SQL Server DBA 2008
SQL Server DBA 2008
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Table of Content
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Particular Introduction to SQL Server 2008 Whats New in SQL Server 2008? SQL Server 2008 Architecture Pages and Extents Files and File groups Memory Architecture Thread and Task Architecture Installing SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 Installation Case Study/Practical Troubleshooting Upgrading the SQL server Configuring SQL Server Managing Database Services Case Study: Rebuilding System databases Case Study: Server Collation in SQL Server 2008 Migrating SQL Server SQL Server Security Automating Administrative Tasks Monitoring SQL Server Transaction Log Architecture Bac kup & Restore Log Shipping Database Mirroring Database Snapshots Replication SQL Server Clustering Table & Index Architecture Performance Tuning Isolation Levels in SQL Server 2005 Understanding SQL Servers DBCC SHOWCONTIG Frequently Asked Questions Page No. 3 9 11 17 19 21 25 27 35 43 47 63 79 85 87 89 129 141 157 163 169 185 199 211 219 249 283 293 331 341 347
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SQL Server 2008 Replication Services provides the ability to automate and schedule the copying and distribution of data and database objects from one database or server to another, while ensuring data integrity and consistency. Replication has been enhanced in SQL Server 2008 to include true Peer-toPeer replication, replication over HTTP, the ability to replicate schema changes, and, very interestingly, the ability to configure an Oracle server as a replicat ion publisher. Multiple Instances SQL Server 2008 provides the capability of installing multiple instances of the database application on a single computer. Depending on the edition of SQL Server being installed, up to 50 instances can be installed. This feature allows for one high-performance server to host multiple instances of the SQL Server services, each with its own configuration and databases. Each instance can be managed and controlled separately with no dependency on each other. Database Mail In the past SQL Server relied on a Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) mail client configured on the server to facilitate email and pager notif ication for administrative and programmatic purposes. What this essentially meant was that to fully uti lize administrative notifications, the administrator needed to install Outlook or some other MAPI-compliant client on the server, and then create a mail prof ile for the service account to use. Many organizations wanted to take advantage of the SQL Server A gents ability to send job and event notification via email but were unwilling to install unnecessary and potentially risky software on production server assets. The SQL Server 2008 Database Mail feature removes this requirement by supporting Simple Mail T ransfer Protocol (SMTP) for all mail traffic. In addition, multiple mail profiles can be created in the database to support different database applications. SQL Se rver 2008 Services SQL Server runs as a service. In fact, it runs as several services if all the different features of the product are installed. It is important to know what service is responsible for what part of the application so that each service can be configured correctly, and so that unneeded services can be disabled to reduce the overhead on the server and reduce the surface area of SQL Server. MSSQLServe r (SQL Server) The MSSQLServer service is the database engine. To connect and transact against a SQL Server 2008 database, the MSSQLServer service must be running. Most of the functionality and storage features of the database engine are controlled by this service. The MSSQLServer service can be configured to run as the local system or as a domain user. If installed on Windows Server 2003, it can also be configured to run under the Network System account. SQLServerAgent (SQL Server Agent) This service is responsible for the execution of scheduled jobs such as scheduled backups, import/export jobs, and Integration Services packages. If any scheduled tasks require network or file system access, the SQLServerAgent services credentials are typically used. The SQLServerAgent service is dependent on the MSSQLServer service. During installation, the option is given to configure both services with the same credentials. Although this is by no means required, it is common practice. A frequent problem encountered by database administrators is that jobs that work perfectly when run manually fail when run by the agent. The reason for the failure is because the account that is used when testing the job ma nually is the logged-in administrator, but when the
