Chapter 1 Real Numbers (JNV)

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Unit Number Systems ( Chapter -1 : Real Numbers)

Class Total: 14 periods (approx. 40 min each)
Pre-requisite for This lesson requires
the course 1. Basic knowledge of rational and irrational numbers.
2. Knowledge of conversion of rational numbers into decimal
notation and vice versa.
3. Knowledge of prime factorization of natural numbers.
Assessment of 1. Written test
qualifying 2. Lab activity
3. HW notebook
Objective Students would be able to understand the co-relation of rational and
irrational numbers and new methods of finding out LCM and HCF of
numbers, thereby inculcating competencies like collaboration, critical
Learning KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
1. Euclid’s division lemma
2. Euclid’s division algorithm
3. Fundamental theorem of arithmetic
4. Revisiting irrational numbers
5. Rational numbers and their decimal expansion

SKILLS- Students will

1. Develop conceptual understanding to apply algorithm, Euclid’s
division lemma and Euclid’s division
algorithm in daily life problems through the co-relation between
2. Apply the theorems and and analyze the results
3. Find out HCF and LCM of real numbers through different
4. Prove irrational nature of irrational numbers by developing
critical thinking
5. Find out decimal expansions of rational numbers in
collaboration which will help them in polynomials the next

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Strategies Used : Brain Storming, Inductive and Deductive Learning,
Muddiest Point Discussion, Think Pair and Share, Inquiry based learning

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(The teacher Think Pair and Share: In this activity, students think about a particular
can use the question individually, then they form pairs to discuss their answers.
Following this, the results are shared in a large classroom discussion.
Alternatively, two pairs of students can pair up to compare and discuss
techniques, answers. This process forces students to think individually, and then
wherever allows them to analyze and clarify their response collaboratively.
applicable, and
can use any Brain Storming: In this activity, students are asked to generate ideas on a
other too.) certain topic, category or question while facilitator facilitate and record the
answers on the board.
Inquiry Based Learning: Inquiry-based learning uses different
approaches to learning, including small-group discussion and guided
learning. Instead of memorizing facts and material, students learn by
doing. This allows them to build knowledge through exploration,
experience, and discussion.
Inductive and Deductive Learning: In Inductive type students proceed
from particular to general statement(example to formula) and in
Deductive type students proceed from general to particular. Students are
given formula and they solve problems using them.

Muddiest Point: Check comprehension and identify confusion, what

was most confusing about the material?

Brain Storming-The class would start with a discussion on what the

students have already learnt in the previous classes and hence what is it
that they would learn now. They would also be told the significance of
the topic that they would be studying.

Introduction of the topic- ppt and Digital Content would be shared

Guided practice followed by Independent Practice- NCERT questions to

be discussed in the classroom.

Techniques to be used:
Daily Practice Problem
Peer Assessment
Case Studies
Lab Activities
Any Other

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

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Self Study, Independent Practice: Students would do some questions from NCERT
Home Work, and Exemplar in their H.W notebooks
HW notebooks to be marked as per the given plan:
Assessment Parameters: The total marks for the activity is 5 marks
On time submission………………………………1 mark
Presentation/ Neatness……………………………1 mark
Content……….………………………………......3 marks

Assessments Through Pen Paper Test Students will be assessed creatively and

3 UNIT TESTS (20, 30, 30) 80 Marks


Average of the best two tests to be taken that will have a weightage of 10
Best 2 Tests out of: Units tests, Midterm examination, Half Yearly


• Periodical Test 10 Marks
• Note Book Submission 05 Marks
• Lab Practical (Subject Enrichment ) 05 Marks
• Through lab Practical Students are assessed for Collaboration,
Character building, Character Building
Addressing Due to various social backgrounds and multiple intelligences, the
Classroom classroom might be a diverse arena. The following techniques can be
used for various groups:
For gifted students:
• High order thinking questions from NCERT Exemplar

For weak students:

• Buddy help to be provided
• Provide grade-up classes

For differently abled students:

