for The high temperature and high pressure gas exhausted from
combustion, so as to reduce the air pollution. the engine exhaust manifold contains a certain energy.For
Oil and gas in the crankcase are separated via an oil separator naturally aspirated engines, this energy is often wasted during
in the camshaft cover, and oil flows back to the crankcase. emissions.The turbocharger can use the exhaust gas as power
to improve the engine power (around 30%) and cylinder
High Pressure Common Rail & Direct Injection
Gasoline System scavenging performance, this can effectively reduce NOx
emission.The turbine wheel and compressor impeller realize
Comparing with PFI engine, the gasoline direct injection engine
rigid connection through the turbocharger shaft, and this
avoids introducing moisture to the wall of the intake port, this
is called the turbocharger rotor.The turbocharger rotor is
allows accurate calculation of the fuel, reduction of the HC
fixed in the turbocharger through the floating bearing (A
emission level during cold start and improvement of the engine
smaller friction resistance moment can be guaranteed when
transient response speed.
the rotor rotates at high speed.).When the engine works, the
The gasoline in-cylinder direct injection (GDI) system includes: exhaust gas impacts the turbine wheel at a certain angle with
High-pressure oil pump, high-pressure oil pipe, fuel rail, rail a high speed, which drives the turbocharger rotor to rotate
pressure sensor and injector. at high speed.The high-speed rotation of the compressor
impeller raises the pressure in the engine intake manifold, and
The overhead cam drives the high-pressure oil pump to deliver
pressurization is thus achieved during this process.By this way,
high-pressure fuel to the fuel rail pump via the oil pipe, the
high pressure will allow more air with larger density to enter
injector injects the fuel into the cylinder at a certain pulse
into the cylinder during intake process. This helps to improve
width, the rail pressure sensor provides rail pressure signal
fuel combustion and engine performance.
feedback for the ECU, and the ECU controls the rail pressure
by the high-pressure oil pump.The pressure of the NLE fuel Water cooling and oil cooing are used due to high temperature
injection system is up to 15MPa. ECU controls the spray form of the gasoline engine turbocharger.
and fuel-injection quantity by controlling the rail pressure and

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T



1. Cylinder Head Oil Passage 5. Main Oil Circuit

2. Cylinder Block Main Oil Circuit 6. Oil Filter
3. Crankshaft Cross Oil Circuit 7. Main Oil Circuit
4. Oil Pump
Lubricant Oil Circuit oil returns to the inlet side of the oil pump, and this helps
maintain the oil pressure within a certain working pressure
The lubrication system is a full-flow filtration, forced oil supply
range and ensure normal operation of the engine. The oil
system. Oil is drawn from the oil pan through the oil suction
from the oil pump outlet flows into the oil filter module
pipe by the oil pump, and the oil suction pipe is provided with
through the skirt rack and engine body oil circuit.
a strainer which can prevent impurities from entering the oil
pump. The oil filter module is directly fitted on the engine body, which
contains the oil cooler and oil filter. The oil cooler cools
The crankshaft uses a chain to drive the oil pump with a
the oil before delivering it into the oil filter, this oil filter is
pressure limiting valve. When the oil pressure achieves a
an environment-friendly filter, so you just need to replace the
certain value, the pressure limiting valve opens, the excess

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

filter element when doing maintenance. The oil filter is fitted The cylinder head includes 3 side oil circuits connected with
with a bypass valve, when the filter element is blocked, it will the engine body main oil circuit, one of them provides pressure
open and ensure free flow of the oil, but the element shall be for the VCT, and oil flows into the two horizontal oil circuits of
replace under this situation. standard length via the other two side circuits, the oil source
of each hydraulic tappet and camshaft journal is thus provided.
The oil then enters into the main oil circuit fitted with the
piston cooling nozzle which is used for cooling the piston and The turbocharger lubricant pipe and main engine oil circuit of
lubricating the connecting rod small end and piston pin. The oil the turbocharged engine are connected. Oil comes into the
lubricates the main bearing shell through the cross oil circuit, turbocharger before flowing back into the engine body cavity
and the cross oil circuit of the crankshaft delivers the oil from by the oil return pipe.
the main bearing shell to the connecting rod big end bearing

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Service Procedures Oil Control Valve

Mechanical Vacuum Pump Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Remove the battery box. 2. Remove the engine cover.
Battery Remove 3. Disconnect the oil control valve connector.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Disconnect the vacuum pipe from the vacuum pump.
4. Release 2 bolts fixing the 2 oil control valves to the
CVVT cover and remove the oil control valves.
4. Remove 3 bolts fitting the vacuum pump to the cylinder
head to release the vacuum pump, and discard the

1. Fix 2 oil control valves to the CVVT cover, fit 2 bolts,
tighten to 5–7Nm and check the torque.
2. Connect the oil control valve connector.
3. Fit the engine cover.
1. Fit new gaskets.
4. Connect the battery negative.
2. Pass the 3 bolts through the mechanical vacuum pump
to fix the gasket to the mechanical vacuum pump.
3. Adjust the connecting parts of the mechanical vacuum
pump to level position, insert them into the camshaft
groove, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 13-15Nm and check
the torque.
4. Connect the vacuum pipe of the mechanical vacuum
5. Fit the engine cover.
6. Fit the battery.
Battery Refit

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

CVVT Cover Thermostat Housing
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover. 2. Remove the battery bracket.
3. Remove the oil control valve. Battery Bracket Remove
Oil Control Valve Remove 3. Drain the engine coolant.
4. Remove 9 bolts fixing the CVVT cover to the camshaft Coolant - Drain
cover, and remove the CVVT cover and gasket.
4. Remove the thermostat.
Caution: Mounting Position of Stud
Thermostat Remove
5. Remove the engine coolant temperature sensor.
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Remove
6. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the throttle air inlet pipe to
the bracket, and take away the throttle air inlet pipe.
7. Release the clamp and disconnect the cooling pipe of
the thermostat housing.
1. Clean the junction between the CVVT cover and the
camshaft cover.
2. Fit the gasket and ensure it is aligned with all holes.
3. Fix the CVVT cover to the camshaft cover, fit 9 bolts,
tighten to 9-11Nm, and check the torque.
8. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger bracket to
the cylinder block and turbocharger, and remove the

4. Fit the oil control valve.

Oil Control Valve Refit

5. Fit the engine cover.
6. Connect the battery negative. 9. Remove 2 bolts fixing the thermostat housing bracket
to cylinder head and thermostat housing.
10. Remove 2 bolts and 2 nuts fixing the thermostat
housing to the engine cylinder block, remove the
thermostat housing and discard gasket.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Intake/Exhaust Phase Modulator

1. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
2. Remove the engine timing chain.
Engine Timing Chain Remove
3. Release the bolt of the intake/exhaust phase modulator.
4. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the intake/exhaust
phase modulator to the intake/exhaust camshaft
respectively, identify the intake/exhaust phase
modulator and remove the phase modulator.
11. Remove and discard 2 studs.
1. Fit the intake phase modulator to the front of the
intake camshaft, fit new bolt to the phase modulator
1. Fit 2 new studs to the cylinder block, tighten to 3-5Nm
and pre-tighten it.
and check the torque.
2. Fit new gaskets, fix the thermostat housing to engine
cylinder block, fit 2 bolts and 2 nuts and pre-tighten
them, then tighten to 9-11Nm in the diagonal sequence
and check the torque.
3. Fix the thermostat housing bracket to the cylinder
head and thermostat housing, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
22-28Nm and check the torque.
4. Connect the cooling pipe of the thermostat housing
and secure it with clamps.
5. Fix the turbocharger bracket to the cylinder block
and turbocharger, fit 1 turbocharger bolt, tighten to
40–45Nm, then fit 1 cylinder block bolt, tighten to
50–60Nm and check the torque. 2. Fit the exhaust phase modulator to the front of the
exhaust camshaft, fit new bolt to the phase modulator
6. Fix the throttle air inlet pipe to the bracket, fit 1 bolt,
and pre-tighten it.
tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fit the engine coolant temperature sensor.
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Refit
8. Fit the thermostat.

Thermostat Refit
9. Refill the engine coolant.

Coolant - Refill
10. Fit the battery bracket.

Battery Bracket Refit

11. Connect the battery negative.

3. Tighten the phase modulator bolt, tighten to

40Nm+120° (monitor if final torque is 140-200Nm)
and check the torque.
4. Fit the engine timing chain.
Engine Timing Chain Refit
5. Refill engine oil.

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Engine Oil Refill Oil-gas Separator
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Release the clamp, and disconnect the breather pipe
from the oil-gas separator.

4. Remove 8 bolts fixing the oil-gas separator to the

camshaft cover to release the oil-gas separator.
5. Release the clamp, and remove the oil return pipe from
the oil-gas separator.
1. Clean the junction of the oil-gas separator.
2. Fit the oil return pipe to the intake manifold.
3. Adjust the angle of the oil return pipe, fit the big end of
the oil return pipe to the oil-gas separator and secure
with clamps.
4. Fix the oil-gas separator to the camshaft cover, fit 8
bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Cylinder Head Check

1. Remove the cylinder head.
Cylinder Head Remove
2. Remove 5 nuts fixing the intake manifold to the cylinder
head, remove the intake manifold and discard the
5. Connect the vacuum pipe of the oil-gas separator and
secure with clamps.
6. Fit the engine cover.
7. Connect the battery negative.
3. Remove 4 bolts fixing the exhaust manifold heat shield
to the exhaust manifold to release the heat shield.
4. Remove and discard 8 nuts fixing the exhaust manifold
to the engine, remove the exhaust manifold and discard
the gasket.

5. Clear the dirt in the spark plug gap, and remove the

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

spark plug from the cylinder head. range, replace the cylinder head or camshaft.

6. Put the camshaft into the camshaft bearing seat of the 10. Remove 39 bolts fixing the camshaft cover to the
cylinder head. cylinder head in the sequence shown, and remove the
camshaft cover.
7. Apply engine oil to the camshaft journal evenly.

11. Identify the position of each camshaft carefully, and

8. Fix the camshaft cover to the cylinder head, fit 39 bolts,
remove the camshaft from the camshaft seat.
tighten to 9–11Nm in the sequence shown, and check
the torque. 12. With a viscous magnet, remove 16 roller rocker arms
and hydraulic tappet from the cylinder head, and keep
them in the mounting sequence.

9. Place the camshaft in the mounting position on the

cylinder head, fit a micrometer on the front end of the
camshaft along the thrust direction. When the camshaft 13. Measure the outside diameter of each tappet, and the
is moving forward or backward (in the axial direction), OD shall be Φ11.994±0.006mm, if it is out of the range,
measure the end clearance. The measurement shall replace it.
be within 0.07-0.22mm, if it is not within the specified 14. Ensure that the oil holes in each tappet are clean.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

15. Clean the surfaces of the camshafts and cylinder head

16. Inspect the camshaft and replace if it is scratched, pitted
or excessively worn.
17. Fix the camshafts to the cylinder head, and place a
plastic gauge on each journal.
18. Then fit the camshaft cover and 39 bolts, tighten to
9–11Nm in the sequence shown, but do not rotate
the camshaft.
21. Compare the measured clearance with the standard
value. If the measured clearance exceeds the standard
value, and the camshaft journal is within the standard
value, renew the cylinder head and camshaft cover
22. Remove the valve.
Valve Remove
23. Clean the mating face of the cylinder head.
19. Remove 39 bolts fixing the camshaft cover to the
24. Check the cylinder head for damage.Pay special
cylinder head in the sequence shown, and remove the
attention to the gasket surface of the cylinder head.
camshaft cover.
25. Check the surface of the cylinder head for scratch, and
check the flatness of the cylinder head according to the
method shown, do the operation in a cross way. If the
flatness is not the specified value (0.08mm), replace
the cylinder head.

20. Measure the widest part of the plastic gauge on each

journal and determine the clearance between the
journal of 1st gear/2-6 gear and the cylinder head.

26. Check the height of the cylinder head, if it is out of the

specified range (137±0.05mm), replace the cylinder
27. Remove the carbon deposit and loose particle from the
valve guide, valve, valve seat and combustion surface.
28. Measure the clearance between the valve stem (1) and
valve guide (2).

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Standard Value
Intake Valve 49.9-50.4mm
Standard Value Exhaust Valve 50.09-50.59mm
Intake Valve 0.0175–0.0445mm
Exhaust Valve 0.0375–0.0645mm 1. Clean the seal area of the cylinder head and camshaft
support. Treat the sealing surface with foam remover
29. Apply Prussian blue (or lead white) to the contact
surface of the valve seat and check the valve contact and plastic scraper, but never use any metal scraper.
surface condition. Check if the continuous contact is Clean the mating surface of the intake/exhaust
achieved throughout the circle. If continuous contact is
not achieved, replace the valve. If the contact surface is 2. Blow the oil passage and coolant passage dry. Ensure
still abnormal in the following check, replace the entire clean oil can be supplied to the camshaft cover.
cylinder head.
Tip: Please use SAIC MOTOR recommended solvent.
3. Fit the valves.
Valve Refit
4. Clean the mating surface of the exhaust manifold and
cylinder head.
5. Fit new gasket to the exhaust manifold, secure the
exhaust manifold on the engine, fit 8 gaskets and new
nut with high temperature antiwelding agent, then
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown and check
the torque.

30. Insert the valve into the valve guide of the cylinder
head, and check the fitting height A of the valve stem.

6. Fix the exhaust manifold heat shield to the exhaust

manifold, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm and check

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

the torque. Crankshaft Check

7. Fit the hydraulic tappet into the corresponding Remove
mounting bore on the cylinder head, and lubricate it 1. Remove the engine timing chain.
with clean engine oil.
Engine Timing Chain Remove
8. Ensure the roller rocker arm holder is secure, align the
2. Remove the oil pump.
ball groove of the roller rocker arm with the plunger
ball head of the hydraulic tappet, and gently press the Oil Pump Remove
ball head into the ball groove. 3. When moving the crankshaft forward and backward
9. Fit the new intake manifold gaskets. sufficiently, measure the gap between the thrust bearing
10. Fix the intake manifold to the cylinder head, fit 5 nuts, and the crankshaft with the dial gage. The standard gap
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown, and value is 0.094-0.277mm. If the measurement is not
within the specified range, replace the thrust bearing
check the torque.
and conduct another measurement. If it remains out of
the standard limit, replace the crankshaft.

11. Adjust the clearance of every spark plug to 0.7–0.8mm.

12. Fit the spark plug and tighten it to 15-20Nm.
4. Remove the engine skirt rack.
13. Fit the cylinder head.
Engine Skirt Rack Remove
Cylinder Head Refit
5. Remove the lower bearing from the bearing seat bore
of the engine skirt rack.

6. Remove the connecting rod bearing shell.

Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Remove

7. Remove the crankshaft.
8. Remove the upper main bearing and thrust washer
from the cylinder block.

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

9. Remove and discard 3 bolts fixing the signal gear to the 12. Measure the cylinder diameter at different points of
crankshaft, and remove the signal gear. each cylinder with an inside micrometer, check for
wear, out of round and taper. The standard value of the
cylinder diameter is Φ88-Φ88.01mm.
10. Remove 4 bolts fixing 4 piston cooling nozzles to the
cylinder block.
1. Clean the crankshaft, cylinder block, signal gear, skirt
rack and mating face of the main bearing, and ensure
there is no foreign material.
2. Clean the oil circuit, water channel and ensure there is
no foreign material.
3. Check the crankshaft and signal gear for damage or
4. Check the crankshaft bearing for any pit, groove (1),
severe scratch or discoloration (2). If any part of the
bearing is shiny and polished (3), this may indicate
11. Check the surface of the cylinder block for scratch, and
check the flatness of the cylinder block according to
the method shown, do the operation in a cross way. If
the flatness is not the specified value (0.08mm), replace
the cylinder block.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Main Bearing Selection Table

Cylinder A Red Blue Red Yellow Red Red
Block/SkirtB Yellow Blue Yellow Yellow Yellow Red
Classification Blue Blue Blue Yellow Blue Red

10. The colors on the edge of bearing shells which indicate

the thickness of bearing shells are as follows:

a. Yellow = thin
b. Blue = medium

c. Red = thick
11. Use a piece of cloth without rough edges and
appropriate solvents to clean the sealing surface of the
cylinder block and bearing seat.

Tip: Please use SAIC MOTOR recommended solvent.

5. Check the classification identification of the crankshaft 12. Press the upper main bearing into the bore of the
main journal from the flange of the crankshaft flywheel. cylinder block bearing seat. Align the bearing with the
groove of the bearing seat bore, and ensure the oil
orifice is not covered.

6. Check the diameter of the main journal.

7. Check the corresponding classification identification on
13. Clean and fit the new thrust washer to the two sides
the cylinder block and skirt rack.
of the cylinder block main bearing 4.
8. The selection order of the bearing starts with the
Tip: The oil groove surface of the thrust washer is the
engine (from front to rear), with the timing chain cover
surface contacting with the crankshaft thrust surface,
located at the first place.
and never fit it reversely.
9. Select the correct main bearing according to the group
14. Measure the inner diameter of the crankshaft main
number of the cylinder block/skirt rack and crankshaft,
bearing with an inside micrometer.
see the table below.
Main Bearing Selection Table
Main Journal 1 2 3
Main bearing
Upper Lower Upper Lower Upper Lower
to be fitted

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Oil Pump Refit
25. Fit the timing chain.

Engine Timing Chain Refit

26. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS
and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
27. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
restart the vehicle .
15. Check the crankshaft main journal, refer to "Parameter"
for details.
16. Fix 4 piston cooling nozzles to the cylinder block and
secure with the locating pin, fit 4 bolts, tighten to
18–22Nm, and check the torque.
17. Fix the signal gear to the crankshaft, fit 3 bolts, tighten
them to 10–12Nm, and check the torque.
18. Apply oil to the crankshaft main journal and inner
surface of the upper main bearing shell, and put the
crankshaft assembly (fitted with signal gear) into the
engine body.
19. Use the TEN00123 to fix it to bearing 1, 5, and tighten
to 9–11Nm.

20. Rotate the crankshaft to locate cylinder 1 and 4 at the

top dead center.
21. Fit the connecting rod bearing shell.
Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Refit
22. Fit the lower bearing to the bore of the skirt rack
bearing seat.
23. Fit the engine skirt rack.
Engine Skirt Rack Refit
24. Fit the oil pump.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Check tighten them to 25Nm+90°. Measure the diameter of
Remove the connecting rod big end with an inside micrometer. If
1. Remove the cylinder head. the limit value is exceeded, replace the connecting rod.

Cylinder Head Remove Tip: If the connecting rod shall be replaced, read
the group information on the connecting rod.
2. Remove the engine skirt rack.
3. with the TEN00130, fit the two halves of the
Engine Skirt Rack Remove
connecting rod bearing shell to the connecting rod and
3. Use the TEN00123 to fix it to bearing 1, 5, and tighten the corresponding connecting rod big end shell cap.
to 9–11Nm.

4. Apply lubricant to the surface of the connecting rod

4. Rotate the crankshaft to allow the connecting rod bolts
bearing shell.
to be easily removed.
5. Locate the piston connecting rod assembly to the
5. Remove and discard the connecting rod bolt. Remove
the shell cap of the connecting rod big end, mark it
6. The raised letter "ZY" and "A"/"B"/"C" on the shell cap
according to the original position and keep it in order.
shall face the front of the engine and be fitted to the
connecting rod.

Caution: The cylinder protrusion on the connecting

rod and the arrow on the piston shall both face the
front of the engine.

6. Remove the half shell from the shell cap of the

connecting rod big end.
7. Disconnect the connecting rod from the crankshaft, and
remove the other half of the shell from the connecting
Refit 7. Check if the identification letter of each connecting rod
is on the same side.
1. Clean the crankshaft journal, connecting rod,
connecting rod big end shell cap and bearing shell, and
ensure there is no foreign material.
2. With no connecting rod bearing shell fitted, fit the
connecting rod cap and new connecting rod bolts, and

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Piston Check
1. Remove the cylinder head assembly.

Cylinder Head Gasket Remove

2. Remove the connecting rod bearing shell.
Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Remove
3. Push the piston to the top of the cylinder bore.

Caution: Remove the carbon deposits on the top of the

cylinder bore first to avoid scratching the piston rings and
the piston.
4. The connecting rod shall not contact the inner wall of
8. Fit the connecting rod bolt, tighten to 25Nm+90°, and
the cylinder bore. Push the piston assembly out of the
check the torque.
cylinder bore carefully.
9. Rotate the crankshaft and ensure free rotation of the
Caution: Please carefully mark each piston and match
crankshaft connecting rod.
10. Remove the TEN00123.
5. Fit the connecting rod big end cap into the connecting
11. Fit the engine skirt rack.
rod, and lightly tighten the connecting rod bolt.
Engine Skirt Rack Refit
6. Remove and discard the used piston ring with an
12. Fit the cylinder head. expander (tool).
Cylinder Head Refit
1. Check the pistons for deformation and crack.
2. Clean the piston ring groove and purge the oil passage.
3. Measure the piston ring opening clearance. Use a
cylinder block with qualified cylinder barrel, lubricate
the piston and piston ring with clean engine oil, insert
the piston ring into the middle of the cylinder block
with a piston, and measure the piston ring end clearance
with a clearance gauge. If the limit value is exceeded,
replace the piston ring.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

6. Fit the spring of the piston oil ring.
Piston Ring Opening
Standard Value (mm)) 7. With an expander, fit the piston ring in the order of oil
ring, second compression ring and second compression.
Top Compression Ring 0.20–0.35
8. Ensure piston rings are free to rotate, the gap between
Second Compression Ring 0.40–0.60 the two compression rings shall form an angle of 120°
and away from the piston thrust side.
Oil Ring 0.20–0.40
4. Measure the side clearance between the piston ring and
the piston ring groove with a feeler gauge. If the limit
value is exceeded, replace the piston ring or piston.

9. The oil ring gap and spring gap are arranged at 30°on
the opposite side of the piston pin axis.
10. Lubricate the cylinder liner opening, piston and piston
ring with engine oil, and ensure the piston ring gap is
Side Clearance between Standard Value (mm)) correctly positioned.
Piston Ring and Ring 11. Fit the piston connecting rod assembly with piston ring
Groove to the T10016.
Top Compression Ring 0.04-0.08 12. Make the front mark on the piston face the front of the
engine, and fit the piston into the cylinder liner.
Second Compression Ring 0.03-0.07
Oil Ring 0.02-0.06

5. Measure the piston diameter at the location 10mm

from the bottom of the skirt. The standard value is

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal
1. Remove the flywheel - dual clutch automatic

Flywheel - Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission

2. Release 6 bolts fixing the rear crankshaft oil seal to the
engine, and remove and discard the rear crankshaft oil

1. Clean the working surface of the cylinder block and
crankshaft. Keep these surfaces clean and dry, free
13. Push the piston connecting rod assembly into the from sealant.
cylinder liner until it is aligned with the upper surface
2. Apply sealant of 3mm wide to the bracket of the rear
of the cylinder liner.
crankshaft oil seal.
Caution: Do not push pistons below top face of cylinder
liner until big end bearings and caps are to be fitted.
Tip: It is recommended to replace the piston connecting
rod assembly as a set.
14. Fit the connecting rod bearing shell.
Connecting Rod Bearing Shell Refit
15. Fit the cylinder head.

Cylinder Head Gasket Refit

3. Fit the TEN00128 to the rear crankshaft oil seal and

prevent the lip from rolling up.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Front Crankshaft Oil Seal

1. Remove the crankshaft torsional vibration damper.

Crankshaft Vibration Damper Remove

2. With a slotted screwdriver r or equivalent, remove the
front crankshaft oil seal, and take care not to scratch
the ID of the hole on the front cover.
4. Align the TEN00128 and the real crankshaft oil seal,
fit 2 locating pins and 6 bolts, then tighten to 9–11Nm
in the sequence shown and check the torque.
1. Clean the operating surface of the crankshaft and oil
seal groove on the chain cover, and ensure there is no
foreign material.
2. Fit the front crankshaft oil seal into the corresponding
hole of the front lower cover (see the figure), press
the oil seal fully with the TEN00129, and the top of
the oil seal shall be 1.8-2.2mm from the plane of the
5. Remove the TEN00128 and check oil seal lip for front cover.
6. Fit the flywheel-dual clutch automatic transmission.

Flywheel - Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission


3. Fit the crankshaft pulley.

Crankshaft Pulley Refit

4. Fit the auxiliary drive belt.

Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Flywheel - Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission 8. Fit the dual-clutch automatic transmission assembly.
Remove Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Refit
1. Remove the dual clutch automatic transmission.
9. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Remove and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
2. Secure the flywheel with the TEN00122 to restrict 10. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
rotation of the crankshaft. restart the vehicle .

3. Remove and discard 8 bolts fixing flywheel to the

4. Remove the flywheel from the crankshaft.
5. Remove the TEN00122.
1. Use a saw to make two saw cuts on the bolt used for
the flywheel at an angle of 45° to the bolt shank, and
clean the bolt hole in the crankshaft with the sawed
2. Clean the flywheel and rear flange face of the crankshaft,
and ensure there is no foreign material.
3. Fit the flywheel to the crankshaft with locating pins.
4. Fit 8 bolts of the flywheel and pre-tighten the bolt.
5. Secure the flywheel with the TEN00122 to restrict
rotation of the crankshaft.
6. Tighten the flywheel bolt to 20Nm+60° in diagonal
7. Remove the TEN00122.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Valve to the exhaust manifold to release the heat shield.

1. Remove the cylinder head.
Cylinder Head Gasket Remove
2. With a viscous magnet, remove 16 roller rocker arms
and hydraulic tappet from the cylinder head, and keep
them in the mounting sequence.

6. Remove and discard 8 nuts fixing the exhaust manifold

to the engine, remove the exhaust manifold and discard
the gasket.
3. Remove 5 nuts fixing the intake manifold to the cylinder
head, remove the intake manifold and discard the

7. Clear the dirt in the spark plug gap, and remove the
spark plug from the cylinder head.

4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the E-PAS idler support to

cylinder head, and remove the idler and its support.

8. Compress the valve spring with the valve spring tool,

take away the locking plate and release the valve spring,
then remove the valve spring tool.

5. Remove 4 bolts fixing the exhaust manifold heat shield

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

9. Remove the valve spring, valve spring cover and valve.
Valve spring

Free Height 52.3 mm

Mounting Height 40.2 mm
Mounting Load 250N
Load with Valve Open 250N

3. Check the parameter of the valve, if it is unacceptable,

replace the valve.
10. Remove the valve oil seal and discard it.
1. Remove the carbon deposit on the valve guide, valve,
valve seat and combustion surface, and remove all loose
particles of the carbon deposit.
2. Check valve spring condition:

Standard Value
Valve head diameter (D)
Intake Valve 34.2±0.1mm
Exhaust Valve 28.3±0.1mm
Valve length (L)
Intake Valve 113.4-113.9mm
Exhaust Valve 116.29-116.79mm
Valve stem diameter (D)

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Standard Value
Intake Valve 5.475±0.0075mm
Exhaust Valve 5.455±0.0075mm
Valve seat angle (a)
Intake Valve 45°15′±15′
Exhaust Valve 45°15′±15′
Valve thickness (T)
Intake Valve 1.65±0.15mm
Exhaust Valve 1.75±0.15mm
4. Make sure that the tappet, valve, valve spring, spring 15. Fit the hydraulic tappet into the corresponding
cover and locking clamp are clean. mounting bore on the cylinder head, and lubricate it
5. Lubricate the valve and valve stem oil seal. with clean engine oil.
6. Fit the valve stem oil seal onto the valve guide with the 16. Ensure the roller rocker arm holder is secure, align the
oil seal tool. ball groove of the roller rocker arm with the plunger
7. Fit the valve, spring and spring cover, and fix the valve ball head of the hydraulic tappet, and gently press the
tool to the valve and compression spring, and fit the ball head into the ball groove.
locking plate.
8. Repeat the above steps to fit the remaining valves.
9. Fit new gasket to the exhaust manifold, secure the
exhaust manifold on the engine, fit 8 gaskets and new
nut with high temperature antiwelding agent, then
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown and check
the torque.

17. Fit the cylinder head.

Cylinder Head Gasket Refit


10. Fix the exhaust manifold heat shield to the exhaust

manifold, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm and check
the torque.
11. Fix the E-PAS idler support to the cylinder head, fit 3
bolts, tighten to 23–27Nm and check the torque.
12. Clean the mating surface of the intake manifold and
cylinder head and ensure there is no foreign material.
13. Fit the new intake manifold gaskets.
14. Fix the intake manifold to the cylinder head, fit 5 nuts,
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown, and
check the torque.

1.0 84

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Valve Hydraulic Tappet Assembly
1. Remove the camshaft.

Camshaft Remove
2. Remove rocker arm assembly of the valve actuator and
lay it aside in order.
3. Ensure the coaxiality of the rocker arm assembly and
the tip of the valve stem, and lubricate the rocker arm
roller with clean engine oil.
3. Remove valve hydraulic tappet assembly and lay it aside
in order.

4. Fit the camshaft.

Camshaft Refit
1. Fit the valve hydraulic tappet assembly into the
corresponding mounting bore on the cylinder head,
and lubricate it with clean engine oil.
2. Ensure the rocker arm assembly holder of the valve
actuator is secure, align the ball groove of the rocker
arm assembly of the valve actuator with the plunger ball
head of the hydraulic tappet, and gently press the ball
head into the ball groove.

1.0 85

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Camshaft Cover 17. Remove the mechanical vacuum pump.

Remove Mechanical Vacuum Pump Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
18. Remove 3 bolts (1) fixing the observation hole cover
2. Remove the engine cover. of the intake camshaft to the camshaft cover, remove
3. Remove 4 ball head bolts securing the engine cover. and discard the observation hole cover of the intake
4. Remove the dipstick. camshaft.

5. Drain the engine oil. 19. Remove 1 bolt and 1 nut (2) fixing the harness bracket
of the front oxygen sensor to the camshaft cover, and
Engine Oil Drain remove the harness bracket of the front oxygen sensor.
6. Drain the cooling system.

Coolant - Drain
7. Remove the oil-gas separator.

Oil-gas Separator Remove

8. Remove the full load breather pipe from the
turbocharger intake pipe.
9. Remove the high-pressure oil pump.

High-pressure Oil Pump Remove

10. Remove 1 bolt and 1 nut fixing the low-pressure fuel
pipe clamp to the camshaft cover, and take away the
low-pressure fuel pipe.
20. Remove all harness clips from the engine and take away
the harness.
21. Remove 1 nut (1) fixing the turbocharger inlet pipe
clamp to the stud of the camshaft cover.
22. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the turbocharger outlet pipe
clamp to the heat shield bracket of the cylinder head.
11. Remove the fuel rail.

Fuel Rail Remove

12. Remove overflow pipe A.

Overflow Pipe A Remove

13. Remove the ignition module.

Ignition Module Remove 23. Remove the timing chain cover.

14. Remove the cover of the CVVT. Timing Chain Cover Remove
CVVT Cover Remove 24. Remove the remaining 4 bolts fixing the heat shield of
15. Remove the turbocharger control solenoid valve. the cylinder head to the heat shield bracket and remove
the heat shield.
Turbocharger Control Solenoid Valve Remove
16. Remove the intake/exhaust camshaft position sensors.

Intake Camshaft Position Sensor Remove

Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Remove

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

25. Remove 2 bolts fixing the heat shield bracket of the Refit
cylinder head to the camshaft cover, and remove the 1. Clean the front cover, camshaft cover and mating face
heat shield bracket. of the cylinder head and ensure there is no foreign
2. If any locating pin is missing, fit a new one to the
cylinder head.
3. Apply engine oil to the camshaft journal evenly.
4. Apply sealant of 3mm wide to the camshaft cover (see
the figure).

26. Remove 35 bolts fixing the camshaft cover to the

cylinder head in the sequence shown, and remove the
camshaft cover.
5. Fix the upper guide rail to the camshaft cover, fit 2
bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
6. Secure the camshaft cover on the cylinder head with 3
locating pins, then fix the solenoid valve bracket of the
turbocharger to the camshaft cover and fit 2 bolts.
7. Fix the heat shield bracket of the cylinder head to the
camshaft cover, fit 2 bolts and the remaining 35 bolts,
then tighten to 9–11Nm in the sequence shown and
check the torque.
27. Remove 2 bolts fixing the upper guide rail of the timing
chain to the camshaft cover and remove the upper Caution: Mounting position of the 2 studs.
guide rail.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

17. Fit the turbocharger control solenoid valve.

Turbocharger Control Solenoid Valve Refit

18. Fit the cover of the CVVT.
CVVT Cover Refit
19. Fit the ignition module.

Ignition Module Refit

20. Fit overflow pipe A.

Overflow Pipe A Refit

21. Fit the fuel rail.
Fuel Rail Refit
8. Fix the heat shield of the cylinder head to the heat 22. Fit the high-pressure oil pump.
shield bracket, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm and
High-pressure Oil Pump Refit
check the torque.
23. Fix the low-pressure fuel pipe clamp to the camshaft
9. Fit the timing chain cover.
cover, fit 1 bolt and 1 nut, tighten to 9–11Nm, and
Timing Chain Cover Refit check the torque.
10. Fix the turbocharger outlet pipe clamp to the heat 24. Fit the full load vacuum pipe to the turbocharger intake
shield bracket of the cylinder head, fit 1 bolt, tighten to pipe.
8–12Nm and check the torque.
25. Fit the oil-gas separator.
11. Fix the turbocharger inlet pipe clamp to the stud of
the camshaft cover, fit 1 nut, tighten to 8–12Nm and Oil-gas Separator Refit
check the torque. 26. Fix all harness clips to the corresponding position of
12. Fix the oxygen sensor connector support to the the engine.
camshaft cover, fit 1 bolt and 1 nut, tighten to 8–12Nm, 27. Fit 4 ball head bolts securing the engine cover, tighten
and check the torque. to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
13. Apply glue to the observation hole cover of the intake 28. Refill engine oil.
camshaft according to the method shown. Engine Oil Refill
29. Fit the engine cover.
30. Insert the dipstick.
31. Connect the battery negative.

14. Fix the observation hole cover of the intake camshaft

to the camshaft cover, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 5–7Nm
and check the torque.
15. Fit the mechanical vacuum pump.
Mechanical Vacuum Pump Refit
16. Fit the intake/exhaust camshaft position sensors.
Intake Camshaft Position Sensor Refit
Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Refit

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Camshaft - Intake or Exhaust head.
Remove 6. Apply engine oil to the camshaft journal evenly.
1. Secure the vehicle on the lift. 7. Fit the camshaft cover.
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
Camshaft Cover Refit
3. Drain the engine oil.
8. Fit the intake/exhaust phase modulator.
Engine Oil Drain
Phase Modulator Refit
4. Remove the phase modulator.
9. Refill engine oil.
Phase Modulator Remove
Engine Oil Refill
5. Remove the camshaft cover.
10. Connect the battery negative.
Camshaft Cover Remove
6. Identify the position of each camshaft carefully, and
remove the camshaft from the camshaft seat.
1. Clean the camshaft.
2. Clean the bolt hole and pin of the camshaft cover.
3. Withe a micrometer, check the diameter of each
intake/exhaust camshaft journal, the journal diameter of
the 1st gear is Φ31.957-Φ31.972mm, of the 2-6 gear is

4. Blow the oil passage dry and lubricate the camshaft

bearing seat.
5. According to the camshaft thrust surface, put the
camshaft into the camshaft bearing seat on the cylinder

1.0 89

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Intake Manifold Gasket

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Remove the full load vacuum pipe from the
turbocharger intake pipe.
4. Remove the oil-gas separator.
Oil-gas Separator Remove
5. Remove the canister solenoid.

Canister Solenoid Remove

6. Disconnect the intake air temperature/manifold
absolute pressure sensors, and take away the harness. 10. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the intake pipe from
the throttle body.
7. Hold the red anti-looseness part to the right, until the
red anti-looseness part fits the right part, and remove 11. Disconnect the connector of the throttle.
the vacuum pipe (1).
8. Release the clamp and remove the two vacuum hose
(2) from the intake manifold.

12. Remove 1 bolt fixing the intake manifold bracket to

the intake manifold.

9. Remove the shield of the high-pressure oil pump.

1.0 90

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

check the torque.

13. Remove 5 nuts fixing the intake manifold to the cylinder
head, remove the intake manifold and discard the 5. Fix the intake manifold bracket to the intake manifold,
gasket. fit 1 bolt, tighten to 22–28Nm and check the torque.
6. Connect the connector of the throttle body.
7. Connect throttle intake pipe to the throttle body and
secure with clamps.
8. Fit the shield of the high-pressure oil pump.
9. Connect the two vacuum hoses to the intake manifold,
and fix it with clamps.
10. Insert the vacuum hose into the red anti-looseness
part, until the step surface of the vacuum hose fits into
the red anti-looseness part.
11. Connect the connector of the intake air temperature
and manifold absolute pressure, and reset the harness.
12. Fit the canister solenoid.
14. If necessary, remove 5 studs of the intake manifold.
Canister Solenoid Refit
13. Fit the oil-gas separator.

Oil-gas Separator Refit

14. Fit the full load vacuum pipe to the turbocharger intake
15. Fit the engine cover.
16. Connect the battery negative.

1. Clean the mating surface of the intake manifold and
cylinder head and ensure there is no foreign material.
2. Fit 5 new studs to the cylinder head, tighten to
9–11Nm and check the torque.
3. Fit the new intake manifold gaskets.
4. Fix the intake manifold to the cylinder head, fit 5 nuts,
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown, and

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Exhaust Manifold Gasket Refit

Remove 1. Clean the mating surface of the exhaust manifold and
1. Disconnect the battery negative. cylinder head.
2. Remove the turbocharger. 2. Apply high temperature antiwelding agent to the 8 studs
of the exhaust manifold, fit the stud to the cylinder
Turbocharger Remove
head, tighten to 13–17Nm and check the torque.
3. Remove 4 bolts fixing the exhaust manifold heat shield
3. Fit new gasket to the exhaust manifold, secure the
to the exhaust manifold to release the heat shield.
exhaust manifold on the engine, fit 8 gaskets and new
nut with high temperature antiwelding agent, then
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown and check
the torque.
Caution: The exhaust manifold gasket with black
coating faces the exhaust manifold.
4. Remove and discard 8 nuts fixing the exhaust manifold
to the engine.
4. Fix the exhaust manifold heat shield to the exhaust
manifold, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm and check
the torque.
5. Apply high temperature antiwelding agent to the stud -
turbocharger to exhaust manifold, fit the small flange of
the exhaust manifold, tighten to 8–12Nm and check
the torque.
6. Fit the turbocharger.
Turbocharger Refit
5. Remove the exhaust manifold and discard the gasket.
7. Connect the battery negative.
6. Remove the exhaust manifold stud from the cylinder
head and discard it.

1.0 92

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Oil Pump
1. Secure the vehicle on the lift.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove the oil strainer.

Oil Strainer Remove

4. Lock the oil pump sprocket with the TEN00126, and
remove 1 bolt fixing the oil pump sprocket to the oil
4. Release the oil pump chain tensioner, fit the oil pump
sprocket (the side with the timing identification shall
face outward) to the oil pump chain, and turn the oil
pump by hand and allow its D-hole to align with the
D-shaft of the oil pump, then release the oil pump chain
tensioner. After the operation, check if the chain is
properly pressed on the surface of the tensioner guide
plate (not the raised side edge).
5. With the TEN00126, lock the oil pump sprocket, fit
the oil pump sprocket bolt, tighten to 68–72Nm and
check the torque.
6. Fit the oil strainer.
5. Remove 4 bolts fixing the oil pump to the skirt rack,
and remove the oil pump and pipe connector - oil pump Oil Strainer Refit
to skirt rack. 7. Refill engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill

1. Clean the oil pump, pipe connector - oil pump to skirt
rack and mating face of the skirt rack, and ensure there
is no foreign material.
2. Fit new pipe connector, apply a little oil to the pipe
connector - oil pump to skirt rack, and fit it into the
oil inlet on the skirt rack.
3. Fix the oil pump to the skirt rack, fit 4 bolts, tighten
to 23–27Nm in the sequence shown, and check the

1.0 93

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Engine Oil and Oil Filter

1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Remove the oil filler cap.
3. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
4. Put the oil pan under the drain plug of the engine oil
pan, remove the drain plug and discard the seal washer. S1113561
Warning: Observe due care when draining engine oil as
10. Clean the oil filter housing in the engine cylinder block.
the oil can be very hot.
Warning: Avoid excessive skin contact with used engine
1. Fit a new oil filter and a new seal ring to the oil filter
oil. Used engine oil contains potentially harmful
contaminants which may cause skin cancer or other
serious skin disorders. 2. With an appropriate wrench, fit the oil filter and oil
filter cover, tighten the oil filter cover until it is properly
located, and the torque shall be less than 20–25Nm.
Caution: Excessive tightening of the oil filter
cover may damage the cover and cause oil leak.
Warning: Never use an open-end wrench on the top
hexagon head of the oil filter cover.
3. Refill engine oil.

4. Fit the oil filler cap.
5. Start and run the engine until the oil pressure warning
lamp goes out.
6. Stop the engine, and check the engine oil level.
5. Drain the engine oil.
7. Check for any signs of leakage.
6. Fit a new seal washer, fix the drain plug of the oil pan to
the oil pan, tighten to 20–25Nm and check the torque. 8. Fit the engine cover.
7. Protect the fuel line around the oil filter cover with a
clean cloth or equivalents.
8. Release the oil filter cover (1), and wait for few minutes
before removing it.

Warning: Never use an open-end wrench on the top

hexagon head of the oil filter cover.
9. Remove the oil filter (2) from the cover and discard it.

1.0 94

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Engine Oil Pressure Check Oil Strainer
Check Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Secure the vehicle on the lift.
2. Remove the oil pressure switch. 2. Drain the engine oil.
Oil Pressure Switch Remove Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove the seal ring from the oil pressure switch, and 3. Remove the oil pan.
fit it to the oil pressure gauge connector.
Oil Pan Remove
4. Fit and tighten the oil pressure gauge connector to the
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the oil strainer to the oil strainer
original oil pressure switch.
5. Connect the oil pressure gauge T10001 and T10002,
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the oil strainer bracket to the
and tighten the connector.
skirt rack, and remove the oil strainer bracket.
6. Check the engine oil, refill if necessary.
6. Remove 2 bolts fixing the oil strainer to the oil pump,
7. Connect the battery negative. and remove the oil strainer.
8. Start and run the engine until the oil temperature
achieves 85-100°C.
9. When the engine working condition achieves 1000
RPM, the reading of the oil pressure gauge is 200Kpa.
10. Stop the engine, and disconnect the battery negative.
11. Release the connector of the oil pressure gauge and
take away the pressure gauge to remove the connector.
12. Wipe off the spilled oil.
13. Fit the oil pressure switch.

Oil Pressure Switch Refit

14. Check and refill engine oil.
15. Connect the battery negative. Refit
1. Clean the oil strainer and oil pump inlet, and ensure
there is no foreign material.
2. Fix the oil strainer to the oil pump, fit 2 bolts, tighten
to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fix the oil strainer bracket to the skirt rack, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 13–17Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fit 1 bolt fixing the oil strainer to the oil strainer
bracket, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
5. Fit the oil pan.
Oil Pan Refit
6. Engine Oil

Engine Oil Refill

1.0 95

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Oil Pan 3. Fit the oil pan to the skirt rack with the TEN00127,
Remove fit 20 bolts and pre-tighten the bolt.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove the front exhaust pipe.
Front Exhaust Pipe Remove
4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the oil pan to the transmission.
4. Remove the oil pan locating tool (TEN00127).
5. Fit the other 2 bolts. Tighten all bolts to 8–12Nm in
the sequence shown and check the torque.

5. Unscrew 1 bolt fixing the air conditioning compressor

to the oil pan.
6. Remove 22 bolts fixing the oil pan to the engine skirt
rack, and note the mounting position of the two longest
6. Fit 1 bolt fixing the A/C compressor to the oil pan,
1. Clean the mating face between the engine skirt rack
tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
and the oil pan, and ensure there is no foreign material.
7. Fit 4 bolts fixing the oil pan to the transmission, tighten
2. Apply sealant (2.5mm in width) to the surface of the oil
them to 75–90Nm, and check the torque.
pan component according to the route shown.
8. Fit the front exhaust pipe.
Caution: Ensure the sealant applied is continuous,
and complete the assembly within 5 minutes after Front Exhaust Pipe Refit
application. 9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Refill engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill

1.0 96

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Lower Crankcase
1. Remove the engine and dual clutch automatic

Engine and Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission

2. Remove the engine timing chain.
Engine Timing Chain Remove
3. Remove the oil strainer.

Oil Strainer Remove

4. Remove the rear crankshaft oil seal.
9. Remove the crankshaft main bearing shell from the
Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Remove
lower crankcase, and arrange it in order.
5. Remove 16 bolts fixing the lower crankcase to cylinder
block in the sequence shown.
1. Clean the mating face between the cylinder block and
6. Remove the oil pump and pipe connector - oil pump
the lower crankcase, and ensure there is no foreign
to lower crankcase.
7. Remove 10 main bearing bolts in the sequence shown
2. Clean the oil circuit, water channel and ensure there is
and discard the bolt.
no foreign material.
3. Fit the crankshaft main bearing shell of the lower
crankcase to the skirt rack in the original sequence.
4. Apply fresh engine oil to the crankshaft main journal.
5. Manually press the oil return pipe into the lower
crankcase, when the exposed section is appr. 10mm,
tap with a rubber hammer until the end of the pipe
touches the bottom.
6. Apply sealant (3.5mm in width) evenly to the mating
face between the lower crankcase and the cylinder
block, see the figure.

8. Remove the lower crankcase, and remove the oil return

pipe from the lower crankcase.

1.0 97

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

skirt rack, and fit it into the oil inlet of the lower
11. Fix the oil pump to the lower crankcase, fit 4 bolts,
tighten to 23–27Nm in the sequence of 13–16, and
check the torque.
12. Fit the rear crankshaft oil seal.

Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Refit

13. Fit the oil strainer.
Oil Strainer Refit
14. Fit the engine timing chain.
Engine Timing Chain Refit
7. Align the locating pin and secure the lower crankcase 15. Fit the engine and dual clutch automatic transmission.
on the cylinder block.
Engine and Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
8. Fit new bolt to the main bearing, tighten to 35Nm
+90°+45° in the sequence shown, and check the
Caution: After application of the sealant, tighten
it to the specified torque within 15 minutes.

9. Fit 12 bolts fixing the lower crankcase to the cylinder

block, tighten to 23-27Nm in the sequence of 1-12
and check the torque.
Caution: After application of the sealant, tighten
it to the specified torque within 15 minutes.

10. Apply a little oil to the pipe connector - oil pump to

1.0 98

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Front Timing Cover
1. Secure the vehicle on a lift.
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Drain the engine coolant.

Coolant - Drain
4. Drain the engine oil.

Engine Oil Drain

5. Remove the auxiliary drive belt tensioner.

Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner Remove

6. Remove the front crankshaft oil seal.
12. Remove the engine suspension.
Front Crankshaft Oil Seal Remove
Engine Suspension Remove
7. Remove 2 bolts securing the thermostat housing
13. Fix the water pump pulley with the TEN00009.
14. Remove 4 bolts fixing the water pump pulley to the
8. Release the clip, and remove the fuel pipe from the fuel
water pump, and remove water pump pulley.
pipe bracket.
15. Secure the PAS pump idler with the TEN00009.
9. Remove 1 bolt fixing the fuel pipe bracket to the engine,
and remove the fuel pipe bracket.

16. Remove 3 bolts fixing the pulley to the PAS pump idler
assembly and remove the pulley.
10. Fit the TEN00120 to the two sides of the engine,
17. Remove 1 bolt fixing idler C to the cylinder block and
tighten the bolt to 22–28Nm and check the torque.
remove idler C.
18. Remove 4 bolts connecting the oil pan and the timing
chain cover.
19. Remove 23 M6 bolts, 2 M8 bolts, 3 M12 bolts and idler
A fixing the front timing cover to the engine in the
sequence of 7-29, 5-6, 4 and 1-3.

11. Fix the engine with the T10007 and TEN00070.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

3. Apply sealant (2.5mm in width) to the mating face of

the oil pan.
4. Align the two locating pin holes of the timing chain
cover with the two locating pins, and fit them to the
mating face between the engine skirt rack and the
cylinder head assembly.
5. Fit 23 M6 bolts, 2 M8 bolts, 3 M12 bolts and idler A.
20. Tap the rear to remove the front timing cover as per
the position and sequence shown.
6. Tighten 3 M12 bolts to 80–90Nm in the sequence of
1-3, and check the torque.
7. Tighten idler A to 32–38Nm in the sequence of 4, and
check the torque.
8. Tighten 2 M8 bolts to 23–27Nm in the sequence of
5-6, and check the torque.
9. Tighten 23 M6 bolts to 9-11Nm in the sequence of
Refit 7-29, and check the torque.

1. Clean the engine cylinder block, oil pan and mating 10. Fit 4 bolts connecting the oil pan and the front timing
face of the timing chain cover, and ensure there is no cover, tighten to 9-11Nm and check the torque.
foreign material. 11. Fix the idler C to the cylinder block, fit 1 bolt, tighten
2. Apply sealant (2.5mm in width) to the surface of the to 45–55Nm, and check the torque.
timing chain cover component according to the route 12. Fix the PAS pump pulley to the EPAS idler assembly, fit
shown. 3 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm and check the torque.
Caution: Ensure the sealant applied is continuous, 13. Secure the water pump pulley on the water pump, fit
and complete the assembly within 5 minutes after 4 bolts and tighten them to 7.5–10.4Nm, and check
application. the torque.
14. Fit the engine suspension.
Engine Suspension Refit
15. Remove the T10007 and TEN00070.
16. Remove the TEN00120.
17. Fix the fuel pipe bracket to the engine, fit 1 bolt, tighten
to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
18. Fit the fuel pipe clip into the fuel pipe bracket, and
ensure it is properly located.
19. Fit the thermostat housing bracket, tighten the 2 bolts
to 22-28Nm and check the torque.
20. Fit the front crankshaft oil seal.
Front Crankshaft Oil Seal Refit

1.0 100

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

21. Fit the auxiliary drive belt tensioner. Engine Timing Chain
Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner Refit
1. Secure the vehicle on a lift.
22. Refill engine oil.
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
Engine Oil Refill
3. Drain the engine oil.
23. Refill the engine coolant.
Engine Oil Drain
Coolant - Refill
4. Remove the auxiliary drive belt.
24. Connect the battery negative.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
5. Remove the timing chain cover.

Timing Chain Cover Remove

6. With an appropriate tool, lock the timing chain
tensioner, remove 2 bolts fixing the timing chain
tensioner to the cylinder block, and remove the timing
chain tensioner.

7. Remove the tensioner rail from the chain guide rail bolt.

8. Remove the chain guide rail and timing chain together.

1.0 101

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

15. Remove the bolt (1) of the oil pump chain tensioner.
16. Remove the oil pump chain tensioner.
17. Remove the bolt (2) of the oil pump chain tensioner.
9. Remove 2 bolts fixing the upper guide rail to the
cylinder head, and remove the upper guide rail.

18. Remove the oil pump chain.

10. Remove the phase modulator.
Phase Modulator Remove
11. Remove the mechanical vacuum pump. 19. Remove the oil pump sprocket.
Mechanical Vacuum Pump Remove 20. Remove the flat key - sprocket.
12. Remove 3 bolts (1) fixing the observation hole cover of Refit
the intake camshaft to the camshaft cover, and remove 1. Rotate the crankshaft and allow the crankshaft to be
the observation hole cover of the intake camshaft. located at 90° CA before the acting TDC of cylinder 1,
and secure the crankshaft with the TEN00122.
2. Turn the camshaft and fit the camshaft timing tool of the
TEN00124 into the tail groove of the intake/exhaust

13. Remove 3 bolts of the chain guide rail from the cylinder
head (cylinder block).
14. Remove the crankshaft timing sprocket.

1.0 102

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

3. Check the key slot and flat key of the crankshaft 20. Check the camshaft timing and the corresponding
assembly -sprocket, and ensure it is clean and free from reading according to the specification table.
burrs. 21. Remove TEN00122, TEN00124.
4. Press the flat key into the key slot until it touches the 22. Apply glue to the observation hole cover of the intake
bottom of the key slot, and then the top of the key shall camshaft according to the method shown.
be 2.5mm above the surface.
5. Fit the drive sprocket to the crankshaft.
6. Fit the oil pump chain.
7. Fix the bolt (2) of the oil pump chain tensioner to the
skirt rack, tighten to 20–24Nm and check the torque.
8. Fit the oil pump chain tensioner.
9. Pull the oil pump chain tensioner, fix the bolt (1) of the
oil pump chain tensioner to the skirt rack, tighten to
20–24Nm and check the torque.
10. Fit the intake/exhaust phase modulator.

Phase Modulator Refit

11. Fix the upper guide rail to the cylinder head, fit 2 bolts,
23. Fix the observation hole cover of the intake camshaft
tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
to the camshaft cover, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 5–7Nm
12. Fit the 3 bolts of the chain guide rail to the cylinder
and check the torque.
head, tighten to 20-24Nm and check the torque.
24. Fit the mechanical vacuum pump.
13. Fit the timing chain to crankshaft sprocket, then fit the
crankshaft sprocket into the front end of the crankshaft Mechanical Vacuum Pump Refit
(no need to push it to the end.). 25. Fit the timing chain cover.
14. Fit the timing chain and chain guide rail into the chain Timing Chain Cover Refit
guide rail bolt, and push them to the end.
26. Fit the auxiliary drive belt.
15. Fit the timing chain into the two phase modulators.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
16. Fit the tensioner rail into the chain guide rail bolt and
push it to the end. 27. Refill engine oil.

17. Fix the timing chain tensioner to the cylinder block, fit Engine Oil Refill
2 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque. 28. Connect the battery negative.
18. Adjust the timing chain and push the crankshaft 29. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS
sprocket to the end. and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
19. Pull out the pin securing the timing chain tensioner. 30. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
restart the vehicle .

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Damper Right Hydraulic Engine Suspension

Remove Remove
1. Secure the vehicle on the lift. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the auxiliary drive belt. 2. Remove the air filter assembly.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove Air Filter Assembly Remove
3. Secure the flywheel with the TEN00122 to restrict 3. Remove 2 bolts securing the thermostat housing
rotation of the crankshaft. bracket.
4. Remove the bolt securing the crankshaft torsional 4. Release the clip, and remove the fuel pipe from the fuel
vibration damper and discard the bolt and gasket. pipe bracket.
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the fuel pipe bracket to the engine,
and remove the fuel pipe bracket.
5. Remove the crankshaft torsional vibration damper.

Caution: When removing the crankshaft torsional

vibration damper, do not damage the lip of the 6. Fit the TEN00120 to the two sides of the engine,
front crankshaft oil seal. tighten the bolt to 22–28Nm and check the torque.

6. Remove the flat key from the crankshaft - torsional

vibration damper.
1. Check the flat key - crankshaft torsional vibration
damper and key slot of the crankshaft assembly, and
ensure it is clean and free from burrs.
2. Press the flat key into the key slot until it touches the
bottom of the key slot, and then the top of the key shall
be 2.5mm above the surface.
3. Note the mounting position of the crankshaft flat
key, align the hub groove of the crankshaft torsional
vibration damper with the crankshaft key, and carefully
fit the crankshaft torsional vibration damper to the 7. Fix the the power assembly with the T10007 and
front of the crankshaft. TEN00070.
4. Fit new bolt, tighten to 85Nm+90° and check the
5. Remove the TEN00122.
6. Fit the auxiliary drive belt.

Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit

1.0 104

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Air Filter Assembly Refit
10. Connect the battery negative.

8. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the engine suspension bracket
to the front wheel house panel and engine suspension.
9. Remove 3 bolts (2) fixing the engine suspension to the
10. Remove 2 bolts (3) fixing the engine suspension to
the front longitudinal beam and remove the engine

1. Fit the engine suspension to the front longitudinal beam,
fit 2 bolts, tighten to 90–110Nm and check the torque.
2. Fit the engine suspension to the engine, fit 3 bolts,
tighten to 50Nm+90° and check the torque.
3. Fix the engine suspension bracket to the front wheel
house panel and engine suspension, fit 2 bolts, tighten
to 55–65Nm and check the torque.
4. Remove the T10007 and TEN00070.
5. Remove the TEN00120 from the engine.
6. Fix the fuel pipe bracket to the engine, fit 1 bolt, tighten
to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fit the fuel pipe clip into the fuel pipe bracket, and
ensure it is properly located.
8. Fit the thermostat housing bracket, tighten the 2 bolts
to 22-28Nm and check the torque.
9. Fit the air filter assembly.

1.0 105

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Engine and Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission 15. Disconnect the engine ECM connector.
Remove 16. Disconnect the connector of the engine harness and
1. Secure the vehicle on the lift. body harness.
2. Remove the battery bracket. 17. Remove the engine harness ground.
Battery Bracket Remove 18. Loosen the clamp, disconnect the coolant hose from
3. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant. the thermostat housing, and take away the hose.

A/C Refrigerant Recovery

4. Drain the engine coolant.
Engine Coolant Drain
5. Drain the dual clutch automatic automatic transmission
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid Drain
6. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
7. Remove the air filter assembly.
Air Filter Assembly Remove
8. Remove overflow pipe A.
19. Remove 1 bolt fixing the oil cooler pipe clip to the
Overflow Pipe A Remove automatic transmission and remove the pipe clip.
9. Release the fuel pressure. 20. Remove the bolt connecting the oil cooler pipe to the
Fuel System Pressure Relief
automatic transmission, disconnect the pipe from the
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined automatic transmission and discard the seal ring.
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
10. Disconnect the fuel inlet hose from the low-pressure
21. Remove 2 bolts securing the thermostat housing
fuel pipe.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
22. Release the clip, and remove the fuel pipe from the fuel
pipe bracket.
11. Loosen the clamps, and disconnect the hose of the 23. Remove 1 bolt fixing the fuel pipe bracket to the engine,
activated carbon canister solenoid valve. and remove the fuel pipe bracket.
12. Loosen the clamps, and disconnect the throttle intake
pipe from the intercooler - intercooler hose (3).
13. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the intercooler inlet
pipe from the intercooler.
14. Disconnect the vacuum pipe from the vacuum pump.

24. Fit the TEN00120 to the two sides of the engine,

tighten the bolt to 22–28Nm and check the torque.

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

25. Fix the engine with the T10007 and TEN00070. 31. Place the shift lever in "P" gear.
26. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 32. Disconnect the cable ball joint at the transmission side
27. Disconnect the harness from the dual clutch automatic from the parking brake cable rocker arm.
transmission and take away the harness. 33. Release the C-clip from the parking cable bracket, and
28. Remove 2 nuts (3) fixing the air conditioning pipe to release the cable support.
the compressor and release the air conditioning pipe
from the compressor.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
34. Remove the front subframe.
Front Subframe Remove
35. Lower the vehicle.
36. Remove the right hydraulic engine suspension.
29. Release the clamp, and disconnect cooling hose from
Right Hydraulic Engine Suspension Remove
the oil filter module.
37. Remove 2 bolts and 1 nut fixing the transmission
30. Remove the nut, disconnect the battery wire from the
suspension to the transmission suspension bracket.
starter motor and remove the battery wire.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

38. Support the engine and dual clutch automatic 22. Connect the engine ECM connector.
transmission with the hydraulic bracket. 23. Connect the vacuum pipe of the mechanical vacuum
39. Remove the T10007 and TEN00070. pump.
40. Lift the vehicle, and remove the engine and dual clutch 24. Fit the intercooler inlet pipe to the intercooler, and fix
automatic transmission. it with clamps.
Refit 25. Fit the throttle intake pipe to the intercooler, and fix
1. Support the engine and dual clutch automatic it with clamps.
transmission with the hydraulic bracket. 26. Connect the fuel breather hose to the activated carbon
2. Lower the vehicle, with assistance, put the engine and canister solenoid valve and secure with clamps.
dual clutch automatic transmission on the mounting 27. Connect the fuel inlet pipe to the low-pressure fuel line.
position of the engine compartment. 28. Remove the TEN00120.
3. Fit the T10007 and TEN00070. 29. Fix the fuel pipe bracket to the engine, fit 1 bolt, tighten
4. Fix the transmission suspension to the transmission to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
suspension bracket, fit 2 bolts, tighten to , fit 1 nut, 30. Fit the fuel pipe clip into the fuel pipe bracket, and
tighten to 90–110Nm, and check the torque. ensure it is properly located.
5. Fit the right engine suspension. 31. Fit the thermostat housing bracket, tighten the 2 bolts
Right Hydraulic Engine Suspension Refit to 22-28Nm and check the torque.
6. Lift the vehicle and take away the hydraulic bracket. 32. Fit overflow pipe A.
7. Fit the front subframe. Overflow Pipe A Refit
Front Subframe Refit 33. Fit the air filter assembly.
8. Ensure that the shift lever is in "P" gear. Air Filter Assembly Refit
9. Turn the shift rocker arm to the "P" mark on the 34. Refill engine oil.
transmission housing, and ensure the shift rocker arm
Engine Oil Refill
is in "P" gear.
35. Refill the dual clutch automatic transmission fluid.
10. Fix the parking cable to the knob of the shift rocker
arm. Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid
11. Connect the battery wire to the starter motor. Refill
36. Refill the engine coolant.
12. Use a new O ring, connect the A/C pipe to the A/C
compressor, fit the nut, tighten to 19-25Nm and check Engine Coolant Refill
the torque.
37. Refill A/C refrigerant.
13. Connect the engine compartment harness to the
A/C Refrigerant Refill
connector of the dual clutch automatic transmission.
38. Fit the battery bracket.
14. Lower the vehicle.
15. Remove the T10007 and TEN00070. Battery Bracket Refit
16. Remove the plug, fit a new seal to the oil cooler pipe, 39. Lower the vehicle with the lift.
and apply clean automatic transmission fluid to it.
17. Secure the oil cooler pipe to the automatic
transmission, fit 1 bolt respectively, tighten them to
7–10Nm, and check the torque.
18. Secure the oil cooler pipe clip to the automatic
transmission, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check
the torque.
19. Connect the coolant hose to the thermostat housing,
and fix it with clamps.
20. Fit the engine harness ground.
21. Fit the connector of the engine harness and body

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Cylinder Gasket
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine cooling system.
Coolant - Drain
3. Drain the engine oil.

Engine Oil Drain

4. Remove the engine timing chain.

Engine Timing Chain Remove

5. Remove the intake/exhaust camshafts.
Intake/Exhaust Camshaft Remove 11. Disconnect the intake air temperature/manifold
6. Remove the turbocharger. absolute pressure sensors, and take away the harness.
Turbocharger Remove
7. Remove the canister solenoid.
Canister Solenoid Remove
8. Disconnect the connector of the electronic throttle.
12. Hold the red anti-looseness part to the right, until the
red anti-looseness part fits the right part, and remove
the vacuum pipe (1).
13. Release the clamp and remove the two vacuum hose
(2) from the intake manifold.
9. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the throttle intake
pipe from the throttle.

14. Remove 3 bolts fixing the E-PAS idler assembly support

to cylinder head, and remove the support and E-PAS
10. Remove 1 bolt fixing the intake manifold bracket to idler assembly.
the intake manifold. 15. Remove 2 bolts fixing the electronic water pump
bracket to the cylinder head, and remove the electronic
water pump and bracket.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

16. Support the bottom of the engine with a bracket. Refit
17. Remove the T10007 and TEN00070. 1. Clean the joint face of the cylinder head and cylinder
block and ensure it is free of foreign material.
2. Clean the passages of the engine oil and coolant.
3. Apply a thin oil film on the threads and the underside
of the new bolt head of the cylinder head.
4. Check the surface of the cylinder head for scratch.
5. Fit new cylinder gasket onto the cylinder block and
note the "UP" mark.
6. With assistance, fit the cylinder head to the cylinder
block and carefully align it with the locating pins.
7. Carefully fit the cylinder head bolts, do not apply much
force to plug it or drop it into the bolt holes, and
tighten the bolt by hands.
18. Remove and discard 10 bolts fixing the cylinder head to 8. Tighten cylinder head bolt to 45Nm+90°+90°
the cylinder block, and remove the cylinder head. progressively in the sequence shown and check the

19. Remove the cylinder head gasket from the cylinder

block and discard the gasket. 9. Fix the electronic water pump bracket to the cylinder
head, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the
10. Fix the E-PAS idler assembly support to the cylinder
head, fit 3 bolts, tighten to and check the torque.
11. Fix the intake manifold bracket to the intake manifold,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 22–28Nm and check the torque.

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

12. Connect throttle intake pipe to the throttle and secure Turbocharger
with clamps. Remove
13. Connect the electronic throttle connector. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
14. Connect the two vacuum hoses to the intake manifold, 2. Drain the cooling system.
and fix it with clamps.
Coolant - Drain
15. Insert the vacuum hose into the red anti-looseness
3. Drain the engine oil.
part, until the step surface of the vacuum hose fits into
the red anti-looseness part. Engine Oil Drain
16. Connect the connector of the intake air temperature 4. Remove the three-way catalytic converter assembly.
and manifold absolute pressure, and reset the harness. Three-way Catalytic Converter Remove
17. Fit the canister solenoid. 5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger bracket to
Canister Solenoid Refit the cylinder block and turbocharger, and remove the
18. Fix the engine with the T10007 and TEN00070. bracket.
19. Take away the bottom bracket. 6. Disconnect the pressure control hose (1), seal the
opening and ensure there is no foreign material in the
20. Fit the intake/exhaust camshafts.
Intake/Exhaust Camshaft Refit 7. Disconnect the connector (2) of the turbocharger.
21. Fit the engine timing chain. 8. Release the clamp, disconnect the turbocharger air
Engine Timing Chain Refit inlet hose from the turbocharger, seal the opening and
22. Refill engine oil. ensure there is no foreign material in the turbocharger.
9. Release the clamp, disconnect the intercooler air inlet
Engine Oil Refill
hose (4) from the turbocharger, seal the opening and
23. Refill the engine cooling system. ensure there is no foreign material in the turbocharger.
Coolant - Refill
24. Connect the battery negative.

10. Remove overflow pipe A.

Overflow Pipe A Remove

11. Remove the remaining 4 bolts fixing the heat shield of
the cylinder head to the heat shield bracket and remove
the heat shield.

1.0 111

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

16. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the turbocharger coolant/water

outlet pipe clamp to the heat shield bracket.
17. Release the clamp, disconnect the turbocharger water
return hard pipe and turbocharger water return hose
connector, and take away the turbocharger water
outlet pipe.
18. Remove and discard the hollow bolt (2) fixing the
turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger, and
take away and discard the two copper washers.
12. Remove and discard the hollow bolt fixing the
turbocharger coolant/water inlet pipe to the
turbocharger, and take away and discard the two
copper washers.

19. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the turbocharger oil inlet pipe
to the turbocharger oil return clamp, and take away the
turbocharger oil inlet pipe.
20. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the turbocharger oil return
pipe clamp to the exhaust manifold.
21. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
to the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger oil
13. Remove 1 nut (1) fixing the turbocharger coolant/water return pipe.
inlet pipe clamp to the stud of the camshaft cover. 22. Remove and discard 4 nuts fixing the turbocharger to
the exhaust manifold, remove the turbocharger and
discard the gasket.

14. Release the clamp, and disconnect the turbocharger

water inlet pipe from the electronic water pump outlet
pipe, and take away the turbocharger water inlet pipe. 23. Remove the 3 studs on the turbocharger.
15. Remove and discard the hollow bolt (1) fixing Refit
the turbocharger coolant/water outlet pipe to the 1. Apply high temperature antiwelding agent to the 3
turbocharger, and take away and discard the two new studs, fit the stud to the turbocharger, tighten to
copper washers. 8–12Nm and check the torque.

1.0 112

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

2. Use a new gasket, locate the turbocharger to the bolt, tighten to 40–45Nm, and check the torque.
exhaust manifold, fit the new nut with high temperature 21. Fit the three-way catalytic converter assembly.
antiwelding agent, tighten to 28–32Nm and check the
torque. Three-way Catalytic Converter Remove

3. Fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to the turbocharger, 22. Refill engine oil.
fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque. Engine Oil Refill
4. Fix the turbocharger oil return pipe bracket to the 23. Refill the cooling system.
exhaust manifold, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 22-28Nm, and
Coolant - Refill
check the torque.
24. Connect the battery negative.
5. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger
oil return pipe clamp, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm,
and check the torque.
6. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to
the turbocharger, fit 1 new hollow bolt, tighten to
18–22Nm, and check the torque.
7. Connect the turbocharger coolant/water outlet pipe to
the expansion tank outlet pipe, and fix it with clamps.
8. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger coolant/water
outlet pipe to the turbocharger, fit 1 new hollow bolt,
tighten to 35–40Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fix the turbocharger outlet pipe clamp to the heat
shield bracket of the cylinder head, fit 1 bolt, tighten to
8–12Nm and check the torque.
10. Connect the turbocharger coolant/water return hard
pipe to the turbocharger water return hose, and secure
with clamps.
11. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger coolant/water
inlet pipe to the turbocharger, fit 1 new hollow bolt,
tighten to 35–40Nm, and check the torque.
12. Fix the turbocharger inlet pipe clamp to the stud of
the camshaft cover, fit 1 nut, tighten to 8–12Nm and
check the torque.
13. Fix the heat shield of the cylinder head to the heat
shield bracket, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm and
check the torque.
14. Fit overflow pipe A.

Overflow Pipe A Refit

15. Connect the intercooler air inlet hose to the
turbocharger, and fix it with clamps.
16. Fit the turbocharger air inlet hose to the turbocharger,
and secure it with clamps.
17. Connect the turbocharger to the pressure control hose
at the exhaust gas port.
18. Connect the connector of the turbocharger.
19. Secure the turbocharger bracket on the cylinder body,
fit 1 bolt, tighten them to 50–60Nm, and check the
20. Fix the turbocharger bracket to the turbocharger, fit 1

1.0 113

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Turbocharger Coolant Outlet Pipe

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine coolant.
Coolant - Drain
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
7. Remove 1 nut (1) fixing the turbocharger coolant/water
inlet pipe clamp to the stud of the camshaft cover.

4. Remove overflow pipe A.

Overflow Pipe A Remove
5. Remove the remaining 4 bolts fixing the heat shield of
the cylinder head to the heat shield bracket and remove
the heat shield.
8. Release the clamp, and disconnect the turbocharger
water inlet pipe from the electronic water pump outlet
pipe, and take away the turbocharger water inlet pipe.
9. Remove and discard the hollow bolt fixing the
turbocharger coolant/water outlet pipe to the
turbocharger, and take away and discard the two
copper washers.

6. Remove and discard the hollow bolt fixing the

turbocharger coolant/water inlet pipe to the
turbocharger, and take away and discard the two
copper washers.

10. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the turbocharger coolant/water

outlet pipe clamp to the heat shield bracket of the
cylinder head.
11. Release the clamp, disconnect the turbocharger water

1.0 114

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

return hard pipe and turbocharger water return hose Turbocharger Coolant Inlet Pipe
connector, and take away the turbocharger water Remove
outlet pipe. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
Refit 2. Remove the engine cover.
1. Connect the turbocharger coolant/water return hard 3. Drain the engine coolant.
pipe to the turbocharger water return hose, and secure
with clamps. Coolant - Drain

2. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger coolant/water 4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
outlet pipe to the turbocharger, fit 1 new hollow bolt, the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
tighten to 35–40Nm, and check the torque. shield.

3. Fix the turbocharger outlet pipe clamp to the heat

shield bracket of the cylinder head, fit 1 bolt, tighten to
8–12Nm and check the torque.
4. Connect the turbocharger water inlet pipe to the
electronic water pump outlet pipe, and fix it with
5. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger coolant/water
inlet pipe to the turbocharger, fit 1 new hollow bolt,
tighten to 35–40Nm, and check the torque.
6. Fix the turbocharger inlet pipe clamp to the stud of
the camshaft cover, fit 1 nut, tighten to 8–12Nm and
check the torque.
7. Fix the heat shield of the cylinder head to the heat 5. Remove overflow pipe A.
shield bracket, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm and Overflow Pipe A Remove
check the torque.
6. Remove the remaining 4 bolts fixing the heat shield of
8. Fit overflow pipe A. the cylinder head to the heat shield bracket and remove
Overflow Pipe A Refit the heat shield.
9. Fix the turbocharger heat shield to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
10. Refill the engine coolant.

Coolant - Refill
11. Connect the battery negative.

7. Remove and discard the hollow bolt fixing the

turbocharger coolant/water inlet pipe to the
turbocharger, and take away and discard the two
copper washers.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Coolant - Refill
8. Fit the engine cover.
9. Connect the battery negative.
8. Remove 1 nut (1) fixing the turbocharger coolant/water
inlet pipe clamp to the stud of the camshaft cover, and
take away turbocharger water inlet pipe.

9. Release the clamp, and disconnect the turbocharger

water inlet pipe from the electronic pump outlet pipe.
10. Remove the turbocharger water inlet pipe.
1. Connect the turbocharger water inlet pipe to the
electronic water pump outlet pipe, and fix it with
2. Fix the turbocharger water inlet pipe to the
turbocharger, fit 2 new copper washers and 1 hollow
bolt, tighten to 35–40Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fix the turbocharger inlet pipe clamp to the stud of
the camshaft cover, fit 1 nut, tighten to 8–12Nm and
check the torque.
4. Fix the heat shield of the cylinder head to the heat
shield bracket, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm and
check the torque.
5. Fit overflow pipe A.

Overflow Pipe A Refit

6. Fix the turbocharger heat shield to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
7. Refill the engine coolant.

1.0 116

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
8. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
to the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger oil
return pipe.
1. Fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to the turbocharger,
fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
2. Secure the turbocharger oil return pipe on the cylinder
block, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger bracket to
3. Fix the turbocharger oil return pipe clamp to the
the cylinder block and turbocharger, and remove the
exhaust manifold, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 22-28Nm, and
check the torque.
4. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger
oil return pipe clamp, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm,
and check the torque.
5. Secure the turbocharger bracket on the cylinder body,
fit 1 bolt, tighten them to 50–60Nm, and check the
6. Fix the turbocharger bracket to the turbocharger, fit 1
bolt, tighten to 40–45Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fix the turbocharger heat shield to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
8. Refill engine oil.

5. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the turbocharger oil return Engine Oil Refill
pipe clamp to the exhaust manifold. 9. Connect the battery negative.
6. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the turbocharger oil inlet pipe
to the turbocharger oil return pipe clamp.
7. Remove 2 bolt (3) fixing the turbocharger oil return
pipe to the cylinder block.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Turbocharger Air Intake Hose Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the full load breather pipe and turbocharger 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
vacuum pipe (1) from the turbocharger air inlet hose. 2. Drain the engine oil.
2. Release the clamp, disconnect the turbocharger air inlet
Engine Oil Refill
hose (2) from the turbocharger, seal the opening and
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
ensure there is no foreign material in the turbocharger.
the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
3. Release the clamp, disconnect the turbocharger air inlet
hose (3) from the air flow meter, and seal the opening
and ensure there is no foreign material.

4. Remove the alternator.

Refit Alternator Remove

1. Fit the turbocharger air inlet hose to the air flow meter, 5. Remove and discard the hollow bolt (2) fixing the
and secure with clamps. turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger, and
take away and discard the two copper washers.
2. Fit the turbocharger air inlet hose to the turbocharger,
and secure it with clamps.
3. Connect the full load breather pipe and vacuum pipe to
the turbocharger air inlet hose.

6. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the turbocharger oil inlet pipe

to the turbocharger oil return pipe clamp, and take
away the turbocharger oil inlet pipe.
7. Remove 1 bolt (4) fixing the turbocharger oil inlet pipe
to the cylinder block.
8. Remove and discard the hollow bolt (5) fixing the
turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger, and
take away and discard the two copper washers.

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Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Electronic Throttle Intake Pipe
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Remove the battery box.
Battery Remove
4. Remove the intake air temperature/manifold absolute
pressure sensor.
Intake Air Temperature/Manifold Absolute
Pressure Sensor Remove
5. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the throttle intake pipe to the
9. Remove the turbocharger oil inlet pipe.
6. Release the clamp, disconnect the throttle intake pipe
(intercooler hose) (2) from the throttle hard intake
1. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to pipe.
the cylinder block, fit 1 new hollow bolt, tighten to
7. Release the clamp, disconnect the throttle intake pipe
18–22Nm, and check the torque.
(intercooler hose) (3) from the intercooler to remove
2. Secure the turbocharger oil inlet pipe on the cylinder the throttle intake pipe (intercooler hose).
block, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 18–22Nm, and check the
8. Release the clamp, disconnect the throttle intake pipe
(engine hose) (4) from the throttle hard intake pipe to
3. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger remove the throttle hard intake pipe.
oil return pipe clamp, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm,
9. Release the clamp, disconnect the throttle intake pipe
and check the torque.
(engine hose) (5) from the throttle to remove the
4. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to throttle intake pipe (engine hose).
the turbocharger, fit 1 new hollow bolt, tighten to
18–22Nm, and check the torque.
1. Connect the throttle intake pipe (throttle hose) to the
5. Fit the alternator.
throttle, make sure the rubber hose port is pushed to
Alternator Refit the bottom of the throttle, and secure with clamps. Fit
the clamp into the round rubber groove and tighten
6. Fix the turbocharger heat shield to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm, and check the torque. to 5.5Nm.

7. Refill engine oil. Tip: If it is improperly fitted, it may drop.

2. Connect the throttle intake pipe (engine hose) to the
Engine Oil Refill
throttle hard intake pipe and secure with clamps.
8. Connect the battery negative.
3. Connect the throttle intake pipe (intercooler hose) to
the throttle hard intake pipe and secure with clamps.
4. Connect the throttle intake pipe (intercooler hose)
to the intercooler, secure with clamps and tighten to
5. Fix the throttle air inlet pipe to the bracket, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
6. Fit the intake air temperature/manifold absolute
pressure sensor.
Intake Air Temperature/Manifold Absolute
Pressure Sensor Refit
7. Fit the battery box.
Battery Refit
8. Fit the engine cover.
9. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 119

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Intercooler Air Inlet Hose Oil Filter Module

Remove Remove
1. Release the clamp, disconnect the intercooler air inlet 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
hose (4) from the turbocharger, seal the opening and 2. Drain the engine coolant.
ensure there is no foreign material in the turbocharger.
Coolant - Drain
3. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
4. Remove the right front drive shaft.
Right Front Drive Shaft Remove
5. Disconnect the connector (1) of the engine oil pressure
6. Disconnect the clutch water pump connector (2).
7. Remove the ground wire (3).
2. Remove the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Remove

3. Release the clamp, and disconnect the intercooler
air inlet hose from the intercooler to remove the
intercooler air inlet hose.
1. Fit the intercooler air inlet hose to the intercooler, and
fix it with clamps.
2. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit 8. Release the clamp, and disconnect hose from the oil
filter module.
3. Connect the intercooler air inlet hose to the
turbocharger, and fix it with clamps. 9. Remove 1 bolt fixing the water pump inlet pipe to the
cylinder block.
10. Remove 1 bolt fixing the water pump inlet pipe to the
oil filter module, disconnect the water pump inlet pipe
and discard the seal ring.

11. Remove 4 bolts fixing the oil filter module to the

cylinder block, remove the oil filter module and discard
the gasket.

1.0 120

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

1. Clean the mating surface between the cylinder block
and the oil filter module, ensure it is clean and smooth.
2. Fit a new gasket, fix the oil filter module to the cylinder
block, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 22-28Nm, and check the
3. Fit a new O ring to the water pump inlet pipe, apply
sealant to it, fit the water pump inlet pipe to the oil
filter module, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8–12Nm and check
the torque.
4. Secure the water pump inlet pipe on the cylinder block,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8–12Nm, and check the torque.
5. Connect the hose to the oil filter module and secure
with clamps.
6. Fit the ground wire.
7. Connect the oil pressure switch connector.
8. Connect the clutch water pump connector.
9. Fit the right front drive shaft.

Right Front Drive Shaft Refit

10. Refill engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill
11. Refill the engine coolant.

Coolant - Refill
12. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 121

Engine Engine mechanical system-2.0T

Special Tools Tool Description Picture

Tool Description Picture Number

Crankshaft locking tool
holding tool
Retainer oil
Connecting rod TEN00126
pump gear
TEN00130 bearing centring

Engine oil
T10001 pressure test
Piston ring equipment
Protector Adaptor engine
sleeve oil pressure test
crankshaft rear
oil seal

Oil pan locating

Replacer TEN00127
TEN00129 crankshaft front
oil seal

1.0 122

Engine mechanical system-2.0T Engine

Tool Description Picture

Lifting lug
Engine lift

TEN00070 Engine support

Retainer belt

Camshaft timing
locking tool

1.0 123

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine mechanical system-1.5T


Description Value
Bolt - transmission bracket to transmission bracket 50Nm+45°
Bolt -tie bar lower to tie bar lower bracket 90-110Nm
Bolt - A/C hose to compressor 19–25Nm
Bolt -battery bracket to body 40-50Nm
Bolt - transmission bracket to transmission bracket (45-55)Nm+(40-50)°
Nut - transmission bracket to transmission bracket
Bolt - engine bracket to engine 58-62Nm
Nut- engine mounting to engine bracket 90-110Nm
Bolt- engine bracket to engine bracket 90-110Nm
Bolt - engine mounting to carling 90-110Nm
Bolt - engine mounting to body 55-65Nm
Bolt - flywheel to crankshaft 30Nm + 70°
plug -cylinder head channel 53-67Nm
Bolt - cylinder head to cylinder block 30Nm+240°
plug -cylinder block channel 53-67Nm
plug - oil cylinder block 45-55Nm
Bolt- cooling jets to crankcase 8-12Nm
Bolt - knock sensor 15-25Nm
plug - oil press sensor 31-39Nm
Bolt - connecting rod 25Nm+75°
Bolt - oil deflector to lower crankcase 8-12Nm
Bolt -Oil Separator Drain Pipe to lower crankcase 8-12Nm
Bolt - main bearing cap to cylinder block 15Nm+ ( 176-184 ) °
Bolt - lower crankcase to cylinder block 8-12Nm
Bolt - crank sensor 8-12Nm
Bolt - A/C Compressor to engine 19–25Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet oil tube to crankcase 8-12Nm
Bolt - upper oil pan to lower crankcase 9-11Nm
Bolt - wiring harness connector to upper oil pan 8-12Nm
Bolt - lower oil pan to upper oil pan 9-11Nm
Bolt - engine to transmission 49–67Nm
Bolt - camshaft cover to cylinder head 14-16Nm
Bolt - PCV valves to camshaft cover 8-12Nm
Bolt - PCV valves to turbocharger connector 8-10Nm
Bolt -high pressure tube bracket to camshaft cover 8-12Nm
Bolt - torsion vibration damper to crankshaft 100Nm+(176-184)°
Bolt - front cover to cylinder block 14-16Nm
Bolt - front cover to cylinder block 51-65Nm
Bolt - upper oil pan to front cover 8-12Nm

1.0 124

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Description Value
Bolt - fixed guide to cylinder block 8-12Nm
Bolt - pivot guide to cylinder block 21-29Nm
Bolt - chain guide rail upper to camshaft cover 8-12Nm
Bolt - VVT unit to camshaft 20Nm+90°
Bolt - timing chain tensioner to cylinder block 21-29Nm
Bolt- oil pump to lower crankcase 9-11Nm
Bolt- oil pump tensioner to lower crankcase 8-12Nm
Bolt- camshaft bearing cap to cylinder head 10-14Nm
Bolt - intake manifold to cylinder head 8-12Nm
Bolt - TMAP to inlet manifold 4-5Nm
Bolt -oil pick pipe to oil pump 8-12Nm
Bolt - mechanical vacuum pump to cylinder head 21-29Nm
Bolt-hose CAC to engine 7–10Nm
Nut - turbocharger to cylinder head 21-29Nm
Bolt - turbocharger outlet oil tube to turbocharger 9-11Nm
Bolt- turbocharger inlet pipe to turbocharger 31-39Nm
Bolt - turbocharger inlet oil tube to turbocharger 18-22Nm
Bolt -turbocharger heat shield to turbocharger 10-12Nm
Bolt- turbocharger outlet pipe to camshaft cover 8-12Nm
Bolt- turbocharger outlet pipe to turbocharger 31-39Nm
Bolt - outlet assembly to engine 10–14Nm
Bolt- oil cooler assembly to water pump 8-12Nm
Bolt - water pump to cylinder block 22-28Nm
Oil filter 26-34Nm

1.0 125

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Description Value
Plug - oil pan drain 21-29Nm

1.5T main block
Model 1.5 turbocharger gasoline engine, with 16 valves, dual overhead
camshaft, variable intake cam timing
Cylinder arrangement 4-cylinder, in-line
Cylinder Bore Diameter: Φ74mm
Stroke 86.6mm
Displacement 1.490 L
Compression Ratio 10.0:1
Ignition Sequence 1-3-4-2
Direction of rotation Clockwise when viewed from engine front end
Rated Power 124kW/5600 rpm (RON91)
Maximum torque 250Nm/1700 rpm–4400rpm
Idle speed 680 rpm
Max Speed of Engine 6600 rpm
Weight (excluding engine oil, PAS, A/C, clutch assembly) 116kg (excluding engine oil, A/C, clutch assembly, DIN
standard target weight)
Spark Plug Gap 0.60-0.70mm

1.5T Cylinder block

Cylinder block
Cylinder block material Aluminum alloy
Type of cylinder liner Pre-cast mushroom head cylinder liner
Cylinder liner diameter Primary: Φ74±0.008mm

Other: Φ74±0.011mm
Cylinder Hole Out-of-roundness 0.013mm
Surface flatness - Top surface of cylinder block - Up to 25mm 0.025mm
in length
Surface flatness - Top surface of cylinder block - Up to 150mm 0.05mm
in length

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

1.5T Crankshaft
Connection Rod Journal Diameter Φ44±0.008mm
Crankshaft Axial Gap 0.15-0.38mm
Primary: Φ51.875±0.007mm
Crankshaft Main Bearing Bore Diameter
Other: Φ51.875±0.011mm
Crankshaft Main Bearing Gap #1 Bearing 0.011-0.070mm
Crankshaft Main Bearing Gap #2, 3, 4 and 5 Bearings 0.012-0.067mm

Crankshaft Main Bearing Journal Diameter Φ47±0.008mm

Crankshaft Main Bearing Journal Roundness 0.005mm
Runout of Main Journals 2, 3 and 4 about Main Journals 1, 5 0.035mm
Quantity of Main Bearing Shell 5 Pieces Each Up and Down
Oil hole and oil groove are formed in the upper main bearing
shell, wherein the upper main bearing 1 shell has coating, and
Type the upper main bearing 4 shell is a flanged bearing shell with
thrust plate. The other three bearing shells are consistent in

Thrust washer There is no single thrust plate, machined into a whole with the
upper main bearing 4 shell to form the flanged bearing shell.
Thrust washer thickness 1.7275-1.7775mm

1.5T Cylinder Gasket

Cylinder head

Material Aluminum alloy

Cylinder Head Height: 130.35±0.125mm
flatness 0.1mm
Valve seat angle - Pressure relief surface Exhaust 50°, intake 56°
Valve seat angle - Base surface 90°
Valve seat angle - Bottom section 120°
Cylinder Hole Taper 0
Type of Hydraulic Tappet Mechanical tappet, directly driven by camshaft
Hydraulic tappet outer diameter Φ11.993±0.007mm

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

1.5T Camshaft
Type Double overhead assembled camshaft
Bearing 6nd bearing
Drive Timing Chain Drive
Camshaft Journal Diameter-journals1 Φ30.935-Φ30.960mm
Camshaft Journal Diameter-journals2-6 Φ23.935-Φ23.960mm
Camshaft Thrust Width 33.175-33.525mm
Camshaft Axial Clearance 0.40-0.66mm
Camshaft Journal Clearance 0.040-0.085mm

1.0 128

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

1.5T Piston connecting rod

Piston and pin

Piston pin gap- connecting hole 0.007-0.020mm
Piston pin gap- piston pin hole 0.002-0.010mm
Piston Pin Diameter Φ17.997-Φ18.000mm
Piston Pin End Clearance 0.18-0.79mm
Piston Diameter (at a point 38mm below the top of the piston) Φ73.957-Φ73.971mm
Piston and cylinder fit clearance 0.021-0.051mm
Piston pin hole diameter Φ18.002-Φ18.010mm
Piston ring groove width - Top surface 1.23-1.25mm
Piston ring groove width - Secondary surface 1.23-1.25mm
Piston ring groove width - Oil control surface 2.03-2.05mm
Piston Ring
Type Two compression rings and one oil ring
Top compression ring Steel tape ring, 1.2 (–0.03,–0.01) mm in height
Second compression ring Cast iron ring, 1.2 (–0.03,–0.01) mm in height
Oil ring Three-plate oil ring, 1.92±0.07mm in height
Tolerance between piston ring and ring groove:

Top compression ring 0.03-0.08mm

Second compression ring 0.03-0.07mm

Oil ring 0.050-0.190mm

Piston ring gap clearance:
Top compression ring 0.25-0.4mm

Second compression ring 0.40-0.60mm

Oil ring 0.25-0.75mm

Connecting rod
Clearance between connecting rod bearing and crankshaft pin 0.013-0.068mm
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter - Bearing End Φ47.186-Φ47.202mm
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter - Piston Pin End (with a Φ19.007-Φ19.017mm
Connection Rod Backlash 0.090-0.350mm

1.5T Lubrication

Lubrication system
Type of oil pump Vane type oil pump
Oil Filter Full-flow
Engine Oil Pressure 200-480 kPa
Oil Volume 5.5 L

1.0 129

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

1.5T Valve Timing

Valve timing
Intake valve:



Max lift 8.5

Exhaust valve:



Max lift 8.3
Clearance between valve stem and valve guide:
Intake Valve 0.025-0.065mm

Exhaust Valve 0.035-0.075mm

Valve stem fit height:

New Intake Valve 104.64±0.13mm

New Exhaust Valve 103.67±0.13mm
Intake Valve Head Diameter
Intake Valve Φ28±0.13mm

Exhaust Valve Φ23.3±0.13mm

Valve thickness:
Intake Valve 1.79±0.18mm

Exhaust Valve 1.97±0.18mm

Valve Seat Roundness 0.015mm
Intake Valve Length 104.64±0.13mm
Exhaust Valve Length 103.67±0.13mm
The distance (a) from the valve seal lip to the bottom of the 16.9mm
spring seat
Valves Stem diameter (Intake valves) Φ4.965±0.01mm

Valves Stem diameter (Exhaust valves) Φ4.955±0.01mm

Valve Surface Angle -Intake Valves & Exhaust Valves 46°±0.25°
Valve Spring:

Free length: 45.8mm

Mounting length 35mm

Assembly load 235N

Intake Valve Open Load 425N

Exhaust Valve Open Load 425N

1.0 130

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Description and Operation
System Layout
SGE-1.5T Engine Layout

1. 1.5T Engine

1.0 131

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE-1.5T Cylinder Block Disassembled View


1. Piston Ring 11. Lower crankcase Locating Pin

2. Connecting Rod Bearing Shell 12. Cylinder Block Water Jacket Plug
3. Bolt - Engine Connecting Rod 13. Engine Cylinder Block Oil Passage Hole Plug
4. Crankshaft Bearing Assembly 14. Crankshaft Assembly
5. Piston Cooling Nozzle Assembly 15. Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Shock Absorber Button
6. Bolt - Lower Crankcase 16. Piston Assembly (with Pin)
7. Bolt - Main Bearing Cover 17. Piston Pin Retaining Ring
8. Cylinder Block Assembly 18. Connecting rod assembly
9. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal 19. Screw - Piston Cooling Nozzle
10. Engine Cylinder Block Core Hole Plug 20. Washer - Piston Cooling Nozzle

1.0 132

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

21. Locating Pin - Transaxle 22. Crankshaft Signal Wheel


1.0 133

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE-1.5T Camshaft Cover Disassembled View


1. Camshaft Cover Assembly 7. Bolt - Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve

2. Bolt - Camshaft Cover 8. Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve Assembly
3. Stud - Camshaft Cover 9. Fixing Sleeve - Camshaft Cover Bolt
4. Locating Pin - Camshaft Cover 10. Bolt - Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve
5. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Assembly 11. Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve Assembly
6. O-ring - Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve 12. Fixing Sleeve - Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve

1.0 134

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

13. Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve 19. Camshaft Cover Gasket
14. Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve 20. Camshaft Cover Gasket
15. Oil Seal - Crankcase Pressure Regulating Valve 21. Gasket - Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve
16. Engine Vacuum Pump Oil Seal 22. Camshaft Position Sensor
17. Oil Filler Cap Assembly 23. Screw - Camshaft Position Sensor
18. Oil Filler Cap Seal Ring 24. Stub - Camshaft Cover

1.0 135

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE-1.5T Cylinder Head Disassembled View


1. Engine Cylinder Head Assembly 8. Cylinder Head Plug

2. Camshaft Cover Check Valve 9. Exhaust Valve
3. Cylinder Head Oil Passage Plug 10. Intake Valve
4. Bolt - Camshaft Bearing Cover 11. Valve Spring Cap
5. Cylinder Head Plug 12. Valve Lock Clip
6. Cylinder Head Oil Passage Plug 13. Valve Spring
7. Cylinder Head Water Jacket Plug 14. Valve Stem Oil Seal

1.0 136

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

15. Valve Stem Oil Seal 22. Screw - Front Engine Hoisting Bracket
16. Exhaust Camshaft Assembly 23. Engine Rocker Assembly
17. Intake Camshaft Assembly 24. Valve Tappet Assembly
18. Front Engine Hoisting Bracket 25. Cylinder Head Gasket
19. Rear Engine Hoisting Bracket 26. Cylinder Head Bolt
20. Rear Engine Hoisting Bracket 27. Cylinder Head Locating Pin
21. Screw - Rear Engine Hoisting Bracket

1.0 137

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SEG-1.5T Engine Oil Pump and Oil Filter

Disassembled View


1. Oil Pump Assembly 7. Oil Pump Gasket

2. Oil Control Valve 8. Oil Pump Gasket
3. Bolt - Oil Pump 9. Fixing Sleeve - Oil Pump Bolt
4. Gasket - Oil Pump Suction Pipe 10. Locating Pin - Oil Pump
5. Sprocket - Oil Pump 11. Bolt - Oil Pump Suction Pipe
6. Bolt - Oil Pump Sprocket 12. Retainer - Oil Pump Flow Control Valve

1.0 138

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

13. Oil Filter Assembly 14. Bolt - Oil Filter


1.0 139

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE1.5T Oil Pan Disassembled View


1. Oil Level Indicator Assembly 12. Fixing Sleeve - Oil Pan Bolt
2. O-ring - Engine Oil Scale 13. Oil Pan Assembly
3. Lower Crankcase Oil Baffle Assembly 14. Bolt - Oil Pan
4. Bolt - Lower Crankcase Oil Baffle 15. Oil Pan Drain Plug Assembly
5. Fixing Sleeve - Crankcase Oil Return Pipe Bolt 16. O-ring - Oil Pan Drain Plug
6. Oil Pan Assembly 17. Crankcase Oil Return Pipe Assembly
7. Oil Control Valve Harness Assembly 18. Bolt - Crankcase Oil Return Pipe
8. Locating Pin - Oil Pan 19. O-ring - Crankcase Oil Return Pipe
9. Bolt - Oil Pan 20. Bolt - Engine Harness
10. Bolt - Oil Pan 21. Fixing Sleeve - Lower Crankcase Oil Baffle Bolt
11. Bolt - Oil Pan 22. Sleeve - Lower Crankcase Oil Baffle Bolt

1.0 140

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

SGE1.5T Timing Chain System Disassembled View


1. Timing Chain Assembly 11. Washer - Timing Tensioner

2. Timing Chain Guide Rail 12. Crankshaft Sprocket
3. Bolt - Timing Chain Guide Rail 13. Stub - Timing Chain Cover
4. Timing Chain Guide Rail 14. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
5. Bolt - Timing Chain Guide Rail 15. Locating pin - Timing Chain Cover
6. Timing Chain Guide Rail 16. Bolt - Timing Chain Cover
7. Bolt - Timing Chain Guide Rail 17. Bolt - Timing Chain Cover
8. Timing Chain Tensioner Assembly 18. Plug - Timing Chain Cover Hole
9. Bolt - Timing Chain Tensioner 19. Timing Chain Cover
10. Fixing Sleeve - Timing Chain Tensioner Bolt 20. Bolt - Timing Chain Cover

1.0 141

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

21. Oil Pump Chain Tensioner 26. Bolt - Phase Modulator

22. Crankshaft Torsional Vibration Shock Absorber 27. Fixing Sleeve - Timing Chain Cover Bolt
23. Bolt - Crankshaft Sensor 28. Bolt - Oil Pump Chain Tensioner
24. Timing Chain Fuel Injector Assembly 29. Chain - Oil Pump
25. Fixing Sleeve - Timing Chain Track Bolt 30. Camshaft Position Actuator Assembly

1.0 142

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

SGE-1.5T Intake Manifold Disassembled View


1. Intake Manifold Assembly 5. Intake Manifold Gasket

2. Pipeline Assembly - Canister Solenoid to Manifold 6. Canister Solenoid Assembly
3. Bolt - Intake Manifold 7. Intake Manifold Cover Assembly
4. Bolt - Intake Manifold 8. Clip - Intake Manifold Noise Enclosure

1.0 143

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE-1.5T Turbocharger Disassembled View


1. Turbocharger Assembly 6. Tube - Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass Valve

2. Liner - Turbocharger to Turbocharger Outlet

3. Hose - Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass Valve 7. Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass Valve
to Release Valve Actuator 8. Bolt - Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass Valve
4. Pipe Clamp - Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass 9. Gasket - Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass
Valve Tube Valve
5. Tube - Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass Valve 10. Bolt - Turbocharger Relief Valve
to Turbocharger Inlet 11. Turbocharger Relief Valve

1.0 144

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

12. Nut - Turbocharger Release Valve Actuator 28. Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe Assembly
13. Crankcase Vent Pipe Joint Assembly 29. Gasket - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe
14. O-ring - Crankcase Vent Pipe Joint 30. Bolt - Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe
15. Bolt - Crankcase Vent Pipe Joint 31. Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Assembly
16. Nut - Turbocharger Release Valve Actuator Assembly 32. Liner - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
17. Fixed Pin - Turbocharger Release Valve Actuator Rod 33. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
18. Turbocharger Heat Shield 34. Liner - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
19. Bolt - Turbocharger 35. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe
20. Nut - Turbocharger 36. Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe Assembly
21. Turbocharger Water Outlet Pipe Assembly 37. Bolt - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe
22. Pipe Clamp - Turbocharger Water Outlet Pipe 38. Liner - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe
23. Bolt - Turbocharger Water Outlet Pipe Bracket 39. Joint - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe
24. Gasket - Turbocharger Coolant Pipe 40. Liner - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe
25. Bolt - Turbocharger Water Outlet Pipe 41. Pipe Clamp - Turbocharger Oil Inlet Pipe
26. Pipeline - Turbocharger Water Outlet To Engine Outlet 42. Fixing Sleeve - Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe Bolt
27. Pipe Clamp - Turbocharger Water Outlet Pipe

1.0 145

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE-1.5T Water Pump and Thermostat Disassembled


1. Locating Pin - Coolant Pump 16. Thermostat and Housing Assembly
2. Front Water Pump Cover Assembly 17. Liner - Engine Water Pump
3. Oil Cooler Assembly 18. Liner - Engine Water Pump
4. Gasket - Oil Cooler 19. Liner - Turbocharger Cooling Pipe Connector
5. Bolt - Coolant Pump 20. Turbocharger Cooling Pipe Connector
6. Bolt - Water Pump Housing 21. Engine Water Outlet
7. Bolt - Water Pump Housing 22. Fixing Sleeve - Engine Water Outlet Bolt
8. Bolt - Engine Water Outlet 23. Bolt - Engine Water Outlet Pipeline
9. Bolt - Oil Cooler 24. Pipeline Assembly - Engine Water Outlet to Water Pump
10. Liner - Engine Water Outlet Pipe 25. Pipeline - Engine Water Outlet to Water Pump
11. Water Temperature Sensor Assembly 26. Pipe Clamp - Engine Water Outlet Pipeline
12. Bolt - Thermostat Housing 27. Pipe Clamp - Engine Water Outlet Pipeline
13. Thermostat Gasket 28. Gasket - Coolant Bypass Pipe
14. Fixing Sleeve - Water Pump Bolt 29. Bolt - Engine Water Outlet Pipeline
15. Fixing Sleeve - Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor 30. Engine Harness Bracket

1.0 146

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

31. Engine Water Pump Assembly


1.0 147

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

SGE–1.5T Accessory Belt System Disassembled


1. Auxiliary Drive Tensioner Assembly 3. Front Engine Belt
2. Bolt-Tensioner

1.0 148

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Description For the metal cylinder gasket in a multi-layer structure, the
Overview cylinder opening adopts a pressing ring structure, which
enhances sealing at cylinder opening.
The SGE engine features in-line 4-cylinder, 16-valve, DOHC,
timing chain drive and electronically-controlled multi-point There are four oil ducts at front bearing of the camshaft, one
direct injection fuel injection system. oil inlet duct, one oil return duct and two operating oil ducts.
Oil enters the oil control solenoid valve via the oil ducts. The
It is mainly composed of cylinder block, cylinder head,
tail end of camshaft is equipped with a camshaft signal wheel
crankshaft, connecting rod and camshaft. The cylinder head
to provide signals for camshaft position sensor. A stern notch
is made of cast aluminum material and connected with the
is formed in the exhaust camshaft for assembling mechanical
cylinder block through the multi-layer cylinder gaskets by
vacuum pump.
using 10 high-strength bolts.
Cylinder block A phase modulator is installed to the drive ends of the intake
and exhaust camshafts and fixed by bolts.
The cylinder block contains a upper cylinder block and lower
crankcase, this design improves the cylinder block stiffness, and Two phase modulator control valves are installed on the
camshaft cover lid control valve housing and fixed with an
reduces the manufacturing cost and vibration.
O-ring and a bolt respectively. The control valve is a four-way
The upper cylinder block is made of aluminum alloy precision
proportioning valve, including an oil inlet, an oil return port
sand casting parts, with 4 cast-in-situ iron cylinder liners
and two oil ducts connected with the phase modulator
arranged in a straight line, high overall strength, and difficult
working chamber.
The lower crankcase assembly consists of lower crankcase
The crankshaft is a forged steel crankshaft with 8 balance
and oil pump. The oil pump is assembled to the bottom of
blocks, and supported by 5 bush bearings. The end float is
the crankcase, the oil passes through the oil strainer with a
controlled by the thrust washer on the top of the main bearing
strainer, pressurized through the oil pump to distribute clean
shell 4. The crankshaft vibration damper is used to control
oil free from impurities to the main bearing and cylinder head
torsional vibration.
via the main oil duct of engine body to lubricate crankshaft,
connecting rod, camshaft and other parts. The mating surface The main bearing journal is in a drilled type design, the upper
of the lower crankcase and engine block is sealed with sealant bearing is in a groove type design, and the oil groove offered
and fixed by bolts. in the upper half part of the main bearing shell supplies oil to
Cylinder head the connecting rod big end bearing shell through the oil hole
in the crankshaft.
The cylinder head adopts 4 valves per cylinder structure
Connecting Rod and Piston
with a spark plug mounted at the center of the combustion
chamber. Due to adoption of overhead valve structure, The aluminum alloy thermal expansion piston is provided
powerful whirlpool will be formed in the combustion chamber with a floating piston pin fit to the clearance of the small
to make the mixed gas evenly distributed, which is good for end of connecting rod, and both ends of the piston pin are
transmission of flame to improve combustion condition, so fixed and limited by circlips. Each piston is provided with two
as to enhance the power performance, fuel economy and compression rings and one oil ring.
emission performance of the engine.
The powder metallurgy connecting rod has an H-section
The camshaft drives the roller rocker, one end of the roller structure. The big end of connecting rod moves on the
rocker is supported by a hydraulic tappet, and the other end bearing shell of crankshaft journal. The connecting rod adopts
is supported by a valve stem end. The valve is driven by forging+cracking process.
swing arm torque. The valve clearance can be automatically Oil Pan
compensated by the hydraulic tappet. The valve stem oil seal
The oil pan consists of aluminum die casting (upper part of
is press-fitted on the cylinder head oil seal seat and can be used
oil pan) and iron die casting (lower part of oil pan). An oil
as the valve spring seat to support the valve spring.
pump control valve connector is installed at the upper part of
The exhaust valve is of a carbon deposit removal type, and the the oil pan, the upper part of the oil pan is fixed to the lower
valve stem with the side machined can clean the carbon deposit crankcase, connected and fixed to the transmission to provide
at the end of valve guide and in combustion chamber so as to additional structural support. The lower part of the oil pan is
prevent valve seizing. fixed to the upper part of the oil pan by bolts.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Accessories The fuel injection system mainly includes: high pressure fuel
pump, high pressure fuel pipe, fuel rail, rail pressure sensor,
The accessories are a single 5-ribbed belt drive system driven
fuel injector.
by crankshaft pulley: to drive the water pump, alternator and
A/C compressor, and tension the belt via a mechanical damping The high pressure oil pump driven by the overhead cam pumps
tensioner. high pressure fuel into the fuel rail through the fuel pipe, the
High pressure common rail and direct injection injector injects fuel in the rail into the cylinder at a certain
system pulse width, and the rail pressure sensor returns a signal of
pressure in the rail to ECU which controls the pressure in the
Comparing with PFI engine, the gasoline direct injection engine
fuel rail through the high pressure fuel pump. Fuel injection
avoids introducing moisture to the wall of the intake port, this
system pressure is up to 20MPa. ECU controls the spray form
allows accurate calculation of the fuel, reduction of the HC
and fuel-injection quantity by controlling the rail pressure and
emission level during cold start and improvement of the engine
fuel injection pulse width to meet the requirements of different
transient response speed.
conditions for injection.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine



1. Oil Filter 4. Tensioner

2. Oil Pump 5. Cylinder Head Main Oil Duct
3. Cylinder Block Main Oil Duct 6. Turbocharger
Lubrication helps to maintain the operating oil pressure within a certain
range and ensure the normal operation of the engine.
The lubrication system is a full-flow filtration, forced oil supply
system. Oil is drawn from the oil pan through the oil strainer Pressure oil flows out from the oil pump outlet, then enters
by the oil pump, and the strainer is equipped with a screen into the oil filter through the lower crankcase oil gallery, then
which can prevent impurities from entering the oil pump. into the main oil gallery of engine body, oil is distributed to
the crankshaft, piston cooling nozzle and timing chain cooling
The oil pump with an oil pump control valve is driven by the
nozzle. The grooves around each upper main bearing supplies
crankshaft by using the chain. When the oil pressure achieves
oil to the drilled crankshaft channel, and the connecting rod
a certain value, the oil pump control valve will be opened, the
bearing is supplied with oil by the channel connecting the main
excess oil returns to the oil inlet side of the oil pump, this
journal and rod journal. The pressurized oil flows into the
cylinder head through the throttle hole of the cylinder head,

1.0 151

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

then enters into each oil supply hole of the camshaft. The cast Crankcase Ventilation
channel supplies oil to each hydraulic component adjuster, and
In the engine working process, a small amount of combustion
the drilled channel supplies oil to the surface of each camshaft
gas passes through the piston to enter the crankcase, which
bearing. The oil flows back to the oil pan through the cast
is called gas blow-by. Such gases mainly contain unburned
channel in the cylinder head. The timing chain lubricant is
hydrocarbon (HC), which will pollute engine oil and form
discharged into the oil pan directly. All other moving parts
overlarge crankcase pressure at high engine speed, causing
can be lubricated through gravity flow or splash-down. The
oil leakage from seals and gaskets. The crankcase breather
engine oil switch is installed at the tail end.
system is just used to bring such gases into the air intake
Turbocharger system from the crankcase.
It is high temperature and high pressure exhaust gas exhausted
from the engine, and the exhaust gas has a certain energy.
In a naturally aspirated engine, this part of energy is often
wasted with exhaust emissions. The turbocharger is an
exhaust-driven component, which provides compressed air
(pressurized air) to the engine cylinder block, so as to increase
its volumetric efficiency, and the power source of exhaust gas
turbocharger is mainly the exhaust gas. The turbine impeller
and the compressor impeller are in rigid connection through
the turbocharger shaft, and this part is called the turbocharger
rotor. The turbocharger rotor is fixed in the turbocharger
through the floating bearing (which can guarantee a smaller
friction resistance torque in rotor high-speed rotation).
When the engine operates, the exhausted gas impacts on the The main channel PCV valve (check valve 1), installed in the
turbocharger impeller at a certain angle at a high speed, so camshaft cover lid at the engine intake side, has the cut-off
that the turbocharger rotor rotates at a high speed (up to tens function, when the turbocharger starts operating, the valve
of thousands of revolutions per minute). Through high-speed body closes the channel to prevent gas backflow. When the
rotation of the compressor impeller, the compressor draws turbocharger does not operate, the gas in the crankcase enters
air from the air filter and forces compressed air into the into the intake manifold through the valve.
intake manifold through the intercooler, and the air pressure
in the intake manifold rises to achieve the pressurization Secondary PCV valve (check valve 2) is installed at the lateral
effect. So air will be exposed to greater pressure in the intake part of the camshaft cover lid at the engine intake side and
process, so that more, denser air enters the cylinder. In this connected to the turbocharger air inlet pipe and fresh air PCV
way, fuel can be combusted more adequately, and the engine valve through PCV pipes. When the crankcase pressure is
performance is improved. greater than 1KPa, the secondary PCV valve starts operating,
the valve body opens the channel and supplies excessive
High-pressure oil supplied from the engine provides lubrication abnormal piston blow-by in the crankcase into the air inlet
for the bearings, and returns to the oil pan through the oil pipe through the PCV pipe to ensure crankcase pressure
return pipe. The exhaust gas from the turbocharger goes into balance.
the three-way catalyst. The boost pressure is controlled by the
exhaust valve. The exhaust valve in the turbocharger provides Turbo PCV valve (check valve 3) is installed at the top of the
a bypass for the gas driven by the turbine, to limit the pressure camshaft cover lid at the engine intake side, connected to the
into the engine when the output of the turbocharger exceeds turbocharger air inlet through a hose, operates only under
the engine volume flow. The pneumatic actuator controls the crankcase pressurization condition, and it is used to introduce
exhaust valve and responds to the signals sent by the boost separated dirty air into the turbocharger air inlet to ensure
control solenoid valve by bypassing excessive boost pressure crankcase pressure balance.
of the turbocharger. Fresh air PCV valve (check valve 4) is installed at the top of the
Because of high temperature of the gasoline engine camshaft cover lid at the engine exhaust side, and connected
turbocharger, the gasoline engine turbocharger is cooled by to the turbocharger air inlet pipe and Secondary PCV valve
water-cooling. through PCV pipes. When the crankcase pressure is less than
–1KPa, the fresh air PCV valve starts operating, the valve body
opens the channel for introducing filtered fresh air into the
crankcase to ensure crankcase pressure balance.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Diagnostic Engine misfires, and no internal noise.
Symptoms - Engine Mechanical System Engine misfires, and abnormal noise is found
below the internal engine.
Visual/Appearance Inspection
Engine misfires, and there is abnormal noise
• Check if there are any aftermarket add-on devices that in the valve system
may affect engine operation. Engine misfires, and coolant is consumed.
Engine misfires and excessive oil consumption
• Check the easily accessible or visible system components occurs.
for any obvious damage or failure that may cause the Noise occurs when the engine starts, but lasts
symptom. only several seconds
Upper engine noise occurs ( irrelevant to
• Check if the oil level, oil viscosity and filter application speed)
engine speed ).
are correct. Noise under engine occurs ( irrelevant to
engine speed ).
• Confirm the exact operation conditions when failure
Engine makes noise when loading.
occurs. Note factors such as engine RPM, ambient Engine Unable to Start - Crankshaft Not Rotate
temperature, engine temperature, engine warm-up time Ingress of Coolant into Combustion Chamber
and other specifics. Ingress of Coolant into Engine Oil
• Compare the engine sound with that of a known good Engine Compression Pressure Test
Cylinder Leak Test
engine and check if the current condition is normal (if
Oil Consumption Diagnosis
applicable). Engine Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Test
Intermittent Failure Oil Leak Diagnosis
Crankcase Ventilation System Check/Diagnosis
Under the same condition as described by the customer, test
Drive Belt Chirp, Squeal and Whine Diagnosis
the vehicle for normal operation. Drive Belt Boom and Vibration Diagnosis
Symptom List Diagnosis for Drive Belt Detachment and
Excessive Abrasion
Refer to the diagnostic procedures in the table below when Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis
diagnose the symptoms:

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Misfire, and No Internal Noise

Cause Measures
Abnormal accessory drive belt, serious crack, bulge or partial

Any abnormal accessory drive system or components can lead Replace the drive belt.
to engine speed change and misfire DTC. The misfire DTC
may also occur when there is actually no misfire fault.
Wear, damage and misalignment of the accessory drive parts
or excessive pulley runout may result in engine misfire DTCs.
Check the component, repair or replace it if necessary.
The misfire DTC may also occur when there is actually no
misfire fault.
Engine flywheel looseness or improper installation

The misfire DTC may also occur when there is actually no If necessary, repair or replace the flywheel.
Exhaust System Obstruction

When exhaust airflow is seriously clogged, it will lead to

a significant reduction in engine performance, and a DTC Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
may be set. Possible causes for the obstruction include
pipeline collapse or depression, muffler or catalytic converter
Vacuum hose improperly fitted or damaged Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
The seal between the intake manifold and the cylinder Replace the intake manifold, gasket, cylinder head or throttle
head/throttle body is incorrect. body if necessary.
Intake manifold absolute pressure sensor is improperly fitted
or damaged Repair or replace the intake manifold absolute pressure
sensor if necessary.
The seal ring of intake manifold absolute pressure sensor shall
not be torn or damaged.
Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Housing Damage Replace the intake manifold.
Rocker arm wear or looseness
Rocker arm bearing end cap or needle roller bearing shall be Replace the valve rocker if necessary.
in good condition and correct position.
The valve is stuck.

If carbon deposits on the valve stem, the valve cannot switch Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
off properly.
Excessive Wear or Misalignment of Timing Chain Replace the timing chain and sprocket if necessary.
Camshaft Lobe Wear Replace the camshaft and valve lash adjuster.
High oil pressure • Test the oil pressure.
High lubrication system oil pressure may cause excessive pump Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Test
oil and compression pressure loss of the valve tappet. • Repair or replace the oil pump if necessary.

Cylinder head gasket failure or cylinder head and engine • Check whether the spark plug is filled with coolant.
cylinder block cooling channel crack or other damages • Check the cylinder head, engine cylinder block or
Coolant consumption does not necessarily lead to engine cylinder head gasket.
overheating. • Repair and replace the parts when necessary.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Cause Measures
• Check the spark plug for oil.
• Check whether the cylinder compression pressure is
Piston ring wear
Engine Compression Pressure Test
Oil consumption does not necessarily result in engine misfire.
• Perform cylinder leakage and compression test to
identify the failure cause.
• Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
Crankshaft variable reluctance rotor damage

Crankshaft variable reluctance rotor damage may cause

different symptoms, depending on the extent of damage and

• The system with electronic communication, direct

ignition system or ignition coil (each cylinder) and
magnetic reluctance ring seriously damaged may show
periodic loss of crankshaft position, signal transmission
stop, and then resynchronize the crankshaft position. Replace the sensor or crankshaft if necessary.
• For systems with the electronic communication, direct
ignition system or ignition coil (for each cylinder), a
slightly damaged magnetic reluctance ring may not lead to
missing crankshaft position and engine misfire. However,
DTC P0300 may be set.
• For systems with mechanical communication and high
voltage switch, a seriously damaged variable reluctance
ring may lead to additional pulse, affect fuel and spark
transfer, until DTC P0300 or P0336 occurs.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Misfire, and Abnormal Noise Found

Below Internal Engine
Cause Measures
Abnormal, seriously cracked, bumped or partially lost
accessory drive belt

Abnormal accessory drive system or components may result

in engine speed change and the noise similar with that when Replace the drive belt.
the lower engine fails, which may also lead to misfire. The
misfire DTC may also occur when there is actually no misfire
Accessory drive component is worn, damaged, misaligned or
excessive pulley runout. The misfire DTC may also appear Check the component, repair or replace it if necessary.
when no misfire failure actually occurs.
Engine flywheel looseness or improper installation
The misfire DTC may also occur when there is actually no If necessary, repair or replace the flywheel.
• Check the spark plug for oil deposit.
• Check whether the cylinder compression pressure is
Piston ring wear
Engine Compression Pressure Test
Oil consumption does not necessarily result in engine misfire.
• Perform cylinder leak and compression test to identify
the failure cause.
• Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
Crankshaft thrust bearing is worn
Excessive wear of the crankshaft thrust surface or the thrust
surface of the thrust bearing may lead to the forward and Replace the crankshaft and bearing if necessary.
backward movement of the crankshaft, and thereby generates
DTC when no misfire failure actually occurs.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Misfire, and Abnormal Noise Found in
Valve System
Cause Measures
Rocker Arm Worn or Loose

Rocker arm bearing end cap or needle bearing shall be in Replace the valve rocker if necessary.
perfect condition (in rocker arm assembly).
The valve is stuck.

If carbon deposits on the valve stem, the valve cannot switch Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
off properly.
Excessive Wear or Misalignment of Timing Chain Replace the timing chain and sprocket if necessary.
Camshaft Lobe Wear Replace the camshaft and valve lash adjuster.
The valve tappet is stuck Make replacements when necessary.
1. Confirm if the engine oil pressure is normal. If it is low,
check the bottom of the oil filter for oil return function.
Engine Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Test
2. The noise source is identified as a specific camshaft
Camshaft Position Actuator Failure - Incorrect Oil Viscosity position actuator. Disconnect the electrical connector
or Contaminated Oil. from the camshaft position actuator solenoid valve and
start the vehicle. If the noise disappears, repeat the
procedure and limit it to an independent actuator.
Camshaft Phase Adjustment Actuator

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Misfire with Coolant Consumption

Failure Cause Measures
• Check whether the spark plugs are saturated by coolant.
Cylinder head gasket failure or cracking or other damages to
• Perform a cylinder leakage test.
the cylinder heads and engine block cooling system passages.
• Inspect the cylinder heads and engine block for damage
Coolant consumption may or may not cause the engine to
to the coolant passages or cylinder head gasket failure.
• Repair or replace as necessary.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Misfire with Excessive Oil Consumption
Failure Cause Measures
• Check the spark plugs for oil deposits.
Worn valves, valve guides or valve stem oil seals
• Repair or replace as necessary.
• Check the spark plugs for oil deposits.
• Check whether the cylinder compression pressure is
Worn piston rings
Engine Compression Pressure Test
Oil consumption does not necessarily result in engine misfire.
• Perform cylinder leakage and compression test to
identify the failure cause.
• Repair or replace as necessary.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Noise on Start-Up, but Only Lasting a

Few Seconds
Failure Cause Measures
Improper Oil Filter (without Anti-return Function) Fit a correct oil filter.
• Drain the oil.
Incorrect Oil Viscosity
• Use the oil with correct viscosity.
Valve Lash Adjuster Leaked too Fast Replace the lash adjuster when necessary.
• Check the thrust bearing and crankshaft.
Worn crankshaft thrust bearing
• Repair or replace as necessary.
• Check if the oil filter bypass valve can work properly.
Damaged or faulty oil filter bypass valve
• Repair or replace as necessary.
1. Confirm that the oil pressure is normal. If it is too low,
check the bottom of the oil filter for oil return function.
Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing
2. The noise source is identified as a specific camshaft
Camshaft Position Actuator Failure - Incorrect Oil Viscosity position actuator. Disconnect the electrical connector
or Contaminated Oil. from the camshaft position actuator solenoid valve and
start the vehicle. If the noise disappears, repeat the
procedure to restrict it to an independent actuator.
Camshaft Phase Adjustment Actuator

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Upper Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed
Failure Cause Measures
• Perform the oil pressure test.
Low Oil Pressure Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing
• Repair or replace as necessary.
Worn valve rocker arm Replace the valve rocker arm.
Check the following components, repair or replace when
• Valve Rocker Arm
Valve Rocker Arm Improperly Lubricated • Valve Tappet
• Oil Filter Bypass Valve
• Oil pump and oil pump screen
• Engine block oil duct
Broken valve spring Replace the valve spring.
Valve Lash Adjuster Worn or Dirty Replace the valve lash adjuster.
Timing chain stretched or fractured or sprocket tooth
Replace the timing chain and sprocket.
Timing Chain Tensioner Worn, Damaged or Failed Tensioner Replacement
• Check the cam lobe of the engine.
Engine cam lobe worn • Replace the camshaft and valve lash adjuster when
Check the following components, repair or replace when
Valve guide or valve stem worn
• Valve
• Valve guide
Check the following components, repair or replace when
Valve stuck
Carbon deposition at valve stem or valve seat may lead to the • Valve
fact that the valve being stuck in opening position.
• Valve Guide

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Lower Engine Noise, Regardless of Engine Speed

Failure Cause Measures
• Perform the oil pressure test.
Low oil pressure Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing
• Repair or replace defective components as necessary.
Accessory drive component wear - Abnormal conditions, • Check the accessory drive system.
such as severe crack, swell or partial absence of the accessory
drive belt and/or system part misalignment occur • Repair or replace as necessary.

• Check the crankshaft balancer.

Loose or damaged crankshaft balancer
• Repair or replace as necessary.
Detonation or ignition knock Check whether the ignition system operates normally.
• Check the torque converter bolts and flywheel.
Loose torque converter bolts
• Repair or replace as necessary.
Loose or damaged flywheel Repair or replace the flywheel.
• Check the oil pan.
Damaged oil pan touching oil pump screen - A damaged oil
pan may result in wrong location of the oil pump screen, • Check the oil pump screen.
preventing the oil from flowing to the oil pump properly.
• Repair or replace as necessary.
• Check the oil pump screen.
Oil pump screen Loosened, damaged or blocked
• Repair or replace as necessary.
• Check the piston and cylinder hole.
Large gap between piston and cylinder
• Repair when necessary.
• Check the piston, piston pin and connecting rod.
Large gap between piston pin and pin hole
• Repair or replace as necessary.
Check the following components, repair as necessary:
• Connecting Rod Bearing
Large connecting rod bearing clearance • Connecting Rod
• Crankshaft
• Crankshaft Journal
Check the following components, repair as necessary:
Large crankshaft bearing clearance • Crankshaft Bearing
• Crankshaft Journal
The piston, piston pin and connecting rod are improperly • Confirm that the piston, piston pin and connecting rod
fitted - When fitting the piston, the mark or groove at the top
are fitted properly.
of the piston must face the front of the engine. The piston pin
shall be located in the center of the connecting rod pin hole. • Repair when necessary.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Noise Under Load
Failure Cause Measures
• Perform the oil pressure test.
Low oil pressure Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing
• Repair or replace as necessary.
Detonation or ignition knock Confirm that the ignition system operates normally.
• Check the torque converter bolts and flywheel.
Loose torque converter bolts
• Repair when necessary.
• Check the flywheel bolts and flywheel.
Flywheel cracking, automatic transmission
• Repair when necessary.
Check the following components, repair as necessary:
• Connecting Rod Bearing
Large connecting rod bearing clearance
• Connecting Rod
• Crankshaft
Check the following components, repair as necessary:
• Crankshaft Bearing
Large Crankshaft Bearing Clearance
• Crankshaft journal
• Crankshaft bearing hole of cylinder block
1. Confirm that the oil pressure is normal. If it is too low,
check the bottom of the oil filter for oil return function.
Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Testing
2. The noise source is identified as a specific camshaft
Camshaft position actuator failure - Incorrect oil viscosity or
position actuator. Disconnect the electrical connector
contaminated oil from the camshaft position actuator solenoid valve and
start the vehicle. If the noise disappears, repeat the
procedure to restrict it to an independent actuator.
Camshaft Phase Adjustment Actuator

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Unable to Start - Crankshaft Not Rotate

Failure Causes Measures
Remove the accessory drive belt.Rotate the crankshaft at the
Accessory drive system component stuck
balancer or flywheel position by hand.
Remove the spark plug and check if there is any fluid on it.
Cylinder blocked by hydraulic pressure • Check the cylinder head gasket for break.
• Coolant/antifreeze found in cylinder • Check the engine cylinder block or cylinder head for
• Oil found in cylinder cracking.
• Fuel found in cylinder • Check if the injector has got stuck.
• Check the cylinder wall for cracking.
Remove the torque convertor bolt.Rotate the crankshaft at
Automatic Transmission Torque Converter Stuck
the balancer or flywheel position by hand.
• Check the timing chain and gear.
Timing Chain or Gear Broken
• Repair when necessary.
• Check the balance shaft.
Balance Shaft Gets Stuck
• Repair when necessary.
Foreign material enters into cylinder
• Check the cylinder for damaged parts and/or foreign
• Valve broken
• Piston material
• Check if the cylinder wall falls off.
• Foreign materials
• Repair and replace the parts when necessary.
• Cylinder wall cracked
• Check the crankshaft and connecting rod bearings.
Crankshaft or Connecting Rod Bearing Gets Stuck • Check if the cylinder wall falls off.
• Repair when necessary.
• Check the connecting rod.
Connecting Rod Bent or Fractured
• Repair when necessary.
• Check the crankshaft.
Crankshaft Cracked
• Repair when necessary.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Ingress of Coolant into Combustion Chamber
Failure Causes Measures
Definition: If excessive white smoke or gas smelt of coolant is drained from the exhaust pipe, it indicates that coolant may
enter into the combustion chamber.Low coolant level, cooling fan or thermostat failure may lead to "High Temperature" and
cause engine component damage.

1. If the engine speed is lower than the normal value, it indicates that the coolant may enter into the combustion chamber.
Engine Fails to Start- Crankshaft Unable to Rotate
2. Remove the spark plug and check the spark plug or cylinder for any coolant.
3. Check it by carrying out the cylinder leakage test.During such test, if excessive bubbles have been found in the coolant, it
may indicate the gasket failure or component damage.
4. Check it by carrying out the cylinder compression pressure test.When the compression pressure of two adjacent
cylinders in engine cylinder block is too low, it indicates that the cylinder head gasket may be damaged.
Engine Compression Pressure Test
Replace the cylinder head gasket and components when
Cylinder Head Gasket Failure
Cylinder Head Check
Cylinder Head Replacement
Replace the cylinder head and gasket.
Cylinder Head Warping
Cylinder Head Check
Cylinder Head Cracked Replace the cylinder head and gasket.
Cylinder Sleeve Cracked Replace the components if necessary.
Pore found on cylinder head or cylinder block Replace the components if necessary.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Ingress of Coolant into Engine Oil

Failure Causes Measures
Definition: If the engine oil is foam-like, discolored or excessively refilled, it indicates that coolant may enter into the engine
crankcase.If the coolant level is low, the cooling fan does not work or the thermostat fails, the temperature may rise,which
causes damage to the engine parts.The contaminated engine oil and oil filter shall be replaced.

1. Check the oil for excessive bubbles or excessive refilling.The engine oil diluted by coolant may be unable to lubricate the
crankshaft bearing properly,and may lead to component damage.
Noise under Engine, and Irrelevant to Engine Speed
2. Check it by carrying out the cylinder leakage test.During such test, if excessive bubbles have been found in the cooling
system, it may indicate the gasket failure or component damage.
3. Check it by carrying out the cylinder compression pressure test.When the compression pressure of two adjacent
cylinders is too low in engine cylinder block, it indicates that the cylinder head gasket may be damaged.
Engine Compression Pressure Test
Replace the cylinder head gasket and components when
Cylinder Head Gasket Failure
Cylinder Head Check
Cylinder Head Replacement
Replace the cylinder head and gasket.
Cylinder Head Warping
Cylinder Head Check
Cylinder Head Cracked Replace the cylinder head and gasket.
Cylinder Sleeve Cracked Replace the components if necessary.
Pore found on cylinder head or cylinder block Replace the components if necessary.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Compression Pressure Test • Valve clearance/adjustment improper
1. If the battery is not fully charged, charge it. • Piston wearing
2. Disable the ignition system. • Piston ring wearing
3. Disable the fuel injection system. • Cylinder hole wearing or damage
4. Remove all spark plugs. • Cylinder head cushion damaged
5. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position. • Cylinder head crack or damaged
6. Depress the accelerator pedal to keep the throttle fully • Engine cylinder crack or damaged
open. Warning: Before repairing any electrical parts, ignition
7. The compression pressure gauge gets started at and start switch must be turned to OFF or LOCK and all
zero position, and then starts the engine after 4 the electrical load must be turned off unless otherwise
compression/expansion strokes. specified in the procedure. Disconnect the cathode cable
8. Measure the compression pressure of each cylinder and of the battery to prevent the tool or equipment from
record the reading. contacting the exposed electrical terminal to generate
spark. Failure to follow the safety instructions may cause
9. If there is one cylinder with a too low compression
personal injury and/or damage to the vehicle or parts.
pressure, inject about 15 mL engine oil through the spark
plug hole into combustion chamber, and then remeasure 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
the compression pressure and record the reading. 2. Remove the spark plug.
10. The minimum compression pressure of any cylinder Spark Plug Remove
should be no less than 70% of the maximum value, 3. Turn the crankshaft, place the cylinder piston under test
and the pressure reading of any cylinder shall be no to the top dead center of compression stroke (TDC).
less than 690kPa. For example, if the maximum
4. Fit the cylinder head leakage tester or equivalent.
pressure of any cylinder is 1035 kPa, then the allowable
minimum pressure of other cylinders should be 725 kPa
• Normal - For each cylinder, the compression pressure
shall be augmented to its specified value in a rapid and
steady manner.

• Piston ring leakage - The compression pressure of the

first stroke is too low, and during the subsequent strokes,
the compression pressure increases but fails to reach
the normal level. Refill the engine oil, the compression
pressure will be notably increased.
• Valve leakage - The compression pressure of the first
stroke is too low, and the compression pressure will not 5. Apply the workshop compressed air pressure to
increase in the following strokes. Refill the engine oil, and cylinder head leakage tester, and make adjustment
the compression pressure will increase not much. according to the manufacturer's instructions.
• If the compression pressure of two adjacent cylinders Caution: The crankshaft balance tester bolt may be
is lower than the normal level, and the compression tightened to prevent the engine operation.
pressure will not increase by injecting oil to the cylinder,
6. Record the cylinder leakage value. If the cylinder leak
the cylinder head gasket may leak.
is more than 25%, it shall be deemed as excessive
Cylinder Leak Test leakage, and the component may need repair. In case of
Caution: To inspect the leakage of the excessive leakage, check for the following conditions:
cylinder/combustion chamber, leakage test may be • If the throttle body or intake hose sounds of air leakage,
required.If the leakage is serious, one or more faults may it indicates that the throttle may be worn, burnt or the
exist: throttle spring is cracked.
• Valve wearing or burnt
• If the exhaust system tail pipe sounds of air leakage, it
• Valve spring broken indicates that the exhaust valve may be worn, burnt or
• Valve tappet seized the exhaust valve spring is cracked.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

• If the crankcase, dipstick conduit or oil filling pipe sounds • When there are bubbles in the cooling system, it indicates
of air leakage, it indicates that the piston ring is worn, that the cylinder head or cylinder head gasket may be
the piston is damaged, the cylinder bore is worn or damaged.
scratched, the engine cylinder block is damaged or the 7. Perform a leak test on the remaining cylinders and
cylinder head is damaged. record the values.

1.0 168

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Oil Consumption Diagnosis According to local temperature, apply the recommended
Excessive oil consumption caused by non-leakage factors refers oil with a viscosity of SAE.
to the situation where an amount of 0.6 L engine oil or more • Continuous high speed driving and overuse
is consumed within 1000 km. The causes of excessive oil
• Crankcase ventilation system barrage or component
consumption are as follows:
• Oil leak.
• Valve guide pipe or valve stem oil seal is worn, or the
Tighten the bolt, replace the gasket and oil seal when seals is deficient.
necessary. • The piston ring is broken, improperly fitted, worn or
• Oil level is incorrect or the oil dipstick reading is wrongly located, wait long enough to allow the piston
incorrect. ring to be in place. If necessary, replace the broken or
worn piston ring.
With the vehicle parked on level ground, wait long
• The piston is fitted or aligned improperly.
enough for oil return, and check the oil level.

• Engine oil viscosity is inadequate.


1.0 169

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Engine Oil Pressure Diagnosis and Test

1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, wait long (2–3 Min)
enough to allow the oil to flow down and check if the
oil level is low.

Engine oil of recommended grade shall be refilled. Refill

the crankcase until the oil reaches the MAX mark on
the dipstick.

2. Warm up the engine, and confirm that there is no

indication of "too low pressure" or "no oil pressure" on
the vehicle instrument or indicator lamp.

Listen whether there is valve train noise or knock.

3. Check for the following conditions: 8. Fit the starter motor.
• The oil filer with return oil prevention function and the 9. Connect the battery negative cable.
O-ring on filter cylinder block side are normal. 10. Start the vehicle, the oil pressure must be 200-480KPa
• Oil diluted by water or unburnt fuel mixture at idle speed.
11. If the pressure of the engine oil is below the specified
• Oil viscosity not applicable to expected temperature
value, check the engine for one or more of the following
• Oil pressure transmitter incorrect or failed situations:
• Oil pressure gauge incorrect or failed • Oil filter and filter cylinder block side O-ring missing or
• Oil filter blockage
• Worn or contaminated oil pump.
• Oil bypass valve failure
• Oil pump to lower crankcase O-ring missing or damaged
4. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
• Oil strainer loose, clogged or damaged
5. Remove the starter motor.
6. Remove the engine oil pressure sensor. • Oil strainer O-ring missing or damaged
7. Fit the special tools TEN00080 and T10001. • Oil pump pressure regulating valve failure

• Large bearing gap

Crankshaft check

• Oil passage cracked, porous or clogged

• Missing or improperly fitted oil passage plug


1.0 170

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Oil Leak Diagnosis

Step Operation Yes No

Definition: First determine the leakage position by visual inspection, then repair or replace parts, or reseal the gasket surface
to eliminate most of the oil leakage failures. Once the leak location is found, determine the causes of leakage. Repair the leak
source and solve the leak problem.
1. Run the vehicle until it reaches the normal operating
2. Park the vehicle on a level surface, and place it on a
1 large piece of paper or other clean surfaces. Go to step 2 System OK
3. Wait for 15 Min .
4. Check for oil droplets.

Does oil droplet appear?

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate positions
2 Go to step 10 Go to step 3
of the leakage?
1. Visually check the suspected location. If the suspected
position is not readily observable, you can have the
aid of a small mirror.
2. Check the following positions for leakage:

3 • Sealing surface Go to step 10 Go to step 4

• Joint

• Cracking or damaged components

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate positions
of the leakage?
1. Thoroughly clean the whole engine and surrounding
2. Under the normal operating temperature, drive the
vehicle for several miles at different speeds.
3. Park the vehicle on a level surface, and place it on a
4 large piece of paper or other clean surfaces. Go to step 10 Go to step 5
4. Wait for 15 Min .
5. Identify the type of oil and the approximate positions
of the leakage.

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate positions

of the leakage?
1. Visually check the suspected locations. If the suspected
position is not readily observable, you can have the
aid of a small mirror.
2. Check the following positions for leakage:

5 • Sealing surface Go to step 10 Go to step 6

• Joint

• Cracking or damaged components

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate positions

of the leakage?

1.0 171

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Step Operation Yes No

1. Thoroughly clean the whole engine and surrounding
2. Apply spray powder to the suspected locations.
3. Under the normal operating temperature, drive the
vehicle for several miles at different speeds.
6 Go to step 10 Go to step 7
4. Identify the type of oil,and determine the approximate
positions of the leakage according to the color change
of powder surface.

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate positions

of the leakage?
1. Visually check the suspected locations. If the suspected
position is not readily observable, you can have the
aid of a small mirror.
2. Check the following positions for leakage:
7 • Sealing surface Go to step 10 Go to step 8
• Joint
• Cracking or damaged component

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate positions

of the leakage?
Identify the type of oil and approximate positions of the
leakage with a high intensity invisible lamp assemblies.
8 Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions when Go to step 10 Go to step 9
you use the tool. Can you identify the type of oil and
approximate position of the leakage?
1. Visually check the suspected location. If the suspected
position is not readily observable, you can have the
aid of a small mirror.
2. Check the following positions for leakage:

9 • Sealing surface Go to step 10 System is normal

• Joint
• Cracking or damaged component

Can you identify the type of oil and approximate position of

the leakage?
1. Check the engine for mechanical damage. Pay special
attention to the following positions:

• Fluid level higher than recommended value

• Oil pressure higher than recommended value

10 • Oil filter or pressure bypass valve clogged or got failure Go to step 11 System is normal
• Engine ventilation system clogged or got failure

• Improper tightening or damage to fastener

• Cracking or void in components

• Incorrect sealant or gasket

1.0 172

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Step Operation Yes No

• Improper fitting of sealant or gasket

• Damage or wear of gasket or seal

• Damage or wear of sealing surface

2. Check whether the engine has been modified by the


Is the engine mechanically damaged or modified by user?

Repair or replace all damaged or modified components.
11 Go to Step 1 -
Is the repair completed?
Crankcase Ventilation System
Symptoms Correction
Check for any of the following conditions:
• PCVHose or engine vent hose is blocked or kinked
External oil leakage
• PCVHose damage, incorrect or improper refit
• Large crankcase pressure
Check for any of the following conditions:

• PCVHose or engine vent hose is blocked or kinked

Unstable idle speed
• PCVHose leakage (damage)
• Vacuum hose wear or improperly fitted
High idle speed Check PCV hose for leakage (damage)
Silt in engine Check for blocked or kinked PCV hose or engine vent hose

1.0 173

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Service Procedures
Powertrain Disassembly and Assembly - MT
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the battery bracket.

Battery Bracket Remove

3. Drain the engine coolant.

Engine Coolant Drain

4. Drain engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
5. Drain the transmission oil.
13. Remove the vacuum tube on the mechanical vacuum
Manual Transmission Oil Drain pump.
6. Recycle A/C refrigerant. 14. Disconnect the low-pressure fuel line on the
high-pressure fuel pump.
Recovery of air conditioning refrigerant
15. Disconnect the connector of engine control module.
7. Remove the air filter assembly.
16. Disconnect the engine harness and body harness
Air Filter Assembly Remove
connector, and remove and discard the harness clip
8. Loosen the clamps on both sides of the turbocharger air from the body.
inlet pipe, and remove the turbocharger air inlet pipe.
17. Remove 1 bolt fixing the engine ground wire to the
9. Loosen the clamp, and remove the throttle air inlet right beam, and loosen the engine ground wire.
18. Disconnect the canister solenoid air inlet pipe.
10. Remove the harness clip from the battery box.
19. Remove 2 gear shift cable ball joints (1).
11. Remove 6 bolts fixing 2 battery box brackets to the
20. Loosen the clips, release the external gear selection/shift
front longitudinal member, and remove the 2 battery
cable (2) from the cable bracket, and discard the plastic
box brackets.

12. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the engine water

21. Disconnect the hydraulic clutch line, remove the lock
outlet pipe.
plate, and remove the hydraulic clutch hose.

1.0 174

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

22. Disconnect the reverse lamp switch and neutral 31. Remove the engine mount.
position sensor harness, remove the clip and harness. Powertrain Mount Remove
23. Open the engine compartment fuse box cover, and 32. Remove 3 bolts fixing the transmission mount to the
disconnect the body harness and fuse box connector. transmission mounting bracket.
24. Raise the vehicle on the elevator to a suitable position.
25. Remove the front subframe.
Front Subframe Remove
26. Remove 1 bolt fixing the lower tie bar to the lower tie
bar bracket, and remove the lower tie bar.
27. Remove 3 bolts fixing the lower tie bar to the
transmission, and remove the lower tie bar bracket.
28. Remove the press plate bolt securing the compressor
hose assembly to the compressor, and disconnect the

33. Support the bottom of the powertrain with a bracket.

34. Fix the engine to the bracket, remove the special tool
T10007 and TEN00070, and remove the powertrain.
1. Fix the powertrain to the bracket, and place it at the
bottom of the vehicle.
2. Lower the vehicle, place the engine in the engine
compartment, and fix the engine with the special tool
T10007and TEN00070.
3. Fix the transmission mount to the transmission
mounting bracket, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 50Nm+45°,
29. Lower the vehicle.
and check the torque.
30. Fix the engine with the special tool T10007 and
4. Fit the engine mount.
Powertrain Mount Refit
5. Remove the bracket.
6. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
7. Fix the lower tie bar bracket to the transmission, fit 3
bolts, tighten to , and check the torque.
8. Fix the lower tie bar to the lower tie bar bracket, fit 1
bolt, tighten to 90-110Nm, and check the torque.

1.0 175

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

9. Fix the compressor hose to the compressor , fit 1 nut, Powertrain Disassembly and Assembly - AT
tighten it to 19–25Nm, and check the torque. Remove
10. Fit the front subframe. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
Front Subframe Refit 2. Remove the battery bracket.
11. Lower the vehicle. Battery Bracket Remove
12. Open the engine compartment fuse box cover, and 3. Drain the engine coolant.
connect the body harness and fuse box connector.
Engine Coolant Drain
13. Connect the reverse switch and neutral position sensor
harness, and fix the harness clip. 4. Drain engine oil.

14. Connect the hydraulic clutch line, and empty the air Engine Oil Drain
in the clutch. 5. Drain the transmission oil.
Clutch System Bleeding
Automatic Transmission Oil Drain
15. Fit new plastic buckles, and fit the external gear
6. Recycle A/C refrigerant.
selection/shift cable to the cable bracket.
Recovery of air conditioning refrigerant
16. Fit 2 gear shift cable ball joints.
7. Remove the air filter assembly.
17. Connect the canister solenoid air inlet pipe.
18. Fix the engine ground wire to the right beam. Air Filter Assembly Remove
19. Connect the engine harness and body harness 8. Loosen the clamps on both sides of the turbocharger air
connector, and fix the harness clip to the body, and inlet pipe, and remove the turbocharger air inlet pipe.
then fix the harness to the harness clip. 9. Loosen the clamp, and remove the throttle air inlet
20. Connect the connector of the engine control module. pipe.
21. Connect the low-pressure fuel line on the high-pressure 10. Remove the harness clip from the battery box.
fuel pump. 11. Remove 6 bolts fixing 2 battery box brackets to the
22. Connect the vacuum tube on the mechanical vacuum front longitudinal member, and remove the 2 battery
pump. box brackets.
23. Connect the engine water outlet hose and fix it with
24. Fix 2 battery box brackets to the front longitudinal
beam, fit 6 bolts, tighten to 40-50Nm, and check the
25. Fix the harness buckle to the battery box.
26. Fit the throttle air inlet pipe, and fix it with clamps.
27. Fit the turbocharger air inlet pipe, and fix it with clamps.
28. Fit the air filter assembly.
Air Filter Assembly Refit
29. Fill the engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill 12. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the engine water
30. Fill the transmission oil. outlet pipe.
Manual Transmission Oil Refill
31. Fill the engine coolant.
Engine Coolant Refill
32. Fill the A/C refrigerant.
A/C Refrigerant Refill
33. Fit the battery bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Refit
34. Connect the battery negative cable.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

13. Remove the vacuum tube on the mechanical vacuum 22. Remove the clip fixing the transmission harness to the
pump. transmission, and remove the transmission harness.
14. Disconnect the low-pressure fuel line on the
high-pressure fuel pump.
15. Disconnect the connector of engine control module.
16. Disconnect the engine harness and body harness
connector, and remove and discard the harness clip
from the body.
17. Remove 1 bolt fixing the engine ground wire to the
right beam, and loosen the engine ground wire.
18. Disconnect the canister solenoid air inlet pipe.
19. Disconnect the transmission harness connector.
23. Open the engine compartment fuse box cover, and
disconnect the body harness and fuse box connector.
24. Raise the vehicle on the elevator to a suitable position.
25. Remove the front subframe.

Front Subframe Remove

26. Remove the press plate bolt securing the compressor
hose assembly to the compressor, and disconnect the

20. Disconnect the master cylinder position sensor

connector of the clutch actuator.
21. Disconnect the speed sensor connector.

27. Remove 1 bolt fixing the lower tie bar to the lower tie
bar bracket, and remove the lower tie bar.

1.0 177

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

28. Remove 4 bolts fixing the lower tie bar to the 5. Remove the bracket.
transmission, and remove the lower tie bar bracket. 6. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
29. Lower the vehicle. 7. Fix the lower tie bar bracket to the transmission, fit 4
30. Fix the engine with the special tool T10007 and bolts, tighten to , and check the torque.
TEN00070. 8. Fix the lower tie bar to the lower tie bar bracket, fit 1
bolt, tighten to 90-110Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fix the compressor hose to the compressor , fit 1 nut,
tighten it to 90-110Nm, and check the torque.
10. Fit the front subframe.

Front Subframe Refit

11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Open the engine compartment fuse box cover, and
connect the body harness and fuse box connector.
13. Connect the speed sensor connector.
14. Connect the master cylinder position sensor connector
of the clutch actuator.
31. Remove the engine mount. 15. Connect the transmission connector.
Powertrain Mount Remove 16. Connect the transmission harness connector, and fix
32. Remove 2 bolts and 1 nut fixing the transmission mount the harness staple bolt to the transmission housing.
to the transmission mounting bracket. 17. Connect the canister solenoid air inlet pipe.
18. Fix the engine ground wire to the right beam.
19. Connect the engine harness and body harness
connector, and fix the harness clip to the body, and
then fix the harness to the harness clip.
20. Connect the connector of the engine control module.
21. Connect the low-pressure fuel line on the high-pressure
fuel pump.
22. Connect the vacuum tube on the mechanical vacuum
23. Connect the engine water outlet hose and fix it with
24. Fix 2 battery box brackets to the front longitudinal
33. Support the bottom of the powertrain with a bracket. beam, fit 6 bolts, tighten to 40-50Nm, and check the
34. Fix the engine to the bracket, remove the special tool torque.
T10007 and TEN00070, and remove the powertrain. 25. Fix the harness buckle to the battery box.
Refit 26. Fit the throttle air inlet pipe, and fix it with clamps.
1. Fix the powertrain to the bracket, and place it at the 27. Fit the turbocharger air inlet pipe, and fix it with clamps.
bottom of the vehicle.
28. Fit the air filter assembly.
2. Lower the vehicle, place the engine in the engine
Air Filter Assembly Refit
compartment, and fix the engine with the special tool
T10007and TEN00070. 29. Fill the engine oil.
3. Fix the transmission mount to the transmission Engine Oil Refill
mounting bracket, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 30. Fill the transmission oil.
(45-55)Nm+(40-50)°, fit 1 nut, tighten to
(45-55)Nm+(40-50)°, and check the torque. Automatic Transmission Oil Refill

4. Fit the engine mount. 31. Fill the engine coolant.

Powertrain Mount Refit Engine Coolant Refill

1.0 178

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

32. Fill the A/C refrigerant. Powertrain Mount
A/C Refrigerant Refill
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
33. Fit the battery bracket.
2. Remove the air filter assembly.
Battery Box Bracket Refit
Air Filter Assembly Remove
34. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Loosen the clamps, and remove the turbocharger air
intake pipe.
4. Fix the engine with the special tool T10007 and
5. Remove 2 nuts (1) fixing the right engine mount side
bracket to the front wheelhouse liner and engine
6. Remove 2 nuts and 1 bolt (2) fitting the right engine
mount to the engine mounting bracket.
7. Remove 2 bolts (3) fitting the right engine mount to the
right longitudinal beam, and remove the right mount.

8. Remove the engine ground wire.

9. Remove 3 bolts fixing the engine mounting bracket to
the engine, and remove the engine mounting bracket.

1.0 179

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Flywheel - MT
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the clutch pressure plate and clutch driven
plate assembly.
Clutch Assembly Remove
3. Secure the crankshaft with special tool TEN00135.
1. Fix the engine mounting bracket to the engine, fit 3
bolts, tighten to 58-62Nm and check the torque.
2. Fix the engine ground wire to the engine mounting
bracket and right longitudinal beam.
3. Fit the right engine mount to the engine mounting
bracket, fit 2 nuts, tighten to 90-110Nm, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 90-110Nm, and check the torque.
4. Remove 8 bolts securing the flywheel to the crankshaft,
4. Fit the right engine mount to the right longitudinal
then remove the flywheel and crankshaft position
beam, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 90-110Nm and check the
sensor reluctor ring.
5. Fix the right engine mount to the engine mounting
bracket to the front wheelhouse liner and engine
mount, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 55-65Nm.
6. Remove the special tool T10007 and TEN00070.
7. Fit the turbocharger air inlet pipe, and fix it with clamps.
8. Fit the air filter assembly.
Air Filter Assembly Refit
9. Connect the battery negative cable.

1. Secure the crankshaft with special tool TEN00135.
2. Secure the flywheel and crankshaft position sensor
reluctor ring to the crankshaft with locating pin, fit 8
bolts, tighten to 30Nm+ +70° in sequence as shown,
and then check the torque.

1.0 180

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Flywheel - AT
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the dry dual clutch automatic transmission.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Remove
3. Secure the flywheel with special tool TEN00135.
3. Refit the clutch pressure plate and clutch driven plate
Clutch Assembly Refit
4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
6. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
4. Remove 8 bolts securing the flywheel to the crankshaft,
then re-start the vehicle.
then remove the flywheel and crankshaft position
sensor reluctor ring.
1. Secure the crankshaft with special tool TEN00135.
2. Secure the flywheel and crankshaft position sensor
reluctor ring to the crankshaft with locating pin, fit 8
bolts, tighten to 30Nm+ +70° in sequence as shown,
and then check the torque.

1.0 181

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Cylinder Head
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Drain the engine coolant.

Engine Coolant Drain

4. Remove the hydraulic tappet.

Hydraulic Tappet Remove

5. Remove the turbocharger.
3. Refit the dry dual clutch automatic transmission. Turbocharger Remove
6. Remove the intake manifold.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Refit
4. Connect the battery negative. Intake Manifold Remove
5. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to 7. Remove the high-pressure oil pump.
perform "ECM Adaption Reset". High-pressure Oil Pump Remove
6. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch, 8. Remove the thermostat housing.
then re-start the vehicle.
Thermostat Remove
9. Support the bottom of the engine with a bracket.
10. Remove the lifting equipment.
11. Remove 10 bolts fixing the cylinder head to cylinder
block in the sequence shown.

12. Remove the cylinder head, and discard the cylinder


1.0 182

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

8. Remove the bottom bracket.
9. Fit the thermostat housing.

Thermostat Refit
10. Fit the high-pressure oil pump.

High-pressure Oil Pump Refit

11. Fit the intake manifold.
Intake Manifold Refit
12. Fit the turbocharger.

Turbocharger Refit
13. Fit the hydraulic tappet.

Hydraulic Tappet Refit

14. Refill engine coolant.

Engine Coolant Refill

15. Refill engine oil.
13. Remove the spark plug. Engine Oil Refill
Spark Plug Remove 16. Connect the battery negative.
14. Remove the cylinder head oil gallery check valve.
15. Remove the plug on the cylinder head.
1. Fit the plug on the cylinder head, tighten to 53-67Nm
and check the torque.
2. Fit the cylinder head oil gallery check valve.
3. Fit the spark plug.
Spark Plug Refit
4. Check and clean the cylinder head.
Cylinder Head Check
5. Fit a new cylinder head gasket to the cylinder block
through locating pins.
6. Locate the cylinder head to the cylinder block through
locating pins, fit 10 bolts, tighten to 30Nm+240° in
the direction shown, and check the torque.

7. Fix the engine with lifting equipment.

1.0 183

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Cylinder Block tighten to 15-25Nm, and check the torque.

Remove 10. Fix the oil pressure sensor to the cylinder block, tighten
1. Remove the cylinder head. to 31-39Nm, and check the torque.

Cylinder Head Remove 11. Fit the crankshaft.

2. Remove the crankshaft. Crankshaft Refit

Crankshaft Remove 12. Fit the cylinder head.

3. Remove the oil pressure sensor. Cylinder Head Refit

4. Remove knock sensors.
5. Remove 4 oil nozzles.
6. Remove 4 lower crankcase locating pins.
7. Remove 2 transmission locating pins.
8. Remove 2 cylinder head locating pins.
9. Remove the plug-cylinder block oil gallery.
10. Remove the cylinder block water jacket plug.

1. Clean the cylinder block sealing junction surface,
cooling channel, oil gallery, bearing seat, threaded hole,
etc., and ensure that there is no foreign material.
2. Check the cylinder block.

Cylinder Block Check

3. Fit the cylinder block water jacket plug to the cylinder
block, tighten to 53-67Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fit the plug-cylinder block oil gallery to the cylinder
block, and tighten to 45-55Nm.
5. Fit 2 cylinder head locating pins.
6. Fit 2 transmission locating pins.
7. Fit 4 lower crankcase locating pins.
8. Fix 4 oil nozzles to the upper crankcase, fit the bolts,
tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fix the knock sensor to the cylinder block, fit the bolt,

1.0 184

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

1. Remove the crankshaft sprocket.

Crankshaft Sprocket Remove

2. Remove the oil pump.
Oil Pump Remove
3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the crankcase return pipe to the
lower crankcase, and remove the lower crankcase oil
return pipe.
4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the crankshaft oil guide plate to
the lower crankcase, and remove the crankshaft oil
guide plate.
1. Clean the mating surface between the cylinder block
and bearing base.
2. Check the crankshaft and main bearing shell.
3. Fix the main bearing shell and thrust bearing shell to the
cylinder block bearing seat, and ensure that the bearing
shell oil hole is aligned with the bearing seat oil hole.
Caution: Please fit the bearing 1 shell (with
5. Rotate the crankshaft so that the piston rod assembly is coating) and thrust bearing shell correctly.
at the bottom dead center of the cylinder. 4. Apply clean engine oil to the bearing shell.
6. Remove 2 bolts fixing the connecting rod big end shell 5. Fit the crankshaft.
cover to the connecting rod.
7. Remove the connecting rod big end shell cover, and
push the piston rod assembly to the top edge of the
8. Remove the lower crankcase.
Lower Crankcase Remove
9. Remove the main bearing shell from the lower
10. Remove the crankshaft rear oil seal.
11. Remove the crankshaft, and remove the other half
piece of main bearing shell from the cylinder block.

6. Clean the lower crankcase bearing seat junction surface.

7. Fit the other half piece of main bearing shell to the
lower crankcase bearing seat.
8. Fit the lower crankcase.
Lower Crankcase Refit
9. Rotate the crankshaft so that the crankshaft connecting
rod journal is at the bottom dead center.
10. Push the piston connecting rod assembly to the bottom

1.0 185

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

dead center at the bottom of the cylinder liner, and Caution: The oil seal must be fitted in the correct
make the connecting rod big end fit the crankshaft direction. The outward side shall be marked with
connecting rod journal. "This Side Outwards".
11. Fit the bearing shell to the connecting rod big end
shell cover, fix the connecting rod big end shell cover
to the connecting rod big end, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
25Nm+75°, and check the torque.

Caution: Make the connecting rod big end shell cover

boss face the rear end of the engine; the alphabetic
signs "AA" at the side surface of the shell cover
must be on the same side.
17. Fit the oil pump.
Oil Pump Refit
18. Fit the crankshaft sprocket.
Crankshaft Sprocket Refit
19. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
20. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
12. Rotate the crankshaft to ensure free rotation of the then re-start the vehicle.
crankshaft connecting rod, without clamping stagnation.
13. Fix the crankshaft oil guide plate to the lower crankcase,
fit 3 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm in the sequence as
shown, and check the torque.

14. Fix the crankcase oil return pipe to the lower crankcase,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.
15. Fit the special tool TEN00144 into the crankshaft
mounting hole at the rear end of the engine.
16. Fit the crankshaft rear seal to the rear end of the
crankshaft with the special tool TEN00143 through
the special tool TEN00144.

1.0 186

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Lower Crankcase upper periphery of the cylinder block.
1. Remove the flywheel.
Flywheel-MT Remove
Flywheel-AT Remove
2. Remove the crankshaft timing sprocket.
Crankshaft Timing Sprocket Remove
3. Remove the oil pump.
Oil Pump Remove
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
to the crankcase, and disconnect.
5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the air conditioning compressor
to the engine, and remove the air conditioning 10. Remove 10 bolts fixing the crankshaft main journal in
compressor. the sequence shown, and remove the lower crankcase.
6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the crankshaft position sensor Refit
to the lower crankcase, and remove the crankshaft 1. Clean the junction surface between crankcase and
position sensor. cylinder block, and ensure that there is no foreign
2. Apply sealant to the lower crankcase as shown.
7. Remove 1 bolt fixing the crankcase oil return pipe to
the lower crankcase, and remove the lower crankcase
oil return pipe. 3. Fix the lower crankcase to the cylinder block through 2
8. Remove 3 bolts fixing the crankshaft oil guide plate to locating pins, fit 10 crankshaft main journal fixing bolts,
the lower crankcase, and remove the crankshaft oil tighten to 15Nm+( (176-184) )° in the sequence
guide plate. shown, and check the torque.

9. Remove 13 bolts fixing the lower crankcase to the 4. Fit 13 peripheral bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm in the

1.0 187

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

sequence shown, and check the torque. Oil Pan

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Drain engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove the front exhaust pipe.

Front Exhaust Pipe Remove

4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the oil pan to the transmission.
5. Remove 11 bolts fixing the lower part of the oil pan
to the upper assembly of the oil pan, and remove the
lower part of the oil pan.
6. Disconnect the external connector of oil pump control
5. Fix the crankshaft oil guide plate to the lower crankcase, valve.
fit 3 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm in the sequence shown, 7. Disconnect the internal connector of oil pump control
and check the torque. valve.
Caution: Oil must not be fed at the internal
connector; otherwise, the performance will be
affected, and the internal connection harness is
to be replaced!
8. Remove 1 bolt (3) fixing the internal connection
harness of oil pump control valve to the upper part of
the oil pan, remove and discard the internal connection
harness of oil pump control valve.

6. Fix the crankcase oil return pipe to the lower crankcase,

fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fix the crankshaft position sensor to the lower
crankcase, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check
the torque.
8. Fix the A/C compressor to the engine, fit 3 bolts,
tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to the lower
crankcase, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check 9. Remove 16 bolts fixing the upper part of the oil pan
the torque. to the lower crankcase, and remove the upper part of
10. Fit the oil pump. the oil pan.
Oil Pump Refit
11. Fit the crankshaft timing sprocket.

Crankshaft Timing Sprocket Refit

12. Fit the flywheel.

Flywheel-MT Refit
Flywheel-AT Refit

1.0 188

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Caution: Oil must not be fed at the internal
connector; otherwise, the performance will be
affected, and the internal connection harness is
to be replaced!
6. Connect the external connector of oil pump control
7. Apply sealant to the lower part of the oil pan and lower
crankcase junction surface.
1. Clean all components and junction surfaces.
2. Apply sealant to the upper part of the oil pan and lower
crankcase junction surface.

8. Fix the lower part of the oil pan to the upper part of
the oil pan, fit 11 bolts, tighten to 9-11Nm in the
sequence as shown, and check the torque.

3. Fix the upper part of the oil pan to the lower crankcase
through locating pins, fit 16 bolts, tighten to 9-11Nm
in the sequence as shown, and check the torque.

9. Fit 3 bolts fixing the oil pan to the transmission and

tighten them to 49–67Nm.
10. Fit the front exhaust pipe.

Front Exhaust Pipe Refit

11. Fill the engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill

12. Connect the battery negative cable.
4. Fix the internal connection harness of oil pump control
valve with a new seal ring to the oil pan, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.
5. Connect the internal connector of oil pump control

1.0 189

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Camshaft Cover
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the oil dipstick.
3. Remove the engine hood.
4. Remove the injector.
Fuel Injector Remove
5. Remove the solenoid valve of camshaft phase
adjustment actuator.
Camshaft Phase Adjustment Actuator Solenoid
Valve Remove
6. Remove the camshaft position sensor.
Camshaft Position Sensor Remove
7. Remove the mechanical vacuum pump.
Mechanical Vacuum Pump Remove
8. Remove the turbocharger water return pipe. 16. Remove the camshaft cover and discard the seal gasket.

Turbocharger Water Return Pipe Remove Refit

1. Fit a new camshaft cover seal gasket.
9. Remove the harness clip fixed to the camshaft cover,
and remove the harness. 2. Locate the camshaft cover to the cylinder head, fit 18
10. Remove 1 bolt fixing the high-pressure fuel pipe clip to bolts and 2 studs, tighten to 14-16Nm in the sequence
the camshaft cover. shown, and check the torque.

11. Remove 1 screw fixing the PCV hard tube assembly

with PCV valve and bolt joint to the turbocharger, and
12. Remove the PCV hard tube assembly from the camshaft
cover and discard it.
Caution: This component is removed only when the
check shows that replacement is necessary. Once
removed, PCV valve will be damaged and must be
13. Remove the PCV breathing tube assembly.
14. Remove the bolt (1 for each) fixing the 2 PCV valve
assemblies to the camshaft cover.
3. Fix 2 PCV valve assemblies to the camshaft cover
respectively, fit 1 bolt for each, tighten to 8-12Nm,
and check the torque.
4. Fit the PCV breathing tube assembly.
5. Fix a new PCV hard tube assembly with PCV valve and
bolted joint to the camshaft cover, fit 1 bolt, tighten to
8-12Nm, and check the torque.
6. Fix the PCV hard tube assembly joint to the
turbocharger, fit 1 screw 8-10Nm, and check the
7. Fix the high-pressure fuel pipe clip to the camshaft
cover, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the
15. Remove 18 bolts and 2 studs fixing the camshaft cover
8. Fix the harness staple bolt to the camshaft cover.
to the cylinder head in the sequence shown.

1.0 190

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

9. Fit the turbocharger water return pipe. Crankshaft Vibration Damper
Turbocharger Water Return Pipe Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
10. Fit the mechanical vacuum pump.
2. Remove the bottom deflector.
Mechanical Vacuum Pump Refit
Bottom Deflector Remove
11. Fit the camshaft position sensor.
3. Remove the front right wheel.
Camshaft Position Sensor
12. Fit the solenoid valve of camshaft phase adjustment Wheel Remove
actuator. 4. Remove the front right wheelhouse lining.

Camshaft Phase Adjustment Actuator Solenoid Front Wheelhouse Lining Remove

Valve Refit 5. Remove auxiliary drive belt.
13. Fit the injector. Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
Fuel Injector Refit 6. Fix the crankshaft vibration damper with special tool
14. Fit the engine cover. TEN00135.
15. Fit the oil dipstick.
16. Connect the battery negative.

7. Remove 1 bolt fixing the crankshaft vibration damper

to the crankshaft.

8. Pull out and remove the crankshaft vibration damper

with the special tool TEN00136.

1.0 191

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Front Timing Cover

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove front crankshaft oil seal.
Front Crankshaft Oil Seal Remove
4. Remove the accessory belt tensioner.
Accessory Belt Tensioner Remove
5. Remove the camshaft cover.
Camshaft Cover Remove
6. Remove the right engine suspension.
1. Check to see if the locating key is properly located in
Right Engine Suspension Remove
the crankshaft.
7. Remove 3 bolts fixing the front cover to the upper oil
2. Check the junction surface between crankshaft
vibration damper and crankshaft for scratches, if any,
replace the crankshaft vibration damper. 8. Remove 15 bolts fixing the front timing cover to the
cylinder block.
Tip: After reused once, the crankshaft vibration
damper must be replaced with a new one.
3. Align the groove in the crankshaft vibration damper hub
with the key on the crankshaft, and carefully push the
crankshaft vibration damper to the crankshaft sprocket
for contact.
4. Fix the crankshaft vibration damper with special tool
5. Fit the vibration damper bolt, tighten to
100Nm+(176-184)°, and check the torque.
6. Fit the auxiliary drive belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
7. Fit the front right wheelhouse lining. Refit

Front Wheelhouse Lining Refit 1. Clean the front timing cover junction surface, and
ensure that there is no foreign material.
8. Fit the front right wheel.
2. Apply sealant to the front cover.
Wheel Refit
9. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit

10. Connect the battery negative cable.

3. Locate the front timing cover to the cylinder block

through 2 locating pins.

1.0 192

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

4. Fit 15 bolts respectively in the sequence shown, and Intake and Exhaust Valves
pretighten to 5Nm. Remove
1. Remove the cylinder head.
Cylinder Head Remove
2. Compress the valve spring with the valve removal tool.
Warning: The compressed valve spring exerts huge
tension on the valve spring compressor. The
valve spring improperly compressed by the valve
spring compressor or released from the valve
spring compressor can be ejected from the valve
spring compressor by huge tension. Take care when
compressing or releasing the valve spring with
the valve spring compressor, and when removing or
fitting the valve stem key, or personal injury may
5. Tighten 1 to 14-16Nm, and check the torque.
6. Tighten 2 to 51-65Nm, and check the torque. Warning: Do not compress the valve spring to below
24.0mm. Exposure to the position between the valve
7. Tighten 3–15 to 14-16Nm, and check the torque.
spring retainer and valve stem seal may cause
8. Fit 3 oil pan bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm and check the potential damage to the valve stem seal.
9. Fit the right engine suspension.

Right Engine Suspension Refit

10. Fit the camshaft cover.
Camshaft Cover Refit
11. Fit the accessory belt tensioner.
Accessory Belt Tensioner Refit
12. Front Crankshaft Oil Seal

Front Crankshaft Oil Seal Refit

13. Refill engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill 3. Remove the lock clip, loosen the valve spring, and
14. Connect the battery negative. remove the valve removal tool.
4. Remove the valve spring, valve spring cover and valve.
Caution: Mark immediately after removing the parts.
Mark the position, direction or orientation as

1.0 193

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

5. Remove the valve oil seal. Timing Chain

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
3. Remove the camshaft cover.

Camshaft Cover Remove

4. Remove the front timing cover.

Front Timing Cover Remove

5. Press the timing chain tensioner in place, and lock with
stop pin.
6. Remove 2 bolts securing the timing chain upper guide
rail to the cylinder head and then remove the timing
1. Check the valve mechanism. chain upper guide rail.
Valve Mechanism Check 7. Remove 1 bolt securing the tensioner guide rail to the
2. Ensure that the valve, valve spring, spring cap and lock intake side of engine, and remove the tensioner guide
clamp are clean. rail.
8. Remove 3 bolts securing the timing chain guide rail to
3. Lubricate the valve and valve stem oil seal.
4. Fit the valve stem oil seal to the valve guide pipe. the exhaust side of engine and then remove the timing
chain guide rail.
5. Fit the valve, install the spring and spring cover, and
fix the valve disassembling tool to the valve and 9. Remove the timing chain.
compression spring.
6. Compress the valve spring with the valve disassembling
tool, fit the valve spring lock clamp, and remove the
valve disassembling tool.
7. Fit the cylinder head.

Cylinder Head Refit


10. Remove 1 bolt securing the oil nozzle to the cylinder

block, and remove the oil nozzle.
1. Secure the oil nozzle on the cylinder block, fit 1 bolt
and tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.
2. Rotate the intake and exhaust camshafts to place their
timing marks at 12 o'clock position respectively, and
secure them with special tool TEN00134.

1.0 194

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

timing chain system to tension.
12. Refit the front timing cover.

Front Timing Cover Refit

13. Refit the camshaft cover.

Camshaft Cover Refit

14. Refill the engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill
15. Connect the battery negative.
16. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
17. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
3. Rotate the crankshaft to place the timing mark at
then re-start the vehicle.
6 o'clock position, and secure it with special tool

4. Fit the timing chain.

Caution: Make sure the correct timing chain ring
is aligned with the timing mark. The colors of
actuator timing chain ring are identical, while
the color of crankshaft sprocket timing chain ring
is unique.
5. Align the first timing chain ring with intake camshaft
timing mark.
6. Align the second timing chain ring with exhaust
camshaft timing mark.
7. Align the last timing chain ring with crankshaft sprocket
timing mark.
8. Secure the timing chain guide rail to the exhaust side of
engine, fit 3 bolts and tighten to 8-12Nm, then check
the torque.
9. Secure the tensioner guide rail to the intake side of
engine, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 21-29Nm, then check
the torque.
10. Secure the timing chain upper guide rail to the cylinder
head, fit 2 bolts and tighten to 8-12Nm, then check
the torque.
11. Pull out the timing chain tensioner stop pin to allow the

1.0 195

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Camshaft Phase Regulation Actuator 4. Refill the engine oil.

Remove Engine Oil Refill
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
5. Connect the battery negative.
2. Drain engine oil.
6. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
Engine Oil Drain perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
3. Remove the timing chain. 7. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
Timing Chain Remove then re-start the vehicle.

4. Lock the intake and exhaust camshafts with special tool

5. Remove 1 bolt securing the intake camshaft phase
regulation actuator to the camshaft, then remove the
intake camshaft phase regulation actuator.
6. Remove 1 bolt securing the exhaust camshaft phase
regulation actuator to the camshaft, then remove the
exhaust camshaft phase regulation actuator.

1. Secure the exhaust camshaft phase regulation actuator
to the camshaft, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 20Nm+90° and
check the torque.
2. Secure the intake camshaft phase regulation actuator
to the camshaft, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 20Nm+90° and
check the torque.
3. Fit the timing chain.
Timing Chain Refit

1.0 196

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Timing Chain Tensioner Crankshaft Sprocket
Remove Remove
1. Drain the engine oil. 1. Drain the engine oil.

Engine Oil Drain Engine Oil Drain

2. Remove the timing chain. 2. Remove the timing chain.

Timing Chain Remove
Timing Chain Remove
3. Remove the oil pan.
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the timing chain tensioner to the
cylinder block, remove the timing chain tensioner, and Oil Pan Remove
discard the gasket. 4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the oil pump drive chain tensioner
to the cylinder block, and remove the oil pump drive
chain tensioner.
5. Loosen 4 oil pump bolts.
6. Tilt the oil pump, and remove the oil pump drive chain.
1. Fit a new gasket, fix the timing chain tensioner to the
cylinder block, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 21-29Nm, and
check the torque.
7. Remove the crankshaft sprocket, and remove the
2. Fit the timing chain.
sprocket flat key.
Timing Chain Refit
3. Refill engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill


1. Fit the flat key to the crankshaft, and fit the crankshaft
sprocket to the crankshaft.
2. Tilt the oil pump, and fit the oil pump drive chain.
3. Tighten the 4 oil pump bolts to 9-11Nm, and check
the torque.
4. Fix the oil pump drive chain tensioner to the cylinder
block, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the

1.0 197

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

5. Fit the oil pan. Camshaft

Oil Pan Refit
1. Drain engine oil.
6. Fit the timing chain.
Timing Chain Refit Engine Oil Drain
2. Remove camshaft phase regulation actuator.
7. Refill engine oil.
Camshaft Phase Regulation Actuator Remove
Engine Oil Refill
3. Release 12 retaining bolts of intake camshaft and
exhaust camshaft bearing covers by half round each.
4. Remove the bearing cover.

Caution: Observe the marking on the bearing cover.

The marking is made on each bearing cover to
identify its position.
5. Remove the intake/exhaust camshaft assembly.

1. Clean the camshaft base, bearing cover, bearing cover
bolt and camshaft, and blow with compressed air.
2. Fit the exhaust camshaft and intake camshaft to the
camshaft base. Make sure that the notch at the front of
camshaft is located at 12 o'clock position.
3. Before fitting the camshaft cover, rotate the oil seal in
No. 1 camshaft journal notch to make the interface at
appr. 12 o'clock position.
4. Fit the bearing cover and pre-tension with hand.
5. Fit the front bearing cover and pre-tension with hand.
6. In the sequence as shown, tighten the exhaust camshaft
and intake camshaft bearing cover bolts to 10-14Nm
with the increment of 3 rounds, and check the torque.

1.0 198

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Hydraulic Tappets
1. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Drain
2. Remove the camshaft.
Camshaft Remove
3. Remove the valve drive rocker arm (2).
1 The components must be orderly isolated, marked or
arranged to ensure that they are fitted in the original
positions, and take preventive measures to prevent parts
7. Refit camshaft phase regulation actuator. interchange.
2 Mark immediately after removing the parts. Mark the
Camshaft Phase Regulation Actuator Refit
position, direction or orientation as needed.
8. Refill the engine oil.
4. Remove the valve hydraulic tappet (1).
Engine Oil Refill
9. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset". 1 The components must be orderly isolated, marked or
arranged to ensure that they are installed in the original
10. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
positions, and take preventive measures to prevent parts
then re-start the vehicle.
2 Mark immediately after removing the parts. Mark the
position, direction or orientation as needed.

1. Clean the valve drive rocker arm, valve hydraulic
tappet and seat hole, and coat the surface with clean
lubricating oil.
2. Fit the valve hydraulic tappet into the seat hole in the
cylinder head.
3. Fit the valve drive rocker arm to the valve tip and valve
hydraulic tappet.
Caution: The used gap adjuster arm must be returned
to the initial position of the camshaft. If the
camshaft has been replaced, the gap adjuster arm
driven by the camshaft must also be replaced.
4. Fit the camshaft.

