IoT and Blockchain For Smart Cities

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IoT and Blockchain

for smart cities

How the convergence of DLTs and IoT can shape the innovation
and lead to fully self-managed smart cities

Giorgio Torre


n our rapidly evolving urban landscape, the fusion of emerging technologies Chapter 4 brings us to the very essence of our discussion - the
holds the promise of transforming cities into truly smart, efficient, and smart cities of tomorrow. We embark on a journey through the
sustainable ecosystems. This digital transformation journey is steered by two
technological giants: Blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT). It is my great
pillars, capabilities, and use cases that will define these cities. From
pleasure to introduce this comprehensive deck that delves into the remarkable traffic management and environmental monitoring to public safety
synergy between these two forces and their profound impact on the smart and healthcare, we explore how blockchain and IoT will play pivotal
cities of tomorrow. roles in reshaping urban living.

Chapter 1 initiates us into the intricate world of blockchain technology. Here, As we navigate this deck, let us be mindful of the profound
we explore the fundamental principles underpinning blockchain, from its
decentralized architecture to its immutable ledger, and how it forms the
implications that the convergence of blockchain and IoT holds for
bedrock of trust and security in our interconnected world. our future. Together, they form the bedrock upon which we can
build smarter, more connected, and sustainable cities. This is not
Chapter 2, on the other hand, acquaints us with the vast and interconnected just a technological revolution; it is a transformation that has the
universe of IoT. As we delve into this chapter, we discover the network of potential to enhance the lives of billions, making our cities not just
sensors, devices, and machines that surround us, continuously collecting data smarter, but more human-centric and inclusive.
and fueling the digital heartbeat of our cities.

The true magic, however, unfolds in Chapter 3, where we witness the

powerful convergence of blockchain and IoT. This symbiotic relationship
promises unparalleled data integrity, security, and automation, ushering in a
new era of possibilities. But as with any groundbreaking technology,
challenges abound, and this chapter provides a thoughtful examination of the
obstacles that lie ahead.
Table of Contents
Blockchain Pages 01-09
Introduction to Distributed ledger technologies

IoT Pages 11-17

Introduction to Internet of the Things (IoT)

Convergence Pages 19-21

Benefits and challenges of the convergence

Smart Cities Pages 23-32

How blockchain and IoT can boost smart cities
1. Blockchain

01 Property of a DLT

02 DLT-based transaction

03 Blockchain architectures

04 Architectural differences

05 Key features

06 Architectural Trade-offs

07 Blockchain Layers #1

08 Blockchain Layers #2

09 The blockchain trilemma

Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Property of a DLT

A distributed ledger is the consensus of replicated, shared, and synchronized digital data that is geographically spread across many sites, countries, or institutions.

All network participants have a full copy of the ledger for
full transparency.

A blockchain is programmable,
though the use of smart contracts.
Company The identity of participants is either
pseudonymous or anonymous.




Merchant A

Secure Time-stamped
All records are individually encrypted. Transaction
timestamp is recorded

in a block.

nk B
A ank

Immutable Consensus-based
Any validated records are irreversible Network participants agree to the
and cannot be changed. validity of the records.

Source: “Web3 Cybersecurity” – Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

DLT-based transaction

A DLT-based transaction relies on 3 main components: peer nodes, miner nodes and the ledger itself

• Verifies tnx
• Adds to mempool
Wallet • Broadcasts tnx
• Process is repeated for each node receiving the tnx

Private Key
• Receives tnx
• Validates tnx
Sends signed • Attempts to add the block (by solving the
User signs cryptographic puzzle – mining)
tnx tnx to nodes • Process is repeated by every miner node receiving
the tnxs from peer nodes

- Selects tnxs with highest gas fees

Tnx confirmed Upon successful mining operation,

the transact ion is added to the
new block to be broadcasted to all
the network.
Block broadcasted
over entire network

Source: “Web3 Cybersecurity” – Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain architectures

Blockchain architecture is the design structure of a peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers that serves as a backend for applications and systems.

