How to Use Causative Form (使役形 = しえきけい = Shiekikei)

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How to use Causative Form (使役形 = しえきけい =


= ねえ、おなかすいたからなにかたべさせて。
= Nee, onaka suita kara nanika tabesasete.
= Hey, I’m hungry. Feed* me something.
(* Give me something to eat.)
Hi everyone!
I’m Mochi, your guest teacher for today. I’m hungry right now but I will teach you first before
my family feeds me. がんばります! = Ganbarimasu! = I’ll do my best.
We are going to study 使役形 ( = しえきけい = shiekikei ) = causative form today.
Maggie made an introductory lesson many years ago but it is time to make a new lesson with a

little more information.

How to form:
~る ( = ru)
→させる ( = saseru) / させます ( = sasemasu)
Ex. 食べる = たべる = taberu = to eat
→食べさせる = たべさせる = tabesaseru / 食べさせます = たべさせます = tabesasemasu
= to make someone eat / to let, to allow someone eat/ to allow someone to eat
(Note: I will explain all the details later but the causative verb can be used when you “force”
someone to do something or “allow” someone to do something)
Ex. 買う = かう = kau = to buy
1)Make a negative form:
→買わない = かわない = kawanai = to not buy
2) Delete ない ( = nai) and attach せる ( = seru)/せます ( = semasu)
→買わせる = かわせる = kawaseru / 買わせます = かわせます = kawasemasu
= to make someone buy/ to allow/let someone buy
* 来る = くる = kuru = to come
→(causative form ) 来させる = こさせる = kosaseru / 来させます = こさせます =
= to make someone come/to let/allow someone buy something
* する = suru = to do
→(causative form )させる = saseru / させます = sasemasu
= to make someone do ~ /to let/allow someone do ~

Special short form:

You may not learn this form in your Japanese class or textbooks, but I’ll teach you this short
special form anyway because we actually use it quite often in conversation.
~る ( = ru) →さす ( = sasu)
* 食べる = たべる = taberu = to eat
→(short causative form ) 食べさす = たべさす = tabesasu
= to make someone eat / to let someone eat
Ex. 子供にバナナを食べさせた。
= こどもにバナナをたべさせた。
= Kodomo ni banana wo tabesaseta
= I fed my child a banana/I made my child eat a banana.
↓ Short form:
* 子供にバナナを食べさした。
= こどもにバナナをたべさした。
= Kodomo ni banana wo tabesashita.
★ u-verb
Make a negative form and delete ない ( = nai) and attach す ( = su)/します ( = shimasu)
* 話す = はなす = hanasu = to speak, talk
→(negative form) 話さない = はなさない = hanasanai
→delete ない ( = nai) and attach す ( = su)
(short causative form) 話さす = はなさす = hanasasu
= to make someone talk / to let/allow someone talk

Ex. 👨は、👶 を 泣(な)かせた。

= 👨 wa、👶 wo nakaseta。

= 👨 made 👶 cry.
↓ Short form:

* 👨は、👶 を泣 (な) かした。

= 👨wa、👶 wo nakashita.

= 👨 made 👶 cry.
★irregular verbs:
* 行く ( = いく = iku) to go
→(short causative form) 行かす = いかす = ikasu
= to make someone go / to let/allow someone go
* 来る = くる = kuru = to come
→(short causative form) 来さす = こさす = kosasu
= to make someone come / to let/allow someone come
* する = suru = to do
→(short causative form) さす = sasu
= to make someone do ~ /to let/allow someone do ~

Sentence patterns:
With intransitive verb:
1. A は ( or が)、B を / B に + verb* causative form
= A wa, B wo / B ni + verb* causative form
= A makes B do /forces B to do something or A lets B do something
(* verb: 自動詞 = じどうし = jidoushi = intransitive verb)
Ex. A は、B を 立たせた。
= A は、B を たたせた。
= A wa, B wo tataseta.
= A made B stand (up).
Note (1) A は or A が = A wa or A ga
When you emphasize A, who does/did it, you use が ( = ga) instead of は ( = wa)
Ex. A が、B を立たせた。
= A が、B をたせた。
= A ga, B wo tataseta.
= A made B stand (up). (Emphasizing A, who made B stand.)
Ex. 誰が B を 立たせましたか?
= だれが B を たたせましたか?
= Dare ga B wo tatasemashita ka?
= Who made B stand (up)?
Note (2) A (the subject) can be omitted if it is obvious.
B を / B に + verb* causative form
= B wo / B ni + verb* causative form
Ex. 子供を泳がせます。
= こどもをおよがせます。
= Kodomo wo oyogasemasu.
= I will make my children swim.
Ex. 子供に泳がせます。
= こどもにおよがせます。
= Kodomo ni oyogasemasu.
= I will let my children swim.

(Omitting 私は = わたしは = watashi wa = I)

Note (3): を ( = wo) VS に ( = ni)
A は (or が )、B を / B に + causative form
= A wa (or ga), B wo / B ni + causative form
There are exceptions depending on the context but the basic rule is:
B を ( = B wo): A makes/forces B to do something
B に ( = B ni ): A lets/allows B to do something. (B has the will to do something and A lets B
do that.)
Ex. A は B を 座らせた。
= A は B をすわらせた。
= A wa B wo suwaraseta.
= A made B sit down.
(B might have not wanted to sit down but A told B to sit down and made B sit down.)