• Ignore spelling mistakes and formulae, if not written
• Call parents at regular intervals
• Provide grade-up classes

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Marks The weightage would be given by CBSE.
Assessment Q1 Use Euclid’s division lemma to find HCF of 10224 and 9648.
Questions Q2 Find HCF and LCM of 18 and 45 and verify the relationship.
Q3 Show that 8n can not end with the digit zero for any natural number n
Q4 Prove that 7 - 2√2 is irrational.
Q5 In a seminar, the number of participants in Hindi, English and
Mathematics are 60, 84 and 108 respectively. Find the minimum number
of rooms required if in each room the same number of participants are to
be seated and all of them being in the same subject.

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Objective Enhance ability to accurately recognize and use appropriate
terminology related to numbers and developing the art of
communication and critical thinking.

Assessment of Quiz and knowledge testing on rational numbers and their operations.

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and rewrite long division process
in lemma form.

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES Students would be able to Reason

effectively and critically correlate the long division process with
Euclid’s Division Lemma

Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-

Methodology Anticipatory Set: 10 min
(The teacher can Facilitator will ask few questions to introduce the topic
use the mentioned • What are rational numbers?
techniques, • What are irrational numbers?
• What are these numbers together called?
applicable, and can
use any other too.) • How to convert rational numbers into decimal notation?

Strategies Used: Inquiry based learning, Think Pair and share

Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min

Inquiry based learning (Critical Thinking and Problem Solving)

Students would be asked to rewrite the long division process in the

form of Lemma. The facilitator would take rounds and ensure that
each learner is engaged.
Guided practice: 10 min
The students will solve the questions from NCERT book, solved
examples before Ex 1.1 in their notebook in the class with the help of
their facilitator. The facilitator would take rounds and help the
students in solving the questions.
Independent Practice: Students will go through the solved examples
before Ex 1.1 of NCERT text book.
Closure: 5 min
A short oral test would be taken to check proper assimilation of the
topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

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Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Oral Test (5 minutes)

Objective Students will be able to discuss the Euclid’s Division Lemma and its
mathematical statement in collaborative manner.
Assessment of Written questions on rewriting long division process in the form
qualifying Euclid’s Lemma.

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and Demonstrate the ability to
write the long division process in the form of Lemma

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES- Students will be able to differentiate

and classify quotient and remainder in the process of Euclid’s
Division Lemma, in collaboration with each other. They will
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Strategies Used : Think pair and Share, Inductive and Deductive
(The teacher can learning
use the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, Brainstorming on the previously taught concept would be done.
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
applicable, and can (Critical Thinking, Collaboration)
use any other too.) An oral quiz will be taken and students will be asked to divide two
positive integers and will be able to realize the fact that there are
unique quotient and remainder for given two positive integers.
Guided practice: 15 min
The students, with the help of the facilitator, will solve the questions
from NCERT book of Exercise – 1.1 in their notebook in the class
with the help of their teacher. The teacher would ensure that each
student tries to be independent at the work as well as be under the
teacher’s guidance.
Independent Practice: Students will complete the remaining HW
parts given in the monthly planner of Exercise 1.1 in their Math HW
Students who would difficulty in solving the problem would solve
with the help of their buddies.
Closure: 5 min
A short oral test would be taken to check proper assimilation of the
topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

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Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Oral quiz (5 minutes)

Objective To differentiate between lemma and algorithm and solve the questions
of Ex- 1.1.
Assessment of Written questions on applying Lemma and use it to find HCF of two
qualifying given numbers.
Difference between lemma and algorithm will be explained along with
Euclid’s division lemma and Euclid’s division algorithm and questions
based from Ex.1.1 will be discussed.
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will develop the ability to understand the
computation of HCF of two given numbers using Euclid’s Division

