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Bridgelux SMD 3535 Data Sheet For BXEX-xxC-11H-3A1 20210802

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Bridgelux SMD 3535 Series ®

Product Data Sheet

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Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021)
BXEX-27x 30x 40x 50x 57x 65
SMD 3030
SMD 3535

The Bridgelux SMD 3535 offers exceptional performance in a compact LED package. This high power LED is hot-color
targeted which ensures that the LEDs fall within their specified color bin at the typical application conditions of 85°C.
With its broad lumen coverage and wide range of CCT options, Its high flux capability reduces the number of LEDs and
enables industry leading system level lumen per dollar. The SMD 3535 is ideal as a drop in replacement for emitters with
an industry standard 3.5mm x 3.5mm footprint.

Features Applications

• Package: SMT ceramic package with silicone lens • Highbay Industrial

• Color temperature: 2700K - 6500K • Street, Tunnel and Outdoor
• Lumen maintenance: Test results according to • Architectural Lighting,wall-wash
IESNA LM-80 available
• ESD8kV HBM. JEDEC-JS-001-HBM and JE-
• Operates at a maximum current of up to 1.5A
• Hot binning @ 85 ºC

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021)


Product Feature Map 2

Product Nomenclature 2

Product Test Conditions 2

Product Selection Guide 3
Electrical Characteristics 4

Absolute Maximum Ratings 5

Product Bin Definitions 6-10

Typical Radiation Pattern 11

Mechanical Dimensions 12

Reflow Characteristics 13

Packaging 14-15

Design Resources 16

Precautions 16

Disclaimers 16

About Bridgelux 17

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021)

Product Feature Map

Bridgelux SMD LED products come in industry standard package sizes and follow ANSI binning standards. These LEDs
are optimized for cost and performance, helping to ensure highly competitive system lumen per dollar performance
while addressing the stringent efficacy and reliability standards required for modern lighting applications.

Anode Mark


Product Nomenclature
The part number designation for Bridgelux SMD 3535 is explained as follows:

1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

BXEX – XX X - 11H – 3A1 – 00 - 0 - 0

Product Family Color Bin Options

Forward Voltage Bins
Nominal CCT
Flux Bins
27 = 2,700K
30 = 3,000K
Product Version
35 = 3,500K
40 = 4,000K Typical Forward Voltage
50 = 5,000K Minimum CRI
57 = 5,700K C = 70 CRI High Power
65 = 6,500K
Die count in series
Die count in parallel

Product Test Conditions

Bridgelux SMD 3535 LEDs are tested and binned with a 10ms pulse of 700mA at Tj (junction temperature)=Tsp (solder point
temperature) =85°C. Forward voltage and luminous flux are binned at a Tj=Tsp=85°C, while color is hot targeted at a Tsp of 85°C.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021)

Product Selection Guide

The following product configurations are available:

Table 1: Selection Guide, Pulsed Measurement Data at 700mA (Tj=Tsp=85°C)

Nominal Forward Voltage3, 5 Typical Typical

Nominal CCT1 (V) Typical Efficacy
Part Number CRI2, 3 Drive Current Pulsed Flux Power
(K) (lm/W)
(mA) Min Typical Max (lm)3, 5 (W)

BXEX-27C-11H-3A1-00-0-0 2700 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 273 2.1 130

BXEX-30C-11H-3A1-00-0-0 3000 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 283 2.1 135

BXEX-35C-11H-3A1-00-0-0 3500 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 289 2.1 138

BXEX-40C-11H-3A1-00-0-0 4000 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 300 2.1 143

BXEX-50C-11H-3A1-00-0-0 5000 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 300 2.1 143

BXEX-57C-11H-3A1-00-0-0 5700 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 300 2.1 143

BXEX-65C-11H-3A-00-0-0 6500 70 700 2.7 3.0 3.3 294 2.1 140

Notes for Table 1:

1. Product CCT is hot targeted at Tsp = 85°C. Nominal CCT as defined by ANSI C78.377-2011.
2. Listed CRIs are minimum values and include test tolerance.
3. Bridgelux maintains a ±7.5% tolerance on luminous flux measurements, ±0.1V tolerance on forward voltage measurements, and ±2 tolerance on CRI
measurements for the SMD 3535.
4. Typical stabilized DC performance values are provided as reference only and are not a guarantee of performance.
5. Typical performance is estimated based on operation under DC (direct current) with LED emitter mounted onto a heat sink with thermal interface
material and the solder point temperature maintained at 85°C. Based on Bridgelux test setup, values may vary depending on the thermal design of
the luminaire and/or the exposed environment to which the product is subjected.
6. Minimum flux values at elevated temperatures are provided for reference only and are not guaranteed by 100% production testing.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 3

Electrical Characteristics

Table 2: Electrical Characteristics

Forward Voltage Typical
(V) 1,2 Thermal
Drive Current Resistance
Part Number 1 of Forward
(mA) Junction
Minimum Typical Maximum to Solder Point4,5
R j-sp (C/W)

BXEX-xxx-11H-3A1-00-0-0 700 2.8 3.1 3.4 -2.0 to -4.0 3

Notes for Table 2:

1. Bridgelux mantains a tolerance of ± 0.1V on forward voltage measurements. Voltage minimum and maximum values at the nominal drive
current are guaranteed by 100% test.
2. Products tested under pulsed condition (10ms pulse width) at nominal drive current where Tsp = 25°C.
3. Thermal Resistance values based on 5700K 70CRI product.
4. Thermal resistance value was calculated using total electrical input power; optical power was not subtracted from input power.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 4

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Table 3: Maximum Ratings

Parameter Maximum Rating

LED Junction Temperature (Tj) 135°C

Storage Temperature -40°C to +105°C

Operating Solder Point Temperature (TSp) -40°C to +105°C

Soldering Temperature 260°C or lower for a maximum of 10 seconds

Maximum Drive Current2 1500mA

Maximum Reverse Voltage

Moisture Sensitivity Rating MSL3

Electrostatic Discharge 8kV HBM. JEDEC-JS-001-HBM and JEDEC-JS-001-2012

Notes for Table 3:

1. Bridgelux recommends a maximum duty cycle of 10% and pulse width of 10 ms when operating LED SMD at maximum peak pulsed current specified.
Maximum peak pulsed currents indicate values where LED SMD can be driven without catastrophic failures.
2. Bridgelux suggest the Tsp is less than 105 degrees, when the drive current is 1.5 A
3. Light emitting diodes art not designed to be driven in reverse voltage and will not produce light under this condition. no rating is porvided.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 5

Product Bin Definitions

Table 4 lists the standard photometric luminous flux bins for Bridgelux SMD 3535 LEDs. Although several bins are
outlined, product availability in a particular bin varies by production run and by product performance. Not all bins are
available in all CCTs.

Table 4: Luminous Flux Bin Definitions at 700mA, Tsp=85°C

Bin Code Minimum Maximum Unit Condition

D6 250 270
D7 270 290
lm IF=700mA
D8 290 310
D9 310 330

Note for Table 4:

1. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of ± 7.5% on luminous flux measurements.

Table 5: Forward Voltage Bin Definition at 700mA, Tsp=85°C

Bin Code Minimum Maximum Unit Condition

H 2.5 2.7
J 2.7 2.9
V IF=700mA
K 2.9 3.1
L 3.1 3.3

Note for Table 5:

1. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of ± 0.1V on forward voltage measurements.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 6