Ex. A は B に 座らせた。
= A は B に すわらせた。
= A wa B ni suwaraseta.
= A let B sit down.
( B wanted to sit down and A let B sit down.)
With transitive verb:
1. A は、B に + something (someone) を + verb* causative form
= A wa、B ni + something (someone) wo + verb* causative form
= A makes B do /forces B to do something or A lets/allows B to do something
(* verb: 他動詞 = たどうし = tadoushi = transitive verb)
Note: Transitive verbs need an object and you use を ( = wo ) as an object marker but you want
to avoid using を ( = wo) twice in a sentence. So to avoid using を ( = wo) after B, use に ( =
ni) after B instead.

👧 に 🍜 を 食べさせる

= 👧 に 🍜 を たべさせる

= 👧 ni 🍜 wo tabesaseru

= to make 👧 eat 🍜.
You can’t say:

X 👧 を 🍜 を 食べさせる (wrong) 🙅‍

= 👧 を 🍜 を たべさせる

= 👧 wo 🍜 wo tabesaseru

How to use:
1) to force/make someone do something
★A は B を + verb (intransitive verb) causative form
= A wa B wo + verb (intransitive verb) causative form
★A は B に ~ を + verb (transitive verb)
= A wa B ni ~ wo + verb (transitive verb)
A makes B do something regardless of whether B wants to do it or not.
The common relationship between A and B is:
* parents → children
* older people→ younger people
* boss → staff (in business situations)
* coach→ players
* higher position → lower position
Ex. コーチは、私達を暗くなるまで走らせた。
= コーチは、わたしたちをくらくなるまではしらせた。
= Koochi wa, watashitachi wo kuraku naru made hashiraseta.
= The coach made us run until it got dark.
Ex. 自分自身を成長させなければいけない。
= じぶんじしんをせいちょうさせなければいけない。
= Jibun jishin wo seichou sasenakereba ikenai.
= You have to make yourself grow.
Ex. 子供に宿題をやらせる。
= こどもにしゅくだいをやらせる。
= Kodomo ni shukudai wo yaraseru.
= to make one’s child/children to do their homework.
Ex. 赤ちゃんに薬を飲ませるのは大変だ。
= あかちゃんにくすりをのませるのはたいへんだ。
= Akachan ni kusuri wo nomaseru no wa taihen da.
= It is hard to have my baby take medicine.
Ex. いつもおごっているから今日は、友達にランチをおごらせた。
= いつもおごっているからきょうは、ともだちにランチをおごらせた。
= Itsumo ogotteiru kara kyou wa, tomodachi ni ranchi wo ogoraseta.
= I always treat my friend so I made him/her buy me lunch today.
Ex. マギーに夕飯を作らせたら悲惨な結果になった。
= マギーにゆうはんをつくらせたらひさんなけっかになった。
= Maggie ni yuuhan wo tsukurasetara hisanna kekka ni natta.
= I made Maggie make dinner, and it turned out to be a disaster.
Ex. 上司はいつも彼を遅くまで働かせていた。
= じょうしはいつもかれをおそくまではたらかせていた。
= Joushi wa itsumo kare wo osokumade hatarakasete ita.
= The boss always made him work late.
Ex. 子供にそんな甘いケーキを食べさせたくない。
= こどもにそんなあまいケーキをたべさせたくない。
= Kodomo ni sonna amai keeki wo tabesasetakunai.
= I don’t want (my) children to eat such sweet cake.
Ex. 息子に荷物を運ばせます。
= むすこににもつをはこばせます。
= Musuko ni nimotsu wo hakobasemasu.
= I will make my son carry the baggage.
Note: You use the topic marker, は ( =wa) when you bring up a topic instead of using the
object marker, を ( = wo)
→ 荷物は、息子に運ばせます。
= にもつは、むすこにはこばせます。
= Nimotsu wa, musuko ni hakobasemasu.
= As for the baggage, I will make my son carry it.
2) to let someone do something / to allow someone to do something/to give permission
someone to do something
★A は B に + verb (intransitive verb) causative form
= A wa B ni + verb (intransitive verb) causative form
★A は B に ~ を + (transitive verb) causative form
= A wa B ni ~ wo + (transitive verb) causative form
A lets/allows B do something that B wants/wanted to do.
Ex. 子供の頃から娘には好きなことをさせてきた。
= こどものころからむすめにはすきなことをさせてきた。
= Kodomo no koro kara musume niwa sukina koto wo sasete kita.
= I have been letting my daughter do whatever she likes since she was a child.
Ex. この漫画は、子供に読ませたくない。
= このまんがは、こどもによませたくない。
= Kono manga wa, kodomo ni yomasetaku nai.
= (The literal meaning) As for this comic book, I don’t want to let my children read it.
= I don’t want my children to read this comic book.
Ex. 彼は娘の誕生日は、なんでも欲しいものを買わせた。
= かれはむすめのたんじょうびは、なんでもほしいものをかわせた。
= Kare wa musume no tanjoubi wa, nandemo hoshii mono wo kawaseta.
= He let his daughter buy anything she wanted on her birthday.
(Note: The hidden indirect object: 娘に = むすめに = musumeni)

Ex. 私は、子犬に好きなだけ食べさせた。
= わたしは、こいぬにすきなだけたべさせた。
= Watashi wa, koinu ni sukina dake tabesaseta.
= I let the puppy eat as much as it wanted.
Ex. あの子、よく寝ているね。日曜日だからあと1時間寝させておこう。
= あのこ、よくねているね。にちようびだからあといちじかんねさせておこう。
= Anoko, yoku nete iru ne. Nichiyoubi dakara ato ichijikan nesasete okou.
= He is sound asleep. It’s Sunday so why don’t we let him sleep one more hour?
(Note: verb causative te-form ~て ( = te) + おく = oku = to let someone do something and
leave them for a while.)