1.0 199

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Camshaft Refit Intake Manifold

5. Refill engine oil. Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
Engine Oil Refill
2. Remove the electronic throttle.
Electronic Throttle Remove
3. Loosen the clamps, and disconnect the connecting hose
of the activated carbon canister solenoid valve.
4. Disconnect the connector of the activated carbon
canister solenoid valve.
5. Disconnect the intake manifold end hose of the
activated carbon canister solenoid valve.
6. Remove the harness fixed to the intake manifold.
7. Remove 1 screw fixing the manifold absolute pressure
and temperature sensor to the intake manifold,
and remove the manifold absolute pressure and
temperature sensor (1).
8. Remove the activated carbon canister solenoid valve
and hose (2).

9. Loosen two clips fixing the intake manifold cover

assembly to the intake manifold, and remove the intake
manifold cover assembly.

10. Remove 5 bolts fixing the intake manifold to the

cylinder head, remove the intake manifold, and discard
the washer.

1.0 200

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

1. Remove the connecting rod.

Connecting Rod Remove

2. Using an expander to remove piston rings (1).
3. Remove 2 piston pin clamping springs (2).
4. Remove the piston pin (3).
5. Disconnect the piston from the connecting rod small
end, and remove the piston.

Caution: Mark immediately after removing the parts.

Mark the position, direction or orientation as
Refit needed.
1. Clean intake manifold mating face.
2. Fit a new intake manifold gasket, fix the intake manifold
to the cylinder head, fit 5 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm in
the sequence shown, and check the torque.
1. Check the piston connecting rod.
Piston Connecting Rod Check
2. Fit the piston pin clamping spring at one side into the
3. Fix the intake manifold cover assembly to the intake pin hole clamping spring slot.
manifold, and fix it with buckles.
3. Place the connecting rod small end to the inner side of
4. Fit the activated carbon canister solenoid valve and the piston pin boss, after application of lubricating oil,
hose to the intake manifold. fit the piston pin into the piston pin hole and connecting
5. Fix the manifold absolute pressure and temperature rod small end, and fit the piston pin clamping spring on
sensor to the intake manifold, fit 1 bolt, tighten to the other side into the pin hole clamping spring slot.
4-5Nm and check the torque.
Caution: The forward mark at the top of the piston
6. Fix the harness to the intake manifold. must be consistent with the forward mark on the
7. Connect the intake manifold end hose of activated connecting rod.
carbon canister solenoid valve.
4. Fit the oil ring, top/second compression ring into
8. Connect the connector of the activated carbon canister the piston ring groove from bottom to top with an
solenoid valve. expander.
9. Connect the connecting hose of activated carbon
Caution: The piston ring mark points to the top
canister solenoid valve, and fix it with clamps.
surface of the piston.
10. Fit the throttle.
5. Fit the connecting rod.
Electronic Throttle Refit
Connecting Rod Refit
11. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 201

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Connecting Rod contact with the cylinder opening, and carefully push
Remove the piston assembly out from the cylinder liner.
1. Remove the cylinder head. Caution: Carefully mark each piston and
Cylinder Head Remove corresponding cylinder liner.
2. Remove the oil pump. 12. Refit the connecting rod big end cap to the connecting
Oil Pump Remove rod, and gently tighten the connecting rod bolt.

3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the crankcase return pipe to the

lower crankcase, and remove the lower crankcase oil
return pipe.
4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the crankshaft oil guide plate to
the lower crankcase, and remove the crankshaft oil
guide plate.

1. Check the piston connecting rod.
Piston Connecting Rod Check
2. Ensure piston rings are free to rotate, the gap between
the two air rings shall form an angle of 180° and away
from the piston thrust side.
5. Rotate the crankshaft so that the piston rod assembly is 3. The notch of the oil ring and spring shall form an angle
at the bottom dead center of the cylinder. of 120°.
6. Remove 2 bolts fixing the connecting rod big end shell
cover to the connecting rod.

4. Lubricate the cylinder liner opening, piston and piston

ring with engine oil, and ensure the piston ring notch is
7. Remove the connecting rod big end shell cover, and correctly positioned.
remove the bearing shell. 5. Remove the connecting rod big end shell cover.
8. Disconnect the connecting rod big end from the 6. Fit the bearing shell to the connecting rod big end, and
crankshaft, and remove the bearing shell. apply engine oil.
9. Remove carbon deposit at the top of the cylinder liner 7. Fit the piston installer to the piston. Make the front
opening. mark on the piston face the front of the engine, and fit
10. Push the piston to the top of the cylinder liner. the piston into the cylinder liner.
11. Ensure that the connecting rod did not come into 8. Push the piston into the cylinder liner until it is aligned

1.0 202

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

with the upper surface of the cylinder liner. 15. Fix the crankcase oil return pipe to the lower crankcase,
9. Remove the piston installer. fit 1 bolt, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.

Caution: Before fitting the connecting rod big end 16. Fit the oil pump.
bearing bush and connecting rod big end cap, do Oil Pump Refit
not push the piston below the upper surface of the
17. Fit the cylinder head.
cylinder liner.
Cylinder Head Refit
10. Rotate the crankshaft so that the crankshaft connecting
rod journal is at the bottom dead center.
11. Push the piston connecting rod assembly to the bottom
dead center at the bottom of the cylinder liner, and
make the connecting rod big end fit the crankshaft
connecting rod journal.
12. Fit the bearing shell to the connecting rod big end
shell cover, fix the connecting rod big end shell cover
to the connecting rod big end, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
25Nm+75°, and check the torque.
Caution: Make the connecting rod big end shell cover
boss face the rear end of the engine; the letter
"AA" at the side surface of the shell cover and that
of the connecting rod must be on the same side.

13. Rotate the crankshaft and ensure free rotation of the

crankshaft connecting rod.
14. Fix the crankshaft oil guide plate to the lower crankcase,
fit 3 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm in the sequence shown,
and check the torque.

1.0 203

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Oil Pump Strainer Refit

Remove 6. Refill engine oil.
1. Drain the engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill
Engine Oil Drain
2. Remove the strainer.
Strainer Remove
3. Remove 4 bolts fixing the oil pan to the lower
4. Toggle the oil pump drive chain tensioner, tilt the oil
pump, and disconnect the drive chain from the sprocket.
5. Remove the oil pump, and discard the washer.
6. Loosen the clip, and remove the electronic flow control
valve of the oil pump.

1. Clean the junction surface between oil pump and lower
2. Fit the oil pump electronic flow control valve and fix
it with clips.
3. Toggle the oil pump drive chain tensioner, tilt the oil
pump, and fit the drive chain to the sprocket.
4. Fit a new washer, apply clean lubricating oil, fix the oil
pump to the lower crankcase, fit 4 bolts, tighten to
9-11Nm, and check the torque.
5. Fit the strainer.

1.0 204

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Oil Strainer Front Crankshaft Oil Seal
Remove Remove
1. Drain the engine oil. 1. Drain the engine oil.

Engine Oil Drain Engine Oil Drain

2. Remove the oil pan. 2. Remove the crankshaft vibration damper.
Oil Pan Remove Crankshaft Vibration Damper Remove
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the strainer to the oil pump, 3. Remove the front crankshaft oil seal.
remove the strainer, and discard the O-ring.
Refit 1. Clean the oil seal junction surface, and ensure that
1. Fit a new O-ring, fix the strainer to the oil pump, fit 2 there is no foreign material.
bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque. 2. Fit the handle with the TEN00141 and fit the front
2. Fit the oil pan. crankshaft oil seal with the TEN00142.
Oil Pan Refit
3. Refill engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill


3. Fit the crankshaft vibration damper.

Crankshaft Vibration Damper Refit

4. Refill engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill

1.0 205

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Vacuum Pump

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Remove 1 bolt fixing the throttle air inlet pipe to the
2. Drain the engine oil. cylinder head (4).

Engine Oil Drain

3. Remove the flywheel.
Flywheel-MT Remove
Flywheel-AT Remove
4. Remove the rear crankshaft oil seal.
2. Disconnect the vacuum tube on the mechanical vacuum
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the vacuum pump to the cylinder
head, remove the vacuum pump, and discard the liner.
1. Clean the mounting hole of the rear crankshaft oil seal.
2. Fit the TEN00144 into the crankshaft mounting hole
at the rear end of the engine.
3. Fit the handle with the TEN00141 and fit the rear
crankshaft oil seal to the rear end of the crankshaft
with the TEN00143 through the TEN00144.
Caution: The oil seal must be fitted in the correct
direction. The outward side shall be marked with
"This Side Outwards".
1. Clean the junction surface between the vacuum pump
and cylinder head.
2. Fit a new liner, position the vacuum pump by 2
locating pins to the cylinder head, fit 3 bolts, tighten to
21-29Nm in the sequence of 1-2-3 shown, and check
the torque.

Caution: Ensure that the vacuum pump transmission

gear is aligned with the camshaft end, and ensure
that the vacuum pump is flush with the cylinder
head before fitting the bolt.
4. Fit the flywheel.
Flywheel-MT Refit
Flywheel-AT Refit
5. Refill engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill

1.0 206

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Seal-Vacuum Pump
1. Remove vacuum pump。

Vacuum pump remove

2. Use screwdriver remove the seal of vacuum pump.

Caution: Use adhesive tape pack the head of the

screwdriver to protect the surface of the cylinder
1. Use special tool TEN00141and hammer install the
seal to back of the cylinder head.
3. Connect the vacuum tube on the vacuum pump.
4. Fix the throttle air inlet pipe to the cylinder head, fit 1
bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.

2. Refit the vacuum pump.

Vacuum pump refit

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine coolant.
Engine Coolant Drain
3. Drain the engine oil.

Engine Oil Drain

4. Remove the three-way catalytic converter.

Three-way Catalytic Converter Remove

5. Remove the A/C compressor.
A/C Compressor Remove 14. Remove the pipeline fixing the turbocharger oil inlet
6. Remove the turbocharger water return pipe. pipe to the engine, and remove the turbocharger oil
inlet pipe.
Turbocharger Water Return Pipe Remove
15. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
7. Remove the turbocharger control solenoid valve.
to the engine, remove the turbocharger oil return pipe,
Turbocharger Control Solenoid Valve Remove and discard the gasket.
8. Remove the turbocharger intake pipe. 16. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
Turbocharger Intake Pipe Remove to the turbocharger.

9. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the intercooler inlet

pipe from the turbocharger.
10. Remove 1 bolt fixing the PCV hose coupler to the
turbocharger, and disconnect the PCV coupler (1).
11. Remove 1 hollow bolt fixing the turbocharger oil inlet
pipe to the turbocharger (2), and discard two copper

17. Remove 4 nuts fixing the turbocharger to the engine,

and remove the turbocharger and turbocharger heat

12. Remove 1 hollow bolt fixing the turbocharger water

inlet pipe to the turbocharger, and discard two copper
13. Remove 1 nut fixing the turbocharger water inlet
pipe to the rear of the water pump, and remove the
turbocharger water inlet pipe.

1. Fix the turbocharger, turbocharger heat shield to the

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engine, fit 4 nuts, diagonally tighten to 21-29Nm, and Turbocharger Fuel Inlet Pipe
check the torque. Remove
2. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to 1. Drain the engine oil.
the turbocharger, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9-11Nm, and
Engine Oil Drain
check the torque.
2. Remove the A/C compressor.
3. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to
the engine, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check A/C Compressor Remove
the torque. 3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
4. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the engine. the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
5. Fix the turbocharger water inlet pipe to the rear of shield.
the water pump.
6. Fix the turbocharger water inlet pipe to the
turbocharger, fit 2 new copper gaskets and 1 hollow
bolt, tighten to 31-39Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger,
fit 2 new copper gaskets and 1 hollow bolt, tighten to
18-22Nm, and check the torque.
8. Fix the PCV hose joint to the turbocharger, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 8-10Nm, and check the torque.
9. Connect the intercooler air intake pipe to the
turbocharger, and fix it with clamps.
10. Fit the turbocharger intake pipe.
4. Remove 1 hollow bolt fixing the turbocharger oil inlet
Turbocharger Intake Pipe Refit
pipe to the turbocharger (2), and discard two copper
11. Fit the turbocharger control solenoid valve. gaskets.
Turbocharger Control Solenoid Valve Refit
12. Fit the turbocharger water return pipe.

Turbocharger Water Return Pipe Refit

13. Fit the A/C compressor.

A/C Compressor Refit

14. Fit the three-way catalytic converter.

Three-way Catalytic Converter Refit

15. Refill engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill

16. Refill engine coolant.

Engine Coolant Refill 5. Remove the turbocharger oil inlet pipe clip, and remove
the turbocharger oil inlet pipe.
17. Connect the battery negative.
1. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger
pipe joint, and fix it with turbocharger oil inlet pipe
2. Fix the turbocharger oil inlet pipe to the turbocharger,
fit 2 new copper gaskets and 1 hollow bolt, tighten to
18-22Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fix the three-way catalytic converter heat shield to the
turbocharger, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 10-12Nm, and
check the torque.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

4. Fit the A/C compressor. Turbocharger Oil Return Pipe

A/C Compressor Refit
1. Drain the engine oil.
5. Refill engine oil.
Engine Oil Refill Engine Oil Drain
2. Remove the three-way catalytic converter.
Three-way Catalytic Converter Remove
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
to the turbocharger.
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger oil return pipe
to the engine, remove the turbocharger oil return pipe,
and discard the gasket.

1. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to
the engine, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check
the torque.
2. Fit a new gasket, fix the turbocharger oil return pipe to
the turbocharger, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9-11Nm, and
check the torque.
3. Fit the three-way catalytic converter.
Three-way Catalytic Converter Refit
4. Refill engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill

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Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe Turbocharger Water Return Pipe
Remove Remove
1. Drain the engine coolant. 1. Drain the engine coolant.

Engine Coolant Drain Engine Coolant Drain

2. Remove the three-way catalytic converter. 2. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the overflow pipe
from the turbocharger water return pipe (3).
Three-way Catalytic Converter Remove
3. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the turbocharger
3. Remove 1 hollow bolt fixing the turbocharger water
water return pipe from the water outlet assembly (5).
inlet pipe to the turbocharger, and discard two seal
gaskets. 4. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the turbocharger
water return pipe from the bypass pipe assembly (4).
4. Remove 1 nut fixing the turbocharger water inlet
5. Remove 1 hollow bolt fixing the turbocharger water
pipe to the rear of the water pump, and remove the
turbocharger water inlet pipe. return pipe to the turbocharger (1), and discard two
seal gaskets.
6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the water return pipe bracket to
the camshaft cover (2), and remove the turbocharger
water return pipe.
1. Insert the turbocharger water inlet pipe into the fast
port at the rear of the water pump.
2. Fix the turbocharger water inlet pipe to the
turbocharger, fit 2 new gaskets and 1 hollow bolt,
tighten to 31-39Nm, and check the torque. 1. Fix the turbocharger water return pipe to the
turbocharger, fit 1 hollow bolt and 2 new seal gaskets,
3. Fit the three-way catalytic converter.
and pretighten.
Three-way Catalytic Converter Refit
2. Fix the water return pipe bracket to the camshaft
4. Refill engine coolant. cover,fit 1 bolt and pretighten.
Engine Coolant Refill 3. Connect the turbocharger water return pipe to the
bypass pipe assembly, and fix it with clamps.
4. Connect the turbocharger water return pipe to the
water outlet pipe assembly, and fix it with clamps.
5. Connect the overflow pipe to the turbocharger water
return pipe, and fix it with clamps.
6. Tighten the bracket bolt to 8-12Nm, and check the
7. Tighten the hollow bolt to 31-39Nm, and check the
8. Refill engine coolant.

Engine Coolant Refill

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Water Outlet Assembly 8. Fill the engine coolant.

Remove Engine Coolant Fill
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
9. Connect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine coolant.
Engine Coolant Drainage
3. Disconnect the water temperature sensor connector
of water outlet assembly.
4. Remove 1 bolt used for fixing the throttle air intake
pipe to the cylinder head.
5. Loosen the clamp,and disconnect the radiator water
inlet pipe from the water outlet assembly(1).
6. Loosen the clamp,and disconnect the bypass pipe from
the water outlet assembly(2).
7. Loosen the clamp,and disconnect two heating water
pipes from the water outlet assembly(3).
8. Loosen the clamp,and disconnect the turbocharger
water return pipe from the water outlet assembly(4).
9. Remove 2 bolts used for fixing the water outlet
assembly to the engine(5),remove the water outlet
assembly,and discard the gasket.
1. Fit a new gasket,fix the water outlet assembly to the
engine,fit 2 bolts,tighten them to10–14Nm,and check
the torque.
2. Connect the turbocharger water return pipe to the
water outlet assembly,and fix it with clamps.
3. Connect two heating water pipes to the water outlet
assembly,and fix them with clamps.
4. Connect the bypass pipe to the water outlet
assembly,and fix it with clamps.
5. Connect the radiator water inlet pipe to the water
outlet assembly,and fix it with clamps.
6. Fix the throttle air inlet pipe to the cylinder head,fit 1
bolt,tighten it to7–10Nm,and check the torque.
7. Connect the water temperature sensor connector of
water outlet assembly.

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Oil Cooler Cylinder Head Check
Remove Valve Check
1. Drain the engine coolant. 1. Remove the carbon deposition,engine oil and varnish
on the valve.Clean all carbon depositions on valve
Engine Coolant Drain
head with a soft wire brush.Varnish can be removed by
2. Drain the engine oil.
soaking in parts soaking solvent or equivalent.。
Engine Oil Drain
Tip: DO NOT use a wire brush on any part of the valve
3. Remove the turbocharger intake pipe. stem.
Turbocharger Intake Pipe Remove Tip: DO NOT grind or condition the intake valve.If the
intake valve is out of specification, replace the valve.
4. Remove 4 bolts fixing the oil cooler to the water pump,
remove the oil cooler, and discard the gasket. 2. Clean the valve guide pipe.
3. Check the valve stem for wear(4).
4. Check the valve lock plate groove for damage or
wear(5).If the valve is damaged or worn,replace it.
5. Check the valve conical surface for burnout or
cracking(1).If the component is damaged,check the
relevant piston and cylinder head areas for damage.
6. Check the valve stem for any burr or scratch.Burrs and
slight scratches can be removed by oil stone.
7. Use a V-shaped block to check the straightness of
valve stem and check the valve cover for bend or
deformation (3).Replace the bent or deformed valve.
8. Remove the deposit on the valve conical surface.Check
Refit the valve conical surface for any damage.
9. If there are damages on the conical surface,replace the
1. Clean the junction surface between oil cooler and water
pump, and ensure that there is no foreign material. valve.No machining of valve conical surface is allowed.If
the valve is worn or damaged,replace it.
2. Fit a new gasket, fix the oil cooler to the water pump,
fit two M6 bolts and two M8 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm 10. If the valve head is worn or the outer diameter and
chamfer (2) exceeds the specified value,replace the
and 22-28Nm respectively, and check the torque.
3. Fit the turbocharger intake pipe.
Valve Mechanism Check
Turbocharger Intake Pipe Refit
11. Slightly stack up the valve onto valve seat.
4. Refill engine oil.
12. If the valve stem end (6) is worn,replace the valve.
Engine Oil Refill
13. If there is no obvious wear,pitting,scratches or
5. Refill engine coolant. deformation,measure and repair the valve to verify the
Engine Coolant Refill valve specification.
Valve Mechanism Check

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6. If the valve clearance is greater than the specified value
and a new valve stem with standard diameter also fails
to maintain the clearance within the specified range,it is
necessary to replace the cylinder head.

Tip: The abrasions 10mm from the bottom of valve

guide pipe do not affect the normal operation.
Valve Spring Cleaning and Check
1. Clean the valve spring with solvent.
2. Dry the valve spring with compressed air.
Warning: Refer to "Warning of goggles".
3. Check the valve spring for any ruptured spring coil or
spring ring end.
4. Measure the valve spring tension with a blenometer.

Valve Guide Measurement
1. Measure the clearance between the valve stem (1)
and guide pipe (2).Excessive clearance between valve
stem and guide pipe may cause excessive engine oil
consumption and valve breakage.Insufficient clearance
may result in noise and valve blockage,which will affect
the normal operation of the engine assembly.
5. If the load of valve spring is low,replace the valve
spring.Do not increase the spring load with spacer.If
using the spacer,compress the valve spring to the
extreme before the cam of camshaft reaches the top
of lift.
2. Clamp the gauge to the cylinder head at the camshaft Valve Rocker Arm Cleaning and Check
cover guide rail.
1. Check the camshaft follower roller (1) for the
3. Locate the dial gauge so that the lateral movement followings:
(crossing with the cylinder head) of the valve stem will
directly drive the dial gauge rod to move.The dial gauge • Flat spots
must be located higher than the valve guide pipe when • Excessive scratch and spot corrosion
contacting the side of the valve stem. • Make sure the roller can freely rotate
4. Lower the valve head about 0.064mm from the valve 2. Inspect the connection part (2) at valve stem end of
seat. camshaft follower.
5. Slightly apply pressure while moving the valve stem 3. Inspect the stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (SHLA)
longitudinally to gain clearance readings, and compare pivot part of the camshaft follower (3).
with the standard values.。

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• If the corrosion just occurs outside the area 4mm from
each combustion chamber (1), the cylinder head can be
• If the area between the valve seats is cracked (2), replace
the cylinder head.
• If the corrosion occurs inside the area 4mm from each
combustion chamber (3), replace the cylinder head.
4. Replace the camshaft follower when necessary.
Cylinder Head/Gasket Surface Cleaning and Check
1. Check the cylinder head gasket and mating face for
leakage,corrosion or blow-by.If the gasket is failed,
identify reasons based on following failures:
4. Clean the cylinder head. Remove all varnish, ash and
a. Incorrect installation carbon deposit on the exposed metal surface.
b. Cylinder head loose or warped Tip: DO NOT use a wire brush on any gasket sealing
c. Locating pin lost, not in original place or not fully
5. Clean the valve guide pipe.
6. Clean the bolt hole with a nylon mane brush.
d. Sealing area around coolant passage corroded
7. Remove the sealant residue in the plug hole.
e. Chip or debris found in cylinder head bolt hole
8. Check the cylinder head for thread damage or cylinder
f. Cylinder block bolt hole not drilled or tapped to a head stretched or damaged.
sufficient depth 9. Replace all suspected bolts.
g. Check the oil supply check valve 10. Clean all the surfaces of the cylinder head with
non-corrosive solvent.
2. Check the fuel injector hole, if necessary, clean the fuel
injector hole. 11. Blow-dry all the oil return holes with compressed air.
12. Remove all carbon deposits in the combustion chamber
with a nylon bristle brush.
13. Clear all the debris and sediments on the tappet
14. Check the cylinder head for crack. Check the area
between the valve seats and inside the exhaust port.
15. Check the top surface of the cylinder head for
corrosion, blister or blow-by hole.
Tip: DO NOT attempt to weld the cylinder head, replace
16. Check all thread holes for damage. Thread inserts can
be used for thread repair.
3. Check the cylinder head gasket surface. 17. Check the sealing surface.
18. Check the plug of cylinder head, and confirm that the

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

oil hole is clean and free from debris. • Deformation due to excessive wear (especially the
Cylinder Head Top Surface Cleaning and Check camshaft lobe)
1. Check whether the cylinder head top surface is flat. If
the cylinder head exceeds the specification,replace the
cylinder head.The cylinder head shall not be machined.
If the camshaft has any of abovementioned conditions, replace
the camshaft.
Camshaft Measurement
1. Place the camshaft on a suitable fixing support to
measure the camshaft for wear.
2. Ensure that the cylinder head top surface is clean
without gasket material.
3. Check the surface for any defect or scratch that may
hinder correct sealing of cylinder head liner.
4. Place a ruler on the top surface of the cylinder head
5. Use a clearance gauge to measure the clearance
between the ruler and the top surface of the cylinder
head at 4 points along the ruler.
• If the distortion is less than 0.05mm, it is unnecessary to
repair the top surface of cylinder head.
• If the distortion is between 0.05 and 0.20mm, or there is
any defect or scratch that may hinder the correct sealing
2. Measure the diameter and out-of-roundness of the
of cylinder head liner,repair the top surface of cylinder
camshaft journal with an OD micrometer.
head.The maximum removal amount is 0.25mm.
• If the top surface of the cylinder head needs to grind Parameter
more than 0.25mm,replace the cylinder head. • If the diameter is smaller than the specified value,replace
Camshaft Check the camshaft.

1. Clean the camshaft with solvent. • If the out-of-roundness exceeds the specified
value,replace the camshaft.
2. Check the camshaft oil supply hole (1) to camshaft
position actuator for dust, debris or clogging. 3. Measure the camshaft runout with a runout measuring
3. Check threaded hole (2) for damage.
4. Check the camshaft position actuator locating notch (3) Parameter
for any damage or wear.
5. Check the camshaft seal groove (4) for damage.
6. Check the camshaft thrust surface (5) for damage.
7. Check the cam lobe (6) and journal (7) for followings:
• Too many scratches or pitting
• Discoloration due to overheating

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4. Measure the crankshaft thrust width for wear with a Camshaft Journal Clearance
depth micrometer. 1. Fit the camshaft bearing cover to the cylinder head
Parameter without camshaft.
2. Fit camshaft cover bolts and tighten to14-16Nm.
3. Measure the camshaft bearing bore diameter with the
inner diameter micrometer.
4. Substract the camshaft bearing bore diameter from
the camshaft bearing journal to obtain the running
If the running clearance exceeds the specified value and the
camshaft journal is within the specified range,replace the
cylinder head.
5. After the measurement, remove the camshaft bearing
5. Measure the surface of camshaft thrust wall for runout
Camshaft Journal Positioning
with a runout measuring instrument.
1. Ensure that the camshaft is maintainable.
2. Check the cylinder head camshaft bearing surface for
any defects or scratches that may hinder the correct
fit clearance of camshaft.Repair minor defects or
3. Fit the camshaft to the cylinder head.
4. Fit the camshaft bearing cover.
5. Fit camshaft cover bolts and tighten to14-16Nm.
6. Ensure that the camshaft can rotate freely in the cylinder
head.If the camshaft can not rotate freely,replace the
cylinder head.

6. If the camshaft damage or wear degree exceeds

the specified value,replace the camshaft.Machining
operation on the camshaft is not allowed.
7. Measure the camshaft chamfer for wear with a runout
measuring instrument.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Valve Mechanism Check

Overview of Valve Measurement and Finishing
• The proper service on valve is crucial to engine
performance.Therefore,all measurement procedures
must be followed to distinguish the parts exceeding the
• If the measurement procedures indicate that the valve
or valve seat must be finished,it is essential to perform
measurement procedures after the finishing.
Valve Seat Width Measurement
1. Measure the width of the valve seat in the cylinder head
with a suitable gauge.
4. Measure the width of the valve cone on the valve cone
(1) with a suitable gauge.
Tip: The distance from valve seat contact surface
to valve outer diameter - allowance(a) shall be at
least 0.5mm.If the valve seat contact surface is
too close to the valve allowance,trim the valve
seat to keep the valve seat contact surface away
from the allowance.
2. Measure the length of the valve with a vernier scale.


5. Compare the measured value with the specified value.

6. If the valve seat width meets the requirements,inspect
the valve seat roundness according to the measurement
procedure of valve seat roundness.
7. If the valve seat width does not meet the
requirements,grind the valve seat according to valve
3. Measure the valve stem diameter with a micrometer. and valve seat finishing procedure,to make its width
meet the specification requirement.Whether the valve
Parameter can meet the required heat dissipation depends on the
width of valve seat.
Valve Seat Roundness Measurement
1. Fit the tapered guide bar to the conduit,connect the

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micrometer to the guide bar and measure the valve • The valve conical surface and valve seat must be
seat roundness with the micrometer.The guide bar shall measured to ensure the normal sealing of the valve.
be slightly clamped when fitted to the conduit. 1. Gently apply the blue colorant (1) to the valve cone(3).
Caution: Use the guide lever with correct dimension 2. Fit the valve into the cylinder head.
only.Never use guide lever with adjustable diameter.The 3. Apply sufficient pressure against the valve seat to drive
guide lever with adjustable diameter may damage the the valve to rotate,which may remove the colorant.
valve tube.
4. Remove the valve from the cylinder head.
2. Compare the measured value with the specified value. 5. Check the valve cone.
Parameter • If the valve cone and valve stem are concentric and can
3. If the roundness of the valve seat is out of the provide proper seal,continuous trace will appear around
specification,grind the valve and the valve seat according the entire cone(2).
to the relevant finishing procedures.
Caution: The distance from impression ground off
4. If a new valve is used,the valve seat roundness must be with dye to valve outer diameter-allowance(a)- must
within 0.05mm. be at least 0.5mm.If the impression ground off with
Valve Head OD and Chamfer Measurement dye is too close to the allowance,the valve seat
1. Measure valve head outer diameter and chamfer(a) must be trimmed to keep the contact surface away
with a proper scale. from the allowance.
Caution: Never grind or adjust the intake valve.If the
intake valve exceeds the specification, replace it with
correct intake valve.

• If the valve cone and valve stem are not

concentric,discontinuous removal trace of the valve cone
colorant will appear.Surface finishing or replacement
shall be made for the valve,and finishing of the valve seat
shall be done according to the finishing procedures for
the valve and valve seat.

2. Compare the measured value with the specified value.

3. If the outer diameter and chamfer of the valve
head are within the specified range,test the valve
seat concentricity of valve(1) according to the
"Measurement Procedures for Valve to Valve Seat
Concentricity".After the concentricity measurement,if
valve seat is finished,recheck the outer diameter and
chamfer of the valve head.
Valve and Valve Seat Finishing
Valve to Valve Seat Concentricity Measurement
• If the width, roundness or coaxiality of the valve seat
• Check the coaxiality of the valve and valve seat to
exceed the specified value, grind the valve seat to
confirm the normal sealing of the valve and valve
ensure enough radiating heat to prevent the carbon
deposit on the seat.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

• If the valve seat needs to be adjusted, the valve proper assembly,so it is only required to do basic grinding
surface shall be adjusted unless new valve is used. work.Excessive grinding will leave groove on the valve
1. Grind the valve seat surface (a) till it meets the specified cone and make it impossible to locate properly under
value of valve taper angle (2). high temperature.

Parameter • Before final assembly,remove all the abrasive residues on

the valve and valve seat with solvent and compressed
2. Grind the valve relieving face till it meets the specified
air,and ensure the valve and valve seat are clean.
value of valve taper angle (1),and enables the valve seat
surface (a) to be correctly positioned on the valve. 8. After the valve seat in cylinder head reaches the
correct width,it is necessary to measure the height of
valve stem again according to the valve stem height
3. Grind the bottom section of the valve until it meets the measurement procedures.
specified value of valve taper angle (3), and reduce the
9. If the height of valve stem is qualified,test the
width (a) of the valve seat so that it meets the specified
concentricity of valve seat according to the
measurement procedure of valve to valve seat
Valve Stem Height Measurement Procedures
Caution: Measure the distance between the valve spring
seat and the valve spring seat to confirm the height of the
valve lever.
1. Insert the valve (1) into the valve guide pipe of the
cylinder head(2).

4. If it is out of the specification,replace the intake valve.

Caution: Never grind or adjust the intake valve.If the
intake valve exceeds the specification, replace it with
correct intake valve.

5. If the exhaust valve being used is the original one,grind

the valve to reach the specified value.After the
grinding,measure the valve head outer diameter and
chamfer again according to the relevant measurement 2. Ensure the valve is secured properly on the valve seat
procedures.If it is out of the specification,replace the of the cylinder head.
exhaust valve.New valves do not require grinding. 3. Fit the valve stem oil seal.
Parameter 4. Fit the valve spring seat and valve stem lock plate.
6. When grinding the valve and valve seat,remove as few 5. Measure the distance (a) from the valve seal lip to the
materials as possible.Grinding valve seat may lead to bottom of the spring seat.
drop of the valve spring pressure. Parameter
7. Fit the valve into the cylinder head. 6. If the height of the valve stem is above the maximum
• If an exhaust valve with finished surface is used,grind value,fit a new valve and remeasure the height of the
the valve into the valve seat with fine abrasives.Valve valve stem.
and valve seat finishing shall ensure smooth surface and

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Caution: Never grind the end of the valve lever.The end Piston Connecting Rod Check
of the valve lever is hardened. The hardened surface will Piston Check
be eliminated by grinding, then causing early wearing and 1. Clean the piston skirt and piston pin with cleaning
damage to the engine. agent, do not clean any part of the piston with the wire
7. If the height of the valve stem remains above the brush.
maximum value,the cylinder head must be replaced. 2. Clean the piston ring groove with ring groove cleaning
tool, ensure that the oil ring hole and groove are clean.
Caution: Never use the gasket to adjust the height of the
valve lever.If gasket is used to compress the valve spring 3. Dry the piston with compressed air.
to the bottom before the cam salient reaches the max lift, Warning: Wear the goggles when using the compressed air
the engine may be damaged. to avoid the damage to the eyes due to splashing dust and
4. Inspect the piston for the followings:
• Check the piston ring groove, piston skirt and piston pin
boss for cracks
• There are notches and burrs which may cause
obstruction in the piston ring groove
• Check the piston ring groove for bending or wear
• Check the piston pin retainer groove for burrs
• Piston top is corroded.
• Check the piston skirt coating for wear or damage
• Check the piston pin bore or piston pin for wear
5. Replace pistons with any damage or excessive abrasion.
Piston Measurement
1. Measure the piston width according to the following
a. Measure the width of the piston (1) at a point
38mm below the top of the piston with an outside
micrometer (2) at the thrust surface perpendicular
to the piston pin centerline.
b. Deduct the piston width from the cylinder diameter
to obtain the fit clearance, and compare the results
with the specified values of piston width and fit
c. If the measured clearance is greater than the specified
valve as provided and the cylinder diameter is within
the specified range, replace the piston.

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Parameter 6. If the new piston fails to meet the clearance

specification, the dimension of cylinder block may need
to be increased by 0.25mm. Only one piston and piston
ring with increased size are available for service.
Piston Ring Measurement
1. Measure the piston ring end clearance according to the
following procedures:

a. Position the piston ring in the cylinder bore, about

25mm from the top of the cylinder block. Locate
the piston ring with the piston head, and ensure the
piston ring is perpendicular to the cylinder bore.
b. Measure the piston ring end clearance with a feeler
gauge (1). Compare the measured value with the
specified value.
2. Measure the clearance from piston pin hole to piston c. If the clearance is greater than the provided
pin according to the following procedures: specification, the piston ring must be replaced.
a. Piston pin hole and piston pin must be free of any d. Repeat this procedure to all piston rings.
varnish or wear.
b. Measure the piston pin within the position coming
into contact with the piston with an outer diameter
c. Measure the piston pin hole with an inner diameter
d. Subtract the piston pin diameter from the piston pin
bore diameter to obtain the clearance between the
piston pin bore and piston pin.

2. Measure the piston ring side clearance according to

the following procedures:

a. Rotate the entire piston ring (2) around the piston

ring groove. If the blockage is caused by a distorted
piston ring, replace the piston ring.

b. Position the piston ring on the piston, measure the

clearance from more than one locations with a
feeler gauge (1).

c. Compare the measured value with the specified value

3. Compare the results with the specified values of piston of piston ring side clearance.
pin diameter and clearance between piston pin and
piston pin bore.
d. If the clearance is greater than the specified value,
replace the piston ring.
4. If the clearance is too large, identify the component
beyond the specification and replace it as needed.
5. If any dimension of the piston exceeds the specification,
the piston must be replaced.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

3. For compression ring refit, there's a locating notch 7. Check the surface of the connecting rod bearing seat
near the end, which is used to identify the top surface, for scratch or wear.
make the notch upward. 8. If slight scratch or wear occurs in the connecting rod
4. If the new piston ring is unable to reduce the clearance hole, clean the connecting rod hole in circle direction
to a proper specified value, fit a new piston. with a fine sandpaper.
5. If the new piston fails to meet the clearance Caution: Do not scratch the connecting rod or
specification, the dimension of cylinder block may need connecting rod cap.
to be increased by 0.25mm. Only one piston and piston
Connecting Rod Measurement
ring with increased size are available for service.
1. When measuring the clearance between the piston
Connecting Rod Check
pin and the connecting rod hole, follow the following
1. Clean the connecting rod with solvent and dry it with procedures:
compressed air.
Caution: All the components shall be measured at
Warning: Wear the goggles when using the compressed air normal temperature.
to avoid the damage to the eyes due to splashing dust and
particles. a. 2 measurements of the piston pin diameter shall
be performed with an OD micrometer from the
2. Remove the cap of the connecting rod and clean the
location where the piston pin comes into contact
threads (3).
with the connecting rod.
3. Remove and discard the connecting rod bearing, do not
reuse the connecting rod bearing used during engine
4. Check the piston pin bushing (4) for scratch or damage.
5. Check the beam (1) of connecting rod for bend or
6. Check the connecting rod cap (2) for any notch or
damage caused by any potential factors.

b. Measure the connecting rod piston pin hole diameter

with an inner diameter micrometer.

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Cylinder Block Check

Cylinder Block Check
1. Remove all the old thread sealant, lining material or
2. Clean all the following areas with solvent:

• Sealing surface
• Cooling channel
• Oil gallery
• Bearing journal
3. Clean all the thread holes and through holes with

c. Subtract the piston pin diameter from the connecting 4. Dry the engine cylinder block with compressed air.
rod piston pin bore diameter to obtain the clearance
Warning: Wear the goggles when using the compressed air
between the pin bore and connecting rod bore. to avoid the damage to the eyes due to splashing dust and
2. Compare the measured value of clearance with the particles.
specified value. 5. Inspect the crankshaft bearing journal for damage or
eccentricity.Crankshaft bearing journal can not be
repaired.If the crankshaft bearing journal is damaged,the
3. If the clearance is too large, replace the piston pin. cylinder block assembly must be replaced.
4. If the clearance is still too large, replace the connecting 6. Check the primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
rod. mounting surface of the engine cylinder block for burrs
5. Measure the inner diameter of connecting rod or any defect that may reduce the sealing performance
crankshaft bearing hole with an inner diameter of the new primary camshaft drive chain tensioner
micrometer. gasket.
6. Compare the measured value of bearing hole diameter 7. Check all sealing and meshing surfaces for damage,and
with the specified value. repair or replace the cylinder block assembly as
Parameter required.

7. If the bearing hole is beyond the specification, replace 8. Check all threaded holes and through-holes for damage
the connecting rod, and do not finish the connecting or excessive debris.
rod. 9. Check all bolts for damage.if damaged,replace the bolts
with new ones.
10. Check the cylinder wall for crack or damage, and the
cylinder liner cannot be repaired.If the cylinder liner is
damaged,the cylinder block assembly must be replaced.
11. Check the engine cylinder block for cracks,and do not
repair any crack.If any crack is found,the cylinder block
assembly must be replaced.
Cylinder Diameter Measurement
1. Measure the dimension of the location 37mm below the
cylinder head gasket surface,and measure the cylinder

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

2. Measure the cylinder hole diameter along the thrust
surface which is perpendicular to the crankshaft center
line 100mm below the cylinder block top surface,and
w record measured value(2).

2. Put the dial to zero at the spot to be tested of the

cylinder by setting a bore diameter gauge(1),and
measure the cylinder bore diameter.Before removing
the cylinder bore diameter gauge from the cylinder,lock
the dial at zero position.Set the zero position of
cylinder bore diameter gauge to the same position 3. Calculate the difference between 2 measured
when it is removed from the cylinder,and measure the values,which is the taper of the cylinder block.
span of the cylinder bore gauge contact point with an 4. Compare the measured value with the specified value.
external micrometer.
5. If the cylinder is out of specification,the cylinder block
can be enlarged by 0.25mm.Only one piston and piston
ring with large size are available for service.
Cylinder Hole Out-of-roundness Measurement
1. Measure both thrust and non-thrust cylinder diameters
from a point 10mm below the top, and record the
measured values.
2. Calculate the difference between 2 measured
values,which indicates the out-of-roundness of the
upper end of the cylinder.
3. Measure both thrust and non-thrust cylinder diameters
from a point 100mm below the top,and record the
measured values.

3. The tiny vertical scratches caused by ring end will not 4. Calculate the difference between 2 measured
result in excessive oil consumption itself.Do not grind values,which indicates the out-of-roundness of the
the cylinder to eliminate such scratches. lower end of the cylinder.

4. Compare the measurements with the specified value.

5. If the cylinder diameter is out of specification,the
cylinder block can be enlarged by 0.25mm.Only one
piston and piston ring with large size are available for
Cylinder Hole Taper Measurement
1. Measure the cylinder hole diameter along the thrust
surface which is perpendicular to the crankshaft center
line 10mm below the cylinder block top surface, and
record measured value(1).

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

5. Compare the measured values with the specified value. Crankshaft Check
Crankshaft check
Tip: Use care when handling the crankshaft.Avoid
6. If the cylinder is out of specification,the cylinder block damage to the bearing surfaces or the lobes of the
can be enlarged by 0.25mm. Only one piston and piston crankshaft position reluctor ring.Damage to the teeth of
ring with large size are available for service. the crankshaft position reluctor ring may affect on-board
diagnostic (OBD) II system performance.
Top Surface Flatness Check
1. Clean the crankshaft with solvent.
1. Make sure the engine cylinder block top surface is clean
2. Thoroughly clean all oil ducts and check for blockage
without gasket material.
or burr.
2. Check the surface for any defect or scratch that may
3. Dry the crankshaft with compressed air.
hinder correct sealing of cylinder head liner.
3. Place a ruler on the top surface of the cylinder block Warning: Wear the goggles when using the compressed air
diagonally. to avoid the damage to the eyes due to splashing dust and
4. Use a clearance gauge to measure the clearance
between the ruler and the top surface of the cylinder 4. Visually check the crankshaft for damage.
head at 4 points along the ruler. Tip: Reluctor ring teeth should not have imperfections
on the rising or falling edges.Imperfections of the reluctor
ring teeth may effect OBD II system performance.
5. Check the crankshaft journal for pitting or embedded
bearing material (1).
6. Check the crankshaft main journal for groove or
scratch (2).
7. Check the connecting rod journal for scratch or wear
8. Check the crankshaft journal for wear. The journal shall
be smooth and free of scratch, wear or damage (4).

5. If the distortion is less than 0.05mm,the top surface of

cylinder block does not need to be reconditioned.
6. If the distortion is between 0.05 and 0.20mm,or there
are any defect or scratch that may hinder the correct
sealing of cylinder head liner,the top surface of cylinder
block needs to be reconditioned.
7. If the top of the cylinder block needs to be
reconditioned,the maximum removable amount is
8. If the removable amount on cylinder block top surface
is larger than 0.25mm,the cylinder block must be
replaced. Crankshaft Measurement
1. Measure the out-of-roundness of the crankshaft journal.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

4. Check whether the crankshaft bearing is not properly
seated as shown in the bright bearing section (3).

• If the lower part of the bearing is worn or damaged, both

upper and lower parts shall be replaced.
• Generally, if the lower part can be used, then the upper
part can also be used.
2. Measure the crankshaft runout.
a. Use a wooden V-shaped block, and support the
crankshaft on the front and rear journals.

b. This operation may use an indicator (1) or equivalent

shown in figure to measure the runout of the front,
rear intermediate crankshaft journals.
Crankshaft Bearing Selection
c. Measure the rear flange runout of the crankshaft
with an indicator (1). Check the crankshaft main bearing bore as per following

• Tighten the main bearing bolt torque to the specified

angle value with an angle gauge.
• Measure the taper and roundness in the crankshaft main
bearing with a runout gauge (1).
• Taper or roundness is not allowed.

3. If the measured value is not within the specified range,

replace the crankshaft.

Crankshaft Bearing Check
Tip: If crankshaft bearing failure is due to other than
normal wear, investigate the cause.Inspect the crankshaft
or connecting rod bearing bores.
1. Check the crankshaft bearing for pits or grooves (1),
and the worn position shown in the bearing shell also
represents the sign of fatigue wear.
2. Check the crankshaft bearing for severe scratch or
discoloration (2). Bearing Selection

3. Check the crankshaft bearing for embedded dust or Measure the bearing clearance so as to determine a correct
debris and other materials. size of the bearing to be replaced. There are 2 methods for

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Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

measuring the bearing clearance. Method A is able to provide

more reliable results, so it is the preferred option.

• Bearing clearance can be calculated by measurements

based on Method A.
• The bearing clearance is directly obtained by Method B,
but no information on bearing runout will be given.

Method A
Tip: DO NOT mix inserts of different nominal size in
the same bearing bore.
1. With an angle of 90°, measure the diameter of the
crankshaft main journal from more than one point with a
micrometer (1), and calculate the average of measured
2. Measure the taper and runout of the crankshaft main
journal. Method B
3. Fit the bearing and the lower crankcase, and tighten the
1. Clean the used bearing.
bearing cap bolt to the specified torque value.
2. Fit the used bearing.
4. With an angle of 90°, measure the inner diameter (ID) of
the bearing from several points and average the measured 3. Locate the plastic clearance gauge across the entire width
values. of the bearing.

5. Determine the clearance by deducting the measured 4. Fit the bearing cap.
5. Fit the bearing cap bolt to the specified value.
journal value from the measured bearing inner diameter.
6. Compare the clearance value with the standard value to Caution: Before connecting the bolt, use copper, lead
determine whether the clearance is within the prescribed or leather hammers to knock the crankshaft bearing
scope. cover into the cylinder hole, avoiding the damage to the
cylinder block or crankshaft bearing cover.Never use the
connection bolt to pull the crankshaft bearing cover into
7. If it is out of the specified range, select another bearing. the seat.Otherwise, the cylinder block or bearing cover
8. Measure the inner diameter of the connecting rod along may be damaged.
the length of the connecting rod in the same direction
6. Remove the bearing cap to release the plastic clearance
with an ID micrometer.
gauge from its original position. Whether the plastic of
the gauge is stuck to the journal or bearing cap is not
the key point.
DO NOT rotate the crankshaft.
7. According to the scale mark (1) printed on the plastic
clearance gauge component, measure the widest point of
the plastic clearance gauge.
8. Remove the plastic clearance gauge.

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Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Engine Oil Filter
1. Open the engine oil filler cap.
2. Lift the vehicle with a hoist.
3. Remove the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Remove
4. Place a suitable container under engine sump drain plug
(1), remove and discard the sealing washer, and drain
the oil.
Warning: Observe due care when draining engine oil as
the oil can be very hot.
Warning: Avoid excessive skin contact with used engine
oil. Used engine oil contains potentially harmful
contaminants which may cause skin cancer or other
serious skin disorders.
5. Clean the area around the filter head, and place
a suitable container under the filter to collect the
possible spillage.
6. Remove and discard engine oil filter (2).

1. Clean the mating surface of the filter head.
2. Lubricate oil filter O-ring with clean engine oil.
3. Fit a new filter and tighten to 26-34Nm.
4. Clean the oil drain plug and fit a new seal washer.
5. Fit the oil drain plug and tighten to 21-29Nm.
6. Fill new oil to the correct level from the engine oil filler.
Lubricating Fluid
7. Fit the oil filler cap.
8. Fit the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Refit
9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Start and run the engine until the oil pressure warning
lamp goes out.
11. Stop the engine, and check the engine oil level.

1.0 229

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

12. Check for any signs of leakage.


1.0 230

Engine mechanical system-1.5T Engine

Special Tools Tool Description Picture
Tool Description Picture Number

Crankshaft seal
Oil pressure side guide
TEN00080 bushing
gauge adapter
Crankshaft seal
Engine oil TEN00143 transmission
T10001 pressure test side installer

Engine lift TEN00136 balancer 3-jaw
T10007 puller
TEN00070 Engine support locking tool

holding tool

1.0 231

Engine Engine mechanical system-1.5T

Tool Description Picture


TEN00141 vacuum pump
seal installer
Crankshaft seal
TEN00142 timing side

1.0 232

Engine Cooling System Engine

Engine Cooling System
Description Value
Bolt- expansion tank to body 4–6Nm
Screw-A 4.5-5Nm
Bolt-From front bumper impact bar to body in white 40–50Nm
Bolt-intercooler to platform 4–6Nm
Bolt- Wind scooper to body 3–5Nm
clamp- clamp to twin clutch sportronic transmission 7–10Nm
Bolt- oil cooling hose to AT 7–10Nm
Bolt-Thermostat to thermostat housing 9–11Nm
Bolt-Water pump to WAPU 13.5–16.5Nm
Bolt - water pump pulley to water pump 7.5-10.4Nm
Bolt - auxiliary pump bracket and CAC hose bracket to 9–11Nm
cylinder head
Bolt- thermostat housing to water pump 8-12Nm
Bolt - water pump to cylinder block 22-28Nm
Bolt - bypass pipe to water pump 8-12Nm
Bolt - bypass pipe to cylinder head 8-12Nm

1.0 233

Engine Engine Cooling System

2.0T Engine
Model Temperature-controlled, pressure overflow backflow type
cooling system with forced circulation of water and OAT
mixture solution
Cooling Fan 9 Vanes, Temperature-Controlled Electric Axial Flow Type

Coolant Capacity:

Engine 8.2 L
Cooling Fan Switch
ON: Coolant temperature ≥ 95℃ or A/C ON request is received,
refrigerant pressure ≥ 0.22MPa
OFF: A/C OFF request is received, and coolant temperature <93℃
Cooling Fan Switch - After Engine Stop

ON: ≥102℃
Duration <100℃, turn off immediately; e.g. after 327s, ≥100℃, turn
off automatically.
Radiator Crossflow Type
Coolant Pump Clutch Water Pump, Radial Flow Impeller
Coolant Pump Drive Ratio 1.26
Thermostat Electronic Thermostat, Wax-type Component
Thermostat Operating Temperature:
∙Initial Activation 103℃
∙Full Open 115℃
∙Full Open Lift ≥ 8mm
Pressure-relief Valve of Expansion Tank Cap
∙High Pressure ON 140-160 KPa
∙Low Pressure ON 0-10 KPa

1.0 234

Engine Cooling System Engine

1.5T Engine
Model Temperature-controlled, pressure overflow backflow type
cooling system with forced circulation of water and OAT
mixture solution
Cooling Fan 9 Vanes, Temperature-Controlled Electric Axial Flow Type

Coolant Capacity:

Engine 7.1 L
Cooling Fan Switch
ON: Coolant temperature ≥ 95℃ or A/C ON request is received,
refrigerant pressure ≥ 0.22MPa
OFF: A/C OFF request is received, and coolant temperature <93℃

Cooling Fan Switch - After Engine Stop

ON: ≥102℃
Duration <100℃, turn off immediately; e.g. after 327s, ≥100℃, turn
off automatically.
Radiator Crossflow Type
Coolant Pump Mechanical, Radial Flow Impeller
Coolant Pump Drive Ratio 1: 1

Thermostat Electronic Thermostat, Wax-type Component

Thermostat Operating Temperature:
∙Initial Activation 97±2℃
∙Full Open 112℃
∙Full Open Lift ≥ 8mm
Pressure-relief Valve of Expansion Tank Cap
∙High Pressure ON 140-160 KPa
∙Low Pressure ON 0-10 KPa

1.0 235

Engine Engine Cooling System

Description and Operation

System Layout
Engine Cooling System - (2.0L Turbocharged
Engine) w

1.0 236

Engine Cooling System Engine

A = Radiator Outlet B = Radiator Inlet C = Engine Water Outlet D = Expansion Tank Water Outlet E = Electronic Water
Pump Inlet F = Heater Core Inlet Pipe G = Heater Core Water Outlet H = Oil Filter Module Water Inlet I = Engine Vent J =
Turbocharger Return Water Port
1. Condenser 9. Engine Overflow Pipe B
2. Radiator 10. Expansion Tank Outlet Pipe
3. Radiator Drain Valve 11. Heater Core Inlet Pipe
4. Intercooler 12. Heater Core Outlet Pipe
5. Cooling Fan 13. Radiator Inlet Pipe
6. Cooling Fan Speed Regulation Resistance 14. Engine Overflow Pipe A
7. Expansion Tank Cap 15. Radiator Outlet Pipe
8. Expansion Tank 16. Turbocharger Return Water Pipe

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Engine Engine Cooling System

Engine Cooling System - (1.5L Turbocharged



A = Radiator Outlet B = Radiator Inlet C = Engine Water Inlet D = Engine Water Outlet E = Engine Overflow Port F = Radiator
Overflow Port G = Heater Core Water Inlet H = Heater Core Water Outlet
1. Condenser 2. Radiator

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Engine Cooling System Engine

3. Intercooler 9. Heater Core Water Inlet Pipe
4. Cooling Fan 10. Engine Overflow Pipe
5. Cooling Fan Speed Regulation Resistance 11. Radiator Overflow Pipe
6. Radiator Outlet Pipe 12. Expansion Tank
7. Radiator Inlet Pipe 13. Expansion Tank Cap
8. Heater Core Water Outlet Pipe 14. Radiator Drain Valve

1.0 239

Engine Engine Cooling System

Water Pump and Thermostat - (2.0L Turbocharged


1. Clutch Water Pump 3. Thermostat Assembly
2. Electronic Water Pump

1.0 240

Engine Cooling System Engine

Water Pump and Thermostat - (1.5L Turbocharged

1. Water Pump 2. Thermostat Assembly

1.0 241

Engine Engine Cooling System

Description motor. When the engine stops (at this stage, the clutch water
Overview pump does not work and the coolant does not recirculate),
after working for few minutes, the electronic water pump
The cooling system circulates the engine coolant in the loop
will recirculate the coolant in the turbocharger and eliminate
of engine and heater core. The coolant is the mixture of 50%
the heat accumulated in the turbocharger, this process can
water and 50% organic acid technique (OAT), which helps to
avoid coking and carbonization of the oil around the turbine
maintain the optimum operating temperature of the engine
bearing due to overheating after stalling of the engine, and
when the environment and engine working conditions are
thus protects the bearing and extends the service life of the
Caution: Engine coolant will damage paint finished
A sound can be heard when the electronic water pump works,
surfaces. If spilled, immediately rinse area with plenty of
this indicates the motor is in normal state.
Cooling Water Pipe
The engine cylinder block is equipped with a "damping"
ladder-like cylinder liner. The thicker upper part of the cylinder The coolant pipe is connected with all components of the
liner forms the "wet" part, at the same time, the thinner lower cooling system, and the coolant flows to the component via the
part sliding and fitting into the cylinder block forms the "dry" coolant hose. The coolant hose is fixed to each component by
part. This thermal efficiency design exposes the upper part of spring clamps.
the cylinder liner to the coolant and dissipates heat directly Expansion Tank (2.0L turbocharged engine)
through its outer surface.
The injection molding coolant expansion tank with a pressure
To keep its optimum efficiency and corrosion resistance relief valve is fitted on the left frame. One of the overflow
performance, the coolant shall be replaced regularly. pipes connects the expansion tank with the short pipe of
Components of Cooling System the engine overflow port, the other connects the tee pipe of
the radiator inlet pipe. The hose under the expansion tank
Clutch Water Pump (2.0L turbocharged engine) connects the cooling system. When thermal expansion of the
The clutch water pump is a centrifugal impeller pump. The coolant occurs, the excess coolant in the cooling system will
water pump consists of the clutch, solenoid, spiral case, bearing flow back to the expansion tank through the overflow/return
and impeller. The clutch and impeller are fitted on the bearing,
pipe; when the cooling system is short of coolant, the coolant
and the solenoid and bearing are fitted on the spiral case. The in the expansion tank will flow into the cooling system through
centrifugal force caused by impeller rotation drives the coolant the water inlet pipe.
to flow and provides pressure. The bearing is provided with
Expansion Tank (1.5L turbocharged engine)
grease, the two ends are sealed to prevent grease leak and
ingress of foreign material. The injection molding coolant expansion tank with a pressure
relief valve is fitted on the left frame. One of the overflow
The crankshaft turns the water pump via the drive belt pulley, pipes connects the expansion tank with the short pipe of the
which allows the coolant to circulate in the cooling system. engine overflow port, the other connects the connector at
When starting a cold engine, the clutch assembly works, the the top of the radiator. The hose under the expansion tank
water pump pulley rotates, and the water pump impeller connects the cooling system. When thermal expansion of the
does not turn, the engine coolant does not circulate, the coolant occurs, the excess coolant in the cooling system will
engine warm-up time is shortened and CO2 emission and fuel flow back to the expansion tank through the overflow/return
consumption are reduced. When the engine coolant achieves pipe; when the cooling system is short of coolant, the coolant
a curtain temperature, the clutch engages, the water pump in the expansion tank will flow into the cooling system through
impeller rotates and the coolant starts to circulate. the water inlet pipe.

Coolant Pump (1.5L turbocharged engine) Electric Thermostat

The coolant circulates through the coolant pump drive, and The electronic thermostat is a wax-type valve with heating
the coolant pump is fitted on the rear upper part of the engine elements which combine with the wax package.Indirect control
crankcase drive, which is sealed to the cylinder block by an O of the thermostat opening can be realized by controlling the
ring and driven by the crankshaft drive belt. heat dissipation of the heating element according to the control
signal from the ECM.
Electronic Water Pump (2.0L turbocharged
engine) When the coolant temperature is low, the heating element
The electronic water pump is part of the engine cooling of the electronic thermostat does not work, the wax-type
system, which is driven by the impeller of the brushless component of the thermostat is in solid state, and the

1.0 242

Engine Cooling System Engine

thermostat valve switches off under the action of the spring, Radiator and Cooling Fan
at this point, the cooling system is in a small circulation status, The radiator is of aluminum crossflow type with injection
i.e. the coolant cannot enter into the radiator for circulation, moulding water tanks on both ends (for wet automatic
but it can flow to the heater core by the bypass circuit. When transmission model, automatic transmission oil cooler is
the coolant temperature rises, the heating element of the locate in the left water chamber of the radiator. The cooling
electronic thermostat works, the wax-type components start hose linked with the transmission connects the bushing of the
melting into liquid state gradually followed by the increase of transmission oil cooler by quick connectors). The radiator
volume, then the thermostat valve will open gradually under supports the cooling fan assembly, A/C (A/C) condenser. The
the effect of the push rod, at this time, the cooling system is top of the radiator is secured on the upper radiator beam by
in a big circulation status. When the thermostat is fully open, two bolts. The bottom of the radiator is located in the rubber
the coolant flows through the radiator. bushing supported by the upper radiator beam bracket. The
When the engine works at a low/medium load, increase of plastic wind scooper behind the front bumper is used to guide
the engine water temperature can decrease oil viscosity, the airflow through the radiator. The condenser fixed by two
mechanical friction loss of the piston, etc and heat transfer bolts is fitted on the upper side of the front radiator.
loss and optimize combustion; when the engine works at a The cooling fan assembly is fitted at the rear of the radiator.
high load/speed, decrease of the engine temperature allows The cooling fan cools the radiator by intaking the air through
the engine to cool down rapidly. The thermostat keeps the the radiator.
coolant temperature at an optimum level for engine operation.

1.0 243

Engine Engine Cooling System

Coolant Flow
2.0L Turbocharged Engine
A= Cold; B= Hot

1.5L Turbocharged Engine

1.0 244

Engine Cooling System Engine


A= 冷 B=热

Coolant Flow engine at the best temperature. When the thermostat is fully
The cooling system utilizes the heat conduction principle, open, all coolants flow through the radiator.
conducting heat from the engine components to the coolant. 2.0L Turbocharged Engine
When the engine is cold, keep the thermostat closed to
Coolant flows from the right top water chamber to the left
prevent the coolant from flowing through the radiator,
bottom water chamber and passes through the radiator, it is
however, a small amount of coolant may pass through the
cooled by the air flows by the radiator core before flowing
bypass, this helps to prevent the accumulated pressure from
back to the engine cylinder block via the thermostat.
getting too high. When the engine reaches the normal
operating temperature, the thermostat opens, the cool The coolant from the thermostat flows through the tee pipe,
coolant enters into the cylinder block through the hose at the and enters all the way into the heater core to meet the need of
bottom of the radiator,and the hot coolant will flow into the heating and into the turbocharger to satisfy the cooling demand
radiator through the hose at the top of the radiator, so that of the turbocharger.
the cool and hot coolant may be balanced to maintain the

1.0 245

Engine Engine Cooling System

Coolant entered into the turbocharger flows around the Cooling Fan Control Policy
bearing housing and comes into the expansion tank outlet pipe The cooling fan provides the corresponding control signal via
via the return pipe before flowing into the engine eventually. the ECM and realizes the control by the relay and speed
Meanwhile, the expansion tank will remove the air in the regulation resistor unit. The ECM utilizes the information
coolant. The excess coolant produced by thermal expansion provided by the ECT sensor, air conditioning pressure switch,
returns to the expansion tank through the overflow pipe of vehicle speed sensor and ATC to control the fan speed and
the cylinder head. The lower side of the expansion tank is engine coolant temperature.
provided with a hose connected with the cooling system, Cooling Fan ON
which returns coolant to the cooling system.
The ECM sends the cooling fan ON signal according to
1.5L Turbocharged Engine the coolant temperature and the pressure when the A/C is
Coolant flows from the right top water chamber to the left running.
bottom water chamber and passes through the radiator, it is Cooling Fan OFF
cooled by the air flows by the radiator core before flowing
With the engine running, check if the A/C is ON and if the
back to the engine cylinder block via the thermostat.
coolant temperature is below the specified value, then turn off
Coolant from the engine enters into the heater core through the cooling fan.
the heater core water inlet pipe, which meets the requirement
With the engine stationary, check coolant temperature and
for heating.
check if the corresponding cooling fan is ON/OFF.
Meanwhile, the expansion tank will remove the air in the
Cooling Fan Operation - In Failure Condition
coolant. The excess coolant produced by thermal expansion
returns to the expansion tank through the overflow pipe of When failure of the coolant temperature sensor, A/C pressure
the left top radiator and cylinder head. The hose under the switch and vehicle speed sensor occur, operate the cooling fan
expansion tank is connected with the heater core water outlet in accordance with the relevant fault strategy.
pipe through the tee pipe, which also connects the engine and Cooling Fan Relay Unit
compensates the engine cooling system. The cooling fan relay unit includes relay 1, relay 2 and relay 3.
The expansion tank cap with relief valve and vacuum valve
The cooling fan relay unit is connected to the ECM by 2 wires,
isolates the cooling system from the ambient atmosphere, the the other 3 wires connects the internal relay winding to the
coolant expands when the temperature rises, and the pressure cooling fan. The cooling fan relay provides the 12V supply via
of the cooling system will increase accordingly. The increased the battery.
pressure raises the boiling point of the coolant, allowing the
engine to run at a higher, more efficient operating temperature When the cooling fan runs at low speed, ECM provides the
without the risk of coolant boiling. The pressurization of the ground for Pin 16 of the relay connector BY014.
cooling system is limited, so a pressure relief valve is provided When the cooling fan runs at medium speed, ECM provides
on the expansion tank cap. By this way, when the working the ground for Pin 14, 15 of the relay connector BY014.
pressure of the system exceeds the permissible maximum
When the cooling fan runs at high speed, ECM provides the
value, the excess pressure in the cooling system can be
ground for Pin 14, 15 and 16 of the relay connector BY014.
The table below shows the specific cooling fan operation for
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
low/high/medium fan speed.
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot. Relay 1 Relay 2 Relay 3 Cooling Fan
The engine coolant temperature signal is measured by the
ECT sensor. The ECM controls the cooling fan, etc, by
monitoring the coolant temperature signal from this sensor.
The ECM sends the engine coolant temperature signal to the
ON ON OFF 2 (Medium
HS CAN 1, the GateWay (gateway controller) forwards it to
the HS CAN 3 and IPK controller, which is used to indicate
ON ON ON 3 (High
the coolant temperature and provide high temperature
warning. If the coolant sensor fails or coolant temperature is
extremely high, the IPK will alert the driver by the warning
lamp and message.

1.0 246

Engine Cooling System Engine

Warning: Keep clear of the cooling fan. The fan may start
automatically without warning, even after the engine is
turned off.

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Engine Engine Cooling System

Service Procedures-2.0T Refill

Coolant - Drain and Refill 1. Turn off the coolant/water drain valve under the
Drain radiator.
1. Remove the expansion tank cap. 2. Prepare the coolant of specified concentration.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by Fluid
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap 3. Open the expansion tank cap. Refill the expansion tank
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot. until the coolant reaches the neck of the expansion
tank and keeps still.
4. Ensure that the air conditioning is closed.
5. Start the engine and allow it to run at 1500~2500 RPM.
Refill the expansion tank as required to keep the level
just below the neck of the expansion tank. When the
coolant level reaches the neck of the expansion tank
due to thermal expansion, fit the expansion tank cap.
6. Continuously run the engine at the speed of 1500~2500
RPM until the cooling fan operates, and then run the
engine at idle speed until the cooling fan stops.
7. Turn off the engine and allow it to cool for 30 minutes.
8. Inspect the cooling system for any leak.
2. Secure a proper container to collect the coolant. 9. Check if the coolant level is between MIN and MAX. If
3. Raise the vehicle on a lift. not, open the expansion tank cap, refill the coolant to
the maximum level or keep it between MIN and MAX
4. Turn off the drain valve at the bottom of the engine
as required.

5. Drain the engine cooling system.

1.0 248

Engine Cooling System Engine

Expansion Tank Cap - Pressure Test TEN00010.
1. Visually check the expansion tank cap for any leak.
2. Check the hose for signs of rupture and distortion and
the attachment strength of pipeline connection.
3. Open the coolant expansion tank cap.

Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by

escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.

6. Pressurize the expansion tank cap slowly to the

specified pressure, then check the pressure, if the
pressure range is maintained within 140-160KPa, the
expansion tank cap is normal.
7. Release pressure through the pressure relief valve on
the pressurization tool.
4. Fit the TEN00010 to the expansion tank cap.

8. Remove the T14001 pressure hose from the

9. Remove the expansion tank cap from the TEN00010
and fit it to the expansion tank.
5. Connect the pressure hose of the T14001 to the

1.0 249

Engine Engine Cooling System

System Pressure Test

1. Check the hose for signs of rupture and twist and the
attachment strength of pipeline connection.
2. Open the coolant expansion tank cap.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.
6. Visually inspect the engine and the cooling system for
signs of coolant leakage.
7. Release pressure through the relief valve on the

3. Fit the TEN00015 to the expansion tank.

4. Connect the pressure hose of the T14001 to the
5. Pressurize the system to the pressure of 140-160KPa
slowly and check whether there is any leakage.

Warning: Do not exceed the setting pressure value, or the

cooling system will be damaged.
8. Disconnect the T14001 hose from the TEN00015.
9. Remove the TEN00015 from the expansion tank and
fit the expansion tank cap.

1.0 250

Engine Cooling System Engine

Coolant Expansion Tank hose (1).
Remove 5. Release the clamp and disconnect the expansion tank
1. Open the coolant expansion tank cap. outlet pipe (2).
6. Release the clamp and disconnect the cooling system
overflow hose (3).

2. Remove 2 bolts securing the coolant expansion tank

on the frame.
7. With the water pipe clips, clamp the expansion tank
outlet pipe to prevent coolant loss.
8. Remove the coolant expansion tank from the vehicle.
1. Fix the overflow pipe of the cooling system to the
expansion tank, and secure it with clamps.
2. Fit the expansion tank outlet pipe to the coolant
expansion tank and secure with clamps.
3. Fit the engine overflow pipe to the coolant expansion
tank and secure with clamps.
4. Secure the coolant expansion tank on the frame, fit 2
3. Prepare an appropriate container to collect the coolant bolts, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
dripping from the expansion tank. 5. Refill coolant to the specified level.
4. Release the clamp and disconnect the engine overflow 6. Fit the coolant expansion tank cap.

1.0 251

Engine Engine Cooling System

Radiator Inlet Pipe Radiator Outlet Pipe

Remove Remove
1. Drain the engine cooling system. 1. Drain the engine cooling system.

Cooling System Drain Engine Cooling System Drain

2. Release the clamp (3) securing the harness on the 2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the expansion tank to the body
radiator inlet pipe. and take away the expansion tank.
3. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the radiator inlet
pipe (2) from the radiator.
4. Loosen the clamps, disconnect the radiator inlet pipe
(1) from the thermostat housing and remove the
radiator inlet pipe.
3. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the radiator outlet
hose (2) from the radiator.
4. Release the clamp and disconnect the radiator outlet
hose (1) from the thermostat housing assembly.

5. Release the clamp and disconnect the radiator inlet

pipe (3).

5. Remove the radiator outlet hose from the vehicle.

1. Connect the radiator outlet pipe to the thermostat
Refit housing, and fix it with clamps.
1. Fix the radiator inlet pipe to the expansion water tank, 2. Connect the radiator outlet pipe to the radiator, and
and secure it with clamps. fix it with clamps.
2. Connect the radiator inlet pipe to the hard thermostat 3. Secure the coolant expansion tank on the frame, fit 2
pipe, and fix it with clamps. bolts, tighten them to 4–6Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the radiator inlet pipe to the radiator, and fix 4. Refill the engine cooling system.
it with clamps.
Engine Cooling System Refill
4. Fix the harness to the radiator inlet pipe.
5. Refill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill

1.0 252

Engine Cooling System Engine

Heater Water Inlet Pipe
1. Drain the engine cooling system.

Cooling System Drain

2. Remove the electronic throttle intake pipe.
Electronic Throttle Intake Pipe Remove
3. Release the clamp and disconnect the heater core
water inlet pipe from the heater core (1).
4. Release the clamp and disconnect the heater core
water inlet pipe from the electronic pump (3).
6. Remove the heater core water inlet pipe from the
1. Fix the heater core water inlet pipe to the thermostat
and secure with clamps.
2. Fix the heater core water inlet pipe to the electronic
pump and secure with clamps.
3. Fix the heater core water inlet pipe to the electronic
pump and secure with clamps.
4. Fit the electronic throttle intake pipe.
Electric Throttle Intake Pipe Refit
5. Release the clamp and disconnect the heater core
5. Refill the engine cooling system.
water inlet pipe from the thermostat housing (3).
Engine Cooling System Refill

1.0 253

Engine Engine Cooling System

Heater Water Outlet Pipe Expansion Water Tank Outlet Pipe

Remove Remove
1. Drain the engine cooling system. 1. Drain the engine cooling system.

Cooling System Drain Engine Cooling System Drain

2. Release the clamp and disconnect the heater core 2. Release the clamp (1) and disconnect the expansion
water outlet pipe from the heater core (2). tank outlet pipe from the expansion tank.
3. Release the clamp (2) and disconnect the expansion
tank outlet pipe from the engine.
4. Cut off the 2 straps (3) fixing the expansion outlet pipe
to the battery box.
3. Release the clamp and disconnect the heater core
water outlet pipe from the hard pipe of the oil filter
module assembly.
5. Release the clamp and disconnect the turbocharger
water outlet pipe.
4. Remove the heater water outlet pipe from the vehicle.
1. Fix the heater core water outlet pipe to the hard pipe of
6. Remove the expansion outlet pipe from the vehicle.
the oil filter module assembly, and secure with clamps.
2. Fix the heater core water outlet pipe to the heater
1. Fix the turbocharger water return hose to the
core and secure with clamps.
turbocharger hard return pipe, and secure with clamps.
3. Refill the engine cooling system.
2. Fix the expansion water tank outlet pipe to the engine,
Engine Cooling System Refill and secure it with clamps.
3. Fix the expansion water tank outlet pipe to the
expansion water tank, and secure it with clamps.
4. Fix the expansion water tank outlet pipe to the battery
box, and secure it with straps.
5. Refill the engine cooling system.
Engine Cooling System Refill

1.0 254

Engine Cooling System Engine

Engine Overflow Pipe A 4. Remove 1 bolt (1) and 1 stud (2) fixing overflow pipe
Remove A to the engine.
1. Drain the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Drain

2. Release the clamp and disconnect overflow pipe A from
the engine.
5. Remove the engine overflow pipe A from the vehicle.
1. Fix engine overflow pipe A to the engine, fit the bolt
and stud, and tighten them.
2. Connect engine overflow pipe B and A, and secure
3. Release the clamp and disconnect the engine overflow
pipe A and B (1). with clamps.
3. Fix engine overflow pipe A to the engine, and secure
it with clamps.
4. Refill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill


1.0 255

Engine Engine Cooling System

Engine Overflow Pipe B Cooling Fan Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Release the clamp and disconnect engine overflow pipe 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
A and B (1). 2. Disconnect the connector of the low-speed cooling
2. Release the clamp and disconnect engine overflow pipe fan resistance.
B from the expansion tank (2).
3. Remove the front bumper.
3. Remove engine overflow pipe B from the vehicle. Front Bumper Remove
Refit 4. Release 6 bolts (1) and 2 nuts (2) securing the front
1. Connect engine overflow pipe B and expansion water anti-collision beam.
tank, and secure with clamps.
2. Connect engine overflow pipe B and A, and secure
with clamps.
3. Refill the expansion water tank with maximum coolant.
5. Release 2 bolts and 2 clips fixing the cooling fan
assembly to upper radiator beam.

6. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

1.0 256

Engine Cooling System Engine

7. Move the cooling fan assembly slowly in the engine Cooling Fan Low Speed Resistance
compartment to remove it from the underbody. Remove
Refit Warning: Disconnect the battery to prevent operation of
1. Fit the cooling fan assembly to the vehicle. the cooling fan, which could cause personal injury.
2. Lower the vehicle. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Fit the cooling fan to the groove on the upper radiator 2. Remove the cooling fan assembly.
beam, fit 2 screws, tighten to 4.5-5Nm and check the Cooling Fan Assembly Remove
torque. 3. Remove 1 screw securing the resistance on the wind
4. Fit the front bumper beam and upper radiator beam scooper to remove the resistance.
assembly to the body, connect them with bolts and nuts
respectively and tighten to 40–50Nm.
5. Fit the front bumper.

Front Bumper Refit

6. Connect the connector of the low-speed cooling fan
7. Connect the battery negative.
4. Measure the wire (about 5cm) from the resistor side
and cut the resistor from the wire at this location.
5. After cutting off the resistor, remove insulating skin
(about 7mm) respectively from both ends of the
remaining wire.
1. Take a resistance to be fitted and fit the heat-shrink
tube to the resistance wire.

2. Insert the metal part of the wire whose insulating skin

has been removed into the double end connector
connected to the wire of the resistance to be fitted,
and press it with the terminal clamp of the T84001,
and the connector shall bear a tension of at least 10kg
without being loose.
3. Fit the heat-shrink tubes to the double end connector
and heat it with proper heat supply to shrink and

1.0 257

Engine Engine Cooling System

agglutinate it with the wire. Radiator Assembly

4. Fix the resistance to the wind scooper with 1 Remove
self-tapping screw, fix the wire with tapes and ensure 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
the wire and the serpentuator bushing will not move or 2. Drain the engine cooling system.
interfere with the vane or cause any other interference.
Engine Cooling System Drain
5. Fit the cooling fan assembly.
3. Remove the coolant expansion tank.
Cooling Fan Assembly Refit
Coolant Expansion Tank Remove
6. After replacement, connect the battery negative and
start the engine to monitor the fan. If the fan does not 4. Remove the front bumper assembly.
buzz excessively during operation, then resume the low Front Bumper Assembly Remove
speed operating condition. 5. Release the clamp and disconnect the radiator inlet
hose (3).
6. Release the clamp and disconnect the radiator outlet
hose (2).

7. Remove the cooling fan assembly.

Cooling Fan Assembly Remove

8. Prepare a proper container to collect the transmission
9. Disconnect the transmission fluid cooling pipe at the
radiator side.

1.0 258

Engine Cooling System Engine

2.0T Intercooler
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Remove
3. Remove the front bumper.

Front Bumper Remove

4. Remove the cooling fan assembly.

Cooling Fan Assembly Remove

5. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the air inlet hose
from the intercooler.
10. Remove the upper radiator beam.

Upper Radiator Beam Remove

11. Remove the condenser from the radiator groove.
6. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the air outlet hose
from the intercooler (3).

12. Remove the radiator from the vehicle.

1. Fit the radiator to the vehicle.
2. Fix the condenser to the radiator groove.
3. Fit the upper radiator beam.
Upper Radiator Beam Refit
4. Fit the transmission fluid cooling pipe.
5. Fit the cooling fan assembly.

Cooling Fan Assembly Refit

6. Fit the radiator outlet pipe.
7. Remove 2 bolts and 2 screws connecting the upper
7. Fit the radiator inlet pipe.
radiator beam, radiator and the intercooler.
8. Fit the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Refit

9. Refill transmission fluid.

Transmission Fluid Refill

10. Refill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill

11. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 259

Engine Engine Cooling System

9. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

10. Disconnect the intercooler from the groove on the
upper radiator beam and remove it from the vehicle.
1. Fit the intercooler to the groove of the upper radiator
2. Lower the vehicle.
3. Tighten the bolt of the front anti-collision beam to
40–50Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fix the intercooler and radiator to the upper radiator
beam, fit 2 bolts and screw, tighten to 4–6Nm and
check the torque.
8. Release 6 bolts (1) and 2 nuts (2) fixing the bumper
5. Fit the intercooler air inlet hose to the intercooler, and
beam to the body.
fix it with clamps.
6. Connect the intercooler air inlet hose to the
turbocharger, and fix it with clamps.
7. Fit the cooling fan assembly.

Cooling Fan Assembly Refit

8. Fit the front bumper.
Front Bumper Refit
9. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit

10. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 260

Engine Cooling System Engine

Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Upper Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Lower
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front bumper assembly. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Remove Front Bumper Assembly Remove

2. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the air deflector of the left 2. Remove 3 clips (2), (3) fixing the left lower radiator
upper radiator to the body. airflow deflector to the left upper radiator airflow
3. Remove 2 clips (2) fixing the air deflector of the left deflector and upper radiator beam.
upper radiator to the air deflector of the left lower 3. Remove the left upper radiator airflow side deflector
radiator. from the vehicle.
1. Fit the left lower radiator airflow deflector on the
2. Fix the left lower radiator airflow deflector to the left
upper radiator airflow deflector and upper radiator
beam, fit the clips and tighten.
3. Refit the front bumper assembly.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
4. Remove the air deflector of the left upper radiator.
1. Fit the left upper radiator airflow deflector on the
2. Fix the left upper radiator airflow deflector to the left
lower radiator airflow deflector and tighten with clips.
3. Fix the left upper radiator airflow deflector to the body,
fit 1 bolts, and tighten to 3–5Nm.
4. Refit the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Refit


1.0 261

Engine Engine Cooling System

Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right Upper Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right Lower
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front bumper assembly. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Remove Front Bumper Assembly Remove

2. Release 3 split pins of the air filter inlet pipe, and 2. Remove 3 clips (2), (3) fixing the right lower radiator
remove the air filter inlet pipe. airflow deflector to the right upper radiator airflow
deflector and upper radiator beam.
3. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the air deflector of the right
upper radiator to the body. 3. Remove the right upper radiator airflow side deflector
4. Remove 2 clips (2) fixing the air deflector of the right from the vehicle.
upper radiator to the air deflector of the left lower Refit
radiator. 1. Fit the right lower radiator airflow deflector on the
5. Remove the air deflector of the left upper radiator. vehicle.
Refit 2. Fix the right lower radiator airflow deflector to the
1. Fit the air deflector of the right upper radiator to the right upper radiator airflow deflector and upper
vehicle. radiator beam, fit the clips and tighten.

2. Fix the air deflector of the right upper radiator to the 3. Refit the front bumper assembly.
air deflector of the right lower radiator, and secure Front Bumper Assembly Refit
with clips.
3. Fix the air deflector of the right upper radiator to the
body, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 3–5Nm.
4. Fit the air filter inlet pipe.
5. Fit the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Refit

1.0 262

Engine Cooling System Engine

Transmission Outlet Hose to the transmission.
1. Drain part of the transmission fluid.
2. Remove the coolant expansion tank.
Coolant Expansion Tank Remove
3. Remove the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Remove

4. Remove 1 clip (1) fixing the transmission outlet hose
to the radiator connector.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent


7. Remove and discard the O ring of the cooling hose.

8. Remove the transmission outlet hose from the vehicle.
1. Fit the transmission outlet pipe to the vehicle.
2. Lubricate the new O ring with clean transmission fluid
and fit it to the outlet cooling hose.
3. Fix the transmission outlet hose clip to the transmission,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
4. Fix the transmission outlet hose to the transmission, fit
1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
5. Fix the transmission outlet hose to radiator connector
5. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the transmission outlet hose
and secure with clips.
to the transmission.
6. Fit the battery box bracket.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
Battery Box Bracket Refit
7. Fit the coolant expansion tank.
Coolant Expansion Tank Refit
8. Add automatic transmission fluid.

Transmission Fluid Check and Refill


6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the transmission outlet hose clip

1.0 263

Engine Engine Cooling System

Transmission Inlet Hose to the transmission.

1. Drain part of the transmission fluid.
2. Remove the coolant expansion tank.
Coolant Expansion Tank Remove
3. Remove the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Remove

4. Remove 1 clip (2) fixing the transmission inlet hose to
the radiator connector and disconnect the hose.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent


7. Remove and discard the O ring of the cooling hose.

8. Remove the transmission inlet hose from the vehicle.
1. Fit the transmission inlet hose to the vehicle.
2. Lubricate the new O ring with clean transmission fluid
and fit it to the inlet cooling hose.
3. Fix the transmission inlet hose clip to the transmission,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
4. Fix the transmission inlet hose to the transmission, fit 1
bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
5. Fix the transmission inlet hose to radiator connector,
5. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the transmission inlet hose
fit the clip and secure it.
to the transmission.
6. Fit the battery box bracket.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
Battery Box Bracket Refit
7. Fit the coolant expansion tank.
Coolant Expansion Tank Refit
8. Refill automatic transmission fluid

Transmission Fluid Check and Refill


6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the transmission inlet hose clip

1.0 264

Engine Cooling System Engine

Thermostat 6. Release the clamp and disconnect the turbocharger
Remove water return pipe (3) from the thermostat cover.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 7. Remove 3 bolts (1) fixing the thermostat cover to the
2. Drain the engine cooling system. thermostat housing.

Engine Cooling System Drain

3. Release the clamp and disconnect the engine water
outlet pipe (1) from the thermostat cover.
8. Remove the thermostat from the vehicle.
1. Fit the thermostat and ensure the seal ring is properly
4. Release the clamp and disconnect the engine water
inlet pipe (1) from the thermostat cover. 2. Fix the the thermostat cover to the transmission
housing, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check
the torque.
3. Connect the thermostat connector.
4. Fix the turbocharger water return pipe to the
thermostat cover and secure with clamps.
5. Fix the engine water inlet pipe to the thermostat cover
and secure with clamps.
6. Fix the engine water outlet pipe to the thermostat
cover and secure with clamps.
7. Refill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill

8. Connect the battery negative.
5. Disconnect the connector (2) of the electronic

1.0 265

Engine Engine Cooling System

Clutch Water Pump

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Drain the engine cooling system.
Engine Cooling System Drain
3. Remove the engine auxiliary drive belt.

Engine Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove

4. Remove the oil filter module assembly.

Oil Filter Module Remove

5. Remove 4 bolts securing the clutch water pump pulley
on the clutch water pump.
7. Remove the clutch water pump from the oil filter
module assembly.
1. Fit the clutch water pump to the oil filter module.
2. Fix the clutch water pump to the oil cooler module,
fit the harness bracket of the clutch water pump
connector, fit 6 bolts, tighten to 13.5–16.5Nm and
check the torque.
3. Fit the oil filter module.
Oil Filter Module Refit
4. Secure the clutch water pump pulley on the clutch
water pump, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 7.5-10.4Nm and
check the torque.
6. Remove 6 bolts securing the clutch water pump on the
oil cooler module and remove the harness bracket of 5. Fit the engine auxiliary drive belt.
the clutch water pump connector.
Engine Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
6. Refill the engine cooling system.
Engine Cooling System Refill
7. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 266

Engine Cooling System Engine

Electronic Auxiliary Pump water pump.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Drain the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Drain

4. Remove the battery.

Battery Remove
5. Disconnect the connector (1) of the auxiliary electronic
water pump.
6. Release the clamp and disconnect the connector (3) of
the heater core water inlet pipe and auxiliary electronic
water pump. Refit
7. Release the clamp and disconnect the connector (2) 1. Fix the auxiliary electronic water pump and its bracket
of the turbocharger water inlet pipe and auxiliary to the cylinder head, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 9–11Nm
electronic water pump. and check the torque.
2. Connect the turbocharger water inlet pipe and auxiliary
electronic water pump. and secure with clamps.
3. Connect the heater water inlet pipe and auxiliary
electronic water pump. and secure with clamps.
4. Connect the connector of the auxiliary electronic
water pump.
5. Fit the battery.
Battery Refit
6. Refill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill

7. Fit the engine cover.
8. Release 2 bolts fixing the auxiliary electronic water 8. Connect the battery negative.
pump to the engine, and remove the auxiliary electronic

1.0 267

Engine Engine Cooling System

Service Procedures-1.5T to keep the level just below the neck of the expansion
Coolant - Drain and Refill tank. When the coolant level reaches the neck of the
Drain expansion tank due to thermal expansion, screw the
expansion tank cap.
1. Remove the expansion tank cap.
6. Continuously run the engine at the speed of 1500~2500
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
RPM until the cooling fan operates, and then run the
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
engine at idle speed until the cooling fan stops.
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.
7. Turn off the engine and cool it down for 30 minutes.
8. Check the cooling system for leakage.
9. Check the level of coolant whether it is between MIN
and MAX. If not, open the expansion tank cap and fill
the tank up with coolant or drain the coolant to MAX
as required.
2. Secure a proper container to collect the coolant.
3. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
4. Open the drain valve at the bottom of the engine
cooling system radiator.

5. Drain the engine cooling system.

1. Close the coolant drain valve at the bottom of the
2. Prepare the coolant of specified concentration.

Oil & Fluid

3. Open the expansion tank cap. Refill coolant to the
expansion tank until the coolant reaches the expansion
tank neck and keeps still.
4. Ensure that the air conditioner is turned off.
5. Start the engine and allow it to operate at the speed of
1500~2500 RPM. Refill the expansion tank as required

1.0 268

Engine Cooling System Engine

Expansion Tank Cap - Pressure Test 6. Pressurize the expansion tank cap slowly to the
Check specified pressure, then check the pressure, if the
1. Visually check the expansion tank for signs of leakage. pressure range is maintained within 140-160KPa, the
expansion tank lid is normal.
2. Check the hose for signs of rupture and distortion and
the attachment strength of pipeline connection. 7. Release pressure through the relief valve on the
3. Open the coolant expansion tank cap.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.

8. Remove the T14001 pressure hose fromTEN00010.

9. Remove the expansion tank cap from the TEN00010
and fit it to the expansion tank.
4. Fit the TEN00010 to the expansion tank cap.

5. Connect the T14001 pressure hose to the


1.0 269

Engine Engine Cooling System

System Pressure Test

1. Check the hose for signs of rupture and distortion and
the attachment strength of pipeline connection.
2. Open the coolant expansion tank cap.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.
8. Disconnect the T14001 hose from TEN00015.
9. Remove the TEN00015 from the expansion tank and
fit the expansion tank cap.
Coolant Expansion Tank
1. Open the coolant expansion tank cap.

3. Fit the TEN00015 to the expansion tank.

4. Connect the T14001 pressure hose to the
5. Pressurize the system to the pressure of 140-160KPa
slowly and check it for leakage.

Warning: Do not exceed the setting pressure value, or the

cooling system will be damaged.

2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the coolant expansion tank to

the vehicle frame.

6. Visually check the engine and the cooling system for

signs of coolant leakage.
7. Release pressure through the relief valve on the
3. Place a proper container to collect the coolant
overflowing from the expansion tank.
4. Loosen the clamp and disconnect engine overflow hose

1.0 270

Engine Cooling System Engine

5. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the expansion tank Refit
outlet pipe (2). 1. Fix the cooling system overflow pipe to the expansion
6. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the cooling system tank, and fix with clamps.
overflow pipe (3). 2. Fit the expansion tank outlet port to coolant expansion
tank, and fix with clamps.
3. Fit the engine overflow pipe to the coolant expansion
tank and fix with clamps.
4. Fix the coolant expansion tank to the vehicle frame, fit
2 bolts, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
5. Supplement the coolant to standard level
6. Fit the coolant expansion tank cap.
7. Clamp the expansion tank with a water pipe clamp to
prevent loss of coolant.
8. Remove the coolant expansion tank from the vehicle.

1.0 271

Engine Engine Cooling System

Radiator Inlet Pipe Radiator Outlet Pipe

Remove Remove
1. Drain the engine cooling system. 1. Drain the engine cooling system.

Cooling System Drain Engine Cooling System Drain

2. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water 2. Remove the 2 bolts fixing the coolant expansion tank
inlet (1) pipe from the radiator. to the vehicle frame and the expansion tank.
3. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water
inlet pipe (2) from the thermostat housing and remove
the radiator water inlet pipe.
3. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water
outlet hose from the radiator.
1. Connect the radiator water inlet pipe to the thermostat
hard pipe, and fix it with clamps.
2. Connect the radiator water inlet pipe to the radiator,
and fix it with clamps.
3. Fill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill

4. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water
outlet hose from the thermostat housing assembly.

5. Remove the radiator water outlet pipe from the vehicle.

1.0 272

Engine Cooling System Engine

Refit Heater Water Inlet Pipe
1. Connect the thermostat water outlet pipe to the Remove
thermostat housing assembly and fix it with clamps. 1. Drain the engine cooling system.
2. Connect the radiator water inlet pipe to the radiator Cooling System Drain
and fix it with clamps. 2. Remove the electronic throttle air inlet pipe.
3. Fix the coolant expansion tank to the vehicle frame; Electronic Throttle Inlet Air Pipe Remove
fit two bolts and tighten to 4–6Nm, then check the
3. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (1)
between the heater core water inlet pipe and the
4. Fill the engine cooling system. heater core.
Engine Cooling System Refill

4. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (3)

between the heater core water inlet pipe and the

5. Remove the heater core water hose inlet from the

1. Fit the heater core water inlet pipe to the vehicle.
2. Fit the heater core water inlet pipe to engine, and fix
with clamp.
3. Fit the heater core water inlet pipe to the heater core,
and fix with clamp.
4. Fit the electronic throttle air inlet pipe.
Electronic Throttle Inlet Air Pipe Refit
5. Fill the engine cooling system.
Engine Cooling System Refill

1.0 273

Engine Engine Cooling System

Heater Water Outlet Hose

1. Drain the engine cooling system.

Cooling System Drain

2. Remove the electronic throttle air inlet pipe.
Electronic Throttle Inlet Air Pipe Remove
3. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (2)
between the heater core water outlet pipe and the
heater core.
6. Remove the heater core water outlet pipe from the
1. Fit the heater core water outlet pipe to the vehicle.
2. Fit the heater core water outlet pipe to expansion tank,
and fix with clamp.
3. Fit the heater core water outlet pipe to engine, and
fix with clamp.
4. Fit the heater core water outlet pipe to the heater
core, and fix with clamps.
4. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (4)
5. Fit the electronic throttle air inlet pipe.
between the heater core water outlet pipe and the
engine. Electronic Throttle Inlet Air Pipe Refit
6. Fill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill


5. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (2)

between the heater core water outlet pipe and the
expansion tank.

1.0 274

Engine Cooling System Engine

Engine Overflow Pipe Radiator Overflow Pipe
Remove Remove
1. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (1) 1. Loosen the clamp, disconnect the connection (2)
between the radiator overflow pipe and the engine. between the radiator overflow pipe from the radiator.
2. Loosen the clamp and disconnect the connection (2) 2. Loosen the clamp, disconnect the connection (1)
between the radiator overflow pipe and the expansion between the radiator overflow pipe from the expansion
tank. tank .
3. Remove the engine overflow pipe from the vehicle. 3. Remove the radiator overflow pipe from the vehicle.
Refit Refit
1. Fit the radiator overflow pipe to the vehicle. 1. Fit the radiator overflow pipe to the vehicle.
2. Connect the radiator overflow pipe to the radiator and 2. Connect the radiator overflow pipe to the expansion
fix it with clamps. tank, and fix it with clamps.
3. Connect the radiator overflow pipe to the expansion 3. Connect the radiator overflow pipe to the radiator,
tank and fix it with clamps. and fix it with clamps.
4. Check the expansion tank coolant.

1.0 275

Engine Engine Cooling System

Cooling Fan Assembly 7. Move the cooling fan assembly slowly in the engine
Remove compartment and remove it from the vehicle.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. Refit
2. Disconnect the connector of the cooling fan low speed 1. Fit the fan assembly to the vehicle.
resistance. 2. Lower the vehicle.
3. Fix the cooling fan to the slot of the upper radiator
beam; fit 2 screws, tighten to 4.5-5Nm, and check
the torque.
4. Fix the front buffer beam and the upper radiator beam
assembly to the vehicles, respectively connect with
bolts and nuts and tighten to 40–50Nm.
5. Fit the front bumper.

Front Bumper Refit

6. Disconnect the connector of the cooling fan low speed
7. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove the front bumper.
Front Bumper Remove
4. Loose 6 bolt (1) and 2 nuts (2) fixing the front
anti-collision beam.
5. Loose 2 bolts and 2 lock catches fixing the cooling fan
assembly to radiator.

6. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

1.0 276

Engine Cooling System Engine

Coolant Fan Low Speed Resistor 4. Fix the resistance and to the wind protection ring;
Remove fix and tighten 1 self-tapping screws, and fix the lead
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. well with tapes to ensure no displacement of the lead
and the serpentuator sleeve, otherwise, it will or may
2. Remove the cooling fan assembly.
interfere the blade.
Cooling Fan Assembly Remove 5. Fit the cooling fan assembly.
3. Remove 1 screw securing the resistance on the wind
Cooling Fan Assembly Refit
scooper to remove the resistance.
6. After replacement, connect the accumulator negative
and start up the engine to check its operation. If there
is no high humming when the fan is running, then
resume the low speed operating condition.
4. Measure about 5 cm lead at resistor end and cut the
resistor off the lead.
5. After cutting off the resistor, remove about 7 mm
insulation respectively from both ends of the remaining
1. Take a resistance to be fitted and cover the heat-shrink
tubes on the leads of resistance.

2. Insert the metal part of the lead whose insulation

has been removed into the double end connector
connected to the lead of the resistance to be fitted, and
impact it with the terminal clamp in T84001, taking the
standard of at least 10 kg tensional of the joint without
3. Cover the heat-shrink tubes on the double end
connector and heat it with proper heat supply to shrink
and agglutinate it with the lead.

1.0 277

Engine Engine Cooling System

Radiator Assembly 1.5T Intercooler

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Drain the engine cooling system. 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
Engine Cooling System Drain Bottom Deflector Remove
3. Remove coolant expansion tank 3. Remove the front bumper.

Expansion Tank Remove Front Bumper Remove

4. Remove the front bumper. 4. Remove the cooling fan assembly.

Front Bumper Remove Cooling Fan Assembly Remove

5. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water 5. Loosen the clamps, and disconnect the intercooler air
inlet pipe. inlet hose from the inter cooler.
6. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water
outlet pipe.
7. Remove the cooling fan assembly.

Cooling Fan Assembly Remove

8. Remove the upper radiator beam.

Upper Radiator Beam Remove

9. Remove the intercooler from the radiator slot.
10. Remove radiator assembly from the vehicle.
1. Fit the radiator to the vehicle.
2. Fit the intercooler into the radiator slot.
6. Loosen the clamps, and disconnect the connection (3)
3. Fit the upper radiator beam.
between intercooler air outlet hose from the inter
Upper Radiator Beam Refit cooler.
4. Fit the cooling fan assembly.
Cooling Fan Assembly Refit
5. Fit the radiator water inlet pipe.
6. Fit the radiator water outlet pipe.
7. Fit the front bumper.

Front Bumper Refit

8. Fit the coolant expansion tank.

Coolant Expansion Tank Refit

9. Fill the engine cooling system.
Engine Cooling System Refill
10. Connect the battery negative cable. 7. Remove 2 bolts and 2 screws connecting the upper
radiator beam, radiator and inter cooling.

1.0 278

Engine Cooling System Engine

10. Connect the battery negative cable.

8. Loosen 6 bolts (1) and 2 nuts (2) fixing the buffer beam
to the body.
9. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
10. Remove the intercooler from the slot of the upper
radiator beam and take out from the vehicle.
1. Fit the intercooler to the slot of the upper radiator
2. Lower the vehicle.
3. Tighten the front anti-collision beam bolt to 40–50Nm,
and check the torque.
4. Fit the intercooler and the radiator to the slot of the
upper radiator beam; fit 2 bolts and screws and tighten
to 4–6Nm, and check the torque.
5. Fit the intercooler air inlet hose to the intercooler, and
fix it with clamps.
6. Fit the intercooler air inlet hose to the turbocharger,
and fix it with clamps.
7. Fit the cooling fan assembly.
Cooling Fan Assembly Refit
8. Fit the front bumper.
Front Bumper Refit
9. Fit bottom air deflector.
Bottom Deflector Refit

1.0 279

Engine Engine Cooling System

Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Upper Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Left Lower
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front bumper assembly. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Remove Front Bumper Assembly Remove

2. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the left upper radiator airflow 2. Remove 3 clips (2), (3) fixing the left lower radiator
deflector to the body. airflow deflector to the left upper radiator airflow
3. Remove 2 clips (2) fixing the left upper radiator deflector and the upper radiator beam.
airflow deflector to the left lower radiator airflow side
3. Remove the left upper radiator airflow side radiator
deflector from the vehicle.
4. Remove the left upper radiator airflow side radiator Refit
deflector from the vehicle.
1. Fit the left lower radiator airflow deflector to the
Refit vehicle.
1. Fit the left upper radiator airflow deflector to the 2. Fix the left lower radiator airflow deflector to the left
vehicle. upper radiator airflow deflector and upper radiator
2. Fix the left upper radiator airflow deflector to the left beam and tighten with clip.
lower radiator airflow deflector and tighten with clip. 3. Fit front bumper assembly.
3. Fix the left upper radiator airflow deflector to the body,
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
fit 1 bolts, and tighten to 3–5Nm.
4. Fit front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Refit


1.0 280

Engine Cooling System Engine

Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right Upper Radiator Airflow Side Deflector - Right Lower
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front bumper assembly. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Remove Front Bumper Assembly Remove

2. Unscrew 3 split pins fixing the air filter inlet pipe and 2. Remove 3 clips (2), (3) fixing the right lower radiator
remove the air filter inlet pipe. airflow deflector to the right upper radiator airflow
deflector and the upper radiator beam.
3. Fix the right upper radiator airflow deflector to the
body, and fit 1 bolt (1). 3. Remove the left lower radiator airflow side deflector
4. Fix the right upper radiator airflow deflector to the left from the vehicle.
lower air filter inlet pipe, and fit 2 clips (2). Refit
1. Fit the right lower radiator airflow deflector to the
2. Fix the right lower radiator airflow deflector to the
right upper radiator airflow deflector and upper
radiator beam, and fit clip and tighten up.
3. Fit front bumper assembly.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit

5. Remove the left upper radiator airflow side radiator

deflector from the vehicle.
1. Fit the right upper radiator airflow deflector to the
2. Fix the right upper radiator airflow deflector to the
right lower radiator airflow deflector and tighten with
3. Fix the right upper radiator airflow deflector to the
body, fit 1 bolt, and tighten to 3–5Nm.
4. Fit the air filter inlet pipe.
5. Fit front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Refit

1.0 281

Engine Engine Cooling System

Thermostat Mechanical Water Pump

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Drain the engine cooling system.
2. Drain the engine coolant. Engine Cooling System Drain
Engine Cooling System Drain 2. Drain engine oil.
3. Remove the bottom deflector. Engine Oil Drain
Bottom Deflector Remove 3. Remove the auxiliary drive belt.
4. Disconnect the electronic thermostat connector. Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
5. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the radiator water 4. Remove the oil cooler.
outlet pipe from the thermostat.
Oil Cooler Remove
6. Remove 2 bolts fixing the thermostat housing to the
5. Remove the turbocharger water inlet pipe.
water pump.
Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe Remove
7. Remove the thermostat, and discard the gasket.
6. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the bypass pipe (3)
from the water outlet assembly.
7. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the bypass pipe from
the turbocharger water return pipe (1).
8. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the bypass pipe to the water

1. Clean the junction surface between thermostat and
water pump, and ensure that there is no foreign
2. Fit a new gasket, fix the thermostat to the water pump,
fit 2 bolts, tighten to 8-12Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the thermostat water outlet pipe to the 9. Remove 1 bolt fixing the bypass pipe to the engine,
thermostat, and fix it with clamps. remove the bypass pipe, and discard the sealing gasket.
4. Connect the electronic thermostat connector. 10. Disconnect electronic thermostat connector (2),
5. Fit the bottom deflector. remove the harness staple bolt (3), and remove the
Bottom Deflector Refit
11. Loosen the clamp, and disconnect the hose from the
6. Fill the engine coolant. thermostat housing (1).
Engine Cooling System Refill
7. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 282

Engine Cooling System Engine

11. Fill the engine oil.

Engine Oil Refill

12. Refit the auxiliary drive belt
Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
13. Fill the engine cooling system.

Engine Cooling System Refill

12. Remove 2 bolts fixing the water pump to the engine,
remove the water pump, and discard the sealing gasket.
1. Clean the junction surface between the water pump
and the alternator, and ensure that there is no foreign
2. Fix the water pump to the engine, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
22-28Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the hose to the thermostat housing and fix
it with clamps.
4. Connect the electronic thermostat connector, and fix
the harness.
5. Fit a new gasket; fix the bypass pipe to the water pump,
fit 2 bolts and tighten to 8-12Nm; check the torque.
6. Fix the bypass pipe to the engine; fit 1 bolt and tighten
to8-12Nm; check the torque.
7. Connect the bypass pipe to the water outlet assembly,
and fix it with clamps.
8. Connect the bypass pipe to the turbocharger water
return pipe, and fix it with clamps.
9. Fit the turbocharger water inlet pipe.
Turbocharger Water Inlet Pipe Refit
10. Fit the oil cooler.
Oil Cooler Refit

1.0 283

Engine Engine Cooling System

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Pressure test
connector, cap

Cooling system
pressure test kit

Pressure test
TEN00015 connector,
cooling system
Harness repair

1.0 284

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

Engine Fuel & Management System
Description Value
Fuel tank unit locking ring 75–85Nm
Bolt - fuel tank strap 22–28Nm
Bolt - fuel filler to body 5–7Nm
Nut - fuel filter to filter support bracket 7–10Nm

1.0 285

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Description and Operation

System Layout
Fuel System Layout - 2WD
1. Fuel Cap 5. Filter
2. Fuel Filler Pipe 6. Fuel Tank
3. Canister 7. Underfloor Fuel Pipe
4. Fuel Pump 8. Fuel Tank Strap

1.0 286

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

Fuel System Layout - AWD


1. Fuel Cap 6. Filter

2. Fuel Filler Pipe 7. Fuel Tank
3. Canister 8. Fuel Tank Strap
4. Primary Fuel Pump 9. Underfloor Fuel Pipe Assembly
5. Secondary Fuel Pump 10. Fuel Tank Heat Shield

1.0 287

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Description pump is located in the fuel tank, which soaks in the fuel and
Fuel System applies fuel to dissipate heat and lubricate. The battery supplies
power for the electric fuel pump via the fuel pump relay which
Fuel system is a loop-free and multi-point injection system
connects the electric fuel pump only when the power is on and
which is equipped with electromechanical fuel injectors. The
the engine operates. When the engine stops due to accident,
fuel drawn from the fuel tank is delivered to the fuel filter
the fuel pump will stop automatically.
outside the fuel tank. Then, the fuel is transmitted to the
engine high-pressure fuel pump through a single fuel pipe. Evaporative Emission System

ECM communicates with the following components of the fuel The evaporative emission system prevents the fuel evaporative
system: emission from entering into the air. The system contains a
canister filled with activated carbon particles, when the vehicle
• Fuel Pump is not in use, it can absorb hydrocarbon vapors. The canister
• Fuel Level Sensing Unit
is near the left rear wheel. The pipeline connects to the fuel
• Canister Control Valve tank (air space above the fuel) and the canister. The capacity
of the canister pipe is limited, therefore, when the engine is
The fuel tank includes a fuel level sensing unit connected with
running, purification is achieved by sucking the fuel vapor into
the IPK. The instrument pack uses hybrid algorithm to measure
the cylinder. A pipe connects to the canister and the intake
the fuel in the fuel tank accurately.
manifold via the canister control valve. During ventilation, a
Electric Fuel Pump pipe is connected to the canister.
The electric fuel pump transfers the fuel from fuel tank to the
engine and provides sufficient fuel pressure and fuel. The fuel

1.0 288

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

Service Procedures Underfloor Fuel Pipe - 2.0T
Canister Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
2. Pull the canister up from the fuel tank, and take away spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
the canister (1). extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
Fuel System - Pressure Release
3. Disconnect the canister breather hose from the
canister solenoid valve.

3. Disconnect the vent hose (2) from the canister.

4. Disconnect the fuel tank hose (3) from the canister.
5. Disconnect the canister solenoid valve hose (4) from
the canister.
6. Remove the canister. 4. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent 5. Disconnect the rubber fuel pipe and fuel inlet hose.
1. Make sure all hose connections are clean.
2. Connect the fuel tank hose, canister solenoid hose and
vent hose to the canister.
3. Fit the canister to the fuel tank groove.
4. Lower the vehicle.

6. Disconnect the fuel pipe under the floor from the

7. Disconnect the fuel pipe under the floor from the filter.
8. Loosen the clip fixing the underfloor fuel pipe assembly
to the underbody.
9. Remove the underfloor fuel pipe assembly.
1. Fix the underfloor fuel pipe to the underbody.
2. Fit the clip of the underfloor fuel pipe.
3. Connect the underfloor fuel pipe and fuel filter.
4. Connect the underfloor fuel pipe and and canister.

1.0 289

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

5. Connect the fuel inlet hose to the rubber fuel pipe. Underfloor Fuel Pipe-1.5T
6. Lower the vehicle. Remove
7. Connect the canister vent hose to the canister solenoid. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
8. Connect the battery cable. Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
2. Release the pressure of the fuel system.
Fuel System - Pressure Release
3. Disconnect the connector (2) of the solenoid valve.
4. Disconnect the connection (1) between carbon
breathing hose and the canister solenoid.

5. Disconnect the fuel inlet hose from the high pressure

fuel pump.

6. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

7. Disconnect the connector (4) between fuel pipe and
carbon tank.

1.0 290

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

7. Connect the canister solenoid valve connector.
8. Connect the fuel inlet hose to the high-pressure fuel
w 9. Connect the battery negative cable.

8. Disconnect the fuel pipe from the fuel filter.

9. Loosen clamp fixing the underfloor fuel pipe assembly
to the underbody and remove it.

1. Fix the underfloor fuel pipe to chassis, and secure with
2. Connect the fuel pipe and the filter.
3. Connect the fuel pipe and the fuel filter.
4. Connect the fuel pipe and the canister.
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Connect the canister breathing hose to the canister

1.0 291

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Rubber Fuel Pipe Fuel Tank Heat Shield - AWD

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Raise the vehicle.

Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined 2. Remove the intermediate exhaust pipe.
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire Intermediate Exhaust Pipe Remove
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
3. Remove the drive shaft.
2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
Drive Shaft Remove
Fuel System - Pressure Release
4. Remove the screw fixing the heat shield of the fuel tank
3. Remove the clip on the fuel pipe bracket. to the fuel tank.
4. Disconnect the rubber fuel pipe and engine
high-pressure fuel pump.
5. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
6. Release the clip fixing the fuel pipe under the floor and
rubber fuel pipe.
5. Remove the heat shield of the fuel tank.

7. Disconnect the rubber fuel pipe and fuel inlet hose.

8. Remove the rubber fuel pipe.
1. Connect the rubber fuel pipe and fuel inlet hose.
2. Fit the clips fixing the underfloor fuel pipeline and
rubber fuel pipe.
3. Lower the vehicle.
4. Connect the rubber fuel pipe and engine high-pressure Refit
oil pump.
1. Fit the fuel tank heat shield on the fuel tank.
5. Fit the clips fixed on the fuel pipe bracket.
2. Fit the drive shaft.
6. Connect the battery cable.
Drive Shaft Refit
3. Fit the middle part of exhaust pipe.

Exhaust Pipe Middle Part Refit

4. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 292

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

Fuel Tank - 2WD
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined

spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
Fuel System - Pressure Release
3. Drain the fuel system.

Fuel Tank - Drain

4. Remove the canister.
11. Remove the fuel tank. Remove the fuel pump first if
Canister Remove
5. Loosen and discard clamps between the fuel tank filling
a. Release and remove the lock ring of the fuel pump
hose and the fuel tank, and take away the hose.
with the T18007.
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
b. Take out the fuel pump unit with care and discard
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
the seal.
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
6. Support the fuel tank securely. Refit

7. Remove 4 bolts fixing the steel strip of the fuel tank to 1. Fit a new seal to fuel tank and fit fuel pump, and take
the body, and take away the steel strip. Lower the fuel care not to damage the seal.
tank to access the top of the fuel tank. 2. Fit fuel pump lock ring with T18007, and tighten it to
3. Support the fuel tank securely with assistance.
4. Connect it to the connector of the fuel pump.
5. Connect the fuel supply pipe and fuel return pipe
between the fuel pump and the fuel filter.
6. Lift the fuel tank.
Caution: Take care not to trap any pipes or cables when
fitting fuel tank.

7. Raise the fuel tank assembly with a lift to the place

beneath the floor of the vehicle body seat, align the
steel strip fitting hole end to the vehicle welding nut
hole, fit with the fitting bolt and tighten it to 22–28Nm.
8. Lower the fuel tank.
8. Connect fuel filler pipe to the fuel tank, fit the hose
9. Disconnect the fuel supply pipe (1) and return pipe (2) connecting the fuel filler pipe and the fuel tank and
between the fuel pump and the fuel filter from the fuel secure it with new clamps.
9. Connect the fuel supply pipe and fuel return pipe
10. Disconnect the connector (3) of fuel pump. between the fuel pump and the fuel filter.
10. Fit the canister.

Canister Refit
11. Lower the vehicle.
12. Refill the fuel tank.
13. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 293

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Fuel Tank - AWD 10. Disconnect the fuel supply pipe (1) and return pipe (2)
Remove between the fuel pump and the fuel filter from the fuel
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. pump.

Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined 11. Disconnect the connector (3) of fuel pump.
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
Fuel System - Pressure Release
3. Drain the fuel system.
Fuel Tank - Drain
4. Remove the heat shield of the fuel tank.
Fuel Tank Heat Shield Remove
5. Remove the canister.
Canister Remove
6. Loosen and discard clamps between the fuel tank filling
hose and the fuel tank, and take away the hose. 12. Remove the fuel tank. Remove the fuel pump first if
a. Release and remove the lock ring of the fuel pump
with the T18007.
b. Take out the fuel pump unit with care and discard
the seal.
1. Fit a new seal to fuel tank and fit fuel pump, and take
care not to damage the seal.
2. Fit fuel pump lock ring with the T18007, and tighten it
to 75–85Nm.
3. Support the fuel tank securely with assistance.
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this 4. Connect it to the connector of the fuel pump.
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are 5. Connect the fuel supply pipe and fuel return pipe
taken to prevent fire and explosion. between the fuel pump and the fuel filter.
7. Support the fuel tank securely. 6. Lift the fuel tank.
8. Remove 4 bolts fixing the steel strip of the fuel tank to Caution: Take care not to trap any pipes or cables when
the body, and take away the steel strip. Lower the fuel fitting fuel tank.
tank to access the top of the fuel tank.
7. With a lift, raise the fuel tank assembly to the location
beneath the floor of the body seat, align the steel strip
mounting hole with the welding nut hole on the body,
fit it with bolts and tighten to 22–28Nm.
8. Connect fuel filler pipe to the fuel tank, fit the hose
connecting the fuel filler pipe and the fuel tank and
secure it with new clamps.
9. Fit the canister.
Canister Refit
10. Fit the heat shield of the fuel tank.
Fuel Tank Heat Shield Refit
11. Lower the vehicle.
9. Lower the fuel tank. 12. Refill the fuel tank.

1.0 294

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

13. Connect the battery negative cable. Fuel Pump - 2WD
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined

spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close

Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this

operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
Fuel System - Pressure Release
3. Remove the left rear seat.

Rear Seat Remove

4. Pry the closing plate open with a screwdriver.
5. Cover the surrounding areas to prevent the overflow
of fuel.
6. Release the fuel supply pipe (1) and fuel return pipe (2)
from the fuel pump.
7. Disconnect the connector (3) of the fuel pump.

Caution: Before disconnecting any part of the fuel

system, it is imperative that all dust, dirt and debris is
removed from around components to prevent ingress of
foreign matter into fuel system.

1.0 295

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this Fuel Pump - AWD
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are Remove
taken to prevent fire and explosion. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
8. Release and remove the lock ring of the fuel pump with Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
the T18007. spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
9. Take out the fuel pump unit with care and discard the extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
seal. Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
Refit operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
1. Fit a new seal to the fuel tank and fit the fuel pump. taken to prevent fire and explosion.
Take care not to damage the seal. 2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
2. Fit the fuel pump lock ring with the T18007, and Fuel System - Pressure Release
tighten it to 75–85Nm. 3. Remove the left rear seat.
3. Connect the fuel supply pipe and fuel return pipe to Rear Seat Remove
the fuel pump connector.
4. Pry the closing plate open with a screwdriver.
4. Connect the connector of fuel pump.
5. Cover the surrounding areas to prevent the overflow
5. Stick the closing plate with glue. of fuel.
6. Restore the sound insulation material and carpet to 6. Release the fuel supply pipe (1) and fuel return pipe (2)
their original positions. from the primary fuel pump.
7. Fit the rear seat. 7. Disconnect the connector (3) of the primary fuel pump.
Rear Seat Refit Caution: Before disconnecting any part of the fuel
8. Connect the battery negative cable. system, it is imperative that all dust, dirt and debris is
removed from around components to prevent ingress of
foreign matter into fuel system.
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
8. Release and remove the lock ring of the primary fuel
pump with the T18007.
9. Take out the primary fuel pump unit with care and
discard the seal.
10. Remove the right rear seat.
Rear Seat Remove
11. Open the closing plate with a screwdriver.
12. Cover the surrounding areas to prevent overflow of
the fuel.
13. Release the fuel supply pipe (1) and fuel return pipe (2)
from the secondary fuel pump.
14. Disconnect the connector (3) of the secondary fuel
Caution: Before disconnecting any part of the fuel
system, it is imperative that all dust, dirt and debris is
removed from around components to prevent ingress of
foreign matter into fuel system.
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
15. Release and remove the lock ring of the secondary fuel
pump with the T18007.

1.0 296

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

16. Take out the secondary fuel pump unit with care and Fuel System - Pressure Release - 2.0T
discard the seal. Check
Refit 1. Release the fuel filler cap to release the vapor pressure
1. Fit a new seal to the fuel tank, fit the primary/secondary of the fuel tank.
fuel pumps, and take care not to damage the seal. Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
2. Fit fuel pump lock ring with the T18007, and tighten it spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
to 75–85Nm. extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
3. Connect the fuel supply pipe and fuel return pipe to the 2. Remove the fuel pump fuse from the engine
connector of the primary/secondary fuel pumps. compartment fuse box.
4. Connect the connector of primary/secondary fuel 3. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position, and keep the
pumps. engine at idle mode until the engine stalls.
5. Stick the closing plate with glue. 4. Place the ignition switch in "OFF" position, and restart
6. Restore the sound insulation material and carpet to the engine with the ignition key (10 seconds), then
confirm if there is any fuel.
their original positions.
7. Fit the rear seat. 5. Secure the fuel filler cap.

Rear Seat Refit

8. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 297

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Fuel System - Pressure Release-1.5T Fuel System - Pressure Test - 2.0T

Check Check
1. Release the fuel filler cap to release the steam pressure 1. Place an absorptive cloth around the high-pressure fuel
in the fuel tank. pump, low-pressure fuel pipe and the interface of the
underfloor fuel pipe to collect the spilled fuel.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
2. Remove fuel pump fuse from the engine compartment extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
fuse box. Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
3. Place the ignition switch to ON position and keep the operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
engine idle until the engine stops. taken to prevent fire and explosion.
4. Place the ignition switch to OFF position, start the 2. Disconnect the high-pressure fuel pump, low-pressure
engine with the ignition key and keep for 10s to confirm fuel pipe and fuel supply pipe.
that the engine has no fuel.
5. Fix the fuel filler cap.
3. Connect the connector of the high-pressure fuel pump,
low-pressure fuel pipe and fuel supply pipe to the quick
connector of the TCH00106.
4. Fix the TCH00106 to the T18002 of the fuel pressure

5. Start the engine to allow the fuel pump to work,

observe the readings on the fuel pressure gauge within
1 minute, if the readings are within the range of
3.5-3.9bar, the fuel system is in normal state.
6. Stop the engine to disenable the fuel pump, if the
system pressure is below 2bar after 20 minutes, there
is something wrong with the pressure maintaining

1.0 298

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

performance of the system. In this case, check if the Fuel System - Pressure Test - 1.5T
pressure regulating valve of the fuel pump can work Check
properly. 1. Place cloths with strong absorptivity around the joint
7. Disconnect the high-pressure fuel pump, low-pressure of high-pressure fuel pump low-pressure fuel pipe and
fuel pipe and fuel supply pipe from the TCH00106. underfloor fuel pipe to collect the overflowing fuel.
8. Drain the fuel residue in the tool into the container. Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
9. Connect the high-pressure fuel pump, low-pressure fuel spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
pipe and fuel supply pipe. extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close

Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this

operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
2. Disconnect the high-pressure fuel pump low-pressure
fuel pipe from fuel supply pipe.
3. Respectively connect the high-pressure fuel pump
low-pressure fuel pipe and underfloor fuel pipe to the
master cylinder of TCH00107.
4. Fix TCH00107 to the fuel pressure gauge T18002.
5. Start the engine to allow the fuel pump to work,
observe the readings on the fuel pressure gauge within
a minute, if the readings are in the range of 3.5-3.9bar,
it indicates that the fuel system is normal.
6. Stop the engine to make the fuel pump not run, if the
system pressure declines below 2bar after 20 minutes,
it indicates that there is something wrong with system
pressure maintaining, so check the pressure regulating
valve of fuel pump for normal operation.
7. Respectively disconnect the high-pressure fuel pump
low-pressure fuel pipe and fuel supply pipe from
8. Drain the remaining fuel in the tool to the container.
9. Connect the high-pressure fuel pump low-pressure fuel
pipe to fuel supply pipe.

1.0 299

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Fuel Tank - Drain Fuel Tank Filler Pipe

Drain and Refill Remove
Warning: The capacity of containers must be more than 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
adequate for the amount of fuel to be extracted or
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
drained. The container should be clearly marked with its
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
contents and placed in a safe storage area which meets
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
the requirements of local authority regulation.
2. Drain the fuel tank.
Warning: Proper fuel recovery equipment must be used,
Fuel Tank - Drain
and make sure the necessary protective measures have
taken to prevent fire and explosion. 3. Pull the fuel filler flap release handle under the
1. Remove the fuel filler cap from the fuel filler port. instrument panel at the driver side to open the fuel
filler flap.
2. With a fuel recovery device, drain the fuel into a sealed
container from the fuel tank. 4. Open the fuel tank filler cap.
5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the fuel tank filler to the body.
3. Please follow the manufacturer's instructions on the
connection and safe use of the fuel recovery device. 6. Remove the rear wheel house liner.
Warning: The capacity of containers must be more than Rear Wheel House Liner - Remove
adequate for the amount of fuel to be extracted or
7. Remove the muffler heat shield.
drained. The container should be clearly marked with its
contents and placed in a safe storage area which meets Rear Muffler Heat Shield - Remove
the requirements of local authority regulation. 8. Remove 2 nuts and 2 bolts fixing the fuel filling pipe
to the body.
4. Refill the fuel tank.

9. Disconnect the canister vent hose.

10. Loosen and discard clamps between the fuel tank filling
hose and the fuel tank.

1.0 300

Engine Fuel & Management System Engine

Fuel Filter
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Release the pressure of fuel system.
Fuel System - Pressure Relief
3. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
4. Disconnect the connector of the fuel filter inlet pipe
and fuel return pipe from the fuel filter.
11. Remove the fuel tank filler pipe assembly.
1. Locate the fuel filling pipe, connect the fuel filling pipe
to the hose between the fuel filling pipe and the fuel
tank, and secure with clamps.
2. Connect the canister vent hose.
3. Fit 2 bolts and 2 nuts securing the fuel filling pipe to the
body, and tighten to 5–7Nm respectively.
4. Fit the head of the fuel filling pipe assembly to the oil
filler slot. Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
5. Fit the muffler heat shield.
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
Rear Muffler Heat Shield - Refit
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
6. Fit the rear wheel house liner.
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
Rear Wheel House Liner - Refit 5. Release 2 nuts securing the fuel filter bracket to remove
7. Fit 3 bolts fixing the fuel filler to the body, and tighten the fuel filter assembly.
to 5–7Nm. Refit
8. Refill the fuel tank. 1. Locate the ground terminal.
9. Fit the fuel tank filler cap. 2. Tighten 2 nuts of the fuel filter bracket to 7–10Nm.
10. Close the fuel filler flap. 3. Connect the connector of the oil inlet/return pipes to
11. Connect the battery negative cable. the fuel filter.
4. Lower the vehicle.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 301

Engine Engine Fuel & Management System

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Wrench fuel
tank lock ring
Three-way pipe
TCH00106 of fuel pressure

Fuel pressure
test equipment
Three-way pipe
TCH00107 of fuel pressure

1.0 302

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Engine Control System-2.0T
Description Value
Spark plugs 15-20Nm
Bolt-Ignition coil 7-10Nm
nuts -ECM to body 7–10Nm
nuts and bolts -ECM bracket to body 8–10Nm
ECT sensor 14–18Nm
Bolt-CMP sensor to camshaft cover 9–11Nm
Oil pressure switch 14–18Nm
Screw-MAF to air dust 1.4–1.8Nm
Bolt -high fuel bump to camshaft cover 9-11Nm
Nut -low fuel line to high fuel bump 20-24Nm
Nut -high fuel line to high fuel bump 26-34Nm
Nut -high fuel line to fuel rail 26–34Nm
fuel rail pressure senso 30–35Nm
Bolt-CKP sensor 9–11Nm
Screw-MAP sensor to throttlebody inlet pipe 5–7Nm
Screw-Camshaft position sensor 5–7Nm
Bolt-Knock sensor 15–25Nm
Heated oxygen sensor 45–60Nm
Screw-turbocharger valve to bracket 2.5–3.5Nm
Bolt-fuel rail to camshaft cover 23-27Nm
Bolt -purge valve bracket to intake manifold 9–11Nm

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Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Description and Operation

System Layout
Fuel Control Layout

1. Intake Camshaft Position Sensor 6. Oil Pressure Switch

2. Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor 7. Knock Sensor
3. Upstream Oxygen Sensor 8. Electronic Throttle
4. Coolant Temperature Sensor 9. Crankshaft Position Sensor
5. Downstream Oxygen Sensor 10. Intake Air Pressure Sensor

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

System Control Diagram
Engine Control System Control Diagram


A =硬线

1.0 305

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T


A = Power HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

The engine management system is generally composed of
the sensor, microprocessor (ECM) and actuator, which
controls the intake air, fuel injection and ignition advance
angle during engine operation. The engine applies BOSCH
MED17 ECM. The purpose of the MED17 engine electronic
management system is to give accurate calculation of the fuel
injection quantity, provide the injection pressure required and
determine the staring point of the injection so that the fuel can
inject into the combustion chamber directly and accurately.
The system shall meet different torque requirement and adjust
the work of the engine according to the final requirement.
The main task of the engine management system is to adjust Pin Information of ECM Harness Connector
the torque. The most important torque requirement is from Pin No. Description
the driver's accelerator pedal, and the engine management A01 Ignition of Cylinder 4
system will provide a specific torque according to the position
A02 Ignition of Cylinder 2
of the accelerator pedal. In addition, the transmission shift
control, TCS and electronic stability control system may A03 Fuel Control Valve-
send more torque requirements. The engine management A04 Fuel Control Valve+
system is designed to enhance power performance, reduce A05 Variable Valve Timing
fuel consumption and exhaust pollution. (Exhaust)
Engine Control Unit (ECM) A06 —
The engine control unit is the control center of the fuel A07 5V Power
injection system, which monitors continuously the information A08 Ground
from each sensor, controls the systems that influence the A09 —
vehicle performance and diagnose the system. The engine A10 Knock Sensor - Signal
control unit is able to identify operation fault, alerts the driver
by the malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) and stores the DTC A11 —
of the faulty part for the service personnel. A12 5V Power
ECM Harness End Connector End View A13 Ground
A14 Ground
A15 —
A16 Ignition of Cylinder 1

A17 Ignition of Cylinder 3

A18 Pressurization Control Valve

A19 Electronic Throttle+
A20 Electronic Throttle-
A21 —
A22 Ground
A23 Crankshaft Position Sensor
A24 Throttle Position Sensor 1
A25 Knock Sensor + Signal
A26 —

1.0 307

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

A27 5V Power A59 Ground

A28 — A60 Electronic Thermostat

A29 5V Power K01 ECM Ground 1

A30 — K02 ECM Ground 2

A31 Fuel Injection + of Cylinder K03 KL.87

K04 ECM Ground 3
A32 Fuel Injection + of Cylinder
4 K05 KL.87
A33 Fuel Injection - of Cylinder 1 K06 KL.87
A34 Fuel Injection - of Cylinder 3 K07 —
K08 Intake Bleeder Valve
A35 Canister Control Valve
A36 — K09 —

A37 — K10 —
A38 Intake Air Temperature K11 Ground
Sensor 2 Signal (Integrated K12 —
with TMAP)
K13 —
A39 Boost Pressure Sensor
Signal K14 Ground
K15 —
A40 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
Signal K16 —
A41 Throttle Position Sensor 2 K17 —
K18 —
A42 —
K19 Brake Lamp Switch
A43 —
K20 —
A44 Ground
K21 Brake Switch
A45 —
K22 P/N Signal
A46 Fuel Injection + of Cylinder
3 K23 Oil Pressure Switch
K24 —
A47 Fuel Injection + of Cylinder
2 —
A48 Fuel Injection - of Cylinder 4
K26 Cooling Fan Relay 3
A49 Fuel Injection - of Cylinder 2
K27 Cooling Fan Relay 1 and 2
A50 Variable Valve Timing
K28 Low-pressure Fuel Pump
A51 —
K29 Downstream Oxygen
A52 — Sensor Heating
A53 Camshaft Position Sensor K30 KL.30
(Intake) Signal
K31 Starter Motor Relay
A54 Camshaft Position Sensor —
(Exhaust) Signal
— K33 Oxygen Sensor Ground
K34 —
A56 Intake Air Temperature
Sensor 1 Signal (Integrated K35 Ground
with HFM) —
A57 Coolant Temperature —
Sensor Signal
K38 —
A58 Hot Film Airflow Signal
(HFM7) K39 —

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

K40 — K78 Upstream Oxygen Sensor
— Trimming Resistor
K79 Upstream Oxygen Sensor
K42 Electronic Auxiliary Water Pump Current Signal
Pump Relay K80 —
K43 —
K81 5V Power
K44 Power HS CAN Low K82 5V Power
K45 Power HS CAN High K83 Accelerator Pedal Position
K46 — Sensor 1 Signal
K47 — K84 —
K48 Starter Feedback Signal K85 ACC Wake-up Signal
K49 — K86 —
K50 — K87 KL.15
K88 —
K51 —
K89 —
K52 Ground
K90 —
K53 —
K91 —
K54 —
K92 —
K55 —
K93 —
K56 —
K94 —
K57 —
K58 5V Power The engine management system is composed of the following
K59 5V Power 6 parts according to control principle:
K60 A/C Pressure Switch Signal • External Control
K61 Accelerator Pedal Position • Air Supply Control
Sensor 2 Signal
• Ignition Control
K62 Downstream Oxygen
Sensor Signal • Fuel Supply Control
K63 Intake Air Pressure Sensor • Accessory 1 (Heat Management)
Signal • Accessory 2 (External Auxiliary)
K64 — External Control
K65 —
The external control of the engine mainly includes:
K66 —
• Main Relay
K67 —
• Ignition Switch
K68 —
• Battery
K69 Main Relay
• CAN Communication
K70 —
• Anti-theft System
K71 A/C Compressor Relay
— The external control refers to the power supply and
communication. One line of power supply of the engine
K73 Upstream Oxygen Sensor
control unit (ECM) is directly connected to power supply
through fuse to ensure ECM is in energized state. When
K74 Clutch Water Pump
the ignition switch is in ON or START position, the engine
K75 — control unit can control the main relay to open or connect
K76 Upstream Oxygen Sensor the ignition power supply.
The engine management system can communicate with the
K77 Upstream Oxygen Sensor
Nernst Battery Voltage controllers of other nodes on the network through CAN and
ensure the performance of the system. It can also connect the

1.0 309

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

data link connector (DLC) and help the service personnel to Engine Air Supply Control System
carry out diagnosis.
The engine air supply control system includes:
Main Relay Control
• Electronic Throttle Body
When the ECM receives an ignition signal, it will close the main
• Accelerator Pedal Module
relay which provides power for the throttle, many sensors and
• Boost Pressure Sensor
actuator. And the ECM monitors the voltage of the system
according to the relay voltage. • Camshaft Position Sensor

Failure • Variable Camshaft Timing Valve

• Air Flow Meter
The main relay may have malfunction under the following
conditions: • Boost Pressure Control Solenoid Valve
• Intake Air Pressure Sensor
• The relay winding is short-circuited
• Intake Bleeder Valve
• The relay winding has a break circuit
• The relay winding has a high resistance The gasoline direct injection system requires a complicated
engine management system to fully satisfy the high fuel
• Relay contact is normally open.
economy and high output power. In terms of gas mixture
• Relay contact is normally closed.
formation, the two basic operating modes are somewhat
• Relay contact has a high resistance. different:
• Relay harness is open.
• Low Load Range
• Relay harness has a high resistance.
In this range, the engine works in a highly delaminated and
• Relay harness connected to the 12V power supply is
thin gas mixture so as to achieve the minimum possible
fuel consumption. In order to acquire a desired two
• Relay harness connected to the ground is short-circuited. layers of gas mixture in the combustion chamber, fuel
• ECM does not provide grounding access injection is delayed (before the ignition): the first layer
of flammable gas mixture gathers in the spark plug, and
Carry out the following inspections to check whether the main
the outside second layer of the gas mixture is composed
relay can work normally:
of the air and residual gas. This allows the engine to work
• Sound inspection - place the ignition switch in "ON" under other conditions instead of the throttle condition
position to check whether the fuel pump will work for and avoids ventilation loss. In addition, this also helps to
2s. avoid wall thermal loss of the combustion chamber and
• Check whether the fuel injector or ignition coil has improve the thermodynamic efficiency.
enough power (apply multimeter to check the battery • High Load Range
When the engine load and quantity of fuel injection rise,
If the above are verified, the main relay is OK. the delaminated gas mixture gets increasingly rich, this
CAN Communication can deteriorate the emission, especially the black smoke.
The engine management system applies the high speed CAN Therefore, when the engine works at a higher load, the
to communicate with the ECM, SCS, BCM, TCM and gas mixture in the cylinder shall be evenly distributed.
diagnoses outputs through the diagnostic interface. The fuel injects into the cylinder during the intake stroke
so that the fuel and air can mix evenly.
Anti-theft System
To control the intake air accurately, the engine management
When placing the ignition switch in "ON" position, the engine
system is provided with a boost pressure sensor, intake air
control module (ECM) and body control module (BCM)
pressure sensor and air flow meter, and the ECM uses these
communicate through the CAN HS Bus and verify information
sensors to acquire information of the intake air. With such
mutually. After verification, the BCM allows the starter
information, the ECM is able to control the turbocharger
motor to work. When turning the key, the ECM controls the
system by the intake bleeder valve and boost control valve.
ignition, fuel injection and engine start. If the BCM cannot
Furthermore, the ECM can also control the intake/exhaust
receive the verification information from the ECM, the starter
valves and optimize the intake air according to the signal from
motor does not work and the engine does not start.
the intake/exhaust camshaft position sensors.

1.0 310

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Electronic Throttle element to measure the pressure. It provides "load signal" for
the controller according to the pressurized intake manifold
The electronic throttle is composed of the throttle, throttle
pressure measured. The controller supplies the 5V power, and
actuator (DC motor) and throttle position sensor, etc.
the boost pressure sensor provides the 0-5V voltage feedback
The ECM commands the DC motor to work and influences for the controller based on different boost pressures. The
the opening of the throttle through the drive mechanism. The intake air temperature sensor 2 is an NTC sensor which
two potentiometers function as position sensors which are measures the intake air temperature. When the temperature
fitted in reverse phase. When the position of the throttle rises, the resistance decreases. It also provides the 0-5V
changes, the two-channel resistance varies linearly, one voltage feedback for the controller based on different intake
increases and the other decreases. When a +5V voltage is air temperatures.
added, the position of the sensor will be transformed into a
Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor
voltage output which varies with the resistance.
The camshaft position sensor is used in conjunction with
These two potentiometers and the two potentiometers on
the speed sensor, which provides the ECM with the
the accelerator pedal module used for monitoring the travel
camshaft phase information namely, identify the TDC on
of the accelerator pedal form part of the whole electronic
the compression stroke and TDC on the exhaust stroke of
throttle control system monitoring function, which can provide
cylinder 1.
the redundancy protection expected by the system control.
The Camshaft position sensor is composed of a hall sensor
Throttle Position Sensor
and a rotor made of steel plate. The hall sensor is fixed, and
The throttle position sensor is used to provide throttle the rotor with a 36° arc boss is fitted on the camshaft. The
angle information for ECM. The ECM can learn engine magnetic field inside the hall sensor will change when the boss
load information, operating conditions (such as start, passes it, which leads to change of the output signal voltage. In
idle speed, reverse towing, part load, full load and this way, the two top dead centers are identified.
acceleration/deceleration) according to this information.
Actually, the throttle sensor is an angle potentiometer
The CMP sensor or magnetic ring may have failures or provide
characterized by linear output. The potentiometer rotor arm
incorrect signals due to the following conditions:
and throttle are fitted on the same shaft. When the throttle
rotates, the potentiometer rotor arm will slide into a specified • CMP sensor gap fails to comply with the specifications.
location. Voltage signals output by the potentiometer are • CMP sensor is contaminated by metallic debris.
proportional to the throttle position. • CMP sensor hall-effect semiconductor is damaged.
Accelerator Pedal Module • CMP sensor magnetic field is too weak.
The two potentiometers in the accelerator pedal module • CMP sensor harness has a break circuit.
act as sensors, their resistance varies with the position of • CMP sensor harness is short-circuited.
the electronic accelerator pedal, and the ECM can response
• CMP sensor harness has a high resistance.
precisely to the movement of the accelerator pedal, so it can
also monitor the motion of the accelerator pedal. • Magnetic ring is contaminated by metallic debris.
• The precision of magnetic ring is low due to mechanical
Because both potentiometers are fitted in the same phase,
when the position of the accelerator pedal changes, their
resistance will increase or decrease linearly. When a +5V • Exhaust camshaft timing is incorrect.
voltage is added, the position of the pedal will be transformed • Intake camshaft timing is incorrect.
into a voltage output which varies with the resistance. Variable Camshaft Timing Valve
These two potentiometers and two potentiometers on the
The engine control module outputs pulse width modulation
electronic throttle used for monitoring the position of the
(PWM) signal to drive the solenoid. Change of the duty cycle
throttle form part of the monitoring function of the whole
may help to adjust the opening of the solenoid.
electronic throttle control system, which can provide the
redundancy protection expected by the system control. Under low engine speed, the system can reduce fuel
Boost Pressure Sensor (TMAP) consumption and emission and improve the performance of
the engine, especially torque characteristics.
The boost pressure sensor is fitted on the pipe between
the compressor and the throttle. The part for measuring The ECM receives signals from CKP sensor and CMP sensor.
pressure is a piezoelectric sensor which uses the sensing With these signals, the ECM determines the valve timing by
consulting the control chart. Then, the ECM operates the

1.0 311

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

oil control valve on the side of the cylinder head. These of the exhaust pipe, then the exhaust gas flows into the
solenoids adjust the valve timing by controlling the oil to flow turbocharger and the boost pressure rises at this stage.
into the phase modulator and changing the position of the Intake Air Pressure Sensor (MAP)
phase modulator relative to the camshaft.
The intake air pressure/temperature sensor is fitted on the
Air Flow Meter (HFM)
intake pipe. The part for measuring pressure is a piezoelectric
HFMIt works according to the hot film principle. The HFM sensor which uses the sensing element to measure the
has two sensing elements in one film. One element works in pressure. It provides "load signal" for the controller according
ambient temperature (intake air temperature sensor 1), such to the MAP measured. The controller supplies the 5V power,
as 25°C (77°F), while the other is heated to 200°C (392°F), and the sensor provides the 0-5V voltage feedback for the
exceeding 225°C (437°F). The air passing by the HFM will controller based on the intake pressure.
generate a cooling effect. The air flow which maintains the Intake Bleeder Valve
temperature difference of 200°C (392°F) may provide precise
The intake bleeder valve is used to recirculate the pressurized
and non-linear signal.
air in the compressor of the turbocharger system into the
The HFM is combined with the NTC thermistor in the intake pipe, this allows the boost pressure to decrease rapidly
voltage divider circuit. The resistance value of the thermistor during engine surge and shift.
decreases with the increase of the intake air temperature. The
The ECM sends "ON/OFF" command to instruct the solenoid
NTC thermistor current forms a voltage division circuit, the
valve of the intake bleeder valve to work. When the solenoid
variation of the reference voltage which controls the voltage
valve opens, the compressed air can circulate into the intake
division circuit is transformed by the HFM into a more stable
pipe, see the figure below:
frequency signal output for the ECM, and the ECM calculates
the air flow and corrects the quantity of fuel injection by this
frequency signal.
If the HFM fails, the ECM performs the alternative strategy.
If the HFM signal error occurs, the following symptoms may
• Hard Start
• Engine stops after starting
• Emission control does not work
• Idle speed control does not work
• Poor engine performance

If the NTC thermistor fails, the set air temperature is

defaulted to be -5°C (23°F) by the ECM. If signal error of the 1. Compressor
NTC thermistor occurs, one of the following symptoms can 2. Turbine
be observed: 3. Intake Bleeder Valve
• Black smoke is caused by excessive oil supply 4. To Intake Air
• Idle speed control does not work 5. To Exhaust
Boost Pressure Exhaust Control Solenoid Valve Engine Ignition Control System
The boost control solenoid valve uses the duty cycle The engine ignition control system includes:
information from the ECM to adjust the boost pressure of
• Ignition Coil 1~4
the turbocharger. The greater the duty cycle is, the higher the
boost pressure will be. • Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
• Knock Sensor
When the engine works at medium load or small load, the
boost solenoid valve controls the diaphragm type bypass Ignition Coil
valve to lead the exhaust gas from the exhaust pipe into the The ignition coil converts the battery low voltage DC to high
bypass pipeline, and the boost pressure is extremely small at voltage and uses the spark by spark plug discharge to ignite the
the moment; when the engine accelerates or works at high gas mixture in the cylinder. Each ignition coil contains a pair of
load and high speed, the boost solenoid valve controls the coil windings around the laminated iron core, it also includes a
diaphragm type bypass valve to reduce the bypass opening primary resistance and secondary resistance.

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

There are two ignition coils on the camshaft cover. They are • Check the fuel pump during engine start, if the fuel pump
fitted to each cylinder by connectors and harnesses. And a supplies fuel when the ignition starts, but does not work
spark plug is provided under each ignition coil. yet, the ECM fails to receive the signal from the CKP
Failure sensor.
Knock Sensor
The ignition coil may have failures under the following
conditions: The knock sensor is used to provide the electronic controller
ECM with engine knock information for knock control.
• Primary winding is open.
• Primary winding is short-circuited. The knock sensor is a vibration acceleration sensor. It is fitted
on the engine cylinder block. The sensitive component of the
• The resistance of primary winding is out of tolerance.
sensor is a piezoelectric crystal. The vibration of the engine
• Secondary winding is open. block is transferred to the piezoelectric crystal through the
• Secondary winding is short-circuited. mass block in the sensor. The vibration of the mass block
• The circuit connecting secondary winding with primary can produce pressure which helps the piezoelectric crystal
winding is short. to generate voltage on both pole surfaces and transform the
• The resistance of secondary winding is out of tolerance. vibration signal into voltage signal output.

• Coil top insulation is mechanically damaged. Failure

Crankshaft Position ( CKP ) Sensor The knock sensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals
due to the following conditions:
The CKP sensor provides information of the engine speed
• The sensor has a break circuit.
and crankshaft TDC, which is a hall-effect sensor and used in
conjunction with the pulse wheel. The pulse wheel is a teeth • Sensor ground is short-circuited.
plate, with 58 small teeth spaced at an interval of 6°on the
• Sensor circuit is intermittently open.
magnetic ring and with 2 teeth absent. The pulse wheel is
• Knock sensor is improperly fitted.
fitted on the crankshaft, which rotates with the crankshaft.
When the tooth tips pass by sensor ends, the pulse wheel In case of knock sensor signal error, the following symptoms
made of steel magnetic materials cuts the magnetic force line may occur:
of the permanent magnets in the sensor and produces induced
• Failure code is stored.
voltage in the coil, which will be output as the speed signal.
• ECM fails to inspect engine combustion knock.
• ECM restores default settings.
The CKP sensor or magnetic ring may have failures or provide
Engine Fuel Supply Control System
incorrect signals due to the following conditions:
The engine fuel supply control system mainly includes:
• CKP sensor gap fails to comply with the specifications.
• Upstream Oxygen Sensor
• CKP sensor is polluted by dust.
• Downstream Oxygen Sensor
• CKP sensor hall-effect semiconductor is damaged.
• Fuel Injector 1~4
• CKP sensor magnetic field is too weak.
• Canister Valve
• CKP sensor harness has a break circuit.
• Low-pressure Fuel Pump Relay
• CKP sensor harness is short-circuited.
• Fuel Control Valve
• CKP sensor harness has a high resistance.
• Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
• Magnetic ring is polluted by dust.
• The precision of magnetic ring is low due to erosion or The engine fuel supply control system is applied to control the
mechanical damage. fuel supply of the engine under different working conditions.
• CKP sensor signal is distorted due to out-of-round MED-Motronic injection system stores the fuel to the fuel rail
flywheel or driving disk. according to the specific pressure, and the fuel is injected into
• CKP sensor signal is changed due to crankshaft radial the combustion chamber by the electromagnetically controlled
movement. injector. And thus it can provide the following functions:

In order to check the ECM for receiving the signal from CKP • Free selection of injection starting point
sensor, following operations may be conducted: • Variable system pressure

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Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Wide-range Oxygen Sensor (LSU) Its sensing element is a ceramic tube, the outside connects
the exhaust and the inside connects the atmosphere. When
The upstream oxygen sensor is a wide-range oxygen sensor
the temperature of sensing ceramic tube reaches 350℃, it
which can determine the oxygen concentration of the exhaust
has the property of solid electrolyte. With this property, the
within a wide range. The data provided by the sensor shows
concentration difference of oxygen can be converted into
the air/fuel ratio in the engine combustion chamber. It can
potential difference which forms electric signal outputs. If the
produce correct and continuous signal in the range from thick
gas mixture is rich, the concentration difference of oxygen
gas mixture to thin gas mixture.
inside and outside the ceramic tube is high, the potential
The wide-range oxygen sensor is a flat-plate type double-unit difference is high, a large amount of oxygen ions move from
current limiting sensor, which has a zirconia measuring unit. inside to outside and the output voltage is high (approximate
This unit is a combination of the Nernest concentration to 900mV); if the gas mixture is thin, the concentration
sensor and oxygen "pump battery" sensor (which is used difference of oxygen inside and outside the ceramic tube is
for transferring the oxyanion). The oxygen sensor must low, the potential difference is low, only a few of oxygen ions
be heated to 350℃ before it produces effective signals. It move from inside to outside and the output voltage is low
is equipped with an integrated heater, so it can reach the (approximate to 100mV).
required temperature quickly.
Since the oxygen atom can be transferred with the current
The HO2S may have failures or provide incorrect signals due
according to the polarity, the ECM controls the pump voltage
to the following conditions:
of the pump battery to pump in or pump out appropriate
amount of oxygen to the concentration sensor so as to • Leaded Fuel Pollution
maintain the air/fuel ratio measured by concentration sensor • Carbon or Silicon Deposits Pollution
to be 1. When there is excessive air in the exhaust (thin), • Impact Damage/Mechanical Impact
the oxygen is pumped out and the forward pump current is
• External harness has a break circuit.
formed. The increase of the oxygen could lead to higher pump
current; when the residual oxygen in the exhaust is low (thick), • External harness connected to the 12V power supply is
the pump battery pumps the oxygen, and the pump current is short-circuited.
reversal at this time. The oxygen sensor transfers a current • External harness connected to the ground is
signal (change of oxygen concentration) to the ECM, and the short-circuited.
pump current is proportional to the oxygen concentration in • External harness has a high resistance.
the exhaust, therefore, the pump current is a non-linearity • The heating device is open.
measurement method for the excess air coefficient.
• The heating device is short-circuited.
• ECM fails to provide a ground access for the heating
The wide-range oxygen sensor may have malfunctions or device.
provide incorrect signals due to the following conditions: • Harness shielding is not connected to the ground.
• Impact Damage/Mechanical Impact Canister Control Valve
• External harness has a break circuit. The canister control valve is applied to control the
• External harness connected with the vehicle power is regeneration air flow of the fuel evaporation control system.
short-circuited or ground is short-circuited. The canister in the fuel evaporation control system absorbs
• Carbon or Silicon Deposits Pollution fuel vapor from the fuel tank till it cannot absorb any more.
The ECM controls the canister control valve to open and
• Exhaust system contains air.
allows fresh air and saturated fuel steam in the canister to
Heated Oxygen Sensor
form regeneration air flow, then sends it to engine intake pipe.
The downstream oxygen sensor is a heated oxygen sensor
The electronic controller changes the duty cycle of the
which measures the oxygen content in the engine exhaust
pulse signal transmitted to the canister control valve coil and
and determines if the oil and air are burnt completely. The
controls the regeneration air flow based on different working
electronic controller achieves the closed-loop control goal
conditions of the engine. Moreover, the regeneration air flow
(excess air coefficient λ = 1) according to the information and
is also influenced by the pressure difference on both ends.
ensures that the three-way catalytic converters have a higher
efficiency in converting HC, CO and NOx in the exhaust. Failure
The canister control valve may have failures occurred under
the following conditions:

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

• Electromagnetic winding has a break circuit. • Relay harness is open.
• Electromagnetic winding is short-circuited. • Relay harness has a high resistance.
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is • Relay harness connected to the 12V power supply is
short-circuited. short-circuited.
• External harness connected to the ground is • Relay harness connected to the ground is short-circuited.
short-circuited. • ECM is incapable of providing a ground access.
• External harness has a high resistance.
Carry out the following inspections and check the fuel pump
• ECM does not provide PWM signal. relay for normal operation:
• Mechanical problems occur in the valve.
• Sound inspection - place the ignition switch in "ON"
Low-pressure Fuel Pump Relay position to check whether the fuel pump will work for
The electric fuel pump transfers the fuel from fuel tank to the 2s.
engine and provides sufficient fuel pressure and fuel. • If there is no response, check the inertia switch and
ensure it is not triggered accidentally. If there is no sign
It is a DC motor driven vane pump, which is fit in the fuel tank
that the fuel pump is working, but the inertia switch is in
and immersed by the fuel. It applies fuel for heat dissipation and
"ON" position, remove the fuel pump relay and conduct
heat dissipation. The battery supplies power for the electric
fuel pump via the fuel pump relay which connects the electric
fuel pump only when the power is on and the engine operates. Check if the ECM provides the ground access for the fuel
When the engine stops due to accident, the fuel pump will stop pump relay winding when the ignition switch is in "ON"
automatically. position (for 2s) and during starting. Remove fuel pump relay,
Failure connect a multimeter between the 12V power supplied by the
vehicle and the fuse box pin connected with fuel pump pin 85,
If the fuel pump relay is failed, the following symptoms will be
check the output according to the circuit diagram after the
ignition is on.
At the time of start
As the ECM internal drive circuit consumes voltage, the
• If the fuel system pressure falls to zero, the engine will measured voltage may be lower than battery voltage.
fail to ignite. Direct Fuel Injection System
• If the fuel system pressure is lower than routine operating
The direct fuel injection system is composed of the
pressure (0.38MPa), the engine may try to ignite but fail
high-pressure fuel pipe, fuel pipe (fuel pump to fuel rail), fuel
to operate normally.
rail assembly (including fuel rail, fuel rail pressure sensor, fuel
• If the fuel system pressure is at a normal level, the engine injector) and low-pressure fuel pipe (before the high-pressure
will ignite and run, but it will be off finally as the fuel pump). The system operating pressure is 15MPa.
pressure declines and fail to start again.
While driving

If the fuel pump relay is failed while driving, the engine will loss
power and be finally off due to shortage of fuel.

The main relay may have failures under the following


• Relay coil is short-circuited.

• Relay coil is open.
• Relay coil has a high resistance.
• Relay contact is normally open.
• Relay contact is normally closed.
• Relay contact has a high resistance.

1. Fuel Rail Assembly 4. Fuel Pipe - Before High-pressure Fuel Pump

2. High-pressure Fuel Pump 5. Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
3. Fuel Pipe - Fuel Pump to Fuel Rail 6. Fuel Injector

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Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

High-pressure Fuel Pump Blue = high-pressure oil circuit; red = direction of cam rotation;
black = direction of plunger motion
The function of the high-pressure fuel pump is to increase
the pressure of the low-pressure fuel to 15MPa, minimize the 1. Inlet Fuel (from low-pressure fuel pump)
pressure fluctuation in the fuel rail and prevent it from mixing 2. Outlet Fuel (to high-pressure fuel rail)
with the oil.
3. Cam
The working process goes like this: when the fuel pump 4. Fuel Control Valve
plunger goes down, the fuel pump is in the fuel suction stroke,
and the low-pressure fuel enters into the cavity of the fuel After solenoid valve activation, the fuel control valve starts
pump plunger; the plunger starts to goes up after reaching the to close, it will be fully closed after a while, and the plunger
BDC, and the pressurized fuel is delivered to the high-pressure cavity is also fully closed at this point. The plunger keeps going
fuel rail. up, when the pressure in the plunger cavity continues to rise
(above rail pressure), the high-pressure fuel will be pumped
into the fuel rail.

Blue = high-pressure oil circuit; red = direction of cam rotation;

black = direction of plunger motion
Blue = high-pressure oil circuit; red = direction of cam rotation;
1. Inlet Fuel (from low-pressure fuel pump) black = direction of plunger motion
2. Outlet Fuel (to high-pressure fuel rail)
1. Inlet Fuel (from low-pressure fuel pump)
3. Cam
2. Outlet Fuel (to high-pressure fuel rail)
Fuel Control Valve
3. Cam
The ECM controls the high-pressure fuel flow by commanding 4. Fuel Control Valve
the fuel control valve to open/close.
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
During the former half of the rising of the high-pressure fuel
The fuel rail pressure sensor is used to measure the pressure
pump plunger, the fuel control valve is open, and the fuel
in the fuel rail, which measures the pressure as per the
cannot generate pressure, so part of the fuel returns to the
piezoelectric crystal resistance and sends voltage signal to the
low-pressure oil circuit by the fuel control valve.
Fuel Injector
According to the directives of ECM, the fuel injector injects
fuel within the specified time, supplies the engine with fuel and
atomizes it. The ECM powers on the injector coil and forms
magnetic force. When the magnetic force is strong enough
to overcome the resultant force of the return spring pressure,
needle valve gravity and friction, the needle valve begins to rise,
and the fuel injection process starts. When the injector pulse
is cut off, the pressure of the return spring recloses the needle
The injector may have failures under the following conditions:

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

• Nozzle is polluted by dust or wax (flow is reduced). • ECT thermistor is damaged.
• Nozzle Offset (nozzle is positioned incorrectly). Cooling Fan
• Fuel Filter Blockage The ECM controls the 3 relays and the 3 cooling fan gears
• Winding is open-circuited. by the two PINs. The ECM controls the cooling fan speed
• Winding is short circuit to ground. based on the A/C request, engine coolant temperature, A/C
pressure, ambient temperature and vehicle speed.
• Winding connected to the 12V power supply is
short-circuited. If the engine coolant temperature remains high after engine
• The resistance of winding is out of tolerance. shutdown, the ECM will keep the cooling fan running.

• External harness has a break circuit. Clutch Water Pump (switch type water pump)
• External harness connected to the ground is The clutch water pump takes the structure of a clutch, when
short-circuited. starting a cold engine, the ECM controls the clutch solenoid,
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is the water pump pulley rotates, and the water pump impeller
short-circuited. does not turn, and the engine coolant does not circulate,
this shortens the engine warm-up time and reduces CO2
Accessory 1 (Heat Management)
emission and fuel consumption. Vehicles with a turbocharger
The heat management portion mainly includes: also contain an auxiliary electric water pump relay which can
• A/C Compressor Relay pump the cooling water into the turbocharger and lower its
temperature in some cases after the engine stops.
• A/C Pressure Switch
Electronic Thermostat
• Coolant Temperature Sensor
• Cooling Fan The electronic thermostat adjusts engine coolant temperature,
ensures the coolant temperature can rise rapidly and prevents
• Clutch Water Pump
hot engine. When the engine works at a low/medium load,
• Electronic Thermostat Control increase of the engine coolant temperature can decrease
According to the coolant temperature, the engine opens or oil viscosity, mechanical friction loss of the piston and heat
closes the cooling fan relay. transfer loss and optimize combustion; when the engine works
at a high load/speed, decrease of the engine temperature can
When the driver presses the A/C option (switch) on the
cool the engine rapidly.
instrument panel, the engine control unit turns on the
A/C according to the current signal of the engine coolant The ECM gives PWM to command the electronic thermostat
to work, when the paraffin and wax package of the heater core
temperature sensor and engine speed, etc.
expand, the paraffin applies pressure to the push rod. The
Coolant Temperature Sensor
upper side and housing of the push rod are fixed, so the push
The coolant temperature sensor provides the engine coolant rod pushes the whole core to move down reversely, and the
temperature so that the controller can correct the fuel interference fit between the copper cap and the main valve
injection and ignition. It is a negative temperature coefficient drives the main valve to open. The opening of the electronic
(NTC) thermistor, its resistance value is reduced as the thermostat is proportional to the duty cycle of the PWM
temperature rises, but not a linear relationship. The signal.
thermistor is mounted inside a copper heat conductive sleeve.
The ECT sensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals
under the following conditions:

• The system is lack of coolant due to leakage.

• External harness has a break circuit.
• External harness connected to the ground is
• External harness connected to the 5V power supply is
• External harness has a high resistance.
• ECM is incapable of providing a ground access.

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Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

1. Wax Package The cruise control switch is connected with the GW which
2. Push Rod transmits network signal to the ECM, provides different
voltage signals for the ECM by different switches and identifies
3. Copper Cap
current status of the cruise system.
4. Main Valve
Cruise Indicator Lamp
5. Spring
The indicator lamp indicates the status of the cruise control
6. Bracket
system, Which is located on the IPK, when the cruise control
Accessory 2 (External) system is in standby, this indicator lamp is green; when it is
The external accessory includes: activated, the lamp is yellow.

• Alternator Control Input Standby

• Brake Pedal Switch When the handle is in "ON" position, and the vehicle is in an
• Brake Lamp ideal state for driving, the cruise control system enters into
standby state.
Alternator Control Input
• Non-brake State
The ECM applies the alternator control input to control the
alternator to charge the battery while the engine works. • The road speed is within 40 -200 km/h.
• The engine is working and the vehicle speed is above
The alternator converts the mechanical energy from the
5 km/h.
engine into electric energy to charge the battery. Variation
of the engine load can significantly affect engine idle speed. • Engine speed is less than 6496 rpm.
To compensate the load and stabilize the idle speed, the • The transmission is not in "P" gear, "N" gear or "R" gear
ECM needs to acquire the torque/load information from the (for automatic transmission).
alternator. The alternator connects the power management • The transmission is in the 3rd gear (for manual
module PMDC by the LIN line, and the PMDC sends the transmission).
alternator load network signal to the ECM. The ECM uses
• The TCS is not activated.
this information to obtain the load which the engine applies
to drive the alternator. Activation
Brake Lamp Switch When it is in STANDBY, push the handle switch (SET button)
to activate the cruise control system. The switch outputs the
The brake lamp switch is fixed to the brake pedal bracket.
signal to the ECM; ECM operates the electronic throttle and
The ECM monitors the switch status and transfers the data
generates the control required by the throttle.
to TCM via CAN bus, the TCM controls the transmission
clutch to open. When operating the brake pedal, activate the When the cruise control system is activated, it sets the target
brake switch. cruise speed by the handle +/-. After receiving the input
information from the switch +/-, the ECM stores current
Cruise Control System
speed as set speed, operates the electronic throttle and
The cruise control system can allow the vehicle to move maintains the set vehicle speed.
in a constant and comfortable speed without applying the
accelerator pedal. The cruise control system involves:
When the cruise control system is activated,
• Brake Switch
accelerate/decelerate with the handle +/-.
• Cruise Control Switch
Turn the switch +/- (less than 0.5s) to increase/decrease
• Cruise Indicator Lamp
the vehicle set speed at the speed of 1km/h and
• Automatic Transmission TCM accelerate/decelerate to the new set speed. Turn and hold the
• ECM switch +/- to maintain the acceleration/deceleration until the
• Electronic Throttle switch is released. On this point, the accelerated/decelerated
speed will be used as the new set speed.
Cruise Control Switch
The car can be accelerated by the accelerator pedal. With
The cruise control switch is a handle switch which is used to
the cruise control system activated, if release the accelerator
engage/disengage the cruise control system and adjust the set
pedal, the speed at that moment is the set speed; if turn the
switch +, the higher vehicle speed will be used as the new set

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Resume/Pause If the vehicle speed exceeds the cruise set speed persistently
16km/h (for more than 30s), for example, when applying the
When the cruise control system is in standby, turn
accelerator pedal or driving downhill, the cruise control will
the RESUME switch to resume the system and
accelerate/decelerate to the set speed stored. Turn the
CANCEL switch to pause the cruise control system, i.e. shift Cancel
from activation to standby. Turn the handle switch to "OFF" or place the ignition switch in
When one of the conditions for operating the cruise control "OFF" position to cancel the cruise control function. When the
system does not exist (e.g. applying the brake), the cruise cruise control function is cancelled, the set speed in the cruise
control system pauses. If the vehicle speed is 70% lower than control system disappears and the indicator lamp on the IPK
the set speed, for example, for uphill driving, the cruise control turns off.
system can also pause.

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Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Intelligent "Stop/Start" Fuel Saving System

System Control Diagram

E le c tric rty S e n s o r
∏ ∆

A = Power HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = LIN Bus; D = Hard Wire

Overview After switching on the ignition switch, whether to enable the

intelligent stop/start energy saving system depends on the
The intelligent Stop / Start energy saving system can
ON/OFF status for last engine flameout. If the status is ON,
automatically start or stop the vehicle at idle speed (such as
the indicator lamp of the system illuminates.
waiting for traffic lights), improve fuel economy and realize
stable and reliable vehicle start or stop.

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Press the main switch on the central channel to turn off the Note: When the vehicle will not be used for
intelligent Stop/Start energy saving system, at this time, the an extended period (more than 1 month), it
switch indicator lamp is off, and the instrument display shows is recommended to disconnect the cable from
"Stop/start system OFF". the negative terminal. When connecting or
disconnecting the battery negative terminal,
Note: Please turn off the intelligent stop/start
ensure the ignition switch is in "OFF" position.
energy saving system by pressing its main switch
For vehicles with the intelligent stop/start
when driving in water.
energy saving system, after the battery negative
Automatic Engine Stop terminal is reconnected, the battery shall be
With the intelligent stop/start energy saving system enabled, kept for at least 4 hours, and the engine will
the engine will be automatically shut down when the following lose the automatic start/stop function before this
driver's operations and vehicle status are detected after the operation.
vehicle is stopped, at this time, the indicator lamp of the Note: If the vehicle is running continuously for
stop/start energy saving system on the instrument is on: more than 100 hours, it shall be kept for at least
4 hours so that the battery state signal can return
• Vehicles with automatic transmission: the gear is in "D"
and the brake pedal is depressed, it will automatically shift to normal state.
to P/N gear when the engine automatically stops, and it Warning: Failure to follow the above instruction
is still in the automatic shutdown status when the brake will impair the battery performance and the
pedal is released. intelligent stop/start energy saving system.
• The vehicle speed signal on the instrument is normal, and
Warning: Please use the original accessories to
the maximum vehicle speed before parking is more than
replace the vehicle battery, otherwise, normal
10 km/h.
automatic start/stop of the engine cannot be
• There is no large steering operation when the vehicle guaranteed.
speed is less than 10km/h.
Automatic Engine Start
• Close the engine hood and driver door, fasten the driver
After stopping the vehicle, the engine will be automatically
seat belt.
started when the following operations of the driver are
The intelligent stop/start energy saving system will be disabled detected, and at this time the indicator lamp of the stop/ start
and the engine will not stop automatically when the following energy saving system on the instrument is off:
situations occur:
• Vehicles with automatic transmission: with the
• The engine does not reach the ideal operating transmission in D gear, release the brake pedal or with
temperature. it in D gear, depress the brake/accelerator pedal, or shift
• Windshield "Defrost" is activated. to drive gear (R/D/S/W/Tiptronic).
• The A/C determines that the temperature inside the Note: In some cases, the malfunction indicator lamp
vehicle does not meet the target value. on the instrument will illuminate in the process
• Battery power is less than 65%, or battery temperature of automatic engine start. This is caused by low
is not within the ideal range (0~60℃). voltage during the starting process, it does not
• Hard acceleration or deceleration exhausts the brake mean actual faults.
vacuum. Even if the driver does not have any operation, the engine
• Frequent work of the starter in a short period (more than will also start automatically upon demands of the vehicle after
3 times / min). Automatic stop function will be disabled automatic stop:
for 1 min after continuous operation for five times.
• Windshield "Defrost" is activated.
• The vehicle is in R gear when parking or before parking.
• Activate the air conditioner which detects that the
• At the place where the altitude is more than 3000m. temperature inside the vehicle does not meet the target
• Battery power is less than 65%.
• Insufficient brake vacuum.
• The vehicle speed exceeds its limits, for example, when
slipping on slopes.

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Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

• Press main switch of the intelligent stop/start energy • The driver door is open.
saving system. • Engine hood is open.
Note: When the vehicle is in automatic start and • Intelligent stop/start energy saving system is closed.
stop control, if flameout of the engine occurs, when • Automatic start fails since accidental flameout.
shifting to neutral gear, the engine will restart.
Warning: Never tie the seat belt or insert the
Warning: When charging/discharging the battery alternative steel into the buckle when the driver
with external device, or starting the engine with leaves his seat, for this may cause the vehicle
external power, or supplying power for external engine to start automatically.
device with the vehicle, the negative cable must
Warning: For automatic transmission vehicles, when
be connected with body ground rather than directly
connected with battery negative, otherwise, it the driver leaves the vehicle, please shift to
P/N gear even if the engine has been shut down,
will result in inaccurate calculation of the
battery power and cause security problems when the otherwise, the vehicle may move.
engine starts automatically. Warning: The key must be removed to power off the
Warning: Never remove the battery sensor from the vehicle when the service personnel open the hood
battery negative for several times, which will to carry out static checking.
result in inaccurate calculation of the battery Warning: Even if the engine has been shut down, the
power and cause security problems when the engine key must be removed to power off the vehicle for
starts automatically. refueling.
In case of automatic shutdown or sudden flameout, the engine Intelligent stop/start energy saving system failure
could only be started with a key when one of the following When the intelligent stop/start energy saving system fails, the
situations occurs: instrument will show "stop/start failure" and the system will
• The driver seat belt is unfastened. stop.

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Malfunction Items to be checked
No automatic The instrument does not show any fault, and The system is enabled, and the switch indicator lamp
stop there is no automatic engine stop. illuminates.
The vehicle speed displayed on the instrument is normal,
the vehicle stops and the previous drive speed exceeds
Vehicles with manual transmission: shift to N gear, and
the clutch pedal is released. Vehicles with automatic
transmission: shift to D gear, and the brake pedal is
There is no large steering operation when the vehicle
speed is less than 10km/h.
Close the engine hood and driver door, fasten the driver
seat belt.
Engine water temperature is high (at the 4th segment
or above)
Check the specific disabling condition with the diagnostic
1.Front compartment open
2. Driver absent
3.Battery status disabled
4. Insufficient brake vacuum
5. A/C requirement
6. Hot starter
7. Diagnosis of N gear switch and clutch low switch
8. Diagnosis of clutch high switch unfinished
9. Diagnosis for stuck drive chain status relay unfinished
10. Engine status not meet stop condition (for example,
engine temperature, etc.)
11. TCM not allow automatic engine stop
12. BCM not allow automatic engine stop
13. High altitude
14. HHC not allow automatic engine stop
15. Parking
16. Brake master cylinder pressure not meet stop
The instrument shows "stop/start failure", and Use the diagnostic tool to check EMS DTC and source
there is no automatic engine stop. of failure.
The instrument displays the MIL (engine MIL,
Use the diagnostic tool to check the DTC and source
transmission MIL, ESP MIL), and there is no
of failure.
automatic engine stop.
After automatic The instrument does not show any fault, and Close the engine hood and driver door, fasten the driver
engine stop, there is no automatic engine start. seat belt.
there is no
Vehicles with manual transmission: shift to N gear.
engine start. The instrument shows "stop/start failure", and Use the diagnostic tool to check EMS DTC and source
there is no automatic engine start. of failure.
Accidental stop Vehicles with manual transmission: shift
to gears other than N gear, engine stops Check N gear switch and its harness.
Failure to turn off the intelligent stop/start check the main switch and harness of the intelligent
energy saving system by button. stop/start energy saving system.
1.0 Vehicles with manual transmission: shift 323
Accidental start to gears other than N gear, engine starts Check N gear switch and its harness.

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Test mode 1. Reconnect the key, but do not start the engine.

After refitting the battery sensor to the battery, it shall be 2. Depress the accelerator pedal and brake pedal to the the
conditioned for at least 4 hours so that the accurate battery maximum travel, hold the main switch of the intelligent
state information can be acquired. The engine will not stop stop/start energy saving system for about 1s, then release
automatically before completing this step. both pedals.
3. Repeat step 2.
If use the automatic stop function at this stage, please follow
the following procedures, and the battery status will not disable 4. With the diagnostic tool, check if the status of the
the function for this operation: stop/start test mode is ON.

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Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Service Procedures Ignition Coil
Spark Plug Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the engine cover.
2. Remove the engine cover. 3. Disconnect the connector of the ignition coil (1).
3. Remove the ignition coil. 4. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the ignition coil to the engine.
Ignition Coil Remove
4. Clean the area around the spark plug. Remove the dust
around the spark plug with high pressure gas.
5. Remove 4 spark plugs with the spark plug socket.
5. Hold the rubber bush end of the ignition coil, and pull
out the ignition coil from the spark plug (if it is hard to
pull it out, rotate the ignition coil from left to right).
6. Repeat step 3 to 5 to remove other ignition coils.

Refit Refit

1. The gap of each new spark plug shall be within 1. Fit the ignition coil into the spark plug. When fitting the
0.70—0.80mm. ignition coil, align the hole of the ignition coil with the
bolt hole on the camshaft cover, and ensure the ignition
2. Fit the spark plug and tighten it to 15-20Nm.
coil is inserted into the spark plug. Fit 2 bolts, tighten
3. Fit the ignition coil. to 7-10Nm and check the torque.
Ignition Coil Refit 2. Connect the ignition coil connector.
4. Fit the engine cover. 3. Repeat step 1 and 2 to fit other ignition coils.
5. Connect the battery negative. 4. Fit the engine cover.
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 325

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Engine Control Module (ECM) Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Remove Coding - ECM Replacement
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 6. Perform self-learning for the electronic throttle.
2. Remove 4 bolts fixing the ECM bracket to the firewall. Electronic Throttle Self-learning
7. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS
and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
8. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
restart the vehicle .
3. Disconnect the connector from the ECM.
Caution: ECMWhen disconnecting the connector, do
not shake the connector forth and back or from side
to side, avoid applying force to one side only or
damaging the connector structure.
4. Remove 4 nuts fixing the ECM to the firewall.

1. Fix the ECM to the firewall, fit 4 nuts, tighten to
7–10Nm, and check the torque.
2. Fix the wire harness and connect it to the ECM
Caution: When connecting the connector of the ECM,
align the connector, insert the two ends with even
effort. Never tilt it or attempt to fit it by
applying force to one side only. If the connector
is damaged, replace the engine harness.
3. Fix the ECM bracket to the firewall, fit 4 bolts, tighten
to 8–10Nm, and check the torque.
4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Programme and code the ECM.

1.0 326

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

ECT Sensor Intake Camshaft Position Sensor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the coolant expansion tank cap to release the 2. Remove the engine cover.
pressure of the cooling system, and fit the cap. 3. Disconnect the connector of the intake camshaft
Warning: Injury (such as scald) can be caused by position sensor.
the spilled vapor or coolant, so do not open the 4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the intake camshaft position
expansion tank cap when the cooling system is still sensor to the cylinder block, and remove the sensor.
3. Remove the reservoir from the reservoir bracket.
4. Disconnect the ECT sensor connector.

1. Clean the mating surface of the intake camshaft position
sensor and cylinder block.
5. Prepare a proper container to collect the spilled 2. Fix the intake camshaft position sensor to the cylinder
block, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the
6. Remove the ECT sensor and discard the seal ring. torque.
Refit 3. Connect the connector of the intake camshaft position
1. Clean the thread of the coolant temperature sensor. sensor.
2. Fit the new seal washer to the coolant temperature 4. Fit the engine cover.
sensor. 5. Connect the battery negative.
3. Fit the engine coolant temperature sensor and tighten 6. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS
to 14–18Nm. and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
4. Connect the connector of the ECT sensor. 7. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
5. Fit the reservoir to the reservoir bracket. restart the vehicle .

6. Connect the battery negative.

7. Check the coolant level, refill if necessary.

1.0 327

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Exhaust Camshaft Position Sensor Oil Pressure Switch

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover. 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
3. Disconnect the connector of the exhaust camshaft Bottom Deflector Remove
position sensor.
3. Place the oil sink under the switch to collect the spilled
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the exhaust camshaft position oil.
sensor to the cylinder block, and remove the sensor.
4. Disconnect the connector of the engine oil pressure
5. Remove the oil pressure switch (1), and discard the
1. Clean the mating surface of the exhaust camshaft
position sensor and cylinder block. Refit
2. Fix the exhaust camshaft position sensor to the cylinder 1. Clean the thread of the oil pressure switch.
block, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the 2. Fit the new seal ring to the oil pressure switch.
torque. 3. Fix the oil pressure switch to the oil filter module,
3. Connect the connector of the exhaust camshaft tighten the switch to 14–18Nm and check the torque.
position sensor. 4. Connect the oil pressure switch connector.
4. Fit the engine cover. 5. Remove the oil sink.
5. Connect the battery negative. 6. Fit the bottom deflector.
6. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS Bottom Deflector Refit
and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
7. Connect the battery negative cable.
7. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
8. Check the engine oil level, and refill if necessary.
restart the vehicle .

1.0 328

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Hot Film Meter (HFM) High-pressure Fuel Pump
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Caution: Before removing the high-pressure system,
2. Disconnect the connector (1) of the air flow meter. allow the vehicle to cool.
3. Release the clamp and disconnect the turbocharger 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
intake pipe and air flow meter (2). 2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Remove the shield of the high-pressure oil pump.

4. Remove 2 screws fixing the air flow meter to the upper

air filter housing, and remove the air flow meter.
4. Place cloths with strong absorptivity around the
high-pressure fuel pump to collect the spilled fuel.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
5. Unscrew the high-pressure pipe nut (1) on the
high-pressure fuel pump (one or two circles),
and release the nut completely after the fuel stop
6. Take away the cloth from the high-pressure fuel pump
and put it into a permissible container.
1. Fix the air flow meter to the upper housing of the air
Caution: Do not drip fuel onto the paint.
filter, fit 2 screws, tighten to 1.4–1.8Nm, and check
the torque. 7. Remove the high-pressure fuel pipe nut (2) from the fuel
2. Fit the turbocharger air inlet hose to the air flow meter, rail to release the high-pressure fuel pipe, and discard it.
and secure with clamps. Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
3. Connect the connector of the air flow meter. contamination.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 329

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

and tappet.
3. Fit a new seal ring to the high-pressure fuel pump.
4. Fix the high-pressure fuel pipe to the camshaft cover, fit
2 bolts, tighten to 9-11Nm, and check the torque.

