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An Evolutionary Programming Algorithm for

Automatic Engineering Design

Andrew Lewis1 , David Abramson2 and Tom Peachey2

Div. of Information Services, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Dept. of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. This paper describes a new Evolutionary Programming al-

gorithm based on Self-Organised Criticality. When tested on a range of
problems drawn from real-world applications in science and engineering,
it performed better than a variety of gradient descent, direct search and
genetic algorithms. It proved capable of delivering high quality results
faster, and is simple, robust and highly parallel.

1 Introduction
In the engineering design process there is a demand for the capability to per-
form automatic optimisation, minimising or maximising some derived quantity,
a measure of “fitness” of the design. For real-world problems these objective
function values are often computed using sophisticated and realistic numerical
simulations of physical phenomena. This is an extremely computationally in-
tensive process when models must be run tens, or maybe hundreds, of times to
effectively search design parameter space. Current High Performance Computing
systems mostly derive their capacity from parallel architectures so for optimisa-
tion methods to be practical and effective the algorithms used must preferably
have a large degree of concurrency. Figure 1 offers a simple taxonomy of methods
that can be used for this automatic optimisation.

Optimisation Algorithms
((( hhh
Gradient descent methods Direct search methods Population based methods
(((  hhh
Genetic Evolutionary Evolution
Algorithms Programming Strategies

Fig. 1. A taxonomy of optimisation algorithms

Gradient descent algorithms, based on classical, Newtonian methods of anal-

ysis, generally exhibit rapid local convergence [1] but due to the iterative steps
of gradient determination and some form of line search most employ, they are
inherently sequential in nature. In many problems arising in real-world design
processes there are limits imposed on problem parameters by their nature; it
does not make sense, for example, for a physical component to have negative
size. The authors have previously exploited this simple bounding of engineering
problems to enhance the parallelism of line searching to some extent[2].
Of greater potential concurrency are direct search methods, such as the
Nelder-Mead Simplex algorithm[3]. These methods do not explicitly use approx-
imate gradient information, but instead take objective function values from a
set of sample points, and use that information to continue sampling. Use of the
Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm remains current, largely because on a range of
practical engineering problems it is capable of returning a very good result[4].
The early direct search methods, however, exhibit very limited concurrency.
The Multidirectional Search (MDS) method of Dennis & Torczon[5] has greatly
enhanced parallelism. The authors have explored hybrids and variants of Nelder-
Mead Simplex and MDS in order to try and increase the amount of concurrency.
Offering the greatest concurrency are population-based methods, in which
large numbers of objective function evaluations are typically performed in paral-
lel, evolving solutions over several “generations”. It is only over the past decade
that the computational capacity available to scientists and engineers has in-
creased to the point where population-based methods of optimisation have be-
come practical for the solution of real-world problems. Moreover, in engineering
design, the evaluation of the objective function is so much slower than the rest of
the algorithm, that such codes demonstrate excellent speedup in spite of the need
for global communication on each iteration. Genetic Algorithms (GA) now
may be frequently encountered in application to engineering problems (for ex-
amples, see Alander[6]). These have inherent, easily exploitable parallelism, and
attractive global convergence probabilities, but have been considered generally
slow to converge[7].
In the general case, evolutionary computation seeks to use insight into natural
processes to inform population-based computational methods. Evolutionary
Programming refers to that class of methods in evolutionary computation
that apply a random mutation to each member of a population, generating a
single offspring. However, unlike Genetic Algorithms, no recombination operators
are applied. Selection takes place, and half the combined population of parents
and offspring enter the next generation. Population members are considered as
representative of species, rather than individuals. Such methods are generally
simple, robust and highly parallel.
The theory of self-organised criticality gives an insight into emergent com-
plexity in nature[8]. Bak contended that the critical state was “the most efficient
state that can actually be reached dynamically”. In this state, a population in
an apparent equilibrium evolves episodically in spurts, a phenomenon known
as punctuated equilibrium. Local change may affect any other element in the
system, and this delicate balance arises without any external, organising force.
We have utilised these concepts in developing a new Evolutionary Programming
algorithm that, in addition to the conventional mutation and selection opera-
tions, implements a further selection operator to encourage the development of a
self-organised critical system. The algorithm is evaluated on a range of test cases
drawn from real-world problems, and compared against a selection of algorithms,
including gradient descent, direct search methods and a genetic algorithm.

