Rev Cle PT
Rev Cle PT
Rev Cle PT
WHAT DID JESUS’ DISCIPLES DO AFTER HIS DEATH? The faith of the early Christians is the perfect example of how God
wanted a united Church. Just like the first Christians, faith in our
A small community led by the apostles Lord Jesus Christ is the first principle of the Gospel. It is a spiritual
gift, and it is necessary to our salvation.
The first Christians followed the Jewish traditions
The small community of the early Christians follows the law of
love and lives in harmony with each other.
They practice sharing and charity. Just like the humble beginning
Christianity spread throughout Roman Empire
of the Church, let us center our life in Jesus so that our moral life
will be focused on involvement for the common good.
The Church was established throughout Roman Empire
We are the present role models of a Christian community.
70AD is the destruction of the City of Jerusalem by the Romans
The perfect Christian community can be visible through our
put an end to institutional Judaism as a political power
sacramental life.
Paul contributed to the church in many significant ways. Paul
Actively participating in community prayer meetings and public
helped to spread the gospel far and wide, through his multiple
display of our faith would be a good start.
journeys and letters, conveying the message of Christianity and
the bible, preaching enlightening words of life and love, and
With these activities, we could influence others to join and be part
welcoming many people at the time.
of the joy that our faith brings.
Faith Experience
Different people have different experiences of faith.
They have diverse testimonies on how Jesus moved them to
small community led by the apostles
believe in Him.
follows Jewish tradition
He wants to make us into a better and more holy people, both on
the inside and the outside.
suffered many persecutions
The characteristics of some who had a renewal or
Peter, Paul and the apostles spread Christianity
enlightenment in his /her faith:
Things to remember:
read the Bible and share passages that are constructive to friends
Paul - his Roman name was Saul and is responsible for the spread
attend Mass every Sunday and reflect on the Gospel and homily
of Christianity.
give alms and extend assistance to the less fortunate
He converted the Gentiles or the non-Jew who were forbiddent to
enter the Jewish temples.
Be patient with people and events that seem to be disappointing
He wrote numerous letters to Christian communities to spread the
words of Jesus.
Empathy is the feeling of caring brought about by such sensitivity.
Epistle - the Latin word for “ letter”
• What is the meaning of Christian suffering?
- the letters written by Paul to the early Christians.
It depicts the presence and reality of oppression and persecution
Paul had a vision of Christianity that made him a great missionary.
in the world. It presents an experience of physical pain and/ or
mental distress. Both in the O.T. and N. T. gives examples of
Katholikos - means the Church as universal.
physical, social, mental and spiritual persecution.
Nero - a Roman Emperor and a persecutor of Christians.
• Why were Christians persecuted in the Roman Empire?
During his reign as Emperor, Peter and Paul were martyred.
Christianity was a monotheistic religion. Early Christians held
AD 70 - the period of the destruction of the City of Jerusalem by firmly to the idea that all gods other than theirs were false gods
the Romans. and should not be worshipped. Also, Christianity was a new
religion. The Romans generally tolerated old faiths, but they saw
Pax Romana - is the period of time in Roman history when it is Christianity as a new thing and therefore as a mere superstition.
safe to travel Roman roads.
What does the suffering and persecution tell about Decius – the Roman Emperor who inaugurated the first empire-
Jesus’ followers? wide persecution of Christians.
The meaning of suffering is found in Jesus’ suffering, which is His The conversion of Emperor Constantine changed the
love for us, for our redemption. When we suffer with Christ, we condition of Christians.
share in His sufferings, and at the same time his resurrection. This
suffering is called vicarious suffering. The pronouncement of Christianity as the official religion
by Constantine immediately ended the persecution of
• How did Christianity change from a persecuted sect to Christians.
a state religion in the Roman Empire?
Christians were persecuted by the Romans during the
In AD 306, Constantine became the Roman emperor. Like those second century.
before him, He had allowed the persecution of Christians. In 312,
a conversion happened when he was waging a battle for The Roman Emperor Decius inaugurated the first
leadership in Rome. He reported seeing a Christian cross in the sky empire-wide persecution, ordering every single man,
along with these words:”In this sign you will conquer.” woman and child in the entire empire to sacrifice to the
gods on pain of death.
He ordered his soldiers to put the symbol of the cross on their
shield and battle flags. Constantine and his troops were victorious. During the reign of Septimius Severus, during which two
The conversion of Emperor Constantine changed the condition of of the most famous martyrs of the Roman period met
Christians. their end by being thrown to wild beasts
• What is the Edict of Milan? THE GROWTH AND SPREAD OF THE CHURCH
This guaranteed the Christians full religious freedom. It was in Benevolence is showing goodwill and kindness to others
January 313 in Milan that marked the end of the persecution of through openhanded actions.
Christians. The age of martyrs ended. The era of a Christian
Understanding the following terms:
empire had begun.