Caution: When tightening the fuel pump bolts, if

the 2 bolts of any equipment shall be tightened to
the specified torque or if no equipment needs to
tighten the bolts repeatedly one by one, then do
not tighten the bolt one after the other.
5. Connect the low-pressure fuel pipe to the high-pressure
fuel pump, tighten the nut to 20-24Nm and check
the torque.
8. Disconnect the connector of the high-pressure fuel
6. Connect the connector of the high-pressure fuel pump.
7. Replace the high-pressure fuel pipe with a new one,
9. Remove the low-pressure fuel pipe nut on the
for it is disposable.
high-pressure fuel pump.
8. Fix the high-pressure fuel pipe to the high-pressure
fuel pump and fuel rail, tighten 1 nut connecting the
high-pressure fuel pipe and the high-pressure fuel pump
to 26-34Nm, and tighten the other nut securing the
high-pressure fuel pipe and fuel rail to 26–34Nm, then
check the torque.
9. Fit the shield of the high-pressure oil pump.
10. Fit the engine cover.
11. Connect the battery negative.

10. Remove 2 bolts fixing the high-pressure fuel pump to

the camshaft cover, remove the high-pressure fuel pump
and discard the seal ring of the high-pressure fuel pump.

11. Remove the high-pressure fuel pump and roller tappet.

1. Ensure the high-pressure fuel pump drive cam is located
on he BDC.
2. Evenly apply engine oil to the cam, fuel pump seat hole

1.0 330

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Crankshaft Position Sensor
Remove Remove
Caution: Before removing the high-pressure system, 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
allow the vehicle to cool. 2. Remove the starter motor.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Starter Motor Remove
2. Remove the engine cover. 3. Disconnect the connector of the crankshaft position
3. Disconnect the connector of the fuel rail pressure sensor.
sensor. 4. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the crankshaft position sensor
4. Place cloths with strong absorptivity around the fuel rail to the cylinder block, and remove the sensor.
pressure sensor to collect the spilled fuel.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
5. Before removing the fuel rail pressure sensor, keep the
vehicle stationary for more than 2 hours, unscrew the
fuel rail pressure sensor (less than half circle) until the
fuel does not overflow.
1. Clean the mating surface of the crankshaft position
sensor and cylinder block.
2. Fix the crankshaft position sensor to the cylinder block,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the connector of the crankshaft position
4. Fit the starter motor.

Starter Motor Refit

5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Take away the cloth from the fuel rail pressure sensor 6. Turn the ignition switch to ON position. Connect VDS
and put it into an permissible container. and execute” ECM Adaption Reset ” .
7. Wait the 2-5 seconds, turn off the ignition switch, then
Caution: Do not drip fuel onto the paint.
restart the vehicle .
1. Fix the fuel rail pressure sensor to the fuel rail, tighten
to 30–35Nm and check the torque.
2. Connect the connector of the fuel rail pressure sensor.
3. Fit the engine cover.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 331

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Intake Air Temperature/Manifold Absolute Manifold Absolute Pressure/Temperature Sensor

Pressure Sensor Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 2. Disconnect the connector of the manifold absolute
2. Remove the engine cover. pressure sensor.
3. Disconnect the connector of the TMAP sensor. 3. Release 2 screws fixing the manifold absolute pressure
4. Release 2 screws fixing the TMAP sensor to the intake sensor to the throttle intake pipe and remove the
manifold and remove the sensor. sensor.

Refit Refit
1. Clean the mating face of the manifold absolute pressure
1. Clean the mating face of the intake air
temperature/manifold absolute pressure sensor sensor and throttle intake pipe.
and intake manifold. 2. Fit the manifold absolute pressure sensor to the
2. Fit the intake air temperature/manifold absolute throttle intake pipe and tighten the screw to 5–7Nm.
pressure sensor to the intake manifold and tighten the 3. Connect the connector of the manifold absolute
screw to 5–7Nm. pressure sensor.
3. Connect the connector of the intake air 4. Connect the battery negative.
temperature/manifold absolute pressure sensor.
4. Fit the engine cover.
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 332

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Knock Sensor Heated Oxygen Sensor - Front
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 2. Remove the engine cover.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported 3. Remove the front oxygen sensor connector from the
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety connector bracket of the front oxygen sensor.
stands. 4. Disconnect the front oxygen sensor connector.
3. Disconnect the knock sensor connector. 5. Remove the front oxygen sensor from the front
three-way catalytic converter with the TEN00011.
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
cooled before handling. operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
4. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the knock sensor to the cooled before handling.
cylinder block, and remove the knock sensor.
Refit 1. Clean the mating face of the front oxygen sensor and
1. Clean the mating surface of the knock sensor and front exhaust pipe.
cylinder block. 2. Apply high temperature antiwelding agent to the
2. Fix the knock sensor to the cylinder block, fit 1 bolt, thread of the front oxygen sensor, fit the front oxygen
tighten to 15–25Nm, and check the torque. sensor to the three-way catalytic converter with the
3. Connect the knock sensor connector. the TEN00011, tighten to 45–60Nm and check the
4. Lower the vehicle.
3. Connect the front oxygen sensor connector.
5. Connect the battery negative.
4. Fit the front oxygen sensor connector to the connector
bracket of the front oxygen sensor.
5. Fit the engine cover.
6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 333

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Heated Oxygen Sensor - Rear Turbocharger Solenoid Valve

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 2. Note the hose connection on the solenoid valve and
disconnect 3 hoses.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety 3. Disconnect the connector of the solenoid valve.
stands. 4. Release 2 bolts fixing the turbocharger solenoid valve
3. Remove the bottom deflector. to the bracket, and remove the solenoid valve.

Bottom Deflector Remove

4. Remove the rear oxygen sensor connector from the
connector bracket of the rear oxygen sensor.
5. Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor connector.
6. Remove the rear oxygen sensor from the front exhaust
pipe with the TEN00011.
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
cooled before handling.

1. Fix the solenoid valve to the bracket, fit 2 bolts, tighten
to 2.5–3.5Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the connector of the solenoid valve.
3. Connect 3 hoses to the solenoid valve correctly.
4. Connect the battery negative cable.

1. Clean the mating face of the rear oxygen sensor and
rear exhaust pipe.
2. Apply high temperature antiwelding agent to the thread
of the rear oxygen sensor. Fit the rear oxygen sensor
to the front exhaust pipe with the TEN00011, tighten
to 45–60Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the rear oxygen sensor connector.
4. Fit the rear oxygen sensor connector to the connector
bracket of the rear oxygen sensor.
5. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit

6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 334

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Fuel Rail and remove the high-pressure fuel pipe.
Remove Caution: Plug the connector disconnected to prevent
Caution: Before removing the high-pressure system, contaminants.
allow the vehicle to cool.
8. Disconnect the connector of the injector nozzle,
1. Disconnect the battery negative. high-pressure sensor, intake camshaft oil control valve
2. Remove the engine cover. and front oxygen sensor.
3. Remove the shield of the high-pressure oil pump. 9. Remove the engine harness clip from the fuel rail bolt.
4. Place cloths with strong absorptivity around the 10. Remove 7 bolts fixing the fuel rail to camshaft cover in
high-pressure fuel pump to collect the spilled fuel. the sequence shown.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
5. Unscrew the high-pressure pipe nut (1) on the
high-pressure fuel pump (one or two circles),
and release the nut completely after the fuel stop

11. Remove the fuel rail assembly.

1. If the injector is disconnected from the fuel rail, replace
all seal rings and spring clips of the injector; if it is not
disconnected, replace the seal ring of the combustion
chamber only.
2. Fit the fuel rail, ensure the injector will not contact the
camshaft cover, fit 7 bolts and pre-tighten the bolt.
3. Tighten the bolts to 23-27Nm in the sequence shown
and check the torque.
6. Take away the cloth from the high-pressure fuel pump Caution: When tightening the fuel rail bolt, if
and put it into a permissible container. the bolt of any equipment shall be tightened to
Caution: Do not drip fuel onto the paint. the specified torque or if there is no equipment,
tighten from outside bolt to inside bolt.
7. Remove the high-pressure fuel pipe nut on the fuel rail

1.0 335

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the fuel rail assembly.
Fuel Rail Assembly Remove
3. Remove the spring clip from the fuel injector.
4. Remove the fuel injector with the TEN00121.
4. Fit the engine harness clip to the fuel rail bolt.
5. Connect the connector of the injector nozzle,
high-pressure sensor, intake camshaft oil control valve
and front oxygen sensor.
6. Replace the high-pressure fuel pipe with a new one,
for it is disposable.
7. Fix the high-pressure fuel pipe to the high-pressure
fuel pump and fuel rail, tighten 1 nut connecting the
high-pressure fuel pipe and the high-pressure fuel pump 5. Remove and discard the fuel injector seal ring.
to 26-34Nm, and tighten the other nut securing the 6. Fit the block cap to the end of each fuel injector.
high-pressure fuel pipe and fuel rail to 26–34Nm, then Refit
check the torque.
1. Remove the block cap from each fuel injector.
8. Fit the shield of the high-pressure oil pump.
2. Clean the groove of the fuel injector and fuel rail.
9. Fit the engine cover.
3. Fit the fuel injector seal rings to the steering tool of
10. Connect the battery negative. the TEN00064, then fit the fuel injector seal rings to
the fuel injector with the TEN00064, and fit the fuel
injector seal rings in sequence.

4. Replace the spring clip, and fit the new clip to the
injector nozzle.
5. Fit the fuel injector to the fuel rail assembly.
Fuel Rail Assembly Remove
6. Fit the fuel rail assembly with injector to the cylinder
7. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 336

Engine Control System-2.0T Engine

Canister Solenoid 6. Connect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Disconnect the connector of the activated carbon
canister solenoid valve.
4. Loosen the clamps, and disconnect the two pipes
connecting the activated carbon canister solenoid valve.

5. Remove the activated carbon canister solenoid valve

from the bracket.
6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the bracket of the activated
carbon canister solenoid valve to the intake manifold
and remove the bracket.

1. Fix the activated carbon canister solenoid valve bracket
to the intake manifold, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 9–11Nm
and check the torque.
2. Fit the activated carbon canister solenoid valve to the
3. Connect the 2 pipes of the activated carbon canister
solenoid valve and secure them with clamps.
4. Connect the connector of the activated carbon canister
solenoid valve.
5. Fit the engine cover.

1.0 337

Engine Engine Control System-2.0T

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Wrench O2

Injector remove

Injector seal
TEN00064 installer and

1.0 338

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Engine Control System-1.5T
Description Value
Bolt-fuel pump to engine 21–29Nm
Bolt-fuel pump bracket to engine 19–25Nm
Nut-fuel rail 28–32Nm
Bolt-fuel rail assembly to injector 4–6Nm
Bolt-fuel rail assembly to engine 9–11Nm
Bolt-Spark Plug ASM 20Nm
nuts -ECM to body 7–10Nm
nuts and bolts -ECM bracket to body 8–10Nm
Bolt-coil to engine 8–12Nm
Bolt-crank sensor 8–12Nm
Bolt-MAP 4–6Nm
Bolt-CAM 8–12Nm
Bolt-the camshaft phase adjust the solenoid valve 8–12Nm
Bolt-oil pressure sensor 31–39Nm
Bolt-knock sensor 16–24Nm
Bolt-oxygen sensor 40–60Nm
Bolt-After oxygen sensor bracket to transmission 14-18Nm
Bolt-emissions control valve 4–6Nm
Bolt-emissions pressure relief valve 8–10Nm
Bolt-TMAP sensor 3–4Nm
Bolt- expansion tank to body 4–6Nm
Engine Management System (-1.5)

Emissions standard GB V

Spark plug:

Manufacturer Federal-Mogul Corporation

Clearance 0.6-0.7 mm
Ignition coil:

Manufacturer Mitsubishi Electric

Model CSGE
Fuel injection system:

Model: Direct fuel injection system, returnless

Nozzle: 4x XL3

Operating pressure: 20 MPa

Static flow rate of nozzle: 9 g/s±5% @ 10MPa

1.0 339

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Sensor -1.5T
Crankshaft Position Sensor

Manufacturer Ivy engine parts (Wuhan) co., LTD

Part Number 12638560

Camshaft position sensor:

Manufacturer Denso (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (DENSO)

Part Number 12636947

Oxygen Sensor

Manufacturer/model UMC LSF 4.2 TSP

heating element (nominal valve) 7W

Sensor voltage - high 1v

Sensor voltage - Low 0v
Electronic Throttle
Manufacturer Continental (Wuhu)
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Manufacturer/model INZI/NTC
Manufacturer Denso (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch (DENSO)

Sensor supply voltage 5V/-0.25V


1.0 340

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Fuel System-1.5T
System Direct fuel injection system, returnless
Fuel Specifications 92# or above quality unleaded gasoline
Fuel Rail Stainless Steel Tube Structure
Nozzle: 4x XL3
Static flow rate of nozzle 9 g/s±5% @ 10MPa
Dynamic flow rate of nozzle 3.3 mg/pulse±5% @ 4MPa
Fuel pump (High pressure) Camshaft drive, fuel supply of fuel pump controlled by solenoid valve

Oil Pressure 20 MPa

Oil Pressure Adjustment The high pressure fuel pump solenoid valve adjusts the oil pressure by
controlling the fuel supply.

1.0 341

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Description and Operation

System Layout
Sensor Layout

1. Knock Sensor 8. Front Oxygen Sensor

2. Screw - Knock Sensor 9. Front Oxygen Sensor Bracket Assembly
3. Oil Pressure Sensor 10. Clip - Oxygen Sensor
4. Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor 11. Screw - Rear Oxygen Sensor Bracket)
5. Screw - Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor 12. Rear Oxygen Sensor
6. Crankshaft Sensor 13. Intake Air Temperature/Pressure Sensor
7. Screw - Crankshaft Sensor 14. Bolt - Intake Air Temperature/Pressure Sensor

1.0 342

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Exploded View of Ignition Module Spark Plug

1. Ignition Coil Assembly 3. Spark Plug Assembly
2. Screw - Ignition Coil 4. Fixing Sleeve - Ignition Coil Bolt

1.0 343

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Exploded View of Injector Fuel Rail

1. Fuel Rail 8. Bolt - Fuel Rail
2. Bolt - Engine Fuel Inlet Pipe Bracket 9. Engine Injector Harness
3. O-ring - Engine Fuel Pump 10. Engine High Pressure Fuel Pump
4. Engine Fuel Pump Tappet 11. Bolt - Engine Fuel Pump
5. Fuel Injector Assembly 12. Fixing Sleeve - Fuel Pump Bolt
6. Bolt - Fuel Injector Retaining Plate 13. Fuel Pump Silencer
7. Sensor - Fuel Rail Fuel Pressure 14. Engine High Pressure Fuel Pipe

1.0 344

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

System Control Diagram
Engine Control System Control Diagram


1.0 345

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T


A= HS CAN Bus; B= Medium Speed CAN Bus;


1.0 346

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

The engine management system mainly consists of sensor,
microprocessor (ECM) and actuator, used for controlling
the air inflow, fuel injection quantity and ignition advance
angle when the engine is working. This engine uses BOSCH
MED17 ECM. MED17 engine electronic control system has
the main characteristics of: accurate measurement of fuel
injection quantity; generation of required injection pressure;
determination of injection starting point; direct and accurate
fuel injection into combustion chamber. The system must
also coordinate different torque requirements in turn, and
then adjust the engine functioning according to the final
requirement. Torque adjustment is the central task of the Detailed Information List of Connector Pins
engine management system, the most important torque Pin No. Description
requirement comes from the accelerator pedal controlled A01 Cylinder 4 Ignition
by the vehicle driver, and the engine management system
A02 Cylinder 2 Ignition
generates a specific torque according to the position of the
accelerator pedal; in addition, further torque requirements A03 Fuel Control Valve -
can also come from: transmission shift control, traction A04 Fuel Control Valve +
control system and electronic stability control system. The A05 VVT Valve (Exhaust)
intentions of the engine management system control are to: A06 —
enhance power performance, reduce fuel consumption and
A07 5V Power Supply
exhaust pollution.
A08 Sensor Ground
Engine Control Unit (ECM)
A09 —
The engine control module is the control center of fuel
A10 Knock Sensor -
injection system. It monitors continuously the information
from various sensors, controls various systems influencing A11 —
the vehicle performance. It also executes system diagnosis A12 5V Power Supply
function. It is able to identify the operation fault, reminds the A13 Sensor Ground
driver with malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) and stores the
A14 Sensor Ground
DTC at indication fault position to facilitate the repair of the
A15 —
service personnel.
A16 Cylinder 1 Ignition
ECMWiring Harness Connector End View
A17 Cylinder 3 Ignition

A18 Discarded Control Valve

A19 Electronic Throttle +
A20 Electronic Throttle -
A21 —
A22 Sensor Ground
A23 Engine speed sensor (Hall)
A24 —
A25 Knock Sensor +
A26 —
A27 5V Power Supply

A28 —
A29 5V Power Supply

1.0 347

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

A30 — K09 —
A31 Cylinder 1 Injection + K10 —
A32 Cylinder 4 Injection + K11 Sensor Ground
A33 Cylinder 1 Injection - K12 —
A34 Cylinder 3 Injection - K13 —
A35 Canister control valve K14 Sensor Ground
A36 — K15 —
A37 — K16 —
A38 IAT sensor K17 Sensor Ground
A39 Intake Air Pressure Sensor K18 —
A40 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor K19 Brake Lamp Switch
A41 — K20 A/C Request
A42 Alternator Load Signal K21 Brake Switch
A43 — K22 P/N Signal
A44 — K23 —
A45 — K24 —
A46 Cylinder 3 Injection + K25 —
A47 Cylinder 2 Injection + K26 Cooling Fan Relay 3
A48 Cylinder 4 Injection - K27 Cooling Fan Relay 1 and 2
A49 Cylinder 2 Injection - K28 Low-pressure Fuel Pump
A50 VVT Valve (Intake)
K29 Downstream oxygen sensor
A51 —
A52 —
K30 Continuity power supply
A53 Phase Position Sensor K31 Starter Motor Relay
K32 —
A54 Phase Position Sensor
(Exhaust) K33 Oxygen Sensor Ground
A55 Oil Pressure Sensor
K34 Oxygen Sensor Ground
A56 Ambient Temperature
Sensor K35 Sensor Ground
K36 —
A57 Water temperature sensor
K37 —
A58 Hot Film Air Flow Signal
(HFM7) K38 Speed outputs to TCM
A59 Hot-film Air flow Meter K39 —
Sensor Ground
K40 —
A60 Electronic Thermostat
K41 —
K01 ECU Ground 1
K02 ECU Ground 2 K42 A/C compressor relay
K43 Clutch low-position switch
K03 Main Relay Power 1 (only MT)
K04 ECU Ground 3 K44 CAN low
K05 Main Relay Power 2 K45 Refresh with CAN high
K06 Main Relay Power 3 K46 Neutral Switch (only MT)
K07 — K47 —
K08 Intake Bleeder Valve K48 Starter Feedback Signal

1.0 348

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

K49 Reverse Gear Switch Signal K88 —
(only MT) —
K50 Clutch high-position switch —
(only MT)
K51 — K91 —
K52 Sensor Ground K92 —
K53 — K93 —
K54 Throttle position signal K94 —
K55 —
The engine management system is composed of the following
K56 —
6 components according to control principle:
K57 —
• External control
K58 5V Power Supply
• Supply control system
K59 5V Power Supply
• Ignition control system
K60 A/C Pressure Sensor
• Fuel supply control system
K61 Accelerator Pedal Position
Sensor 2 • Auxiliary 1 (Heat Management)
K62 Downstream oxygen sensor • Auxiliary 2 (outside assistance)
K63 Boost Pressure Sensor External control
K64 — Outside control of the engine mainly includes:
K65 — • Main relay
K66 —
• Ignition Switch
K67 —
• Battery
K68 —
• CANCommunication
K69 Main relay • Immobilizer Power Supply
K70 — The outside control mainly refers to the power supply and
K71 Oil control valve communication. One line of power supply of the engine
— control unit ( ECM) is directly connected to power supply
through fuse EF23 to ensure ECM is in powered state. When
K73 Upstream oxygen sensor
the ignition switch is at ON or IGN position, the engine
control unit can control the opening of the main relay or
K74 —
connect to ignition power supply.
K75 —
The engine management system can communicate with
K76 —
controllers of other nodes on the network through CAN
K77 — to ensure each performance of the system. It can also be
K78 — connected with the data link connector (DLC), to facilitate
K79 — the diagnostic operation of the service personnel.
K80 — Main Relay Control
K81 5V Power Supply ECMEngage the main relay after receiving the ignition signal,
K82 5V Power Supply the main relay supplies power to the throttle, many sensors
and actuators. At the same time, ECM monitors the system
K83 Accelerator Pedal Position
Sensor 1 voltage through relay voltage.
K84 Upstream oxygen sensor Failure
The main relay may have failures occurred under the following
K85 ACC Wake-up Signal conditions:
K86 —
• The relay winding short-circuited
K87 Ignition Switch
• The relay winding open-circuit

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Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

• The relay winding high resistance • Intake Air Pressure Sensor

• Relay contact normally open • Intake Bleeder Valve
• Relay contact normally closed Fuel direct injection system requires development of a complex
• Relay contact high resistance engine management system to fully meet the high fuel economy
• Relay harness open-circuit and high output power. In terms of mixture formation, the two
basic running modes differ:
• Relay harness high resistance
• Relay harness connected to the 12V power supply is • Low-load range
short-circuited In this range, the engine runs under the condition
• Relay harness connected to the ground is short-circuited of highly stratified mixture and very thin mixture for
• ECMdoes not provide grounding access the minimum possible fuel consumption. Injection is
postponed until the ignition timing, and the purpose is to
In order to determine whether the main relay works normally,
obtain the ideal condition of formation of two layers in
the following checks may be carried out:
the combustion chamber: The first layer of combustible
• Sound check - place the ignition key to ON position to mixture is concentrated at the spark plug, and the outer
check whether the fuel pump will work for 2s. second layer is an isolation layer formed by air and
• Whether the fuel injector or ignition coil is supported by residual exhaust gas. So the engine can run under a
power (apply multimeter to check the voltage of battery) larger non-solar terms condition and avoid air change
loss. In addition, since the heat loss of the combustion
If the above are verified, it indicates that the main relay works chamber wall is avoided, the thermodynamic efficiency
normally. is improved.
• High-load range
The engine management system applies high CAN speed
When the engine load and fuel injection quantity
communication network for the communications between
increase, the stratified mixture is becoming more
ECM and ABS, BCM and TCM and diagnoses outputs
and more thick, this will lead to the deterioration of
through diagnostic interface.
emissions, especially black smoke. So the mixture in the
Immobilizer Power Supply cylinder must be uniform when the engine runs under
When the ignition switch is turned to ON position, the engine a higher load. Fuel is injected into the cylinder during
control module (ECM) and body control module (BCM) intake stroke to ensure that the fuel and air are uniformly
communicate through CAN high-speed bus for mutual mixed.
information verification, after verification, BCM will control To precisely control the air inflow, the boost pressure sensor,
the operation of starter motor, ECM will control ignition intake air pressure sensor and air flow meter are configured
and fuel injection when the key is turned for requesting start, in the engine management system, and ECM obtains the air
and the engine will be started. If a pin wired into immobilizer inflow information through these sensors. After the air inflow
power supply of ECM is disconnected from the harness and information is obtained, on the one hand, ECM can control
5V power supply is failed to obtain, the engine immobilizer the turbocharging system through the intake air discharge valve
will be failed, BCM cannot get verification information from and boost control valve; on the other hand, ECM can control
ECM, the starter motor cannot work, neither does the the air intake and exhaust valves based on the signal from intake
engine. and exhaust camshaft position sensor for optimal control on
Engine Air Supply Control System the air inflow.
The main air supply control system mainly includes: Electronic Throttle
• Electronic throttle body The electronic throttle is composed of throttle actuator,
• Accelerator Pedal Module throttle driver (DC motor) and throttle position sensor, etc.

• Boost Pressure Sensor ECMGive instructions to make the DC motor act and affect
• Camshaft position sensor the throttle opening through the drive mechanism; at the same
time, the throttle can give ECM a feedback signal indicating
• Variable Camshaft Timing Valve
the current position of the throttle to realize throttle feedback
• Hot film meter (HFM) regulation.
• Boost Pressure Control Solenoid Valve

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Accelerator Pedal Module • CMPsensor harness is short-circuited.
There are two potentiometers in the accelerator pedal • CMPsensor harness has a high resistance.
module acting as sensors, their resistance value will vary • Magnetic ring is contaminated by metallic debris.
with the position changes of the electronic accelerator • The precision of magnetic ring is low due to mechanical
pedal, while ECM can response precisely to the movement damage.
of the accelerator pedal, therefore, the movements of the
• Exhaust camshaft timing is incorrect.
accelerator pedal may be monitored.
• Intake camshaft timing is incorrect.
Because both potentiometers are fitted in the same phase,
Variable Camshaft Timing Valve
when the accelerator pedal position changes, their resistances
will increase or decrease linearly. When a +5V voltage is The engine control module outputs pulse width modulation
added, the pedal position will be transformed into the voltage (PWM) signal to drive the solenoid. Change in duty ratio may
output corresponding to the changes of the resistance value. adjust the opening of the solenoid.
These two potentiometers and two potentiometers fitted on The system can, under the condition of low speed, reduce
the electronic throttle used for monitoring the position of the fuel consumption and improve the performance of
the throttle form a part of whole electronic throttle control engine in the process of exhaust emission, especially torque
system monitoring function, which can provide the redundancy performance.
protection expected by system control.
ECMreceives signals from CKP sensor and CMP sensor.
Intake Temperature and Pressure Sensor (TMAP)
With these signals, ECM determines the valve timing by
The intake temperature and pressure sensor is fitted on the consulting control chart. Then ECM operates the oil control
pipeline between intercooler and throttle. The intake air valve installed on the side of cylinder head. These solenoid
pressure portion is measured by a piezoelectric type sensor valves control the oil to flow into phase modulator and change
which can perform direct pressure measurement through the relative position to the camshaft of the phase modulator
sensing elements. It may provide the "Load Signal" to the so as to adjust the valve timing.
controller in accordance with the measured boosted intake Hot film meter (HFM)
manifold pressure; the controller provides a 5V voltage and
feeds back a 0 ~ -5V voltage to the controller depending on HFMworks according to the hot film principle. HFMhas two
boost pressure. sensing elements in one film. One element stays in ambient
temperature, such as 25℃ (77℉) while the other is heated
Camshaft position (CMP) sensor
to 200℃ (392℉), exceeding 225℃ (437℉). The air passing
The camshaft position sensor is applied to cooperate with by HFM will generate a cooling effect. The air flow which
the rotational speed sensor in the circumstances without the maintains the temperature difference of 200°C (392°F) may
electricity distributor, to provide ECM with the camshaft provide precise, but non-linear signal.
phase information, namely, identify the compression top dead
HFMis combined with the NTC thermistor in the voltage
center and exhaust top dead center of the cylinder 1.
divider circuit. The internal resistance value of the thermistor
The camshaft position sensor is composed of a hall sensor and decreases with the increase of the intake temperature.
a rotor made of steel plate. The hall sensor is fixed, and the NTCthermistor is electrified to form a voltage division circuit,
rotor with a 36°-arc boss is fitted on the camshaft. The inner the changes in the reference voltage controlling this voltage
magnetic field of the hall sensor will change when the boss division circuit is converted into more stable frequency signals
passes it, which leads to the change of output signal voltage. In in HFM and output to ECM, and ECM calculates the air
this way, the two top dead centers are identified. flow through the frequency signals, and then corrects the fuel
Failure injection quantity.

CMPsensor or magnetic ring may have failures or provide If HFM has fault, ECM will implement back-up strategy. If the
incorrect signals due to the following conditions: HFM signal fails, the following symptoms may occur:

• CMPsensor gap fails to comply with the specifications. • Hard starting

• CMPsensor is contaminated by metallic debris. • Stop after the startup of engine
• CMPsensor hall-effect semiconductor is damaged. • Emission control does not work
• CMPsensor magnetic field is too weak. • Idle speed control does not work
• CMPsensor harness is open-circuit. • Performance of engine reduces

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If NTC thermistor fails, the air temperature set is defaulted to 1. Compressor

be -5°C (23°F) by ECM. If the signal of the NTC thermistor 2. Turbine
fails, one of the following symptoms can be observed:
3. Intake Bleeder Valve
• Black smoke is caused by excessive oil supply 4. to intake
• Idle speed control does not work 5. to outtake
Boost Pressure Control Solenoid Valve Engine ignition control system
The boost control solenoid valve receives the duty ratio The engine ignition control system mainly includes:
information sent by ECM to adjust the boost pressure of the
turbocharger. The greater the duty ratio, the higher the boost • Ignition coil 1~4
pressure. • Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
• Knock Sensor
When the engine meets medium or small loads, the boost
solenoid valve controls the diaphragm-type bypass valve to lead Ignition Coil
the exhaust gas in the exhaust pipe into the bypass pipeline, and The ignition coil turns the DC low voltage of battery to high
the boost pressure is extremely small at the moment; when the voltage and ignites the air mixture in cylinder through the spark
engine accelerates or meets large loads, the boost solenoid generated by the discharge of spark plug. Each ignition coil
valve controls the diaphragm-type bypass valve to reduce the consists of a pair of coil windings around laminated iron core.
bypass opening in the exhaust pipe, exhaust gas flows into the
turbocharger and the boost pressure rises at the moment. There are four ignition coils fitted on the camshaft cover. They
are fitted to each cylinder, and connected with the harness
Boost Pressure Sensor (MAP)
through a connector. Each coil has a spark plug at the lower
The boost pressure sensor is installed in the front of the intake part.
manifold. The intake air pressure portion is measured by a Failure
piezoelectric type sensor which can perform direct pressure
measurement through sensing elements. It may provide the The ignition coil may have failures under the following
"load signal" to the controller according to the measured conditions:
manifold pressure; the controller provides a 5V voltage and • Primary winding open-circuit
feeds back a 0~-5V voltage to the controller depending on • Primary winding short-circuited
boost pressure.
• The resistance of primary winding out of tolerance
Turbocharger bleeder valve
• Secondary winding open-circuit
The intake bleeder valve is mainly used to recirculate the • Secondary winding short-circuited
pressurized air in the compressor in the turbocharging system
• The circuit connecting secondary winding with primary
to the air intake pipe, so that the boost pressure rapidly
winding is short
decreases during engine surge and shifting.
• The resistance of secondary winding out of tolerance
ECMsends ON/OFF command to allow the solenoid in the
• Coil top insulation mechanically damaged
intake bleeder valve to operate, when the solenoid is open,
compressed air can be circulated to the air intake pipe side, as Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
shown in the following figure: CKPThe sensor provides the engine speed information and
crankshaft top dead center information. It is a hall-effect
sensor matched with oscillator in application. The oscillator
is a teeth plate, with 58 small teeth separated by 6°and a
2-teeth gap on magnetic ring. The pulse wheel is fitted on the
crankshaft, and rotates with the crankshaft. When the tooth
tips pass by sensor ends, the oscillator made of steel magnetic
materials cuts the magnetic force line of the permanent
magnets in the sensor to produce the induced voltage in the
coil, which acts as the rotational speed output signal.
CKPsensor or magnetic ring may have failures or provide
incorrect signals due to the following conditions:

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• CKPsensor gap fails to comply with the specifications. Engine Fuel Supply Control System
• CKPsensor is contaminated by dust The engine fuel supply control system mainly includes:
• CKPsensor hall-effect semiconductor is damaged.
• Upstream oxygen sensor
• CKPsensor magnetic field is too weak.
• Downstream oxygen sensor
• CKPsensor harness is open-circuit.
• Fuel injectors 1 ~ 4
• CKPsensor harness is short-circuited.
• Canister valve
• CKPsensor harness has a high resistance.
• Low-pressure Fuel Pump Relay
• Magnetic ring is contaminated by dust
• Fuel Control Valve
• The precision of magnetic ring is low due to erosion or
• Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
mechanical damage
The engine fuel supply control system is mainly applied to
• CKP sensor signal is distorted due to out-of-round
control the fuel supply for engine under different working
flywheel or driving disk.
• CKP sensor signal is changed due to crankshaft radial
movement. MED-Motronic injection system stores fuel in the fuel rail
at certain pressure, and fuel is injected into the combustion
In order to check the ECM for receiving the signal from CKP
chamber through the electromagnetically controlled injector.
sensor, following operations may be conducted:
so it provides the following functions:
• Check the operation of the fuel pump in the engine
• Free selection of injection starting point
starting process; if the fuel pump supplies fuel when the
• Alterable system pressure
ignition is on but not operating, it indicates that ECM
does not receive CKP sensor signal. Heated Oxygen Sensor
Knock Sensor The oxygen sensor is a heated oxygen sensor which measures
the oxygen content in engine exhaust to determine if the
The knock sensor is used to provide electronic controller
gasoline and air are burnt completely. The electronic
ECM with engine knock information to carry out knock
controller implements the closed-loop control aiming at
excessive air coefficient λ = 1 according to the information
The knock sensor is a vibration acceleration sensor. It is fit to ensure that three-way catalytic converters have high
on the engine block. The sensitive component of the sensor conversion efficiency in such three kinds of pollutant as HC,
is a piezoelectric crystal. The vibration of the engine block CO and NOx in the exhaust.
is transferred to the piezoelectric crystal through the mass
Its sensing element is a ceramic tube, the inner surface and
block in the sensor. Due to the pressure generated from
outer surface of which are contacted with exhaust gas and
the vibration of mass block, the piezoelectric crystal produces
ambient air respectively. When the sensing ceramic tube
voltage on both pole surfaces to transform the vibration signal
temperature reaches 350℃, it will have the property of solid
into voltage signal to output.
electrolyte. With this property, the concentration difference
Failure of oxygen is turned to electric potential difference so as
The knock sensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals to form electric signal output. If the mixture is rich, the
due to the following conditions: concentration difference of oxygen inside and outside the
ceramic tube is high, the electric potential difference is high,
• Sensor open-circuit
a large amount of oxygen ions move from inside to outside
• Sensor to ground short-circuited and the output voltage is high (approximate to 900mV); if the
• Sensor circuit intermittently open mixture is thin, the concentration difference of oxygen inside
• Incorrect knock sensor refit and outside the ceramic tube is low, the electric potential
difference is low, only a few of oxygen ions move from inside
In case of knock sensor signal failure, the following symptoms
to outside and the output voltage is low (approximate to
may occur:
• Store the failure code Failure
• ECMFail to inspect engine combustion knock
HO2Smay have failures or provide incorrect signals due to the
• ECMRestore default settings following conditions:

• Contaminated by leaded fuel

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• Contaminated by carbon or silicon deposits Failure

• Impact damage/mechanical impact If the low-pressure fuel pump relay is failed, the following
• External harness open circuit symptoms will be found:
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is At the time of start
• If the low-pressure fuel system pressure falls to zero, the
• External harness short to the ground
engine will fail to ignite.
• External harness high resistance
• If the pressure of the low-pressure fuel system is lower
• Heating device open-circuit than the normal operating pressure (0.38MPa), the
• Heating device short-circuited engine may try to ignite, but fails to work normally.
• ECMGround access is not provided to heating device. • If the pressure of the low-pressure fuel system is normal,
• Harness shielding not connected to ground the engine will ignite to operate, but will flame out finally
with decrease in fuel pressure, and fails to restart.
Canister control valve
During driving
The canister control valve is applied to control the
regeneration air flow of fuel evaporation control system. If the fuel pump relay fails while driving, the engine will loss
The canister in the fuel evaporation control system absorbs power and be finally off due to shortage of fuel.
fuel vapor from fuel tank till it cannot absorb any more.
The low-pressure relay may fails under the following
ECMcontrols the canister control valve to open and allows
fresh air and saturated fuel steam in the canister to form
regeneration air flow, then send it to engine air inlet pipe. • Relay coil short-circuit

The electronic controller, based on the different working • Relay coil break-circuit
conditions of engine, changes the air-fuel ratio of the pulse • Relay coil high resistance
signal transmitted to canister control valve electromagnetic • Relay contact normally open
coil to control the regeneration air flow. Moreover, the flow • Relay contact normally closed
is also influenced by the pressure difference on both ends.
• Relay contact high resistance
• Relay harness open-circuit
The canister purge control valve may have failures occurred • Relay harness high resistance
under the following conditions:
• Relay harness connected to the 12V power supply is
• Electromagnetic winding open-circuit short-circuited
• Electromagnetic winding short-circuited • Relay harness connected to the ground is short-circuited
• External harness connected to the 12V power supply is • ECMGround access cannot be provided.
Carry out the following checks and check the low-pressure
• External harness short to the ground fuel pump relay for normal operation:
• External harness high resistance
• Sound check - place the ignition key to ignition position
• ECMDo not provide PWM signal. to check whether the fuel pump will work for 2s.
• Mechanical problems occur in the valve • If there is no "beep" sound, check the inertia switch and
Low-pressure Fuel Pump Relay ensure no accidental trigger. If the fuel pump does not
The electric fuel pump transfers the fuel from fuel tank to work, but the inertia switch is in "ON" position, remove
engine and provides sufficient fuel pressure and rich fuel. the low-pressure fuel pump relay and check.

It is a DC motor driven vane pump, which is fitted in the fuel Check the ECM for providing an access to ground for the
tank and immersed in fuel. It applies fuel for heat dissipation low-pressure fuel pump relay when the ignition switch is placed
and heat dissipation. The battery supplies power to the in "ON" position (for 2s) and during the starting. Remove
electric low-pressure fuel pump via low-pressure fuel pump fuel pump relay, connect multimeter between the 12V power
relay which allows the electric low-pressure fuel pump circuit supplied by vehicle and the fuse box pin connected with fuel
to be closed only when the relay is electrified, starts and pump pin 85, check the output according to circuit diagram
the engine operates. When the engine stops running due to after the ignition is on.
accident, the fuel pump will stop operating automatically.

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Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

As the ECM internal drive circuit consumes voltage, the pulse ends, the pressure of return spring makes the needle
measured voltage may be lower than battery voltage. valve close again.
Direct injection fuel injection system Failure
The direct injection fuel injection system consists of The injector may fails under the following conditions:
high-pressure fuel pump, fuel pipe-fuel pump to fuel rail, fuel
• Nozzle is contaminated by dust or wax (flow is reduced)
rail assembly (containing fuel rail, fuel rail pressure sensor,
injector) and low-pressure fuel pipe-high-pressure fuel pump • Nozzle offset (nozzle is positioned incorrectly)
front. The system operating pressure is 20MPa. • Fuel filter blockage
High Pressure Fuel Pump • Winding open-circuit

The high pressure fuel pump has the function of pressurizing • Winding short to the ground
low pressure fuel, and inputting high pressure fuel into the fuel • Winding connected to the 12V power supply is
pump through the high pressure fuel pipe. Ensure the minimum short-circuited
pressure fluctuation in the fuel rail, not likely to be mixed with • Winding resistance out of tolerance
• External harness open circuit
The working process includes: The fuel pump plunger • External harness short to the ground
descends, the fuel pump is in the suction stroke, and low • External harness connected to the 12V power supply is
pressure fuel enters into the fuel pump plunger cavity; the short-circuited
plunger starts ascending after reaching the bottom dead
Auxiliary 1 (Heat Management)
center, and fuel is pressurized and conveyed to the high
pressure fuel rail. The heat management portion mainly includes:
Fuel Control Valve • A/C compressor relay
ECMrealizes the control of high pressure fuel flow by • A/C Pressure Sensor
controlling the opening or closing of the fuel control valve. • Engine coolant temperature sensor
In the first half section of plunger ascending in the high pressure • Cooling fan:
fuel pump, if the solenoid valve is not energized, the fuel control • Electronic thermostat control
valve is open, the fuel is unable to produce pressure, so part of
The engine adjusts the opening or closing of the cooling fan
fuel flows back to the low pressure oil circuit via the control
relay according to the coolant temperature.
After the driver presses the A/C request (ON/OFF) on the
After the solenoid valve is energized, the fuel control valve
instrument panel, the engine control unit decides whether
starts being closed, and completely closed after a period,
to open the air conditioning according to the current engine
and then the plunger cavity is completely closed; the plunger
coolant temperature sensor signals and engine speed signals.
continues to ascend, when the pressure in the plunger
continues to rise and exceeds the rail pressure, and the high Engine coolant temperature sensor
pressure fuel is pumped into the fuel rail. The coolant temperature sensor is used to provide the
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor engine with coolant temperature information. Whereby, the
controller can correct the fuel injection and ignition. It is
The fuel rail pressure sensor is used to measure pressure in
a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor, its
the fuel rail. The sensor measures pressure based on the
resistance value is reduced as the temperature rises, but it is
piezoelectric crystal resistance value, and sends a voltage signal
not a linear relationship. The thermistor is mounted inside a
to ECM.
copper heat sleeve.
Fuel Injector
The fuel injector, according to the commands of ECM, injects
ECTsensor may have failures or provide incorrect signals due
fuel within the specified time to supply the engine with fuel
to the following conditions:
and have it atomized. ECMenergizes the injector coil to form
magnetic force. When the magnetic force is strong enough to • The system is lack of coolant due to leakage
overcome the resultant force of the return spring pressure, • External harness open circuit
needle valve gravity and friction, the needle valve begins to
• External harness short to the ground
rise, and the fuel injection process starts. When fuel injection

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Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

• External harness connected to the 5V power supply is to compensate the load to maintain a stable idle speed, ECM
short-circuited needs to obtain the torque load information of AC motor.
• External harness high resistance Brake pedal switch
• ECMGround access cannot be provided. The brake switch is located on the pedal box in the cab.
• ECTThermistor damaged ECMmonitors the switch status and transfers the data to
Cooling fan: TCM by CAN bus, and the TCM controls the gearbox
clutch to open. When the brake pedal is operated, the brake
ECM controls three positions of the cooling fan through
switch is activated.
the control of two pins on three relays. ECM controls the
speed of cooling fan based on the air conditioning system Cruise control system
request, engine coolant temperature, air conditioning system The cruise control system can maintain the vehicle at a
pressure, ambient temperature and vehicle speed. If the constant and comfortable speed with the accelerator pedal
engine temperature is still high after the engine stops running, not depressed. Cruise control system involves:
ECM will keep the cooling fan running for a while.
• Brake switch
Electronic thermostat
• Cruise control switch
The electronic thermostat is used to adjust the engine coolant • Cruise indicator lamp
temperature to ensure that the engine coolant is heated rapidly
• Automatic transmissionTCM
and prevent engine overheating. When the engine operates
at low and medium loads, the engine coolant temperature is • ECM
increased to reduce oil viscosity, effectively reduce mechanical • Electronic throttle
friction loss of piston, etc., reduce heat transfer loss, and Cruise control switch
optimize combustion; when the engine operates at high speed
The cruise control switch is of a handle type, used for engaging
and high load, the engine temperature may be reduced to
and disengaging the cruise control system and adjusting the set
rapidly cool the engine.
ECMgives the PWM command, so that the electronic
The cruise operating switch is connected to GW which
thermostat acts to heat paraffin in the core, the paraffin
transmits network signals to ECM, different CAN signals may
package is expanded, and paraffin pressurize the push rod;
be provided for ECM by operation of different switches to
since the upper part of the push rod is fixed with the housing,
determine the cruise switch input state at this time.
the push rod drives the whole core to move downward in
the reverse direction; the core copper cap and main valve Cruise status indicator lamp
are in interference fit to drive the main valve to open. The The indicator lamp indicates the status of cruise control
Electronic thermostat opening is proportional to the duty system. The lamp is located on the instrument pack. When
ratio of PWM signal. the cruise control system is on standby, the cruise indicator
When the engine coolant temperature rises to above 97℃, illuminates green; when the cruise control system is activated,
the thermostat starts to be gradually opened, engine coolant the cruise indicator illuminates yellow. When a fault relating
enters into general circulation (radiator) cooling, then flows to the cruise system is detected, there will be tooltip for the
back to the water pump inlet, reaches 112℃, and the cruise system failure when the driver operates the main cruise
thermostat is fully open. The coolant is below 97℃, the switch, and the indicator lamp will flash at this time.
thermostat is in the closed state, and the coolant directly On standby
feeds into the water pump inlet. When the main switch is pressed, the cruise control system is
Auxiliary 2 (external auxiliary) on standby.
The external auxiliary portion mainly includes: Activation
• Alternator control input Once it is on standby, when the vehicle is in the following
• Brake pedal switch status:

• Brake lamp • Non-brake state

Alternator load input • Running with the speed in the range of 40 - 200km/h

Alternator load input is the signal fed back to ECM by the • Engine speed no more than 6000rpm
alternator according to the vehicle electricity situation. Engine • Transmission not in parking, neutral or reverse gear
load change will seriously affect the engine idle speed. In order (automatic transmission)

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Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

• Transmission gear in 3rd gear (manual transmission) released, then the current speed is used as the new cruise
• Traction control not in activated status target speed.
Activate cruise control system by pressing the steering wheel
SET+/SET-. When the cruise system is activated, cruise control After the cruise system is enabled, pressing the RES switch will
sets the cruise control target speed by pressing SET+/SET-. make the system recover the operation of the cruise control,
After receiving the input message from the SET+/SET- switch, and accelerate or decelerate to the stored set speed.
ECM stores the current speed as set speed, and operates the
When one (such as brake applied) of the conditions required to
electronic throttle to maintain the vehicle at the set speed.
enable the cruise system to operate does not exist any more,
Acceleration/Deceleration the cruise control pauses. If the vehicle speed drops below
When cruise control is activated, the cruise target speed is 70% of the set speed, such as driving uphill, the cruise control
adjusted by operating SET+/SET- on the steering wheel. will also pause.
Briefly pressing the SET+/SET- switch (less than 0.5 second) If the vehicle speed continuously exceeds the cruise set
may increase/decrease the set speed by 1km/h to a new set speed by 16km/h (for more than 30s), such as depressing the
speed. Pressing and holding the SET+/SET- switch can keep the accelerator pedal or driving downhill, the cruise control will
vehicle accelerating/decelerating, until the switch is released. pause.
On this point, the accelerated/decelerated speed will be used Cancellation
as new set speed.
The cruise control can be canceled by pressing the master
The vehicle still could be accelerated by normally stepping control switch or turning the ignition switch to position
down the accelerator pedal (such as overtaking) when the 0. When the cruise control is canceled, the set speed is
cruise control system is working. When the accelerator pedal eliminated from the cruise control, and the indicator in the
is released, the speed will resume to the cruise target speed. instrument pack goes out.
Or press the SET+ switch before the accelerator pedal is

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Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Service Procedures 12. Remove 2 bolts fixing the fuel pump to the engine, and
Fuel Pump remove the high-pressure fuel pump and roller tappet.
Caution: Before removing the high-pressure system,
allow the vehicle to cool.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine cover.
3. Place cloths with strong absorptivity around the fuel rail
high-pressure fuel pipe to collect the spilled fuel.
Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined
spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close

Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this

operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are Refit
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
1. Ensure that the high-pressure fuel pump drive cam is at
4. Slowly loosen the high-pressure fuel pipe nut at the
the bottom dead center.
high-pressure fuel rail end until the fuel flows out, and
2. Apply engine oil to the cam, fuel pump seat hole and
remove the nut when no fuel flows out.
tappet evenly.
5. Remove the cloth from the high-pressure fuel rail, and
3. Fix the fuel pump and roller tappet to the engine, fit 2
put it into a permissible container.
bolts, tighten to 21–29Nm, and check the torque.
Caution: Do not drip fuel onto the paint.
Caution: When tightening the fuel pump bolts, if
6. Remove the high-pressure fuel pipe nut of the there is any equipment, both bolts are to be
high-pressure fuel pump to remove and discard the tightened to the specified torque; if there is no
high-pressure fuel pipe. equipment, the bolts are to be repeatedly tightened
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent in turn, and it is not allowed to tighten 1 bolt
contamination. after another.

7. Disconnect the connector of high-pressure fuel pump. 4. Fit the fuel pump sponge noise enclosure.
8. Remove the clip fixing the harness to the high pressure 5. Fix the high-pressure fuel pump protecting bracket
fuel-pump bracket, and remove the harness. to the engine cylinder block, fit 3 bolts, tighten to
19–25Nm, and check the torque.
9. Disconnect the low-pressure fuel pipe from the
high-pressure fuel pump. 6. Connect the low pressure oil pipe.
10. Remove 3 bolts fixing the high-pressure fuel pump 7. Locate the harness to the high-pressure fuel pump
protecting bracket to the engine cylinder block, and bracket, fix it with clips, and connect the connector of
remove the high-pressure fuel pump protecting bracket. high-pressure fuel pump.
8. Fix a new high-pressure fuel pipe to the fuel pump and
fuel rail, fit 2 nuts, and tighten to 28–32Nm.
9. Fit the engine cover.
10. Connect the battery negative.

11. Remove the fuel pump sponge noise enclosure.

1.0 359

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Fuel Rail
Caution: Before removing the high-pressure system,
allow the vehicle to cool.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the engine hood.
3. Place cloths with strong absorptivity around the fuel rail
high-pressure fuel pipe to collect the spilled fuel.

Warning: Fuel vapour is highly flammable and in confined

spaces is also explosive and toxic. Always have a fire
extinguisher containing foam, CO2, gas or powder close
Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this 13. Remove 8 bolts fixing the fuel rail to the cylinder head,
operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are and remove the fuel rail.
taken to prevent fire and explosion.
4. Slowly loosen the high-pressure fuel pipe nut at the
high-pressure fuel rail end until the fuel flows out, and
remove the nut when no fuel flows out.
5. Remove the cloth from the high-pressure fuel rail, and
put it into a permissible container.

Caution: Do not drip fuel onto the paint.

6. Remove the connecting nut between the high-pressure
fuel pump and high-pressure fuel pipe, remove the
high-pressure fuel pipe, and discard the high-pressure
fuel pipe.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
1. Seat the fuel rail assembly to align 8 bolts of the fuel
7. Disconnect the fuel rail harness from the engine injector and fuel rail with their mounting holes. Press
harness. down to combine the injector interface on the fuel rail
8. Disconnect the connector of the fuel rail pressure with 4 injectors in place until the mounting surfaces of
sensor. bolts 8\4\2\6 fit the cylinder head.
9. Remove the fixing clip fixing the engine harness to the 2. Fit 8 bolts fixing the fuel rail to the fuel injectors,
fuel rail. tighten them to 4–6Nm, and check the torque.
10. Remove the ignition coil. 3. Tighten 8 bolts manually in the sequence of
Ignition Coil Remove 8-4-2-6/7-3-1-5. Tighten 8 bolts circularly in the
sequence of 1-8. Tighten the bolt to half of the
11. Disconnect the connector on the fuel injector.
final torque, then further tighten to the final torque
12. Remove 8 bolts fixing the fuel rail to the fuel injector. (9–11Nm) and check the torque.
4. Connect the connector on the fuel injector.
5. Fit the ignition coil.
Ignition Coil Refit
6. Connect the fuel rail harness and engine harness.
7. Fix a new high-pressure fuel pipe to the fuel rail
and high-pressure fuel pump, fit 2 nuts, tighten to
28–32Nm, and check the torque.
8. Connect the connector of the fuel rail pressure sensor.
9. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 360

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Fuel Injector Spark Plug
Remove Remove
1. Remove the fuel rail assembly. 1. Remove the ignition coil.

Fuel Rail Assembly Remove Ignition Coil Remove

2. Remove 4 fuel injectors with the TEN00121 and 2. Clean the area around the spark plug. Remove the dust
TEN00140, and discard 16 fuel injector seal rings. around the spark plug with high pressure gas.
3. Remove 4 spark plugs with the spark plug socket.
1. Clean the groove of the fuel injector and fuel rail. Refit
2. Fit the fuel injector seal rings to the steering tool of 1. Identify the model of the original spark plug before
the TEN00064, then fit the fuel injector seal rings to fitting a new one. Spark plug of the same model shall
the fuel injector with the TEN00064, and fit the fuel be selected for replacement.
injector seal rings in sequence. 2. Fit the spark plug, tighten to 20Nm, and check the
3. Fit the ignition coil.

Ignition Coil Refit


3. Fix the fuel injector into the fuel injector seat hole in
the cylinder head, and fit it in place.
4. Fit the fuel rail assembly.

Fuel Rail Assembly Refit

1.0 361

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Engine Control Module (ECM) 5. Programme and encode ECM.

Remove Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Encoding - ECM Replacement
2. Remove 4 bolts securing ECM bracket to firewall. 6. Perform the electronic throttle self-learning.

Electronic Throttle Self-learning

7. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
8. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
then re-start the vehicle.
3. Disconnect the connector from the ECM.
Caution: When disconnecting the ECM connector,
avoid shaking the connector all round; avoid
applying the force on one side; avoid damaging the
connector structure.
4. Remove 4 nuts securing ECM to the body firewall.

1. Secure ECM to the firewall, fit 4 nuts, tighten to
7–10Nm and check the torque.
2. Secure the wire harness and connect it to ECM
Caution: When connecting the ECM connector, make
sure to align the connector, and insert it with
even force applied on both ends. Attempt of tilting
assembly or assembly with great effort on one side
shall be not allowed. If the connector is damaged,
replace the engine harness
3. Secure ECM bracket to the firewall, fit 4 bolts, tighten
to 8–10Nm and check the torque.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 362

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Ignition Coil Crankshaft Position Sensor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect 4 ignition coil connectors. 2. Raise the vehicle on the lift.
3. Remove 4 bolts fixing the ignition coil to the cylinder 3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the crankshaft
head. position sensor.
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the crankshaft position sensor
to the cylinder block.

4. Hold the rubber bush end of the ignition coil, and pull
out the ignition coil from the spark plug (if it is hard to
pull it out, rotate the ignition coil right and left).
5. Remove the crankshaft position sensor.
1. Clean the mating surface of the crankshaft position
sensor and cylinder block.
2. Secure the crankshaft position sensor to the cylinder
block, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 8–12Nm.
3. Connect the crankshaft position sensor connector.
4. Lower the vehicle.
5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
7. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
Refit then re-start the vehicle.

1. Fit 4 ignition coils to the spark plug, fit 4 fixing bolts,

tighten to 8–12Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the ignition coil connector.
3. Fit the engine cover.
4. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 363

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the coolant expansion tank cap to release the 2. Disconnect the manifold absolute pressure sensor
pressure of the cooling system, and fit the cap. connector.
Warning: Since injury such as scalding could be caused by 3. Remove 1 screw fixing the manifold absolute pressure
escaping steam or coolant, do not remove the filler cap sensor to the manifold.
from the coolant expansion tank while the system is hot.
3. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the vacuum pump,
and remove the vacuum hose.
4. Loosen the clip of the coolant temperature sensor.
4. Remove the manifold absolute pressure sensor.
1. Fix the manifold absolute pressure sensor to the
manifold, fit 1 screw, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
5. Disconnect the coolant temperature sensor connector. 2. Connect the manifold absolute pressure sensor
6. Pull up and remove the coolant temperature sensor.
3. Connect the battery negative.
7. Prepare a proper container to collect the spilled
1. Clean the coolant temperature sensor.
2. Check the sensor seal ring for aging, deformation,
fracture, etc., if any, the sensor assembly is to be
3. Fit the coolant temperature sensor, and fix it with clips.
4. Connect the coolant temperature sensor connector.
5. Fit the vacuum hose to the vacuum pump.
6. Connect the battery negative.
7. Check the coolant level, refill if necessary.

1.0 364

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Camshaft Position Sensor Camshaft Phase Adjustment Solenoid Valve
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the connectors from the intake/exhaust 2. Remove the engine hood.
camshaft position sensor respectively. 3. Disconnect the connectors of 2 camshaft phase
3. Remove 2 bolts securing the intake/exhaust camshaft adjustment solenoid valves.
position sensor to the cylinder block respectively, then 4. Remove 2 bolts used for fixing 2 camshaft phase
remove 2 camshaft position sensors. adjustment solenoid valves to the engine.

Refit 5. Remove 2 camshaft phase adjustment solenoid valves.

1. Clean 2 camshaft position sensors and the mating Refit
1. Fix 2 camshaft phase adjustment solenoid valves to the
2. Check the sensor sealing washer for aging, deformation, engine, fit 2 bolts, and tighten them to 8–12Nm.
crack, etc. If any, replace the sensor assembly.
2. Connect the connectors of 2 camshaft phase adjustment
3. Secure the intake and exhaust position sensors to the solenoid valves.
camshaft cover, fit 2 bolts and tighten to 8–12Nm.
3. Fit the engine hood.
4. Connect 2 camshaft position sensor connectors.
4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to
perform "ECM Adaption Reset".
7. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
then re-start the vehicle.

1.0 365

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Oil Pressure Sensor Knock Sensor

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the starter motor. 2. Remove the starter motor.
Start Motor Remove Start Motor Remove
3. Disconnect the oil pressure sensor connector. 3. Disconnect the knock sensor connector.
4. Place the oil sink under the sensor to collect the spilled 4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the knock sensor to the cylinder
oil. block, and remove the knock sensor.
5. Remove the oil pressure sensor with the socket.

Refit 1. Clean the mating surface of the knock sensor and
1. Clean the threads of the oil pressure sensor. cylinder block.

2. Fit new sealant to the oil pressure sensor, fit the oil 2. Fix the knock sensor to the cylinder block, fit 1 bolt
pressure sensor to the engine, tighten the sensor to and tighten to 16–24Nm.
31–39Nm, and check the torque. 3. Connect the knock sensor connector.
3. Connect the connector of the oil pressure sensor. 4. Fit the starter motor.
4. Fit the starter motor. Starter Motor Refit
Starter Motor Refit 5. Connect the battery negative.
5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Check the engine oil level, and refill if necessary.

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Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Oxygen Sensor with the special tool 14-18Nm, tighten to 40–60Nm,
Remove and check the torque.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 6. Connect the front oxygen sensor connector.
2. Disconnect the front oxygen sensor connector (1). 7. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove the front oxygen sensor (2) from the three-way
catalyst with the special tool TEN00011.

4. Remove the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Remove
5. Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor connector (1).
6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the rear oxygen sensor connector
bracket to the gearbox (2).

7. Remove the rear oxygen sensor (3) from the front

exhaust pipe with the special tool TEN00011.
1. Fit the rear oxygen sensor to the front exhaust
pipe with the special tool TEN00011, tighten to
40–60Nm, and check the torque.
2. Fit 1 bolt fixing the rear oxygen sensor connector
bracket to the gearbox, and tighten to 14-18Nm.
3. Connect the rear oxygen sensor connector.
4. Fit the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Refit
5. Fit the front oxygen sensor to the three-way catalyst

1.0 367

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Canister Solenoid Turbocharger Electrically Controlled Bypass

Remove Valve
1. Disconnect the battery negative.

2. Disconnect the connector of carbon canister solenoid 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
valve (1). 2. Disconnect the connector of the turbocharger
3. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the canister solenoid electrically controlled bypass valve (1).
(2). 3. Disconnect 3 hoses connected with the turbocharger
4. Disconnect the fuel breathing hose from the canister electrically controlled bypass valve (2).
solenoid (3). 4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the control valve to the
5. Remove the canister solenoid from the canister turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger electrically
solenoid bracket of the engine cylinder block. controlled bypass valve (3).

Refit Refit
1. Fix the turbocharger electrically controlled bypass valve
1. Connect the fuel breather hose to the canister solenoid
valve. to the turbocharger, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 4–6Nm, and
check the torque.
2. Connect the vacuum hose to the canister solenoid
valve. 2. Connect 3 hoses to the turbocharger electrically
controlled bypass valve.
3. Connect the canister solenoid valve connector.
3. Connect the connector of the turbocharger electrically
4. Fix the canister solenoid valve to the canister solenoid
controlled bypass valve.
valve bracket of the engine cylinder block.
4. Connect the battery negative.

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Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Turbocharger Relief Valve the turbocharger.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Disconnect the turbocharger inlet pipe from the
turbocharger and remove the pipe.

7. Remove the turbocharger relief valve.

1. Fix the turbocharger relief valve to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to8–10Nm, and check the torque.
3. Disconnect the joint (1) of turbocharger to intercooler
2. Connect the connector of the turbocharger relief valve.
hose turbocharger from the turbocharger and remove
3. Connect a hose of the turbocharger electrically
the pipeline.
controlled bypass valve.
4. Remove the turbocharger to intercooler hose to the
5. Fit the turbocharger inlet pipe to the turbocharger, and
fix it with clamps.
6. Connect the battery negative cable.

4. Disconnect a hose of the turbocharger electrically

controlled relief valve and remove the pipeline.

5. Disconnect the connector of the turbocharger relief

6. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger relief valve to

1.0 369

Engine Engine Control System-1.5T

Intake Air Temperature and Pressure Sensor

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the expansion tank to the upper
radiator beam, remove the expansion tank.
3. Disconnect the connector of the intake air temperature
pressure sensor.
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the intake air temperature and
pressure sensor to the hose from intercooler to engine,
and remove the intake air temperature and pressure

1. Fix the air intake temperature and pressure sensor to
the hose from intercooler to engine, fit 1 bolt, and
tighten it to 3–4Nm.
2. Connect the connector of the intake air temperature
and pressure sensor.
3. Fix the expansion tank the battery bracket, fit 2 bolts,
tighten them o 4–6Nm, and check the torque.
4. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 370

Engine Control System-1.5T Engine

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Injector remove

Fuel injector

Injector seal
TEN00064 installer and
Wrench O2

1.0 371

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

Engine Electrical System-2.0T

Description Value
Bolt - Alternator to cylinder body 45–53Nm
Bolt -Harness bracket to Alternator 5–7Nm
Bolt - Starter motor 75–90Nm
Nut- Battery lead to starter motor 11–13Nm
Bolt - Auto tensioner 23–28Nm
Bolt - Battery Negative Lead to Left Front Carling 7–10Nm
Nut - Battery Top Fusebox to Engine Compartment Fusebox 5–7Nm
Nut - Battery Positive Cable to Battery Top Fusebox 5–7Nm
Nut - nut to battery clip 3–5Nm

1.0 372

Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

Description and Operation
System Layout

1. Starter 2. Alternator

1.0 373

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

System Control Diagram

Control Diagram (without PEPS)


A = Hard Wire; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Body HS CAN Bus; D = LIN Bus

1.0 374

Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

Control Diagram (with PEPS)


A = Hard Wire; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Body HS CAN Bus; D = LIN Bus

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Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

Description side of the alternator includes 6 semiconductor diodes, which

Overview are mounted on a heat sink for heat dispersion. 3 diodes are
located at the positive pole, the other 3 at the negative pole.
The starting system of the vehicle includes a 12V starter motor,
which can convert the electric energy into the mechanical The integrated circuit regulator is also located at the rear side
energy. of the alternator.
Starter Motor Battery
The starter motor is located at the left rear side of the engine, Battery Instruction
it is fixed to the threaded holes on the transmission housing
All vehicles have a 12V maintenance-free lead-acid battery
with 2 flange bolts. The mechanical energy of the pinion
equipped at the left side of the engine compartment, which is
drives the flywheel, the transmission ratio of them enlarges
refitted on the pressed steel bracket fixed on the transmission
the torque so as to provide sufficient torque.
suspension, fastened by the battery retaining strap, and
Each of the starter motors is of the pre-engaged type, which covered by the battery heat shield. The battery electrodes
includes a permanent magnet motor, an overdrive clutch and an are a chuck-connected pole type.
solenoid valve. Both starter motors adopts the conventional
Warning: Battery fluid (electrolyte) contains sulphuric
configuration of pinion and in-line plunger motor with solenoid
acid. It may cause severe burns if it gets on your skin or
installed on it. The single connector on the starter motor
in your eyes. Wear protective clothing and a face shield.
provides connection for the engine locking device. The starter
If electrolyte gets on your skin or clothes, immediately
motor is directly connected to the positive pole of the battery
rinse it off with water. If electrolyte gets in your eyes,
through the 25mm² cable connecting to the copper stud.
immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes
Alternator and seek medical help.
The alternator at the right front of the engine is secured on The battery in the electrical system has three main features.
the cylinder block by 3 bolts. The drive pulley is connected to
Firstly, the battery provides power for starting the engine.
the tail end of the rotor, which is driven by the drive belt of Secondly, the battery is used as the voltage adjuster of the
the crankshaft. The belt tension is maintained by the frictional electrical system. Lastly, the battery can provide energy in a
restriction tension pulley. The instrument pack is used in certain amount of time when the electrical demand exceeds
conjunction with a charging indicator lamp which will illuminate the engine output.
when high/low voltage failure and mechanical fault occurs in the
Compared with the conventional battery, the packaging
battery has following advantages:
The alternators includes a stator, a rotor, a rectifier and
• There is no need to add water during the entire life cycle
a regulator. By using the 12mm² cable, the alternator is
of the battery.
connected to the battery and ground through the fuse.
• It adopts the overcharge protective measures. If the
The stator includes a stator core, and a stator coil which has voltage applied to the battery is too high, it will not
brackets supporting at both ends. The stator is made of the receive the excess current as the conventional battery
thin and soft iron sheet, its slot fits with the stator coil, and is will. For the conventional battery, if the battery
fixed on the alternator housing. The stator has three sets of continues to be charged when the voltage is too high, air
coils which are made of enamelled copper wires of large sizes. leakage will occur, causing fluid loss.
These 3 coil windings are connected in a "triangle connection"
• Compared with the conventional battery, self discharge
scheme, thus the tail end of each winding is connected to the
does not tend to occur for this kind of battery. This is
other 2 windings. The output current is provided from the
especially important when the battery is not used for a
other end of each winding. The stator core allows the magnetic
long time.
flux from the rotor magnetic pole to flow through the stator
• For the cigar lighter and smaller electrical equipment, the
electric quantity supplied is more reliable.
The rotor consists of an exciting winding, which is wound on
The model with the Start/Stop function is equipped with H6
the iron core and installed on the shaft. When the current
maintenance-free lead-acid battery. It’s a type of Absorbed
flows through the exciting windings, both ends of the iron core
Glass Mat (AGM) battery. Compared with the traditional
at the north and south pole extend. The rotor is located in
flooded starting-type battery, it has stronger charging
the stator, which is fitted on the bearing so as to guarantee
acceptance capability, and better than the traditional starter
stable rotation and enable it to support the high load in the
battery in terms of deep cycle discharging capability, cycle life,
drive belt tension application. The rectifier located at the rear

1.0 376

Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

etc., which is more suitable for applying in the occasions that limited current at 2A. When it show that the current
the start-stop system needs to repeat the start for several value is lass than 2A, it means the battery is brimming.
times. • For AGM battery, we suggest repairer MUST use the
For different battery types equipped, on the top of some very charging equipment with voltage and current limited
batteries there is a battery condition indicator. Examine the function, when charging, control the voltage at the area
indicator periodically to check the battery’s condition. When of 14.1—14.8V, and the current value MUST less than
the indicator shows: 25% of the rating capacity. For example, if the rating
capacity value is 70Ah, then the limited current value is
• GREEN - the battery is in a good state of charge.
17.5A. When the charging current is less than 0.5A, or
• DARK (turning to black) - the battery needs charging. current is small and having no change evidence, it means
• CLEAR (or light yellow) - the battery must be replaced. the battery is brimming.
Battery Charging • During charging process, if the battery temperature is
higher than 40℃, MUST stop charging, and after he
When the engine is not running, by the reasons of electric
battery temperature falling to environment temperature,
equipments opening for long time, vehicle creepage and
the battery can be charged again.
longtime parking, or some malfunction in the alternator, the
battery might not be charged and will be flat, the vehicle even • DO NOT charge the battery under 0℃.
not can be started. On this condition, the battery need to be For the AGM battery whose voltage value is under 11.0V, at
charged. the first of charging it may appear the phenomena that the
Caution: When charging or Emergency Starting, the battery is cannot be charged. Because badly discharging, the
inverse proportion of vitriol in battery is too small, the liquid is
negative cable should be connected to the body earth
well, while not the negative pole. close to pure water, battery’s inner resistance value is too high.
With the charging going on, the inverse proportion of vitriol in
Battery Appearance checking Before Charging: battery will rise up, the charging process could become breath
• If the shell is broken or there is a leak, DO NOT charge again.
the battery and replace it after finding the reason. Battery Measure
• If the pole is broken, DO NOT charge the battery and
Battery can be measured by familiar equipment on the after
replace it after finding the reason.
sales market, such as Midtronics series instruments. For AGM
• The bulge battery for over discharging or over charging, battery measure, repairer MUST use the equipment with
CAN NOT be charged. The battery should be replaced. AGM measure function. If the equipment is not type-suited,
• Before charging, clean the poles, rub off rust. And smear
the measured data can not be used to judge the battery’s
some butter to avoid electricity corroding. status.
Charging Announcements: Battery Replacement
• PLEASE pull on the security glass. Caution: When removing the battery, ensure that the
• Keep ventilation and normal temperature when charging. alarm is disarmed and that the ignition is switched off.
Always disconnect the negative terminal first and then
• DO NOT smoke when charging, and avoid kindling in.
the positive terminal. When refitting the battery, always
• After charging, connect the positive cable at first. Before
fit the positive terminal first followed by the negative
charging, disconnect the negative cable at first.
Battery Charging Operation:
Refer to the chapter “Battery-remove/refit” when replacing
• Connect two positive poles between charger and battery, the battery.
and connect two negative poles between charger and
When charging using outer equipments or Emergency Starting,
battery as well. If the battery is not removed from the
the negative cable should be connected to the body earth well,
vehicle, PLEASE connect the negative cable form charger
while not the negative pole.
negative pole to the body earth well.
Current Sensor *
• Ensure the poles are clean, and the charging circuit loop
is all right. The vehicle with stop/start function is equipped with the
battery current sensor which is widely used for measuring of
• For the type of exhausting battery, we suggest charge
DC, AC and pulse current. The sensor is used the open-loop
isobarically with the limited voltage at 16.0±0.1V and the
hall effect technique, that the battery current can be measured

1.0 377

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

with the sensor being coverd around the battery negative End view and PIN information of current sensor
cable, which could simplify the procedures of installation and harness connector BY033

The output of sensor is the pulse width modulation (PWM)

output signal proportional to the primary current. The current
sensor is powered by the single 5V voltage.

The output signal of the HAB 60–S current sensor used on the
vehicle is the standard PWM signal of 125Hz, and the linearity
is 0.2%. The PWM signal can suppress the strong interference
effectively inside the vehicle.

This series of current sensors are used the ultrasonic seal

welding technique, which is waterproof and dustproof that
ensure the safe use in the engine compartment.
PIN No. Description
A Current Sensor 5V Power
B Ground
C Current Sensor PWM

1.0 378

Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

Operation And flash the warning light and supply initial current to the
Starter Motor alternator by grounding of the alternator.

When the ignition key is in "ON" position, the engine locking When starting the engine, the rotor is rotating in the stator,
device in the instrument pack will compare the code stored generating the 3-phase alternating current (AC).The generated
in the ignition key with the code stored in the locking device. alternating current is not suitable for the vehicle electrical
If these codes match, the signal will be sent to the starter system use, which must be rectified by the semiconductor
motor relay in the engine compartment fuse box through diodes of the rectifier. The diodes only allow the single
BCM and ECM. The starter motor relay supplies power to direction current, to guarantee the output current is rectified.
the starter motor solenoid. The solenoid winding is powered The diodes in the rectifier also prevents the current from
on, allowing the pinion engage with the flywheel tooth ring. flowing from the battery to AC alternator when the output
Through the engaging lever, drive the pinion to engage with the voltage of AC alternator is lower than the battery voltage.
flywheel tooth ring. If the gear wheel is engaged incompletely,
The regulator has a power transistor, which is grounded
the flexible connection will enable the solenoid to close the
at the ground side of the magnetic field, acting as a quick
contact of the motor and battery power supply connection.
switch of the magnetic field switch. Thus, it regulates the
Thus, the high current may flow to the motor enabling the
voltage output according to the internal induced voltage, to
gear engagement. The pinion rotates through the one-way
protect against the overcharge and the damage to the vehicle
clutch, turning the flywheel/starter tooth ring on the drive
electrical components caused by it. The output is restricted
to approximately 14.2V, and it is protected by the over-voltage
Once the engine is started, the speed of the pinion will exceed protection diodes. This voltage value allows the AC alternator
the speed of the starter motor. If the ignition key is kept change the output voltage according to the charging condition
in the ignition position, the one-way clutch will decrease its of the battery, and charge the battery when the battery is low,
protection to the motor. When the ignition key is released, for example, operating the starter motor, and decreasing the
the power to the solenoid will be cut off, the switch contact charging rate to zero when the battery is fully charged, so as
is open, the spring force will withdraw the pinion from the to avoid the overcharge.
flywheel tooth ring.
The alternator communicates with the DC converter fitted
When starting the engine, to allow the starter motor get the with the power management(PMDC) via the LIN line. When
maximum current, some electric load will be cut off when the the output voltage of the alternator is lower than the battery
ignition key is moved to the ignition position. The power voltage, the charging indicator illuminates. When the speed
supply to the headlights, heated rear window ( HRW ) , of the rotor rises, the output voltage increases rapidly to
heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), blower increase the potential difference at the diode output side.
fan will be switched off. when the engine start is complete, With the increase of the voltage, when the output voltage of
these loads are to be reactivated respectively so as to the the alternator is same with the battery voltage, the charging
restrict the battery discharge. warning lamp will turn off. Then the alternator generates
sufficient self-excited current via the diode in the magnetic
After the following delays, the electric loads will be switched
field and begin to charge the battery.
on again:
• HVAC after the blower is stopped for 1 second
The alternator may have malfunctions or provide wrong signals
• HRW after it is stopped for 1.5 seconds
due to the following conditions:
If the starting time exceeds 15 seconds, the power supply
• Internal regulator malfunction
of the starter motor will be cut off, all electric load will be
powered on again immediately. • Integrated diode component malfunction

Alternator • Stator winding open circuit

• Stator winding ground short circuit
Alternator uses the self-excited system, where many diodes
supply part of the current generated by the alternator for the • Exciting winding short circuit
rotors. Alternator can not supply the initial current required • Exciting winding open circuit
for start-up of the charging procedure. Initial current is • Mechanical malfunction
supplied by the battery power supply through ignition switch
• External harness short circuit
to activate the exciting winding to start up the charging
• External harness has a break circuit.
procedure. When the ignition switch is turned on, supply
the battery voltage similarly by the charging warning light.

1.0 379

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

Service Procedures
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the auxiliary drive belt.

Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove

3. Remove the turbocharger intake hose.

Turbocharger Intake Hose Remove

4. Remove the turbocharger control solenoid valve.
Turbocharger Control Solenoid Valve Remove
5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the E-PAS idler assembly support
9. Remove the alternator.
to cylinder head, and remove the support and E-PAS
idler assembly.
1. Clean the mating surface of the alternator and cylinder
2. Locate the alternator to the cylinder block, fit 3 bolts
and tighten to 45–53Nm.
3. Locate the harness bracket, fit the bolts and tighten
to 5–7Nm.
4. Fit the connector of the alternator and engine harness.
5. Fix the E-PAS idler assembly support to the cylinder
head, fit 3 bolts, tighten to and check the torque.
6. Fit the turbocharger control solenoid valve.
Turbocharger Control Solenoid Valve Refit
7. Fit the turbocharger intake hose.
6. Remove the harness bracket bolt from the engine and
take away the harness. Turbocharger Intake Hose Refit
8. Fit the auxiliary drive belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
9. Connect the battery negative.

7. Loosen and remove the connector from the alternator.

8. Remove 3 bolts securing the alternator and cylinder

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Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

Auxiliary Drive Belt
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Raise the vehicle to a suitable height for operation.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
3. Remove the liner of the right front wheel house.

Front Wheel House Liner Remove

4. Insert the TEN00119 into the 4 square holes
of the tensioner, and turn the torque wrench
counterclockwise to disconnect the tensioner from 2. Fit the TEN00119 into the four holes of the tensioner,
the belt. turn it counterclockwise to release the tensioner,
Caution: The torque shall be less than 82Nm. and remove the locking pin. Ensure the belt of the
multi-wedge pulley on the position shown is stuck into
the groove, only put the belt of the wheel in the middle
of the pulley and mark "Qualified" with the marker.
Ensure the belt fitted is basically in the middle of the
tension pulley and a minimum margin of 2mm shall be
left on both sides of the tension pulley.
3. Take out the tool.
4. Fit the right from wheel house liner.

Right Front Wheel House Liner Refit

5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Connect the battery negative cable.

5. Keep the tension pulley at the position, and use an

appropriate pin to fit it into the hole on the rear panel
of the tension pulley.

6. Take out the belt.

1. In the sequence shown, fit the auxiliary drive belt into
each pulley groove, tension pulley and idler.

1.0 381

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

Starter Motor Automatic Tensioning Wheel - Auxiliary Drive

Remove Belt
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

2. Raise the vehicle to a suitable height for operation. 1. Remove auxiliary drive belt.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety 2. Remove 2 bolts of the automatic tensioning wheel.
3. Disconnect the connector (1) from the starter motor.
3. Remove the automatic tensioning wheel of the auxiliary
drive belt.
4. Remove the nut, and disconnect the battery wire (2) Refit
from the starter motor. 1. Locate the automatic tensioning wheel to the cylinder
5. Unscrew 2 bolts fixing the starter motor and remove block, fit 2 bolts and tighten to 23–28Nm.
the starter motor. 2. Fit the auxiliary drive belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit

1. Clean the mating face of the starter motor and
transmission. Clean the pin and pin hole.
2. Locate the starter motor to the transmission housing,
fit and tighten 2 bolts to 75–90Nm.
3. Connect the battery wire to the starter motor, and
tighten nuts to 11–13Nm.
4. Fit the harness connector.
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 382

Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

Battery Negative Cable Battery Positive Cable
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Release the bolt fixing negative cable to the left front 2. Disconnect the battery positive cable. Release the
longitudinal beam. nut on the two ends of the positive transition cable
to remove the cable, and disconnect the nut fixing the
positive transition cable to the battery fuse box.
3. Take off the battery negative cable.
3. Raise the vehicle to a proper height with a lift.
1. Arrange the battery negative cable in the engine
compartment and ensure correct route. 4. Remove the nut fixing the battery cable to the starter
motor and release the clip on the transmission.
2. Fit the bolt fixing the negative cable to the left front
longitudinal beam and tighten to 7–10Nm.
3. Connect the negative cable to the battery negative

5. Lower the vehicle.

6. Release the clips and clamps.
7. Take off the battery positive cable.
1. Arrange the battery positive cable in the engine
compartment and ensure correct route.
2. Fit the nut fixing the positive transition cable to fuse
box, and tighten it to 5–7Nm.
3. Fit the nut fixing the positive cable to the battery fuse
box, and tighten it to 5–7Nm.
4. Close the cover of the fuse box.
5. Secure cable clips and clamps.
6. Raise the vehicle to a proper height with a lift.
7. Fit the nut fixing the positive cable to the starter motor,

1.0 383

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

and tighten it to 11–13Nm. Battery

8. Lower the vehicle. Remove
9. Reconnect the battery cable terminal at first, then 1. Disconnect the battery cables, negative cable at first.
connect the battery negative cable. 2. Remove the battery top fuse box.
Battery Top Fuse Box - Remove
3. Release the nuts of the battery lock block and remove
4. Remove the battery cover.
5. Take off the battery from the battery tray.
1. Fit the battery to the battery tray properly.
2. Fit the battery cover.
3. Use mineral grease to clean the battery poles.
4. Fit the lock block. Firstly, pre—screw the nuts of the
lock block to let the bolts come out the nuts about
11mm. Then tighten the nuts to 3–5Nm severally and
check the torques.

Warning: Keep the lock block at the horizontal when

5. Fit the battery top fuse box.

Battery Top Fuse Box Refit

6. Connect the battery cable, positive cable at first, then
connect the negative one.

1.0 384

Engine Electrical System-2.0T Engine

Battery Sensor
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Battery Negative Cable - Remove

2. Remove the strap of the battery sensor and disconnect
the body harness connector.

3. Remove the battery sensor from the negative cable.

1. Fit the battery sensor into the negative cable properly,
secure with tapes first, and then secure with straps.
2. Connect the connector of the body harness.
3. Connect the battery negative cable.
Battery Negative Cable - Refit

1.0 385

Engine Engine Electrical System-2.0T

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Accessory belt
remove tool

1.0 386

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Engine Electrical System-1.5T
Description Value
Bolt-Alternator to fix bracket 19–25Nm
Nut-power line to Alternator 11–15Nm
Bolt - Starter motor 40–50Nm
Nut- Starter motor 40–50Nm
Nut-power line to Starter 11–15Nm
Bolt-tensioner to engine 49–67Nm
Bolt - Battery Negative Lead to Left Front Carling 7–10Nm
Nut - Battery Top Fusebox to Engine Compartment Fusebox 5–7Nm
Nut - Battery Positive Cable to Battery Top Fusebox 5–7Nm
Nut- Battery lead to starter motor 11–13Nm
Nut - nut to battery clip 3–5Nm

1.0 387

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

Description and Operation

System Layout


1. Generator 2. Starter

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Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Description receive the excess current as the conventional battery
Overview will. For the conventional battery, if the battery
continues to be charged when the voltage is too high, air
The starting system of the vehicle includes a 12V starter motor.
leakage will occur, causing fluid loss.
This starter motor drives the engine to start combustion
process and convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. • Compared with the conventional battery, self discharge
The electric power system of the vehicle must be able to does not tend to occur for this kind of battery. This is
provide sufficient energy to ensure the starter motor can especially important when the battery is not used for a
rotate the crankshaft. long time.
• For the cigar lighter and smaller electrical equipment, the
The charging system consists of battery, generator and related
electric quantity supplied is more reliable.
electrical elements.
For different battery types equipped, on the top of some
The battery provides the energy for engine crankshaft rotation
batteries there is a battery condition indicator. Examine the
and initial ignition. When the electrical demand exceeds the
indicator periodically to check the battery’s condition. When
generator output, the battery can provide energy for a certain
the indicator shows:
period of time. When generator voltage fluctuates, the battery
has the function of voltage stabilization. • GREEN - the battery is in a good state of charge.
• DARK (turning to black) - the battery needs charging.
The alternator obtains mechanical energy from the crankshaft
during engine running and transforms it into electric energy • CLEAR (or light yellow) - the battery must be replaced.
for operation of electrical elements of the vehicle and battery Battery Charging
charging. A charging indicator is installed on the instrument
When the engine is not running, by the reasons of electric
pack. It will be illuminated without output voltage from the
equipments opening for long time, vehicle creepage and
alternator or with voltage lower than the battery voltage.
longtime parking, or some malfunction in the alternator, the
battery might not be charged and will be flat, the vehicle even
Battery Instruction not can be started. On this condition, the battery need to be
All vehicles have a 12V maintenance-free lead-acid battery
equipped at the left side of the engine compartment, which is Caution: When charging or Emergency Starting, the
refitted on the pressed steel bracket fixed on the transmission negative cable should be connected to the body earth
suspension, fastened by the battery retaining strap, and well, while not the negative pole.
covered by the battery heat shield. The battery electrodes
Battery Appearance checking Before Charging:
are a chuck-connected pole type.
• If the shell is broken or there is a leak, DO NOT charge
Warning: Battery fluid (electrolyte) contains sulphuric
the battery and replace it after finding the reason.
acid. It may cause severe burns if it gets on your skin or
in your eyes. Wear protective clothing and a face shield. • If the pole is broken, DO NOT charge the battery and
replace it after finding the reason.
If electrolyte gets on your skin or clothes, immediately
rinse it off with water. If electrolyte gets in your eyes, • The bulge battery for over discharging or over charging,
immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes CAN NOT be charged. The battery should be replaced.
and seek medical help. • Before charging, clean the poles, rub off rust. And smear
The battery in the electrical system has three main features. some butter to avoid electricity corroding.
Firstly, the battery provides power for starting the engine. Charging Announcements:
Secondly, the battery is used as the voltage adjuster of the
• PLEASE pull on the security glass.
electrical system. Lastly, the battery can provide energy in a
certain amount of time when the electrical demand exceeds • Keep ventilation and normal temperature when charging.
the engine output. • DO NOT smoke when charging, and avoid kindling in.

Compared with the conventional battery, the packaging • After charging, connect the positive cable at first. Before
battery has following advantages: charging, disconnect the negative cable at first.

• There is no need to add water during the entire life cycle Battery Charging Operation:
of the battery.
• Connect two positive poles between charger and battery,
• It adopts the overcharge protective measures. If the and connect two negative poles between charger and
voltage applied to the battery is too high, it will not battery as well. If the battery is not removed from the

1.0 389

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

vehicle, PLEASE connect the negative cable form charger With the charging going on, the inverse proportion of vitriol in
negative pole to the body earth well. battery will rise up, the charging process could become breath
• Ensure the poles are clean, and the charging circuit loop again.
is all right. Battery Measure
• For the type of flooded battery, we suggest charge
Battery can be measured by familiar equipment on the after
isobarically with the limited voltage at 16.0±0.1V and the
sales market, such as Midtronics series instruments. If the
limited current at 2A. When it show that the current
equipment is not type-suited, the measured data can not be
value is lass than 2A, it means the battery is brimming.
used to judge the battery’s status.
• During charging process, if the battery temperature is
Battery Replacement
higher than 40℃, MUST stop charging, and after he
battery temperature falling to environment temperature, Caution: When removing the battery, ensure that the
the battery can be charged again. alarm is disarmed and that the ignition is switched off.
• DO NOT charge the battery under 0℃. Always disconnect the negative terminal first and then
the positive terminal. When refitting the battery, always
For the AGM battery whose voltage value is under 11.0V, at
fit the positive terminal first followed by the negative
the first of charging it may appear the phenomena that the terminal.
battery is cannot be charged. Because badly discharging, the
Refer to the chapter “Battery-remove/refit” when replacing
inverse proportion of vitriol in battery is too small, the liquid is
close to pure water, battery’s inner resistance value is too high. the battery.

1.0 390

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Service Procedures Starter Motor
Alternator Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
2. Remove the auxiliary drive belt. Bottom Deflector Remove
Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove 3. Disconnect the harness connector of the starter
3. Disconnect the alternator harness connector. solenoid.
4. Remove 1 nut fixing the power cord to the alternator, 4. Remove 1 nut fixing the battery wire to the starter, and
and remove the power cord. disconnect the battery wire.
5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the alternator to the alternator 5. Remove 1 bolt and 1 nut fixing the starter to the
mounting bracket. cylinder block.

6. Remove the alternator. 6. Remove the starter.

Refit Refit
1. Fix the generator to the mounting bracket, fit 3 bolts, 1. Fix the starter to the engine cylinder block, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque. tighten to 40–50Nm, check the torque, fit 1 nut and
2. Connect the power cord to the generator, fit 1 nut, then tighten it to 40–50Nm.
tighten to 11–15Nm, and check the torque. 2. Connect the battery wire to the starter, fit 1 nut,
3. Connect the harness connector from the alternator to tighten to 11–15Nm, and check the torque.
the engine. 3. Connect the motor connector.
4. Fit the auxiliary drive belt. 4. Fit the bottom deflector.

Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit Bottom Deflector Refit

5. Connect the battery negative. 5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 391

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

Auxiliary Drive Belt Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Remove the auxiliary drive belt.
2. Remove the bottom deflector. Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
Bottom Deflector Remove 2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the auxiliary belt tensioner to the
3. Insert the installer into the square hole in the tensioner, engine hood.
pull the torque wrench counterclockwise to disengage
the tensioner from the belt.
3. Remove the auxiliary belt tensioner.
4. Take out the belt.
1. Fix the auxiliary belt tensioner to the front engine
5. Allow the tensioner return slowly, and take out the hood, fit 1 bolt, and tighten to 49–67Nm.
2. Fit the auxiliary belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
1. Insert the installer into the square hole in the tensioner,
Engine Accessory Belt Abnormal Noise
and counterclockwise pull the torque wrench. Diagnosis
2. Fit the auxiliary drive belt into each pulley groove and Diagnostic Aids
onto the tension pulley.
• Due to moisture on the drive belt or pulley, chirp or
3. Release the tensioner slowly, make sure the pulley shall squeal noise may be made intermittently. It may be
be basically located in the centre of each pulley after necessary to spray a small amount of water on the drive
refit, and a 2mm margin shall be kept on both sides of belt to reproduce the failure mentioned by the customer.
the tension pulley. If this symptom is reproduced on the drive belt after
4. Fit the bottom deflector. water spraying, this problem can be solved by cleaning
Bottom Deflector Refit the belt.

5. Connect the battery negative. • If the noise is intermittent, it may be verified by changing
the load of accessory transmission components to
ensure its maximum efficacy. It is recommended to check
the following components: Overloaded air conditioning
system, power steering system with clamping hose or
improper oil, or malfunctioning alternator.
• Looseness or improper fit of body or suspension
components may cause chirp, squeal, or whine. Other
components of vehicle can also cause noise.
• The drive belt won't whine.
Test Description
The following numbers represents the step numbers in the
diagnostic table.

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Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

2.The noise may have nothing to do with the engine. This step
intends to verify whether the engine makes a noise. If the
engine did not make a noise, this table is not further executed.

3.The noise may be the internal engine noise. Remove one

drive belt at a time, then operate the engine in a short time
to verify if the noise is associated with the drive belt. When
removing the drive belt, the water pump may not be capable of
operating normally and the engine may be overheated. After
the drive belt is removed, DTC may be set during engine

4. Check whether there are pillings on all drive pulleys. Pillings

refer to the small balls, pellets or line strings formed in the
drive belt slot by accumulation of rubber foam.

6.Pulley misalignment may be caused by improper fixing of

accessory drive components, improper fit of accessory drive
component pulley, or inward or outward bending of pulley
after repair. Test the misaligned pulley with a straight ruler in a
pulley groove passing through two or three pulleys. In case of
pulley misalignment, refer to "Accessory Drive Components"
for correct fit procedures of the corresponding pulley.

10. Check the fastener to eliminate the possibility of fit of

incorrect bolts, nuts, gaskets or washers.
12.Check of the pulley for bending shall include: check the
pulley for dent or other damages, so that when used to drive
the pulley on its back, the drive belt cannot be correctly located
in all the pulley grooves or on the smooth surface of pulley.

14.This test intends verify whether the drive belt tensioner

is normally running. If the drive belt tensioner cannot run
normally, the correct belt tension for preventing drive belt
slippage is beyond the reach, leading to squeal.

15.This test intends to verify that the drive belt length is

moderate to ensure the normal operation of the drive
belt tensioner. In addition, if the fitted drive belt length is
incorrect, there is no correct wiring, and the accessory drive
components will be rotated in the wrong direction.

16.Pulley misalignment may be caused by improper fixing of

accessory drive components, improper fit of accessory drive
component pulley, or inward or outward bending of pulley
after repair. Test the misaligned pulley with a straight ruler in a
pulley groove passing through two or three pulleys. In case of
pulley misalignment, refer to "Accessory Drive Components"
for correct fit procedures of the corresponding pulley.

17.This test intends to verify whether the diameter or width

of the pulley is correct. Compare the sizes of the pulleys by
using a known good vehicle.

19.If the drive belt is not damaged or slightly pills, perform

temporary repairs simply by replacing the drive belt.

Drive Belt Chirp, Squeal and Whine Diagnosis

1.0 393

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

Step Operation Yes No

Definition: The following shows that the drive belt chirps:
• The drive belt or pulley makes a sharp noise for each revolution.
• Chirp may occur in a cold, wet start, and will disappear once the vehicle reaches the normal operating temperature.

Definition: The following shows that the drive belt squeals:

• A loud, harsh noise is produced due to drive belt slippage. This is very rare in a drive belt containing multiple ribs.
• When the drive belt receives heavy load, for example, the air conditioning compressor engages and closes the throttle,
or sliding on a stuck pulley or malfunctioning accessory drive component, noise is generated.

Definition: The following shows that the drive belt whines:

• High-frequency continuous noise.
• The noise may be caused by malfunctioning of the accessory drive component bearing.
Did you review the Drive Belt Symptom operation and Symptoms -
1 Go to Step 2
perform the necessary inspections? Engine Mechanical
Confirm that there is a chirp, squeal or whine noise.
2 Go to step 3 Go to "Diagnostic Aids"
Does engine generate chirp, squeal or whine?
1. Remove the drive belt.
If the engine has more than one drive belt, one drive
belt is removed at one time and the following tests
shall be implemented when a drive belt is removed
3 at each time. Symptoms - Go to Step 4
Engine Mechanical
2. Make the engine operate for no more than 30-40s.
3. Remove the rest of belts to repeat this test when

Does chirp, squeal or whine still exist?

If chirp is diagnosed, check for serious pilling exceeding 1/3
belt groove depth.
4 Go to Step 5 Go to Step 6
If there is scream or whine, go to Step 13.

Is there any pilling on the belt slot?

Use an appropriate wire brush to clean the drive pulley.
5 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 6
Is the repair completed?
Check whether the pulley is misaligned.
6 Go to Step 7 Go to Step 8
Is the pulley misaligned?
Replace or repair the pulley misaligned.
7 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 8
Is the repair completed?
Check if the bracket is bent or cracked.
8 Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
Is the bracket bent or cracked?
Replace the bracket bent or cracked.
9 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 10
Is the repair completed?
Check for improper, loose or missing fasteners.
10 Go to Step 11 Go to Step 12
Is there any failure found?

1.0 394

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Step Operation Yes No
1. Tighten the loose fastener.
11 2. Replace incorrect or missing fasteners. Go to Step 20 Go to Step 12
Is the repair completed?
Check whether the pulley is bent.
12 Go to Step 18 Go to Step 19
Is there any failure found?
Check whether the accessory drive component bearing is
stuck or the accessory drive component is faulty.
13 If there is whine and the failure still exists, go to "Diagnostic Go to Step 20 Go to Step 14

Did you find and correct the failure?

Test if the drive belt tensioner is working properly.
14 Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis Go to Step 20 Go to Step 15

Did you find and correct the failure?

Check whether the drive belt length is correct.
15 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 16
Did you find and correct the failure?
Check whether the pulley is misaligned.
16 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 17
Did you find and correct the failure?
Check whether the pulley size is correct.
17 Go to Step 20 Go to "Diagnostic Aids"
Did you find and correct the failure?
Replace the bent pulley.
18 Go to Step 20 Go to Step 19
Is the repair completed?
Replace the drive belt.
19 Drive Belt Replacement Go to Step 20 Go to "Diagnostic Aids"

Is the repair completed?

Operate the system to verify the repair.
20 System OK Go to Step 3
Did you correct the condition?

1.0 395

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

Engine Accessory Belt Vibration Diagnosis in related instructions,boom and internal engine noise may be
Diagnostic Aid confused.If the vehicle has more than one drive belts,remove
only one drive belt at a time.With the drive belt removed,
• Accessory transmission components may affect engine
the water pump might not operate, and the engine may be
vibration.The vibration in engine operation may cause
overheated.When the engine runs after the drive belt is
body components or other parts of vehicle to boom.The
removed,DTC may be set.
vibration may be caused by, but not limited to:air
conditioning system overfilled,generator overloaded.To 4.Check the drive belt to confirm that the noise is not caused
change the load of accessory transmission components by the drive belt.Small cracks between edges of the drive belt
will be help to identify intermittent failure or abnormal will not cause this noise.Belt delamination fault is identified
conditions. through separated belt layers which can be seen on the edge
• Drive belt may have a boom failure that cannot be heard of belt,and the belt is touched rough and uneven.
or felt.Sometimes replacement of the drive belt may be 5.A small amount of pilling is abnormal and acceptable.For
the only repair method for this symptom. serious pilling,the drive belt will lose the smooth surface for
• If you have replaced the drive belt and completed the normal operation.
diagnosis table and this noise appears only after drive
9.Fastener check can eliminate the possibility of fit error in
belt is fitted,a failure may be found in a certain accessory
bolt,nut,space ring or washer.
transmission component.To change the loads of different
accessory transmission components may help to find out 11.This step is executed only when the water pump is driven by
which component has caused the boom. the drive belt.Check the water pump shaft for bending.Check
Test Description the water pump bearing for smooth operation and too large
clearance.Compare the water pump with a known water pump
The following serial numbers correspond to the step numbers in good condition.
listed in the diagnostic table.
12.Bent,cracked or loose bracket of accessory transmission
2.The purpose of this test is to confirm that symptoms has component may apply additional tension force to the accessory
occurred in the diagnosis process.Other vehicle components component,which leads to its vibration.
may also cause similar symptoms.
3.The purpose of this test is to check and confirm a certain
drive belt has caused boom or vibration.Due to the similarity
Step Operation Yes No
Caution: Refer " Note about belt oil".

Definition:the following conditions are symptoms of drive belt boom:

• Low frequency beat,knock or bang is heard at the idler or right above it.
• You can hear the noise mentioned above for every turn of drive belt or pulley rotation.
• Boom may be due to:

– Pilling,rubber dust deposition form balls or small strips in the drive pulley groove

– Drive belt delamination

– Drive belt damage

Definition:the following conditions are symptoms of drive belt vibration:

• Vibration related to engine speed.
• Vibration may be responsive to the load of accessories.
Whether the operations in "Drive Belt Symptoms" have Symptoms -
1 been consulted and whether necessary check has been Go to Step 2 Engine Mechanical
implemented? System
Check and confirm that the boom or vibration is associated
2 with the engine. Go to step 3 Go to "Diagnostic Aid"
Does the engine generate boom or vibration?

1.0 396

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Step Operation Yes No
1. Remove the drive belt.

If the engine has more than one drive belts,remove

one drive belt at one time and carry out the following
tests when removing a drive belt each time. Symptoms -
3 Engine Mechanical Go to step 4
2. Make the engine operate for no more than 30-40s. System
3. Remove the rest of belts to repeat this test when

Does the boom or vibration still exist?

Check the drive belt for any worn, damaged, delaminated
4 part or partially missing belt rib and debris. Go to step 7 Go to step 5
Is any of the above failures detected?
Check for serious pilling exceeding 1/3 depth of drive pulley
5 groove. Go to Step 6 Go to Step 7
Is serious pilling detected?
1. Use an appropriate wire brush to clean the drive
6 2. Refit the drive belt. Go to step 8 Go to step 7
Drive Belt Replacement
Is the failure removed?
Fit a new drive belt.
7 Drive Belt Replacement Go to step 8 Go to step 9
Is the replacement completed?
Run the system and verify the repair effects.
8 System OK Go to step 9
Is the failure removed?
Check if the fastener is incorrect, loose or missing.
9 Go to step 10 Go to step 11
Is any of the above failures detected?
1. Tighten the loose fastener.
Caution: Refer "Instruction about fastener".
10 Go to step 13 Go to step 11
2. Replace incorrect or missing fasteners.

Is the repair completed?

Check whether the water pump shaft is bent.
11 Go to step 13 Go to step 12
Did you find and remove the failure?
Check if the bracket is bent or cracked.
12 Go to step 13 Go to "Diagnostic Aid"
Did you find and remove the failure?
Run the system and inspect the repair effects.
13 System OK Go to Step 3
Is the failure removed?

1.0 397

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

Accessory Belt Failure Diagnosis be misaligned.Place a ruler in the pulley groove and place it
Diagnosis Aid over two or three pulleys, then check if there is any pulley
misaligned.In case of pulley misalignment, refer to "Accessory
• If the drive belt falls off from the drive pulley repeatedly,
Drive Components" for correct fit procedures of the pulley.
the pulley is misaligned.
• The drive belt may fall off from the pulley if you quickly 5.When driving the pulleys with the belt back,check the
apply and release additional load through the accessory pulleys for bending,which shall include check the pulleys for
drive components.Confirm that the accessory drive indentation and other damages that may obstruct the drive
component operates normally. belt to be properly seated in all pulley grooves or smooth
pulley surface.
• If the drive belt is incorrect in length,the drive belt
tensioner will not be able to keep the drive belt in an 6.Accessory transmission component bracket bending or
appropriate tension. cracking will cause the drive belt to fall off.
• Excessive wear in drive belt is usually caused by improper 7.Fastener check can eliminate the possibility of fit error in
fit or use of the wrong belt. bolt, nut, space ring or washer.Missing,loose or incorrect
• Slight position shift of the drive pulley will not result in fasteners may make the loaded pulley shift from the
excessive wear, but may cause the drive belt to make a bracket.Excessive fastening of fasteners may cause accessory
noise or fall off. component bracket to shift from original position.
• Serious misalignment of the drive pulley may result in 13.The purpose of this check is to check and confirm that the
excessive wear and fall of the drive belt. drive belts are fitted correctly to all drive pulleys.Drive belt
Test Description wear may be caused by drive belt misalignment due to one
pulley groove.
The following serial numbers correspond to the step numbers
listed in the diagnostic table. 14. If the fitted drive belt is too wide or too narrow,the drive
belt may be worn.The drive belt ribs shall match with all the
2.The purpose of this check is to inspect the condition of the
pulley slots.
drive belt.Drive belt falling off may damage the drive belt.The
drive belt may be damaged,leading to drive belt falling off.Check 15.The purpose of this check is to confirm that the drive
the belt for notch, tear, partial missing of belt edge or belt layer belt is not in contact with the engine parts or body parts
damage. during engine operation.When the load of drive belt accessory
transmission component changes, there shall be enough
4.If the accessory drive component and accessory drive
clearance.When the throttle is quickly opened, the drive belt
component pulley are improperly fitted, or the pulley curves
shall not be in contact with the engine or body parts.
inward or outward during the past repairs, the pulley will
Step Operation Yes No
Caution: Refer " Note about belt oil".
Definition:The drive belt falls off from the pulley or cannot be correctly sleeved to the pulley.

Definition:Outside edge of drive belt is worn due to incorrect fit of the drive belt.
Whether the operations in "Drive Belt Symptoms" have Symptoms -
1 been consulted and whether necessary check has been Go to Step 2 Engine Mechanical
implemented? System
If it is diagnosed as excessive wear, go to step 13.

If the drive belt is diagnosed as falling off,check the drive

2 Go to step 3 Go to step 4
belt for damage.

Is there any failure?

Fit a new drive belt.
3 Drive Belt Replacement Go to step 4 System OK
Does the drive belt still fall off?
Check whether the pulley is misaligned.
4 Go to step 12 Go to step 5
Do you find and resolve the failure?

1.0 398

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Step Operation Yes No
Check whether the pulley is bent or depressed.
5 Go to step 12 Go to step 6
Do you find and resolve the failure?
Check if the bracket is bent or cracked.
6 Go to step 12 Go to step 7
Do you find and resolve the failure?
Check if the retainer is correct, loose or missing.
7 Go to step 8 Go to step 9
Is there any loose or missing fastener?
1. Tighten the loose fastener.

Caution: Refer "Instruction about fastener".

8 Go to step 9 System OK
2. Replace incorrect or missing fasteners.

Does the drive belt still fall off?

Test to see if the drive belt tensioner is working properly.
9 Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis Go to step 11 Go to step 10
Does the drive belt tensioner operate normally?
Replace the drive belt tensioner.
10 Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement Go to step 11 System OK

Does the drive belt still fall off?

Check the drive belt idler and the drive belt tensioner
11 pulley bearing for failure. Go to step 12 Go to "Diagnostic Aid"
Do you find and resolve the failure?
Operate the system and inspect the repair effect.
12 System OK Go to step 2
Is the failure resolved?
Check whether the drive belt is fitted correctly.
13 Drive Belt Replacement Go to step 16 Go to step 14

Do you find the failure?

Check whether the drive belt is correct.
14 Go to step 16 Go to step 15
Do you find the failure?
Check the drive belt for friction with bracket,hose or
15 harness. Go to step 17 Go to "Diagnostic Aid"
Do you find and resolve the failure?
Replace the drive belt.
16 Drive Belt Replacement Go to step 17 -

Is the replacement completed?

Run the system and verify the repair effects.
17 System OK -
Is the failure resolved?

Drive Belt Tensioner Diagnosis

1. Apply tension force to the belt tensioner along the
arrow direction with the tool.

1.0 399

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

Battery Negative Cable

1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Release the bolts fixing the battery negative cable to
left front longitudinal member.
2. The belt tensioner must return to the original position
automatically, if not, replace the belt tensioner.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement
3. Remove the accessory belt.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
3. Remove the battery negative cable.
4. Check the tensioner pulley for abnormal sound and
1. Fit the battery negative cable to the engine
5. If any, replace the belt tensioner.
compartment and ensure the orientation is right.
Auxiliary Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement
2. Fit the bolts fixing the battery negative cable to left
6. Fit the accessory belt. front longitudinal member, and tighten to 7–10Nm.

Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit 3. Connect the negative cable to the battery negative
cable terminal.

1.0 400

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Battery Positive Cable to 11–13Nm.
Remove 8. Lower the vehicle.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 9. Reconnect the battery cable terminal post and then
2. Disconnect the battery positive cable. Release the nuts connect the negative end.
on the both ends of the positive transition cables and
remove the transition cable, and then disconnect the
nuts fixing the positive cable to the battery fuse box.
3. Lift the vehicle to a proper height by a elevator.
4. Release the nuts fixing the battery cable to the engine
and loosen the fixing-point on the gearbox.

5. Lower the vehicle.

6. Loosen the cable retaining clips and clips.
7. Remove the battery positive cable.
1. Fit the battery negative cable to the engine
compartment and ensure the orientation is right.
2. Tighten the nut fixing the positive transition cable to
the both ends of the fuse box to 5–7Nm.
3. Tighten the nut fixing the positive cable to the battery
fuse box to 5–7Nm.
4. Close the fuse box cover.
5. Fix the cable retaining clips and clips securely.
6. Lift the vehicle to a proper height by a elevator.
7. Tighten the nut fixing the positive cable to the engine

1.0 401

Engine Engine Electrical System-1.5T

1. Disconnect the battery cable first, and then disconnect
the positive cable.
2. Remove the battery fuse box.
Battery Fuse Box - Remove
3. Release the bolt of battery layering and remove the

4. Remove the battery cover.

5. Remove the battery from the battery tray.
1. Fit the battery to the battery tray properly.
2. Fit the battery cover.
3. Use mineral grease to clean the battery poles.
4. Fit the lock block. Firstly, pre—screw the nuts of the
lock block to let the bolts come out the nuts about
11mm. Then tighten the nuts to 3–5Nm severally and
check the torques.

Warning: Keep the lock block at the horizontal when

5. Fit the battery top fuse box.

Battery Top Fuse Box Refit

6. Connect the battery cable, positive cable at first, then
connect the negative one.

1.0 402

Engine Electrical System-1.5T Engine

Special Tools


1.0 403

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

Description Value
Bolt -Throttle body to inlet manifoldy 9Nm
Screw - air cleaner upper cap to air cleaner base 1.4–1.8Nm
Nut -Front pipe to Silencer 55–65Nm
Bolt -DPF to Turbo charge 55–65Nm
Nut -Front pipe to DPF 55–65Nm
Bolt -DPF bracket to engine 26–34Nm
Bolt -DPF to DPF bracket 26–34Nm
Bolt -turbocharger heat shield to turbocharger 22–28Nm
Bolt-Front pipe frame to engine oil pan 19–25Nm
Bolt -rear silencer Heat shield to body 4–6Nm
Nut -heat shield to body 4–6Nm
Bolt -heat shield to body 4–6Nm

1.0 404

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T Engine

Description and Operation
System Layout
Intake System Exploded View

1. Air Filter Assembly 2. Filter Element

1.0 405

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

3. Air Flow Meter 15. Pipe Assembly - Intercooler to Engine

4. Bolt-Air Filter 16. Bracket - Intercooler to Engine Pipe
5. Air Inlet Assembly 17. Bolt - Intercooler Outlet Pipe
6. Split Pin - Air Filter Inlet Pipe 18. Clamp - Intercooler to Engine Pipe
7. Hose - Air Filter to Booster 19. Clamp - Booster Hose to Intercooler
8. Clamp - Air Filter Outlet Pipe to Booster 20. Pipe Assembly - Intercooler to Engine
9. O Ring - Air Flow Meter 21. Pipe Assembly - Intercooler to Engine
10. Clamp - Air Filter Outlet Pipe to Air Flow Meter 22. Bolt - Intercooler Outlet Pipe
11. Screw - Air Flow Meter 23. Ring - Intercooler Outlet Pipe
12. Air Filter Ring 24. Clamp - Intercooler to Engine Pipe
13. Air Filter Ring 25. Clamp - Intercooler to Engine Pipe
14. Hose - Booster to Intercooler

1.0 406

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T Engine

Exhaust System Exploded View


1. Gasket - Front Exhaust Pipe 10. Exhaust Muffler Lug

2. Nut - Catalytic Converter 11. Rear Muffler Assembly
3. Three-way Catalytic Converter Assembly 12. Gasket - Exhaust System
4. Bolt - Front Exhaust Pipe Bracket 13. Gasket - Front Exhaust Pipe
5. Gasket - Front Exhaust Pipe 14. Bolt - Catalytic Converter Bracket
6. Front Exhaust Pipe Front Lug 15. Catalytic Converter Bracket
7. Front Exhaust Pipe Rear Lug 16. Front Oxygen Sensor
8. Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly 17. Rear Oxygen Sensor
9. Front Exhaust Pipe Assembly

1.0 407

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

Description bolts, gaskets and nuts. Five rubber lugs (the front two are
Air Filter made of silicone rubber) fix the exhaust system to the body,
which can damp slight vibration of the exhaust system and
The hose between the air filter and the turbocharger, between
decrease the vibration transferred to the body. The thermal
the turbocharger compressor and the intercooler, and
baffle can effectively reduce the heat transferred from the
between the intercooler and the throttle body is secured by
exhaust pipe to the body, and the tail pipe applies the stainless
the worm drive clamp. The air filter assembly is fixed to the
steel design.
body by the air filter bracket assembly.
Exhaust System
The exhaust system consists of a three-way catalytic converter
and a muffler. Adjacent pipelines are fixed together by welding

1.0 408

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T Engine

Operation of an absorption type, and a perforated pipe passes through the
Air Filter muffler, which minimizes the airflow limit. The rear muffler is a
reflective muffler which uses the internal hindered sound wave
Air enters into the front engine compartment and the intake
reflection to reduce the noise level.
pipe at the rear of the front bumper, and the impurities in the
air are filtered by the air filter element. Three-Way Catalytic Converter (TWC)

Air from the air filter is transferred to the turbocharger Warning: TWCs operate at very high temperatures;
compressor by the hose between the air filter and the therefore, extreme caution is necessary when handling
turbocharger, it is then delivered to the intercooler by the this component.
hose between the turbocharger and the intercooler. The Caution: For the TWC to work efficiently and to prevent
cooled fresh air is transmitted to the throttle by the hose premature failure do not run on leaded fuel and do not
between the intercooler and the throttle. allow unburnt fuel to pass through the exhaust system.
Exhaust Manifold and Exhaust System The primary combustion happens in the combustion chamber
The exhaust manifold introduces the combusted gas mixture and the exhaust gas enters into the TWC through the
from the 4 engine cylinders into the turbocharger through exhaust manifold. The TWC can operate effectively only if
its 4 passages, and the turbocharger turbine applies the gas its minimum working temperature is achieved. The exhaust
mixture from the engine to drive the turbocharger compress gas enters into an integral structure coated with Pt and Rh
to compress the inlet air. ACT can adjust the outlet air of the (catalyst), and two procedures (reduction and oxidation) are
volute bleeder valve according to different working conditions. performed here. The nitrogen oxide (NOx) is restored to
The ERCV can open the inlet/outlet return passage in the nitrogen, from which the oxide is combined with carbon
housing during braking and protect the turbocharger. monoxide (CO) to form carbon dioxide. The hydrocarbon
(HC) and CO will continue to react in the three-way catalytic
The exhaust from the engine enters into the exhaust system by
converter with the oxygen in the air, which forms water and
the turbocharger, it first passes through the three-way catalytic
converter before flowing into the muffler. The front muffler is

1.0 409

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

Service Procedures Electronic Throttle - with Adjustment

Electronic Throttle Self-learning - UMC System Remove
Self-learning 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Confirm if the vehicle speed is 0 km/h and the engine 2. Disconnect the connector of the throttle body.
speed is 0 r/min.
2. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the
3. Select "Diagnosis — ECM — Real-time Display",
ensure the battery voltage is above 10V, the accelerator
pedal opening is 0, the coolant temperature is within
5℃~100℃ and the intake air temperature is higher
than 5℃.
4. Check if the harness is properly connected and shows
no other faults, mainly including throttle fault.
5. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position, wait for 30s,
at this interval, do not do any other operations.
6. The self-learning is then completed.
3. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the throttle intake
pipe from the throttle body.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
4. Remove 4 bolts fixing the throttle body to the intake

5. Remove the throttle body and discard the O ring.

1.0 410

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T Engine

Refit Air Filter Assembly
1. Clean the mating surface of the throttle body and intake Remove
manifold and ensure there is no foreign material. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Fit the O ring to the intake manifold. 2. Remove the air filter element.
3. Secure the throttle body on the intake manifold, fit 4 Air Filter Element Remove
bolts, tighten to 9Nm in diagonal sequence and check
3. Remove the air flow meter.
the torque.
4. Connect throttle intake pipe to the throttle body and Air Flow Meter Remove
secure with clamps. 4. Disconnect the air filter inlet pipe and air filter assembly.
5. Connect the connector of the throttle body.
6. Connect the battery negative.
7. Perform self-learning for the electronic throttle.

Electronic Throttle Self-learning

5. Release the lower air filter housing from the two
grommets and remove the air filter assembly.
1. Fix the lower air filter housing to the grommet.
2. Align the hole at the rear of the air filter inlet pipe with
the block at the rear side (junction) of the air filter,
align the mark and push to lock it.
3. Fit the air flow meter.

Air Flow Meter Refit

4. Remove the air filter element.
Air Filter Element Refit
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 411

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

Air Filter Element Rear Muffler Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
2. Disconnect the connector (1) of the air flow meter. operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
cooled before handling.
3. Release the clamp and disconnect the turbocharger
intake pipe and air flow meter (2). 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
4. Take away 4 screws (3) fixing the air filter cover. Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Remove 2 nuts fixing the rear muffler assembly to the
front exhaust pipe and discard the flange gasket.
5. Release and open the cover to access the element of
the air filter.
6. Remove the air filter element.
3. Remove 3 rubber lugs fixing the rear muffler assembly
1. Clean the inside of the air filter.
to the body.
2. Refit the air filter element.
3. Fix the cover of the air filter to the housing of the air
filter, fit 4 screws, tighten to 1.4–1.8Nm, and check
the torque.
4. Fit the turbocharger air inlet hose to the air flow meter,
and secure it with clamps.
5. Connect the connector of the air flow meter.
6. Connect the battery negative cable.

1. Hang the rear muffler assembly on the rubber lug.
2. Fix the rear muffler assembly to the front exhaust pipe,
fit new flange gasket, tighten to 55–65Nm and check
the torque.
3. Lower the vehicle with the lift.

1.0 412

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T Engine

Catalytic Converter
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the front oxygen sensor.
Front Oxygen Sensor Remove
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
8. Remove 3 nuts fixing the catalytic converter to the

4. Remove the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Remove
5. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the catalytic converter to 2
brackets of the catalytic converter.
6. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the two catalytic converter
brackets to the engine and remove the brackets. 9. Remove the catalytic converter and discard the gasket.
1. Fit a new gasket, fix the catalytic converter to the
turbocharger, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 55–65Nm, and
check the torque.
2. Fit a new gasket, fix the front exhaust pipe to the
catalytic converter, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 55–65Nm,
and check the torque.
3. Fix 2 brackets of the catalytic converter to the engine,
fit the two bolts, tighten to 26–34Nm and check the
4. Fix the catalytic converter to 2 brackets of the catalytic
converter, fit the two bolts, tighten to 26–34Nm and
7. Remove 3 nuts fixing the front exhaust pipe to the check the torque.
catalytic converter and discard the exhaust pipe gasket. 5. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit

6. Fix the turbocharger heat shield to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
7. Fit the front oxygen sensor.

Front Oxygen Sensor Refit

8. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 413

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T

Front Exhaust Pipe

Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
cooled before handling.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear oxygen sensor.

Rear Oxygen Sensor Remove

3. Remove 3 nuts securing the front exhaust pipe on the
three-way catalytic converter and discard the flange
6. Remove 2 rubber lugs securing the front exhaust pipe
to the body.

4. Remove 2 nuts fixing the rear muffler to the front

exhaust pipe and discard the flange gasket.

1. Hang the front exhaust pipe over the rubber lug.
2. Fix the front exhaust pipe to engine oil pan, fit 2 bolts
and tighten them to 19–25Nm, then check the torque.
3. Securing the front exhaust pipe on the rear muffler, fit
a new flange gasket and 2 nuts, tighten to 55–65Nm
and check the torque.
4. Securing the front exhaust pipe on the three-way
catalytic converter, fit a new flange gasket and 3 nuts,
tighten to 55–65Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the rear oxygen sensor.

5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the front exhaust pipe to the Rear Oxygen Sensor Refit
engine oil pan. 6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 414

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-2.0T Engine

Heat Shield - Rear Muffler Heat Shield - Exhaust Passage
Remove Remove
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
cooled before handling. cooled before handling.
1. Remove the rear muffler. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
Rear Muffler Remove Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
2. Remove 6 nuts fixing the thermal baffle (rear muffler) only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
to the body and remove the thermal baffle. stands.
2. Remove 6 nuts and 1 bolt fixing the thermal baffle
(exhaust passage) to the body, and remove the thermal
1. Fix the heat shield (rear muffler) to the body, fit 6 bolts,
tighten to 4–6Nm and check the torque.
2. Fit the rear muffler.
1. Secure the heat shield (exhaust passage) on the body,
Rear Muffler Refit fit 6 nuts, tighten to 4–6Nm, and tighten one bolt to
4–6Nm, then check the torque.
2. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 415

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Description Value
screw-MAF 1.4-1.8Nm
screw-upper air cleaner to lower air cleaner 1.2–1.8Nm
Bolt-electronic throttle 8–12Nm
Nut-front vent-pipe to rear muffler 19–25Nm
Bolt-catalysts flange bracket to engine 19–25Nm
Nut-catalysts to flange bracket 19–25Nm
Nut-front vent-pipe to catalysts 19–25Nm
Bolt-catalysts fixing bracket to transmission 49–67Nm
Bolt-catalysts fixing bracket to catalysts 19–25Nm
Clamp-catalysts to V-clamp 13.5–16.5Nm
Bolt-shield asm-turbo 10–12Nm
Nut -heat shield to body 4–6Nm
Bolt -rear silencer Heat shield to body 4–6Nm
Clamp-hose-turbo to CAC 5–6Nm
Bolt-hose CAC to engine 7–10Nm
Clamp-hose CAC to engine 5–6Nm

1.0 416

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

Description and Operation
System Layout


1.0 417

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Intake Air Layout


1. Hose - Turbocharger to Intercooler 10. Split Pin - Air Intake Pipe

2. Clamp - Turbocharger to Intercooler Pipeline 11. Air Filter Assembly
3. Pipeline Assembly - Intercooler to Engine 12. Screw - Air Filter
4. Clamp - Intercooler to Engine Pipeline 13. Filter Element
5. Screw - Intercooler to Engine Pipeline 14. Liner - Air Filter
6. Clamp - Intercooler to Engine Pipeline 15. Liner - Air Filter
7. Pipeline Assembly - Intercooler to Engine 16. Air Filter Outlet Pipe Assembly
8. Pipeline Assembly - Intercooler to Engine 17. Clamp - Air Filter Outlet Pipe Assembly
9. Air Filter Intake Pipe Assembly 18. Clamp - Air Filter Outlet Pipe Assembly

1.0 418

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

19. Air Flow Meter 20. Screw - Air Flow Meter


1.0 419

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Exhaust Air Layout


1. Middle Exhaust Pipe Muffler Assembly (Four-Wheel 10. Clip - Front Exhaust Pipe
Drive) 11. Catalytic Converter Bracket
2. Middle Exhaust Pipe Front Lug 12. Bolt - Front Exhaust Pipe Bracket
3. Bolt - Front Exhaust Pipe Bracket to Oil Pan 13. Middle Exhaust Pipe Muffler Assembly (Two-Wheel
4. Nut - Exhaust Muffler Drive)
5. Nut - Catalytic Converter Bracket 14. Exhaust Rear Muffler Assembly
6. Catalytic Converter Sealing Gasket 15. Exhaust Muffler Lug
7. Bolt - Front Exhaust Pipe Bracket 16. Exhaust Muffler Lug
8. Front Exhaust Pipe Three-way Catalytic Converter 17. Gasket - Exhaust System
9. Catalytic Converter Bracket 18. Nut - Exhaust Muffler

1.0 420

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

Description Exhaust System
Air Filter It consists of a three-way catalytic converter and a muffler.
The hose (air filter to turbocharger) is between the air filter Adjacent pipelines are fixed together by welding bolts, gaskets
and the turbocharger; the hose (turbocharger to intercooler) and nuts. Five rubber lugs fix the exhaust system to the body
is between the turbocharger compressor and the intercooler; to buffer slight vibration of the exhaust system, and decrease
and the hose (intercooler to throttle body) is between the the vibration transferred to the body. The thermal baffle can
intercooler and the throttle body. Air filter assembly is fixed effectively reduce the heat transferred from the exhaust line
to the body with two rubber gaskets. to the body, and the tail pipe applies a stainless steel design.

1.0 421

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Operation Three-Way Catalytic Converter (TWC)

Air Filter Warning: TWCs operate at very high temperatures;
Air enters into the front engine compartment and the intake therefore, extreme caution is necessary when handling
pipe at the rear of the front bumper, and the impurities in the this component.
air are filtered by the air filter element.
Caution: For the TWC to work efficiently and to prevent
Air from the air filter is transferred to the turbocharger premature failure do not run on leaded fuel and do not
compressor by the hose between the air filter and the allow unburnt fuel to pass through the exhaust system.
turbocharger, it is then delivered to the intercooler by the
The primary combustion happens in the combustion chamber
hose between the turbocharger and the intercooler. The
and the exhaust gas enters into TWC. TWCIt operates
cooled fresh air is transmitted to the throttle by the hose
effectively only when its minimum working temperature is
between the intercooler and the throttle.
achieved. The exhaust gas enters into an integral structure
Exhaust System coated with Pd and Rh (catalyst), and two procedures
The exhaust from the engine enters into the exhaust system by (reduction and oxidation) are performed here. The nitrogen
oxide (NOx) is restored to nitrogen, from which the oxide
the turbocharger, it first passes through the three-way catalytic
converter before flowing into the muffler. The front muffler is is combined with carbon monoxide (CO) to form carbon
of an absorption type, and a perforated pipe passes through the dioxide. The hydrocarbon (CO) and CO will continue to
conduct combustion in the three-way catalytic converter with
muffler, which minimizes the airflow limit. The rear muffler is a
reflective muffler which uses the internal hindered sound wave the oxygen in the air, which forms water and CO.
reflection to reduce the noise level.

1.0 422

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

Service Procedures Air Filter Assembly
Electronic Throttle Self-learning - UMC System Remove
Self-learning 1. Remove the air filter element.
1. Confirm if the vehicle speed is 0 km/h and the engine Air Filter Element Remove
speed is 0 r/min.
2. Pull up the lower housing of the air filter assembly
2. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the and move the lower housing of the air filter assembly
VDS. from the mounting bracket, and then remove the lower
3. Select "Diagnosis — ECM — Real-time Display", housing of the air filter assembly from the mounting
ensure the battery voltage is above 10V, the accelerator bracket.
pedal opening is 0, the coolant temperature is within 3. Remove 2 tapping screws fixing the air flow meter to
5℃~100℃ and the intake air temperature is higher the upper housing of the air filter assembly, and remove
than 5℃. the air flow meter.
4. Check if the harness is properly connected and shows
no other faults, mainly including throttle fault.
5. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position, wait for 30s,
at this interval, do not do any other operations.
6. The self-learning is then completed.

4. Loose the clamp, disconnect the air filter assembly

outlet pipe, and remove the upper housing of air filter
1. Fix the air flow meter to the upper housing of the
air filter assembly, fit 2 tapping screws, tighten to
1.4-1.8Nm and check the torque.
2. Connect the joint of the lower housing of the air filter
assembly to the air filter inlet pipe, and fit the lower
housing of the air filter assembly to rear bracket, and
then fit it to the front left bracket.
3. Fit the air filter element.
Air Filter Element Refit.

1.0 423

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Air Filter Element Electronic Throttle

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Disconnect the air flow meter connector (1), and 2. Remove the engine hood.
disconnect the clips from the upper housing of the filter 3. Disconnect the throttle air inlet pipe from the throttle.
assembly, and remove the harness.
4. Disconnect the electronic throttle electrical connector .
3. Remove 4 screws (2) fixing the upper housing of
5. Disconnect the connecting hose connecting the canister
the filter assembly to the lower housing of the filter
solenoid valve to the electronic throttle.
assembly, and remove the upper housing of the filter
6. Remove 4 bolts fixing the electronic throttle to the
intake manifold, and remove the electronic throttle and
discard the electronic throttle washer.
4. Remove the air filter element.

1. Fit a new electronic throttle gasket into the intake
manifold groove (ensure the cleanness of the sealing

Caution: Never insert any tool into the throttle hole to

prevent damage to the throttle plate.

2. Clean the junction surface between electronic throttle

and intake manifold, fix the electronic throttle to the
intake manifold, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 8–12Nm, and
check the torque.
3. Connect the electronic throttle connector.
Refit 4. Connect the connecting hose of the canister solenoid
valve to the electronic throttle.
1. Clean the inside of the air filter.
5. Connect the electronic throttle air inlet pipe.
2. Fit a new air filter element.
6. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Fix the upper housing of the air filter assembly to the
lower housing of the air filter assembly, fit 4 screws, 7. Perform electronic throttle self-learning.
tighten to 1.2–1.8Nm. Electronic Throttle Self-learning
4. Connect the air flow meter connector, and fix the
harness to the upper housing of the air filter assembly.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 424

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

Rear Muffler Assembly Three-way Catalytic Converter
Remove Remove
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently 2. Remove the front oxygen sensor.
cooled before handling.
Oxygen Sensor Remove
1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the turbocharger heat shield to
2. Remove 2 nuts (1) fixing the front exhaust pipe
the turbocharger, and remove the turbocharger heat
assembly to the rear muffler assembly.
3. Fit 3 rubber lugs (2) fixing the rear muffler assembly
to the body.

4. Remove the clamp fixing the three-way catalytic

converter to the turbocharger air outlet, and
4. Remove the rear muffler assembly. disconnect it from the turbocharger.
5. Remove and discard the gasket. 5. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the three-way catalytic
converter bracket to the catalytic converter.
1. Clean the flange face between the front exhaust pipe 6. Remove the bottom deflector.
assembly and rear muffler assembly. Bottom Deflector Remove
2. Fit a new liner to the flange face of the front exhaust 7. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the three-way catalytic
pipe assembly. converter mounting bracket to the transmission box,
3. Fit 2 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque. and remove the bracket.
4. Fit 3 rubber lugs fixing the rear muffler assembly to
the body.
5. Lower the vehicle.

8. Remove 2 nuts fixing the front exhaust pipe to the

three-way catalytic converter, disconnect and discard
the gasket.

1.0 425

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

13.5–16.5Nm, and check the torque.

8. Fix the turbocharger heat shield to the turbocharger, fit
3 bolts, tighten to 10–12Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fit the front oxygen sensor

Oxygen Sensor Refit

10. Connect the battery negative cable.
9. Remove 2 nuts fixing the three-way catalytic converter
to the flange bracket.
10. Remove the three-way catalytic converter assembly.
11. Remove 2 bolts fixing the flange bracket to the engine,
and remove the flange bracket.
1. Fix the flange support to the engine, fit 2 bolts, tighten
to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
2. Fix the rear end of the three-way catalytic converter to
the flange support, fit 2 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm,
and check the torque.
3. Fit a new liner fixing the front exhaust pipe to the
three-way catalytic converter, fit 2 nuts, tighten to
19–25Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fix the three-way catalytic converter mounting bracket
to the gearbox body, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 49–67Nm,
and check the torque.
5. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit

6. Fix the mounting bracket to the three-way catalytic
converter, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check
the torque.
7. Fit the front end of three-way catalytic converter
to the turbocharger, fix with clamps, tighten to

1.0 426

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

Front Exhaust Pipe front exhaust pipe and rear muffler assembly.
Remove 5. Insert the bolt of the front exhaust pipe flange face into
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during the hole in the rear muffler assembly flange face, fit the
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently nut, but do not tighten in this step.
cooled before handling. 6. Tighten the nut connecting the front exhaust pipe to
1. Remove the bottom deflector. rear muffler assembly to 19–25Nm.
Bottom Deflector Remove 7. Connect the front exhaust pipe and the hook at the
2. Remove the rear oxygen sensor. bottom of the vehicle body with rubber lugs.
8. Fit the rear oxygen sensor.
Rear Oxygen Sensor Remove
3. Remove two nuts (1) fixing the middle muffler assembly Rear Oxygen Sensor Refit
to the front exhaust pipe, disconnect and discard the 9. Fit the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Refit
4. Remove 2 nuts fixing the front exhaust pipe to the front
catalytic converter, disconnect and discard the gasket.

5. Remove 2 rubber lugs fixing the front exhaust pipe to

the body, and remove the front exhaust pipe assembly.
1. Clean the flange face of the front exhaust pipe.
2. Fit a new liner to the flange face of the three-way
catalytic converter.
3. Align the hole in the front exhaust pipe flange face with
the bolt of the three-way catalytic converter flange face,
fit 2 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fit a new gasket at the flange connection between the

1.0 427

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

Heat Shield - Rear Muffler Assembly Heat Shield - Exhaust Passage

Remove Remove
Warning: Exhaust components get extremely hot during 1. Remove the front exhaust pipe assembly.
operation. Ensure exhaust components are sufficiently
Front Exhaust Pipe Remove
cooled before handling.
2. Remove 7 bolts fixing the front exhaust pipe assembly
1. Remove the rear muffler assembly.
thermal baffle to the floor panel and remove the front
Rear Muffler Assembly Remove exhaust pipe assembly thermal baffle.
2. Remove 7 nuts fixing the front exhaust pipe assembly
thermal baffle to the floor panel and remove the rear
muffler assembly thermal baffle.
1. Fix the front exhaust pipe assembly thermal baffle to
the floor panel, fit 7 bolts, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
Refit 2. Fit the exhaust pipe assembly.
1. Fix the rear muffler thermal baffle to the floor panel,
Front Exhaust Pipe Refit
fit 7 nuts, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
2. Fit the rear muffler assembly.

Rear Muffler Assembly Refit


1.0 428

Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T Engine

Hose - Turbocharger to Intercooler Hose - Turbocharger Intercooler to Throttle
Remove Body
1. Remove the bottom deflector.
1. Remove the intake air pressure/temperature sensor.
Bottom Deflector Remove
2. Loosen the clamp fixing the hose to the intercooler Intake Air Pressure/Temperature Sensor Remove
end, and disconnect the connection (2) between the 2. Remove the harness and overflow pipe fixed to the
hose and the intercooler. hose.
3. Loosen the clamp (1) fixing the hose to the intercooler,
and disconnect the hose from the intercooler.
4. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the hose assembly to the
3. Loosen the quick joint (1) fixing the hose to the
turbocharger end.
4. Remove the turbocharger to turbocharged intercooler
hose assembly.
Refit 5. Turn the clamp fixing the hose to the throttle, loosen
the quick joint, and disconnect the hose from the
1. Position the hose into the engine compartment, and fit
the quick joint to the turbocharger. throttle.
2. Connect the other end of the hose to the intercooler,
fit the fixing clamp, tighten to 5–6Nm, and check the
3. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit


6. Remove the hose assembly between the turbocharger

intercooler and the throttle.
1. Fix the hose assembly quick joint to the throttle, and
fix it with clamps.
2. Fix the hose to the engine, fit 1 bolt and tighten to
3. Connect the other end of the hose to the intercooler,
fit the clamp, and tighten to 5–6Nm.
4. Fit the harness and overflow pipe fixed to the hose

1.0 429

Engine Engine Manifold & Exhaust System-1.5T

5. Fit the intake air pressure/temperature sensor.

Intake Air Pressure/Temperature Sensor Refit


1.0 430

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto Transmission

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto
Description Value
Screw-console panel to console 3–5Nm
Nut - gear change mechanism to floor 19–25Nm
Bolt- park cable to floor 10–15Nm
Screw-Block a display panel to console 3–5Nm

1.0 431

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto

Description and Operation

System Control Diagram

A = Hard Wire; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Body HS CAN Bus

1.0 432

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto Transmission

Description It can be selected only when the vehicle is in stationary
Overview and the engine is idling.

Functions of the shift controller are as follows: • N: Neutral.

1. Collect the current position information of the shift lever. No torque passes to the wheel.

2. Output shift position signal. • D: Drive.

The shifter adopts high speed CAN bus method to exchange In this position, all 6 forward gears can be selected. It is
the information with other external electronic control units. the default selected position for common driving.
The actual data exchange only involves the body control • W: Snow Mode
module (TCM). The position information (P, R, N, D/S, W,
The position allows TCM to adopt snow mode , for
+, -) of the shift lever is obtained by reading the signal from
starting off on smooth or slippery roads.To enter into
the gear position sensor, while the mode information (auto,
the snow mode, press the lock button on the shift lever
sport) is obtained through the mode position sensor, and the
position or mode information collected is sent to the TCM
• S: sport mode, located between "+" (M+) and "-" (M-).
via the CAN bus.
• +/-: Tiptronic mode (M).
The shifter drives the LED indicator on the shift panel to
indicate the current gear and mode of the transmission, and the Tiptronic Shifting
corresponding LED indicator are provided on some positions If the shift lever moves from "D" position to right side, the
("P", "R", "N", "D/S", "W", "+" (M+) and "-" (M-). When the system will automatically enter into “S” sports mode with
ignition switch is in "ON" position, the program illuminates the different gear shift parameters. When the shift lever is moved
corresponding LED indicator according to the gear and mode forward or backward and then returned to "S/M" position, the
information of the transmission. Tiptronic mode is separated from "S" mode to provide manual
shift control. Move the shift lever forward (+) to finish upshift
The lock-up solenoid valve is completely under the control
of the BCM, when the conditions for unlocking are met, the and backward (-) to finish downshift. In addition, the shift
BCM will supply a 12V power to the solenoid valve directly, paddle on the steering wheel of some models also provides
then the solenoid valve can unlock. manual shift control. To exit Tiptronic mode, return the shift
lever to "D" gear.
Shift Lever Position
The shift lever operation positions are as follows:

The shifter assembly is composed of the SCU, control lever,

• P: Parking. base, housing, parking cable and lock-up solenoid valve, etc,
The transmission is locked by the parking mechanism to and a locking pin hole of the "P" gear is set on the right housing.
prevent the vehicle from sliding. Only when KL.15 is ON, Shifter base is fixed to the central body passage by 4 bolts.
the brake pedal is depressed and the lock button on the 1. Lock Button Draw Bar
shift lever knob is pressed, can the shift lever be moved
2. Shift Lever
from the position.
3. P Gear Emergency Unlock Mechanism
• R: Reverse.
4. Lock-up Solenoid Valve
5. Housing

1.0 433

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto

6. Shifter Base End View of Shifter End Connector

7. Gear Position Sensor (Hall Rotation Angle/Position)
8. SCU (with 2 mode position sensors)
Lock-up Solenoid Valve

The shifter is equipped with a lock-up solenoid valve on the

shift lever, and the BCM controls it to unlock.
Shift Lever Locked in P Gear

End View and Pin Information of SCU Harness Connector

1. Lock-up Solenoid Valve
2. P Gear Locking Pin Hole
3. P Gear Emergency Unlock Mechanism

When the shift lever is in "P" position, the lock-up solenoid

valve is not activated, and the locking pin on the solenoid
valve is in the P gear locking pin hole on the shifter housing to
prevent the shift lever from being moved accidentally. When
the ignition switch is inserted and moved into position 2, the
shift lever is in "P" position and the brake pedal is depressed, Pin No. Description
BCM energizes the lock-up solenoid valve, then the lock-up 1 KL.30
solenoid valve is powered on and activated, and thus the
2 KL.15
locking pin is removed from the P gear locking pin hole on the
housing. Then press the lock button to move the shift lever 3 Power HS CAN High
out of the "P" gear. 4 Ground
Shift Lever Released from P Gear in Emergency 5 Power HS CAN Low
If the shift lever is in "P" gear, the power of the shift lever
6 Solenoid Valve (P gear unlocking)
lock-up solenoid valve will be cut off, then the lock-up solenoid
valve will keep locking, and the shift lever cannot be moved. 7 Wake-up Signal Line
Turn the emergency unlocking mechanism to press the locking 8 —
pin from the hole, then the shift lever can be released from P
9 —
gear in emergency.
10 —
11 —
12 —

Parking Brake Cable

The shifter cable used for P gear prevents the vehicle from
sliding by using the parking mechanism in the transmission to
lock the parking gear on the differential housing. One end

1.0 434

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto Transmission

of the parking brake cable is connected to the bottom of the passage and connects the rocker arm of the parking brake cable
shifter shift lever, and the other passes through the central shaft outside the transmission by bushings, bolts and nuts.


1.0 435

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto

Operation When the shift lever leaves P gear, it is possible to push the shift
Gear Signal Collection lever even if the solenoid is in the LOCK position; however,
when the shift lever is pushed back to P gear, it will be locked by
To ensure the reliable output of the gear signal, it adopts 2-way
the mechanical mechanism again. To leave P gear, the following
redundancy design, and equips two gear position sensors in the
3 conditions shall be met.
inductive chip (the gear position sensors are Hall rotation angle
position sensor). If one of them has problem, the SCU shall 1. The ignition key at KL15;
perform self-diagnosis and save related DTC (DTC), however, 2. Depress the brake pedal;
the shifter is still able to provide normal gear signal. While
3. BCM delivers a signal showing the vehicle anti-theft is
the radially magnetized magnet on the shift lever housing (at
P gear emergency unlocking mechanism side) is rotating above
Voltage Status/Mode
the chip surface, the sensor in the chip shall induct the angle
position of the shift lever and output the gear information to The power voltage has three states: normal, low and high.
the SCU through the chip processor, by this way, the sensor
Battery voltage is high:
judges the position of P, R, N, D/S、W and +, -.
• Voltage < 16V for more than 1s, SCU records fault; when
The shift mode determines if the actual voltage and nominal
voltage is below 17.5V, it shall support communication.
voltage of the senor is in auto mode/sport mode by 2 mode
(Hall) position sensors welded on the back of the SCU circuit Battery voltage is low:
board. • Voltage < 9V for more than 1s, SCU records fault; when
Solenoid Control voltage is above 6V, it shall support communication.
P Gear

When the shift lever is at P gear, it is impossible to remove

the shift lever from P gear if the solenoid is in LOCK position.

1.0 436

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto Transmission

Service Procedures retract, otherwise, the knob gripper cannot embed into
Shift Lever Knob and Gear Display Panel - Dual the draw bar hole of the shifter.
Clutch Automatic Transmission 4. Fit the knob and bushing to the shift lever of the shifter.
5. Press the knob into the shift lever and secure the clamp.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
6. Press the lock button and check if it can retract freely,
2. Pull the lock button on the shift lever outward until if it does, the knob and draw bar are correctly fitted.
the button comes out from the groove and does not
7. Embed the bushing into the trim panel gear display
panel on the center console.
8. Secure the center console trim panel on the center
console, fit 2 screws, tighten to 3–5Nm, and check
the torque.
9. Fit the cigar lighter.

Cigar Lighter Refit

10. Connect the battery negative.
3. Remove the cigar lighter.
Cigar Lighter Remove
4. Remove 2 screws fixing the center console trim panel
to the center console.

5. Pry the center console trim panel.

6. Remove the bushing from the trim panel gear display
panel of the center console.
7. Release the metal clamp of the knob rod.
8. Carefully pull up the shift lever knob, and remove the
knob and bushing from the shift lever.
1. Fit the ring to the knob and fit the knob into the
2. Locate the clamp to the knob.
3. Pull the lock button on the shift lever outward until
the button comes out from the groove and does not

1.0 437

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto

Shifter Assembly - Dual Clutch Automatic

1. Place the shift lever in "P" gear.
2. Disconnect the cable ball joint at the transmission side
from the parking brake cable rocker arm.
3. Release the C-clip from the parking cable bracket, and
release the cable support.
1. Fix the shifter assembly to the central body passage, fit
4 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the connector and secure the harness on the
3. Fix the parking brake cable to the underbody, fit 2
bolts, tighten to 10–15Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fit the center console assembly.
4. Remove the cable from the cable support.
Center Console Assembly Refit
5. Remove the center console assembly.
5. Fit the cable ball joint at the transmission side to the
Center Console Assembly Remove parking brake cable rocker arm.
6. Remove 2 bolts the parking brake cable to the 6. Locate the parking brake cable to its bracket and secure
underbody. with C-clip.
7. Adjust the parking brake cable.

Parking Brake Cable Adjustment


7. Disconnect the shifter connector.

8. Remove 4 nuts fixing the shifter assembly to the central
body passage and take away the shifter assembly.

1.0 438

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto Transmission

Shift Lever P Gear Emergency Unlocking - Dual Parking Cable Inspection and Adjustment - Dual
Clutch Automatic Transmission Clutch Automatic Transmission
Unlocking Check
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Place the shift lever in "P" gear.
2. Remove the cigar lighter. 2. Release the cable regulating clip from the transmission.
Cigar Lighter Remove
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the center console trim panel
to the center console.
3. Place the cable at the transmission side properly, and
ensure it will not contact with any other locations.
4. Move the shift lever from "P" to "W" repeatedly, then
4. Pry the center console trim panel. back to "P" gear, the shift lever should move smoothly.
5. Push the exposed unlocking lever according to the
arrow direction shown in the figure. Adjust the shift lever cable under the following conditions:
• The shift lever cable is disconnected.
• The engine and/or transmission is removed or fitted.
• The shifter assembly is removed or fitted.
• The parking shaft rocker arm is removed or fitted.
• The shift cable bracket is removed or fitted.
1. Release the cable regulating clip from the transmission.

6. Move the shift lever from "P" gear to other gears.

2. Place the shift lever of the centre console in "P" gear.

3. Pull the parking shaft rocker arm of the transmission
towards the "P" mark on the transmission until it
cannot be moved, this can also push the transmission
in "P" gear.

1.0 439

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto

Gear Indicator
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the cigar lighter.
Cigar Lighter Remove
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the center console trim panel
to the center console.
4. Pry the center console trim panel.
4. Any of the following methods can be used to check
if "P" gear parking of the transmission is completely

• When both front two wheels cannot turn towards the

same direction after the vehicle is raised
• Release the parking brake and service brake, the vehicle
cannot be pushed or when it is pushed to move (the
moving distance shall not more than 20cm) a "click" can
be heard.
5. By this way, the parking pawl is completely engaged in 5. Remove the bushing from the gear display panel.
the tooth of the parking gear, this indicates that the 6. Disconnect the connector at the rear of the center
transmission is fully locked in "P" gear, then fit the cable console trim panel, and remove the center console
properly. trim panel.
Caution: Parking pawl may not insert parking gear 7. Remove 4 screws fixing the gear display panel to the
completely in P range, if install shift cable in this situation, center console trim panel, and remove the gear display
incorrect gear range could result. panel.

6. Reset and tighten the transmission cable regulating clip

to lock the cable.

8. Remove the gear indicator from the gear display panel.

1.0 440

Shift Lock Control-6 Speed Auto Transmission

1. Fit the gear indicator into the gear display panel.
2. Secure the gear display panel on the center console, fit
4 screws, tighten to 3–5Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the connector at the rear of the center
console trim panel.
4. Embed the bushing into the trim panel gear display
panel on the center console.
5. Secure the center console trim panel on the center
console, fit 2 screws, tighten to 3–5Nm, and check
the torque.
6. Fit the cigar lighter.
Cigar Lighter Refit
7. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 441

Transmission Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto

Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto

Description and Operation
System Layout
Shift Mechanism System Layout

1. _Shift Mechanism Knob Assembly 12. Bolt - Shift Cable Bracket

2. Snap Ring 13. Gear Shift Rocker Arm
3. Shift Panel 14. Nut - Gear Shift Rocker Arm
4. Screw - Shift Panel 15. Automatic Transmission Shift Mechanism Assembly
5. Transmission Shift Display Panel
6. Automatic Transmission Shift Mechanism
7. Striker
8. Nut - Shift Mechanism
9. Shift Cable
10. Bolt - Shift Cable
11. Shift Cable Bracket

1.0 442

Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto Transmission

Description Tiptronic Shift
Gear Shift Control Mechanism If shifting rod from "D" position to right side, the system will
The gear shift control mechanism mainly consists of a shift automatically enter into sports mode with different shifting
lever, a base, a gear shift lock-up solenoid valve, a gear shift parameters. Then move shift rod Tiptronic mode and sports
cable, etc. The gear shift control mechanism base is fixed to mode separated, offering manual shift controlling. Moves shift
the body central passage by 4 nuts. The inner latch of shift rod Upward (+) to finish upshift, moves shift rod backward (-)
lever is engaged with the inner groove of base. to finish downshift. In addition, the shift paddle on the steering
wheel also provides manual shift control for transmission. To
exit Tiptronic mode, return shift lever to "D" position.
Gear Shift Lock-up Solenoid Valve
The transmission is equipped with a gear shift lock-up solenoid
valve located at the bottom of shift lever. The operation of
the solenoid valve is determined by BCM-controlled gear shift
lock-up relay in the passenger compartment fuse box.
When the shift lever is in P position, with the ignition switch
On and the brake pedal not applied, the lock-up solenoid valve
is not activated at the time. The lock tab of P position lock
block contacts with the corresponding groove at the shift lever
bottom so as to prevent the accidental movement of shift
1. Shift lever lever. The lock-up solenoid valve is activated only when the
brake pedal is depressed. Enable the solenoid valve to make
2. Unlock lever
the solenoid valve push rod move towards front part of the
3. Gear Shift Lock-up Solenoid Valve vehicle, so as to push the lock tab of P position lock block
Shift lever position operation is as follows: away from the corresponding groove at shift lever bottom.
Simultaneously, press the lock button on the shift lever knob
to allow the shift lever freely change to other positions from P
Shift Lever Moving out of P Position in Emergency
With the ignition on and brake pedal depressed, when the
shift lever cannot be moved out of P gear, turn off the ignition
switch, pull out the ignition key and apply the parking brake, pry
up the upper trim panel of the center console with a proper
tool, press the P gear emergency unlock button located at the
left upper corner of the gear shift mechanism, move the shift
lever to N position simultaneously, start the engine and shift
to the required gear.
Gear Shift Cable
• P: Lock the transmission to prevent the wheel glides.
The gear shift cable connects the shift lever to the shift rocker
• R: Choose it only when the vehicle is still and the engine arm on the transmission. The outer cable is fixed to the shift
is idling. lever assembly end by a C-clamp and fixed to the body and
• N: No torque passes to wheel. transmission end by two bolts respectively. The inner cable
• D: All 7 forward gears can be used while in this position. at the shift control mechanism end is connected with the shift
This is the default choosing position of normal driving. lever, and the inner cable at the transmission end is buckled to
• W: The position provides the snow mode for TCM, for the transmission shift rocker arm via a cable ball joint.
starting on smooth or slipping low-adhesion roads.
• S: Sport mode.
• +/-:Tiptronic.

1.0 443

Transmission Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto

Service Procedures 4. Locate the knob and sleeve to the shift lever of the
Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve Assembly shifter.
Remove 5. Press the knob into the shift lever second groove in
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. place, and tighten the clamp.
2. Pull the locking button on the shift lever outwards, till 6. Press the locking button, and check whether the locking
the locking button exposes the slot without returning. button can return freely; if does, it indicates that the fit
between the knob and lifting lever is correct.
7. Embed the sleeve into the center console the gear
display panel.
8. Fix the central pillar upper trim panel on the central
pillar, fit 2 screws, tighten it to 3–5Nm, and check
the torque.
9. Fit the both left and right sides A/C control panel bolt
trim panel.
10. Connect the battery negative cable.

3. Remove the both left and right sides A/C control panel
bolt trim panel.
4. Remove 2 screws fixing the central pillar upper trim
panel to the central pillar.

5. Pry up the center console upper trim panel.

6. Remove the sleeve from the center console trim panel
gear display panel.
7. Loosen the metal clamp on the knob.
8. Pull up the shift lever knob with care, and remove the
knob and sleeve from the shift lever.
1. Locate the trim ring to the knob, and screw the knob
into sleeve.
2. Locate a new metal clamp to the knob.
3. Pull the locking button on the shift lever outwards, till
the locking button exposes the slot without returning,
otherwise the jaw in the knob cannot be embedded
into the hole of the lifting lever on the shifter.

1.0 444

Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto Transmission

Shift Lever Assembly
1. Move the shift lever in P position.
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove the shift lever knob.

Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve Assembly Remove

4. Remove the center console assembly.

Center Console Remove

5. Disconnect the gear shift cable at the tail end of gear
shift control mechanism.
6. Disconnect the shift control mechanism connector.
6. Fit the center console assembly.
7. Remove 4 nuts fixing the gear shift control mechanism
Center Console Assembly Refit
to the central passage.
7. Fit the shift lever knob and sleeve assembly.

Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve Assembly Refit

8. Connect the battery negative cable.

8. Remove the gear shift control mechanism.

1. Locate the gear shift control mechanism to the central
2. Fix the shift control mechanism to the central passage,
fit 4 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
3. Connect the shift control mechanism connector.
4. Fit the shift cable to the shift control mechanism.
5. If cable adjustment is required, first ensure that the
transmission shift lever and shift rocker arm are in the
P position, push the clip backward (1), push the stop
block upward (2), adjust the gear selection cable to an
appropriate length, then thoroughly press down the
stop block (3), push the clip forward (4) to clamp the
gear selection cable joint.

1.0 445

Transmission Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto

Gear Panel
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the both left and right sides A/C control panel
bolt trim panel.
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the central pillar upper trim
panel to the central pillar.
4. Pry up the center console upper trim panel.
1. Embed the gear indicator into the gear display panel.
2. Fix the central pillar upper trim panel on the central
pillar, fit 4 screws, tighten to 3–5Nm, and check the
3. Connect the trim panel rear connector on the center
console .
4. Embed the sleeve into the center console the gear
display panel.
5. Remove the sleeve from the gear display panel.
5. Fix the central pillar upper trim panel on the central
6. Disconnect the trim panel rear connector on the center
pillar, fit 2 screws, tighten to 3–5Nm, and check the
console and remove the center console trim panel.
7. Remove 4 screws fixing the sleeve to the upper trim
6. Fit the both left and right sides A/C control panel bolt
trim panel.
7. Connect the battery negative cable.

8. Remove the gear display panel from the gear indicator.

1.0 446

Shift Lock Control-7 Speed Auto Transmission

Gear Cable 2. Embed cable ball joint into the shift rocker arm.
Remove 3. Fix the shift cable to the body floor, fit 2 bolts, tighten
1. Move the shift lever in P position. to 12–15Nm, and check the torque.
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 4. Fit the shift cable to the shift control mechanism.
3. Remove the battery box bracket. 5. If cable adjustment is required, first ensure that the
transmission shift lever and shift rocker arm are in the
Battery Box Bracket Remove
P position, push the clip backward (1), push the stop
4. Loosen the cable ball joint (1) from the gear
block upward (2), adjust the gear selection cable to an
selection/shift rocker arm, and loosen the C-shaped
appropriate length, then thoroughly press down the
clip (2) fixing the gear selection/shift cable to the cable
stop block (3), push the clip forward (4) to clamp the
gear selection cable joint.
5. Remove the center console assembly.
6. Fit the center console assembly.
Center Console Assembly Remove
Center Console Assembly Refit
6. Disconnect the gear shift cable at the tail end of gear
shift control mechanism. 7. Fit the battery bracket.

7. Remove 2 bolts fixing the gear shift cable to the body Battery Box Bracket Refit
floor. 8. Connect the battery negative cable.

8. Remove the gear shift cable from the vehicle.

1. Fix the gear shift cable to the jumper shifter cable
bracket on the automatic transmission with C-shaped
Caution: During clip installation, avoid pressure from
hand or tool to the nylon glove of cable, and check if the
nylon glove break off or not after installation.

1.0 447

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6MT

Shift Lock Control-6MT

Description and Operation
System Layout
Exploded View of Gear Shift Control Mechanism

1. Shift Lever Knob Handle and Sleeve Assembly

2. Clip - Shift Lever Knob Handle
3. Screw - Sleeve Assembly
4. Manual Shift Control Mechanism and Gear Selection/Shift
5. Nut - Shift Mechanism to Central Passage
6. Bolt - Gear Selection/Shift Cable to Body
7. Clip - Gear Selection/Shift Cable

1.0 448

Shift Lock Control-6MT Transmission

Service Procedures tighten to 0.6–1Nm, and check the torque.
Shift Lever Ball Head and Sleeve Assembly- 6. Secure the central pillar upper trim panel on the central
Manual pillar, fit 2 screws, tighten to 3–5Nm, and check the
Remove torque.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 7. Fit the both left and right sides A/C control panel bolt
2. Remove the both left and right sides A/C control panel trim panel.
bolt trim panel. 8. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the central pillar upper trim
panel to the central pillar.

4. Pry up the center console upper trim panel.

5. Remove 4 screws fixing the sleeve to the upper trim
6. Loosen the metal clamp on the knob.

7. Pull up the shift lever knob with care, and remove the
knob and sleeve from the shift lever.
1. Locate the trim ring to the knob, and screw the knob
into sleeve.
2. Locate a new metal clamp to the knob.
3. Locate the knob and sleeve to the shift lever of the
4. Press the knob into the shift lever second groove in
place, and tighten the clamp.
5. Insert the sleeve on the central pillar, fit 4 screws,

1.0 449

Transmission Shift Lock Control-6MT

Shift Lever Assembly - Manual 9. Loosen the cable ball joint (1) from the gear
Remove selection/shift rocker arm, and loosen the clip (2) fixing
1. Remove the battery box bracket. the gear selection/shift cable to the cable bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Remove

2. Remove the shift lever knob and sleeve assembly.
Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve Assembly Remove
3. Remove the center console assembly.
Center Console Assembly Remove
4. Locate the shift lever knob to 1st/2nd gear middle
5. Align with the control lid and gear selection rocker
arm hole, insert the 1st/2nd gear lock pin of the
transmission (or use a Ф5mm elastic pin puncher), so
as to ensure the relative position between the gear
position of the shift control device and that of the
10. Remove the gear shift control mechanism assembly.
transmission control mechanism is fixed.
1. Locate the gear shift mechanism assembly to the body,
fit nuts and tighten to 19–25Nm.
2. Refit 2 bolts fixing the cable to the body and tighten
to 10–15Nm.
3. Retain the gear selection/shift cable to the cable bracket
with clamps.
4. Make sure that the gear selection cable is in free state
( firstly push the top clip backward (1), then press the
block down), connect the cable joint ball to the gear
selection/shift rocker arm.
Caution: During clip installation, avoid pressure from
6. Align with the holes on the control mechanism device hand or tool to the nylon glove of cable, and check if the
and control lever, insert the 1st/2nd gear lock pin of nylon glove break off or not after installation.
the control mechanism (or use a Ф5mm elastic pin 5. After adjusting the gear selection cable to a proper
puncher), so as to ensure the relative position between length, firstly push the stop dog to the bottom (2),
the gear position of the shift control mechanism device then press the block down to the end, finally push the
and that of the transmission control mechanism is fixed. clip forward (3), thus the gear selection cable joint is

6. After the gear selection/shift cable is fitted, pull out the

7. Remove 4 nuts fixing the shift mechanism assembly to 1st/2nd gear lock pin of the transmission.
the body. 7. Pull out the 1st/2nd gear lock pin of the gear shift
8. Loosen 2 bolts fixing the cable to the body. mechanism assembly.

1.0 450

Shift Lock Control-6MT Transmission

8. Fit the center console assembly.

Center Console Assembly Refit

9. Fit the shift lever knob and sleeve assembly.
Shift Lever Knob and Sleeve Assembly Refit
10. Fit the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Refit


1.0 451

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6

Description Value
Bolt - engine lifting eye 22–28Nm
Bolt - transmission bracket to transmission 55–65Nm
Bolt - transmission to engine 75–90Nm
Bolt - flywheel to flywheel connecting plate 28–32Nm
Nut - transmission bracket to transmission mounting 90–110Nm
Bolt - coolant outlet tube to twin clutch sportronic 7–10Nm
clamp- clamp to twin clutch sportronic transmission 7–10Nm
Bolt - TCM assembly to TCM bracket 7–10Nm
Bolt - TCM bracket to body 19–25Nm
Drain plug-transmission 57–63Nm
Check plug-transmission 57–63Nm
Filler plug-transmission 57–63Nm
Pressure filter cover 38–42Nm
Bolt - park rocker arm to transmission 38–42Nm
Bolt - park rocker arm to rocker 19–21Nm

1.0 452

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Type 6-speed Wet Type Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Gear 6 forward gears and 1 reverse gear (all gears are engaged by the synchronizer)
Speed Ratio 2WD AWD
1 3.25
2 1.88
3 1.206
4 0.897
5 1.029
6 0.795
R 4.434
Final Drive 1 4.278
Final Drive 2 2.852
Overall length 358.55mm
Centre Distance 197mm
Differential Head 72mm
Maximum Input Torque 360Nm
Maximum Input Rotation Speed 6800rpm
Total Mass 87.9kg 88.7kg

1.0 453

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Description and Operation

System Layout
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Assembly -
2WD w
1. Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission - 2WD

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Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Assembly -


1. Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission - AWD


1.0 455

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Accessory

Layout - 2WD


1. Pressure Filter Cover 3. O Ring - Pressure Filter

2. Pressure Filter Element 4. Oil Filler Plug

1.0 456

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

5. Gasket - Oil Filler Plug 12. Gasket - Drain Plug
6. Parking Brake Cable Bracket 13. Drain Plug
7. Bolt - Parking Brake Cable Bracket 14. Vent Plug Cap
8. Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker Arm 15. R Gear Shaft Seal Cover
9. Bolt - Parking Brake Cable Shaft 16. Gasket - Oil Level Plug
10. Shift Shaft Oil Seal 17. Oil Level Plug
11. Axle Shaft Oil Seal

1.0 457

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Accessory

Layout - AWD


1. Pressure Filter Cover 3. O Ring - Pressure Filter

2. Pressure Filter Element 4. Oil Filler Plug

1.0 458

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

5. Gasket - Oil Filler Plug 12. Gasket - Drain Plug
6. Parking Brake Cable Bracket 13. Drain Plug
7. Bolt - Parking Brake Cable Bracket 14. Vent Plug Cap
8. Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker Arm 15. R Gear Shaft Seal Cover
9. Bolt - Parking Brake Cable Shaft 16. Gasket - Oil Level Plug
10. Shift Shaft Oil Seal 17. Oil Level Plug
11. Axle Shaft Oil Seal

1.0 459

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Gear Shaft


1. Inner Input Shaft 11. 1st/3rd Gear Synchronizer Assembly
2. Parking Gear (integrated in the differential housing) 12. Outer Input Shaft Speed Signal Wheel
3. Differential 13. Inner Input Shaft Speed Signal Wheel
4. Outer Input Shaft 14. Reverse Gear Shaft
5. 1234 Output Shaft 15. 5th Gear Synchronizer Assembly
6. 2nd Gear Driven Gear Assembly 16. Output Shaft 5th Gear Assembly
7. 4th Gear Driven Gear Assembly 17. Output Shaft 6th Gear Assembly
8. 3rd Gear Driven Gear Assembly 18. 6th/Reverse Gear Synchronizer Assembly
9. 1st Gear Driven Gear Assembly 19. R Gear Driven Gear Assembly
10. 2nd/4th Gear Synchronizer Assembly 20. 56R Output Shaft

1.0 460

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Differential Assembly Exploded View


1. Axle Shaft Oil Seal 8. Bolt - Differential Housing to Final Drive Driven Gear
2. Gasket - Differential 9. Planetary Gear Gasket
3. Tapered Bearing 10. Planetary Gear
4. Parking Gear 11. Axle Shaft Gear Shim
5. Differential Housing 12. Axle Shaft Gear
6. Planetary Shaft Pin 13. Planet Gear Shaft
7. Final Drive Driven Gear

1.0 461

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

System Control Diagram

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission TCM Control

A = Power HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = Chassis HS CAN Bus


1.0 462

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Hydraulic Control System

A= High Pressure Oil Circuit; B= Low Pressure Oil Circuit
1. Oil Pan 8. Fuel Injection Pipe (gear lubrication and cooling)
2. Suction Filter Assembly 9. Dual Clutch Cooling
3. Oil Pump 10. Pressure to Outer (Odd) Clutch
4. Pressure Filter 11. Pressure to Inner (Even) Clutch
5. Check Valve 12. Gear Control
6. Hydraulic Control Module Assembly
7. Transmission Oil Cooler (integrated in the left collecting
pipe of radiator)

1.0 463

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Solenoid

Valve, Sensor Control Diagram


A= 硬线

1.0 464

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Description Clutch Release State
The vehicle is equipped with 6-speed wet dual clutch automatic
transmission which possesses the high transmission efficiency
and durability of a manual transmission and the comfortability
of an automatic transmission that will not show interruption
of traction during shifting.

The TCM controls the system in a way similar with that

used by other ECUs equipped on the vehicle. It receives
information from the sensors or other control modules,
calculate according to the pulse spectrum information stored
in TCM memory, and then outputs signals to the actuators or
other ECU. The signal exchange with other control modules
is mainly conducted through the high-speed CAN bus. The 1. Torsional vibration damper
diagnostic test can be conducted through the Data Link 2. C1 External Plate Bracket
Connector (DLC). When the transmission has some faults, 3. External (Odd) Clutch C1
TCM will store related diagnostic trouble codes (DTC), and
4. C1 Internal Plate Bracket
these DTCs may be accessed again by using the scan tool.
5. C2 External Plate Bracket
Transmission Housing
6. Internal (Even) Clutch C2
The transmission housing assembly consists of the clutch
7. C2 Internal Plate Bracket
housing, main housing and end cap. The transmission housing
is made of cast aluminum, and the transmission assembly is 8. C1 Pressure Oil Cavity
connected to the engine by bolts. 9. C2 Pressure Oil Cavity
Dual Clutch and Shock Absorber Assembly 10. Pressure Oil Cavity for Lubricating Oil

The dual clutch and shock absorber assembly contains 2 parts: 11. C1 Return Spring
dual clutch module and torsional shock absorber. 12. C2 Return Spring

The dual clutch module consists of 2 wet-type multi-plate 13. Connecting External (Even) Input Shaft
friction clutches, its operation principle is as follows: 14. Connecting Internal (Odd) Input Shaft
15. C1 Piston
Even gears are deployed on one part of the transmission, which
odd gears are deployed on another part of the transmission. 16. C2 Piston
Before the gear shifting, the next gear is already locked on 17. Oil Pump Drive Wheel
the unloaded part of the transmission (pre-selected gear). External (Odd) Clutch Engaged State and
Then, the clutch of pre-selected gear is engaged, meanwhile Torque Transfer
the clutch of loaded gear is disengaged, so as to complete the
torque transfer.

The torque is inputted to the clutch from the flywheel, and

the torque in the clutch is introduced from the external
friction plate bracket, and applied to the internal plate clutch
by the engagement of the clutch, then transmitted to the
corresponding input shaft. One of the clutch always works in
the force transmission chain.

External clutch transfers the torque to the internal input shaft

connecting with 1st, 3rd, 5th and reverse gear. When the
external clutch is engaged, the hydraulic oil will fill into the oil

1.0 465

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

cavity of the external clutch through the 1st oil inlet duct, push
the piston to have the friction plates on the external clutch
compressed together.
The torque is transferred to the external input shaft through
the friction plate bracket. After the clutch is disengaged, the
return spring will push the piston back to its original position.
The torque is transferred to the internal input shaft through Flow Direction of Lubricating Oil in Clutch
the friction plate bracket. After the clutch is disengaged, the
return spring will push the piston back to its original position.
Internal (Even) Clutch Engaged State and
Torque Transfer

The hydraulic oil fills into the lubricating oil cavity of the
clutch through the 3rd oil inlet duct, the optimum lubricating
oil distribution is achieved by the oil groove design, the heat
generated will be taken away by the lubricating oil flowing
Internal clutch transfers the torque to the external input shaft through the friction plates of the clutch so as to cool the
connecting with 2nd, 4th, and 6th gear. When the internal clutch. Finally, the lubricating oil will flow out through the oil
clutch is engaged, the hydraulic oil will fill into the oil cavity groove.
of the internal clutch through the 2nd oil inlet duct, push Torsional vibration damper
the piston to have the friction plates on the internal clutch The torsional vibration damper module is a rotary mechanical
compressed together. damping system, which is integrated with the dual clutch
module, jointly forming the dual clutch and vibration damper

1.0 466

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Hydraulic Control Module Assembly pinion integrated with the output shaft is engaged with the
final drive driven gear of the differential assembly. When the
output shaft rotates, and the wheels swivel straight forward,
the torque will be applied to the whole assembly, and the
planetary gear does not rotate. The torque is transmitted to
the wheels through drive shaft. When the vehicle takes a turn,
the inner wheel will pass a shorter distance at a lower speed.
This drives the planetary gear to rotate, and the outer sun
gear offers a higher speed for outer wheels. Two driven shafts
transfer the torque to the differential, and the differential
transfers the torque to the wheels through the half axle.
Parking Mechanism

1. Valve Body Circuit Board

2. Solenoid Valve Body
3. Separator/Oil Seal
4. Actuator Valve Body

The hydraulic control module mainly consists of circuit board,

solenoid valve body, separator, actuator valve body and
solenoid valve etc. Its main function is:

• Control the engagement and separation of the dual clutch

• Control the gear selection of the transmission
• Provide cooling and lubrication for the transmission gear 1. Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker Arm
shaft system and dual clutch
2. Rocker Arm
Main Technical Parameters: 3. Locating Spring
• System operating temperature: -40~140℃; 4. Guide Plate
Lubricating Oil 5. Brake Pawl
The operating temperature of the transmission fluid is around 6. Parking Gear
70~110℃. In addition to lubrication, cooling and cleaning, 7. Pawl Return Spring
the main function of the transmission fluid is to control the
8. Pawl Rotating Shaft
dual clutch and valve body through internal fluid pressure,
therefore, the transmission fluid of high quality shall be used, Parking gear is fitted on the differential for reliable parking
and the fluid shall be clean. and avoiding the occurrence of unnecessary rolling when the
parking brake is not applied.
The operating principle of the parking mechanism is as follows:
The differential retains the final drive driven gear to the
when the shift lever is moved to P position, the parking brake
differential housing with bolts, and the planetary shaft pin,
cable shaft rocker arm drives the main guide plate through
planetary gear and half axle gear are supported by the
the lever to move along a straight line, and the main guide
differential housing. The differential assembly is supported by
plate drives the pawl rolling through the roller to have the
bearings in the transmission housing. Parking gear is integrated
pawl engaged with or separate from the parking gear, so as
in the differential. The differential allows the wheels to rotate
to achieve the purpose of locking or unlocking.
at different speed when the output torque are the same. The

1.0 467

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Gear Shaft System Synchronizer

1. Internal (Odd) Input Shaft 1. Synchronizer Gear Bushing

2. Differential 2. Synchronizer Gear Hub
3. External (Even) Input Shaft 3. Key Assembly
4. 1234 Output Shaft The Synchronizer consists of 3 parts: gear hub, key assembly
5. Reverse Gear Shaft and gear bushing.The gear hub is connected to the output
6. 56R Output Shaft shaft through the spline, and rotates together with the output
shaft. The key assembly is composed of housing, spring and
Input shaft
steel balls. The key assembly is fitted in the gap of the gear
The input shafts include internal (odd) input shaft and external hub, under the action of the spring, the steel ball is pressed
(even) input shaft, they are supported by bearing on the to the gear bushing and its spherical surface just embeds into
transmission housing. Among them, the solid one is the the groove of the gear bushing, which plays the role of neutral
internal input shaft, which is connected to 1st, 3rd, 5th and positioning. The spline teeth inside the gear bushing slides to
reverse gear; and the hollow one is the external input shaft,
fit with the spline teeth outside the gear hub, the fork is stuck
which is connected to 2nd, 4th and 6th gear. The internal on the gear bushing, so as to push the gear bushing to make
(odd) input shaft is connected to the external (odd) clutch, axial movement. After the gear bushing has engaged with the
and the external (even) input shaft is connected to the internal synchronizer ring and driven ring gear, the gear shift process
(even) clutch, both of them transmit the torque from the dual is completed. With the help of synchronizer and synchronizer
clutch module to the driven gear. ring, the impact and noise of engaging gears during the gear
Output shaft shift is reduced, the service lives of the gears are extended,
There are 2 output shafts corresponding to the internal and and the gear shift process becomes more smooth.
external input shafts, which is 1234 output shaft and 56R Synchronizer Ring
output shaft respectively. Two output shafts transmit the Different gears can generate a speed difference during shifting,
torque to the differential through the driven gear. and the function of a synchronizer ring is to eliminate the
Reverse Gear Shaft speed difference between the shift gear to be engaged and the
The reverse gear teeth on the internal input shaft change the synchronizer gear sleeve and make the shift more smooth.
rotating direction of the 56R output shaft by the engagement
with the idler pulley on the reverse shaft, that is, change the
direction of power transmission.

1.0 468

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Single Conical Synchronizer Ring Triple Conical Synchronizer Ring

1. Friction Ring 1. Inner Conical Ring

2. Conical Ring 2. Intermediate Ring

The one that 4th, 5th and 6th gear uses is a single conical 3. Outer Conical Ring
synchronizer ring. 4. Inner Friction Ring
Dual Conical Synchronizer Ring 5. Intermediate Friction Ring
6. Outer Friction Ring
The one that 1st and 2nd gear uses is a triple conical
synchronizer ring. Compared to the single conical
synchronizer ring, the structure of triple conical synchronizer
ring may increase the friction surface significantly.
Gear Shift and Selection

1. Outer Conical Ring

2. Intermediate Ring
3. Inner Conical Ring
4. Outer Friction Ring
5. Intermediate Friction Ring

The 3rd/reverse gear uses a dual conical synchronizer ring.

1. 6th/R Gear Fork
2. 5th Gear Fork
3. 2nd/4th Gear Fork
4. 1st/3rd Gear Fork
5. Magnet

The figure illustrates the gear shift process by taking 5th gear
fork as an example, other gears are similar with it.

1.0 469

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

The oil pump is an external double gear pump, its main

structure is a pair of mutually engaged gear. When the
gear rotates, the volume of the tooth gap where the gear
teeth at the suction chamber side are mutually disengaged
is gradually increasing, and the pressure is reduced, the fluid
flows into the tooth gap under the pressure difference. With
the gear rotation, the fluid in each tooth gap is brought to
the discharging chamber. The volume of the tooth gap where
the gear teeth at the discharging chamber side are engaged is
gradually decreasing, so as to discharge the fluid. With the
engine running, the pump discharges the fluid continuously.

The pump flow is directly related to the pump speed.

1. 5th Gear Fork Valve Body Piston Cylinder (in the Oil Filter
direction of shifting to N gear) The oil filter consists of a suction filter and a pressure filter.
2. 5th/N Gear Position Sensor
3. 5th Gear Fork Valve Body Piston Cylinder (in the
direction of shifting to 5th gear)
4. 5th Gear Fork

Inside the transmission, the hydraulically-operated fork is

controlled by the valve body piston cylinder to complete the
gear shift, and the fork shaft is connected to the fork. During
the gear shift, the transmission oil in the valve body is delivered
into the oil cylinder at one side of the fork, meanwhile there
is no oil pressure in the oil cylinder at other side of the fork,
which allows the piston in the oil cylinder push the fork to
move, at the same time, the fork turns synchronizer gear
bushing to complete the gear shift.
The suction filter is fitted at the bottom of the transmission
After the gear is engaged, the pressure applied to the oil housing and connected with the gear pump, it filters the oil
cylinder disappear, the fork is locked in the current position entering into the transmission hydraulic system at the suction
by the set pin. end of the gear pump. The suction filter mainly consists of
There is a permanent magnet on each fork, the position sensor filter housing and filter net, under the suction force of the oil
on the valve body control module can identify the precise pump, oil enters into the oil pump through the filter net, and
location of each fork through the magnet. the suction filtration is completed in this process.
Oil Pump and Oil Filter
Oil Pump

1. Pressure Filter Cap

2. O Ring - Pressure Filter Cover
3. Pressure Filter Element

1.0 470

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

4. O Ring - Pressure Filter Element 2. Fluid Level Pipe

The pressure filter is fitted on the top of the transmission The transmission is fitted with a fluid level pipe which can
housing, it is located in the oil duct between the pump and be used to set the correct fluid level. During fluid level
valve body, and conducts fine filtration of the oil entering into check, if fluid overflows as drops from the fluid level pipe,
the proportional solenoid valve oil circuit. The pressure filter the transmission fluid level is correct. For correct fluid level
is mainly composed of the filter cover, bypass valve and filter setting, please refer to the "Service Guideline for Dual Clutch
element. Automatic",
Fluid Drain and Fluid Level Fluid Level Check/Refill

A baffle is provided on the main transmission housing, which

ensures that the suction filter can suck enough fluid even when Satellite Sensor
the vehicle tilts. The baffle divides the transmission into two
fluid cavities, so the two cavities shall both be open when
draining the fluid thoroughly.
The satellite sensor assembly is fitted in the main housing, and
is located next to the 1234 output shaft. The satellite sensor
assembly integrates the output shaft speed sensor, clutch
speed sensor (i.e., input speed sensor) and clutch temperature
1. Fluid Drain Plug
2. Baffle
3. Fluid Drain Plug
Correct fluid level is significantly crucial for normal operation
of the transmission.

• Low fluid level: oil pump will inhale air, this will result in
low oil pressure and transmission malfunction.
• High fluid level: a large number of bubbles produced by
the stir of the gear set will overflow from the vent pipe.