• Public blockchains are public, and anyone can join them and
validate transactions.

• Private blockchains are restricted and usually limited to business

networks. A single entity, or consortium, controls membership.

• Permissionless blockchains have no restrictions on processors. Private

Controlled by one authority
• Consortium blockchains is a private blockchain with limited
access to a particular group, eliminating the risks that come with Hybrid
just one entity controlling the network on a private blockchain. Public
No central authority Controlled by one
authority with some
• Hybrid blockchains being a combination of both public blockchain permissionless
and private blockchain, It lets organizations set up a private, processes
permission-based system alongside a public permissionless
Controlled by a group
system, allowing them to control who can access specific data
stored in the blockchain, and what data will be opened up
Permissionless Permissioned
• Permissioned blockchains are limited to a select set of users who
are granted identities using certificates.

Source: “Web3 Cybersecurity” – Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Architectural differences
Public blockchain Consortium blockchain
Everyone Multiple organizations
• Multiple organizations
• Anyone is allowed to join and
influence the blockchain
participate in the consensus
Open ledger network
(anyone can operate) Open/closed
• Fully decentralized, secured ledger • Decentralized, extremely fast
and immutable ledge system
and scalable
• Transactions are anonymous
Open network • Network regulations preserve
but visible to anyone
(anyone can join) security and privacy
Closed network

Private blockchain Hybrid blockchain

Single organization Multiple organizations and individuals
• Authoritative access, only
certain elements are private
• A single organization will have Public module
authority over the network module
Closed ledger Closed • Flexible control over which
ledger data is kept public or private
• Faster output, power efficient,
and offers privacy
• Decentralized, regulated and
• Simplified data handling highly scalable system
Closed network process but not open to Closed network

Source: “Web3 Cybersecurity” – Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Key features

Enterprises and banks use private, permissioned architecture to optimize network openness and scalability


• Anyone can join, read, write • Anyone can join and read
and commit. • Only authorized and known

• Hosted on public servers participants can write and

• Anonymous, high resilient commit
• Low scalability • Medium scalability

• Only authorized participants • Only authorized participants


can join, read and write. can join and read

• Hosted on private servers • Only the network operator
• High scalability can write and commit
• Very high scalability

Source: “Web3 Cybersecurity” – Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Architectural Trade-offs

List of advantages, disadvantages and use cases for each blockchain architecture



+ Independence + Access control + Access control + Access control

+ Transparency + Performance + Performance + Scalability
+ Trust + Scalability + Security

- Performance - Trust - Transparency - Transparency

- Scalability - Auditability (*) - Upgrading
- Security

• Cryptocurrency • Supply chain • Medical records • Banking


• Document • Asset • Real estate • Research (DeSci)

Validation ownership • Supply chain

(*) the audit of any digital asset consists in verifying whether it exists, who owns it and what its value is. 06
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain Layers #1
Main Consensus Mechanisms

Proof of Work (PoW): lets miners add a new block to the

Blockchain consists of 5 layers: hardware infrastructure layer, data layer, network layer, consensus network based on the computation performed to find the
layer, and application layer. correct block hash.

Proof of stake (PoS): uses a staking mechanism where

participants lock up some of their coins to get selected for
block addition.

APPLICATION Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS): the block delegates’

selection is based on voting. It’s an additional layer to PoS.
Smart contracts, chaincode,
Dapps, UI Proof of Importance (PoI): it rewards users with importance
CONSENSUS score which eventually helps them to become block
PoW, PoS, DPoS, PoET, harvesters.
NETWORK Proof of Capacity (PoC): it uses the storage capacity for
mining a block.
Peer-to-peer (p2p)
Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET): it uses a time-lottery based
DATA mechanism, distributing wait time to each participant node.
Proof of Activity (PoA): it combines the capabilities of the
Digital signatures, hash,
PoW and PoS.
Merkle tree, transactions
Proof of Authority (PoAu): it relies on the validator’s
Virtual machine, containers, reputation to make the blockchain work properly.
services, messaging
Proof of burn (PoB): it allows miners to add their block by
sending some of their coins to an unspendable account.

Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT): works on system to stay

intact even if one of the nodes fails with constant
communication among nodes.

Source: “Web3 Cybersecurity” – Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain Layers #2

Wallets External integration

Layer 3 User Interface
Applications that enable users to manage and transact tokens within the Integration of the blockchain with external systems (i.e. databases,
blockchain (i.e. balance tracking, transaction history, sending & receiving). APIs etc.) to enable the exchange of data and functionality

Scaling solutions Decentralized Apps

Protocols and technologies designed to improve the scalability and Applications built on tope of blockchain and using its underlying
performance of the blockchain (i.e. state channels, sidechains and infrastructure to function (i.e. DEX, prediction markets).
Application payment channels) .
Layer 2
Protocols & Standards Service & Tools
Additional protocols & standards enabling specific function or capabilities Services and tools built on top of the blockchain to enable specific
within the blockchain (i.e. identity management protocols). functions or capabilities (i.e. asset management, data analytics, etc.)

Consensus protocol Network protocol

Rules and procedures used to reach consensus on the state of blockchain Rules and standards that govern the communication/transmission of
(i.e. PoW, PoS, etc.). data within the blockchain (i.e. gossip protocol).
Layer 1 Logical Layer
Cryptographic primitives Token & Transaction Model
Basic cryptographic functions (i.e.) hash functions and digital signatures, Rules and standards that govern the communication/transmission of
that are used to secure and validate transactions within the blockchain. data within the blockchain (i.e. gossip protocol).

Hardware Network infrastructure

Layer 3 Servers, computers and other physical devices that are used to store, Cables, routers, switches and other devices that enable the
(Physical Layer)
process and transmit data within the blockchain network. communication and transmission of data within the blockchain.

Source: Rohas Nagpal
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

The blockchain trilemma

The Blockchain Trilemma refers to a widely held belief that decentralized networks can only provide two of three benefits at any given time with respect to decentralization,
security, and scalability. However, there are today ways to rationalize the issue on Layer 1 and Layer 2 blockchains.

Chain #1 (Service 1)

Real World (Services)


Chain #n (Service n)

Decentralization Scalability

On-chain off-chain Communication (Integration and Interoperability)

Source: “The Economy of Tokens- Guide to Asset Tokenization” – Giorgio Torre
2. IoT

11 Introduction

12 IoT Layers

13 Components of IoT

14 IoT challenges #1

15 IoT challenges #2

16 IoT challenges #3

17 IoT challenges #4

Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a revolutionary paradigm that involves connecting everyday physical objects or "things" to the internet, enabling them to gather, share, and
exchange data without requiring direct human intervention. These connected devices can include anything from household appliances and industrial machinery to wearable
devices and vehicles. IoT has the potential to transform industries, enhance efficiency, and improve various aspects of our lives by creating a seamless network of interconnected

How IoT works

Mobile Applications

Cloud/Serve/Edge Computing


Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT Layers

IoT architecture can be overseen as over position of the following layers: perception layer, network layer, data processing layer and application layer.

Application Layer

Smart health Smart home Smart city Smart grid System management

Processing Layer (Cloud, Data center, web server etc.) Middleware Layer (Decision Unit, Data Analtics etc.) Data processing

Network Layer

GSM Data transmission

Perception Layer

Data gathering

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Components of IoT

Below is showed the interaction between the three components of the Internet of Things

Report States (internal and external)

1 2
At rest Active Data Models Images Text Video

(Models and Analyses)

Feedback and Control
(Commands and Requests) Servers/Cloud Human/Machine Learning

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT Challenges #1

Here are the main challenges offered by the implementation of IoT based applications and their integration with the pre-existing ecosystem

Security and Privacy Interoperability Scalability

• Data Security: Protecting sensitive data • Standards and Protocols: Lack of • Network Scalability: Ensuring that IoT
generated and transmitted by IoT devices standardized communication protocols networks can accommodate a growing
from unauthorized access, breaches, and and data formats can hinder number of devices and data traffic
cyberattacks. interoperability between different IoT without performance degradation.
devices and platforms.
• Device Security: Ensuring the security of • Device Management: Managing and
IoT devices themselves, including firmware • Vendor Lock-In: Proprietary solutions scaling the deployment of a large
and software updates. may lead to vendor lock-in, making it number of IoT devices effectively.
difficult to integrate devices from
• Privacy Concerns: Addressing privacy different manufacturers.
issues related to the collection, storage,
and use of personal data by IoT devices
and services.