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to critically

apply the concepts in given situations and collaboratively compute
the HCF of two given numbers and statement problems pertaining to
given situations.
Transaction Strategies Used : Think pair and Share, Inductive and Deductive
Methodology learning
(The teacher can
use the mentioned Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
techniques, Recapitulation: 5 min
wherever Oral test on the previous concept would be taken up.
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
use any other too.) (Critical thinking)
Exercise 1.1 would be discussed and students would solve different
questions per group and then the questions would be crosschecked.
Digital content would be used. The facilitator would take rounds and
help students with their doubts.
Guided Practice: 15 min
The students will solve the questions from NCERT book of Exercise –
1.1 in their notebook in the class with the help of their teacher. The
teacher would ensure that each student tries to be independent at the
work as well as be under the teacher’s guidance.
Independent Practice: Students will complete the remaining HW
parts of Exercise 1.1 in their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
A short oral test would be taken to check proper assimilation of the
topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

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Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments MCQ (5 minutes)

Objective To understand uniqueness of Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic and
prime factorization of composite numbers.
Assessment of Written test on identifying whether the given number is rational or
qualifying irrational.
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic will be explained through
examples and activity based on Euclid’s algorithm will be done
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will develop the ability to understand the
Uniqueness of Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to

1. Critically do prime factorization of composite numbers and
collaboratively realize the fact that this factorization of particular
number is unique.
2. Comprehend that prime factorization of every composite number is
unique irrespective of the fact in the order in which the factors are

Transaction Strategies Used : Think pair and Share, Muddiest Point Discussion
(The teacher can Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
use the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, Quick revision on the previous concept would be taken up.
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
applicable, and can (Creativity, Collaboration)
use any other too.) Statement of Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic would be discussed
in detail that every composite number can be represented in the form
of product of its primes. The order of the prime numbers can be
changed but the numbers remain the same. This would be discussed in
detail with vivid examples.
Guided Practice: 15 min
The students will solve the questions from NCERT book, solved
examples before Ex 1.2 in their notebook in the class with the help of
their facilitator. The facilitator would take rounds and help the
students in solving the questions.
Independent Practice: Students will find various ways of
representing factors in view of statement of theorem.
Closure: 5 min
Discussion of muddiest point.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book

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CBSE Exemplar

Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Written test (5 minutes)

Objective To understand the use of Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in
various situation.

Assessment of MCQ on prime factorization of composite numbers.

Examples related to the topic would be done,
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- To understand the use of Fundamental Theorem of
Arithmetic in computing the LCM and HCF of given numbers.

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to

Comprehend the given situation in statement problems to analyse and
calculate LCM and HCF using prime factorization, through
collaborative leaning process.
Transaction Strategies Used : Inductive and Deductive learning, Numbered
Methodology Heads
(The teacher can
use the mentioned Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
techniques, Recapitulation: 5 min
wherever Quick revision on the previous concept would be taken up.
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
use any other too.) (Critical Thinking, Collaboration)
Various set of numbers would be given to students to calculate their
prime factors to know their HCF and LCM. This would be discussed
in detail with vivid examples.
Guided Practice: 15 min
The students will solve the questions from NCERT book, solved
examples before Ex 1.2 in their notebook in the class with the help of
their facilitator. The facilitator would take rounds and help the
students in solving the questions.
Independent Practice: Students will do prime factorization for HCF
and LCM of given numbers.
Closure: 5 min
Discussion of muddiest point.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

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Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments MCQ (5 minutes)

Objective Using Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Solve Exercise 1.2
Assessment of Written test on representing the composite numbers in the form of
qualifying product of its primes

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

1. The method of computing HCF and LCM and using
relationship of their product with product of given numbers.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
1. Apply the given knowledge with 100 % accuracy
2. Critically analyse the situation in the form of given problems
and differentiate whether to calculate HCF or LCM
Transaction Strategies Used : Muddiest point discussion, Inductive and Deductive
Methodology learning
(The teacher can Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
use the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, Oral test would be taken.
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
applicable, and can (Critical Thinking)
use any other too.) How to analyse the given situation to calculate either HCF or LCM,
would be discussed in detail.
Guided Practice:15 min
The students will solve the questions from NCERT book of Exercise –
1.2 in their notebook in the class with the help of their facilitator.
Independent Practice: Students will complete the remaining HW
parts of Exercise 1.2 in their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check
proper assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Written test (5 minutes)