1. Satellite Sensor
2. 1234 Output Shaft Final Drive Driving Gear
3. Clutch Wheel Hub

The output shaft speed sensor operates based on the Hall

principle, the output speed of the transmission is determined
by detecting the output shaft final drive driving gear speed;
the clutch speed sensor determines the input speed of the
transmission by detecting the clutch wheel hub speed; and the
clutch temperature sensor measures the temperature of the
1. Drain Plug (Fluid Level Check)
lubricating oil flowing out of the plate clutch.

1.0 471

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Sensors can be divided into the following categories:

Pressure Sensor
There are totally 2 pressure sensors in the transmission,
they are fitted on the valve body inside the transmission
respectively, and used for detecting the pressures of both odd
and even clutches in the dual clutch.
The oil temperature sensors are divided into 2 different
types, the solenoid temperature sensor has a semiconductor
thermistor inside which presents the negative temperature
coefficient characteristics, that is, the higher the oil
temperature, the smaller the resistance, or vice versa.

The pressure sensors are resistance strain gauge transducers,

when the oil pressure controlling the clutch engagement
changes, the deformation of resistance strain gauge will
occur with the oil pressure change, so that the voltage signal
generated by the sensor will increase along with the increased
oil pressure. and vice visa.

All 3 wires of the pressure sensor are connected with the ECU.
Among them, one is a power wire, one is a ground wire and
the other is the wire for signal of voltage to ground, which
varies with the oil pressure. TCM measures the controlling
oil pressure of the transmission clutch based on this voltage
change, so as to determine the current state of the dual clutch The valve body temperature sensor and clutch temperature
(engaged/separate). sensor are silicon temperature sensors which utilize
Temperature Sensor the diffused resistance principle, they have the positive
temperature coefficient characteristics, that is, the higher the
There are totally 3 temperature sensors in the transmission,
oil temperature, the greater the resistance, or vice versa.
namely, they are clutch temperature sensor, valve body
temperature sensor, and solenoid temperature sensor 2 wires of the oil temperature sensor are connected with
respectively. The clutch temperature sensor is integrated TCM, among them, one is the ground wire, the other
in the satellite sensor, and the valve body temperature is the wire for voltage to ground, which varies with the
sensor and solenoid temperature sensor are located on resistance value. TCM measures the transmission hydraulic
the valve body. These temperature sensors which contact oil temperature based on this voltage change, so as to
with the transmission oil are used to check the transmission determine the oil injection pulse width of the cooling lubricant
temperature. oil etc, together with the signals from other sensors.

1.0 472

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Position Sensor as to determine the transmission input, output rotation speed
and speed ratio, etc.
Solenoid Valve

There are totally 4 fork position sensors in the transmission,

they are fitted on the valve body inside the transmission
respectively, and used for checking the positions of 4 forks. 1. Even Clutch Solenoid
The fork position sensors are the ones which adopts the
2. Odd Clutch Solenoid
PLCD principle, when the magnet fitted on the fork moves
3. Multiplexer Solenoid 1
while the fork executes the gear shift action, the duty ratio
of the PWM signal generated by the sensor which are used 4. Main Oil Circuit Pressure Solenoid
to induce the magnet will increase or decrease along with 5. Multiplexer Solenoid 2
the magnet position change, when the signal is normal, the 6. Lubricating Oil Circuit Pressure Solenoid
operating range of the duty ratio should be 10%~90%.
7. Shift Solenoid 2
All 3 wires of the position sensor are connected with TCM, 8. Shift Solenoid 1
among them, one is a power wire, one is a ground wire and
the other is the wire for signal of PWM to ground, the duty Solenoids may be divided into 2 categories according to their
ratio will increase or decrease along with the magnet position operation: proportional solenoid and switch solenoid.
change. TCM measures the positions of 4 forks based on this Each solenoid includes an inner coil and a needle valve. The
duty ratio signal, so as to determine the current gear and target needle valve is activated by the voltage that passes through the
gear of the transmission together with the signals from other electromagnetic coil, and opens or closes the hydraulic circuit.
sensors. All solenoids are equipped with 2 pins, which are connected to
Speed Sensor TCM via the harness. Among them, one is for power supply,
and the other is for signal control. TCM outputs control
There are totally 4 speed sensors in the transmission, they are
signals to the solenoid based on the vehicle driving condition
used for checking the rotation speed of the clutch, internal
and collected sensor signal.
input shaft, external input shaft and output shaft, the clutch
speed sensor and output shaft speed sensor are integrated in Main Oil Pressure and Lubricating Oil Pressure
the satellite sensor, others are fitted on the valve body inside Solenoid
the transmission. All speed sensors are Hall-effect sensors, The transmission uses 1 main oil pressure solenoid and 1
when the target wheel starts to rotate, the speed sensor lubricating oil pressure solenoid, they all pertain to current
will generate a series of pulse signal, the number of pulses pulse width modulation solenoids, and are fitted on the valve
will increase as the vehicle speed increases, the pulse signal body inside the transmission respectively.
frequency of the speed sensor will increase as the rotation
The main oil pressure solenoid is used to modulate the main
speed of the inspected component increases, but the duty
oil circuit pressure of the hydraulic system. The greater the
ratio is kept constant at any speed.
control current of the main oil circuit solenoid is, the smaller
2 wires of the speed sensor are connected with TCM, the pressure of the main oil circuit is, and the smaller the
among them, one is the power wire, the other is the wire control current is, the greater the pressure of the main oil
for pulse signal to ground, its frequency will increase as the circuit is.
rotation speed of the corresponding transmission component
The lubricating oil pressure solenoid is used to modulate the
increases, TCM measures the rotation speeds of different
cooling lubricating oil pressure to the clutch. The greater the
transmission shafts and clutches based on this pulse signal, so
control current of the lubricating oil pressure solenoid is, the

1.0 473

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

smaller the flow volume entering into the clutch is, and vice 6 - ● OFF ON - ●
• ON: Switch Solenoid is On
Clutch Solenoid
• OFF: Switch Solenoid is Off
• ● : Current Pulse Width Modulation Solenoid is
Connecting Module and Harness Assembly
Connecting Module and Harness Assembly

The transmission has 2 clutch solenoids, which pertain to

current pulse width modulation solenoids, and are fitted on
the valve body inside the transmission respectively. They
are used to control and modulate the combined oil pressure
of odd and even clutches in the dual clutch respectively.
The clutch solenoid controls the hydraulic pressure linearly 1. Connecting to Sensor Board
through the current size, that is, the hydraulic pressure will
2. Connecting to Valve Body Circuit Board
increase as the control current increases, or vice visa.
3. Connecting to Satellite Sensor
Shift Solenoid
4. Connecting to TCM
The transmission has 2 shift solenoids, which pertain to
End View and Pin Information of Valve Body
current pulse width modulation solenoids, and are fitted
Module Harness Connector BY002
on the valve body inside the transmission respectively. 2
shift solenoids and 2 multiplexer solenoids participate in the
control on the shift oil pressure and 4 forks.
multiplexer Solenoid
The DCT transmission has 2 multiplexer solenoids, which
pertain to current pulse width modulation solenoids, and are
fitted on the valve body inside the transmission respectively.
2 multiplexer solenoids and 2 shift solenoids participate in the
control on 4 forks.
Solenoid Operation State
Solenoid Valve
Gear Gear Gear
Multiplexer Odd Even
Shift Shift
1 2 ClutchClutch
1 2 Pin No. Description
P - - OFF OFF - - 1 Odd Clutch Pressure Sensor Signal
R ● - OFF ON ● - 2 Solenoid Temperature Sensor Signal
N - - OFF OFF - - 3 Odd Clutch Pressure Sensor Signal
1 - ● OFF OFF ● - 4 Valve Body Temperature Sensor Signal
2 ● - ON ON - ● 5 Sensor Ground 2
D 3 ● - OFF OFF ● - 6 5V Sensor Power Supply 2
4 - ● ON ON - ● 7 Even Input Shaft Speed Sensor Signal
5 ● - ON OFF ● -

1.0 474

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Pin No. Description Transmission Control Module (TCM)
8 1st/4th Gear Position Sensor Signal
9 6th/R Gear Position Sensor Signal

10 —

11 Multiplexer Solenoid 2
12 Multiplexer Solenoid 1
13 SubROM Chip Option
14 SubROM Read/Write
15 SubROM Clock
The TCM is located on the passenger side fender and
16 Main Oil Circuit Pressure Solenoid
connected to the transmission harness via 1 connector, the
17 Shift Solenoid 2
connector has a total of 81 pins.
18 Shift Solenoid 1
TCM uses an Electrically Erasable Read-Only Memory
19 Clutch Temperature Sensor Signal
(EEPROM), therefore a new or replaced TCM may be used
20 9V Sensor Power Supply 1 for external configuration. EEPROM can also allow TCM to
21 9V Sensor Power Supply 2 be updated with new information and market-specific data.To
22 Lubricating Oil Circuit Pressure Solenoid enter new information, TCM must be configured with a
scan tool. EEPROM can allow TCM to be reconfigured for
23 Even Clutch Solenoid
many times as required, so as to meet the constantly changing
24 Odd Clutch Solenoid parameters and regulations.
25 Clutch Speed Sensor Signal
TCM stores the signal values of the transmission sensors
26 Output Shaft Speed Sensor Signal
and the actuators. These stored signals ensure that the
27 Sensor Ground 1 transmission can always obtain the optimal performance. If
28 Sensor Ground 1 the battery voltage is too low, such as the battery discharges,
29 5V Sensor Power Supply 1 the information will be lost. When starting the engine with
the battery discharged or disconnected, the TCM resumes
30 Odd Input Shaft Speed Sensor Signal
the default value. The EEPROM in the TCM allows the
31 5th Gear Position Sensor Signal stored value to be rapidly accessed again.
32 1st/3rd Gear Position Sensor Signal
33 —
The sensor signal enables the TCM to monitor the
Solenoid Power Supply 3 (lubrication oil circuit transmission state. The TCM handles the signals and
34 pressure solenoid, main oil circuit pressure
solenoid) compares them with the data stored in the memory. If these
signals are not within the range of parameters stored in TCM,
Solenoid Power Supply 2 (Even clutch solenoid,
35 TCM will adjust the operation of the transmission through
shift solenoid 2, multiplexer solenoid 2)
the actuator, so as to provide the optimal driveability and
Solenoid Power Supply 1 (Odd clutch solenoid,
36 other performances.
shift solenoid 1, multiplexer solenoid 1)

SubROM TCM also connects with the following units through the CAN
SubROM is a memory chip located on the valve body of the
transmission, it stores the relevant information such as the • ECM
fork position of each gear, clutch meshing point, characteristic • BCM
curve of the solenoid etc. When replacing TCM, it is required • ABS/SCS Regulator ECU
to transmit these data in the SubROM into the new TCM with • Instrument Pack
a scan tool.
• Diagnostic Socket

1.0 475

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

TCM receives the input signals of throttle opening, engine solenoid state, mode switch, etc. In addition, TCM outputs
coolant temperature, engine speed, engine torque, etc. from the torque control request, shift gear information and failure
ECM; TCM also receives the input signals of brake switch, warning information to ECM and outputs execution signal, etc.
pressure sensor, clutch speed, oil temperature, valve body
w to the valve body solenoid.


1.0 476

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

End View and Pin Information of Transmission
Control Module (TCM) Harness Connector

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description

1 Ground 32–37 —
2 Ground 38 Shift Solenoid 2
3 Ground 39 Lubricating Oil Circuit Pressure Solenoid
4 KL.30 40–43 —
5 KL.30 44 Multiplexer Solenoid 1
6 KL.15 45 Data Output: P/N Hard Wire
7 9V Sensor Power Supply 1 46–48 —
8 9V Sensor Power Supply 2 49 SubROM Write/Read Selection
9 Odd Shaft Speed Sensor Signal 50–52 —
10 Even Shaft Speed Sensor Signal 53 Clutch Oil Temperature Sensor Signal
11 1st/3rd Gear Fork Position Sensor Signal 54 Valve Body Oil Temperature Sensor Signal
12 2nd/4th Gear Fork Position Sensor Signal 55 Instrument HS CAN Low
13 — 56 Instrument HS CAN High
14 KL.R 57 Odd Clutch Pressure Solenoid
15 Odd Clutch Pressure Sensor Signal 58 Even Clutch Pressure Solenoid
16 Even Clutch Pressure Sensor Signal 59 —
Solenoid Power Supply 2 (Even clutch solenoid, shift
17 High Speed CAN Low 60
solenoid 2, even multiplexer solenoid)
18 High Speed CAN High 61–62 —
19 Shift Solenoid 1 63 Multiplexer Solenoid 2
20 Main Oil Circuit Pressure Solenoid 64 Sensor Ground 1
21–22 — 65 Sensor Ground 2
Solenoid Power Supply 1 (Odd clutch, shift —
23 66–67
solenoid 1, odd multiplexer solenoid)
24–25 — 68 SubROM Clock
26 5V Sensor Power Supply 1 69 SubROM Chip Option
27 5V Sensor Power Supply 2 70 —
28 Output Shaft Speed Sensor Signal 71 Sensor Ground 1
29 Engine Speed Sensor Signal 72 Oil Pan Oil Temperature Sensor Signal
30 5th/N Gear Fork Position Sensor Signal 73–80 —
Solenoid Power Supply 3 (Main oil circuit pressure
31 6th/R Gear Fork Position Sensor Signal 81
solenoid, lubrication oil circuit pressure solenoid)

1.0 477

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Operation shaft is driven by the outer (odd) clutch, while the outer input
Transmission Power Flow shaft is driven by the inner (even) clutch.

The delivery of torque in transmission is achieved via inner and The power flow of each gear is shown in the following diagram:
outer clutch. Each clutch drives an input shaft. The inner input

Data Note
1 Output Shaft 1st Gear Assembly 11 Inner (Even) Clutch
2 Output Shaft 2nd Gear Assembly 12 Inner Input Shaft
3 Output Shaft 3rd Gear Assembly A 5th Gear Synchronizer Assembly
4 Output Shaft 4th Gear Assembly B 6th/Reverse Gear Synchronizer Assembly
5 Output Shaft 5th Gear Assembly C 2nd/4th Gear Synchronizer Assembly
R Output Shaft Reverse Gear Assembly D 1st/3rd Gear Synchronizer Assembly
6 Reverse Gear Shaft E Input Shaft Bearing
7 56R Output Shaft FD Final Drive Driven Gear
8 1234 Output Shaft FD1 1234 Output Shaft Final Drive Driving Gear
9 Outer Input Shaft FD2 56R Output Shaft Final Drive Driving Gear
10 Outer (Odd) Clutch

1.0 478

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Shift Fork and Clutch State

Shift Fork Position Clutch

2nd/4th 1st/3rd Outer Inner
5th Gear 6th/R Gear
Gear Gear (Odd) (Even)
1 M M R L C O
2 M M R U O C
3 M M U R C O
4 U M L U O C
5 R U U M C O
6 R L M M O C

• O=Open
• C=Close
• L=Left
• R=Right
• M=Middle
• U=Unknow (depend on the current driving status)

1.0 479

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

1st Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
D 1 - ● OFF OFF ● - M M R L
Power Flow:

Engine - Outer (Odd) Clutch - Inner Input Shaft - 1st Gear -

1234 Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive Shaft

1.0 480

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

2nd Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
D 2 ● - ON ON - ● M M R U
Power Flow:

Engine - Inner (Even) Clutch - Outer Input Shaft - 2nd Gear -

1234 Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive Shaft

1.0 481

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

3rd Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
D 3 ● - OFF OFF ● - M M U R
Power Flow:

Engine - Outer (Odd) Clutch - Inner Input Shaft - 3rd Gear -

1234 Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive Shaft

1.0 482

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

4th Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
D 4 - ● ON ON - ● U M L U
Power Flow:

Engine - Inner (Even) Clutch - Outer Input Shaft - 4th Gear -

1234 Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive Shaft

1.0 483

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

5th Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
D 5 ● - ON OFF ● - R U U M
Power Flow:

Engine - Outer (Odd) Clutch - Inner Input Shaft - 5th Gear -

56R Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive Shaft

1.0 484

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

6th Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
D 6 - ● OFF ON - ● R L M M

Power Flow:

Engine - Inner (Even) Clutch - Outer Input Shaft - 6th Gear -

56R Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive Shaft

1.0 485

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Reverse Gear
Solenoid Shift Fork Position
Gear Gear MultiplexerMultiplexer Odd Even 5th 6th/R 2nd/4th 1st/3rd
Shift 1 Shift 2 1 2 Clutch Clutch Gear Gear Gear Gear
R ● - OFF ON ● - M R R M
Power Flow:

Engine - Outer (Odd) Clutch - Inner Input Shaft - Reverse Gear

Shaft - 56R Output Shaft - Final Drive Gear - Differential- Drive

1.0 486

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Hydraulic Oil Circuit
Hydraulic system is mainly divided into two parts:

1. High pressure oil circuit, mainly in charge of gear shift of

transmission and clutch operation.
2. Low pressure oil circuit, mainly in charge of the
lubrication of the transmission gear, shaft, bearing and
clutch cooling.

Establishment and distribution of the hydraulic pressure: the

oil enters into the hydraulic system through the filter and
oil pump, the mainline pressure control valve controls the
mainline pressure range from 0 to 3.27MPa, the system oil
circuit is divided into two parts after flowing through the
mainline pressure modulator valve: high pressure oil circuit
and low pressure oil circuit.

The high pressure oil circuit takes charge of clutch and gear
shift control. The clutch solenoid adjust oil circuit pressure
range from 0 to 1.8MPa.

After a part of hydraulic oil flowing in the mainline pressure

control valve, the pressure is reduced within 0.57MPa. This oil
circuit is low pressure lubrication cooling oil circuit. The low
pressure oil circuit is divided into two parts after coming out of
the mainline pressure control valve, one part enters into the oil
cooler via the housing oil groove, returns to transmission after
cooling from oil cooler, and then connects with oil spray bar
and output shaft lubrication oil circuit after entering into the
transmission. The other part flows into the clutch lubrication
oil circuit after adjusted by the lube pressure valve, and then
flows back to the oil pan after the clutch is cooled down.

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Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Service Procedures
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
1. Secure the vehicle on the lift.
2. Remove the battery box.

Battery Remove
3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the oil cooler pipe clip to the
automatic transmission and remove the pipe clip.
6. Fit the engine lug of the TEN00120 to the engine,
tighten the bolt to 22–28Nm and check the torque.

4. Remove the bolt connecting the oil cooler pipe to the

automatic transmission, disconnect the pipe from the
automatic transmission and discard the seal ring.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

7. Fix the engine with the T10007 and TEN00070.

5. Remove 2 central bolts connecting the engine cylinder

block to the transmission.
8. Remove 3 bolts fixing the transmission suspension to
the transmission.

1.0 488

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission


9. Raise the vehicle to a suitable position with the lift. 18. Support the transmission with a bracket.
10. Disconnect the harness from the connector of the dual 19. Remove the remaining 6 bolts connecting the engine
clutch automatic transmission. to the transmission.
20. With assistance, release the transmission and engine
from the locating pin, and put the transmission aside.
21. Lock the dual clutch module by securing the dual clutch
module with a panel.
22. Remove 4 bolts securing the automatic transmission
mounting bracket on the transmission, and remove the

11. Drain the automatic transmission fluid.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -

12. Remove the front subframe.

Front Subframe Remove

13. Remove the PTU.

PTU Remove Refit

14. Remove the starter. 1. Clean the junction of the engine and transmission.

Starter Remove 2. Clean the locating pin and pin hole of the transmission
and engine.
15. Remove the parking brake cable bracket.
3. Fix the automatic transmission mounting bracket to
Parking Brake Cable Bracket Remove the automatic transmission, fit 4 bolts, tighten to
16. Rotate the flywheel to expose the bolts connecting 55–65Nm and check the torque.
the flywheel with the flywheel plate from the starter 4. Secure the automatic transmission holder on the
mounting port. bracket, then lift and locate the bracket to the vehicle.
17. Remove and discard 6 bolts connecting the flywheel 5. With assistance, align the front of the hydraulic torque
plate with the flywheel. converter with the engine crankshaft hole, and align
the engine locating pin with the locating pin hole of the
automatic transmission and allow the transmission and
engine to fit together.

1.0 489

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Caution: Take care not to damage the flywheel and check the torque.
connecting plate or clutch sealing cover when connecting 18. Fit the remaining 2 bolts connecting the automatic
engine and transmission, otherwise transmission failure transmission and engine, tighten to 75–90Nm, and
could result! check the torque.
6. Fit 8 bolts connecting the engine and automatic 19. Remove the plug, fit a new seal to the oil cooler pipe,
transmission, tighten to 75–90Nm in diagonal and apply clean automatic transmission fluid to it.
sequence, check the torque and mark with the marker. 20. Secure the oil cooler pipe to the automatic transmission,
7. Rotate the crankshaft, align the hole on the flywheel fit 1 bolt respectively, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check
with the bolt hole on the flywheel plate, fit 2 bolts and the torque.
pre-tighten to 3–5Nm. 21. Secure the oil cooler pipe clip to the automatic
8. Rotate the crankshaft (appr. 120°), align the hole on transmission, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check
the flywheel with the bolt hole on the flywheel plate, fit the torque.
2 bolts and pre-tighten to 3–5Nm. 22. Fit the battery box.
9. Rotate the crankshaft (appr. 120°) again, align the hole
Battery Refit
on the flywheel with the bolt hole on the flywheel plate,
23. Refill automatic transmission fluid
fit 2 bolts and pre-tighten to 3–5Nm.
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -
10. Tighten 6 bolts to 28–32Nm in the sequence of
1–5–3–4–2–6, and mark with the marker. Refill

Caution: Take care to fit correct bolt securing flywheel 24. Programme and code the EEPROM.
connecting plate to flywheel. If not, the longer bolt will Reset EEPROM Data to Default Value
damage the clutch sealing cover, transmission failure 25. Programme and code the SubROM.
could result!
Read SubROM Data (all).
26. Test the automatic transmission sensor.

Automatic Transmission Sensor Test


11. Fit the parking brake cable bracket.

Parking Brake Cable Bracket Refit
12. Fit the starter.
Starter Refit
13. Fit the PTU.
PTU Refit
14. Fit the front subframe.
Front Subframe Refit
15. Connect the connector of the dual clutch automatic
16. Lower the vehicle.
17. Fix the transmission suspension to the transmission, fit
2 bolts, tighten to , fit 1 nut, tighten to 90–110Nm,

1.0 490

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

TCM - Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -
Remove Drain and Refill
1. Disconnect the battery negative.

2. Remove the left front wheelhouse liner. 1. Remove the bottom deflector.

Front Wheelhouse Liner Remove Bottom Deflector Remove

3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the TCM bracket to the vehicle 2. Place a suitable container below the transmission to
body. collect the transmission fluid.

4. Disconnect the transmission control module connector. 3. Check the surrounding area of each oil plug for oil
leakage, replace the faulty oil plug or seal gasket as
4. Clean 2 oil drain plugs (B, C) and their surrounding
5. Remove 2 oil drain plugs (B, C) and discard the seal
6. Drain the oil.

Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid

as the fluid can be very hot.
Caution: Only use appointed transmission oil. Do not add
any additives.
5. Remove 4 screws fixing the TCM to its bracket, and
Caution: Do not reuse the drained transmission oil.
remove the TCM.
1. Fit new seal gasket to the drain plug (B and C), tighten
the drain plug to 57–63Nm and remove the oil stain
around the plug.
Caution: Detect the flange surface quality of the oil plug,
and change for new plug if there is any knock marks or
2. Remove the oil level plug (A) and discard the seal gasket.
3. Lower the vehicle, clean the surrounding area of the
oil filler, remove the oil filling plug and discard the seal

1. Fix the transmission control module to its bracket, fit 4
screws, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect the transmission control module connector.
3. Fix the transmission control module bracket to the
body, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check the
4. Fit the left front wheel house liner.

Front Wheelhouse Liner Refit

5. Connect the battery negative. 4. Fill the transmission fluid through the oil filler with the
6. Programme and code the TCM. TPT00059.

TCM Replacement

1.0 491

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -

Fluid Level Check and Refill
Caution: Only use appointed transmission oil. Do not add
any additives.

Caution: Do not reuse the drained transmission oil.

1. Remove the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Remove

2. Check the surrounding area of each oil plug for oil
leakage, replace the faulty oil plug or seal gasket as
5. Check the transmission fluid level. 3. Raise the vehicle to have wheels off the ground.
4. Start the engine in "P" gear and keep it running at idle
Transmission Fluid Check and Refill
5. Depress the brake pedal, shift the gear in the following
sequence: R-N (twice), N-D (twice), D-W (twice),
During shifting, the brake pedal is always depressed.
After the operation, shift to "N" gear.
6. Depress the brake pedal, shift to "R" gear, release the
brake pedal, allow the wheels to rotate for about 10
seconds; depress the brake pedal until the wheels stop
rotating, then release the brake pedal and allow the
wheels to rotate for about 10 seconds again.

Warning: All the staff shall be away from the rotary parts
to avoid personal injury.
7. Depress the brake pedal, shift to "W" gear, release the
brake pedal and allow the wheels to rotate for about
10 seconds; depress the brake pedal until the wheels
stop rotating, then release the brake pedal and allow
the wheels to rotate for about 10 seconds again.

Warning: All the staff shall be away from the rotary parts
to avoid personal injury.
8. Connect the scan tool, ensure that the valve body
temperature is already between 35–45℃.

• If the valve body temperature is lower than 35℃, repeat

step 6 until the valve body temperature is between
• If the valve body temperature is higher than 45℃, turn
off the engine, repeat step 3, 4, 5 and 6 after it is cooled
to room temperature until the valve body temperature
is between 35–45℃;
9. Depress the brake pedal until the wheels are fully
stopped, shift to "P" gear, and keep the engine running
at idle speed.
10. Remove the oil plug (A), and place an appropriate
container under the transmission.

1.0 492

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

tighten to 57–63Nm, then clean the oil stain around
the oil plug.

Caution: Detect the flange surface quality of the oil plug,

and change for new plug if there is any knock marks or

4. Fit the oil filler plug and a new seal gasket, tighten to
57–63Nm, and clean the oil stain around the oil plug.

Caution: Detect the flange surface quality of the oil plug,

and change for new plug if there is any knock marks or
5. Fit the bottom deflector.
11. Check if any fluid overflows as drops from the oil level Bottom Deflector Refit
• If overflow occurs, finish the operation and turn off the
engine. clean the oil plug (A), fit a new seal gasket, tighten
to 57–63Nm and remove the oil stain around the oil

Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid

as the fluid can be very hot.

Caution: Detect the flange surface quality of the oil plug,

and change for new plug if there is any knock marks or

• If no fluid overflows, refill an appropriate transmission

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid
1. Lower the vehicle, clean the surrounding area of the
oil filler, remove the oil filling plug and discard the seal
2. With the TPT00059, refill transmission fluid through
the oil filler until the fluid overflows as drops from the
oil level hole at position A. Then turn off the engine to
complete the refill.

3. Clean the oil level plug (A), fit a new seal gasket and

1.0 493

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Differential Oil Seal - Transmission Housing Differential Oil Seal -Clutch Housing
Removal Removal
1. Drain the transmission oil. 1. Drain the transmission oil.

Draining of TST Oil Draining of TST Oil

2. Remove left drive shaft assembly. 2. Remove right drive shaft assembly.
Removal of Left Drive Shaft Assembly Removal of Right Drive Shaft Assembly
3. Insert the jaw at the front end of TPT00117 into 3. Insert the jaw at the front end of TPT00117 into the
the steel ring frame of the oil seal, secure the jaw and steel ring frame of the oil seal, and impact the oil seal
impact the oil seal with a ram. with a ram.
4. Remove and discard the oil seal. 4. Remove and discard the oil seal.
Refit Refit
1. Apply designated transmission oil on the oil seal lip 1. Apply the transmission oil on the oil seal lip with clean
with clean finger. finger.
2. Fit the new oil seal into the transmission housing with 2. Fit the new oil seal into the transmission housing with
TPT00118 and hammer. TPT00118 and hammer.

Caution: Take care not to damage the oil seal.

Caution: Take care not to damage the oil seal.

3. Fit left drive shaft assembly. 3. Fit right drive shaft assembly.

Refit of Left Drive Shaft Assembly Refit of Right Drive Shaft Assembly
4. Refill the transmission oil and check the oil level. 4. Refill the transmission oil and check the oil level.

Refilling of TST Oil Refilling of TST Oil

1.0 494

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Pressure Filter to 38–42Nm at a constant speed of 10s/rev. Wrenches
Remove with digital display or pointer are recommended for
Tip: Oil pressure filter and O ring of oil pressure filter this operation.
cover should replaced per 60,000 kilometers.
Warning: Take care to tighten the pressure filter cover
1. Remove the throttle intake pipe.
within specified value, if not transmission oil will spray
Throttle Intake Pipe Remove from transmission. The sprayed oil may result fire in hot
2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the oil cooler pipe clip to the condition!
automatic transmission. Caution: Do not use the pneumatic or electrical tool to
3. Loosen the pressure filter cover, keep away from the remove or fit pressure filter cover, otherwise the pressure
transmission oil cooler pipe, and take away the pressure filter cover will be damaged.
filter cover. If the pressure filter cover shall be replaced,
7. After the part is tightened, mark the mating face of the
the O ring shall also be replaced.
housing and pressure filter cover with a marker.
Caution: Do not use the pneumatic or electrical tool to 8. Fit 1 bolt fixing the oil cooler pipe clip to the automatic
remove or fit pressure filter cover, otherwise the pressure
transmission, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the
filter cover will be damaged. torque.
4. Pull out the pressure filter element slowly, handle with 9. Fit the throttle intake pipe.
care to allow the residual oil in the element to drop
Throttle Intake Pipe Refit
back into the transmission instead of dropping on the
transmission housing.

1. Apply the specified transmission oil to the O ring of
the pressure filter element.
2. Insert the new pressure filter element into the hole on
the transmission housing and fit it properly.
3. Check if the O ring on the pressure filter cover is in
good condition, and replace it if necessary.
4. Fit the O ring to the pressure filter cover and check if
it is properly fitted, then apply transmission oil to the
O ring and the thread of the pressure filter cover.
5. Fit the pressure filter cover to the transmission housing,
and pretighten manually until the O ring touches the
flange surface of the transmission housing. If the part
is stuck during pretightening, stop the operation and
turn it counterclockwise to remove it immediately,
then check the O ring or thread for any damage, if it is
damaged, replace it.
6. With torque wrench, tighten the pressure filter cover

1.0 495

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Parking Brake Cable Bracket Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker Arm
Remove Remove
1. Place the shift lever in "P" gear. 1. Move the shift lever to "P" gear.
2. Disconnect the cable ball joint at the transmission side 2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
from the parking brake cable rocker arm. Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
3. Release C-clip from the transmission cable bracket, and only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
release the cable support. stands.
3. Disconnect the ball joint of the parking brake cable
from the rocker arm of the parking brake cable shaft.
4. Remove the parking brake cable from the parking brake
cable bracket.
4. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the rocker arm of the
5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the parking brake cable bracket
to the transmission housing to remove the parking parking brake cable shaft to the rocker arm shaft.
brake cable.

5. Remove the rocker arm of the parking brake cable shaft.

Refit Refit
1. Fix the parking brake cable bracket to the transmission 1. Ensure the shift lever is in "P" gear.
housing, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 38–42Nm, and check 2. Fix the rocker arm of the parking brake cable shaft
the torque. to the rocker arm shaft, fit 1 new bolt, tighten to
2. Fit the cable ball joint at the transmission side to the 19–21Nm and check the torque.
parking brake cable rocker arm. 3. Rotate the rocker arm of the parking brake cable
3. Locate the parking brake cable to its bracket and secure shaft to the towards the "P" mark on the transmission
with C-clip. housing, then rotate the front wheels or push the
vehicle to move (displacement of the vehicle shall not
4. Adjust the parking brake cable.
exceed 20cm), until a "click" can be heard or the two
Parking Brake Cable Adjustment front wheels cannot turn towards one direction. This
indicates that the parking pawl has snapped into the
parking gear teeth completely.

1.0 496

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

4. Fit the ball joint of the parking brake cable to the rocker Oil Seal - Parking Brake Cable Shaft
arm knob of the parking brake cable shaft. Removal
5. Check/adjust the parking brake cable. 1. Remove starter motor.
Parking Brake Cable Check/Adjustment Removal of starter motor
2. Remove the parking brake cable shaft rocker arm.
Removal of Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker Arm
3. Pry up the parking brake cable shaft oil seal with
TPT00141 carefully and discard it.

1. Place the guide of TPT00140 on the cable shaft.
2. Apply some transmission oil to oil seal lip by clean
3. Put the new oil seal of the guide of TPT00140.
4. Do not make the oil seal tilt, tap it in place with the
punch of TPT00140.

5. Refit the parking brake cable shaft rocker arm.

Refit of Parking Brake Cable Shaft Rocker Arm

6. Fit starter motor.

Refit starter motor

1.0 497

Transmission Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Speed

Reverse Gear Shaft Sealing Cap

1. Remove the left front wheel house liner.

Front Wheel House Liner Remove

2. With a punch and hammer, punch a hole in the center
of the reverse shaft seal cover.
4. Check if the reverse shaft seal cover is level.
5. Fit the left front wheel house liner.
Front Wheel House Liner Refit
6. Perform a road test and check for leak. Ensure the part
is properly fitted.
3. Insert one end of the needle nose pliers into the hole in
the center of the reverse shaft seal cover, remove and
discard the seal cover of the reverse shaft.
1. Remove the dust around the mounting hole/housing of
the reverse shaft seal cover.
2. Apply transmission oil to the rubber part of the new
seal cover, push it into the transmission housing by
hand and ensure the outer metal ring of the seal cover
is flush with the housing surface.
3. Fit the reverse shaft seal cover with the TPT00221.

1.0 498

Twin-Clutch Sportronic Transmission-6 Transmission

Special Tools Tool Description Picture
Tool Description Picture Number

Remover park
Engine lift shaft oil seal
Replacer park
shaft oil seal
TEN00070 Engine support

Replacer cover
Transmission TPT00221 assembly-reverse
TPT00059 fluid fill idler shaft
TPT00117 driveshaft oil

TPT00118 driveshaft oil

1.0 499

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic
Transmission-7 Speed

Description Value
Oil drain plug 7–14Nm
Oil over flow plug 7–14Nm
Bolt-hose CAC to engine 7–10Nm
Bolt - lower tie rod mounting bracket to transmission 97–110Nm
Bolt - engine to transmission 49–67Nm
Bolt - transmission mounting to body 55-65Nm
Bolt - transmission bracket to transmission bracket 90-110Nm
Nut - transmission bracket to transmission bracket 90-110Nm
Bolt - transmission to engine 49–67Nm
tangential fastener 30–35Nm
Bolt - closed on board to transmission 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt-catalysts fixing bracket to catalysts 19–25Nm
Bolt-catalysts fixing bracket to transmission 49–67Nm
Bolt -oxygen sensor bracket to transmission 22–28Nm
Bolt -battery bracket to body 40-50Nm
Bolt - bond strap to transmission 7.5–10.5Nm
Nut -transmission harness to TCM 8–10Nm
Bolt - TCM to transmission control codule 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt- expansion tank to body 4–6Nm
Bolt - transmission control codule to transmission 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt -battery tray bracket 19-25Nm
Bolt - shift fork position sensor to transmission control 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - automatic transmission input speed sensor to 7.5–10.5Nm
transmission control codule
Bolt - transmission control module wiring harness to 7.5–10.5Nm
transmission control codule
Bolt - clutch actuator cylinder to clutch housing 12.5–14.5Nm
Bolt - clutch actuator cylinder position sensor wiring harness 7.5–10.5Nm
cover to clutch housing
Nut - shift arm to manual shift shaft 10–14Nm
Bolt - fluid trough to transmission housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - input shaft bearing retainer to transmission housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - output speed sensor to transmission housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - park pawl actuator bracket to transmission housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - park pawl actuator bracket to transmission housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - manual shaft detent lever spring to transmission housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - clutch housing to transmission housing 35–40Nm
Bolt - fluid trough to clutch housing 7.5–10.5Nm

1.0 500

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Description Value
Bolt - input shaft bearing retainer to clutch housing 7.5–10.5Nm
Bolt - input shaft bearing retainer to input shaft 40–50Nm

1.0 501

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Type 7-speed dry dual clutch automatic transmission
Transmission Arrangement Form Transverse Mount
Speed ratio:
Gear 2WD/AWD
7 forward gears and 1 reverse gear
·1 4.231
·2 2.476
·3 1.389
·4 0.929
·5 0.755
·6 0.714
·7 0.566
·R 3.882
·1267 output shaft final drive driving gear 4.563
·345R output inputdrive
shaft final torque
driving gear 250Nm
Maximum input speed 7000 rpm
Gear Division P,R,N,D,W,Tiptronic
Housing Material Die-casting Aluminum
Transmission Net Weight (with Oil) 78kg
Lubricating Oil

• Model DEXRON®DCT Fluid

• Approximate Capacity 2.45 L

Hydraulic Oil

• Model Pentosin
• Approximate Capacity 1.90 L

1.0 502

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Description and Operation
System Layout
Drawing of Dry Dual Clutch Automatic
Transmission Assembly

1.0 503

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

1. Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission - 2WD


1.0 504

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

1. Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission -AWD
Diagram of Dry Dual Clutch Automatic
Transmission Refit

1. Transmission Mounting Bolt 4. Upper Closing Panel

2. Front Closing Panel 5. Bolt - Upper Closing Panel
3. Transmission Mounting Bolt

1.0 505

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Layout of Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission


1. Bolt - Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Module and 14. Snap Ring

Control Module Assembly to Transmission Housing
15. Gear Hub Assembly - Clutch Driven Hub
2. Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Module and Control 16. Snap Ring
Module Assembly
17. Clutch Housing
3. Gasket - Hydraulic Module Assembly to Transmission
18. Differential Assembly
19. 1267 Output Shaft Assembly (Lower Intermediate Shaft)
4. Input Shaft Bearing Cover Bolt - Transmission Housing
20. 2/6 Gear Shifting Fork
5. 1357 Input Shaft Assembly
21. 1/7 Gear Shifting Fork
6. 246R Input Shaft Assembly
22. Washer - Clutch Housing to Transmission Housing
7. 35 Shifting Fork
23. Transmission Housing Assembly
8. 4R Shifting Fork
24. Automatic Transmission Breather Pipe Assembly
9. 345R Output Shaft Assembly (Upper Intermediate Shaft)
25. Automatic Transmission Breather Pipe
10. Bolt - Clutch Housing to Transmission Housing
26. Hydraulic Module Assembly Breather Pipe
11. Input Shaft Bearing Cover Bolt - Clutch Housing
27. Clamp between Breather Pipes
12. Dual Clutch Assembly
28. Breather Pipe to Intercooler Pipe Clamp
13. Input Shaft Bearing Gasket

1.0 506

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Exploded View of Transmission Housing 1

1. Oil Filler Plug 4. Differential Half Axle Oil Seal
2. Oil Filler Plug O-ring 5. Oil Level Plug
3. Drain Plug

1.0 507

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Exploded View of Transmission Housing 2

1. Transmission Housing Locating Pin 8. Bolt - 1267 Output Shaft Oil Guide Groove
2. Transmission Assembly Locating Pin 9. 1267 Output Shaft Oil Guide Groove
3. 1267 Output Shaft Rear Oil Nozzle 10. Bolt - Input Shaft Oil Nozzle
4. Outer Ring - 1267 Output Shaft Rear Cone Bearing 11. Input Shaft Oil Nozzle
5. Magnetic Steel 12. Outer Ring - 345R Output Shaft Rear Cone Bearing
6. Input Shaft Oil Nozzle 13. 345R Output Shaft Rear Oil Nozzle
7. Inner Ring - Differential Rear Cone Bearing

1.0 508

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Exploded View of Clutch Housing 1

1. Outer Ring - 345R Output Shaft Front Cone Bearing 6. 1267 Output Shaft Front Oil Deflector
2. Gasket - Differential Front Cone Bearing 7. Gasket - 1267 Output Shaft Front Cone Bearing
3. Outer Ring - Differential Front Cone Bearing 8. Outer Ring - 1267 Output Shaft Front Cone Bearing
4. 345R Output Shaft Oil Guide Groove 9. 345R Output Shaft Oil Deflector
5. Bolt - 345R Output Shaft Oil Guide Groove 10. Gasket - 345R Output Shaft Front Cone Bearing

1.0 509

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Exploded View of Clutch Housing 2

1. Bolt - Clutch Actuator Cylinder Harness Cover 5. Clutch Housing Oil Seal
2. Cover - Clutch Actuator Cylinder Position Sensor 6. Gasket - Clutch Actuator Cylinder
Harness 7. Locating Pin - Clutch Actuator Cylinder
3. Differential Half Axle Oil Seal 8. Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly
4. Bolt - Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly

1.0 510

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Exploded View of Parking System

1. Transmission Internal Harness Assembly 10. Bolt - Parking Actuator Bracket
2. Parking Bracket Assembly 11. Pawl
3. Transmission Gearbox through Connector Assembly 12. Bolt - Transmission Output Speed Sensor
4. Shift Shaft Stop Pin 13. Transmission Output Speed Sensor
5. Shift Shaft Oil Seal 14. Return Spring - Pawl
6. Parking Control Lever Assembly 15. Pawl Shaft
7. Built-in Mode Switch 16. Guide Pin
8. Guide Pin Bracket 17. Shift Retaining Spring Assembly
9. Parking Pawl Support

1.0 511

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Exploded View of Hydraulic Module and Control
Module Assembly


1. Bolt 6. Transmission Input Speed Sensor

2. Transmission Control Module 7. Bolt - Transmission Hydraulic Module Harness Assembly
3. Transmission Hydraulic Module Assembly 8. Bolt - Transmission Input Speed Sensor
4. Shifting Fork Position Sensor 9. Transmission Hydraulic Module Harness Assembly
5. Bolt - Shifting Fork Position Sensor

1.0 512

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Exploded View of 1357 Input Shaft Assembly

1. Input Shaft Bearing Locking Bolt 4. Input Shaft Large Needle Bearing
2. Input Shaft Rear Ball Bearing Cover Assembly 5. Input Shaft Middle Needle Bearing
3. 1357 Input Shaft Assembly 6. Input Shaft Small Needle Bearing

1.0 513

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Exploded View of 246R Input Shaft Assembly

1. 246R Input Shaft Assembly 3. Input Shaft Bearing Circlip
2. Input Shaft Front Ball Bearing Cover Plate Assembly 4. Input Shaft Oil Seal

1.0 514

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Exploded View of 345R Output Shaft Assembly

1. Inner Ring - 345R Output Shaft Front Cone Bearing 2. 345R Output Shaft Assembly

1.0 515

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Exploded View of 1267 Output Shaft Assembly

1. Inner Ring - 1267 Output Shaft Front Cone Bearing 2. 1267 Output Shaft Assembly

1.0 516

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Exploded View of Differential Assembly

1. Outer Ring - Differential Rear Cone Bearing 3. Inner Ring - Differential Front Cone Bearing
2. Differential Assembly

1.0 517

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Section View of Main Components


1. 345R Output Shaft Assembly 6. Differential Assembly

2. 3/5 Gear Shifting Fork 7. 1/7 Gear Shifting Fork
3. 246R Input Shaft Assembly 8. 2/6 Gear Shifting Fork
4. 4/R Gear Shifting Fork 9. 1267 Output Shaft Assembly
5. Dual Clutch Assembly 10. 1357 Input Shaft Assembly

1.0 518

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

System Control Diagram
Automatic Transmission Control Diagram


A = Hard Wire

1.0 519

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7


A = Power HS CAN Bus; B = Diagnostic HS CAN Bus; C = Chassis HS CAN Bus; D = Body HS CAN Bus

1.0 520

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Description Dual clutch automatic transmission uses the dual mass
Transmission Overview flywheel (DMF) for attenuating torque ripple caused by engine
ignition between engine crankshaft and transmission dry clutch
This transmission is a type of full-automatic, 7-speed
assembly. This design reduces the abnormal noise from gears.
electro-hydraulic control dry transmission with dual clutches,
and consists of 3 shafts. The maximum output torque of this Dry dual clutch automatic transmission acts within the
transmission is 250Nm, and the maximum input speed of this following gears:
engine is 7,000rpm.
Park (P): The front wheels are locked to avoid the moving
This transmission provides higher Overall Ratio (OAR) than of vehicle forward and backward. The transmission locks
the dual clutch design of a competitive product, so that the fuel the control system by shifting, and it is necessary to fully
economy is improved. Compared with the mechanical control depress the brake pedal before shifting from P position. For
of the competitive product, the design realizes extremely the purpose of safety, when the gear is placed in P position,
fast shifting time and quiet shift execution process. With this the parking brake shall also be applied.
design, the condition that the vehicle cannot drive because of a
Reverse (R): When the gear is placed in this position, the
certain part failure is avoided, which improves the robustness.
vehicle can drive in the opposite direction.
The start-stop function can shut down the engine when the
Neutral (N): When the gear is placed in this position, the
vehicle is parked, which improves the fuel economy also.
engine is allowed to be started or run during vehicle driving. If
The three-axle design realizes 7 forward gears and the reverse necessary, this gear can be selected when the vehicle is moving
gear. Automatic control of gear ratio is realized through to restart the engine. This gear can also be selected when the
the transmission control module (TCM) connected with vehicle is tracked.
the transmission. TCM receives and monitors the inputs
Drive (D): The maximum efficiency and fuel economy can be
of different electronic sensors and controls the gear shift in
achieved when the D gear is selected during normal driving.
proper time based on these information.
D gear allows the transmission to select any one of the 7
TCM controls the shift solenoid valve, and realizes shifting transmission ratios. Adjusting to low-speed gears or higher
between two intermediate shafts by executing the shifting fork transmission ratio can be achieved safely by releasing the
and synchronizer. Shift from even gear intermediate shaft to accelerator pedal or selecting low-speed gears under the
odd gear intermediate shaft by varying the torque, and vice manual mode.
versa. The operating process of DCT dual clutch transmission
Tiptronic: In this position, the driver is allowed to use the
is so much like two manual transmissions in one assembly.
manual shifting control system. When the gear shift lever is
TCM also controls the engagement and disengagement of dual
placed in this position, the driver can realize down-shift or
clutch assembly to realize the maximum fuel economy transfer
up-shift by moving the gear shift lever forward or backward.
of engine through a central slave clutch (CSC) without affecting
The shift paddle on the steering wheel of some models also
the vehicle performance. All the solenoids are integrated in a
provides manual shift control.
valve body assembly containing control module.
The dry dual clutch assembly is similar to the clutch of manual
transmission, and both clutches are normally open. The dry Dual Mass Flywheel (DMF), Dry Dual Clutch (DDC)
and Clutch Slave Cylinder (CSC)
dual clutch disc is not cooled by transmission oil, thus avoiding
additional oil loss. These dry friction components improves
the quality of automatic gear shifting for transmission during
engaging and releasing.

As same as the manual transmission, the dry dual clutch

automatic transmission is cooled by air, not liquid, therefore,
oil pump, pipelines, connectors, radiator, etc. are not needed
to cool the transmission.

There are two ways of separate oil in the transmission. In

which, a circuit of low-viscosity fluid flows in the control
valve body assembly, and the other circuit of fluid flows in
the transmission case to lubricate the gear, which is similar to
manual transmission.
1. Clutch Position Sensor

1.0 521

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

2. Clutch Slave Cylinder Clutch Slave Cylinder
3. Dual Clutch Assembly
4. Dual Mass Flywheel
Dual Dry Clutch (DDC)

1. Anti-rotation Mechanism
2. C2 Bear
3. C2 Supporting Ring
1. C1 Pull Cover 4. C2 Magnetic Pole
2. C1 Diaphragm Spring 5. C1 O-ring
3. C1, C2 Pivot Pull Cover 6. Core Box Panel
4. C2 Diaphragm Spring 7. C1 Magnetic Pole
5. Pre-stressed Spring 8. Clutch Slave Cylinder Housing
6. C2 Pressure Plate 9. Clutch Position Sensor
7. C2 Driven Disc Functions of clutch slave cylinder are to:
8. Middle Pressure Plate
1. Control the two oil cylinders to realize the on and off
9. C1 Driven Disc of the clutch;
10. Shock Absorber Spring Bracket 2. The hydraulic control system controls the clutch C1
11. Support Gasket piston to realize engagement of C1 clutch so that the odd
12. C1 Pressure Plate input shaft can transfer torque; similarly, the hydraulic
control system also controls the clutch C2 piston to
13. Drive Disc
realize engagement of C2 clutch so that the even input
Functions of dual dry clutch are to: shaft can transfer torque;
1. Further absorb the torsional vibration from the dual mass 3. The oil cylinder position sensor judges the displacement
flywheel; of clutch diaphragm spring according to the displacement
2. The on-off of the two clutches are achieved by the action of piston.
of different pistons in clutch slave cylinder;
3. The two clutches are connected to the odd gear input
shaft and even gear input shaft separately by spline, and
selects the torque input shaft through the clutch.

1. Engine drives DMF primary cover plate

1.0 522

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

2. DMF primary cover plate drives the secondary cover Electro-Hydraulic Control Assembly
plate through the spring
3. DMF secondary cover plate is connected firmly with the
clutch middle plate
4. With the action of hydraulic pressure, CSC pushes the
diaphragm spring
5. The diaphragm spring pushes the pressure plate and
driven plate to make the engine connect to the input
shaft smoothly

When the C1 piston of clutch slave cylinder acts with the

action of hydraulic oil, the diaphragm spring makes the clutch
C1 connected, then the power is transfered to the odd input
shaft from the clutch C1.
1. Transmission Control Module (TCM)
2. Accumulator
3. Penetration Harness (Transmission Body Side)
4. Actuator valve body
5. Solenoid
6. Penetration Harness (Harness Side)
7. Oil Pump
8. Solenoid Body
9. Body
10. Oil Pump Motor
11. Position Sensor (4)
1. Engine drives DMF primary cover plate
12. Input Shaft Speed Sensor (2)
2. DMF primary cover plate drives the secondary cover
13. Slave Piston (4)
plate through the spring
14. Clutch Slave Cylinder Seals
3. DMF secondary cover plate is connected firmly with the
clutch middle plate
4. With the action of hydraulic pressure, CSC pushes the
diaphragm spring
5. The diaphragm spring pushes the pressure plate and
driven plate to make the engine connect to the input
shaft smoothly

When the C2 piston of clutch slave cylinder acts with the

action of hydraulic oil, the diaphragm spring makes the clutch
C2 connected, then the power is transfered to the even input
shaft from the clutch C2.

1. Slave Piston (4)

2. Clutch Slave Cylinder Seals
3. Valve Body Slave Piston (4)
4. Input Shaft Speed Sensor (2)
5. Position Sensor (4)

Electro-hydraulic control assembly mainly consists of the

following parts.

1.0 523

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

VB valve body assembly: By-pass valve; Instruction of Shifting
SB valve body assembly: 9 solenoids;

AB valve body assembly: 4 slave pistons, position sensors, input

speed sensor;

Oil pressure establishment: Motor, oil pump, accumulator and

pressure filter;

Components of external wall: Harness, TCM, valve body cover

and connecting bolt.

1. External controller
2. Oil pump and motor
3. Body
4. Slave Piston
5. Accumulator
6. Solenoid
7. Gear shifting fork assembly
Solenoid Solenoid Solenoid Function
Name Type
S1 Pressure Control inlet pressure of S3
S2 Pressure Control inlet pressure of S4
S3 Flow Valve Control the position of
clutch C1
S4 Flow Valve Control the position of
clutch C2
1. Magnet bracket
S5 Pressure Control the shifting fork oil
2. Linear bear
Valve circuit pressure of 17 gear
and 35 gear 3. Track
4. 3/5 gear shifting fork assembly
S6 Pressure Control the shifting fork oil
Valve circuit pressure of 2/6 gear 5. Lock pin
and 4R gear 6. 4/R gear shifting fork assembly
S7 Flow Valve Control the shifting fork 7. Synchronizer assembly
position of 1/7 gear and 3/5 Take the transmission in 3 gear for example, at this moment,
gear the solenoid S1 and S3 works, inputting high-pressure oil to the
S8 Flow Valve Control the shifting fork C1 piston of CSC. The piston pushes the clutch C1 to engage.
position of 2/6 gear and 4/R It is the odd shaft that transfers the torque at this moment;
gear otherwise, S5 and S7 moves the shifting fork by controlling the
piston, which makes the synchronizer is shifted to 3rd gear,
S9 Pressure Control the logic of shifting
and then the transmission transfers power in the 3rd gear.
Valve fork

1.0 524

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Parking Mechanism gear the driver selects. The relation between the voltage
signal combination of Hall switch and the transmission gears is
shown in the following figure.





1. Shift Retaining Spring Assembly Differential fixes the driven gear of main reducing gear to
differential housing with bolts, differential housing supports the
2. Bracket - parking paw actuator
planetary shaft pin, planetary gear and sun gear. The differential
3. Guider - parking control lever assembly is supported by bearings in the transmission housing.
4. Parking control lever assembly The differential allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds
5. IMS assembly when the output torques are same. The pinion integrated with
the output shaft is engaged with the final drive driven gear of
6. Manual shift shaft stop pin
the differential assembly. When the output shaft rotates and
7. Parking Pawl Spring
the wheels moves forward in straight line, the torque will be
8. Parking Pawl Shaft applied to the whole assembly. The planetary gear does not
9. Parking Pawl rotate, and the torque is transfered to the wheel through the
10. Parking ratchet wheel drive shaft. When the vehicle turns, the inside wheels drive
for less distance with slow speed, this drives the planetary
The ratchet wheel mechanism mainly consists of shift retaining
gear to rotate, and the outer sun gear offers a higher speed
spring assembly, parking ratchet wheel, parking pawl, IMS
for outer wheels. Two driven shafts transfer the torque to
assembly, parking control lever assembly, guider, etc.
the differential, and the differential transfers the torque to the
The operating principle of parking mechanism: As shown in wheels through the half axle.
the figure above, for shifting to P gear, the shift cable pulls Transmission Control Module (TCM)
the build-in mode switch to make it rotate, and the parking
control lever is pulled to the left so as to embed the parking
pawl into the groove, then the parking is realized. The principle
of shifting from P gear to R gear: The parking control lever
moves to the right making the parking pawl get out of the
ratchet tooth groove with the action of parking pawl, and the
IMS transfers the R gear instruction to TCM, then shifting
from P gear to R gear is realized with TCM controlling the
transmission hydraulic system.
Transmission Internal Mode Switch (IMS)

The transmission internal mode switch (IMS) is multi-signal

Hall switch array which consists of 5 independent Hall
switches. The Hall switch is powered by the voltage of 8.59
~ 9.3V provided by transmission control module (TCM) TCM is fitted on the transmission case together with the
and transmits the voltage signal back to TCM through signal electro-hydraulic control assembly.
circuit. The Hall switch voltage signal is 0.70 ~ 0.96V (ON)
TCM uses an Electrically Erasable Read-Only Memory
or 1.68 ~ 2.38V (OFF). The voltage signal of each Hall switch
(EEPROM), therefore a new or replaced TCM may be used
is determined by the gear shift lever position. The TCM
for external configuration. EEPROM can also update the
receives the voltage signal combination of Hall switch and
new information and market-specific data for TCM. To input
search the relevant form in the TCM memory to judge which

1.0 525

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

new information, TCM must be configured with a scan tool. transmission input shaft speed and output shaft speed to
EEPROM can allow TCM to be reconfigured for many times confirm if the gear shifting process is too fast (rigid) or too
as required, so as to meet the constantly changing parameters slow (soft), and adjusts the corresponding pressure control
and regulations. solenoid signal to keep the set gear shifting feeling.
TCM stores the signal values of the transmission sensors The adaptive function is to automatically compensate the
and the actuators. These stored signals guarantee that the shifting performance of all kinds of vehicle gear shifting system.
transmission can always obtain the optimal performance. If The adaptive function is a continuous process, and this function
the battery voltage is too low, such as the battery discharges, will help to keep the optimal gear shifting performance during
the information will be lost. When the engine starts for the the whole period of use.
first time after the battery is discharged or disconnected, View of Transmission Control Module (TCM)
TCM will restore to the default value. TCM 's EEPROM Vehicle Harness Terminal Connector GB009 and
allows the stored value to be rapidly accessed again. Pin Information
Input and Output
The sensor signal enables TCM to monitor the transmission
state. TCM processes the signals and compares them with the
data stored in the memory. If these signals are not in the range
of parameters stored by TCM, TCM will adjust the operation
of the transmission through the actuator, so as to provide the
optimal drive ability and other performances.
TCM also connects with the following units through the CAN

• BCM Pin No. Description
• ABS/SCS regulator ECU 1 Power Supply of Transmission Relay
• Instrument Pack
2 Run/Ignition State
• Data link connector
3 HS CAN Low
TCM receives input signals of throttle opening from ECM, 4 HS CAN High
engine coolant temperature, engine speed, engine torque, etc.
5 —
from ECM; TCM also receives input signals of brake switch,
6 —
pressure sensor, clutch speed, oil temperature, solenoid state,
IMS, etc. In addition, TCM outputs torque control request, 7 —
shift gear information and failure warning information to ECM 8 —
and outputs executive signal, etc. to the valve body solenoid. 9 —
Transmission Self-adaption 10 Engine Speed
The transmission compensates the normal wear of 11 Control of Transmission Relay
transmission components by pressure control system during 12 —
up-shift. When the joint components inside the transmission 13 —
is worn or changed after a period of time, the gear shifting
14 Transmission Wake-up
duration (duration required to engage the clutch) will increase
or decrease. To compensate these changes, the TCM adjusts 15 —
the target pressure of each pressure control solenoid so
16 —
as to keep the originally calibrated gear shifting duration.
17 —
The automatic adjustment process is called as "Adaptive
Learning" which aims to ensure the consistent gear shifting
18 12V Power Supply
feeling and improve the durability of the transmission. During
the instruction shift, the TCM monitors the engine speed,

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Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Transmission External Harness 14 Even Clutch Position Sensor
15 —
16 —

17 Gear Shift Lever Signal P

18 Gear Shift Lever Signal Ground

View of Electro-hydraulic Control Assembly

Terminal and PIN Definition
1. Transmission External Harness
2. Transmission Control Module Harness Connector
3. P/N Signal Harness Connector
4. Clutch Slave Cylinder Harness Connector
5. Transmission Case Penetration Harness Connector Pin No. Description
6. Transmission External Harness Ground Bolt 1 Oil Pump Phase A
View of Automatic Transmission Control Module 2 Oil Pump Phase C
(TCM) Transmission External Harness Terminal 3 Oil Pump Phase B
Connector and PIN Definition
4 High-side Drive 2
5 Current Control Output B
6 Current Control Output A
7 9V Power Supply B
8 26 Shifting Fork Position Sensor
9 Even Input Shaft Speed Sensor
10 Logic Solenoid Control
11 Transmission Main Oil Pressure\Oil
Temperature Sensor - Main Oil
Pin No. Description Pressure Sensor
1 Ground 12 5V Power Supply A

2 9V Power Supply A 13 Motor Ground

3 9V Power Supply B
14 4R Shifting Fork Position Sensor
4 5V Power Supply A
15 17 Shifting Fork Position Sensor
5 Gear Shift Lever Signal A
16 Current Control Output C
6 Transmission Output Speed
17 Current Control Output D
7 5V Power Supply Ground —
8 5V Power Supply B 19 5V Power Supply Ground
9 Gear Shift Lever Signal B 20 High-side Drive 1

10 Odd Clutch Position Sensor 21 35 Shifting Fork Position Sensor

11 5V Power Supply B Ground 22 Odd Input Shaft Speed Sensor
12 Gear Shift Lever Signal S
23 9V Power Supply A
13 Gear Shift Lever Signal C

1.0 527

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

24 Current Output Control F 27 Current Control Output G

25 Current Output Control E 28 Current Control Output H

26 Transmission Main Oil Pressure\Oil

Temperature Sensor - Oil
Temperature Sensor

1.0 528

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Transmission gear state
When the dry dual clutch automatic transmission is in different
gears, the operating states of the shifting fork, clutch and
solenoid are shown in the table below.
Gear 1/7 2/6 3/5 4/R Clutch Clutch SolenoidSolenoidSolenoidSolenoidSolenoidSolenoidSolenoidSolenoidSolenoid
Gear Gear Gear Gear C1 C2 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9
Shifting Shifting Shifting Shifting
Fork Fork Fork Fork
R L M M R O C NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0 1
D1 L M M M C O 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1
D2 M R M M O C NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 0
D3 M M L M C O 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0 NA 0
D4 M M M L O C NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 1
D5 M M L M C O 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0
D6 M L M M O C NA 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0 0
D7 R M M M C O 1 NA 1 NA 1 NA 0 NA 1
NA: Solenoid state is irrelevant to the gear. L: Left shift fork; M: Middle shift fork; R: Right shift fork.

0, 1: Solenoid current (A) O: Clutch open; C: Clutch closed.


1.0 529

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Cold start - Energy accumulator not pressurized • Energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 clutch
pressure solenoid S1 for shifting.
With the shift lever in P position and ignition switch connected,
the clutch and gear control actuator oil pump motor assembly • 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
are turned on, so that oil flows into the oil pump assembly,
• Energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to 2/4/6/R clutch
and the line pressure is supplied into the energy accumulator
pressure solenoid S2 for shifting.
circuit directly through the oil filter assembly.
• S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
Build oil pressure and ready to shift
• Energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to S7 and A37
• Energy accumulator bypass valve
oil circuit pressure solenoid S5 for shifting.
• Energy accumulator oil is conveyed to the energy
• S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
accumulator bypass valve, accumulator bypass ball, 1/3/5/7
• Energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to S8 and A6R
clutch pressure solenoid S1, 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoids
S2, S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoids S5, S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6 for shifting.
oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, and 1/3/5/7 and 2/4/6/R logic
• 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9
valve pressure control solenoid S9. During cold start, the
energy accumulator oil pressure is not enough to move the Energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to 1357/246R
energy accumulator bypass valve from the release position. logic valve pressure control solenoid S9 for shifting.
• 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1

1.0 530

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

P position - Engine Running • Main oil circuit pressure relief valve
When the shift lever is in the P position and the engine is Energy accumulator oil pressure overcomes the spring
running, the transmission control module (TCM) increases the resistance by moving the ball valve, and exhaust redundant oil
line pressure through the oil pump motor speed. After a cold circuit pressure.
start, following changes happen to the hydraulic and electric
• Energy accumulator bypass ball (#1)
system of the transmission.
Energy accumulator oil pressure moves off the ball valve, and
Build oil pressure and ready to shift
conveys enough oil circuit pressure to the control solenoid .
• Energy accumulator bypass valve
• 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1
At this moment, the energy accumulator oil pressure is big
Enough energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to 1/3/5/7
enough to overcome the spring resistance of the energy
clutch pressure solenoid S1 for shifting.
accumulator bypass valve, and the accumulator bypass valve
is switched to the open state. Energy accumulator oil is • 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
conveyed to the accumulator bypass ball (#1), accumulator
Enough energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to 2/4/6/R
oil pressure and oil temperature sensor assembly, main oil
clutch pressure solenoid S2 for shifting.
circuit pressure relief valve, shift control actuator pressure
accumulator assembly, 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1, • S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoids S2 and S7, A37 oil circuit Enough energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to S7 and
pressure solenoids S5 and S8, A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5 for shifting.
S6, and 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9.
• S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
• Gear shift control actuator pressure energy accumulator
assembly Enough energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to S8 and
A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6 for shifting.
Energy accumulator oil pressure overcomes the air pressure,
moves the accumulator piston, inhibits uneven pressure • 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9
occurring in the accumulator oil circuit to control the oil Energy accumulator oil pressure is conveyed to 1357/246R
pressure supplied to the solenoid when each solenoid is logic valve pressure control solenoid S9 for shifting.
opened or closed.

1.0 531

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

R Gear
Power flow in R position


When the shift lever is moved from the P position to R Open 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so that S2 signal enters
position, a command connects the 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure into 2/4/6/R clutch circuit. Then, 2/4/6/R clutch oil is conveyed
solenoid S1, 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2, 2/4/6/R to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #2 orifice.
clutch flow solenoid S4, S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
solenoid S6, and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, and at
the same time, the hydraulic and electrical system of the 2/4/6/R clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
transmission will have the following changes. then overcomes the spring force, moves the 2/4/6/R gear
clutch piston, and engages the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate.
Engage 2/4/6/R gear clutch
Engage 4R gear shifting fork assembly
• 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
• S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
Open 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2, so that energy
accumulator oil enters the S2 signal circuit. Then, S2 signal Open S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, so that
flow is conveyed to 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 through energy accumulator oil enters the S8/6R actuator circuit.
#12 orifice. Then, S8/6R actuator oil is conveyed to A24 oil circuit flow
solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #9 orifice.
• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4
• A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8

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Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Open A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that S8/6R actuator assembly to the reverse gear position, so as to drive the 4R
oil enters 24 actuator circuit. Then, 24 actuator oil is conveyed gear shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to
to 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #10 orifice. reverse gear.

• 2/4/6/R gear logic valve Build oil pressure and ready to shift
24 actuator oil enters into the 4th gear circuit through 2/4/6/R • 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1
gear logic valve. S8/6R actuator oil enters into the reverse
Open 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1, so that energy
circuit through 2/4/6/R gear logic valve. Both the 4th gear oil
accumulator oil enters the S1 signal circuit. Then, S1 signal
pressure and reverse gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 4R
flow is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3 through
gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly.
#13 and #20 orifices for shifting to the 1st gear.
• 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
With the reverse gear oil pressure greater than the 4th gear
oil pressure, move the 4th gear shifting fork actuator piston

1.0 533

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

N position - Engine running Release of 4R gear shifting fork assembly
When the shift lever is shifted to N position, the hydraulic • S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
and electrical system operations are the same when it is in P
Command to close S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid
position. But if N position is selected after the vehicle runs to
S6, so that S8/6R actuator oil pressure is discharged from A24
the R position, a command closes the 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure
oil circuit flow solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve.
solenoid S1, 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2, 246R clutch
flow solenoids S4, S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, • A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8
and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, and at the same time, the Command to close A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that
hydraulic and electrical system will have the following changes. 24 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 2/4/6/R gear logic
Release of 2/4/6/R gear clutch valve.

• 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2 • 2/4/6/R gear logic valve

Command to close the 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2, 4th gear oil pressure is discharged to 24 actuator circuit
so that S2 signal oil pressure is discharged from 2/4/6/R clutch through 2/4/6/R gear logic valve. Reverse gear oil pressure is
flow solenoid S4. discharged to 24 actuator circuit through 2/4/6/R gear logic
• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4
• 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
Command to close the 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so
that 2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch Reverse gear oil pressure and 4th gear oil pressure are
actuator cylinder assembly. discharged from 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly,
and at the same time, the 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
assembly is moved to Neutral (N) position.
2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch
actuator cylinder assembly, so that the spring moves the
2/4/6/R gear clutch piston, and the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate
is released.

1.0 534

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

D1 position
Power flow in D1 position


When the shift lever is moved from the N position to D Open 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so that S1 signal enters
position, a command connects the 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure into 1/3/5/7 clutch circuit. Then, 1/3/5/7 clutch oil is conveyed
solenoid S1, 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S3, S7, A37 oil to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #1 orifice.
circuit pressure solenoid S5, and A15 oil circuit flow solenoid
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
S7. At the same time, the transmission hydraulic and electrical
system will have the following changes, so as to start the 1/3/5/7 clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
vehicle from the parking position. then overcomes the spring force, moves the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
piston, and engages the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate.
Engage 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
Engage 1/7 gear shifting fork assembly
• 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1
• S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
Open 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1, so that energy
accumulator oil enters the S1 signal circuit. Then, S1 signal Open S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, so that
flow is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3 through energy accumulator oil enters the S7/37 actuator circuit. Then,
#13 and #20 orifices S7/37 actuator oil is conveyed to A15 oil circuit flow solenoid
S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #7 orifice.
• 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3
• A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7

1.0 535

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Open A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that S7/37 actuator assembly to the 1st gear position, so as to drive the 1/7 gear
oil enters 15 actuator circuit. Then, 15 actuator oil is conveyed shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 1st
to 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #8 orifice. gear.

• 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve Build oil pressure and ready to shift
15 actuator oil enters into the 1st gear circuit through 1/3/5/7 • 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
gear logic valve. S7/37 actuator oil enters into the 7th gear
Open 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2, so that energy
circuit through 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve. Both the 1st gear oil
accumulator oil enters the S2 signal circuit. Then, S2 signal
pressure and 7th gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 1/7 gear
flow is conveyed to 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 through
shifting fork actuator piston assembly.
#12 orifice for shifting to the 2nd gear.
• 1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
With the 1st gear oil pressure greater than the 7th gear
oil pressure, move the1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston

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Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

D2 gear
Power flow in D2 gear


With the improvement of vehicle speed and running to the Open 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so that S2 signal enters
appropriate conditions, the transmission control module into 246R clutch circuit. Then, 2/4/6/R clutch oil is conveyed
(TCM) processes the input signals from the transmission to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #2 orifice.
input and output shaft speed sensor, throttle position sensor
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
and other vehicle sensors to determine when the command
connects 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, S8 and A6R oil 2/4/6/R clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
circuit pressure solenoid S6 and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid then overcomes the spring force, moves the 2/4/6/R gear
S8 and 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9, clutch piston, and engages the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate.
and command 2/4/6/R gear clutch to engage. At the same Engage 2/6 gear shifting fork assembly
time, command to close 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, S7,
A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, and A15 oil circuit flow • 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9
solenoid S7. At the same time, the transmission is shifted to Open 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9, so
2nd gear. that energy accumulator oil enters the S9 signal circuit. Then,
Engage 2/4/6/R gear clutch S9 signal flow is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve and 2/4/6/R
gear logic valve through #3 orifice.
• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4
• S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6

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Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Open S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, so that 1/3/5/7 gear clutch piston, and the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate is
energy accumulator oil enters the S8/6R actuator circuit. released.
Then, S8/6R actuator oil is conveyed to A24 oil circuit flow
Release of 1/7 gear shifting fork assembly
solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #9 orifice.
• S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
• A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8
Command to close S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5,
Open A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that S8/6R actuator
so that S7/37 actuator oil pressure is discharged from A15 oil
oil enters 24 actuator circuit. Then, 24 actuator oil is conveyed
circuit flow solenoid S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve.
to 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #10 orifice.
• A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7
• 2/4/6/R gear logic valve
Command to close A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that
The S9 signal flow is conveyed to the 2/4/6/R gear logic
15 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 1/3/5/7 gear logic
solenoid, and overcomes the spring force to move the logic
valve so that the 24 actuator oil enters the 2nd circuit
through the logic valve. S8/6R actuator oil enters the 6th • 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve
circuit through 2/4/6/R gear logic valve. Both the 2nd gear oil S9 signal flow is conveyed to the 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve, and
pressure and 6th gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 2/6 moves the logic valve according to spring force, which makes
gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly. the oil pressure of 1st and 7th gear is discharged from the
• 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly 1/3/5/7 gear.

With the 2nd gear oil pressure greater than the 6th gear • 1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
oil pressure, move the 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston 1st gear oil pressure and 7th gear oil pressure are discharged
assembly to the 2nd gear position, so as to drive the 2/6 gear from 1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly, and at the
shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 2nd same time, the 1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
gear. is moved to Neutral (N) position.
Release of 1/3/5/7 gear clutch Build oil pressure and ready to shift
• 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3
• 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1
Command to close the 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so Keep 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1 open, so that energy
that 1/3/5/7 clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch accumulator oil enters the S1 signal circuit. Then, S1 signal
actuator cylinder assembly. flow is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3 through
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly #13 and #20 orifices for shifting to the 3rd gear.

1/3/5/7 clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch

actuator cylinder assembly, so that the spring moves the

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Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission



1.0 539

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

D3 gear
Power flow in D3 gear

With the improvement of vehicle speed and running to the • Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
appropriate conditions, the transmission control module
1/3/5/7 clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
(TCM) processes the input signals from the transmission
then overcomes the spring force, moves the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
input and output shaft speed sensor, throttle position sensor
piston, and engages the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate.
and other vehicle sensors to determine when the command
connects 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, S7 and A37 oil circuit Engage 35 gear shifting fork assembly
pressure solenoid S5 and A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, and • S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
command 1/3/5/7 gear clutch engagement. At the same time,
command to close 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, S8, A6R oil Open S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, so that
circuit pressure solenoid S6, and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid energy accumulator oil enters the S7/37 actuator circuit. Then,
S8. At the same time, the transmission is shifted to 3rd gear. S7/37 actuator oil is conveyed to A15 oil circuit flow solenoid
S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #7 orifice.
Engage 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
• A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7
• 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3
Open A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that S7/37 actuator
Open 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so that S1 signal enters oil enters 15 actuator circuit. Then, 15 actuator oil is conveyed
into 1/3/5/7 clutch circuit. Then, 1/3/5/7 clutch oil is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #8 orifice.
to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #1 orifice.
• 1357 gear logic valve

1.0 540

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

S7/37 actuator oil enters into the 7th gear circuit through Command to close S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid
1/3/5/3 gear logic valve. 15 actuator oil enters into the 1st S6, so that S8/6R actuator oil pressure is discharged from A24
gear circuit through 5/3/5/7 gear logic valve. Both the 3rd gear oil circuit flow solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve.
oil pressure and 5th gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 3/5
• A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8
gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly.
Command to close A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that
• 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
24 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 2/4/6/R gear logic
With the 3rd gear oil pressure greater than the 5th gear valve.
oil pressure, move the 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston
• 2/4/6/R gear logic valve
assembly to the 3rd gear position, so as to drive the 3/5 gear
shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 3rd 2nd gear oil pressure is discharged to 24 actuator circuit
gear. through 2/4/6/R gear logic valve. 2nd gear oil pressure is
discharged to 24 actuator circuit through 6/4/6/R gear logic
Release of 2/4/6/R gear clutch
• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4
• 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
Command to close the 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so
2nd gear oil pressure and 6th gear oil pressure are discharged
that 2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch
from 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly, and at the
actuator cylinder assembly.
same time, the 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly is moved to Neutral (N) position.
2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch Build oil pressure and ready to shift
actuator cylinder assembly, so that the spring moves the
• 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
2/4/6/R gear clutch piston, and the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate
is released. Keep 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2 open, so that energy
accumulator oil enters the S2 signal circuit. Then, S2 signal
Release of 2/6 gear shifting fork assembly
flow is conveyed to 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 through
• S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6 #12 orifice for shifting to the 4th gear.

1.0 541

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

D4 gear
Power flow in D4 gear

With the improvement of vehicle speed and running to the Open 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so that S2 signal enters
appropriate conditions, the transmission control module into 246R clutch circuit. Then, 2/4/6/R clutch oil is conveyed
(TCM) processes the input signals from the transmission to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #2 orifice.
input and output shaft speed sensor, throttle position sensor
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
and other vehicle sensors to determine when the command
connects 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, S8 and A6R oil 2/4/6/R clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
circuit pressure solenoid S6 and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid then overcomes the spring force, moves the 2/4/6/R gear
S8, and command 2/4/6/R gear clutch engagement. At the clutch piston, and engages the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate.
same time, command to close 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid Engage 4R gear shifting fork assembly
S3, S7, A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, A15 oil circuit
flow solenoid S7, and 1357/246R logic valve pressure control • 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9
solenoid S9. At the same time, the transmission is shifted to Command to close 1357/246R logic pressure control solenoid
4th gear. S9, so that S9 signal oil pressure is discharged from 1/3/5/7 gear
Engage 2/4/6/R gear clutch logic valve and 2/4/6/R logic valve.

• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 • S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6

Open S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, so that

energy accumulator oil enters the S8/6R actuator circuit.

1.0 542

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Then, S8/6R actuator oil is conveyed to A24 oil circuit flow 1/3/5/7 gear clutch piston, and the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate is
solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #9 orifice. released.
• A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8 Release of 35 gear shifting fork assembly
Open A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that S8/6R actuator • S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
oil enters 24 actuator circuit. Then, 24 actuator oil is conveyed
Command to close S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5,
to 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #10 orifice.
so that S7/37 actuator oil pressure is discharged from A15 oil
• 2/4/6/R gear logic valve circuit flow solenoid S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve.

When S9 signal oil pressure is discharged, the spring moves the • A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7
2/4/6/R gear logic valve to the released position. 24 actuator
Command to close A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that
oil enters into the 4th gear circuit through 2/4/6/R gear logic
15 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 1/3/5/7 gear logic
valve. S8/6R actuator oil enters into the reverse circuit through
2/4/6/R gear logic valve. Both the 4th gear oil pressure and
reverse gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 4R gear shifting • 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve
fork actuator piston assembly. When S9 signal oil pressure is discharged, the spring moves the
• 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve to the released position, so that the 3rd
gear oil pressure and 5th gear oil pressure are discharged from
With the 4th gear oil pressure greater than the reverse gear
the 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve.
oil pressure, move the 4th gear shifting fork actuator piston
assembly to the 4th gear position, so as to drive the 4R gear • 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 4th 3rd gear oil pressure and 5th gear oil pressure are discharged
gear. from 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly, and at the
Release of 1/3/5/7 gear clutch same time, the 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
is moved to Neutral (N) position.
• 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3
Build oil pressure and ready to shift
Command to close the 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so
that 1/3/5/7 clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch • 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1
actuator cylinder assembly. Keep 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1 open, so that energy
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly accumulator oil enters the S1 signal circuit. Then, S1 signal
flow is conveyed to 1/5/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3 through
1/3/5/7 clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch
#13 and #20 orifices for shifting to the 3rd gear.
actuator cylinder assembly, so that the spring moves the

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Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7



1.0 544

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

D5 gear
Power flow in D5 gear


With the improvement of vehicle speed and running to the • Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
appropriate conditions, the transmission control module
1/3/5/7 clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
(TCM) processes the input signals from the transmission
then overcomes the spring force, moves the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
input and output shaft speed sensor, throttle position sensor
piston, and engages the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate.
and other vehicle sensors to determine when the command
connects 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, S7 and A37 oil Engage 3/5 gear shifting fork assembly
circuit pressure solenoid S5 and A15 oil circuit flow solenoid • 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9
S7 and 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9,
and command 1357 gear clutch to engage. At the same time, Open 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9, so
command to close 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, S8, A6R oil that energy accumulator oil enters the S9 signal circuit. Then,
circuit pressure solenoid S6, and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S9 signal flow is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve and 2/4/6/R
S8. At the same time, the transmission is shifted to 5th gear. gear logic valve through #3 orifice.

Engage 1/3/5/7 gear clutch • S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5

• 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3 Open S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, so that
energy accumulator oil enters the S7/37 actuator circuit. Then,
Open 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so that S1 signal enters S7/37 actuator oil is conveyed to A15 oil circuit flow solenoid
into 1/3/5/7 clutch circuit. Then, 1/3/5/7 clutch oil is conveyed S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #7 orifice.
to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #1 orifice.

1.0 545

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

• A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7 Release of 4R gear shifting fork assembly
Open A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that S7/37 actuator • S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
oil enters 15 actuator circuit. Then, 15 actuator oil is conveyed
Command to close S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid
to 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #8 orifice.
S6, so that S8/6R actuator oil pressure is discharged from A24
• 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve oil circuit flow solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve.
The S9 signal flow is conveyed to the 1/3/5/7 gear logic • A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8
solenoid, and overcomes the spring force to move the logic
Command to close A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that
valve so that the S7/37 actuator oil enters the 3rd circuit
24 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 2/4/6/R gear logic
through the logic valve. 15 actuator oil enters into the 1st
gear circuit through 5/3/5/7 gear logic valve. Both the 3rd gear
oil pressure and 5th gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 3/5 • 2/4/6/R gear logic valve
gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly. S9 signal flow is conveyed to the 2/4/6/R gear logic valve,
• 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly overcomes the spring force and moves the logic valve, which
makes the oil pressure of 2nd and 6th gear is discharged from
With the 5th gear oil pressure greater than the 3rd gear
the 2/4/6/R gear.
oil pressure, move the 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston
assembly to the 5th gear position, so as to drive the 3/5 gear • 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 5th Reverse gear oil pressure and 4th gear oil pressure are
gear. discharged from 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly,
Release of 2/4/6/R gear clutch and at the same time, the 4R gear shifting fork actuator piston
assembly is moved to Neutral (N) position.
• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4
Build oil pressure and ready to shift
Command to close the 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so
that 2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch • 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
actuator cylinder assembly. Keep 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2 open, so that energy
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly accumulator oil enters the S2 signal circuit. Then, S2 signal
flow is conveyed to 2/6/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 through
2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch
#12 orifice for shifting to the 4th gear.
actuator cylinder assembly, which makes the spring move the
2/4/6/R gear clutch piston, and the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate
is released.

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Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission



1.0 547

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

D6 gear
Power flow in D6 position


With the improvement of vehicle speed and running to the • Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
appropriate conditions, the transmission control module
2/4/6/R clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
(TCM) processes the input signals from the transmission
then overcomes the spring force, moves the 2/4/6/R gear
input and output shaft speed sensor, throttle position sensor
clutch piston, and engages the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate.
and other vehicle sensors to determine when the command
connects 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, S8 and A6R oil Engage 2/6 gear shifting fork assembly
circuit pressure solenoid S6 and A24 oil circuit flow solenoid • S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
S8, and control 2/4/6/R gear clutch engagement. At the same
time, command to close 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, S7, Open S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, so that
A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, and A15 oil circuit flow energy accumulator oil enters the S8/6R actuator circuit.
solenoid S7. At the same time, the transmission is shifted to Then, S8/6R actuator oil is conveyed to A24 oil circuit flow
6th gear. solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #9 orifice.

Engage 2/4/6/R gear clutch • A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8

• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 Open A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that S8/6R actuator
oil enters 24 actuator circuit. Then, 24 actuator oil is conveyed
Open 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so that S2 signal enters to 2/4/6/R gear logic valve through #10 orifice.
into 246R clutch circuit. Then, 2/4/6/R clutch oil is conveyed
to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #2 orifice. • 2/4/6/R gear logic valve

1.0 548

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

24 actuator oil enters into the 4th gear circuit through 2/2/6/R Command to close S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5,
gear logic valve. S8/6R actuator oil enters the 6th circuit so that S7/37 actuator oil pressure is discharged from A15 oil
through 2/4/6/R gear logic valve. Both the 2nd gear oil pressure circuit flow solenoid S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve.
and 6th gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 2/6 gear shifting
• A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7
fork actuator piston assembly.
Command to close A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that
• 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
15 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 1/3/5/7 gear logic
With the 6th gear oil pressure greater than the 2nd gear valve.
oil pressure, move the 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston
• 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve
assembly to the 6th gear position, so as to drive the 2/6 gear
shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 6th 5th gear oil pressure is discharged to 15 actuator circuit
gear. through 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve. 3rd gear oil pressure is
discharged to S7/37 actuator circuit through 1/3/5/7 gear logic
Release of 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
• 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3
• 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
Command to close the 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so
3rd gear oil pressure and 5th gear oil pressure are discharged
that 1/3/5/7 clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch
from 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly, and at the
actuator cylinder assembly.
same time, the 3/5 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly is moved to Neutral (N) position.
1/3/5/7 clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch Build oil pressure and ready to shift
actuator cylinder assembly, so that the spring moves the
• 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1
1/3/5/7 gear clutch piston, and the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate is
released. Keep 1/3/5/7 clutch pressure solenoid S1 open, so that energy
accumulator oil enters the S1 signal circuit. Then, S1 signal
Release of 35 gear shifting fork assembly
flow is conveyed to 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3 through
• S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5 #13 and #20 orifices for shifting to the 7th gear.

1.0 549

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

D7 gear
Power flow in D7 position


With the improvement of vehicle speed and running to the • Clutch actuator cylinder assembly
appropriate conditions, the transmission control module
1/3/5/7 clutch oil enters the clutch actuator cylinder assembly,
(TCM) processes the input signals from the transmission
then overcomes the spring force, moves the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch
input and output shaft speed sensor, throttle position sensor
piston, and engages the 1/3/5/7 gear clutch plate.
and other vehicle sensors to determine when the command
connects 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, S7 and A37 oil circuit Engage 17 gear shifting fork assembly
pressure solenoid S5 and A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, and • 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9
control 1/3/5/7 gear clutch engagement. At the same time,
command to close 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, S8, A6R Command to close 1357/246R logic pressure control solenoid
oil circuit pressure solenoid S6, A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S9, so that S9 signal oil pressure is discharged from 1/3/5/7 gear
S8, and 1357/246R logic valve pressure control solenoid S9. logic valve and 2/4/6/R logic valve.
At the same time, the transmission is shifted to 7th gear. • S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5
Engage 1/3/5/7 gear clutch Open S7 and A37 oil circuit pressure solenoid S5, so that
• 1357 clutch flow solenoid S3 energy accumulator oil enters the S7/37 actuator circuit. Then,
S7/37 actuator oil is conveyed to A15 oil circuit flow solenoid
Open 1/3/5/7 clutch flow solenoid S3, so that S1 signal enters S7 and 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #7 orifice.
into 1/3/5/7 clutch circuit. Then, 1/3/5/7 clutch oil is conveyed
to the clutch actuator cylinder assembly through #1 orifice. • A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7

1.0 550

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Open A15 oil circuit flow solenoid S7, so that S7/37 actuator Release of 2/6 gear shifting fork assembly
oil enters 15 actuator circuit. Then, 15 actuator oil is conveyed
• S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid S6
to 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve through #8 orifice.
Command to close S8 and A6R oil circuit pressure solenoid
• 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve
S6, so that S8/6R actuator oil pressure is discharged from A24
When S9 signal oil pressure is discharged, the spring moves the oil circuit flow solenoid S8 and 2/4/6/R gear logic valve.
1/3/5/7 gear logic valve to the released position, which makes
• A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8
the S7/37 actuator oil enters the 7th gear circuit through the
logic valve. 15 actuator oil enters into the 1st gear circuit Command to close A24 oil circuit flow solenoid S8, so that
through 1/3/5/7 gear logic valve. Both the 7th gear oil pressure 24 actuator oil pressure is discharged from 2/4/6/R gear logic
and 1st gear oil pressure are conveyed to the 17 gear shifting valve.
fork actuator piston assembly. • 2/4/6/R gear logic valve
• 1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly When S9 signal oil pressure is discharged, the spring moves the
With the 7th gear oil pressure greater than the 1st gear oil 2/4/6/R gear logic valve to the released position, so that the
pressure, move the 1/7 gear shifting fork actuator piston 2nd gear oil pressure and 6th gear oil pressure are discharged
assembly to the 7th gear position, so as to drive the 1/7 gear from the 2/4/6/R gear logic valve.
shifting fork assembly, and the transmission is switched to 7th • 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
2nd gear oil pressure and 6th gear oil pressure are discharged
Release of 2/4/6/R gear clutch from 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly, and at the
• 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 same time, the 2/6 gear shifting fork actuator piston assembly
is moved to Neutral (N) position.
Command to close the 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4, so
that 2/4/6/R clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch Build oil pressure and ready to shift
actuator cylinder assembly. • 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2
• Clutch actuator cylinder assembly Keep 2/4/6/R clutch pressure solenoid S2 open, so that energy
2/4/6/R gear clutch oil pressure is discharged from the clutch accumulator oil enters the S2 signal circuit. Then, S2 signal
actuator cylinder assembly, which makes the spring move the flow is conveyed to 2/4/6/R clutch flow solenoid S4 through
2/4/6/R gear clutch piston, and the 2/4/6/R gear clutch plate is #12 orifice, so as to realize downshift.

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Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7



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Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Service Procedures leakage, and replace the faulty oil plug or sealing gasket
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil - if necessary.
Drain and Refill 10. Remove the drain plug (1), and drain the oil.
Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid
1. Remove the transmission breather pipe and
as the fluid can be very hot.
transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly
breather pipe from the fixing groove of throttle air
intake pipe.
2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the throttle air intake pipe to
the engine.
Caution: Only use appointed transmission oil. Do not add
any additives.

Caution: Do not reuse the drained transmission oil.

3. Turn the buckle fixing the throttle air intake pipe to 1. Fit the drain plug, tighten to 7–14Nm, and clean oil
the throttle end, loosen the quick connector, and stains around the drain plug.
disconnect the throttle air intake pipe.
2. Remove the oil level plug (3), and discard it.

4. Remove the throttle air intake pipe.

3. Lower the vehicle.
5. Remove the transmission ventilation tube from the
4. Fill the transmission oil into the transmission with the
filler plug.
special tool TPT00059 until oil starts to flow out from
6. Remove the filler plug (2), and discard the filler plug the oil level inspection hole.
7. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
8. Place a suitable container below the transmission to
collect the transmission oil.
9. Check the surrounding area of each oil plug for oil

1.0 553

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil -
Check and Refill
Caution: Only use appointed transmission oil. Do not add
any additives.

Caution: Do not reuse the drained transmission oil.

1. Check the surrounding area of each oil plug for oil

leakage, replace the faulty oil plug as necessary.
2. Lift the vehicle to make wheels get off the ground.
3. Start the engine in P gear and keep it running at idle
4. Depress the brake pedal, shift the gear according to the
5. Lift the vehicle.
following sequence: R-N shift twice, N-D shift twice,
6. Fit the new oil level plug, tighten to 7–14Nm, and
D-W shift twice (during the gear shift process, the
check the torque.
brake pedal is always depressed). After the completion
7. Check the transmission oil. of the gear shifts, shift to N gear.
Transmission Oil Check 5. Depress the brake pedal, shift to R gear, then release
8. Fit a new filler plug O-ring to the filler plug, and fit the the brake pedal, allow the wheels to rotate for about
10s; depress the brake pedal until the wheels stop
filler plug.
rotating, then release the brake pedal, allow the wheels
9. Fit the transmission ventilation tube to the filler plug.
to rotate for about 10s again.
10. Fix the throttle air intake pipe to the throttle.
Warning: All the staff shall be away from the rotary parts
11. Fix the throttle air intake pipe to the engine, fit 1 bolt,
to avoid personal injury.
tighten to 7–10Nm, and check the torque.
6. Depress the brake pedal, shift to W gear, then release
12. Fix the transmission ventilation tube and automatic
the brake pedal, allow the wheels to rotate for about
transmission hydraulic module ventilation tube to the
10s; depress the brake pedal until the wheels stop
throttle air intake pipe.
rotating, then release the brake pedal, allow the wheels
to rotate for about 10s again.
Warning: All the staff shall be away from the rotary parts
to avoid personal injury.
7. Connect a scan tool, ensure that the valve body
temperature is already between 20-40℃.
• If the valve body temperature is lower than 20℃, repeat
Step 6 until the valve body temperature is between
• If the valve body temperature is higher than 40℃, turn
off the engine, repeat Step 3, 4, 5 and 6 after it is
cooled down to room temperature, until the valve body
temperature is between 20-40℃;
8. Depress the brake pedal until the wheels are fully
stopped, shift to P position, and turn off the ignition
9. Remove the oil level hole plug (3) and discard it, and
collect spilled oil with a graduated measuring cylinder.

1.0 554

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

the filler plug (2).

10. Drain oil continuously for 5 minutes, and record the
color and volume of collected oil.
a. The new gearbox oil is amber, and becomes dark
brown black after driving for several kilometers.
b. If the drained oil is green, it indicates that the
automatic transmission hydraulic module has oil
c. If the drained oil exceeds 200ml, the oil must be
d. If no oil is drained from the oil level hole, the oil
must be refilled.
Caution: Only use appointed transmission oil. Do not add
any additives.

Caution: Do not reuse the drained transmission oil.

1. Remove the filler plug, and discard the filler plug O-ring.
2. Fill the transmission oil into the transmission with the
special tool TPT00059 until oil starts to flow out from
the oil level inspection hole.

3. Record the net weight of filled oil. If more than 200ml

of oil must be filled, check for external leakage.
4. Fit the new oil level plug (3), tighten to 7–14Nm, and
check the torque.
5. Fit a new filler plug O-ring to the filler plug, and tighten

1.0 555

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission 11. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the catalytic converter
Assembly bracket to the catalytic converter.
Remove 12. Remove 1 bolt fixing the catalytic converter bracket
1. Fix the vehicle on lift. to the transmission (2), and remove the catalytic
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable. converter bracket.
3. Remove the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Remove
4. Remove the hose - turbocharged intercooler to throttle
Hose - Turbocharged Intercooler to Throttle
Body Remove
5. Remove the shift cable ball joint from the shift rocker
arm knob (1).
6. Release the C-shaped buckle (2) from the cable bracket,
remove the shift cable, fix it, and remove the shift cable.
13. Remove 1 bolt fixing the upper closing plate to the
transmission, and remove the upper closing plate.

7. Remove the transmission harness.

Transmission Harness Remove
8. Disconnect the rear oxygen sensor connector, and
remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the oxygen sensor connector 14. Rotate the crankshaft, remove the first tangential bolt,
bracket to the transmission. after rotating by 120°, remove the second, and finally
9. Remove the staple bolt fixing the harness to the fit the third.
transmission and remove the harness.
10. Disconnect the connector (2) on the TCM, and
remove the harness.

15. Fix the engine with the special tool T10007 and

1.0 556

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

27. Move the transmission rightwards to separate the
transmission from the engine.
28. Remove the transmission from the bracket.
29. Remove 4 bolts fixing the lower tie bar to the
transmission, and remove the lower tie bar bracket.
1. Clean the connection surface between engine and
transmission, and ensure that there is no foreign
2. Clean the locating pin on the engine and the locating
pin hole of the transmission.
16. Remove 4 connecting bolts between the upper part of
3. Fix the lower tie bar bracket to the transmission, fit 4
transmission and the engine.
bolts, tighten to 97–110Nm, and check the torque.
17. Remove 2 bolts (1) and 1 nut (1) fixing the transmission
4. Fix the transmission to the bracket.
mount to the transmission. Discard the bolts and nut.
5. Adjust the transmission with other's help, and align the
18. Remove 4 bolts (2) fixing the transmission mount to
locating pin on the engine with the locating pin hole
the body, and remove the transmission mount.
of the transmission.
Caution: For the angle formed between flywheel
connecting plate and clutch, you must be careful
in operation of splicing the transmission to the
engine to avoid a collision; otherwise, it may
cause functional fault in the transmission!
6. After the junction surface between engine and
transmission is completely fit, fit 4 bottom bolts, tighten
to 49–67Nm, and check the torque.
7. Remove the transmission bracket.
8. Fit the starter.
Starter Motor Refit
9. Fit power-take-off assembly (AWD).
19. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
Power-take-off Assembly Refit
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
10. Fit the front subframe.
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
stands. Front Subframe Refit

20. Remove the bottom deflector. 11. Fit the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Remove Bottom Deflector Refit
21. Drain the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil. 12. Lower the vehicle.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil 13. Fix the transmission mount to the body, fit 4 bolts,
Drain tighten to 55-65Nm, and check the torque.
22. Remove the front subframe. 14. Fix the transmission mount to the transmission, fit
2 bolts, tighten to 90-110Nm, fit 1 nut, tighten to
Front Subframe Remove
90-110Nm, and check the torque.
23. Remove the power-take-off assembly (AWD).
15. Fit 3 connecting bolts between the upper part of
Power-take-off Assembly Remove
transmission and engine, tighten to 49–67Nm, and
24. Remove the starter. check the torque.
Starter Motor Remove 16. Remove the special tool T10007.
25. Support the bottom of the transmission with a bracket. 17. Rotate the crankshaft, fit the first tangential bolt,
26. Remove 3 bolts connecting the transmission to the pretighten to 5Nm, after rotating by 120°, fit the

1.0 557

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

second, and finally fit the third. Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
18. Rotate the crankshaft, tighten the 3 tangential bolts to Harness
30–35Nm, and check the torque. Remove

19. Fix the upper closing plate to the transmission, fit 1 1. Remove the battery box bracket.
bolt, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque. Battery Box Bracket Remove
20. Fix the catalytic converter bracket to the catalytic 2. Disconnect the transmission control module connector.
converter, fit 2 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check
the torque.
21. Fix the catalytic converter support to the catalytic
converter, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 49–67Nm, and check
the torque.
22. Connect the connector on TCM.
23. Fix the harness to the transmission, and connect the
oxygen sensor connector.
24. Fix the oxygen sensor connector support to the
transmission, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 22–28Nm, and
check the torque.
25. Fit the transmission harness.

Transmission Harness Refit 3. Disconnect the cylinder position sensor connector of

the clutch actuator.
26. Locate the shift cable to cable bracket and fix with
C-shaped clips. 4. Disconnect the transmission gearbox through
connector head connector.
27. Fit the shift cable ball joint to the shift rocker arm bulb.
28. Fix 2 battery box brackets to the front longitudinal
beam, fit 6 bolts, tighten to 40-50Nm, and check the
29. Fit the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Refit

30. Fill the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
31. Fit the hose - turbocharged intercooler to throttle body
Hose - Turbocharged Intercooler to Throttle
Body Refit
5. Disconnect the transmission control harness connector.
32. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access SIPS.
6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the ground wire to the
33. Select programming and coding-TCM (transmission
transmission housing.
control module)-Replace, and operate according to
the display on the screen; upon the completion of 7. Remove 1 nut fixing the transmission harness bracket
the update, the part selected to replace is "hydraulic to TCM.
assembly", and click next step to operate according 8. Remove the harness buckles from the transmission
to the display on the screen until the operation is housing, and remove the transmission harness.
completed. The replacement operation includes update,
configuration, and self-learning. For self-learning,
see Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7 speed
automatic transmission quick self-learning for details.
Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7-speed

1.0 558

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Transmission Control Module (TCM) - Dry Dual
Clutch Automatic Transmission
1. Fix the vehicle on lift.
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the coolant expansion tank to the
vehicle frame, and then remove the coolant expansion
Caution: Make sure the 2 connecting plugs are
aligned before connecting the connector. If they
are not aligned or they cannot be inserted by
great force, stop the connection. Check the PIN
and reconnect the connector.
1. Fix the transmission harness to the transmission
housing, and fix it with harness buckles.
2. Fix the ground wire to the transmission housing, fit 1 4. Disconnect the transmission control module (TCM)
bolt, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque. connector.
3. Fix the transmission harness bracket to the TCM, fit 1 5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the transmission control module
nut, tighten to 8–10Nm, and check the torque. (TCM) to the transmission hydraulic control assembly.

4. Connect the transmission control harness connector. 6. Lift the vehicle.

5. Connect the transmission gearbox through connector 7. Remove the bottom deflector.
head connector. Bottom Deflector Remove
6. Connect the master cylinder position sensor connector 8. Remove 2 bolts fixing the transmission control module
of the clutch actuator. (TCM) to the transmission hydraulic control assembly,
7. Connect the transmission control module connector. and remove the transmission control module (TCM).
8. Fit the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Refit


Caution: Make sure the 2 connecting plugs are
aligned before connecting the connector, then
connect them. If they are not aligned, or great
insertion force cannot push them in, stop the
connection. Check the PINs for abnormal damage and
then insert again.

1.0 559

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

1. Fix the transmission control module (TCM) to the Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
transmission hydraulic module, fit 2 bolts, tighten to Assembly
7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque. Remove
2. Fit the bottom deflector. 1. Use VDS to perform transmission accumulator pressure
relief operation. See Transmission Control Module
Bottom Deflector Refit
(TCM) - 7 speed automatic transmission accumulator
3. Lower the vehicle. pressure relief for details.
4. Fit 2 bolts fixing the transmission control module
Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7-speed
(TCM) to the transmission hydraulic module, tighten
to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque.
2. Drain the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil.
5. Connect the transmission control module (TCM)
connector. Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
6. Fix the coolant expansion tank to the vehicle frame; fit
two bolts and tighten to 4–6Nm and check the torque. 3. Remove the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Remove
7. Connect the battery negative cable.
8. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access SIPS. 4. Remove the transmission control module (TCM).

9. Select programming and coding - TCM (transmission Transmission Control Module Remove
control module) - Replace, and operate according 5. Remove the cooling fan.
to the display on the screen; upon the completion of Cooling Fan Assembly Remove
the update, the part selected to replace is "hydraulic
6. Remove the hose - turbocharged intercooler to throttle
assembly", and click next step to operate according
to the display on the screen until the operation is
Hose - Turbocharged Intercooler to Throttle
completed. The replacement operation includes update,
configuration, and self-learning. For self-learning, Body Remove
see Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7 speed 7. Disconnect the transmission control module connector.
automatic transmission quick self-learning for detail. 8. Loosen the buckles, and move away harnesses from the
Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7-speed transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly and
Automatic control module.
9. Remove 12 bolts fixing the transmission
electro-hydraulic control assembly to the transmission
Caution: Do not remove 3 bolts fixing the controller
to the valve body actuator, otherwise, the
transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly
can be damaged.

10. As shown, correctly fit the special tools TPT00202 (2),

TPT00203 (1) to the transmission electro-hydraulic
control assembly.

1.0 560

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission


Caution: If the transmission electro-hydraulic

control assembly is not fitted along the vertical
direction of the transmission housing, the clutch
slave cylinder seal may be damaged.
11. Remove the transmission electro-hydraulic control
assembly along the vertical direction of the transmission
housing with the special tool TPT00202, and discard
the sealing gasket.

Caution: If the transmission electro-hydraulic

control assembly is not removed along the vertical
5. Remove the special tools TPT00202, TPT00203.
direction of the transmission housing, the clutch
slave cylinder seal may be damaged. 6. Fit12 fixing bolts of transmission electro-hydraulic
control assembly, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm in the
sequence as shown, and check the torque.
Caution: Make sure the 2 connecting plugs are
aligned before connecting the connector, then
connect them. If they are not aligned or if
they cannot be inserted by great force, stop
the connection. Check the PIN and reconnect the
1. Clean the junction surface between transmission
electro-hydraulic control assembly and transmission
housing, and ensure that there is no foreign material.
2. Fix a new sealing gasket to the transmission housing.
3. Locate the actuator piston to the middle position with
the special tool TPT00200.
7. Reset the harnesses on the transmission
electro-hydraulic control assembly and control module,
and fix it with buckles.
8. Fit the hose - turbocharged intercooler to throttle body

Hose - Turbocharged Intercooler to Throttle

Body Refit
9. Fit the cooling fan assembly.
Cooling Fan Assembly Refit
10. Fit the transmission control module (TCM).

Transmission Control Module Refit

11. Fix the battery box to the bracket, fit 4 bolts, tighten
4. Fit the transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly to 19-25Nm, and check the torque.
to the transmission with special tools TPT00202,
12. Fit the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Refit

1.0 561

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

13. Fill the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil. Fork Position Sensor Assembly
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
Refill 1. Remove the transmission electro-hydraulic control
14. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access SIPS. assembly.

15. Select programming and coding-TCM (transmission Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control

control module)-Replace, and operate according to Assembly Remove
the display on the screen; upon the completion of the 2. Disconnect 4 shifting fork position sensor connectors.
update, the part selected to replace is "electro-hydraulic 3. Remove 4 bolts (1) fixing 4 shifting fork position
assembly", and click next step to operate according sensors to the transmission electro-hydraulic control
to the display on the screen until the operation is assembly, and remove the shifting fork position sensors.
completed. The replacement operation includes update,
configuration, and self-learning. For self-learning,
see Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7 speed
automatic transmission quick self-learning for detail.
Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7-speed
16. When replacing electro-hydraulic control assembly
and transmission control module, select the part
"Electro-Hydraulic Control Assembly and Transmission
Control Module" to be replaced in step 16, and other
operations are same.
1. Fix 4 shifting fork position sensors to the transmission
electro-hydraulic control assembly respectively, fit 4
bolts, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque.
2. Connect 4 shifting fork position sensor connectors.
3. Fit the transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly.
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
Assembly Refit

1.0 562

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Input Speed Sensor Assembly Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
Remove Assembly Harness
1. Remove the transmission electro-hydraulic control
assembly. 1. Remove the transmission electro-hydraulic control
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
Assembly Remove Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
2. Disconnect 2 input speed sensor connectors. Assembly Remove

3. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing 2 input speed sensors to the 2. Disconnect 2 input speed sensor connectors and 4 fork
transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly, and position sensor connectors.
remove the input speed sensors. 3. Remove 1 bolt (3) fixing the electro-hydraulic control
assembly harness to the transmission electro-hydraulic
control assembly, and remove the transmission
electro-hydraulic control assembly.
1. Fix 2 input speed sensors to the transmission
electro-hydraulic control assembly respectively, fit 2
bolts, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque.

2. Connect 2 input speed sensor connectors. Caution: Make sure the 2 connecting plugs are
aligned before connecting the connector, then
3. Fit the transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly.
connect them. If they are not aligned or if
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control they cannot be inserted by great force, stop
Assembly Refit the connection. Check the PIN and reconnect the
1. Fix the transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly
harness on the transmission electro-hydraulic control
assembly, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm and
check the torque.
2. Connect 2 input speed sensor connectors and 4 fork
position sensor connectors.
3. Fit the transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly.

Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control

Assembly Refit

1.0 563

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Dual Clutch Assembly - Dry Dual Clutch the clutch assembly at interval of 120°.
Automatic Transmission
1. Remove the dry dual clutch automatic transmission
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Assembly Remove
2. Remove the snap ring, and remove the clutch driven

8. Fit the central installer of the special tool TPT00199

to the hollow shaft.
9. Align the central bolt of the special tool TPT00199
with the top groove in the installer and tighten, then
pull out the clutch assembly from the hollow shaft.

3. Fit the special tool TPT00199 to the clutch housing,

and the supporting feet shall be about 120° apart.
4. Press down the clutch assembly with the central
installer of the special tool TPT00199, continue to
press until enough space is set aside for removal of
clutch retainer ring; once the enough space required
is obtained, reduce the center bolt torque to 3Nm,
tighten 3 compression screws by hand, and fix the
clutch in a compressed state.
Caution: The torque applied to the center bolt shall 10. Remove the special tool TPT00199 from the clutch
not exceed 11.6Nm. assembly.
5. Remove the central installer of the special tool Refit
TPT00199. 1. Check the original clutch retainer ring for damage, if
6. Remove the snap ring and input shaft bearing shim, and there is no damage, continue to use it, if any, measure
remove the special tool TPT00199. and select a new clutch retainer ring.
2. Measure from the clutch housing surface to the top
of the clutch retainer ring, and select a suitable gasket
based on the measured value (a).

Caution: Just measure the input shaft bearing shim

when replacing the clutch housing or input shaft.

7. Fix the special tool TPT00199 to the thread boss on

1.0 564

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

11. Fit the central installer of the special tool TPT00199
to the hollow shaft.
12. Align the central bolt of the special tool TPT00199
with the top groove in the installer and tighten, then
pull the clutch assembly back to the right position.

Caution: The torque applied to the center bolt shall

not exceed 11.6Nm.
3. Remove residual grease on the clutch assembly spline,
and apply a thin layer of new grease.
4. Fit the clutch assembly.
5. Fit the special tool TPT00199 to the clutch housing,
and the supporting feet shall be about 120° apart.
6. Press the clutch assembly into a hollow shaft with the
special tool TPT00199, continue to press until enough
space is set aside for clutch retainer ring refit; once the 13. Remove residual grease on the direct gear clutch hub
enough space required is obtained, reduce the center spline, apply a thin layer of new grease, and fit the direct
screw torque by 3Nm, tighten 3 compression screws gear clutch hub to the clutch assembly.
by hand, and fix the clutch in a compressed state.
14. Fit the clutch retainer ring.
Caution: The torque applied to the center bolt shall 15. Fit the dry dual clutch automatic transmission assembly.
not exceed 11.6Nm.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Assembly Refit

7. Remove the central installer of the special tool

8. Fit a new input shaft bearing shim to the even number
input shaft.
9. Fit the snap ring into the snap ring groove with snap
ring pliers.
Caution: The angle between the opening in the
installer and the clutch retainer ring opening is
180°; otherwise, the clutch retainer ring may be
10. Fix the special tool TPT00199 to the thread boss on
the clutch assembly at interval of 120°.

1.0 565

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly - Dry Dual cover to the transmission housing, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
Clutch Automatic Transmission 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque.
Remove 6. Fit the clutch assembly.
1. Remove the clutch assembly.
Clutch Assembly Refit
Clutch Assembly Remove
2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the clutch actuator cylinder
position sensor harness cover to the clutch housing,
and remove the clutch actuator cylinder position
sensor harness cover.

3. Remove the clutch actuator cylinder position sensor

connector from the clutch housing.
4. Remove 3 bolts fixing the clutch actuator cylinder to
the clutch housing, and remove the clutch actuator
cylinder and discard the gasket.

1. Clean the contact surface between clutch actuator
cylinder and clutch housing.
2. Fix a new gasket to the clutch housing through a
locating pin.
3. Fix the clutch actuator cylinder to the transmission
housing, fit 3 bolts, tighten to 12.5–14.5Nm, and
check the torque.
4. Fit the clutch actuator cylinder position sensor
connector to the clutch housing.
5. Fix the clutch actuator cylinder position sensor harness

1.0 566

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Shift Shaft Oil Seal - Transmission Housing
1. Place the shift lever in "P" position.
2. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Remove

4. Turn the clamp fixing the hose to the throttle end,
loosen the quick joint, and disconnect the hose from
the throttle.
1. Clean the oil seal groove.
2. Fit a new oil seal to the transmission housing with an
installer of the special tool TPT00167.
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the hose assembly to the engine,
and remove the hose.

3. Fix the shift rocker arm to the shift shaft according to

the mark position, fit 1 nut, tighten to 10–14Nm, and
check the torque.
4. Fit the shift cable to the shift rocker arm.
5. Fix the hose (turbocharger intercooler to throttle
body) quick joint to the throttle, and fix it with clamps.
6. Fix the hose (turbocharger intercooler to throttle
body) to the engine, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 7–10Nm.
6. Remove the shift cable from the shift rocker arm. 7. Fit the battery box bracket.
7. Remove 1 nut fixing the shift rocker arm to the shift
Battery Box Bracket Refit
shaft, mark the position of shift rocker arm, and remove
the shift rocker arm.
8. Remove the shift shaft oil seal with a remover of the
special tool TPT00167.

1.0 567

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Input Shaft Housing Oil Seal - Clutch Housing Differential Oil Seal - Transmission Housing
Remove Remove
1. Remove the clutch actuator cylinder assembly. 1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly Remove Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
2. Remove the input shaft housing oil seal with the special only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
tool TPT00195. stands.
2. Drain the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
3. Remove the front axle left drive shaft.
Front Axle Left Drive Shaft Remove
4. Remove the differential oil seal and discard it.
1. Clean the oil seal groove.
2. Fit a new oil seal with special tools TPT00198,

1. Clean the oil seal groove.
2. Fit a new oil seal with the installer of the special tool
3. Fit the front axle left drive shaft.

Front Left Axle Shaft Assembly Refit

4. Fill the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
3. Fit the clutch actuator cylinder assembly.

Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly Refit

1.0 568

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Differential Oil Seal - Clutch Housing
1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
3. Remove front axle right drive shaft (2WD).
Front Axle Right Drive Shaft Remove
4. Fit power-take-off assembly (AWD).
4. Remove the power-take-off assembly (AWD).
Power-take-off Assembly Refit
Power-take-off Assembly Remove
5. Fit front axle right drive shaft (2WD).
5. Remove the differential oil seal and discard it (2WD).
6. Remove the differential oil seal and discard it (4WD) Front Axle Right Drive Shaft Refit
with special tool TPT00225. 6. Fill the dry dual clutch automatic transmission oil.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Oil
1. Clean the oil seal groove.
2. Fit a new oil seal (4WD) with special tool TPT00204.

3. Fit a new oil seal (2WD) with special tools TPT00198,


1.0 569

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
1. Remove the dry dual clutch automatic transmission

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission

Assembly Remove
2. Fix the transmission to the fixed bracket with the
special tool TPT00188.

9. Remove the differential assembly.

3. Remove the transmission electro-hydraulic control
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
Assembly Remove
4. Remove the clutch actuator cylinder assembly.

Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly Remove

5. Remove 5 fixing bolts (1) from the front ball bearing
cover plate of input shaft and discard.
6. Remove 18 bolts fixing the clutch housing to the
transmission housing (2). 10. Remove 1 bolt fixing the shift retaining spring to the
7. Remove the clutch housing (3), and discard the washer transmission housing, and remove the shift retaining
(4). spring.

8. Remove the magnetic steel (5) from the transmission


11. Disconnect the connector, and remove the transmission

internal harness assembly from the parking ratchet
bracket assembly (1).

1.0 570

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

12. Remove 2 bolts fixing the parking pawl bracket assembly 17. Fit the special tool TPT00165 to the transmission
to the transmission case, and remove the parking housing.
bracket assembly of the parking pawl bracket (2).
13. Remove the parking lever (1), reset spring (2), pawl
shaft (3), and pawl (4).
18. With the special tool TPT00165 as the handle,
remove the special tool TPT00188 from the work
bench together with the transmission.
19. Support the transmission onto the work bench through
the supporting feet of the special tool TPT00165.
20. Remove 3 input shaft bearing seat bolts.
21. Remove the special tool TPT00188.
14. Remove the parking control lever pin (1) and conduit
15. Remove 1 bolt fixing the parking control lever bracket
to the transmission housing, and remove the parking
control lever bracket (3).
16. Remove 1 bolt fixing the automatic transmission output
shaft sensor to the transmission housing, and remove
the automatic transmission output shaft sensor (4). 22. Remove 3 bolts fixing the special tool TPT00165 to
the transmission housing, and remove the transmission

1.0 571

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

housing, and remove 2 oil guide grooves.

23. First remove 3/5 gear shifting fork (1) from the special
tool TPT00165, remove 4/R gear shifting fork (2), and
then remove 345R output shaft (3). 29. Remove the differential cone bearing from the
24. First remove 1/7 gear shifting fork (4) from the special transmission housing with a bearing extractor.
tool TPT00165, remove 2/6 gear shifting fork (5), and
then remove 1267 output shaft (6).
25. Remove the input shaft assembly (7) from the special
tool TPT00165.

30. Remove the 345R output shaft bearing outer race from
the transmission housing with the special TPT00183
tool, and remove 345R output shaft oil nozzle.

26. Remove the shift shaft stop pin from the special tool

31. Remove the input shaft oil nozzle from the transmission
27. Remove the shift shaft position switch.
28. Remove 2 bolts fixing 1267 output shaft oil guide groove
and input shaft oil guide groove to the transmission

1.0 572

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission


32. Remove the 1267 output shaft bearing outer race 35. Remove the 1267 output shaft bearing outer race from
from the transmission housing with the special tool the clutch housing with the special tool TPT00185,
TPT00184 (left), and remove 1267 output shaft oil and remove 1267 output shaft oil nozzle.

36. Remove the differential front bearing outer race from

the clutch housing with the special tool TPT00187
(2WD) or TPT00224 (AWD).
33. Remove 1 bolt fixing the clutch housing side oil groove
to the clutch housing, and remove the clutch housing
side oil groove.

34. Remove the 345R output shaft bearing outer race from
the clutch housing with the special TPT00183 tool,
and remove 345R output shaft oil nozzle.

1.0 573

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7


1. Clean the transmission housing and clutch housing, and 5. Fit 3/4/5/R gear intermediate shaft oil nozzle to the
ensure that there is no foreign material. transmission housing with the special tools TPT00198,
2. Fit 1/2/6/7 gear intermediate shaft oil nozzle to the
transmission housing with the special tools TPT00198,
6. Fit 3/4/5/R gear main shaft bearing outer race to the
transmission housing with the special tools TPT00198,
3. Fit 1/2/6/7 gear main shaft bearing outer race to the
transmission housing with the special tools TPT00198,

7. Fit the transmission left cone bearing to the

transmission housing with the special tools TPT00198,
4. Fit the input shaft oil nozzle to the transmission housing
with the special tools TPT00198, TPT00191.

1.0 574

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque.
21. Fit the transmission internal harness assembly to the
parking pawl support assembly, and connect it to the
22. Fix the shift retaining spring to the transmission
housing, fit 1 bolt, tighten it to 7.5–10.5Nm, and
check the torque.
23. Fit the differential assembly.
24. Arrange the main shaft bearing outer race removed
from the clutch housing onto 3/4/5/R gear main bearing,
1/2/6/7 gear main bearing and differential main bearing
8. Fix 1267 output shaft oil guide groove and input shaft 25. Arrange the main bearing clearance measuring tool of
oil guide groove to the transmission housing, fit 2 bolts, the special tool TPT00205 onto the main shaft bearing
tighten them to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque. outer race.
9. Fit the shift shaft position switch to the transmission 26. Uniformly fix the clutch housing and liner to the
housing, and fit the shift shaft stop pin.
transmission housing through 6 guide pins and bolts of
10. Fix the shift shaft and shifting fork to the special tool the special tool TPT00205, and tighten to 35–40Nm.
TPT00165. 27. Measure the values within the clearance with a
11. Fit the transmission housing into the shift shaft and clearance gauge at interval of 180°, calculate the
shifting fork, fit it in place by corresponding to relevant average, and select the suitable size of gasket based on
position, and fix the special tool TPT00165 to the the value.
transmission housing by 3 bolts.

Caution: Before fitting the transmission housing,

please adjust the position of rear ball bearing
cover plate of input shaft to align the threaded
hole in the rear ball bearing cover plate of input
shaft with the threaded hole in the transmission
12. Fit the special tool TPT00188.
13. Fit 3 bolts of the rear ball bearing cover plate of input
shaft to the transmission housing, tighten the torque to
7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque.
14. With the special tool TPT00165 as the handle, fit the
special tool TPT00188 to the work bench together 28. Fit the differential main bearing outer race and gasket to
with the transmission. the clutch housing with the special tools TPT00198,
TPT00182 (2WD) or TPT00223 (AWD).
15. Remove the special tool TPT00165.
16. Fix the automatic transmission output shaft sensor
to the transmission housing, fit 1 bolt, tighten to
7.5–10.5Nm and check the torque.
17. Fix the parking actuator support to the transmission
housing, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check
the torque.
18. Fit 2 parking lever pins and conduit.
19. Fit the parking lever, and fit the pawl shaft, pawl and
reset spring.
20. Fix the parking pawl support assembly to the
transmission housing, fit 2 bolts, tighten them to

1.0 575

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7


29. Fit 1/2/6/7 gear intermediate shaft oil nozzle to the 32. Fit 3/4/5/R gear main bearing outer race to the clutch
clutch housing with the special tools TPT00198, housing with the special tools TPT00198, TPT00179.
33. Fix the clutch housing side oil groove to the clutch
30. Fit 1/2/6/7 gear main bearing outer race to the clutch housing, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7.5–10.5Nm, and check
housing with the special tools TPT00198, TPT00181. the torque.
34. Fit the special tool TPT00201 to the transmission

31. Fit 3/4/5/R gear intermediate shaft oil nozzle to the

clutch housing with the special tools TPT00198,
35. Fit the magnetic steel to a relevant position on the
transmission housing.
36. Fit a new gasket, fix the clutch housing to the
transmission housing, fit 18 bolts, tighten to 35–40Nm,
and check the torque.
37. Fix the front ball bearing cover plate of input shaft

1.0 576

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

to the clutch housing, fit 5 new bolts, tighten to 246R Input Shaft Oil Seal
7.5–10.5Nm, and check the torque. Remove
Caution: Before fitting the clutch housing, please 1. Remove the dry dual clutch automatic transmission
adjust the position of front ball bearing cover assembly.
plate of input shaft to align the threaded hole in Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
the front ball bearing cover plate of input shaft Assembly Remove
with the threaded hole in the clutch housing.
2. Remove the clutch retainer ring, and remove the direct
38. Fit the clutch actuator cylinder assembly. gear clutch hub.
Clutch Actuator Cylinder Assembly Refit
39. Fit the transmission electro-hydraulic control assembly.
Transmission Electro-Hydraulic Control
Assembly Refit
40. Fit the dry dual clutch automatic transmission assembly.
Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission
Assembly Refit

3. Remove 246R input shaft oil seal with the tool of the
TPT00166, and discard it.

1. Fit the steering tool of the special tool TPT00166 to
1357 input shaft.
2. Fit a new 246R input shaft oil seal to 246R input shaft
through the steering tool with the installer of the
special tool TPT00166.

1.0 577

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Input Shaft Assembly Disassembly
1. Disassemble the dual clutch automatic transmission.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Disassembly

2. Remove 246R input shaft assembly from 1357 input
shaft assembly.
3. Remove residual grease on the direct gear clutch hub
spline, apply a thin layer of new grease, and fit the direct
gear clutch hub to the clutch assembly.
4. Fit the clutch retainer ring.
5. Fit the dry dual clutch automatic transmission assembly.

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission

Assembly Refit 3. Remove the needle bearing from 1357 input shaft
4. Fix 1357 input shaft assembly to the bench clamp, and
remove the bolt on the input shaft.
5. Remove 1357 input shaft bearing with the bearing

6. Remove the snap ring, and remove 246R input shaft

bearing with the bearing extractor.

1.0 578

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

1267 Output Shaft Assembly
1. Disassemble the dual clutch automatic transmission.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Disassembly

2. Remove 1267 output shaft bearing with the bearing
1. Fit 246R input shaft front ball bearing cover plate to
246R input shaft with the special tool TPT00170, and
fit the snap spring.

1. Fit 1267 output shaft bearing to 1267 output shaft
assembly with the special tool TPT00171.

2. Fix 1357 input shaft assembly to the bench clamp, and

fit 1357 input shaft rear ball bearing cover plate to 1357
input shaft assembly with the special tool TPT00171.
3. Fit 1 bolt, tighten to 40–50Nm, check the torque, and
remove 1357 input shaft assembly.
4. Fit 3 needle bearings on 1357 input shaft.
2. Assemble the dual clutch automatic transmission.
5. Fit 246R input shaft assembly to 1357 input shaft
assembly. Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Assembly
6. Assemble the dual clutch automatic transmission.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Assembly

1.0 579

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

345R Output Shaft Assembly Differential Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Disassemble the dual clutch automatic transmission. 1. Disassemble the dual clutch automatic transmission.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Disassembly Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Disassembly
2. Remove 345R output shaft bearing with the bearing 2. Remove differential right bearing with the bearing
extractor. extractor.

Refit 3. Remove the differential left bearing outer race with the
1. Fit 345R output shaft bearing to 345R output shaft special tool TPT00186.
assembly with the special tool TPT00173.

2. Assemble the dual clutch automatic transmission. 1. Fit the differential left bearing outer race to the
differential with the special tool TPT00175.
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Assembly

2. Fit the differential right bearing to the differential with

the special tool TPT00176 (2WD) or TPT00222

1.0 580

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission


3. Assemble the dual clutch automatic transmission.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Assembly


1.0 581

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Transmission Failure Diagnosis 2. Gear slide during acceleration
Transmission Symptom Diagnosis 3. Gear slide during gliding
Note: Symptom table is used under the following conditions: • No symptom found or detected

1. The scan tool can connect TCM normally; 1. Dry dual clutch automatic transmission fluid check
Dry dual clutch automatic transmission
2. No DTC of TCM is detected;
fluid check
3. Be familiar with the structure, principle and working
2. Road Test
mode of the dry dual clutch automatic transmission.
For more information, please refer to "Description and Road Test
Operation". Note: Road test is conducted only as a part of symptom
Description and Operation diagnosis.
Appearance/Physical Inspection
Perform the road test and symptom diagnosis cooperatively.
Check the accessible or visible system components for any Refer to "Symptom List".
obvious damages or failures which may lead to such symptom.
The following test provides the method to test automatic
Intermittent failure transmission state. The test can realize most driving
Electrical connection or harness failure may lead to conditions. The test is divided into the following several parts:
intermittent failure. 1. Electrical function test
Symptom List 2. Up-shift control and dual clutch engagement state
When diagnosing symptom, please refer to the following 3. Some down-shift actions when the accelerator is
symptom diagnosis program: depressed
• Fluid diagnosis 4. Manual Downshift
1. Dry dual clutch automatic transmission fluid check 5. Downshift by coasting
Dry dual clutch automatic transmission 6. Manual shift range selection
fluid check
a. R Gear
2. Fluid leakage diagnosis
b. Driver shift control
• Noise and vibration diagnosis
1. Low-speed vibration Note: Complete the test in the order as shown. If the test is
not completed, correct assessment can not be made.
2. Steering noise
3. Dull metallic sound during acceleration and Before the road test, each of the following items shall be
deceleration ensured:

4. "Click" during steering 1. Engine is running normally

5. Noise in neutral gear when the engine runs 2. Transmission fluid level is OK
Dry dual clutch automatic transmission fluid
6. Noise in gear 1 only
7. Noise in gear 2 only
3. Tire pressure normal
8. Noise in gear 3 only
During road test:
9. Noise in gear 4 only
10. Noise in gear 5 only 1. Conduct road test when road conditions allow

11. Noise in gear 6 only 2. Run the vehicle under controllable safety condition

12. Noise in gear 7 only 3. Comply with all traffic rules

13. Noise in R gear only 4. Check the scan tool parameter when conducting the test

14. Noise in gear 4 and 6 5. Pay attention to the abnormal sound or smell

15. Noise in gear 5 and 7 6. The minimum transmission fluid temperature shall be
16. Noise in all gears
• Shift quality diagnosis Upon the road test, check the following items:

1. Gear slide 1. Check if the transmission fluid level is proper.

1.0 582

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Dry dual clutch automatic transmission fluid a. High engine idle speed - compare the actual engine
check idle speed and target idle speed;
2. Check for DTC generated during the road test. Refer to b. Some failure caused by DTCs leads to maximum
DTC troubleshooting manual for details. pipe pressure, and it prevent the clutch from sliding.
3. Check the scan tool for abnormal reading or parameter. c. Unfinished or incorrect quick self-learning - perform
4. Check for fluid leakage. Please refer to "Fluid Leakage quick self-learning operation again, and observe if
Diagnosis". the shift quality improves. If it does not improve,
Electrical function test refer to "Unsmooth Garage Shift"
Shift delay may be caused by the following reasons:
Conduct the procedure, make sure if the electronic
components of transmission can perform normally. If such a. Low engine idle speed - compare the actual engine
component is not checked, simple electrical failure will also idle speed and target idle speed;
be diagnosed incorrectly. b. Transmission fluid level too low;
1. Connect the scan tool VDS; c. Transmission fluid temperature too low - read
2. Place the shift lever in P gear, and enable electronic the in-time display parameter "transmission fluid
parking system; Temperature" with VDS;

3. Start the Engine; d. Gear shift mechanism - if necessary, check and adjust
gear shift mechanism and cable;
4. Make sure the real-time display parameter can be
Gear Cable - DCT 250 - Refit
obtained through VDS and can be displayed normally, and
pay attention to the suspicious parameters: e. Unfinished or incorrect quick self-learning - perform
quick self-learning operation again, and observe if
a. Engine speed
the shift delay improves. If it does not improve, refer
b. Odd Clutch Slipping Friction to "1\R Gear Unsmooth Shift"
c. Even Clutch Slipping Friction 6. Check the gear information in the in-time display
parameters from VDS.
d. Speed (in ABS Controller)
a. Depress the brake pedal, and enable electronic
e. Internal mode switch mode "A\B\C\P\S" position
parking system;
sensor state
b. Shift the gear in the following order:
f. Transmission target gear
P→R→N→D→R→D, and stop for 2 to 3s
g. General transmit speed ratio of transmission in each gear.

h. Brake pedal switch c. Stop the gear shift lever in "P" gear;

i. Engine coolant temperature d. Make sure the selected gear is same as the gear
displayed on the scan tool.
j. transmission fluid temperature
7. Check the throttle position input information.
k. Ignition Voltage
a. Depress the brake pedal, and enable electronic
5. Check the garage shift operation parking system;
a. Depress the brake pedal, and enable electronic b. Make sure the gear shift lever is in "P" gear;
parking system; c. Depress or release the accelerator pedal to increase
b. Shift the gear in the following order: or decrease the engine speed, observe the "Throttle
P→R→N→D→R→D, and stop for 2 to 3s Position" parameter on the real-time display of the
in each gear. scan tool VDS, and the value (percentage) shall
increase or decrease with the engine speed.
c. Check if the gear engages quickly (if the transmission
fluid temperature is higher than 20℃, the If any one of the above tests is abnormal, after the road
transmission does not run sharply, and the gear test, record the relevant test result for reference.
engagement time is less than 2s.) Note: Gear Upshift Control
engagement is almost invisible in some cases.
TCM calculates the up-shift point based on two inputs: throttle
The sharp gear engagement may be caused by the position and speed. When TCM makes sure that the shift
following reasons: conditions are met, TCM controls the clutch action and shift

1.0 583

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

fork position by transferring the current to the corresponding transmission down-shift automatically to prevent transmission
solenoid valve, so as to realize gear shift process. damage.
Operate the following steps: Downshift by coasting

1. Check the following real-time parameters on the scan 1. Place the shift lever in P gear;
tool: 2. Accelerate the vehicle to gear 7;
a. Engine speed 3. Release accelerator pedal and depress the brake pedal;
b. Speed 4. Monitor the real-time "General transmit speed ratio of
transmission" parameter on the scan tool, the parameter
c. Odd Clutch Slip
will change after the "Target gear" changes, and make
d. Even Clutch Slip sure the downshift is normal.
e. Transmission target gear Manual shift range selection
f. Internal mode switch mode "A\B\C\P\S" position R Gear
sensor state Perform the following test:
g. Brake pedal switch 1. Park the vehicle, and place the shift lever in R gear;
h. Engine coolant temperature 2. Accelerate the vehicle slowly, and keep the accelerator
i. Transmission fluid temperature pedal in 10%-15%;
2. Shift the shift lever to D gear. 3. Make sure if there is obvious skid, noise or vibration.
3. Depress the accelerator pedal to 15–20% and hold, so Driver shift control
as to accelerate the vehicle. Keep the accelerator pedal For the specific description related to driver shift control, refer
position steady. to User Manual. The driver shift control is used to enable the
4. Pay attention to any unsmooth, weak or slip shift, and transmission to make right response to the driver's instruction.
any noise or vibration. When the engine speed reaches to the maximum, TCM can
Shift down when accelerator is depressed shift up automatically, and prevent any downshift operation
1. Shift the shift lever to D gear; which can lead to high engine speed.
2. Accelerate the vehicle by depressing the accelerator
pedal (5–15%) slightly, until it is shifted to gear 3.
3. Depress the accelerator pedal quickly until the target
gear is displayed as gear 2.
4. Make sure the transmission can shift down within 2s
when the accelerator pedal acts;
5. Repeat steps 2-4 when the speed is high, shift up to gear
4, depress the accelerator pedal and then shift down to
gear 3.
6. Repeat steps 2-4 when the speed is high, shift up to gear
5, depress the accelerator pedal and then shift down to
gear 4.
7. Repeat steps 2-4 when the speed is high, shift up to gear
6, depress the accelerator pedal and then shift down to
gear 5.
8. Repeat steps 2-4 when the speed is high, shift up to gear
7, depress the accelerator pedal and then shift down to
gear 6.
9. Pay attention to any unsmooth shift, weak or skid
phenomena, and any noise or vibration.
Manual Downshift

Manual downshift test is not required. The vehicle is provided

with driver shift control system, and TCM can control the

1.0 584

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Fluid leakage diagnosis
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Fluid leakage High fluid level Drain extra fluid

Axle shaft oil seal damaged Check the axle shaft oil seal, and replace when
Transmission vent plug blocked Check the vent plug and replace it when necessary.
The junction surface between the transmission Check the gasket between the transmission housing
housing and clutch housing is poorly sealed or and clutch housing, and replace it when necessary.

Low-speed vibration
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Low-speed Drive shaft joint worn Check the drive shaft joint, and replace it when
vibration necessary.
Differential gear worn Check the differential assembly, and replace the
differential assembly when necessary.
Steering noise
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Steering noise Wheel bearing worn Check the front wheel bearing, and replace it when
Differential gear worn Check the differential gear, and replace the differential
assembly when necessary.
Dull metallic sound during the acceleration and
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Dull metallic Engine bracket loose Check the engine bracket, and tighten it when
sound during the necessary.
acceleration and Drive shaft joint spline worn Check the inside drive shaft joint, and replace it when
deceleration necessary.
Differential side gear shaft spline worn Check the differential side gear shaft, and replace the
differential assembly when necessary.

"Click" during steering

Symptom Possible causes Correction
"Click" during Drive shaft outer ball joint worn Check the drive shaft ball joint, and replace it when
steering necessary.

Noise in neutral gear when the engine runs

Symptom Possible causes Correction
Noise in neutral The bolt from double mass flywheel (DMF) to Check the tangent torque of the bolt from double mass
gear when the the clutch loose flywheel to the clutch
engine runs
Double mass flywheel (DMF) center bearing Check the bearing, and replace it when necessary.
Noise in gear 1 only
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Noise in gear 1 only The constant mesh gear in gear 1 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
1st/7th gear synchronizer worn, and with gap Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 1267 output
and scratch shaft assembly when necessary.

1.0 585

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Noise in gear 2 only

Symptom Possible causes Correction

Noise in gear 2 only The constant mesh gear in gear 2 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
2nd/6th gear synchronizer worn, and with gap Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 1267 output
and scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in gear 3 only

Symptom Possible causes Correction

Noise in gear 3 only The constant mesh gear in gear 3 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
3rd/5th gear synchronizer worn, and with gap Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 345R output
and scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in gear 4 only
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Noise in gear 4 only The constant mesh gear in gear 4 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
4th/R gear synchronizer worn, and with gap and Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 345R output
scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in gear 5 only

Symptom Possible causes Correction

Noise in gear 5 only The constant mesh gear in gear 5 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
3rd/5th gear synchronizer worn, and with gap Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 345R output
and scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in gear 6 only

Symptom Possible causes Correction

Noise in gear 6 only The constant mesh gear in gear 6 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
2nd/6th gear synchronizer worn, and with gap Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 1267 output
and scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in gear 7 only
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Noise in gear 7 only The constant mesh gear in gear 7 worn, and Check the gear, and replace it when necessary.
with gap and scratch
1st/7th gear synchronizer worn, and with gap Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 1267 output
and scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in R gear only

Symptom Possible causes Correction

Noise in R gear The constant mesh gear in R gear worn, and Check the gear, and replace 1267 output shaft assembly
only with gap and scratch or 345R output shaft assembly when necessary.
4th/R gear synchronizer worn, and with gap and Check the gear synchronizer, and replace 345R output
scratch shaft assembly when necessary.
Noise in gear 4 and gear 6

Symptom Possible causes Correction

Noise in gear 4 and Input shaft gear worn or damaged Check if the gear and bearing of the even input shaft is
gear 6 damaged, and replace them if necessary.

1.0 586

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Noise in gear 5 and 7
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Noise in gear 5 and Input shaft gear worn or damaged Check is the gear and bearing of odd input shaft is
7 damaged, and replace them if necessary.

Noise in all gears

Symptom Possible causes Correction
Noise in all gears Low fluid level Add appropriate fluid.

Wheel bearing worn or damaged Check the wheel bearing, and replace it when
Shift sliding rail guide bearing loose Check the shift sliding rail guide bearing.
1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/R gear worn, and Check the components, and replace the components if
with gap and scratch necessary.
Differential assembly is worn, and with gap and Check the differential assembly, and replace the
scratch. differential assembly when necessary.
Taper ball bearing is worn or scratched. Check if the ball bearing is scratched or dent is found,
and replace it when necessary.
Gear slide
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Gear slide Transmission suspension loose Tighten or replace the transmission suspension.
Worn or bent shifting fork Check the shifting fork, and replace it when necessary.

Transmission internal gear shift mechanism Disassemble the transmission, and repair it when
failure necessary.

Gear slide during acceleration

Symptom Possible causes Correction
Gear slide during Gear 1 spline lock on 1st/7th gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
acceleration canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear 7 spline lock on 1st/7th gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear 2 spline lock on 2nd/6th gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear 6 spline lock on 2nd/6th gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear 3 spline lock on 3rd/5th gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear 5 spline lock on 3rd/5th gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear 4 spline lock on 4th/R gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
Gear R spline lock on 4th/R gear synchronizer Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
canine tooth worn or damaged
1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th/6th/7th/R gear spline lock Check the spline lock, and replace it if necessary.
worn or damaged

1.0 587

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Transmission internal gear shift mechanism Disassemble the transmission, and repair it when
failure necessary.

Gear slide during gliding

Symptom Possible causes Correction
Gear slide during Fork sliding rail worn, damaged or missing Check the fork sliding rail, and replace it when
gliding necessary.
Transmission internal gear shift mechanism Remove the transmission, and repair it when necessary.
Unsmooth Garage Shift
Symptom Possible causes Correction
Unsmooth Garage Clutch position sensor (CPS) reading abnormal Replace clutch actuator cylinder assembly
246R even input shaft idle speed greater than Check the dual clutch assembly, and replace it when
250RPM necessary
1. Clutch middle plate bearing drags, and hot
clutch may lead to such condition.
2. The even clutch driven plate deforms
because of overheating, and it leads to drag
1357 odd input shaft idle speed greater than Check the 1357 odd input shaft, double mass flywheel,
250RPM dual clutch assembly, and replace them when necessary
1. Double mass flywheel needle bearing drags,
and such condition may occur after the
bearing damage.
2. The odd clutch driven plate deforms
because of overheating, and it leads to drag

1.0 588

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Special Tools Tool Description Picture
Tool Description Picture Number

Transmission TPT00200 Actuator Piston
TPT00059 fluid fill Neutral Gauge
Dual Clutch
TPT00199 Assembly
Engine lift Remover/Installer

Manual Shift
TPT00167 Shaft Seal
TEN00070 Engine support Remover/Installer
Clutch Housing
Powerpack Seal Remover
Holding Fixture

Clutch Housing
Powerpack TPT00168
Seal Installer
TPT00203 Installing
Guided Pins

1.0 589

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Tool Description Picture Tool Description Picture
Number Number

Oil Seal Installer Gearset
TPT00198 TPT00165
Handlebar Assembly
Manual Shift
Driving Shaft
TPT00169 TPT00189 Shaft Fixing Pin
Seal Installer

345R Output
Pressure cap
TPT00225 TPT00183 Shaft Bearing
test tool
Cup Remover

Driving 1267 Output

Shaft Seal Shaft left
TPT00204 TPT00184
Installer-PTU Bearing Cup
side-AWD Remover

1267 Output
Transmission Shaft Right
TPT00188 TPT00185
Holding Fixture Bearing Cup

1.0 590

Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7 Transmission

Tool Description Picture Tool Description Picture
Number Number

345R Output
TPT00187 TPT00190 Shaft Oil Dam
Bearing Cup
345R Output
TPT00224 TPT00179 Shaft Bearing
Bearing Cup
Cup Installer
Output Shaft
Left Differential
TPT00192 Transmission TPT00178
Bearing Installer
Case Side Oil
Dam Installer

1267 Output Right

Shaft Left Differential
TPT00180 TPT00182
Bearing Cup Bearing Cup
Installer Installer

1267 Output
Shaft Clutch Right
Housing Side Differential
TPT00191 TPT00223
Oil Dam and Bearing Cup
Input Shaft Oil Installer-AWD
Dam Installer

1.0 591

Transmission Dry Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission-7

Tool Description Picture Tool Description Picture
Number Number

1267 Output
345R Output
Shaft Right
TPT00181 TPT00173 Shaft Bearing
Bearing Cup
Shift Fork Left Differential
TPT00201 Neutral TPT00186 Bearing Cup
Alignment Plate Remover

Even Input Left Differential

TPT00166 Shaft Seal TPT00175 Bearing Cup
Remover/Installer Installer
Even Input Shaft Right
TPT00170 Right Retainer TPT00176 Differential
Installer Bearing Installer

Odd Input Shaft

Left Retainer Right
and 1267 Differential
TPT00171 TPT00222
Output Shaft Bearing
Right Bearing Installer-AWD

1.0 592

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Description Value
Bolt - engine to transmission 49–67Nm
Bolt - transmission mounting to body 55-65Nm
Bolt - transmission bracket to transmission bracket 90-110Nm
Nut - transmission bracket to transmission bracket 90-110Nm
Bolt - transmission to engine 49–67Nm
Bolt - release bearing 23–27Nm
Bolt-catalysts fixing bracket to catalysts 19–25Nm
Bolt-catalysts fixing bracket to transmission 49–67Nm
Bolt -battery bracket to body 40-50Nm
Bolt - gear shift lever cover to transmission housing 25–30Nm
Drain plug 30–40Nm
Filler plug 30–40Nm
Reverse lamp switch 23–27Nm
Bolt- expansion tank to body 4–6Nm
Bolt - transmission housing 23–27Nm
Bolt - final drive gear 90–100Nm
Plug 30–40Nm
Bolt - release bearing 10–14Nm
Interlock pin 15–20Nm
Bolt - gear selection/shift bracket 19–25Nm
Bolt - reverse idler gear shaft to transmission bottom housing 23–27Nm
Bolt - reverse idler gear shaft to transmission side housing 33–37Nm
Bolt - neutral position sensor 8–12Nm

1.0 593

Transmission Transmission-6MT

SCM250 6-speed Manual Transmission
Matched with 1.5T Engine
Speed ratio:

·1st Gear 4.385

·2nd Gear 2.348

·3rd Gear 1.351

·4th Gear 1.049

·5th Gear 0.946

·6th Gear 0.756

·Reverse Gear 3.72

·Main Reduction 3.632/4.059
Transmission Center Distance 79/95mm
Maximum input torque 250(1st215)Nm
Maximum input speed 6800rpm
Mass (without oil) 48Kg
Lubricating Oil MTF 94
Transmission Standard Oil Capacity:

·Drain and Refill 2.2L

·Refill in Dry State 2.5 L

Maximum Transmission Boundary Dimension

·Length 349.6mm

·Width 512.6mm
·Height 406.8mm
Locking bolt

Spring Pin
Shift fork shaft bushing 15x15

Input shaft oil seal

Cone Bearing

Differential half axle oil seal

Oil deflector
List of Disposable Assembly Parts:
Driven Shaft Front Bearing

Gear selection/shift shaft needle bearing

Spring pin (5x26)

Gear selection/shift shaft oil seal

Gear selection/shift shaft bushing


Gear selection/shift shaft linear bearing

1.0 594

Transmission-6MT Transmission

Gear shift control pin

Oil plug washer


1.0 595

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Description and Operation

System Layout
Transmission Assembly Layout

1. Flange Bolt 2. Closing Panel


1.0 596

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Transmission Assembly and Accessories

1. Bolt - Gear Selection/Shift Bracket 8. Locating Pin
2. Gear Selection/Shift Bracket 9. Reverse Lamp Switch/Interlock Pin Washer
3. Oil Level Plug Washer 10. Reverse Lamp Switch
4. Oil Level Plug 11. Interlock Pin
5. Oil Plug 12. Oil Plug Washer
6. Neutral Position Sensor 13. Transmission Assembly
7. Bolt - neutral position sensor

1.0 597

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Transmission Gear Shift Operating Mechanism and



1. Gear Shift Rocker Arm Welding Assembly 13. Gear Selection/Shift Sleeve
2. Spring Pin 14. Gear Selection Rocker Arm Shaft Sleeve 1
3. Gear Selection/Shift Shaft Oil Seal 15. Inner Gear Selection Rocker Arm Assembly
4. Gear Selection/Shift Shaft Sleeve 16. Gear Selection Rocker Arm Shaft Sleeve 2
5. Gear Shift Cover 17. Gear Shift Cover Locating Pin
6. Gear Selection Rocker Arm Assembly 18. Shift Fork Shaft Bushing
7. Bolt 19. Spring Pin
8. Circlip 20. 1st/2nd Gear Fork
9. Gear Selection/Shift Shaft Linear Bearing 21. Shift Fork Shaft 1
10. Gear Selection/Shift Shaft 22. 5th/6th gear fork
11. Gear Shift Control Pin 23. Reverse Gear Fork
12. Neutral Position Sensor Signal Block 24. Shift Fork Shaft 2

1.0 598

Transmission-6MT Transmission
25. 3rd/4th Gear Fork 32. Magnetic Steel
26. Locating Pin 33. Transmission Main Case
27. Ventilation cap 34. Bearing Cover
28. Clutch Housing 35. Sealing Washer
29. Oil Nozzle 36. Inner Hexagon Bolt
30. Input Shaft Oil Seal 37. Gear Selection/Shift Shaft Needle Bearing
31. Bolt

1.0 599

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Input Shaft Assembly


1. Input Shaft Front Bearing 3. Locking Bolt

2. Input Shaft Rear Bearing 4. Input Shaft Assembly

1.0 600

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Output Shaft 1 Assembly


1. Output Shaft 1 7. 5th Gear Needle Bearing and Inner Ring

2. 1st Gear Needle Bearing and Inner Ring 8. Output Shaft 5th Gear Assembly
3. Output Shaft 1st Gear Assembly 9. 5th/6th Gear Synchronizer Assembly
4. 1st/2nd Gear Synchronizer Assembly 10. Output Shaft 6th Gear Assembly
5. 2nd Gear Needle Bearing and Inner Ring 11. 6th Gear Needle Bearing and Inner Ring
6. Output Shaft 2nd Gear Assembly 12. Output Shaft 1 Assembly

1.0 601

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Output Shaft 2 Assembly


1. Output Shaft 2 Front Bearing 7. Output Shaft 3rd Gear Assembly

2. Output Shaft 2 8. 3rd/4th Gear Synchronizer Assembly
3. Reverse Gear Needle Bearing 9. Output Shaft 4th Gear Assembly
4. Output Shaft Reverse Gear Assembly 10. 4th Gear Needle Bearing And Inner Ring
5. Reverse Gear Synchronizer Assembly 11. Output Shaft 2 Assembly
6. 3rd Gear Needle Bearing And Inner Ring

1.0 602

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Reverse Idler Gear Shaft Assembly


1. Thrust Bearing 5. Reverse Idler Shaft

2. Reverse Idler Gasket 6. Inner Hexagon Flat Head Bolt
3. Reverse Idler Needle Bearing 7. Bolt
4. Reverse Idler

1.0 603

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Differential Assembly


1. Differential Axle Shaft Oil Seal 8. Planetary Shaft

2. Cone Bearing 9. Spring Pin
3. Adjusting Washer 10. Axle Shaft Gear Gasket
4. Main Reduction Gear 11. Axle Shaft Shaft Gear
5. Differential Housing 12. Bolt
6. Planetary Gear Gasket 13. Differential Assembly
7. Planetary Gear

1.0 604

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Description set pin will lock the radial motion of the sleeve through sleeve
Overview groove.

This vehicle is equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission. Reverse Gear Switch
The shift lever is located at the center console of the The reverse lamp plunger switch is fitted on the transmission
passenger compartment, it provides the driver with 7 choices rear housing.
for variable speed position, namely, 1st gear, 2nd gear, 3rd *
Neutral Position Sensor
gear, 4th gear, 5th gear, 6th gear and reverse gear. The gears
of all positions are engaged by the synchronizer. The drive
shaft is fitted in the differential assembly at the rear of the
transmission, and it is used to transmit the driving force to the
wheel. The transmission housing is made of cast aluminum,
and is connected to the engine cylinder block with bolts. The
transmission input shaft and output shaft are supported by
bearings. The transmission clutch case is equipped with an oil
filler plug, and there is an oil drain plug at the lower rear side
of the transmission main housing, both of them are sealed
with an aluminum washer. The transmission is filled with
lubricating oil so as to lubricate the internal components in a
splashing manner.
Gear Shift and Gear Selection For the vehicle equipped with intelligent Stop/Start fuel saving
system function, the neutral position sensor is fixed on the
Gear selection is realized by manipulating the shift lever fitted
control seat of the transmission, and identifies whether the
at the center console of the passenger compartment. Both
transmission is in neutral position by detecting the gear
cables have one end connected to the bottom of the shift
selection/shift shaft position in a non-touch manner. With the
lever, and the other end connected to the gear selection
neutral position as the centre, the area within 8° range both
rocker arm and gear shift rocker arm fitted outside the
left and right sides is defined as the neutral area, and the area
transmission through the connector ring assembly. In the
outside this range will be considered as non-neutral area.
transmission case,the fork shaft is connected with the fork,
turn an appropriate synchronizer to shift to the forward gear The operating temperature of the sensor is: -40~140℃.
or the reverse gear. Sensor Harness End Connector EB076
Interlock Mechanism

Definition of Sensor PINs

1: Power (12V)

2: N1 (neutral signal 1)
1. Reverse Lamp Switch
2. Interlock pin 3: N2 (neutral signal 2)

3. Locating pin 4: Ground

4. Pocket Differential
The interlock pin cooperates with the set pin to restrict the Differential with traditional design fixed the driven gear of main
sleeve motion. When a gear is selected, the sleeve position is reducing gear to differential housing with bolts, differential
restricted by the interlock pin in the axial direction, and the housing supports the planetary shaft pin, planetary gear and

1.0 605

Transmission Transmission-6MT

sun gear. The differential assembly is supported by bearings in

the transmission housing.


1.0 606

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Operation of other forward gears are the same as that of the 1st gear.
Transmission Assembly When the shift lever is moved to reverse gear position, the
reverse gear wheel is engaged with the reverse idler gear to
Drivetrain changes the speed and direction of rotation through
change the rotation direction of the output shaft.
the engagement between different gears of the input shaft and
Neutral Position Sensor *
output shaft, thereby generating 7 forward gears of different
speed ratio and 1 reverse gear. The gear wheels of all other The neutral signal adopts independent 2-way redundancy
gears are constantly engaged. If the 1st gear is selected, design, to guarantee the safety and reliability of the output
the synchronizer gear ring is pressed by the synchronizer signal (N1, N2). Through hardwires, the N1 signal is inputted
gear bushing so as to contact with the conical ring of the to BCMand the N2 signal to ECM. When the transmission is
corresponding gear selected. In this way, the speeds of both in neutral position, N1 is a low level signal (Lo), while N2 is a
synchronizer hub and gear are synchronized. Ensure that the high level one (Hi); and it is vice versa when the transmission
taper head on the gear selection/shift sleeve can select the
is engaged at a gear other than neutral.
gear accurately and the gears are remained in the correct
High level is an approximate value that battery voltage
work position. After being transmitted from the engine to
subtracts 2V, and low level is about 0~1.5V.
the transmission input shaft through the clutch,the torque is
transmitted to the output shaft pinion and main reduction N1 N2
driven gear and then to the drive shaft through the selected N gear Lo Hi
gear. The operation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and reverse Gear other than
gears is the same with that of the 1st gear. When the reverse Hi Lo
gear is selected, the reverse gear tooth (integrated with the
input shaft) is engaged with the output shaft reverse gear ECMECMalso monitors some faults of neutral position
tooth and reverse idler gear, hence, the rotation direction of sensor, it is supposed to confirm whether there are faults
the driven shaft is changed and the reverse gear is achieved. in sensor through the real-time display parameter "Error
Occurrence - Neutral Switch Sensor" on ECM, and meanwhile,
Gear Shift and Gear Selection
ECM may also set DTC P081D.
When the shift lever is moved to the 1st gear position, the
shift lever will control the gear selection/shift rocker arm Refer to Diagnosis Manual - Engine - Engine Fuel and Control
through the cable. The gear selection rocker arm rotates System - Diagnose Information and Procedure for details
and moves the gear selection/shift shaft through the torque Differential
of the cable, and the gear selection/shift taper head on the The differential allows the wheels to rotate at different speeds
gear selection/shift shaft moves along with it and locates at when the output torques are the same. The pinion integrated
the groove of the 1st/2nd shift fork, at this time, the gear with the output shaft is engaged with the final drive driven gear
selection/shift taper head shall be completely separated from of the differential assembly. When the output shaft rotates, and
the groove of 3rd/4th taper head. One end of the interlock the wheels swivel straight forward, the torque will be applied
pin will lock 1st/2nd gear. Then the gear shift rocker arm to the whole assembly, and the planetary gear does not rotate.
rotates the gear selection/shift shaft through the torque of the The torque is transmitted to the wheels through drive shaft.
cable, and the gear selection/shift sleeve rotates along with the When the vehicle takes a turn, the inner wheels will pass a
gear selection/shift shaft, one side of the gear selection/shift shorter distance at a lower speed. Thus it drives the planetary
taper head turns 1st/2nd gear taper block to drive the gear to rotate, and the outer sun gear offers a higher speed for
operation of 1st/2nd gear synchronizer so as to achieve the outer wheels.
gear selection/shift function of the 1st gear. The operations

1.0 607

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Power Sequence

1. Differential Assembly 7. Input Shaft
2. Output Shaft 1st Gear Assembly 8. Output Shaft 2
3. Output Shaft 2nd Gear Assembly 9. Output Shaft 4th Gear Assembly
4. Output Shaft 5th Gear Assembly 10. Output Shaft 3rd Gear Assembly
5. Output Shaft 6th Gear Assembly 11. Output Shaft Reverse Gear Assembly
6. Output Shaft 1 12. Reverse Gear Assembly

1.0 608

Transmission-6MT Transmission
1st gear


1.0 609

Transmission Transmission-6MT

2nd gear


1.0 610

Transmission-6MT Transmission
3rd gear


1.0 611

Transmission Transmission-6MT

4th gear


1.0 612

Transmission-6MT Transmission
5th gear


1.0 613

Transmission Transmission-6MT

6th Gear


1.0 614

Transmission-6MT Transmission
R Gear


1.0 615

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Service Procedures
Manual Transmission Assembly
1. Fix the vehicle on lift.
2. Remove the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Remove

3. Remove the hose - turbocharged intercooler to throttle

Hose - Turbocharged Intercooler to Throttle

Body Remove
4. Disconnect the connector from the reverse lamp
switch. 8. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the catalytic converter
bracket to the catalytic converter.
9. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the catalytic converter bracket
to the transmission, and remove the catalytic converter
5. Disconnect the neutral position sensor connector.
10. Disconnect the connection between central release
cylinder pipeline assembly and hose.
11. Fix the engine with the special tool T10007 and

6. Loosen the cable ball joints (1) from the gear

selection/shift rocker arm of the manual transmission.
7. Loosen the clip (2), and then remove the gear
selection/shift cable from the cable bracket.

12. Remove 3 bolts connecting the engine and the manual

13. Remove 4 connecting bolts between the upper part of
transmission and the engine.

1.0 616

Transmission-6MT Transmission
14. Remove 2 bolts and 1 nut fixing the transmission mount Caution: For the angle formed between flywheel
to the transmission. connecting plate and clutch, you must be careful
in operation of splicing the transmission to the
engine to avoid a collision; otherwise, it may
cause functional fault in the transmission!
5. After the junction surface between engine and
transmission is completely fit, fit 4 bottom bolts, tighten
to 49–67Nm, and check the torque.
6. Remove the transmission bracket.
7. Fit the starter.
Starter Motor Refit
8. Fit the front subframe.
Front Subframe Refit
15. Remove 4 bolts fixing the transmission mount to the 9. Fit the bottom deflector.
body, and remove the transmission mount. Bottom Deflector Refit
16. Raise the vehicle on an elevator. 10. Lower the vehicle.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported 11. Fix the transmission mount to the body, fit 4 bolts,
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety tighten to 55-65Nm, and check the torque.
stands. 12. Fix the transmission mount to the transmission, fit
17. Remove the bottom deflector. 2 bolts, tighten to 90-110Nm, fit 1 nut, tighten to
Bottom Deflector Remove 90-110Nm, and check the torque.
18. Drain the manual transmission oil. 13. Fit 3 connecting bolts between the upper part of
transmission and engine, tighten to 49–67Nm, and
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
check the torque.
19. Remove the front subframe.
14. Remove the special tool T10007.
Front Subframe Remove 15. Connect the central release cylinder pipeline assembly
20. Remove the starter. and hose, and tighten bolts to 23–27Nm.
Starter Motor Remove 16. Fix the catalytic converter bracket to the catalytic
21. Support the manual transmission with a jack. converter, fit 2 nuts, tighten to 19–25Nm, and check
the torque.
22. Remove 4 bolts connecting the engine and the manual
transmission. 17. Fix the catalytic converter support to the catalytic
converter, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 49–67Nm, and check
23. Support the bottom of the transmission with a bracket.
the torque.
24. Remove 3 bolts connecting the transmission to the
18. Locate the shift cable to cable bracket and fix with
C-shaped clips.
25. Move the transmission rightwards to separate the
19. Fit the shift cable ball joint to the shift rocker arm bulb.
transmission from the engine.
20. Connect the connector of the neutral position sensor.
26. Remove the transmission from the bracket.
Refit 21. Connect the reverse lamp switch connector and fix
the harness clip.
1. Clean the connection surface between engine and
transmission, and ensure that there is no foreign 22. Fit the hose - turbocharged intercooler to throttle body
material. Hose - Turbocharged Intercooler to Throttle
2. Clean the locating pin on the engine and the locating Body Refit
pin hole of the transmission. 23. Fix 2 battery box brackets to the front longitudinal
3. Fix the transmission to the bracket. beam, fit 6 bolts, tighten to 40-50Nm, and check the
4. Adjust the transmission with other's help, and align the
locating pin on the engine with the locating pin hole 24. Fit the battery box bracket.
of the transmission. Battery Box Bracket Refit

1.0 617

Transmission Transmission-6MT

25. Fill the manual transmission oil. Gear Shift Control Mechanism Assembly
Manual Transmission Oil Refill
1. Remove the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Remove
2. Ensure that the shift lever is in neutral position.
3. Loosen the cable ball joints (1) from the gear
selection/shift rocker arm of the manual transmission.
4. Loosen the clip (2), and then remove the gear
selection/shift cable from the cable bracket.

5. Remove the reverse lamp switch, set pin and interlock

Transmission Accessories and Release Mechanism
6. Remove the bolts fixing the gear selection/shift control
mechanism assembly to the case, and remove the
control mechanism assembly.
7. Knock out the coiled spring pin fixing the gear
selection/shift shaft to the control cover with punching
tools, discard it, and remove the gear shift rocker arm.

8. Pull the gear selection/shift shaft out of the control

cover, remove the gear selection/shift shaft oil seal at
the top of the control cover.
9. Knock out the gear selection rocker arm pin in the
control cover with tools, discard it and separate the
external gear selection rocker arm shaft and the

1.0 618

Transmission-6MT Transmission
external gear selection rocker arm. 3. Fit the gear selection/shift shaft oil seal into the shaft
hole at the top of the control cover with TPT00120.

10. Remove the gear selection rocker arm shaft oil seal in
the side of the control cover. 4. Fit the gear selection rocker arm shaft oil seal into the
11. Knock out the locating pin on the gear selection/shift side rocker arm shaft hole of the control cover with
shaft sleeve with punching tools, discard it and separate TPT00121.
the gear selection/shift shaft sleeve and the gear
selection/shift shaft.
1. Fit 2 linear bearings into the gear selection/shift shaft
sleeve with TPT00119.
5. Fit the gear selection rocker arm shaft and shaft sleeve
into the case, and the shaft end transmission case linear
6. Fit the gear selection/shift shaft bushing (A) into the
gear selection/shift shaft hole of the control cover with
2. Insert the gear selection/shift shaft into the gear TPT00124; Fit the rocker arm shaft outer curling
selection/shift shaft sleeve, and knock in the elastic pins bushing (B) into the rocker arm shaft hole of the
with TPT00136 for fixation. control cover with TPT00122; Fit the rocker arm
shaft inner curling bushing (C) into the rocker arm shaft
hole of the control cover with TPT00131.

1.0 619

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Manual Transmission Fluid - Drain and Refill

1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Put a proper container under the transmission.
3. Clean the surrounding area of oil drain plug (2), remove
the oil drain plug and discard the sealing gasket.
7. Clean the mating surface of the control cover and the
rear case, and apply sealant evenly.
8. Fit the gear shift rocker arm and control cover into the
case and tighten the bolts to 25–30Nm.
9. Remove the reverse lamp switch, set pin and interlock

Transmission Accessories and Release Mechanism

10. Insert a new coiled spring pin into the gear shift rocker
arm shaft head for fixation.
4. Drain the transmission oil.
11. Connect the cable joint ball to the gear selection/shift 5. Clean the oil drain port.
rocker arm.
6. Place the new sealing gasket on the oil drain plug, fit the
12. Fit the battery box bracket.
oil drain plug and tighten to 30–40Nm.
Battery Box Bracket Refit Refill
1. Clean the surrounding area of oil filler plug (1), remove
the oil filler plug and discard the sealing gasket.

2. Fill the transmission oil in the transmission with a

proper tool through the oil filler.
·Drain and Refill 2.2 L
Refill from Dry State 2.5 L

3. Place the new sealing gasket on the oil filler plug, fit the
oil filler plug and tighten to 30–40Nm.
4. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 620

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Reverse Lamp Switch - Manual Left Differential Oil Seal - Manual
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.
2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the coolant expansion tank to the Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
vehicle frame, and then remove the coolant expansion only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
tank. stands.
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove left drive shaft assembly.

Left Drive Shaft Assembly Remove

4. Remove the differential oil seal and discard it.

Caution: Do not damage the oil seal groove.

1. Clean the oil seal groove.
2. Fit the new oil seal with TPT00130.

3. Disconnect the reverse lamp switch connector.

3. Fit the left drive shaft assembly.

Left Drive Shaft Assembly Refit

4. Remove reverse lamp switch. 4. Fill the manual transmission oil.
Refit Manual Transmission Oil Refill
1. Clean the mating surface of components.
2. Fit the reserve lamp switch to the transmission and
tighten to 23–27Nm, check the torque.
3. Connect the reserve lamp switch connector.
4. Fix the coolant expansion tank to the vehicle frame; fit
2 bolts and tighten to 4–6Nm and check the torque.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 621

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Right Differential Oil Seal - Manual Manual Transmission Remove

Remove Remove
1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator. 1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
stands. stands.
2. Drain the manual transmission oil. 2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove right drive shaft assembly. 3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Right Drive Shaft Assembly Remove Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

4. Remove the differential oil seal and discard it. 4. Remove the gear selection/shift control mechanism
Caution: Do not damage the oil seal groove.
Refit Gear selection/Shift Control Mechanism
Assembly Remove
1. Clean the oil seal groove.
5. Remove the transmission accessories and release
2. Fit the new oil seal with TPT00130.

Transmission Accessories and Release Mechanism

6. Place the transmission inverted, and remove the rear
case bearing cover plate bolts.
3. Fit the right drive shaft assembly.

Right Drive Shaft Assembly Refit

4. Fill the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Refill
7. Remove the housing connecting bolts.

8. Remove the housing reverse connecting bolts.

1.0 622

Transmission-6MT Transmission

9. Separate the transmission housing. Refit
1. Fit the oil deflector to the clutch housing.
2. Fit the differential tapered bearing outer ring on the
clutch housing and transmission with TPT00128.
10. Remove the reverse idle gear assembly.

Reverse Idler Gear Assembly Remove

11. Hold out the shaft and fork assembly.
3. Fit the input shaft oil seal into the clutch housing with

12. Remove the differential assembly.

4. Fit the gear selection/shift shaft linear bearing on the

transmission case with TPT00138.

1.0 623

Transmission Transmission-6MT

5. Fit the fork shaft bushing on the clutch housing and 8. Fit the reverse idle gear assembly.
transmission case with TPT00123.
Reverse Idler Gear Assembly Refit
9. Apply sealant to the clutch housing. Assemble the
transmission case together with the clutch housing with
set pins.
10. Fit the case connecting bolts and tighten to 23–27Nm.
11. Place the transmission inverted, fit the reverse
connecting bolts of the case and tighten to 23–27Nm.
12. Fit the bearing cover plate bolts and tighten to
13. Fit the transmission accessories and release mechanism.

Transmission Accessories and Release Mechanism

6. Fit the differential oil seal on the clutch housing and 14. Fit the gear shift control mechanism assembly.
transmission case.
Select /Shift Control Mechanism Assembly Refit
7. Fit the shaft assembly, fork assembly and differential
15. Fit the manual transmission assembly.
assembly into the clutch housing with TPT00126.
Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
16. Fill the manual transmission oil.

Manual Transmission Oil Refill


1.0 624

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Differential Assembly
1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

4. Explode the manual transmission assembly.
8. Remove the planetary shaft, planetary gear, half shaft
Manual Transmission Assembly Explode
gear and gasket.
5. Pull out the inner ring of the tapered bearing with
T32001, and take out the gasket.
1. Fit the planet gear, axle shaft gear, planet gear gasket
and axle shaft gear gasket.
2. Rotate the planet gear and axle shaft gear until the
planet shaft holes of the planet gear and differential
case are aligned.
3. Fit planetary shaft.
4. Fit planetary shaft pin.
5. Fit the driven gear of final drive, and tighten connecting
bolts to 90–100Nm.
6. Fit the conical bearing inner ring with TPT00128.
7. Check the thickness of adjusting gasket, and determine
whether to replace it according to the check result.

6. Remove the planetary shaft pins with punching tools. 0.95



8. Assemble manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Assembling

9. Fit the manual transmission assembly.

7. Unscrew the bolts and remove the main deceleration Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
driven gear. 10. Fill the manual transmission oil.

Manual Transmission Oil Refill

1.0 625

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Transmission Accessories and Release

1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.
Manual Transmission Assembly Remove
4. Remove the bolts fixing the gear selection/shift cable 7. Remove the interlock pin.
bracket, and remove the gear selection/shift cable
8. Remove the set pin on the case.

5. Remove the plug on the control cover.


9. Remove the bolts fixing the gear shift control

6. Remove reverse lamp switch. mechanism, and remove the control mechanism

1.0 626

Transmission-6MT Transmission
5. Fit the interlock pin and tighten to 15–20Nm.
6. Fit the reverse lamp switch and tighten to 23–27Nm.
7. Fit the shift control cover oil plug, and tighten to
8. Fit the gear selection/shift cable bracket and tighten the
bolts to 19–25Nm.
9. Fit the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Refit

10. Fill the manual transmission oil.

Manual Transmission Oil Refill

10. Invert the transmission, and remove the central release
cylinder and release bearing.
11. Remove the oil filler plug and oil plug gasket.

12. Remove the oil drain plug and oil plug gasket.
1. Fit the oil filler plug and oil drain plug and oil plug gasket
and tighten to 30–40Nm.
2. Fit the central release cylinder and release bearing and
tighten the bolts to 10–14Nm.
3. Fit the shift control cover on the transmission case, and
tighten bolts to 25–30Nm.
4. Fit the set pins on the upper housing and tighten it.

1.0 627

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Input Shaft Assembly

1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

4. Explode the manual transmission assembly.
8. Remove and discard the input shaft sleeve.
Manual Transmission Assembly Explode
5. Remove and discard the locking bolt and rear bearing.
9. Remove the input shaft 3rd/5th gear.

6. Remove the rear bearing baffle.


10. Place the input shaft inverted, remove and discard the
input shaft front bearing.
7. Remove the input shaft 4th/6th gear.
1. Fit new front bearing on the input shaft with

1.0 628

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Output Shaft Assembly 1
1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

4. Explode the manual transmission assembly.
2. Fit the input shaft 3rd/5th gear.
Manual Transmission Assembly Explode
3. Fit the new input bearing bushing.
5. Remove the locking bolt and the rear bearing of output
4. Fit the input shaft 4th/6th gear.
shaft 1 and discard them.
5. Fit the bearing baffle assembly.
6. Remove the output shaft 6th gear needle bearing inner
6. Fit the new input shaft rear bearing. ring with a puller.
7. Assemble manual transmission assembly.
Manual Transmission Assembly Assembling
8. Fit the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Refit

9. Fill the manual transmission oil.

Manual Transmission Oil Refill

7. Remove the output shaft 6th gear and needle bearing
and discard them.

8. Remove the output shaft 6th gear synchronizer gear

ring and synchronizer gear bushing.

1.0 629

Transmission Transmission-6MT

9. Place the output shaft assembly 1 to the hydraulic press 4. Fit the output shaft 1st/2nd gear synchronizer assembly.
panel, and press downward on output shaft 1 with
hydraulic press to separate the shaft from the gear set.
1. Fit the front bearing inner ring to output shaft 1 with
5. Fit the output shaft 2nd gear spacer, new needle bearing
and 2nd gear.
2. Place the output shaft 1 inverted, use TPT00134 to
fit the 1st gear needle bearing inner ring to the output
shaft 1.

6. Fit the 5th gear needle bearing inner ring to output

shaft 1 with TPT00132.

3. Fit the new output shaft 1st gear needle bearing and
1st gear.

1.0 630

Transmission-6MT Transmission

7. Fit the new output shaft 5th gear needle bearing and 10. Fit the new rear bearing on output shaft 1 with
5th gear. TPT00132.
11. Assemble manual transmission assembly.
Manual Transmission Assembly Assembling
12. Fit the manual transmission assembly.
Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
13. Fill the manual transmission oil.

Manual Transmission Oil Refill

8. Fit the output shaft 5th/6th gear synchronizer assembly.

9. Assemble the 6th gear needle bearing inner ring, the

new needle bearing and the 6th gear together first; fit
the 3 parts to output shaft 1 with TPT00131.

1.0 631

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Output Shaft Assembly 2 Refit

Remove 1. Fit the front bearing inner ring to output shaft 2 with
1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator. TPT00131.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

4. Explode the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Explode

5. Remove the locking bolt and the rear bearing of output
shaft 2 and discard them.
2. Place output shaft 1 inverted, and fit a new output shaft
6. Remove the output shaft 4th gear needle bearing inner
reverse gear needle bearing and reverse gear.
ring with a puller.
7. Remove the output shaft 4th gear and needle bearing
and discard them.
3. Fit the reverse gear synchronizer assembly.

8. Remove the output shaft 3rd/4th gear synchronizer


4. Fit the 3rd gear needle bearing inner ring into output
shaft 2 with TPT00132, and fit a new needle bearing.

9. Place the output shaft assembly 2 on the hydraulic press

panel, and press downwards on output shaft 2 with
hydraulic press to separate the shaft from the gear set.

1.0 632

Transmission-6MT Transmission

5. Fit the output shaft 3rd gear. 8. Fit the new rear bearing on output shaft 2 with
9. Assemble the transmission assembly.
Transmission Assembly Assembling
10. Fit the transmission assembly.
Transmission Assembly Fit
11. Fill the transmission oil.

Transmission Oil Drain and Refill

12. Assemble manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Assembling

13. Fit the manual transmission assembly.
6. Fit the output shaft 3rd/4th gear synchronizer assembly. Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
14. Fill the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Refill

7. Assemble the 4th gear needle bearing inner ring, the

new needle bearing and the 4th gear together first; fit
the 3 parts to output shaft 2 with TPT00131.

1.0 633

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Reverse Idler Shaft Assembly

1. Raise the vehicle on an elevator.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the manual transmission oil.
Manual Transmission Oil Drain
3. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

4. Place the transmission inverted, and remove the rear
case bearing cover plate bolts. 7. Separate the transmission housing.
5. Remove the housing connecting bolts. 8. Remove the bolts fixing the reverse idler gear shaft to
the clutch housing.

6. Remove the housing reverse connecting bolts.

9. Remove the reverse idler gear shaft, reverse gear,
gasket, needle bearing and thrust bearing in sequence.

1.0 634

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Neutral Position Sensor
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Disconnect the connector from the neutral position
3. Loosen 1 bolt fixing the sensor to the transmission
control seat and slowly remove the sensor by rotating
1. Fit the thrust bearing, needle bearing, gasket, reverse
gear and reverse idler shaft on the clutch housing in
2. Tighten the bolts in the reverse idler shaft hole to
3. Tighten the bolts at the side of the reverse idler shaft
to 33–37Nm .
4. Apply sealant to the clutch housing. Assemble the Refit
transmission case together with the clutch housing with 1. Clean the mating surface of the transmission.
set pins. 2. Apply transmission oil to the O-ring of the neutral
5. Fit the case connecting bolts and tighten to 23–27Nm. position sensor.
6. Place the transmission inverted, fit the reverse 3. Press the neutral position sensor into the transmission
connecting bolts of the case and tighten to 23–27Nm. control seat hole by hand and tighten the retaining
7. Fit the bearing cover plate bolts and tighten to screw to 8–12Nm.
25–30Nm. Caution: Do not refit the neutral position sensor by
8. Fit the manual transmission assembly. knocking.
Manual Transmission Assembly Refit 4. Connect the sensor connector.
9. Fill the manual transmission oil. 5. Connect the battery negative cable.