2 EPSOC: an Evolutionary Programming algorithm

using Self-Organised Criticality
The general optimisation problem for an arbitrary non-linear function f can be
stated as:

Minimize f (x), f : <n → <1 and x = {x0 , ..., xi , ..., xn }, xi ∈ <. (1)

For a population-based method, the population, p, consists of a set of parameter

vectors, x : p = {x0 , ..., xi , ..., xm }. For real-world engineering design problems,
values for f (x) generally can only be derived from execution of complex numer-
ical simulations requiring considerable computation time. Acceptable parameter
values are bounded in the majority of cases, due to physical constraints of the
problem considered. EPSOC treats all parameters as simply bounded.
As stated in the introduction, EPSOC is built on the basis of an Evolution-
ary Programming algorithm, with an additional selection operator following the
method of Bak. The steps of the algorithm are outlined below:

1. Initialise a random, uniformly-distributed population, p, and evaluate each

trial solution, xi ∀ i.
2. Sort the population by objective function value, f (x).
3. Select a set, B, of the nbad worst members of the population. For each
member of B, add to the set its two nearest neighbours in parameter space
that are not already members of the set, or in the best half of the sorted
4. Apply a random, uniformly-distributed mutation to the selected set, B,
i.e. re-initialise them. For all other members of the population, generate a
“child” by applying a small (∼10% of parameter range), random, uniformly-
distributed mutation to the “parent” member.
5. Evaluate each new trial solution, f (x).
6. If a child has a better objective function value than its parent, replace the
parent with the child.
7. Repeat from step 2 until a preset number of iterations have been completed.

As each set of parameters defining a trial solution is independent of all others,

it is immediately apparent that the evaluation of trial solutions at steps 1 and
5 can be performed concurrently. Since the evaluation of the objective function
completely dominates the execution time, from Amdahl’s Law we can expect
extremely high parallel efficiency.
Critical states of evolutionary models exhibit a power-law distribution of the size
and frequency of extinction events. This is apparent when the number of events
involving given numbers of members of the population approximate a straight
line in a double-log statistical plot of the phenomena. In earlier applications of
self-organised criticality to optimisation, it has been proposed that a separately
computed power-law extinction rate be imposed on a spatial diffusion model, or
cellular GA[9]. In Krink and Thomsen’s model, population members are chosen
at random for extinction, and the algorithm is greedy to the extent of maintaining
the single best member, an elite of one. Their algorithm apparently does not
attempt to evolve a population in a critical state, but indirectly imposes the
observed behaviour of such a population.
In contrast, EPSOC is a straightforward implementation of Bak’s nearest-
neighbour, punctuated equilibrium model as an optimisation algorithm. By con-
sidering the trial solution parameter vectors as defining a location in an n–
dimensional parameter space, the spatial behaviour of Bak’s model is realized
naturally. We also chose to apply a high degree of greediness to the algorithm.
Maintaining a large “elite” (in EPSOC, half the total population) can be viewed
as a “constructive” operator. Like “Maxwell’s demon”, it accretes information
and encourages a gradual improvement in the better half of the population. This
achieved as re-initialised or mutated population members move into the “pro-
tected” half of the population, and the median of the population moves toward
better objective function values. Since the process of reinitialisation effectively
constitutes a uniformly-distributed random search, from the theory of random
search it may be conjectured that the algorithm will find global minimizers of a
problem, if allowed sufficient iterations.