Ex. まだ親に彼女を会わせたくない。
= まだおやにかのじょをあわせたくない。
= I don’t want my parents to meet my girlfriend yet.
(I don’t want to introduce my girlfriend to my parents yet.)
You can use a causative form with くれる ( = kureru) when someone lets you do something
and express your appreciative feelings. And くれない ( = kurenai) when someone doesn’t let
you do something and express your disappointment/frustration.
Ex. 父は日本に行かせてくれた。
= ちちはにほんにいかせてくれた。
= Chichi wa nihon ni ikasete kureta.
= My father let me go to Japan.
Ex. 父は日本に行かせてくれない。
= ちちはにほんにいかせてくれない
= Chichi wa nihon ni ikasete kurenai.
= My father won’t let me go to Japan.
Ex. 先生の話は、やる気を起こさせてくれる。
= せんせいのはなしは、やるきをおこさせてくれる。
= Sensei no hanashi wa, yaruki wo okosasete kureru.
= The teacher’s talk motivates me/us.
And when you let someone do something for their sake, you use
Causative form + あげる ( = ageru)
Ex. プレーステーション使わせてあげるからスイッチ使わせて。
= プレーステーションつかわせてあげるからスイッチ使わせて。
= Pureesuteishon tsukawasete ageru kara suicchi tsukawaste.
= I’ll let you use my Play Station so let me use your Switch.
Ex. 私が食べさせてあげる。あーんして!
= わたしがたべさせてあげる。あーんして!
= Watashi ga tabesasete ageru. Aan shite.
= I am going to feed you. Open your mouth!
3) Asking for a permission to do something.: Will you let me do ~?
★ B (the speaker) に* + verb (intransitive verb) causative form te-form
= B (the speaker) ni + verb (intransitive verb) causative form te-form
★B (the speaker) に* ~ を + (transitive verb) causative form te-form
= B (the speaker) ni ~ wo + (transitive verb) causative form te-form
+ ください ( = kudasai) /くれますか ( = kuremasu ka) /もらえますか ( = moraemasu
ka) / (more polite) いただけますか ( = itadakemasu ka) / いただいてもいいですか ( =
itadaite mo ii desu ka) /くださいますか ( = kudasaimasu ka), etc.
Ex. 私に海外出張へ行かせてください。
= わたしにかいがいしゅっちょうへいかせてください。
= Watashi ni kaigaishucchou e ikasete kudasai.
= Let me go abroad on a business trip.
Ex. 私にも一口食べさせて。
= わたしにもひとくちたべさせて。
= Watashi ni mo hitokuchi tabesasete.
= Will you let me have a bite? / Can I have a bite?
Note: We often omit the subject and object in conversations. So listeners often have to guess
from the context.
For example
Did you buy a piano? Can you let me play the piano sometime?
The textbook Japanese or the literal translation will be:
→あなたはピアノを買いましたか? 今度、あなたはそのピアノを私に弾かせてくれ
= あなたはピアノをかいましたか? こんど、あなたはそのピアノをわたしにひかせて
= Anata wa pia no wo kaimashita ka? Kondo, anata wa sono piano wo watashi ni hikasete
kuremasu ka?

But nobody talks like this in conversation.

You say:
Ex. ピアノ買ったの?今度、弾かせて。
= ピアノかったの?こんど、ひかせて。
= Piano katta no? Kondo, hikasete.
= You bought a piano? Let me play it sometime.
Ex. 次の集まりに参加させてもらえますか?
= つぎのあつまりにさんかさせてもらえますか?
= Otouto mo sanka sasete moraemasu ka?
= Would you let me join the next gathering?
Ex. 一晩、考えさせてください。
= ひとばん、かんがえさせてください。
= Hitoban, kangaesasete kudasai.
= Let me sleep on it, please.
Ex. 明日、休みをとらせていただけますか?
= あした、やすみをとらせていただけますか?
= Ashita, yasumi wo torasete itadakemasu ka?
= Can I take the day-off tomorrow?
(Negative form):
Telling someone to not make you do something.
negative causative form ~ないで ( = naide) + ( くれる = kureru/もらえる = moraeru/ くれま
すか = kuremasu ka)
Ex. こんなことを私に言わせないで。
= こんなことをわたしにいわせないで。
= Konnakoto wo watashi ni iwasenaide.
= Don’t make me say such a thing.
Ex. 子供にチョコレートを食べさせないでもらえる?
= こどもにチョコレートをたべさせないでもらえる?
= Kodomo ni chokoreeto wo tabesasenai de moraeru?
= Can you not let children eat chocolates?
4) to have someone let you do something/to take the liberty of doing something that one can
benefit from.
causative te-form て ( = te) + もらう ( = morau) / もらいます ( = moraimasu) /(more polite)
いただきます ( = itadakimasu)
Ex. 昨日は、友達のうちに泊まらせてもらった。
= きのうは、ともだちのうちにとまらせてもらった。
= Kinou wa, tomodachi no uchi ni tomarasete moratta.
= I had my friend let me stay over at his/her place.