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT Challenges #2

Here are the main challenges offered by the implementation of IoT based applications and their integration with the pre-existing ecosystem

Reliability Power Consumption Data Management

• Device Reliability: Ensuring the • Battery Life: Extending the battery life • Data Volume: Handling and processing
consistent and dependable operation of of IoT devices, especially those in large volumes of data generated by IoT
IoT devices, especially in critical remote or constrained environments. devices efficiently.
• Energy Efficiency: Designing energy- • Real-time Analytics: Performing real-
• Network Reliability: Ensuring network efficient sensors and communication time analysis of data for timely
availability, low latency, and minimal protocols to reduce power decision-making.
packet loss. consumption.
• Edge Computing: Leveraging edge
• QoS Management: Maintaining the computing to process data closer to
desired level of service quality, the source to reduce latency and
particularly in real-time applications like bandwidth usage.
industrial control systems and healthcare

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT Challenges #3

Here are the main challenges offered by the implementation of IoT based applications and their integration with the pre-existing ecosystem

Compliance Cost and ROI Human Factors

• Data Protection Regulations: Complying • Initial Deployment Costs: The cost of • User Acceptance: Ensuring that IoT
with data protection and privacy acquiring and deploying IoT devices solutions are user-friendly and that
regulations, which can vary by region. and infrastructure can be a barrier to users understand and trust them.
• Spectrum Allocation: Managing radio • Skill Gap: Addressing the shortage of
frequency spectrum usage for wireless • Long-term Maintenance Costs: skilled professionals in IoT
IoT devices in compliance with regulatory Ongoing expenses for device development and management.
requirements management, updates, and data

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT Challenges #4

Here are the main challenges offered by the implementation of IoT based applications and their integration with the pre-existing ecosystem

Environment Ethics

• E-Waste: Managing the disposal and • Bias and Fairness: Addressing biases in
environmental impact of obsolete IoT data collection and algorithms used in
devices and components. IoT applications.

• Social Implications: Recognizing the

social consequences of IoT, including
job displacement and surveillance

3. Convergence

19 Blockchain and IoT

20 Blockchain for IoT #1

21 Blockchain for IoT #2

Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain and IoT

Blockchain and IoT can complement each other, especially with regards to data protection, data transmission and accessibility.


Transferring the data from

gateway to chain

Decentralization , data immutability

Communication between smart devices
and accessibility

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain for IoT #1

Here is how blockchain can mitigate the risks and strengthen the weaknesses of IoT networks.

Enhanced Security Data Integrity Smart Contracts Data Ownership and Monetization

•Immutable Data: Blockchain's core

feature of immutability ensures that data Blockchain can establish a transparent and •Smart contracts, which are self-executing •IoT data can be valuable, and blockchain
generated by IoT devices cannot be tamper-resistant ledger of IoT data, contracts with the terms of the agreement enables individuals and organizations to
tampered with or altered, enhancing the providing a complete history of data directly written into code, can be retain ownership of their data and
integrity and security of data. transactions from multiple sources. This integrated with IoT devices. selectively grant access in exchange for
•Decentralized Trust: Blockchain's feature is particularly valuable in supply •IoT sensors can trigger smart contracts compensation.
decentralized nature eliminates single chain management, where it can verify the automatically based on predefined •This empowers users to monetize their
points of failure, making it more difficult authenticity and origin of products and raw conditions, enabling automated and data while maintaining control over who
for malicious actors to compromise IoT materials. trustless transactions. can access it.