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job is executed by the agent, the account the agent is running under does not have adequate permissions. MSSQLServe rOLAPSe rvice (SQL Server Analysis Se rvices) MSSQLServerOLAPService is the service that Analysis Services runs under. Analysis Services provides the services and functionality to support all of SQL Server 2008s OLAP needs, as well as the new data mining engine included w ith SQL Server 2008. SQLBrowse r (SQL Serve r Browse r) The SQLBrowser service is used by SQL Server for named instance name resolution and server name enumeration over TCP/IP and VIA networks. The default instance of SQL Server is assigned the TCP port 1433 by default to support client communication. However, because more than one application cannot share a port assignment, any named instances are given a random port number when the service is started. This random port assignment makes it difficult for clients to connect to it, because the client applications dont know what port the server is listening on. To meet this need, the SQLBrowser service was created. MSDTSSe rver (SQL Se rver Integration Se rvices) The MSDTSServer service provides management and storage support for SSIS. Although this service is not required to create, store, and execute SSIS packages, it does allow for the monitoring of SSIS package execution and displaying of a hierarchical view of SSIS packages and folders that are stored in different physical locations. Re portServe r (SQL Server Re porting Serv ices) The ReportServer service is the process in which Reporting Services runs. The service is accessible as a Web service and provides for report rendering, creation, management, and deploying. MSDTC (Distribute d Transaction Coordinator) The MSDTC service is used to manage transactions that span more than one instance of SQL Server or an instance of SQL Server and another transaction-based system. It utilizes a protocol known as Two-Phased Commit (2PC) to ensure that all transactions that span systems are committed on all participating systems. SQL Se rver 2008 Database Objects SQL Server 2008 database objects are defined and exist within a defined scope and hierarchy. This hierarchy enables more control over security permissions and organization of objects by similar function. SQL Server 2008 objects are defined at the Server, Database, and Schema levels. Server The server scope encompasses all the objects that exist on the instance of SQL Server, regardless of their respective database or namespace. The database object resides within the server scope. We can install multiple instances of the SQL Server 2008 Data Platform application on a single computer running a Windows operating system. Database
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The database scope defines all the objects within a defined database cat alog. Schemas exist in the database scope. Schema Each database can contain one or more schemas. A schema is a namespace for database objects. All data objects in a SQL Server 2008 database reside in a specific schema. Object Names Every object in a SQL Server 2008 database is identif ied by a four-part, fully qualified name. This fully qualified name takes the form of server.database.schema.object . However, when referring to objects, the fully qualif ied name can be abbreviated. By omitting the server name S QL Server will assume the instance the connection is currently connected to. Likewise, omitting the database name will cause SQL Server to assume the existing connections database context. SQL Se rver 2008 Databases There are two types of databases in SQL Server: system databases and user databases. The system databases are used to store system-wide data and metadata. User databases are created by users who have the appropriate level of permissions to store application data. System Databases The system databases are comprised of Master, Model, MSDB, TempDB, and the hidden Resource database. If the server is configured to be a replication distributor, there w ill also be at least one system distribution database that is named during the replication configuration process. The Master Database The Master database is used to record all server-level objects in SQL Server 2008. This includes Server Logon accounts, Linked Server def initions, and EndPoints. The Master database also records information about all the other databases on the server (such as their file locations and names). Unlike its predecessors, SQL Server 2008 does not store system information in the Master database, but rather in the Resource database. However, system information is logically presented as the SYS schema in the Master database. The Mode l Database The Model database is a template database. Whenever a new database is created (including the system database TempDB), a copy of the Model database is created and renamed w ith the name of the database being created. The advantage of this behavior is that objects can be placed in the Model database prior to the creation of any new database and, when the database is created, the objects will appear in the new database. The MSDB Database I mostly think of the MSDB database as the SQL Server Agents database. Thats because the SQL Server Agent uses the MSDB database extensively for the storage of automated job definitions, job schedules, operator def initions, and alert definitions. The TempDB Database The TempDB database is used by SQL Server to store data temporarily. The TempDB database is used extensively during SQL Server operations, so careful planning and evaluation of its size and placement are critical to ensure efficient SQL Server database operations.