Product Bin Definitions

Table 6: Color Bin Definitions

CCT CIE Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Color Bin

X 0.4465 0.4582 0.4562 0.4687

Y 0.4071 0.4099 0.4260 0.4289

X 0.4582 0.4700 0.4687 0.4813

Y 0.4099 0.4126 0.4289 0.4319
X 0.4483 0.4593 0.4582 0.4700
Y 0.3919 0.3944 0.4099 0.4126

X 0.4373 0.4483 0.4465 0.4582

Y 0.3893 0.3919 0.4071 0.4099

X 0.4221 0.4342 0.4259 0.4147

Y 0.3984 0.4028 0.3853 0.3814

X 0.4342 0.4465 0.4373 0.4259

Y 0.4028 0.4071 0.3893 0.3853
X 0.4299 0.443 0.4342 0.4221
Y 0.4165 0.4212 0.4028 0.3984

X 0.443 0.4562 0.4465 0.4342

Y 0.4212 0.426 0.4071 0.4028

X 0.3941 0.4080 0.3996 0.4146

Y 0.3848 0.3916 0.4015 0.4089

X 0.4080 0.4221 0.4146 0.4299

Y 0.3916 0.3984 0.4089 0.4165
X 0.4017 0.4147 0.4080 0.4221
Y 0.3751 0.3814 0.3916 0.3984

X 0.3889 0.4017 0.3941 0.4080

Y 0.3690 0.3751 0.3848 0.3916

X 0.3702 0.3825 0.3783 0.367

Y 0.3722 0.3798 0.3646 0.3578

X 0.3825 0.395 0.3898 0.3783

Y 0.3798 0.3875 0.3716 0.3646
X 0.3736 0.3869 0.3825 0.3702
Y 0.3874 0.3958 0.3798 0.3722

X 0.3869 0.4006 0.395 0.3825

Y 0.3958 0.4044 0.3875 0.3798

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 7

Product Bin Definitions

Table 6: Color Bin Definitions

CCT CIE Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Color Bin

X 0.3371 0.3451 0.344 0.3366

Y 0.349 0.3554 0.3427 0.3369

X 0.3451 0.3533 0.3515 0.344

Y 0.3554 0.362 0.3487 0.3427
X 0.3376 0.3463 0.3451 0.3371
Y 0.3616 0.3687 0.3554 0.349

X 0.3463 0.3551 0.3533 0.3451

Y 0.3687 0.376 0.362 0.3554

X 0.3215 0.329 0.329 0.3222

Y 0.335 0.3417 0.33 0.3243

X 0.329 0.3371 0.3366 0.329

Y 0.3417 0.349 0.3369 0.33
X 0.3207 0.329 0.329 0.3215
Y 0.3462 0.3538 0.3417 0.335

X 0.329 0.3376 0.3371 0.329

Y 0.3538 0.3616 0.349 0.3417

X 0.3068 0.3144 0.313 0.3048

Y 0.3113 0.3186 0.329 0.3207

X 0.3144 0.3221 0.3213 0.313

Y 0.3186 0.3261 0.3373 0.329
X 0.3048 0.313 0.3115 0.3028
Y 0.3207 0.329 0.3391 0.3304

X 0.313 0.3213 0.3205 0.3115

Y 0.329 0.3373 0.3481 0.3391

Notes for Table 6:

1. Color binning at Tsp=85°C
2. Bridgelux maintains a tolerance of ± 0.007 on x and y color coordinates in the CIE 1931 color space.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 8

Product Bin Definitions

Figure 1: C.I.E. 1931 Chromaticity Diagram (4 Color Bin Structure, hot-color targeted at Tsp=85°C)

2700K 3000K

0.425 0.4180

0.415 0.4080 3

0.405 0.3980
2 2
1 1
0.395 0.3880

0.385 0.3780
0.435 0.445 0.455 0.465 0.475 0.485 0.4100 0.4200 0.4300 0.4400 0.4500 0.4600
x x

3500K 4000K

0.408 0.3950

4 4

0.396 3 0.3850

0.384 0.3750 2
0.372 0.3650

0.385 0.395 0.405 0.415 0.425 0.435
0.3600 0.3700 0.3800 0.3900 0.4000 0.4100
x x

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 9

Product Bin Definitions

Figure 1: C.I.E. 1931 Chromaticity Diagram (4 Color Bin Structure, hot-color targeted at Tsp=85°C)

5000K 5700K
0.3800 0.3650

0.3700 0.3550
0.3450 3


2 0.3350

1 1

0.3400 0.3250

0.3300 0.3150
0.3320 0.3370 0.3420 0.3470 0.3520 0.3570 0.3180 0.3220 0.3260 0.3300 0.3340 0.3380







0.3010 0.3055 0.3100 0.3145 0.3190 0.3235

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 10

Typical Radiation Pattern

Figure 2: Typical Spatial Radiation Pattern at 700mA, Tsp=25°C

Notes for Figure 2:

1. Typical viewing angle is 120⁰.
2. The viewing angle is defined as the off axis angle from the centerline where Iv is ½ of the peak value.