Ex. 冷蔵庫にあったビール飲ませてもらったよ。
= れいぞうこにあったビールのませてもらったよ。
= Reizouko ni atta biiru nomasete moratta yo.
= I took the liberty of drinking the beer in the fridge.
Ex. マギーのアイデアを使わせてもらったよ。
= マギーのアイデアをつかわせてもらったよ。
= Maggie no aidea wo tsukawasete moratta yo.
= I took the liberty to use your idea, Maggie.
Ex. その仕事、私にやらせてもらえますか?
= そのしごと、わたしにやらせてもらえますか?
= Sono shigoto, watashi ni yarasete moraemasu ka?
= Will you let me do that work?
Ex. 一言、言わせてもらいますがそれは違います。
= ひとこと、いわせてもらいますがそれはちがいます。
= Hitokoto, iwasete moraimasu ga sore wa chigaimasu.
= Let me say one thing. That is wrong.
Polite expressions:
Ex. この件については明日、説明させていただきます。
= このけんについてはあした、せつめいさせていただきます。
= Kono ken ni tsuite wa ashita, setsumei sasete itadakimasu.
= As for this matter, allow me to explain tomorrow.
Ex. 喜んで披露宴に出席させていただきます。
= よろこんでひろうえんにしゅっせきさせていただきます。
= Yorokonde hirouen ni shusseki sasete itadakimasu.
= I’d love to attend the/your wedding reception.
Ex. 少し疲れたので部屋に戻って休ませていただきます。
= すこしつかれたのでへやにもどってやすませていただきます。
= Sukoshi tsukaretanode heya ni modotte yasumasete itadakimasu.
= As I’ve gotten a little tired. Allow me to go back to my room and rest.
Ex. プレゼントありがとうございました。大切に使わせていただきます。
= プレゼントありがとうございました。たいせつにつかわせていただきます。
= Purezento arigatou gozaimashita. Taisetsu ni tsukawasete itadakimasu.
= Thank you for the gift. I will take good care of it.
5) To express one’s apologetic feelings for making someone do something.
If the listener is the object, you can omit it.
Ex. 待たせてごめんなさい。
= またせてごめんなさい。
= Matasete gomennasai.
= Sorry to keep you waiting.
(Omitting direct object: あなたを = anata wo = you, the listener)
Ex. 急がせてすみません。
= いそがせてすみません。
= Isogasete sumimasen.
= I am sorry to rush you.
(Omitting direct object: あなたを = anata wo = you, the listener)
Ex. お手間を取らせて申し訳ありません。
= おてまをとらせてもうしわけありません。
= Otema wo torasete moushiwake arimasen.
= I am sorry to have troubled you.
(Omitting indirect object あなたに = anata ni = you, the listener)
You can also express your apologetic feelings or regret with てしまう ( = te shimau)
Causative form te-form て ( = te) + しまう ( = shimau)
Ex. 彼女に嫌な思いをさせてしまった。
= かのじょにいやなおもいをさせてしまった。
= Kanojo ni iyana omoi wo sasete shimatta.
= (I didn’t intend to, but) I made her feel uncomfortable. /I offended her.
Ex. なにもかもやらせちゃって悪かったね。
= なにもかもやらせちゃってわるかったね。
= Nanimo kamo yarasechatte warukatta ne.
= Sorry that I ended up making you do everything.
(Note: やらせちゃって = yarasechatte is a casual contraction of やらせてしまって =
yarasete shimatte)
6) to provoke someone’s emotions, and feelings: to make someone feel
angry/happy/disappointed, etc.
A は ( = wa) 、B を ( = wo) + verb causative form
Ex. 母をまたがっかりさせたくないから今度の試験はがんばろう。
= ははをまたがっかりさせたくないからこんどのしけんはがんばろう。
= Haha wo gakkari sasetaku nai kara kondo no shiken wa ganbarou.
= I don’t want to disappoint my mother again, so I am going to do my best on these next
Ex. 彼はいつもどうやって観客を楽しませることができるか考えています。
= かれはいつもどうやってかんきゃくをたのしませることができるかかんがえていま
= Kare wa itsumo douyatte kankyaku wo tanoshimaseru koto ga dekiru ka kangaete imasu.
= He is always thinking about how to entertain the audience.
Ex. 彼女を怒らせたら怖いから気をつけてね。
= かのじょをおこらせたらこわいからきをつけてね。
= Kanojo wo okorasetara kowai kara ki wo tsukete ne.
= She’s scary if you make her angry so be careful, OK?
Ex. 泣かせてごめんね。もう悲しませるようなことは絶対にしないから。
= なかせてごめんね。もうかなしませるようなことはぜったいにしないから。
= Nakasete gomen ne. Mou kanashimaseru youna koto wa zettai ni shinai kara.
= Sorry to make you cry. I will never do things to make you feel sad.
Ex. 子犬を怖がらせたくないから静かにドアを閉めてね。
= こいぬをこわがらせたくないからしずかにドアをしめてね。
= Koinu wo kowagarasetaku nai kara shizuka ni doa wo shimete ne.
= I don’t want to scare the puppy so close the door quietly, OK?
Ex. 彼女を喜ばせようと思って高いアクセサリーを買ったのに気に入ってもらえなか
= かのじょをよろこばせようとおもってたかいアクセサリーをかったのにきにいって
= Kanojo wo yorokobaseyou to omotte takai akusesarii wo katta noni ki ni itte moraenakatta.
= Wanting to make my girlfriend happy, I bought her some expensive jewelry but she didn’t
like it.
7) You can use the causative form with non-living things/situations/environment
1. to make something in some state. / to allow something ~ / to let something ~ / make itself ~ /
to change the state/condition / to leave something and see how it changes
★B を ( = wo) + verb (intransitive verb) causative form
Ex. このプロジェクトは是非とも成功させたい。
= このプロジェクトはぜひともせいこうさせたい。
= Kono purojekuto wa zehitomo seikou sasetai.
= I would like to make this project succeed at all costs.
Ex. 早く仕事を終わらせて友達と合流したい。
= はやくしごとをおわらせてともだちとごうりゅうしたい。
= Hayaku shigoto wo owarasete tomodachi to gouryuu shitai.
= I want to finish my work as soon as possible and get together with my friends.
Ex. 納豆は、大豆を発酵させて作ります。
= なっとうは、だいずをはっこうさせてつくります。
= Nattou wa, daizu wo hakkou sasete tsukurimasu.
(The literal translation: As for Natto, you make it by making the soybeans ferment.)
= You make Natto by fermenting soybeans.
Ex. この桜の木は、毎年きれいな花を咲かせる。
= このさくらのきは、まいとしきれいなはなをさかせる。
= Kono sakura no ki wa, maitoshi kireina hana wo sakaseru.
= This cherry tree produces beautiful flowers that bloom every year.
Ex. 刺身を冷蔵庫に入れるのを忘れて腐らせてしまった。
= さしみをれいぞうこにいれるのをわすれてくさらせてしまった。
= Sashimi wo reizoukou ni ireru no wo wasurete kusarasete shimatta.
= By forgetting to put the sashimi (sliced raw fish) in the fridge, I let it go bad.
Note: 刺身を腐らせる = さしみをくさらせる = sashimi wo kusaraseru = to let spoil
sashimi / to let sashimi go bad
Ex. マンゴを凍らせて食べたら美味しいよ。
= マンゴをこおらせてたべたらおいしいよ。
= Mango wo koorasete tabetara oishii yo.
= (the literal meaning: If you freeze mango, it tastes good.)
= Frozen mango tastes good.
OK, I hope you learned something from this lesson.
We will make 使役受身形 = しえきうけみけい = shieki ukemikei = Passive causative
form some other time.
マギー先生より = マギーせんせいより = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
Mochi 先生、ありがとう。早くごはんを食べさせてもらってくださいね。
= Mochi 先生、ありがとう。はやくごはんをたべさせてもらってくださいね。
= Mochi Sensei, arigatou. Hayaku gohan wo tabesasete moratte kudasaine.
= Thank you Mochi Sensei. Let them feed you now, OK?
させる + させられる ( = saseru+saserareru) Causative verb
🐶 「泣かせるわよ!」
= Nakaseru wayo!
= “I am going to make you cry!”
MAGI 約束の犬 ( = Yakusoku no inu) The Dog’s Promise
感動の実話 ( = Kandou no jitsuwa) A touching true story
大ヒット上映中 ( = Dai hitto jouei chu) A smash hit movie. Now showing in theaters.
主演 マギー ( = Shuen Maggie)Leading actress Maggie
Hi everyone!
Have you seen the movie, “Hachi” starring Richard Gere? It is a touching movie based on a true
story in Japan.