Objective To solve the questions from NCERT book of Exercise – 1.2

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Assessment of Written test on using Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic in different
qualifying problems

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

1. Every composite number can be represented as product of its
unique factors.

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to

1. Classify and analyse critically whether the problem requires to
compute HCF or LCM
2 Represent composite numbers in the form of the product of their
Transaction Strategies Used : Think pair and Share, Muddiest Point Discussion
(The teacher can Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
use the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, Warming session would be taken.
wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
applicable, and can (Critical thinking, communication)
use any other too.) Solved examples from the book would be taken up.
Brainstorming on classification of situation of LCM or HCF would be
Guided Practice: 20 min
The students will solve the questions from NCERT book of Exercise –
1.2 in their notebook in the class with the help of their facilitator.
The facilitator would explain the questions from Ex 1.2 with a
collaborative approach towards them.
Independent Practice: Students will complete the remaining HW
parts of Exercise 1.2 in their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check
proper assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from
Work, Assignments NCERT in their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Written test (5 minutes)

Objective To study irrational numbers and their properties.
Assessment of Written test on various operations on irrational numbers.
qualifying knowledge

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Irrational numbers will be explained and proving the irrational nature of them will
be discussed.
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
1. Classification of numbers as rationals and irrationals.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
1. Critically visualize the proof of square root prime number being irrational
Transaction Strategies Used : Inductive and Deductive learning
(The teacher can use Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, wherever One-minute test would be taken.
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
use any other too.) (Creativity)
Redefining irrational numbers on the basis of decimal expansion of a Real number.
Mind mapping would be used
Digital content would be used.
Guided Practice: 15 min
The facilitator would explain through different examples. Collaborative approach
would be taken up.
Independent Practice: Students will go through the solved examples before Ex
1.3 of NCERT text book.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check proper
assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from NCERT in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Written test (5 minutes)

Objective To solve the questions from NCERT book of Exercise – 1.3
Assessment of Oral test
qualifying knowledge

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and Demonstrate new ways to prove square
root of prime number as irrational number.

SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to

2. Apply critically the knowledge meaningfully and creatively.
3. Develop new technique of method of contradiction and Fundamental
Theorem of Arithmetic to show square root of prime number as irrational

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Transaction Strategies Used : Think pair and Share, Inductive and Deductive learning
Methodology Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
(The teacher can use Recapitulation: 5 min
the mentioned Oral test would be taken.
techniques, wherever Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 10 min
applicable, and can (Communication and critical thinking)
use any other too.) Solved examples from the book would be taken up.
Mind mapping would be used and would discuss different questions
Guided Practice: 20 min
The teacher, as a facilitator, would explain the questions from Ex 1.3 would be
taken up and collaborative approach towards them so that the facilitator would help
them with their doubts.
Independent Practice: Students will complete the remaining parts of Exercise 1.3
in their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check proper
assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from NCERT in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Oral test (5 minutes)

Objective To solve the questions from NCERT book of Exercise – 1.3

Assessment of MCQ test on terminating and non-terminating decimal expansion of given number
qualifying knowledge and inserting numerous numbers between two given numbers.
apply the knowledge meaningfully and creatively.
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
2. Combination of rationals and irrationals as irrationals.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
4. Develop the method of contradiction to prove irrationality of square root of
a prime number critically

Transaction Strategies Used : Think pair and Share, Sequential Achievement

(The teacher can use Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, wherever One minute test would be taken.
applicable, and can
use any other too.) Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
(Critical and creative thinking)

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Identifying numbers as rational or irrational depending on the definition done in
previous class.
Guided Practice: 15 min
The facilitator would explain the questions from Ex 1.3 with a collaborative
approach towards them.
Independent Practice:
Students will complete the remaining HW parts given in the monthly planner of
Exercise 1.3 in their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check proper
assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from NCERT in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments MCQ test (5 minutes)