3 The Case Studies

We have assembled a number of case studies drawn from interesting and chal-
lenging scientific and engineering applications. These were used to test and assess
the performance of the individual algorithms. Generally, the case studies fall into
2 sets:
– Smooth, with a dominant global minimum (Laser 1, Crack 1, Aerofoil -
Figures 2(a), 2(c) & 2(e), and Rosenbrock’s function)
– Multiple local minima, non-convex (Laser 2, Crack 2, Bead - Figures 2(b),
2(d) & 2(f))

3.1 Laser 1 and 2

A two-dimensional test surface was derived from the computation of a quantum
electrodynamical simulation of a laser-atom interaction experiment[10]. The base
case, Laser 1, is quite a smooth surface, the dataset containing only 4 minima,
of which the global minimum is quite dominant, as can be seen in Figure 2(a).
Additive fractal noise was overlaid on this dataset to develop a ”noisier”, more
challenging surface to test the algorithms. This dataset, Laser 2, contained 1157
local minima of varying severity, and is illustrated in Figure 2(b).
Fig. 2. Test case isosurfaces

3.2 Crack 1 and 2

Finite element analysis of a thin plate under cyclic loading, with a cutout speci-
fied by parameters, was used to generate the Crack datasets[11]. Common prac-
tice in damage tolerant design has been to minimise the maximum stress under
load. Isosurfaces of these stress values are shown in Figure 2(c). This dataset,
Crack 1, was reasonably smooth, with only 26 local minima. A new approach in
modeling stressed components is to attempt to maximize durability. The finite
element model of the crack-stress test case included fatigue cracks at a number
of locations, and the objective of this test case, Crack 2, was to maximise the life
of the part as determined by the time taken for fatigue crack growth to a defined
length. Isosurfaces at a number of values are shown in Figure 2(d). In contrast
to Crack 1, this dataset was ”noisy”, with 540 local maxima, and discontinuous

3.3 Aerofoil

This test case models the aerodynamic properties of a two dimensional aerofoil.
The objective function to be minimised is the lift-drag ratio[12], and this is
computed by executing a Computational Fluid Dynamic model of the object.
Figure 2(e) shows a number of isosurfaces in the parameter space investigated.
The dataset was generally smooth, with only 12 local minima and a dominant
global minimum.
3.4 Bead

The application from which this case study was drawn used a ceramic bead
to minimise distortion of the radiation pattern of a mobile telecommunications
handset during testing[13]. The objective function value, derived from an FDTD
full-wave analysis of the cable structure, was a measure of transmission strength
through the bead at 1 GHz. The dataset for the Bead case study, of which
isosurfaces for a particular value are shown in Figure 2(f), is quite complex and
contains 298 local minima.

3.5 Rosenbrock’s function

In order to provide a point of comparison, the well-known Rosenbrock’s function

in two dimensions was included. The objective function values for this test case
were directly computed from f (x) = 100(x2 − x21 )2 + (1 − x1 )2 for xi ∈ [−2, 2]
which has one local minimum at f (1, 1) = 0.

4 Results of Numerical Experiments

For purposes of comparison a set of algorithms were tested, including EPSOC, a

GA (Genesis 5.0[14]), a parallel gradient descent method (P-BFGS), Dennis and
Torczon’s MDS, the Simplex method of Nelder and Mead, a variant of Simplex
operating concurrently on multiple vertices with a search direction defined by a
reducing set of vertices (RSCS), and variants of Simplex and RSCS utilizing line-
searching. All were parallel implementations; no serial algorithms were tested.
The population-based algorithms, EPSOC and Genesis, used a population of
64 members. Other operational parameters of the algorithms, such as mutation
and crossover rates for the GA, and extinction rate and mutation range for
EPSOC, were tuned for each test case and the best results obtained are reported
in this paper. The extinction rate, nbad, varied between 5% and 15% of the
population. Both algorithms are ideally suited to a master-slave, gather-scatter
parallel system.
Each of the algorithms tested was run on each of the test cases from 10
randomly distributed start points. To allow direct comparison, in a given test
case the same set of start points were used for each algorithm.
The starting simplices for the direct search methods were right simplices
aligned with the coordinate axes. By default they were reasonably large, scaled
to 10% of the parameter range for each coordinate. The convergence criterion
for most cases was a fractional step-wise gradient of 10−3 , except for EPSOC
and Genesis, which used fixed limits on iteration count and function evaluations,
Table 1 shows the best objective function value obtained in 10 runs for each
algorithm on each test case, and the Equivalent Serial Function Evaluations
(ESFE) required to obtain that result. ESFE, derived from the number of steps
involving concurrent evaluation of objective functions, is a measure of the actual
time taken to find an optimal solution. For each test case, the best objective
function value obtained by any algorithm, and the fastest ESFE to obtain that
value, are highlighted. The ESFE results shown for EPSOC and the GA are the
generation counts at which the minimum result was obtained, not the count for
termination, which was fixed.