ハチ公 ( = Hachikou) is known as 忠犬ハチ公 ( = Chuken Hachikou) Loyal Dog, “Hachikou”.

He became the most famous and loyal dog in Japan because he continued to wait for his master
even after his master had passed away.
You can see the statue of Hachiko in Shibuya station. It has become a popular place to meet up
with one’s friends.
Check the story on Wikipedia!
This new movie, “MAGI” looks very interesting as well!
Maggie says :
= Nakaseru wayo!
= I am going to make you cry!
泣く(=naku) to cry
→泣かせる ( = nakaseru) to make someone cry
Note : わ ( = wa) or わよ ( = wayo) : This is an ending that adds emphasis to a sentence and is
commonly used by women.
So today’s theme is 「させる+させられる」Saseru & Saserareru , 使役動 詞 ( = shieki doushi)
causative verb and 受け身動詞(=ukemi doushi) causative passive verb!
(1) マギーはマックスを泣かせた。
= Maggie wa Max wo nakaseta.
= Maggie made Max cry.
= Max wa Maggie ni nakasareta.
= Max was made to cry by Maggie.
Note 1) In English the passive form is not that common so we translate both sentences as Maggie
made Max cry but actually the second sentence’s subject is Max. So Max was made to cry by
Maggie. would be the literal translation although it doesn’t sound natural in English.
Note 2) There are two causative forms for 泣く( = naku)
➡︎(1) 泣かせる ( = nakaseru ) and (2) 泣かす ( = nakasu).
(泣かせる ( = nakaseru) is more common)
passive causative form: (1) 泣かされる( = nakasareru) or (2) 泣かせられる ( = nakaserareru)
(泣かされた(=nakasareta) is more common)
Leeeeet’s practice!!
• する ( = suru) to do
➡︎させる ( = saseru) to make someone do
➡︎させられる ( = saserareru) to be forced to do
•勉強する ( = benkyou suru) to study
➡︎勉強させる ( = benkyou saseru) to make someone study
➡︎勉強させられる ( = benkyou saserareru) to be made to study by someone
Note: If you use 勉強 ( = benkyou) as a noun, You can put “を” after 勉強 ( = benkyou) and it
becomes an object.
= Nihongo no benkyou (wo) suru.
= to study Japanese
= Seito ni benkyou (wo) saseru.
= to make students study
= Haha ni benkyou (wo) saserareru.
= I am forced to study by my mother.
*練習する ( = renshuu suru) to practice
➡︎練習させる ( = renshuu saseru) to make someone practice
➡︎練習させられる ( = renshuu saserareru) to be forced to practice
Note: The same as 勉強 ( = benkyou). You can put “を” after 練習 ( = renshuu ) as an object.
*結婚する ( = kekkon suru) to get marry
➡︎結婚させる ( = kekkon saseru) to make someone marry
➡︎結婚させられる ( = kekkon saserareru) to be forced to marry
= Mou sanjussai ninatta node kanojo ni kekkon saserareru kamo shirenai.
= Since she is 30 years old now, I might be forced to marry my girlfriend.
Note : Again, you can put を ( = wo) after 結婚 ( = kekkon) as an object.
Ex. 結婚をさせる.. ( = Kekkon wo saseru)
• 飲む (= nomu) to drink
➡︎飲ませる ( = nomaseru) to make someone drink
➡︎飲ませられる (=nomaserareru) to be forced to drink
➡︎飲ます ( = nomasu) to make someone drink
➡︎飲まされる ( = nomasareru) to be forced to drink
Ex. 昨夜は上司にたくさん飲ませられた/ 飲まされた。
= Sakuya wa joushi ni takusan nomaseraeta/ nomasareta.
= I was forced to drink a lot by my supervisor.
•来る ( = kuru) to come
➡︎来させる ( = kosaseru) to make someone come
➡︎来させられる ( = kosaserareru) to be forced to come
Ex. 今日は誰に来させられたの?
= Kyouwa dare ni kosaserareta no?
= Literally By whom were you made to come here today?
• やる ( = yaru) to do
➡︎やらせる ( = yaraseru) to make someone do
➡︎やらせられる ( = yaraserareru)to be forced to do
= Kono shigoto wa buka ni yarasemasu
=I will make my subordinate do this work.
• 書く ( = kaku) to write
➡︎書かせる ( = kakaseru) to make someone write
➡︎書かせられる ( = kakaserareru) to be forced to write
Note: 書かせる ( = kakaseru):Sometimes we say 書かす ( = kakasu).
Also we say 書かされる ( = kakasareru) instead of 書かせられる( = kakaserareru) as
a shorter form.
Note :
It is grammatically wrong but there is also a colloquial form for this.
* 書かさせられる ( = kakasaserareru)
Ex. まだ小学校にも行っていないのに漢字を書かされている。
= Mada shougakkounimo itte inainoni kanji wo kakasareteiru.
= They are forced to write kanji even though they are not even in elementary school yet.
*So there is a tendency to insert さ( = sa) in certain verb conjugations, especially among young
That is called さ入れ言葉 ( = saire kotoba).
Ex. やらせる( = yaraseru) to make someone do
➡︎やらさせる ( = yarasaseru)
➡︎やらせられる ( = yaraserareru) to be forced to do
➡︎やらさせられる ( = yarasaserareru)
Ex. やらせて頂きます。 ( = Yarasete itadakimasu.)