Manual Transmission Oil Refill


1.0 635

Transmission Transmission-6MT

Special Tools Tool Description Picture

Tool Description Picture Number

Replacer, oil
Engine lift seal, select shaft
Replacer, bush,
TPT00124 shift and select
TEN00070 Engine support shaft

Replacer, outer
TPT00122 bush, select
roller bearing,
TPT00119 shaft
shift and select
Replacer, inner
Supporter, shift TPT00131 bush, select
TPT00136 and select shaft shaft

Replacer, oil
Replacer, oil TPT00130
seal, drive shaft
TPT00120 seal, shift and
select shaft

1.0 636

Transmission-6MT Transmission
Tool Description Picture Tool Description Picture
Number Number

outer track of
TPT00128 T32001 Puller universal
tapered roller
Replacer, inner
Replacer, oil TPT00132 track of bearing,
seal, input shaft output shaft
Replacer, rear
Replacer, ball bearing and
TPT00138 bearing, shift TPT00134
inner track of
and select shaft roller bearing
Replacer, bush ,
selector fork

Sleeve, lock
bolt, shaft

1.0 637

Transmission Cluth-6MT

Description Value
Bolt - clutch cover to flywheel 25Nm
Bolt - clutch slave cylinder 7–10Nm
Bolt - clutch hose bracket 7–10Nm
Nut - concentric slave cylinder hose to pipe 15–19Nm
Breath plug 10Nm

1.0 638

Cluth-6MT Transmission
Model Dry Single Disc, Hydraulic Booster Clutch

Diameter of driven plate: 240mm

Diameter of pressure plate 240mm
Thickness of driven plate:

New 7.3—7.9mm

Service limit 6.5mm

Depth of rivet:

New 1.2mm (above the rivet head)

Service limit 0.2mm (above the rivet head)
Wear loss of driven plate:
New 0.8mm

1.0 639

Transmission Cluth-6MT

Description and Operation

System Layout
Clutch System Layout

1. Clutch Master Cylinder 11. Manual Transmission

2. Clamp - Brake Fluid Reservoir Hose 12. Central Release Cylinder Pipeline Assembly
3. Clutch Master Cylinder Hose 13. Plug - Central Release Cylinder Pipeline Assembly
4. Clip - Clutch Hard Pipeline 14. Rubber Plug
5. Clutch Master Cylinder Pipeline Assembly Bracket 15. Central Release Cylinder
6. Bolt - Clutch Master Cylinder Pipeline Assembly Bracket 16. Bolt - Central Release Cylinder
7. Clutch Hard Pipeline 17. Bolt - Clutch Cover Assembly
8. Clutch Hose Bracket 18. Clutch Cover Assembly
9. Clamp - Clutch Hose 19. Driven Plate
10. Bolt - Clutch Hose Bracket

1.0 640

Cluth-6MT Transmission
Description 4. Support ring
Overview 5. Leaf spring
This is a three-piece diaphragm clutch with self-adjusting The clutch cover assembly is composed of the diaphragm
function, equipped with a hydraulic clutch release system. spring, pressure plate and cover. The pressure plate is made
This system consists of two main parts, a master cylinder and of cast iron and has a smooth plane machined to connect the
a central release cylinder. driven plate. There are 3 pull rings on the outer ring of the
Clutch Hydraulic System pressure plate, which is then connected to the housing through
a spring. The spring is composed of three quenched and
The master cylinder of the clutch is directly fitted on the pedal
tempered steel sheets. When the clutch pedal is depressed, it
box in the passenger compartment, and the push rod is fixed
will pull the pressure plate away from the driven plate. Clutch
to the clutch pedal box by master cylinder fastening clips.
housing is punched by steal plate.
The clutch pipeline is connected to the master cylinder with a
The diaphragm spring is a cast ring with 18 release fingers in
rotary connector, and this kind of connector is useful for refit
its inner ring. There are two round support rings fitted on
and adjustment. The other end of the pipeline is connected
the housing so that the diaphragm spring can rotate between
to the central release cylinder with quick connector. The
them. The diaphragm spring is not directly connected to the
pipeline is of a flexible type for easy refit and also can buffer
pressure plate. When the release bearing applies stress on the
the replacement and vibration generated by the engine.
release finger of the diaphragm spring, the diaphragm spring
The cylinder connecting piece fitted on the manual will rotate around the support ring to leave the pressure plate.
transmission case, and the central release cylinder coaxial And meanwhile, the spring of the pressure plate connected to
with the transmission input shaft form a release mechanism, the housing will also be away from the driven plate.
the clutch pipeline from the cylinder connecting piece is
Driven Plate
connected to the pipeline of the master cylinder through the
quick connector.
Clutch Mechanical System
The vehicle with manual transmission is equipped with double
mass flywheel. The clutch cover assembly is fitted on the
flywheel with three locating pins and is fixed with six bolts.
Clutch Cover Assembly
1. Driven plate body
2. Friction plate
3. Spline hub

The driven plate is fitted between the flywheel and the

pressure plate. Its feature is that the spline hub engages the
spline on the transmission input shaft. The friction plate is
composed of two discs, which are riveted on each side of the
1. Diaphragm spring driven plate body. The rivets are fitted in the notches in the
2. Clutch cover friction plate as well as that at the other side to protect the
3. Pressure plate pressure plate and flywheel from damage.

1.0 641

Transmission Cluth-6MT

Clutch Master Cylinder Sensor Fit a permanent magnet to the clutch master cylinder piston.
The magnet produces different magnetic field strength for
different sensor varied with the piston motion.

According to the different working states of the clutch master

cylinder, the sensor shall output at most 3 signals:\
• Digital signal: Clutch top-position switch, applied to the
constant speed cruise system.
• PWMSignal: Apply to supply the electronic parking
• Digital signal: Clutch bottom-position switch, applied to
supply the engine Stop/Start system
For the engine Stop/Start system (Such as equipments), clutch
bottom-position switch relative to clutch top-position switch
The clutch master cylinder sensor is fitted to the master and PWM signal is independent and used to redundancy
cylinder for detecting the position of the clutch master check.
cylinder piston.

1.0 642

Cluth-6MT Transmission
Operation The diaphragm spring rotates around the support ring on the
Hydraulic Operation pressure plate housing, and applies pressure on the pressure
plate, and the pressure plate will overcome the resistance of
When the clutch pedal is depressed, the piston moves in the
the leaf spring, move towards the flywheel and apply stress on
master cylinder. The piston drives the fluid in the master
the driven plate.
cylinder to move along the clutch pipeline. This pressure is
applied on the piston of the central release cylinder and the The pressure on the driven plate applied by the pressure plate
piston will move under the action of hydraulic pressure. increases the frictional force between the driven plate and
flywheel. When the clutch pedal is released, the frictional
When the clutch pedal is released, the release finger of the
force will increase, the rotational motion of flywheel is
diaphragm spring returns to its original position, which pushes
transmitted to the driven plate, and then it is transferred to
the fluid in the central release cylinder to flow back, allowing
the transmission input shaft.
the master cylinder piston to return to its original position.
Mechanical Operation When the pedal is fully released, the force on the pressure
plate applied by the diaphragm spring will press the driven plate
When the clutch pedal is depressed, the push rod pushes the
on the flywheel, making no skidding between them.
piston to move. The pressure produced by the piston motion
Clutch Master Cylinder Sensor
is transferred to the central release cylinder, the central release
cylinder pushes the release finger of the diaphragm spring, The clutch master cylinder sensor mainly supply 2 switch signal:
and the diaphragm spring will rotate around the support ring
• Clutch top-position switch (CTS) signal:
on the pressure plate housing. Following the deformation of
the diaphragm spring, its pressure on the pressure plate will When the clutch pedal is depressed, the clutch starts
disappear. Three leaf springs will pull the pressure plate away to work. The clutch position sensor supply a clutch
from the driven plate. high-position switch (CTS) signal for EMS; the signal
applies to the constant speed cruise; its travel is 3–7mm
Disappearance of the pressure on the driven plate applied by
(From the top).
the pressure plate reduces the frictional force between the
driven plate and flywheel. The driven plate will skid on the • Clutch bottom-position switch (CBS) signal:
flywheel and can not transmit the power of the flywheel to When the clutch pedal achieves the maximum travel, the
the transmission input shaft. clutch disengages completely. The clutch position sensor
When the clutch pedal is released, the stress on the central supply a CBS signal for the BCM; this signal will be used
release cylinder will disappear. Disappearance of this pressure by the stop/start system; its travel is 19-25mm (From the
allows the diaphragm spring to return to its original position, top).
the release finger goes back to its original position, pushing
the fluid back to the master cylinder from the central release

1.0 643

Transmission Cluth-6MT

Service Procedures
Clutch Assembly
1. Remove the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Remove

2. Restrict the flywheel with T10028.
Thickness of driven plate (compressed) A
New driven plate 7.3mm
Service limit value 6.5mm
4. Measure the depth of rivets, replace driven plate if the
depth is less than the service limit.
Depth of rivet B
3. Gradually loosen and remove 6 bolts fixing the clutch
cover assembly to the flywheel. New driven plate 1.2mm
4. Remove the clutch housing assembly and take out the Service limit value 0.2mm
driven plate.
5. Check the pressure plate for any sign of wear or
damage. Check the drive plate for any sign of overheat
(with color from deep yellow to blue) and replace it
if necessary.
Caution: Renew a clutch pressure plate which has been
accidentally dropped.

6. Check the surface levelness of pressure plate at 4

separate points with a square edge gauge and feeler
gauge. Replace the pressure plate if deformation
exceeds the service limit value.

1. Visually check the diaphragm finger for wear or
irregular height.
2. Check the clutch driven plate for any sign of wear or
oil contamination. Replace the driven plate if necessary.
3. Measure the thickness of clutch plate, replace driven
plate if the thickness is less than the service limit.

Deformation of pressure plate

Service limit 0.15mm

7. Check the central release cylinder for any sign of wear

or damage and replace it if necessary.

1.0 644

Cluth-6MT Transmission
8. Clean the pressure plate, flywheel, locating pins and
pin holes.
9. Check the flywheel for any sign of scratch or other
damages. Replace it if it is scratched or damaged.
1. Lubricate the central release cylinder with designated
lubricating grease.
2. Apply specified lubricating grease to the spline of the
clutch driven plate.
3. When fixing the driven plate to the pressure plate, pay
attention to the refit direction.
4. Align the driven plate with the pressure plate with
7. Fit 6 bolts fixing the pressure plate to the flywheel and
screw them manually.
8. Lock the flywheel with T10028 and tighten the bolts
gradually to 25Nm in diagonal sequence.
9. Remove the aligning tool T22001 for the driven plate.
10. Fit the manual transmission assembly.

Manual Transmission Assembly Refit

5. Make sure that the driven plate is aligned with the
center of the pressure plate.

6. Fit the clutch assembly into the flywheel with T22001.

1.0 645

Transmission Cluth-6MT

Clutch Central Release Cylinder

1. Drain brake fluid from the brake fluid reservoir.

Caution: Brake fluid will damage paint finished surfaces.

If spilled, immediately remove fluid and clean area with

2. Loosen the hose clips, and unscrew the retaining bolts

fixing the hose to the release cylinder pipeline assembly.
3. Unscrew the bolt fixing the release cylinder pipeline
assembly to the transmission case.
4. Remove the manual transmission assembly.
3. Fit the manual transmission assembly.
Manual Transmission Assembly Remove Manual Transmission Assembly Refit
5. Disconnect the release cylinder pipeline assembly 4. Fix the central release cylinder pipeline bracket to the
to the central release cylinder quick connector and transmission case, and tighten bolts to 7–10Nm.
remove the release cylinder pipeline assembly. 5. Connect the central release cylinder pipeline assembly
6. Remove the bolts fixing the central release cylinder to and hose, and tighten bolts to 15–19Nm, and then
the transmission case, and take off the central release tighten with hose clips.
cylinder. 6. Refill brake fluid to the MAX mark.
7. Bleed the clutch pipeline system.

Clutch Pipeline System Bleeding


1. Fix the central release cylinder to the manual
transmission case, and tighten the nuts to 7–10Nm.
2. Fit the central release cylinder pipeline assembly to the
central release cylinder quick connector and fasten.

Caution: Before refit, carefully check the seal ring

of the quick connector and confirm that the seal
ring is in good condition and fitted correctly.
Before install ,please ensure the gasket of quick
joint is all right.

1.0 646

Cluth-6MT Transmission
Clutch Pipeline System Bleeding Clutch Master Cylinder
Bleeding Remove
Bleed the air that enters into hydraulic system when 1. Drain brake fluid from the brake fluid reservoir.
disconnecting the pipeline for repair. During the air bleeding,
the brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir must be maintained Note: Brake fluid will damage painted surfaces. Soak
between MIN and MAX mark. up any spillage with an absorbent cloth immediately and
Warning: Do not allow brake fluid to come into contact wash the area with a mixture of car shampoo and water.
with eyes or skin. 2. Loose the clamp, disconnect the clutch master cylinder
Caution: Do not reuse the brake fluid drained from the pipeline from the reservoir.
clutch pipeline system.

1. Unscrew the bleed plug dust cover from the cylinder

connector. Connect a plastic hose to the bleed plug,
and insert the other end of the hose into the glass
container half-filled with fresh brake fluid.

3. Remove the fixing pin, disconnect the master from the

hard pipe.
2. Press the clutch pedal to the maximum stroke and hold,
so as to ensure the maximum system pressure.
3. Loosen the bleed plug, remove the air in the fluid, the
system pressure will drop at this time.
4. Tighten the bleed plug firstly to avoid the suck-back
of the fluid.
5. Release the brake pedal to the maximum stroke steadily,
allowing it return to its original position without any
external force. Supplement with sufficient brake fluid.
6. Repeat the operation in the above sequence for several 4. Remove the lower closing plate of the driver side
times until the brake fluid without any air flows into the instrument panel.
container, then fix the brake pedal to the maximum
Driver Instrument Panel Lower Closing Panel
stroke, tighten the bleed plug to 10Nm.
7. Remove the hose from the bleed plug, and fit the bleed
5. Release the fixing clamp of the master cylinder push rod
plug anti-dust cover.
from the clutch pedal and disconnect the connection.
8. Refill brake fluid to the MAX mark.

1.0 647

Transmission Cluth-6MT

6. Disconnect the master cylinder position sensor
7. Remove the clutch master cylinder front the dash panel.
1. Connect the clutch master cylinder position sensor.
2. Locate the master cylinder to the dash panel and make
sure the seal ring is fitted in place.
3. Fix the master cylinder push rod to the clutch pedal.
4. Connect the master with hard pipe, and fix it with lock
5. Fit the driver instrument panel lower closing panel

Driver Instrument Panel Lower Closing Panel

6. Connect the clutch master cylinder hose with the fluid
reservoir, and fix it with clamp.
7. Bleed the clutch pipeline system.
Clutch Pipeline System Bleeding
8. Refill brake fluid into the reservoir up to the MAX

1.0 648

Cluth-6MT Transmission
Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

locking tool

Aligner, clutch

1.0 649

Transmission Power Transfer Unit -AWD

Power Transfer Unit -AWD

Description Value
Bolt -PTU to transmission 70–80Nm
Bolt -PTU bracket to engine 42–48Nm
Bolt -PTU bracket to PTU 42–48Nm
Bolt -intermediate driving shaft to PTU 26–34Nm
Drain plug-PTU 29–34Nm
Filler plug-PTU 29–34Nm

1.0 650

Power Transfer Unit -AWD Transmission

Description PTU Assembly
Overall length 375mm
Total Width 228mm
Total Height 270mm
Weight (with oil) 19.9Kg
Speed Ratio 2.224
Lubricant Model Idemitsu Apolloil Wide Gear LW 80W-90 GL5
Maximum Output Torque 1,000Nm

1.0 651

Transmission Power Transfer Unit -AWD

Description and Operation

System Layout
PTU Assembly

1. PTU Assembly

1.0 652

Power Transfer Unit -AWD Transmission

PTU Assembly Accessory Drawing


1. Breather Plug 7. Filler Plug Gasket

2. O Ring - PTU 8. Bolt - PTU to Transmission
3. Oil Seal - Right Front Axle Shaft 9. Bracket - PTU
4. Drain Plug 10. Bolt - PTU Bracket
5. Oil Filler Plug 11. PTU Assembly
6. Drain Plug Gasket

1.0 653

Transmission Power Transfer Unit -AWD

Description the spline and accelerate and steer the torque (90°) by the
Overview of Power Transfer Unit Assembly two-stage gear in the PTU, by this way, it transfers the torque
to the intermediate drive shaft.
The function of the power transfer unit (PTU) is to take part
of torque from the transmission differential housing through
w PTU Assembly Cutaway View


1. Housing 5. Gasket
2. Bearing 1 - Intermediate Gear 6. Adjusting Socket
3. Hyperbolic Gear (large) 7. Oil Seal
4. O-ring 8. Lock Nut

1.0 654

Power Transfer Unit -AWD Transmission

9. Output Flange 16. Oil Seal
10. Bearing 1 - Output Shaft 17. Housing
11. Housing Socket 18. Bearing 1 - Input Shaft
12. Bearing 2 - Output Shaft 19. Input Gear
13. Hyperbolic Gear (small) 20. Bearing 2 - Input Shaft
14. Bearing 2 - Intermediate Gear 21. O-ring
15. Intermediate Gear

The power transfer unit assembly consists of the housing, gear (large) to rotate. The intermediate gear rotation and
housing cover, housing sleeve, input gear, intermediate gear, the drive half shaft of the right front wheel rotate towards
hyperbolic gear (large), hyperbolic gear (small), output flange, opposite direction. The hyperbolic gear combination changes
bearing and oil seal, etc. The input shaft connects the the rotation direction (90°) and transfers the torque. The
transmission differential housing, which drives the drive half hyperbolic gear (small) transfers the power to the drive shaft
shaft of the right front wheel to rotate. The input gear through the output flange.
engages the intermediate gear and drives the hyperbolic

1.0 655

Transmission Power Transfer Unit -AWD

PTU Assembly Power Flow

1. Torque is input from the differential housing spline of the
2. Primary Gear Acceleration
3. Secondary Hyperbolic Gear Acceleration and 90°Steering
4. 扭矩经法兰输出

1.0 656

Power Transfer Unit -AWD Transmission

Service Procedures
PTU Assembly
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Drain the transmission fluid.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -

3. Remove the axle shaft of the right front wheels.

Right Front Wheel Axle Shaft Remove 8. Remove 3 bolts connecting the PTU and the upper
4. Remove 6 bolts connecting the PTU and the drive shaft transmission.
to disconnect the drive shaft.
9. Support the PTU with a bracket, move the PTU to the
right to remove it.
5. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the PTU bracket to the PTU.
6. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the PTU bracket to the Caution: Do not invert the PTU assembly.
engine, and remove the bracket. Refit
1. Clean the mating face of the PTU and automatic
2. Clean the locating pin and pin hole of the PTU.
3. Secure the PTU on the bracket, then lift and locate the
bracket to the vehicle.
4. Align the locating pin of the PTU with the pin hole of
the automatic transmission and allow the PTU and
automatic transmission to fit together.
5. Fit 5 bolts fixing the PTU to the transmission, tighten
them to 70–80Nm, and check the torque.
6. Fit the PTU bracket to the engine, fit 2 bolts, tighten
to 42–48Nm and check the torque.
7. Remove 2 bolts connecting the PTU and the lower 7. Fit 2 bolts fixing the PTU to the PTU bracket, tighten
transmission. to 42–48Nm, and check the torque.
8. Secure the drive shaft on the PTU, fit 6 new bolts,
tighten to 26–34Nm, and check the torque.
9. Fit the axle shaft of the right front wheels.
Right Front Wheel Axle Shaft Refit

1.0 657

Transmission Power Transfer Unit -AWD

10. Refill automatic transmission fluid. Right Oil Seal - PTU Assembly
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -
Refill 1. Drain the dual clutch automatic automatic transmission
11. Lower the vehicle. fluid.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -

2. Remove the right drive shaft assembly.
Right Drive Shaft Assembly Remove
3. Remove the oil seal at the right side of the power
4. Carefully remove the oil seal and discard it.
1. Gently apply the specified dual clutch automatic
transmission fluid around the lip with clean hands.
2. Fit the new oil seal into the transmission housing with
the TPT00214 and hammer.
Caution: Take care not to damage the oil seal.

3. Fit the right drive shaft assembly.

Right Drive Shaft Assembly Refit

4. Refill the transmission fluid and check the oil level.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -


1.0 658

Power Transfer Unit -AWD Transmission

O Ring - PTU Assembly Drain and Refill
Remove Drain
1. Drain the automatic transmission fluid. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid - Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
Drain only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Remove the PTU. stands.
2. Put a proper container under the PTU.
PTU Remove
3. Clean the surrounding area of oil filler plug, remove the
3. Remove and discard the O ring.
oil filler plug and discard the seal gasket.
4. Clean the surrounding area of the drain plug, remove
the drain plug and discard the seal gasket.

1. Fit a new O ring to the PTU.

Caution: The O ring shall be in the groove and shall 5. Drain the PTU oil.
not curve.
2. Fit the PTU. 1. Clean the filling port and drain plug.
PTU Refit 2. Fit a new seal gasket to the drain plug, and tighten the
3. Refill automatic transmission fluid. drain plug to 29–34Nm.
3. Refill PTU oil of a specified volume into the PTU
Dual Clutch Automatic Transmission Fluid -
through the filling port.
Drain and Refill 0.52L (Volume for refill after
10min's horizontal drain)
Refill from Dry State 0.55-0.63 L

4. Fit a new seal gasket to the oil filler plug, and tighten
the oil filler plug to 29–34Nm.
5. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 659

Transmission Power Transfer Unit -AWD

PTU Assembly Oil Check and Refill Breather Plug

Check and Refill Remove
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 1. Remove the PTU assembly.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported PTU Assembly Remove

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety 2. Remove the cover of the vent plug with pliers.
3. With the TPT00177 and the impact puller of the
2. Check the surrounding area of each oil plug/oil seal for TPT00117, remove the vent plug and discard it.
oil leakage, replace the faulty oil plug or seal gasket,
oil seal as necessary.
3. Put a proper container under the PTU.
4. Clean the area around the oil filler plug, remove the oil
filler plug and seal gasket, and discard the seal gasket.
5. If the oil level port has oil drop overflows, finish
the operation and turn off the engine; if no oil drop
overflows there, refill appropriate oil.

Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid

as the fluid can be very hot.
6. Refill the PTU oil into the PTU through the filling port
until the oil overflows.
7. Fit a new seal gasket to the oil filler plug, and tighten Refit
the oil filler plug to 29–34Nm. 1. Clean the mounting location of the vent plug and
ensure it is free from foreign material.
2. With the TPT00194 and hammer, fit a new vent plug
to the PTU assembly.

3. Fit the PTU assembly.

PTU Assembly Refit

1.0 660

Power Transfer Unit -AWD Transmission

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Front right
wheel drive
shaft oil seal


TPT00117 driveshaft oil

1.0 661

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Final Drive Unit-AWD

Description Value
Bolt -FDU assy to rear subframe 120–140Nm
Bolt -EMCD to FDU assy 17.7–24Nm
nut -intermediate driving shaft to FDU assy 55–61Nm
Bolt -connector bracket to FDU assy 6.9–8.8Nm
Bolt -TCCM to fix bracket 8–10Nm
Drain plug-FDU 29–34Nm
Filler plug-FDU 29–34Nm

1.0 662

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Description Rear Axle Assembly
Overall length 520mm
Total Width 340mm
Total Height 180mm
Weight (with oil) 24.2Kg
Speed Ratio 2.214
Lubricant Model Idemitsu Apolloil Wide Gear LW 80W-90 GL5
Maximum Input Torque 1,000Nm
Torque Manager:

Operating Voltage 12V

Maximum Operating Current 2.1A

1.0 663

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Description and Operation

System Layout
Rear Axle Assembly
1. Rear Axle Assembly

1.0 664

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Rear Axle Assembly Accessory Drawing


1. Oil Seal - Rear Axle Shaft 9. Buffer Washer

2. Drain Plug 10. Input Shaft Oil Seal
3. Oil Filler Plug 11. Torque Control Harness
4. Gasket - Drain Plug 12. Bracket - Torque Control
5. Gasket - Oil Filler Plug 13. Screw - Torque Control Bracket
6. Electromagnetic Torque Control 14. Bolt - Rear Axle Housing
7. Bolt - Torque Control 15. Rear Axle Assembly
8. Vent Plug

1.0 665

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

System Control Diagram

Four-wheel-drive System Control Diagram


A = Hard Wire; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Chassis HS CAN Bus; D = Body HS CAN Bus

1.0 666

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Description 1. Main Clutch
Overview of Rear Axle Assembly 2. Pressure Plate
The rear axle assembly (FDU) is a power transmission device 3. Armature
used for the city SUV with transverse engine/transmission, 4. Guide Clutch
which is composed of the electromagnetic torque control
5. Electromagnet
(EMCD) and the rear axle differential. The FDU can
6. Cam
provide the following functions: 1) Uses deceleration of the
hyperbolic gear set increase to increase the torque transferred 7. Reaction
from the intermediate drive shaft, provides 90°steering and 8. Magnetic Force
distributes the torque to the two half shafts of the rear axle; 9. Gravity
2) Compresses the internal friction plate by changing the input
10. Cam Thrust
current, controls the output torque of the rear axle and the
speed difference between the front axle and the rear axle; 3) 11. Input
Controls the speed difference between the left half shaft and 12. Output
the right half shaft of the rear axle by the differential. The working principle of the torque control:

1. The magnetic field from the electromagnet current

causes the armature to compress the guide clutch.
2. The resistance of the guide clutch can produce rotation
torque in the slope device of the two-way ball.
3. The rotating force drives the ball to roll up along the
opposite slope and thus moves the front cam forward;
4. The cam thrust is transferred by compressing the
pressure plate of the main clutch;
5. The rotation torque of the external panel (input)
transferred to the internal panel (output) is proportional
to the current.
6. The electronic control unit (TCCM) controls the
1. Rear Axle Differential
clutch torque by adjusting the current according to the
2. Electromagnetic Torque Control applicable vehicle input and control algorithm.
Electromagnetic Torque Control (EMCD)
Technical Features
The electromagnetic torque control developed by GKN
• The auto mode applies a closed clutch lubrication system.
Driveline is an active control coupler between the axle
wheels, which is used for the auto mode and AWD system. • The steel guide clutch with special grooves has
The EMCD is a most compact electronic coupler with all undergone heat treatment, so it has a high durability and
functions, which is fitted between the axles and used for the low resistance.
powertrain. • Maximum Current: 3.0 A


• Improved traction and maneuverability

• Compact design structure
• Low energy consumption
• Light weight and reliable performance
4WD Control Module (TCCM)
The 4WD control module (TCCM) is under the driver seat.
The TCCM adjusts the operating current of the torque
control and controls the torque transferred to the rear axle
according to the applicable vehicle input and control algorithm.

1.0 667

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD


End View and Pin Information of 4WD Control
Module (TCCM) Harness Connector BY151

1: Ground
3: Lock Mode Button
8: Power HS CAN High
9: Power HS CAN Low
10: KL.30
11: Torque Control Coil+
12: Torque Control Coil-
13: Wake-up Line Signal

1.0 668

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

4WD Power Flow Chart


1.0 669

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Rear Axle Assembly Power Flow Chart


1. The flange inputs torque by the intermediate drive shaft. 7. The torque is transferred to the half shaft gear through
2. The torque is transferred to the housing inside the the planetary gear.
EMCD via the flange spline. 8. The torque is output by the spline of the half shaft gear.
3. The clutch transfers the torque from the housing inside
the EMCD to the spindle of the EMCD.
4. The torque is transferred from the spindle spline of the
EMCD to the input shaft of the FDU.
5. The torque is transferred to the differential housing
through the hyperbolic gear set.
6. The torque is transferred to the planetary gear through
the differential pin shaft.

1.0 670

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Description of 4WD Function In some cases, the 4WD system may fail, then the 4WD
Failure indicator lamp (yellow) will illuminate for a short
The 4WD system improves the off-road performance,
while. For example, when driving on rough roads, the speed
maneuverability, driving stability and safety of the vehicle by
difference between the front wheel and the real wheel will
controlling the driving force distribution of the four wheels.
exist for a long time, this causes the clutch in the middle of
The system controls the rational distribution of the engine
the 4WD system to be hot. In this case, the 4WD system
torque over the four wheels according the driver's intention,
disconnects temporarily the torque transfer of the rear axle,
vehicle state and actual road condition. The 4WD mode
and illuminates the 4WD Failure indicator lamp (yellow).
includes auto mode and lock mode. The auto mode is used
Normally, the vehicle will resume the 4WD mode after a
on common paved roads, and the lock mode is only used by
short while and the indicator lamp will go out. Therefore,
the driver in trouble. In lock mode, the 4WD system will
if the 4WD Failure indicator lamp (yellow) illuminates for a
limit the vehicle speed, when the vehicle speed is higher than
short time, no service is required for this condition.
60km/h, the 4WD system will automatically shift to the auto
mode, when the vehicle speed is less than 60km/h, the the
4WD system will not resume the lock mode.
SN. Characteristic Remark
1 Auto Mode Shift between 2WD and
4WD is automatically
done according to the
vehicle state and actual
road condition.
2 Lock Mode Locked in 4WD Mode
The 4WD system completes all operations for the power-on
initialization and one fault self-test within 200ms when the
power mode of the vehicle shifts from OFF to Wake-up.
Under different conditions, the TCCM detects that the
vehicle is unstable or is about to lose stability, it will improve
the dynamic characteristic of the vehicle by controlling the
torque distribution of the front and rear axles.
Lock Mode Button
Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, press the lock
mode button to activate the lock mode, and the indicator
lamp illuminates (green); press the button again to enter into
the auto mode and the indicator lamp turns off. After the
lock mode is activated, the vehicle powers off, if powers on
the vehicle within 1min, the lock mode will be maintained; if
powers on the vehicle after 1min, the 4WD system will enter
into the auto mode.
4WD Indicator Lamp
Lock Mode ON Indicator Lamp - Green
When the lock mode is applied, the indicator lamp (green)
illuminates; when the auto mode is applied, the indicator lamp
turns off.

4WD Failure Indicator Lamp - Yellow

When the 4WD system fails, the 4WD Failure indicator lamp
(yellow) will illuminate. Place the ignition switch in "ON"
position, the indicator lamp (yellow) illuminates and will go out
after few seconds.

1.0 671

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Service Procedures workbench.

Rear Axle Assembly Caution: Do not invert the rear axle assembly.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
3. Drain rear axle assembly oil.
Rear Axle Assembly Oil - Drain
4. Remove the left/right drive shaft.
Left Drive Shaft Remove
Right Drive Shaft Remove
5. Remove the rear horizontal stabilizer bar. Refit
Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Remove 1. Position the rear axle assembly on the hydraulic bracket,
6. Remove 3 bolts and nuts fixing the rear drive shaft to lift the bracket and put the rear axle assembly on the
the rear axle assembly, and discard the nut. mounting position, fit 4 bolts, tighten to 120–140Nm
and check the torque.
2. Take away the hydraulic bracket.
3. Connect the connector of the torque control.
4. Fit the rear horizontal stabilizer bar.

Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Refit

5. Fit the left/right drive shaft.
Left Drive Shaft Refit
Right Drive Shaft Refit
6. Fit the rear drive shaft.
Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Refit
7. Refill rear axle assembly oil.
7. Disconnect the external connector of the torque
Rear Axle Assembly Oil - Refill
control and take away the harness clip.
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Connect the battery negative.
10. With the VDS, perform the self-test function
of the 4WD system according to the path ("Fast
Track→Other→4WD Control Module Self-test") and
interface prompt.

8. Place a hydraulic bracket under the rear axle assembly.

9. Remove 4 bolts fixing the rear axle assembly to the
rear subframe, remove the rear axle assembly, lower
the bracket and move the rear axle assembly to the

1.0 672

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Torque Control 6. Remove and discard the buffer washer.
Remove 7. Remove and discard the input shaft oil seal.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Refit
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 1. Refit the input shaft oil seal and the buffer washer.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
FDU Input Shaft Oil Seal
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
2. Clean the mating face of the torque manager and rear
axle assembly.
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the flange and
3. Apply sealant to the mating face of the rear axle
take away the drive shaft.
assembly housing.
4. Fix the torque manager to the rear axle assembly, fit 6
bolts, tighten to 17.7–24Nm in sequence and check
the torque.

4. Disconnect the external connector of the torque

5. Connect the external connector of the torque manager.
6. Fix the drive shaft to the flange, fit 3 bolts, tighten them
to 55–61Nm, and check the torque.
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Connect the battery negative.
9. With the VDS, perform the self-test function
of the 4WD system according to the path ("Fast
Track→Other→4WD Control Module Self-test") and
interface prompt.

5. Remove 6 bolts fixing the torque control to the rear

axle assembly, and remove the torque control.

1.0 673

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Harness - Torque Control FDU Input Shaft Oil Seal

Remove Remove
1. Remove the torque control. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.

Torque Control Remove 2. Drain rear axle assembly oil.

2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the connector bracket to the Rear Axle Assembly Oil Drain
torque control and remove the bracket. 3. Remove the torque control.

Torque Coupler Remove

4. Remove and discard the buffer washer.
5. Remove and discard the input shaft oil seal.
3. Disconnect the external connector of the torque
4. Remove the harness and insulating plug from the torque
control housing.
1. With the TPT00213 and hammer, fit the input shaft
oil seal.

1. Fit the harness and insulating pug to the torque coupler
2. Align the notch of the new buffer washer with the
2. Connect the internal connector of the torque coupler.
notch on the housing and fit the washer properly.
3. Fix the connector bracket to the torque coupler, fit 1
3. Fit the torque coupler.
bolt, tighten to 6.9–8.8Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fit the torque coupler. Torque Coupler Refit
4. Refill rear axle assembly oil.
Torque Coupler Refit
5. With the VDS, perform the self-test function Rear Axle Assembly Oil Refill
of the 4WD system according to the path ("Fast 5. Connect the battery negative.
Track→Other→4WD Control Module Self-test") and
interface prompt.

1.0 674

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

4WD Control Module (TCCM) Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Remove Coding - TCCM Replacement
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the passenger seat assembly.
Passenger Seat Assembly Remove (Manual Seat)
Passenger Seat Assembly Remove (Power Seat)
3. Cut the carpet along the break with a scissor.

Caution: Take care not to cut off the harness under

the carpet.
4. Disconnect the connector (1) of the TCCM.
5. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the TCCM to the bracket,
and remove the TCCM.

1. Fix the TCCM to the bracket, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
8–10Nm and check the torque.
2. Connect the connector of the TCCM.
3. Fit the carpet.
4. Fit the passenger seat assembly.

Passenger Seat Assembly Refit (Manual Seat)

Passenger Seat Assembly Refit (Power Seat)
5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Programme and code the TCCM.

1.0 675

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Right Oil Seal - Rear Axle Assembly Left Oil Seal - Rear Axle Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
stands. stands.
2. Drain rear axle assembly oil. 2. Drain rear axle assembly oil.
Rear Axle Assembly Oil - Drain Rear Axle Assembly Oil - Drain
3. Remove the right rear drive shaft. 3. Remove the left rear drive shaft.

Right Drive Shaft Remove Left Rear Drive Shaft Remove

4. Remove the oil seal and discard it. 4. Remove the oil seal and discard it.

Refit Refit
1. Clean the oil seal groove. 1. Clean the oil seal groove.
2. With the TPT00212 and hammer, fit the new oil seal 2. With the TPT00212 and hammer, fit the new oil seal
to the rear axle assembly. to the rear axle assembly.

3. Fit the right rear drive shaft. 3. Fit the left rear drive shaft.

Right Rear Drive Shaft Refit Left Rear Drive Shaft Refit
4. Refill rear axle assembly oil. 4. Refill rear axle assembly oil.

Rear Axle Assembly Oil - Refill Rear Axle Assembly Oil - Refill
5. Lower the vehicle. 5. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 676

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Drain and Refill - Rear Axle FDUFluid Check and Refill
Drain Check and Refill
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
stands. stands.
2. Put a proper container under the rear axle assembly. 2. Check the surrounding area of each oil plug/oil seal for
3. Clean the surrounding area of oil filler plug, remove the oil leakage, replace the faulty oil plug or seal gasket,
oil filler plug and discard the seal gasket. oil seal as necessary.

4. Clean the surrounding area of the drain plug, remove 3. Put a proper container under the rear axle assembly.
the drain plug and discard the seal gasket. 4. Clean the area around the oil filler plug, remove the oil
filler plug and seal gasket, and discard the seal gasket.
5. If the oil level port has oil drop overflows, finish
the operation and turn off the engine; if no oil drop
overflows there, refill appropriate oil.

Warning: Observe due care when draining gearbox fluid

as the fluid can be very hot.
6. Refill the rear axle assembly oil through the filling port
until the oil overflows.
7. Fit a new seal gasket to the oil filler plug, and tighten
the oil filler plug to 29–34Nm.

5. Drain rear axle assembly oil.

1. Clean the filling port and drain plug.
2. Fit a new seal gasket to the drain plug, and tighten the
drain plug to 29–34Nm.
3. With an appropriate and clean funnel, refill the rear
axle assembly with oil through the filling port until the
oil reaches the specified value.
Drain and Refill 0.51L (Volume for refill after
10min's horizontal drain)
Refill from Dry State 0.53-0.59 L

4. Fit a new seal gasket to the oil filler plug, and tighten
the oil filler plug to 29–34Nm.
5. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 677

Transmission Final Drive Unit-AWD

Breather Plug
1. Remove the rear axle assembly.

Rear Axle Assembly Remove

2. Remove the cover of the vent plug with pliers.
3. With the TPT00177 and the impact puller of the
TPT00117, remove the vent plug and discard it.
1. Clean the mounting location of the vent plug and
ensure it is free from foreign material.
2. With the TPT00194 and hammer, fit a new vent plug
to the rear axle assembly.

3. Fit the rear axle assembly.

Rear Axle Assembly Refit

1.0 678

Final Drive Unit-AWD Transmission

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Input shaft
TPT00213 oil seal
Rear wheel
drive shaft
oil seal

TPT00117 driveshaft oil


1.0 679


1.0 680

HVAC System HVAC System

HVAC System
Description Value
Bolt-Air conditioner compressor to engine 19–25Nm
Bolt-compressor/condenser pipe to compressor 19-25Nm
Bolt - PAS to PAS bracket 22–28Nm
Blot- A/C Compressor to engine 19–25Nm
Bolt-Expansion valve to evaporator 5.5Nm
Nut-Air conditioner pipe to expansion valve 18–22Nm
Nut-Air conditioner pipe to condenser 19–25Nm
Nut-evaporator/compressor pipe A to 7 - 10 Nm
evaporator/compressor pipe B
Nut-heater assembly to body 4Nm
Bolt-heater assembly to body 5Nm
Bolt-Blow to heater case 1.2Nm
Bolt-Heater water pipe to heater case 1.2Nm

1.0 681

HVAC System HVAC System


Type of Refrigerant HFC-R134a

Volume of Refrigerant 560±20 g
Displacement: 8–161 cm³/r
∙Minimum Speed 600 r/min
∙Maximum Speed 9200 r/min
Lubricant: SP10
Refill Amount (New) 130±10 ml
Evaporator Temperature Sensor:
∙Compressor ON ≥5℃
∙Compressor OFF Off after 60s @ ≤3.5℃ or Off immediately @ ≤2℃
Pressure Sensor:
Pressure Protection:
∙High Pressure Protection ON When pressure ≥3.14 Mpa, the switch disconnects.
∙Low Pressure Protection ON When pressure ≤0.196 Mpa, the switch disconnects.
Amount of lubricating oil for replacement of air conditioning system components (parameters including oil
Total amount of lubricant 130±10 ml
Compressor replacement Remaining lubricant in the original compressor
Condenser replacement 30 ml
Evaporator Replacement 40 ml
Replace one or more pipes 30 ml
Note: 1. large leak, cracked hose, impact or open relief valve can cause sudden loss of the refrigerant. Refrigerant leak
or slow leak will not cause this degree of fluid loss. When replacing components which cause a huge loss of refrigerant,
add an appropriate amount of fluid to specific components. 2.If the lost fluid of the components exceeds the specified
value, add as per the amount of loss.

1.0 682

HVAC System HVAC System

Description and Operation
System Layout
Heating and Ventilation Components

1. Instrument Panel Air Duct - Right 6. Rear Seat Footwell Air Duct - Left
2. Internal Circulation Inlet 7. Instrument Panel Air Duct - Left
3. Instrument Panel Air Duct - Face 8. Front Window Air Duct - Left
4. Rear Seat Footwell Air Duct - Right 9. Windshield Air Duct
5. Rear Central Air Duct 10. Front Window Air Duct - Right

1.0 683

HVAC System HVAC System

A/C Cooling System

1. Low Pressure Service Connector 5. Evaporator and TXV
2. A/C Pipe 6. Condenser
3. A/C Pressure Sensor 7. Compressor
4. High Pressure Service Connector

1.0 684

HVAC System HVAC System

Description The A/C box assembly controls air distribution and air
Overview temperature.

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning system controls • The evaporator temperature sensor, face temperature
the vehicle interior temperature and air distribution. The sensor (ATC only) and footwell temperature sensor
system contains the A/C box assembly (A/C filter, heater (ATC) output temperature signal to the ATC. The
assembly and evaporator box assembly), air duct, refrigerant ATC uses it to control the output of the servo motor.
pipe, controller and control panel. The air outlets are • The servo motor controls each control damper. It is
integrated in the luggage compartment. Fresh air flows into outside the box and is controlled by the A/C controller.
the A/C box assembly through the A/C filter assembly, and The feedback voltage meter of each servo motor
flows through the entire system by the blower operation. provides the corresponding damper position signal for
According to the setting on the control panel, the heated or the A/C controller.
cooled air is supplied to the air outlets of "face", "footwell"
• The blower speed regulation resistor controls the blower
and "defrost" via the air distribution duct. speed.
According to models, the vehicle will be provided with one of Blower
the two air conditioning systems, i.e. MTC or ATC:
The blower is on the heater box, which includes the motor
• In the MTC system, functions such as the air circulation, and fan. Control of the blower air volume can be realized by
air temperature, air distribution and blower speeds
using the button on the control panel to control the blower
are selected manually, and the air temperature and air speed regulation resistor of the A/C box assembly.
distribution are operated and controlled with cables.
Heater Core
• The ATC monitors and regulates the temperature,
The heater core heats the air inside the vehicle. The heater
blower speed and air distribution automatically. The
core mounted in the A/C box assembly is an aluminum
automatic mode provides an optimum system control
unidirectional flat-tube heat exchanger. Two aluminum tubes
and does not need any manual interference. Manual
extend through the front panel of the engine compartment
mode allows to ignore the automatic running of a single
and connect the A/C box assembly to the engine cooling
function for the purpose of fulfilling individual needs.
system. When the engine works, coolant constantly flows
Both systems consist of a cooling system, an A/C box assembly through the heater core under the action of the coolant pump.
and a control system. The ATC and MTC differ in the
Recirculation Control Damper
following ways, comparing with the MTC, the ATC contains
an additional solar sensor, interior/exterior temperature The recirculation control damper opens and closes the
sensor, heater core temperature sensor and temperature fresh and recirculated air inlets to control the source of
sensor for the air outlets of the face and footwell. incoming air. The servo motor drive damper is controlled by
the fresh/recirculated air switch on the control panel. The
A/C Air Filter
fresh/recirculated air servo motor is a unidirectional motor,
The A/C air filter is above the A/C box blower, which is used and the connection between the motor drive and the cam
to improve the quality of the fresh air supplied to the interior of the damper control lever mechanism applies the wire rod.
of the vehicle. When the cam rotates 360°, the fresh/recirculated completes
A/C Box Assembly one cycle (fresh air→recirculated air→fresh air).

The A/C box assembly heats and distributes the fresh air or Blend Damper
circulating air according to the mode selected on the control The bend damper adjusts the air flowing through the heater
panel. The A/C box assembly is between the instrument panel core and controls the proportion of the cold/warm air in the
and the front panel of the engine compartment. The A/C box A/C box assembly so that the driving temperature can be
includes the blower, A/C air filter, heater core, evaporator achieved.
core and control damper. The passage in the A/C box assembly
Air Distribution Damper
introduces air into the A/C box and divides it into three parts,
air is delivered to the air outlets for the "face", "footwell" and The air distribution damper is used for the air outlets of the
"defrost". A fresh recirculating air damper is mounted on the face, footwell and defrost. These dampers control the air flow
A/C box assembly housing, which adjusts the vehicle interior from the blend damper to the air outlets, which connect the
air or outside air and takes it as the circulating air. The drain spindle that extends to the left side of the heater box where
outlet at the bottom of the box body directs condensed water they are attached to a common control lever mechanism. To
from the box body to the lower side of the vehicle. operate the air distribution damper, a mode servo motor

1.0 685

HVAC System HVAC System

is fitted between the control lever mechanism and the air By the four vent assemblies on the instrument panel and the
distribution switch on the control panel. two vent assemblies behind the center console, the passenger
Distribution Duct can control the face air and the air direction. Each vent
assembly incorporates a thumbwheel to regulate flow and
moveable vanes to control direction.

The air outlet for the front seat footwell is fitted in the port
beside the A/C box assembly. The two rear floor vents (under
the front seat) distribute air to the rear floor.
Body Relief Valve
The body relief valve allows the warm air and vent air to go
through the passenger compartment freely. The body relief
valve is located at both sides of the luggage compartment,
which allows air in the passenger compartment to be
discharged to the covered area between the body and the rear
bumper. The body relief valve is a check valve, and each body
relief valve contains grille covered by the soft rubber damper.
The face air outlet of the rear seat footwell and instrument
The damper may open or close automatically according to the
panel are fitted with an individual air distribution duct.
pressure difference between the passenger compartment and
Distribution ducts for the windshield and front side window
external environment.
are integrated in the instrument panel. The rear seat footwell
pipe is connected to the interface on the front A/C box
assembly and extends along the floor under the front seat.

1.0 686

HVAC System HVAC System

Cooling System

A/C System Schematic

A= Liquid Coolant; B= Gas Coolant

1. Evaporator 6. Filter
2. TXV 7. Desiccant
3. A/C Pressure Sensor 8. Condenser
4. High Pressure Service Connector 9. A/C Compressor
5. Cooling Fan 10. Low Pressure Service Connector

The cooling system transfers heat from the vehicle to the pressure/temperature mode starts with the TXV, through the
outside atmosphere and provides the A/C box assembly with evaporator to the compressor, in the TXV, the refrigerant
dehumidified cool air. The system comprises a compressor, a decreases in pressure and temperature, then it changes from
condenser, TXV, A/C pipes and an evaporator. The system moderate temperature liquid to low temperature vapour in
is a closed loop which applies R134a refrigerant as the heat the evaporator before absorbing heat from the ambient air of
transfer medium. Add A/C oil to the refrigerant to lubricate the evaporator. The high pressure/temperature mode starts
the internal components of the compressor. with the compressor, through the condenser to the TXV,
the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant increase as
To accomplish the transfer of heat, the refrigerant is
it passes through the compressor, then it releases heat to
circulated around the system where it passes through two
the atmosphere via the condenser and changes from high
pressure/temperature modes. In each pressure/temperature
temperature vapour to moderate-high temperature liquid.
mode, the state of the refrigerant changes. During this process,
the refrigerant absorbs and releases maximum heat. The low

1.0 687

HVAC System HVAC System

Compressor With the impact effect and/or cooling fan, the air passing
through the heat exchanger absorbs heat from the refrigerant
and changes the refrigerant from a vapor to liquid. The
condenser cools and liquifies the refrigerant before it enters
the modulator. In the modulator, most of the remaining gas in
the refrigerant is separated. The refrigerant uses the desiccant
and filter to remove moisture and particles before entering
into the secondary cooler. The refrigerant is further cooled
as it flows through the secondary cooler, this results in the
refrigerant from the condenser outlet to the evaporator is
almost 100% converted into liquid.
Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV)
TXV and Evaporator

1. Pulley
2. Oil Plug
3. Air intake port
4. Exhaust port
5. Relief Valve
6. Electromagnetic clutch connector

The compressor fitted on the engine is a variable displacement

compressor. The compressor is driven by the electromagnetic
clutch and pulley. The compressor circulates the coolant by
compressing the low pressure/low temperature vapor from
the evaporator and converting it into the high pressure/high
temperature vapor to the condenser.
1. Evaporator
2. O-ring
3. TXV
4. Bolt

The TXV regulates the flow of the refrigerant and matches

the refrigerant flow with the heat load of the air passing
through the evaporator core. The TXV is mounted on the
inlet and outlet ports of the evaporator. The valve consists of
an aluminum housing containing inlet and outlet passages. A
1. Reservoir-drier metering valve is fitted in the inlet passage and the metering
2. Air intake port valve is controlled by a temperature sensitive tube connected
to a diaphragm. The top of the diaphragm is filled with
3. Liquid outlet port
refrigerant and senses evaporator outlet pressure and the
The condenser transfers the coolant heat into the ambient air tube senses evaporator outlet temperature. By regulating the
and changes the coolant vapor from the compressor into liquid. opening of the thermostatic expansion valve, the force can be
The condenser also removes moisture and solid impurities balanced, this keeps a proper temperature for the evaporator
from the refrigerant and functions as a reservoir for liquid outlet and balances the refrigerant flow and the thermal load
refrigerant so as to accommodate changes of heat load in the of the air.

1.0 688

HVAC System HVAC System

Thermostatic Expansion Valve


1. Membrane 4. Inlet Passage to Evaporator

2. Housing 5. Outlet Passage from Evaporator
3. Metering valve 6. Thermo-sensitive Tube

The liquid coolant flows from the metering valve to the low temperature refrigerant changes from liquid to vapour in
evaporator. The metering valve reduces the pressure and the evaporator, absorbing large quantities of heat during this
temperature of the refrigerant, changes the solid stream of process.
refrigerant into a fine spray and improves the evaporation A/C Pipeline
effect. As the refrigerant passes through the evaporator,
Aluminium A/C pipelines connect the system components
it absorbs heat from the ambient air flowing through the
together and O rings are fitted between the connections to
evaporator core. The increase of the temperature causes the
ensure a secure seal. To maintain a similar flow velocity in the
refrigerant to vaporize and increases its pressure.
system, the diameter of the refrigerant lines may vary so as to
The temperature and pressure of the refrigerant from the suit the two pressure/temperature modes. The pipelines with
evaporator drive the diaphragm and temperature sensitive larger diameters are fitted in the low pressure/temperature
tube to move and regulate the metering valve opening, by mode and those with smaller diameters are fitted in the high
this way, the temperature and pressure control the volume of pressure/temperature mode, and integrate the refrigerant
the refrigerant flowing through the evaporator. The warmer refill port into the A/C pipelines so as to facilitate the system
the air flowing through the evaporator core, the more heat service.
available to evaporate refrigerant, and this allows more
refrigerant to pass through the metering valve.
The evaporator is in the A/C box assembly, which absorbs heat
from the exterior or recirculated inlet air. Low pressure and

1.0 689

HVAC System HVAC System

Operation 2. If the refrigerant pressure is below or above the pressure

Overview limit, the ECM sends commands for disengaging the A/C
compressor clutch.
To run the cooling system, the A/C ECU shall communicate
with the ECM. The ECM controls the engagement of the 3. If the refrigerant pressure is greater than the specified
compressor clutch and the speed of the engine cooling fan. value, the ECM sends commands for adjusting the cooling
The A/C ECU also controls the blower speed of the heater, fan speed and operating the cooling fan at high/low speed
intake air, air temperature and air distribution. according to the pressure value.

Blower Control Pressure protection of the pressure switch:

The blower control module connects the blower power High Voltage Low Voltage
Protection Protection
output terminal to different ground terminals, the appropriate
operating voltages are thus produced. The blower control MPa ≥3.14 ≤0.196
module can only provide the blower with the battery voltage
Thus, if the A/C pressure is lower than or exceeds one of the
and allow it to operate at maximum speed.
closing pressure thresholds, the ground path of the ECM will
be disconnected. This causes the ECM to disengage the A/C
When pressing the circulation control switch, the switch will compressor clutch.
ground the control panel. Then the circulation control motor
The compressor is lubricated by oil suspended in the
turns the control damper of the heater assembly to close the
refrigerant, so operation of the compressor shall be prevented
fresh air inlet and open the circulating air inlet. Press the
if the refrigerant/lubricant in the system are minimum due to
circulation control switch again, the circulation control motor
minimum refrigerant pressure.
turns the circulating air ground to the fresh air ground. Then
the circulation control motor turns the control damper of When the refrigerant pressure increases to a value that
the heater assembly to open the fresh air inlet and close the indicates additional condensing is required, the ECM grounds
circulating air inlet. the cooling fan relay unit and requests for the corresponding
cooling fan speed.
The circulation control motor shifts the damper to external
circulation mode. Failure
Air Temperature If the sensor fails, the driver may notice that the A/C system
does not operate at all or it stops after running for a period of
The blend damper servo motor of the fan heater on the fan
heater assembly is controlled by turning the temperature knob
switch on the control panel. The blend damper changes the The sensor may have the following faults:
ratio of air flowing through the fan heater bypass and the • Low refrigerant pressure due to leak or wrong
heater core body. The ratio varies between "all bypass without refrigerant refilled
heater" and "all heater without bypass" so as to fit the position • High refrigerant pressure due to wrong refrigerant
of the knob switch.
Air Distribution • Internal wire is short circuit.
Use the 4 air distribution switches on the control panel to • External wire is open.
operate the mode damper servo motor and turn the air • External wire is short to the 12V power supply.
distribution damper in the heater assembly so that air can
• Ground of the sensor is missing.
be introduced into the corresponding air outlet around the
passenger compartment. Compressor
A/C Pressure Sensor When the engine is running and A/C is off, the clutch is
de-energized, the pulley and the drive belt freewheel. Balance
The A/C pressure sensor monitors the pressure of the A/C
the vapour pressure in the compressor housing, the spring
system and sends signals to the ECM. The ECM controls
between the carriage and the swash plate fixes the swash plate
the cooling fan speed and protects the compressor, etc. The
with a minimum angle of inclination so as to reduce the load
pressure sensor performs the following operations:
during the start-up of the system.
1. If the specified refrigerant pressure is met, the ECM sends
commands for engaging the A/C compressor clutch. When the A/C is requested, the clutch is energized and the
pulley turns the shaft. The lug plate and the swash plate turn
with the shaft, and the angled swash plate allows the piston

1.0 690

HVAC System HVAC System

to produce reciprocating movement. Vapour from the inlet A/C Compressor Clutch Relay
pressure chamber is drawn into the cylinders, compressed,
A 12V power supply is supplied to the A/C compressor clutch
and discharged into the outlet pressure chamber, producing
via the engine compartment fuse. When the main relay is
a flow around the refrigerant circuit. The flow rate in the
energized, the relay coil of the A/C compressor clutch can be
compressor depends on the piston stroke, which is controlled
activated. The relay coil ground is controlled by the ECM,
by the inclination angle of the swash plate. The inclination
which completes the ground when an A/C On request message
angle of the swash plate is set by the servo pressure and the
is received.
compressor inlet pressure acted on the piston in its intake
stroke. When the relevant intake pressure exceeds the servo Failure
pressure, the piston moves along its cylinder to increase the If the A/C compressor clutch relay fails, the followings will
angle of inclination, piston stroke and flow rate. Similarly, when occur:
the relevant intake pressure drops below the servo pressure, • The clutch does not engage the compressor pulley (visual
the piston moves along its cylinder to decrease the angle of check).
inclination, piston stroke and flow rate.
• High intake air temperature.
When starting, the compressor inlet pressure is relatively
The A/C compressor clutch relay may have the following
low. In the control valve, the baffle plate and push rod keep
the ball valve open. This allows the restricted flow of the
• Relay coil is short-circuited.
outlet pressure enter into the swash plate chamber through
the ball valve and the minimum inclination angle of the swash • Relay coil is open.
plate is maintained. When the refrigerant flows through • Relay coil has a high resistance.
the evaporator and absorbs heat (i.e. when the heat load • Relay contact is disconnected.
increases), the vapour pressure entered into the compressor
• Relay contact is closed.
will increase. In the control valve, the increased inlet pressure
will move the baffle plate and the push rod to switch off the • Relay contact has a high resistance.
ball valve. When the pressure of the swash plate chamber • Relay wire is open.
decreases and the intake pressure increases, the piston will • Relay wire has a high resistance.
move the swash plate in its intake stroke to increase the
• Relay wire is short to the 12V power supply.
inclination angle, piston stroke and the flow rate in the
• Relay wire is short to ground.
compressor. When the heat load of the evaporator decreases,
the pressure of the vapour entered into the compressor • ECM does not provide ground.
will reduce to open the control valve. This will increase the If the A/C compressor clutch does not engage, but the A/C
pressure of the swash plate chamber, and thus reduces the switch is in "On" position, remove the compressor clutch relay
inclination angle of the swash plate and the flow rate in the and conduct a test.

1.0 691

HVAC System HVAC System

Service Procedures Drain

Refrigerant Recovery and Refill 1. Check whether the high-pressure side and low-pressure
Refrigerant Reccovery side hoses are connected to the air conditioning
1. Connect the high-pressure side hose with a quick system. Open the high/low-pressure side valves on the
disconnection interface to the high-pressure service refilling station control panel.
side connector of the air-conditioning system. 2. Open the gas and liquid valves on the refrigerant
Tip: Use refrigerant tank designed only for service reservoir.
station. Overcharging restraint system is designed based Caution: The evacuating procedure must be carried out
on this kind of refrigerant tank. The tank valve is also before recharging process.
designed for the restraint system.
3. Start the vacuum pump and start the drain process.
2. Open the interface valve. In the process of recirculation, non-condensable gases
3. Connect the low-pressure side hose with a quick (mostly air) will be automatically exhausted from the
disconnection interface to the low-pressure service reservoir. A sound of pressure release may be heard.
side connector of the air-conditioning system.
4. Check the system for leak. For information about the
4. Open the interface valve. refilling station, refer to the manufacturer's instructions
5. Check the high-pressure side and low-pressure side for use.
gauges on the control panel of the refilling station, A/C Lubricating Oil Refill
and ensure there is pressure in the A/C. If there is no At this time, the lubricating oil discharged from the air
pressure, there is recoverable refrigerant in the system. conditioning system during recovery must be supplemented.
6. Open the valves for the high-pressure side and
low-pressure side.
• Always keep the lubricating oil bottle cap tight to prevent
7. Open the gas and liquid valves on the refrigerant
moisture or contaminants from entering the lubricating
8. Drain the refrigerant in the oil separator.
• This operation requires a vacuum air conditioning
9. Close the drain valve.
system. It is forbidden to open the lubricating oil filling
10. Connect the refilling station to the appropriate power valve when the air conditioning system is at positive
socket. pressure. This will result in backflow of lubricating oil
11. Connect the main power switch. through the bottle air vent.
Caution: Reuse the recycled lubrication is prohibited. The • An oil level lower than the suction pipe is prohibited
recycled lubrication will damage the equipment. when refilling or supplementing lubricating oil; otherwise,
air will enter the air conditioning system.
Caution: Part of A/C lubrication (PAG) could be recycled
together with refrigerant but service station can separate 1. Use the special polyether type lubricating oil (contained
lubrication from refrigerant to calculate the quantity of in graduated bottle) for R-134a system.
lubrication. 2. For information about the refilling station, refer to the
manufacturer's instructions for use. Add an appropriate
12. Start the recovery. For information about the refilling
amount of lubricating oil to the A/C system.
station, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for use.
3. When the oil refilled reaches the required point, close
13. Wait for 5min before checking the low-pressure side
the valve.
gauge on the control panel. If the air conditioning
system is capable of keeping vacuum, the recovery is Refill
completed. Caution: The evacuating procedure must be carried out
before recharging process.
Warning: If warning indicator illuminates, it means the
tank is overfull and service station will stop, install a new 1. Close the low-pressure side valve on the control panel.
empty tank to continue this process. The different type 2. Open the high-pressure side valve on the control panel.
of tank is prohibited using.
3. For information about the refilling station, refer to the
14. If the pressure at the low-pressure side starts to manufacturer's instructions for use.
rise from 0, there remains refrigerant in the system.
4. Refill refrigerant of the required amount into the air
Recover the residual refrigerant. Repeat this step until
conditioner, and ensure the unit of measurement is
the system can keep vacuum for 2 minutes.

1.0 692

HVAC System HVAC System

correct, for example, kg or lb. Whether the Refrigerant Refilling is Successful
5. Start refill. Refrigerant Refill Completion
1. Close the high-pressure side valves on the refilling
station control panel. Both valves shall be closed.
2. Start the vehicle and air conditioning system.
3. Keep the engine running until the readings on the
high-pressure side pressure gauge and the low-pressure
side pressure gauge are stable.
4. Compare the readings with the system specifications.
5. Check the outlet temperature of the evaporator, and
ensure that the air conditioning system operation
conforms to the system specifications.
6. Keep the air conditioner running.
7. Close the high-pressure side interface valve.
8. Disconnect the high-pressure side hose from the
9. Open the valves of the high/low-pressure side on
the control panel. The system will quickly suck in
refrigerant from two hoses through the low-pressure
side hose.
10. Close the low-pressure side interface valve.
11. Disconnect the low-pressure side hose from the
Refrigerant Refill Failure
Sometimes, the refrigerant is not completely refilled into the
air conditioning system. There are two reasons:
1. The pressure of the refrigerant reservoir in the refilling
station is close to that of the A/C system,
• which leads to slow oil delivery.

• For information about the refilling station, refer to the

manufacturer's instructions for use.
2. There is not enough refrigerant in the refrigerant reservoir
of the refilling station.

• Therefore, part of the refrigerant refilled must be

recovered from the vehicle, then drain the air conditioning
system before refilling.

• For information about the refilling station, refer to the

manufacturer's instructions for use.

1.0 693

HVAC System HVAC System

Compressor Refit
Remove 1. Fix the A/C compressor to the engine, fit the bolts,
1. Disconnect the battery negative. tighten to 19–25Nm in the sequence of A–B–C, and
2. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant. check the torque.

A/C Refrigerant Recovery

3. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
4. Remove the engine auxiliary drive belt.
Engine Auxiliary Drive Belt Remove
5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the steering pump idler to the
2. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
and coat with clean compressor oil.
3. Fit the A/C pipe to the compressor, fit the nut, tighten
to 19-25Nm and check the torque.
4. Connect the connector of compressor clutch.
5. Fit the turbocharger solenoid valve.

6. Remove the turbocharger solenoid valve. Turbocharger Solenoid Valve Refit

6. Fix the steering pump idler to the bracket, fit 3 bolts,
Turbocharger Solenoid Valve Remove
tighten to 22–28Nm, and check the torque.
7. Disconnect the connector (2) of the compressor clutch.
7. Fit the engine auxiliary drive belt.
8. Remove 2 nuts (3) fixing the A/C pipe to the
compressor and release the A/C pipe from the Engine Auxiliary Drive Belt Refit
compressor. 8. Lower the vehicle.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent 9. Refill the A/C refrigerant.
contamination. A/C Refrigerant Refill
9. Remove and discard the O-ring of the A/C pipe. 10. Connect the battery negative.
10. Remove 3 bolts (1) securing the A/C compressor and

11. Slowly move the compressor in the engine

compartment to remove it.

1.0 694

HVAC System HVAC System

Compressor–1.5T 5. Fit bottom air deflector.
Remove Bottom Deflector Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
6. Refill the air conditioning system refrigerant.
2. Recycle the air conditioning system refrigerant.
Air Conditioning System Refrigerant Refill
Recycling of Air Conditioning System
7. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Remove
4. Disconnect the connector (2) of compressor
electromagnetic clutch.
5. Remove one bolt (1) securing the hose assembly to the
compressor, and disconnect the connection.
6. Remove 3 bolts fixing the compressor to the
compressor bracket.

7. Move the compressor slowly in the engine compartment

and remove it.
1. Fit the compressor to the vehicle.
2. Fix the compressor to the compressor bracket, fit 3
screws, tighten it to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fix the hose to the compressor, fit 1 nut, tighten it to
19-25Nm, and check the torque.
4. Connect the connector of compressor electromagnetic

1.0 695

HVAC System HVAC System

Compressor Bracket-1.5T Evaporator

Remove Remove
1. Remove the compressor assembly. 1. Remove the heater assembly.

Compressor Assembly Remove Heater Assembly Remove

2. Remove 3 bolts fixing the compressor bracket to the 2. Remove the heater core.
Heater Core Remove
3. Remove the TXV.

TXV Remove
4. Remove the blower assembly.

Blower Assembly Remove

5. Remove the clip and screw fixing the guide pipe of the
intake air to the heater.
6. Remove the screw and clip securing the vent box and
heater, and remove the vent box.
7. Remove the clip and screw securing the heater, and
disconnect the heater box.
8. Remove the evaporator assembly.
3. Remove the compressor bracket from the vehicle.
1. Fit the evaporator to heater assembly.
1. Secure the compressor bracket to the engine, fit 3
2. Fit the heater box and secure with clips and screws.
bolts and tighten them to 19–25Nm.
3. Secure the vent box on the heater box, and secure
2. Fit the compressor assembly.
with screws and clips.
Compressor Assembly Refit 4. Fix the guide pipe of the intake air to the heater box,
and secure with screws.
5. Fit the blower assembly.

Blower Assembly Refit

6. Fit the heater core.

Heater Core Refit

7. Fit the TXV.
TXV Refit
8. Fit the heater assembly.

Heater Assembly Refit

1.0 696

HVAC System HVAC System

Expansion Valve Condenser
Remove Remove
1. Recover the A/C refrigerant. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
A/C Refrigerant Recovery 2. Recover the A/C refrigerant.
2. Remove 1 nut fixing the A/C hard pipe to the TXV and A/C Refrigerant Recovery
disconnect the pipe. 3. Remove the cooling fan assembly.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
Cooling Fan Assembly Remove
4. Remove the front bumper assembly.
Front Bumper Assembly Remove
5. Remove 1 nut (2) securing the A/C hard pipe assembly
(condenser) on the condenser.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

6. Remove the nut (1) securing the A/C pipe

(compressor/condenser) on the condenser.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

3. Remove and discard the O ring.

4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the TXV to the A/C box and
remove the TXV.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

7. Remove the upper radiator beam.

Upper Radiator Beam Remove
8. Remove the condenser from the radiator groove.

5. Remove and discard the O ring.

1. Renew the O ring, and fit it to the evaporator core pipe.
2. Fit the TXV bracket to the evaporator core, fit 2 bolts,
tighten to 5.5Nm and check the torque.
3. Renew the O ring, and fit it to the air conditioning
hard pipe assembly.
4. Fit the A/C hard pipe assembly to the TXV, fit 1 nut,
tighten to 18–22Nm and check the torque.
5. Refill the A/C refrigerant. Refit
A/C Refrigerant Refill 1. Fix the condenser to the radiator groove.

1.0 697

HVAC System HVAC System

2. Fit the upper radiator beam. A/C Pressure Sensor

Upper Radiator Beam Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Secure the compressor exhaust hose to the condenser,
fit 1 nut, tighten it to 19–25Nm, and check the torque. 2. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant.
4. Secure the A/C hard pipe assembly (condenser) on the A/C Refrigerant Recovery
condenser, fit the nut, tighten to 19–25Nm and check 3. Disconnect the connector of the A/C pressure sensor.
the torque.
5. Fit the front bumper.
Front Bumper Refit
6. Fit the cooling fan assembly.
Cooling Fan Assembly Refit
7. Refill the A/C refrigerant.
A/C Refrigerant Refill
8. Connect the battery negative.
4. Remove the A/C pressure sensor from the A/C high
pressure pipe and discard the O ring.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

1. Lubricate the new O ring with clean A/C oil.
2. Fit the O ring to the A/C pressure sensor.
3. Fit the A/C pressure sensor to the A/C high-pressure
pipe and secure it.
4. Connect the connector of the A/C pressure sensor.
5. Refill the A/C refrigerant.

A/C Refrigerant Refill

6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 698

HVAC System HVAC System

A/C Pipe - Compressor/Condenser compressor, fit the nut, tighten to 19-25Nm and check
Remove the torque.
1. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant. 3. Renew the O ring, and fit it to the A/C pipe
A/C Refrigerant Recovery (compressor/condenser).

2. Remove the front bumper assembly. 4. Secure the A/C pipe (compressor/condenser) on the
condenser, fit the nut, tighten to 19–25Nm and check
Front Bumper Assembly Remove
the torque.
3. Remove the nut (1) securing the A/C pipe
5. Fit the front bumper assembly.
(compressor/condenser) on the condenser, and
disconnect the pipe from the condenser. Front Bumper Refit
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent 6. Refill A/C refrigerant.
A/C Refrigerant Refill

4. Remove the O ring from the evaporator/compressor

pipe and discard it.
5. Remove the nut (3) the A/C pipe
(compressor/condenser) on the compressor,
and disconnect the pipe from the compressor.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

6. Remove the O ring from the A/C pipe

(compressor/compressor) and discard it.
1. Renew the O ring, and fit it to the A/C pipe
2. Secure the A/C pipe (compressor/condenser) on the

1.0 699

HVAC System HVAC System

A/C Pipe A - Evaporator Compressor 2. Tighten the nut connecting A/C pipe B
Remove (evaporator/compressor) and A/C pipe A
1. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant. (evaporator/compressor) to 7 - 10 Nm, and check
the torque.
A/C Refrigerant Recovery
3. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
2. Remove the turbocharger intake hose.
and coat with clean compressor oil.
Turbocharger Intake Hose Remove
4. Secure A/C pipe A (evaporator/compressor) on the
3. Remove the nut (3) fixing A/C pipe A compressor, fit the nut, tighten to 19-25Nm and check
(evaporator/compressor) to the compressor, the torque.
and disconnect the pipe from the compressor.
5. Fit the turbocharger intake hose.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
Turbocharger Intake Hose Refit
6. Refill the A/C refrigerant.

A/C Refrigerant Refill


4. Remove the O ring from the evaporator/compressor

pipe and discard it.
5. Remove the nut connecting A/C pipe A
(evaporator/compressor) and A/C hard pipe,
and disconnect the pipe.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

6. Remove the O ring from the evaporator/compressor

pipe and discard it.
7. Remove the pipe from the vehicle.
1. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
and coat with clean compressor oil.

1.0 700

HVAC System HVAC System

A/C Pipe B - Evaporator Compressor
1. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant.

A/C Refrigerant Recovery

2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Remove the air filter assembly.

Air Filter Assembly Remove

4. Remove the turbocharger intake hose.

Turbocharger Intake Hose Remove

5. Disconnect the connector of the A/C pressure sensor.
10. Remove and discard the O ring of the pipe.
11. Remove the nut (2) securing A/C pipe B
(evaporator/compressor) on the condenser.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent


6. Remove the front bumper assembly.

Front Bumper Assembly Remove
7. Remove the nut fixing the A/C hard pipe assembly to
the TXV and disconnect the pipe.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent
contamination. 12. Remove and discard the O ring of the pipe.
13. Remove 2 clips securing the A/C hard pipe assembly
on the body.

8. Remove and discard the O ring of the pipe.

9. Remove the nut connecting A/C pipe A
(evaporator/compressor) and A/C pipe B 14. Remove A/C pipe B (evaporator/compressor) from
(evaporator/compressor). the vehicle.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent Refit
contamination. 1. Fit A/C pipe B (evaporator/compressor) to the vehicle.

1.0 701

HVAC System HVAC System

2. Fit A/C pipe B (evaporator/compressor) to the body, A/C Filter Cover

and secure with clips. Remove
3. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline, 1. Remove the glove box assembly.
and coat with clean compressor oil.
Glove Box Assembly Remove
4. Secure A/C pipe B (compressor/condenser) on the
2. Release the clip fixing the filter cover to the A/C box,
condenser, fit the nut, tighten to 19–25Nm and check
and remove the filter cover.
the torque.
5. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
and coat with clean compressor oil.
6. Tighten the nut connecting A/C pipe B
(evaporator/compressor) and A/C pipe A
(evaporator/compressor) to 7 - 10 Nm, and check
the torque.
7. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
and coat with clean compressor oil.
8. Secure A/C pipe B (evaporator/compressor) on the
TXV, fit 1 nut, tighten to 18–22Nm and check the
9. Fit the front bumper assembly.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
1. Fit the filter cover to the A/C box assembly and secure
10. Connect the connector of the A/C pressure sensor. with clips.
11. Fit the turbocharger intake hose. 2. Fit the glove box assembly.
Turbocharger Intake Hose Refit Glove Box Assembly Refit
12. Fit the air filter assembly.
Air Filter Assembly Refit
13. Refill the A/C refrigerant.

A/C Refrigerant Refill

14. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 702

HVAC System HVAC System

Air Filter Element Heater Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Remove the cover of the A/C filter. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.

A/C Filter Cover Remove 2. Drain the engine cooling system.

2. Remove the A/C filter element. Engine Cooling System Drain
3. Recover the air conditioning refrigerant.

A/C Refrigerant Recovery

4. Remove the nut fixing the A/C hard pipe assembly to
the TXV and disconnect the pipe.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

1. Fit a new filter element to the A/C.
2. Fit the filter cover to the A/C box assembly and secure
with clips.
3. Fit the glove box assembly.

Glove Box Assembly Refit

5. Remove 2 clamps (1) and (2) fixing the hose to the
heater assembly, and disconnect the pipe.

6. Remove the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
7. Remove the beam of the instrument panel.

Instrument Panel Beam Remove

8. Disconnect the harness connector of the A/C box
9. Remove the 2 nuts and 2 bolts securing the A/C box
assembly to the instrument panel beam.

1.0 703

HVAC System HVAC System

11. Connect the battery negative.

12. Perform a self-learning for the A/C servo motor.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - A/C Servo Motor Self-learning
10. Remove 2 screws securing the A/C box assembly on
the firewall panel.
11. Remove the A/C box assembly from the vehicle.
1. Fit the A/C box assembly to the vehicle.
2. Secure the A/C box assembly on the beam of the
instrument panel, fit 2 nuts, tighten to 4Nm, fit 2 bolts,
tighten to 4Nm and check the torque.
3. Fit the A/C box assembly to the front firewall panel, fit
2 bolts, tighten to 5Nm and check the torque.
4. Connect the connector of the A/C box assembly.
5. Fit the instrument panel assembly.
Instrument Panel Assembly Refit
6. Fix the hose to the heater assembly and secure with
7. Remove the plug, fit a new seal ring to the A/C pipeline,
and coat with clean compressor oil.
8. Fit the A/C hard pipe assembly to the TXV, fit 1 nut,
tighten to 18–22Nm and check the torque.
9. Refill the A/C refrigerant.
A/C Refrigerant Refill
10. Refill the engine cooling system.
Engine Cooling System Refill

1.0 704

HVAC System HVAC System

Blower Heater Core
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Remove the A/C box assembly.
2. Disconnect the blower connector (1). A/C Box Assembly Remove
3. Remove 1 screw (2) securing the blower on the heater 2. Remove 1 screw securing the heater core pipe on the
assembly. A/C box, and release the pipe clip.

4. Pry the clip (1) open and turn it clockwise to remove

the blower from the vehicle. 3. Release the clip securing the heater core on the A/C
box assembly.

1. Turn the blower counterclockwise to secure it on the
4. Remove 2 screws fixing the footwell vent pipe to the
heater, and fix the clips.
A/C box.
2. Secure the blower on the heater assembly, fit 1 screw,
tighten to 1.2Nm and check the torque.
3. Connect the connector of the blower.
4. Connect the battery negative.

5. Remove the heater core from the A/C box assembly.

1.0 705

HVAC System HVAC System

Refit Blower Speed Regulation Resistance

1. Fit the heater core to the A/C box. Remove
2. Fix the footwell vent pipe to the A/C box, and secure 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
the 2 screws. 2. Disconnect the connector of the blower speed
3. Secure the heater core on the A/C box assembly with regulation resistance.
clips. 3. Remove 2 screws fixing the blower speed regulation
4. Fix the heater core pipe clip to the A/C box, fit 1 screw, resistance to the A/C box assembly.
tighten to 1.2Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the A/C box assembly.

A/C Box Assembly Refit

4. Remove the blower speed regulation resistance from
the A/C box.
1. Secure the blower speed regulation resistance on the
A/C box, fit 2 screws and tighten the screw.
2. Connect the connector of the blower speed regulation
3. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 706

HVAC System HVAC System

Left Floor Vent Pipe Right Floor Vent Pipe
Remove Remove
1. Remove the driver seat assembly. 1. Remove the passenger seat assembly.

Driver Seat Assembly Remove Front Seat Assembly Remove

2. Lift the driver carpet. 2. Lift the passenger carpet.
3. Remove 2 nuts (1) fixing the left floor vent pipe to the 3. Remove 2 nuts (2) fixing the right floor vent pipe to
floor. the floor.
4. Remove the left floor vent pipe. 4. Remove the right floor vent pipe.
Refit Refit
1. Fit the left floor vent pipe to the vehicle. 1. Fit the right floor vent pipe to the vehicle.
2. Fix the left floor vent pipe to the floor, fit 2 nuts and 2. Fix the right floor vent pipe to the roof panel, fit 2
tighten the nut. screws and tighten the screw.
3. Arrange the driver carpet. 3. Arrange the passenger carpet.
4. Fit the driver seat. 4. Fit the passenger seat assembly.

Driver Seat Assembly Refit Front Seat Assembly Refit


1.0 707

HVAC System HVAC System

Left Body Relief Valve Right Body Relief Valve

Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear bumper assembly. 1. Remove the rear bumper assembly.

Rear Bumper Assembly Remove Rear Bumper Assembly Remove

Bumper Assembly Remove - with PDC Bumper Assembly Remove - with PDC
2. Release the clip and remove the pressure relief valve 2. Release the clip and remove the pressure relief valve of
of the left body. the right body.
Refit Refit
1. Fix the relief valve of the left body to the body and 1. Fix the relief valve of the right body to the vehicle and
secure with clips. secure with clips.
2. Fit the bumper assembly. 2. Fit the bumper assembly.

Rear Bumper Assembly Refit Rear Bumper Assembly Refit

Bumper Assembly Refit - with PDC Bumper Assembly Refit - with PDC

1.0 708

HVAC System HVAC System

Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Left Instrument Defroster Air Outlet Pipe
Remove Remove
1. Remove the instrument panel assembly. 1. Remove the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Remove Instrument Panel Assembly Remove

2. Remove 9 screws fixing the instrument face air outlet 2. Remove the face air outlet pipe on the instrument.
pipe to the A/C box assembly.
Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Remove
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the left instrument defrost air
outlet pipe to the A/C box assembly.
3. Remove the face air outlet pipe on the instrument.
1. Fit the instrument face air outlet pipe to the vehicle. 4. Remove the left instrument defrost air outlet pipe.
2. Fix the instrument face air outlet pipe to the A/C box Refit
assembly, fit 9 screws and tighten the screw.
1. Fit the left instrument defroster air outlet pipe.
3. Fit the instrument panel assembly.
2. Fix the left instrument defroster air outlet pipe to the
Instrument Panel Assembly Refit A/C box assembly, fit 2 screws and tighten the screw.
3. Fit the face air outlet pipe on the instrument.
Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Refit
4. Fit the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Refit


1.0 709

HVAC System HVAC System

Right Instrument Defroster Air Outlet Pipe Central Instrument Defroster Air Outlet Pipe
Remove Remove
1. Remove the instrument panel assembly. 1. Remove the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Remove Instrument Panel Assembly Remove

2. Remove the face air outlet pipe on the instrument. 2. Remove the face air outlet pipe on the instrument.
Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Remove Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Remove
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the right instrument defrost air 3. Remove 7 screws fixing the central instrument defrost
outlet pipe to the A/C box assembly. air outlet pipe to the A/C box assembly.

4. Remove the right instrument defrost air outlet pipe. 4. Remove the central instrument defrost air outlet pipe.
Refit Refit
1. Fit the right instrument defroster air outlet pipe. 1. Fit the central instrument defroster air outlet pipe.
2. Fix the right instrument defroster air outlet pipe to the 2. Fix the central instrument defroster air outlet pipe to
A/C box assembly, fit 2 screws and tighten the screw. the A/C box assembly, fit 7 screws and tighten the
3. Fit the face air outlet pipe on the instrument. screw.
3. Fit the face air outlet pipe on the instrument.
Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Refit
4. Fit the instrument panel assembly. Instrument Face Air Outlet Pipe Refit
4. Fit the instrument panel assembly.
Instrument Panel Assembly Refit
Instrument Panel Assembly Refit

1.0 710

HVAC System HVAC System

Special Tools


1.0 711

HVAC System HVAC System-MTC

Description and Operation
System Layout
A/C panel w

1. Air Distribution Mode Knob

2. Heated Rear Window
3. Air Volume Adjustment Knob
4. Air Circulation Mode
5. Temperature Adjustment Knob
6. A/C Button

1.0 712

HVAC System-MTC HVAC System

A/C Control System


1. A/C Pressure Switch

2. A/C Control Panel
3. Blower Speed Regulation Resistor
4. Evaporator Temperature Sensor

1.0 713

HVAC System HVAC System-MTC

System Control Diagram

MTC System Control Diagram


A = body HS CAN Bus; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Hard Wire


1.0 714

HVAC System-MTC HVAC System

Description A/C Switch:
Overview Press the A/C switch to switch on the air conditioner. Press
In manual air conditioning system, functions such as air the switch again to switch off the A/C.
temperature, air distribution and blower speed are selected
Blower Switch:
Rotate the air volume adjustment knob
Manual Air Conditioning System
clockwise/counterclockwise to increase/decrease the air
The control system consists of the following components: volume. The air volume has a total of 5 gears, which is 0 gear
• Manual Controller to 4 gear arranged from small to large.

• Evaporator Temperature Sensor Air Circulation Button:

• Blower Speed Regulation Resistor When the ignition is switched on, you may change the
Manual Controller internal/external circulation status with the air circulation
control button.
Manual controller and BCM are connected by hard wire so as
to control the rear window heater and mode control, etc. Press the air circulation control button, the indicator in the
button will illuminate, the circulation damper will be closed and
Heating and ventilation system control the temperature and the internal air is separated from the ambient environment,
distribution of the air inside the vehicle. This system consists
the system enters into the internal circulation state. Press
of the following parts: filter hood, heater assembly, distribution this button again, the indicator in the button will go off, the
duct and controller assembly. circulation damper will be opened and the system switch to
The fresh air or recycled air from the filter cover flows into the external circulation mode.
the heater assembly is heated or cooled according to the A/C Pressure Sensor
settings of the control panel, then the heated air or cooled air
The A/C pressure sensor protects the refrigerant system
is supplied to the front windshield via the distribution pipe.
from extreme pressure and helps control the speed of the
Control Panel engine cooling fan. The pressure sensor is refitted on the high
The switch on the control panel has the following functions: temperature/high pressure A/C pipe between the condenser
and TXV at the rear corner of the engine compartment. This
Air Distribution Switch:
sensor outputs a pressure signal to ECM.
When the switch is pressed every time, the air distribution
Evaporator Temperature Sensor
will change, and the change range is only face, face and
The evaporator temperature sensor is a NTC sensor,
foot, only foot, foot and front windshield/front side window
defrosting, windshield/front side window defrosting, only front providing the input of the evaporator exhaust outlet
windshield/front side window defrosting. temperature to MTCECU. Evaporator temperature sensor is
located at the outlet of evaporator core in heater assembly.
Temperature Control:
Rotate the temperature adjustment knob
clockwise/counterclockwise to decrease/increase the
Heated rear window (HRW) switch:
HRWHRW works only when the engine is running. Operate
HRW switch to send a message over hard wire to BCM.
This will makeHRW energized and operated to supply power
toHRW. HRWIts function is timed (unless it is turned
off manually), otherwise the rear window heater will stop
automatically at the following time:
• 12 minutes (the ambient temperature is higher than or
equal to 10℃), it will stop immediately if the switch is
pressed in this period.

1.0 715

HVAC System HVAC System-MTC

Operation Air Temperature Control

MTC System Control The A/C box assembly blend damper is controlled by the
To run the A/C system, MTC ECU communicates with ECM, temperature button on the control panel. The blend damper
ECM controls the engagement of the compressor clutch and changes the ratio of air flowing through the A/C box bypass
the speed of the engine cooling fan. MTC ECU also controls and the heater core body.
the operation of servo motor on the A/C box assembly, blower Blower Control
speed, air temperature.
The blower relay and power tube are used to run the blower
Compressor Control in the speed under one of 4 gears. The blower relay is
When it detects that the request has changed to compressor powered by the battery and grounded via MTC ECU, MTC
on, ECM will energize the compressor clutch relay to supply ECU adjusts the voltage of the blower motor via the power
battery power to the compressor clutch, provided the tube to control the blower speed.
following conditions exist: Air Distribution Control
• Pressure sensor to ECM ground The A/C box assembly mode damper is controlled by
• The evaporator temperature is above 5℃. the air distribution button on the control panel. The air
• The engine is not under hard acceleration. distribution flaps in the A/C box assembly to direct air into the
corresponding air outlets around the passenger compartment.
• The engine coolant temperature is not too high.
• There is no engine running problem. Diagnosis
Every time when the ignition switch is on, the MTC ECU will
If one of the grant conditions no longer exists, ECM will
perform a check for diagnosis and save the relevant DTC to
de-energise the compressor clutch relay, to disengage the
MTC ECU. Then, MTC ECU returns to normal control state,
compressor clutch, until the grant condition is restored.
but uses the default value or default policy to correspond to
Compressor Clutch Relay
the detected failure. DTCIt may be read through the scan
When the main relay is energized, the relay coil of A/C tool.
compressor clutch may be activated. The relay coil ground
is controlled by ECM, which completes the ground when an
A/C On request message is received.
If the A/C compressor clutch relay fails, the following
symptoms will be observed:
• The clutch will not engage on the compressor drive pulley
(visual check)
• The intake air temperature will not drop
The following failures of the A/C compressor clutch relay may
• Relay coil is open-circuited
• The relay coil is open
• Relay coil has a high resistance
• The relay contact keeps open
• The relay contact keeps closed
• Relay contact has a high resistance
• The relay wire is open
• The relay wire has high resistance
• The relay wire is short to 12V power supply
• The relay wire is short to the ground
• ECMNot supply the ground

1.0 716

HVAC System-MTC HVAC System

Service Procedures Refit
A/C Controller Assembly - MTC 1. Fix the A/C controller assembly to the A/C panel, and
Remove tighten with clips.
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 2. Connect the connector to the A/C controller assembly.
2. Remove the center console molding. 3. Fit mode damper and temperature damper cable.
4. Fix the A/C panel to the vehicle, and fit 2 screws and
tighten it.
5. Fit the center console.
6. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the A/C panel to the center

4. Loosen the lock catches, disconnect the connection

(1), (2) between the mode damper and temperature
damper cable and A/C panel.
5. Disconnect the connector (3) of the A/C panel.

6. Release the clip fixing the A/C control assembly to the

panel, and remove the A/C control assembly.

1.0 717

HVAC System HVAC System-MTC

A/C panel - MTC Mode Damper Cable

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Remove A/C panel.
2. Remove the A/C controller assembly. A/C Panel Remove.
Air conditioning controller assembly remove 2. Remove the passenger side heater closing plate.
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the center control switch to
the panel.
4. Remove A/C panel.
1. Fix the center control switch to the panel, fit 2 screws
and tighten them.
2. Fit the air conditioning controller assembly.
Air Conditioning Controller Assembly Refit
3. Connect the battery negative cable.

3. Remove the lock catches fixing the mode damper cable

to the air plate linkage, and remove the damper cable
from the vehicle.
1. Fix the mode damper cable to the air plate linkage, and
tighten with clips.
2. Fix the right heater closing plate to the body, fit the
screw and tighten it.
3. Fit A/C panel.

A/C panel Refit

1.0 718

HVAC System-MTC HVAC System

Temperature Damper Cable
1. Remove A/C panel.

A/C Panel Remove.

2. Remove the clips fixing the temperature damper cable
to the air plate linkage, disconnect the connection.
3. Remove the temperature damper cable from the
1. Fix the cable to the mode damper rod, and tighten with
lock catches.
2. Fit A/C panel.
A/C panel Refit

1.0 719

HVAC System HVAC System-MTC

Special Tools


1.0 720

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

Description Value
Bolt-Controller to cross member dash 2–4Nm
Screw-A/C control panel to IPK 1.2–2Nm
Bolt-Blend flap servo motor to heater case 1.2Nm
Bolt-Fresh recirculated air flap servo motor to heater case 1.2Nm
Bolt-Distribution flap servo motor to heater case 1.2Nm

1.0 721

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Description and Operation

System Layout
A/C Control Panel

1. A/C Button 9. Air Volume + Button

2. Face Button 10. Footwell & Defrost/Defog Button
3. Temperature Control Knob 11. System Button
4. Footwell Button 12. Footwell/Face Button
5. Interior Temperature Sensor (not button) 13. Air Volume - Button
6. Air Circulation Button 14. Defrost/Defog Button
7. Rear Window Heater Button 15. Auto Button
8. Front Seat Heater Button

1.0 722

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

A/C Control System


1. A/C Pressure Sensor 5. Blower Speed Regulator Module

2. Air Outlet Temperature Sensor 6. Evaporator Temperature Sensor
3. A/C Controller 7. Ambient Temperature Sensor
4. ATC Control Panel 8. Solar Sensor

1.0 723

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

System Control Diagram


A = Body HS CAN Bus; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Hard Wire


1.0 724

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

Description Control Panel - Automatic Temperature Control
Overview (ATC)

The ATC automatically monitors the inside and outside The temperature knob is an incremental switch, and other
temperature, and adjusts the outlet air temperature, blower switches on the control panel are not the self-locking switches.
speed and air distribution. The auto mode provides an Such switches have the following functions:
optimum system control mode and does not need any manual Air distribution switch:
interference. Manual mode allows to ignore the automatic
Activated only when the system is running. Manual control of
running of a single function for the purpose of fulfilling
air distribution is available:
individual needs.
• When a switch is pressed every time, the air distribution
Control System - Automatic Temperature Control
(ATC) will change, and the change sequence is only face, face
and footwell, only footwell, footwell and windshield/front
The automatic temperature control (ATC) controls the air side window defrost, only windshield/front side window
temperature and air distribution inside the vehicle by its defrost.
control over the refrigeration system and the control dampers
within the heater assembly. It sends a signal to the blower Temperature Control:
control module to control the blower and further control air Activated only when the system is running.
quantity. It also outputs a signal to the BCM to control the
• Every turn of the temperature switch will increase or
rear window heater.
decrease the corresponding set temperature by 1℃, and
ATC consists of the following components: temperature ranges between 18℃ and 26℃.
• • If the temperature knob is turned counterclockwise
• ATC ECU when the temperature is set to 18℃, the screen displays
• ATC Control Panel (with Interior Temperature Sensor) LO (maximum cooling).
• A/C Pressure Sensor • If the temperature switch is turned clockwise when
the temperature is set to 26℃, the screen displays HI
• Evaporator Temperature Sensor
(maximum heating).
• Solar Sensor
HRW switch:
• Blower Control Module
The HRW works only when the engine is running. When
• Ambient Temperature Sensor
operating the HRW switch, a message will be sent to the
• Face Temperature Sensor BCM via the HS bus. This will energize the HRW and
• Footwell Temperature Sensor provide power supply to the HRW. The HRW function can
ATC ECU be timed, the rear window heater will close automatically
after the following periods (unless it is closed manually):
ATC ECU is in the center of the instrument panel below the
• 12min (the ambient temperature is ≥ 10℃), if the switch
is pressed during this period, then the heater immediately
The input signals of the sensor and control panel switch are closes.
processed by the ATC ECU, and then the ATC ECU outputs
A/C On/Off Button:
the corresponding control signal.
Press the A/C switch to switch on the air conditioner. The
ATC The ECU communicates with the BCM through the HS
screen displays A/C icon. Press the switch again to turn off
CAN, which controls the rear window heater and diagnosis
the A/C.
system; the ATC ECU communicates with the ECM through
the GW controller, which controls the compressor clutch Blower Switch:
and cooling fan to work at high/low speed. The ATC ECU Activated only when the system is running. Manual control of
directly receives evaporator temperature, powers on/off the blower speed is available:
compressor clutch and protects the surface of the evaporator
• When the speed switch -/+ is pressed, the blower speed
from frosting.
will range from speed 1 to 7.
• If the switch is pressed and held, after 1s, the speed will
change every 0.5s till the switch achieves the full scale or

1.0 725

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Fresh/Recirculated Air Switch: When the air inlet source is manually selected as recirculated
air, it illuminates.
Activated only when the system is running. Manual selection
of air inlet source is available. When selecting the recirculated Automatic Mode:
air mode by manual control, the LED indicator in the switch
In AUTO mode, the air distribution mode and air volume are
will illuminate.
automatically adjusted to maintain the required temperature.
Defrost Switch: Then, the AUTO icon and air volume icon are displayed on
the screen.
Even if the engine does not run after the ignition switch is
enabled, the defrost mode can still work. When the defrost Manual Air Distribution:
switch is enabled, the following functions will be enabled:
The corresponding icon illuminates to display air distribution
• Air distribution is set to windshield. selected manually.
• The blower is set to the maximum speed, but manual
Blower Speed:
control is still available without turning off the defrost
mode. In AUTO mode, the air volume is set automatically.
• Select the air inlet source as fresh air. In Manual mode, press air volume +/- button to
• Select A/C (when the engine is running). increase/decrease air volume. The 7 segments on the screen
represents air volume.
Select AUTO to turn off the Defrost mode (if enabled) and
turn on AUTO mode. In "Defrost" mode, select Defrost again A/C Pressure Sensor
to turn off this function and turn on the AUTO mode. If the The A/C pressure sensor protects the refrigerant system
ATC is off, select "Defrost" will turn on the system. from extreme pressure and helps control the speed of the
AUTO Button engine cooling fan. The pressure sensor is on the high
temperature/high pressure A/C pipe between the condenser
Turn on the auto mode or switch to auto mode/other and TXV at the rear corner of the engine compartment. This
modes from auto mode. Use the AUTO button to switch sensor outputs a pressure signal to the ECM.
ON/OFF the AUTO icon. In auto mode, the ATC ECU
Evaporator Temperature Sensor
will automatically control the interior air temperature and air
distribution. The evaporator temperature sensor is an NTC sensor, which
provides temperature input of the evaporator air outlet for the
When the auto mode is selected and the ambient temperature
ATC ECU. Evaporator temperature sensor is located at the
is lower than 5℃, the rear window heater will start
outlet of the evaporator core in the heater assembly.
Interior Temperature Sensor
When the ignition key is removed and the HRW function is
reset, it shall be re-selected in the next ignition cycle. The interior temperature sensor is an NTC sensor, which
provides air temperature input of the passenger compartment
System ON/OFF: for the ATC ECU. The sensor is inside the ATC panel.
Press the system ON/OFF button to turn off the system except Solar Sensor
the screen; and press it again to turn on the system.
This sensor is in the center of the instrument panel near the
Display Output - Automatic Temperature Control windshield. The solar sensor consists of two diodes which
provide input illumination intensity for the ATC ECU, one
When relevant system function is activated, the symbol and detects the illumination intensity input of the left vehicle and
text on the screen will be highlighted. When the exterior the other detects the illumination intensity input of the right
lighting is turned off/on, the output illumination on the ATC vehicle. These inputs are used to measure the solar heat effect
LCD screen is adjusted according to the output illumination acting on passengers.
of the instrument pack. Footwell/face Temperature Sensor
Temperature: The footwell/face temperature sensor is an NTC sensor which
The external ambient temperature and interior temperature provides signal input relating to footwell/face temperature for
are displayed. the ATC ECU.

Recirculated Air: Ambient Temperature Sensor

The ambient temperature sensor is fixed on the front grille.
The ATC ECU uses the signal of the sensor to modify

1.0 726

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

climate control algorithm, so as to compensate the ambient End View and Pin Information of ATC Harness
air temperature. Connector FA038
ATC Harness Connector
End View and Pin Information of ATC Harness
Connector FA037
Pin No. Description
1 Face Air Outlet Temperature
2 Footwell Air Outlet Temperature
Pin No. Description
1 KL15
3 Temperature Damper Actuator +
2 KL30
4 Temperature Damper Actuator-
3 KL31
5 Temperature Damper Actuator
4 Ambient Temperature Sensor Feedback
5 5V Power Supply_1 6 —
7 Mode Damper Actuator +
6 Solar Sensor with Heat Indicator
8 Mode Damper Actuator -
7 Sensor with Heat Indicator
9 Mode Damper Actuator Feedback
8 Sensor Ground_1
10 —
9 LIN_1
11 Evaporator Temperature Sensor
10 HS CAN High
12 —
11 A/C Request 13 5V Power Supply_2
12 — 14 Fresh/Recirculated Damper
Actuator +
13 —
15 Fresh/Recirculated Damper
14 Solar Sensor Actuator -
15 — —
16 Ground of Sensor with Heat 17 Sensor Ground_2
18 Blower Control
17 Reference Sensor with Heat
19 Blower Feedback +
18 —
20 Blower Feedback -
19 —
20 HS CAN Low

1.0 727

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Operation In the defrost mode, the ATC ECU sets the intake air supply
ATC as fresh air, the blower as the maximum speed and the air
distribution as the windshield and front window.
The ATC system is a closed loop control system, and its
purpose is to realize a comfortable climate in the passenger ATC ECU outputs a signal to the BCM to manipulate the
compartment. For this purpose, the system will maintain the rear window heater.
following two conditions:
While pressing the fresh/recirculated air switch, the
• Distribute temperature between the floor and the roof. fresh/recirculated air damper shall determine whether the air
• Maintain an average temperature in the passenger source is the fresh air outside the vehicle or the recirculated
compartment. air already in the passenger compartment. ATC ECU
controls the damper on the following two positions:
Maintain a higher temperature for the floor and a lower
temperature for the roof according to the following inputs: • Fresh Air
• Set the temperature in the passenger compartment as • Recirculated Air
per user's selection. If press the fresh/recirculated air switch when AUTO mode
• Interior temperature is disabled, the recirculated air damper will shift from fresh air
• Ambient Temperature to recirculated air, and vice versa.

• Evaporator Temperature Compressor Control

• Face Outlet Air Temperature When it detects that the request has changed to compressor
• Footwell Outlet Air Temperature activation, the ECM will power on the compressor clutch relay
to supply battery power to the compressor clutch, provided
The ATC ECU handles these inputs and outputs the that the following conditions exist:
• Pressure sensor and ECM connect the ground.
• Blower Speed
• The evaporator temperature is above 5℃.
• Position of Blend Damper Servo Motor
• Acceleration of the engine can be easily realized.
• Position of Mode Damper Servo Motor
• The engine coolant temperature is not high.
• Position of Internal/External Circulating Damper Servo
• There is no engine running problem.
If one of the permitted conditions no longer exists, the ECM
The sensor and control panel switch input information into the
will power off the compressor clutch relay and disengage the
ATC ECU, and the ATC ECU then outputs the information
compressor clutch until the permitted condition is restored.
into the heater assembly and communicates with the BCM.
The ATC ECU and ECM are connected through a gateway Compressor Clutch Relay
controller. When the main relay is energized, the relay coil of the A/C
When the system is powered on for the first time, the ATC compressor clutch can be activated. The relay coil ground is
ECU continues to use the control output used when the controlled by the ECM, which completes grounding when an
system is powered off last time. If the condition changes, A/C On request is received.
or initiate the system in a different mode, change the control Failure
output immediately to produce the desired new setting.
If the A/C compressor clutch relay fails, the followings will
When the system operates in the auto and defrost modes, it occur:
is possible to manually set the intake air supply, blower speed • The clutch does not engage the compressor pulley (visual
and air distribution, and ignore the automatic control. The air check).
temperature is automatically controlled in all running modes.
• High intake air temperature.
In the auto mode, the ATC ECU manipulates the system to
The A/C compressor clutch relay may have the following
warm or cool the passenger compartment, so as to establish
and maintain the selected temperature on the control panel,
• Relay coil is short-circuited.
at the same time guides the air flow to the outlets that make
the passengers feel most comfortable. • Relay coil is open.
• Relay coil has a high resistance.
• Relay contact is disconnected.

1.0 728

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

• Relay contact is closed. because the passengers can well feel the compensation for
• Relay contact has a high resistance. these positions.
• Relay wire is open. Blower Control
• Relay wire has a high resistance. The blower speed can be controlled by manual selection or
• Relay wire is short to the 12V power supply. auto control. The blower speed can be calculated by the
following inputs:
• Relay wire is short to ground.
• Ambient Temperature
• ECM does not provide ground.
• Temperature Difference of External Control Circuit
Air Temperature Control
• Set Temperature
To determine the amount of warm air and cool air required for
• Battery Voltage
the passenger compartment, the ATC ECU uses the sensor
input and the selected temperature on the control panel • Blower Feedback Voltage
to calculate the target temperature at air outlet of heater The blower relay and power tube allow the blower to work
assembly on the driver side and front passenger side. Then, at one of the 8 speeds. The blower relay is powered by the
the ATC ECU sends a signal to the servo motor and allows battery and grounded via the ATC ECU, the ATC ECU
them to control the blend damper on the heater assembly so controls the blower speed by adjusting the voltage of the
that the blend damper can move to the appropriate location. blower motor via the power tube.
The target temperature will be updated continuously, and in
the automatic mode, the target temperature will be used for
Air Distribution Control
further calculation of the blower speed and air distribution. To control the air distribution in the passenger compartment,
the ATC ECU sends a signal to the servo motor and allows
The average temperature in the passenger compartment
it to control the distribution damper in the heater assembly so
is regulated according to the ambient temperature. If
that it can move to the appropriate location.
the ambient air temperature is too low, raise the average
temperature in the vehicle. If the ambient air temperature is Diagnosis
high, slowly raise the average temperature in the vehicle. Every time when the ignition switch is enabled, the ATC ECU
will perform a diagnosis and save the relevant DTC (if any)
The signal provided by the solar sensor serves as a
to the ATC ECU. Then, the ATC ECU returns to normal
compensation for the control algorithm so that a comfortable
control state, but uses the default value or default strategy to
temperature in the passenger compartment can be reached
correspond to the detected failure. Read the DTC with the
even if there is sunshine. The compensation is effective only
scan tool.
when air distribution is set to face or face/footwell mode

1.0 729

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Service Procedures A/C Panel - ATC

A/C Controller Assembly - ATC Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the moulding of the center console.
2. Remove the A/C control panel.

A/C Control Panel Remove

3. Remove the 2 bolts securing the A/C controller
assembly on the instrument panel beam.
3. Remove 4 screws fixing the A/C panel to the center

4. Disconnect the connector of the A/C controller


4. Disconnect the connector of the A/C panel.


5. Remove the A/C controller assembly.

1. Connect the connector of the A/C controller.
2. Secure the A/C controller assembly on the instrument
panel beam, fit 2 bolts tighten to 2–4Nm and check
the torque.
3. Fit the A/C control panel.

A/C Control Panel Refit

4. Connect the battery negative. 5. Remove the A/C panel.
5. Programme and code the A/C controller assembly. Refit
1. Connect the connector of the A/C panel.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - A/C Controller Replacement 2. Secure the A/C panel on the center console, fit 4
screws, tighten to 1.2–2Nm and check the torque.

1.0 730

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

3. Fit the moulding of the center console. Evaporator Core Temperature Sensor
4. Connect the battery negative. Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the connector of the evaporator core
temperature sensor.
3. Remove the evaporator core temperature sensor by
turning it to 90°.
1. Turn the evaporator core temperature sensor to 90°,
and fix it to the A/C box.
2. Connect the connector of the evaporator core
temperature sensor.
3. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 731

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Solar Sensor Outside Ambient Temperature Sensor

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Loosen the clips fixing the solar sensor to the 2. Remove the outside ambient temperature sensor
instrument panel. from the clip, and take it out from the grille under the
3. Disconnect the connector of the solar sensor and do bumper.
not drop the sensor connector into the instrument 3. Disconnect the connector of the outside ambient
panel. temperature sensor, and remove the sensor.

4. Remove the solar sensor. Refit

Refit 1. Connect the outside ambient temperature sensor.
1. Connect the connector of the solar sensor. 2. Fit the outside ambient temperature sensor through
2. Fit the solar sensor to the instrument panel and fasten the inlet grille under the bumper, and fix it to the clip.
it with clips. 3. Connect the battery negative.
3. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 732

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

Interior Ambient Temperature Sensor Face Air Outlet Temperature Sensor
Remove Remove
1. Remove the A/C control panel. 1. Remove the instrument panel assembly.

A/C Control Panel Remove Instrument Panel Assembly Remove

2. Remove the screw fixing the rear cover of the panel 2. Disconnect the connector of the face air outlet
to the panel. temperature sensor.
3. Remove the face air outlet temperature sensor from
the A/C box.
3. Remove the interior temperature sensor.
1. Fit the interior temperature sensor to the panel. Refit
2. Fix the rear cover to the panel, fit the screw and secure 1. Fit the face air outlet temperature sensor to the A/C
it. box.

3. Fit the A/C control panel. 2. Connect the connector of the face air outlet
temperature sensor.
A/C Control Panel Refit
3. Fit the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Refit


1.0 733

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Footwell Air Outlet Temperature Sensor Blend Damper Servo Motor

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the closure panel of the passenger heater. 2. Remove the instrument panel assembly.
3. Disconnect the connector of the footwell air outlet Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
temperature sensor.
3. Remove 3 screws (1) fixing the servo motor of the
blend damper to the A/C box assembly.

4. Remove the footwell air outlet temperature sensor

from the heater.
4. Disconnect the servo motor and linkage mechanism
Refit of the blend damper.
1. Fit the footwell air outlet temperature sensor to the 5. Remove the servo motor of the blend damper.
2. Connect the connector of the footwell air outlet
1. Connect the servo motor and linkage mechanism of
temperature sensor.
the blend damper.
3. Fit the heater closure panel at the passenger side.
2. Fix the servo motor of the blend damper to the A/C
4. Connect the battery negative. box assembly, fit 3 screws, tighten to 1.2Nm and check
the torque.
3. Fit the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Refit

4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Perform a self-learning for the A/C servo motor.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - A/C Servo Motor Self-learning

1.0 734

HVAC System-ATC HVAC System

Servo Motor of Recirculated Air Damper Mode Damper Servo Motor
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the instrument panel assembly. 2. Remove the passenger side heater closure panel.
Instrument Panel Assembly Remove 3. Remove 2 screws fixing the servo motor of the mode
damper to the A/C box assembly.
3. Remove 3 screws (2) fixing the servo motor of the
recirculated air damper to the A/C box assembly.

4. Disconnect the motor and mode damper linkage

4. Disconnect the motor and fresh/recirculated air
damper linkage mechanism. 5. Remove the mode damper servo motor.
5. Remove the servo motor of the recirculated air damper. Refit
Refit 1. Connect the motor and mode damper linkage
1. Connect the motor and fresh/recirculated air damper
linkage mechanism. 2. Fix the servo motor of the mode damper to the A/C
box assembly, fit 2 screws, tighten to 1.2Nm and check
2. Fix the servo motor of the recirculated air damper to
the torque.
the A/C box assembly, fit 3 screws, tighten to 1.2Nm
and check the torque. 3. Fit the lower heater closure panel at the passenger side.
3. Fit the instrument panel assembly. 4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Perform a self-learning for the A/C servo motor.
Instrument Panel Assembly Refit
4. Connect the battery negative. Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - A/C Servo Motor Self-learning
5. Perform a self-learning for the A/C servo motor.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - A/C Servo Motor Self-learning

1.0 735

HVAC System HVAC System-ATC

Special Tools


1.0 736

Front Wheel Steering Steering System

Front Wheel Steering
Description Value
Bolt- Steering gear to front subframe 100Nm+45°
Nut-Steering outer tie rod to steering arm 40–50Nm
Bolt- Steering column to steering import shaft 20Nm+150°
Nut- Steering outer tie rod to steering gear 65–75Nm
Steering inner tie rod- Steering inner tie rod to steering gear 100–110Nm

1.0 737

Steering System Front Wheel Steering

Type Column Electric Power Assisted Steering
Steering Column Four-way Adjustable Energy-absorbing Steering Column

Diameter of Steering Wheel 374mm
Revolution of Steering Wheel 2.7

Minimum Turning Radius 11.6m

Transmission Ratio 53.4mm/R


1.0 738

Front Wheel Steering Steering System

Description and Operation
System Layout
Steering System Component Layout

1. Steering Column Assembly 4. Steering Gear Assembly

2. Steering Motor 5. Steering Wheel
3. EPS Control Module

1.0 739

Steering System Front Wheel Steering

Steering Gear Assembly Layout


1. Steering Gear Assembly 6. Nut - Outer Tie Rod to Steering Knuckle

2. Steering Gear Inner Tie Rod 7. Steering Gear Bolt
3. Steering Gear Boot Assembly 8. Steering Gear Nut
4. Nut-Inner Tie Rod Lock 9. Seal
5. Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod

1.0 740

Front Wheel Steering Steering System

Description Torque Sensor
Overview The torque sensor is integrated in the steering column, which
The motor provides auxiliary torque for the EPS. According measures the size and direction of the torque acted by the
to motor arrangement, the EPS can be divided into: steering driver on the steering wheel, as well as the size and direction
column-assist type, pinion-assist type and rack-assist type. The of the steering wheel angle. It is the control signal of the EPS.
motor of the steering column-assist EPS is fixed at one side When reconnecting the battery after disconnection, initialize
of the steering column, which connects the steering column the steering wheel angle, for specific procedures, please refer
through the reducing mechanism and directly drives the to the "Electronic Power Assisted Steering (EPS) Module"
power-assisted steering of the steering shaft. The motor and under the "Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
reducing mechanism of the pinion-assist EPS are connected Coding" section.
with the pinion, which directly drive the power-assisted Reducing Mechanism
steering of the pinion. The motor and reducing mechanism of
The reducing mechanism of the EPS is connected with the
the rack-assist EPS directly drive the rack to provide power.
motor, the function of the mechanism is to decrease the speed
Different types of EPS have the same basic principle: The and increase the torque, which applies a mechanism of worm
torque sensor is connected with the steering shaft (pinion and gear.
shaft) together, when the steering shaft rotates, the torque
End view and pin information of EPS module
sensor starts to operate, turns the relative rotational harness connector BY009
displacement generated by the input shaft and output shaft
under the action of the torsion bar into an electric signal
and transmits the signal to ECU, and ECU determines the
direction of rotation of the motor and the power-assist current
based on the signals from the speed sensor and torque sensor
to complete real-time control power steering. Therefore, it
can easily provide different powers for the motor at different
speeds and ensure the vehicle is flexible at low speed and
stable at high speed. The setting of the EPS steering behavior
provides a high degree of freedom.
The EPS is composed of the following components:
1. EPS Module
Pin No. Description
2. Steering Motor
1 KL.30
3. Torque Sensor
2 Ground
4. Steering Reducing Mechanism
EPS Module End view and pin information of EPS module
harness connector BY035
The function of the electronic control unit (ECU) is to
conduct logical analysis, make calculations and give commands
to control the motor according to the signal from the torque
sensor and vehicle speed sensor. Furthermore, the ECU
is also configured with safety protection and self-diagnosis
functions, the ECU determines if the system is in normal state
by the motor current, alternator voltage and engine working
condition, etc. If the system fails, the power will be cancelled
automatically and the ECU will carry out fault diagnosis and
Steering Motor
The function of the motor is to output an appropriate auxiliary
torque according to the instruction of the ECU, which is the
power source of the EPS. The permanent magnet brushless
DC motors are widely used in this application.

1.0 741

Steering System Front Wheel Steering

Pin No. Description 3 Chassis CAN Low

1 Wake-up 4 —
2 Chassis CAN High

1.0 742

Front Wheel Steering Steering System

Operation The EPS module responds to the alteration of the torque
While operating the steering gear by using the EPS module sensor signal and voltage signal from the motor rotation sensor
to control the power steering motor, the EPS can reduce by controlling the current of the steering motor. The EPS
the power for vehicle steering. The EPS module also uses module controls the PWM motor drive circuit to drive the
the combination of the torque sensor, motor rotation sensor, 3-phase motor.
battery voltage circuit and serial data circuit to perform the The EPS module can calculate the internal system
system functions. The EPS module will monitor the vehicle temperature and protect the EPS from high temperature
speed and engine speed information through the serial data damage. In order to reduce the high system temperature, the
circuit to determine the magnitude of power for vehicle EPS module will decrease the directive current flowing to the
steering. Under low speed mode, the larger force should be power steering motor, that is, reduce the steering power. The
provided for steering in the parking operation. At high speed, EPS module can detect faults of the EPS. When failure of the
use lower power to improve road feel and direction stability. EPS is detected, the steering warning lamp on the instrument
The EPS module determines the desired force by using the will illuminate.
combination of torque sensor, motor position sensor, speed The EPS module is provided with the "active return" function,
and system temperature input. The EPS module continuously when the driver's hands leave the steering wheel, control of the
monitors the torque of the torque sensor and locates current return speed can improve the driving feel and safety greatly.
signal. With the rotation of the steering column and steering
The EPS module is also configured with the "end protection"
shaft, monitor the steering input and output shaft by torque
function which can decrease the auxiliary torque and avoid
signal circuit, then use the EPS module to calculate the torque.
noise, overheat and damage of the mechanical parts before the
The EPS module handles the voltage signal from the motor
maximum travel of the steering gear rack is achieved.
position sensor and the location current signal from the torque
sensor, by this way, it detects and calculates the angle of the
steering wheel.

1.0 743

Steering System Front Wheel Steering

Service Procedures
Steering Gear Assembly
1. Remove front wheels.

Wheel Remove
2. Remove and discard the bolt fixing the universal joint
to the power steering gear.
8. Carefully draw the steering gear from the vehicle.
1. Fit the steering gear to the vehicle.
2. Fit the steering gear to the subframe, fit new bolt/nut
and tighten to 100Nm+45°.
3. Fix the outer tie rod of the steering gear on both sides
to the front wheel hub, fit 1 new nut respectively and
tighten to 40–50Nm.
3. Loosen the universal joint from the power steering gear.
4. Secure the universal joint on the input shaft of the
4. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
power steering gear, fit 1 new bolt and tighten to
5. Remove the nut fixing the outer tie rod of the steering 20Nm+150°.
gear on both sides to the wheel hub, and discard the
5. Fit the wheels.
nut. Fit a M10 nut to the outer tie rod and align it with
the outer tie rod. Wheel Refit
6. With the T38008, release the outer tie rod of the 6. Check the alignment parameters of the front wheels.
steering gear from the wheel hub on both sides, and Four-wheel Alignment
remove the M10 nut from the outer tie rod.
7. Perform a self-learning for the EPS module.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - EPS Module Self-learning

7. Release 2 bolt and nuts fixing the steering gear to the


1.0 744

Front Wheel Steering Steering System

Steering Gear Boot 3. Fix the outer boot clamp of the steering gear to the
Remove steering gear boot.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 4. Fit the lock nut of the steering gear inner tie rod and
2. Remove the outer tie rod of the steering gear. tighten to 65–75Nm.
5. Fit the outer tie rod of the steering gear.
Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod Remove
3. Remove the lock nut (1) from the steering gear inner Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod Refit
tie rod. 6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Check the alignment parameters of the front wheels.

Four-wheel Alignment
8. Perform a self-learning for the EPS module.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - EPS Module Self-learning
4. Remove the outer boot clamp (1) of the steering gear,
and discard the clamp.
5. Remove the inner boot clamp (2) of the steering gear,
and discard the clamp.
6. Remove the steering gear boot (3) from the steering

7. Check the inner/outer tie rods of the steering gear

for obvious corrosion or contamination. If no obvious
corrosion or contamination, continue the repair. If
obvious corrosion or contamination is found, replace
the steering gear.
1. Fit the steering gear boot to the steering gear. Ensure
that the steering gear boot is located in the fitting
2. Fit the inner boot clamp of the steering gear to the
steering gear boot.

1.0 745

Steering System Front Wheel Steering

Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod steering arm, fit new nuts and tighten to 40–50Nm.
Remove 3. Tighten the lock nuts to 65–75Nm.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 4. Fit the wheels.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported Wheel Refit
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Check the alignment parameters of the front wheels.
2. Remove front wheels.
Four-wheel Alignment
Wheel Remove
7. Perform a self-learning for the EPS module.
3. Release the lock nut (1) from the outer tie rod of the
steering gear. Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
4. Remove nuts (2) fixing the outer tied rod of the Coding - EPS Module Self-learning
steering gear to the steering arm.
5. Fit M10 nut to the outer tie rod ball joint of the steering
gear and align it with the pin end.
6. With the T38008, release the outer tie rod ball joint
of the steering gear from the wheel hub on both sides,
and remove the M10 nut from the ball jiont.

7. Remove the outer tie rod of the steering gear from

the power steering gear, and mark the position of the
lock nuts.
1. Fit the outer tie rod of the steering gear to the marked
location of the lock nut with the ball joint up.
2. Connect the outer tie rod of the steering gear to the

1.0 746

Front Wheel Steering Steering System

Steering Gear Inner Tie Rod
1. Remove the steering gear boot.

Steering Gear Boot Remove

2. Place the wrench on the housing surface of the steering
gear inner tie rod.
3. Remove the bolt fixing the inner tie rod of the steering
gear to the steering gear, and remove the inner tie rod.

1. Fix the inner tie rod of the steering gear to the steering
gear and tighten the nut to100–110Nm.
2. Fit the steering gear boot.
Steering Gear Boot Refit
3. Fit the outer tie rod of the steering gear.

Steering Gear Outer Tie Rod Refit

4. Check the alignment parameters of the front wheels.

Four-wheel Alignment
5. Perform a self-learning for the EPS module.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - EPS Module Self-learning

1.0 747

Steering System Front Wheel Steering

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Remover ball

1.0 748

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

Steering Wheel and Column
Description Value
Bolt- Steering wheel to steering column 60–70Nm
Bolt- Steering column to steering import shaft 20Nm+150°
Bolt - Steering column to facia framework 19–25Nm
Bolt - Steering column to facia framework 26–34Nm
Screw- Steering column plaque to steering column 1.3–1.9Nm
Screw- Multi-Function Column Switch Assemble to steering 7.5–8.5Nm

1.0 749

Steering System Steering Wheel and Column

Description and Operation

System Layout
Steering Column Component Layout
1. Steering Column Adjusting/Unlock Handle 4. Intermediate Shaft
2. Bolt (3) 5. Steering Column Universal Joint (Lower)
3. Steering Column Universal Joint (Upper) 6. Steering Motor

1.0 750

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

System Control Diagram
EPS Control Diagram

A = Hard Wire; B = Chassis HS CAN Bus; C = Power HS CAN Bus; D = Body HS CAN Bus

1.0 751

Steering System Steering Wheel and Column

Description the casting. The centre wheel hub of the steering wheel is
Steering Column connected with the steering column through the spline slot.
Horn switch and entertainment control switch are all fitted
The steering column is a foldaway mechanism, in case of
on the steering wheel. All switches are connected with the
a serious vehicle crash, considering the movement of the
rotary coupler connector through connecting wires. The
steering system components, the upper steering column
airbag located at the center of the steering wheel and below
can slide away from the direction of the driver, while the
the plastic cover can protect the face and upper body of the
lower part is flexible. The steering column is mounted on
the instrument panel beam. Both steering wheel height and
inclination can be adjusted at each plane, for easy adjustment Steering Wheel Angle Sensor
of the inclination, there is a balance spring and limit liner The steering wheel angle sensor is located on the steering
at each adjustment end point. And there is a double-wall shaft assembly. The sensor is used to measure the location
seal between the steering column and the dash panel. The
and rotation speed of the steering wheel. It also provides
steering wheel with a diameter of 374mm is composed of a measurement signal for the SCS module.
centre wheel hub, frame casting and the material molded on

1.0 752

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

Service Procedures Steering Wheel Assembly
Steering Wheel Positioning/Adjustment Remove
Use the steering tie rod to position/adjust the steering wheel, 1. Remove the steering wheel airbag.
and do not remove the steering wheel.
Steering Wheel Airbag Remove
2. Disconnect the harness connector of the steering
1. Ensure correct tyre pressure and maintain the vehicle
wheel entertainment switch.
in unladen mass condition.
2. Shake the vehicle back and forth to release the stress
for steering and suspension.
3. Please apply the four-wheel aligners recommended
by our company when measuring the alignment
4. Select the average value of the three readings.
5. Check if the front wheel alignment parameter is within
the specified tolerance range.
1. Mark the position of the steering tie rod as a reference.
2. Release the lock nut of the right/left steering tie rod.
Caution: To avoid possible joint damage always use a 3. Put the steering wheel in the centre and allow the
spanner to hold steering rack outer tie rod when loosening wheel to be in the front.
or tightening steering rack outer tie rod lock nut. 4. With the steering wheel stopped, loosen the bolt fixing
the steering wheel to the steering column, after the
3. Adjust the steering tie rod and acquire correct
steering wheel is fully loosened from the splines of the
alignment parameters of the front wheels.
steering column, remove the bolt.
Tip: When rotating one side of the steering rack outer tie
rod lock nut outward or inward, the other side should
be rotated in the same amount of threads outward or

5. Release the steering wheel assembly from the steering

6. Stick tape along the edge of the steering column stalk
combination switch to keep it in the correct mounting
4. Recheck the alignment parameters of the front wheels. position.
5. Tighten the lock nuts of the left/right steering tie rod.
6. Ensure that the cover of the power steering gear is not
tightened or deformed.

1.0 753

Steering System Steering Wheel and Column

9. Fit the steering wheel airbag.

Steering Wheel Airbag Refit

7. Remove the entertainment switch of the steering wheel.
Steering Wheel Entertainment Switch Remove
8. Remove the shift paddle switch.
Shift Paddle Switch Remove
9. Remove the ground of the horn switch.
10. Carefully remove the harness from the steering wheel.
1. Fix the horn switch ground to the steering wheel and
secure with screws.
2. Locate the steering wheel harness to the steering
3. Fit the shift paddle switch.
Shift Paddle Switch Refit
4. Fit the entertainment switch of the steering wheel.
Steering Wheel Entertainment Switch Refit
5. Remove the tape on the combination switch of the
steering column stalk.
6. Ensure that the wheel is in the front, and fit the steering
wheel to the steering column according to the mark.

7. Fix the steering wheel to the steering column, fit 1 bolt,

tighten to 60–70Nm and check the torque.
8. Connect the connector of the steering wheel
entertainment switch.

1.0 754

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

Blank Trim Cover of Steering Wheel Switch Steering Wheel Finisher
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the steering wheel airbag. 2. Remove the steering wheel airbag.
Steering Wheel Airbag Remove Steering Wheel Airbag Remove
3. Carefully pry the clip open, release the finisher and 3. Disconnect the connector of the steering wheel switch.
blank trim cover from the steering wheel. 4. Carefully pry the clip open, release the finisher and
4. Remove 4 screws securing the blank trim cover to the switch assembly from the steering wheel.
finisher of the steering wheel. 5. Remove 4 screws securing the steering wheel switch
to the finisher.
5. Remove the blank trim cover of the steering wheel.
Refit 6. Remove the finisher from the steering wheel.
1. Fit the blank trim cover of the steering wheel to the Refit
finisher. 1. Fit the finisher to the steering wheel.
2. Fit 4 screws and tighten the screw. 2. Fix the steering wheel switch to the finisher, fit 4
3. Fix the finisher assembly to the steering wheel and screws and tighten the screw.
secure it. 3. Fix the loose steering wheel finisher and switch
4. Fit the steering wheel airbag. assembly to the steering wheel and secure it.
4. Connect the connector of the steering wheel switch.
Steering Wheel Airbag Refit
5. Fit the steering wheel airbag.
5. Connect the battery negative.
Steering Wheel Airbag Refit
6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 755

Steering System Steering Wheel and Column

Steering Column Trim Cover Steering Column Assembly

Remove Remove
1. With a screwdriver, carefully disconnect the upper trim 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
cover from the lower trim cover. 2. Remove the steering wheel assembly.
2. Remove the clip fixing the upper trim cover of the
Steering Wheel Assembly Remove
steering column to the upholstery and the IPK frame,
3. Remove the combination switch.
and remove the upper trim cover.
3. Remove 3 screws fixing the lower trim cover of the Combination Switch Remove
steering column to the steering column. 4. Remove the lower closing plate of the driver side
instrument panel.

Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower Closing

Plate Remove
5. Release the steering column to the lowermost position.
6. Disconnect the connector of the EPS module.

7. Remove 3 screws fixing the lower trim cover of the

steering column to the steering column.
4. Release the steering column to the lowermost position
and remove the lower trim cover of the steering
1. Release the steering column lever and move the
steering column to the upper position.
2. Fix the steering column lower trim cover to the
steering column, fit 3 screws and fasten.
8. Gently disconnect the upper trim cover from the lower
3. Fix the steering column upper trim cover to the trim cover with a screwdriver, and remove the gap.
upholstery and IPK frame, and secure with clips.
9. Loosen the steering column adjusting handle, and
4. Place the upper trim cover of the steering column on remove the steering column lower trim cover.
the steering column, and secure it on the lower trim
10. Remove and discard 1 bolt fixing the steering column
cover with clips.
to the power steering gear.

1.0 756

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

11. With the TCH00104, lock the upper/lower column. 13. Release the universal joint from the steering gear, and
remove the steering column assembly from the vehicle.
Warning: Steering colunm may be scrapped if upper
steering column is pulled out of lower steering column. Refit
1. Locate the universal joint on the input shaft of the
steering gear and ensure correct orientation.
2. Fit new lock bolt and tighten the universal joint to
3. Fix the steering column to the instrument panel beam
assembly, tighten the upper bolts to 19–25Nm,and
tighten the lower bolt to 26–34Nm.
4. Release the steering column lever and move the
steering column to the upper position.
5. Place the lower trim cover of the steering column on
the steering column, and secure with clips.
6. Fix the lower trim cover of the steering column
to the steering column, fit 3 screws and tighten to
12. Remove 3 bolts fitting the steering column to the
instrument panel beam assembly.
7. Connect the connector of the EPS.
8. Fit the lower closing plate of the driver side instrument
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower Closing
Plate Refit
9. Fit the combination switch.

Combination Switch Refit

10. Fit the steering wheel assembly.

Steering Wheel Assembly Refit

11. Connect the battery negative.
12. Programme and code the EPS module.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - EPS Replacement

1.0 757

Steering System Steering Wheel and Column

Steering Wheel Entertainment Button Shift Paddle Switch

Remove Remove
1. Remove the steering wheel molding. 1. Remove the entertainment switch of the steering wheel.

Steering Wheel Molding Remove Steering Wheel Entertainment Switch Remove

2. Remove 4 screws fixing the entertainment switch of 2. Release 4 screws fixing the left/right shift paddle switch
the steering wheel to the steering wheel molding. to the steering wheel.
3. Disconnect 4 harness connectors at the rear of the 3. Release the clip and remove the left/right shift paddle
entertainment switch of the steering wheel. switch from the back of the steering wheel.
4. Remove the entertainment switch of the steering wheel. 4. Disconnect the harness connector from the shift paddle
Refit switch to remove the shift paddle switch.
1. Fix the steering wheel entertainment button to the 安装
steering wheel molding, and secure with 4 screws. 1. Connect the shift paddle switch harness connector.
2. Connect 4 harness connectors to the back of the 2. Fit the left and right shift paddle switch on the back of
steering wheel entertainment button. the steering wheel respectively, and secure them with
3. Fit the steering wheel molding. 4 screws.

Steering Wheel Molding Refit 3. Fit the steering wheel entertainment switch.
4. Connect the battery negative cable. Steering Wheel Entertainment Switch Refit

1.0 758

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

Steering Column Combination Switch Refit
Warning: It is imperative that before any work Caution: If the peg on a new rotary coupler is broken, or
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate if you suspect that the rotary coupler has been dropped
information is read thoroughly. or mishandled, discard the coupler.
SRS Precautions 1. Before fitting, ensure the red locating pin of the clock
Warning: Always remove the ignition key from the ignition spring is not removed or damaged and the front wheels
switch, disconnect the vehicle battery and wait 10 minutes face the front.
before commencing work on the SRS system. 2. Ensure the clock spring to be fitted is in the center, if
it is not, gently rotate the rotor counterclockwise to
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
the end, then turns it clockwise for about 2.7 circles.
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
Align the connector clip with the Lock Pin position (this
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent
location is the center).
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the steering wheel assembly.

Steering Wheel Assembly Remove

3. Fix the clock spring with tapes, ensure it will not
move left and right (relative to the combination switch
bracket) and is always in the center.
4. Remove the steering column shield.

Steering Column Shield Remove

5. Remove the trim panel fixed by clips between the lever
switches of the cruise control and direction indicator
lamp/high beam. 3. Fit the clock spring to the steering column and connect
the harness connector.
6. Remove 6 screws (vehicles without cruise control use 4
screws) fixing the lever switch to the steering column. 4. Connect the harness connector of the lever switch of
the direction indicator lamp/high beam, wiper/washer
and cruise control (if fitted) respectively, and fix it to
the combination switch bracket with 6 screws (vehicles
without cruise control use 4 screws).
5. When fitting a new combination switch assembly to
the steering column, ensure the front wheels face the
front, place the combination switch assembly above the
steering column, fit it into the steering column as an
assembly and locate it by turning from side to side.
6. Tighten the screw under the combination switch
bracket to 7.5–8.5Nm and ensure the combination
switch assembly will not loose.

7. Disconnect the 5 harness connectors of the clock

spring, wiper/washer, direction indicator lamp/high
beam and cruise control (if fitted).
8. Remove the lever switch of the clock spring,
wiper/washer, direction indicator lamp/high beam and
cruise control (if fitted) respectively.
9. Release the screw to remove the clock spring from the
steering column, and take care not to damage the tape.

1.0 759

Steering System Steering Wheel and Column

7. Fit the steering column shield.

Steering Column Shield Refit

8. Fit the steering wheel assembly.

Steering Wheel Assembly Refit

9. Connect the battery negative cable.
10. Check the system, rotate each lever of the combination
switch and check if it can work.
11. Check if the button of the entertainment switch on the
steering wheel can work.
12. For vehicles with SCS, programme and code the SAS.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - SAS Replacement

1.0 760

Steering Wheel and Column Steering System

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

The fixed pin of

steering column

1.0 761


1.0 762

Wheel Alignment Suspension System

Wheel Alignment
Description Value
Nut- steering rod outer ball joint 70±5Nm
Bolts- rear upper arm assembly to rear subframe 100±10Nm
Nut- lateral rod assembly to rear subframe 100±10Nm

1.0 763

Suspension System Wheel Alignment

Four-wheel alignment parameters:
Front Wheel
Wheel Camber - Empty Load Condition -0°9′ ± 45′

King Pin Caster - Empty Load Condition 4°48′ ± 45′

Caster Angle of King Pin 12°42′ ± 45′

Total Toe - Empty Load Condition 0°8′ ± 10′

Rear Wheel
Wheel Camber - Empty Load Condition –0°60′ ± 45′
Toe-in 0°12′ ± 12′

1.0 764

Wheel Alignment Suspension System

Description and Operation
Description of Camber Angle
The camber angle refers to the wheel deviation angle from the
vertical direction when observed from the front of the vehicle.
When the wheel top tilts outward, the camber is positive (+).
When the wheel top tilts inward, the camber is negative (-).
How it tilts depends on the deviation angle from the vertical
direction. The value of the vehicle camber angle can affects the
direction control and tire wear.
• Large positive camber angle will cause early wear of the
outside of the tire and excessive wear of the suspension
When the positive caster angle is small, it is hard to turn
• Large negative camber angle will cause early wear of the at higher speed and the wheel returnability decreases after
inside of the tire and excessive wear of the suspension turning. If the positive caster angle of one of the wheels is
parts. larger than others, the wheel will tilt to the center of the
• If the difference between the camber angles of the two
vehicle. In this case, even a minimum positive caster angle can
sides is 1° or above, the vehicle will deviate to the side lead to deviation.
with a larger positive camber angle. Description of Runout
Vehicle runout refers to the magnitude of the force to be
applied on the steering wheel to keep the vehicle running in
straight line when it runs in a constant high speed on a typical
straight way.
Tip: Vehicles will tend to lead/pull in the direction of the
road slope as part of normal operation.
Runout generally can be caused by the following factors:
• Slopes
• Change of tire structure
• Wheel alignment (left/right caster angle difference and
camber difference of front wheels)
• Unbalanced steering gear
Description of Caster Angle
• Wrong calibration of the EPS steering position/torque
The caster angle is the front/rear inclination of the highest sensor
point of the steering axis when viewed from the side of
Description of Steering Memory
the vehicle. The rear inclination is positive, and the front
inclination is negative. The caster angle affects direction It refers to the situation where vehicle runout can occur in
control during steering, but does not affect tire wear. Vehicle the direction where the driver just steered. In addition, after
height has a great impact on the caster angle, so it is important turning to the opposite direction, vehicle runout still can occur
to keep the vehicle at the height designed. Overload, fatigue in this direction.
or loose rear spring will affect the caster angle. When rear Description of Scrub Radius
vehicle is lower than the designed body height, the front
Theoretically, the scrub radius shall be kept as small as possible.
suspension moves towards the direction with a bigger positive
Generally, the steering axis inclination (SAI) crosses with the
caster angle. When rear vehicle is higher than the designed
centerline of the tire and the wheel below the road, which
body height, the front suspension moves towards the direction
forms a positive scrub radius. In sliding column structure,
with a smaller positive caster angle.
the steering axis inclination (SAI) is much larger than the long
arm/short arm suspension system. This allows the steering
axis inclination (SAI) to cross with the wheel camber angle
above the road, which forms a negative scrub radius. A better
directional stability can be achieved by smaller scrub radius.

1.0 765

Suspension System Wheel Alignment

If aftermarket add-on wheels are fitted, the vehicle will offset If the thrust angle is negative (-) (the right vehicle moves
excessively, which can cause a substantial increase of the scrub backwards and/or left vehicle moves forwards), the trust angle
radius. The newly fitted wheel may cause further deviation of will also move to zero angle.
the tire centerline from the spindle. This can cause increase of Description of Toe
the scrub radius.
Toe is the measurement by which the front of a wheel
A larger scrub radius may cause severe shimmy when the points inward or outward, compared to a true straight-ahead
tire impacts uneven roads. Four-wheel drive vehicles which position. When the wheel points inward, the toe is positive
are fitted with large wheels, use the steering damper to (+). When the wheel points outward, the toe is negative (-).
compensate the increased scrub radius. Conventional Toe is a fraction of a degree. The function of the toe is to keep
methods shall not be used directly to measure the scrub the wheels rolling in parallel. The toe can also compensate the
radius. The scrub radius is geometrically designed by the small offset from the wheel support system when the wheel
engineer during the design of the suspension system.
moves forward. In other words, if set the wheels to positive
Description of Thrust Angle wheel toe when the vehicle is still, then the wheels at both
sides will roll in parallel when the vehicle is running. Improper
The front wheels locate the vehicle or do turning work. The
toe will lead to early tire abrasion and unsteady rotation angle.
rear wheel controls the track of the vehicle, which relates to
the thrust angle (3). The thrust angle is the driving track of the
rear wheels. Theoretically, the thrust angle is geometrically
consistent with the body centerline (3).

The toe angle of the left rear wheels shown is positive which
causes the thrust line (1) to deviate from the center. The
deviation from the centerline here is known as the thrust angle.

Description of Torque Steering

In the event of sudden or hard acceleration, the vehicle will
deviate from one direction. During deceleration, the vehicle
will deviate from the other direction.
If the thrust angle is wrong, the driving track of the vehicle
may appear to be that of a dog, and the steering wheel cannot
return or the driver may wrongly think the axle curves. Check
the thrust angle when aligning the wheels.

If the thrust angle is positive, the thrust line points to the right
vehicle (RHS).

If the thrust angle is negative, the thrust line points to the left
vehicle (LHS).

If the thrust angle exceeds the specified value, change of the

relation between the axle and the body can change the reading
For a specific vehicle, the following factors can cause obvious
of the thrust angle.
torque steering:
If positive (+) value is out of the specified range (right vehicle • Tires with a smaller right front diameter can generate
moves forwards and/or left vehicle moves backwards), the a right guide torque. Check the brand, structure or
trust angle will move to zero angle. dimension of the front tires. If the tires are similar,

1.0 766

Wheel Alignment Suspension System

exchange the front tires at both sides and retest the as the inclination of the axle. The higher transaxle
vehicle. The tire and wheel assembly can greatly affect surface (see the left of the figure) has a maximum down
the calibration of the torque steering. axle inclination.
• The pressure of the right front and left front tires differs Description of Sway
When applying force manually on the steering wheel, the
• The difference between the left axle angle and the vehicle in the straight-line direction uncontrollably drifts or
right axle angle (front view) may cause obvious steering deviates to one side, this is referred to as the sway. When
deviation. Deviation may happen on the side with the vehicle is too sensitive to external disturbance (such as
maximum inclination angle, i.e. the location where the rough roads and side wind, it will sway, and the situation can
axle slopes down from the differential to the wheel. The be worsened by poor returnability of the steering mechanism.
axle tilts down from the differential. Tilt between the
transaxle surface and the level surface can be considered

1.0 767

Suspension System Wheel Alignment

Service Procedures
Four-wheel Alignment
1. Only equipment approved by the company can be used
for four-wheel alignment.
2. The equipment must be calibrated according to the
manufacturer's instructions.
3. Ensure that the vehicle data input into the equipment
is correct.
4. Check the ball joint of the steering tie rod/front lower
swing arm and wheel bearing for wear. Replace or
repair it if necessary.
3. Rear Wheel Camber Adjustment:
5. Check and adjust the tyre pressure.
a. Release the nut (1) inside the rear lower swing arm.
6. Raise the vehicle on a four-wheel aligner.
7. Ensure that the vehicle is in unladen mass condition. b. With a spanner, rotate the eccentric bolt until the
rear wheel camber falls within the specified range.
General Information
8. Ensure that the wheel mounting clamp has been c. With another spanner, tighten the lock nut to
adjusted to a correct specification and has been fixed 100±10Nm.
firmly to the vehicle. d. For the other side, repeat the above steps.
9. Ensure that the camera is fitted and aligned properly. .
10. Align the wheels according to the manufacturer's
instruction. Lower the vehicle and keep the vehicle
suspension in normal state.
11. Ensure that the steering wheel is positioned in the
1. Observe the readings indicated on the test equipment,
and adjust the four-wheel alignment dada according to
the requirements.

General Information
2. Front Wheel Toe-in Adjustment:
a. Release the lock nut (1) of the steering tie rod.
4. Rear Wheel Toe-in Adjustment:
b. Adjust the steering tie rod and adjust the front wheel
a. Release the nut (2) fixing the front end of the rear
alignment parameter to the specified value.
horizontal push rod to the rear subframe.
c. Tighten the lock nuts to 70±5Nm.
b. With a spanner, rotate the eccentric bolt 2 until the
d. For the other side, repeat the above steps. rear wheel toe-in falls within the specified range.

c. Tighten the lock nut to 100±10Nm.

d. Repeat the above steps for the other side.

1.0 768

Wheel Alignment Suspension System


1.0 769

Suspension System Front Suspension

Front Suspension
Description Value
Bolts- front lower arm to front subframe 120±10Nm
Bolts- FR Lower arm rear to front subframe 90Nm + 120°
.Nut- front knuckle to front lower arm 95±10Nm
Bolt - ASM-FR sensor to bodywork 7–10Nm
Nut- front lower arm ball joint to front lower arm 90–110Nm
Nut- front strut damper top mounting 65–75Nm
Nut- front damper to body 50–65Nm
Bolts - front damper to hub 90–110Nm
Nuts- anti-roll bar links to damper 40–50Nm
Bolts- front anti-roll bar to front subframe 50–65Nm
Bolt- Steering gear to front subframe 100Nm+45°
Bolt- front subframe to body 90Nm + 180°
Bolts- front subframe brace 80±10Nm
Nut-Steering outer tie rod to steering arm 40–50Nm
Nuts- anti-roll bar links to anti-roll bar 50–65Nm
Bolts- front knuckle asm to bearing 70Nm + 90°
Bolts- front knuckle asm to front damper 140–170Nm
Bolt-Front wheel speed sensor to wheel carrier 7–10Nm
Screw-Front brake pan to bearing 7–10Nm
Bolt-Front brake caliper assembly to front knuckle 190–210Nm

1.0 770

Front Suspension Suspension System

Model The front suspension is an independent McPherson shock
absorber. This shock absorber and the fork type lower swing
arm are outside the front subframe, which provides the front
suspension with the anti-dive and anti-squat features.
Diameter of Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar 23mm
Data of Front Coil Spring:
• Total Coils • 5.8
• Effective Coils • 4.95
• The diameter of wire • Appr. 13.6mm
• Free Length: • Appr. 353mm

1.0 771

Suspension System Front Suspension

Description and Operation

System Layout
Front Suspension Layout
1. Macpherson Front Shock Absorber Assembly (2) 5. Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly (2)
2. Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rod (2) 6. Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar
3. Front Subframe Assembly 7. Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Bushing/Clamp (2)
4. Front Wheel Hub Assembly (2) 8. Front Subframe Support Rod (2)

1.0 772

Front Suspension Suspension System

Front Suspension Exploded View


1. Front Shock Absorber Coil Spring 8. Front Lower Swing Arm Rear Bush
2. Front Shock Absorber Strut 9. Front Lower Swing Arm
3. Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rod 10. Front Lower Swing Arm Bush and Bracket Assembly
4. Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar 11. Front Steering Knuckle
5. Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Bushing 12. Front Wheel Hub Bearing Assembly
6. Front Stabilizer Bar Mounting Bracket 13. Front Drive Shaft Nut
7. Front Lower Swing Arm Ball Head

1.0 773

Suspension System Front Suspension

Macpherson Front Shock Absorber Exploded View


1. Front Shock Absorber Strut 5. Nut - Top of Front Shock Absorber

2. Front Spring 6. Anti-rust Cap
3. Front Bumper Block 7. Front Dust Shield
4. Top Plate 8. Bearing

1.0 774

Front Suspension Suspension System

Description Front Shock Absorber
Overview The front shock absorber is maintainable, which has a
Front suspension includes: compression stroke of 100mm and a rebound stoke of 70mm.
The front shock absorber is a dual barrel type structure,
• 2 McPherson dampers
can be inflated and fuelled. This type of structure allows the
• 2 fork type front lower swing arms movement of shock absorber piston inside the inner cylinder.
• Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar There is an oil drain hole on the inner cylinder between
• 2 Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rods the inner and outer cylinder. This structure minimizes the
• Front Subframe cavitation and eliminates the influence of the piston motion
due to the damaged outer cylinder. The lower part of
• Front Wheel Hub, Hub Bearing Assembly
front shock absorber is attached to the front wheel hub,
According to the damper transmission ratio (1:1), the design of and secured with locking bolts. The base of front shock
the front suspension shall feature the anti-dive and anti-squat. absorber is fixed on the front wheel hub, to ensure the
The layout and design of the damper minimizes the wheel correct orientation of front shock absorber. The front shock
camber loss as a result of lateral force and improves the absorber strut is integrated with the upper mounting support
handling performance and steering response capability. by nuts. There is a hexagonal slot at the front shock absorber
Front Subframe strut, when fastening the nut of the front shock absorber
strut, the hexagonal slot can prevent rotation of the front
The front subframe is stamped and welded with the
shock absorber strut. The spring seat at a certain angle is
high-strength steel, which features light weight and high
combined with the shock absorber body, which is also used as
structural strength. The geometric dimension of all key
the connection point of the front horizontal stabilizer bar link.
positions is accurately controlled during manufacture, this
There are 2 welding brackets near the bottom of the shock
ensures proper location of the front suspension and steering
absorber cylinder, where are used for fitting the front brake
components. The front subframe is assembled on the vehicle
hose and ABS sensor harness respectively.
body through 4 supporting points, the front subframe provides
mounting locations for all components of the front suspension Coil Spring
except top damper, engine and transmission. The coil spring is made of silicon, chromium, alum alloy
materials, which is connected with the shock absorber strut.
The rear supporting plate of the front subframe between the
The top of the coil spring is under the bearing seat, and the
rear supporting point of the front subframe and the body can
bearing is in the upper mounting support. The lower coil
increase the rigidity of the front subframe. The arrangement
spring is directly fitted on the spring support which combines
of the supporting points can prevent the front subframe
with the shock absorber body. The front coil spring may vary
from moving under lateral force, this will cause unnecessary
depending on the engine model used in the vehicle and vehicle
configuration. Different front coil spring can be identified by
McPherson Dampers
the color code applied to the coil.
The 2 McPherson dampers control the damping effect of the Upper Mounting Support Assembly
front suspension. Each damper includes a vibration absorption
The upper mounting support is composed of the support
unit, a coil spring and an upper mounting support assembly.
frame, vulcanized rubber, upper/lower gasket and 3 bolts.
The coil spring is between the damper spring seat and upper
Vulcanize rubber on the steel frame, and press a gasket into
mounting support assembly, which remains in the compressed
the upper/lower sides respectively. Press the top bearing into
state. Vibration isolator at both ends of the spring reduces
the base under the upper mounting support. The mounting
noises delivered to the vehicle body from the front suspension.
bearing is in clearance fit with the base. If necessary, replace
Under the upper mounting support assembly is installed a
the bearing. The upper mounting support is an integrated
bearing, when the steering system work, the bearing allows
component, so it cannot be replaced as an individual part, the
coil spring rotation. A dust shield is fitted between the limiting
upper mounting support assembly shall also be replaced.
buffer block of the compression stroke and the damper, which
protects the damper strut from contamination or damage. The Front Lower Swing Arm
coil spring shaft deviates from the damper shaft, during turning, The front lower swing arm is a fork type arm. The swing arm is
this arrangement can provide lateral load compensation and made of two stamped and welded steel plates, which connects
enhance the damping effect. the front steering knuckle and the front subframe. The front
lower swing arm is fitted with a ball pin which contains a
rotatable pin. The pin is between the front steering knuckle

1.0 775

Suspension System Front Suspension

and the swing arm, which is fixed by two bolts and lock nuts to subframe by using two polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) sleeves,
the steering knuckle. When the wheel turns and bounces, the and the PTFE sleeves are secured with bolts and front
steering knuckle drives the pin to rotate around the center of horizontal stabilizer bar anchorage brackets. The PTFE sleeve
the ball. During driving, the ball pin can transfer force to the has a low friction, and does not need extra lubrication, which
vehicle through the swing arm. The front lower swing arm allows the static front horizontal stabilizer bar to rotate freely
and subframe are connected by the front/rear bushes. Two and give rapid response to the overturn input. The washer
pairs of bolts/nuts fit the front bush to the front subframe outside each sleeve on the front horizontal stabilizer bar
through the bush bracket. The rear bush is fitted into the can prevent the lateral movement of the front horizontal
subframe bracket by a pair of bolt/nut. The force from the stabilizer bar. The two ends of the front horizontal stabilizer
vehicle wheel is transferred to the swing arm by the ball pin bar is connected to the cylinder of the front shock absorber
before the front/rear bushes transfer it to the subframe. In by its connecting rod. This arrangement allows the front
addition to transferring force, the flexibility of the bush also horizontal stabilizer bar to act in an approximate ratio of
allows the swing arm to sway up and down, it can absorb the 1:1 with the wheel travel and provides the maximum lateral
vibration from the ground and its rigidity can provide a good stability performance. For each front horizontal stabilizer bar,
stability. The axis of the front and rear bushes is in the same the end of the connecting rod is fitted with a ball joint which
straight line. The swing arm rotates around the axis of the can increase the response speed and efficiency. The upper ball
front and rear bushes, which guides the motion track of the joint and the axis line of the connecting rod are at an angle
vehicle wheel and helps the wheel to move in accordance with of 90°, which is fitted on the connecting rod and connected
the scheduled track. The ball pin and front/rear bushes of the directly by lock nuts with the welded bracket on the front
swing arm are replaceable. shock absorber cylinder. The lower ball joint and the axis
line of the connecting rod are at an angle of 90°, which is
Caution: Do not jack the vehicle under the front or rear
fitted on the connecting rod and connected with the front
lower arm as damage or misalignment may occur.
horizontal stabilizer bar by lock nuts. The connecting rod
Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar and Connecting must be connected to the rear ball joint of the front horizontal
stabilizer bar, and the locking surface of lock nut shall face
The steel front horizontal stabilizer bar of solid spring passes the inside of the vehicle. The ball joint on the connecting
through the connecting rod of the stabilizer bar transversely rod of the front horizontal stabilizer bar is not repairable, if
and connects the shock absorber strut bracket. The diameter any one of the ball joints should be replaced, the connecting
of the front horizontal stabilizer bar is 23mm. The front rod assembly of the front horizontal stabilizer bar shall be
horizontal stabilizer bar is connected to the rear of front renewed.

1.0 776

Front Suspension Suspension System

Service Procedures height sensor to the front lower swing arm, fit 2 bolts
Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly and tighten to 7–10Nm.
Remove 6. Fit the wheels.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. Wheel Refit
2. Remove the corresponding front wheel. 7. Check and adjust the parameters for wheel alignment.
Wheel Remove
Four-wheel Alignment
3. For vehicles with DHL, remove 2 bolts fixing the DHL
8. For vehicles with DHL, perform a self-learning for the
front suspension height sensor to the front lower swing
null voltage of the DHL height sensor.
4. Remove and discard the nut (3) fixing the outer ball Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
joint of the front lower swing arm to the front wheel Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning
5. Loosen the outer ball joint of the front lower swing
arm from the front wheel hub.
Warning: Do not jack the vehicle under the front or rear
lower arm as damage or misalignment may occur.

6. Remove and discard the bolt and nut (1), (2) fixing the
front bush of the front lower swing arm to the front
7. Remove the outer ball joint from the front wheel hub.
8. Remove and discard the bolt (4) fixing rear bush bracket
assembly of the front lower swing arm to the subframe.
9. Remove the front lower swing arm assembly.
1. Locate the front lower swing arm to the subframe, fit
the bolt, but do not tighten it at this step.
2. Tighten 2 bolts securing the bracket assembly of the
front lower swing arm bush to 120±10Nm.
3. Fit the rear bush nut of the front lower swing arm and
tighten to 90Nm+ +120°.
4. Connect the outer ball joint of the front lower swing
arm to the front wheel hub. Fit the bolt and tighten the
front wheel hub to 95±10Nm.
Caution: Nuts and bolts must be tightened with weight of
vehicle on suspension.

5. For vehicles with DHL, fix the DHL front suspension

1.0 777

Suspension System Front Suspension

Front Lower Swing Arm Outer Ball Joint Front Lower Swing Arm Rear Bush
Remove Remove
Caution: This ball joint boot kit should only be used if the 1. Remove the front lower swing arm assembly.
boot is damaged during a service. It must not be used if
Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly Remove
the vehicle has been driven with a damaged boot.
2. With the pressing device and TCH00098, press the
1. Remove the front lower swing arm assembly. rear bush of the front lower swing arm out of the front
Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly Remove lower swing arm assembly.

2. Remove and discard 3 bolts and nuts (1) fixing the front
lower swing arm outer ball joint sheath to the front
lower swing arm outer ball joint.
1. Clean the junction of the front lower swing arm, front
lower swing arm bush and bracket assembly.
Refit 2. Clean the junction of the front lower swing arm and the
1. Connect the new outer ball joint of the front lower rear bush of the front lower swing arm.
swing arm to the the front lower swing arm with 3
3. With the pressing device and TCH00098, press the
bolts. rear bush of the front lower swing arm into the front
2. Fit the nut and tighten to 90–110Nm. lower swing arm assembly.
3. Fit the front lower swing arm assembly.
Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly Refit

4. Fit the front lower swing arm assembly.

Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly Refit

1.0 778

Front Suspension Suspension System

Front Shock Absorber Assembly
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove wheels on both sides.
Wheel Remove
3. Release the ABS harness and brake hose from the front
shock absorber. Release the harness and brake hose
(1), (2) from the clip.
7. Remove and discard the bolts (3) fixing the front shock
absorber assembly to the front wheel hub.
8. Remove the front shock absorber from the front wheel
9. Remove the A/C intake grille on the top.
A/C Air Intake Grille Remove
10. Remove and discard 3 nuts (4) securing the front shock
absorber on the body.

4. Remove the nut fastening the steering tie rod to wheel 11. Remove the front shock absorber assembly and spring.
12. Remove the anti-rust cap at the top of the front shock
bracket. Fit a M10 nut to the ball pin and align it with
the ball pin. absorber.
5. Release the steering tie rod ball joint from the steering 13. Fix spring compressor T32016 and T32017 to the
arm with the T38008. Remove the M10 nut (2) from front shock absorber spring.
the ball pin.

14. Ensure the adapter of the spring compressor is properly

6. Release the nut (1) fixing the front horizontal stabilizer fitted, and compress the spring.
bar to the front shock absorber.
15. Lock the top of the front shock absorber with an Allen
wrench, remove and discard the top nut.
16. Remove the support assembly from the front shock
17. Remove the spring vibration isolator.
18. Remove the coil spring of the front shock absorber.
19. Remove the front bumper block and front dust shield
of the front shock absorber.
20. Release the pressure of the coil spring, loosen the

1.0 779

Suspension System Front Suspension

adapter from the spring compressor and remove the 20. Lower the vehicle.
coil spring. 21. Check the parameters for wheel alignment.
Four-wheel Alignment
1. Check the strut and bearing of the front shock absorber
22. For vehicles with DHL, perform a self-learning for the
for any sign of crack and damage.
null voltage of the DHL height sensor.
2. Check the dust shield and front bumper block of the
front shock absorber for any sign of aging or damage. Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning
3. Clean the strut and bumper block of the front shock
4. Fit the front bumper block and dust shield of the front
shock absorber to the front shock absorber strut.
5. Fit the coil spring of the front shock absorber to the
front shock absorber strut.
6. Locate the spring compressor to the front shock
absorber, apply the T32016 and T32017 to compress
the spring.
7. Ensure correct mounting position, fit the mounting
support and spring vibration isolator of the front shock
absorber to the front shock absorber shaft.
8. Fit the nut at the top of the front shock absorber.
9. Lock the front shock absorber strut with an Allen
wrench and tighten the nuts to 65–75Nm.
10. Release the elasticity of the spring, loosen the adapter
of the spring compressor and take out the spring
11. Fit the anti-rust cap of the front shock absorber.
12. Clean the mating face of the front shock absorber,
spring assembly and vehicle body.
13. Locate the front shock absorber and spring assembly to
the vehicle body, fit new nut and tighten to 50–65Nm.
14. Fit the front shock absorber assembly into the front
wheel hub, fit new bolt and nut, and tighten to
15. Fit the front A/C intake grille.
Front A/C Intake Grille Refit
16. Clean the connecting rod of the front horizontal
stabilizer bar and fit it into the front shock absorber
assembly. With an open-end wrench, clamp the
connecting rod of the front horizontal stabilizer bar to
lock the ball joint of the front horizontal stabilizer bar,
fit the nut and tighten to 40–50Nm.
17. Fit the front brake hose and front wheel ABS sensor
harness to the bracket of the front shock absorber
18. For the right: fix front brake pad wear sensor harness
to the bracket of the front shock absorber strut.
19. Fit wheels.
Wheel Refit

1.0 780

Front Suspension Suspension System

Front Subframe Assembly 12. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing the left/right support rods of
Remove the front subframe to the vehicle body.
1. Remove the front wheels.
Front Wheel Remove
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
3. For vehicles with DHL, remove 2 bolts fixing the DHL
front suspension height sensor to the front subframe.
4. For AWD vehicles, remove the intermediate drive shaft.
Intermediate Drive Shaft Remove
5. Remove the left/right drive shaft.
Left Drive Shaft Remove
Right Drive Shaft Remove
6. Remove the front exhaust pipe.
13. Support the front subframe assembly with the hydraulic
Front Exhaust Pipe Remove
lifting equipment, remove 4 bolts (1) fixing the front
7. Remove the front lower swing arm. subframe to the body and remove the subframe.
Front Lower Swing Arm Remove 14. Remove 4 bolts fixing the horizontal stabilizer bar to
8. Remove the bolt and nut (1) fixing the front lower tie the front subframe.
rod to the transmission. 15. Remove two bolts fixing the steering gear to the
1. Fit the horizontal stabilizer bar bush to the horizontal
stabilizer bar, tighten 4 bolts fixing the horizontal
stabilizer bar bracket to the front subframe to
2. Fit the bolt fixing the steering gear to the front
subframe, and tighten to 100Nm+45°.
3. Locate the front subframe assembly to the hydraulic
lifting equipment.
4. Clean the mounting location on the front subframe
9. Remove the bolt (2) fixing the lower tie rod to the
5. Locate the subframe to the body according to the
front subframe, and remove the lower tie rod.
mounting mark on the body.
10. Remove 2 nuts fixing the steering gear and front wheel
hub. 6. Locate the subframe support rod to the front subframe,
fit 4 new bolts to the subframe.
11. Remove 2 bolts (1) fixing the connecting rod of the
horizontal stabilizer bar to the front shock absorber. 7. Evenly tighten 4 mounting bolt of the front subframe,
align the washer with the subframe bushing and tighten
the bolt to 90Nm+ +180°.
8. Tighten the bolt securing the front subframe support
rod on the front subframe to 80±10Nm.
9. Tighten the bolt fixing the lower engine tie rod to the
engine bracket.
10. Tighten the nut fixing the steering gear and front wheel
hub to 40–50Nm.
11. Tighten the nut fixing the connecting rod of the
horizontal stabilizer bar to the front shock absorber
assembly to 40–50Nm.

1.0 781

Suspension System Front Suspension

12. Fit the front lower swing arm assembly. Front Subframe Support Rod
Front Lower Swing Arm Assembly Refit
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
13. Fit the front exhaust pipe.
2. Remove the screw (2) fixing the subframe support rod
Front Exhaust Pipe Refit
to the body.
14. For AWD vehicles, fit the intermediate drive shaft.

Drive Shaft Refit

15. Fit the left/right drive shafts.

Left Drive Shaft Refit

Right Drive Shaft Refit

16. For vehicles with DHL, fix the DHL front suspension
height sensor to the front subframe, fit 2 bolts and
tighten to 7–10Nm.
17. Fit the front wheel.
Wheel Refit
18. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Take away the bolt (1) fixing the subframe support rod
19. Check the parameters for four-wheel alignment.
to the subframe, and remove the subframe support rod.
Four-wheel Alignment Refit
20. For vehicles with DHL, perform a self-learning for the 1. Locate the subframe support rod to the subframe, fit
null voltage of the DHL height sensor. the bolt and tighten to 80±10Nm.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and 2. Locate the subframe support rod to the body, fit the
Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning bolt and tighten to 90Nm++180°.
3. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 782

Front Suspension Suspension System

Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar stabilizer bar, fit new nut securing the connecting rod
Remove of the front horizontal stabilizer bar on the the front
1. Remove two front wheels. horizontal stabilizer bar, and tighten to 50–65Nm.

Wheel Remove Caution: Nuts and bolts must be tightened with weight of
vehicle on suspension.
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
3. Remove and discard the nut (2) fixing the front
horizontal stabilizer bar to the connecting rod of the
front horizontal stabilizer bar.
4. Fix the wheel hub aside, so that there is enough space
for removing the horizontal stabilizer bar.
5. Remove and discard 4 bolts (1), (2) securing the front
horizontal stabilizer bar on the front subframe.

6. Remove the front horizontal stabilizer bar.

1. Locate the front horizontal stabilizer bar to the
subframe and adjust it.
2. Fit the front horizontal stabilizer bar bush and locate it
to the support.
Caution: Anti roll bar bushes have a special coating and
must not be lubricated.

3. Fit the bush bracket of the front horizontal stabilizer

bar. Fit new bolt to the bush bracket and tighten to
50–65Nm in sequence.
4. Align the connecting rod of the front horizontal

1.0 783

Suspension System Front Suspension

Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Bushing Front Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rod
Remove Remove
1. Remove front wheels. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Wheel Remove 2. Remove front wheels.

2. Raise the vehicle on a lift. Wheel Remove
3. Remove and discard 4 bolts fixing the bracket and 3. Remove and discard the nut (2) fixing the connecting
bushing of the front horizontal stabilizer bar to the rod of the front horizontal stabilizer bar to the front
front subframe. horizontal stabilizer bar.
4. Remove the bracket and bushing of the front horizontal
stabilizer bar.

4. Disconnect the connecting rod of the front horizontal

stabilizer bar from the front horizontal stabilizer bar.
Refit 5. Remove the nut (1) fixing the connecting rod of the
1. Fit the bush to the front horizontal stabilizer bar and front horizontal stabilizer bar to the front shock
locate it to the support. absorber.
Caution: Anti roll bar bushes have a special coating and Caution: To prevent damage to components, use two
must not be lubricated. spanners when loosening or tightening unions.

2. Fit the bush bracket. 6. Remove the connecting rod of the front horizontal
stabilizer bar from the front shock absorber.
3. Fit new bolt to the bush bracket and tighten each bolt
to 50–65Nm in sequence. Refit
4. Check whether the tightening force of each bolt is 1. Fit the connecting rod of the front horizontal stabilizer
correct. bar to the front shock absorber, and tighten the nut
to 40–50Nm.
Caution: Failure to carry out this procedure can result in
bolts being incorrectly tightened. Caution: To prevent damage to components, use two
spanners when loosening or tightening unions.
5. Lower the vehicle.
2. Connect the connecting rod of the front horizontal
stabilizer bar to the front horizontal stabilizer bar, fit
new nuts and tighten to 50–65Nm.

Caution: To prevent damage to components, use two

spanners when loosening or tightening unions.

3. Fit the two front wheels.

Wheel Refit
4. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 784

Front Suspension Suspension System

Front Wheel Hub Assembly
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove front wheels.
Front Wheel Remove
3. Remove the front left/right drive shafts.

Left Drive Shaft Remove

Right Drive Shaft Remove

4. Release the harness of the ABS vehicle speed sensor
from the bracket. Remove the clip from the bracket
and release the brake hose.
5. Remove 2 bolts (1), (2) fixing the brake caliper to the 10. Release the steering tie rod ball joint from the steering
arm with the T38008.
front wheel hub. Release the brake caliper from the
front wheel hub and fix it aside. 11. Remove the M10 nut from the ball pin.
12. Remove the screw securing the ABS vehicle speed
sensor, release the sensor and put it aside.
13. Remove nuts and bolts fixing the outer ball joint of
the front lower swing arm to the front wheel hub and
discard the bolt and nut.
14. Remove and discard the bolt fixing the front shock
absorber assembly to the front wheel hub.
15. Remove the outer ball joint of the front lower swing
16. Remove the front wheel hub from the front shock
17. Remove and discard 4 bolts fixing the wheel hub
Caution: Don’t tie brake caliper on brake hose. bearing assembly to the front steering knuckle. Remove
the wheel hub bearing assembly.
6. Remove the countersunk screws securing the front
brake disc and the front wheel drive flange.

Tip: Do not remove protective cover from bearing until

hub is about to be fitted.
7. Remove the front brake disc. Tip: Do not store hub bearings near magnetic fields or
8. Remove and discard the nuts fastening the steering tie iron filings as damage may occur.
rod to the steering arm. Refit
9. Fit a M10 nut to the ball pin and align it with the ball pin. 1. Clean the junction between the front wheel hub bearing
assembly and the front steering knuckle.
2. Clean the junction between the front steering knuckle

1.0 785

Suspension System Front Suspension

and the front shock absorber.

3. Clean the junction between the front steering knuckle
and the ball joint of the front lower swing arm.
4. Fit new bolt securing the wheel hub bearing assembly
and front steering knuckle, and tighten to 70Nm++90°.
5. Connect the front steering knuckle and front shock
absorber assembly with bolts.
6. Check the ball joint sheath of the front lower swing
arm for any damage and connect the front wheel hub
to the front lower swing arm assembly.
7. Use new nut to fix the front shock absorber assembly
to the front wheel hub, and tighten to 140–170Nm.
8. Use new nut to fix the front lower swing arm assembly
to the front wheel hub, and tighten to 95±10Nm.
9. Clean the junction between the steering tie rod and
the steering arm.
10. Connect the steering tie rod to the steering arm, fit
new lock nuts and tighten to 40–50Nm.
11. Clean the mating face of the front wheel ABS vehicle
speed sensor and front wheel hub.
12. Lubricate the junction between the front wheel ABS
sensor and the front wheel hub with appropriate grease.

13. Fit the front wheel ABS sensor to front wheel hub and
tighten it to 7–10Nm with screws.
14. Fit front brake disc to front drive flange, fit countersunk
head screws and tighten them to 7–10Nm.
15. Loosen the front brake caliper assembly and locate it to
the front brake disc. Fit the bolts fixing the front brake
caliper to the front wheel hub and tighten the bolts to
16. Fix the front brake hose to the bridging bracket of the
front shock absorber and fix it with pipe clips.
17. Fix the front wheel ABS sensor harness to the front
shock absorber strut. Fix the front brake hose and
front wheel ABS sensor harness to the pipe clip.
18. Fit the left/right drive shafts.

Left Drive Shaft Refit

Right Drive Shaft Refit

19. Fit wheels.
Wheel Refit
20. Lower the vehicle.
21. Check the parameters for wheel alignment.

Four Wheel Alignment Check

1.0 786

Front Suspension Suspension System

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Remove and
replacer front
lower arm small

Remover ball

Coil spring
T32017 coil spring

1.0 787

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Rear Suspension
Description Value
Bolts- rear upper arm assembly to rear subframe 100±10Nm
Nut- rear upper arm assembly to rear wheel carrier 50Nm+90°
Nut- rear lower arm assembly to rear subframe 100±10Nm
Nut- rear lower arm assembly to rear wheel carrier 155±15Nm
Bolts- rear damper to body 50–65Nm
Bolts- rear damper to rear wheel carrier 75–90Nm
Bolt-wheel to hub 120–130Nm
Nut- lateral rod assembly to rear subframe 100±10Nm
Nuts- rear anti-roll bar links to anti-roll bar 45–55Nm
Nut- rear anti-roll bar links to rear lower arm assembly 7–11mm
Bolts- rear anti-roll bar to rear subframe 50–65Nm
Bolts- rear wheel carrier 180Nm + 180°
Bolts- rear bearing to rear wheel carrier 70Nm + 90°
Nut-front drive shaft 350–370Nm
Screw-Rear brake pan to bearing 7-10Nm
Bolt-Rear brake caliper assembly to rear knuckle 55 Nm+30°
Bolts- rear subframe to body 90Nm+90°
Nut- lateral rod assembly to rear wheel carrier 130Nm+90°
Bolts- rear blade arm assembly to rear wheel carrier 60±5Nm
Bolts- rear blade arm assembly yo rear body 100±10Nm
Bolt - ASM-FR sensor to bodywork 7–10Nm
螺母 Nuts- rear trailing arm bush to rear trailing arm 155±10Nm

1.0 788

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Model The coil spring, inflatable pillar shock absorber and four
connecting rods are at the rear subframe.
Rear Upper Swing Arm High Strength Steel
Diameter of Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar 19mm
Rear Coil Spring Data:
Total Coils 8.3
The diameter of wire 13.6mm
Free Length: 339mm

1.0 789

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Description and Operation

System Layout
Rear Suspension Layout

1. Rear Shock Absorber Assembly (2) 6. Rear Wheel Hub Assembly (2)
2. Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly (2) 7. Rear Upper Swing Arm Assembly (2)
3. Rear Subframe Assembly 8. Rear Trailing Arm Assembly (2)
4. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rod (2) 9. Rear Lateral Push Rod Assembly (2)
5. Rear Suspension Coil Spring Assembly (2) 10. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Assembly

1.0 790

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Rear Suspension Exploded View


1. Rear Shock Absorber Assembly (2) 8. Rear Lateral Push Rod Assembly (2)
2. Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly (2) 9. Rear Coil Spring Assembly (2)
3. Rear Wheel Bracket (2) 10. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Assembly (2)
4. Rear Wheel Hub Bearing Assembly (2) 11. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rod (2)
5. Rear Subframe Assembly (2) 12. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Bushing (2)
6. Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly (2) 13. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Mounting Bracket (2)
7. Rear Trailing Arm Assembly (2) 14. Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Bushing and Bracket

1.0 791

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Rear Shock Absorber Assembly Exploded View


1. Rear Shock Absorber Strut 5. Rear Top Plate

2. Rear Bumper Block 6. Upper Gasket
3. Cushion - Piston Rod Step 7. Rear Dust Shield
4. Cover - Bumper Block 8. Nut

1.0 792

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Description and upper mounting support are secured by a lock nut and
Overview rebound gasket. The upper mounting support is connected
with the body by two bolts. The rebound gasket is between
Rear suspension includes:
the lock nut of the rear shock absorber strut and the upper
• 2 Shock Absorbers
mounting support. The bumper block is on the rear shock
• 2 Coil Springs absorber strut, which slows down the shock absorber when
• 2 Upper Swing Arms the maximum compression stroke is achieved.
• 2 Lower Swing Arms Coil Spring
• 2 Trailing Arms The coil spring made of chrome steel is between the body
• 2 Rear Lateral Push Rods and the rear lower swing arm, and each spring is between the
• Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar (if fitted) upper and lower spring vibration isolator which can reduce
the noise delivered to the body from the suspension. Every
• 2 Connecting Rods of Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar (if
vibration isolator is directly connected with the spring. The
lower vibration isolator is fitted in a flat hole of the rear lower
• Rear Subframe
swing arm, when removing, pull it out from the flat hole. The
The trailing arm provides the rear suspension with the cut hole of lower vibration isolator is used for drainage, when
characteristic of anti-lift control, and the horizontal upper fitting, align it with the corresponding hole of the rear upper
and lower swing arms allow the rear suspension to control swing arm.
the wheel camber. The compact layout of the rear Rear Upper Swing Arm
suspension allows the vehicle to have lower and wider luggage
The rear upper swing arm is an unrepairable structural part,
compartment floor, and the rear suspension does not interfere
which is welded with a sleeve by stamping the hot rolled steel
with the luggage compartment.
plate into a U punching sheet. The inside of the rear upper
Rear Subframe
control arm is fitted with a rubber bushing which is connected
The rear subframe assembly includes 2WD and AWD. The rear with the rear subframe by a bolt and a nut. The outside of
subframe assembly has a frame structure, which is connected the rear upper control arm is open, which is connected to the
with the body by a 4-point hard connection and is fitted with rear wheel bracket by a bolt and a nut. The punching sheet of
locating pin. the rear upper control arm is also provided with the mounting
hole of the wheel speed sensor which is connected by a clip.
The rear subframe provides mounting location for the rear
upper/lower control arms, rear lateral push rod and stabilizer Rear Lower Swing Arm
bar, etc. The 4WD rear subframe provides mounting point for
The rear lower swing arm is stamped from hot rolled steel
the transmission through the 4 press-fit bushings. In addition, plate, the box type part welded through the upper side and
it also supplies mounting hook and bracket for the exhaust lower side loads the spring and connects the connecting rod
pipe and EPB cable. The rear subframe assembly can transfer of the stabilizer bar. The inside of the rear lower swing arm
the load of the suspension components to the lower vehicle is fitted with a rubber bushing which is connected to the rear
body and weaken the impact from the collision with the body subframe by an eccentric bolt, an eccentric gasket and a nut,
structure. and the eccentric bolt can be used to adjust the four-wheel
Rear Shock Absorber alignment toe-in of the rear axle. The outside of the rear lower
swing arm is connected to the rear wheel bracket by a bolt and
The rear shock absorber is not repairable. The rear shock
a nut.
absorber has a compression stroke of 120mm and a rebound
stroke of 80mm. The rear shock absorber is a dual barrel type Caution: Do not jack the vehicle under the front or rear
structure, can be inflated and fuelled. This type of structure lower arm as damage or misalignment may occur.
allows the movement of shock absorber piston inside the inner Rear Lateral Push Rod
cylinder with a oil hole which is between the inner and outer
The rear lateral push rod is an unrepairable structural part
cylinder. This structure minimizes the cavitation and eliminates
which is welded by two sleeves and one hollow link, and the
the influence of the piston motion due to the damage of outer
two sleeves are fitted with a rubber bushing respectively. The
cylinder. There is a non-repairable bushing at the lower part
inside of the rear lateral push rod is connected with the rear
of the shock absorber, which is connected to the trailing arm
subframe by an eccentric bolt, an eccentric gasket and a nut,
extension bar by bolts. This fitting position can provide a
and the eccentric bolt can be used to adjust the camber and
1:1 mechanical lever ratio for the rear shock absorber and
toe-in of the rear axle for four-wheel alignment. The outside
enhance vibration control. The rear shock absorber strut

1.0 793

Suspension System Rear Suspension

of the rear lateral push rod is connected with the rear wheel the horizontal stabilizer bar is 19mm. The horizontal stabilizer
bracket by a bolt, a gasket and a nut. bar is connected to the rear side of the subframe by two
Trailing Arm polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) sleeves, and the PTFE sleeves
are secured with bolts and clamping plate. The PTFE sleeve
The rear trailing arm is stamped by high strength steel, which
has a low friction, and does not need extra lubrication, which
is a single piece, has the shape of a blade and is used for
allows the static horizontal stabilizer bar to rotate freely and
transferring the driving force and brake force of the rear wheel
give rapid response to the overturn input. The end of the
to the body. The front of the trailing arm is fitted with a welded
rear horizontal stabilizer bar is connected with the trailing
pipe for fitting the rubber bushing which is connected with
arm by the unrepairable connecting rod of the rear horizontal
the blade arm bracket by a bolt and a nut, and the bracket
stabilizer bar, and each connecting rod of the rear horizontal
is connected to the body by 4 bolts. The rear of the trailing
stabilizer bar connects the rear horizontal stabilizer bar by
arm is connected to the rear wheel bracket by 3 bolts. Since
the ball joint and the lower cross arm by the upper/lower
different ways are used to tighten the bolt, the body bolt can
rubber bushings. The ball joint can improve the response
be reused while the wheel bracket bolt cannot be reused. In
speed to vehicle overturn and efficiency. When connecting
order to relieve the longitudinal impact of the rear axle, the
each connecting rod to the rear horizontal stabilizer bar, the
longitudinal structure of the rubber bushing applies a hollow
ball joint shall be outside the mounting surface of the rear
design. If the bushing shall be replaced, carefully observe and
horizontal stabilizer bar, while the nut is on the inside.
make a mark for future installation.
Horizontal Stabilizer Bar and Connecting Rod
The horizontal stabilizer bar made of solid spring steel is
directly connected to the wheel hub bracket. The diameter of

1.0 794

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Service Procedures Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly
Rear Upper Swing Arm Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Remove the rear suspension spring assembly.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. Rear Suspension Spring Assembly Remove
2. Remove the rear wheel. 2. Release the nut (1) fixing the lower swing arm assembly
Wheel Remove of the rear suspension to the rear subframe, and
3. Remove the clip securing the harness on the rear upper remove the lower swing arm assembly.
swing arm assembly.
4. Remove the bolt (4) and nut fixing the rear upper swing 1. Fit the bolt fixing the rear lower swing arm to the rear
arm assembly to rear wheel bracket, and discard the subframe, pre-tighten the bolt by hand, but do not
nut. tighten it.
5. Remove the bolt and nut (3) fixing the rear upper swing 2. Fit the rear suspension spring assembly.
arm assembly to rear subframe, and discard the nut.
Rear Suspension Spring Assembly Refit
Refit 3. Tighten the nut securing the rear lower swing arm
1. Locate the upper swing arm of the rear suspension to assembly and subframe to 100±10Nm.
the subframe, fit the bolt, but do not tighten it at this 4. Tighten the nut securing the rear lower swing arm
step. assembly and wheel bracket to 155±15Nm.
2. Locate the upper swing arm of the rear suspension to 5. Four-wheel Alignment Check and Adjustment
the wheel bracket, fit the bolt, but do not tighten it
at this step. Four-wheel Alignment
3. Tighten the nut fixing the upper swing arm of the rear
suspension to the rear subframe to 100±10Nm.
4. Tighten the nut fixing the upper swing arm of the rear
suspension to the wheel bracket to 50Nm+90°.