Edict – an official order or proclamation issued by a
person in authority.
The Church experiences many persecutions but she continues to
Catholic - is simply derived from the Greek word
stand. She remains established because of the determined and
catholikos, meaning “universal.”
high-spirited members guided by God. They may be suffering but
God never abandoned those men and women who stood by the We call ourselves Catholic because it describes the scope of
faith that He has built. It shows that we can endure pain and Christ's saving mission and the extent of the community he
suffering if we have faith in Him. founded.
In our moral life, our ancestors are perfect examples of how we Church Fathers -Early Church Fathers, Christian Fathers,
can be strong in defending our faith. or Fathers of the Church were ancient and influential
Christian theologians and writers who established the
Everytime we attend Mass, do not forget to pray for our departed
intellectual and doctrinal foundations of Christianity.
members of the Church who have become instruments of what
we enjoy today. They are eminent teachers and great bishops
The doctrine dimension of the lesson: “The Church will continue to Monasticism – is a religious way of life in which one
be present in spite of the problems and hardships she renounces worldly pursuits and devote himself/herself
experienced. in spiritual matters.
God will always be there to make it stronger and He will never Heresy - is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some
leave His Church. truth, which must be believed with divine and Catholic
• Challenge: As a grade 9 student, how to be guardians
and defenders of our faith? Ascetic - a person who lives a simple life, abstain from
the wordly pleasures and material satisfaction
Worship dimension: We include in our prayer and mass intention
our departed brothers and sisters. How did the persecution end and when did the victory
of Christianity make a great impression in the world?
Things to remember:
In A.D. 312, the Roman Emperor Constantine granted
Polytheistic – was the original Ancient Rome’s religion.
Christianity a liberty after a miraculous vision at the
Constantine – made Christianity as the official religion of the battle of Melvian, Bridge, which he believed granted
Roman Empire in AD 313. him victory over a pagan trival. Constantine legalized
Christianity with his famous Edict of Milan in A.D.313 He produced a comprehensive synthesis of Christian
and continue to support and patronize the Church theology and Aristotelian philosophy that influenced
throughout his reign. Roman Catholic doctrine for centuries and was adopted
as the official philosophy of the church in 1917.
In A.D. 313, onward, the Church would continue in
power at the expense of paganism and all future Aquinas composed several studies on the Eucharist,
emperors would be Christians. among which the most important fall into three genres:
the scholastic treatise or summa (especially the famous
Christianity did not come as a formal religion Summa theologiae), biblical commentary, and liturgical
immediately. texts (the hymns, prayers and antiphons for the
Solemnity of Corpus Christi).
In the year 380AD, it became the formal religion when
Thedosius put and end to all pagan practices and St. Ignatius of Loyola -
was a Spanish priest and theologian who founded the
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHURCH AFTER THE EDICT OF Jesuit order in 1534 and was one of the most influential
MILAN? figures in the Counter-Reformation.
The Church had developed a structure. Known for its missionary, educational, and charitable
works, the Jesuit order was a leading force in the
A bishop led the Church in each City.
modernizing of the Roman Catholic Church.
Rome’s bishop is called the Pope.
Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556) was a leader of the Spanish
The start of the Roman Catholic Church.
He founded the Society of Jesus, a religious order better
They established an organized government.
known as the Jesuits, and wrote the Spiritual Exercises
There were eminent teachers and bishops called Church to guide the prayer life and spiritual formation of monks
Fathers. who entered the order.
They developed a Christian creed or statement of Francis of Assisi, one of the Catholic Church's most
beliefs. venerated and beloved saints.
WHO AND WHAT CONTRIBUTED TO THE GROWTH AND St. Francis is known for his ministry to the poor and
SPREAD OF THE CHURCH? underprivileged, his care for nature and animals, and
founding the Franciscan order.Oct 4, 2019
The Church Fathers became Christian intellectuals and
theologians. Famous Quotations:
Two significant Church Fathers were St. Jerome and St. “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”
Augustine - St. Jerome
St. Jerome -is particularly important for having made a translation Our Heart were made for You, O Lord, and they are
of the Bible which came to be called the Vulgate. restless until they rest in You.”
St. Jerome - is known for the Latin translation of the “Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be loved as
Bible as the Vulgate or common version. to love.”
St. Augustine - He wrote the famous “City of God.” (St. Francis of Assisi)
which explains the salvation of mankind and God’s grand
“Love takes up where your knowledge leaves off.”
(St. Thomas Aquinas)
St. Benedict - was instrumental in providing order in the
early monastic movement.
The Church grow and spread:
He was known for Benedictine Rule which provides
Their Faith in Jesus Christ
guideliness for people who intend to join and live the
monastic life. God’s grace and guidance
St. Thomas Aquinas was the greatest of the Scholastic Many persecutions
Teaching and lives of the Early Church fathers
Making Christianity as the Empire religion