Interoperability and Standards Supply Chain Management Identity and Access Management Energy Efficiency

•Blockchain can serve as a common •Blockchain-IoT integration can •Blockchain can be used to create
•Blockchain can securely manage identities
platform for IoT devices from different revolutionize supply chain traceability by decentralized energy grids where IoT
and access control for IoT devices,
manufacturers, providing a standardized providing real-time visibility into the devices, such as smart meters and solar
ensuring that only authorized devices can
layer for communication and data movement and condition of goods. panels, can transact energy autonomously.
interact with each other.
exchange. •This helps reduce fraud, improve •This promotes energy efficiency and
•This is critical for securing IoT networks
•This can address interoperability issues transparency, and enhance the efficiency reduces reliance on centralized energy
and preventing unauthorized access.
that often arise in IoT deployments. of supply chain processes. providers.

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain for IoT #2

Here is how blockchain can mitigate the risks and strengthen the weaknesses of IoT networks.

Decentralized IoT Network Data Marketplace Healthcare and Personal Devices

•Some blockchain platforms are designed •In healthcare, IoT devices integrated with
•Blockchain can facilitate the creation of
to support the creation of decentralized blockchain can securely store and share
data marketplaces where IoT data can be
IoT networks, where devices can patient data, ensuring privacy and data
bought and sold securely.
communicate and transact directly without integrity.
•This encourages data sharing and
intermediaries. •Personal IoT devices can use blockchain
collaboration while ensuring data
•This can improve network efficiency and to securely transmit health and fitness
ownership and security.
reduce latency. data to healthcare providers.

4. Smart Cities

23 What is a Smart City

24 Conventional City vs Smart City

25 Pillars, Capabilities and Services of Smart Cities

26 Blockchain for Smart Cities (a)

27 Blockchain for Smart Cities (b)

28 IoT for Smart Cities (a)

29 IoT for Smart Cities (b)

30 Guidelines and Frameworks (a)

31 Guidelines and Frameworks (b)

32 Conclusion

Giorgio Torre
Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

What is a smart city?

A smart city is a city that uses technology and data-driven solutions to enhance the quality of life for its residents, improve infrastructure and services, and promote sustainable
development. Smart cities leverage a variety of digital technologies and data analytics to make urban areas more efficient, responsive, and environmentally friendly. A smart city
monitors the conditions and integrates critical infrastructures such as bridges, tunnels, roads, subways, airports, seaports, and buildings. Components of a smart city include
smart people, smart governance, smart homes, smart infrastructure, smart technology, smart economy, smart mobility, smart living and smart parking.

Internet of Things Drivers Description

The UN projects that the world’s cities will need to accommodate an
Growing urbanization additional 3 billion residents by the middle of the century. and 40,000
Smart new cities will be needed worldwide.
Growing stress Overcrowding, pollution, unemployment, crime, fallacies etc.
Smart Smart
Living Inadequate Today’s urbanistic is based on the original plans to accommodate only

Services Integration
Infrastructure a fraction of the current population.

Smart Growing economic The world has seen a rapid rise in competition between cities to secure
City competition the investments, jobs, businesses and talent for economic success.
Smart Smart Citizens are increasingly getting instant, anywhere, anytime,
Citizens Economy Growing expectations personalized access to information and services via mobile devices and
The costs of collecting, communicating and crunching data have
Governance Rapidly improving plunged. It’s important to realize that today’s ubiquitous smartphones
technology capabilities are becoming both a “delivery platform” and a “sensor network” for
smart city applications

Open Big Data Rapidly declining Even as capabilities are climbing, technology costs are plummeting.
technology costs

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Conventional vs Smart City

A smart city is a city that uses technology and data-driven solutions to enhance the quality of life for its residents, improve infrastructure and services, and promote sustainable
development. Smart cities leverage a variety of digital technologies and data analytics to make urban areas more efficient, responsive, and environmentally friendly.