Caution: Nuts and bolts must be tightened with weight of

vehicle on suspension.

5. Secure the harness on the upper swing arm clip of the

rear suspension.
6. Fit the rear wheels.

Wheel Refit

1.0 795

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Rear Upper Swing Arm Bush Rear Shock Absorber Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear upper swing arm assembly. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Rear Upper Swing Arm Assembly Remove 2. Remove the rear wheels.
2. With the TCH00100 and hydraulic machine, press Wheel Remove
the bushing. 3. Remove the bolt (2) fixing the rear shock absorber to
the wheel bracket.

3. Remove the tool from the rubber bushing.

Refit 4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the rear shock absorber to the
body, remove the shock absorber and discard the nut.
1. Clean the groove of the rubber bushing.
2. With the TCH00100 and hydraulic machine, press
the new rubber bushing into the rear upper swing arm
(see the figure).
Caution: Ensure the rubber end of the bush is located fully
in the special tools. Use a hydraulic press to install bush.
5. Lock the piston of the shock absorber with a wrench.
Remove and discard the shock absorber nut.
6. Remove the rebound limit disc, mounting support,
bumper block/limit disc of the compression stroke and
dust shield. Mark the original location of the rebound
limit disc of the rear shock absorber.
3. Remove the tool from the ball joint sheath.
4. Fit the rear upper swing arm assembly.

Rear Upper Swing Arm Assembly Refit

1.0 796

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Rear Suspension Spring Assembly
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove the rear wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Support the rear lower swing arm through the spring
seat of the rear lower swing arm.

Caution: Do not jack the vehicle under the front or rear

lower arm as damage or misalignment may occur.

4. Remove the bolt (3) securing the rear lower swing arm
and wheel bracket, and release the rear lower swing

1. Fit the dust shield, bumper block/limit disc of the
compression stroke, mounting support and rebound
limit disc, and ensure the rebound limit disc of the rear
shock absorber is located on the original position. 5. Remove the rear suspension spring assembly.
2. Fit the bolt at the top of the rear shock absorber strut
and tighten to 50–65Nm.
3. Clean the mating face of the rear vibration absorber
assembly and body.
4. Fit the rear shock absorber assembly to the wheel
bracket, but do not tighten it at this step.
5. Stretch the rear vibration absorber assembly and locate
it to the mating face of the vehicle body.
6. Fit the nuts fixing the rear vibration absorber assembly
to the vehicle body and tighten to 50–65Nm.
7. Tighten the nut securing the rear vibration absorber
assembly and wheel bracket to 75–90Nm.
6. Remove the upper/lower vibration isolators (1), (2) of
8. Fit the rear wheels. the rear suspension spring assembly.
Wheel Refit Refit
9. For vehicles with DHL, perform a self-learning for the 1. Clean the mating face of the rear lower swing arm and
null voltage of the DHL height sensor. spring.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and 2. Locate the rear suspension spring assembly on the
Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning rear lower swing arm, and ensure the bulge on the
lower vibration isolator of the rear suspension spring is
aligned with the rear lower swing arm.
3. Support the rear lower swing arm and fit the upper
vibration isolator of the rear suspension spring into the
lug of the rear subframe.

1.0 797

Suspension System Rear Suspension

4. Fit the bolts fixing the rear lower swing arm to the Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar
wheel bracket, but do not tighten temporarily. Remove
5. Fit the rear wheels and tighten bolts to 120–130Nm. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
6. Tighten the bolt securing the rear lower swing arm and 2. Remove and discard 4 bolts (1) fixing the rear horizontal
wheel bracket to 155±15Nm. stabilizer bar to the rear subframe, and remove the
bushing and clip of the rear stabilizer bar.
Caution: Nuts and bolts must be tightened with weight of
vehicle on suspension.

7. For vehicles with DHL, perform a self-learning for the

null voltage of the DHL height sensor.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning

3. Lock the connecting rod of the rear horizontal

stabilizer bar with an open-end wrench and prevent
rotation of the ball joint. Remove the nuts fixing the
rear horizontal stabilizer bar to the connecting rod
of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar. Remove the rear
horizontal stabilizer bar.
1. Align the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer
bar, fit bolts and nuts, but do not tighten them.
2. Fit 2 bushings of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar.
3. Fit the mounting bracket of the rear horizontal stabilizer
bar. Fit new bolts and tighten each bolt to 100±10Nm
in sequence.
4. Lock the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer
bar with an open-end wrench and prevent rotation of
the ball joint, then tighten the nut to 45–55Nm.
5. Lower the vehicle with the lift.

1.0 798

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Connecting Rod Rear Horizontal Stabilizer Bar Bushing
Remove Remove
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove and discard the nut fixing the connecting rod 2. Remove and discard 4 bolts (1) fixing the bracket of
of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear lower the rear horizontal stabilizer bar to the subframe, and
swing arm, and keep the gasket and bushing. remove the bracket.

3. Remove the nut fixing the connecting rod of the rear 3. Remove the bushing of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar.
horizontal stabilizer bar to rear horizontal stabilizer Refit
bar, remove the connecting rod and keep the other 2 1. Fit the bushing of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar.
gaskets and 1 bushing.
2. Fit the bracket of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar, fit
Refit new bolts and tighten to 50–65Nm.
1. Fit 1 bushing and 1 gasket on the connecting rod of the 3. Lower the vehicle.
rear horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear lower swing
arm, and fit the bolt on the other end of the connecting
rod into the rear horizontal stabilizer bar.

2. Fit the nut fixing the connecting rod of the rear

horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear horizontal stabilizer
bar, and tighten to 45–55Nm.
3. Fit the other 2 gaskets and bushings into the connecting
rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar, fit the nut fixing
the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer bar
to the rear lower swing arm and tighten the nut to
7–11mm until the thread can be seen.

1.0 799

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Rear Lower Swing Arm Bush Rear Wheel Hub

Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear lower swing arm assembly. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly Remove 2. Remove wheels.

2. With the TCH00101 and hydraulic machine, press Wheel Remove
the ball joint sheath. 3. Remove and discard 2 bolts fixing the rear brake caliper
assembly to the rear wheel bracket.
4. Secure the rear brake caliper assembly on the frame.
5. Remove the countersunk head screws fixing the rear
brake disc to the wheel hub.
6. Remove the rear brake disc from the vehicle.
7. For 2WD vehicles, remove the grease cap of the rear
wheel hub from the rear wheel hub assembly and
discard the cap.

3. Remove the tool from the ball joint sheath.

1. Clean the groove of the rubber bushing.
2. With the TCH00101 and hydraulic machine, press
the new rubber bushing into the rear upper swing arm
(see the figure).

8. For 2WD vehicles, remove and discard the countersunk

head bolt securing the rear wheel bracket and real
wheel hub assembly.
9. For 4WD vehicles, remove and discard the rear drive
shaft nut.

3. Remove the tool from the rubber bushing.

Caution: Ensure the rubber end of the bush is located fully

in the special tools. Use a hydraulic press to install bush.

4. Fit the rear lower swing arm assembly.

Rear Lower Swing Arm Assembly Refit

10. For 4WD vehicles, remove and discard 4 bolts fixing

the rear wheel hub assembly to the wheel bracket.
11. Remove the rear wheel hub bearing assembly.

Caution: Do not store hub bearings near magnetic fields

or iron filings as damage may occur.

1.0 800

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Refit 12. Fit the rear wheels.
1. Clean the half shaft. Wheel Refit
2. Check the wheel bracket and bearing, and ensure the
mating face between the parts is free from foreign
material and scratch.
3. Fit the wheel bracket and rear wheel hub bearing
assembly to the half shaft.

Caution: Do not remove protective cover from bearing

until hub is about to be fitted.

4. Insert the bolt for 2WD vehicles into the internal

spindle thread of the hub bearing assembly, and tighten
the bolt to 180Nm+ +180°.
5. For 2WD vehicles, use the magnet in the front of
the TCH00083 to absorb the the grease cap and
put it into the flange hole of the bearing, knock the
TCH00083 with a hammer, apply uniform force when
fitting, the grease cap shall not tilt. After assembly,
check if the part fits well.
6. For 4WD vehicles, insert the bearing assembly into the
wheel bracket and ensure the thread hole is aligned
with the through-hole of the wheel bracket. Insert 4
fillister head bolts from the inside of the wheel bracket,
and pre-tighten the 4 bolts, then tighten the bolt to
70Nm+ +90° in the diagonal sequence.

7. For 4WD vehicles, fit the new rear drive shaft nut and
tighten it to 350–370Nm.
8. Keep the mating face between the rear brake disc and
the wheel hub clean.
9. Fix the rear brake disc to the wheel hub, fit 1
countersunk head screw, tighten to 7-10Nm and check
the torque.
10. Check the mounting surface and hole of the wheel
bracket and rear brake caliper assembly, remove the
foreign material or oil stain and ensure the mounting
surface and hole are clean.
11. Fix the rear brake caliper assembly to the rear wheel
bracket, fit 2 bolts and tighten to 55 Nm+30°.

1.0 801

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Rear Subframe Assembly

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove two rear wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Remove the rear exhaust pipe (muffler).

Rear Exhaust Pipe - Muffler Remove

4. Disconnect 2 connectors of the ABS vehicle speed
sensor and brake pad wear sensor.
12. Remove the bolt (3) securing the rear lower swing arm
and rear wheel bracket.
5. Remove the clip (1), (2) fixing the EPB cable to the
13. Support the subframe with the hydraulic lifting
14. Remove 4 subframe bolts and keep the washer properly.
15. Lower the rear subframe with the hydraulic lifting
16. If the subframe has been removed, do not attempt to
repeat the operation.
17. Remove the nut and bolt fixing the lateral push rod to
the subframe, and do the same operation for the other
6. Prepare a container to collect the spilled liquid. 18. Remove the nut fixing the connecting rod of the
7. Disconnect the left brake hose from the body bracket. rear horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear lower swing
arm, and keep the gasket and bushing. Do the same
8. Repeat the above steps for the other side.
operation for the other end.
9. Remove the rear suspension spring assembly.
19. Remove the bolt securing the rear lower swing arm and
Rear Suspension Spring Assembly Remove subframe, and release the rear lower swing arm. Do
10. Remove the bolt (4) securing the rear upper swing arm the same operation for the other end.
and rear wheel bracket assembly. 20. Remove the bolt securing the rear upper swing arm and
11. Remove and discard the bolt (1) securing the lateral subframe, and release the rear upper swing arm. Do
push rod and rear wheel bracket assembly. the same operation for the other end.
21. Remove 4 bolts and 2 brackets fixing the rear horizontal
stabilizer bar to the subframe, and release the rear
horizontal stabilizer bar.

1.0 802

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Refit Rear Subframe Assembly - AWD
1. Fit the bolts fixing the rear upper swing arm to the Remove
subframe, but do not tighten temporarily. Do the same 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
operation for the other end. 2. Remove two rear wheels.
2. Fit the bolts fixing the rear lower swing arm to the Wheel Remove
subframe, but do not tighten temporarily. Do the same
3. Remove the rear exhaust pipe (muffler).
operation for the other end.
Rear Exhaust Pipe - Muffler Remove
3. Fit the bolts fixing the rear lateral push rod to the
subframe, but do not tighten temporarily. Do the same 4. Remove the rear axle assembly.
operation for the other end. Rear Axle Assembly Remove
4. Clean mating face of the subframe and body. 5. Disconnect 2 connectors of the ABS vehicle speed
5. Locate the subframe on the body with a hydraulic lifting sensor and brake pad wear sensor.
equipment. 6. Remove the clip (1), (2) fixing the EPB cable to the
6. Fit the bolt and gasket fixing the subframe to the body, subframe.
and tighten the bolt to 90Nm+90°. 7. Prepare a container to collect the spilled liquid.
7. Fit two rear suspension spring assemblies. 8. Disconnect the left brake hose from the body bracket.
Rear Suspension Spring Assembly Refit 9. Repeat the above steps for the other side.
8. Fit the bolt fixing the lower swing arm to the wheel 10. Remove the rear suspension spring assembly.
bracket, and tighten to 155±15Nm. Rear Suspension Spring Assembly Remove
9. Fit the bolt fixing the upper swing arm to the wheel 11. Remove the bolt (4) securing the rear upper swing arm
bracket, and tighten to 50Nm+90°. and rear wheel bracket assembly.
10. Fit the bolt fixing the rear lateral push rod to the wheel 12. Remove and discard the bolt (1) securing the lateral
bracket, and tighten to 130Nm+90°. push rod and rear wheel bracket assembly.
11. Tighten the nut fixing the rear horizontal stabilizer bar 13. Remove the bolt (3) securing the rear lower swing arm
and the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer and rear wheel bracket.
bar to 45–55Nm.
14. Support the subframe with the hydraulic lifting
12. Locate the rear horizontal stabilizer bar on the rear equipment.
subframe, secure with bushing and bracket and tighten
15. Remove 4 subframe bolts and keep the washer properly.
the bolt to 50–65Nm. Fit 2 gaskets and bushing into
16. Lower the rear subframe with the hydraulic lifting
the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer
bar, fit the nut fixing the connecting rod of the rear
horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear lower swing arm 17. If the subframe has been removed, do not attempt to
repeat the operation.
and tighten the nut to 7–11mm until the thread can
be seen. 18. Remove the nut and bolt fixing the rear lateral push
13. Connector the ABS and brake lining alarm connector. rod to the subframe, and do the same operation for
the other side.
14. Fit the clip fixing the EPB cable to the subframe.
19. Remove the nut fixing the connecting rod of the
15. Fit the rear exhaust pipe (muffler).
rear horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear lower swing
Rear Exhaust Pipe - Muffler Refit arm, and keep the gasket and bushing. Do the same
16. Check the four-wheel alignment parameters and align operation for the other end.
the four wheels. 20. Remove the bolt securing the rear lower swing arm and
Four-wheel Alignment subframe, and release the rear lower swing arm. Do
the same operation for the other end.
21. Remove the bolt securing the rear upper swing arm and
subframe, and release the rear upper swing arm. Do
the same operation for the other end.
22. Remove 4 bolts and 2 brackets fixing the rear horizontal
stabilizer bar to the subframe, and release the rear
horizontal stabilizer bar.

1.0 803

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Refit Rear Lateral Push Rod Assembly

1. Fit the bolts fixing the rear upper swing arm to the Remove
subframe, but do not tighten temporarily. Do the same 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
operation for the other end. 2. Remove the rear wheels.
2. Fit the bolts fixing the rear lower swing arm to the
Wheel Remove
subframe, but do not tighten temporarily. Do the same
operation for the other end. 3. Remove the eccentric bolt and nut (2) fixing the rear
lateral push rod assembly to the rear subframe, discard
3. Fit the bolts fixing the lateral push rod to the subframe,
the nut and remove the washer.
but do not tighten temporarily. Do the same operation
for the other end.
4. Clean mating face of the subframe and body.
5. Locate the subframe on the body with a hydraulic lifting
6. Fit the bolt and gasket fixing the subframe to the body,
and tighten the bolt to 90Nm+90°.
7. Fit two rear suspension spring assemblies.
Rear Suspension Spring Assembly Refit
8. Fit the bolt fixing the lower swing arm to the wheel
bracket, and tighten to 155±15Nm.
9. Fit the bolt fixing the upper swing arm to the wheel
4. Remove and discard the bolt and nut (1) fixing the rear
bracket, and tighten to 50Nm+90°.
lateral push rod assembly to the rear wheel bracket.
10. Fit the bolt fixing the connecting rod to the wheel
5. Remove the rear lateral push rod.
bracket, and tighten to 130Nm+90°.
11. Fit the rear axle assembly.
1. Fit the bolt and nut fixing the rear lateral push rod
Rear Axle Assembly Refit
assembly to the rear wheel bracket, but do not tighten
12. Tighten the nut fixing the rear horizontal stabilizer bar the bolt and nut.
and the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer
2. Fit the bolt, washer and nut fixing the rear lateral push
bar to 45–55Nm.
rod assembly to the rear subframe, and tighten the nut
13. Locate the rear horizontal stabilizer bar on the rear to 100±10Nm.
subframe, secure with bushing and bracket and tighten
3. Tighten the nut securing the rear lateral push rod
the bolt to 50–65Nm. Fit 2 gaskets and bushing into
assembly and rear wheel bracket to 130Nm+90°.
the connecting rod of the rear horizontal stabilizer
4. Perform four-wheel alignment.
bar, fit the nut fixing the connecting rod of the rear
horizontal stabilizer bar to the rear lower swing arm Four-wheel Alignment
and tighten the nut to 7–11mm until the thread can 5. Fit wheels.
be seen.
6. Lower the vehicle.
14. Connector the ABS and brake lining alarm connector.
15. Fit the clip fixing the EPB cable to the subframe.
16. Fit the rear exhaust pipe (muffler).

Rear Exhaust Pipe - Muffler Refit

17. Check the four-wheel alignment parameters and align
the four wheels.
Four-wheel Alignment

1.0 804

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Rear Lateral Push Rod Bushing Trailing Arm Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear lateral push rod assembly. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

Rear Lateral Push Rod Assembly Remove 2. Remove the rear wheels.
2. With the special tool TCH00100, press the rear Wheel Remove
lateral push rod bushing with the hydraulic machine as 3. For vehicles with DHL, remove 1 nut fixing the DHL
shown in the figure. front suspension height sensor to the rear trailing arm,
and disconnect the height sensor.
4. Remove 3 bolts (2) securing the trailing arm and wheel
1. Clean the groove of the rubber bushing.
2. With the TCH00100 and hydraulic machine, press
5. Remove 4 bolts (1) securing the trailing arm assembly
the new rubber bushing into the rear lateral push rod
and body.
(see the figure).
1. Fit the bolt and nut fixing the trailing arm to the wheel
bracket, and tighten to 60±5Nm.
2. Tighten 4 bolts securing the trailing arm and body to
3. For vehicles with DHL, fix the DHL front suspension
height sensor to the rear trailing arm, fit 1 nut and
tighten to 7–10Nm.
Caution: In the refit process, please check the rear
suspension height sensor control arm, make sure the
direction of control arm point to vehicle head (arrow
direction indicated on diagram).
3. Fit the rear lateral push rod assembly. 4. Fit the rear wheels.
Rear Lateral Push Rod Assembly Refit Wheel Refit
5. For vehicles with DHL, perform a self-learning for the
null voltage of the DHL height sensor.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning

1.0 805

Suspension System Rear Suspension

Rear Trailing Arm Bushing

1. Remove the rear trailing arm assembly.

Rear Trailing Arm Assembly Remove

2. Remove the bolt fixing the cover plate of the rear
trailing arm to the rear trailing arm.
3. Connect the bolt and nut securing the rear welded
trailing arm assembly and bracket, and tighten to
4. Fit the rear trailing arm assembly.
Rear Trailing Arm Assembly Refit

3. With the TCH00102 and hydraulic machine, press

the ball joint sheath.
4. Remove the tool from the rear trailing arm bushing.
1. Clean the groove of the rubber bushing.
2. With the TCH00102 and hydraulic machine, press
the new rubber bushing into the rear trailing arm (see
the figure).

1.0 806

Rear Suspension Suspension System

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Remove and
TCH00100 replacer rear
upper arm bush
Remove and
TCH00101 replacer rear
lower arm bush

Rear bearing
cap replacer
Remove and
replacer rear
trailing arm

1.0 807

Suspension System Tyres and Wheels

Tyres and Wheels

Description Value
Bolt-wheel to hub 120–130Nm

1.0 808

Tyres and Wheels Suspension System

Service Procedures
Warning: Do not use silicone lubricant on the or wheel rim
or tyre edge. Clean tyre edge before removing. Use 50%
non-silicone lubricant and 50% water based lubricant to
these areas prior to refitting.
1. Remove the wheel trim cover assembly with a
2. Remove the wheel bolt cap with the special tool.
3. With wheel wrench, rotate the bolt of each wheel
counterclockwise (half circle).
4. Place the vehicle on the lift and lift to a certain height. Warning: If there is oil leakage between the wheel and the
brake disc or drum, it will cause the wheel bolts to become
5. Remove the wheel bolts and place them in the tool tray.
loose and result in injury with the vehicle out of control.
6. Remove wheels.
Never use heat to remove a seized wheel. This will shorten
7. Pull out the wheel valve assembly, and remove the tyre
the life of the wheel, wheel bolts, hub and bearing. Wheel
from the rim with the tyre changer. bolts must be tightened in correct sequence and to correct
Warning: Use a tyre changer to remove the tyre. Manual torque to avoid distortion of wheel, brake drum or disc.
tools or prybar could damage the road wheel or tyre. 7. Fit the wheel bolt cap.

Caution: Do not place the wheel face down on the ground 8. Fit the wheel trim cover assembly.
to avoid scratching.
Caution: Please clean the corrosive on the surface of the
road wheel, drum and brake disc before refitting. If wheel,
disc and drum contact surfaces are not properly cleaned,
the wheel bolts could become loose and may cause the
wheel to fall off while the vehicle is moving. This will cause
the vehicle to go out of control, and could cause injury.
1. Fit a new wheel valve assembly.
2. Fit the new tyre with a tyre changer and charge the
tyre until the rim is in place. Ensure that the locating
ring at the outside of the tyre bead is around the wheel
rim flanges. This method can ensure the tyre bead is
properly fitted.
3. Use a tire dynamic balancer to measure the wheel
dynamic balance, match it and fit new wheel balance
4. Fit the wheel and tighten the wheel bolts until the
wheel is firmly secured on the hub.
5. Lower the vehicle with the lift.
6. Tighten 5 wheel bolts to 120–130Nm. For tightening
order, please see the figure below (1 to 5).

1.0 809


1.0 810

Brake Brake System

Description Value
Bolt-Front brake caliper shuck assembly to bracket 25–30Nm
Screw-Front brake pan to bearing 7–10Nm
Bolt-Front brake caliper assembly to front knuckle 190–210Nm
Bolt-Front Brake hose to front brake caliper 28–32Nm
Bolt-Rear brake caliper shuck assembly to bracket 30–33Nm
Screw-Rear brake pan to bearing 7-10Nm
Bolt-Rear brake caliper assembly to rear knuckle 55 Nm+30°
Bolt-Rear Brake hose to rear brake caliper 28–32Nm
Bolt-Clutch pedal to bracket 19–25Nm
Nut -Brake pedal to bracket 19–25Nm
Bolt-Brake pedal to bracket 19–25Nm
Bolt-Brake lamp switch to bracket 7–10Nm
Screw- Front bleeding screw 16-18Nm
Screw- Rear bleeding screw 9-13Nm
Bolt-Fluid reservoir to master cylinder 5–7Nm
Nut - master cylinder to servo 19–25Nm
Brake pipe 15-19Nm
Brake pipe connector 15-19Nm
Brake pipe to brake pipe 13–15Nm

1.0 811

Brake System Brake

Diameter of Brake Disc
Front 312mm
Rear 282mm
Minimum Thickness of Front Brake Disc
New (Nominal Value) 25mm
Service Limit 23mm

Minimum Thickness of Rear Brake Disc

New (Nominal Value) 12mm
Service Limit 10mm
Maximum Runout of Brake Disc (Equipped with Wheel) 0.025mm
Minimum Thickness of Front Brake Pad
New (Nominal Value) 13.5mm
Wear Limit 2mm
Minimum Thickness of Rear Brake Pad
New (Nominal Value) 10.5mm
Wear Limit 2mm

1.0 812

Brake Brake System

Description and Operation
System Layout
Brake Hydraulic System Layout
1. Front Brake Caliper Assembly 7. Rear Brake Caliper Assembly
2. Front Brake Vent Disc 8. Rear Brake Disc backplate
3. ABS/SCS Modulator 9. Rear Brake Hose
4. Vacuum Booster 10. Rear Brake Disc
5. Brake Master Cylinder 11. Front Brake Disc backplate
6. Brake Fluid Reservoir

1.0 813

Brake System Brake

Description the vacuum booster in the diagonal way. The brake system
General also contains the antilock brake system (ABS) and electronic
brake force distribution (EBD).
The brake system consists of the front/rear disc brakes which
are controlled by the dual-circuit hydraulic brake system with

Hydraulic System Schematics

1. Brake Master Cylinder/Vacuum Booster Assembly 5. Front Brake
2. Brake Pedal 6. Secondary Hydraulic Circuit
3. ABS/SCS modulator 7. Primary Hydraulic Circuit
4. Rear Brake

Under normal operating conditions, the displacement of the on the same axle. These functions are controlled by the
brake pedal is boosted and delivered by the vacuum booster ECU integrated in the ABS/SCS modulator. The ECU also
assembly to the brake master cylinder assembly. The brake controls the alarm device on the IPK, which provides the
master cylinder assembly converts the movement of the brake status information of each function for the driver.
pedal into hydraulic pressure. The primary and secondary Brake Pedal and Brake Lamp Switch
hydraulic circuit pipes deliver the hydraulic pressure to the
The brake pedal is fitted on the shaft of the brake pedal
brake through the ABS/SCS. The primary circuit supplies
mounting bracket located on the dash panel, and the brake
pressure to the left front and right rear brakes, and the
booster input rod is connected to the brake pedal with rod
secondary circuit supplies pressure to the right front and left
pin and U-clip. It is located at the end of the brake pedal,
rear brakes. The vacuum of the vacuum booster assembly is
which is used to control the Hall-Effect brake lamp switch on
obtained through a vacuum pipeline and check valve from the
the brake pedal mounting bracket. The brake lamp switch
engine intake manifold.
provides two brake pedal status outputs: one is connected to
For the functions of the ABS and EBD, the ABS/SCS the BCM, the other is connected to the ECM.
modulator adjusts the hydraulic pressure of the brake and
The brake lamp switch contains an inner sensor located in the
controls the speed of one wheel or that of the two wheels
external mounting slide valve. To ensure the correct fitting

1.0 814

Brake Brake System

orientation of the inner sensor, the inner sensor is fitted in the vacuum booster assembly failure, the hydraulic system still has
mounting slide valve in a key connection mode, the mounting the brake function, but greater pedal braking force is required
slide valve is also fitted to the brake pedal mounting bracket in due to lack of vacuum booster.
a key connection mode, and the mounting slide valve and the
The vacuum booster assembly is connected to the dash panel
sensor make the inner sensor maintain its correct position in
with 4 studs. The brake master cylinder assembly is connected
the slide valve with mutually matched saw teeth. When brake
to two fixing bolts at the front end of the vacuum booster
is released, the end on the brake pedal is against the tail end of
assembly. The vacuum booster assembly consists of a round
the sensor, when the brake pedal is depressed, the end of the
casing with double diaphragms, a center plate, a control valve
pedal is far away from the sensor and causes a change in the
assembly, an input push rod, an output push rod and a filter.
sensor output voltage.
The input push rod is connected to the brake pedal, and the
Brake Lamp Signal Sensor output push rod is located in the main piston of the brake
master cylinder. A rubber protective sleeve is fitted to the
The brake lamp signal sensor is a hall effect sensor which
works with the permanent magnet ring on the brake master control valve assembly at the point where the control valve
cylinder piston. The outside housing of the brake master protrudes from the rear housing. There is a hole in the front
cylinder where the sensor locates is driven by the magnet housing connected to the vacuum tube from the engine, and
ring. The working mechanism of the sensor is to change the a check valve is fitted on the vacuum tube. The control valve
hall voltage based on the change of the distance between the assembly consists of a valve body with a vacuum valve, a piston,
permanent magnet ring and the sensor hall element. When a vacuum valve spring and an input push rod spring. The
pressing the brake, the piston motion drives the magnet ring vacuum valve body is provided with a vacuum hole. The piston
to move through the brake lamp signal sensor, this generate controls the air inlet hole between the vacuum valve and the
the magnetic flux required for signal switch. When releasing piston. The reaction disc and the proportional disc separate
the brake, the return force from the spring drives the piston the piston from the output push rod. A guide tube is fitted
with the permanent magnet ring to its original position. on the front diaphragm in the front of the valve body, which is
supported in the bushing on the center plate. The nozzle end
Brake Pedal Position Sensor
of the guide tube is provided with a return spring. The double
The brake pedal position sensor is fitted on the brake pedal diaphragms and the center plate divide the internal space of the
bracket, which is used to detect the driver's action on the brake round casing into 4 mutually sealed chambers. The chambers
pedal. The brake pedal position sensor provides an analog in front of the diaphragm are connected together through the
voltage signal to the GW, which will increase when the brake fixed channel on the control valve assembly. The chambers
pedal is depressed. behind the diaphragms are connected together through the
Vacuum Booster Assembly inside of the secondary diaphragm at the fixing bolt.
The vacuum booster assembly provides boost during braking
to reduce the pedal force required for braking. In case of the

1.0 815

Brake System Brake

Brake Master Cylinder Assembly

1. Secondary Pressure Chamber 8. Primary Piston
2. Secondary Piston 9. Primary Spring
3. Secondary Oil Inlet 10. Primary Pressure Chamber
4. Brake Fluid Reservoir Port 11. Secondary Centre Valve
5. Brake Master Cylinder 12. Valve Pin
6. Primary Oil Inlet 13. Secondary Spring
7. Primary Centre Valve

When the brake pedal is depressed, the brake master cylinder fluid reservoir. A permanent magnet is provided on the float
assembly produces hydraulic pressure so that the brake in the fluid reservoir, which keeps the brake fluid level switch
operates. The assembly is fitted in front of the vacuum in the OFF state when the brake fluid level is at a suitable
booster assembly, which contains a pump body with a total height. When the brake fluid level is low, the float sinks and
of two pistons in the front and rear sections. The rear piston causes the reed switch to turn ON.
produces brake pressure for the primary circuit, and the front Front Brake
piston produces brake pressure for the secondary circuit. The
The front brake consists of a single-piston sliding brake caliper
brake fluid reservoir is fitted at the top of the master cylinder.
assembly fitted to the hub, and a brake disc with ventilation
The fluid reservoir is partitioned inside to feed liquid for every
device. When the hydraulic pressure is transmitted to the
brake circuit independently, thus avoiding the condition that
brake caliper, the piston stretches outward, forcing the inner
neither the primary brake circuit nor the secondary brake
brake pad to press against the brake disc. The brake caliper
circuit can operate due to one brake fluid leakage. If one
housing under reaction slides along the guide pin to drive the
brake circuit is out of order, the remaining brake circuits
outer brake pad to come into contact with the brake disc.
can still effectively operate, but the brake pedal travel and
the braking distance of the vehicle will increase. If the brake Rear Brake
fluid level in the fluid reservoir is too low, turn on the brake The brake brake consists of a single-piston sliding brake caliper
fluid level switch, cut off the circuit between the ABS/SCS assembly fitted to the hub, and a brake disc with ventilation
regulator and the instrument panel so that the brake warning device. The inside of the brake disc is protected by a guard
lamp illuminates. The brake fluid level switch contains a reed plate. The EPB cable on the rear brake caliper assembly applies
switch located in the plastic sheath at the downside of the brake force to the rear wheel. When the hydraulic pressure is

1.0 816

Brake Brake System

transmitted to the brake caliper, the piston stretches outward, to drive the outer brake pad to come into contact with the
forcing the inner brake pad to press against the brake disc. The brake disc.
brake caliper housing under reaction slides along the guide pin

1.0 817

Brake System Brake

Service Procedures front brake pad.

Front Brake Pad Tip: Pedal travel may be longer than normal during first
Remove brake applications.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Remove the stop spring of the front brake pad from the
front brake caliper housing.
4. Remove the dust shield from the bolt of the front brake
caliper housing.
5. Remove 2 guide pin bolts (1) securing the brake caliper
housing assembly on the front brake caliper bracket.
6. Remove the front brake caliper housing assembly from
the front brake caliper bracket.
Caution: Do not tie or allow caliper to hang on brake
7. Remove the front brake pad from the brake caliper
1. Remove all dirts and corrosives from the edge of the
front brake disc.
2. Clean the front brake caliper housing and front brake
caliper bracket. Check the front brake caliper and seals
for damage.
3. Fit the brake pad to the brake caliper bracket.
4. Secure the front brake caliper housing assembly on the
front brake caliper bracket, fit 2 guide pin bolts, tighten
to 25–30Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the dust shield to the bolt of the front brake caliper
6. Secure the stop spring of the front brake pad.
7. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Refit
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Press the brake pedal for several times so as to fit the

1.0 818

Brake Brake System

Front Brake Disc 6. Fit the wheels.
Remove Wheel Refit
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
7. Lower the vehicle.
2. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Remove 2 bolts (2) fixing front brake caliper assembly
to the steering knuckle.
4. Lift the brake caliper assembly and secure it on the
5. Remove the countersunk screws securing the front
brake disc and the front wheel drive flange.

6. Remove the front brake disc assembly.

1. Ensure the cleanness of the mating surface between the
front brake disc and the front wheel drive flange.
2. Fit the front brake disc to the front wheel drive flange,
fit the countersunk head screw, tighten to 7–10Nm
and check the torque.
3. Check the runout of the front brake disc.
Thickness and Circular Runout Check - Front
Brake Disc
4. Check the front brake pad, replace it if necessary.
5. Fit the brake caliper assembly to the steering knuckle, fit
2 bolts, tighten to 190–210Nm and check the torque.

1.0 819

Brake System Brake

Front Brake Caliper Housing Assembly caliper bracket and align them. Fit 2 bolts, tighten to
Remove 25–30Nm and check the torque.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 3. Fit the dust shield to the bolt of the front brake caliper
2. Remove wheels. housing.

Wheel Remove 4. Fit the stop spring clip of the front brake caliper into
the front brake caliper housing.
3. Place a suitable container under the vehicle to collect
the spilled fluid. 5. Connect the front brake hose to the front brake caliper
housing, tighten the connector to 28–32Nm and check
4. Remove 1 bolt and washer (1) fixing the brake hose to
the torque.
the front brake caliper housing, and disconnect hose.
6. Bleed the brake system.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and Brake System Bleeding
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent 7. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Refit
8. Lower the vehicle.
5. Remove the front brake caliper stop spring from the
front brake caliper housing.
6. Remove 2 dust shields from the bolt of the front brake
caliper housing.
7. Remove 2 bolts (1) securing the front brake caliper
housing on the front brake caliper bracket.

8. Remove the brake caliper housing assembly.

1. Remove all dirts and corrosives from the edge of the
front brake disc.
2. Fix the front brake caliper housing to the front brake

1.0 820

Brake Brake System

Rear Brake Pad 4. With the TCH00015 and TCH00105, press the rear
Remove brake caliper piston into the rear brake caliper housing,
1. Release the parking brake cable. rotate the piston of the left assembly clockwise and
that of the right assembly counterclockwise.
Parking Brake Cable Full Release
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
3. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
4. Release the clip to remove the EPB cable.
5. Fit the brake pad spring to the brake pad, use the
direction shown by the figure below.

5. Remove 2 bolts securing the rear brake caliper housing

assembly on the rear brake caliper bracket.

6. Fit the brake pad to the rear brake housing assembly.

7. Align the rear brake caliper housing with the rear brake
caliper bracket, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 30–33Nm and
check the torque.

6. Fix the rear brake caliper housing assembly to the 8. Fit the stop spring clip rear brake caliper into the rear
vehicle frame and avoid damaging the hose and other brake caliper housing.
components. 9. Fit the EPB cable to the rear brake caliper bracket and
Caution: Do not tie or allow caliper to hang on brake secure with clips.
hose. 10. Fit the wheels.

7. Remove the rear brake pad from the rear brake caliper Wheel Refit
housing. 11. Lower the vehicle.
Refit 12. Press the brake pedal for several times so as to fit the
1. Remove all dirts and corrosives from the edge of the front brake pad.
rear brake disc. Tip: Pedal travel may be longer than normal during first
2. Clean the rear brake caliper housing and rear brake brake applications.
caliper bracket with brake cleaner. 13. Adjust the parking brake cable.
3. Check the rear brake caliper and rear brake caliper
Parking Brake Cable Adjustment
piston seal rings for any damage.

1.0 821

Brake System Brake

Rear Brake Disc brake caliper piston into the rear brake caliper housing,
Remove rotate the piston of the left assembly clockwise and
1. Release the parking brake cable. that of the right assembly counterclockwise.

Parking Brake Cable Full Release

2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
3. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
4. Remove and discard 2 bolts fixing the rear brake caliper
assembly to the rear wheel bracket.

5. Check the mounting surface and hole of the wheel

bracket and rear brake caliper assembly, remove the
foreign material or oil stain and ensure the mounting
surface and hole are clean.
6. Fix the rear brake caliper assembly to the rear wheel
bracket, fit 2 new bolts and tighten to 55 Nm+30°.

Caution: The bolt can only be used once, and it should be

5. Secure the rear brake caliper assembly on the frame. replaced by a new one after the bolt is screwed (not only
6. Remove the countersunk head screws fixing the rear screw down but also screw off).
brake disc to the wheel hub. 7. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Refit
8. Lower the vehicle.
9. Adjust the parking brake cable.
Parking Brake Cable Adjustment

7. Remove the rear brake disc from the vehicle.

1. Keep the mating face between the rear brake disc and
the wheel hub clean.
2. Fix the rear brake disc to the wheel hub, fit 1
countersunk head screw, tighten to 7-10Nm and check
the torque.
3. Check the runout of rear brake disc.
Thickness and Circular Runout Check - Rear
Brake Disc
4. With the TCH00015 and TCH00105, press the rear

1.0 822

Brake Brake System

Rear Brake Caliper Housing Assembly
1. Release the parking brake cable.

Parking Brake Cable Full Release

2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
3. Remove wheels.

Wheel Remove
4. Release the clip to remove the EPB cable.
7. Remove the rear brake caliper housing assembly from
the vehicle.
1. Clean the brake components.
Warning: Do not use compressed air to clean brake
components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful
if inhaled.
2. Align the rear brake caliper housing with the rear brake
caliper bracket, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 30–33Nm and
5. Remove and discard the bolt and washer (1) securing check the torque.
the brake hose and brake caliper. 3. Fix the rear brake hose to the brake caliper, fit 1 bolt
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components, and washers and tighten to 28–32Nm.
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and 4. Fix the EPB cable to the rear brake caliper bracket and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent secure with clips.
contamination. 5. Bleed the brake system.

Brake System Bleeding

6. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Refit
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. Adjust the parking brake cable.

Parking Brake Cable Adjustment

6. Remove 2 bolts securing the rear brake caliper housing

assembly on the rear brake caliper bracket.

1.0 823

Brake System Brake

Thickness and Circular Runout Check - Rear b. Remove the countersunk head screws fixing the rear
Brake Disc brake disc to the rear wheel hub and take down the
Check rear brake disc.
1. Raise the vehicle on the lift. c. Ensure cleanness of the mating face between the rear
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported brake disc and the rear wheel hub flange.
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety d. Fit the rear brake disc into the rear wheel hub, fit the
stands. countersunk head screw and tighten to 7-10Nm.
2. Remove wheels.
e. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Remove
f. Recheck the runout of the rear brake disc according
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the rear brake caliper assembly to the above detailed procedures.
to the rear steering knuckle, remove the rear brake
caliper assembly and put it aside. g. If the runout still exceeds the limit, replace the rear
brake disc or rear wheel hub.
Caution: Don’t tie brake caliper on brake hose.
10. Remove wheels.
4. Measure the thickness of the rear brake disc along
the four average points at the surface of the rear Wheel Remove
11. Remove the DTI and TCH00022 from the inside of
brake disc with differential gauge/micrometer, and the
measurement points are inward, 10mm away from the the rear wheel hub.
margin of the rear brake disc. The thickness of the rear 12. Fit the rear brake caliper assembly into the trailing
brake disc shall be at least 10.0mm. If it exceeds the arm, fit the bolt, tighten to 55 Nm+30° and check
limit, the rear brake disc must be replaced. the torque.
Caution: Brake discs must be renewed in pairs, unless one 13. Fit the wheels.
disc requires renewal before 1000 miles (1500 km) from Wheel Refit
14. Depress the brake pedal for several times so as to
adjust the rear brake pad.
15. Lower the vehicle.

5. Fit the dial indicator (DTI) to the TCH00022, and fix

the TCH00022 to the inside of the rear wheel hub
through the bolt hole of the rear brake caliper assembly.
6. Fix the probe of the DTI to the location inward, 10mm
away from the margin of the rear brake disc.
7. Fit the wheels.

Wheel Refit
8. Reset the DTI, turn the wheel for a full circle and
measure the runout of the rear brake disc. The runout
of the rear brake disc shall not exceed 0.025mm.
9. If the runout of the rear brake disc exceeds limits:

a. Remove wheels.

1.0 824

Brake Brake System

Thickness and Circular Runout Check - Front b. Remove the countersunk head screws fixing the front
Brake Disc brake disc to the front wheel hub and remove the
Check front brake disc.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. c. Ensure the cleanness of the mating surface between
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported the front brake disc and the front wheel hub flange.
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety d. Fit the front brake disc to the front wheel hub, fit the
stands. countersunk head screw, tighten to 7–10Nm and
2. Remove wheels. check the torque.
Wheel Remove e. Fit the wheels.
3. Remove 2 bolts fixing the front brake caliper assembly f. Recheck the runout of the brake disc according to
to the front wheel hub, remove the front brake caliper
the above procedures.
assembly and secure it on the frame.
g. If the runout still exceeds the limit, replace the front
4. Measure the thickness of the front brake disc along
brake disc or front wheel hub.
the four average points at the surface of the front
brake disc with differential gauge/micrometer, and the 10. Remove wheels.
measurement points are inward, 10mm away from the Wheel Remove
margin of the front brake disc. The thickness of the
11. Remove the DTI and special tool from the inside of
front brake disc shall be at least 23.0mm. If it exceeds
the front wheel hub.
the limit, the front brake disc must be replaced.
12. Fit the brake caliper assembly to the front steering
Caution: Brake discs must be renewed in pairs, unless one knuckle, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 190–210Nm and check
disc requires renewal before 1000 miles (1500 km) from the torque.
13. Fit the wheels.
14. Depress the brake pedal for several times to adjust the
front brake pad.
15. Lower the vehicle.

5. Fit the dial indicator (DTI) to the special tool, and fix it
to the inside of the front wheel hub through the bolt
hole of the front brake caliper assembly.
6. Fix the probe of the DTI to the location inward, 5mm
away from the edge of the front brake disc.
7. Fit the wheels.

Wheel Refit
8. Reset the DTI, allow the wheel to turn for a full circle
and measure the brake disc runout. The runout of the
front brake disc shall not exceed 0.025mm.
9. If the brake disc runout exceeds the limit:

a. Remove wheels.

1.0 825

Brake System Brake

Pedal Assembly-MT
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove the driver side lower cover plate assembly.
Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the accelerator pedal assembly connector
4. Remove 3 nuts (2) fixing the accelerator pedal to the
front dash panel.
9. Remove the brake pedal assembly from the vehicle.
10. Remove the clutch master cylinder and clutch pedal
Clutch Master Cylinder Remove
5. Remove the accelerator pedal assembly from the
6. Remove the clips and rod pins fixing the vacuum
booster to the brake pedal.

11. Disconnect the clutch pedal from the master cylinder,

and remove the clutch pedal assembly.

7. Remove 4 nuts (1) fixing the break pedal to the body

dash panel.
8. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the break pedal to the body
dash panel.

1. Connect the clutch master cylinder and clutch pedal
2. Fit the clutch master cylinder and clutch pedal assembly
to the vehicles, fit 3 bolts and tighten to 19–25Nm.
Clutch Master Cylinder Refit

1.0 826

Brake Brake System

3. Fit the brake pedal to the vehicle. Pedal Assembly - AT
4. Fix the brake pedal assembly to the body front dash Remove
panel, then fit 1 bolts and tighten them to 19–25Nm. 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
5. Fix the brake pedal assembly to the body front dash 2. Remove the driver side lower cover plate assembly.
panel, then fit 4 nuts and tighten them to 19–25Nm.
Driver Side Lower Cover Plate Assembly Remove
6. Fix the vacuum booster push rod to the brake pedal,
3. Remove the brake pedal position sensor.
fit rod pin and tighten it with clips.
7. Fit the accelerator pedal to the vehicle. Brake Pedal Position Sensor Remove

8. Fix the accelerator pedal assembly to the front dash 4. Disconnect the connector (1) of the accelerator pedal
panel, then fit 3 nuts and tighten them to 19–25Nm. assembly.

9. Connect the accelerator pedal assembly connector. 5. Remove 3 nuts (2) fixing the accelerator pedal assembly
to the dash panel.
10. Fit the lower cover plate assembly at the driver side.

Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Refit

11. Connect battery earth lead.

6. Remove the accelerator pedal assembly from the

7. Remove the rod pin and clip fixing the vacuum booster
to the brake pedal.

8. Remove 4 nuts (1) fixing the brake pedal to the dash

panel of the body.
9. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the brake pedal to the dash
panel of the body.

1.0 827

Brake System Brake

Brake Pedal Position Sensor

1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove the driver side lower cover plate assembly.
Driver Side Lower Cover Plate Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the connector (2) of the brake pedal
position sensor.
4. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the brake pedal position
sensor to the pedal bracket.
10. Remove the brake pedal assembly from the vehicle.
1. Fit the brake pedal to the vehicle.
2. Fix the brake pedal assembly to the dash panel of the
body, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 19–25Nm.
3. Fix the brake pedal assembly to the dash panel of the
body, fit 4 nuts and tighten to 19–25Nm.
4. Secure the vacuum booster to the brake pedal, and
secure it with the rod pin and clip.
5. Fit the accelerator pedal to the vehicle.
5. Remove the brake pedal position sensor.
6. Fix the accelerate pedal assembly to the dash panel, fit
3 nuts and tighten to 19–25Nm.
1. Fit the brake pedal position sensor to the vehicle.
7. Connect the connector of the accelerator pedal
2. Fix the brake pedal position sensor to the pedal bracket,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
8. Fit the brake pedal position sensor.
3. Connect the connector of the brake pedal position
Brake Pedal Position Sensor Refit sensor.
9. Fit the lower cover plate assembly for the driver side. 4. Fit the lower cover plate assembly for the driver side.
Driver Side Lower Cover Plate Assembly Refit Driver Side Lower Cover Plate Assembly Refit
5. Connect battery earth lead.
6. Perform zero self-learning for the brake pedal position

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming

and Coding - Zero Self-learning of Brake Pedal
Position Sensor

1.0 828

Brake Brake System

Vacuum Booster Assembly lower dash panel.
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Remove
3. Remove the brake master cylinder and fluid reservoir

Brake Master Cylinder and Fluid Reservoir

Assembly Remove
4. Disconnect the vacuum sensor connector (1) of the
vacuum pump.
5. Disconnect the vacuum hose (2) from the vacuum
booster. 9. Remove the vacuum booster assembly from the vehicle.
Caution: The force to remove the hose shouldn’t too Refit
heavy to damage the connector of vacuum hose.Do not 1. Fit the vacuum booster assembly to the vehicle.
damage the connector and keep the connector away
2. Fix the vacuum booster to the lower dash panel, fit 4
from water when removing or fixing the hose with vacuum
nuts and tighten them to 19–25Nm.
3. Locate the push rod of the vacuum booster to the
brake pedal, and secure it with the rod pin and clip.
4. Fit the lower cover plate assembly for the driver side.
Driver Side Lower Cover Plate Assembly Refit
5. Connect vacuum hose to the vacuum booster.

Caution: Keep the dust and foreign matter from vacuum

hose.If having trouble to fix vacuum hose , please using
grease special for fixing vacuum hose to lubricate , other
liquid or grease is prohibited.
6. Connect the vacuum sensor connector of the vacuum
7. Fit the brake master cylinder and fluid reservoir
6. Remove the driver side lower cover plate assembly.
Driver Side Lower Cover Plate Assembly Remove
Brake Master Cylinder and Reservoir Assembly
7. Remove the pin rod and clip fixing the vacuum booster Refit
to the brake pedal.
8. Bleed the brake system.

Brake System Bleeding

9. Fit the battery box bracket.

Battery Box Bracket Refit

10. Connect battery earth lead.

8. Remove 4 nuts (1) fixing the vacuum booster to the

1.0 829

Brake System Brake

Brake Lamp Signal Sensor Brake Lamp Switch Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect battery earth lead. 1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Disconnect the connector (2) of the brake signal sensor. 2. Disconnect the brake lamp switch connector.
3. Release the clip fixing the brake lamp switch to the
brake pedal bracket, an remove the brake lamp switch.
3. Remove the clips and bolts fixing the brake lamp signal
sensor to the brake master cylinder, and remove the
lock catches. Refit
Refit 1. Fix the brake lamp switch to the brake pedal bracket
1. Fix the Brake Lamp Signal Sensor to the brake master and secure the clip.
cylinder with clips, fit bolts and tighten them. 2. Connect the connector of the brake lamp switch.
2. Connect the connector of the brake signal sensor. 3. Connect battery earth lead.
3. Connect battery earth lead.

1.0 830

Brake Brake System

Brake System Bleeding
Brake System Bleeding
1. Refill the brake fluid reservoir to the MAX mark.

Caution: During the entire bleeding process, ensure the

new brake fluid level in the brake reservoir is between the
Min. and Max. position.

2. Raise the vehicle on a lift.

3. Remove the bleed screw dust cover at the right rear
brake caliper, and fit the hose into the bleed screw.
Immerse the free end of the hose into the container
with fresh brake fluid.
9. Lower the vehicle.
10. Refill the brake fluid reservoir to the MAX line.
11. Apply the brake and check for leakage.
12. Test the vehicle on the road. Check the minimum
stroke of the brake pedal when the brake is functioning.
VDS Bleeding
1. Place the ignition switch in "RUN" position (2).
2. Connect the brake fluid filling/bleeding machine to the
brake fluid reservoir and adjust the refill pressure to
3. Connect diagnostic tool and access the VDS.
4. Depress the brake pedal for several times and apply 4. Select "Routines - Other - ABS/SCS Brake Bleeding",
stable pressure.
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.
5. Release the bleed screw to separate the brake fluid and 5. If the operation fails, please operate as per the
air. Allow the pedal to return without any external instructions on the screen.
6. Press the brake pedal to the maximum stroke steadily,
and allow it to return without any external force.
Repeat the operation for several times until the brake
fluid without any air flows into the container, then fix
the brake pedal to the maximum stroke, tighten the
front bleed screw to 16-18Nm and the rear bleed
screw to 9-13Nm, then check the torque.
7. Remove the hose from the bleed screw, fit the bleed
screw dust cover.
8. Repeat the draining procedures for the remaining 3
brake calipers in the following order: left rear, left
front, right front.

1.0 831

Brake System Brake

Brake Master Cylinder and Reservoir Assembly

1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Remove
3. Put the cloth under the brake master cylinder and brake
fluid reservoir assembly to absorb the spilled fluid.

Caution: Brake fluid will damage paint finished surfaces.

If spilled, immediately remove fluid and clean area with
4. Disconnect the connector from the brake fluid level
switch. 8. Remove the brake master cylinder and fluid reservoir
9. Remove 1 bolt fixing brake fluid reservoir to the brake
master cylinder, and remove the reservoir.
1. Fix the brake fluid reservoir to the master cylinder, fit 1
bolt, tighten to 5–7Nm, and check the torque.
2. Fit the brake master cylinder and reservoir assembly
to the vehicle.
3. Clean the hard brake pipe connector.
4. Fix the brake master cylinder to the vacuum booster,
fit 2 new nuts and gaskets, tighten to 19–25Nm and
check the torque.
5. Release 2 hard brake pipes from the brake master 5. Fit the 2 hard brake pipes to the brake master cylinder,
cylinder. tighten the connector nut to 15-19Nm and check the
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components, torque.
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and 6. Connect the signal sensor connector of the brake lamp
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent (if any).
contamination. 7. Connect the connector of the brake fluid level switch.
8. Fit the battery box bracket.
Battery Box Bracket Refit
9. Bleed the brake system.

Brake System Bleeding

10. Connect battery earth lead.

6. Disconnect the connector (2) of the signal sensor of

the brake lamp (if any).
7. Remove 2 nuts and gasket (1) securing the brake master
cylinder on the vacuum booster.

1.0 832

Brake Brake System

Front Brake Hose
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Remove 1 bolt and washer fixing the brake hose to
the front brake caliper housing, and discard the bolt
and washer.

Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,

ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent
7. Remove the front brake hose from the vehicle.
1. Clean the connector of the brake pipe.
2. Fit the front brake hose to the vehicle.
3. Fix the front brake hose and its bracket to the front
shock absorber, fit 1 bolt and tighten it.
4. Connect the front brake hose to the brake pipe, secure
with nuts and tighten the nut to 15-19Nm.
5. Fix the front brake hose to the body and secure with
6. Fix the front brake hose to the front brake caliper
housing, fit new bolts and washers and then tighten the
bolt to 28–32Nm.
4. Remove the clip (1) fixing the front brake hose to the
body. 7. Bleed the brake system.
5. Remove the nut (2) connecting the brake hose and Brake System Bleeding
brake pipe.
8. Fit the wheels.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
Wheel Refit
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
9. Lower the vehicle.
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent

6. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front brake hose and its

bracket to the front shock absorber.

1.0 833

Brake System Brake

Rear Brake Hose 8. Lower the vehicle.

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Remove 1 bolt and washer (1) fixing the rear brake
hose to the rear brake caliper housing, and discard the
bolt and washer.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent

4. Remove the clip (2) fixing the rear brake hose to the
5. Remove the nut (3) connecting the rear brake hose and
brake pipe, and disconnect them.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent
6. Remove the rear brake hose from the vehicle.
1. Clean the brake components.
2. Fit the rear brake hose to the vehicle.
3. Connect the rear brake hose to the brake pipe, secure
with nuts and tighten the nut to 15-19Nm.
4. Fix the rear brake hose to the body and secure with
5. Fix the rear brake hose to the rear brake caliper
housing, fit new bolts and washers and then tighten the
bolt to 28–32Nm.
6. Bleed the brake system.
Brake System Bleeding
7. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Refit

1.0 834

Brake Brake System

Left Front Brake Pipe tighten the nuts to 15-19Nm.
Remove 5. Bleed the brake system.
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
Brake System Bledding
2. Remove wheels.
6. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Remove
Wheel Refit
3. Put a cloth under the ABS modulator to absorb the
7. Lower the vehicle.
spilled oil.
4. Remove the nut (2) fixing the left front brake pipe to
the ABS modulator, and disconnect the pipe.
5. Remove the nut connecting the brake hose and brake
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent
6. Remove the clip fixing the front brake hose to the body.

7. Remove the left front brake pipe from the vehicle.

1. Fit the left front brake pipe to the body pipe clip.
2. Connect the left front brake hose to the brake pipe,
secure with nuts and tighten the nut to 15-19Nm.
3. Fix the left front brake hose to the body and secure
with clips.
4. Fix the left front brake pipe to the ABS modulator, and

1.0 835

Brake System Brake

Right Front Brake Pipe

1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Put a cloth under the ABS modulator to absorb the
spilled oil.
4. Remove the nut (3) fixing the right front hard brake
pipe to the ABS modulator, and disconnect the pipe.
7. Remove the right front brake pipe from the body.
1. Fit the right front brake pipe to the body pipe clip.
2. Connect the right front brake hose to the brake pipe,
secure with nuts and tighten the nut to 15-19Nm.
3. Fix the right front brake hose to the body and secure
with clips.
4. Fix the right front brake pipe to the ABS modulator,
and tighten the nuts to 15-19Nm.
5. Bleed the brake system.
5. Remove the nut (2) connecting the right front brake
hose and brake pipe. Brake System Bleeding
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components, 6. Fit the wheels.
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and Wheel Refit
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent
7. Lower the vehicle.

6. Remove the clip fixing the right front brake hose to

the body.

1.0 836

Brake Brake System

Brake Master Cylinder Pipe Connecting Pipe from ABS to Rear Brake Hard
Remove Tube
1. Put a cloth under the ABS modulator and master
cylinder to absorb the spilled oil. 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Disconnect 2 oil inlet brake pipes (1) from the ABS 2. Put a cloth under the ABS modulator to absorb the
modulator. spilled oil.
3. Disconnect 2 oil outlet brake pipes (2) from the master 3. Remove the 2 nuts (1) and (4) fixing the pipe connecting
cylinder. the ABS with the rear hard brake pipe to the ABS
4. Disconnect the brake hose, plug the opening of the
brake caliper and the brake hose to avoid brake fluid
loss and contamination.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent

1. Fix the brake pipe to the brake master cylinder, and
tighten the nuts to 15-19Nm.
2. Fix the brake hard tube to the ABS modulator, and
tighten the nuts to 15-19Nm.
3. Bleed the brake system.

Brake System Bleeding

5. Remove the pipe connecting the ABS to the rear brake
pipe and the nut of the rear brake pipe.

6. Disconnect the brake hose, plug the opening of the

brake caliper and the brake hose to avoid brake fluid
loss and contamination.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent

1.0 837

Brake System Brake

7. Remove the pipe connecting the ABS and the rear Rear Brake Line
brake pipe from the vehicle. Remove
Refit 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
1. Clean the connector of the brake pipe. 2. Remove wheels.
2. Remove the pipe connecting the ABS to the rear brake Wheel Remove
pipe, and fit it to the vehicle.
3. Remove the pipe connecting the ABS to the rear brake
3. Connect the pipe connecting the ABS to the rear pipe and the nut of the rear brake pipe.
brake pipe, and tighten the nuts to 15-19Nm.
4. Fix the pipe connecting the ABS with the rear hard
brake pipe to the ABS modulator, and tighten the nuts
to 15-19Nm.
5. Bleed the brake system.

Brake System Bleeding

6. Lower the vehicle.
4. Disconnect the brake hose, plug the opening of the
brake hose to avoid brake fluid loss and contamination.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent

5. Disconnect the connector of the fuel filter inlet/outlet

pipe from the fuel filter.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

Warning: The spilling of fuel is unavoidable during this

operation. Ensure that all necessary precautions are
taken to prevent fire and explosion.

6. Disconnect the oil return pipe.

7. Remove the rear subframe assembly.
Rear Subframe Assembly Remove

1.0 838

Brake Brake System

8. Remove the nut (3) connecting the left rear brake hose the fuel filter.
with the brake pipe, and disconnect them. 8. Connect the pipe connecting the ABS to the rear
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components, brake pipe, fit the nut and tighten to 13–15Nm.
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and 9. Fit the wheels.
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent
Wheel Refit
10. Lower the vehicle.
11. Bleed the brake system.

Brake System Bleeding


9. Remove the nut connecting the right rear brake hose

with the brake pipe, and disconnect them.
Caution: Before disconnecting or removing components,
ensure the immediate area around joint faces and
connections are clean. Plug open connections to prevent

10. Remove the rear brake pipe from the body pipe clip.

1. Clean the connector of the brake pipe.
2. Fix the rear brake pipe to the body pipe clip.
3. Connect the right rear brake hose with the brake pipe,
fit the nut and tighten to 15-19Nm.
4. Connect the left rear brake hose with the brake pipe,
fit the nut and tighten to 15-19Nm.
5. Fit the rear subframe assembly.
Rear Subframe Assembly Refit
6. Connect the oil return pipe.
7. Connect the connector of the oil inlet/return pipes to

1.0 839

Brake System Brake

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

TCH00015 brake rear
caliper piston
Adapter -
brake rear
caliper piston

Brake disc
runout test kit

1.0 840

Park Brake Brake System

Park Brake
Description Value
Bolt-Electric brake control module to bracket 7–10 Nm

1.0 841

Brake System Park Brake

Description and Operation

System Layout
EPB Layout

1. EPB Module 3. EPB Switch

2. Parking Brake Cable Assembly

1.0 842

Park Brake Brake System

System Control Diagram
EPB Control Diagram

A = Chassis HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = Power HS CAN Bus; D = Hard Wire

1.0 843

Brake System Park Brake

Description • Release the EPB switch or depress the accelerator pedal

Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) to cancel the brake process.
Description of Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) • During dynamic deceleration of the EPB, the EPB can
prevent the rear wheel from being locked by the clamp
The EPB is comprised of the EPB switch, EPB module and 1
force of the EPB actuator.
EPB motor. The EPB switch on the center console facilitates
EPB moduleEPB Harness Connector BY036
the driver's operation. Under the condition of power
shortage, the electronic parking brake can not be engaged or
released. The EPB module is on the right rear body, which is
connected with the body harness by a harness connector. The
EPB motor is integrated in the EPB module, fit the EPB cable
to the rear wheel and apply brake force on the rear wheel.
Connect the EPB.

When the vehicle is static or the ignition switch is off, the

electronic parking brake can be applied at any time. When
leaving the vehicle or parking, the parking brake must be
• Pull the EPB switch (button) up until the indicator lamp
on the EPB switch comes on.
• If the indicator lamp on the EPB switch and the IPK Pin No. Description
illuminates, the EPB is activated. A1 —
• If the indicator lamp on the IPK illuminates, the EPB
A2 Chassis HS CAN Low
fails, please contact the local after-sales service center
A3 Chassis HS CAN High
A4 —
Disable the EPB manually
B1 —
• Connect the ignition switch
B2 —
• Press the EPB switch, depress the brake pedal or
B3 —
slightly depress the accelerator pedal when the engine is
working. B4 —
• If the indicator lamp on the switch/IPK goes out, the C1 —
EPB is disabled. C2 Analogue Brake
Aux Start C3 Brake Signal Input
C4 EPB Indicator Lamp
The EPB automatically judges the intention of the driver, and
release the parking brake automatically. For hill start, the EPB D1 —
can judge engine torque output and prevent slip. D2 Switch Ground
When you fasten the seat belt, place the ignition switch D3 Release Signal Input
in "ON" position, engage a gear and slightly depress the D4 —
accelerator pedal to start the vehicle, the electronic parking E1 —
brake will close automatically. For manual transmission, the
E2 —
clutch must be depressed completely before starting so that
the system can identify and release the parking brake. E3 —
E4 —
F1 —
During driving, when in any emergency, such as the vehicle can
F2 —
not be stopped by stepping on the pedal, decelerate by pulling
up and holding the EPB switch. F3 —
F4 —
• Pull the EPB switch up and hold to realize emergency
brake. Continuous acoustic alarm can be heard during G1 —
emergency brake. G2 Ground

1.0 844

Park Brake Brake System

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description
G3 Wake-up 1 Switch Ground
G4 KL.30 2 Release Signal Input
H1 — 3 Indicator
H2 Ground 4 KL.30
H3 — 5 Ground
H4 KL.30 6 Brake Signal Input

EPB Harness Connector CE003 7 Analogue Brake

8 —

1.0 845

Brake System Park Brake

Service Procedures 8. Connect the battery negative.

EPB Module 9. Programme and code the EPB module.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
1. Release the parking brake cable. Coding - EPB Module Replacement
Self-learning & Adjustment, Programming &
Coding - Parking Brake Cable Full Release
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Remove wheels.
Wheel Remove
4. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
5. Remove the rear wheel house liner.
Rear Wheel House Liner Remove
6. Disconnect the connector (1) of the EPB module.
7. Disconnect the left/right parking brake cables from the
parking brake cable on the EPB module side.
8. Remove the clip (2) fixing the parking brake cable
assembly on the EPB module side to the rear axle, and
remove parking brake cable on the EPB module side.
9. Remove 3 nuts (2) securing the EPB module on the
10. Remove the EPB module from the vehicle.
1. Secure the EPB module on the bracket, fit 3 nuts and
tighten to 7–10 Nm.
2. Fix the parking brake cable on the EPB module side to
the rear axle, and secure with clips.
3. Fix the left/right parking brake cables to the parking
brake cable on the EPB module side.
4. Connect the connector of the EPB module.
5. Fit the rear wheel house liner.
Rear Wheel House Liner Refit
6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Fit the wheels.
Wheel Refit

1.0 846

Park Brake Brake System

Parking Brake Cable
1. Release the parking brake cable. 。

Self-learning & Adjustment, Programming &

Coding - Parking Brake Cable Full Release
2. Remove the wheel.

Wheel Remove
3. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
4. Disconnect the parking brake cable on the EPB module
side and the left/right parking brake cables (2).
7. Remove the clip (1) fixing the left parking brake cable
to the rear axle.
8. Remove the clip (3) fixing the right parking brake cable
to the rear axle.

5. Remove the clip (2) fixing the left parking brake cable
to the rear brake shoe assembly.

9. Remove the parking brake cable.

1. Fix the right parking brake cable to the rear axle and
secure with clips.
2. Fix the right parking brake cable to the rear brake shoe
assembly and secure with clips.
3. Fix the left parking brake cable to the rear axle and
secure with clips.
4. Fix the left parking brake cable to the rear brake shoe
6. Remove the clip fixing the right parking brake cable to assembly and secure with clips.
the rear brake shoe assembly. 5. Fit the left/right parking brake cables to the parking
brake cable on the EPB module side.
6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Fit the wheels.

Wheel Refit
8. Adjust the parking brake cable.

Self-learning & Adjustment, Programming &

Coding - Parking Brake Cable Adjustment

1.0 847

Brake System Brake Module

Brake Module
Description Value
Bolt-SCS/ABS to bracket 7–10Nm
Bolt-bracket to body 19-25Nm
Brake pipe 15-19Nm
Bolt-Front wheel speed sensor to wheel carrier 7–10Nm
Screw-Front wheel speed sensor bracket to body 7-10Nm
Bolt-Rear wheel speed sensor to wheel carrier 7–10Nm

1.0 848

Brake Module Brake System

Description and Operation
System Layout
SCS Layout

1. Brake System malfunction indicator lamp 8. Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Assembly
2. SCS OFF Indicator Lamp 9. Brake Lamp Switch
3. SCS ON/malfunction indicator lamp 10. Front Wheel Speed Sensor Assembly
4. EPB malfunction indicator lamp 11. Brake Master Cylinder
5. ABS Warning Lamp 12. Brake Fluid Reservoir
6. TPMS Failure & Low Tire Pressure Warning Lamp 13. Brake Fluid Level Indicator Switch
7. EPB Status/Self-lock Indicator Lamp 14. Vacuum Booster

1.0 849

Brake System Brake Module

15. SCS/ABS Modulator


1.0 850

Brake Module Brake System

System Control Diagram
ABS/SCS Control Diagram


A = Hard Wire; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Body HS CAN Bus ; D = Chassis HS CAN Bus

1.0 851

Brake System Brake Module

Description regulator action, ECU can control the HCU according

ABS/SCS Modulator to the status of various system components, and allow it
to convert under different operation conditions (including
The ABS/SCS can assist the driver to well control the driving
normal braking, pressure-maintaining braking, decompression
and stability under all driving conditions and ensure maximum
braking and boost braking).
vehicle safety. The ABS/SCS modulator is a maintenance
free 4-channel component and consists of a combinational Hydraulic Control Unit (HCU) Schematic
hydraulic regulator (HCU) and a ECU which controls the Diagram
Brake Hydraulic System Schematic Diagram
Here is the operation principle of the brake pressure regulation 5. Check Valve
for one of the four channels (Other channels work on the same 6. Isolating Solenoid Valve
7. System Inlet Solenoid Valve
8. Check Valve
9. Electric Pump
10. Check Valve
11. Wheel Cylinder Inlet Solenoid Valve
12. Low Pressure Accumulator
13. Check Valve
14. Wheel Cylinder Outlet Solenoid Valve
15. Brake Cylinder
Normal Braking
Under normal braking, all components of the brake pressure
regulation device are de-energized, the brake fluid flows
1. Oil Cup through the isolation valve and wheel cylinder inlet solenoid
2. Vacuum Booster valve to the wheel cylinder, and the brake pressure regulation
3. Brake Master Cylinder device will not impact the normal braking, Illustrated as the
following chart.
4. Overflow Valve

1.0 852

Brake Module Brake System

Boost Stage Decompression Stage
When the ABS/SCS system requires to increase the wheel When it needs to reduce the wheel cylinder brake pressure,
cylinder brake pressure, the System Inlet Solenoid Valve 7 is the system inlet solenoid valve 7 and wheel cylinder inlet
powered on, the Isolation Solenoid Valve 6 is powered off, the solenoid valve 11 will be cut off, the isolating solenoid valve 6
Electric Pump 9 begins to operate, the brake fluid flows into and the system outlet solenoid valve 14 will open, the brake
the Wheel Cylinder 15, and the brake pressure increases. See fluid flows into the low pressure accumulator 12 to relieve the
the following figure. Among them, the Overflow Valve 4 plays hydraulic impact caused by the high pressure brake fluid, the
the role of safety protection; if the brake pressure exceeds electric pump 9 begins to operate, the brake fluid in the wheel
the maximum system safety pressure limitation when boosting cylinder will return to the master cylinder, and the wheel
brake pressure, the Overflow Valve 4 will be turned on and cylinder pressure reduces, Illustrated as the following chart.
allow the brake fluid flow back to the Brake Master Cylinder

The above processes continue in the operation of the

ABS/SCS system until the vehicle is regulated to the optimum
Pressure-maintaining Stage driving condition.
When it needs to maintain the wheel cylinder brake pressure,
End View of SCS modulator Connector BY003 and ABS
both the wheel cylinder inlet and outlet solenoid valves 11
modulator Connector BY023
and 14 will be cut off, the wheel cylinder disconnects with
external pipeline, and the wheel cylinder internal pressure
remains unchanged, Illustrated as the following chart.

1.0 853

Brake System Brake Module

Pin No. Pin Function

29 Left Rear Wheel Speed
Sensor Signal
30 Left Rear Wheel Speed
Sensor Ground
31 Diagnosis
32 Brake Fluid Level Switch
33 Right Rear Wheel Speed
Sensor Ground
34 Right Rear Wheel Speed
Sensor Signal
35 —

Detailed Pin Information of SCS Connector 36 Left Front Wheel Speed

Sensor Signal
Pin No. Pin Function
37 Left Front Wheel Speed
1 KL.30 Sensor Ground
2 KL.30 38 —
3 —
Detailed Pin Information of ABS Connector
4 SCS Switch
Pin No. Pin Function
5 —
1 KL.30
6 Wake-up
2 Brake Fluid Level Switch
7 Vehicle Speed
3 Vehicle Speed
8 —
4 —
9 —
5 —
10 Power CAN Low
6 Wake-up
11 Power CAN High
7 —
12 —
8 —
13 Pump Motor Ground
9 —
14 —
10 Chassis CAN Low
15 — 11 Chassis CAN High
16 — 12 —
17 Vacuum Sensor Power Supply 13 Ground
18 Chassis CAN Low 14 —
19 Chassis CAN High
15 —
20 Hill Descent Control Switch
16 —
21 Vacuum Sensor Signal
17 —
22 —
18 —
23 Vacuum Sensor Ground
19 —
24 —
20 —
25 KL.30
21 —
26 Right Front Wheel Speed
Sensor Ground 22 —

27 Right Front Wheel Speed 23 —

Sensor Signal 24 —
28 — 25 KL.30

1.0 854

Brake Module Brake System

Pin No. Pin Function trailing arm, and are extremely close to the inner sealing device
26 Right Front Wheel Speed of each relevant wheel bearing. Rotating together with the
Sensor Ground wheels, the sealing device includes a magnetic element with 48
27 Right Front Wheel Speed pairs of magnetic poles, when the wheels rotate, the magnetic
Sensor Signal poles in the sealing device generates voltage fluctuation in
28 Vacuum Sensor Power Supply the ABS sensor, the voltage fluctuation is converted into
square wave signal and output to the ABS modulator. The
29 Left Rear Wheel Speed
Sensor Signal signal frequency is proportional to wheel speed. In actual
use, each ABS sensor has a wire in the engine compartment
30 Left Rear Wheel Speed
Sensor Ground or luggage compartment, which connects the sensor to the
vehicle harness.
31 Diagnosis
Yaw Sensor
32 Vacuum Sensor Signal
33 Right Rear Wheel Speed The yaw sensor is integrated in the SCS, which measures
Sensor Ground vehicle rotation around the vertical axis and vehicle slip and
34 Right Rear Wheel Speed transmits the corresponding data to the SCSECU, the ECU
Sensor Signal compares the signals from the yaw sensor and the steering
35 Vacuum Sensor Ground angle sensor and determines the forthcoming situation, and
then takes corresponding control. The Yaw Sensor adopts the
36 Left Front Wheel Speed
Sensor Signal whole micro-structure method to process two relative thick
oscillating components (quality film) from the crystal, the two
37 Left Front Wheel Speed
Sensor Ground components take antiphase oscillation at a resonant frequency
determined by quality and the coupling spring. Each oscillating
38 —
component has a miniaturized formal microstructure capacity
End View of SAS Connector FA028 accelerated speed sensor. When the sensor chip rotates
around its vertical axis in yaw rate Ω, the Coriolis acceleration
which is perpendicular to the oscillating direction on the
crystal surface is recorded. The accelerations are proportional
to the product by the yaw rate and the current maintained
constant oscillating speed.
Tyre Pressure Monitoring
The indirect tyre pressure monitoring system monitors the
tyre pressure by comparing the speed difference between the
tyres through the wheel speed sensor of the SCS system.
The SCS uses the wheel speed sensor to determine if the
Detailed Pin Information of SAS Connector wheel is locked and if the antilock brake is required. When
Pin No. Pin Function the tyre pressure is low, the weight of the vehicle will cause
decreased tyre diameter, and this may result in change of
1 —
the vehicle speed, which can trigger the alarm system. After
2 Ground replacing/charging the tyre, the TPMS shall be reset. After
3 Wake-up activated reset, the TPMS will undergo a self-learning, the status of the
self-learning can be viewed by the VDS.
4 —
Auto Hold
5 Chassis CAN High
When the engine is working, and where regular or long-time
6 Chassis CAN Low
stop is required (for example, waiting for traffic lights, stopping
Wheel speed sensor on a hill or driving in the stop and go traffic), the auto hold
function can help the driver to stabilize the vehicle.
The wheel speed sensors are active sensors (i.e. they receive
the power supply from the ABS modulator), and they transmit After the vehicle stops, the driver do not need to depress
the wheel speed signal to the ABS modulator. The sensors the brake pedal, the auto hold function can lock the vehicle
are mounted in each front wheel hub and each rear suspension automatically.

1.0 855

Brake System Brake Module

When the driver depresses the accelerator pedal to start the the button indicator lamp will turn off. In this case, the EPB
vehicle, the auto hold function releases the brake immediately may activate automatically to control the vehicle.
and the vehicle moves according the inclination of the road.
Generally, the auto hold has three statuses: OFF, STANDBY
If the working condition of the auto hold changes when the and ACTIVE.
vehicle is stationary, the auto hold will close automatically and

1.0 856

Brake Module Brake System

Service Procedures
ABS Modulator
1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Put a cloth under the ABS modulator to absorb the
spilled oil.
3. Disconnect the connector from the ABS modulator.
4. Disconnect 2 oil inlet brake pipes (1) from the ABS
9. Remove 2 bolts securing the ABS modulator on the
mounting bracket.
5. Cover the brake pipe connector and prevent brake
fluid loss and pollution.
6. Record 4 positions of the oil outlet pipe on the ABS
modulator for assembly, then disconnect the brake pipe
oil outlet pipe from the top of the ABS modulator.
10. Remove the ABS mounting bracket from the body.
1. Connect the connector disconnected from the ABS
2. Fit the ABS modulator to the bracket.
3. Fix the ABS modulator to the mounting bracket, fit 2
bolts, tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
4. Fix the under mounting bracket of ABS to the body, fit
1 bolt, tighten to 19-25Nm and check the torque.
5. Clean the hard brake pipe connector.
6. Connect the oil inlet and outlet brake pipes to the ABS
modulator, ensure that the pipelines are connected to
7. Cover the brake pipe connector and prevent brake the right port. Tighten the connector of the brake pipe
fluid loss and pollution. to 15-19Nm and check the torque.
8. Remove 1 bolt fixing the under mounting bracket 7. Bleed the brake system.
ofABS to the body.
Brake System VDS Bleeding
8. Connect battery earth lead.
9. Programme and code the ABS modulator.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - SCS Replacement

1.0 857

Brake System Brake Module

Front Wheel Speed Sensor

1. Disconnect battery earth lead.
2. Remove front wheels.
Wheel Remove
3. Disconnect the connector of the front wheel speed
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front wheel speed sensor
bracket to the front suspension arm.
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front wheel speed sensor to
the steering knuckle.
3. Fix the front wheel speed sensor to the steering
knuckle, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 7–10Nm.
4. Fix the front wheel speed sensor bracket to the front
suspension arm, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 7-10Nm.
5. Connect the connector of the front wheel speed sensor.
6. Fit the front wheel.

Wheel Refit
7. Connect battery earth lead.

6. Remove the front wheel speed sensor.

1. Clean the contact surface between the wheel speed
sensor and the steering knuckle.
2. Fit the front left/right wheel speed sensor to the vehicle
according to the alignment of the harness as following.

Caution: If the trend of the harness is incorrect, it may

intervene with the drive shaft, and there is risk that the
wiring harness is worn to break.

1.0 858

Brake Module Brake System

Rear Wheel Speed Sensor fit 1 bolt and tighten to 7–10Nm.
Remove 5. Connect the connector of the rear wheel speed sensor.
1. Disconnect battery earth lead. 6. Lower the vehicle.
2. Raise the vehicle on a lift. 7. Connect battery earth lead.
3. Disconnect the connector (2) of the rear wheel speed
4. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the rear wheel speed sensor
to the wheel bracket.

5. Remove the clip fixing the rear wheel speed sensor to

the rear suspension arm.
6. Remove the rear wheel speed sensor.
1. Clean the contact surface between the wheel speed
sensor and the steering knuckle.
2. Fit the rear wheel speed sensor to the vehicle (2WD:
the alignment of harness is shown in the following

Caution: Harness must bu located between shock

absorber and lower arm, and should not be fixed on the
other side of the lower arm, otherwise the harness will
intervene with swivel hub.

3. Fix the rear wheel speed sensor to the rear suspension

arm and secure with clips.
4. Fix the rear wheel speed sensor to the wheel bracket,

1.0 859


1.0 860

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Drive Axle
Description Value
Bolt-intermediate shaft support bearing bracket to engine 42–48Nm
.Nut- front knuckle to front lower arm 95±10Nm
Nut-Steering outer tie rod to steering arm 40–50Nm
Nuts- anti-roll bar links to anti-roll bar 50–65Nm
Nut-front drive shaft 350–370Nm
Bolts- rear damper to rear wheel carrier 75–90Nm
Nut- rear upper arm assembly to rear wheel carrier 50Nm+90°
Bolts- rear blade arm assembly to rear wheel carrier 60±5Nm
Nut- lateral rod assembly to rear wheel carrier 130Nm+90°
Bolt-propshaft to axle 55–61Nm
Bolt-propshaft to body 55–65Nm
Bolt-propshaft to PTU 26–34Nm

1.0 861

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

Description and Operation

System Layout
Right Front Drive Shaft Exploded View

1. Right Alxe Shaft Assembly - Front Wheel 5. Right Outer Joint Assembly Service Kit - Front Wheel
2. Right Inner Joint Sleeve Service Kit - Front Wheel 6. Intermediate Shaft Assembly - Front Wheel
3. Right Inner Joint Assembly Service Kit - Front Wheel 7. Bolt
4. Right Outer Joint Sleeve Service Kit - Front Wheel 8. Bolt

1.0 862

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Left Front Drive Shaft Exploded View


1. Left Alxe Shaft Assembly - Front Wheel 4. Left Inner Joint Sleeve Service Kit - Front Wheel
2. Left Outer Joint Assembly Service Kit - Front Wheel 5. Left Inner Joint Assembly Service Kit - Front Wheel
3. Left Outer Joint Sleeve Service Kit - Front Wheel

1.0 863

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

Rear Drive Shaft Exploded View


1. Alxe Shaft Assembly - Rear Wheel 4. Inner Joint Sleeve Service Kit - Rear Wheel
2. Outer Joint Assembly Service Kit - Rear Wheel 5. Inner Joint Assembly Service Kit - Rear Wheel
3. Outer Joint Sleeve Service Kit - Rear Wheel

1.0 864

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Drive Shaft Assembly Drawing


1. Drive Shaft Assembly 4. Gasket

2. Bolt 5. Bolt
3. Bolt 6. Nut

1.0 865

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

Description resistance. The counter shaft and the tripod joint form an
The drive shaft is a rigid shaft with the tripod joint assembly assembly. The constant velocity joint assembly is a cage type,
and the constant velocity joint assembly, one integral shaft with which is connected to the counter shaft by splines, and is fixed
roller bearing and bearing support are fixed to the rear end of with a steel wire snap ring. The constant velocity joint is filled
the engine block, and the other is located at the left side and with lubricating grease and is protected by the rubber sleeve.
is connected with the differential. There are three pins with The drive shaft is also equipped with the shock absorption ring.
ball gaskets on the tripod joint assembly to reduce the sliding

1.0 866

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Service Procedures
Right Front Axle Shaft Assembly
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove the front fender assembly.

Front Wheelhouse Liner - Remove

3. Pry up the nut locking device of the front drive half
shaft, depress the brake pedal, remove and discard
drive half shaft nut.
9. Remove the outer ball joint of the front lower swing
arm with the T32011.
10. Be careful not to damage the outer ball joint rubber
bushing of the front lower swing arm.
11. Fit the outer ball joint T32003 of the front lower
swing arm.
12. Pull the wheel hub outward and remove the right front
axle shaft assembly from the wheel hub.
13. Remove 3 bolts fixing the axle shaft bracket to the
cylinder block.
4. Unscrew the steering tie rod nut, fit a M10 nut to the
steering tie rod ball joint and ensure the nut is aligned
with the end of the ball pin.
5. Release the ball joint of the steering tie rod with the

14. Disconnect the right front axle shaft assembly from the
1. Clean the connection of the right front axle shaft end,
6. Remove the nuts from the ball joint of the steering tie wheel hub and inner differential.
rod. 2. Fit the right front axle shaft to the differential and
7. Remove the nuts fixing the connecting rod of the ensure full engagement.
horizontal stabilizer bar to the horizontal stabilizer bar 3. Clean the contact surface of the axle shaft bracket and
and release the connecting rod. cylinder block.
8. Remove the nut fixing the front wheel hub to the front 4. Fit the bolt fixing the axle shaft bracket to the cylinder
lower swing arm. block and tighten to 42–48Nm.
5. Remove the ball joint T32003 of the front lower swing
6. Pull the wheel hub outward, allow the right front axle

1.0 867

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

shaft to engage the wheel hub spline, fit the wheel hub Right Rear Axle Shaft Assembly
to the outer ball joint of the lower swing arm. Remove
7. Fit the nut fixing the wheel hub to the lower swing arm, 1. Raise the vehicle.
and tighten to 95±10Nm. 2. Remove the fender board assembly of the rear wheel.
8. Ensure full engagement of the ball joint pin of the lower Rear Wheel House Liner - Remove
swing arm and wheel hub, and the bolt is in the groove
3. Pry up the nut locking device of the right rear axle
of the ball joint connector.
shaft, depress the brake pedal, remove and discard axle
9. Ensure the steering tie rod ball joint and steering arm shaft nut.
are clean, and the rubber shield is not damaged.
4. Remove the bolt and nut fixing the rear lateral push
10. Fit the steering tie rod to the steering arm, and tighten rod to the wheel bracket, and release the rear lateral
the nuts to 40–50Nm. push rod.
11. Ensure the contact surface of the horizontal stabilizer 5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the rear blade trailing arm to the
bar and horizontal stabilizer bar connecting rod is clean. wheel bracket, and release the rear blade trailing arm.
12. Locate the connecting rod of the horizontal stabilizer
bar to the horizontal stabilizer bar, fit the nuts and
tighten to 50–65Nm.
13. Fit the new axle shaft nut and tighten to 350–370Nm.
14. Lock the nut to the right front axle shaft.
15. Fit the front wheel fender assembly.
Front Wheelhouse Liner - Refit
16. Lower the vehicle.
6. Remove the bolt and nut fixing the rear upper swing
arm to the wheel bracket, and release the rear upper
swing arm.
7. Remove the bolt and nut fixing the shock absorber to
the wheel bracket, and release the shock absorber.
8. Pull the wheel hub outward to remove the right rear
axle shaft assembly from the wheel hub.
9. Disconnect the right rear axle shaft assembly from the
differential with the T30001.
10. Remove the right rear axle shaft assembly.
11. Remove and discard the axle shaft circlip.
1. Fit the circlip into the axle shaft.
2. Clean the end of the axle shaft, mounting location of
the wheel hub and junction of the differential.
3. Fit the right rear axle shaft to the differential and ensure
full engagement.
4. Pull the wheel hub outwards and allow the axle shaft
to engage the wheel hub.
5. Fix the shock absorber to the wheel bracket, fit the nut
and tighten to 75–90Nm.
6. Fix the rear upper swing arm to the wheel bracket, fit
the nut and tighten to 50Nm+90°.

1.0 868

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

7. Fix the rear blade trailing arm to the wheel bracket, fit Left Front Axle Shaft Assembly
3 bolts and tighten to 60±5Nm. Remove
8. Fix the rear tie rod to the wheel bracket, fit the nut and 1. Raise the vehicle.
tighten to 130Nm+90°. 2. Remove the front wheel fender assembly.
9. Fit the new axle shaft nut and tighten to 350–370Nm.
Front Wheelhouse Liner Remove
10. Lock the nut to the right rear axle shaft.
3. Pry up the nut locking device of the front axle shaft,
11. Fit the fender board assembly of the rear wheel. depress the brake pedal, remove and discard axle shaft
Rear Wheel House Liner - Refit nut.
12. Lower the vehicle.

4. Unscrew the steering tie rod nut, fit a M10 nut to the
steering tie rod ball joint and ensure the nut is aligned
with the end of the ball pin.
5. Release the ball joint of the steering tie rod with the

6. Remove the nuts from the ball joint of the steering tie
7. Remove the nuts fixing the connecting rod of the
horizontal stabilizer bar to the horizontal stabilizer bar
and release the connecting rod.
8. Remove the nut fixing the front wheel hub to the front
lower swing arm.
9. Remove the outer ball joint of the front lower swing
arm with the T32011.
10. Be careful not to damage the outer ball joint rubber
bushing of the front lower swing arm.

1.0 869

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

11. Fit the outer ball joint T32003 of the front lower 8. Ensure the contact surface of the horizontal stabilizer
swing arm. bar and horizontal stabilizer bar connecting rod is clean.
12. Pull the wheel hub outward and remove the left front 9. Locate the connecting rod of the horizontal stabilizer
axle shaft assembly from the wheel hub. bar to the horizontal stabilizer bar, fit the nuts and
13. Disconnect the left front axle shaft from the differential tighten to 50–65Nm.
with the T30001. 10. Ensure the steering tie rod and steering arm are clean,
and the rubber shield is not damaged.
11. Fit the steering tie rod into the steering arm and tighten
the nuts to 40–50Nm.
12. Fit the new drive half shaft nut and tighten to
13. Lock the nut to the left front drive half shaft.
14. Fit the front wheel fender assembly.
Front Wheelhouse Liner - Refit
15. Lower the vehicle.

14. Remove the left front axle shaft assembly.

15. Remove and discard the axle shaft circlip.
1. Fit the circlip into the left front drive half shaft.
2. Clean the end of the drive half shaft, mounting location
of the wheel hub and junction of the differential.
3. Fit the left front drive half shaft to the differential and
ensure full engagement.
4. Remove the outer ball joint T32003 of the front lower
swing arm.
5. Pull the wheel hub outward, allow the left front drive
half shaft to engage the wheel hub, and fit the wheel
hub into the outer ball joint of the lower swing arm.
6. Fit the nut fixing the wheel hub to the lower swing arm,
and tighten to 95±10Nm.
7. Ensure full engagement of the lower swing arm outer
ball joint and the wheel hub, and the bolt is located at
the groove of the outer ball joint connector.

1.0 870

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Left Rear Axle Shaft Assembly 7. Fix the rear blade trailing arm to the wheel bracket, fit
Remove 3 bolts and tighten to 60±5Nm.
1. Raise the vehicle. 8. Fix the rear tie rod to the wheel bracket, fit the nut and
2. Remove the fender board assembly of the rear wheel. tighten to 130Nm+90°.
9. Fit the new axle shaft nut and tighten to 350–370Nm.
Rear Wheel House Liner - Remove
10. Lock the nut to the left rear axle shaft.
3. Pry up the nut locking device of the left rear axle shaft,
depress the brake pedal, remove and discard axle shaft 11. Fit the fender board assembly of the rear wheel.
nut. Rear Wheel House Liner - Refit
4. Remove the bolt and nut fixing the rear tie rod to the 12. Lower the vehicle.
wheel bracket, and release the rear tie rod.
5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the rear blade trailing arm to the
wheel bracket, and release the rear blade trailing arm.
6. Remove the bolt and nut fixing the rear upper swing
arm to the wheel bracket, and release the rear upper
swing arm.
7. Remove the bolt and nut fixing the shock absorber to
the wheel bracket, and release the shock absorber.
8. Pull the wheel hub outward to remove the left rear axle
shaft assembly from the wheel hub.
9. Disconnect the left rear axle shaft assembly from the
differential with the T30001.
10. Remove the left rear axle shaft assembly.
11. Remove and discard the axle shaft circlip.
1. Fit the circlip into the axle shaft.
2. Clean the end of the axle shaft, mounting location of
the wheel hub and junction of the differential.
3. Fit the left rear axle shaft to the differential and ensure
full engagement.
4. Pull the wheel hub outwards and allow the axle shaft
to engage the wheel hub.
5. Fix the shock absorber to the wheel bracket, fit the nut
and tighten to 75–90Nm.
6. Fix the rear upper swing arm to the wheel bracket, fit
the nut and tighten to 50Nm+90°.

1.0 871

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

Rear Drive Shaft 2. Fit 6 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the rear axle, and
Remove tighten to 55–61Nm.
1. Raise the vehicle. 3. Fit 2 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the body, and tighten
2. Support the drive shaft with the jack. to 55–65Nm.

3. Remove 6 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the PTU. 4. Fit 6 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the PTU, and tighten
to 26–34Nm.
5. Remove the jack.
6. Lower the vehicle.
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the body.

5. Remove 6 bolts fixing the drive shaft to the rear axle.


6. Slowly lower the jack and remove the front drive shaft
1. Place the new drive shaft assembly on the jack and
slowly lift it to an appropriate position.

1.0 872

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Constant Velocity Joint Assembly 6. Fit the drive shaft assembly.
Remove Right Drive Shaft Assembly
1. Remove the drive shaft assembly.
Right Drive Shaft Assembly
2. Fix the drive shaft with the vise.
3. Release and abandon two clamps of the assembly
4. Glide the assembly sheath along the drive shaft so as to
see the inside of the constant velocity universal joint.
5. Clamp the wire circlip of the constant velocity universal
joint with nipper pliers and remove the constant
velocity joint assembly from the drive shaft.

6. Remove the wire circlip from the drive shaft and

abandon it.
1. Clean the drive shaft and its sleeve.
2. Fit new circlip to the drive shaft.
3. Locate the new constant velocity joint assembly to the
drive shaft, press the circlip into the groove with an
appropriate tool and fully push the constant velocity
joint into the drive shaft.
4. Apply grease to the constant velocity joint assembly.
5. Locate the sleeve to the constant velocity joint and fix
it with new clamps.

1.0 873

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

Constant Velocity Joint Assembly Sleeve Tripod Joint Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Remove the constant velocity joint assembly. 1. Remove the drive shaft assembly.

Constant Velocity Joint Assembly Right Drive Shaft Assembly

2. Remove the constant velocity joint assembly sleeve 2. Fit the drive shaft clip to the vise.
from the drive shaft. 3. Loosen and discard 2 clamps.
3. Remove and discard the steel wire snap ring of the
constant velocity joint.
1. Clean the drive shaft.
2. Fit the new constant velocity joint assembly sleeve and
2 new clamps to the drive shaft.
3. Fit the constant velocity joint assembly.
Constant Velocity Joint Assembly
4. Remove the intermediate shaft of the drive shaft.
5. Remove and discard the wire circlip of the drive shaft
intermediate shaft.
6. Remove the tripod joint from the drive shaft
intermediate shaft.
1. Clean the drive shaft and tripod joint assembly sleeve.
2. Fit 2 new clamps to the drive shaft.
3. Locate the new tripod joint to the drive shaft.
4. Fit the new wire snap ring to the intermediate shaft of
the drive shaft.
5. Apply grease to the interior of the tripod joint assembly.
6. Fix the tripod joint assembly sleeve to the drive shaft.
7. Fit the drive shaft assembly.

Right Drive Shaft Assembly

1.0 874

Drive Axle Driveline/Axle

Tripod Joint Assembly Sleeve
1. Remove the constant velocity joint assembly sleeve.

Constant Velocity Joint Assembly Sleeve

2. Remove the shock absorption ring of the drive shaft.
3. Loosen two sleeve clips of the tripod joint assembly
and remove the tripod joint assembly sleeve from the
drive shaft.

4. Discard the tripod joint assembly sleeve.

1. Clean the drive shaft and tripod joint assembly.
2. Apply grease to the interior of the tripod joint assembly.
3. Fit new tripod joint assembly sleeve to the drive shaft
and fix it with the new clamps.
4. Lubricate and fit the shock absorption ring of the drive
5. Make sure the shock absorption ring of the drive shaft
is correctly located.
6. Clean the drive shaft and the sleeve of the constant
velocity joint assembly.
7. Fit the constant velocity joint assembly sleeve.

Constant Velocity Joint Assembly Sleeve

1.0 875

Driveline/Axle Drive Axle

Special Tools
Tool Description Picture

Remover ball
Lever front
T32011 lower arm ball

Protector -
T32003 front lower arm
ball joint
Remover drive

1.0 876

Instrument Panel and Console Interior Fitting

Instrument Panel and Console
Description Value
Bolt-Fuel filler flab release handle to Fascia 1.3–1.9Nm
Bolt-Fasic Main to Fasic Bracket 19–25 Nm
Bolt-Fasic Bracket to Body 19–25 Nm
Bolt-Console Main to Console front bracket 1.6–2.0Nm
Bolt-Console Main to Console rear bracket 3.0–4.0Nm
Screw-EPB switch to console panel 1.6–2 Nm
Screw-console panel to console 3–5Nm
Screw-upper console switch 1.2–2Nm

1.0 877

Interior Fitting Instrument Panel and Console

Service Procedures Glove Box Assembly

Driver Side Lower Trim Panel Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Open the glove box.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove 2 stoppers of the glove box.
2. Remove the door frame sealing strip from the left end
cover plate of the instrument panel.
3. Remove the left end cover plate of the instrument
4. Remove the oil filler handle and 2 screws.
5. Remove 2 screws securing the front engine cover
6. Remove 2 screws securing the lower trim panel of the
instrument panel.
3. Disconnect the connector of the glove box lamp.
(Note: this step is required for vehicles with glove box
lamp only.)
4. Remove the glove box.
1. Fit the glove box to the instrument panel.
2. Connect the connector of the glove box lamp. (Note:
this step is required for vehicles with glove box lamp
7. Remove the lower trim panel clip of the instrument 3. Fit 2 stoppers of the glove box.
4. Close glove box.
8. Disconnect 2 harness connectors of the headlamp
switch and rearview mirror control switch, and remove
the lower trim panel of the instrument panel.
1. Connect 2 harness connectors of the headlamp switch
and rearview mirror control switch, and fit the lower
trim panel of the instrument panel.
2. Fit the lower trim panel clip of the instrument panel.
3. Fit 2 screws securing the lower trim panel of the
instrument panel,and tighten to1.3–1.9Nm.
4. Fit the handle of the front engine cover and 2 screws.
5. Fit the oil filler handle and 2 screws.
6. Fit the left end cover plate of the instrument panel.
7. Fit the door frame sealing strip to the left end cover
plate of the instrument panel.
8. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 878

Instrument Panel and Console Interior Fitting

Instrument Panel (I/P) Assembly 6. Fit the glove box. (Note: this step is required for
Remove vehicles with glove box lamp only.)
1. Disconnect the battery ground. Glove Box Assembly Refit
2. Remove the solar sensor. 7. Fit the instrument pack.
Solar Sensor Remove Instrument Pack Refit
3. Remove center console. 8. Fit the player.
Center Console Assembly Remove Player Refit
4. Remove the steering wheel assembly. 9. Fit the left/right A pillar upper trim panel.
Steering Wheel Assembly Remove A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit
5. Remove the steering column shield. 10. Fit the central air outlet assembly.
Steering Column Shield Remove 11. Fit the combination switch of the center console.
6. Remove the combination switch of the center console. A/C Control Panel Refit
A/C Control Panel Remove 12. Fit the steering column shield.
7. Pry open the clip securing the central panel assembly. Steering Column Shield Refit
8. Disconnect the harness connector of the stop/start 13. Fit the steering wheel assembly.
Steering Wheel Assembly Refit
9. Disconnect the central air outlet assembly.
14. Fit the center console.
10. Remove the left/right A pillar upper trim panel.
Center Console Refit
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Remove
15. Fit the solar sensor.
11. Remove the player.
Solar Sensor Refit
Player Remove
16. Connect the battery negative.
12. Remove the instrument pack.
Instrument Pack Remove
13. Remove the glove box. (Note: this step is required for
vehicles with glove box lamp only.)
Glove Box Assembly Remove
14. Disconnect the passenger side airbag harness
15. Remove 2 bolts securing the passenger side airbag
16. Disconnect 1 harness connector (Left SRS module).
17. Remove 14 bolts securing the instrument panel.
18. With assistance, remove the instrument panel from
the vehicle.
1. With assistance, fit the instrument pane to the vehicle
and locate it to the frame. Ensure the heater pipe
and vent pipe are correctly embedded into the heater
2. Fit 14 bolts fixing the instrument panel to the frame,
and tighten the bolt to 19–25 Nm.
3. Connect 1 harness connector (Left SRS module).
4. Fit 2 bolts securing the passenger side airbag bracket.
5. Connect the passenger side airbag harness connector.

1.0 879

Interior Fitting Instrument Panel and Console

Instrument Panel Right Trim Panel Assembly Instrument Panel Beam Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Pull the door frame sealing strip on the right cover 1. Remove the instrument panel assembly.
plate of the instrument panel.
Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
2. Remove the right cover plate of the instrument panel.
2. Remove the steering column.
3. Release the clip securing the right central panel
Steering Column Assembly Remove
4. Remove 3 screws securing the right trim panel assembly, 3. Remove 3 nuts securing the left fuse box and remove
and remove the right trim panel assembly. the fuse box.

Refit 4. Remove 2 nuts securing the A/C box assembly on the

1. Fit the right trim panel assembly to the instrument
panel and secure with screws. Ensure the vent pipe is 5. Remove the clip securing the OBD interface.
properly embedded. 6. Disconnect the harness connector of the PEPS antenna.
2. Fit the trim panel of the right central panel. 7. Disconnect the harness connector of the rear air outlet
3. Fit the right cover plate of the instrument panel to the temperature sensor.
instrument panel, and secure with clips. 8. Disconnect the harness connector of the mode damper
4. Fit the door frame sealing strip to the right cover plate servo motor.
of the instrument panel. 9. Disconnect the harness connector of the temperature
damper servo motor.
10. Remove 2 nuts securing the remote communication
module to remove the module.
11. Remove 14 harness clips of the instrument frame.
12. Remove 9 bolts securing the instrument frame.

1.0 880

Instrument Panel and Console Interior Fitting

14. Fit the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Refit


13. Remove 2 bolts fixing the instrument panel frame to

the launder.
14. Remove the instrument panel beam assembly.
1. Fit the instrument panel beam assembly.
2. Fit 2 bolts fixing the instrument panel frame to the
3. Fit 9 bolts securing the instrument panel frame and
tighten to 19–25 Nm.
4. Fit 14 harness clips of the instrument frame.
5. Fit the remote communication module and its 2 nuts.
6. Connect the harness connector of the temperature
damper servo motor.
7. Connect the harness connector of the mode damper
servo motor.
8. Connect the harness connector of the rear air outlet
temperature sensor.
9. Connect the harness connector of the PEPS antenna.
10. Fit the clip securing the OBD interface.
11. Fit 2 nuts securing the A/C box assembly on the frame.
12. Fit the fuse box and its 3 nuts.
13. Fit the steering column.

Steering Column Assembly Refit

1.0 881

Interior Fitting Instrument Panel and Console

Center Console Assembly to remove the center console.

Remove Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Connect the harness connector and the 12 power
2. Remove the bolt trim panel of the left A/C control supply.
panel. 2. Fix the front part of the center console to the lower
3. Remove the bolt trim panel of the right A/C control instrument panel, fit the bolt and tighten them to
panel. 1.6–2.0Nm.
4. Remove the A/C control panel. 3. Fix the side of the center console to the mounting
bracket, fit the bolt and tighten to 1.6–2.0Nm.
A/C Control Panel Remove
4. Fit 2 bolts securing the rear of the upper center
5. Remove the cigar lighter assembly.
console, fit the bolt caps and tighten the bolt to
Cigar Lighter Remove 3.0–4.0Nm.
6. Remove the shift knob and gear display panel. 5. Connect the cigar lighter and fit the shift panel assembly
Shift Knob and Gear Display Panel Remove of the center console.
7. Remove 1 screw securing the left heater closure panel 6. Fit the knob and gear display panel of the shift
to remove the closure panel. mechanism.
8. Remove 1 screw securing the left center console. Shift Knob and Gear Display Panel Refit
7. Fit the A/C control panel and connect the harness

A/C Control Panel Refit

8. Fit the bolt trim panel of the left A/C control panel.
9. Fit the bolt trim panel of the right A/C control panel.
10. Connect the battery negative.
9. Remove 1 screw securing the right heater closure panel
to remove the closure panel.
10. Remove 1 screw securing the right center console.

11. Remove 2 screws securing the front center console.

12. Remove 2 bolt caps and 2 bolts securing the rear center
13. Disconnect 3 harness connectors of the center console

1.0 882

Instrument Panel and Console Interior Fitting

Instrument Panel Left Trim Panel Assembly Insulation Pad of Engine Compartment Heat
Remove Shield
1. Pull the door frame sealing strip on the left cover plate
of the instrument panel. 1. Open the engine hood and disconnect the battery
2. Remove the left cover plate of the instrument panel. negative.

3. Release the clip securing the left central panel assembly. 2. Remove the instrument panel assembly.

4. Remove 2 screws securing the left trim panel assembly, Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
and remove the left trim panel assembly. 3. Body Harness Remove
Refit Body Harness Remove
1. Fit the left trim panel assembly to the instrument 4. Remove the vacuum booster.
panel and secure with screws. Ensure the vent pipe is Vacuum Booster Assembly Remove
properly embedded.
5. Remove the ABS control unit.
2. Fit the trim panel of the left central panel.
ABS Regulator Remove
3. Fit the left cover plate of the instrument panel to the
6. Remove the clamp and disconnect the heater water
instrument panel, and secure with clips.
inlet pipe from the heater.
4. Fit the door frame sealing strip to the left cover plate
7. Remove the clamp and disconnect the heater water
of the instrument panel.
outlet pipe from the heater.
8. Remove 1 bolt fixing the A/C pipe to the TXV.
9. Disconnect the left body harness connector (control
module side).
10. Disconnect 3 clips securing the left body harness on
the body.
11. Remove 4 nuts securing the insulation pad of the engine
compartment heat shield on the front body.
12. Remove the insulation pad of the engine compartment
heat shield.
1. Fit the insulation pad of the engine compartment heat
2. Fit 4 nuts securing the insulation pad of the engine
compartment heat shield on the front body.
3. Connect 3 clips securing the left body harness on the
4. Connect the left body harness connector (control
module side).
5. Fit 1 bolt fixing the A/C pipe to the TXV.
6. Fit the clamp and connect the heater water outlet pipe
to the heater.
7. Fit the clamp and connect the heater water inlet pipe
to the heater.
8. Fit the ABS control unit.
ABS Regulator Refit
9. Fit the vacuum booster.
Vacuum Booster Assembly Refit
10. Fit the body harness.
Body Harness Refit

1.0 883

Interior Fitting Instrument Panel and Console

11. Fit the instrument panel assembly. Front Insulation Pad

Instrument Panel Assembly Refit
1. Remove the A/C box.
12. Connect the battery negative and close the engine
hood. Heater Assembly Remove
2. Remove the body harness.
Body Harness Remove
3. Remove the brake pedal bracket.

Pedal Assembly Remove

4. Remove the main carpet.

Carpet Remove
5. Remove 7 nuts securing the front insulation pad.
6. Remove the front insulation pad.
1. Lay the front insulation pad to the corresponding
position of the vehicle body, and put the location hole
over the locating pin.
2. Fix the front insulation pad to the vehicle body with 6
3. Fit the main carpet.

Floor Carpet Refit

4. Fit the brake pedal.

Pedal Assembly Refit

5. Fit the body harness.

Body Harness Refit

6. Fit the A/C box.

Heater Assembly Refit

1.0 884

Instrument Panel and Console Interior Fitting

Center Console Combination Switch 4. Fix the shift lever bushing to the center console panel,
Remove fit 4 screws and tighten them.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 5. Fix the center console panel to the center console,
2. Pry open the molding on both sides of the center then fit and tighten 2 screws to 3–5Nm.
console and remove the molding. 6. Fit the molding on both sides of the center console.
3. Remove 2 screws fixing the center console panel to 7. Connect the battery negative.
the center console.
4. Remove 4 screws fixing the shift lever bushing to the
lower center console panel, and take away the shift
lever bushing.
5. Disconnect the switch harness connector of the lower
left center console, press 3 clips of the lower left center
console switch to remove the switch.
6. Disconnect the harness connector of the EPB switch,
remove the 2 screws fixing the EPB switch to the
center console and remove the EPB switch.

7. Disconnect the switch harness connector of the right

center console, press 3 clips to remove the switch.
1. Fit the left/right modules of the combination switch to
the center console panel through the back of the shift
panel, and ensure the clip is properly fitted.
2. Secure the EPB module on the center console panel,
fit 2 screws and tighten to 1.6–2 Nm.
3. Connect the 3 module harness connectors respectively.

1.0 885

Interior Fitting Instrument Panel and Console

Combination Switch of Upper Center Console

1. Remove the A/C entertainment control panel.

A/C Control Panel Remove

2. Remove 2 screws fixing the combination switch
of the upper center console to the back of the
A/C entertainment control panel, and remove the
combination switch of the upper center console.

1. Fix the combination switch of the upper center console
to the back of the center console entertainment panel,
fit 2 screws and tighten to 1.2–2Nm.
2. Fit the A/C entertainment control panel.

A/C Control Panel Refit


1.0 886

Seat Interior Fitting

Description Value
Bolt - front seat to body 40–50Nm
Bolt - squab to cushion 40–50Nm
Screw - rear seat to body 40–50Nm
Bolt - squab to cushion 40–50Nm

1.0 887

Interior Fitting Seat

Description and Operation

System Layout
Seat Layout
1. Seat Lumbar Support Adjusting Handle (if equipped) 4. Seat Back Adjusting Handle (for manual seat)
2. Seat Back Adjusting Switch (for power seat) 5. Seat Height Adjusting Handle (for manual seat)
3. Seat Horizontal Position/Height Adjusting Switch (for 6. Seat Horizontal Position Adjusting Handle (for manual
power seat) seat)

1.0 888

Seat Interior Fitting

Power Seat Motor layout


1. Seat Back Regulator Motor 3. Horizontal Seat Motor

2. Seat Height Adjuster Motor

1.0 889

Interior Fitting Seat

System Control Diagram

Driver Power Seat Control Diagram


A = Hard Wire

1.0 890

Seat Interior Fitting

Description Rear Seat Assembly
Driver Seat Assembly
The driver seat assembly may have different configurations
according to vehicle configuration and seat exterior, for
example, 6 way manual/power seat (forward/backward
adjustment, seat back inclination, seat height and optional
lumbar support adjustment); fabric of high quality or leather;
optional side airbag (the middle of the rear seat for this vehicle
is also fitted with a headrest).
Front Passenger Seat Assembly
The front passenger seat assembly may have different
configurations according to vehicle configuration and seat
exterior, for example, 4 way seat (forward/backward
adjustment, seat back inclination adjustment); manual seat, 1. Release Lever of Rear Seat Back Assembly
fabric of high quality or leather, optional side airbag.
2. Middle Headrest
3. Central Armrest (if fitted)
The rear seat of the vehicle is an independent seat, like the
front seat headrest, the height of the rear seat headrest can
also be adjusted; the inclination of the rear seat back assembly
can be adjusted to a certain angle by pulling the release lever
of the rear seat back assembly.

1.0 891

Interior Fitting Seat

Operation 1. Seat Longitudinal Position Adjusting Handle

Manual Seat 2. Seat Height Adjusting Handle (if equipped)
3. Seat Back Adjusting Handle
4. Seat Lumbar Support Adjusting Handle (if equipped)

Manual seats can be adjusted by the handle according to

individual needs.

The front/rear position of the seat can be adjusted by the

handle in the front of the seat. Lift the handle and pull it
to the desired position. Release the longitudinal position
adjusting handle to lock the seat to the selected position. The
2nd adjusting handle is located in the front of the trim panel
outside the seat cushion, which can adjust the seat height.
Lift or press the height adjusting handle repeatedly to raise
or lower the seat. The 3rd adjusting handle is located in
the rear of the height adjusting handle, which can adjust the
backrest inclination. Pull up the seat back adjusting handle to
release the back. Then the back can be moved back and forth
according to the need. Release the back adjusting handle to
lock the seat back to the selected position. A rotary handle
is fitted on the lower side of the exterior driver seat back,
which is used for adjusting the lumbar support of the seat
back. Rotation the lumbar support handle will pull the cable
connected with the ribbed lumbar support. When pulling
the cable, the lumbar support will deviate from its original
position and adjust the push-out height.

1.0 892

Seat Interior Fitting

Power Seat

1. Seat Lumbar Support Adjusting Handle receive a 12 power supply from the switch box and connect
2. Driver Seat Switch Assembly the ground. The power will enter into the selected motor and
drive it to work according to different requirements. When
3. Seat Back Adjusting Switch
the seat achieves its maximum position for any direction, the
4. Seat Longitudinal Position/Height Adjusting Switch
thermal protection cut-off switch will protect the motor by
(4-channel switch)
cutting off the power supply automatically.
The power driver seat can be adjusted by the driver seat switch Seat Heating Module (if equipped)
assembly on the trim panel outside the seat cushion according
Seat heating is controlled by a single switch under the A/C
to the individual needs. This seat can be moved back/forth, and
control assembly of the central panel (see the system layout
the height and angle of the back inclination can also be adjusted
in the "Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" section).
electrically. The lumbar support is always manually controlled.
When the heater works, the corresponding switch will
The seat can be adjusted when the ignition switch is in the
illuminate. The seat heating element works only when the
2nd gear. The power of the power seat is provided by the
engine is working. Each heating element is controlled by an
BCM fuse 19 (30A). The axial motion of the seat is controlled
electro-thermal sensor. When operating the switch, the seat
by the driver seat switch assembly on the trim panel outside
cushion will heat up; once the surface temperature of the
the seat cushion. The switch assembly contains a 2-channel
seat reaches about 42℃, the thermometer inside the system
switch which controls the forward/backward inclination of the
will keep the temperature of the seat by disconnecting or
seat back and a 4-channel switch which controls the height
connecting the power supply according to the temperature.
and forward/backward location of the seat. Each motor can

1.0 893

Interior Fitting Seat

Service Procedures
Front Seat Assembly
Warning: Refer to "Warning of airbag system".
1. Adjust the seat to the rearmost location.
2. Remove 2 bolts from the front of the seat guide rail
and discard the bolts.
7. Remove the seat from the vehicle.
1. Ensure the seat guide rail is properly aligned with the
body floor, and locate the front seat to the vehicle.
2. Connect the seat belt buckle and the plug of the side
airbag module connector and power seat harness
connector (if equipped), etc.
3. Adjust the seat to the forefront. 3. Fix the seat to the vehicle, fit 2 new bolts to the rear
4. Remove 2 bolts from the back of the seat guide rail of the seat guide rail, tighten the bolt to 40–50Nm
and check the torque.
and discard the bolts.
4. Fully move the seat backward.
5. Fit 2 new bolts to the front of the seat guide rail, tighten
the bolt to 40–50Nm and check the torque.
6. Connect the battery negative.

5. Disconnect the battery negative.

6. Disconnect the seat belt buckle and the plug of the
side airbag module connector and power seat harness
connector (if equipped), etc.

1.0 894

Seat Interior Fitting

Front Seat Back Foam Front Seat Back Upholstery
Remove Remove
1. Remove the seat back upholstery. 1. Remove the front seat.

Front Seat Back Upholstery Remove Front Seat Assembly Remove

2. Remove the back foam. 2. Release the headrest clamp to remove the headrest.
Refit 3. Release and remove the 2 headrest pipes (when
1. Fit the back foam. necessary, damage the upholstery).
2. Fit the back upholstery.

Front Seat Back Upholstery Refit

4. Remove 2 screws fixing the external panel to the seat.
5. Release the clip fixing the the external panel to the
seat, and remove the external panel.
6. Remove 1 screws fixing the internal panel to the seat.
7. Release the clip fixing the the internal panel to the seat,
and remove the internal panel.
8. Release the clip securing the seat back upholstery.
9. Remove the bolt (totally 4 for both sides) fixing the
seat back to the cushion frame, and take away the back.
10. Release the strap of the back upholstery.
11. Mark the location of the C ring, remove the C ring and

1. Fit the back upholstery to the back and secure with C
2. Fix the strap of the back upholstery.

1.0 895

Interior Fitting Seat

3. Locate the back and cushion, fit 4 bolts, tighten to Rear Seat (with central armrest)
40–50Nm and check the torque. Remove
4. Fix the back upholstery to the cushion frame with clips. 1. Remove the rear seat leg cap, and remove 2 bolts (1)
5. Fit the internal panel and secure with clip and screw. fixing the rear seat to the front body.
6. Fit the external panel and secure with clip and screw. 2. Slightly lift the rear seat cushion, and remove 2 bolts (2)
fixing the rear seat to the central body mounting hole.
7. Fit the headrest pipe and fix with clips.
8. Fit the headrest.
9. Fit the front seat.

Front Seat Assembly Refit


3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the central belt of the rear seat to

the underbody.
4. Pull the release lever at the top of the seat back to put
the rear seat back on the "FOLD" position.
5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the rear seat to the rear body.

6. Remove the rear seat from the vehicle.

1. Place the rear seat (folded) on the mounting position
of the body seat, and locate it with the locating pin of
the mounting leg.
2. Fix the mounting hole at the rear side of the seat to
the floor, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 40–50Nm, and fit the
screw from inside to outside, then check the torque.
3. Stick the fastening tape on the seat back cover to the
tape of the luggage compartment carpet.
4. Lift the rear seat back to the rearmost position and lift
the seat cushion to the highest location by pulling the
release lever at the top of the seat back.

1.0 896

Seat Interior Fitting

5. Fix the 2 bolts to the floor through the mounting hole Rear Seat Cushion
in the center of the seat, tighten the bolt to 40–50Nm Remove
from inside to outside and check the torque. 1. Remove the rear seat back.
6. Put the seat cushion down and keep it level, place the
Rear Seat Back (with central armrest) Remove
front mounting leg of the seat on the body mounting
hole and secure with locating pins. 2. Remove the rear seat cushion.

7. Fix the 2 bolts to the floor through the front mounting Refit
hole of the seat, tighten the bolt to 40–50Nm and 1. Locate the rear seat cushion and back properly.
check the torque. 2. Fit the rear seat back.
8. Fit the rear seat leg cap to the front mounting leg of Rear Seat Back (with central armrest) Refit
the rear seat.

1.0 897

Interior Fitting Seat

Rear Seat Cushion Upholstery Rear Seat Cushion Foam

Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear seat cushion. 1. Remove the cushion upholstery.

Rear Seat Cushion Remove Rear Seat Cushion Upholstery Remove

2. Loosen the cables and J-clamps fixing the cushion 2. Remove the cushion foam.
upholstery to the seat frame. Refit
3. Mark the C ring securing the cushion upholstery and 1. Fit the cushion foam.
foam, and remove it.
2. Fit the cushion upholstery.
4. Remove the upholstery from the cushion foam.
Rear Seat Cushion Upholstery Refit
1. Fit the cushion upholstery and fix it to the cushion
foam with C rings.
2. Fix the cushion upholstery to the seat frame with
cables and J-clamps.
3. Fit the rear seat cushion.
Rear Seat Cushion Refit

1.0 898

Seat Interior Fitting

Rear Seat Back (with central armrest) Rear Seat Back Upholstery
Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear seat. 1. Remove the central armrest of the rear seat.

Rear Seat (with central armrest) Remove 2. Remove the rear seat back.
2. Remove the rear seat headrest. Rear Seat Back Remove
3. Remove the screw securing the exterior bracket cover 3. Release and remove 2 headrest pipes.
of the rear seat. 4. Remove the screw securing the seat back release lever,
4. Remove the bracket cover of the rear seat. disconnect the release lever and cable from the rear
5. Remove the bolt securing the rear seat back and seat and remove the seat back release lever.
cushion. 5. Pull out the elastic clip from the upholstery.
6. Release the clip securing the rear seat back panel and
remove it.
7. Remove the C ring securing the rear seat back
8. Mark the location of the C ring securing the seat
back upholstery and foam, and remove the C ring and
6. And repeat the operation for the other side of the seat
7. Remove the rear seat back assembly.
1. Locate the rear seat cushion and back properly.
2. Fit the bolt connecting the rear seat back and cushion,
and tighten the bolt.
3. Fit the bracket trim cover of the rear seat back and Refit
cushion and the trim cover screw. 1. Align the upholstery with the front of the back foam
and secure with C rings.
4. Fit the rear seat.
2. Fit the back to the back frame.
Rear Seat (with central armrest) Refit
3. Fix the seat back panel to the rear of the back foam
5. Fit the rear seat headrest.
with clips.
4. Fix the back upholstery to the rear of the seat back
with C rings.
5. Fix the elastic clip of the back upholstery.
6. Secure the release lever of the rear seat back with
screws and connect the cable.
7. Fit the headrest pipe and fix with clips.
8. Fit the rear seat back.

Rear Seat Back Refit

9. Fit the central armrest of the rear seat.

1.0 899

Interior Fitting Seat

Rear Seat Back Foam External Trim Panel - Front Seat

Remove Remove
1. Remove the seat back upholstery. 1. Remove the front driver seat assembly.

Rear Seat Back Upholstery Remove Front Seat Assembly Remove

2. Remove the back foam. 2. Remove the screw fixing the external panel to the seat.
1. Fit the back foam.
2. Fit the back upholstery.

Rear Seat Back Upholstery Refit


3. Release the clip fixing the the external panel to the

seat, and remove the external panel.
4. Remove the height adjusting handle and back adjusting
handle from the external trim panel (manual seat).
5. Remove 3 screws fixing the combination switch to the
external panel and take away the external panel (power

1. Fit the combination switch to the outside panel and
fasten with screws.
2. Fix the outside panel to the seat with the clips and
3. Fit the front driver seats.

Front Seat Assembly Refit

1.0 900

Seat Interior Fitting

Front Seat Cushion Upholstery seat back to the cushion frame, and take away the seat
Remove cushion.
1. Lift the seat cushion fully.
2. Remove the external trim panel.
External Trim Panel - Front Seat Remove
3. Remove the screw fixing the internal trim panel to the
8. Remove the C ring and release the strap fixing the seat
cushion upholstery to the seat cushion frame.
9. Release the seat cushion foam from the seat cushion
frame and remove the foam.
10. Release the elastic band and remove the C ring fixing
the seat cushion upholstery to the seat cushion foam.
4. Release the clip and remove the internal trim panel.
11. Remove the seat cushion upholstery.
5. Release the clip fixing the seat back upholstery to the
seat cushion frame. Refit
1. Fit the seat cushion foam into the seat cushion
upholstery and secure with elastic band and C ring.
2. Fit the seat cushion foam with upholstery to seat
cushion frame, and secure the seat cushion upholstery
with strap and C ring.
3. Fit the seat back and 4 bolts, tighten to 40–50Nm and
check the torque.
4. Connect the back harness connector.
5. Fix the back upholstery to the cushion frame with clips.
6. Fit the internal trim panel and secure with clip and
7. Fit the external trim panel.
6. Disconnect the back harness connector.
External Trim Panel - Front Seat Refit
7. Remove the bolt (totally 4 for both sides) fixing the

1.0 901

Interior Fitting Door Trim

Door Trim
Description Value
Bolt-Door inside trim to Body 2–2.4 Nm
Bolt-Door inside grab to Door Trim 1.2 Nm

1.0 902

Door Trim Interior Fitting

Service Procedures 4. Fit the self-tapping screw of the interior trim panel and
Front Door Interior Trim Panel tighten to 2–2.4 Nm.
Remove 5. Fit the interior trim panel of the exterior rearview
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. mirror.
2. Remove the interior trim panel of the exterior rearview 6. Connect the battery negative cable.

3. Remove the screw hole cap of the inner handle, and

remove 1 screw fixing the door inner handle to the
4. Carefully pry off the molding of the inner handle by the
removing hole, and remove 2 screws fixing the inner
handle to the door.

5. Carefully release 9 clips fixing the door trim panel to

the door, and discard the clip.
6. Disconnect the connectors of the tweeter, luggage
compartment OPEN switch and door switch, and
remove the door window switch panel.
7. Loosen the door lock cable of the inner handle.
8. Remove the front door interior trim panel.
1. Connect the electrical connector.
2. Fit the door lock cable.
3. Align the clip with the corresponding panel hole, and fit
the front door trim panel to the front door.

1.0 903

Interior Fitting Door Trim

Front Door Waterproof Membrane Front Door Inner Handle

Remove Remove
1. Remove the front door interior trim panel. 1. Remove the front door interior trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove Remove of Front Door Interior Trim Panel
2. Remove the front door waterproof membrane from 2. Remove 5 screws securing the door handle base to the
the door panel. trim panel and 2 screws securing the front door inner
Refit handle to the trim panel.
1. Apply glue to the door panel.
2. Remove the electrical connector from the waterproof
membrane, align the locating hole of the waterproof
membrane with the panel boss, and the upper edge is
parallel to the upper edge of the internal wiper strip,
then fit the door waterproof membrane.
3. Fit the interior trim panel of the front door.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
3. Remove the front door inner handle from the interior
trim panel.
1. Locate the door inner handle to the front door interior
trim panel and secure with screws. 1.2 Nm。
2. Refit the front door interior trim panel.

Refit of Front Door Interior Trim Panel


1.0 904

Door Trim Interior Fitting

Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Rear Door Waterproof Membrane
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Remove the rear door interior trim panel.
2. Remove the trim panel of the inner handle, and remove Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove
the inner handle screw.
2. Remove the rear door waterproof membrane from the
3. Remove the window switch cover, and remove the door panel.
window switch screw.
4. Carefully release 9 clips fixing the door trim panel to
1. Apply glue to the door panel.
the door, and discard the clip.
2. Remove the electrical connector from the waterproof
5. Disconnect the electrical connector, and remove the
membrane, align the locating hole of the waterproof
door window switch panel.
membrane with the panel boss, and the upper edge is
6. Release the lock cable of the inner door handle, and parallel to the upper edge of the internal wiper strip,
disconnect tweeter connector. then fit the door waterproof membrane.
7. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 3. Fit the interior trim panel of the front door.
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
1. Connect the electrical connector.
2. Fit the door lock cable.
3. Align the clip with the corresponding panel hole, and fit
the rear door trim panel to the rear door.
4. Fit the self-tapping screw of the interior trim panel and
tighten to 2–2.4 Nm.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 905

Interior Fitting Door Trim

Rear Door Inner Handle

1. Remove the rear door interior trim panel.

Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

2. Remove 5 screws securing the door handle base to the
trim panel and 2 screws securing the rear door inner
handle to the trim panel.
3. Remove the rear door inner handle from the interior
trim panel.
1. Locate the door inner handle to the rear door interior
trim panel and secure with screws, with the tightening
torque of 1.2 Nm.
2. Refit the rear door interior trim panel.
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

1.0 906

Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting

Interior Trim and Paneling
Description Value
Bolt-‘BC’upper post trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm
Bolt-front seat belt retractor to ‘BC’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt-‘D’upper post trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm
Bolt-front seat belt‘D’loop to front seat belt height adjuster 30–35Nm
Bolt-Sunvisor to Body 2–2.7 Nm
Bolt-Grab handle to Handle bracket 5–7 Nm
Bolt-Compatment trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm
Bolt-Compatment still trim to Bodyy 1.5–2.2 Nm
Bolt-Gate low trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm
Bolt-Gate upper trim to Body 1.5–2.2 Nm

1.0 907

Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling

Service Procedures A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Assembly

A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Remove the front door weatherstrip.
1. Remove the front door weatherstrip. 2. Remove the front doorsill trim panel assembly.
2. Open the upper trim cover of the A pillar upper trim 3. Remove the screw cap of the A pillar lower trim panel
panel assembly. assembly.
3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the A pillar upper trim panel
assembly to the vehicle body.
S 4313002

4. Remove 1 bolt retaining the A pillar lower trim panel

S 4313001
assembly to the body, and remove the A pillar lower
4. Disconnect the electrical connector. trim panel assembly.
5. Open the A pillar upper trim panel assembly.
1. Fit the A pillar lower trim panel assembly, and fit 1 bolt
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
retaining the A pillar lower trim panel assembly to the
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
information is read thoroughly.
2. Fit the screw cap of the A pillar lower trim panel
1. Connect the electrical connector.
3. Fit the front doorsill trim panel assembly.
Warning: The clip for side air curtain must be changed
4. Fit the front door weatherstrip.
when A pillar need refit, otherwise it may cause the side
curtain invalidate.
2. Fix the upper trim panel assembly of the A pillar to the
vehicle body, AND fit the screw.
3. Fit the upper trim cover of the A pillar upper trim panel
assembly and ensure all screws are properly fitted.
Incorrect installation can affect the performance of the
4. Fit the front door weatherstrip.

1.0 908

Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting

B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Remove the B pillar lower trim panel assembly. 1. Remove the front door weatherstrip.

B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Assembly Remove 2. Remove the front doorsill trim panel assembly.
2. Remove the cover plate of the B pillar upper trim panel 3. Release 1 bolt fixing the front seat belt to the lower
assembly and remove 1 bolt retaining the B pillar upper trim panel of the B pillar.
trim panel assembly to the body. 4. Remove the B pillar lower trim panel assembly.
1. Fit the lower trim panel assembly of the B pillar.
2. Fit 1 bolt fixing the front seat belt to the lower trim
panel of the B pillar.
3. Fit the front doorsill trim panel assembly.
4. Fit the front door weatherstrip.

S 4313003
3. Release the seat belt screw.
4. Pull the seat belt from the hole of B pillar upper trim
panel assembly.
5. Remove the B pillar upper trim panel assembly.
1. Fix the upper trim panel assembly of the B pillar to the
vehicle body, fit the screw and tighten to 1.5–2.2 Nm.
2. Fit the trim cover of the B pillar upper trim panel
3. Fit the front upper seat belt with bolts, and tighten the
bolt to 30–35Nm.

Front Seat Belt Assembly Refit

4. Fit the lower trim panel assembly of the B pillar.

B Pillar Lower Trim Assembly Refit

1.0 909

Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling

D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Sunvisor Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Open the tail gate to remove the weatherstrip. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the luggage cover assembly. 2. Release the retaining clips in the middle of the sun visor.
3. Loosen the seat belt fastening screws. 3. Pry up the screw covers.
4. Draw the seat belt from the hole of D pillar upper trim 4. Release 2 retaining screws fixing the sun visor assembly
panel assembly. to the roof trim panel.
5. Remove the cover plate from D pillar upper trim panel 5. Disconnect the harness plug.
assembly. 6. Remove the sun visor assembly.
6. Remove two screws fastening the upper trim panel to Refit
the body.
1. Fit the sun visor assembly to the correct position.
2. Connect the harness plug.
3. Fit 2 screws fixing the sun visor assembly to the roof
trim panel, and tighten to 2–2.7 Nm.
4. Fit the screw cover.
5. Secure the retaining clips in the middle of the sun visor.
S 4313004

7. Remove the D pillar upper trim panel assembly.

1. Fit the D pillar upper trim panel assembly.
2. Fit 2 screws fixing the D pillar upper trim panel
assembly to the body, and tighten to 1.5–2.2 Nm.
3. Fit the cover plate of the D pillar upper trim panel
4. Fit the seat belt.
5. Fix the seat belt with bolts, and tighten the bolt to
6. Fit the luggage cover assembly.
7. Fit the tail gate sealing strip and close the gate.

1.0 910

Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting

Roof Interior Inner Roof Handle
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Remove 2 screw cap of the roof handle.
2. Remove the front reading lamp.
Front Reading Lamp Remove
3. Remove the rear reading lamp.
Rear Reading Lamp Remove
4. Remove the sun visor.
5. Remove the roof inner handle.
Roof Inner Handle Remove
6. Remove the A pillar upper trim panel assembly.
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Remove
7. Remove the B pillar upper trim panel assembly.
B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Remove
2. Release 2 screws retaining the inner roof handle to the
8. Disassemble the D pillar trim panel assembly.
D Pillar Trim Panel Assembly Remove 3. Remove the roof inner handle.
9. Release 6 clips securing the roof interior.
10. Disconnect the plug of the vanity mirror lamp. 1. Put the inner handle of the roof to correct position.
11. Tilt two front seats. 2. Fasten two screws fastening the inner handle of the
12. Remove the rear window glass. roof to the body, with the torque of 5–7 Nm.
Rear Window Glass Remove 3. Fit the screw cover.
13. Remove the interior roof panel from the tail gate
1. Open the tail gate, tilt the two front seats, and put the
roof interior on the mounting position.
2. Fit the rear window glass.
Rear Window Glass Refit
3. Connect the plug of the vanity mirror lamp.
4. Fit the A pillar upper trim panel assembly.
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Refit
5. Fit the B pillar upper trim panel assembly.
B Pillar Upper Trim Assembly Refit
6. Fit the D pillar trim panel assembly.
D Pillar Trim Panel Assembly Refit
7. Fit the roof inner handle.
Roof Inner Handle Refit
8. Fit the sun visor.
9. Fit the front reading lamp.
Front Reading Lamp Refit
10. Fit the rear reading lamp.
Rear Reading Lamp Refit
11. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 911

Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling

Luggage Compartment Interior Trim Panel Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Open the lid of the luggage compartment. 1. Open the luggage compartment lid.
2. Remove the luggage compartment carpet assembly. 2. Remove the luggage compartment sealing strip.
3. Remove the storage compartment of the luggage 3. Take out the carpet assembly of the luggage
compartment. compartment.
4. Remove the luggage compartment sill trim panel 4. Take out the luggage compartment storage box.
assembly. 5. Remove the 2 screws securing the luggage compartment
Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel Assembly sill trim panel assembly to the vehicle body.
5. Remove the D pillar upper trim panel assembly.
D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Assembly Remove
6. Remove the luggage compartment lamp.
7. Release the screw fixing the luggage compartment to
the body.
S 4353002
6. From the lower end, pull the sill trim panel assembly of
the luggage compartment upward by hand, and push it
out towards the location of the compartment.
1. Position the luggage compartment sill trim panel
S 4353001 assembly to the correct position, fit two screws with
the torque of 1.5–2.2 Nm.
8. Remove the side trim panel of the luggage compartment,
2. Fit the luggage compartment storage box.
fold and take it out.
3. Fit the carpet assembly of the luggage compartment.
4. Fit the luggage compartment sealing strip.
1. Fold the side trim panel of the luggage compartment
5. Close the luggage compartment lid.
and put it on the corresponding position.
2. Fit the side trim panel screw of the luggage
compartment and tighten to 1.5–2.2 Nm.
3. Fit the D pillar trim panel assembly.

D Pillar Trim Panel Assembly Refit

4. Fit the luggage compartment sill trim panel assembly.

Luggage Compartment Sill Trim Panel Assembly

5. Fit the storage compartment of the luggage
6. Fit the luggage compartment carpet assembly.
7. Close the luggage compartment lid.

1.0 912

Interior Trim and Paneling Interior Fitting

Tail Gate Trim Panel Luggage Cover Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Open the tail gate to remove the weatherstrip. 1. Open the tail gate.
2. Pry up 2 screw covers on the tail gate upper interior 2. Tilt the rear coat rack and remove.
trim panel, and release 2 screws securing the tail gate Refit
upper interior trim panel to the tail gate.
1. Put the rear coat rack to the correct position, and fix it
3. Remove the tail gate upper interior trim panel. to the luggage compartment side trim panel.
4. Release the clips of tail gate center interior trim panel 2. Close the tail gate.
to remove the center trim panel.
5. Pry up 2 screw covers on the tail gate lower interior
trim panel, and release 2 screws securing the tail gate
lower interior trim panel to the tail gate.
6. Remove the tail gate lower interior trim panel.
1. Fit the interior lower trim panel of the tail gate.
2. Fit 2 screws fixing the tail gate lower interior to the tail
gate, tighten to 1.5–2.2 Nm and fit 2 screw caps of the
tail gate lower trim panel.
3. Fit the interior middle trim panel of the tail gate.
4. Fit the interior upper trim panel of the tail gate.
5. Fit 2 screws fixing the interior upper trim panel of the
tail gate to the tail gate, tighten to 1.5–2.2 Nm and fit
2 screw caps of the interior upper trim panel of the
tail gate.
6. Fit the tail gate sealing strip and close the gate.

1.0 913

Interior Fitting Interior Trim and Paneling

Carpet 12. Fit the rear seat cushion.

Remove Rear Seat Cushion Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
13. Connect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear seat cushion.
Rear Seat Cushion Remove
3. Remove the front sill trim panel.
Front Sill Trim Panel Remove
4. Remove the front door weatherstrip.
5. Remove the rear sill trim panel.
Rear Sill Trim Panel Remove
6. Remove the rear door weatherstrip.
7. Remove the lower trim panel of the left and right B
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
8. Remove the left/right A pillar lower trim panels.
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
9. Remove the front seat.
Front Seat Remove
10. Remove the center console switch of floor console and
upper trim panel.
11. Remove center console.
Center Console Remove
12. Remove the carpet.
13. Remove the cushion under the main carpet.
1. Fit the cushion under the main carpet.
2. Put the carpet into the vehicle.
3. Fit the floor center console.
Center Console Refit
4. Fit the upper trim panel of the floor console and center
console switch.
5. Fit the front seats.
Front Seat Refit
6. Fit the left/right A pillar lower trim panels.
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
7. Fit the lower trim panel of the left and right B pillar.
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
8. Fit the front door weatherstrip.
9. Fit the front sill trim panel.
Front Sill Trim Panel Refit
10. Fit the rear door sealing strip.
11. Fit the rear sill trim panel.
Rear Sill Trim Panel Refit

1.0 914

Fixed Windows Exterior Fitting

Fixed Windows Windshield Assembly
Service Procedures Remove
Rear Door Quarter Window 1. Remove the A/C air inlet grille assembly.
A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Remove
1. Remove the D pillar upper trim panel.
2. Remove the interior rearview mirror.
D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
Interior Rearview Mirror Remove
2. Remove the adhesive around windshield with glass
3. When the scraper is applied, use glass sealant to
sealant remover.
remove the adhesive around the windshield assembly.
3. Remove the rear quarter window glass from the vehicle.
4. Remove the windshield assembly from the vehicle.
4. Remove the adhesive on rear quarter window with
5. Remove the adhesive on the windshield assembly with
a blade.
5. Remove the adhesive on rear quarter window frame
6. Remove the adhesive on the windshield frame with a
with blade.
1. Thoroughly clean the mounting position of the rear
1. Thoroughly clean the mounting position of the
triangle window on the body with cleaner.
windshield assembly on the body with cleaner.
2. Clean the periphery of the rear triangle window with
2. Clean the periphery of the windshield assembly with
3. Apply glass primer around the rear triangle window.
3. Apply glass primer around the windshield assembly.
4. Apply glass primer to the body assembly area.
4. Apply glass primer to the body assembly area.
5. Apply adhesive to the rear triangle window.
5. Apply adhesive to the windshield assembly.
6. Fit the rear triangle window into the rear triangle
6. Fit the windshield assembly into the windshield frame.
window frame.
7. Attach tapes to the windshield assembly and windshield
7. Attach tapes to the rear triangle window into the rear
frame to fix the windshield assembly.
triangle window frame, so as to secure the rear triangle
window. 8. Allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours.

8. Allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours. 9. Remove the tape.

10. Pour the water on the windshield assembly, and check
9. Remove the tape.
for leak. If any leak is found, dry the windshield
10. Pour the water on the rear triangle window, and check
assembly and block the leaking location with adhesive.
for leak. If any leak is found, dry the rear triangle
If it still leaks, remove the windshield assembly and
window and block the leaking location with adhesive.
repeat all service procedures.
If it still leaks, remove the rear triangle window and
repeat all service procedures. 11. Fit the A/C air inlet grille assembly.

11. Fit the D pillar upper trim panel. A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Refit

D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit 12. Fit the interior rearview mirror.

Interior Rearview Mirror Refit

1.0 915

Exterior Fitting Fixed Windows

Rear Window Assembly

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Disconnect the rear window defogger connector.
3. Remove the rear wiper motor.

Rear Wiper Motor Remove

4. When the scraper is applied, use glass sealant to
remove the adhesive around the rear window assembly.
5. Remove the rear window assembly from the vehicle.
6. Remove the adhesive on the rear window assembly
with a blade.
7. Remove the adhesive on the rear window frame with a
1. Thoroughly clean the mounting position of the rear
window assembly on the body with cleaner.
2. Clean the periphery of the rear window assembly with
3. Apply glass primer around the rear window assembly.
4. Apply glass primer to the body assembly area.
5. Apply adhesive to the rear window assembly.
6. Fit the rear window assembly into the rear window
7. Attach tapes to the rear window assembly and rear
window frame to fix the rear window assembly.
8. Allow the adhesive to dry for 24 hours.
9. Remove the tape.
10. Pour the water on the rear window assembly, and
check for leak. If any leak is found, dry the rear window
assembly and block the leaking location with adhesive.
If it still leaks, remove the rear window assembly and
repeat all service procedures.
11. Fit the rear wiper motor.

Rear Wiper Motor Refit

12. Connect the electrical connector of the rear window
13. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 916

Bumpers, Fascias and Grille Exterior Fitting

Bumpers, Fascias and Grille
Description Value
Bolt-From front bumper to fender 2–2.5Nm
Bolt-From front bumper to fend upper tie bar 3–5Nm
Bolt-From rear bumper brackt to bodyside 3–4Nm
Bolt-From rear bumper to body in white 3–4Nm
Bolt-From front bumper impact bar to fend upper tie bar 7–10Nm
Bolt-From front bumper impact bar to body in white 40–50Nm
Bolt-From rear bumper impact bar to body in white 19–25Nm

1.0 917

Exterior Fitting Bumpers, Fascias and Grille

Service Procedures
Front Bumper
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove 3 screws securing the front bumper and
left/right wheel trims.
3. Remove 5 bolts fixing the front bumper to the upper
radiator beam.
1. Fit the front fog lamp to the front bumper.
Front Fog Lamp Assembly Refit
2. If the vehicle is equipped with a headlamp washing
system, connect the headlamp washing pipe.
3. Connect the left/right fog lamps to the harness
connector of the front bumper.
4. With assistance, fit the front bumper assembly to the
4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the left/right of the front bumper body, and fit it into the bracket under the headlamp
to the left/right fender.
and fender bracket.
5. Remove the bottom deflector assembly. 5. Fit 1 bolt fixing the left/right of the front bumper to the
Bottom Deflector Remove corresponding fender, tighten the bolt to 2–2.5Nm
and check the torque.
6. Remove 5 screws and 1 clip fixing the front bumper to
the left (right) wheel house panel. 6. Fit 5 bolts fixing the front bumper to the upper radiator
7. Remove the ambient temperature sensor from the beam, tighten to 3–5Nm and check the torque.
lower air inlet grille of the front bumper. 7. Fit the screw and clip fixing the front bumper to the
wheel trim panel.
8. Fit the bottom deflector.

Bottom Deflector Refit

9. Fit the left/right wheel trims.
10. Connect the battery negative.

8. If the vehicle is equipped with a headlamp washing

system, disconnect the headlamp washing pipe.
9. With assistance, lift both sides of the front bumper
carefully and pull it outward to remove the front
bumper from the brackets at both sides of the body.
10. Disconnect the connector of the front fog lamp, remove
3 screws fixing the front fog lamp to the front bumper
and remove the fog lamp (if fitted).

1.0 918

Bumpers, Fascias and Grille Exterior Fitting

Rear Bumper 7. Remove 3 screws securing the lower side of the left
Remove (right) rear bumper and left (right) rear wheel house
1. Disconnect the battery negative. liner.

2. Open the tail gate. 8. Remove the split pin connecting the rear bumper and
rear bumper bracket, and release the upper side of the
3. Remove 4 clips securing the rear bumper assembly on
rear bumper.
the body.
9. Remove 3 screws fixing the rear bumper bracket to
the rear panel.
10. Remove the rear bumper and disconnect the harness
connector of the ultrasonic sensor.

4. Remove the rear tail lamp assembly of both sides to

show the bolt securing the rear bumper and body.
Rear Tail Lamp Assembly Remove
5. Remove the screw and clip securing the rear bumper Refit
and left/right rear wheel trims.
1. With assistance, locate the rear bumper to the vehicle.
2. Connect 4 connectors of the PDC sensor.
3. Fit 3 screws fixing the rear bumper bracket to the rear
panel, tighten to 3–4Nm and check the torque.
4. Push the rear bumper slightly, and allow the bumper on
each side to engage with the bumper bracket.
5. Fit 8 screws and 4 clips connecting the rear bumper
and the body, tighten the screw to 3–4Nm and check
the torque.
6. Fit 3 screws securing the lower side of the left (right)
rear bumper and left (right) rear wheel house liner.
7. Fit 5 screws securing the rear bumper and left/right
wheel trims.
6. Remove 10 screws fixing the rear bumper to the body.
8. Fit the tail lamp assembly of both sides.

Rear Tail Lamp Assembly Refit

9. Close the tail gate.
10. Disconnect the battery negative.

1.0 919

Exterior Fitting Bumpers, Fascias and Grille

Front Bumper Beam Rear Bumper Beam

Remove Remove
1. Remove the front bumper. 1. Remove the rear bumper.

Front Bumper Remove Rear Bumper Remove

2. Remove 6 bolts (1) and 2 nuts (2) fixing the front 2. Remove 4 bolts (1) and 2 nuts (2) securing the rear
bumper beam to the body, and carefully remove the bumper beam to the rear end of the vehicle body.
front bumper beam and upper radiator beam assembly
from the body.
3. Remove the rear bumper beam from the rear end of
the vehicle body.
3. Remove the screw (3) connecting the front bumper Refit
beam and the upper radiator beam to disconnect the
1. Fit the rear bumper beam to the rear end of the
front bumper beam and the upper radiator beam.
vehicle body, connecting them with bolts and screws
4. Remove the front bumper beam. respectively and tighten to 19–25Nm.
2. Fit the rear bumper.

Rear Bumper Refit


1. Connect the front bumper beam and upper radiator
beam with screws, and tighten to 7–10Nm.
2. Fit the front bumper beam and upper radiator beam
assembly to the body, connect them with bolts and nuts
respectively and tighten to 40–50Nm.
3. Fit the front bumper.

Front Bumper Refit

1.0 920

Exterior Trim and Paneling Exterior Fitting

Exterior Trim and Paneling
Description Value
Bolt-From under flow duct to front wheel casing 2–3Nm
Bolt-From front wheel casing to front bumper 2–3Nm
Bolt-From front wheel casing to front bumper and sill 2.5–3.5Nm
Bolt-From rear wheel casing to rear bumper 2–3Nm
Nut-From tailgate trim to tailgate 2–3Nm

1.0 921

Exterior Fitting Exterior Trim and Paneling

Service Procedures Front Wheelhouse Liner

Bottom Deflector Remove
Remove 1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
1. Raise the vehicle on the elevator. 2. Remove the front wheels.
2. Remove 4 self-tapping screws securing the bottom Wheel Remove
deflector with front wheelhouse.
3. Remove the front fender board (if any).
3. Remove 3 bolts connecting the bottom deflector and
4. Remove 5 split pins fixing the front wheel house liner
front subframe.
to the left of the front bumper.
4. Remove 5 bolts connecting the bottom deflector and
5. Remove 2 screws fixing the front wheel house liner
front bumper to take out the bottom deflector.
to the bottom deflector.
6. Remove 2 nuts fixing the front wheel house liner to
the body fender.
7. Remove 4 self-tapping screws connecting the front
wheel house liner to the front section of the sill
8. Remove the front wheel house liner.
1. Lift the wheel house, pass the split pin through the
wheel house and fix it to the mounting point on the
2. Fix the wheel house to the corresponding position on
Refit the bottom deflector, fit 2 screws, tighten to 2–3Nm
and check the torque.
1. Insert the bottom deflector to the lower revers of
front bumper, and fit 5 screws from the middle to both 3. Fix the flanging of the wheel house, front bumper and
sides in sequence. fender, fit the self-tapping screw, 7 screws and split
pin connecting the flanging of the wheel house, front
2. Fit 3 bolts from left to right in sequence to connect the
bumper and fender, tighten to 2–3Nm and check the
bottom deflector with front subframe.
3. Fit 4 self-tapping screws connecting the bottom
4. Fit 4 self-tapping screws connecting the wheel house,
deflector with front wheelhouse.
bottom of the front bumper and front of the sill
4. Lower the vehicle. molding, tighten to 2.5–3.5Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the front wheels.
Wheel Refit
6. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 922

Exterior Trim and Paneling Exterior Fitting

Rear Wheelhouse Liner A/C Air Intake Grille Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Raise the vehicle on the elevator. 1. Remove the side corners above both sides of A/C air
2. Remove the rear wheel. intake grille.
2. Remove the windshield wiper arm assembly.
Wheel Remove
3. Remove the rear mudguard (if any). Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly Remove

4. Remove the screws and cotter pins fixing on the wheel 3. Remove 6 screws securing the A/C air intake grille.
house revers, wheel trim and rear bumper revers. 4. Disconnect the windshield washer hose to remove the
5. Remove the rear wheel house liner. A/C air intake grille.
Refit Refit
1. Lift the wheel house liner, pass the split pin through 1. Connect the windshield washer hose, locate and fit the
the wheel house and fix it to the mounting point on A/C air intake grille to the vehicle body.
the BIW. 2. Fit 6 screws and tighten.
2. Connect the rear wheel house, wheel house flanging, 3. Fit the windshield wiper arm assembly.
wheel trim and rear bumper, fit the self-tapping screw
Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly Refit
and split pin, tighten to 2–3Nm and check the torque.
4. Fit the side corners above both sides of A/C air intake
3. Fit the rear fender (if any).
4. Fit the rear wheel.
Wheel Refit
5. Lower the vehicle.

1.0 923

Exterior Fitting Exterior Trim and Paneling

Roof Rack Assembly Roof Moulding

Remove Remove
1. Remove the roof interior trim. 1. Remove the roof rack assembly (if equipped).

Roof Interior Trim Remove Roof Rack Remove

2. Remove 4 nuts securing the roof rack to the roof. 2. Remove the roof moulding.
3. Remove the binder close to the mounting hole of roof 3. If the clips of the roof moulding are dropped or
groove rack. damaged, remove the clips and discard.
4. Remove the roof rack. Refit
Refit 1. Wipe the moulding mounting area on the body surface.
1. Raise the rack guide rail over the roof horizontally, 2. Use the specified glue to fix the mounting clips of
and insert the 4 bolts on each side to the roof panel the roof moulding to the roof groove (If the clips are
mounting hole (the foam liner shall not contact with dropped or damaged).
the roof panel). 3. Fit the roof moulding.
2. After confirming that all bolts are inserted into the 4. Fit the roof rack assembly (if equipped).
mounting hole, lower down the rack slowly to allow it
Roof Rack Refit
in full contact with the panel.
3. Secure the roof rack to the roof with 4 nuts.
4. Fit the roof interior trim.
Roof Interior Trim Refit

1.0 924

Exterior Trim and Paneling Exterior Fitting

Spoiler Assembly Rear Cover Lower Moulding
Remove Remove
1. Open the tail gate and remove the tail gate trim panel 1. Remove 2 bolts securing the rear cover to the tail gate
trunk lid.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Remove
2. Remove the rear cover lower moulding.
2. Remove 6 fastening nuts of the spoiler assembly.
3. Remove the spoiler assembly.
1. Put the rear cover trim panel to the corresponding
position of the rear trunk lid.
1. Stick a round of 3M adhesive tape on the binding face
2. Fit 2 bolts securing the rear cover trim panel to the
between the spoiler and tail gate.
rear trunk lid.
2. Place the spoiler to the corresponding mounting
position of the tail gate outer plate.
3. Open the tail gate and fit 6 fastening nuts.
4. Fit the tail gate trim panel.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit

1.0 925

Exterior Fitting Exterior Trim and Paneling

Tail Gate Moulding Sill Moulding

Remove Remove
1. Open the tail gate and remove the tail gate trim panel 1. Remove 4 front and rear fastening screws at wheelhouse
Tail Gate Trim Panel Remove
2. Remove 7 cotter pins of sill trim panel.
2. Remove 4 nuts securing the tail gate moulding.
3. Remove the sill trim panel.
3. Pull out 3 clips to remove the tail gate moulding.
1. Locate the sill trim panel.
1. Locate the tail gate moulding to the tail gate and secure
with clips. 2. Fit 7 cotter pins of sill trim panel.

2. Secure the tail gate moulding to 2–3Nm with nuts. 3. Fit 4 front and rear fastening screws at wheelhouse side.
3. Fit the tail gate trim panel.

Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit


1.0 926

Exterior Trim and Paneling Exterior Fitting

Pedal Assembly
1. Remove 4 front and rear fastening screws at wheelhouse
2. Remove 7 cotter pins of pedal assembly.
3. Remove the pedal assembly.
1. Locate the pedal assembly.
2. Fit 7 cotter pins of pedal assembly.
3. Fit 4 front and rear fastening screws at wheelhouse side.

1.0 927

Exterior Fitting Mirrors

Description Value
Nut-door mirror to front door 7–10Nm
Nut-interior mirror to backet of mirror 1.6–2.0Nm

1.0 928

Mirrors Exterior Fitting

Description and Operation
System Layout
Exterior Rearview Mirror Layout

1. Left Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly 3. Master Light Switch

2. Right Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly

1.0 929

Exterior Fitting Mirrors

System Control Diagram


A = Power HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = LIN Bus; D = Hard Wire

1.0 930

Mirrors Exterior Fitting

Description and 1 locating pin, and the 3 bolts are visible only when the
Overview front door pillar trim panel is removed.

The power exterior rearview mirror assembly is fitted on all The housing of the exterior rearview mirror assembly is
models as a standard configuration. Each exterior rearview unrepairable and shall be replaced as an assembly. The
mirror assembly is controlled by the circular control switch of exterior rearview mirror, the exterior rearview mirror seal
the master light switch. gasket, the exterior rearview mirror cover and side direction
Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly indicator lamp bulb are repairable.

The left and right exterior rearview mirror assemblies shall Exterior Rearview Mirror Heater
be distinguished, but the basic structures are the same. The Heating the rearview mirror glass is to avoid appearance of
housing of the exterior rearview mirror assembly is a plastic mist or frost on the mirror. The heating element is located
mould which includes the exterior rearview mirror steering at the back side of the mirror, which works when the rear
gear, mirror and side direction indicator lamp. The exterior window is heated. The heating element is connected with the
rearview mirror assembly is fixed on the front door by 3 bolts door harness by two terminals behind of the mirror.

1.0 931

Exterior Fitting Mirrors

Master Light Switch

1. Master Light Switch 2. Exterior Mirror Control Switch

The master light switch is on the closure panel under the driver Diagnosis
side instrument panel.
The exterior rearview mirror assembly system has no
The master light switch has a circular control switch which diagnosis information. The faults of the exterior rearview
can operate the vertical and horizontal motors in the exterior mirror assembly system can be judged by detecting the power
rearview mirror assembly. The circular control switch can be supply, ground connection, harness continuity and switch
adjusted to 4 ways and rotate. Turn the two LEDs (L & R) status.
above the circular control switch counterclockwise/clockwise
to select one of the exterior rearview mirrors. When the
width lamp or headlamp illuminates, the LED flashes.

1.0 932

Mirrors Exterior Fitting

Operation MLS and activates the folding motor of the exterior rearview
Exterior Rearview Mirrors mirror to fold or expand the exterior rearview mirror by
sending operation instructions to the DDSP via the line of
The steering gear of the exterior rearview mirror includes 2
the LIN.
bidirectional motors (vertical motor and horizontal motor)
which provide horizontal and vertical motions for the Exterior Rearview Mirror Adjustment
rearview mirror. The vertical motors is responsible for the
The MLS is connected with the vertical motor and horizontal
up-and-down motion while the horizontal motor is for the
motor by hard wire, and the exterior rearview mirror can be
left-and-right motion.
adjusted up, down, left or right by the control switch of the
According to the configuration, some exterior rearview MLS.
mirrors are provided with a bidiretional folding motor with Interior Rearview Mirror
power folding or expansion function.
Auto Anti-dazzle Function
The exterior rearview mirror can provide the following
During driving, the strong light from the interior rearview
mirror may affect the driver. The auto anti-dazzle function can
• Exterior Rearview Mirror Heating solve this problem and avoid unnecessary consequences from
• Exterior Rearview Mirror Folding (power) this visual impact. With the shift lever in R gear and the engine
• Exterior Rearview Mirror Adjustment working, the BCM provides reverse signal for the interior
rearview mirror. When the rearview mirror detects this input,
Exterior Rearview Mirror Heating
it disables the auto anti-dazzle function, this helps the drive to
When operating the A/C control panel, the A/C control unit observe the object behind the vehicle by the reflectivity of the
communicates with the BCM, which controls the rear window rearview mirror during reversing.
heater relay to heat the exterior rearview mirror by the BCM.
Exterior Rearview Mirror Folding (power)
The BCM receives the exterior rearview mirror
folding/expansion request from the control switch of the

1.0 933

Exterior Fitting Mirrors

Service Procedures Exterior Rearview Mirror Cover

Exterior Rearview Mirror Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Remove the exterior rearview mirror.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Unscrew 2 bolts securing the cover to th exterior
2. Release 2 clips securing the front door interior triangle rearview mirror assembly.
trim panel on the door, and remove the trim panel.
3. Remove the front door interior trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Assembly Remove

4. Remove the small cover plate from the farthest inside
bolt of the exterior rearview mirror assembly.
5. Disconnect the connector of the exterior rearview
mirror assembly.
6. Remove 3 bolts securing the exterior rearview mirror
assembly on the door, and remove the exterior
rearview mirror assembly.
3. Prop up the exterior rearview mirror cover outwards
with a proper lever.

1. With the locating pins on the exterior rearview mirror
assembly, position the assembly to the corresponding
location hole on the door, fit and tighten 3 bolts to
7–10Nm. Refit
2. Connect the connector of the exterior rearview mirror 1. Fit the cover to the exterior rearview mirror assembly.
assembly. 2. Fit 2 bolts to secure the cover.
3. Fit the small cover plate of the farthest inside bolt. 3. Fit the exterior rearview mirror and check if the mirror
4. Fit the front door interior triangle trim panel. is fitted in position.

5. Fit the front door interior trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Assembly Refit
6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 934

Mirrors Exterior Fitting

Automatic Anti-dazzle Interior Rearview Mirror Manual Anti-dazzle Interior Rearview Mirror
Assembly Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Knock down the interior rearview mirror assembly
2. Push the cover down to disconnect it from the roof, with rubber hammer with care to remove it from the
and remove the cover. socket.

3. Release the screw and remove the interior rearview Refit

mirror from the windshield base. 1. Position the interior rearview mirror to the mounting
bracket, push it into the slot with care to fit in position.

4. Disconnect the roof harness connector and interior

rearview mirror connector.
1. Insert the interior rearview mirror to the windshield
2. Fit and tighten the screws to 1.6–2.0Nm to fit the
ceiling harness connector with interior rearview mirror
3. Fit the cover onto the interior rearview mirror, and
push upwards to contact with the ceiling.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 935

Exterior Fitting Roof

Description Value
Bolt - sunroof to vehicle roof 4.5–5.9Nm
screw - sunroof glass to sunroof 4.8–7.2Nm
screw - sun shade to sunroof 0.8Nm
screw - motor to sunroof 2.5Nm

1.0 936

Roof Exterior Fitting

Description and Operation
System Layout
Sunroof Assembly Structure Chart

1. Sunroof Sealing Strip 5. Sunroof Glass Panel

2. Sunroof Sun Visor 6. Sunroof Motor
3. Sunroof Frame Assembly 7. Sunroof Deflector
4. Drain Gutter

1.0 937

Exterior Fitting Roof

System Control Diagram


A = Hard Wire

1.0 938

Roof Exterior Fitting

Description The sunroof deflector is designed with a knife-edge shape,
Overview which includes the leaf spring moulding fitted on the guide rail.

The sunroof system has one-touch slide opening/closing The sunroof glass is made of safety glass (thickness: 4mm). The
function. All operations on the sunroof system are completed sunroof glass is fixed on the sunroof assembly by 6 screws.
by one switch.
The sunroof sun visor is in the inside edge slot of the front
Sunroof Switch frame side rail, and the sun visor clip is at the rear of the sun
The sunroof switch controls the sunroof assembly to lift and visor. When the sunroof assembly closes, the sun visor clip
slide. achieves the lower side of the sunroof glass panel. When the
sunroof assembly is opened by sliding, the sun visor clip will
The rotation of the switch controls the contacts inside the
open the sun visor and sunroof glass panel at the same time.
switch and transfers the ground output to the motor and drive
unit of the sunroof assembly. The sunroof electronic control The sunroof assembly is provided with a drainage control
unit (ECU) analyzes signals and powers the motor to drive the system. Water can be introduced into the drain pipe, and
sunroof glass panel to move in the required direction. then enters into each wheel house via the drain pipe.
Sunroof Assembly Input and Output of the Motor and Drive Unit

The sunroof assembly consists of a sunroof glass panel, a sun The sunroof ECU and motor are powered by the battery via
visor, a frame assembly between the roof and the interior roof the BCM fuse 43. The system ground can be used for the
panel, a deflector (on the frame assembly between the roof operation of the ECU, motor and switch. The switch ground
and the interior roof panel), a drain gutter and a motor. signal and two control signals of the sunroof are input by the
The frame assembly is composed of the front frame, middle
beam, guide rails on both sides and a drain gutter on the middle

1.0 939

Exterior Fitting Roof

Operation 1. When the TILT button on the sunroof switch is pressed,

Overview the sunroof glass panel will lift.

The sunroof assembly can be operated when the vehicle power 2. When the button is pressed again and held for 8s, the
is on. sunroof glass panel will lift further, it will stop after
returning to the lift position, then the switch can be
Operation of Sunroof Assembly
Sunroof Switch
Perform the above 2 steps to finish sunroof initialization.
The sunroof control unit drives the sunroof motor to slide,
Sunroof Motor Heat Protection
open, tilt or switch off according to the input command from
the sunroof switch. To avoid motor damage by high temperature, the ECU
controls the motor according to the following principles.
Mechanical Key
• The maximum operation duration is 120s.
When using the mechanical key to lock the vehicle from the
drive side and the operation continues for more than 2s, the • The minimum cooling time is 35s.
BCM will send the lock signal to the sunroof control unit and When the heat protection is activated, the sunroof assembly
drive the sunroof motor to switch off. only receives ClOSE command, it can respond to other
Anti-pinch Function operation commands only when it achieves the heat protection
time set.
If any object occurs in the sunroof sliding/closing channel, the
sunroof will stop moving and fully open. After the heat protection operation, if there is a need to
operate the sunroof assembly, then the maximum operation
Synchronization of Window Regulator System
duration for the sunroof glass panel is 35s, and the minimum
When using the mechanical key to lock the vehicle, if the lock cooling time is 150s.
status exceeds 2s, all windows will close when the sunroof
assembly closes.
Initialization of Sunroof Assembly
If the sunroof is operated manually (not at zero position), the
sunroof shall be initialized. Specific steps are as follows:

1.0 940

Roof Exterior Fitting

Service Procedures Sunroof Glass Panel
Sunroof Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Open the sunroof sunvisor.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the screws (6 in total on both sides) securing
2. Remove the interior roof trim panel. the sunroof glass panel.

Interior Roof Trim Panel Remove - With Sunroof

3. Release the drain pipe clip and disconnect 4 drain pipe
clips from the sunroof assembly.
4. Remove 13 bolts fixing the sunroof assembly to the
body, and with assistance, remove the sunroof assembly.
3. Take off the sunroof glass panel assembly.
1. Locate the sunroof glass panel to the vehicle body,
prefit 6 screws.
2. Adjust the sunroof glass panel to allow it consistent
Refit with the roof panel radian, and tighten the screws to
1. Locate the sunroof assembly to the vehicle body with
aid, and tighten the bolts to 4.5–5.9Nm to secure it. 3. Operate the sunroof motor to make the sunroof glass
panel open for 8 seconds slantways, so as to initialize
2. Connect the drain pipe to the sunroof assembly and
the sunroof motor.
secure with clamps.
4. Operate the sunroof glass panel to check for the
3. Fit the roof interior trim.
Roof Interior Trim Refit - with Sunroof 5. Close the sunroof sunvisor.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 941

Exterior Fitting Roof

Sunroof Sunvisor Sunroof Motor

Remove Remove
1. Remove the sunroof assembly. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Sunroof Assembly Remove 2. Remove the roof interior trim panel.

2. Remove 2 screws securing the rear sunroof sunvisor Roof Interior Trim Panel Remove - With Sunroof
stopper to the sunroof guide rail and remove the 3. Remove 3 screws fixing the sunroof motor.
3. Slide the sunroof sunvisor backwards to remove.
1. Locate the sunroof sunvisor to the sunroof assembly.
2. Fit the rear stopper of sunroof sunvisor to the sunrood
guide rail and secure with screws, tightening to 0.8Nm.
3. Operate the sunroof sunvisor to check for the
4. Fit the sunroof assembly.
Sunroof Assembly Refit
4. Disconnect the connector and remove the sunroof
1. Locate the sunroof motor, and engage the motor drive
gear in the sunroof cable.
2. Fit and tighten 3 mounting screws of the sunroof motor,
the tightening torque is 2.5Nm.
3. Refit the roof interior trim panel.

Roof Interior Trim Panel Refit - With Sunroof

4. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 942

Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting

Wipers and Washer
Description Value
Nut - wiper arm to linkage spindle 25–35Nm
screw - linkage spindle to bodywork 8–10Nm
Bolt- wiper container to bodywork 4–6Nm
Nut -rear wiper arm to motor shaft 8–10Nm
Nut - rear wiper motor to tailgate 8–10Nm

1.0 943

Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer

Description and Operation

System Layout
Wiper Exploded View

1. Windshield Wiper Linkage/Motor Assembly 7. Rear Window Wiper Motor

2. Windshield Wiper Motor 8. Rear Window Wiper Nozzle
3. Driver Side Wiper Arm Assembly 9. Rear Window Wiper Shaft Cap
4. Driver Side Wiper Blade Assembly 10. Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly
5. Front Passenger Side Wiper Arm Assembly 11. Rear Window Wiper Blade Assembly
6. Front Passenger Side Wiper Blade Assembly

1.0 944

Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting

Washer Exploded View


1. Washer Reservoir Filler Assembly 8. Windshield Washer Water Bellows

2. Washer Reservoir 9. Level Sensor
3. Water Inlet Pipe of Rear Window Washer Nozzle 10. Headlamp Washer Nozzle
4. Check Valve 11. Headlamp Washer Pump
5. Rear Window Washer Water Bellows 12. Headlight Washer Hose
6. Central Water Pipe of Rear Window Washer 13. Windshield Washer Nozzle
7. Windshield Washer Pump 14. Windshield Washer Hose

1.0 945

Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer

System Control Diagram

A = Chassis HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = Power HS CAN Bus; D = Hard Wire

1.0 946

Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting

Description Single Wipe
Overview After the wiper/washer lever switch is pressed and quickly
The wiper and washer is controlled by the body control released, the wiper completes a low speed wipe cycle. If the
module (BCM), which will operate after receiving the switch is on all the time, the wiper will quickly run, when the
command from the driver. All wiper functions are controlled switch is off, the wiper will finish a complete wipe cycle at low
by the wiper/washer lever switch assembly on the right hand speed until the motor stops.
side of the steering wheel. The wiper and washer system Low Speed Wipe
When the switch is turned on and locked in the low speed
• Front Wiper Motor position, the wiper will wipe continuously at low speed.
• Front Wiper Linkage Mechanism High Speed Wipe
• Two Arms and Blade of Front Wiper When the switch is turned on and locked in the high speed
• Two Washer Nozzles (front wiper) and Two Headlamp position, the wiper will wipe continuously at high speed.
Washer Nozzles (if fitted)
Intermittent Wipe
• Washer Reservoir, Washer Pump and Headlamp Washer
The intermittent wipe is controlled by the BCM. When the
Pump (if fitted)
switch is in the intermittent position, the BCM starts single
• Rear Wiper Motor low speed wipe operation. The wiper blades are kept in the
• Rear Wiper Lever and Blade stop position between two wiper actions until the selected
• Rear Window Washer Nozzle delay period comes to an end. Use the 4-bit rotary switch
located at the end of the wiper lever to select the length of
• Wiper/Washer Lever Switch
delay. If a longer delay time is reselected during intermittent
The wiper can be operated when the ignition switch is on. All operation, this delay time will be executed for the next wipe
wiper functions will be suspended at the moment of engine
operation. If a shorter delay time is reselected during this
starting. period, this delay time will be executed immediately. After the
The diagnostic information for the wiper and washer can be intermittent wipe is selected, if the programmed wipe/wash
read with the scan tool. function is required, the programmed wipe/wash operation
starts immediately, and the intermittent wipe function will
Wiper/Washer Lever Switch
restart after the programmed wipe/wash operation comes to
The wiper lever switch consists of a 5th gear toggle switch an end and the motor reaches the stop position.
and a rotary switch. The switch of intermittent wipe, low/high
Speed-sensitive Intermittent Wipe
speed wipe and "OFF" position are locked, while the switch of
single wipe and programmed wipe/wash are unlocked. Use the When the switch is in intermittent, low speed or high speed
rotary switch to select intermittent delay. position, the BCM will adjust the interval of intermittent wipe
according to the vehicle speed. ABS ECU monitors the wheel
Functions of Wiper
speed signal and transmits it to the BCM through HS CAN
The wiper system supports the following functions: bus.
• Programmed Wash/Wipe If the wiper switch is in the intermittent position, the BCM
• Single Wipe adjusts the selected delay time by comparing vehicle speed with
• Low Speed Wipe the resistance corresponding to the intermittent delay rotary
• High Speed Wipe
• Intermittent Wipe (adjusted according to speed delay When the wiper switch is ON and locked in low speed, and the
adjustment) vehicle speed is less than 8 km/hr, the BCM will activate the
intermittent wiper, and the set rotary switch will determine
Programmed Wash/Wipe
the appropriate delay time.
When pulling the lever switch towards the steering wheel,
When the wiper switch is ON and locked in high speed, and
the washer will operate immediately. After a short interval,
the vehicle speed is less than 8 km/hr, then the wiper will work
the wiper will work with the washer. After the lever switch
at low speed. When the vehicle speed is above 8 km/hr, the
is released, the wiper will keep wiping for 3 times. After
wiper will resume the speed-sensitive intermittent wipe.
several seconds, the wiper will wipe once more to eliminate
the washer fluid on the windshield.

1.0 947

Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer

Wiper The blade of the boneless wiper is fixed to the wiper arm
by clips, which can rotate freely around the mounting point
The wiper motor is below the air inlet grille at the bottom of
of the wiper arm. This structure ensures that the wiper can
the windshield, which is fitted to a linkage mechanism on the
clean the windshield at any mode and decrease noise and wind
support between the inner and outer compartment walls.
The motor is a DC motor which drives the worm gear through
the worm attached to the motor spindle. The outside of the
worm gear is connected to the linkage mechanism which can The windshield washer consists of the washer fluid reservoir,
drive the wiper arm attached to the worm gear box at the end reservoir neck, washer pump, headlamp washer pump (if
of the linkage mechanism. fitted), windshield washer nozzle, headlamp washer nozzle
(if fitted), liquid level sensor (if fitted), check valve, hose and
The motor receives two input signals from the 4-pin connector
hose connector.
of the harness. One is a 12V DC power which allows the
motor to work at high speed. The other is also a 12V DC The washer reservoir is located in the left wheel house, with a
power which is in series with a resistance, this can reduce capacity of about 6 liters. The engine compartment is provided
the motor voltage and motor speed. The motor connects the with a filler neck with seal cap which can be used to refill the
ground by the internal gear rail. washer reservoir. The washer pump and liquid level sensor (if
any) are under the washer reservoir.
The 4th pin of the motor connector connected with the reset
control tab controls the reset switch of the motor. When the washer pump is enabled, it will pump the fluid
in the washer reservoir into the washer nozzle under the
The wiper arm is fitted to the output shaft of the linkage
action of pressure. The check valve of the tail gate washer
mechanism. Each wiper arm has a pivot between the arm and
can prevent fluid from flowing back to the washer reservoir
arm mounting point. A spring is connected to both ends of the
through the nozzle and hose, and thus ensures the washer is
pivot to apply appropriate pressure to the wiper blade on the
instant available.

1.0 948

Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting

Operation The BCM keeps monitoring this value so as to trigger the
Overview corresponding counter and control wiper delay.

The front/rear wipers and washers are controlled by the BCM. When the BCM timer reaches the end of the selected delay
When the BCM receives ON signal of the washer/wiper lever period, the front wiper completes a low speed cycle and
switch connected by hard wire, it drives the washer pump and then stops. The BCM will start the timer to initiate another
wiper motor to work. The bidirectional washer pump provides selected delay period before operating the wipers again.
washer fluid for the front and rear windows, the washer is
Single Wipe
directly controlled by the BCM, and the rear washer pump is
When the BCM receives a valid single wipe request from the
directly controlled by the rear window washer switch.
front wiper, it will control the front wiper to work at low
Front Wiper/Washer speed. If the single wipe request is valid, the wiper will keep
The front wiper includes the BCM, washer/wiper lever switch working at low speed.
and two relays. One of the relay (1)is used to turn on/off the Programmed Wash/Wipe
wiper, and the other (2) is used to control the wiper speed.
When the ignition switch is in the 2nd gear, and the front
When the BCM receives signals from the washer/wiper lever
wiper switch is activated, the BCM controls the front wiper
switch, it drives the front wiper to work by closing the two
to operate at low speed, enables the washer pump and triggers
wiper motors in the engine compartment fuse box.
the counter. When the counter value achieves the set value,
The switches for single wipe, intermittent wipe, low/high speed the BCM closes the relay, and the wiper starts to work. When
wipe form a closed circuit with the BCM through relay 1 or 2. the driver release the washer/wiper lever, the washer pump
When the ignition switch is in the 1st/2nd gear, the output and front wiper stop.
status of the front wiper is as follows: Caution: During engine start, the windshield washer
Relay Switch Status is disabled.
Front Wiper Front Wiper Stop
Switch 1 Switch 2
With the ignition switch ON, turn the wiper switch of
Stop 0 0
the washer/wiper lever to "OFF" position, the wiper relay
Single Wipe 1 0 disconnects immediately and the front wiper then stops
Intermittent promptly.
1 0
If turn off the ignition switch when the wiper is working, the
Low Speed Wipe 1 0
wiper relay will remain closed, even if the washer/wiper lever
High Speed Wipe 1 1 is in "OFF" position, when the wiper shifts to the "RESET"
0 = Disconnected 1 = Closed position at low speed, the relay disconnects automatically and
the wiper stops working.
High Speed Wipe
Front Wiper Failure Protection
When choosing high speed mode for the front wiper, the
fuse of the engine compartment fuse box will send the When the wiper is enabled, the BCM monitors the position
corresponding signal to the wiper relay. When relay 2 closes, signal of the front wiper switch. If the ignition switch is in
it connects the motor directly through the resistor for "OFF" position, but the switch of the front wiper remains in the
deceleration, at this stage, the wiper works at high speed. original status, the relay of the front wiper will also disconnect
Low Speed Wipe automatically.