Objective To use decimal expansion of numbers to distinguish between rationals and
Assessment of Written test on representing real number on number line through successive
qualifying knowledge magnification.
Apply the concepts and evaluate the given questions with 90% accuracy
Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand
1. The various kind of decimal numbers depending on the number being
rational or irrational.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
2. Critically visualize the representation of real numbers using their decimal
Transaction Strategies Used : Inductive and Deductive learning, Discussion of Muddiest Point
(The teacher can use Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, wherever Oral Test would be taken up.
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
use any other too.) (Creativity)
Redefining rational numbers and irrational numbers on the basis of decimal
expansion of a Real number. Mind mapping would be used
Digital content would be used.
Guided Practice: 15 min
The facilitator would explain through different examples. Collaborative approach
would be taken up.
Independent Practice: Students will go through the solved examples before Ex
1.3 of NCERT text book.

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Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check proper
assimilation of the topic discussed.
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from NCERT in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments MCQ test (5 minutes)

Objective To use decimal expansion of numbers to distinguish between rationals and
Assessment of Quiz on factorisation and decimal expansion of given numbers.
qualifying knowledge

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

1. Operations on real numbers
2. Factorizing the denominator to check for terminating or non-terminating
expansion of rational number.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
1. Critically rationalize the denominator and analyse the decimal expansion to
be terminating or non-terminating recurring
Transaction Strategies Used : Graphic Organiser, Think Pair Share
(The teacher can use Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, wherever Oral Test would be taken up.
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
use any other too.) (Critical and creative thinking)
Operation on real numbers and rationalizing the denominator
Guided Practice: 15 min
The students, with the help of the facilitator, will solve the examples from NCERT
book before Exercise – 1.4 in their notebook in the class with the help of their
Independent Practice:
Students will complete the remaining HW parts given in the monthly planner in
their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check proper
assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

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Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from NCERT in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Quiz (5 minutes)

Objective Revisiting the Rational numbers to classify their decimal expansion.

Assessment of Oral test on prime fcatorisation

qualifying knowledge

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

1. Nature of prime factors of denominator of any given rational number.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
1. Critically apply and extend previous knowledge of prime factorizing to
rational numbers.
Transaction Strategies Used : Graphic Organiser
(The teacher can use Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
the mentioned Recapitulation: 5 min
techniques, wherever Oral Test would be taken up.
applicable, and can Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 15 min
use any other too.) Decimal Expansion of Rational numbers through prime factorizing the
Guided Practice: 15 min
The students, with the help of the facilitator, will solve the questions from NCERT
book of Exercise – 1.4 in their notebook in the class with the help of their teacher.
Independent Practice:
Students will complete the remaining HW parts given in the monthly planner of
Exercise 1.4 in their Math HW notebook.
Closure: 5 min
Summarization would be taken to check proper assimilation of the topic discussed.

Resources Text Book:

NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
1. CBSE Exemplar

Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from NCERT in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks.

Assessments Oral test (5 minutes)

Objective Solving various levels of Exemplar

Assessment of Oral test on various concepts being used in chapter.

qualifying knowledge

Learning Outcomes KNOWLEDGE- Students will know and understand

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2. Various concepts being applied on Rational numbers.
SKILLS and COMPETENCIES - Students would be able to
2. Recall the concepts and terms being used in chapter to solve the questions.
3. Critically Apply and solve the questions of NCERT Exemplar
Transaction Transaction would proceed in the following manner-
Methodology Recapitulation: 5 min
(The teacher can use Oral Test would be taken up.
the mentioned Discussion of topic through Collaborative Learning: 10 min
techniques, wherever (Critical)
applicable, and can Exemplar Questions would be taken up.
use any other too.) Guided Practice: 20 min
The teacher would explain the questions.
Independent Practice: Students would try Long questions from the Exemplar
Closure: 5 min
Summarization, preferably by a student, would be taken to check proper
assimilation of the topic discussed.
Resources Text Book:
NCERT text book for Mathematics
Reference Book
CBSE Exemplar

Self-Study, Home Independent Practice: Students would do some of the questions from Exemplar in
Work, Assignments their H.W. notebooks..

Assessments Oral test (5 minutes)

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