Conventional City Smart City

Public Spendings Public expense financed by tax or budget deficit (public debt) Optimized and raised though alternative collective options

Services Delivered by central authorities mainly in “silos” Delivered by P2P or “local” solutions

Decision-making Authoritative model, top down desions A more decentralized model for local municipal decisions

Enviroment Protected only through external global or regional regulations Saved by eco-frinedly choices

Citizens’ life Higher stress levels, as resolution requires requests Lower stress levels, given real time issues management

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Pillars, Capabilities, Services

Pillars Capabilities Services

Infrastructure and Connectivity: Data Analytics and AI: Smart Transportation Services:
• High-speed broadband and 5G networks • Data collection, analysis, and visualization • Real-time public transportation information
• IoT sensors and devices • Predictive modeling for urban planning • Ride-sharing and carpooling platforms
• Smart grid for energy distribution • Machine learning for optimization • Traffic management and optimization
• Robust transportation networks Interconnectivity: Smart Health Services:
Urban Mobility: • IoT platform for device communication • Telemedicine and remote health monitoring
• Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) • Data sharing between city departments • Health data analytics for disease prevention
• Electric and autonomous vehicles • Integration of various smart systems • Emergency response coordination
• Bike-sharing and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure Cybersecurity: Smart Education Services:
• Traffic management and congestion reduction • Secure data transmission and storage • Digital learning platforms
Energy Management: • Continuous monitoring and threat detection • Smart classrooms and e-libraries
• Renewable energy sources (solar, wind) • Incident response and recovery plans • Education data analytics for performance improvement
• Energy-efficient buildings Scalability and Flexibility: Smart Public Services:
• Demand-response systems • Modular infrastructure and systems • Digital permits and licenses
• Smart meters and grids • Ability to adapt to changing technology • Online tax payments and government services
Environmental Sustainability: • Scalable solutions for growth • Public Wi-Fi and digital kiosks
• Waste management and recycling programs Resource Efficiency: Smart Environmental Services:
• Green spaces and urban planning • Water and energy conservation • Waste collection scheduling and optimization
• Air and water quality monitoring • Reduced traffic congestion and emissions • Air quality alerts and pollution control
• Climate change mitigation initiatives • Efficient waste management • Green energy initiatives
Public Safety and Security: Smart Safety Services:
• Surveillance cameras and facial recognition • Emergency alerts and notifications
• Emergency response systems • Community policing and neighborhood watch
• Predictive policing and crime analytics • Disaster response and recovery services
• Disaster management and preparedness People Smart Citizen Engagement Services:
Digital Governance: • Online forums and feedback platforms
• E-Government services • Participatory budgeting and decision-making
• Open data initiatives • Community-driven initiatives
• Transparent and accountable decision-making Smart Business and Economic Services:
• Citizen engagement platforms • Business intelligence and data analytics support
• Digital marketing and e-commerce platforms
Process Technology • Startup incubation and innovation hubs

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain for Smart Cities

Here are some of the main use cases with regards to blockchain applications for mart cities:

ID Management Supply Chain Municipal Services Property Records

Blockchain can provide secure and immutable For urban logistics and supply chains, blockchain Automate and secure the execution of contracts Maintain property records and land registries on
digital identities for residents. This can can provide end-to-end transparency and for various city services, such as waste a blockchain to reduce fraud, simplify property
streamline access to city services, reduce identity traceability. This can help in tracking the origin management, utilities, and maintenance. Smart transfers, and streamline the process of verifying
theft, and enable more efficient administration and delivery of goods, reducing fraud, and contracts can trigger payments when predefined property ownership.
of benefits and permits. ensuring the quality and safety of products. conditions are met, reducing administrative
overhead and potential disputes.