Figure 3: Typical Polar Radiation Pattern at 700mA, Tsp=25°C

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 11

Mechanical Dimensions

Figure 4: Drawing for SMD 3535

Notes for Figure 4:

1. Drawings are not to scale.
2. Drawing dimensions are in millimeters.
3. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are ± 0.13mm.
4. The optical center of the LED emitter is nominally defined by the mechanical center of the emitter. The light emitting surface (LES) is centered
on the mechanical center of the LED emitter to a tolerance of ± 0.2 mm

Recommended PCB Soldering Pad Pattern

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 12

Reflowing Characteristics

Figure 5 : Reflow Profile

Profile Feature Lead Free Assembly

Temperature Min. (Ts_min) 160°C

Temperature Max. (Ts_max) 205°C
Time (ts) from Ts_min to Ts_max 60-150 seconds
Ramp-Up Rate (TL to Tp) 3 °C/second
Liquidus Temperature (TL) 220 °C
Time (TL) Maintained Above TL 60-150 seconds
Peak Temp( Tp) 260 °C max.
Time (Tp) Within 5 °C of the Specified Classification Temperature (Tc) 25 seconds max.
Ramp-Down Rate (Tp to TL) 5 °C/second max.
Time 25 °C to Peak Temperature 10 minutes max.

Figure 6 : Pick and Place

Is greater than LEDs

emitting surface

Note for Figure 6:

1. When using a pick and place machine, choose a nozzle that has a larger diameter than the LED’s emitting surface. Using a Pick-and-
Place nozzle with a smaller diameter than the size of the LEDs emitting surface will cause damage and may also cause the LED to
not illuminate.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 13


Figure 7: Emitter Reel Drawings

Note for Figure 7:

1. Drawings are not to scale. Drawing dimensions are in millimeters.

Figure : Emitter Tape Drawings

Note for Figure 8:

1. Drawings are not to scale. Drawing dimensions are in millimeters.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 14


Figure 9: Emitter Reel Packaging Drawings

Note for Figure 9:

1. Drawings are not to scale.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 15

Design Resources

Optical Source Models

Please contact your Bridgelux sales representative for



Exposure to some chemicals commonly used in

luminaire manufacturing and assembly can cause
damage to the LED emitter. Please consult Bridgelux
Application Note AN51 for additional information. CAUTION
Eye safety classification for the use of Bridgelux SMD
Avoid any contact with the LES. Do not touch the
LED emitter is in accordance with IEC
LES of the emitter or apply stress to the LES
specification EN62471: Photobiological Safety of Lamps
(yellow phosphor resin area). Contact may cause
and Lamp Systems. SMD LED emitters are classified damage to the emitter
as Risk Group 2 when operated at or below
Optics and reflectors must not be mounted in contact
the maximum drive current. Please use appropriate
with the LES (yellow phosphor resin area).
precautions. It is important that employees working
with LEDs are trained to use them safely.


Do not touch the SMD LED emitter during operation.

Allow the array to cool for a sufficient period of time be-
fore handling. The SMD LED emitter may reach elevated
temperatures such that could burn skin when touched.

The rigorous qualification testing on products offered by Unless otherwise stated, LED emitter testing is
Bridgelux provides performance assurance. Slight cosmetic performed at the nominal drive current.
changes that do not affect form, fit, or function may occur as
Bridgelux continues product optimization.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 16

About Bridgelux: Bridging Light and Life™

At Bridgelux, we help companies, industries and people experience the power and possibility
of light. Since 2002, we’ve designed LED solutions that are high performing, energy efficient,
cost effective and easy to integrate. Our focus is on light’s impact on human behavior, deliver-
ing products that create better environments, experiences and returns—both experiential and
financial. And our patented technology drives new platforms for commercial and industrial

For more information about the company, please visit

WeChat ID: BridgeluxInChina

46430 Fremont Boulevard

Fremont, CA 94538
Tel (925) 583-8400

© 2020 Bridgelux, Inc. All rights reserved 2020. Product specifications are subject to change without notice. Bridgelux and the Bridgelux stylized logo design are registered
trademarks of Bridgelux, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Bridgelux SMD 3535 2W 3V Product Data Sheet Rev. A (08/2021) 17

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