When choosing low speed mode for the wiper, the fuse of Rear Wiper/Washer
the engine compartment fuse box will send the corresponding When the BCM receives a valid request from the rear wiper
signal to the wiper relay. The signal passes through the switch, it will control the corresponding relay to work.
normally-closed contact of the 2 wiper relays, the signal from
relay 2 is connected with the motor by a resistor. The resistor Intermittent Wipe
reduces the power, so the wiper works at low speed. When the ignition switch is in the 1st/2nd gear, if the BCM
detects that the rear wiper switch is ON, it controls the rear
Intermittent Wipe
wiper to work at low speed, enables the washer pump and
When the wiper works at intermittent mode, the switches triggers the counter. When the counter value achieves the set
of the wiper/washer lever correspond to different resistance. value, the BCM closes the relay, and the rear wiper starts to

1.0 949

Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer

Programmed Wiper After the tail gate is closed, the rear wiper returns to normal
When the rear wiper switch is activated, the washer pump is state after appr. 5s, this provides enough time for the user to
enabled, and the BCM monitors the status of the rear wiper take his hands away from the wash/wipe area.
switch and counts. If the switch is not released, the BCM will Operation of Headlamp Washer (if any)
activate the rear wiper relay to start the rear wiper.
When the ignition switch is in the 1st/2nd gear, the low
R Gear Wipe beam headlamp is activated and the windshield washer fluid is
When the ignition switch is in the 1st gear, and the sufficient, pull the washer lever, the BCM drives the headlamp
front washer/wiper lever switch is in high speed/low washer pump to work by closing the external relay.
speed/intermittent mode, if turn the shift lever to R gear, the If the ignition switch is off or the washer fluid is insufficient
BCM will apply the rear wiper relay automatically and activate during the operation cycle of the headlamp washer, the BCM
the rear wiper, this does not affect the front wiper. will not drive the washer pump relay to close. If the headlamp
Rear Window Washer/ Wiper Failure is off during the operation cycle of the headlamp washer, the
If the tail gate is open, the wiper/washer of the rear window BCM will keep the relay closed until the current operation
cycle of the washer is completed.
will be disabled for any mode.

If the BCM detects that the tail gate is open when the rear
wiper is working, the rear wiper will be disabled immediately.

1.0 950

Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting

Service Procedures Windshield Wiper Linkage and Motor Assembly
Windshield Wiper Arm Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Open the engine hood. 2. Remove the wiper arm assembly at the driver side.
2. Take off the mounting shaft cover of the wiper arm. Wiper Arm Assembly Remove
3. Remove the front passenger side wiper arm assembly.

Wiper Arm Assembly Remove

4. Remove the A/C air inlet grille assembly.

A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Remove

5. Remove 3 bolts fixing the linkage mechanism to the
3. Take off the nuts fixing the wiper arm to the linkage
4. Remove the wiper arm assembly from the linkage
1. Fit the wiper arm to the linkage mechanism.
2. Fit the nuts to the pivot of mechanism, tighten to
25–35Nm. 6. Disconnect the connector of the windshield wiper
3. Fit the mounting shaft cover of the wiper arm. motor.

4. Close the engine hood. 7. Remove the windshield wiper linkage and motor
1. Connect the connector to the windshield wiper motor.
2. Fit the windshield wiper linkage and motor assembly,
and tighten the bolt to 8–10Nm.
3. Fit the A/C air inlet grille assembly.

A/C Air Inlet Grille Assembly Refit

4. Fit the front passenger side wiper arm assembly.
Wiper Arm Assembly Refit
5. Fit the wiper arm assembly at the driver side.

Wiper Arm Assembly Refit

6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 951

Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer

Windshield Wiper Blade Assembly Washer Reservoir Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Lift the wiper arm away from the windshield. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Press the button of the wiper arm, pull the upper part 2. Remove the front bumper.
of the wiper blade outwards to allow it out of the
Front Bumper Remove
wiper arm.
3. Remove the front wheel house liner.
3. Remove the wiper blade from the arm.
Refit Front Wheel House Liner Remove

1. Put the connector of new wiper blade in the slot of 4. Prepare an appropriate container to collect the
wiper arm. windshield fluid.

2. Push the wiper blade towards the arm until the blade 5. Remove the bolt fixing the fluid reservoir neck to the
is fully engaged. headlamp bracket and remove the reservoir neck from
the washer reservoir.
3. Put the wiper assembly back to the windshield, and
6. Remove 4 bolts fixing the washer reservoir to the body.
check if the blade is fitted correctly to the arm.

7. Remove the washer reservoir hose from the washer

8. Disconnect the washer pump connector, and remove
the washer reservoir.
1. Locate the washer reservoir to the body and secure
with bolts, then tighten the bolt to 4–6Nm.
2. Connect the washer pump connector and washer
reservoir hose.
3. Fit the reservoir neck to the fluid reservoir, fit it to the
headlamp bracket, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
4. Fit the front wheel house liner.

Front Wheel House Liner Refit

5. Fit the front bumper.

Front Bumper Refit

6. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 952

Wipers and Washer Exterior Fitting

Washer Pump Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Take apart the rear window wiper arm cover, remove
2. Remove the front bumper. the nuts fixing the rear window wiper arm assembly
to the rear window.
Front Bumper Remove
3. Disconnect the washer pump connector.
4. Remove the washer hose from the washer pump.
5. Remove the washer pump from the washer reservoir.
1. Fit the washer hose on the washer pump.
2. Fit the washer pump onto the washer reservoir.
3. Connect the washer pump connector.
4. Refit the front bumper.

Front Bumper Refit

5. Connect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear window wiper arm assembly.
1. Fit the rear window wiper arm to the wiper motor
2. Fit the nuts to the shaft, and tighten to 8–10Nm.
3. Ensure that the blade tape is fitted to the correct
initial position and is aligned with the dot on the black
printing edge of the glass.

1.0 953

Exterior Fitting Wipers and Washer

Rear Wiper Blade Assembly Rear Window Wiper Motor

Remove Remove
1. Raise the wiper blade from the windshield. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Take out the blade from the wiper arm and remove 2. Remove the rear window wiper arm assembly.
while pressing the safety clips.
Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly Remove
3. Remove the seal ring of the rear wiper motor from the
1. Engage the wiper blade assembly into safety clips, and wiper motor output shaft.
refit on the wiper arm assembly.
4. Open the tail gate and remove the tail gate trim panel.
2. Secure the wiper arm to the windshield.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Remove
5. Disconnect the electrical connector and rear washer
water pipe.
6. Remove 2 nuts and 1 screw fixing the rear window
wiper motor assembly to the tail gate.

7. Remove the rear window wiper motor assembly.

1. Fit the rear window wiper linkage mechanism assembly
with 2 nuts and 1 screw, and tighten them to 8–10Nm.
2. Connect the electrical connector and rear washer
water pipe.
3. Fit the tail gate trim panel.

Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit

4. Fit the seal ring and windshield wiper arm assembly.

Rear Window Wiper Arm Assembly Refit

5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 954

Lighting Lighting Systems

Description Value
Screw-Front courtesy and map reading lamp to roof 3–5Nm

1.0 955

Lighting Systems Lighting

Description and Operation

System Layout
Interior Lighting Layout
1. Vanity Mirror Lamp (if fitted) 5. Rear Reading Lamp
2. Glove Box Lamp (if fitted) 6. Luggage Compartment Lamp
3. Front Reading Lamp 7. BCM
4. Front Reading Lamp with Sunroof Switch

1.0 956

Lighting Lighting Systems

System Control Diagram


A = LIN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = Hard Wire


1.0 957

Lighting Systems Lighting

Description Rear Reading Lamp

Overview The rear reading lamp assembly is in the center behind the
The interior lighting system is controlled by the BCM at the interior roof trim panel. The rear reading lamp assembly is
left front panel of the A pillar. on the interior roof trim panel, and carefully pry the assembly
to remove it from the interior roof trim panel. The device is
Interior lighting system includes:
connected to the rear reading lamp and roof harness by 3-pin
• Front Reading Lamp connectors.
• Rear Reading Lamp Luggage Compartment Lamp
• Glove Box Lamp (if fitted) The luggage compartment lamp is on the interior trim panels
• Vanity Mirror Lamp (if fitted) at the two sides of the luggage compartment. The outside
• Luggage Compartment Lamp is a plastic case, and the inside contains the lens and lamp
clamp. When the luggage compartment is open, the luggage
• LED of Instrument Panel and Remote Key Port
compartment lamp will work automatically. The luggage
Front Reading Lamp
compartment lamp applies a single filament bulb.
Glove Box Lamp (if fitted)
The glove box lamp is in the hole above the right glove box.
This lamp is connected with the 2-pin connector via the
microswitch. The microswitch outside the right glove box is
controlled by the hinge mechanism of the glove box.
When opening the cover, the glove box lamp illuminates
automatically. The glove box lamp bulb is a monofilament bulb.
Vanity Mirror Lamp (if fitted)
The vanity mirror lamp is on the roof interior above the sun
visor, with the semitransparent lens, carefully open the lens to
remove the bulb.
The front reading lamp is in the central interior roof trim panel The vanity mirror lamp is connected to the roof harness by
above the windshield. The assembly is fixed by 4 screws and 3 2-pin connectors. When opening the mirror cover, the mirror
spring clips to the interior roof trim panel. lamp illuminates.
The front reading lamp assembly contains 3 switches and Bulb Specification
3 bulbs. For models with high configuration, the front Lamp Bulb Type Voltage Power
reading lamp is fitted with the sunroof switch and bluetooth Front Reading W5W 12V 5W
microphone of the car hands-free phone. The device is Lamp
connected by four-pin connector and roof harness. Rear Reading C10W 12V 10W
The front reading lamp bulb applies the single filament bulb.
The front reading lamp lens is subtransparent, this can ensure Luggage C10W 12V 10W
even interior illumination.
When replacing the bulb, remove the lamp lens, slightly pull Glove Box Lamp C10W 12V 10W
the bulb to remove it; and push it into the lamp holder to fit it.

1.0 958

Lighting Lighting Systems

Operation lamp switch is pressed, the interior lamp will be
Overview disabled at once.
The BCM receives signals of the interior lighting system via Manual Mode PWM Control :
the CAN. When the BCM receives the reading lamp signal, Press the master switch on the front reading lamp
door switch signal or tail gate OPEN signal, it will illuminate assembly to turn on/off the front/rear reading lamps.
the corresponding lamp inside the vehicle. When the BCM When the interior lamp is turned on/off by manual
detects that the headlamp is on or it detects that the light is manner, the the auto delay function will be cancelled. In
dim by the solar/light sensor (if any), the BCM illuminates the this mode, if lock the door with the remote control or
backlight of the instrument panel and some switches. mechanical key, the auto mode (PWM control) function
The BCM controls the range of the interior lighting system: will resume.

1. Interior Door Lighting Controlled by PWM Manual shift between control modes:
Press the roof lamp switch to illuminate the corresponding In auto mode, long press the interior lamp switch for
lamp. Interior lamps controlled by the PWM include more than 5s to cancel the auto mode; and when the
the front/rear reading lamps, switch backlight and LED auto mode is disabled, long press the interior lamp switch
indicator lamp. The interior lamp illuminated will for more than 5s to activate the auto mode.
turn off at the time of engine start, but it will resume 2. The interior door lighting delay power control includes:
automatically afterwards.
a. Front Reading Lamp
The interior door lighting system can be controlled by
b. Rear Reading Lamp
auto mode or manual mode.
c. Left/Right Vanity Mirror Lamps (if fitted)
Auto Mode PWM Control :
No need to press the switch, the BCM will control the d. Glove Box Lamp (if fitted)
working status of the interior lamp according to the Delay Control (if fitted)
signal received.
The BCM controls the interior lighting system by the relay.
The interior lamp will illuminate automatically under the The interior lamp includes reading lamp, vanity mirror lamp
following conditions: (if fitted) and glove box lamp (if fitted). Under the following
a. When pressing the UNLOCK button on the situations, the BCM controls the delay of the front/rear
remote key, and use the mechanical key or PEPS reading lamps by disconnecting the delay relay.
module (if fitted) to unlock the door, the front/rear • When the ignition switch is in the 1st gear
reading lamps illuminate gradually. If the door is not
• When the UNLOCK button on the remote key is
unlocked within 30s, the front/rear reading lamps
pressed, and the door is unlocked by the PEPS module
will dim gradually.
(if fitted) or mechanical key
b. After the ignition switch is off, the reading lamp
The delay function may fail under the following conditions:
will illuminate gradually. If the door is not unlocked
within 30s, the reading lamps will dim gradually. • 15min since the ignition is OFF
c. If the interior lamps illuminate, all doors are in a • When the LOCK button on the remote key is pressed,
closed state. When the ignition switch is shifted to and the door is locked by the PEPS module (if fitted) or
other gears from the 1st gear, the interior lamps will mechanical key
dim gradually in 30s. • When vehicle is in the anti-theft state
d. When you press the LOCK button on the remote • When the vehicle is locked externally
key or lock the doors with the mechanical key/PEPS • When the ignition switch in "START" position
module (if fitted), the interior lamps will dim LEDInterior Backlight Illumination Control
When the width lamp is enabled or the BCM determines
e. When all doors are in the closed state and the
that the signal of the solar/light sensor (if fitted) is for night
ignition switch is in the 1st gear, the interior lamps
driving, the LED and backlight lamp on the instrument panel
will dim gradually.
illuminate. It also provides backlight LED illumination for
Note: In auto mode (PWM control), once the the ignition switch (if fitted), entertainment system, cigar
impact sensor is triggered, the interior lamp lighter, rearview mirror control button, keyless ignition switch
will illuminate immediately, and when the interior (if fitted), upper/lower center console switch, auxiliary A/C

1.0 959

Lighting Systems Lighting

instrument panel, HMI (front panel) and hazard warning lamp, The illumination of the LED can be controlled by the thumb
etc. wheel of the instrument panel backlight (if fitted).


1.0 960

Lighting Lighting Systems

Service Procedures Front Reading Lamp Assembly
Master Lighting Switch (MLS) Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the front reading lamp light-distributing mirror
2. Pry up the clips of the instrument panel left end panel, and open the glasses box.
and remove the left end panel. 3. Remove 4 screws securing the front reading lamp.
3. Put the hand inside the instrument panel left end to
release the MLS clips and push the MLS outwards.
4. Disconnect the electrical connector of MLS and remove
the MLS.
4. Release the circlip securing the front reading lamp to
the roof interior trim, and remove the lamp from the
interior trim panel.
5. Disconnect the connector of the front reading lamp
and remove the lamp assembly.
Refit Refit

1. Connect the electrical connector of MLS and push MLS 1. Connect the connector of the front reading lamp
to the mounting hole, and ensure the clips are fully assembly, align the screw hole of front reading lamp
engaged. with the hole in the roof interior trim panel and clip the
circlip on the roof interior trim panel.
2. Fit the left end plate of the instrument panel.
2. Fit the screw into the plastic clip of the body bracket
3. Connect the battery negative.
and tighten to 3–5Nm.
3. Fit the front reading lamp light-distributing mirror.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 961

Lighting Systems Lighting

Rear Reading Lamp Assembly

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Release 3 circlips securing the front part of the lamp
assembly to the roof interior trim, release the lamp
3. Disconnect the connector and remove the rear reading
1. Connect the connector of the rear reading lamp
assembly, align the rear reading lamp with the hole in
the roof interior trim panel and clip the circlip on the
roof interior trim panel.
2. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 962

Lamps Lighting Systems

Description Value
Screw-Rear fog lamp to rear bumper 1.1–1.3Nm
Bolt-Day time running lamp to front bumper 3–5Nm
Bolt-Front fog lamp to front bumper 3–5Nm
Screw-Headlamp lighting calibration 0.1–0.5Nm
Bolt - head lamp to bodywork 3–5Nm
screw - DHL slave ECU to front lamp 5–7Nm
Screw-CHMSL to plaque 2–3Nm
Nut- tail lamp to tail gate 2.7–3.3Nm
Screw- tail lamp to bodywork 2.7–3.3Nm
Screw-DHL module to body 6–8Nm
Bolt -Front suspension height sensor to body 7–10Nm
Bolt - ASM-RR height sensor to bodywork 7–10Nm

1.0 963

Lighting Systems Lamps

Description and Operation

System Layout
Exterior Lighting Layout

1. Front Direction Indicator Lamp 14. Brake Lamp/Tail Lamp (LED)

2. High Beam & Position Lamp 15. Tail Lamp (bulb)
3. Low Beam 16. Rear Direction Indicator Lamp (bulb)
4. Daytime Running Lamp 17. Brake Lamp/Tail Lamp (bulb)
5. Front Fog Lamp 18. Headlamp Levelling Rear Suspension Height Sensor
6. Hazard Warning Lamp Switch 19. Rear Fog Lamp
7. High-mounted Stop Lamp 20. Direction Indicator Lamp/High Beam Lever Switch
8. Reverse Lamp (LED) 21. Master Light Switch (MLS)
9. Brake Lamp/Tail Lamp (LED) 22. Side Direction Indicator Lamp
10. Reverse Lamp (bulb) 23. Body Control Module (BCM)
11. Tail Lamp (bulb) 24. Headlamp Levelling Front Suspension Height Sensor
12. License Plate Lamp 25. Dynamic Headlamp Levelling Control Module
13. Rear Direction Indicator Lamp (LED)

1.0 964

Lamps Lighting Systems

System Control Diagram
Exterior Lighting Control Diagram


A = Chassis HS CAN Bus; B = Diagnostic HS CAN Bus; C = Power HS CAN Bus; D = Body HS CAN Bus; E= Hard Wire

1.0 965

Lighting Systems Lamps

Dynamic Headlamp Leveling Control Diagram


A = Power HS CAN Bus; B = Body HS CAN Bus; C = Chassis HS CAN Bus; D = LIN Bus; E = Hard Wire

1.0 966

Lamps Lighting Systems

Description Tail Lamp
Overview The tail lamp is fixed on the body with screws. The tail lamp
The exterior lighting system includes all external lamps which includes bulb tail lamp and LED tail lamp.
are controlled by the master light switch and auto lamp control
The bulb tail lamp assembly includes the brake lamp/rear width
sensor. Exterior lighting system includes:
lamp, rear width lamp and rear direction indicator lamp. The
• Headlamp brake lamp/rear width lamp applies twin-filament bulbs which
• Tail Lamp are in the center area outside the tail lamp assembly, and the
rear width lamp and rear direction indicator lamp applies single
• Rear Combination Lamp
filament bulbs, the bulb of the rear width lamp is in the center
• Rear License Plate Lamp area inside the tail lamp assembly. The LED tail lamp assembly
• Direction Indicator Lamp/Side Direction Signal Lamp contains the brake lamp/rear width lamp and rear direction
• Brake Lamp/High-mounted Stop Lamp indicator lamp, the brake lamp/rear width lamp is a C-LED,
• Front Fog Lamp and the rear direction indicator lamp uses single filament bulbs.

• Daytime Running Lamp Rear Combination Lamp

• Rear Fog Lamp The rear combination lamp is fixed to the tail gate by nuts,
Master Light Switch (MLS) which includes bulb rear combination lamp and LED rear
combination lamp.

The bulb rear combination lamp assembly consists of the rear

width lamp and reverse lamp. The tail lamp and reverse lamp
apply single filament bulbs, and the LED rear combination lamp
assembly consists of the rear width lamp and reverse lamp. The
rear width lamp is a C-LED, and the reverse lamp applies single
filament bulbs.
Rear License Plate Lamp
The two rear license plate lamps are inside the lower molding
of the tail gate.
Direction Indicator Lamp
The bulb of the direction indicator lamp is under the headlamp
1. Exterior Mirror Control Switch assembly (near the inside). The rear direction indicator lamp is
2. Illumination Mode Selection Switch under the tail lamp assembly (near the inside). The bulb of the
side direction signal lamp is integrated in the exterior rearview
3. Headlamp Height/Dimming Thumb Wheel
4. Instrument Panel Backlight Dimming Thumb Wheel
Direction Indicator Lamp/High Beam Lever Switch
The direction indicator lamp/headlamp high beam lever switch
The headlamp is fixed on the upper radiator beam by screws.
is located at the left side of the steering column, it is used to
There are two types of headlamps: halogen headlamp and
control the following components:
xenon headlamp.
• Left Direction Signal Lamp
The halogen headlamp assembly is composed of the low beam,
high beam, front width lamp and front direction indicator lamp. • Right Direction Signal Lamp
The halogen headlamp applies halogen bulb, and the small bulb • Headlamp Flash
beside the high beam bulb is used for the width lamp. The • Low Beam/High Beam Switching
xenon headlamp assembly consists of the high beam, low beam, High-mounted Stop Lamp (CHMSL) and Brake
front width lamp and front direction indicator lamp. The low Lamp Switch
beam applies xenon bulb, and the high beam, front width lamp
The CHMSL is in the upper side of the rear window, which
and front direction indicator lamp use halogen bulbs. Each
consists of 5 bulbs and is fixed by 3 bolts to the interior trim
halogen bulb is equipped with a base which guarantees correct
panel of the tail gate.
mounting of the bulb. The rear of the headlamp assembly is
protected by a seal rubber cover to prevent water and dust.

1.0 967

Lighting Systems Lamps

The brake lamp switch is connected with the pedal bracket 7 CAN H
behind the instrument panel. The brake lamp switch is a Hall 8 —
effect proximity sensor which is activated by the brake pedal.
9 —
The brake pedal is on the engine compartment bulkhead (pedal 10 —
bracket). The vacuum booster input rod is linked to the brake
11 Front Height Sensor Ground
pedal with rod pin and U-clamp.
12 Rear Height Sensor Ground
Front Fog Lamp
13 Front Height Sensor Signal
The front fog lamp is on the front bumper and each front fog
14 Rear Height Sensor Signal
lamp includes a halogen bulb.
15 Wake-up Enabled
Daytime Running Lamp (if fitted)
16 —
The daytime running lamp is the rectangular LED under the
17 Front Height Sensor Power
front fog lamp of the front bumper.
18 Rear Height Sensor Power
Rear Fog Lamp
19 —
The rear fog lamp is on the rear bumper. The rear fog lamp bulb
20 —
is a single filament bayonet-socket bulb which extends from the
lens of the rear fog lamp and illuminates the area around the End View and Pin Information of DHL Module
lens. Harness Connector BY114
The DHL system is an intelligent system. The main function of
the system is to provide an optimum road illumination for the
End View and Pin Information of DHL Module
Harness Connector BY113

Pin No. Description

1 —
2 —
3 —
4 —
5 —
Pin No. Description 6 —
1 —
7 Ground
2 —
8 KL.30
3 — —
4 — —
5 Lin Signal

1.0 968

Lamps Lighting Systems

End View and Pin Information of DHL Module 2 —
Harness Connector BY115 —
4 Rear Height Sensor Signal
5 Rear Height Sensor Power
6 —

Bulb Specification
Lamp Bulb Type Voltage
Headlamp Low Beam H7 12V 55W
Low Beam D3S 12V 35W
High Beam H7 12V 55W
Front WY21W 12V 21W
Pin No. Description Direction
1 Front Height Sensor Ground
2 — Front Width W5W 12V 5W
3 —
Tail Lamp Rear Width W5W 12V 5W
4 Front Height Sensor Signal Lamp
5 Front Height Sensor Power Brake W21/5W 12V
6 — Lamp/Rear 21W/5W
Width Lamp
End View and Pin Information of DHL Module Rear WY21W 12V 21W
Harness Connector BY116 Direction
Rear Rear Width W5W 12V 5W
Combination Lamp
Reverse W16W 12V 16W
Front Fog Lamp H8 12V 35W
Rear Fog Lamp W21W 12V 21W
Licence Plate Light W5W 12V 5W
Side Direction Indicator WY5W 12V 5W
High-mounted Stop Lamp W5W 12V 5W

Pin No. Description

1 Rear Height Sensor Ground

1.0 969

Lighting Systems Lamps

Operation The emergency brake lamp can be activated only when the
Overview vehicle speed exceeds 50km/h. After the emergency brake
lamp is activated, when the activation signal of the ABS/hard
Exterior Lighting Control and Detection
brake disappears (more than 2s), the emergency brake lamp
The BCM controls the following lamps: will be disabled. After the emergency brake lamp is activated,
• High Beam Headlamp when the activation signal of the ABS/hard brake disappears
• Front Fog Lamp (if fitted) and the vehicle speed is less than 2km/h, the emergency brake
• Side Direction Indicator Lamp lamp will be disabled after a 5s' illumination.

The BCM detects and controls the following When the vehicle speed is less than 10km/h for 1s, if the
lamps: emergency brake lamp is disabled, the hazard warning lamp
• Direction Indicator Lamp/Hazard Warning Lamp (bulb will be activated automatically; when the vehicle speed remains
above 10km/h, if the emergency brake lamp stops flashing, the
hazard warning lamp will not be activated even if the vehicle
• Brake Lamp (including high-mounted stop lamp)
speed is already below 10km/h. When the hazard warning
• Low Beam Headlamp (bulb detection)
lamp is activated, the hazard warning lamp cannot be enabled
• Rear Fog Lamp by pressing the lamp switch, keeping the vehicle speed above
• Width Lamp (front/rear fog lamp and license plate lamp) 20km/h for 5s or restarting the vehicle.
• Reverse Lamp When the SCS cannot receive any activation signal for the
• Daytime Running Lamp (if fitted) hard brake, the BCM can illuminate the emergency brake lamp
as per the acceleration signal of the SCS.
Auto Lamp Control (if fitted)

When the master light switch is in "AUTO" position (if fitted), Brake Lamp Activation Request from Other
the light sensor of the solar/light sensor (if fitted) turns
on/off the headlamp automatically according to the outside When the BCM receives the brake lamp activation request
light (visible light). When the master light switch is in other from the EPB and SCS, the BCM will illuminate the brake
positions, the priority of the switch command is higher than lamp according to the valid signal.
that of the request signal from the solar/light sensor (if fitted).
Brake Lamp Illumination Control (if fitted)
Brake Lamp When the BCM detects that the daytime mode or width lamp
When the brake pedal is not used, the tang of the brake pedal is disabled, the BCM will drive the brake lamp to output 100%
leans against the sensor end and is in idle state. When the PWM. When the BCM detects that the night mode or width
brake pedal is depressed, the tang moves away from the sensor, lamp is enabled, the BCM will drive the brake lamp to output
which causes change of the sensor output voltage. For some 80% PWM.
models, the brake lamp switch has two pedal status inputs, one Direction Indicator Lamp
signal is sent to the BCM, the other is sent to the ECM; some
When the ignition switch is in the 1st gear and the direction
models may only transmit the signal directly to the ECM by the
indicator lamp switch is enabled, the BCM flashes the
hard wire.
corresponding direction indicator lamp by identifying the
Emergency Brake Lamp Control switch status of the direction indicator lamp. Then the
The brake lamp will flash under the following conditions: direction indicator lamp flashes and provides the current
status of the direction indicator lamp for the driver by acoustic
1. The brake pedal inputs activation signal.
2. The ABS or SCS sends the corresponding activation
Front Fog Lamp (if fitted)
According to the switch signal of the front fog lamp on the
When the emergency brake is activated, if the hazard warning
master light switch, the BCM closes and disconnects the relay
lamp is working, the emergency brake lamp will not flash.
and allows the front fog lamp to work. It also sends the
If the activated hazard warning lamp causes failure of the ON/OFF status of the front fog lamp to the IPK, the main zone
emergency brake lamp, the emergency brake lamp will not of the information center on the IPK displays "Front Fog Lamp
flash again after the hazard warning lamp is cancelled unless ON" (if fitted), and this information will disappear after few
the above conditions are met. seconds. When the width lamp is activated, the front fog lamp
can be enabled by pressing the front fog lamp switch. In order
to provide maximum current for the starter motor, the front

1.0 970

Lamps Lighting Systems

fog lamp will be disabled at the time of engine start, and it will Low Beam Headlamp
resume later.
When the master light switch is turned to the low beam, the
Rear Fog Lamp BCM closes the low beam relay and illuminates the low beam
When the ignition switch is in the 2nd gear, the low beam
headlamp or front fog lamp is enabled, activation of the rear fog High Beam Headlamp
lamp switch can illuminate the rear fog lamp. The BCM sends
When the ignition switch is in position 2, the BCM closes
the ON/OFF status of the rear fog lamp to the IPK by receiving
the low beam relay and illuminates the low beam headlamp by
the activation signal of the rear fog lamp. The main zone of the
identifying the status of the lamp lever switch. When the high
information center on the IPK shows "Rear Fog Lamp ON" (if
beam is enabled, the blue indicator lamp on the IPK illuminates.
fitted), and this information will disappear after few seconds.
When the rear fog lamp switch, low beam headlamp or front Width Lamp
fog lamp switch is disabled, the rear fog lamp is cancelled. If the When turning the master light switch to the width lamp or low
rear fog lamp is already activated at the time of engine start, it beam headlamp, the width lamp illuminates.
will remain ON.
The master light switch is in the "AUTO" position (if any),
Hazard Warning Lamp when the BCM receives the "Outside Illumination Intensity
The hazard warning lamp is comprised of the front/rear Low" signal from the solar/light sensor (if fitted), it will
direction indicator lamp and side direction indicator lamp. illuminate the width lamp automatically. When the BCM
receives the identified status signal of the TPMS (if fitted), the
The hazard warning lamp switch is marked with a triangle,
BCM will flash the width lamp. When the ignition switch is
which is a touch switch. When the hazard warning lamp is
off, and the master light switch is in the width lamp, the width
activated, the triangle mark on the switch will flash. When the
lamp will be disabled within 20min.
width lamp or headlamp is enabled, the triangle mark dims,
but it will still flash. The hazard warning lamp can be activated Reverse Lamp
manually regardless of current position of the ignition switch. When the ignition switch is in the 2nd gear, and the ECM (MT)
Operation Priority of Direction Indicator Lamp and Hazard or TCM (AT) detects that the shift lever is in the R gear, it will
Warning Lamp send reverse signal to the BCM through the CAN bus. Once
the BCM considers the signal is valid, it illuminates the reverse
If the direction indicator lamp switch is enabled when the
lamp immediately. When the BCM detects that the signal is
hazard warning lamp is working, the direction indicator lamp
invalid (the ignition switch is not in the 2nd gear or the shift
will cancel the hazard warning lamp. Then, the hazard warning
lever is not in the R gear), it turns off the reverse lamp.
lamp will still flash after the direction indicator lamp or ignition
switch is disabled. When the ignition switch is in the 2nd gear, if the BCM
receives a fault signal of the R gear switch, the reverse lamp
If the hazard warning lamp switch is enabled when the direction
will remain on.
indicator lamp is working, the hazard warning lamp will cancel
the direction indicator lamp. The direction indicator lamp will Note: For vehicles with automatic transmission,
resume after the hazard warning lamp is disabled. to avoid shifting to R gear and illuminating the
reverse lamp accidentally, when the BCM detects
The hazard warming lamp can be activated automatically under
that the shift lever is in R gear, it will hold
the following situations:
it there for more than 1s before illuminating the
• In case of impact, when the BCM detects an impact reverse lamp.
signal, it will activate the hazard warning lamp Additional Function
automatically. Accidental activation of the hazard
Battery Save Mode (if fitted)
warning lamp during impact can be cancelled by pressing
the hazard warning lamp switch for 5s. If the master light switch remains in the width lamp after the
ignition switch is off, the battery power-saving system will turn
• When the security system is activated and the engine is
off the exterior lamp automatically after a while so as to avoid
running, once a door is opened, the hazard warning lamp
unnecessary battery discharge.
will flash for 15s, after the door is closed, the warning
will be cancelled immediately. Follow Me Home (if fitted)
When the driver turns off the ignition switch and is about to
leave the vehicle, the Follow Me Home function can control
the timed illumination of the low beam headlamp and/or rear

1.0 971

Lighting Systems Lamps

fog lamp (optional) to illuminate the area around the vehicle. Park Lamp (if fitted)
The duration of the illumination (0-300s) can be set according The BCM can identify the ON/OFF status of the park lamp
to individual needs (increase at an increment of 30s). If the by the status signal of the width lamp. When the ignition
door is opened after the Follow Me Home timer is working, switch is off, and the direction indicator lamp switch is on, the
the timer will repeat the operation. The following lamps can corresponding width lamp will illuminate. When the system
provide Follow Me Home function: low beam headlamp, front power mode is enabled, and the direction signal switch is
fog lamp (if fitted), high beam headlamp, daytime running lamp disabled or the width lamp is enabled by manual manner, the
(if fitted), rear fog lamp, reverse lamp and brake lamp. park lamp will be disabled.
The Follow Me Home function can be set by auto mode and License Plate Lamp (if fitted)
manual mode. The BCM can identify the status of the Follow
With the ignition switch OFF, the license plate lamp can be
Me Home function according to the activation signal of this
activated (appr. 30s) by pressing the tail gate UNLOCK button
on the remote key. If press the UNLOCK button again within
• Auto mode: when the master light switch is in "AUTO" 30s, the time will be reset, the maximum duration will be within
position (if fitted), and the outside illumination is weak, 5 min.
the vehicle will enter into the Follow Me Home mode
Daytime Running Lamp (if fitted)
automatically after the vehicle power is off.
The BCM controls the daytime running lamp (if fitted) through
• Manual mode: after the ignition switch is off, turn the
2 different high side driver circuits. When the direction
lamp lever switch to the high beam, the system enters
indicator lamp flashes, the corresponding daytime running
into the Follow Me Home mode.
lamp (if fitted) is disabled; when the direction indicator lamp is
With the Follow Me Home activated, pull the high beam disabled, the daytime running lamp illuminates. The BCM can
headlamp lever or shift the ignition switch to disable the configure the front fog lamp and use it as the daytime running
Follow Me Home. With the Follow Me Home activated, the lamp (if fitted).
main zone of the information center on the IPK will show
Lamp of Security System
"Follow Me Home Enabled ##.# min".
Lamp of the security system consists of the low beam headlamp
When enabled ignition switch, alternator failure or battery
and high beam headlamp.
overdischarge is detected, the Follow Me Home cannot work
properly. If the BCM receives a valid request signal of the outside lock,
and the vehicle is in the security system, locked or completely
Vehicle Locating Function (if fitted)
in the anti-theft state, it controls the direction indicator lamp
This function helps the driver to quickly locate his car with to give 3 flashes.
the body lamp during night driving. This function can be
If the anti-theft function of the security system is disabled, the
activated or cancelled by the combination switch menu on
direction indicator lamp gives 1 flash.
the entertainment and navigation interface, and the duration
of the illumination (0-300s) can also be set according to If the vehicle is not fully locked (engine cover, tail gate and door
individual needs (increase at an increment of 30s). Lamps that are open), the direction indicator lamp will not flash.
can provide vehicle locating function include low beam, rear
Auto Lamp Control (if fitted)
fog lamp and reverse lamp.
When the master light switch is in "AUTO" position (if fitted)
If the solar/light sensor (if fitted) receives the activation signal
for night driving, the following lamps illuminate:
of the outside auto lamp or vehicle locating request from the
TBOX (if fitted) through the UNLOCK request, the vehicle • When the ignition switch is off, the low beam headlamp
locating mode will be enabled. does not illuminate.
• When the ignition switch is in the 1st gear, the park lamp
The vehicle locating function can be disabled by shifting the
ignition switch/master light switch, overdischarging the battery
or receiving a valid LOCK request from the remote control. • When the ignition switch is in the 2nd gear, the low beam
headlamp illuminates.
If the illumination duration is set to 0s, the vehicle locating
• When the ignition switch is in the 3rd gear, the low beam
function will ignore the valid signal from the the solar/light
headlamp stops and the park lamp illuminates.
sensor (if fitted).

The vehicle locating function cannot be cancelled by opening

the door.

1.0 972

Lamps Lighting Systems

Operation of Emergency Mode After reset, the emergency mode will be activated for 2.5s, this
allows the low beam headlamp to illuminate when the ignition
The BCM possesses a completely independent
switch is in the 2nd gear. However, the direction indicator
microprocessor. During data processing or peripheral
lamp, high beam headlamp, front fog lamp, rear fog lamp and
equipment failure and low battery, the BCM can ensure
CAN bus or LIN line will not work in emergency mode.
normal operation of the vehicle security system.
The following functions can be used in emergency mode:
The DHL system is an intelligent system which can adjust
• When the ignition switch is in the 2nd gear, the low beam headlamp levelling automatically. It controls headlamp levelling
headlamp and width lamp illuminate no matter whether based on the vehicle speed and input from the high speed
the master light switch is enabled. sensor, etc. The DHL system can provide an optimum road
• With the ignition switch in the 2nd gear and the brake illumination for the driver.
pedal depressed, the brake lamp will be enabled.

1.0 973

Lighting Systems Lamps

Service Procedures Rear License Plate Lamp Bulb

Tail Lamp Bulb Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Remove the tail lamp assembly. 2. Release the trunk lid lock catch.
Tail Lamp Assembly Remove 3. Remove the rear cover bottom moulding.
2. Remove the holder (1) of the rear direction indicator Rear Cover Bottom Moulding Remove
lamp. 4. Remove the rear license plate lamp light-distributing
3. Remove the bulb of the rear direction indicator lamp mirror.
from the lamp holder and discard the bulb. 5. Remove the rear license plate lamp bulb from the lamp
4. Remove the holder (2) of the tail lamp. holder and discard.
5. Remove the bulb of the tail lamp from the lamp holder Refit
and discard the bulb. 1. Fit the new rear license plate lamp bulb to the holder,
6. Remove the holder (3) of the brake lamp/tail lamp. and then fit the holder to the lamp assembly.
7. Remove the bulb of the brake lamp/tail lamp from the 2. Fit the rear license plate lamp light-distributing mirror.
lamp holder and discard the bulb. 3. Fit the rear cover bottom moulding.
Refit of Rear Cover Bottom Moulding
4. Close the luggage compartment lid.
5. Connect the battery negative.

1. Fit the new brake lamp / tail lamp bulb to the holder,
and then fit the holder to the lamp assembly.
2. Fit the new tail lamp bulb to the holder, and then fit the
holder to the lamp assembly.
3. Fit the new rear direction indicator bulb to the holder,
and then fit the holder to the lamp assembly.
4. Refit the tail lamp assembly.

Tail Lamp Assembly Refit

1.0 974

Lamps Lighting Systems

Rear Fog Lamp Bulb Rear Combination Lamp Bulb
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear bumper. 2. Remove the nut cap from the interior trim panel of the
tail gate.
Rear Bumper Assembly Remove
3. Remove 3 nuts fixing the rear combination lamp to the
3. Rotate the bulb holder counterclockwise to remove.
tail gate.
4. Remove the holder (1) of the reverse lamp.
5. Remove the bulb of the reverse lamp from the lamp
holder and discard the bulb.
6. Remove the holder (2) of the tail lamp.
7. Remove the bulb of the tail lamp from the lamp holder
and discard the bulb.
4. Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder.
1. Fit the bulb to the holder.
2. Rotate the bulb holder clockwise to fit it to the rear
fog lamp assembly.
3. Fit the rear bumper.
Rear Bumper Assembly Refit Refit
4. Connect the battery negative. 1. Fit the new reverse lamp bulb to the holder, and then
fit the holder to the lamp assembly.
2. Fit the new tail lamp bulb to the holder, and then fit the
holder to the lamp assembly.
3. Secure the rear combination lamp to the tail gate.
4. Fit the nut block cover to the tail gate interior trim
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 975

Lighting Systems Lamps

Rear Fog Lamp Assembly Daytime Running Lamp Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the rear bumper. 2. Remove the front bumper.
Rear Bumper Assembly Remove Front Bumper Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the connector from the rear fog lamp 3. Disconnect the connector from the daytime running
assembly. lamp assembly.
4. Remove 3 screws fixing the rear fog lamp assembly to 4. Remove 3 screws fixing the daytime running lamp
the rear bumper. assembly to the front bumper.
5. Remove the rear fog lamp assembly. 5. Remove the daytime running lamp assembly.
Refit Refit
1. Align the pin hole bushing on the rear fog lamp with the 1. Fit the daytime running lamp assembly on the front
pin on the bumper, meanwhile align other screw holes. bumper.
2. Fit the screws fixing the rear fog lamp assembly to the 2. Fit the screws fixing the daytime running lamp assembly
rear bumper and tighten to 1.1–1.3Nm. to the front bumper and tighten to 3–5Nm.
3. Connect the rear fog lamp connector. 3. Connect the connector to the daytime running lamp
4. Refit the rear bumper. assembly.
4. Refit the front bumper assembly.
Rear Bumper Assembly Refit
5. Connect the battery negative cable. Front Bumper Assembly Refit
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 976

Lamps Lighting Systems

Low Beam Bulb Front Fog Lamp Bulb
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove 3 bolts connecting the upper headlamp 2. Remove the bottom deflector.
mounting panel and the body and 3 bolts connecting the
Bottom Deflector Remove
upper radiator beam, and remove the upper headlamp
3. Rotate the bulb holder counterclockwise to remove.
mounting panel.
3. Remove the low beam bulb cover from the headlamp. 4. Pull the bulb out of the bulb holder.

4. Release the circlip securing the bulb, and remove and Refit
discard the bulb. 1. Fit the bulb to the holder.
2. Rotate the bulb holder clockwise to fit it to the front
fog lamp assembly.
3. Refit the bottom deflector.
Bottom Deflector Refit
4. Connect the battery negative.

1. Fit the bulb to the bulb holder.
2. Fit the bulb holder with circlip to the headlamp
3. Fit the low beam bulb cover.
4. Fit the headlamp upper mounting plate, and tighten 3
bolts connecting the upper mounting plate with the
vehicle body and 3 bolts connecting it with the upper
radiator beam.
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 977

Lighting Systems Lamps

Front Fog Lamp Assembly Headlamp Lighting Calibration (Low Beam and
Remove High Beam)
1. Disconnect the battery negative.

2. Remove the front bumper. 1. Unload the cargo in the vehicle and keep the vehicle
Front Bumper Assembly Remove
2. Turn on the low beam and allow the beam to fall on the
3. Disconnect the connector from the front fog lamp screen 10m away from it.
3. Adjust the headlamp, and the height of the cut-off line
4. Remove 3 bolts securing the front fog lamp assembly or central height of the low beam shall be 0.7H-0.9H
to the front bumper. (H = 937mm).
4. Turn on the high beam and allow the beam to fall on
the screen 10m away from it.
5. Adjust the headlamp, ensure the central height of the
high beam on the screen is 0.85H-0.95H (H = 913mm),
it shall not be lower than the cut-off line or center of
the low beam.
6. For requirements on beam illumination location, please
refer to GB 7258-2012 (Safety Specifications for Motor
Vehicles Operating on Roads).
Warning: The light deflection caused by the bracket
deformation or wrong lamp fixing position can't be
5. Remove the headlamp assembly. corrected by adjusting and the excessive adjustment will
Refit break the lamp.

1. Refit the front fog lamp assembly onto the front 1. Low beam levelling can be achieved by turning the
bumper. screw (1), and the torque is 0.1–0.5Nm.

2. Fit the screws fixing the front fog lamp assembly to 2. Low beam vertical adjustment can be achieved by
front bumper and tighten to 3–5Nm. turning the screw (3), and the torque is 0.1–0.5Nm.

3. Connect the connector to the front fog lamp assembly. 3. High beam vertical adjustment can be achieved by
turning the screw (2), and the torque is 0.1–0.5Nm.
4. Refit the front bumper assembly.
4. High beam levelling can be achieved by turning the
Refit of Front Bumper Assembly screw (4), and the torque is 0.1–0.5Nm.
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 978

Lamps Lighting Systems

Headlamp Assembly Front Direction Indicator Bulb
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the front bumper. 2. Remove the front bumper.
Front Bumper Assembly Remove Front Bumper Assembly Remove
3. Remove 4 bolts securing the headlamp to the body. 3. Counterclockwise turn the bulb cover of the front
direction indicator lamp to an appropriate position, and
remove the bulb cover.
4. Turn the holder of the front direction indicator lamp
counterclockwise to remove the lamp holder.
4. Disconnect the connector from the headlamp assembly.
5. Remove the headlamp assembly.
1. Connect the connector to the headlamp.
5. Remove the bulb from the bulb holder.
2. Fit the headlamp assembly.
3. Align the headlamp assembly with the mounting point,
fit the bolt and tighten to 3–5Nm. 1. Fit the bulb to the bulb holder.

4. Fit the front bumper assembly. 2. Fit the bulb holder to the headlamp assembly.
3. Fit the front direction indicator bulb cover.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
4. Refit the front bumper assembly.
5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Check if the headlamp is aligned. Front Bumper Assembly Refit
5. Connect the battery negative.
Headlamp Lighting Calibration (Low Beam and
High Beam)

1.0 979

Lighting Systems Lamps

Rectifier High Mounted Stop Lamp Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the headlamp assembly. 2. Open the tail gate, and pry up 2 screw caps of tail gate
upper interior trim panel.
Headlamp Assembly Remove
3. Remove 2 screws securing the tail gate upper interior
3. Turn over the headlamp assembly, and remove 3 screws
trim panel to the tail gate, and remove the tail gate
securing the rectifier to the headlamp assembly.
upper interior trim panel.
4. Disconnect the connector from high mounted stop
5. Remove 3 nuts securing the high mounted stop lamp to
the tail gate upper interior trim panel, and take down
the high mounted stop lamp.
1. Fit the high mounted stop lamp to the tail gate upper
interior trim panel and secure with nuts.
2. Connect the connector of high mounted stop lamp.
3. Fit the upper interior trim panel of the tail gate.
4. Fit 2 screws securing the tail gate upper interior trim
4. Disconnect the high pressure shielded wire and remove panel and tighten to 2–3Nm, and fit 2 screw caps of
the rectifier. the tail gate upper interior trim panel.
Refit 5. Connect the battery negative.

1. Connect the high pressure shielded wire to rectifier.

2. Secure the rectifier to the headlamp assembly, fit 3
screws and tighten to 5–7Nm.
3. Refit the headlamp assembly.

Headlamp Assembly Refit

4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 980

Lamps Lighting Systems

Tail Lamp LED Bulb LED Rear Combination Lamp Bulb
Remove Remove
1. Remove the tail lamp assembly. 1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.

Tail Lamp Assembly Remove 2. Remove the nut cap from the tail gate interior trim
2. Remove the rear direction indicator holder.
3. Remove 3 nuts fixing the rear combination lamp to the
tail gate.
4. Remove the reverse lamp holder and disconnect the
connector above the lamp holder.

3. Remove the rear direction indicator bulb from the

holder and discard.
1. Fit the new rear direction indicator bulb to the holder,
and then fit the holder to the lamp assembly. 5. Remove and discard the reverse lamp bulb from the
lamp holder.
2. Refit the tail lamp assembly.
Tail Lamp Assembly Refit
1. Refit the new reverse lamp bulb into the bulb holder,
and then refit the bulb holder into the lamp assembly.
2. Connect the connector.
3. Fix the rear combination lamp to the tail gate with nuts.
4. Fit the nut caps on the tail gate interior trim panel.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 981

Lighting Systems Lamps

Rear Combination Lamp Assembly Tail Lamp Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the tail gate interior trim panel. 2. Release the trunk lid lock catch.
Tail Gate Interior Trim Panel Remove 3. Remove 2 plugs for securing the tail lamp assembly
3. Remove 3 nuts fixing the rear combination lamp
assembly to the tail gate.
4. Remove the clips fixing the rear combination lamp
harness to the tail gate, disconnect the connector and
remove the rear combination lamp assembly.
1. Refit the rear combination lamp assembly on the tail
gate with nuts and tighten to 2.7–3.3Nm.
2. Connect the connector and fix the rear combination
lamp harness to the tail gate with clips.
3. Refit the tail gate interior trim panel.
Tail Gate Interior Trim Panel Refit
4. Connect the battery negative cable. 4. Remove 2 bolts securing the tail lamp assembly to the
5. Release the tail lamp assembly and disconnect the
6. Remove the tail lamp assembly and discard 2 bolt
sealing washers.
1. Fit 2 new sealing washers to tail lamp assembly.
2. Connect the connector of the tail lamp and fit the tail
lamp assembly.
3. Fix the tail lamp assembly to 2.7–3.3Nm with nuts.
4. Fit the plugs of 2 mounting holes.
5. Close the luggage compartment lid.
6. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 982

Lamps Lighting Systems

High Beam Bulb Headlamp Xenon Bulb
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove 3 bolts connecting the upper headlamp 2. Remove 3 bolts connecting the upper headlamp
mounting panel and the body and 3 bolts connecting the mounting panel and the body and 3 bolts connecting the
upper radiator beam, and remove the upper headlamp upper radiator beam, and remove the upper headlamp
mounting panel. mounting panel.
3. Remove the high beam bulb cover. 3. Turn the bulb cover counterclockwise to remove the
4. Turn the holder of the high beam counterclockwise to xenon bulb cover.
remove the lamp holder. 4. Turn the bulb counterclockwise to remove the xenon
5. Remove the bulb from the bulb holder.
5. Disconnect the connector of the bulb.
1. Fit the bulb to the bulb holder.
1. Connect the connector on the bulb.
2. Fit the bulb holder to the headlamp assembly.
2. Fit the xenon lamp bulb.
3. Fit the high beam bulb cover.
3. Fit the xenon lamp bulb cover.
4. Fit the headlamp upper mounting plate, and tighten 3
bolts connecting the upper mounting plate with the 4. Fit the headlamp upper mounting plate, and tighten 3
vehicle body and 3 bolts connecting it with the upper bolts connecting the upper mounting plate with the
radiator beam. vehicle body and 3 bolts connecting it with the upper
radiator beam.
5. Connect the battery negative.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 983

Lighting Systems Lamps

Dynamic Headlamp Leveling Control Module Headlamp Leveling Front Suspension Height
Remove Sensor
1. Disconnect the battery negative.

2. Remove the PEPS module. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.

2. Raise the vehicle on the elevator.
PEPS Module Remove
3. Disconnect the connector from the headlamp leveling
3. Disconnect the connector of the DHL module.
front suspension height sensor.
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the DHL module to the body.
4. Remove 4 bolts securing the headlamp leveling front
suspension height sensor to right front subframe and
right front lower swing arm.
5. Remove the DHL module from the body.
1. Fix the DHL module to the body, fit 2 bolts and tighten 5. Remove the headlamp leveling front suspension height
to 6–8Nm. sensor.
2. Connect the connector of the DHL module. Refit
3. Connect the battery negative. 1. Fix the DHL front suspension height sensor to the right
4. Programme and code the DHL module. front subframe and right front lower swing arm, fit 4
bolts and tighten to 7–10Nm.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
2. Connect the connector of the DHL front suspension
Coding - DHL Module Replacement
height sensor.
5. After replacement, disconnect the battery negative and
3. Lift down the vehicle.
fit the PEPS module.
4. Connect the battery negative.
PEPS Refit
5. Perform height sensor null voltage self-learning.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning

1.0 984

Lamps Lighting Systems

Headlamp Leveling Rear Suspension Height 4. Connect the battery negative.
Sensor 5. Perform height sensor null voltage self-learning.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
Coding - Height Sensor Null Voltage Self-learning
2. Raise the vehicle on the elevator.
3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the headlamp
leveling rear suspension height sensor.
4. Remove 3 bolts securing the headlamp leveling rear
suspension height sensor to the body and right rear
trailing arm.
5. Remove the headlamp leveling rear suspension height
1. Fix the DHL rear suspension height sensor to the body
and right rear trailing arm (note the curved surface of
the sensor bracket shall fit the trailing arm), fit 3 bolts
and tighten to 7–10Nm.
Caution: In the refit process, please check the rear
suspension height sensor control arm, make sure the
direction of control arm point to vehicle head (arrow
direction indicated on diagram).

2. Connect the electrical connector of the DHL rear

suspension height sensor.
3. Lift down the vehicle.

1.0 985

Lighting Systems Lamps

Left Headlamp Direction Drive Control Module Right Headlamp Direction Drive Control Module
Remove Remove
1. Remove the left headlamp assembly. 1. Remove the right headlamp assembly.

Headlamp Assembly Remove Headlamp Assembly Remove

2. Turn over the left headlamp assembly, remove 3 screws 2. Turn over the right headlamp assembly, remove 3
fixing the left headlamp direction drive control module screws fixing the right headlamp direction drive control
to the left headlamp assembly. module to the right headlamp assembly.
3. Disconnect the connector between the control module 3. Disconnect the connector between the control module
and headlamp, remove the module assembly. and headlamp, remove the module assembly.
Refit Refit
1. Connect the connector and direction actuator control 1. Connect the connector and direction actuator control
module of the left headlamp. module of the right headlamp.
2. Fix the direction actuator control module of the left 2. Fix the direction actuator control module of the right
headlamp to left headlamp assembly, fit 3 screws and headlamp to right headlamp assembly, fit 3 screws and
tighten to 5–7Nm. tighten to 5–7Nm.

Caution: Please ensure seal ring fixed correctly when refit Caution: Please ensure seal ring fixed correctly when refit
AFS slave ECU, if there is water leakage, it may cause AFS slave ECU, if there is water leakage, it may cause
headlamp damage. headlamp damage.
3. Fit the headlamp assembly. 3. Fit the right headlamp assembly.
Headlamp Assembly Refit Headlamp Assembly Refit

1.0 986

Door Body Systems

Description Value
Bolt - door hinge to door 42–48Nm
Bolt - door striker to body 19–25Nm
Bolt-body- checker 21–29Nm
Screw - exterior handle backplate to door 2–2.5Nm
Bolt - door hinge to body 30–36Nm
Bolt - door lock to door 8–12Nm
Bolt - door striker 15–21Nm
Bolt - door lock 8–12Nm
Bolt-From weather-strip to door inner panel 1–2Nm
Bolt-From glass to regulator 6.5–10Nm

1.0 987

Body Systems Door

Description and Operation

System Layout

1. Window Regulator Motor of Front Passenger 7. Window Regulator Motor of Rear Passenger
2. Front Passenger Window Switch 8. Left Front Door Handle
3. Sunroof Switch (if any) 9. Driver Window Switch
4. Window Regulator Motor of Rear Passenger 10. Driver Window Regulator Motor
5. Rear Passenger Window Switch 11. Remote Key
6. Rear Passenger Window Switch

1.0 988

Door Body Systems

System Control Diagram


A= 硬线; B=LIN

1.0 989

Body Systems Door

Description DDSPEnd View and Pin Information of Harness

The power window system consists of the following Connector DD004
• Driver Window Switch
• Front Passenger Window Switch
• Rear Left Window Switch
• Rear Right Window Switch
• Window Motor
• Sunroof Switch
BCM controls the window regulator system:
• Manually ascend/descend the individual window glass.
• Automatically (one-button control) ascend/descend the Pin No. Description
window glass by using window motor. 1 KL.30
• Automatically (one-button control) descend the window 2 —
glass by using the window regulator system with heat
3 Ground
protection (for individual front/rear window glass only).
• Manually ascend/descend all windows.
• Automatically (one-button control) ascend/descend all 5 —
windows. 6 —
The window regulator system transmits information by the 7 —
LIN and low current switch. The LSDs or intelligent motor
8 —
allows the BCM to control the relay:
Left Front Window Up
• The BCM receives the hard wire input of the
9 (1.5T, without anti-pinch
window switch, remote key radiofrequency and the
UNLOCK/LOCK signal of the mechanical key from the
DDSP through the LIN. By this way, it controls the Left Front Window Down
relay via the LSD (standard motor). 10 (1.5T, without anti-pinch
• The BCM sends the request signal to the intelligent
motor through the LIN and hard wire of the local switch Exterior Rearview Mirror
and controls the internal relay. 11 Folding (with power
rearview mirror)
For power window systems with standard regulator motor, the Exterior Rearview Mirror
BCM receives the ASCEND/DESCEND signal directly. The 12 Expansion (with power
motor uses the LSD integrated circuit to control the relay. rearview mirror)
13 —
For power window systems with intelligent regulator motor,
14 —
the BCM sends operation signal via the LIN or hard wire of
the local switch. 15 —

When locking/unlocking the driver door, and the remote key 16 —

gives radiofrequency signal or when any impact occurs, the 17 —
window can be opened/closed simultaneously.
18 —
19 —
20 —
21 —
22 —

1.0 990

Door Body Systems

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description
23 — 1 KL.30
24 — 2 Switch Backlight
3 Window Up
DDSPEnd View and Pin Information of Harness
Connector DD007 4 Window Up Output
5 Ground

6 Window Down Switch

Auto Window (one-button

control) Switch
8 Window Down
9 Window Up Switch
10 Window Down Output

End View and Pin Information of Rear Window

Switch Harness Connector RD004
Pin No. Description

Left Front Window Down

Left Front Window Up
3 KL.30
4 Ground

End View and Pin Information of Front Passenger

Window Combination Switch Harness Connector
Pin No. Description
1 KL.30
2 Switch Backlight

3 Window Up
4 Window Up Output
5 Ground
6 Window Down Switch
Auto Window (one-button
control) Switch
8 Window Down

9 Window Up Switch

10 Window Down Output

1.0 991

Body Systems Door

Operation The passenger window switch is provided with one-button

Power Window control function.

Control of the window regulator can be achieved by the • One-button unlock: short press and then release the
following operations: passenger window switch to descend the window to the
• Use the switch of the DDSP to control power window
regulator and disable the rear power window. Anti-pinch Function

• Use the front/rear passenger side switch to control the The driver window is provided with anti-pinch function. When
regulator of the corresponding power window. the one-button lock function is applied, if there is any object
• Apply the mechanical key to lock/unlock the driver door in the ascending channel of the window, the window will stop
(if fitted) and hold the operation for several seconds, then before the obstacle and return to the bottom automatically.
all windows will close/open (if fitted). Heat Protection and Self-learning
Window Regulator Switch Heat Protection
DDSP If the power window switch is operated repeatedly within a
The DDSP sends control command to the motor of the four short time, for the purpose of protecting the window motor,
windows through the BCM, including such request signals the power window switch will be disabled temporarily. The
as open, quick move to memory location to close, manual power window can be operated after a short while.
lock/unlock, one-button lock/unlock, etc. The DDSP is fitted
Driver Power Window Self-learning
with the rear window disable switch, when the disable switch
is activated, the rear passenger window switch will be disabled. If recharge the battery, disconnect the connector, or if the
battery cannot work, the information center of the IPK will
Independent Passenger Window Switch
show the relevant icon and text and request a self-learning
The independent passenger window switch controls the for the driver power window. Before self-learning, ensure the
regulator of the corresponding passenger window through battery can provide sufficient power.
the BCM. When the rear passenger window is disabled, the
switch of the rear passenger window cannot ascend/descend Procedures for self-learning:
this window. 1. Place the ignition switch in the 1st/2nd gear;
Window Regulator Control Mode 2. Press the power window switch until the window is wide
Manual Mode
3. Lift the power window switch until the window is fully
Press/lift the window switch to perform manual mode. The
window will continue ascending/descending until the switch is
released. After completion of the above procedures, self-learning of the
driver power window is finished.
One-button Control
Synchronization of Window Regulator System
The driver window switch is provided with one-button control
function. If the vehicle is locked by the mechanical key, or if the vehicle
• One-button unlock: short press and then release the is locked by the remote control emitter for more than 2s, all
driver window switch of the DDSP to descend the windows will close, including the sunroof.
window to the bottom.
• One-button lock: short lift and then release the driver
window switch of the DDSP to ascend the window to
the top.

1.0 992

Door Body Systems

Service Procedures
Front Door Adjustment
Front Door Hinge Adjustment
1. Open the front door.
2. Put the wood block on the jack, and put the jack under
the door to support the front door.
3. Unscrew 2 bolts securing the upper and lower door
hinges to the door side.
4. Close the door, and check if the rear of the door is
flush with the panel of the body side panel and if the
door can open and close normally.
5. After the adjustment, open the door, and tighten the
screws to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
6. Close the door.

4. Use a jack to support the vehicle and adjust the door.

5. Pre-tighten the hinge bolts.
6. Take away the jack, close the door and check if the
adjustment is proper.
7. When the desired adjustment is achieved, tighten the
hinge bolts to 42–48Nm, and check the torque.
Front Door Striker Adjustment
Front door striker is a latch with two screws. In most cases,
it is necessary to adjust the striker upward/downward or
• Frame damage resulting from a collision.
• Fit a new door weatherstrip.
• The customer complains that the wind noise is too loud.
• It is difficult to open or close the door.
Adjust the lock catch upward/downward or inward/outward
according to the following procedures:
1. The door must be positioned correctly.
2. Open the front door.
3. Loosen 2 striker screws. Adjust the striker to align the
door pin, and then pre-tighten the screws.

1.0 993

Body Systems Door

Front Door Assembly

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Open the front door.
3. Put the wood block on the jack, and put the jack under
the door to support the front door.
4. Remove the bolt fixing the door check to the body,
and discard the bolt.

7. Remove the front door assembly.

1. Position the door to the body with the help of an
2. Connect the connector plug, and insert the rubber seal
ring into the mounting hole of the body.
3. Fit the set bolts between the upper and lower hinges
of the front door and the door side, and tighten the
torque to 42–48Nm and check the torque.
4. Fit the set bolts between the door check and the body
5. With the help of an assistant, hold the door, then side, and tighten the torque to21–29Nm and check
remove and discard 2 bolts fixing the upper/lower the torque.
hinges to the door. 5. Close the door and check if the door can be properly
opened or closed.
6. Connect the battery negative.

Caution: Please protect paint from scratch when

removing or refitting the door assembly.

6. With the help of an assistant, hold the door, remove

the rubber seal ring on the body, and pull out the
connector to disconnect the harness connector plug.

1.0 994

Door Body Systems

Drive Side Door Outer Handle Driver Side Door Outer Handle (with Keyless
Remove Entry)
1. Open the driver side door.

2. Remove the driver side door lock cylinder. 1. Open the driver side door and ensure that the windows
rise to the highest position.
Front Door Lock Cylinder Remove
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Lightly pull the outer handle towards the rear of vehicle,
3. Remove the lock cylinder of the driver side door.
and pull out the rear end of the outer handle, then pull
out its front end to remove the outer handle. Front Door Lock Cylinder Remove
4. Remove the driver side door interior trim panel.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove
5. Remove the waterproof membrane of the driver side
6. Disconnect the antenna harness connector of the
driver side door outer handle from the door cavity.

1. Refit the front end of the outer handle into the front
mounting hole of the door, and move the outer handle
towards the rear vehicle.
2. Refit the rear shim of the outer handle.

Caution: Ensure door handle gaskets are fitted correctly.

7. Lightly pull the outside handle towards the rear of
3. Refit the rear end of the outer handle, and move it
vehicle, and pull out the rear end of the outer handle,
towards the front of the body.
then pull out its front end to remove the outer handle.
4. Fix the front door lock cylinder to the outer handle
plate, tighten the screw to 2–2.5Nm, and check the
5. Press the plug into the round hole on the door and
secure the plug clip firmly so that seal can be achieved.

1. Pass the antenna from the outside through the mounting
hole of the door, and connect the harness connector.
2. Refit the front end of the outer handle into the front
mounting hole of the door, and move the outer handle
6. Close the door and check if the outer handle can work towards the rear vehicle.
3. Refit the rear shim of the outer handle.

1.0 995

Body Systems Door

4. Refit the rear end of the handle, and move it towards Front Passenger Door Outer Handle
the front of the body. Remove
5. Fit the front door lock cylinder to the outer handle 1. Open the front passenger side door.
plate, tighten the screw to2–2.5Nm and check the 2. Remove the cap beside the front passenger door.
6. Check if the door handle can work properly.
7. Press the plug into the round hole on the door and
secure the plug clip firmly so that seal can be achieved.
3. Loosen the screw fixing the outer handle cover to the
outer handle plate, but do not remove it for it is
clamped inside.
4. Lightly pull the rear end of the outer handle to remove
8. Refit the waterproof membrane for the driver side the outer handle cover.
5. Lightly pull the outer handle towards the rear of vehicle,
9. Refit the driver door interior trim panel. and pull out the rear end of the outer handle, then pull
out its front end to remove the outer handle.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
10. Connect the battery negative.
11. Close the driver side door.

1. Refit the front end of the outer handle into the front
mounting hole of the door, and move the outer handle
towards the rear vehicle.
2. Refit the rear shim of the front passenger side door
outer handle.
3. Refit the rear end of the handle, and move it towards
the front of the body.
4. Refit the front door lock cylinder to the outer handle
plate, tighten the screw to2–2.5Nm, and check the
5. Check if the outer handle of the front passenger side

1.0 996

Door Body Systems

door can work properly. Front Passenger Door Exterior Handle (with
6. Press the plug into the round hole on the door and Keyless Entry)
secure the plug clip firmly so that seal can be achieved. Remove
1. Open the front side passenger door and ensure that
the windows rise to the highest position.
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Remove the cap at the end of the front passenger side
4. Loosen the screw fixing the outer handle cover to
the outer handle plate, but do not remove it for it is
clamped inside.
5. Pull the rear end of the outer handle to remove the
outer handle cover.
6. Remove the interior door trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

7. Remove the door waterproof membrane.
8. Disconnect the antenna harness connector of the outer
door handle from the door cavity.

9. Lightly pull the outer handle towards the rear of vehicle,

and pull out the rear end of the outer handle, then pull
out its front end to remove the outer handle.

1.0 997

Body Systems Door

Front Door Hinge Assembly

1. Open the front door.
2. With the help of an assistant, remove the front door
Front Door Assembly Remove
3. From the outside of the body, remove 2 bolts (1) fixing
the upper/lower hinges to the body, and discard the
4. Remove the A pillar lower trim panel.
A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
10. Remove the outer handle of the passenger door and 5. Remove the instrument panel beam assembly.
take out the outer handle antenna. Instrument Panel Beam Assembly Remove
6. From the inside of the A pillar, remove 2 bolts (2) fixing
the upper/lower hinges to the body, and discard the
bolt. Remove the upper/lower hinges of the front door.
1. Pass the antenna from the outside through the
mounting hole of the front door, and connect the
harness connector. Refit
2. Refit the front end of the outer handle into the front 1. Locate the upper hinge of the front door to the body A
mounting hole of the door, and move the outer handle pillar.
towards the rear vehicle.
2. Fit a new bolt fixing the upper hinge to the body from
3. Refit the rear shim of the outer handle. the inside of the A pillar, tighten the bolt to 30–36Nm
4. Refit the rear end of the handle, and move it towards and check the torque.
the front of the body. 3. Locate the lower hinge of the front door to the body A
5. Fit the front door lock cylinder to the outer handle pillar.
plate, tighten the screw to2–2.5Nm, and check the 4. Fit a new bolt fixing the lower hinge to the body from
torque. the inside of the A pillar, tighten the bolt to 30–36Nm
6. Check if the outer door handle can be properly opened. and check the torque.
7. Press the plug into the round hole on the door and 5. Fit 2 new bolts fixing the lower hinge to the body
secure the plug clip firmly so that seal can be achieved. from the outside of the A pillar, tighten the bolt to
8. Fit the door waterproof membrane. 30–36Nm and check the torque.

9. Fit the interior door trim panel. 6. Fit the instrument panel beam assembly.
Instrument Panel Beam Assembly Refit
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
7. Fit the A pillar lower trim panel.
10. Connect the battery negative.
11. Close the passenger door. A Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
8. Fit the front door assembly.

1.0 998

Door Body Systems

Front Door Assembly Refit Front Door Lock Cylinder
1. Open the driver side door.
2. Remove the cap of the lock cylinder screw at the end
of the front door.
3. Loosen the screw fixing the door lock cylinder to the
outer door handle plate, but do not remove it for it is
clamped inside.
4. Pull the rear end of the outer handle to remove the
front door lock cylinder.
5. Disconnect the lock cylinder cover and lock cylinder.

1. Connect the lock cylinder with the cover.
2. Pull up the rear end of front door outer handle and
locate the front door lock cylinder assembly to the
front door mounting hole. Tighten the screws to the
torque 2–2.5Nm, and check the torque.
3. Press the screw cap into the round hole at the side of
the door, and make sure that the clips on the cap are
fully engaged for good sealing effect.

1.0 999

Body Systems Door

Front Door Lock Assembly

1. Open the front door.
2. Ensure that the windows rise to the highest position.
3. Disconnect the battery negative.
4. Remove the front door interior trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

5. Remove the front door waterproof membrane.
6. Release the clips securing the lock cylinder link and the
outer handle link.
1. Connect the inner cable of the front door to the front
door lock.
2. Connector the harness connector of the front door
3. Locate the lock assembly to the door panel from
the cavity inside the door, and tighten the screw to
8–12Nm from top to bottom, and check the torque.
4. Fix the outer handle link and lock cylinder link of the
front door into the corresponding clip of the front
door lock.
7. Remove 3 screws fixing the door lock to the door. 5. Fit the front door waterproof membrane.
6. Fit the front door interior trim panel.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
7. Check if the outer/inner handles of the front door can
work properly.
8. Connect the battery negative.
9. Close the front door.

8. Disconnect the harness connector of the door lock.

9. Disconnect the inner cable from the lock.

1.0 1000

Door Body Systems

Front Door Outer Handle Plate
1. Open the front door.
2. Ensure that the windows rise to the highest position.
3. Remove the front door interior trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

4. Remove the front door waterproof membrane.
5. Remove the outer handle of the front door.

Front Door Outer Handle Remove

6. Remove the rear shim of the front door outer handle.
7. Remove the screw fixing the outer handle plate of the
front door outer handle.
1. Fix the outer handle link and lock cylinder link to the
corresponding clip of the front door outer handle plate.
2. Fit the outer handle plate assembly of the front door
from the cavity of the front door, and locate it to the
mounting position on the outside door panel.
3. Fit the screw fixing the outer handle plate to the door
from the outside of the door, tighten the screw to
2–2.5Nm, and check the torque.
4. Fix the outer handle link and lock cylinder link to the
corresponding slot of the door lock.
5. Fit the front/rear shim of the front door outer handle.
6. Fit the front door outer handle.
8. Release the clip fixing the lock cylinder link and outer Front Door Outer Handle Refit
handle link. 7. Try to open the door with the outer handle and lock
cylinder and ensure all parts are correctly fitted.
8. Fit the front door waterproof membrane.
9. Fit the front door interior trim panel.

Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit


9. Remove the outer handle plate assembly from the

cavity inside the door.
10. Disconnect the outer handle link and lock cylinder link
of the front door from the outer handle plate of the
front door outer handle.

1.0 1001

Body Systems Door

Rear Door Outer Handle properly.

1. Open the rear door.
2. Remove the cap at the side of the rear door.
3. Loosen the screw fixing the outer handle cover to
the outer handle plate, but do not remove it for it is
clamped inside.
4. Pull the rear end of the outer handle to remove the
outer handle cover.
5. Lightly pull the outer handle towards the rear of vehicle,
and pull out the rear end of the outer handle, then pull
out its front end to remove the outer handle.

1. Fit the front of the rear door outer handle into the
front mounting hole of the door, and move the outer
handle towards the rear vehicle.
2. Fit the rear shim of the outer handle.
3. Fit the rear of the rear door outer handle into the plate
of the outer handle.
4. Fix the outer handle cover to the outer handle plate,
tighten the screw to 2–2.5Nm and check the torque.
5. Press the cap into the round hole on the door and
secure the cap clip firmly so that seal can be achieved.
6. Close the door and check if the outer handle can work

1.0 1002

Door Body Systems

Rear Door Adjustment
Rear Door Hinge Adjustment
1. Open the rear door.
2. Put the wood block on the jack, and put the jack under
the door to support the rear door.
3. Loosen 2 bolts securing the upper/lower door hinges
of the rear door to the rear door.
4. Close the door, and check if the rear of the door is
flush with the panel of the body side panel and if the
door can open and close normally.
5. After the adjustment, open the door, and tighten the
screws to 15–21Nm, and check the torque.
6. Close the door.
4. Use a jack to support the vehicle and adjust the door.
5. Pre-tighten the bolt fixing the hinge to the door.
6. Take away the jack, close the door and check if the
adjustment is proper.
7. When the desired adjustment is achieved, tighten the
hinge bolts to 42–48Nm, and check the torque.
Rear Door Lock Catch Adjustment
Rear door striker is a latch with two screws. In most cases,
it is necessary to adjust the striker upward/downward or
• Frame damage resulting from a collision.
• Fit a new door weatherstrip.
• The customer complains that the wind noise is too loud.
• It is difficult to open or close the door.
Adjust the lock catch upward/downward or inward/outward
according to the following procedures:
1. The door must be positioned correctly.
2. Open the rear door.
3. Loosen 2 striker screws. Adjust the striker to align the
door pin, and then pre-tighten the screws.

1.0 1003

Body Systems Door

Rear Door Assembly tighten to and check the torque.

Remove 5. Close the door and check if the door can be properly
1. Disconnect the battery negative. opened or closed.
2. Open the rear door. 6. Connect the battery negative.
3. Put the wood block on the jack, and put the jack under
the door to support the rear door.
4. Remove the bolt fixing the door check to the body,
and discard the bolt.

5. Prize up the rubber seal ring on the body, and pull out
the connector to disconnect the connector interface.
6. With the help of an assistant, hold the outside of
the door, then remove and discard 2 bolts fixing the
upper/lower hinges to the door.

Caution: Please protect paint from scratch when

removing or refitting the door assembly.
7. Remove the rear door assembly.
1. With assistance, locate the door to the vehicle body.
2. Connect the connector port, and embed the rubber
seal ring into the mounting hole of the body.
3. Fit 2 new bolts fixing the upper and lower hinges of
the rear door to the door, tighten to 42–48Nm and
check the torque.
4. Fit new bolts fixing the door checker to the body,

1.0 1004

Door Body Systems

Rear Door Hinge Assembly Rear Door Lock Assembly
Remove Remove
1. With the help of an assistant, remove the rear door 1. Open the rear door.
assembly. 2. Ensure that the window rise to the highest position.
Rear Door Assembly Remove 3. Remove the rear door interior trim panel assembly.
2. From the outside of the body, remove 2 bolts (1) fixing Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Assembly Remove
the upper/lower hinges to the body, and discard the
4. Carefully remove the waterproof membrane.
5. With a flat blade screwdriver, carefully remove the clip
3. Remove the B pillar lower trim panel.
fixing the outer handle link to the lock.
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
6. Remove 3 bolts fixing the rear door lock, and take out
4. From the inside of the B pillar, remove 1 bolt (2) fixing
the door lock from the door cavity carefully.
the upper hinge of the rear door to the body, and
discard the bolt. Remove the upper hinge of the rear
5. From the inside of the B pillar, remove 1 bolt (2) fixing
the lower hinge of the rear door to the body, and
discard the bolt. Remove the lower hinge of the rear

7. Disconnect the harness connector of the lock.

8. Carefully disconnect the inner handle cable from the
lock assembly to remove the lock assembly.

1. Locate the lower hinge of the rear door to the body B
2. Fit a new bolt fixing the lower hinge to the body from
the inside of the B pillar, tighten the bolt to 30–36Nm
and check the torque.
3. Locate the upper hinge of the rear door to the body B
4. Fit a new bolt fixing the upper hinge to the body from
the inside of the B pillar, tighten the bolt to 30–36Nm Refit
and check the torque. 1. Fit the inner cable of the rear door to the lock.
5. Fit the B pillar lower trim panel. 2. Connect the harness connector of the lock.
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit 3. Locate the lock to the mounting position from the
6. Fit 2 new bolts fixing the upper/lower hinges to the cavity inside the door, fit 3 screws and tighten to
body from the outside of the B pillar, tighten the bolt 8–12Nm, and check the torque.
to 30–36Nm and check the torque. 4. Connect the outer handle link and lock of the rear
7. Fit the rear door assembly. door, and secure the clip.
Rear Door Assembly Refit 5. Fit the rear door waterproof membrane.

1.0 1005

Body Systems Door

6. Fit the rear door interior trim panel. Front Side Door Window Weatherstrip
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
7. Check if the outer/inner handles of the rear door can
work properly. 2. Remove the front door interior trim panel.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the

glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the

3. Remove the front door waterproof membrane from

the door panel.
4. Remove the front door glass.

Front Door Glass Remove

5. Remove the weatherstrip of the front side door
window carefully.

1. Fit the weatherstrip of the front door window.
2. Fit front door glass.

Front Door Glass Refit

3. Fit the front door waterproof membrane.

Front Door Waterproof Membrane Refit

4. Fit the front door interior trim panel.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1006

Door Body Systems

Front Door Window Inner Weatherstrip Front Door Window Outer Weatherstrip
Remove Remove
1. Open the front door. 1. Open the front door.
2. Remove the front door interior trim panel. 2. Remove the screw securing the front door window
outer weatherstrip to door panel.
Remove of Front Door Interior Trim Panel
3. Pull up and remove the front door window inner
3. Carefully release the clips securing the outer
weatherstrip to the door from the front to the end
of the door and remove it.
1. Align the opening of weatherstrip with the sealing part
1. Align 5 plastic clips on the front door window outer
of door inner panel, and fit the front door window
weatherstrip with 5 mounting holes on the door panel,
inner weatherstrip.
then fit them to the door panel from A pillar to B pillar.
2. Refit the front door interior trim panel.
2. Fit a screw securing the front door window outer
Refit of Front Door Interior Trim Panel weatherstrip to the body, tighten to 1–2Nm, and
check the torque.
3. Close the front door.

1.0 1007

Body Systems Door

Front Door Window Regulator initialization of the regulator.

Remove Caution: For a glass regulator which with "one-touch
1. Open the front door. ascending " function , once power off, the "one-touch
2. Disconnect the battery negative. ascending " function will be lost. After power on, press the
3. Remove the front door interior trim panel. switch to ascend the window to the top, press and hold it
for 5s to complete the glass regulator initialization, then
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove the "one-touch ascending "function will be recovered.
Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the
glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the

4. Remove the front door waterproof membrane from

the door panel.
5. Remove the front door glass.
Front Door Glass Remove
6. Remove 5 bolts fixing the glass regulator to the door
7. Carefully remove the glass regulator from the door
1. Fit the glass regulator into the front door cavity, fit 5
bolts securing the glass regulator on the door panel,
tighten the bolt to 6.5–10Nm from top to bottom/left
to right and check the torque.
2. Fit front door glass.
Front Door Glass Refit
3. Fit the front door waterproof membrane.
Front Door Waterproof Membrane Refit
4. Fit the front door interior trim panel.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
5. Connect the battery negative.
6. Check if the window glass regulator can work. For glass
regulators with "one-button control" and "anti-pinch"
functions, when the battery is disconnected, these
functions will be disabled; when the battery is
connected, these function can be resumed by

1.0 1008

Door Body Systems

Front Door Window Glass 6. Fit the outer weatherstrip of the front door window.
Remove Front Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Refit
1. Open the front door.
7. Fit the front door interior trim panel.
2. Disconnect the battery negative.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
3. Remove the front door interior trim panel.
8. Connect the battery negative.
Front Door Interior Trim Panel Remove
Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the
glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the

4. Remove the front door waterproof membrane from

the door panel.
5. Remove the inner weatherstrip of the front door
Front Door Window Inner Weatherstrip Remove
6. Remove the outer weatherstrip of the front door
Front Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Remove
7. Remove 2 screws securing the glass to the window
8. Carefully remove the glass from the door window
1. Carefully place the glass between the inner panel and
outer panel through the window frame, and fit the slot
weatherstrip from the two sides.
2. Descend the glass slowly until it touches the slider of
the glass regulator, fix the glass clip to the small terrace
of the slider and align the hole of the glass clip with the
slider hole of the regulator.
3. Fit 2 screws fixing the front door glass to the front
door glass regulator, tighten to 6.5–10Nm and check
the torque.
4. Fit the front door waterproof membrane.
5. Fit the inner weatherstrip of the front door window.
Front Door Window Inner Weatherstrip Refit

1.0 1009

Body Systems Door

Power Window Switch - Rear Door Power Window Switch - Driver

Remove Remove
1. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 1. Remove the left front door interior trim panel.

Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove Remove of Front Door Interior Trim Panel
2. Release 4 clips securing the rear door power window 2. Carefully release 6 clips securing the driver power
switch to the rear door interior trim panel. window switch to the front door interior trim panel.
3. Disconnect the harness connector from the back of 3. Disconnect the harness connector from the back of
rear door power window switch. driver power window switch.
4. Remove the rear door power window switch. 4. Remove the drive power window switch.
Refit Refit
1. Connect the connector at the back of rear door power 1. Connect the connector at the rear of the driver power
window switch to the rear door harness. window switch to the left front door harness.
2. Fit the rear door power window switch to the rear 2. Fit the driver power window switch to the interior trim
door interior trim panel and secure. panel of the front door and secure it.
3. Refit the rear door interior trim panel. 3. Fit the left front door interior trim panel.
Refit of Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Front Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
4. Connect the battery negative.
5. Check if the window glass regulator can work. When
removing, the "one-button up" and "anti-pinch"
functions may fail, in this case, perform
self-learning for the driver power window

1.0 1010

Door Body Systems

Power Window Switch - Front Passenger Rear Door Window Outer Weatherstrip
Remove Remove
1. Remove the right front door interior trim panel. 1. Open the rear door.

Remove of Front Door Interior Trim Panel 2. Remove the screw securing the rear door window
outer weatherstrip to door panel from the rear door B
2. Carefully release 6 clips securing the passenger power
window switch to the front door interior trim panel
3. Disconnect the harness connector from the back of
passenger power window switch.
4. Remove the passenger power window switch.
1. Connect the connector at the back of passenger power
window switch to the right front door harness.
2. Fit the passenger power window switch to the front
door interior trim panel and secure.
3. Refit the right front door interior trim panel.
Refit of Front Door Interior Trim Panel
3. Carefully release the clips securing the outer
weatherstrip to the rear door from the front to the
end of the rear door and remove.
1. Align 5 plastic clips on the rear door windowsill outer
weatherstrip with 5 mounting holes on the door panel,
then fit them to the revers of the door panel from the
front to the end of the rear door.
2. Fit a screw securing the rear door window outer
weatherstrip to the rear panel, tighten to 1–2Nm, and
check the torque.
3. Close the rear door.

1.0 1011

Body Systems Door

Rear Door Window Inner Weatherstrip Rear Door Window Weatherstrip

Remove Remove
1. Open the rear door. 1. Open the rear door.
2. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 2. Disconnect the battery negative.
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove 3. Remove the rear door interior trim panel.

3. Remove the rear door window inner weatherstrip. Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the

glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the

4. Remove the rear door waterproof membrane from the

door panel.
5. Remove the rear door glass.
Rear Door Glass Remove
6. Remove the weatherstrip of the rear door glass.
1. Align the opening of weatherstrip with the sealing part
of door inner panel, and fit the rear door window inner
2. Refit the rear door interior trim panel.

Refit of Rear Door Interior Trim Panel


1. Refit the rear door window weatherstrip.
2. Refit the rear door window.

Rear Door Window Refit

3. Refit the rear door waterproof membrane.
4. Refit the rear door interior trim panel.

Refit of Rear Door Interior Trim Panel

5. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1012

Door Body Systems

Rear Door Window Regulator Rear Door Window Glass
Remove Remove
1. Open the rear door. 1. Open the rear door.
2. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Disconnect the battery negative.
3. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 3. Remove the rear door interior trim panel.

Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove

Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the Caution: Before taking down the panel, please raise the
glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the glass so that the bolts is just in the mounting holes of the
door. door.

4. Remove the rear door waterproof membrane from the 4. Remove the inner weatherstrip of the rear door
door panel. window.
5. Remove the rear door glass. Rear Door Window Inner Weatherstrip Remove
5. Remove the outer weatherstrip of the rear door
Rear Door Glass Remove
6. Remove 5 bolts fixing the glass regulator to the door
panel. Rear Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Remove
6. Remove the rear door waterproof membrane from the
door panel.
7. Remove 2 screws securing the glass to the window
7. Carefully remove the glass regulator from the door
window frame.
1. Fit the glass regulator into the rear door cavity, fit 5
bolts securing the glass regulator on the door panel, 8. Carefully remove the glass from the door window
tighten the bolt to 6.5–10Nm from top to bottom/left frame.
to right and check the torque. Refit
2. Fit the rear door glass. 1. Place the glass between the inner panel and outer panel
through the door window frame, and fit the rear door
Rear Door Glass Refit
window weatherstrip.
3. Fit the rear door waterproof membrane.
2. Descend the glass slowly until it touches the slider of
Rear Door Waterproof Membrane Refit the glass regulator, fix the glass clip to the small terrace
4. Fit the rear door interior trim panel. of the slider and align the hole of the glass clip with the
slider hole of the regulator.
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
3. Fit 2 screws fixing the rear door glass to the rear door
5. Connect the battery negative.
glass regulator, tighten to 6.5–10Nm, and check the
6. Check if the window glass regulator can work. torque.
4. Fit the rear door waterproof membrane.
5. Fit the outer weatherstrip of the rear door window.
Rear Door Window Outer Weatherstrip Refit

1.0 1013

Body Systems Door

6. Fit the inner weatherstrip of the rear door window.

Rear Door Window Inner Weatherstrip Refit

7. Fit the rear door interior trim panel.
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Refit
8. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1014

Front Closures Body Systems

Front Closures
Description Value
Bolt - hood latch safety to hood panel 7–10Nm
Nut - hood hinge to hood panel 19–25Nm
Bolt - hood hinge to body 26–34Nm
Bolt - hood hinge to body 26–34Nm
Bolt - hood latch to platform 7–10Nm
Screw - hood open handle 1.3–1.9Nm
Bolt - fender to body 7–10Nm
Bolt-From front bumper impact bar to fend upper tie bar 7–10Nm
Bolt-intercooler to platform 4–6Nm
Bolt-From front bumper impact bar to body in white 40–50Nm
Nut-Air conditioner pipe to condenser 19–25Nm
Bolt - head lamp bracket to body 7–10Nm
Bolt - head lamp bracket to MFE 7–10Nm
Bolt- wiper container to bodywork 4–6Nm
Bolt- expansion tank to body 4–6Nm
Bolt - battery bracket to body 19–25Nm
Nut - nut to battery clip 3–5Nm

1.0 1015

Body Systems Front Closures

Service Procedures 5. After adjustment, tighten the 4 nuts to 19–25Nm,

Bonnet Assembly check the torque and close the bonnet.
Warning: Take special attention to avoid vehicle damage
and personal injury.
1. Open and support the bonnet properly.
2. Remove 4 nuts fixing the bonnet hinges to the bonnet.
3. With the help of an assistant, remove the bonnet.
4. Remove the bonnet safety lock from the bonnet.
Warning: Bonnet will drop under its own weight during
removal and refit, ensure panel is fully supported.
1. Secure the bonnet safety lock on the bonnet with bolts,
tighten the bolts to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
2. With the help of an assistant, position the bonnet to
the body.
Caution: DO NOT damage the thread on the bolt when
inserting the bolt into the fit hole.

3. Fit 4 nuts securing the bonnet hinges to the bonnet on

both sides, but do not tighten the nuts.
4. Check if the bonnet is properly positioned, and
adjust the clearance and surface difference between
the bonnet and the front fender. It shall meet DTS
(dimension technical specification) requirements.

1.0 1016

Front Closures Body Systems

Bonnet Hinge Assembly Bonnet Inspection and Adjustment
Remove Inspections
Warning: Take special attention to avoid vehicle damage Inspect the positioning of the bonnet:
and personal injury. 1. The curve from the bonnet to the front fender must
1. Mark the hinge relative to the bonnet for positioning be unblocked;
during installation. 2. The gap between the bonnet and the front fender must
2. With assistance, remove the bonnet. be uniform;
3. The front rake of the bonnet must be kept level with
Bonnet Assembly Remove
the front fender.
3. Remove 4 bolts fixing the hinges to the body side on
both sides.
1. Mark the profile of the bonnet hinges with a non
permanent marker.
2. Loosen the nuts securing the hinges to the bonnet.
4. Remove the hinges on both sides.
1. Locate the hinges to the body on both sides, and align
it with the position marked when removing. 3. Adjust the bonnet and align it with the front fender.

2. Fit 4 bolts fixing the hinges to the body on both sides , 4. Tighten the nut on the bonnet hinge to19–25Nm, and
tighten the bolts to 26–34Nm, and check the torque. check the torque.
3. With assistance, fit the bonnet. 5. Loosen the bolts securing the hinges to the body.
6. Adjust the position of the bonnet at lateral and
Bonnet Assembly Refit
front/rear direction to align the bonnet with the front
Warning: Bonnet will drop under its own weight during fender, and the front corner of the bonnet should be
removal and refit, ensure panel is fully supported. horizontal with the front fender.
7. Tighten the hinge bolts (body side) to 26–34Nm, and
check the torque.

1.0 1017

Body Systems Front Closures

Bonnet Lock Body Assembly 3. Secure the lock body assembly to the bracket of the
Remove upper radiator beam with 3 bolts, and do not tighten
1. Open and support the bonnet securely. the bolts to the specified torque at this step.

2. Remove the front bumper assembly. 4. Close the bonnet, observe the relative position of the
lock and the striker, then adjust the position of the
Front Bumper Remove
lock body to make sure that the striker can enter the
3. Mark the lock position on the upper radiator beam tab smoothly.
bracket, which is used for alignment when fitting it.
5. After adjustment, tighten the 3 bolts to 7–10Nm, and
4. Remove three bolts (1) fixing the bonnet lock to the check the torque.
upper radiator beam.
6. Fit the front bumper.
5. Disconnect the harness connector (2) of the bonnet
lock. Front Bumper Refit
7. Close the bonnet.

6. Disconnect the bonnet cable assembly from the lock

assembly to remove the lock assembly.

1. Connect the bonnet cable assembly to the lock body
assembly securely, put the ball end of the cable core
wire into the stop hook groove on the bonnet lock
body and the core wire into the long groove on the
bonnet lock housing respectively, and align the ring
groove on the main cable protector pipe end with the
mounting groove on the lock case, then firmly push it
until a "click" sound is heard.
2. Position the bonnet lock body assembly to the bracket
of the upper radiator beam, and align it with the
position marked when removing.

1.0 1018

Front Closures Body Systems

Bonnet Release Cable
1. Open the bonnet and support it securely with the rod.
2. Remove the bonnet lock assembly.
Bonnet Lock Assembly Remove
3. Release the bonnet cable assembly from the bonnet
3. Connect the bonnet cable assembly and lock assembly
firmly, i.e. fit the spherical end of the cable core wire
into the hook slot of the bonnet lock, put the core wire
into the long slot of the bonnet lock case, and align the
circular groove of the main cable pipe connector with
the mounting slot of the lock case, then press it hard
until it clicks.
4. Fit the bonnet lock assembly.
4. Release the clip of the bonnet cable assembly from the
Bonnet Lock Assembly Refit
engine compartment.
5. Pull the release handle of the bonnet in the driver's
5. Release the bonnet cable assembly from the release
compartment to inspect the opening effect of the
6. Pull out the bonnet cable assembly from the engine
1. Locate the cable assembly of the bonnet to the engine
compartment, fit the flat blade end to the driver
compartment through the bulkhead hole of the front
engine compartment, and secure it in the bulkhead hole
with the rubber seal ring of the cable assembly.
2. Insert the column shape end of the cable assembly to
the column hole of the release handle, put the core
wire into the long slot of the handle simultaneously,
and align the ring groove on the cable protector pipe
end with the mounting groove on the release handle,
then firmly push it until a "click" sound is heard, which
indicates that the connection is completed.

1.0 1019

Body Systems Front Closures

Bonnet Open Handle Assembly Fender Assembly

Remove Remove
1. Pull up the bonnet open handle. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.
2. Remove 2 self-tapping screws fixing the bonnet open Front Bumper Assembly Remove
handle assembly to the instrument panel lower closing 2. Remove the head lamp assembly.
Head lamp Assembly Remove
3. Remove 3 screws of the front bumper bracket, and the
remove the bracket.

3. Pull the bonnet release cable assembly out of the open

handle to remove the release handle assembly.
4. Remove the front wheel house trim panel.
1. Align the 2 circular mounting holes on the bonnet
Front Wheel House Trim Panel Remove
opener handle assembly base with the 2 mounting holes
on the instrument panel, and align the quadrate salience 5. Remove the pedal assembly.
with the quadrate hole on the instrument panel, and Pedal Assembly Remove
make the two fitting surfaces snug. 6. Remove the acoustic pad of fender.
2. Secure the opener handle to the instrument panel with 7. Remove the cover of the A/C air inlet grille panel.
2 self-tapping screws, the torque is 1.3–1.9Nm, and
8. Release 7 bolts and 1 nut connecting the fender and
check the torque.
body to remove the fender.
3. Fit one side of the cable assembly column shape end to
the bonnet opener handle assembly.

1. Locate and adjust the fender.
2. Fix the fender to the body, do not secure the bolts.
3. Adjust the gap between the fender and adjacent panels
and ensure uniform gap. Then tighten 7 bolts securing
the fender and body to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
And tighten 1 nut fixing the fender to the body.

1.0 1020

Front Closures Body Systems

4. Fit the cover of the A/C air inlet grille panel. Upper Radiator Beam
5. Fit the acoustic pad of fender. Remove
6. Fit the pedal assembly. 1. Remove the front bumper assembly.

Pedal Assembly Refit Front Bumper Assembly Remove

7. Fit the front wheel house trim panel. 2. Remove the headlamp assembly.

Front Wheel House Trim Panel Refit Headlamp Assembly Remove

8. Fit the front bumper bracket. 3. Release 3 split pins of the air filter inlet pipe, and
remove the air filter inlet pipe.
9. Fit the headlamp assembly.

Headlamp Assembly Refit

10. Fit the front bumper assembly.
Front Bumper Assembly Refit

4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the coolant expansion tank to

the upper mounting panel of the left headlamp.

5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the washer reservoir neck to the

upper mounting panel of the left headlamp.

1.0 1021

Body Systems Front Closures

6. Remove 2 bolts connecting the upper mounting panel of Engine Cover Lock Assembly Remove
the left headlamp and the body and 3 bolts connecting 15. Disconnect the connector of the ambient temperature
the upper mounting panel of the left headlamp and the sensor.
upper radiator beam, and remove the upper mounting
16. Remove 1 nut (2) securing the A/C hard pipe assembly
panel of the left headlamp.
(condenser) on the condenser.
Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent

17. Remove the nut (1) securing the A/C pipe

(compressor/condenser) on the condenser.

Caution: Always fit plugs to open connections to prevent


18. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the air inlet hose
from the intercooler.
19. Loosen the clamps and disconnect the air outlet hose
from the intercooler (3).
20. Remove 6 bolts and 2 nuts connecting the front bumper
7. Remove 2 bolts connecting the upper mounting panel of assembly and the BIW, and remove the upper radiator
the right headlamp and the body and 3 bolts connecting beam and front bumper assembly.
the upper mounting panel of the right headlamp and the
21. Remove 2 bolts and 2 screws connecting the upper
upper radiator beam, and remove the upper mounting
radiator beam, radiator and the intercooler.
panel of the right headlamp.
22. Remove 5 screws connecting the upper radiator beam
8. Release the clamp and disconnect the radiator inlet
and front bumper assembly, and remove the upper
hose (3).
radiator beam.
9. Release the clamp and disconnect the radiator outlet
hose (2).
1. Connect the front bumper beam and upper radiator
10. Prepare a proper container to collect the transmission
beam with screws, tighten the screw to 7–10Nm and
check the torque.
11. Disconnect the transmission fluid cooling pipe at the
2. Fix the intercooler and radiator to the upper radiator
radiator side.
beam, fit 2 bolts and screw, tighten to 4–6Nm and
12. Disconnect the connector of the low-speed cooling check the torque.
fan resistance.
3. Fit the front bumper beam and upper radiator beam to
13. Disconnect 2 connectors of the front impact sensor in
the body, connect them with bolts and nuts respectively,
the upper radiator beam, and disconnect the clip fixing tighten to 40–50Nm and check the torque.
the harness of the front impact sensor to the upper
4. Fit the intercooler air inlet hose to the intercooler, and
radiator beam.
fix it with clamps.
5. Connect the intercooler air inlet hose to the
turbocharger, and fix it with clamps.
6. Secure the compressor exhaust hose to the condenser,
fit 1 nut, tighten it to 19–25Nm, and check the torque.
7. Secure the A/C hard pipe assembly (condenser) on the
condenser, fit 1 nut, tighten to 19–25Nm and check
the torque.
8. Connect the connector of the ambient temperature
9. Fit the engine cover lock assembly.

Engine Cover Lock Assembly Refit

14. Remove the engine cover lock assembly. 10. Connect the connector of the front impact sensor.

1.0 1022

Front Closures Body Systems

11. Connect the connector of the low-speed cooling fan Battery Tray
resistance. Remove
12. Fix the upper mounting panel of the right headlamp 1. Disconnect the battery negative and positive.
to the upper radiator beam and body, tighten 2 bolts 2. Remove 2 battery plate nuts, and remove the battery
connecting the upper mounting panel of the right plate.
headlamp and the body to 7–10Nm, tighten 3 bolts
connecting the upper mounting panel of the right
headlamp and the upper radiator beam to 7–10Nm
and check the torque.
13. Fix the upper mounting panel of the left headlamp
to the upper radiator beam and body, tighten 2
bolts connecting the upper mounting panel of the
left headlamp and the body to 7–10Nm, tighten 3
bolts connecting the upper mounting panel of the left
headlamp and the upper radiator beam to 7–10Nm
and check the torque.
14. Fix the washer reservior bolt to the upper mounting
panel of the left headlamp, tighten the bolt to 4–6Nm
and check the torque. 3. Remove the battery sleeve.
15. Secure the coolant expansion tank on the frame, fit 2 4. Remove the battery assembly.
bolts, and tighten to 4–6Nm.
5. Remove 4 battery tray bolts, and remove the battery
16. Fit the air filter inlet pipe. tray.
17. Fit the headlamp assembly.
Headlamp Assembly Refit
18. Fit the front bumper.
Front Bumper Refit
1. Fit the battery tray, tighten 4 battery tray bolts to
19–25Nm and check the torque.
2. Fit the battery sleeve.
3. Fit the battery assembly.
4. Fit the battery plate, tighten 2 battery plate nuts to
3–5Nm and check the torque.
5. Connect the battery positive and negative.

1.0 1023

Body Systems Rear Closures

Rear Closures
Description Value
Bolt - Fuel filler door to body 7–10Nm
Screw - hood open handle 1.3–1.9Nm
Bolt - tailgate hinge to body 8–12Nm
Bolt - tailgate latch to tailgate 19–25Nm
Bolt - tailgate striker to tailgate sill 19–25Nm
Nut - tailgate hinge to body 26–34Nm
Spigot-gas strut - spigot gas strut to welding nut 20–29Nm

1.0 1024

Rear Closures Body Systems

Service Procedures Fuel Filler Door Release Cable Assembly
Fuel Filler Door Assembly Remove
Remove 1. Pull up the open handle of the fuel filler door on the
1. Pull up the open handle of the fuel filler door under panel under the driver side instrument panel, and open
the driver side instrument panel assembly to open the the fuel filler door.
fuel filler door. 2. Release the cable assembly of the fuel filler door from
2. Release the fuel filler cap connecting wire from fuel the open handle of the fuel filler door (see the arrow).
filler door, as shown in figure 1.
3. Remove 2 bumper blocks from fuel filler door.
4. Unscrew 2 bolts connecting the fuel filler door to the
body, as shown in figure 2, and remove the fuel filler
door assembly.
3. Remove the lower trim panel of the left C pillar.
4. Remove the sill trim panel of the left rear door.
5. Remove the lower trim panel of the left B pillar.
6. Remove the sill trim panel of the left front door.
7. Remove the lower trim panel of the left A pillar.
8. Lift the carpet at the left side to expose the cable
1. Locate the fuel filler door to the body, take care to assembly, and release the cable from the clips of the
adjust the gap around the fuel filler door to avoid the electrical harness.
interference with side panel.
2. Refit the bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm, and check the
3. Fit the fuel filler door bumper block.
4. Stuck the fuel filler cap connecting wire into the fuel
filler door, and close fuel filler door.

9. Disconnect the cable from the body, and draw the

whole release cable assembly of the fuel filler door
from the fuel filler door.

1.0 1025

Body Systems Rear Closures

Fuel Filler Door Open Handle

1. Pull the fuel filler door open handle.
2. Remove 2 self-tapping screws fixing the fuel filler flap
open handle assembly to the instrument panel lower
closing plate.
1. Fit the small end of the release cable assembly to the
luggage compartment through the hole of the side
panel, push the shutter into the hole along the hole axis
till it clicks and clips at both sides of the shutter are
completely stuck into the side panel.
2. Fit the cable assembly to the rear compartment through
3. Release the fuel filler door release cable from the open
the left luggage compartment, and fix the cable to the
handle to remove the fuel filler door open handle
clip of the electrical harness (near the instrument panel)
along the left door sill, then fit the cylindrical end of
the cable assembly into the notch of the handle under
the instrument panel. 1. Insert the cylindrical end of the fuel filler door release
cable assembly into the cylindrical hole of the open
3. Pull the fuel filler door open handle on the panel under
handle, place the core wire into the long slot of the
the instrument panel assembly at the driver side, check
handle, and align the cable pipe connector with the
the connections of the release cable assembly.
mounting slot of the open handle, then press it hard
4. Arrange the carpet at the left compartment.
until it clicks.
5. Fit the lower trim panel of the left A pillar.
2. Align the two round mounting holes on the base of
6. Fit the trim panel of the left front door sill. the fuel filler door open handle assembly with the
7. Fit the B pillar lower trim panel. two mounting holes on the lower closure plate of the
8. Fit the trim panel of the left rear door sill. instrument panel, and align the square protrusion of the
base with the square hole on the lower closure plate
9. Fit the lower trim panel of the left C pillar.
of the instrument panel. The two mounting surfaces
10. Close the fuel filler door. shall fit.
3. Fit 2 self-tapping screws fixing the open handle of the
fuel filler door to the instrument panel, tighten the
screw to 1.3–1.9Nm, and check the torque.

1.0 1026

Rear Closures Body Systems

Tail Gate Assembly head socket of the piston from the ball head of the tail
Remove gate, and remove the tail gate assembly.
1. Open the tail gate, and disconnect the battery negative. Warning: As the large weight of the tailgate, operations
2. Open the tail gate. should be performed after the safety feature is set, and
3. Remove the tail gate lower trim panel. take extra care to prevent the vehicle from damaging and
personal injury.
Tail Gate Lower Trim Panel Remove
11. Remove the lock assembly from the tail gate assembly.
4. Disconnect the harness connector of the rear window
wiper motor. Tail Gate Lock Remove
5. Disconnect the tail gate lock connector. 12. Remove the rear wiper motor.
6. If it is required to refit the tail gate, a reference position Rear Wiper Motor Remove
shall be marked on the hinge. Refit
7. Release the interface of the resistance heater wires at 1. Locate the tail gate to the body with assistance, and
both sides of the tail gate window. align it with the marked position.
8. As indicated by the arrow, release the harness sheath at 2. Fit the bolt fixing the tail gate hinge to the tail gate, but
both sides of the tail gate, draw the electrical harness do not tighten it to the specified torque.
from the tail gate cavity.
Warning: As the large weight of the tailgate, operations
should be performed after the safety feature is set, and
take extra care to prevent the vehicle from damaging and
personal injury.
3. Press the ball head socket of the gas spring pistons at
both sides into the ball head of the tail gate side panel
till it clicks. Fit the steel piece.

Caution: Oil seals are waxed and must not be lubricated

prior to fitting.
4. Fit the electrical harness into the tail gate cavity, and
connect the interface of the resistance heater wires at
both sides of the windshield.
9. With assistance, remove 4 bolts fixing the hinges to 5. Fit the tail gate lock assembly.
the tail gate on both sides. Tail Gate Lock Assembly Refit
6. Connect the harness connector of the tail gate lock.
7. Fit the rear wiper motor and its connector.

Rear Wiper Motor Refit

8. Check and adjust the clearance and surface distance
between the tail gate and the side body panel/back
panel. After adjustment, tighten the bolt to 8–12Nm,
and check the torque.
9. Fit the tail gate trim panel.

Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit

10. Connect the battery negative.

Warning: As the large weight of the tailgate, operations

should be performed after the safety feature is set, and
take extra care to prevent the vehicle from damaging and
personal injury.
10. With assistance, carefully pry the clips of the gas spring
pistons at both sides of the tail gate, pull out the ball

1.0 1027

Body Systems Rear Closures

Tail Gate Lock Assembly 6. Check and adjust the fit clearance and the surface
Remove distance between the tail gate lock and the surrounding
1. Open the tail gate, and disconnect the battery negative. panels, then tighten the lock bolt to 19–25Nm, and
check the torque.
2. Remove the lower trim panel assembly of the tail gate.
7. Push the tail gate lock sleeve into the lock until it clicks.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Remove
8. Fit the lower trim panel of the tail gate.
3. Remove 3 bolts fixing the tail gate lock to the tail gate.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit
9. Close the tail gate.
10. Connect the battery negative.

4. Remove the tail gate lock sleeve.

5. Release the clip fixing the tail gate emergency cable to
the inner panel of the tail gate.
6. Disconnect the harness connector of the lock.

7. Remove the tail gate lock.

8. Release the tail gate emergency cable from the tail gate
1. Fit the emergency cable of the tail gate to the tail gate
2. Locate the tail gate lock to the tail gate panel through
the tail gate cavity.
3. Connect the harness connector.
4. Hold the end of the tail gate emergency cable, pass it
through the through hole of the tail gate inner panel,
and fit the connector.
5. Fit 3 bolts fixing the tail gate lock to the tail gate, but
do not tighten the bolts.

1.0 1028

Rear Closures Body Systems

Tail Gate Striker Tail Gate Hinge Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Open the tail gate. 1. Open the tail gate.
2. Remove the tail gate sill trim panel. 2. Remove the tail gate assembly.
Tail Gate Sill Trim Panel Remove Tail Gate Assembly Remove
3. Mark the tail gate position relative to the back panel. 3. Mark the position of the tail gate hinge on the vehicle
4. Remove 2 screws fixing the tail gate striker to the rear body with a non-permanent marker.
panel. 4. Remove the roof interior.

Roof Interior Remove

5. Remove the nut fixing the hinge assembly to the body
(the hinge bolt indicated corresponds to the nut fitted
from the inside of the body), and remove the tail gate
hinge assembly.
Warning: As the large weight of the tailgate, operations
should be performed after the safety feature is set, and
take extra care to prevent the vehicle from damaging and
personal injury.

5. Remove the tail gate striker.

1. Pre-fit the tail gate striker according to the scale of the
tail gate striker and body.
2. Open/close the tail gate repeatedly, and adjust the fit
clearance and surface difference between the tail gate
and the surrounding panels by moving the striker.
3. Make sure that the tail gate lock is fully locked, and
check if the electrical signal of the tail gate lock is 6. Remove the tail gate hinge assembly.
correct. Refit
4. Tighten the bolt securing the striker to the body to
1. Locate the tail gate hinge assembly to the marked
19–25Nm, and check the torque.
mounting position on the body.
5. Fit the tail gate sill trim panel.
2. Fit the nut fixing the tail gate hinge to the body, tighten
Tail Gate Sill Trim Panel Refit the nut to 26–34Nm, and check the torque.
3. Fit the roof interior.

Roof Interior Refit

4. Fit the tail gate assembly.

Tail Gate Assembly Refit

5. Close the tail gate, and check if the fit clearance and
surface difference between the side body panel and
the back panel meet the DTS (dimension technical
specification) requirements.

1.0 1029

Body Systems Rear Closures

Tail Gate Air Spring and Mounting Ball Head

1. Open the tail gate, and when removing the tail gate,
make sure it is securely supported.

Warning: As the large weight of the tailgate, operations

should be performed after the safety feature is set, and
take extra care to prevent the vehicle from damaging and
personal injury.
2. Carefully unclench retaining clip at piston end of the
left gas spring, forcibly unplug ball cup at piston end
from ball head of end door.
3. Then forcibly unplug ball cup at socket end of gas spring
from ball head of small wall bracket at the left side of
vehicle body.
4. Repeat step 2-3 to remove the right gas spring.
5. Finally, remove the gas spring ball heads from the tail
gate inner panel and body side brackets respectively.
1. Align the gas spring ball head with the through hole
of the left gas spring bracket and the left through hole
of the tail gate inner panel.
2. Tighten the gas spring ball head to 20–29Nm, and
check the torque.
3. Align the ball head socket on the gas spring sleeve with
the ball head on the left bracket, and make sure the gas
spring piston is downward.
4. Hold the sleeve, push the ball head socket into the
ball head with thumb, if the two parts are fitted well, a
"crack" sound will be heard.
Caution: To avoid damaging the airtightness of the air
spring, never hold the centre of the air spring and laterally
apply force to it by hand.
5. Align the ball head socket on the left gas spring piston
with the ball head on the tail gate inner panel. Hold the
end of the piston, push the ball head socket into the
ball head with thumb, if the two parts are fitted well, a
"crack" sound will be heard.
6. Check the steel spring piece on both ball head sockets
of the gas spring, and ensure it is properly located in
the spring piece slot.
7. Repeat step 1-6, fit the right gas spring of the tail gate.

1.0 1030

Horn Body Systems

Description Value
Bolt-A 7–10Nm

1.0 1031

Body Systems Horn

Service Procedures
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the front bumper.
Front Bumper Remove
3. Disconnect the connector (1) of tweeter/woofer.
4. Remove the bolt (2) securing the tweeter/woofer to
the front wheelhouse front connector.
1. Fix the horn to the front connector of front
wheelhouse, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 7–10Nm and check
the torque.
2. Connect the connector of the horn.
3. Refit the front bumper.
Front Bumper Refit
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1032

Body Control Module Body Systems

Body Control Module
Description Value
Screw-A 5–7Nm

1.0 1033

Body Systems Body Control Module

Description and Operation

System Layout


1. LF Anti-theft Coil (if any) 4. GW Module

2. Spare Coil (if any) 5. BCM
3. PMDC Module

1.0 1034

Body Control Module Body Systems

System Control Diagram


1.0 1035

Body Systems Body Control Module

Description 2 Right Low Beam Output

Mounting position:
3 —
BCM is on the left front panel of the A pillar. 4 KL.30
The BCM consists of the low power microprocessor, 5 Ground
EEPROM, CAN, LIN transceiver and power supply. The
6 KL.30
BCM contains discrete input/output terminals which controls
most of the body functions. It interacts with other primary 7 Daytime Running Lamp
electrical systems through the HS CAN bus and with other Output
secondary electrical systems through the LIN bus. The PMM 8 —
of the BCM provides power for most of the vehicle electric
components. BCMEnd View and Pin Information of Harness
Connector BY085
The BCM communicates with the following components via
the HS CAN bus:
• PMDC (DC converter with the power management)
(2.0T only)
• ACM (A/C)
• FICM (entertainment system)
• PEPS (PEPS module)
The body control module communicates with the following
parts through the LIN bus:
• IMMO (low frequency immobilizer coil)
Pin No. Description
• MLS (Master Light Switch)
1 KL.30
• DDSP (driver side combination switch)
2 —
• PWL (power window regulator motor)
• ALT (alternator) 3 —
BCMEnd View and Pin Information of Harness 4 Left Low Beam Output
Connector BY084 5 Ground
6 Unlock Output
7 —
8 Ground
9 KL.30

10 Driver Door Unlock Output

11 KL.30
12 Luggage Compartment
Unlock Output
13 Driver Door Lock Output
14 —
Pin No. Description
1 KL.30

1.0 1036

Body Control Module Body Systems

BCMEnd View and Pin Information of Harness 20 —
Connector BY086
21 —
22 —
23 —
24 —

25 —
26 —
27 —
28 —
29 —
30 —
Pin No. Description 31 Left Position Lamp Output
1 Front Wiper Stop Position 32 Right Position Lamp Output
BCMEnd View and Pin Information of Harness
2 —
Connector BY087
3 KL.15 Relay Coil Output
4 Starter Relay Coil Output
(stop/start only)
5 Horn Relay Coil Output
6 —
7 —
8 —
9 Heated Rear Window
10 Relay Coil Output of Rear
Window Washer Pump
11 Relay Coil Output of Pin No. Description
Windshield Washer Pump
1 Left Front Window Up
12 Relay Coil Output of Rear Output
Wiper Motor
2 Left Front Window Down
13 Speed Relay Coil Output of Output
Front Wiper Motor
3 Right Front Window Up
14 Enable Relay Coil Output of Output
Front Wiper Motor 4 Right Front Window Down
15 Relay Coil Output of Front
Fog Lamp 5 Right Rear Window Up
16 Relay Coil Output of High
Beam 6 Right Rear Window Down
17 High Side Driver Output
7 Left Rear Window Up
18 —
19 Engine Hood Input

1.0 1037

Body Systems Body Control Module

8 Left Rear Window Down BCMEnd View and Pin Information of Harness
Output Connector BY088

9 —
10 High-mounted Stop Lamp
11 License Plate Lamp Output
12 Interior Roof Lamp PWM
13 Right Rear Position Lamp A
14 Left Rear Position Lamp A
15 —
Pin No. Description
16 —
1 —
17 —
2 —
18 —
3 —
19 —
4 —
20 —
5 Backlight Regulator IP
21 — Output
22 Right Brake Lamp Output 6 Backlight Regulator BD
23 Right Rear Direction
Indicator Lamp/Right Width 7 —
Lamp Output 8 —
24 Right Front Direction 9 P Gear Lock Output
Indicator Output 10 Luggage Compartment
25 Right Position Lamp Output Lamp Output
26 Reverse Lamp Output 11 —
27 Left Brake Lamp Output 12 —
13 —
28 Rear Fog Lamp Output
14 —
29 Left Position Lamp Output
15 —
30 Left Front Direction
16 Left Rear Window Down
Indicator Lamp Output
Switch Input
31 Left Rear Direction
17 Clutch Switch Input (6-speed
Indicator Lamp/Left Width
Lamp Output
18 Left Rear Window Auto
32 Interior Roof Lamp Delay
Switch Input
Relay Output
19 Left Rear Window Up
Switch Input
20 N Gear Switch Input
(6-speed MT)
21 —

1.0 1038

Body Control Module Body Systems

22 Left Rear Door Status Input 51 Body HS CAN High
23 Luggage Compartment Lid
52 Body HS CAN Low
Status Input
24 Right Rear Window Down BCMEnd View and Pin Information of Harness
Switch Input Connector FA026
25 LIN5
26 —
27 Right Front Window Auto
Switch Input
28 —
29 Right Rear Window Auto
Switch Input
30 Right Rear Window Up
Switch Input
31 Right Front Window Down
Switch Input
32 Right Front Window Up Pin No. Description
Switch Input
33 Right Rear Door Status 1 Sunroof Lazy Lock Input
Switch Input 2 Stop/Start Disable Indicator
34 Right Front Door Status 3 —
Switch Input
4 —
35 Driver Door Lock Input
5 Lock Signal Input of Upper
36 — Center Console Switch
37 — 6 —
38 — 7 —
39 LIN1 8 Direction Indicator Lamp
40 — Switch Input

41 Luggage Compartment 9 —
Release Switch Input 10 Private LIN
42 Left Front Door Status
11 —
Switch Input
43 Driver Door Unlock Input 12 —
44 — 13 Unlock Signal Input of Upper
Center Console Switch
45 —
14 Headlamp Washer Output
46 Washer Fluid Level Alarm
Input 15 Rear Window Heater
Indicator Output (MTC)
47 —
16 —
48 —
17 —
49 Rear Wiper Motor Stop
18 —
Switch Input
50 Brake Pedal Switch Input 19 —
(6-speed MT)
20 Hazard Warning Lamp
Switch Input

1.0 1039

Body Systems Body Control Module

21 — 37 Indicator Output of
22 Lamp Sensor Ground One-button Control
23 —
38 Lamp Sensor Request Signal
24 —
39 —
25 KL.15
40 Rear Washer Switch Input
26 Indicator Output of
One-button Control ACC 41 Front Wiper Switch Input 2
Gear 42 Front Wiper Intermittent
27 Ground Switch Input
43 Rear Wiper Switch Input
28 —
29 Normally On Switch Input 44 Front Washer Switch Input
(when high beam flashes) 45 One-button Start Switch
30 — Input

31 — 46 —
32 — 47 Front Wiper Switch Input 1
33 Rear Window Heater 48 Horn Switch Input
Switch Input (MTC)
49 Indicator Output of Center
34 — Console Lock Switch
35 DISABLE Input of Intelligent
50 Lamp Sensor Power
Stop/Start Energy Saving
51 ACC Wake-up Signal
System Switch
36 — 52 —

1.0 1040

Body Control Module Body Systems

Operation Normal Mode
Overview This mode applies the default setting, after completion of the
When the ignition switch is enabled, the BCM will wake up PDI, the vehicle can enter into normal operation.
the security system, lighting system and diagnostic system. Sleep Mode
When the ignition switch is in the "AUX" position, the
With the ignition switch off, and the CAN and LIN buses
BCM allows the washer/wiper and power window system to
disabled, if the battery is still connected, the BCM will stay in
operate. When the ignition switch is in the "IGN" position,
sleep mode and be prepared for receiving the signal from the
the fuel system starts to work, and the BCM communicates
CAN and LIN buses.
with other ECUs through the CAN and LIN bus.
Wake-up Mode
Load Management
In sleep mode, when one of the following operations is done,
The BCM can manage the load of some electric appliances
the BCM will be waked up.
by configuration and ensure low battery power consumption
during storage and transportation or idle time. • Activation signal of hazard warning lamp switch is
Production Mode received.
• Activation signal of direction indicator lamp switch is
It is configured for the BCM during vehicle assembly.
Transportation Mode • LOCK signal of internal lock is received.
After vehicle assembly, programme the BCM so that the • UNLOCK signal of internal lock is received.
transportation mode can be used during transportation
• Activation signal of driver door switch is received.
and low battery problem can be avoided when the factory
• Activation signal of passenger door switch is received.
delivers the vehicle to the authorized local after-sales service
center. This mode may restrict the function of some electric • Activation signal of engine cover switch is received.
appliances: • Activation signal of tail gate switch is received.

• The rear fog lamp does not work when the engine is off. • Activation signal of tail gate release switch is received.
• Activation signal of driver door lock switch is received.
• The front fog lamp (if fitted) does not work when the
engine is off. • Activation signal of driver door unlock switch is received.
• The high beam headlamp does not work when the engine • The ignition switch is in the 1st gear.
is off. • The ignition switch is in the 2nd gear.
• The low beam headlamp does not work when the engine • Signal of depressing brake pedal
is off.
• SSB Data (PEPS)
• The reverse lamp does not work when the engine is off.
• Activation signal of internal lamp switch
• The park lamp does not work when the engine is off.
• Wake-up signal from LIN line
• The direction indicator lamp does not work when the
• Wake-up signal from CAN line
engine is off.
• Wake-up signal from local hard wire
• The daytime running lamp (if fitted) does not work when
• Valid radiofrequency signal
the engine is off.
Load Management
• The auto lamp control (if fitted) does not work when the
engine is off. To meet the demand of the starter motor for high current
• Follow Me Home and Vehicle Locating cannot be used. during engine start, some electric appliances shall be powered
off. For example, disconnect the HRW and DISABLE switch
• If the engine is disabled, the hazard warning lamp
of the intelligent stop/start energy saving system, and power off
backlight does not work, but the function of this lamp is
the front fog lamp (if fitted), high beam headlamp, reverse lamp,
not affected.
horn, interior lamp, etc. After the engine is started, reactivate
• When the engine is disabled, the window can be
each electric appliance to limit the current consumption of the
ascended, but cannot be descended.
With the aftermarket diagnostic tool, the authorized local
after-sales service center can shift the vehicle load management
configuration from transportation mode to normal mode.

1.0 1041

Body Systems Body Control Module

Diagnosis The BCM can exchange information with the aftermarket

diagnostic tool through the diagnostic socket. It is on the
BCM monitors information input and output, if any fault is
closure panel of the driver side instrument panel (driver's
detected, the corresponding DTC will be stored in the fault
leg) and is made according to the ISO standards. There is a
records. The BCM can detect short and open circuits as well
special diagnostic bus between the GW and the TBOX, the
as wrong signals of the CAN and LIN buses. When any fault
diagnostic bus allows use of the scan tool to read diagnostic
is detected, the BCM will close the corresponding functions.
information and programme some functions.
When the fault is eliminated, the corresponding function will
be activated next time when the activation request is received.

1.0 1042

Body Control Module Body Systems

Service Procedures
Body Control Module (BCM)
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the lower closure plate of the driver side
instrument panel.
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower
Closure Plate Remove
3. Disconnect the BCM connector (1).
4. Remove 3 screws (2) fixing the BCM to the right front
body panel.

5. Remove the BCM.

1. Connect the connector of the BCM.
2. Connect the battery negative.
3. Programme and code the BCM.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - BCM Replacement
4. Fix the BCM to the left front body panel, fit 3 screws,
tighten to 5–7Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the lower closure plate of the driver side instrument
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower
Closure Plate Refit

1.0 1043

Body Systems PMDC

Description Value
Blot-A 7–10Nm

1.0 1044

PMDC Body Systems

Description and Operation
System Layout


1. LF Anti-theft Coil (if any) 4. GW Module

2. Spare Coil (if any) 5. BCM
3. PMDC Module

1.0 1045

Body Systems PMDC

System Control Diagram


1.0 1046

PMDC Body Systems

Description 12 Current Sensor Power
Mounting position 13 —
The PMDC module is under the driver seat (below the carpet), 14 Current Sensor Ground
which performs power management and DC conversion. 15 Battery -
End View and Pin Information of PMDC Harness 16 —
Connector BY031 17 KL.15
18 —
19 KL.50
20 —
21 —
22 —
23 Power Management Module (PMG)
24 —
25 —
26 —
27 Power Management Module (PMB)
Pin No. Description 28 —
1 Output Voltage 1 29 Current Signal
2 Output Voltage 2 30 —
3 DC-DC Power Input 2 31 —
4 DC-DC Power Input 1 32 Battery +
5 DC-DC Ground 2 33 —
6 DC-DC Ground 1 34 —
7 Body HS CAN Low 35 —
8 Body HS CAN High 36 —
9 — 37 —
10 LIN Bus 38 —
11 —

1.0 1047

Body Systems PMDC

Operation is low, apply electrical load limit mode, and the hazard
Function level will be displayed on the instrument.
Power Management DC conversion
• Battery status detection: this function detects real-time The DC converter module includes boost mode and bypass
battery status and collects information involving the mode.
voltage, current and temperature of the battery. After • Boost mode: it is enabled when the stop/start is
the vehicle is locked, it can determine battery status activated and the battery is in good state. During start,
by the self wake-up signal of less than 1s every hour. the stop/start mode ensures normal operation of the
If high power consumption is detected, the PMDC will IPK, entertainment system and A/C by providing a stable
continue detecting the discharge current of the battery. voltage (appr. 12V) for some electric equipment that
After the vehicle is unlocked, the PMDC reports the ensures ride comfort.
battery status and acquires vehicle working condition by
• Bypass mode: it is enabled when the boos mode is
the CAN, and it also communicates with the LIN bus
disabled, which can directly use the input voltage of the
of the alternator and has it prepared for starting. During
PMDC as an output voltage.
start, the PMDC continues detecting the action of the
battery. To ensure quick response, the PMDC will enter Self-learning
into the specific start detection mode when the start The PMDC detects real-time battery status and collects
signal is valid. information involving the voltage, current and temperature
• Intelligent charge control: it can improve charge of the battery. When the battery negative is reconnected
efficiency by calculating the charge voltage of the after disconnection or when the battery is replaced, vehicles
alternator and adjusting the alternator output voltage with the intelligent stop/start energy saving system shall be
automatically according to the battery status and fuel stationary for at least 4hr so that the PMDC can acquire
efficiency. The charge indicator lamp on the instrument stable and accurate battery status information and meet the
panel provides status information of the alternator for operation requirement of the intelligent stop/start energy
the user. During start, no alternator status will be saving system. Failure to observe the above requirements
displayed; when the engine is working, if overvoltage, can lead to failure of the intelligent stop/start energy saving
undervoltage or mechanical fault occurs in the alternator, system before the PMDC can acquire any accurate battery
the power controller requests the instrument to display status information.
the fault.
• Load management: this function manages the load
according to vehicle load and power. When the battery

1.0 1048

PMDC Body Systems

Service Procedures
DC Converter with Electrical Power
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Search for the preset cutting mark on the carpet near
the sliding rail on the right of driver seat.
3. Cut the carpet along the mark.
4. Disconnect the connector (1) from PMDC.
5. Remove 2 bolts (2) securing PMDC to the body.
6. Remove PMDC.
1. Connect the connector of the PMDC.
2. Connect the battery negative.
3. Programme and code the PMDC.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - PMDC Replacement
4. Fix the PMDC to the body, fit 2 bolts, tighten to
7–10Nm and check the torque.
5. Resume the carpet, and try not to damage the cotton
felt of the carpet for the felt can prevent depression
of the carpet.

1.0 1049


1.0 1050

Body Dimension Body Repair

Body Dimension
Point to Point Dimensional Information
Side and Top

Position From To Length (mm)

Front Door Hinge Mounting
A-Y Front Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1013
Front Door Hinge Mounting
B-Y Front Door Buckle Mounting Hole 987
Front Door Hinge Mounting
C-Y Front Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1064
Front Door Hinge Mounting
D-Y Front Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1039
E-Y Fender Mounting Hole Front Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1015
F-Y Fender Mounting Hole Front Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1080
Rear Door Hinge Mounting
G-Z Rear Door Buckle Mounting Hole 973
Rear Door Hinge Mounting
H-Z Rear Door Buckle Mounting Hole 946
Rear Door Hinge Mounting
I-Z Rear Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1069
Rear Door Hinge Mounting
J-Z Rear Door Buckle Mounting Hole 1045

1.0 1051

Body Repair Body Dimension

K-L Sunroof Matching Point Sunroof Matching Point 476

Note: All dimensions are to hole/slot centres.


1.0 1052

Body Dimension Body Repair


Position From To Length (mm)
Front Subframe Mounting Front Subframe Mounting
A 1054
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Front Subframe Mounting Front Subframe Mounting
B 550
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Front Longitudinal Beam Front Longitudinal Beam
C 738
Mounting Hole - LH Mounting Hole - RH
D Fuel Tank Mounting Hole - LH Fuel Tank Mounting Hole - RH 712
Trailing Arm Mounting Trailing Arm Mounting
E 1309
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Trailing Arm Mounting Trailing Arm Mounting
F 1272
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Rear Subframe Mounting Rear Subframe Mounting
G 707
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Rear Damper Mounting Rear Damper Mounting
H 1147
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Rear Damper Mounting Rear Damper Mounting
I 1148
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Rear Subframe Mounting Rear Subframe Mounting
J 1034
Hole - LH Hole - RH
Rear Subframe Mounting Rear Subframe Mounting
K 990
Hole - LH Hole - RH

1.0 1053

Body Repair Body Dimension

Front Subframe Mounting

a Main Datum Hole 113
Front Subframe Mounting
b Main Datum Hole 733
Front Longitudinal Beam
c Main Datum Hole 1357
Mounting Hole
d Main Datum Hole Fuel Tank Mounting Hole 1794
e Main Datum Hole Trailing Arm Mounting Hole 2372
f Main Datum Hole Trailing Arm Mounting Hole 2554
Rear Subframe Mounting
h Main Datum Hole 2754
h Main Datum Hole Rear Damper Mounting Hole 2855
i Main Datum Hole Rear Damper Mounting Hole 2961
Rear Subframe Mounting
j Main Datum Hole 3063
Rear Subframe Mounting
k Main Datum Hole 3099
Note: All dimensions are to hole/slot centres.

1.0 1054

Body Dimension Body Repair

Rear End

Position From To Length (mm)
Rear Lamp Mounting
A-Z Rear Lamp Mounting Hole - LH 1168
Hole - RH
Rear Lamp Mounting
B-Y Rear Lamp Mounting Hole - LH 1455
Hole - RH
Rear Lamp Mounting
C-X Rear Lamp Mounting Hole - LH 1175
Hole - RH
Rear Bumper Bracket Mounting Rear Bumper Bracket
D-W 1255
Hole - LH Mounting Hole - RH
Rear Bumper Bracket Mounting Rear Bumper Bracket
E-V 1074
Hole - LH Mounting Hole - RH
Rear Bumper Mounting
F-U Rear Bumper Mounting Hole - LH 962
Hole - RH
Rear Bumper Mounting
G-T Rear Bumper Mounting Hole - LH 780
Hole - RH
Rear Bar Mounting
H-S Rear Bar Mounting Hole - LH 1100
Hole - RH
Rear Bar Mounting
I-R Rear Bar Mounting Hole - LH 1014
Hole - RH

Note: All dimensions are to hole/slot centres.

1.0 1055

Body Repair Body Dimension


Part From To Length (mm)
Gear Shift Mechanism
A-C Airbag ECU Mounting Point 138
Mounting Point
Gear Shift Mechanism
A-D Airbag ECU Mounting Point 163
Mounting Point
Gear Shift Mechanism
A-E Airbag ECU Mounting Point 470
Mounting Point
Gear Shift Mechanism
B-C Airbag ECU Mounting Point 112
Mounting Point
Gear Shift Mechanism
B-D Airbag ECU Mounting Point 69
Mounting Point
Gear Shift Mechanism
B-F Airbag ECU Mounting Point 400
Mounting Point

Note: All dimensions are to hole/slot centres.

1.0 1056

Body Dimension Body Repair

Front End

Position From To Length (mm)
A-Z Front Bar Mounting Hole - LH Front Bar Mounting Hole - RH 1241
B-Y Front Bar Mounting Hole - LH Front Bar Mounting Hole - RH 1053
C-X Front Bar Mounting Hole - LH Front Bar Mounting Hole - RH 1241
D-W Fender Mounting Hole - LH Fender Mounting Hole - RH 1517
E-V Fender Mounting Hole - LH Fender Mounting Hole - RH 1493
F-U Fender Mounting Hole - LH Fender Mounting Hole - RH 1486
G-T Fender Mounting Hole - LH Fender Mounting Hole - RH 1498
Front Bumper Mounting
H-S Front Bumper Mounting Hole - LH 921
Hole - RH
Front Bumper Mounting
I-R Front Bumper Mounting Hole - LH 1095
Hole - RH

Note: All dimensions are to hole/slot centres.

1.0 1057

Body Repair Body Dimension

Gap Information
Information of Bodyside and Fuel Fill Door


Section Description Gap (mm) Flushness (mm)

A Fender to Front Door 4.0±0.7 //0.5 0+1.0/0

B Front Door to Rear Door 4.0±0.7 //0.5 0+1.0/0

C Rear Door to Bodyside 4.0±0.7 //0.5 0+1.0/0
Rear Door to Wheel
D 4.0±1.0 //1.0 N/A
Opening Molding
E Fender to Door Sill 2.0±1.0 N/A
F Door Sill to Front Door 6.0±1.5 N/A
G Door Sill to Rear Door 6.0±1.5 N/A
H Fuel Fill Door to Bodyside 3.0±0.8 //0.8 -0.5±0.5
I Fuel Fill Door to Bodyside 3.0±0.8 //0.8 0+0/-0.5

Note: "Part 1" to "Part 2", "Part 2" is base part to measure flush.

Note: “//” represents parallel requirement, It means the difference between maximum clearance and minimum
clearance should be within the required range.

1.0 1058

Body Dimension Body Repair

Front End Information

Section Description Gap (mm) Flushness (mm)
A Grille to Front Lamp 2.5±1.2 //1.0 N/A
B Headlamp to Bonnet (6.5-5.0)±1.5 N/A
C Headlamp to Fender 2.0±1.0 -0.5±1.0
D Headlamp to Bumper 2.0±1.0 //1.0 N/A
E Fog Lamp to Bumper 2.0±0.8 N/A
F Bumper to Washer Cover 0.5±0.3 -0.5±0.5

Note: "Part 1" to "Part 2", "Part 2" is base part to measure flush.
Note: “//” represents parallel requirement, It means the difference between maximum clearance and minimum
clearance should be within the required range.

1.0 1059

Body Repair Body Dimension


Section Description Gap (mm) Flushness (mm)

A Bumper to Fender 0±0.5 -0.5±0.5
Bumper to Wheel Opening
B 0.3±0.3 N/A
C Fender to Wheel Opening Molding 0.3±0.3 N/A
D Bonnet to Fender 4.0±0.8 //0.8 0±0.8
E Bonnet to Fender 4.0±0.8 //0.8 0±0.8
F Fender to A Post 2.0±1.0 //1.0 N/A

Note: "Part 1" to "Part 2", "Part 2" is base part to measure flush.
Note: “//” represents parallel requirement, It means the difference between maximum clearance and minimum
clearance should be within the required range.

1.0 1060

Body Dimension Body Repair

Rear End Information

Section Description Gap (mm) Flushness (mm)
A Rear Glass to Rear Lamp 3.0±1.0 //1.0 0±1.0 //1.0
B Rear Lamp A to Bodyside 1.5±0.8 //0.8 N/A
Rear Lamp B to Tailgate
C 1.5±1.0 //0.8 0±1.0 //0.8
D Rear Lamp B to Tailgate 1.5±1.0 //0.8 N/A
E Rear Lamp A to Rear Bumper 1.5±1.0 //0.8 N/A
F Rear Lamp A to Rear Lamp B 4.0±1.0 //1.0 0±1.0
Note: "Part 1" to "Part 2", "Part 2" is base part to measure flush.

Note: “//” represents parallel requirement, It means the difference between maximum clearance and minimum
clearance should be within the required range.

1.0 1061

Body Repair Body Dimension


Section Description Gap (mm) Flushness (mm)

A Rear Bumper to Tailgate 4.0±1.0 //1.0 0±1.0
B Rear Bumper to Tailgate 4.0±1.0 //1.0 0.5±1.0
C Rear Bumper to Bodyside 0+0.5/0 -0.5±0.5
D Spoiler to Bodyside 4.0±1.2 //1.0 N/A
E Rear Screen to Bodyside 4.0±1.0 //1.0 N/A
F Rear Screen to Rear Lamp 3.0±1.0 //1.0 0±1.0 //1.0

Note: "Part 1" to "Part 2", "Part 2" is base part to measure flush.
Note: “//” represents parallel requirement, It means the difference between maximum clearance and minimum
clearance should be within the required range.

1.0 1062

Body Dimension Body Repair

Sunroof Information

Section Description Gap (mm) Flushness (mm)
A Sunroof Glass to Roof 0 0+0/-1.0
B Sunroof Glass to Roof 0 0±1.0
C Sunroof Glass to Roof 0 0+1.0/0

Note: "Part 1" to "Part 2", "Part 2" is base part to measure flush.

1.0 1063

Body Repair Paint and Coatings

Paint and Coatings 6. Treat bare metal areas using an etch phosphate process.
Overview 7. Re-treat the affected area using either a separate
Panel Preparation acid-etch primer and two-pack surfacer, or an integrated
etch primer/filler.
Replacement panels are supplied with a cathodic primer
coating as part of the panel protection and in compliance with 8. Treat the inner faces of lap or butt joints with a suitable
the vehicle's Corrosion Warranty, where applicable. cavity wax.
Clinched Panels
DO NOT remove the primer before paint refinishing. In the
event of localised surface damage or imperfections, ensure that When replacing clinched panels the following procedure must
only the minimum of primer is removed during rectification be observed:
work for effective repair. 1. Abrade primer on new and existing panel joint faces, and
clean using a solvent wipe.
Rectify damage as far as possible by panel beating or
straightening. To remove corrosion or paint runs on outer 2. Apply metal-to-metal adhesive where applicable.
surfaces, abrade the primer coat in the affected area as 3. Where joints are to be spot welded, apply suitable
necessary, then follow the procedure below: weld-through, zinc rich primer to weld areas.
1. Clean the panel using a solvent wipe. 4. Where joints are to be welded(MIG/MAG or
spotweld), apply zinc rich primer in adjacent areas.
2. Treat exposed areas of metal with an etch phosphate
process. 5. To retain the panel while clinching the flanges, tack spot
3. Re-treat the affected area using either a separate weld or plug weld as appropriate.
acid-etch primer and two-pack surfacer, or an integrated 6. Clean the panel with a solvent wipe.
etch primer/filler. 7. Treat bare metal areas with a suitable etch phosphate
Welded Panels process.
When replacing welded panels the following procedure must 8. Re-treat the affected area using either a separate
be observed: acid-etch primer and two-pack surfacer, or an integrated
etch primer/filler.
1. Remove primer from the immediate vicinity of new and
existing panel flanges, cleaning to bright metal finish. Paint Preparation - Paint Refinishing

2. On joints to be spot welded, apply weldthrough zinc The following process must be adhered to for paint refinishing
rich primer to joint faces of both flanges. Make spot operations.
welds while primer is still wet or according to the 1. Seal required exterior and interior seams with an
manufacturer's instructions. approved seam sealer.
3. Dress accessible weld joints. 2. Repair any damage to underbody sealers.
4. Clean panel using solvent wipe. 3. Apply a two-pack paint refinishing system. This meets
5. Treat bare metal with an etch phosphate process. with original build integrity.
6. Re-treat repaired areas. 4. Apply cavity wax to all interior surfaces which have not
Sectioned Panels received refinish paint.

When replacing part or sectioned panels, the basic procedure Paint Repairs
is the same as for welded panels described above, with the The following process must be adhered to for paint repair
following variations: operations.
1. Remove primer from both new and existing joint faces, 1. Before carrying out paintwork repairs, clean the vehicle
cleaning to a bright metal finish. thoroughly using either a steam cleaner or high-pressure
2. Where an overlap joint with the existing panel is to be washer.
spot welded, apply weldthrough, zinc rich primer to both 2. Wash locally repaired areas using a mild water-mixable
joint faces and spot weld while the primer is still wet, or detergent and wipe them clean with solvent, immediately
according to the manufacturer's instructions. before paint application.
3. MIG weld butt joints where applicable. 3. Ensure that damaged paintwork which has led to exposed
4. Dress weld joints. metal is abraded until the metal is clean, extending
beyond the area of the original damage.
5. Clean the panel with a solvent wipe.

1.0 1064

Paint and Coatings Body Repair

4. Treat the bare metal with an etch phosphate to remove This Paint Refinishing section includes check lists have been
all traces of rust and to provide a key for new paint coats. collated to assist the painter. These lists are categorised into
5. Re-treat the affected area using either a separate three main popular repair types:
acid-etch primer and two-pack surfacer or an integrated 1. Repairs to panels with scratches down to baremetal.
etch primer/filler, and follow with a two-pack paint
2. Refinishing new original replacement panels.
3. Refinishing painted panels that are original equipment or
6. Treat those surfaces not receiving paint using an approved
two-component material
cavity wax, following paint operations.
Paint Construction This is a guideline only. Use specific Paint Manufacturers
recommendations as per the individual data sheet
Repairs to Panels with Scratches Down to Bare
• Degrease area or panel that requires repair.
• Abrade the damaged area with Dry P240- wet P400 grade
paper, feather edge the paint film.
• Abrade complete panel.
• For complete panel abrade: Dry P240 grade paper if
priming the entire panel.
• For spot repairs: Dry P400 or wet P800 grade paper
with abrading block. Finalise preparation with wet P1000
1. Vehicle body. grade paper by hand.
2. Etch primer. • Clean panel with airline blower gun and degrease.
3. Primer filler. • If bare metal is visible, apply a Wash Etch type primer.
4. Basecoat colour. Minimum build 25-30 ㎛.
5. Clear coat. • Do not abrade Etch primer; Apply tinted
two-component primer to the suggested micron build.
Caution: When heat curing paint repairs: The
(Tinted primer to replicate original sealer coat).
temperature must not exceed 60 ℃ ℉
(140 ) metal
• To aid sanding use a dark coloured guide coat. (Do not
temperature and maximum cycle time 30 - 40 minutes.
Temperatures/times above these figures will cause damage use black cellulose aerosol) Use a basecoat mix or dry
to the vehicle electrical system and plastic parts may powder type.
distort. • Abrade with dry P500 or wet P1000 grade paper.
(Minimum build of two-component primer, 80 ㎛).
Paint procedure system
• Remove all traces of contamination using airline blower
The following process must be adhered to for paint refinishing
gun and degrease.
• Apply the base coat to achieve opacity.
• Strip and refinish.
• After flash off of the basecoat solvents, apply Clear coat
• Flat and refinish. to a minimum build of 45- 50 ㎛.
• Local respray. Refinishing New Original Replacement Panels
• Fine flat, compound and polish. • Degrease area or panel that requires repair.
• Compound and polish. • Abrade complete panel with Dry P240 grade paper.
• Local compound and polish. • Clean panel with airline blower gun and degrease.
• Brush touch up. • If bare metal is visible, apply a Wash Etch type primer.
• Local strip. The term "local" defines repairs limited to an Minimum build 25-30 ㎛.
area of approximately 380mm×380mm (15in×15in) and • Do not abrade Etch primer; Apply tinted
which forms a section of a panel. two-component primer to the suggested micron build.
(Tinted primer to replicate original sealer coat).

1.0 1065

Body Repair Paint and Coatings

• To aid sanding use a dark coloured guide coat. (Do not

use black cellulose aerosol) Use a basecoat mix or dry
powder type.
• Abrade with dry P500 or wet P1000 grade paper.
(Minimum build of two component primer, 80 ㎛).
• Remove all traces of contamination using airline blower
gun and degrease.
• Apply the base coat to achieve opacity.
• After flash off of the basecoat solvents, apply Clear coat
to a minimum build of 45- 50 ㎛.
• Degrease area or panel that repuires repair.
• Abrade complete panel with dry P240 grade paper or
wet P800 grade paper with abrading block.For optimum
performance , finalise with wet P1000 grade paper by
• Clean panel with airline blower gun and degrease.
• Apply the base coat to achieve opacity.
• After flash off of the basecoat solvents, apply Clear coat
to a minimum build of 45- 50 ㎛.
Refinishing Original Equipment Painted Panels
or Two-component Material
• Degrease area or panel that requires repair.
• Abrade complete panel with Dry P240 grade paper
or abrade wet with P800 and block. For optimum
performance finalise with wet P1000 grade paper by
• Clean panel with airline blower gun and degrease.
• Apply the base coat to achieve opacity.
• After flash off of the basecoat solvents, apply Clear coat
to a minimum build of 45- 50 ㎛.

1.0 1066

Collision Repair Body Repair

Collision Repair in its place. The number of plug welds must match exactly
Description and Operation the number of spot welds which have been removed.
General Welding Protection Measures • Where holes are left in an existing panel after removal of
Overview the spot welds, a single MIG plug weld will be made in
each hole as appropriate.
For ease of reference, the diagrams on the following pages
Electronic Control Unit
show only the type of weld used in repair where it varies from
that used in production. The Electronic Control Units (ECU)fitted to vehicles make
it advisable to follow suitable precautions prior to carrying out
The replacement welds in the welding diagrams are denoted
welding repair operations.
by the following symbols:
Harsh conditions of heat and vibration may be generated
during these operations which could cause damage to the

In particular, it is essential to follow the appropriate

precautions when disconnecting or removing the
Supplementary restraint system Diagnostic Module.
Supplementary Restraint System Precautions
Any work undertaken which involves the removal or
replacement of any item of the Supplementary Restraint
System (SRS), requires extreme caution and adherence
to the appropriate precautions.
A.= Single/Multiple thickness plug welds Prior to commencing any test procedure on the vehicle, ensure
that the relevant test equipment is working correctly and any
B.= MIG seam weld
harness or connectors are in good condition.
When carrying out welding operations the following criteria
This particularly applies to electronic control units.
must be observed:
Seat Belt Anchorages
• Where resistance spot welds have been used in
production, these must be reproduced with new Seat belt anchorages are safety critical. When making repairs in
spot welds in replacement where possible. All such these areas, it is essential to follow design specifications. Note
reproduction spot welds must be spaced 30 mm apart. that High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA)steel may be used
for seat belt anchorages.
• When spot welding, it is recommended that test coupons
of the same metal gauges and materials are produced to Where possible, the original production assembly should be
carry out peel tests to ensure that welding equipment used, complete with its seat belt anchorages, or the cut line
being used can produce a satisfactory joint. Plug welds should be so arranged that the original seat belt anchorage is
must be used if a satisfactory spot weld cannot be not disturbed.
produced. All welds within 250 mm of seat belt anchorages must be
• The electrode arms on hand-held spot welding guns must carefully checked for weld quality, including spacing of spot
not exceed 300 mm in length. welds.
• Single-side spot welding is not acceptable. Panel Replacement Procedure
• Gas welding and brazing are not acceptable. This procedure is designed to explain the basic panel removal
• Where 3 metal thicknesses or more are to be welded and replacement method. The main criterion in removal and
together it is imperative to use MIG plug welds to ensure replacement of body panels is that the original standard is
joint strength. maintained as far as possible. While individual repairs will differ
• MIG plug welds must be used in repair joints where there in detail, this procedure has been devised placing emphasis on
is no access for a resistance spot welder. To replace each ease of repair and the elimination of unnecessary work.
production spot weld, an 8mm (approx.) hole must be Body panels are being increasingly manufactured in high
drilled and/or punched, and a MIG plug weld then made strength steels to meet design requirements for safety and
weight saving. As panels in high strength steels cannot be

1.0 1067

Body Repair Collision Repair

visually identified, and as they are more sensitive to excess

heat than panels manufactured from low carbon steel, it is
advisable that the following procedure be observed at all
Remove Panel
1. Expose resistance spot welds. For those spot welds
which are not obviously visible, use a rotary drum sander
or wire brush fitted to an air drill, or alternatively a hand
held wire brush.
4. Cut away the bulk of the panel as necessary using an air
Caution: In wheel arch areas it may be necessary to soften
underbody coating, using a hot air gun, prior to exposing
spot welds.
2. Cut out welds using a cobalt drill.

Caution: On certain panel joints MIG welds and braze

should be removed using a sander where possible, before
cutting out the panel bulk.
5. Separate spot welded joints and remove panel remnants
using hammer, bolster chisel and pincers.

3. Alternatively, use a clamp-type spot weld remover.

Prepare Old Surfaces

1. Remove any remaining sealant using a hot air gun to
minimise the risk of toxic fumes caused by heat generated
during welding.

1.0 1068

Collision Repair Body Repair

Warning: Care must be taken to avoid excessive heat
build-up when using the hot air gun.

2. Clean all panel joint edges to a bright smooth finish, using

a belt-type sander.
2. Cut new and existing panels as necessary to form butt,
joggle or brace joint as required, Remove all clamps and
metal remnants.
3. Straighten existing panel joint edges using a shaping block
and hammer.

3. Prepare new panel joint edges for welding by sanding to

a bright finish. This must include inner as well as outer

Prepare New Surfaces

1. Mark out bulk of new panel and trim to size, leaving
approximately 50 mm overlap with existing panel. Offer
up new panel/section, align with associated panels (e.g.
new body side panel aligned with door and boot lid) and
clamp it properly

4. Apply suitable weld-through primer, to panel joint

surfaces to be welded, using brush or aerosol can.

1.0 1069

Body Repair Collision Repair

5. Apply correct sealant or adhesive, as applicable, to panel Caution: Use arms not exceeding 300 mm in length.
joint surfaces.
2. Fit resistance spot welding arms and test equipment
Offer up and Align for satisfactory operation, using test coupons. Where
Offer up new panel and align with associated panels. monitoring equipment is not available, verify weld
strength by checking that metal around the weld puddle
Clamp into position using welding clamps or other clamps. pulls apart under tension during pulling.
Where a joggle or brace joint is being adopted, make a set in
the original panel joint edge or insert a brace behind the joint.
Caution: In cases where access for welding clamps is
difficult, it may be necessary to use tack welds.

1. Select arms for resistance spot welding and shape

electrode tips using a tip trimmer. Tips should be dressed
so the diameter is equal to twice the thickness of the
metal to be welded plus 3.0 mm.

3. Use a resistance spot welder where access permits. Try

to ensure weld quality by using a welding monitor where

1.0 1070

Collision Repair Body Repair

4. MIG tack weld butt joints and re-check alignment and 7. Always use MIG plug welds where excessive metal
panel contours where necessary, Ensure that a gap is thickness or limited access makes resistance spot welding
maintained to minimise welding distortion, by inserting a impractical. Make plug welds either by using holes left
hacksaw blade as an approximate guide. by the spot weld cutter, or through holes punched and
drilled for the purpose, approximately 8mm diameter.

5. Dress MIG tack welds using a sander with 36 grit disc,

or a belt-type sander where access is limited. 8. Dress all welds using either a sander with 36 grit disc, or
a belt-type sander and/or wire brush. When dressing
welds ensure an area as small as possible is removed to
protect the zinc coating.

6. MIG seam weld butt joints.

1.0 1071

Body Repair Collision Repair

Corrosion Protection Adjust the equipment so that the nozzle temperature does not
Factory Treatments exceed 90℃(194℉). Take care not to allow the steam jet to
dwell on one area, and keep the nozzle at least 300 mm from
During production, vehicle bodies are treated with the
panel surfaces.
following anti-corrosion materials:
DO NOT remove wax or lacquer from underbody or
• A PVC-based underbody sealer which is sprayed onto
underbonnet areas during repairs. Should it be necessary
the underside of the main floor, rear floor and the rear
to steam clean these areas, apply a new coating of wax or
wheel arches;
underbody protection as soon as possible.
• An application of cavity wax which is sprayed into the sill
Maintenance Inspection
panels, side member extensions and the lower areas of
the door panels; Carry out the following operations to check bodywork for
• A coat of protective wax is applied to areas of the wheel corrosion:
arch not covered by the liners. • With the vehicle on a lift, carry out visual check of
Whenever body repairs are carried out, ensure the underbody sealer for damage.
anti-corrosion materials in the affected area are repaired or • With the vehicle lowered, inspect exterior paintwork for
renewed as necessary using the approved materials. damage and body panels for corrosion.
Precautions During Body Repairs and Handling Note: If the vehicle is dirty, it will need to be washed prior
Take care when handling the vehicle in the workshop. to inspection of bodywork.

Underbody sealers, seam sealers, underbody wax and body The checks described above are intended to be visual only. It
panels may be damaged if the vehicle is carelessly lifted. is not intended that the operator should remove trim panels,
finishers, rubbing strips or sound-deadening materials when
Proprietary Anti-Corrosion Treatments
checking the vehicle for corrosion and paint damage.
The application of proprietary anti-corrosion treatments, in
1. With the vehicle on a lift, and using an inspection or spot
addition to the factory-applied treatment, could invalidate the
lamp, visually check for the following:
Corrosion Warranty and should be discouraged. This does not
apply to homologated compatible, preservative waxes which • Corrosion damage and damaged paintwork, condition of
may be applied on top of existing coatings. underbody sealer on front and rear lower panels, sills and
Fitting Approved Accessories wheel arches;

When fitting accessories, ensure that the vehicle's corrosion • Damage to underbody sealer. Corrosion in areas adjacent
to suspension mountings and fuel tank fixings.
protection is not affected, either by breaking the protective
coating or by introducing a moisture trap. Note: In case no exposure of metal, the little bubble on
Do not screw self-tapping screws directly into body panels. underbody sealing material can be neglected.

Fit suitable plastic inserts to the panel beforehand. Pay special attention to signs of damage caused to panels
or corrosion protection material by incorrect jack
Always ensure that the edges of holes drilled into panels,
chassis members and other body parts are protected with
a suitable zinc rich or acid etch primer, and follow with a
Warning: It is essential to follow the correct jacking and
protective wax coating brushed onto the surrounding area.
lifting procedures.
Do not attach painted metal surfaces of any accessory directly
to the vehicle's bodywork unless suitably protected. Where 2. With the vehicle lowered, visually check for evidence
metal faces are bolted together always interpose a suitable of damage and corrosion on all visible painted areas, in
interface material such as weldable zinc rich primer, extruded particular the following:
strip, or zinc tape.
• Front edge of bonnet.
Steam Cleaning and De-waxing
• Visible flanges in engine compartment.
Due to the high temperatures generated by steam cleaning
• Lower body and door panels.
equipment, there is a risk that certain trim components could
be damaged and some adhesives and corrosion prevention Rectify any bodywork damage or evidence of corrosion
materials softened or liquefied. found during inspection as soon as is practicable, both to
minimise the extent of the damage and to ensure the

1.0 1072

Collision Repair Body Repair

long term effectiveness of the factory-applied corrosion Underbody sealer must be applied before such
prevention treatment. components are refitted.
Where corrosion has become evident and is emanating 6. Brush sealer into all exposed seams.
from beneath a removable component (e.g. trim panel, 7. Spray the affected area with an approved service
window glass, seat etc.), remove the component as underbody sealer.
required to permit effective rectification. 8. Remove masking from component mounting faces, and
Underbody Protection Repairs touch-in where necessary.
Whenever body repairs are carried out, ensure that full sealing After refitting mechanical components, including hoses and
and corrosion protection treatments are reinstated. This pipes and other fixtures, mask off the brake discs and apply
applies both to the damaged areas and also to areas where a coat of approved underbody wax.
protection has been indirectly impaired, as a result either of
Note: Where repairs include the application of finish
accident damage or repair operations.
paint coats in the areas requiring underbody wax, carry
Remove corrosion protection from the damaged area before out paint operations before applying wax.
straightening or panel beating. This applies in particular Underbody Wax
to panels coated with wax, PVC underbody sealer, sound
The underbody wax must be reinstated following all repairs
deadening pads etc.
affecting wheel arch panels. The wax is applied over paints and
Warning: DO NOT use oxy-acetylene gas equipment to underbody sealers.
remove corrosion prevention materials. Large volumes of
Remove old underbody wax completely from a zone extending
fumes and gases are liberated by these materials when
at least 200 mm beyond the area where new underbody sealer
they burn.
is to be applied.
Note: The device used for removing strong anti-corrosion
Cavity Wax Injection
sealant can provide several speeds and efficiency. The
scraper (not pneumatic chisel) driven by compressed air After repairs, always treat areas with an approved cavity
provides a relatively quiet mechanical method by using a wax. In addition, treat all interior surfaces which have been
very rapid reciprocating motion. Move the operating edge disturbed during repairs whether they have been treated in
of the tool along with the workpiece surface to remove the production or not. This includes all box members, cavities
sealing material. and door interiors. It is permissible to drill extra holes for
access where necessary, provided these are not positioned in
The most common method of removal is by means of a hot
load-bearing members.
air blower with integral scraper. One of the most efficient
methods is the rapid cutting 'hot knife'. This tool uses a wide Ensure that such holes are treated with a suitable zinc rich
blade and is able to be used easily in profiled sections where primer, brushed with wax and then sealed with a rubber
access is otherwise difficult. grommet.
Use the following procedure when repairing underbody Before wax injection, ensure that the cavity to be treated is free
coatings: from any contamination or foreign matter. Where necessary,
clear out any debris using compressed air.
1. Remove existing underbody coatings.
Ensure that cavity wax is applied AFTER the final paint process
2. After panel repair, clean the affected area with a solvent
and BEFORE refitting any trim components.
wipe, and treat bare metal with an etch phosphate
material. During application, ensure that the wax covers all flange and
3. Re-prime the affected area. seam areas and that it is adequately applied to all repaired areas
of both new and existing panels.
Caution: DO NOT, under any circumstances, apply
underbody sealer directly to bare metal surfaces. It should be noted that new panel assemblies and complete
body shells are supplied without wax injection treatment.
4. Replace all heat-fusible plugs which have been disturbed.
Ensure that such treatment is carried out after repairs.
Where such plugs are not available use rubber grommets
of equivalent size, ensuring that they are embedded in Effective cavity wax protection is vital. Always observe the
sealer. following points:
5. Mask off all mounting faces from which mechanical • Complete all paint refinish operations before wax
components, hoses and pipe clips, have been removed. application.

1.0 1073

Body Repair Collision Repair

• Clean body panel areas and blow-clean cavities if

necessary before treatment.
• Maintain a temperature of 18℃ (64℉) during application
and drying.
• Check the spray pattern of injection equipment.
• Mask off all areas not to be wax coated and which could
be contaminated by wax overspray.
• Remove body fixings, such as seat belt retractors, if
contamination is at all likely.
• Move door glasses to fully closed position before treating
door interiors.
• Treat body areas normally covered by trim before
refitting items.
• Check that body and door drain holes are clear after the
protective wax has dried.
• Keep all equipment clean, especially wax injection
nozzles. Areas treated with cavity wax are shown in the
following figures.

1.0 1074

Collision Repair Body Repair

Body Seal can be plugged. Under this case, the sealant and paint can
Process Area of Under Body Seal be coated after assembly. If the inlet is of proper size, coat
the two sides of the repaired joints with jointing sealant. If
Underfloor areas and sill outer panels should be processed
the spray coating can be only operated to one side (such as
with plasticizing PVC underfloor glue. This glue is not
compartment), then use cavity cere to process the affected
applicable to repeated use. When repairing the sealant for the
compartment beam.
underfloor areas, the underfloor glue upon delivery should be
peeled off and returned to the proper breakpoint. Do expose The jointing sealed with sealant when assembling is described
the clean metal surface, and the current sealing edge should in detail as below.
also be obedient to the panels.
Caution: Look through all the joints near the fixed areas.
Use new underpan glue between the primer and the second If necessary, all the combined ,fixed or replaced areas
primer. If necessary, use the jointing sealant before applying should be sealed. These areas can’t be ruined. Sealing
the underpan glue. Before coating the underpan glue, do firstly could protect from waters and wind noises and so on.
fit the plugs and insulating ring on the disk type floor (except Before the final inspection, it is necessary to look through
for the part for cere spraying). Refit the heat-fusible plugs all the sealed areas.
damaged in repair with heat blower or replace them with
rubber insulating ring.
Caution: Ensure that suspension units, wheels, tyres,
power unit, exhaust and brakes (including all mounting
points) are shielded prior to application of fresh
underbody sealer.
Jointing Sealant
When the welding special joints during the assembly, it applies
a kind of PVC sealant processed by thermofixation. This kind
of material is not suitable for repair, so the approved jointing
sealant should be used for check.
Jointing sealant is used after the primer spraying and before the
second primer and the outer coat spraying. Jointing sealant
must be sprayed smoothly and continuously, and the spraying
line depends on the jointing type. If the sealant is coated
by brush, pay special attention to keep the due cover area
for welding. At the places needing sealant formation, cloths
dipped in the solvent oil can be used to complete the required
Do seal all the jointing need to process after each repair.
The area away from the joggled joints often distorts when
the vehicle is damaged. Thus, in the following repair and
alignment, the sealant at this place is often met. Check all
the jointing around the repaired area to see whether it is
damaged, then process the damages as required, then coat
new sealant. Specific steps are as follows:

Clean the affected jointing, re-process the exposed metal area

with proper etch primer;

Coat proper sealant at the required places;

Process the affected area with acid-etch primer (underpan glue

is also available), coating proper color paint film.

After the re-assembly or refit of parts is completed, if the

jointing is plugged, then paste jointing sealant can be used to
apply such jointing. After the panels are finished, the jointing

1.0 1075

Body Repair Collision Repair

Diagnostic For example, if testing started at the level of the windscreen,

Leak Test any water cascading into the plenum chamber could leak
Overview through a bulkhead grommet and into the footwells. Even at
this point it could still be wrongly assumed that the windscreen
Where water leakage is involved, always adopt a logical
seal was at fault.
approach to the problem using a combination of skill,
experience and intuition. Do not reach a conclusion based Another important part of identifying a water leak is by
only on visual evidence, such as assuming that a wet footwell visual examination of door aperture seals, grommets and
is caused by a leak emanating from the windscreen. It will weatherstrips for damage, deterioration or misalignment,
often be found that the source of the leak is elsewhere. Use together with the fit of the door itself against the seals.
of the correct procedure will increase the chance of locating Note: Check the colour of the water around the leak. If
a leak, however obscure it may seem. the water is dirty, the leak is from under the vehicle. If the
Tools and Equipment water is clean, it is from above.
The following tools and equipment are recommended for the Sealing
purpose of detection and rectification of water leaks:
When the point of the leak has been detected, it will then be
1. Garden sprayer (hand-operated) necessary to rectify it using the following procedure:
2. Wet/dry vacuum cleaner 1. Renew all door aperture seals and weatherstrips which
3. Dry, absorbent cloths have suffered damage, misalignment or deterioration
4. Battery torch 2. Check all body seals to ensure that they are correctly
5. Small mirror located on their mounting flanges/ faces using a lipping
tool if necessary
6. Weatherstrip locating tool
3. Dry out body seams to be treated using compressed air
7. Trim panel remover
and/or a hot air blower as necessary
8. Small wooden or plastic wedges
4. Apply sealant on the outside of the joint wherever
9. Dry compressed air supply possible to ensure the exclusion of water
10. Hot air blower
5. When rectifying leaks between a screen glass and it's
11. Sealer applicators weatherstrip (or in the case of direct glazing, between the
12. Ultrasonic leak detector glass and bodywork), avoid removing the glass if possible.

During leak detection, the vehicle should be considered in Apply the approved material at the appropriate location
three basic sections: (i.e. glass to weatherstrip or glass to body)
Primary Door Seal Replacement
• The front interior space.
• The rear passenger space. The primary door seals on the front and rear doors are bonded
into position. It is imperative that the following points are
• The loadspace or boot.
adhered to when replacing a seal:
• The area of the door where the seal is to be bonded
From the information supplied by the customer it should be
must be thoroughly cleaned. Do not use paint thinners
possible for the bodyshop operator to locate the starting point
for cleaning the door.
from which the leak may be detected. After the area of the
• The ideal temperature of the seal and door when bonding
leak has been identified, find the actual point of entry into the
is 25℃(77℉). The seal will not bond properly if either
the door or seal is below 18℃ (64℉).
A simple and effective means in the first instance is an ordinary
• When initially fitting the seal, apply only a light pressure,
garden spray with provision for pressure and jet adjustment,
this allows the seal to be removed and repositioned if
which will allow water to be directed in a jet or turned into a
necessary. If repositioning the seal, do not touch or allow
fine spray. Use a mirror and a battery-powered torch (NOT a
the contact surfaces to be contaminated in any way.
mains voltage inspection lamp) to see into dark corners.

The sequence of testing is particularly important. Start at the

lowest point and work slowly upwards, to avoid testing in one
area while masking the leak in another.

1.0 1076

Collision Repair Body Repair

Service Procedures
Roof Panel


1. Sunroof Panel 10. Bolt - Sunroof Assembly

2. Front Roof Beam Assembly
3. Sunroof Window Reinforcement Panel Assembly
4. Middle Roof No.3 Beam
5. Rear Roof Beam
6. Roof Panel
7. Middle Roof No.4 Beam
8. Middle Roof No.2 Beam
9. Middle Roof No.1 Beam

1.0 1077

Body Repair Collision Repair

Engine Compartment Panel


1. Front Wheelhouse Inner Upper Longitudinal Beam 18. Bolt - Headlamp Bracket
Assembly - LH
2. Front Wheelhouse Inner Upper Longitudinal Beam
Assembly - RH
3. Front Tower Cover Plate Assembly - LH
4. Front Tower Cover Plate Assembly - RH
5. Front Longitudinal Beam Assembly - LH
6. Front Longitudinal Beam Assembly - RH
7. Front Longitudinal Beam Closing Panel Assembly - LH
8. Front Longitudinal Beam Closing Panel Assembly - RH
9. Front Subframe Mounting Bracket Assembly - LH
10. Front Subframe Mounting Bracket Assembly - RH
11. Front Subframe Rear Mounting Bracket Assembly - LH
12. Front Subframe Rear Mounting Bracket Assembly - RH
13. Front Headlamp Mounting Bracket Assembly
14. Upper Headlamp Mounting Bracket - RH
15. Upper Headlamp Mounting Bracket Assembly - LH
16. Bolt - Headlamp Bracket
17. Bolt - Headlamp Bracket

1.0 1078

Collision Repair Body Repair

Dash Panel


1. Dash Panel Lower Beam Assembly

2. Dash Panel Lower Panel Assembly
3. Dash Panel Upper Panel Assembly

1.0 1079

Body Repair Collision Repair

Bodyside Panel


1. Bodyside Outer Panel 9. Lower Fender Bracket

2. Bodyside Reinforcement Panel Assembly 10. Front Outer Valance Panel Assembly
3. B/C Pillar Upper Closing Panel Assembly 11. Front Bodyside Outer Panel
4. Rear Bodyside Extension Panel 12. Middle Bodyside Outer Panel
5. Drain Channel Extension Panel Assembly 13. Rear Bodyside Outer Panel
6. Rear Bodyside and Rear Wheelhouse Panel Welding
7. Fuel Fill Housing Assembly
8. Lower Fender Bracket

1.0 1080

Collision Repair Body Repair

Front Floor


1. Front Floor Assembly

2. A Pillar Closing Panel Assembly - RH
3. A Pillar Closing Panel Assembly - LH
4. Doorsill Inner Panel Assembly - RH
5. Doorsill Inner Panel Assembly - LH
6. Front Doorsill Inner Reinforcement Panel Assembly
7. Bolt - Front Floor Reinforcement Panel

1.0 1081

Body Repair Collision Repair

Rear Floor


1. Rear Floor Assembly 11. Rear Floor Lower Cross Member Assembly
2. Rear End Panel Assembly 12. Towing Hook Assembly
3. Rear Floor Frame Assembly 13. Bolt - Rear Towing Hook
4. Rear Seat Supporter Assembly
5. Rear Wheelhouse Panel Assembly - LH
6. Rear Wheelhouse Panel Assembly - RH
7. Rear Wheelhouse Extension Panel - LH
8. Rear Wheelhouse Extension Panel - RH
9. Rear Longitudinal Beam Assembly - LH
10. Rear Longitudinal Beam Assembly - RH

1.0 1082

Collision Repair Body Repair

Door Panel Assembly

1. Front Door Panel Assembly
2. Rear Door Panel Assembly

1.0 1083

Body Repair Collision Repair

Bonnet Panel Assembly


1. Bonnet Panel Assembly


1.0 1084

Collision Repair Body Repair

Tail Gate Panel Assembly

1. Tail Gate Panel Assembly

1.0 1085


1.0 1086

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

Vehicle Access
Description Value
Nut-A 7–9Nm

1.0 1087

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

Description and Operation

System Layout


1. PEPS Module 6. LF Antenna - Rear Bumper Skin

2. Outer Door Handle Antenna and Switch (HSU) 7. Outer Door Handle Antenna and Switch (HSU)
3. Spare Coil 8. Remote Key
4. LF Antenna - Central (behind center console bracket) 9. LF Antenna - Front (A/C Box Assembly)
5. LF Antenna - Rear (on rear seat beam)

1.0 1088

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

System Control Diagram
Vehicle Access and Safety Control Diagram


A = Chassis HS CAN Bus; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Diagnostic HS CAN Bus; D = Body HS CAN Bus; E = RF Signal; F = LIN
Bus; G = Hard Wire

1.0 1089

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

PEPS Control Logic Diagram


A = Body HS CAN Bus; B = LIN Bus; C = Power HS CAN Bus; D = RF Signal; E = Hard Wire

1.0 1090

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

Description • Valid LOCK request from the driver door lock switch is
Overview received.

The security system can be operated by the radiofrequency When the security system fully enters into the anti-theft status,
signal of the remote key or by the mechanical key. The the BCM will control the direction indicator lamp to give 3
radiofrequency signal receiver receives demodulation signal flashes.
and check signal, and the BCM decodes the signal and sends
Full anti-theft status to partial anti-theft status
the corresponding operation signal through the CAN bus.
For full anti-theft status, if valid tail gate UNLOCK request is
Operation of Security System received, the BCM will open the tail gate, and the security
The security system consists of the following three parts: system enters into partial anti-theft status.
1. Peripheral system: Partial anti-theft status
• Engine cover, door and tail gate release switch If the wrong lock is caused by zone 1 only (for example, open
• 1st/2nd gear switch engine cover), zone 2 and 3 will enter into full anti-theft status.

If the wrong lock is caused by zone 2 only (for example, 1 door

• Center console lock (unlock/lock) switch
or more are open), zone 1 and 3 will enter into full anti-theft
2. Acoustic warning device: horn
3. Visual warning device: hazard warning lamp
If the wrong lock is caused by zone 3 only (for example, open
The anti-theft system is composed of three independent areas, tail gate), zone 2 and 1 will enter into full anti-theft status.
each contains a lot of discrete input signals (see the table
Partial anti-theft status to full anti-theft status
below). Any intrusion of the security system can trigger the
alarm when the system is working. When each zone is in the security system, the vehicle enters
into full anti-theft status.
Safe zone Discrete signal
1 (front) • Engine cover switch If the vehicle is partially locked due to open door, after the
security system enters into the anti-theft status, the vehicle
• Driver door switch can be opened within 5s before close and no alarm will be
• Front passenger door switch triggered.
• Rear left door switch If the partial anti-theft status is caused by several zones, as
• Rear right door switch long as the door/cover of the zone is closed, the zone enters
2 • Driver door unlocked by key (timed into full anti-theft status. Only when all zones are in the full
(central/internal) anti-theft status can the security system fully enters into the
for 15s)
• Wrong key is inserted into 1st/2nd anti-theft status.
gear Wrong Lock Alarm
• Center console lock
If the door (engine cover, tail gate) is open, and the ignition
LOCK/UNLOCK switch switch is in the 1st/2nd/3rd gear or the engine is working, etc,
3 (rear) • Tail gate release switch when the vehicle is locked from the outside by the mechanical
key or remote key and the PEPS LOCK request is applied, the
Safe anti-theft status
BCM will control the horn to indicate the wrong lock status
When the 3 areas of the security system are all closed, if LOCK by giving a warning of 30ms.
request from the remote control, mechanical key and PEPS, Disable the security system
etc is received, the security system will fully enter into the
anti-theft status. Once it fully enters into the anti-theft status, Any of the following operations can cause the BCM to disable
it will monitor all activated safe zones at all times. When the the security system:
switch of zone 2 or 3 is turned on, if try to lock the vehicle • Valid UNLOCK request from the remote key is received.
from the outside, the vehicle will be partially locked and wrong • Valid UNLOCK request from the PEPS module is
lock warning will be sent. received.
BCM monitors the following LOCK request signals from the • Valid UNLOCK request from the driver door switch is
external device: received.
• Valid LOCK request from the remote key is received. • Valid emergency key is inserted into the ignition
• Valid LOCK request from the PEPS module is received. switch/shifted from the 1st gear to the 2nd gear.

1.0 1091

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

Caution: If the driver door unlock switch is stuck Unlock by Shifting to P Gear
or the switch has a short circuit, the emergency
When the vehicle is locked from the inside and the shift lever
key cannot be used to disable the alarm; while the
is in P gear, if turn off the ignition switch or remove the ignition
remote key will not be effected.
key, the BCM will unlock the lock system automatically.
When the security system is disabled, the BCM will control
Lock by Leaving P Gear
the direction indicator lamp to flash.
When the vehicle is unlocked, the engine is started and the
Impact Sensor Activation/Unlock
driver door is closed, if remove the shift lever from P gear, the
When the impact sensor senses impacts, it will send UNLOCK BCM will lock the lock system automatically.
request signal and the door will unlock automatically, but this
Panic Mode Alarm
does not apply to the situation when the vehicle is locked from
the outside. When the vehicle is not locked from the outside, if the center
console lock LOCK button is pressed for more than 2s, the
Automatic Relock
BCM will activate the hazard warning lamp and horn.
After being unlocked by the remote key, the vehicle will
When the vehicle is not locked from the outside, if the center
automatically return to the previous locked state if no
console lock UNLOCK button is pressed for more than 2s or
operation is performed within 30s. In automatic relock status,
the vehicle is unlocked by the remote key, the BCM will disable
if the ignition switch is in the "AUX" position or there is one
the alarm.
valid key, cancel the current data of the relock timer and
disable the automatic relock function. Description of PEPS
Automatic Lock
For vehicles with PEPS, the traditional key is replaced by the
With the driver door closed and the vehicle unlocked, the door
intelligent key. The operation of the PEPS is achieved by LF/RF
will automatically lock after the vehicle speed reaches a certain
communication with the vehicle.
value (preset).
Automatic Unlock • Passive entry: no need to operate the intelligent key. Just
carry the intelligent key with you, vehicle access can be
With the vehicle in an internally locked state, when the ignition achieved by pressing the door handle button directly and
switch is turned off, the vehicle automatically unlocks. pulling the handle.
Door Lock Controlled by Center Console Switch • Passive start: no need to insert/remove the key in a
When the driver door is closed and the impact sensor is not traditional way, just place the intelligent key in the car
triggered, press the center console lock LOCK button to lock and press the SSB to start/stop the vehicle.
all doors, and the main zone of the information center on the The PEPS system includes: PEPS ECU, intelligent key, interior
IPK will show "DOOR LOCKED". LF antenna, outer door handle antenna and switch (HSU) and
With the vehicle in an internally locked state, press the center LF antenna of rear bumper skin.
console lock UNLOCK button to open all doors, and the main Mounting position
zone of the information center on the IPK will show "DOOR • PEPS ECU: under the instrument panel at the front
UNLOCKED". passenger side.
When the impact sensor is triggered by an impact, the door • Outer door handle antenna and switch (HSU): inside the
will unlock automatically. The door cannot be relocked by the front outer door handle.
center console lock LOCK button within the current ignition • 3 vehicle LF antennas: fitted on the A/C box assembly,
cycle. The center console lock button doesn't work in the rear mounting bracket of the center console and center
externally locked state. line of the rear seat beam respectively.
• LF antenna of rear bumper skin: on the center line of the
rear bumper skin mounting bracket.