➡︎やらさせて頂きます。( =Yarasasete itadakimasu.) I will do it./Let me do it.

「さ入れ言葉」( = saire kotoba) is getting VERY common and you can hear or see this more and
more in everyday conversation including on TV and etc. But if you are going to take a Japanese
test, avoid using it.
(Also there is ら抜き言葉 ( = ranuki kotoba) skipping ら ( = ra)
*見られる ( = mirareru)
➡︎見れる ( = mireru) to be able to see
but I will talk about it some other time.)
Note: If the person is willing to do something, it means~させる( = saseru) could also means “to
let someone do something.”
Ex. 子供をキャンプに行かせる。
= Kodomo wo kyanpu ni ikaseru.
= It could mean “I make my kid go camping (even if he doesn’t want to go.)“
Or “I will let him go camping (because he wants to go.)“
So the kid would say:
= Haha ni kyanpu ni ikasareta.
= “I was forced to go camping by my mom.”
(He didn’t want to go.)
= Haha ni kyanpu ni ikasete moratta.
= “I got to go camping (because my mom let me go.)”
(He wanted to go.)
=Haha wa kyanpu ni ikasete kureta.
= “My mom let me go camping.”
(He is happy to get to go camping.)
= Kare ni kono shigoto wo yarasareta.
= ”I was forced to do this work by him.”
= Kare ni kono shigoto wo yarasemasu.
= ”I will force him do this work.”
= Kare ni kono shigoto wo yarase(te mi)masu.
= ”I will try to let him do this work.”
(He would like to try to do this work.)
(=Watashi ni kono shigoto wo yarasete kudasai .)
”Let me do this work.”
= Matasete gomennasai.
= “Sorry to make you wait.”
= Kokode matasete kudasai.
= “Let me wait here!”
= Haisha de ichijikan mo matasareta.
= “I was forced to wait at the dentist’s office for one good hour.”
マギー先生より =Maggie sensei yori = From Maggie
= Kono eiga wa namida nashi dewa miraremasen. Minasan hankachi wo wasurenai dene.
= This is a tear-jerker movie. So be sure to take a hanky with you!
From Yukari : Actually Maggie-sensei was waiting for her “master” just for 3 minutes in front of a
convenience store…
Causative-Passive Form (使役受身形= しえきうけみけい=shieki