Table 1. Best objective functions values obtained in 10 runs, and time taken

Laser 1 Laser 2 Crack 1 Crack 2 Aerofoil Bead Rosenbrock

EPSOC -0.48 10 -0.56 12 187.5 5 5356 20 -68.64 20 -39.85 14 1e-3 14
GA -0.48 14 -0.56 19 188.5 16 5346 11 -68.51 9 -39.85 7 2e-4 23
P-BFGS -0.48 37 -0.56 39 187.5 26 5347 12 -67.90 26 -29.71 18 7e-2 10
Simplex -0.48 24 -0.56 24 187.6 25 5353 23 -68.64 20 -26.98 16 0 54
SimplexL1 -0.48 15 -0.56 24 187.5 13 5331 12 -68.63 18 -39.85 13 5e-6 48
MDS -0.48 16 -0.56 12 187.6 13 5357 1000 -68.64 14 -16.12 7 3e-4 1000
RSCS -0.48 22 -0.56 12 187.6 9 5347 42 -68.64 7 -26.91 12 0 39
RSCSL -0.48 22 -0.56 24 187.5 15 5357 27 -67.21 18 -26.98 11 6e-6 88
RSCSL1 -0.48 13 -0.56 17 187.7 11 5348 8 -68.62 15 -26.98 5 8e-4 33

It may be noted from Table 1 that EPSOC effectively found the global min-
imum in 6 out of 7 cases (counting the result on the Crack 2 test case as suc-
cessful, since it was within 0.03% of the global minimum value). In half of these
cases, it also achieved this result faster than other algorithms. Its performance
on Rosenbrock’s function was equivalent to that of the other algorithms. The
Kruskal-Wallis H test statistic was used to rank algorithms on each test case,
based on all results returned. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for pairwise
comparisons of the two highest-ranked algorithms, one of which was EPSOC
on every test case. On 4 test cases EPSOC was better than the second-ranked
algorithm to a significance level of 0.05. On the remaining cases there was no
statistically significant difference.
In general, EPSOC achieved results as good as, or better, than all other
algorithms, and its rate of convergence was highly competitive.

5 Conclusion
In this paper we have described a simple new Evolutionary Programming al-
gorithm that utilizes concepts of Self-Organised Criticality. Tested on a range
of cases drawn from real-world problems, against a representative set of direct
search, gradient descent and genetic algorithms, it has been demonstrated to
exhibit superior performance.
Examination of the results from the numerical experiments demonstrates
population-based methods, EPSOC and the GA, are competitive against classi-
cal gradient descent and direct search methods providing they are executed on
a parallel machine with sufficient processors to evaluate all of the population
members in one iteration.. The quality of results obtained, and their speed in
achieving them were clearly better in a majority of cases. Within the population-
based methods, EPSOC outperformed the GA in finding the global minimum
on all but one test case. Even for that case, the median result across multiple
runs for EPSOC was better than that of the GA.
Like the GA, EPSOC is highly parallel, evaluating 1280 trial solutions in the
same time it took Simplex, for example, to evaluate 81, and to generally better
effect. The parallelism and completion time of the algorithm are set independent
of problem size. The resulting pre-determined execution behaviour, in terms of
resources required and time taken, its simplicity and its easily implemented
master-slave parallelism make it well-suited for practical application to real-
world problems.
Given the intended use of these algorithms in practical engineering design,
they have all, with the exception of Genesis 5.0, been integrated into the Nim-
rod/O framework [12]. Nimrod/O is a design optimisation toolset. It makes it
possible to describe a design scenario using a simple, declarative language, then
use parallel or distributed computers seamlessly to execute the experiment. Un-
like other systems Nimrod/O combines optimisation, distributed computing and
rapid prototyping in a single tool.
Further work is required on EPSOC to determine the efficacy of the method
on problems of high dimensionality, and the link between problem dimensionality
and optimal population size, extinction rates and mutation factors.

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