1.0 1092

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

End View and Pin Information of PEPS Module
Harness Connector BY126

Pin No. Description
1 —
Pin No. Description
2 —
1 KL.30
3 —
2 —
4 —
3 ACC Gear Status Signal
5 —
4 IGN Gear Status Signal
6 Front LF Antenna Signal - Low
5 Body HS CAN Low
7 Central LF Antenna Signal - Low
6 Body HS CAN High
8 Central LF Antenna Signal - High
7 —
9 —
8 —
10 SSB Reference Signal
9 —
11 Tail Gate Switch
10 —
12 —
11 —
13 —
12 —
14 Front LF Antenna Signal - High
13 SSB Signal
15 Rear LF Antenna Signal - Low
14 —
16 Rear LF Antenna Signal - High
15 —
End View and Pin Information of PEPS Module
16 Ground
Harness Connector BY128
End View and Pin Information of PEPS Module
Harness Connector BY127

1.0 1093

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description

1 — 9 Ground
Left Front Door Handle Antenna 10 —
Signal - Low
End View and Pin Information of HSU Harness
Left Front Door Handle Antenna Connector DD005
Signal - High
Signal of Rear Bumper Skin Antenna
- Low
5 —
Right Front Door Handle Antenna
Signal - Low
Right Front Door Handle Antenna
Signal - High
Signal of Rear Bumper Skin Antenna
- High
End View and Pin Information of PEPS Module
Harness Connector BY129 Pin No. Description
Left Front Door Handle Antenna
Signal - Low
Left Front Door Handle Antenna
Signal - High

End View and Pin Information of HSU Harness

Connector PD005

Pin No. Description

1 —
2 —
3 —
5 —
6 — Pin No. Description

7 — Right Front Door Handle Antenna

Signal - Low
8 —
Right Front Door Handle Antenna
Signal - High

1.0 1094

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

End View and Pin Information of Front LF Antenna End View and Pin Information of Rear LF Antenna
Harness Connector FA040 Harness Connector BY153

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description
1 Front LF Antenna Signal - Low 1 Rear LF Antenna Signal - Low
2 Front LF Antenna Signal - High 2 Rear LF Antenna Signal - High

End View and Pin Information of Central LF Antenna End View and Pin Information of Rear Bumper Skin
Harness Connector BY062 Antenna Harness Connector BY130
Pin No. Description Pin No. Description
1 Central LF Antenna Signal - Low Signal of Rear Bumper Skin Antenna
2 Central LF Antenna Signal - High - Low
Signal of Rear Bumper Skin Antenna
- High

Operation of PEPS
The PEPS can detect and identify the intelligent key near the
closed door and driver compartment.
Function of LIN Bus in PEPS

The interface of the LIN bus is used for communication

between the PEPS ECU and the BCM. When the vehicle
is stopped and locked, the CAN bus is in the sleep mode,
it is required to wake up the CAN bus quickly and establish
communication between the PEPS ECU and the BCM, and
the communication is performed by the LIN bus. After the

1.0 1095

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

outer door handle antenna and switch (HSU) are pressed, the Once the button on the intelligent key is pressed, it will be
PEPS ECU communicates with the RF signal receiver and considered by default as the RF request signal of the remote
identifies the intelligent key. If the intelligent key is correct, it key. When the button is held for 20s, the intelligent key will
sends UNLOCK request signal to the BCM. stop sending RF signal until the button is pressed again after
being released.
Function of CAN Bus in PEPS
Intelligent Key/Identifier Management
The PEPS communicates with other ECUs through the CAN
bus. The system only accepts 4 identifiers for one time.
Identifier/Intelligent Key In principle, two matching intelligent keys will be provided by
the factory before delivery, and the intelligent key can be added
The intelligent key is a handheld electronic device powered by
or deleted during aftersales diagnosis. Addition and deletion
lithium battery. Each vehicle is provided with two intelligent
of the intelligent key is the task of the BCM, the BCM will
keys. If the key matches the vehicle, the intelligent key can
inform the PEPS ECU of the added new key or deleted old
conduct LF/RF communication in the PEPS system. If the
lithium battery can provide power, the intelligent key receives
LF signal, communicates with the BCM and lock/unlock the Outer Door Handle Antenna and Switch (HSU)
vehicle properly.
The outer door handle antenna and switch (HSU) integrates
The intelligent key detects the LF electromagnetic field signal the LF antenna and switch. It connects the PEPS ECU, and
(125kHz) from the vehicle LF antenna, outer door handle the PEPS ECU provides current for the LF antenna and allows
antenna and switch (HSU). When the intelligent key is in the it to form magnetic field. The PEPS ECU reads the switch
area covered by the LF antenna, it will give a response by status, i.e. detects the action of the operator. The PEPS ECU
sending a RF signal within the wave band of 433MHz ISM. and HSU are connected by stranded wires.
Function of Intelligent Key in PEPS Function of Outer Door Handle Antenna and
Switch (HSU) in PEPS
The PEPS shall be provided with intelligent key.
The LF antenna is used to form a LF electromagnetic
Function of Intelligent Key for Vehicle Access induction area in the vicinity of the vehicle so that the
• PEPS (passive entry) mode: in the area covered by LF, the
operator can lock/unlock the vehicle switch. Only when
intelligent key receives LF signal and sends RF signal for the matching intelligent key is detected in the LF antenna
authentication/matching. area and the LOCK/UNLOCK request received is consistent
• Remote key access mode: when the key button is with the status of the vehicle door lock can the vehicle be
pressed, the authentication code will be sent by the RF locked/unlocked.
signal as the request for locking/unlocking the door or When the operator operates the HSU, the PEPS ECU will
tail gate. transfer current to the HSU LF antenna and allow it to generate
• Depletion mode of intelligent key lithium battery: the electromagnetic field signal. The intelligent key of the operator
intelligent key is provided with the mechanical key used
can detect/receive this signal and give a response to the BCM
for the vehicle lock, the mechanical key can also be used via the RF signal, then the PEPS system verifies the key and
to lock/unlock the vehicle. unlocks the door eventually, this ensures legal access of the
Function of Intelligent Key for Vehicle Start vehicle by authorized users.
• PEPS (passive start) mode: the intelligent key receives LF HSU Area
signal and sends RF signal for authentication/matching.
Coverage of Door Handle Antenna: radiation is calculated by
• Low battery mode of intelligent key: the intelligent key the center on the door handle surface (around 1.5m).
shall be close to the spare coil (icon under the cup
holder), refer to "Enable/Disable Key" section. The LF Antenna
authentication here is achieved by the BCM which The independent LF transmitter consists of 3 internal LF
controls the intelligent key to work in the transponder antennas and 1 rear bumper skin antenna. The transmitter
mode. provides LF magnetic field signal (125kHz) so that the
In order to ask the operator to replace the battery in time, intelligent key can receive the signal within the antenna
the intelligent key sends RF signal and the BCM will send the coverage.
signal to the IPK, then the general information screen shows
"Remote Key Battery Low, Please Replace!".

1.0 1096

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

Function of LF Antenna in PEPS One connects the BCM, and the other connects the PEPS
ECU. The PEPS ECU detects the second part, and the BCM
LF antenna gives LF signal in the PEPS system and
receives the power status CAN information from the PEPS
communicates with the intelligent key.
ECU and determines if it is shall be handled. If no fault occurs,
Internal LF Antenna these two parts work together.
Internal LF antenna is an essential part for the passive start Function of SSB in PEPS
system, which provides LF signal for the intelligent key, and the
The SSB is used to start/stop the engine or shift the vehicle
intelligent key sends authentication information to the BCM,
to "ACC/IGN" position and indicate the power status of the
the engine can be started after the key is verified.
Internal LF antenna is also used to search the intelligent key
The SSB is used for passive start, not for passive entry.
in the driver compartment and check if the vehicle can be
locked, this prevents the operator from leaving the intelligent The authorized operator shall finish the following start
key in the vehicle when locking the vehicle. When detecting requests:
the intelligent key is in the driver compartment, the vehicle will • MT: depress the clutch.
not be locked. However, the operator shall realize that the
• AT: shift the shift lever to P/N gear and depress the brake
security system is weak at the moment. In fact, the function
of internal LF antenna is to search the valid intelligent key in
the vehicle. Therefore, the radiation of the antenna shall cover Press the SSB to start the engine. When the engine is working
the entire interior of the vehicle. If the valid intelligent key can and the vehicle speed achieves a certain value, press the SSB
receive the signal from internal LF antenna and give responses, to stop the engine.
the intelligent key is in the driver compartment. Spare Coil
LF Antenna of Rear Bumper Skin The spare coil is integrated under the cup holder at the
In the passive entry system, the LF antenna of the rear bumper
passenger side, which is an electric coil. The intelligent
skin is used to open the tail gate separately. But it cannot be key and BCM communicate through the spare coil. The
used for passive start. Function of rear bumper skin antenna: BCM provides modulated current (125kHz ). When the
it sends LF signal to the intelligent key in the vicinity of the tail intelligent key is near the electromagnetic field (125kHz )
gate, and the intelligent key returns the signal to the BCM. So generated by the LF antenna, the intelligent key acquires power
the radiation of this antenna shall be in a smaller area near the from the electromagnetic induction area and communicates
luggage compartment. After the authentication required, the with the special electronic component of the BCM. The
tail gate can be opened. When the key is outside the vehicle, communication allows the intelligent key to be authenticated.
the radiation of the bumper skin antenna is 1m away from the If the battery of the intelligent key is low, it can still
ground, inside a circle with a radius of 1.0 . communicate with the spare coil for the key can obtain power
from the electromagnetic radiation of the spare coil.
If the intelligent key in the vehicle gives a response to the rear
bumper skin antenna, i.e. the key is detected by the LF signal Function of Spare Coil in PEPS
from the internal antenna and rear bumper skin antenna, the If the battery of the intelligent key is low, power for normal
key cannot unlock the tail gate or vehicle. Therefore, if the key authentication will be unavailable, and the transponder
valid intelligent key gives responses to the signal from the rear mode shall be enabled. When the intelligent key is close to
bumper skin antenna, the key is close to the tail gate. Once the activated spare coil (see the mark under the cup holder at
the tail gate switch is pressed and the access is authorized, the the passenger side), the system will identify and authenticate
BCM releases the tail gate switch. the key.
SSB If the battery of the intelligent key can provide sufficient power
The SSB is on the instrument panel of the driver compartment, and the key can receive the LF signal from the internal antenna,
which is used to start/stop the engine. When the engine the transponder mode is not required and the spare coil will
cannot be started, select other power modes (ACC, IGN). not be activated.
The SSB is integrated with the backlight control, it informs the If the SSB is pressed, but the PEPS system does not detect and
operator of the power mode and whether the conditions for authenticate the intelligent key, the spare coil will be activated.
starting the engine are met by shifting the internal yellow/green
LED lamps. The spare coil is also used to match the key in the production
line and add/delete the aftermarket key. The key authentication
The SSB contains two identical parts. lasts for a few hundred milliseconds.

1.0 1097

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

PEPS ECU Function of BCM in PEPS

PEPS ECU includes system software which controls the PEPS. The PEPS ECU communicates with the BCM via the CAN
bus and LIN bus, the LIN bus provides quick wake-up and
The PCB of the PEPS ECU contains the interface circuit of
communication signals for the BCM, by this way, it realizes
all PEPS components and the communication interface of other
key authentication and PEPS function. The BCM informs the
vehicle controllers.
PEPS ECU of the door status through the CAN bus. In order
BCMand Peripheral Equipment to give response to the user's action, the BCM estimates the
user's intention by sending door status information to the PEPS
The RF signal from the intelligent key is received by the RF
receiver in the BCM, in PEPS mode, the BCM will match and
authenticate the current key. The PEPS function is achieved by
the rapid communication between the PEPS ECU and the

1.0 1098

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

Service Procedures specific operation, please strictly follow the figure above.
Add and Disable a Key Place the key to be deleted beyond the effective range
Key Addition (outside of the vehicle is recommended).
• For vehicles without SSB, ensure the key to be added is Delete the key.
in the ignition switch and is in "ON" position. Place the
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
unwanted key beyond the effective range (outside of the Coding - Key Deletion
vehicle is recommended). For vehicles with PEPS, when the battery of the remote key is
low, valid distance of the RF signal will be greatly shortened.
• For vehicles with SSB, ensure the key to be added is on To ensure normal start, please place the remote key on the
the icon under the cup holder of the center console, for icon inside the cup holder of the center console.
specific operation, please strictly follow the figure. Place
the unwanted key beyond the effective range (outside of
the vehicle is recommended).

Caution: If the position and direction of the key

are wrong, the key cannot be identified.
Add the key.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - Key Addition
Key Deletion
• For vehicles without SSB, ensure the key to be reserved
is in the ignition switch and is in "ON" position. Place the
key to be deleted beyond the effective range (outside of
the vehicle is recommended).
• For vehicles with SSB, ensure the key to be reserved is on
the icon inside the cup holder of the center console, for

1.0 1099

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) Control Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) Antenna
Module - Front
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the glove box assembly. 2. Remove the A/C panel.
Glove Box Assembly Remove A/C Panel - ATC Remove
3. Disconnect the connector (1) of PEPS module. 3. Disconnect the connector of the antenna.
4. Remove 3 nuts (2) securing PEPS module to the vehicle
4. Slightly pull the connector outward to release the
locating pin of the antenna from the mounting hole,
then pull the antenna towards the connector to
5. Remove PEPS module.
disconnect it.
5. Remove the antenna.
1. Fix the PEPS module to the body, fit 3 nuts, tighten to
7–9Nm and check the torque.
1. Align the antenna locating point at the mounting hole
2. Connect the connector of the PEPS module.
and press down to engage.
3. Connect the battery negative.
2. Connect the connector of the antenna.
4. Programme and code the PEPS module.
3. Refit the A/C panel.
. Self-learning and Adjustment,
A/C Panel - ATC Refit
Programming and Coding - PEPS Replacement
4. Connect the battery negative.
5. After replacement, fit the glove box assembly.
Glove Box Assembly Refit

1.0 1100

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) Antenna Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) Antenna
- Middle - Rear
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Release the clip fixing the rear panel assembly of the 2. Fold the rear seats and lift the luggage compartment
center console to the center console assembly. carpet.
3. Remove the rear panel assembly of the center console. 3. Disconnect the connector from the antenna.
4. Disconnect the connector of the antenna.
4. Pull out gently at the side of connector to separate the
5. Slightly pull the connector outward to release the locating pin of antenna from the mounting hole, then
locating pin of the antenna from the mounting hole, pull the antenna towards the connector to move it out.
then pull the antenna towards the connector to 5. Remove the antenna.
disconnect it. Refit
6. Remove the antenna. 1. Align the antenna locating point at the mounting hole
Refit and press down to engage.
1. Align the antenna locating point at the mounting hole 2. Lay the luggage compartment carpet, and recover the
and press down to engage. rear seats.
2. Connect the connector of the antenna. 3. Connect the connector of the antenna.
3. Refit the centre console rear panel assembly. 4. Connect the battery negative.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1101

Safety and Restraints Vehicle Access

Passive Entry and Passive Start (PEPS) Antenna Antenna for Keyless Entry and Start (PEPS) -
- Rear Bumper Upholstery Door Handle
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. For vehicles equipped with PEPS module, the antenna and
switch (HSU) for exterior door handle are fitted in the
2. Raise the vehicle to proper height. exterior door handles at driver side and front passenger side
3. Disconnect the connector from the antenna. respectively, replace the antenna for door handle by replacing
the door handle assembly.

Exterior Door Handle Remove

Exterior Door Handle Refit

4. Remove the antenna fixed on rear bumper mounting

1. Align the antenna locating point at the mounting hole
of rear bumper mounting bracket and press down to
2. Connect the connector of the antenna.
3. Lower the vehicle.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1102

Vehicle Access Safety and Restraints

One-touch Ignition Switch Mechanical Ignition Switch
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Remove the steering column shield.
2. Remove the instrument panel moulding assembly. Steering Column Shield Remove
3. Disconnect the harness connector at the back of 2. Remove 2 bolts fixing the steering column lock
one-touch ignition switch. assembly to the steering column.
4. Release 2 clips fixing the one-touch ignition switch to
the instrument panel moulding assembly, and remove
the one-touch ignition switch.
1. Secure the one-touch ignition switch on the instrument
panel moulding assembly with 2 clips.
2. Connect the harness connector at the back of
one-touch ignition switch.
3. Fit the instrument panel moulding assembly.
4. Connect the battery negative cable.
3. Disconnect the harness connector of the anti-theft coil.
4. Release 2 clips fixing the IGN lock cylinder to the
steering column lock assembly, and remove the lock
cylinder of the mechanical ignition switch.
1. Fit the mechanical ignition switch lock cylinder to the
steering column lock assembly, and secure it with 2
2. Connect the harness connector of immobilizer coil to
the steering column lock assembly.
3. Fit the steering column lock assembly to the steering
column and secure it with 2 bolts.
4. Fit the steering column shield.

Steering Column Shield Refit


1.0 1103

Safety and Restraints Alarm System

Alarm System
Description and Operation
System Layout

1. LF Anti-theft Coil (if any)

2. Spare Coil (if any)
3. PMDC Module
4. GW Module
5. BCM

1.0 1104

Alarm System Safety and Restraints

System Control Diagram


A = RF Signal; B = Power HS CAN Bus; C = Body HS CAN Bus; D = LIN Bus; E = Hard Wire

1.0 1105

Safety and Restraints Alarm System

Description End View and Pin Information of Spare Coil (if any)
Overview Harness Connector CE008

The vehicle is configured with an anti-theft system connected

with the ECM. The characteristic value from the RF transceiver
will be verified, if the value matches the corresponding data,
the engine can be started. When the power is connected, the
key sends the characteristic value to the LF anti-theft coil (if
any)/spare coil (if any) and BCM through the serial data circuit
of the LIN.
Mounting position
• LF anti-theft coil (if any): on the IGN lock cylinder.
• Spare coil (if any): under the cup holder at the passenger
side (inside the center console assembly).
End View and Pin Information of LF Anti-theft Coil
(if any) Harness Connector FA039
Pin No. Description
2 KL.30
3 Ground

Pin No. Description

1 —
2 KL.30
3 —
4 —
5 Ground

1.0 1106

Alarm System Safety and Restraints

The function of the anti-theft system is provided by the BCM,
ECM and modules which store and report environment

• LF anti-theft coil: when the ignition key is inserted

into the IGN lock cylinder and the ignition switch is
in ON position, the RF transceiver of the key will
be switched on by the LF anti-theft coil of the IGN
lock cylinder. Then, the RF transceiver transmits a
signal which contains its characteristic value. The BCM
receives the signal and compares the value with that
stored in the memory.
• Spare coil: for vehicles with SSB, when the intelligent key
is put into the slot of the transmitter, the RF transceiver
transmits a signal which contains its characteristic value.
The BCM receives the signal and compares the value
with that stored in the memory.
If the two values match, the BCM sends a pre-cancellation
password to the ECM through the serial data circuit. If the
characteristic value of the RF transceiver is wrong, the BCM
sends fuel disable password to the ECM.

When the ECM receives the pre-cancellation password from

the BCM, the ECM will verify the password. The ECM
returns the password verified to the BCM through the serial
data circuit. The ECM and BCM calculate the password.
If the result calculated by the BCM and ECM is consistent,
the ECM will allow the vehicle to start.

1.0 1107

Safety and Restraints Alarm System

Service Procedures Backup Coil

Low Frequency Anti-theft Receiving Coil Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the center console assembly.
2. Disconnect the low frequency anti-theft coil connector Center Console Assembly Remove
and remove the clips securing the low frequency 3. Remove 5 screws fixing the center console air duct to
anti-theft coil to the instrument panel beam. the center console.
3. Remove the low frequency anti-theft coil from the
steering column lock.
1. Fix the low frequency anti-theft coil on steering column
lock. Allow 2 clips of the coil to fit in the relevant
adapters of the steering column lock.
2. Connect the connector of low frequency anti-theft coil.
3. Fit the clips of low frequency anti-theft coil to the
instrument panel beam holes.
4. Connect the battery negative.
4. Disconnect the connector of the spare coil (1).
5. Remove 2 screws (2) fixing the spare coil to the center

6. Slightly turn the coil to remove the spare coil.

1. Put the backup coil in the mounting position, slightly
rotate to secure it.
2. Connect the connector of backup coil.
3. Fix the centre console air duct to the centre console,
then fit 2 screws on its both sides respectively and
4. Fix the centre console air duct to the centre console,
then fit 1 screws in the middle and tighten.
5. Refit the centre console assembly.
Centre Console Assembly Refit
6. Connect the battery negative cable.

1.0 1108

Gateway Safety and Restraints

Description Value
Nut-A 7–8Nm

1.0 1109

Safety and Restraints Gateway

Description and Operation

System Layout


1. LF Anti-theft Coil (if any) 4. GW Module

2. Spare Coil (if any) 5. BCM
3. PMDC Module

1.0 1110

Gateway Safety and Restraints

Description Pin No. Description
Mounting position 1 Chassis HS CAN Low
The GW is before the lower closure plate of the driver side 2 Chassis HS CAN High
instrument panel. 3 —
Overview 4 Power HS CAN Low

The GW transmits most of the body function signals and 5 Power HS CAN High
communicates with the TBOX through the CAN bus, with 6 —
the cruise control switch through hard wire and with the 7 Multimedia HS CAN Low
RPND through the LIN bus.
8 Multimedia HS CAN High
By the HS CAN bus, the GW communicates and interacts 9 —
with the following parts: —
• Engine Control Module ( ECM) 11 Body HS CAN Low
• Transmission Control Module ( TCM) 12 Body HS CAN High
• Shifter Control Unit ( SCU) 13 Cruise Switch Input Signal
• Transfer Case Control Module ( TCCM) 14 5V Power for KL.15
• Airbag Control Module ( SDM) 15 —
• Slip Control System ( SCS)/Anti-lock Braking System 16 Brake Pedal Sensor Signal
( ABS) 17 KL.50
• Parking Distance Control ( PDC) 18 Ignition Switch Analog Output
• Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) 19 —
• DHL Module 20 —
• Steering Angle Sensor ( SAS) 21 —
• Electronic Power Steering ( EPS)
22 LIN1
• PMDC 23 —
• Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Module 24 Steering Wheel Shift Paddle Switch +
( HVACM) Input
• Entertainment Control Module FICM 25 —
• Instrument Pack IPK 26 Steering Wheel Shift Paddle Switch -
27 —
• Body Control Module ( BCM)
28 Snow Mode Switch Input (DCT250 only)
End View and Pin Information of GW Harness
Connector FA004
29 —
30 —
31 —
32 —
33 Shift Panel Shift Paddle Switch Input
(DCT250 only)
34 —
35 Brake Pedal Sensor Ground
36 Brake Pedal Sensor Power
37 Cruise Switch Ground
38 Cruise Switch 1 Position Input
39 —
40 Cruise Switch 2 Position Input

1.0 1111

Safety and Restraints Gateway

End View and Pin Information of GW Harness 1. Network Signal Routing

Connector FA005 2. Network Management Master Node
3. Vehicle Power Mode Management Master Node
4. Switch Detection
5. Vehicle Configuration Information
Network Signal Routing
The function of the GW is to establish connection between
different CAN network and LIN network, transmit signals
from the source CAN/LIN network to the target CAN/LIN
network according to the requirements for network design
and realize information exchange and sharing among multiple
networks. In addition, the GW supports vehicle remote
diagnosis performed by the TBOX.
Network Management Master Node
Pin No. Description As a network management master node, the GW meets the
1 Wake-up Enable High Side Driver Output following requirements for network management:
2 — • When the ignition switch is in "ACC", "RUN", "CRANK",
3 — all networks shall communicate.
4 KL.15 Relay High Side Driver Output • When the ignition key is shifted to "OFF" position from
5 — "ACC" or "RUN" position, the network communication
shall delay for 30s, and this time can be configured by
6 KL.R High Side Driver Output
diagnosis. If the vehicle speed is not 0, the GW shall
7 KL.15 Relay High Side Driver Output maintain network communication; when the vehicle
8 KL.R High Side Driver Output speed achieves 0, the GW shall maintain network
communication for 10s.
9 KL.R PEPS Input
10 KL.R BCM Input • The GW performs VCT network management strategy
11 KL.15 PEPS Input on CAN 3 and CAN 5. As a network management
master node, on the node of CAN 3 and CAN 5, the
12 KL.15 BCM Input
GW can wake up the network to communicate via the
13 —
14 —
Vehicle Power Mode Management Master Node
15 —
• The GW is the master node for the vehicle power
16 —
mode management. The GW determines the status
17 — of the vehicle power mode according to the status of
18 — the ignition key or hard wire input of the ignition key
19 — from the BCM and PEPS. The GW sends the status of
the vehicle power mode to the CAN or LIN network.
20 —
Each CAN or LIN module shall receive the status signal
21 Ground of the power mode from the GW, and the CAN/LIN
22 Ground module enables/disables the corresponding function
23 KL.30 according to the signal.
24 KL.30 • The GW increase/decrease the corresponding high side
driver according to the status of the vehicle power mode.
Definition The high side driver of KL.R, Ignition, KL.15 switch is the
The GW connects several CAN/LIN networks and realizes relay control. When it increases, the corresponding relay
signal/frame routing of the network. It also provides closes.
input/output interface for the hard wire and realizes some
controls. The GW provides the following functions:

1.0 1112

Gateway Safety and Restraints

KL.15 ACC Wake-up signal of the shift mode switch and transmits the signal to
IGN the transmission control unit.
Vehicle KL.R High Switch Wake-up Enable
Power Side High High High • Cruise switch: the GW collects the reliable status signal
Mode Driver Side Side Side of the cruise switch and transmits the signal to the engine
Driver Driver Driver control unit.
OFF Low Low Low Low Low • Collection of brake pedal sensor signal: the GW collects
the signal of the brake pedal sensor and transmits the
ACC High Low Low High High
position signal (%) of the brake pedal to the transmission
RUN High High High High High control unit and voltage control unit. The GW shall
CRANK Low High Low Low High perform a self-learning for the zero output voltage of the
brake pedal before identifying the position of the brake
• Vehicle Voltage Detection: the GW collects battery pedal.
voltage, determines the status of the battery voltage and
Vehicle Configuration Information
transmits the voltage signal to the network.
When the vehicle leaves the assembly line, the GW configures
Switch Detection
the vehicle configuration information online and saves the
• The shift paddle switch: the vehicle is provided with 2 information to the EEPROM of the GW. The GW sends the
shift paddle switches, one is on the shift handle, the other vehicle configuration information to the network as per the
is on the steering wheel. The GW collects the status information in the EEPROM.
signal of the shift paddle switch and transmits the signal
to the transmission control unit.
• Shift mode switch: it consists of the snow mode switch
and sport mode switch, and the GW collects the status

1.0 1113

Safety and Restraints Gateway

Service Procedures
Gateway Module
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the driver side instrument panel lower closing
Remove of the Driver Side Instrument
Panel Lower Closing Panel
3. Disconnect the connector (1) from the gateway.
4. Remove 2 nuts (2) securing the gateway to the
instrument panel beam.

5. Remove the gateway.

1. Connect the connector of the GW.
2. Connect the battery negative.
3. Programme and code the GW.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - GW Replacement
4. Fix the GW to the bolt of the instrument panel beam,
fit 2 nuts, tighten to 7–8Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the lower closure plate of the driver side instrument
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower
Closure Plate Refit

1.0 1114

Seat Belts Safety and Restraints

Seat Belts
Description Value
Bolt-front seat belt height adjuster 30–35Nm
Bolt-front seat belt retractor to ‘BC’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt-front seat belt‘D’loop to front seat belt height adjuster 30–35Nm
Bolt-front seat belt to ‘BC’ post 30–35Nm
Bolt-front seat belt buckle 35–45Nm
Bolt-rear seat belt retractor to body 30–35Nm
Bolt-rear seat belt‘D’loop to body 30–35Nm
Bolt-rear seat belt to body 30–35Nm
Bolt-rear middle seat belt to body 30–35Nm
Bolt-rear seat belt buckle 40–50Nm

1.0 1115

Safety and Restraints Seat Belts

Description and Operation

System Layout
Seat Belt Layout
1. Rear Seat Belt Assembly 6. Front Seat Belt Height Adjuster Assembly
2. Rear Seat Belt Retractor 7. Rear Seat Central Belt and Buckle
3. Rear Seat Belt Buckle 8. Driver Seat Belt Buckle (with Alarm Function)
4. Front Seat Belt Assembly 9. Seat Belt Not Tied Warning Lamp
5. Front Seat Belt Retractor with Pretensioner

1.0 1116

Seat Belts Safety and Restraints

System Control Diagram
Seat Belt Control Diagram


A= Chassis HS CAN Bus; B= Diagnostic HS CAN Bus; C= Body HS CAN Bus; D= Power HS CAN Bus; E= Hard Wire

1.0 1117

Safety and Restraints Seat Belts

Description Front Seat Belt

Front Seat Belt Pretensioner

The retractor of the front seat belt is fitted on the body, in the
In case of collision, the front seat belt pretensioner tightens, cavity at the bottom of the B pillar lower trim panel. Pull the
this ensures the occupants are securely kept in their seats. belt webbing from the retractor, and fix it to the mounting
The seat belt pretensioner unit is fixed by bolts to the seat belt point under the B pillar with the manual height adjustment
retractor assembly in the B pillar. The seat belt pretensioner device on the upper part of the B pillar.
connector is a 2-pin connector connected with the body Seat Belt Height Adjuster Assembly
The seat belt height adjuster assembly is fixed by bolts to the
In case of collision, the seat belt pretensioner is controlled upper B pillar. The belt webbing is fixed by D rings to the height
by the signal from SRS ECU. The retractors of the two adjuster assembly, and the seat belt can be fixed to the optimal
pretensioners are positioned and work in the same way. Each position under different conditions by the up-and-down sliding
pretensioner unit is provided with an initiator and a propulsion of the height adjuster assembly. The belt buckle assembly is
generator which act on the rotor of the seat belt retractor. fitted to the interior trim panel bracket of the seat cushion.
Warning: Once the pre-tensioner has been operated, it Rear Seat Belt Assembly
cannot be reset. The gas generator will be exhausted. The
unit must be replaced.
Seat Belt
The seat belts provide the most basic protection for all
occupants. The restraint system also provides further
protection for the front occupants through the airbag module
and the pretensioning seat belts. The front seats are all fitted
with appropriate retractors and three-point belts. The ELR
is used for the vehicle.

The retractor is provided with an additional lock mechanism

which includes a webbing sensor and an automotive sensor.
If the webbing is suddenly pulled, the webbing sensor will
immediately start the lock mechanism. If the vehicle is
The retractor of the rear seat belt is fixed by bolts to the BIW
suddenly slowed down or tilts at a large angle, the automotive
behind the side trim panel of the luggage compartment. The
sensor will start the lock mechanism.
side webbing can be pulled out from the retractor axle through
The retractor will lock in case of impact, so the front seat belt the trim of the D pillar trim panel, the other end of the webbing
retractor are equipped with load limiters. If the load limit has is secured on the mounting point of the body floor, and the
exceeded the critical level, the load limiter makes seat belts central belt retractor of the rear seat is fixed on the frame
webbing loose, so that the loads acting on the occupants are of the rear seat foam. The central webbing can be pulled out
reduced. from the seat retractor axle, and the other end of the webbing
is fixed on the body floor under the rear seat cushion.

1.0 1118

Seat Belts Safety and Restraints

The left belt buckle and central belt buckle of the rear seat are through SRS ECU. The seat belt warning will be triggered if
fixed by 2 bolts to the floor under the rear seat cushion. The the seat belt is not tied firmly during driving. The warning
left belt buckle is located at the occupant's right hip. message comprises an acoustic alarm and a warning lamp on
the instrument panel. To prevent unnecessary warning, some
The right belt buckle and central belt buckle of the rear seat
vehicle specification specifies that a pressure sensor shall be
form an assembly which is fixed by one bolt between the right
fitted within the foam of the passenger seat when there is no
rear seat and the central rear seat. The belt of the central
passenger on the seat. If there is any passenger on the seat, but
passenger seat goes from the passenger's right shoulder to the
the pressure sensor is not activated, then the seat belt warning
buckle of the left hip.
will not be triggered even if the occupant does not wear the
Seat Belt Warning seat belt.

The front seat belt buckles are integrated with the seat belt not
tied warning switch, which is connected to the instrument pack

1.0 1119

Safety and Restraints Seat Belts

Operation actuates the rotor of seat belt inertial retractor to

SRS ECUtriggers the operation of pre-tensioning seat belt: tighten the seat belt and increase the tension, so that
the passengers can be restricted on the seat in the event
• For the front seat belt, the initiator and propulsion of the collision.
generator in the seat mounting lock catch assembly

1.0 1120

Seat Belts Safety and Restraints

Service Procedures B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit
Front Seat Belt Height Regulator 5. Check the system, rotate the ignition switch, and check
Remove whether the SRS warning lamp illuminates for 6s, and
1. Remove the key from the ignition switch, and then goes out.
disconnect the battery positive and negative (disconnect
the ground first). Wait for 10 min until the SRS backup
circuit is discharged.
2. Remove the B pillar upper trim panel.
B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
3. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front seat belt D ring to the
height adjuster.

4. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front seat belt height adjuster

to the body.

5. Remove 2 hooks of the front seat belt height adjuster

from the B pillar mounting hole, and remove the front
seat belt height adjuster.
1. Insert 2 hooks under the height adjuster of the front
seat belt into the mounting hole on the B pillar.
2. Fix the height adjuster of the front seat belt to the
vehicle body, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 30–35Nm.
3. Fix the D ring of the front seat belt to the height
4. Fit the B pillar upper trim panel.

1.0 1121

Safety and Restraints Seat Belts

Front Seat Belt Assembly

1. Remove the key from the ignition switch, and
disconnect the battery positive and negative (disconnect
the ground first). Wait for 10 min until the SRS backup
circuit is discharged.
2. Remove the end cover of the seat belt and remove 1
bolt fixing the front seat belt to the lower trim panel of
the B pillar.
8. Remove the front seat belt assembly.
1. Fix the belt retractor of the front seat to the vehicle
body, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 30–35Nm.
2. Connect the electrical connector of the pretensioner.
3. Fix the seat belt D ring of the front seat to the height
adjuster, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 30–35Nm.
4. Fit the B pillar upper trim panel.

3. Remove the B pillar lower trim panel. B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit
5. Fit the B pillar lower trim panel.
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
4. Remove the B pillar upper trim panel. B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit
6. Fix the belt of the front seat to the lower trim panel of
B Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
the B/C pillar, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 30–35Nm.
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front seat belt D ring to the
7. Fit the end cover of the front seat belt.
height adjuster.
8. Check the system, rotate the ignition switch, and check
whether the SRS warning lamp illuminates for 6s, and
then goes out.

6. Disconnect the connector of the seat belt pretensioner.

7. Remove 1 bolt fixing the retractor of the front seat
belt to the body.

1.0 1122

Seat Belts Safety and Restraints

Front Seat Belt Buckle Rear Seat Belt Assembly
Remove Remove
1. Remove the front seat assembly. 1. Remove the key from the ignition switch, and
disconnect the battery positive and negative (disconnect
Front Seat Assembly Remove
the ground first). Wait for 10 min until the SRS backup
2. Unscrew 1 bolt securing the front seat belt buckle to
circuit is discharged.
the seat.
2. Remove the rear seat.
Rear Seat (with central armrest) Remove
3. Remove 1 bolt (1) fixing the side belt of the rear seat
to the lower trim panel of the D pillar.
3. Remove the front seat belt buckle.
1. Fix the front seat belt buckle to the seat, fit 1 bolt and
tighten to 35–45Nm.
4. Remove the luggage cover assembly.
2. Refit the front seat assembly.
Luggage Cover Assembly Remove
Front Seat Assembly Refit 5. Remove the D pillar upper trim panel.
D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
6. Remove 1 bolt (2) fixing the side belt D ring of the rear
seat to the vehicle body.
7. Remove the luggage compartment side trim panel.
Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Remove
8. Remove 1 bolt (3) fixing the side belt retractor of the
rear seat to the vehicle body and remove the retractor.
9. Remove the rear seat belt assembly.
1. Locate the side belt retractor of the rear seat to the
vehicle body, fit the bolts and tighten to 30–35Nm.
2. Locate the side belt D ring of the rear seat to the
vehicle body, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 30–35Nm.
3. Fit the luggage compartment side trim panel.
Luggage Compartment Side Trim Panel Refit
4. Fit the D pillar upper trim panel.
D Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit
5. Fit the luggage cover assembly.
Luggage Cover Assembly Refit
6. Fix the side belt of the rear seat to the D pillar lower
trim panel, fit 1 bolt and tighten to 30–35Nm.
7. Fit the rear seat.

1.0 1123

Safety and Restraints Seat Belts

Rear Seat (with central armrest) Refit Rear Middle Seat Belt
8. Check the system, rotate the ignition switch, and check Remove
whether the SRS warning lamp illuminates for 6s, and 1. Remove the rear seat assembly (with central armrest).
then goes out. Rear Seat (with central armrest) Remove
2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the central belt of the rear seat
to the floor.

3. Remove the rear seat back upholstery assembly.

Rear Seat Back Upholstery Assembly Remove
4. Remove the back plate of the rear seat.
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the central belt retractor of the
rear seat to the frame of the rear seat back.

6. Take away the back foam of the rear seat, and remove
the central belt retractor of the rear seat.
7. Remove the webbing of the central belt from the belt
frame hole of the rear seat back, and remove the rear
seat central belt assembly.
1. Pass the webbing of the rear central seat belt through
the belt frame hole of the rear seat back.
2. Fix the rear central seat belt to the frame of the rear
seat back, fit 1 bolt, tighten to 30–35Nm and check
the torque.
3. Reset the back foam of the rear seat.
4. Fit the back plate of the rear seat.

1.0 1124

Seat Belts Safety and Restraints

5. Fit the rear seat back upholstery assembly. Rear Seat Middle Belt
Rear Seat Back Upholstery Assembly Refit
1. Remove the rear seat (includes the center armrest).
6. Fix the rear central seat belt to the floor, fit 1 bolt,
tighten to 30–35Nm and check the torque. Rear Seat Remove (includes the center armrest)
7. Fit the rear seat (with central armrest). 2. Remove 1 bolt fixing the rear seat middle seat belt to
the floor.
Rear Seat (with central armrest) Refit

3. Remove the rear seat backrest upholstery assembly.

Rear Seat Backrest Upholstery Assembly Remove
4. Remove the rear seat back backboard.
5. Remove 1 bolt fixing the rear seat middle seat belt
retractor to the rear seat back frame.

6. Remove the rear seat back foam and take out the rear
seat back foam.
7. Pass the middle seat belt web through the rear middle
seat belt decorative frame and remove the rear seat
middle belt assembly.
1. Pass the rear middle seat belt web through the rear
middle seat belt decorative frame.
2. Fix the rear middle seat belt to the rear seat back frame,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 30–35Nm, and check the torque.
3. Reset the rear seat back foam.
4. Fit the rear seat back backboard.
5. Fit the rear seat backrest upholstery assembly.

1.0 1125

Safety and Restraints Seat Belts

Rear Seat Backrest Assembly Refit Rear Seat Belt Buckle

6. Fix the rear middle seat belt to the floor, fit 1 bolt, Remove
tighten it to30–35Nm, and check the torque. 1. Remove the rear seat.
7. Fit the rear seat (includes the center armrest) Rear Seat (Including Centre Armrest) Remove
Rear Seat Refit (includes the center armrest) 2. Remove 2 bolts securing 2 buckles of rear seat belt to
the rear floor, then remove the rear seat belt buckles.
1. Secure 2 buckles of rear seat belt to the rear floor, fit 2
retaining bolts and tighten to 40–50Nm.
2. Refit the rear seat.

Rear Seat (Including Centre Armrest) Refit


1.0 1126

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

Supplementary Restraint Systems
Description Value
Nut-SDM 7–10Nm
Bolt- front impact sensor 7–10Nm
Bolt-side impact sensor 7–10Nm
Screw-front passenger airbag to instrument panel 1.3–1.9Nm
Bolt-front passenger airbag to facia bracket 6–8Nm
Bolt - side curtain 6–8Nm
Bolt - side curtain tie bracket 6–8Nm
Bolt - side curtain bracket 4–6Nm

1.0 1127

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

Description and Operation

System Layout
Airbag Layout
1. Right Curtain Airbag 7. BCM
2. Left Curtain Airbag 8. Front Impact Sensor
3. Side Impact Sensor 9. Airbag Warning Lamp
4. SDM 10. Communication Module
5. Driver Airbag 11. Passenger Airbag
6. GW

1.0 1128

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

System Control Diagram
Airbag Control Diagram


1.0 1129

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

Description When fitting the side airbag/curtain airbag, two side impact
Overview sensors shall be fitted to monitor the side impact. If the
severity of the side impact exceeds the preset trigger value,
The SRS can provide passive protection for the passenger
theSRS ECU will send a signal to activate the corresponding
when severe impact occurs. This system is usually based on
side airbag, curtain airbag module and seat belt pretensioner.
application of the standard protection system (seat belts).
If the severity of the rear impact exceeds the preset trigger
The SRS consists of the following components:
value, the SRS ECU will send a signal to activate the seat belt
• SRS ECU pretensioner.
• Driver Airbag Module Caution: It is important that the SRS ECU is correctly
• Front Passenger Airbag Module mounted and is fitted in the designated location and
• Side Airbag Module (if fitted) orientation to ensure correct operation.
• Head Curtain Airbag Module (if fitted) ECU Monitoring
• Seat Belt Pretensioner (if fitted) After the vehicle is powered on, the SRS ECU monitors the
• Front Impact Sensor (if fitted) preparation of the SRS module. After start, it monitors the
• Side Impact Sensor (if fitted) system continuously. The SRS ECU monitors the status of
the following modules:
• Rotary Coupler
• SRS Warning Lamp (on the IPK) • SRS ECU Internal Accelerometer

• Seat Belt Not Tied Warning Lamp (on the IPK) • SRS ECU Micro-processor
• Side Impact Sensor (if fitted)
SRS The ECU connects the vehicle diagnostic socket through
the HS CAN bus. • Front Impact Sensor (if fitted)

SRS ECU • Driver Side Airbag Module

• Passenger Airbag Module
• Side Airbag Module (if fitted)
• Side Curtain Airbag Module (if fitted)
• Seat Belt Pretensioner (if fitted)
• Diagnosis Count

If system failure is detected, the SRS warning lamp will

illuminate to warn the driver.

The recommended diagnostic device can be used to check

the SRS malfunction. The diagnostic information can be read
includes the current malfunction information, frequency of
malfunction occurrence and duration of each malfunction.
Power Supply and Backup Situation
SRS ECU determines the affected range of the front impact,
side impact or rear impact by the internal and external impact The power supply provides voltage for the SRS ECU via a
sensors (if fitted) so as to control the SRS. special system fuse on the BCM.

SRS ECU is fitted on the central passage beneath the center In case of power failure, check the connection status of the
console, which is secured with three bolts. SRS ECU is fuse and harness of the BCM and SRS ECU. With the ignition
connected to the body harness by two connectors. switch in "Ⅱ" position, the SRS will be activated.

SRS ECUThe internal accelerometer and external impact SRS ECU contains a capacitor which can save electricity and
sensors monitor the vehicle impact. SRS ECU can identify ensure the corresponding trigger device and ignition circuit can
the type and severity level of the impact according to these still work within a specific time when regular power supply is
input data and ensure normal operation of the airbag. cut off by an impact.

If the severity of the front impact exceeds the preset trigger

value, the SRS ECU will send a signal to activate the front
airbag module and seat belt pretensioners.

1.0 1130

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

SRS ECU Harness Connector BY079 SRS ECU Harness Connector BY142

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description
1 HS CAN Low
1 —
2 HS CAN High
2 Ground
3 Passenger Seat Belt Buckle Switch
3 —
4 Driver Seat Belt Buckle Switch
4 —
5 —
5 —
6 Ground/Right Impact Sensor Low
6 —
7 Right Impact Sensor High
7 Ground/Right Front Impact Sensor
8 Left Impact Sensor High Low
9 Ground/Left Impact Sensor Low 8 —
10 Wake-up Signal
9 —
11 KL.15 10 Ground/Left Front Impact Sensor
12 KL.30 Low

13 Driver Airbag Low 11 Right Front Impact Sensor High

14 Driver Airbag High 12 Left Front Impact Sensor High

15 Passenger Airbag High 13 —

16 Passenger Airbag Low 14 —

15 —
17 Left Airbag Low
18 Left Airbag High 16 —

19 Right Airbag High 17 —

20 Right Airbag Low 18 —

19 —
21 Driver Pretensioner Low —
22 Driver Pretensioner High
21 Right Curtain Airbag Low
23 Passenger Pretensioner High 22 Right Curtain Airbag High
24 Passenger Pretensioner Low 23 Left Curtain Airbag High
24 Left Curtain Airbag Low
Warning: Do not use a multimeter or other general
purpose test equipment on SRS system components Side Impact Sensor
or accidental deployment may occur. Only use the For vehicles with side airbag module, side impact sensor is
recommended diagnostic equipment to diagnose system beside the sill frame, which is fixed on the body with screws.
faults. The sensor is designed with a mounting position for correct
installation of the sensor,each sensor includes an electronic

1.0 1131

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

circuit and a sensing unit. The side impact sensor sends Front Passenger Airbag Module
acceleration signal to the ECU, and the ECU determines
Warning: After replacing the vehicle windscreen the
whether to trigger it through calculation.
Passenger Restraint System may not be capable of normal
Caution: The side impact crash sensors must be fitted in operation for 24 hours.
the correct orientation. Ensure the fixing screws do not
Warning: If a new airbag module shows any sign of
damage the sensors or sensor harness when refitting the
damage, do not use.
front seats.
Front Impact Sensor
The front impact sensor is before the engine compartment,
which is fixed by screws to the radiator bracket. The sensor
is designed with a mounting position for correct installation of
the sensor,each sensor includes an electronic circuit and a
sensing unit. The front impact sensor sends acceleration signal
to the ECU, and the ECU determines whether to trigger it
through calculation.
Driver Airbag Module
1. Airbag Housing
2. Airbag Cover
3. Airbag Connector
4. Gas Generator

The front passenger airbag module is on the glove box of the

instrument panel, right before the front passenger seat. The
airbag module is fixed upon the instrument panel with bolts.

The front passenger airbag module is triggered by the control

signal from the SRS ECU. A folding airbag and a gas generator
are mounted in the module. When severe front impact is
detected by the SRS ECU, it will trigger the gas generator
and expand the nylon bag rapidly.
1. Airbag Cover
Side Airbag (if fitted)
2. Housing
Warning: If a new airbag module shows any sign of
3. Gas Generator damage, do not use.
4. Airbag Connector
The driver airbag module is connected with the steering wheel
by 3 bulged pins and 1 airbag module connector. When fitting
the driver airbag module, push the airbag module towards the
steering wheel firmly to embed the wire spring around the
airbag module into the opening of the 3 pins.

The electrical connection between the driver airbag module

and the SRS ECU is realized by the rotary coupler, which is
connected to the steering wheel by a connector.

The driver airbag module is triggered by the control signal

from the SRS ECU. A folding airbag and a gas generator are
mounted in the module. When severe front impact is detected
by the SRS ECU, it will trigger the gas generator and expand 1. Airbag Housing
the nylon bag rapidly.
2. Airbag Connector
3. Bracket

1.0 1132

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

The side airbag is outside the seat bracket below the seat Caution: Do not try to remove the connector at the
upholstery. It can protect the rib, pelvis and upper visceral module end, it is a permanent connection.
organs in case of side impact. If the side impact is strong Head Curtain Airbag Module (if fitted)
enough to deploy the side airbag, the SRS ECU will send a
Warning: If a new airbag module shows any sign of
control signal to trigger the side airbag.
damage, do not use.
The side airbag module connector is a 4-pin connector, which
is below the seat cushion and connected with the SRS ECU
through the body harness.
1. Clip The head curtain airbag module is in the interior trim panel
2. Airbag Connector above the front and rear doors. The airbag housing and
gas generator are fixed on a bracket in the middle of the
3. Mounting Point
airbag module. The front cables are at the lower part of the
4. Gas Generator Assembly
A pillar. The airbag is fixed by plastic clips, this allows the
5. Side Curtain Airbag airbag to disconnect from the vehicle body after inflation. The
The head curtain airbag is provided to ensure all occupants' head curtain airbag module is connected with the SRS ECU
heads will not touch the body and intruded external objects through the body harness.
will not hurt the occupants' bodies in case of collision.

1.0 1133

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

Operation driver/passenger front airbags and seat belt pretensioner

Overview are activated (side airbag may also be triggered).

With the ignition switch in "Ⅱ" position, the SRS will be Warning Lamp Check
activated. With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the SRS When the ignition switch is turned on, the SRS warning lamp
warning lamp illuminates for about 6s, then goes out, this shall illuminate, then check the lamp. If no failure occurs in the
indicates that the system is in normal condition. SRS, the warning lamp shall go out after about 6s to monitor
Front Impact the subsequent ignition cycles.

If the front impact is severe and exceeds the threshold set in System Continuity Fault
the SRS ECU, the front airbag module and front pretensioning With the ignition switch ON, if any of the following faults
seat belt will work. occurs in the system, the SRS warning lamp will illuminate.
When the accelerometer and front impact sensor in the SRS
• SRS ECU Failure
ECU detect any impact, the ECU will produce current to
• Harness Failure
trigger the front airbag module:
• Ground Connection Failure
• The driver side front airbag module is activated to expand
• Open Circuit
the airbag.
• Airbag Module Failure
• The passenger side front airbag module is activated to
• Seat Belt Pretensioner Failure
expand the airbag.
If the system detects any failure during driving, the warning
When the front airbag is fully expanded, it will release the gas
lamp will also illuminate to indicate failure of the SRS system.
immediately from the passage port and provide the passenger
When the warning lamp illuminates, the SRS may not work
moving forward with gradual deceleration, this reduces the risk
when any impact occurs.
level of injury to the occupants.
With the ignition switch ON, the diagnosis function of the SRS
SRS The ECU can determine the type and severity level of the
ECU will monitor the SRS. If any fault is detected, the SRS
impact. If the front impact detected by the sensor is severe,
ECU will store a related DTC in a nonvolatile memory and
the SRS ECU will send an ignition signal to the front airbag
output a signal to illuminate the SRS warning lamp. The failure
module and seat belt pretensioner.
information in the memory can be read with the scan tool.
Side Impact
Low Voltage
Normal operation of the side seat airbag and head curtain
When the voltage is not within the specified range, the
airbag depends on whether the severity level of the side impact
malfunction indicator lamp will illuminate. The DTC is stored
detected by the side impact sensor and acceleration sensor
in the memory.
in the SRS ECUexceeds the threshold for triggering the
side impact sensor. When the SRS ECU detects severe side Intermittent Failure
impact, it will activate the side airbag, curtain airbag module When intermittent failure occurs, the warning lamp
and seat belt pretensioner. The triggered gas generator can illuminates, and it will be disabled after the failure is eliminated.
produce a large quantity of gas to expand the airbag. The The warning lamp will not illuminate in the next ignition unless
expanded airbag will eject from the seat upholstery, similarly, the failure occurs again, but the DTC is still stored in the SRS
if the head curtain airbag module is triggered, the airbag will ECU memory.
eject from the interior trim panel above the door to protect
Permanent Failure
the passenger from head injury. The fully expanded airbag will
release excess gas and reduce the risk of passenger injury. For a permanent failure, the SRS lamp will illuminate when
the test is conducted, and it will remain on in every subsequent
Front Impact with Angle
ignition cycle until the cause of the failure is solved. In addition,
When a front impact with angle happens, whether the airbag the diagnosis system will also record the information of the
and seat belt pretensioner work depends on the speed and failure occurred.
angle of the impact. There are several conditions:
Additional information provided by the "scan tool" for
• The impact is below the threshold of the impact sensor
diagnostic socket includes:
in the SRS ECU, and no airbag or seat belt pretensioner
is activated. • SRS ECU DTC
• The speed and angle of the impact exceed the • Version Levels of Hardware and Software
triggering threshold of the front impact sensor, and the • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Data

1.0 1134

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

SRS The ECU records fault information in the memory, and diagnostic socket below the closure plate of the driver side
the information can be read by connecting the scan tool to the instrument panel.


1.0 1135

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

Service Procedures Collision Sensor

Airbag Control Module Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Remove handset from docking station, disconnect 2. Remove the side impact sensor.
battery leads, earth first and wait 10 minutes for
a. Remove the B pillar lower trim panel.
the SRS back-up power circuit to discharge before
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Remove
commencing work.
2. Remove centre console. b. Disconnect the electrical connector of the side
impact sensor.
Console assembly - Remove
c. Remove 1 bolt fixing side impact sensor assembly
3. Disconnect the SRS ECU multiplug.
to the B pillar.
4. Remove 3 bolts securing SRS ECU to body.
d. Remove the side impact sensor.
5. Remove the SRS ECU.
3. Remove the front impact sensor.
a. Open the engine cover, and find the front impact
1. Fix the SDM to the body, fit 3 nuts and tighten to sensor in the front engine compartment.
b. Remove 1 bolt fixing the front impact sensor bracket
2. Connect the electrical connector of the SDM.
to the radiator bracket.
3. Connect the battery negative.
4. Programme and code the SDM.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - SDM Replacement
5. Fit the center console assembly.

Center Console Assembly Refit

6. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position, and check
whether the SRS warning lamp illuminates for 6s and
then goes out.

c. Disconnect the connector of the front impact sensor

and remove the front impact sensor.
1. Fit the front impact sensor.
a. Connect the connector of the front impact sensor.
b. Fix the front impact sensor to the radiator bracket,
fit 1 bolt and tighten to 7–10Nm.

1.0 1136

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

2. Fit the side impact sensor. Steering Wheel Airbag
a. Fix the side airbag sensor assembly to the B pillar, fit
1 bolt and tighten to 7–10Nm. Warning: It is imperative that before any work
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
b. Connect the electrical connector of the side impact
information is read thoroughly.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Wait for 10 minutes
c. Fit the B pillar lower trim panel. until the SRS backup circuit is discharged.
B Pillar Lower Trim Panel Refit 2. Adjust the steering wheel to the lowest position.

3. Connect the battery negative. 3. Adjust the depth of the steering wheel and pull it
outwards to the end.
4. Turn the steering wheel properly to expose the airbag
lock ring.
5. Pry open three lock rings from the lower part of the
steering wheel with a flat-bladed screwdriver to release
the three PINs fixing the airbag to the steering wheel.

6. Disconnect the connector of the airbag.

7. Remove the steering wheel airbag.
1. Connect the driver airbag connector.
2. Place the driver airbag to the mounting position of
steering wheel, ensuring 3 projecting PIN corners
of the airbag are aligned with 3 dented holes on the
steering wheel.
3. Push the driver airbag into the steering wheel till a click
can be heard.
4. Restore the steering wheel.
5. Perform a system check, turn the ignition switch, check
whether the SRS warning lamp is illuminated for 6
seconds, and then go out.

1.0 1137

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

Instrument Panel Airbag 5. Fit the instrument panel assembly.

Remove Instrument Panel Assembly Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative. Wait for 10 min until
6. Connect the battery positive and negative.
the SRS backup circuit is discharged.
7. Turn on the ignition switch, and check whether the
2. Remove the instrument panel assembly.
SRS warning lamp illuminates for 6s, and then goes out.
Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the passenger side airbag module connector.
4. Remove 2 bolts fixing the front airbag module bracket
of the front passenger to the instrument panel bracket.
5. Remove 2 screws fixing the passenger front airbag
module to the instrument panel.
6. Remove 9 clamping jaws fixing the passenger front
airbag module to the instrument panel, and remove the
passenger front airbag module.

1. Fix the passenger front airbag module to the instrument
panel, and fit 9 clamping jaws.
2. Fit 2 screws (1.3–1.9Nm) fixing the passenger front
airbag module to the instrument panel and check the
3. Fix the passenger side airbag module bracket to the
instrument panel frame, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 6–8Nm
and check the torque.
4. Connect the airbag module connector.

1.0 1138

Supplementary Restraint Systems Safety and Restraints

Head Impact Protection Airbag Module
Warning: It is imperative that before any work
is undertaken on the SRS system the appropriate
information is read thoroughly.
1. Disconnect the battery negative, wait for 10 minutes
until the backup circuit of the SRS is discharged.
2. Remove the roof interior, pillar interior and rear trim

Roof Interior Remove

Pillar Interior Remove

Rear Trim Panel Remove Refit
3. Release the hook and disconnect the connector of the Tip: If the airbag module is to be replaced, the bar code
from the new module must be recorded.
curtain airbag.
1. Fix the curtain airbag to the roof, fit 4 bolts, tighten to
4. Remove the bracket of the roof handle.
6–8Nm and check the torque.
5. Remove 2 bolts fixing the gas generator bracket of the
curtain airbag.

S 4730001
2. Fix the front cable of the curtain airbag to the A pillar,
fit 1 bolt, tighten to 6–8Nm and check the torque.
6. Remove 1 clip securing the front cable of the curtain

S 4730002

3. Fix the bracket of the curtain airbag to the mounting

position, fit 2 bolts, tighten to 4–6Nm and check the
7. Remove 4 bolts securing the curtain airbag. torque.
4. Fit the handle bracket.
5. Connect the curtain airbag connector.
6. Fit the roof interior, pillar interior and rear trim panel.

1.0 1139

Safety and Restraints Supplementary Restraint Systems

Roof Interior Refit

Pillar Interior Refit

Rear Trim Panel Refit

7. Connect the battery negative.
8. Check the system, turn the ignition switch, and check
whether the SRS warning lamp illuminates for 6s, then
goes out.

1.0 1140

Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints

Park Assistant System
Description Value
Nut-parking distance control module 4–6 Nm

1.0 1141

Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System

Description and Operation

System Layout
Parking Assist Control System Layout
1. BCM 5. Rear Ultrasonic Sensor
2. Instrument Pack 6. PDC Module
3. Navigation Display Unit 7. GW
4. Rear Camera (if fitted)

1.0 1142

Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints

System Control Diagram
Parking Assist Control System Control Diagram

A = Chassis HS CAN Bus; B = Hard Wire; C = Body HS CAN Bus

1.0 1143

Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System

Description Pin No. Description

Overview 1 Left Rear Central Sensor
During reversing, if the vehicle has to go through obstructions 2 Right Rear Central Sensor
on the road, the PDC will send a warning to the driver. 3 Right Rear Sensor
The system consists of four ultrasonic sensors on the rear
4 Wake-up Signal
bump, PDC ECU, IPK, entertainment mainframe and speaker
controlled by the entertainment mainframe. When the vehicle 5 —
is in reverse gear, the PDC ECU uses ultrasonic sensors 6 12V Sensor Power
to monitor the area around the rear bumper, if the monitor 7 KL.30
detects an object within the area, the acoustic alarm in the 8 Left Rear Sensor
instrument component or the speaker controlled by the
9 Sensor Ground
entertainment mainframe will send an acoustic alarm. The
system is able to detect relatively hard solid objects and 10 Chassis HS CAN High
objects like wire fence. 11 Chassis HS CAN Low
If the vehicle is fitted with a rear camera, the image of the rear 12 —
vehicle will be displayed on the navigation screen. 13 —
Ultrasonic Sensor 14 —
The ultrasonic sensors are fixed to the rear bumper. All 15 —
the four sensors share the same structure, with the colors 16 Ground
matching the main body.
Acoustic Alarm
The detection range of the two central sensors involves the
The acoustic alarm in the instrument pack and the speaker
area 1500mm away from the back of the bumper, while the
controlled by the entertainment mainframe can inform the
detection range of the two side sensors involves the area
driver of the system status and obstacles in the detection zone
900mm away from the corner of the bumper.
by acoustic alarm.
Rear Camera
PDC ECU is behind the trim panel of the left luggage
compartment. It is connected with the sensor by harnesses,
when the system is activated, the PDC ECU outputs signal
to the sensor and acoustic device and receives distance
information from the sensor.
PDC ECU Harness Connector BY104 End View and
Pin Information

The rear camera is between the two rear license plates under
the tail gate, which can provide the driver with real-time image
around the rear of the vehicle and help the reverse operation.
One end of the rear camera is connected to the navigation
unit via a hard wire, one is connected to the battery through
reverse lamp switch and the other is connected directly with
the ground.

1.0 1144

Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints

End View and Pin Information of Rear Camera Pin No. Description
Connector BY083
1 12 Camera Power
2 Ground
3 Video Signal
4 Signal Ground

1.0 1145

Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System

Operation If the vehicle is fitted with a draw bar, the ECU will detect the
Overview towing hook/draft ball from the input information of the sensor,
and in order to compensate the towing hook/draft ball, delay
The system starts to run when the ignition switch is in "II"
the system activation to prevent invalid alarm when shifting
position. When the ECU selects the reverse gear, it activates
between D gear and P gear.
the system after 1s delay.
Detection Zone
After the ECU receives the information that the R gear is
selected, it starts the ultrasonic sensor and inputs signal to
the speaker, then the speaker will give an acoustic alarm
("beep"), this indicates that the system is activated. Then, the
ECU receives distance reading from the ultrasonic sensor and
determines whether there is any object in the detection zone.
If there is no object, it will not send an acoustic alarm; if any
object is detected, the ECU outputs signal to the speaker and
controls the speaker to provide a repetitive acoustic alarm.
From the edge of the detection zone, about 1500mm from the
rear vehicle, the alarm frequency increases with the shortened
distance between the object and the vehicle, when the object is
300mm away from the vehicle, the alarm becomes consecutive
alarm. The table below shows the relationship between the alarm
level/obstacle distance and the acoustic alarm:
SN. Alarm Level Distance (mm) Alarm Cycle (msec)
1 00 = No >1500
2 01 = Zone 1 0-300
3 02 = Zone 2 300-450

4 03 = Zone 3 450-600
5 04 = Zone 4 600-750
6 05 = Zone 5 750-900

7 06 = Zone 6 900-1050

8 07 = Zone 7 1050-1200

9 08 = Zone 8 1200-1350

10 09 = Zone 9 1350-1500

11 0A = Zone 10 Reserved
12 0B = Zone 11 Reserved
13 0C = Zone 12 Reserved

1.0 1146

Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints

14 0D = Zone 13 Reserved
15 0E = Zone 14 Reserved
16 0F = Zone 15 Reserved

Caution: Blind spots, areas where the sensor cannot short circuit or break circuit. If any fault stays for more than
detect obstructions, may occur if obstructions are present 3s, the PDC ECU will give continuous alarm for 3s.
at distances of around 200 mm from the sensors.
Self- diagnosis
For each activation, PDC ECU and the sensor will perform
a self-diagnosis. The PDC ECU also checks the system for
Failure Mode Alarm Cycle Acoustic Alarm
Left Sensor 3s Acoustic Alarm + "Beep"
Central Sensor 3s Acoustic Alarm + "Beep, beep"
Right Sensor 3s Acoustic Alarm + "Beep, beep,

1.0 1147

Safety and Restraints Park Assistant System

Service Procedures Ultrasonic Sensor

Parking Assist Control Module Remove
Remove 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 2. Remove the rear bumper.
2. Remove the left interior trim panel of the luggage Rear Bumper Remove
3. Disconnect the ultrasonic sensor connector.
Luggage Compartment Interior Trim Panel Remove
3. Disconnect the electrical connector of the PDC.
4. Remove 2 nuts fixing the PDC module to the left
interior trim panel of the luggage compartment, and
remove the PDC module.
4. Remove the ultrasonic sensor from its retaining bracket.
1. Snap the ultrasonic sensor in its bracket on the rear
2. Connect the ultrasonic sensor connector.
3. Refit the rear bumper.
1. Fix the PDC to the left inner panel, fit 2 nuts and
tighten to 4–6 Nm. Rear Bumper Refit

2. Connect the electrical connector of the PDC. 4. Connect the battery negative.

3. Connect the battery negative.

4. Programme and code the PDC.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - PDC Replacement
5. Fit the left interior trim panel of the luggage

Luggage Compartment Interior Trim Panel Refit

1.0 1148

Park Assistant System Safety and Restraints

Rear View Camera 6. Fit the trim panel of the tail gate.
Remove Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
7. Connect the battery negative.
2. Remove the tail gate trim panel.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Remove
3. Disconnect the connector of the rear camera.
4. Remove 2 screws fixing the rear camera harness to the
inner panel of the tail gate.
5. Remove 2 screws fixing the rear license plate to the
tail gate.
6. Release the clip of the rear license plate to remove the
rear license plate.
7. Release the clip fixing the rear camera to the tail gate.
8. Remove the rear camera.

1. Tilt the rear camera, fix it into the tail gate and ensure
the clip is properly fixed.
2. Fix the rear license plate to the tail gate, fit the clip and
ensure the clip is properly fitted.
3. Fit 2 screws fixing the rear license plate to the tail gate.
4. Fix 2 screws of the rear camera harness to the inner
panel of the tail gate.
5. Connect the connector of the rear camera.

1.0 1149


1.0 1150

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Entertainment and Navigation
Description Value
Screw-CD player to instrument panel 2–2.5Nm
Screw-multi-range speaker 1.5–2Nm
Nut-roof antenna 7–10Nm
Nut-T-box to cross car beam 7–10Nm
Screw-telematics antenna to IP 1.3–1.9Nm

1.0 1151

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Description and Operation

System Layout
Entertainment and Navigation Layout
1. Entertainment Control Panel (high configuration only) 7. USB/AUX Port
2. (Ⅰ) Navigation Mainframe; (Ⅱ) Entertainment Mainframe 8. Full-range Speaker
with Medium Configuration; (Ⅲ) Radio with Low 9. A Pillar Tweeter
10. GW
3. Microphone
11. Body Control Module
4. (Ⅰ) Radio Antenna with Low Configuration; (Ⅱ)
12. GPS/GSM Antenna
Entertainment Mainframe Antenna with Medium
Configuration; (Ⅲ) Navigation Mainframe Antenna 13. Communication Module

5. Rear Door Tweeter 14. Steering Wheel Entertainment Button

6. Rear Door Full-range Speaker

1.0 1152

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

System Control Diagram
Entertainment and Navigation System Control

A = Body HS CAN Bus; B = Hard Wire; C = LIN Bus; D = Diagnostic HS CAN Bus; E = Chassis HS CAN Bus

1.0 1153

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Description 3. Entertainment mainframes with high configuration

Overview support radio, AUX USB, bluetooth phone, GPS and 3G
network intelligent driving system.
According to vehicle configuration and assembly options, there
are 3 types of entertainment mainframes. The navigation system can provide the function of the radio,
GPS and communication, and it also supports internet access.
1. Entertainment mainframes with low configuration
support radio and AUX USB. Entertainment Mainframe with Low Configuration
2. Entertainment mainframes with medium configuration
support radio, AUX USB and bluetooth phone.
1. Number Button 1 10. Selecting EQ Mode
2. Number Button 2/Random Play 11. Searching Station
3. Number Button 3/Repeat Play 12. Power/Volume Control
4. Number Button 4 13. Selecting Radio Mode
5. Number Button 5/Previous File 14. Play Mode Button
6. Number Button 6/Next File 15. Main Menu Button
7. Previous Track 16. Selecting Previous Folder
8. Next Track 17. Selecting Next Folder
9. Mute

1.0 1154

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Entertainment Mainframe with Medium


1. Play Mode Button 6. Next Track

2. Bluetooth Phone 7. Return Button
3. Mute Button 8. Home Button
4. Previous Track 9. Main Menu Button
5. Power/Volume Control

1.0 1155

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Navigation Control Panel of Entertainment

Mainframe with High Configuration

1. Play Mode Button 6. Next Track
2. Navigation Button 7. Power/Volume Control
3. Home Button 8. Previous Track
4. Main Menu Button 9. Mute Button
5. Return Button

1.0 1156

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Audio Control Button of Steering Wheel
The audio device can be controlled by the remote button
on the steering wheel. The function button allows the most
common functions in the ICE system to be used in a much
more convenient manner.
The antenna of the entertainment system is selected according
to the entertainment mainframe.

Entertainment mainframes with low configuration uses mast

The screen shows the audio information and relevant
Full-range Speaker
The full-range speakers are in the four vehicle doors, which are
fixed on the door panel by 3 screws.
Entertainment mainframes with medium configuration uses the
shark fin antenna without GPS antenna.

Two of the four tweeters are on the left/right A pillars, and the
other 2 are on the two rear doors. Tweeters on the left/right A
pillars are fixed by clips to the A pillar trim panel, and those on
the rear doors are fixed by clips to the inner handle assembly
of the rear door.

Entertainment mainframes with high configuration uses the

shark fin antenna with GPS antenna.

1.0 1157

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Harness Connector of Entertainment Mainframe

with Low Configuration
End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
FA011 (Entertainment Mainframe with Low
The navigation system can provide audio and visual route
guidance information, leading the driver to the expected
destination. The system allows the drivers to set route
according to the common highway or express way. Directions
of the interested points, such as hospital, museum, monument
Pin No. Description
and hotel etc, can also be obtained. The navigation computer
uses the map information stored in SD memory card to A1 Right Track + (rear)
determine the best route of the journey and provide the A2 Right Track + (front)
driver with detailed information about the direction and the A3 Left Track + (front)
nearby junctions.
A4 Left Track + (rear)
The current location of the vehicle is determined by the GPS. A5 Right Track - (rear)
The satellites used by the GPS are running in high orbits
A6 Right Track - (front)
20,000km away from the earth surface, which orbit the earth
A7 Right Track - (front)
every 12hr and provide location information related to the
satellite, such as latitude, longitude, altitude, almanac data A8 Left Track - (rear)
and time etc. Almanac data refer to the current status of the B9 Reverse Signal
satellite orbiting the earth. The computer will check which
B10 Backlight Signal
satellites can be detected by the system, as well as the current
B11 Speed Pulse Signal
location of these satellites and their relations. With above
B12 Mute Signal
information, the computer is able to tell the position deviation
of the satellites and compensate the deviation to increase B13 Power Supply of the Antenna Amplifier
the accuracy of the navigation system. The navigation system B14 KL.R
requires the almanac data from at least 4 different satellites to B15 KL.30
calculate its three-dimensional location. While the vehicle is
B16 Ground
running, the computer will update the information constantly
so that it can always identify the exact location of the vehicle. C1 External Audio Input (left)
The navigation computer determines the direction of the C2 —
vehicle based on the measured wheel speed difference. C3 Wire Control Ground
C4 Wire Control Signal
C5 —
C6 —
C7 External Audio Input (right)
C8 External Audio Input Ground
C9 —
C10 Wire Control Signal
C11 —

1.0 1158

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Pin No. Description End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
— FA018 (Entertainment Mainframe with Low
D1 —
D2 —
D3 —
D4 —
D5 —
D6 —
D7 —
D8 —
D9 —
D10 —
Pin No. Description
D11 —
D12 —
2 FM/AM Shield
End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
Harness Connector of Entertainment Mainframe
FA012 (Entertainment Mainframe with Low with Medium Configuration
End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
FA011 (Entertainment Mainframe with Medium

Pin No. Description

1 USB Power
2 USB Data - Pin No. Description
3 USB Data + A1 Right Rear Audio +
4 — A2 Right Front Audio +
5 USB Ground A3 Left Front Audio +
6 Shield Wire A4 Left Rear Audio +
A5 Right Rear Audio -
A6 Right Front Audio -
A7 Left Front Audio -
A8 Left Rear Audio -
B9 —
B10 —
B11 —
B12 —

1.0 1159

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description

B13 — 1 USB Power
B14 — 2 USB Data -
B15 KL.30 3 USB Data +
B16 Ground 4 —
C1 AUX Left Audio 5 USB Ground
C2 LIN Bus 6 Shield Wire
C3 Steering Wheel Button Signal End View and Pin Information of Radio Antenna
Harness Connector FA017 (Entertainment
C4 Steering Wheel Button Signal 1 + Mainframe with Medium Configuration)
C5 Microphone - (ground)
C6 HS CAN High
C7 AUX Right Audio
C8 AUX Ground
C9 AUX Video
C10 Steering Wheel Button Signal 2 +
C11 Microphone +
C12 HS CAN Low
D1 —
D2 — Pin No. Description
D3 — FM1 FM/AM+
D4 — FM2 FM/AM-
D5 —
Harness Connector of Navigation/Entertainment
D6 — Mainframe with High Configuration
D7 — End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
D8 — FA011 (Navigation/Entertainment Mainframe with
High Configuration)
D9 —
D10 —
D11 —
D12 —
End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
FA012 (Entertainment Mainframe with Medium

Pin No. Description

A1 Right Rear Audio Signal +
A2 Right Front Audio Signal +
A3 Left Front Audio Signal +
A4 Left Rear Audio Signal +
A5 Right Rear Audio Signal -

1.0 1160

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Pin No. Description End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
FA012 (Navigation/Entertainment Mainframe with
A6 Right Front Audio Signal -
High Configuration)
A7 Left Front Audio Signal -
A8 Left Rear Audio Signal -
B9 —
B10 —
B11 —
B12 —
B13 —
B14 —
B15 KL.30
B16 Ground
C1 AUX Audio/Video Left Track
C2 LIN Communication Signal
C3 Steering Wheel Button Signal Pin No. Description
Ground 1 USB Power
C4 Steering Wheel Button Signal 1 + 2 USB Data -
C5 Microphone - 3 USB Data +
C6 HS CAN High 4 —
C7 AUX Audio/Video Right Track 5 USB Ground
C8 AUX Ground 6 Shield Wire
End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
C10 Steering Wheel Button Signal 2 +
FA017 (Navigation/Entertainment Mainframe with
C11 Microphone + High Configuration)
C12 HS CAN Low
D1 —
D2 —
D3 Ground
D4 Communication Module to
Communication Serial Port
D5 Rear Camera Input Signal
D7 —
D8 —
Pin No. Description
D9 —
1 AM/FM Signal
D10 Communication Serial Port to
2 Ground
Communication Module
D11 Rear Camera Ground End View and Pin Information of GPS
D12 TBOX AUD- Antenna Harness Connector FA018

1.0 1161

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

(Navigation/Entertainment Mainframe with End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector
High Configuration) FA024 (Remote Communication Module)

Pin No. Description
1 GPS Signal
2 Ground
Pin No. Description
Remote Communication Module Connector 13 Microphone Input
End View and Pin Information of Harness Connector 14 —
FA020 (Remote Communication Module)
15 —
16 —
17 —
18 HS CAN High
19 KL.15
20 Ground
21 Microphone Ground

22 Key Ground
23 —
24 Ground
25 —
26 HS CAN Low
Pin No. Description
27 —
1 USB Data -
28 KL.30
2 USB Data +
End View and Pin Information of USB Harness
3 Ground
Connector FA025 (Remote Communication Module)
4 Communication Module to
Communication Serial Port
5 Microphone Output
6 Full-range Speaker +
7 USB Power
8 USB Ground
9 USB Shield Wire
10 Communication Serial Port to
Communication Module
11 Microphone Output Ground
12 Full-range Speaker -

1.0 1162

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Pin No. Description Pin No. Description
1 USB Power 1 GPS+
2 USB Data - 2 Shield Wire
3 USB Data + End View and Pin Information of GSM Antenna
4 — Harness Connector FA068 (Remote Communication
5 USB Ground Module)
6 Shield Wire

End View and Pin Information of GPS Harness

Connector FA069 (Remote Communication Module)
Pin No. Description
1 GSM+
2 Shield Wire

1.0 1163

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Operation For more information on the operation of the onboard

The onboard entertainment system is only operable when the entertainment system, please refer to "User Manual" and
remote key is inserted or the ignition switch is ON. "Navigation Manual".

1.0 1164

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Service Procedures 1. Remove the corresponding module according to
Entertainment Mainframe replacement requirements.
Remove a. If the communication player shall be replaced, remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. the communication player from the vehicle.
2. Release the clip of the central control panel and remove Communication Player Remove
the central control panel assembly.
b. If the communication module shall be replaced,
3. Remove 4 screws fixing the entertainment mainframe
remove the communication module from the vehicle.
to the instrument panel.
Communication Module Remove
2. Record the relevant information of the part to be
replaced and report the information to the SAIC
Self-service System.
a. If the communication player shall be replaced,
record the VIN and serial number of the old/new
communication players, and confirm the above
information is reported to the system.
b. If the communication module shall be replaced,
record the VIN, serial number of the old/new
communication modules, old ICCID serial number,
new ICCID serial number and phone number, and
4. Disconnect the connector of the entertainment confirm the above information is reported to the
mainframe, and remove the entertainment mainframe. system.
5. Navigation mainframe: Remove the navigation control 3. Fit the corresponding module according to replacement
panel. requirements.
Navigation Control Panel Remove
a. If the communication player is replaced, fit the new
Refit communication player to the vehicle.
1. Navigation mainframe: Fit the navigation control panel.
Communication Player Refit
Navigation Control Panel Refit
b. If the communication module is replaced, fit the new
2. Connect the connector of entertainment mainframe.
communication module to the vehicle.
3. Connect the battery negative.
Communication Module Refit
4. Programme and code the entertainment information
control module (FICM). 4. For application of an activation code, please go to the
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and SAIC Remote Activation System.
Coding - FICM Configuration a. If the communication player is replaced, the
5. Fit 4 screws fixing the entertainment mainframe to the background will replace the old communication
instrument panel and tighten to 2–2.5Nm. player with the new one and disable the
6. Fix the central control panel to the instrument panel, communication player and communication module.
fit the clip and ensure the clip is properly fitted. b. If the communication module is replaced, the
Replacement and Activation of Communication background will replace the old communication
Player/Communication Module module with the new one and disable the
• If the problem can be solved by reference to the communication player and communication module.
Troubleshooting Manual, repair the vehicle according to 5. The background will create an activation code and send
the relevant procedures and return the vehicle to the it to the cell phone designated by the user.
customer after repair.
6. Input the activation code into the communication
• If the problem cannot be solved by reference to the player. if the activation is successful, the background
Troubleshooting Manual, the communication player or activates the communication player and communication
communication module fails, please replace it. module, and gives prompts to indicate completion of
Procedures for replacement and activation are as follows: the operation.

1.0 1165

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

A Pillar Tweeter Front Door Full Range Speaker

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the A pillar upper trim panel. 2. Remove the front door interior trim panel.
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove Remove of Front Door Interior Trim Panel
3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the tweeter. 3. Disconnect the connector from the front door full
4. Release the clips securing A pillar tweeter to A pillar range speaker.
upper trim panel and remove A pillar tweeter. 4. Unscrew 3 screws fixing the full range speaker to the
Refit front door, and remove the full range speaker.
1. Place A pillar tweeter into A pillar trim panel and
ensure the clips are fully engaged.
2. Connect the tweeter connector.
3. Refit the A pillar upper trim panel.
Refit of Pillar A Upper Trim Panel
4. Connect the battery negative.
1. Fix the front door full range speaker to the front door,
fit 3 screws and tighten to 1.5–2Nm.
2. Connect the connector of full range speaker.
3. Refit the front door interior trim panel.

Refit of Front Door Interior Trim Panel

4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1166

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Rear Door Tweeter Rear Door Woofer
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear door interior trim panel. 2. Remove the rear door interior trim panel.
Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove Rear Door Interior Trim Panel Remove
3. Disconnect the connector from the rear door tweeter. 3. Disconnect the connector from the rear door full range
4. Release the clips of the rear door tweeter to remove speaker.
the tweeter from the rear door inner handle assembly. 4. Unscrew 3 screws fixing the rear door full range
speaker to the rear door, and remove the full range

1. Place the rear door tweeter into the rear door inner
handle assembly. Refit
2. Connect the connector of the rear door tweeter. 1. Fix the rear door full range speaker to the rear door, fit
3 screws and tighten to 1.5–2Nm.
3. Refit the rear door interior trim panel.
2. Connect the connector of rear door full range speaker.
Refit of Rear Door Interior Trim Panel
3. Refit the rear door interior trim panel.
4. Connect the battery negative.
Refit of Rear Door Interior Trim Panel
4. Connect the battery negative.

1.0 1167

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Roof Antenna Connecting Cable Communication Module

Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the roof interior trim. 2. Remove the glove box assembly.
Roof Interior Trim Remove Glove Box Remove
3. Disconnect the connector from the roof antenna. 3. Remove the 2 screws fixing the frame of the glove box
4. Remove 1 nut fixing the roof antenna to the body and to the instrument panel.
take off the roof antenna.
4. Disconnect the connector of the glove box lamp, and
Refit remove the glove box frame assembly.
1. Secure the roof antenna to the body, fit 1 nut and 5. Disconnect the connector of the communication
tighten to 7–10Nm. module and 2 connectors of the communication
2. Connect the connector of the roof antenna.
6. Remove 2 nuts fixing the communication module to the
3. Refit the roof interior trim.
instrument panel beam, and remove the communication
Refit of Roof Interior Trim module.
4. Connect the battery negative.

1. Locate the communication module to the instrument
panel beam, fit 2 nuts and tighten to 7–10Nm.
2. Connect the connector of the communication module
and 2 connectors of the communication antennas.
3. Connect the battery negative.
4. Programme and code the TBOX.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - TBOX Replacement

1.0 1168

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

5. Connect the connector of the glove box lamp. a. If the communication player is replaced, the
6. Fix the frame of the glove box to the instrument panel, background will replace the old communication
fit 2 screws and tighten the screw. player with the new one and disable the
communication player and communication module.
7. Fit the glove box assembly.
Glove Box Assembly Refit b. If the communication module is replaced, the
background will replace the old communication
Replacement and Activation of Communication
module with the new one and disable the
Player/Communication Module
communication player and communication module.
• If the problem can be solved by reference to the
Troubleshooting Manual, repair the vehicle according to 5. The background will create an activation code and send
the relevant procedures and return the vehicle to the it to the cell phone designated by the user.
customer after repair. 6. Input the activation code into the communication
• If the problem cannot be solved by reference to the player. if the activation is successful, the background
Troubleshooting Manual, the communication player or activates the communication player and communication
communication module fails, please replace it. module, and gives prompts to indicate completion of
the operation.
Procedures for replacement and activation are as follows:
1. Remove the corresponding module according to
1. Start the diagnostic tools, progress the ‘Diagnostic -
replacement requirements.
Veh.Scan - Start Scan’ after identify the vehicle.
a. If the communication player shall be replaced, remove 2. Restart TBOX. Use the diagnostic tools, progress the
the communication player from the vehicle. ‘Routines - Reset Adaptions- Restart TBOX’, Restart
Communication Player Remove the TBOX according to the direction.
b. If the communication module shall be replaced,
remove the communication module from the vehicle.
Communication Module Remove
2. Record the relevant information of the part to be
replaced and report the information to the SAIC
Self-service System.
a. If the communication player shall be replaced,
record the VIN and serial number of the old/new
communication players, and confirm the above
information is reported to the system.
b. If the communication module shall be replaced,
record the VIN, serial number of the old/new
communication modules, old ICCID serial number,
new ICCID serial number and phone number, and
confirm the above information is reported to the
3. Fit the corresponding module according to replacement
a. If the communication player is replaced, fit the new
communication player to the vehicle.
Communication Player Refit
b. If the communication module is replaced, fit the new
communication module to the vehicle.
Communication Module Refit
4. For application of an activation code, please go to the
SAIC Remote Activation System.

1.0 1169

Information and Entertainment Entertainment and Navigation

Communication Module Battery Microphone

Remove Remove
1. Remove the communication module. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.

Communication Module Remove 2. Remove the front reading lamp assembly.

2. Release 2 screws of the cover plate of the Front Reading Lamp Assembly Remove
communication module battery and remove the cover 3. Disconnect the microphone connector.
4. Release the clips securing the microphone to the front
reading lamp assembly and remove the microphone.
3. Disconnect the battery connector to remove the
1. Insert the microphone to the front reading lamp slot.
2. Connect the microphone connector.
3. Refit the front reading lamp assembly.
Front Reading Lamp Assembly Refit
4. Connect the battery negative.
1. Insert the battery into the communication module, and
connect the battery connector.
2. Replace the battery cover, fit and tighten 2 screws.
3. Refit the communication module.

Communication Module Refit

4. Conduct the battery life calibration operation on the
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - TBOX Battery Life Calibration

1.0 1170

Entertainment and Navigation Information and Entertainment

Communication Antenna
1. Remove the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Remove

2. Disconnect 2 harness connectors (1) of the
communication antenna from the communication
3. Remove 2 harness clips (2) securing the communication
antenna harness on the instrument panel assembly.
4. Remove 2 screws (3) securing the communication
antenna on the instrument panel assembly.
5. Remove the communication antenna.
1. Place the communication antenna in the right front of
the interior instrument panel, and locate with 2 locating
2. Locate the communication antenna to the instrument
panel, fit 2 screws and tighten to 1.3–1.9Nm.
3. Secure the communication antenna harness on the
instrument panel assembly and fit 2 harness clips.
4. Insert 2 harness connectors of the communication
antenna into the communication module interface.
5. Fit the instrument panel assembly.

Instrument Panel Assembly Refit

1.0 1171

Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

Displays and Gages

Description Value
Screw-A 1.3–1.9Nm

1.0 1172

Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

Description and Operation
System Layout
Instrument Pack Layout

1. Tachometer 16. SCS/TC OFF Warning Lamp

2. Alternator Charge Warning 17. SRS Warning Lamp
3. Brake System Warning 18. Low Oil Level Warning Lamp
4. Low Oil Pressure Warning Lamp 19. Untied Seat Belt Warning Lamp
5. HDC ON/Warning (if fitted) 20. High Beam Indicator Lamp
6. Direction Indicator Lamp (left) 21. Engine Coolant Temperature Warning Lamp
7. Information Center 22. EPS/SAS MIL
8. Direction Indicator Lamp (right) 23. Drive By Wire Warning
9. Speedometer 24. Engine Anti-theft System Warning Lamp
10. TPMS Warning lamp (if fitted) 25. Malfunction Indicator Lamp Warning
11. Cruise Control Indicator Lamp (if fitted) 26. Stop/Start System Warning
12. ABS Warning 27. Stop/Start System Status Indicator
13. EPB Status/Auto Hold Status Indicator Lamp 28. ECO Indicator Lamp
14. EPB Warning 29. TCCM ON/Warning (if fitted)
15. SCS/TC Warning Lamp

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Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

Instrument Unit Layout

1. Instrument Pack

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Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

System Control Diagram


A = Chassis HS CAN Bus; B = Power Train HS CAN Bus; C = Body HS CAN Bus; D = Hard Wire

1.0 1175

Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

Description Information type Transmitted by Received by

Drive By Wire
The instrument pack is connected to the body harness by one ECM Instrument Pack
connector and to the instrument panel assembly by 4 screws.
The instrument pack is a packaged component (assembly), so it
Indicator Lamp ECM Instrument Pack
cannot be removed for maintenance. Reset the function of the
trip computer by the trip computer button or set it according
to individual needs. For specific procedures, please refer to Oil Pressure
ECM Instrument Pack
"Information Center" under this section. Status

Note: After tire replacement or inflation, use the Stop/Start

ECM Instrument Pack
menu on the screen of the information center to Status/Disable
reset the TPMS. Stop/Start Failure ECM Instrument Pack
Display Information EPS Malfunction
EPS Instrument Pack
The IPK provides different vehicle parameters, such as speed,
engine speed, etc. It provides visual information for the driver SAS Malfunction
by LCD, analog dial and warning lamps, etc. It also gives SAS Instrument Pack
acoustic warnings by the instrument speaker.
TPMS Status SCS Instrument Pack
The information displayed mainly consists of the
HDC Status SCS Instrument Pack
• Tachometer SCS Status SCS Instrument Pack

• Speedometer TC Status SCS Instrument Pack

• Indicator lamp, warning lamp SCS Mode SCS Instrument Pack
• Information Center TC Mode SCS Instrument Pack
EBD Status SCS Instrument Pack
Communication Signal Brake Fluid State SCS Instrument Pack

The instrument pack receives/sends information via the high High Beam State BCM Instrument Pack
speed CAN. Node of the HS CAN includes PMDC, ECM, Status of
PEPS and BCM, etc. By the GW, the IPK receives the HS CAN Right/Left
signal from the ECM, TCM, SCU, SDM, SCS, EPS, SAS, BCM Instrument Pack
DHL, EPB and PDC, etc. It receives the LIN bus signal from Indicator Lamp
the immobilizer module through the BCM. The table below
Key Battery Low BCM Instrument Pack
shows the signals received and sent by the instrument pack.
Anti-theft Alarm
Information type Transmitted by Received by BCM Instrument Pack
System Power
Gateway Instrument Pack Tail Gate Open BCM Instrument Pack
Wheel Speed
ABS /SCS Instrument Pack Malfunction TCCM Instrument Pack
Pulse Signal
ABS MIL ABS Instrument Pack
EPB Operation
EPB Instrument Pack
Status of Seat Belt State
SDM Instrument Pack
Auto Hold State SCS Instrument Pack
Airbag Warning
SDM Instrument Pack EPB Failure EPB Instrument Pack
Engine Speed ECM Instrument Pack
Door Status BCM Instrument Pack
Start by Key ECM Instrument Pack
Cruise Control
ECM Instrument Pack

1.0 1176

Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

Information type Transmitted by Received by Information type Transmitted by Received by
Request for Status of
Depressing BCM Instrument Pack Front/Rear Fog BCM Instrument Pack
Clutch Lamp
Request for Status of Daytime
BCM Instrument Pack
depressing Brake BCM Instrument Pack Running Lamp
Pedal Status of Washer
BCM Instrument Pack
No key is Fluid Level
detected, please DHL Status DHL Instrument Pack
BCM Instrument Pack
depress the brake
pedal Aged Battery PMDC Instrument Pack
Close the driver Hot Clutch TCM Instrument Pack
door and start the ECM Instrument Pack
Harness Connector
vehicle again
Location Diagram of Instrument Pack Harness
Fasten the seat Connector
belt and try to ECM Instrument Pack
start it again.
Restart from N
ECM Instrument Pack
ECM Instrument Pack
ON/OFF Status
HHC Status SCS Instrument Pack
Locked BCM Instrument Pack
Request for
pressing the start
BCM Instrument Pack
stop button to
stop the engine.
1. Instrument Pack Harness Connector
Request for
End View and Pin Information of IPK Harness
removing the BCM Instrument Pack
Connector FA029
smart key
Pin No. Description
Request for
BCM Instrument Pack
shifting to P gear. 1 KL.30

smart key is not 2 KL.31

BCM Instrument Pack
detected. 3 —
Request for 4 —
placing the smart
BCM Instrument Pack 5 KL.15
key in the spare
coil. 6 Alternator (if fitted)

smart key is 7 —
detected inside BCM Instrument Pack 8 —
the vehicle.
9 —
IGN Relay Failure BCM/ PEPS Instrument Pack
10 —
SSB Failure PEPS Instrument Pack
11 —
Status of Width
BCM Instrument Pack 12 —
13 —

1.0 1177

Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

Pin No. Description after self-test. This lamp is used to inform the driver of the
current status of the cruise control system.
14 —
When the cruise speed cannot be enabled after the cruise
15 —
button is pressed, the lamp is green.
16 —
When the cruise control system is working, the lamp is yellow,
17 — which indicates the system is activated. Preset the vehicle
18 — speed by the trip computer button, refer to "Information
Center" under this section. Once the target vehicle speed
19 —
is set, the cruise control system will maintain vehicle speed
20 — within the set range.
21 — If the EMS detects failure of the cruise control, after the green
22 Fuel Sensor + indicator lamps is disabled, the yellow indicator lamp will flash
3 times and send audible warning.
23 Fuel Sensor -
Engine Coolant Temperature Warning Lamp - Red
24 Status Switch Output of Auto Hold
25 —
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
26 Body HS CAN High illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
27 Body HS CAN Low When high engine coolant temperature is detected, the lamp
28 — illuminates with an audible warning. When the temperature
keeps increasing, repetitive audible warning will occur, and the
29 Trip Computer Button Input
lamp keeps flashing.
30 —
If the engine coolant temperature drops from a fairly high level
31 — to a high level, the lamp is normally ON.
32 —
Drive by Wire Warning - Yellow
The instrument pack includes the following display
functions: With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
Tachometer illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
If the lamp remains ON after self-test or illuminates during
The tachometer indicates engine speed in RPM (X1000). The
driving, the EMS includes faults that adversely affect the engine
red section of the high-speed end of the tachometer is used
to warn the driver high engine speed can damage the engine.
When the ignition switch is in ON position, the instrument Malfunction Indicator Lamp Warning - Yellow
pack uses HS CAN bus to receive the engine speed signal from
the ECM. With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
Speedometer illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after engine start.
If the lamp remains ON after engine start or illuminates during
The speedometer indicates vehicle speed in km/h. The driving, the EMS includes faults that adversely affect engine
maximum vehicle speed indicated on the speedometer is 220 performance and emission.
Alternator Charge Warning - Red
ABS ECU calculates vehicle speed by collecting the wheel
speed pulse signal. The instrument pack receives vehicle speed
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
from the ABS ECU via the HS CAN bus.
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after engine start.
Alarm Display If the lamp remains ON after engine start or illuminates during
Cruise Control Indicator - Green/Yellow (if fitted) driving, the alternator fails. For vehicles with PMDC, when
the information center displays "Power Low Partial Device
When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the Limited" in yellow and gives audible warning, the battery
lamp illuminates for self-test, it is green for the first half cycle power provided by the alternator is low, the power load flow
and yellow for the second half cycle, and the lamp goes out contains medium risk and the PMDC will cancel some power
load. When the information center displays "Power Low

1.0 1178

Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

Partial Device Closed" in yellow and sends audible warning, "TPMS Reset OK" in red for about 2s. On the contrary, the
the power load flow contains high risk. information center displays "TPMS Reset Fail" in red.
Low Oil Pressure Warning - Red ABS Warning- Yellow

With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after engine start. illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
If the lamp remains ON after engine start or illuminates during After self-test, if the lamp remains ON or illuminates during
driving, the oil pressure is low, which may damage the engine. driving, the ABS fails.
Intelligent Stop-Start Energy-Saving System Status - HDC ON/Warning — Green/Yellow (if fitted)
Green (if fitted)
When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp lamp illuminates for self-test, it is green for the first half cycle
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test. This and yellow for the second half cycle, and the lamp extinguishes
lamp tells the driver if the current intelligent stop/start energy after self-test.
saving system controls the engine. If the intelligent stop-start
When the HDC button is pressed, the lamp is green, which
energy saving system is activated, the lamp illuminates. If
indicates the HDC is in STANDBY state. When the green lamp
the status of the intelligent stop-start energy saving system
flashes, the current status is HDC. When the HDC button is
changes from "activated" to "disabled", the lamp will flashand
pressed again, the lamp is disabled, which indicates the HDC
then extinguish.
is disabled.
Intelligent Stop-Start Energy-Saving System
If the lamp is yellow, the HDC fails, after engine start, the
Malfunction Warning - Yellow (if fitted)
information center will show "Hill Descent Control Fail" and
send acoustic alarm.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test. If the yellow lamp flashes, the HDC is temporarily disabled.
After self-test, if the lamp remains ON or illuminates during SCS/TC Warning Lamp - Yellow
driving, the intelligent stop/start energy saving system fails and
the system will send acoustic alarm.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
EPS/SAS Warning - Yellow/Red illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
After self-test, if the lamp remains ON or illuminates during
When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the driving, the system fails (for example, auto hold failure).
lamp illuminates for self-test, it is yellow for the first half cycle After engine start, the information center will show "Stability
and red for the second half cycle, and the lamp extinguishes Control Fail" or "Traction Control Fail" with audible warning.
after self-test. If the warning lamp flashes during driving, the system is
controlling the SCS/TC for the driver.
When general EPS fault occurs, the lamp is yellow. When
severe EPS fault occurs, the lamp is red and flashes. SCS/TC OFF Warning Lamp - Yellow

After engine start, if the SAS fails, the warning lamp is red.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
TPMSWarning Lamp - Yellow (if fitted) illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
After self-test, if the lamp remains ON, the system does not
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp control the corresponding components. After engine start,
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test. the information center will show "Stability Control Off" or
After self-test, if the lamp remains ON, the BCM receives a "Traction Control Off" and send acoustic alarm.
TPMS leak signal from the SCS. Brake System Warning- Red
If the system fails, the lamp is normally ON after a 90s' flash
with audible warning. With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
When the pressure of the four tires achieves the normal illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
value, reset the TPMS, refer to "Information Center" under After self-test, the lamp remains ON or illuminates during
this section. If the instrument can receive correct feedback driving, the brake fluid of the brake system is insufficient or
from the SCS ECU, the information center will display the EBD fails. After engine start, if EBD failure or low brake

1.0 1179

Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

fluid level occurs, the information center will show "Brake Fail" Engine Immobiliser System Warning - Red
with audible warning. In this case, please check the brake fluid
level. If the lamp remains ON, Stop the car as soon as safety With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
permits and seek an MG Authorised Repairer at the earliest illuminates for self-test and it will go out after self-test. If
opportunity. the engine Immobiliser system cannot identify the key in the
Seat Belt Warning - Red ignition switch, the lamp illuminates, and the information
center displays "Invalid Key" in yellow.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp When the BCM receives low power signal from the remote
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test. key, the lamp flashes and the information center displays "Key
After self-test, if the driver or front passenger does not tie Battery Low" in yellow.
the seat belt, the lamp flashes with repetitive warnings until
When the door is open and the alarm is triggered, the lamp
the driver or front passenger ties the seat belt, or the warning
flashes and the information center shows "Alarm Triggered"
stops (appr. 5min). After engine start, if the seat belt remains
with audible warning.
not tied, the information center displays "Fasten Seat Belt" or
"Fasten Passenger Seat Belt". After the alarm stops, if the seat TCCM ON/Warning — Yellow/Green (if fitted)
belt remains not tied, the flashing lamp illuminates.
Airbag Warning - Red When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the
lamp illuminates for self-test, it is green for the first half cycle
and yellow for the second half cycle, and the lamp goes out
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
after self-test.
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
After self-test, if the lamp remains ON or illuminates during If the lamp is green, the TCCM is activated and the information
driving, the SRS fails. The information center displays "Airbag center shows "4WD Lock On" in yellow. If the lamp is yellow,
Fault" and provides acoustic alarm within several seconds the TCCM fails. After the engine is started, the information
since the engine is started. If this occurs, please contact center displays "4WD Fail" with audible warning.
an authorized local after-sales service center immediately, EPB Status/Auto Hold Indicator - Red/Green
otherwise, the SRS may not work in a collision.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the IPK will When the ignition switch is in "ON" position, the
keep monitoring the warning lamp. If any fault occurs, the lamp illuminates for self-test, it is green for the first half cycle
information center shows "Airbag Lamp Fail", and it then shifts and red for the second half cycle, and the lamp extinguishes
the message into a static icon. after self-test.
High Beam Indicator - Blue After self-test, if the lamp is red, the EPB is enabled; if the
red lamp flashes, the EPB is not tightened or it is performing
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp dynamic braking.
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test. When the auto hold is working, the green indicator lamp
When the headlights is enabled, the indicator lamp illuminates. illuminates.
To avoid disturbing the driver, for example, frequently switch
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) System Fault
the high beam and low beam when two vehicles from the
Warning - Red
opposite side meet.
Direction Indicator - Green
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp After self-test, if the lamp remains ON or illuminates during
illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test. The driving, the EPB fails or is in diagnostic state.
left/right direction indicator lamps are at the top of the IPK,
which are indicated by direction arrows. When the direction Low Fuel Warning Lamp - Yellow
indicator lamps flash, the lamp on the corresponding side also
flashes. If the hazard warning lamp is enabled, the left/right With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp
direction indicator lamps flash with audible warning. If the illuminates for self-test and it will extinguish after self-test.
direction indicator lamp flashes very rapidly, the direction lamp
When fuel level is low, the lamp illuminates, the information
of the corresponding side fails.
center shows "Please Refuel!" in yellow. When the fuel level

1.0 1180

Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

keep going down, the lamp flashes and the information center Select Neutral to Restart
shows "Low Fuel" in red. After refill, the lamp will be disabled.
If it remains ON, seek MG Authorised Repairer at the earliest The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
opportunity. ECM by the GW. When restarting of the intelligent stop-start
When the IPK cannot receive signals from the fuel sensor, the energy saving system and other transmission gear instead of
lamp flashes and the information center displays "Fuel Sensor N gear are detected, the instrument shows "Select Neutral to
Fail" in yellow and provides an acoustic alarm. Then it shifts Restart" in yellow , and it then shifts the message into a static
the message into a static icon. icon.

ECO Indicator Lamp - Green Stop Start Off

With the ignition switch in "ON" position, the lamp The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
illuminates for self-test and it will go out after self-test. This ECM by the GW. When closed the intelligent stop-start
lamp tells the driver the vehicle is now in ECO mode. energy saving system is detected, the instrument shows "Stop
Start Off" in yellow.
Information Only Displayed on Main Zone of
Information Center Stop Start On
The following alarm information is shown on the information
center, but it does not accompany any indicator lamp. The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
ECM by the GW. When open the intelligent stop-start energy
Use Key to Start
saving system is detected, the instrument shows "Stop Start
On" in yellow.
The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
Auxiliary information for auto hold.
ECM through the GW. When the vehicle shall be restarted
with the key, the information center displays "Use Key to Start" The instrument receives the CAN request signal from the
in yellow and sends acoustic alarm. Then it shifts the message SCS by the GW.
into a static icon.
Fasten Seat Belt
Please Press Brake to Start
When information/request of the auto hold is
The instrument receives the request signal from detected and the seat belt is not tied, the instrument shows
the CAN bus through the BCM. When clutch failure is "Fasten Seat Belt".
detected during engine start, the information center displays Please Press Brake
the corresponding information "Please Press Brake to Start".
No Key Press Brake to Restart When information/request of the auto hold is
detected and the brake pedal is not depressed, the instrument
shows "Please Press Brake" and provides acoustic alarm, and
The instrument receives request for brake
it then shifts the message into a static icon.
application through the BCM and displays "No Key Press
Brake to Restart". Hill Hold Unavailable (if fitted).

Close Driver Door

The instrument receives the CAN bus signal from
The instrument receives the CAN bus signal from the SCS by the GW. When the hill hold control is invalid or
the ECM by the GW. When restarting of the intelligent is enabled by unusual procedures, the instrument shows "Hill
stop-start energy saving system and open driver door are Hold Unavailable" in yellow and sends acoustic alarm. Then it
detected, the instrument displays "Close Driver Door" in shifts the message into a static icon.
yellow . Then it shifts the message into a static icon. Information for open door/engine cover/tail gate.
Fasten Seat Belt to Restart
The instrument receives the CAN signal of the door,
The instrument receives the CAN bus signal from engine cover and tail gate from the BCM. When the ignition
the ECM by the GW. If restarting of the intelligent stop-start switch is in "ON" position, if open door/engine cover/tail gate
energy saving system and untied driver seat belt are detected, is detected, the alarm symbol will be displayed for 3s and an
the instrument displays "Fasten Seat Belt to Restart". acoustic alarm occurs, then the symbol becomes a static icon.

1.0 1181

Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

When the vehicle speed exceeds 5Km/h, if open door/engine Ignition System Fault
cover is detected, the alarm symbol will occur every 5s, and
If the instrument receives the CAN signal of ignition failure of
each time when it appears, an acoustic alarm can be heard.
the ignition relay from the BCM or PEPS, it displays "Ignition
The alarm symbol gives 3 flashes until all doors/engine cover
System Fault" .
are closed.
Start Stop Button Fail (if fitted)
Please Take Your Key (if fitted).
The instrument receives the status information of the SSB from
the PEPS, when short to ground/battery information, start
The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
failure, break circuit and switch failure, etc occur, it displays
BCM. When the driver door is opened and the key remains
"Start Stop Button Fail" .
in the ignition switch, the instrument shows "Please Take Your
Key" and gives acoustic alarm. Lamp Malfunction
Long Press Button Turn Engine Off (if fitted).
The instrument receives the CAN signal of bulb
The instrument receives the CAN signal of the ignition switch
failure or headlamp control from the BCM and monitors if
alarm from the BCM. To remind the operator to press the
the direction indicator lamp, brake lamp, low beam, position
start stop button to stop the engine, the instrument shows
lamp, rear fog lamp and reverse lamp, etc are valid.
"Long Press Button Turn Engine Off".
Information for illuminating lamp.
Press Brake to Shift

The instrument receives the status signal of the front

The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
fog lamp from the BCM. Once the front fog lamp is enabled,
BCM. The instrument displays "Press Brake to Shift" for the
it displays "Front Fog Lamps On".
driver. Then it shifts the message into a static icon.
Take Smart Key Out of Backup Position (if fitted).
The instrument receives the status signal of the rear
fog lamp from the BCM. Once the rear fog lamp is enabled, it
The instrument receives the CAN signal from the displays "Rear Fog Lamps On".
BCM. In order to remind the driver of the key, the instrument
displays "Take Smart Key Out of Backup Position" .
The instrument receives the status signal of the
Please Engage Park Gear width lamp from the BCM. Once the width lamp is enabled,
it displays Sidelights On".
If the ignition switch is not in "ON" position and Information for off lamp (when removing the key).
the shift lever is not in P gear, the instrument displays "Please
Engage Park Gear" .
The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
Smart Key Not Detected (if fitted). BCM. When removing the ignition key, if the width lamp and
license plate lamp are not cancelled, once the driver door is
The instrument receives the CAN signal from the opened, the alarm is activated immediately. The instrument
BCM. In order to inform the driver that the signal of the displays "Lights On" in yellow.
intelligent key is not detected, the instrument displays "Smart Washer Fluid Low
Key Not Detected" . Then it shifts the message into a static
icon. The instrument receives the CAN signal from
Put Key Into Backup Position (if fitted). the BCM, when low fluid level of the windshield washer is
detected, it displays "Washer Fluid Low" in yellow and sends
If the instrument receives the CAN signal of acoustic alarm. Then it shifts the message into a static icon.
undetected intelligent key from the BCM, it displays "Put Key Fuel System Fault
Into Backup Position". Then it shifts the message into a static
icon. The instrument receives the CAN signal of the fuel
pump relay from the BCM, when any failure is detected, it
shows "Fuel System Fault" in yellow and sends acoustic alarm.
Then it shifts the message into a static icon.

1.0 1182

Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

EPBAUX alarm Information Center - High Configuration
The instrument receives the EPB signal through the GW.
Park Brake Force not Enough

When the braking force is insufficient, the instrument

displays "Park Brake Force not Enough" in red and sends
acoustic alarm.
Press Brake Release EPB

When the intelligent stop/start energy saving system

is restarted and the EPB is not released, the instrument displays
"Press Brake Release EPB" in yellow. Then it shifts the message
into a static icon.
1. Main Zone: next maintenance, warning, trip computer
Head Lamp Control Fault
information, menu can be set according to individual
The instrument receives the CAN signal from the
2. Digital Clock
DHL by the GW. When any failure is detected, the instrument
shows "Head Lamp Control Fault" in yellow. Then it shifts the 3. Engine Coolant Temperature gauge, fuel gauge
message into a static icon. 4. Trip 1
Warning for hot transmission 5. Gear display
6. odometer
The instrument receives Displayed in full screen: if the configuration is activated, when
the TCM signal by the GW and monitors the percentage the ignition switch is turned on, the screen shows "SAIC".
temperature and target temperature of the current clutch.
Main Zone
When the transmission is hot, the instrument displays
"Increase Speed or Stop Safely", "Stop Safely", "Please Wait" In preview mode, this zone displays "Interval for Next
and "Ready for Drive Away", etc. Maintenance", then "Fuel Volume" (in X/8).

Overspeed warning In delay mode, if the alarm is fitted, the information will be
displayed according to the priority.
When the vehicle speed displayed exceeds the set In standard mode, the main zone displays general information,
limit, the instrument shows "Slow Down" in red and sends including warning information, trip computer information and
acoustic alarm. Then it shifts the message into a static icon. menu can be set according to individual needs.
Engage P or N to start Digital Clock
Current time is displayed. The IPK receives the time
When the BCM determines the driver shall start signal from the entertainment system, and the operation
from P/N gear, the instrument shows "Engage P or N to start" is synchronized with the time display of the entertainment
and provides acoustic alarm. system. When signal error of the entertainment system
Please Initialize Driver Window occurs, the system adjusts the current time automatically.
Engine Coolant Temperature gauge, fuel gauge
When the battery is reconnected after Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge
disconnection, the instrument displays "Please Initialize Driver
The Engine Coolant Temperature gauge is represented by the
Window" and sends acoustic alarm.
quantity of the segment to be illuminated, there are totally 8
PEPS antenna failure (if any) segments.
When the PEPS antenna fails, the instrument displays "PEPS When the engine is working at normal temperature, 1 ~ 6
Failure, Please Service!" and sends acoustic alarm. white segments will be illuminated. When the 7th segment
is illuminated, the red warning lamp for high Engine Coolant
Temperature under the information center illuminates.

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Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

When the top segment is illuminated, the warning lamp for The trip computer button is on the lamp lever switch.
high Engine Coolant Temperature flashes.
Switch between the trip computer information and the menu
When the EMS detects that the engine temperature sensor can be realized by the up-and-down operation of the overturn
fails and sends invalid value to the IPK for several seconds, the wheel.
8 segments are all cancelled, the warning lamp flashes.
On the trip computer interface, long press the button at the
Fuel Gauge top of the lever to reset the "average fuel", "average speed",
"trip 2" and "current journey". Short press the button at the
The level of the remaining fuel in the fuel tank is represented by
top of the lever to access the primary menu or go to the next
the quantity of the segment to be illuminated, there are totally
menu from the previous menu. Select the "Esc" option to
8 segments.
return to the previous menu, this can be realized by the button
When only the bottom white segment is illuminated, the at the top of the lever.
low fuel level warning lamp under the information center
Trip Computer Information
illuminates and an acoustic alarm can be heard. If the fuel
keeps going down, the low fuel level warning lamp and the The trip computer shows the following information:
bottom white segment flash together, and repetitive acoustic 1. Digital Speed
alarm can be heard.
2. Average Fuel
When the IPK detects that the fuel value read by the fuel
3. Fuel Consumption
sensor is out of the preset range, it will use the previous valid
4. Range to Empty
value. If there remains no valid value, after restarting the
vehicle, the 8 segments are all cancelled, the yellow low fuel 5. Average Speed
level warning lamp flashes . 6. Trip 2

Trip 1 7. Current Journey

When the ignition switch is in position 2, the zone will display 8. Last Journey
information of trip 1. Digital Speed
Gear Display It displays current vehicle speed (Km/h).
When the ignition switch is in position 2, the shift lever position Average Fuel
(P, R, N, D, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, W or S) of current AT will be It displays approximate average fuel consumption (L/100km).
displayed. If "EP" is displayed, the AT fails. Average fuel consumption is calculated by different fuel
Odometer consumptions/100km recorded since last resetting of the
menu item.
This zone displays odometer.
Fuel Consumption
Instantaneous fuel consumption displays fuel consumption
Trip Computer Button
under current driving condition (L/hour).
Range to Empty
Driving mileage displays the approximate mileage without
refueling (km). Driving mileage is calculated by the average of
the fuel consumption and the remaining fuel in the fuel tank of
the latest driving record.
Average Speed
Average vehicle speed displays the approximate average vehicle
speed (Km/h). This value is derived from the accumulated
mileage and ignition time recorded since last resetting.
Trip 2
It displays current mileage since last resetting (km).
1. Button at Top Lever Switch
Current Journey
2. Overturn Wheel Up
It displays the duration, accumulated fuel consumption and
3. Overturn Wheel Down
distance of current trip since last trip resetting.

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Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

Last Journey Information Center - Low Configuration
It displays the duration, accumulated fuel consumption and The LCD of the information center displays the following
distance of the previous trip. After current mileage is reset, information: Unlock status, trip 1, trip 2, driving mileage,
these value will be changed automatically. illumination adjustment, average fuel consumption, average
Main Menu speed, overspeed alarm, total distance, next maintenance,
gear information and clock/door ajar warning.
Personalized setting can be made by the 4-level menu. The
structure of the 4-level menu is as follows:
Level 1:
The menu of this level includes "Esc", "Speed Threshold", "Next
Service", "Function Reset", "TPMS Reset" and "Display Setting".
Level 2:
Speed Threshold: select "Esc", adjust "Speed". Change speed
by turning the overturn wheel (speed range: "off–5–190–off"),
then press the button at the top of the lever to confirm it.

Next Service: it displays maintenance symbol, remaining

mileage and estimated date of next maintenance. Press the
button at the top of the lever to confirm "Esc" or "Reset".

Function reset: use this option to reset "Trip 1", "Trip 2", 1. Main zone of information center
"Average Fuel", "Average Speed", "Current Journey" and "Last 2. Odometer/next service
Journey". If all information of the trip computer shall be reset, 3. Clock/door open warning
select "All" and press the button at the top of the lever. Select
Trip computer button
"Esc" to return to the previous menu.

Display setting: "Esc", "Unit", "Trip Computer", "Illumination

Color", "Backlight Illumination" ,"Illumination Lumina" and "Eco
Level 3 and 4:
Unit: use this option to set the unit of the "Consumption" and
"Distance". Unit of the "Consumption" includes "L/100km",
"Km/l", "mpg (US)" or "mpg (UK)"; and the unit of the
"Distance" involves "km" or "miles". Select "Esc" to return to
the previous menu. The trip computer button is located at the end of the left lever
switch, an it can be operated by long press (less than 1s) and
Trip computer: "Function Selection" and "Default Mode".
long press (more than 2s). Short press the button to switch
Access "Function Selection" to select "Digital Speed", "Average
the option of the information center and long press the button
Fuel", "Instantaneous Fuel", "Range to Empty", "Average
to operate different options.
Speed". "Trip 2", "Current Journey", "Last Journey", and select
"Esc" to return to the previous menu. Access "Default Mode" Main zone of information center
to select "Blank", "History" and select "Esc" to return to the This zone displays the following information:
previous menu.
Trip 1 and 2
Illumination Color: "Red", "White" and "Sport Mode", and
This option displays the total distance (km) of a specific trip and
select "Esc" to return to the previous menu.
helps the driver to calculate refueling interval, driving time and
Illumination Lumina: the option displays illumination of current distance (0–9999km). If the distance is less than 1000km, the
backlight and "+"/"-" symbol. Turn the overturn wheel to set value changes at a rate of 0.1km; if the distance is more than
the backlight illumination when necessary. There are totally 3 1000km, the value changes at a rate of 1km. When the distance
levels of illumination. Select "Esc" to return to the previous achieves 9,999km, the value is reset automatically. Trip 1 and 2
menu. can be reset at any time, this makes recording of new distance
Illumination Lumina: it provides alerts for enabling or disabling
the ECO mode.

1.0 1185

Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

each press of the trip computer button can increase one

level of brightness. When adjusting the brightness, the driving
mileage zone turns to brightness level. If the button is not
pressed within about 6s, the system shifts to driving mileage

Range to Empty
This option automatically calculates and displays the driving
mileage before the fuel tank is empty, the value will change
accordingly after fuel refill.

Range to empty is derived from current fuel consumption and

remaining fuel of the fuel tank.
Average Fuel Consumption
This option indicates the average fuel consumption during
driving which can be derived by dividing distance by fuel

Brightness Adjustment
The brightness of the IPK includes day brightness and night Note: Fuel consumption is related to driving style,
brightness, when the width lamp switch is enabled, the default road condition, vehicle load, tire pressure,
selection is night brightness. electrical equipment power, oil, etc.

Day brightness cannot be adjusted, for there is only one level of Instantaneous Fuel Consumption
brightness. The night brightness has 3 levels, so it is adjustable. It displays current fuel consumption when the engine is
On driving mileage interface, long press the trip computer working.
button to access the brightness adjustment interface, and

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Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

Average Speed
It refers to the average speed calculated after the engine is
started. It can be reset at any time, this makes calculation of
the average vehicle speed for new trips or driving condition
Driving time
It records the driving time when vehicle speed exceeds 5km/hr
and ignition switch leaves position 2. It can be reset at any
time, this makes calculation of the time for new trips or driving
condition possible.

Speed Threshold
This function provides alarm when the vehicle speed exceeds
the limit set by the driver. Short press trip computer button
to access the interface of speed limiter alarm, and when long
pressing the button, the value flashes, then set it. Each press
of the button can increase the speed (5km/hr), the speed
range is 30~220 km/hr. When the speed exceeds 220km/hr,
Digital clock setting OFF is displayed, then the "Speed Limiter Alarm" is closed.
For vehicles with a radio, short press the trip computer button After setting, long press trip computer button or wait for about
to access the interface for setting digital clock. Then long press 10s, the flashing value becomes normal value. During driving,
the button to flash the value of HOUR, and short press it again, when vehicle speed exceeds the preset limit, the set speed
the value increases at an increment of +1. The setting range flashes continuously and an acoustic alarm can be heard.
is 0~23. After the HOUR is set, long press trip computer
button or do not touch any button for more than 5s to access
minute setting. The value increases at an increment of +1. The
setting range is 0~59. Finally, long press trip computer button
or do not touch any button for more than 10s to complete the
operation. The set time will be displayed on the digital clock
zone of the information center.


When the ignition switch is in position 2, total distance is


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Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

Digital clock

This function displays digital clock.

Warning symbol
Next Service Icon Operation
It records the remaining distance for next service.
It warns the driver that there is one or
more doors unclosed.
It warns the driver the tail gate is
It warns the driver the bonnet is

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Displays and Gages Information and Entertainment

Operation Preview Mode
Operation Mode Place the ignition switch in the 2nd gear or press the trip
The specific function of the instrument pack available at a given computer button to wake up the IPK. The trip computer
time depends on the position of the ignition switch. button can be used to wake up the IPK, including total
odometer, accumulated odometer and digital clock, etc.
The IPK receives the status information of the ignition switch
Activation Mode
via the CAN or hard wire input.
Sleep Mode All functions can be activated. For example, signal from
the CAN, instrument warning lamp, engine tachometer,
When the IPK fully enters into the sleep mode, the static
speedometer and system self-check function, etc.
current is minimum.
Standby Mode
Some functions can be realized.

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Information and Entertainment Displays and Gages

Service Procedures 2. Connect the battery negative.

Instrument Pack 3. Programme and code the instrument pack.
Self-learning/Programming - IPK Replacement
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
4. Check if the IPK can work, then fit the IPK to
2. Remove the lower closure plate of the driver side the instrument platform, fit 4 screws, tighten to
instrument panel. 1.3–1.9Nm and check the torque.
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower Closure 5. Fix the IPK cover to the instrument panel, fit 1 screw
Plate Remove and tighten it.
3. Remove the left trim panel assembly of the instrument 6. Fit the steering column shield.
7. Release the steering column lever and move the
Instrument Panel Left Trim Panel Assembly steering column to the upper position.
8. Fit the central panel assembly.
4. Release the clip fixing the central panel assembly to
9. Fit the left trim panel assembly of the instrument panel.
the instrument panel assembly, and remove the central
panel assembly. Instrument Panel Left Trim Panel Assembly
5. Release the steering column to the lowermost position.
10. Fit the lower closure plate of the driver side instrument
6. Remove 1 screw fixing the IPK cover to the instrument
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower Closure
Plate Refit

7. Remove the 4 screws fixing the IPK to the instrument


8. Disconnect the connector of the IPK.

9. Remove the instrument pack.
1. Connect the connector of the IPK.

1.0 1190

Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

Fuse Box and Harness
Description Value
Nut-Body harness to battery fusebox 3.5–5.5Nm
Nut-Alternator to battery fusebox 5–7Nm
Nut-Battery anode to battery fusebox 7–10Nm
Screw-Front storage Box to Upper Control Panel 1.6–2.0Nm

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

Service Procedures 4. Connect the battery negative cable.

Engine Compartment Fuse Box
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Release the clip fixing the upper cover of the fuse box
to the fuse box, and remove the upper cover of the
fuse box.
3. Release 4 clips fixing the engine compartment fuse box
to the lower cover of the fuse box, and lift the engine
compartment fuse box.

4. Disconnect 5 harness connectors for vehicles without

7-speed dual clutch transmission or 6 harness
connectors for vehicles with 7-speed dual clutch
transmission from the back of the engine compartment
fuse box, and remove the engine compartment fuse
1. Connect 5 (for models with non 7-speed dual clutch
transmission) or 6 (for models with 7-speed dual clutch
transmission) harness connectors to the back of engine
compartment fuse box.
2. Secure the engine compartment fuse box to the fuse
box lower cover with 4 clips.
3. Secure the fuse box upper cover to the engine
compartment fuse box with 2 clips.

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

Battery Fuse Box Body Harness
Remove Remove
1. Disconnect the battery negative cable. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the upper cover of the battery fuse box. 2. Remove the front bumper assembly.
3. Remove the nut (1) fixing the battery fuse box to the Front Bumper Assembly Remove
positive battery.
3. Remove the air filter assembly.
4. Remove the nut (2) fixing the alternator cable to the
battery fuse box and take away the cable. Air Filter Assembly Remove
4. Remove the engine compartment fuse box.
5. Remove 3 nuts (3) fixing the body harness to the
battery fuse box and take away the harness. Engine Compartment Fuse Box Remove
5. Remove the battery fuse box assembly.
Battery Fuse Box Remove
6. Disconnect the connector connecting the TCM and
body harness.
6. Remove the battery fuse box.
1. Locate the battery fuse box to the battery.
2. Fix the body harness cable to the battery fuse box, fit 3
nuts, tighten to 3.5–5.5Nm and check the torque. 7. Disconnect the connector of the EBS.
3. Fix the alternator cable to the battery fuse box, fit 1
nut, tighten to 5–7Nm and check the torque.
4. Fix the battery cable to the battery fuse box, fit 1 nut,
tighten to 7–10Nm and check the torque.
5. Fit the upper cover of the battery fuse box.
6. Connect the battery negative.

8. Disconnect the connector of the front fog lamp (1) and

daytime running lamp (2).

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

9. Disconnect the connector of the horn. 15. Disconnect the connector of the ambient temperature
10. Disconnect the connector of the headlamp washer
motor, windshield washer motor and washer fluid level 16. Release the ground of the right headlamp.
sensor. 17. Release the ground of the left front longitudinal beam.
11. Disconnect the connector of the cooling fan motor. 18. Disconnect the connector connecting the ECM and
12. Disconnect the connector of the front impact sensor. body harness.
19. Release the ECM ground under the ECM.
20. Disconnect the connector of the engine harness.
21. Disconnect the connector of the windshield wiper
22. Disconnect the level sensor connector of the wiper
23. Disconnect the connector of the A/C pressure switch.

13. Disconnect the connector of the engine compartment

14. Disconnect the connector of the headlamp.

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

24. Disconnect the connector of the SCS ECU. 28. Disconnect the connector of the brake fluid level
29. Raise the vehicle to a suitable height for operation.

Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported

only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety
30. Disconnect the connector of the height sensor on the
front chassis.
25. Release the ground of the SCS ECU.
26. Disconnect the connector of the vacuum sensor.
31. Disconnect the connector of the front wheel speed
32. Disconnect the left/right connectors of the fuel tank
33. Disconnect the connector (2) of the rear wheel speed
34. Disconnect the connector of the torque control.
27. Disconnect the brake lamp switch connector. 35. Remove the rear wheel house liner.

Rear Wheel House Liner Remove

36. Disconnect the connector of the height sensor on the
rear chassis.

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

37. Disconnect the connector (1) of the EPB ECU. 45. Disconnect the connector of the accelerator pedal
38. Release the ground under the EPB. sensor.
39. Lower the vehicle.
40. Remove the lower closure plate of the driver side
instrument panel.

Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower Closure

Plate Remove
41. Remove the glove box assembly.

Glove Box Assembly Remove

42. Remove the carpet.

Carpet Remove
43. Disconnect 5 connectors connecting the BCM and
body harness.
46. Disconnect the connector connecting the EPS and
EPS ECU to the body harness.
47. Release the ground of the EPS.
48. Disconnect 4 connectors of the PEPS.

44. Disconnect the connector of the brake pedal position


49. Disconnect 2 connectors of the headlamp control


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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

59. Disconnect the connector of the side curtain airbag.

50. Disconnect the connector between the body harness
and the instrument panel harness from the A pillar. 60. Disconnect the connector of the radio antenna
51. Release the ground under the A pillar. 61. Disconnect the connector of the GPS antenna (If
52. Disconnect the connector of the PMDC. equipped).
53. Disconnect the connector of the TCCM. 62. Disconnect the central connector of the PEPS antenna.
54. Disconnect the connector of the front door harness.
55. Remove the A pillar upper trim panel.
A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Remove
56. Disconnect the connector of the A pillar tweeter.
63. Disconnect the connector of the shift controller.
64. Disconnect the airbag harness connector of the
instrument panel harness.
65. Disconnect 2 connectors of the airbag control module.
57. Remove the roof interior. 66. Release two lower grounds of the airbag control
Roof Interior Remove
67. Disconnect the connector of side impact sensor.
58. Disconnect the connector of the sunroof motor.

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

68. Disconnect the connector of the seat belt pretensioner

from the lower part of the B/C pillar.
69. Disconnect the connector of the rear door harness.
70. Remove the rear coat rack assembly.

Rear Coat Rack Remove

71. Disconnect the connector of the rear window heating
element on the right/left D pillars.
78. Disconnect the connector of the PDC ECU on the
left luggage compartment.
72. Disconnect the connector of the high-mounted stop
79. Disconnect the connector of the rear AUX power
80. Disconnect the connector of the tail lamp.

73. Open the tail gate.

74. Remove the luggage compartment sill panel.

Luggage Compartment Sill Panel Remove

75. Remove the interior trim panel of the luggage
Luggage Compartment Interior Trim Panel Remove
76. Remove the tail gate trim panel.
81. Release the ground of the tail lamp.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Remove
82. Disconnect the connector of the left/right luggage
77. Disconnect the connector of the rear window wiper compartment lamps.
83. Disconnect the connector of the four PDC sensors
on the rear body.
84. Disconnect the connector of the rear fog lamp.
85. Remove the rear bumper assembly.

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

Rear Bumper Assembly Remove the rear body.
86. Disconnect the connector of the PEPS (rear bumper 9. Connect the connector of the left/right luggage
skin). compartment lamps.
10. Fit the ground of the tail gate.
11. Connect the connector of the tail lamp.
12. Connect the connector of the rear AUX power socket.
13. Connect the connector of the PDC ECU on the left
luggage compartment.
14. Connect the connector of the rear window wiper
15. Fit the trim panel of the tail gate.
Tail Gate Trim Panel Refit
16. Fit the interior trim panel of the luggage compartment.
Luggage Compartment Interior Trim Panel Refit
87. Disconnect the connector of the tail gate switch (1) 17. Fit the sill panel of the luggage compartment.
and motor (2).
Luggage Compartment Sill Panel Refit
18. Close the tail gate.
19. Connect the connector of the high-mounted stop lamp.
20. Connect the connector of the rear window heating
element on the right/left D pillars.
21. Fit the rear coat rack assembly.
Rear Coat Rack Assembly Refit
22. Connect the connector of the rear door harness.
23. Connect the connector of the seat belt pretensioner
under the B/C pillar.
24. Connect the connector of the side impact sensor.
25. Fit two lower grounds of the airbag control module.
88. Disconnect the connector (3) of the rear license lamp.
26. Connect 2 connectors of the airbag control module.
89. Disconnect the connector (4) of the rear camera (If
27. Connect the airbag harness connector of the
instrument panel harness.
90. Release the harness clip and rubber grommet from the
28. Connect the connector of the shift controller.
29. Connect the central connector of the PEPS antenna.
91. Take away the body harness.
30. Connect the connector of the GPS antenna (If
1. Locate the harness to the body, secure with clips and
31. Connect the connector of the radio antenna
make sure all clips are secured in right position.
32. Connect the connector of the side curtain airbag.
2. Connect the connector of the camera (If equipped).
33. Connect the connector of the sunroof motor.
3. Connect the connector of the rear license lamp.
34. Fit the roof interior.
4. Connect the connector of the tail gate switch and
motor. Roof Interior Refit
5. Connect the connector of the PEPS (rear bumper skin). 35. Connect the connector of the A pillar tweeter.
6. Fit the rear bumper assembly. 36. Fit the A pillar upper trim panel.
Rear Bumper Assembly Refit A Pillar Upper Trim Panel Refit
7. Connect the connector of the rear fog lamp. 37. Connect the connector of the front door harness.
8. Connect the connector of the four PDC sensors on 38. Connect the connector of the TCCM.

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

39. Connect the connector of the PMDC. 70. Connect the connector of the windshield wiper motor.
40. Fit the ground under the A pillar. 71. Connect the connector of the engine harness.
41. Connect the connector between the A pillar body 72. Fit the ECM ground under the ECM.
harness and the instrument panel harness. 73. Connect the connector connecting the ECM and body
42. Connect 2 connectors of the headlamp control module. harness.
43. Connect 4 connectors of the PEPS. 74. Fit the ground of the left front longitudinal beam.
44. Fit the ground under the EPS. 75. Fit the ground of the right headlamp.
45. Fit the connector connecting the EPS and EPS ECU 76. Connect the connector of the ambient temperature
to the body. sensor.
46. Connect the connector of the accelerator pedal sensor. 77. Connect the connector of the headlamp.
47. Connect the connector of the brake pedal position 78. Connect the connector of the engine cover touch
sensor. switch.
48. Connect 5 connectors of the BCM and body harness. 79. Connect the connector of the front impact sensor.
49. Fit the carpet. 80. Connect the connector of the cooling fan motor.
Carpet Refit 81. Connect the connector of the headlamp washer motor,
50. Fit the glove box assembly. windshield washer motor and washer fluid level sensor.
82. Connect the connector of the horn.
Glove Box Assembly Refit
83. Connect the connector of the front fog lamp and
51. Fit the lower closure plate of the driver side instrument
daytime running lamp.
84. Connect the connector of the EBS.
Driver Side Instrument Panel Lower Closure
Plate Refit 85. Fit the connector connecting the TCM and body
52. Raise the vehicle to a suitable height for operation.
86. Fit the battery fuse box assembly.
Warning: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported
only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety Battery Fuse Box Refit
stands. 87. Fit the engine compartment fuse box.
53. Fit the ground under the EPB. Engine Compartment Fuse Box Refit
54. Connect the connector of the EPB ECU. 88. Fit the air filter assembly.
55. Connect the connector of the rear height sensor.
Air Filter Assembly Refit
56. Fit the rear wheel house liner.
89. Fit the front bumper assembly.
Rear Wheel House Liner Refit
Front Bumper Assembly Refit
57. Connect the connector of the torque coupler.
90. Connect the battery negative.
58. Connect the connector of the rear wheel speed sensor.
59. Connect the left/right connectors of the fuel tank
60. Connect the connector of the front wheel speed sensor.
61. Connect the connector of the front height sensor.
62. Lower the vehicle.
63. Connect the connector of the brake fluid level switch.
64. Connect the connector of the brake lamp switch.
65. Connect the connector of the vacuum sensor.
66. Fit the ground under the SCS ECU.
67. Connect the connector of the SCS ECU.
68. Connect the connector of the A/C pressure switch.
69. Connect the level sensor connector of the wiper

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

Instrument Panel Harness 7. Disconnect the connector of the wiper/washer lever
Remove switch and clock spring.
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the instrument panel assembly.
Instrument Panel Assembly Remove
3. Disconnect the connector of the passenger
compartment fuse box.
4. Disconnect the connector between the BCM and the
instrument panel harness.
8. Disconnect the blower motor connector.
5. Disconnect 2 connectors of the GW.
9. Disconnect the servo motor connector of the
recirculated air damper.
10. Disconnect the connector of the face air outlet
temperature sensor.
11. Disconnect the connector of the blower speed
regulation module.
6. Disconnect the connector of the direction indicator
lamp/high beam lever switch, cruise control lever switch
and angle sensor.

12. Disconnect the connector of the evaporator

temperature sensor.

1.0 1201

Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

13. Disconnect the servo motor connector of the mode


20. Disconnect 3 connectors of the body harness.
21. Release the ground.
14. Disconnect the harness connector of the body airbag. 22. Release the clip fixing the harness to the instrument
15. Disconnect the front connector of the PEPS antenna. panel beam.
23. Remove the harness of the instrument panel.
1. Fix the instrument panel harness to the instrument
panel beam and secure with clips.
2. Fit the ground.
3. Connect 3 connectors of the body harness.
4. Connect the connector of the communication module
5. Connect the connector of passenger side airbag.
S8213002 6. Connect the connector of the footwell air outlet
temperature sensor.
16. Disconnect the servo motor connector of the blend 7. Connect the servo motor connector of the blend
damper. damper.
8. Connect the front connector of the PEPS antenna.
9. Connect 2 connectors of the ATC ECU.
10. Connect the harness connector of the body airbag.
11. Connect the servo motor connector of the mode
12. Connect the connector of the evaporator temperature
13. Connect the connector of the blower speed regulation
14. Connect the connector of the face air outlet
temperature sensor.

17. Disconnect the connector of the footwell air outlet 15. Connect the servo motor connector of the circulation
temperature sensor. damper.

18. Disconnect the connector of the passenger side airbag. 16. Connect the connector of the blower motor.

19. Disconnect the connector of the communication 17. Connect the connector of the wiper/washer lever
module assembly. switch and clock spring.
18. Connect the connector of the direction indicator
lamp/high beam lever switch, cruise control lever switch

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

and angle sensor. Driver Door Harness
19. Connect 2 connectors of the GW. Remove
20. Connect the connector between the BCM and the 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
instrument panel harness. 2. Remove the left front door assembly.
21. Connect the connector of the passenger compartment Front Door Assembly Remove
fuse box.
3. Remove the left front door waterproof membrane.
22. Fit the instrument panel assembly.
Front Door Waterproof Membrane Remove
Instrument Panel Assembly Refit
4. Remove the left front door woofer.
23. Connect the battery negative.
Front Door Woofer Remove
5. Disconnect the connector of the exterior rearview
6. Disconnect the connector of the window regulator

7. Disconnect the connector of the door handle antenna

HSU and glass regulator switch.

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

Front Passenger Door Harness

1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the right front door assembly.
Front Door Assembly Remove
3. Remove the right front door waterproof membrane.

Front Door Waterproof Membrane Remove

4. Remove the right front door woofer.

Front Door Woofer Remove

5. Disconnect the connector of the exterior rearview
8. Disconnect the connector of the CDL motor.
6. Disconnect the connector of the window regulator
9. Release the clip fixing the harness to the door.
10. Remove the harness of the driver door.
1. Locate the harness to the door and fix it with clips.
2. Connect the connector of the CDL motor.
3. Connect the connector of the door handle antenna
HSU and glass regulator switch.
4. Connect the connector of the window regulator motor.
5. Connect the connector of the exterior rearview mirror.
6. Fit the left front door woofer.

Front Door Woofer Refit

7. Fit the left front door waterproof membrane.

Front Door Waterproof Membrane Refit 7. Disconnect the connector of the door handle antenna
HSU and glass regulator switch.
8. Fit the left front door assembly.

Front Door Assembly Refit

9. Connect the battery negative cable.

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

Rear Door Harness
1. Disconnect the battery negative.
2. Remove the rear door assembly.
Rear Door Assembly Remove
3. Remove the rear door waterproof membrane.
Rear Door Waterproof Membrane Remove
4. Remove the rear door woofer.
Rear Door Woofer Remove
5. Remove the rear door tweeter.
Rear Door Tweeter Remove
8. Disconnect the connector of the CDL motor.
6. Disconnect the connector of the window regulator
9. Release the clip fixing the harness to the door.
10. Remove the harness of the front passenger door. 7. Disconnect the connector of the rear door CDL
Refit motor.
1. Locate the harness to the door and fix it with clips.
2. Connect the connector of the CDL motor.
3. Connect the connector of the door handle antenna
HSU and glass regulator switch.
4. Connect the connector of the window regulator motor.
5. Connect the connector of the exterior rearview mirror.
6. Fit the right front door woofer.

Front Door Woofer Refit

7. Fit the right front door waterproof membrane.

Front Door Waterproof Membrane Refit

8. Fit the right front door assembly.
8. Disconnect the connector of the rear window regulator
Front Door Assembly Refit switch.
9. Connect the battery negative cable. 9. Disconnect the connector of the body harness.
10. Release the clip fixing the harness to the door.
11. Remove the rear door harness.
1. Locate the harness to the door and fix it with clips.
2. Connect the connector of the body harness.

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

3. Connect the connector of the rear window regulator Center Console Harness
switch. Remove
4. Connect the connector of the CDL motor. 1. Disconnect the battery negative.
5. Connect the connector of the window regulator motor. 2. Remove the center console assembly.
6. Fit the rear door tweeter. Center Console Assembly Remove
Rear Door Tweeter Refit 3. Disconnect the connector from low frequency
7. Fit the rear door woofer. anti-theft coil.

Rear Door Woofer Refit

8. Fit the rear door waterproof membrane.

Rear Door Waterproof Membrane Refit

9. Fit the rear door assembly.

Rear Door Assembly Refit

10. Connect the battery negative cable.
4. Release the clip securing the harness to the center
5. Take away the center console harness.
1. Locate the center console harness to the center
console and secure with clips.
2. Connect the connector of low frequency anti-theft coil.
3. Refit the centre console assembly.

Refit of Centre Console Assembly

4. Connect the battery negative cable.

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Fuse Box and Harness Information and Entertainment

Driver Power Seat Harness 8. Take away the seat harness.
Remove Refit
1. Disconnect the battery negative. 1. Locate the harness to the seat and secure with clips.
2. Disconnect the combination switch connector of the 2. Connect the connector of body harness.
driver power seat. 3. Connect the connector of seat backrest regulating
3. Disconnect the connector of the seat height regulator motor.
motor. 4. Connect the connector of the seat level regulating
5. Connect the connector of seat vertical regulating
6. Connect the connector of driver motor seat
combination switch.
7. Connect the battery negative.
4. Disconnect the connector of the seat forward/backward
regulator motor.
5. Disconnect the connector of the seat back regulator

6. Disconnect the connector of the body harness.

7. Release the clip fixing the harness to the seat.

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Information and Entertainment Fuse Box and Harness

Front Power Socket

1. Disconnect the battery negative cable.
2. Remove the mouldings on both sides of upper centre
console entertainment panel.
3. Remove 4 screws fixing the center console front
storage compartment to the center console body.
4. Disconnect the harness connector at the back of front
power socket.
5. Release 2 retaining clips, remove the front power
socket from the front end of centre console front
storage compartment.
1. Insert the cigarette lighter socket from the front end of
centre console front storage compartment and secure
it with clips.
2. Connect the harness connector at the back of cigarette
3. Fit the centre console front storage compartment to
the centre console body, fit 4 screws and tighten to
4. Refit the mouldings on both sides of upper centre
console entertainment panel.
5. Connect the battery negative cable.

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Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

Glass Regulator/Sunroof Initialization
Glass Regulator Initialization
For glass regulators with "one-button control" and "anti-pinch"
functions, when the battery is disconnected, these functions
will be disabled; when the battery is connected, these functions
can be resumed by initialization of the regulator. After the
power is connected again, if the regulator is not initialized, the
information center of the instrument will display warning icon
and information "Please Initialize Driver Window" to remind
you to initialize the regulator. Continually press the switch to
ascend the window to the top, then press and hold the switch
for 5s to resume the "one-button control" and "anti-pinch"
functions of the window.
Sunroof Initialization
If the sunroof is operated manually (not at zero position), the
sunroof shall be initialized. Specific steps are as follows:
1. Press the TILT button on the sunroof switch to lift the
2. Press the TILT button again and hold for 8s to further lift
the sunroof glass, and it will stop after returning to the
lift position, then the button can be released.
Perform the above 2 steps to finish sunroof initialization.

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Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Operation after Battery Disconnection

When the battery is reconnected after disconnection,
operating the following operations to resume some functions
of the vehicle.
Glass Regulator Initialization
When the battery is reconnected after disconnection, the IPK
will display and "Please Initialize Driver Window" for the
driver, when this message occurs, please initialize the window.

Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and

Coding - Window Regulator Initialization
EPB Recovery
When the battery is resumed after it runs out or is
disconnected, The EPB MIL on the IPK will illuminate, and
the EPB cannot be enabled or disabled properly.

In this case, depress the brake pedal, press the EPB switch and
then pull it up, repeat this process until the EPB MIL is disabled
and the EPB resumes.
EPS Module Angle Initialization
When the battery is reconnected after disconnection, the
EPS/SAS warning lamps become yellow. After initialization,
the warning lamp goes out.
Self-learning and Adjustment, Programming and
Coding - EPS Module Angle Initialization
Stop/Start Recovery
For vehicles with the intelligent stop/start energy saving
system, after the battery negative terminal is reconnected,
the battery shall be stationary for at least 4 hours, and the
automatic start/stop function of the engine cannot be used
before this operation.

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Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

Mixture Self-learning
For vehicles with intelligent stop/start function, the vehicle
will lose the intelligent stop/start function when the following
conditions occur. The function shall be resumed by mixture
1. The power of the ECM resumes after disconnection,
including disconnection of battery and ECM connector,
2. Software and calibration of the ECM are updated by SIPS.
3. After ECM DTC is cleared by the VDS.
The following procedures are recommended for mixture
self-learning of the engine: Keep the engine idle for about
3-5min, then depress and hold the accelerator pedal so that
the vehicle can drive at a constant speed of 30-70km/h for
Caution: Do not use cruise function to stabilize the
vehicle speed when performing self-learning for the
intelligent stop/start energy saving system.
Use the VDS to read the "Fuel Mixture Self-learning Request"
parameter on the real-time display. When the icon shifts from
"ON" to "OFF", the mixture self-learning is completed. After
the operation, please confirm the effect of the self-learning by
performing 3 auto stops.
ECM Replacement
After replacement of the ECM, perform the following

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — ECM
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include

procedures for update, configuration and anti-theft data
matching. If the operation fails during replacement, please
operate as per the instructions on the screen.

3. Perform self-learning for the electronic throttle.

Electronic Throttle Self-learning

4. Perform mixture self-learning for vehicles with intelligent

stop/start function.
5. Place the ignition switch in ON, and use VDS to perform
"ECM Adaption Reset".
6. Wait for 2-5 seconds, and turn off the ignition switch,
then re-start the vehicle.

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Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

TCM The self-learning shall last for about 1min. During the
Reset EEPROM Data to Default Value operation, forced actions of the shift fork will cause vehicle
vibration. This is a normal situation.
The EEPROM is part of the TCM memory, the data stored
in the EEPROM will not change when the software and 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
calibration is updated. After the diagnostic procedure is 2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - AT
completed, restore the EEPROM data to a reasonable range Self-learning - Shift Fork Position Self-learning", and
so as to avoid wrong data is used by the TCM software. operate as per the instructions on the screen.
After replacement of the following parts, perform the After self-learning, drive for a while to check the effect of the
diagnostic procedures for resetting the EEPROM data to self-learning. If the vehicle performance is lowered, repeat the
default value: self-learning.
• Transmission Clutch Engagement Point Self-learning
• TCM Clutch engagement point self-learning will store the correct
When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following engagement point information of the odd/even clutch to the
conditions must be met: TCM.

1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position. Perform the diagnostic procedures for clutch engagement
point self-learning under the following conditions:
2. Turn off the engine.
3. Can’t reset the EEPROM to default value after clutch When a part is replaced:
engagement point self-learning. • Transmission
After operation successful, must let the vehicle power down • TCM
normally(must not disconnect battery).
Poor Vehicle Performance:
Perform this diagnostic procedure, the operation shall be held
• Severe impact occurs during vehicle start.
for about 3s.
• Severe impact occurs during vehicle shifting.
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
• The respond is too long.
2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - Reset
When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following
EEPROM Data to Default Value", and operate as per
conditions must be met:
the instructions on the screen.
1. The engine is working for more than 5min.
Caution: The operation shall be done before the
"SubROM data" is read. 2. The vehicle is in P gear and the vehicle speed is 0.

Shift Fork Position Self-learning 3. TCM has no identified DTC

4. The A/C is always ON/OFF (do not shift between
Shift fork position self-learning will store the correct position
information of the shift fork to the TCM.
5. Clutch Temperature: 45–70℃.
After replacement of the following parts, perform the
6. Engine coolant temperature: 90–140℃.
diagnostic procedures for shift fork position self-learning
7. Outside Temperature: 5–35℃
• Transmission
8. Do not depress the accelerator pedal.
9. Clutch speed (when engine idles) is less than 1200rpm.
When performing the self-learning, the following conditions
10. Is engine torque stable:Yes.
must be met:
After operation successful, must let the vehicle power down
1. The engine is working for more than 5min.
normally(must not disconnect battery).
2. The vehicle is in P gear and the vehicle speed is 0.
The self-learning shall last for about 1min, during the operation,
3. TCM has no identified DTC
the forced actions of the clutch will cause vehicle vibration, this
After operation successful, must let the vehicle power down is a normal situation.
normally(must not disconnect battery).
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.

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Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - AT EEPROM of the TCM.These data are related to shift fork
Self-learning - Clutch Meshing Point Self-learning", and position, clutch engagement point and solenoid characteristic
operate as per the instructions on the screen. curve, etc.

Caution: During clutch meshing point self-learning, After replacement of the following parts, perform the
to ensure a stable engine torque output, do not diagnostic procedures for read SubRom:
shift the A/C between ON/OFF state.
• Transmission
After self-learning, drive for a while to check the effect of the • TCM
self-learning. If the vehicle performance is lowered, repeat the
Caution: After replacement of the dual clutch
automatic transmission or TCM, apply the scan tool
Clutch Pressure/Current Curve Self-learning
to read the shift data and valve characteristic
Correct pressure/current curve value of the odd/even clutch data stored in the SubROM of the transmission
can be stored to the TCM by self-learning of the clutch valve. The original data stored in the TCM only
pressure/current curve. apply to the original TCM, not apply to the new
After replacement of the following parts, perform the
diagnostic procedures for clutch pressure/current curve When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following
self-learning: conditions must be met:
• Pressure sensor 1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position.
When performing the self-learning, following conditions must 2. Turn off the engine.
be met: After operation successful, must let the vehicle power down
1. The engine is working for more than 5min. normally(must not disconnect battery).
2. The vehicle is in P gear and the vehicle speed is 0. The diagnostic procedure shall last for about 5s.
3. TCM has no identified DTC. 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
4. The A/C is always ON/OFF (do not shift between 2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - AT Control
ON/OFF). Module SubROM Data Reading - Reading SubROM Data
5. Valvebody temperature: 35–50℃. (All)", and operate as per the instructions on the screen.
6. Do not depress the accelerator pedal. Transmission Sensor Test
7. Clutch speed (when engine idles) is less than 1200rpm. The diagnostic procedure can be used to determine if the signal
8. Is engine torque stable: Yes. of the transmission sensor is normal by comparing the signal
from the TCM and the actual feedback from the sensor.
The self-learning shall last for about 1min, during the operation,
the forced actions of the clutch will cause vehicle vibration, this After replacement of the following parts, perform the
is a normal situation. diagnostic procedures for transmission sensor test.

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS. • Pressure sensor
2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - AT When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following
Self-learning - Clutch Pressure/Current Curve conditions must be met:
Self-learning", and operate as per the instructions on the
1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position.
2. Engine running
Caution: During clutch pressure/current curve
3. The vehicle speed is 0.
self-learning, to ensure a stable engine torque
output, do not shift the A/C between ON/OFF state. 4. The vehicle is in P gear.

After self-learning, drive for a while to check the effect of the The diagnostic procedure shall last for about 20s.
self-learning. If the vehicle performance is lowered, repeat the 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Fast Track - Other - AT Sensor Test", and operate
Read SubROM as per the instructions on the screen.
The SubROM is an external memory of the transmission When the operation is completed successfully, the scan tool
valve, the diagnostic procedure sends the SubROM data to the will prompt its completion.

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Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Diagnostic Routine Implementation Condition

Reset EEPROMData to Clutch Pressure/Current

Read SubROM
Default Value Curve Self-learning

Refresh software
Replacement TCM ● ●
Replacement new transmission ● ●
Replacement old transmission ● ●

Replacement pressure sensor ●


Replacement TCM and new

transmission ● ●

Replacement TCM and old

transmission ● ●

Severe impact occurs during

vehicle start、severe impact

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Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

occurs during vehicle shifting or
the respond is too long

Note: should to ensure the throttle is about 10% - 15%,

driving stability for more than 150 seconds in 3 gear.
• :Unexecute,●:Execute
2. Operation like step 1, ensure the throttle is about
• The new transmission refers to the new manufacture
20%-25%, driving stability for more than 150 seconds
transmission which we get from the supplier.
in 3 gear.
• Execute the order of the above routine: sequentially from
3. Operation like step 1, ensure the throttle is about
left to right.
30%-35%, driving stability for more than 150 seconds
TCM Replacement
in 3 gear.
After replacement of the TCM, perform the following 4. Operation like step 1, keep the rotational speed
operations: more than 2000rpm, ensure the throttle is about
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS. 50%-55%, driving stability for more than 150 seconds
in 3 gear.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — TCM
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on After the above 4 steps, the odd clutch torque Map
the screen. adaptive to complete.
The procedures for replacement already include procedures • Even clutch
for update, configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures 1. Shift to 4 gear in M mode, then adjustment the
for resetting EEPROM to default value and reading SubROM throttle opening slowly until the rotational speed
data (all)). of the engine above to 1500rpm, and then stable
If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as running at 10% - 15% of the throttle opening. If the
per the instructions on the screen. If resetting EEPROM to speed is too high you can slow down to guarantee
the safety, if the speed is too low, you can operation
default value or reading SubROM data (all) fails only, apply the
VDS to reset the EEPROM to default value; if the operation in accordance with the above method, but you
is successful, perform the diagnostic procedures for reading should to ensure the throttle is about 10% - 15%,
SubROM data (all). driving stability for more than 150 seconds in 4 gear.
2. Operation like step 1, ensure the throttle is about
Self-adaption Procedures
20%-25%, driving stability for more than 150 seconds
Caution: With the use of the transmission, the dual
in 4 gear.
clutch is constantly worn, this will resulting in
3. Operation like step 1, ensure the throttle is about
the decline of the shifting performance. In order
30%-35%, driving stability for more than 150 seconds
to improve the performance of the vehicle, we need
in 4 gear.
do the self-adaption procedures.
4. Operation like step 1, keep the rotational speed
more than 2000rpm, ensure the throttle is about
Start the engine, make sure the clutch valve body temperature 50%-55%, driving stability for more than 150 seconds
within the range of 50-90 degrees. in 4 gear.

Vehicle torque Map self-adaption operation After the above 4 steps, the even clutch torque Map
adaptive to complete.
• Odd clutch
1. Shift to 3 gear in M mode, then adjustment the
throttle opening slowly until the rotational speed
of the engine above to 1500rpm, and then stable
running at 10% - 15% of the throttle opening. If the
speed is too high you can slow down to guarantee
the safety, if the speed is too low, you can operation
in accordance with the above method, but you

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Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Transmission Control Module (TCM) - 7-speed 12. The following DTCs shall not appears:
Automatic a. DTC related to power supply voltage
Transmission Fast Self-learning
b. DTC related to brake pedal
Operation Requiring Fast Self-Learning
c. DTC related to engine speed
Transmission fast self-learning is required by the following
operations. The failure of transmission self-learning may lead d. DTC related to throttle position
to worse performance of transmission and corresponding e. DTC in TCM
DTC. Operating Steps
1. Transmission Internal Service Update
2. Transmission Assembly Replacement If software update and fast self-learning operations are
3. Electro-Hydraulic Control Assembly And Transmission required, operate the following steps:
Control Module (Powerpack & TCM) Service or 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access SIPS.
2. Select programming and coding - TCM (transmission
4. Electro-Hydraulic Control Assembly (Powerpack) Service control module) - Refresh, and then operate in
or Replacement accordance with the indications on screen.
5. TCM Replacement 3. Perform the following procedures to avoid incorrect
6. TCM Software Update diagnosis in the future:
7. Operations to improve shift quality a. Place the ignition switch in "OFF" position and keep
Operation Conditions for 30s.
If transmission fast self-learning operation meets the following b. With the engine off, put the ignition switch in "ON"
conditions. If the following conditions cannot be met, position.
automatic transmission self-learning process may stops, and c. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access
the operation shall restarts from the very beginning. In case VDS.
of the above conditions, the transmission will stops in neutral
d. Read the historical DTCs of all control modules and
state until the controller is powered off. Switch off the ignition
clear them.
switch, remove the scan tool, and implement the operation
again after waiting for more than 30s. If fast self-learning update software and fast self-learning operation are included in
operation fails for many times, some failure may happen to the update. If it reminds of failure in the upgrade process, please
transmission hardware. If the transmission oil temperature operate in accordance with the interface prompts.
is beyond 100℃, the transmission self-learning process may Fast Self-learning
If only the fast self-learning operations is required, but not
1. Block driving wheels upgrade software, perform the following procedures:
2. Enable electronic parking system 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access VDS.
3. Step the brake pedal 2. Select routines - Reset Adaptions - TCM fast learning, and
4. The engine is running at idle speed, the speed is operate in accordance with the prompts on the screen.
600~800rpm, and the engine is free of speed control. 3. Perform the following procedures to avoid incorrect
5. Throttle Position: 0% diagnosis in the future:
6. A/C Off a. Place the ignition switch in "OFF" position and keep
7. Ignition Voltage: 9~15V for 30s.
8. Engine Coolant Temperature: 130℃ or lower b. With the engine off, put the ignition switch in "ON"
9. Transmission oil temperature -10~100℃, if self-learning position.
operation is beyond the temperature range, self-learning c. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access
will not start. VDS.
10. Accumulator pressure cannot be too low (>3000kPa) d. Read the historical DTCs of all control modules and
11. Shift the gear in the order: P→R→D→P, repeat three clear them.
times, and finally shift it to P gear to exhaust the air in
If it reminds of failure in the self-learning process, please
the clutch.
perform in accordance with the interface prompts.

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Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

Note: Upon completion of self-learning, if the vehicle still the transmission accumulator pressure relief procedures may
keeps in neutral gear state after restarting the engine, stop.
disconnect the battery and wait for 10min. Reconnect the
1. Ignition Voltage: 9 - 15V
battery, restart the engine, and then the vehicle can be shifted
to R gear and D gear. 2. Vehicle is stationary
3. Transmission is in parking gear (P) or neutral gear (N)
4. Engine speed: 0
If transmission self-learning operation can not be performed
normally, please confirm the following contents: 5. The following DTCs shall not appears

1. The transmission is 7-speed dry dual clutch automatic a. DTC related to power supply voltage
transmission. b. DTC related to shifting fork
2. Transmission oil temperature: -10~100℃ c. DTC related to pressure sensor
3. Engine Coolant Temperature: 130℃ or lower
d. DTC related to P/N gear
4. Brake pedal and brake pedal switch operates normally.
e. DTC related to speed sensor
5. No activated DTC in TCM
Operating Steps
6. Close throttle, the engine speed cannot increase beyond
1500rpm in the initial operation stage. 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access VDS.
7. Built-in mode switch can be fitted and work normally. 2. Select TCM - diagnostic - output control - Transmission
8. The vehicle does not move or shake sharply. Accumulator Pressure Relief Trigger, and perform the
output operation compulsively.
9. Dual clutch Normal Refit
3. Close the ignition switch, and wait for 3 min.
10. The pressure than accumulator can keep is beyond
3000kPa. 4. Restart the engine, and finish the pressure relief of
transmission accumulator.
Transmission Accumulator Pressure Relief
7-speed dry clutch automatic transmission supplies the
shift control actuator in electro-hydraulic control assembly If the transmission cannot perform accumulator pressure relief
with oil by adopting the motor to drive the oil pump. The operation normally, please confirm the following information:
operating pressure of shift control actuator battery assembly 1. The transmission is 7-speed dry dual clutch automatic
is 1200~6502kPa. The technician can quickly decrease transmission.
high pressure in the system to safety operation level by
2. No relevant activated DTC
outputting "Trigger transmission accumulator pressure relief
3. Built-in mode switch is fitted normally and it can operate
immediately" compulsively. Accumulator pressure system
is still in relief state, and it recovers normal until "Trigger
transmission accumulator pressure relief immediately" is
output compulsively.
Operation Requiring Accumulator Pressure Relief
Accumulator pressure relief operation must be performed
before the replacement of electro-hydraulic control assembly
or electro-hydraulic control assembly and transmission control
module. If the operation is not performed or the operation
fails, the electro-hydraulic control assembly may release high
pressure oil.
Operation Conditions
If the specified conditions are not met, the transmission
accumulator pressure relief procedure will stops the
operation, so the whole operation will be performed from
the very beginning. In case of such condition, the shift control
actuator accumulator assembly may be still in pressurized
state. If the transmission oil temperature is beyond 100℃,

1.0 1217

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

SCU Replacement
After replacement of the SCU, perform the following

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — SCU
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for update and configuration.
If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per
the instructions on the screen.

1.0 1218

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

TCCM Self-test
This function is used to check the TCCM and solenoid valve
of the torque control. When self-test is enabled, the clutch is
activated and the torque can be transferred. The duration of
the self-test shall be less than 3s.

When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following

conditions must be met:

1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position.

2. Engine is stopped.
3. Clutch slip speed <5 r/min, vehicle speed <5 km/h.

Perform this diagnostic procedure with the scan tool, the

operation shall be held for about 3s.
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Routines - other - TCCM On-Demand self Test",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.
TCCM Replacement
After replacement of the TCCM, perform the following

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — TCCM —Replace",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for update and configuration.

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per

the instructions on the screen.

1.0 1219

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Air Conditioning System (HVAC)

A/C Servo Motor Self-learning
Perform self-learning for the A/C servo motor under the
following situations:
1. Replace the A/C controller.
2. Replace the A/C box assembly.
3. Replace the servo motor of the blend damper/mode
When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following
conditions must be met:
1. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position.
2. Turn off the engine.
Use the scan tool to perform the diagnostic procedure:
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - A/C Servo
Motor Self-learning", and operate as per the instructions
on the screen.
A/C Controller Replacement
After replacement of the A/C controller, perform the following
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — HVAC
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include update,

configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures for A/C
servo motor self-learning).
If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per
the instructions on the screen. If A/C servo motor self-learning
fails only, use the VDS to repeat the diagnostic procedures.

1.0 1220

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

EPS Module If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as the
EPS Module Angle Initialization instructions on the screen. If EPS module self-learning fails
only, use the VDS to repeat the diagnostic procedures.
When the vehicle power is connected after disconnection,
initialize the angle of the EPS module.

1. Return the steering wheel.

2. Fully turn the steering wheel to the left.
3. Return the steering wheel.
4. Fully turn the steering wheel to the right.
5. Return the steering wheel.
EPS Module Self-learning
This diagnostic procedure is used for EPS self-learning, this
provides active return and end stop functions for the steering
Perform steering wheel angle self-learning for the EPS module
under the following situations:
• Replace the steering column assembly.
• Replace the steering gear boot.
• Replace the inner tie rod of the steering gear.
• Replace the outer tie rod of the steering gear.
• Replace the steering gear assembly.
When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following
conditions must be met:
1. Start the engine and wait for 5s.
2. Engine speed is above 500r/min.
3. Battery voltage is within 9-16V.
4. EPS is in normal state.
5. Vehicle is stationary.
6. The steering wheel is in the center.

Perform the diagnostic procedure:

1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access
the VDS.
2. Select "Routines - Reset Adaptions- EPS Calibration",
and operate as the instructions on the screen.
EPS Replacement
After replacement of the EPS, perform the following

1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access

the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — EPS
—Replacement", and operate as the instructions on the

The procedures for replacement already include update,

configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures for EPS
module self-learning).

1.0 1221

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

EPB Module
Parking Brake Cable Full Release
Before removing any part, fully release the parking brake cable
under any of the following situations:

• Replace the EPB module.

• Replace the parking brake cable.
• Replace the rear brake caliper.
• Replace the rear brake pad.
• Replace the rear brake disc.
Parking Brake Cable Full Release - Recommended

VDS of the scan tool is recommended for full release of 3. Insert the Allen hexagon wrench into the hole (appr.
the parking brake cable. Before use of the VDS, ensure the 40mm) under the cover, and turn clockwise until the
following conditions are met: parking brake cable is fully released.
Parking Brake Cable Adjustment
1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position.
2. EPB switch is pressed for 5s. Under any of the following situations, make adjustments and
record the original position of the parking brake cable after
3. Make sure the engine is stationary and the vehicle speed
any part is fitted, otherwise, the EPB module cannot work:
is 0.
4. EPB module and relevant actuator are in normal state. • Replace the EPBModule
• Replace the parking brake cable.
Perform the diagnostic procedure:
• Replace the brake caliper housing assembly.
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
• Replace the brake pad.
2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - Parking
• Replace the brake disc.
Brake Cable Full Release", and operate as per the
instructions on the screen. Perform the diagnostic procedure:
3. Fully release the parking brake cable as per the 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
instructions on the screen. 2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - Parking
Parking Brake Cable Full Release - Mechanical Method Brake Cable Adjustment", and operate as per the
Generally, this method is not recommended for release of the instructions on the screen.
parking brake cable, it is only used in unexpected situations, 3. Normal operation of the EPB is achieved by adjusting the
for example, low battery and EPB failure, when the EPB fails, parking brake cable as per the instructions on the screen.
fully release the parking brake cable manually. EPB Module Replacement
1. Remove the rear wheel house liner. After replacement of the EPB, perform the following
Rear Wheel House Liner Remove operations:
2. Turn the white emergency release cover counterclockwise 1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
with the socket.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — EPB
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for update, configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures
for adjusting parking brake cable).

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as

per the instructions on the screen. If parking brake cable
adjustment fails only, use the VDS to repeat the diagnostic

1.0 1222

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

Stability Control System (SCS) SCS Replacement
SCS Pressure Sensor Self-learning After replacement of the SCS, perform the following
This function is used to perform self-learning for the SCS operations:
module after replace the SCS. 1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access
When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following the SIPS.
conditions must be met: 2. Select "Programming and Coding — SCS —
1. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position, but do not Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
start the engine. the screen.

2. The vehicle speed is 0. The procedures for replacement already include procedures
for update, configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures
Perform the diagnostic procedure:
for SCS pressure sensor/yaw sensor self-learning).
1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access
If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per
the VDS.
the instructions on the screen. If SCS pressure sensor/yaw
2. Select "Routines - Reset Adaptions - SCS Pressure sensor self-learning fails only, use the VDS to repeat the above
Sensor Calibration", and operate as per the instructions procedures.
on the screen.
Yaw Sensor Self-learning
This function is used to perform self-learning for the yaw
sensor after replace the SCS module.

When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following

conditions must be met:
1. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position, but do not
start the engine.
2. The vehicle speed is 0.
3. SCS modulator and relevant actuator are in normal state.

Perform the diagnostic procedure:

1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access

the VDS.
2. Select "Routines - Reset Adaptions - Yaw Sensor
Self-learning", and operate as per the instructions on the
ABS/SCS Bleeding
This option can be used to bleed the module and pipe.

When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following

conditions must be met:
1. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position.
2. Connect the brake fluid filling/drain machine to the brake
fluid reservoir and adjust the refill pressure to 2Bar.

Bleed the ABS/SCS according to the following instructions:

1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access the
2. Select "Routines - Other - ABS/SCS Brake Bleeding", and
operate as per the instructions on the screen.

If the operation fails, please operate as per the instructions on

the screen.

1.0 1223

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Steering Angle Sensor (SAS)

SAS Reset/Zero Self-learning

SAS Reset/Zero Self-learning shall be performed under the

following conditions:

• When operating, removing or replacing the clock spring

or combination switch

When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following

conditions must be met:

1. Place the ignition switch in "ON" position.

2. When the vehicle speed is 0, the steering wheel returns
and stops, check if the front wheel returns to the front.
3. SAS module and relevant actuator are in normal state.
Perform the diagnostic procedure:
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - SAS Reset
Self-learning", and operate as per the instructions on the
3. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - SAS Zero
Self-learning", and operate as per the instructions on the
SAS Replacement
After replacement of the clock spring or combination switch,
perform the following operations:
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — SAS
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.
3. Then the system will perform the SAS self-learning

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for update, configuration and setting (SAS Reset/Zero

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per

the instructions on the screen. If SAS reset/zero self-learning
fails only, use the VDS to perform SAS reset self-learning,
if the operation is successful, then perform the diagnostic
procedures for SAS zero self-learning.

1.0 1224

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

BCM Power Mode Adjustment
After replacement of the BCM, to avoid failure of some BCM
functions, check the power mode of the BCM and ensure it is
in normal condition.

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Fast Track - PDI - BCM Power Mode Adjustment",
and shift the power mode of the BCM by the instructions
on the screen.
BCM Replacement
After replacement of the BCM, perform the following

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — BCM
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for update, configuration and setting (anti-theft data matching,
key addition and BCM power mode adjustment).

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per

the instructions on the screen. If adjustment of the BCM
power mode fails only, use the VDS to repeat the diagnostic
Key Addition
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — BCM — Key
Addition", and operate as per the instructions on the
3. Use the key added to start the vehicle and confirm if the
key can start, lock or unlock the vehicle.
Key Deletion
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — BCM — Key
Deletion", and operate as per the instructions on the
3. After the key is deleted, read the key information and
confirm if the key is successfully deleted.

1.0 1225

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Communication Module (TBOX)

TBOX Battery Life Calibration
Calibrate the TBOX battery life when the followings occur:

• The communication module battery is replaced.

When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following

conditions must be met:

1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position.

2. Engine is stopped.
3. New battery is properly fitted.
Perform the diagnostic procedure:

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Routines - Reset Adaptions - TBOX Battery
Calibration", and operate as per the instructions on the
TBOX Replacement
After replacement of the TBOX, perform the following
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — TBOX
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures for
calibrating TBOX battery life).

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate

as per the instructions on the screen. If calibration of the
TBOX battery life fails only, use the VDS to repeat the above
diagnostic procedures.

1.0 1226

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

Gateway (GW)
Zero Self-learning of Brake Pedal Position Sensor
Zero self-learning of the brake pedal position sensor shall be
carried out under the following situations:

• The GW is replaced.
• The brake pedal position sensor is replaced.

When performing the self-learning, following conditions must

be met:

1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position and the engine

is off.
2. The brake pedal is not depressed.

Use the scan tool to perform the diagnostic procedure.

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Fast Track - Learn Value/Adjustment - Zero
Self-learning of Brake Pedal Position Sensor", and operate
as per the instructions on the screen.
GW Power Mode Adjustment
After replacement of the GW, check the power mode of the
GW and ensure it is in normal condition.
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the VDS.
2. Select "Fast Track - PDI - GW Power Mode Adjustment",
and shift the power mode of the GW by the instructions
on the screen.
GW Replacement
After replacement of the GW, perform the following
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — GW —Replacement",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.
The procedures for replacement already include procedures
for update, configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures
for zero self-learning of the brake pedal position sensor and
GW power mode adjustment).

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per

the instructions on the screen. If zero self-learning of the brake
pedal position sensor or GW power mode adjustment fails
only, use the VDS to repeat the above diagnostic procedures.

1.0 1227

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

DHL Axle Sensor Zero Position Learning
DHL axle sensor zero position learning shall be performed
under the following situations:

• DHL module is replaced.

• Axle Sensor is replaced.
• Suspension components (front/rear shock absorber,
front lower swing, front subframe, rear suspension
spring and rear trailing arm) are replaced.
• DHL function fails or performance deteriorates.
When performing the diagnostic procedure, the following
conditions must be met:

1. The ignition switch is in "ON" position.

2. The engine is stationary and the vehicle is on a level
3. DHL module and relevant actuator are in normal state.

Use the diagnostic tool to perform the procedure.

1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access
the VDS.
2. Select "Routines - Reset Adaptions - DHL Axle Sensor
Zero Position Learning", and operate as per the
instructions on the screen.
DHL Module Replacement
After replacement of DHL module, perform the following

1. Park the vehicle on a level ground.

2. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access
the SIPS.
3. Select "Programming and Coding — DHL — Replace",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.
The procedures for replacement already include reprogram,
configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures for height
sensor null voltage self-learning).

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate

as per the instructions on the screen. If DHL axle sensor
zero position learning fails only, use the VDS to repeat the
diagnostic procedures for DHL axle sensor zero position

1.0 1228

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

PEPS Set Power Mode
After replacement of the PEPS, check the power mode of the
PEPS and ensure it is in normal condition.
1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access the
2. Select "Routines - PDI - PEPS Set Power Mode", and shift
the power mode of the PEPS by the instructions on the

Caution: Once the power mode of the PEPS is adjusted

to normal mode, it cannot be shifted to other modes.
If shift the power mode at this step, the VDS will
display "CAN NOT Change the PEPS to other mode".
PEPS Replacement
After replacement of the PEPS, perform the following
1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access
the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — PEPS —Replace",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include reprogram,

configuration and setting (diagnostic procedures for matching
anti-theft data and adjusting PEPS power mode).

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as

per the instructions on the screen. If failure of PEPS power
mode adjustment occurs only, apply the VDS to repeat the

1.0 1229

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Instrument Pack (IPK)

IPK Replacement
After replacing with a new instrument pack, the following
operations must be carried out:

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding - IPK - Replacement",
and operate according to the instructions on the screen.

"Refresh" and "Configuration" are already included in the

replacement operation.

If it prompts "Failed" during the replacement, please operate

as per the interface prompts.

1.0 1230

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

SDM Replacement
After replacement of the SDM, perform the following

1. Connect the diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access

the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — SDM — Replace",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for reprogram, configuration and setting (lock module).
If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per
the instructions on the screen.

1.0 1231

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

Entertainment System Control Module (FICM)

FICM Configuration
After replacing with a new entertainment mainframe, the
following operations must be carried out:

1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding - FICM - Configuration",
and operate according to the instructions on the screen.

If it prompts "Failed" during the configuration, please operate

as per the interface prompts.

1.0 1232

Fuse Box and Harness Self-learning/Programming

PMDC Self-learning
Vehicles with intelligent stop/start energy saving system shall
be stationary for at least 4hr so that the PMDC can acquire
stable and accurate battery status information and meet the
operation requirement of the intelligent stop/start energy
saving system.

PMDC self-learning shall be carried out under the following


• The battery negative is reconnected after disconnection.

• The battery is replaced.
Caution: Failure to observe the above requirements
can lead to failure of the intelligent stop/start
energy saving system before the PMDC can acquire
any accurate battery voltage information.
PMDC Replacement
After replacement of the PMDC, perform the following
1. Connect the scan tool to the vehicle and access the SIPS.
2. Select "Programming and Coding — PMDC
—Replacement", and operate as per the instructions on
the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for update and configuration.

If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per

the instructions on the screen.

1.0 1233

Self-learning/Programming Fuse Box and Harness

PDC Module
PDC Replacement
After replacement of the PDC, perform the following

1. Connect diagnostic tool to the vehicle and access the

2. Select "Programming and Coding — PDC — Replace",
and operate as per the instructions on the screen.

The procedures for replacement already include procedures

for reprogram and configuration.
If the operation fails during replacement, please operate as per
the instructions on the screen.

1.0 1234

Glossary List Name Description

Name Description FDU Final Drive Unit
A/C Air Conditioning GPS Global Positioning System
ABS Anti-lock braking system HC Hydro Carbons
AC Alternating current HFM Hot film air mass
HHC Hill Hold Control
AGM Absorbed Glass Mat
HO2S Heated Oxygen Sensor
ATC Automatic Temperature
HRW Heated Rear Window
HS High Speed
AUTO Automatic
HSLA High Strength Low Alloy
AUX Auxiliary
HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air
BCM Body Controller Module
CAN Controller area network
CDL Central Door Locking ICE In Car Entertainment
CHMSL Centre High Mounted Stop ICS Inflatable Curtain Structure
IPK Instrument Cluster
CKP Crankshaft Position
ISO International Organization
CMP Camshaft Position
for Standardization
CO Carbon Monoxide Km/h
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Km/l
DDSP Driver’s Door Switch Pack LCD Liquid Crystal Display
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code LED Light Emitting Diode
Dial Test Indicator Local Interconnect Network
EBD Electronic Braking-force MAG Metal Active Gas
Distribution MIG Metal Inert Gas
Malfunction Indicator Lamp
ECM Engine Control Module
MLS Master Light Switch
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature
ECU Electronic Control Unit NOx Oxides of Nitrogen
EEPROM Electronic Erasable NTC Negative Temperature
Programmable Read Only
OAT Organic Acid Technology
ELR Emergency Locking
PCV Positive Crankcase
EMCD Electric Magnetic Control
PDC Parking Distance Control
EMS PLCD Permanentmagnetic Linear
Engine Management System
Contactless Displacement
EPB Electronic Parking Brake
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

1.0 1235

Name Description
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RON Research Octane Number
SAE Society of Automotive
SCS Stability Control System
SCU Shifter Control Unit
SAIC Integrated Program
SRS Supplementary Restraint
TC Traction Control
TCM Transmission Control
TDC Top Dead Centre
TMAP Temperature, Manifold
Absolute Pressure
TPMS Tyre Pressure Monitoring
TWC Three-way Catalyst
TXV Thermostatic Expansion
Vehicle Diagnostic System
VIN Vehicle Identification
kPa Kilo Pascal

1.0 1236

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