= Kyatto fuudo bakari tabesaserarete imasu.
= I only get to eat cat food.
Hello. I am Jasmin, your guest teacher for today.
Maggie and Mochi Sensei made a new Causative Form Lesson.
So let me teach you the causative-passive form this time.
★How to form:
* ru-verb:
たべます(食べます) = tabemasu = to eat
1) make a masu-stem by deleting the ます ( = masu) →たべ ( = tabe)
2) attach させられる ( = saserareru) / (masu form) させられます ( = saseraremasu)
* u-verb:
よむ (読む)= yomu = to read
1) make the negative form: よまない ( = yomanai) and delete ない ( = nai)
→よま ( = yoma)
2) attach される ( = sareru) →よまされる (= yomasareru)
irregular verbs:
* くる (来る) = kuru = to come
→こさせられる(来させられる) = kosaserareru
* する = suru = to do
→させられる = saserareru
Note: Shortened form:
Remember there is a shortened form for the causative form.
いく (行く) = iku = to go
Causative form:
→いかせる (行かせる) = ikaseru = to make someone go
→(shorten form) いかす (行かす) = ikasu
Causative passive form:
→いかせられる(行かせられる)= ikaserareru = to be made to go
→(shortened form) いかされる (行かされる) = ikasareru
You can’t make a causative passive form if the shortened form ends with さす ( = sasu)
はなす (話す)= hanasu
Causative form:
はなさせる (話させる) = hanasaseru
→(shortened form) はなさす (話さす) = hanasasu
Causative Passive:
→はなさせられる (= 話させられる) = hanasaserareru = to be made to speak/talk
X Since はなさす (話さす) = hanasasu ends with さす (= sasu), you can’t make a shortened causative passive
★Sentence Patterns:
Let’s compare the sentence pattern with the Causative Form.
Sentence pattern :
A は、B に (+ something を)+ causative form
= A wa、B ni (+ something wo )+ causative form
A makes B do (something).
B は A に (something を) + causative-passive form
B wa A ni (something wo) + causative-passive form
= B has/gets (something) done by A
B is/was forced to do something by A even though he/she doesn’t/didn’t want to do it.
So I was saying:
= Kyatto fuudo bakari tabesaserarete imasu.
= I only get to eat cat food.
That implies I want to eat something different as well.

How about sushi for a change? 😉

* 生徒はレポートを書いた。
= せいとはレポートをかいた。
= Seito wa repooto wo kaita.
= The students wrote a report.
This sentence just states the fact that students wrote a report.
Now, if Maggie forced the students to write a report, you could say:
= マギーせんせいはせいとにレポートをかかせた。
= Maggie Sensei wa seito ni repooto wo kakaseta.
= Maggie Sensei made/had the students write a report.
Or if Maggie writes the sentence:
= (わたしは)せいとにレポートをかかせた。
= (Watashi wa) Seito ni repooto wo kakasta.
= I made/had the students write a report.
Note: You often drop the subject, 私は ( = わたしは = watashi wa) in conversation.
This is a causative form that we studied last month.
Remember the meaning might change depending on the context.
It can also mean:
→Maggie Sensei let the students write a report.
In this case, the students were willing to write a report and Maggie let them write it.
If you write this sentence from the student’s point of view.
= (わたしは)レポートをかいた。
= ( Watashi wa) Repooto wo kaita.
= I wrote a report.
Again, this sentence just states the facts, and it doesn’t involve any emotions.
But if they didn’t want to or were reluctant to write the report since they were forced to write the report by me,
you use the causative-passive form.
= (わたしは)マギーせんせいにレポートをかかせれた。
= ( Watashi wa) Repooto wo kakasareta.
= I had/got the report written by Maggie Sensei.
If the third person describes this:
= せいとは、マギーせんせいにレポートをかかされた。
= Seito wa, Maggie Sensei ni repooto wo kakasareta.
= The student(s) had/got the report written by Maggie Sensei.
The causative-passive form involves feelings such as:

😖 Ugh, it is such a pain to write the report but there is no choice because Maggie Sensei made me write.
So, this is the pattern of changing the sentence from the causative form to the passive form.
A は、B に (~を) V (さ)せる
= A wa, B ni ( ~wo ) V (sa) seru
= A makes B do (something)

Ex. 👧は、👨に、🧸 を 買わせた。

= 👧wa、👨 ni、🧸 wo kawaseta.

= 👧 made 👨 buy 🧸
↓(causative-passive form)
B は、A に (~を) V される/(さ)せられる
= B wa A ni ( ~ wo ) V sareru / (sa)serareru
= B is made to do something by A

Ex. 👨 は、👧に 🧸を 買わされた。

= 👨 wa、👧 ni 🧸 wo kawasareta.
= 👨 is made to buy 🧸 by 👧

👩 は、👨 に 🧳 を 持(も)たせた。

= 👩 wa、👨 ni 🧳 wo motaseta.

= 👩 had/made 👨 carry 🧳
↓(causative-passive form)

👨は、👩 に 🧳 を持たされた。

👨wa、👩 ni 🧳 wo motasareta.

= 👨 got/had carried 🧳 by 👩

From this sentence, you can tell 👨 didn’t want to carry the suitcase but 👩 made him carry it.