Energy Trading Traffic Manag. Voting Medical Records

Enable peer-to-peer energy trading among Use blockchain to create a tamper-proof record Implement blockchain-based voting systems to Maintain secure and interoperable medical
residents and businesses. Blockchain can of traffic violations, parking payments, and enhance the security and transparency of records on a blockchain to ensure that
facilitate transparent and secure transactions for congestion charges. This can enhance traffic elections. Additionally, blockchain can be used healthcare providers have access to accurate
buying and selling excess renewable energy enforcement and improve overall mobility. for citizen feedback and participatory budgeting, patient information, particularly in emergencies.
while helping to balance the city's energy grid. ensuring that residents have a say in city

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Blockchain for Smart Cities

Here are some of the main use cases with regards to blockchain applications for mart cities:

Waste Manag. Public Transport. Emergency Resp. Civic Data

Monitor water quality and usage in real-time Use blockchain for ticketing and fare collection in Maintain an immutable record of emergency Publish government data and records on a
through IoT sensors linked to a blockchain. This public transportation systems. This can reduce response actions and resources deployed during blockchain to enhance transparency, trust, and
can help reduce water waste, identify leaks, and fraud and enable seamless interoperability disasters. This ensures transparency and accessibility for citizens and businesses
improve water distribution. between different modes of transit. accountability during critical situations


Use blockchain to transparently track donations

and funding for non-profit organizations and
community initiatives, ensuring that funds reach
their intended recipients

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT for Smart Cities (a)

Here are some of the main use cases with regards to IoT applications for mart cities:

Smart Traffic Management: Environmental Monitoring: Emergency Response:

IoT sensors on roads and traffic lights can IoT sensors can measure air quality, IoT devices can provide location-based
monitor traffic flow and congestion in real- temperature, humidity, and noise levels information during emergencies, such as
time. This data can be used to optimize traffic across the city. This data can help in natural disasters or accidents, helping first
signals, manage congestion, and improve road identifying pollution sources, planning green responders reach affected areas more quickly.
safety. spaces, and responding to environmental
emergencies. Smart Energy Management:
Parking Management: IoT sensors in buildings can monitor energy
Smart parking systems equipped with IoT Water Quality and Distribution: consumption and automatically adjust heating,
sensors can guide drivers to available parking • Sensors in water supply and cooling, and lighting based on occupancy and
spots, reducing traffic congestion and distribution systems can environmental conditions, reducing energy
emissions. These systems can also enable monitor water quality, detect waste.
mobile payments and parking enforcement. leaks, and optimize water
distribution. Healthcare Monitoring:
Waste Management: Wearable IoT devices and remote monitoring
Smart waste bins equipped with sensors can • IoT-connected streetlights can solutions can help healthcare professionals
monitor their fill levels. Waste collection adjust their brightness based track patients' health conditions and respond
trucks can be dispatched only when bins are on real-time conditions. They to emergencies promptly.
full, optimizing routes and reducing fuel can also report failures, saving
consumption. energy and maintenance costs. Public Transportation:
IoT-equipped vehicles and infrastructure can
Smart Lighting: Public Safety and Surveillance: provide real-time transit information to
IoT-connected streetlights can adjust their Surveillance cameras with IoT capabilities can passengers, optimize routes, and improve the
brightness based on real-time conditions. provide real-time monitoring in public spaces, overall efficiency and safety of public
They can also report failures, saving energy improving safety and aiding law enforcement transportation systems.
and maintenance costs. in crime prevention and response.

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

IoT for Smart Cities (b)

Here are some of the main use cases with regards to IoT applications for mart cities:

Water and Flood Management: Retail and Commerce:

IoT sensors in rivers, lakes, and drainage IoT devices in retail stores can track inventory
systems can monitor water levels and predict levels, optimize supply chains, and enhance
flooding. This information can be used to issue customer experiences through personalized
alerts and implement flood prevention services and targeted promotions.

Agriculture and Urban Farming:

IoT devices can assist in urban agriculture by
monitoring soil moisture, temperature, and
nutrient levels, enabling efficient and
sustainable farming practices.

Tourism and Cultural Heritage:

Smart city IoT applications can enhance the
tourist experience by providing location-based
information about historical sites, museums,
and cultural events.