How to use:
1. When you are made to/forced to do something by someone.
Note: I will write the literal English translation to help you understand the sentence pattern better though you
may find the English sentences are not natural because we don’t use the passive form very much.
Ex. 家にいると母に手伝わされるから出かけた方がいい。
= いえにいるとははにてつざわされるからでかけたほうがいい。
= Ie ni iru to haha ni tetsuzawasareru kara dekaketa hou ga ii.
= I would be forced to help my mother if I stay home so I’d rather go out.
(←My mother makes me help her if I stay home so I’d rather go out.)
Ex. 彼女の買い物に一日中付き合わされてくたくただ。
= かのじょのかいものにいちにちじゅうつきあわされてくたくただ。
= Kanojo no kaimono ni ichinichijuu tsukiawasarete kutakuta da.
= I am exhausted because I was made to go shopping with my girlfriend all day long.
Ex. 上司の話を延々と聞かされた。
= じょうしのはなしをえんえんときかされた。
= Joushi no hanashi wo enen to kikasareta.
= I was forced to listen to my boss endlessly.
Ex. 正月に実家に帰るといっぱい食べさせられるから絶対に太るよ。
= しょうがつにじっかにかえるといっぱいたべさせられるからぜったいにふとるよ。
= Shougatsu ni jikka ni kaeru to ippai tabesaserareru kara zettai ni futoru yo.
= Whenever I go back to my parents’ house for the New Year, I am forced to eat a lot so I’ll definitely get fat.
Ex. 友達にご飯をおごらされた。
= ともだちにごはんをおごらされた。
= Tomodachi ni gohan wo ogorasareta.
= I was forced to treat my friends to a meal.
( My friends forced me to treat them to a meal.)
Note: You can drop the causer (the person who makes you do something), someone に ( = ni) = by
someone, if it’s obvious in the context or it refers to a group, store, company, entity, or people in general.
Ex. 注文してから30分も待たされた。
= ちゅうもんしてからさんじゅっぷんもまたされた。
= Chuumon shite kara sanjuppun mo matasareta.
= I was made to wait thirty minutes (to be served) after I ordered food.
(Note: The causer is the store or restaurant.)
Ex. 彼女の両親の前で日本語で自己紹介をさせられた。
= かのじょのりょうしんのまえでにほんごでじこしょうかいをさせられた。
= Kanojo no ryoushin no mae de nihongo de jikoshoukai wo saserareta.
= I was made to introduce myself in Japanese in front of my girlfriend’s parents.
(Note: The causer is the speaker’s girlfriend or her parents)
After the party:
Ex. 今日も、たくさん飲まされたなあ。
= きょうも、たくさんのまされたなあ。
= Kyou mo, takusan nomasaretanaa.
= I was made to drink a lot again today. (The people at the party made the speaker drink a lot.)
(Note: The causer is the people who the speaker drank with.)
Ex. あんな寿司に1万円も払わされた。
= あんなすしにいちまんえんもはらわされた。
= Anna sushi ni ichimanen mo harawasareta.
= I was made to pay a good 10,000 yen for that (bad/cheap quality of) sushi.
(Note: The causer is the sushi restaurant or people who the speaker ate with.
あんな ( = anna) implies that sushi is not worth ¥10,000)
Ex. 保険を解約したら5枚も用紙に署名させられた。
= ほけんをかいやくしたらごまいもようしにしょめいさせられた。
= Hoken wo kaiyaku shitara gomai mo youshi ni shomei saserareta.
= I was made to sign FIVE forms when I canceled the insurance.
(Note: The causer is the insurance company/insurance solicitor.)
2)When one’s feelings/emotions/thoughts are provoked by something/someone.
One’s emotions/feelings comes up naturally from something/someone.
Ex. 子供の頃、よく兄に泣かされた。
= こどものころ、よくあにになかされた。
= Kodomo no koro, yoku ani ni nakasareta.
= I was made to cry by my older brother when I was a child.
(= My big brother used to make me cry when I was a child.)
Ex. この話には泣かされた。
= このはなしにはなかされた。
= Kono hanashi niwa nakasareta.
= I was moved to tears by this story.
You can rephrase this sentence without using a causative-passive form.
= このはなしにはないた。
= Kono hanashi niwa naita.
= I cried at this story.
Causative-passive stresses what/who affects you emotionally more.
Ex. その靴が宇宙のゴミから作られたことに驚かされた。
= そのくつがうちゅうのゴミからつくられたことにおどろかされた。
= Sono kutsu ga uchuu no gomi kara tsukurareta koto ni odorokasareta.
= I was amazed that those shoes were made out of the space waste.
Note: You can say 驚いた ( = おどろいた) = odoroita
Ex. 彼の演技に感心させられた。
= かれのえんぎにかんしんさせられた。
= Kare no engi ni kanshin saserareta.
= I was impressed with his performance.
Note: You can say 感心した ( = かんしんした) = kanshin shita
Ex. 子供たちの歌声には感動させられた。
= こどもたちのうたごえにはかんどうさせられた。
= Kodomotachi no utagoe niwa kandou saserareta.
= I was moved by the children’s singing voice.
Note: In the above you could also say 感動した ( = かんどうした) = kandou shita
Ex. 息子にはがっかりさせられた。
= むすこにはがっかりさせられた。
= Musuko ni wa gakkari saserareta.
= I was disappointed by my son.
Note: You can say がっかりした ( =gakkarishita)
Ex. 彼女の可愛い仕草にキュンとさせられた。
= かのじょのかわいいしぐさににキュンとさせられた。
= Kanojo no kawaii shigusa ni kyun to saserareta.
= Her cute gestures made my heart skip a beat.
Note: You can say キュンとした ( = kyun to shita)
Besides one’s feelings you can also use causative-passive form with the verb 考える ( = かんがえる =
kangaeru), to think
Ex. この本を読んで改めて命の大切さを考えさせられた。
= このほんをよんであらためていのちのたいせつさをかんがえさせられました。
= Kono hon wo yonde aratamete inochi no taisetsusa wo kangaesaseraremashita.
= This book made me think about the importance of life again.
Note: Though you use causative-passive form with the verbs which involves one’s emotions or feelings like
* 感動する = かんどうする = kandou suru = to be moved
* 驚く = odoroku /びっくりする = bikkuri suru = to be surprised
* がっかりする = gakkarisuru = to be disappointed, etc,
It is not natural to use the causative-passive form with some emotion related verbs such as:
* 喜ぶ = よろこぶ = yorokobu = to be pleased
(causative from 喜ばせる = よろこばせる = yorokobaseru = to make someone happy)
* 悲しむ = かなしむ = kanashimu = to be sad
(causative from 悲しませる = かなしませる = kanashimaseru ), etc.
マギー先生より = Maggie Sensei yori = From Maggie Sensei
Jasmin 先生、ありがとう
= Jasmin Sensei, arigatou!
= Thank you, Jasmin Sensei!
= きょうは、いっしょにおすしをたべにいこうか?
= Kyou wa, issho ni osushi wo tabeni ikou ka?
= Why don’t we go eat sushi today?

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