Education and Campus Management:

IoT can be used in educational institutions to
monitor resource usage, optimize energy
consumption, and enhance security on

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Guidelines and Frameworks

Smart city frameworks provide a structured approach to planning, implementing, and managing smart city initiatives. These frameworks are often used by city governments and
urban planners to guide their smart city development efforts. Here are some commonly used smart city frameworks and models:

The Smart Cities Wheel, developed by the European Gartner, a research and advisory firm, offers a smart
ISO 37122 is an international standard that provides
Commission, identifies six key dimensions of a smart city framework that focuses on the importance of
guidelines for measuring the performance of smart
city: economy, people, governance, mobility, technology, data, and citizen engagement. It includes
cities. It offers a set of indicators and metrics to assess
environment, and living. This framework helps cities four key pillars: technology, people, information, and
various aspects of urban development, including
assess their progress in each dimension and plan their operations
quality of life, sustainability, and infrastructure.
smart city strategies accordingly.

Smart Cities Wheel ISO 37122 Gartner SCF

IDC (International Data Corporation) has developed a The TM Forum's Smart City Wheel is a framework that
maturity model to help cities assess their level of smart highlights eight focus areas for smart city UN-Habitat has developed the City Prosperity Index,
city development. It includes stages such as ad hoc, transformation: city leadership, citizen engagement, which assesses the prosperity of cities based on factors
opportunistic, repeatable, managed, and optimized, business model innovation, data-driven decision- such as productivity, infrastructure development,
each representing a different level of maturity in smart making, seamless services, collaboration ecosystem, quality of life, equity, and environmental sustainability.
city initiatives. city platform, and smart technology.

IDC Maturity Model Smart Cities Wheel Prosperity Index

Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities

Guidelines and Frameworks

Smart city frameworks provide a structured approach to planning, implementing, and managing smart city initiatives. These frameworks are often used by city governments and
urban planners to guide their smart city development efforts. Here are some commonly used smart city frameworks and models:

The Smart City Challenge, a U.S. Department of

Cisco offers a framework that emphasizes the role of a Transportation initiative, provided a framework for
OASC promotes interoperability and standardization in
robust network infrastructure as the foundation for cities to compete for funding to develop innovative
smart cities. Their framework includes a set of minimal
smart city initiatives. It includes components like transportation solutions. It emphasized the use of
interoperability mechanisms to ensure that smart city
connectivity, data analytics, security, and citizen technology and data to improve transportation and
solutions can work together seamlessly.
engagement. reduce congestion.

S.C. Framework M.I.M. Challenge Framework

The EIP-SCC is a European Union initiative that

encourages collaboration among cities, industry, and
other stakeholders. It promotes a holistic approach to
smart city development, emphasizing areas like
energy, mobility, and digital technologies.


Blockchain Internet of Things (IoT) Convergence Smart Cities


While the integration of blockchain and IoT has immense potential in smart cities, it also presents challenges, such as scalability, energy efficiency, and interoperability. However,
as both technologies continue to mature and evolve, their combined use in smart cities is likely to become more prevalent, fostering innovation and improved urban living.

Collection of real-time data from various
sensors and devices, fostering data-driven
decision-making, automation, and efficiency

Enhances transparency and grants the data
(from the IoT sensors) immutability.
Traditional City Smart City

The transition from traditional city to smart city takes vision, a sensitive, informed leadership and the converge of cutting edge technologies such as blockchain, AI and IoT.

Giorgio Torre

All rights are reserved. Every content part of this document, whether partial or total, aims to educate and does not replace an appropriate deep research. No profit has been generated out of it.
About the Author

Giorgio Torre has 10+ years of successful hands-on international experience in

Project Management, Business Making and Consulting. During his activity he has
been mentoring GCC and European Governments on their national startup
ecosystem development across several industries, while helping the business
environment to be fueled by the introduction and promotion of emerging
technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Metaverse, VR/AR and IoT.

Giorgio is an internationally recognized and awarded public speaker and author of

50+ International publications on AI, Blockchain, Metaverse and Web3.

Follow me on LinkedIn

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