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The TempDB database is used by the Database Engine to store temporary objects (such as temporary tables, views, cursors, and table-valued variables) that are explicitly created by database programmers. In addition, the TempDB database is used by the SQL Server database engine to store work tables containing intermediate results of a query prior to a sort operation or other data manipulation. The Resource Database The last system database is the Resource database. The Resource database is a read-only database that contains all the system objects used by an instance of SQL Server. The Resource database is not accessible during normal database operations. It is logically presented as the SYS schema in every database. It contains no user data or metadata. Instead, it contains the structure and description of all system objects. This design enables the fast application of service packs by just replacing the existing Resource database with a new one. As an added bonus, to roll back a service pack installation, all you have to do is replace the new Resource database with the old one. This very elegant design replaces the older method of running many scripts that progressively dropped and added new system objects. User Databases User databases are simply that: databases created by users. They are created to store data used by data applications and are the primary purpose of having a database server. Distribution Databases The distribution database stores metadata and transactional history to support all typ es of replication on a SQL Server. Typically, one distribution database is created when configuring a SQL Server as a replication Distributor. However, if needed, multiple distribution databases can be configured. A model distribution database is installed by default and is used in the creation of a distribution database used in replication. It is installed in the same location as the rest of the system databases and is named dist mdl.mdf.
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Ne w in SQL Server Database Engine: This latest release of the SQL Server Database Engine introduces new features and enhancements that increase the power and productivity of architects, developers, and admi nistrators who design, develop, and maintain data storage systems. These are the areas in which the Database Engine has been enhanced. Description The availability of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 databases is improved by Availability Enhancements enhancements to database mirroring. Database mirroring enables the (Database Engine) creation of hot standby servers that provide rapid failover support with no loss of data from committed transactions. Manageability Enhancements (Database Engine) Programmability Enhancements (Database Engine) Scalability and Performance Enhancements (Database Engine) Security Enhancements (Database Engine) Manageability of the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine is simplif ied by enhancements to tools and monitoring features. Programmability enhancements in the Database Engine include new data storage features, new data types, new full-text search architecture, and numerous improvements and additions to Transact-SQL. Scalability and performance enhancements in the Database Engine include filtered indexes and statistics, new table and query hints, and new query performance and query processing features. Security enhancements in the Database Engine include new encryption functions, the transparent data encryption and extensib le key management features, and a clarification of DES algorithms. Topic
What's Ne w (Replication?)
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In most Replication Monitor grids, you can now do the following: select which columns to view ; sort by multiple columns; and filter rows in the grid based on column values. To access this functionality: right -click a grid, and then select Choose Columns to Show, Sort, Filter, or Clear Filte r. Filter settings are specific to each grid. Column selection and sorting are applied to all grids of the same type, such as the publications grid for each Publisher. The Common Jobs tab for the Publisher node has been renamed to Agents. The Agents tab now provides a centralized location to view information about all the agents and jobs that are associated with publications at the selected Publisher. Agents and jobs that are associated with publications include the follow ing: The Snapshot Agent, which is used by all publications. The Log Reader Agent, which is used by all transactional publications. The Queue Reader Agent, which is used by transactional publications that are enabled for queued updating subscriptions. Maintenance jobs, which are used by all publications.
The Distribution Agent and Merge Agent are associated with subscriptions to publications.
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Figure 1-1: The major components of the SQL Server database engine The protocol layer receives the request and translates it into a form that the relational engine can work with, and it also takes the final results of any queries, status messages, or error messages and translates them into a form the client can understand before sending them back to the client. The relational engine layer accepts SQL batches and determines what to do with them. For Transact -SQL queries and programming constructs, it parses, compiles, and optimizes the request and oversees the process of executing the batch. As the batch is executed, if data is needed, a request for that data is passed to the storage engine. The storage engine manages all data access, both through transaction based commands and bulk operations such as backup, bulk insert, and certain DBCC (Database Consistency Checker) commands. The SQLOS layer handles activities that are normally considered to be operating system responsibilities, such as thread management (scheduling), synchronization primitives, deadlock detection, and memory management, including the buffer pool. Protocols When an application communicates with the SQL Server Database Engine, the application programming interfaces (APIs) exposed by the protocol layer formats the communication using a
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Microsoft-defined format called a tabular data stream (TDS) packet . There are Net-Libraries on both the server and client computers that encapsulate the TDS packet inside a standard communication protocol, such as TCP/IP or Named Pipes. On the server side of the communication, the Net-Libraries are part of the Database Engine, and that protocol layer is illustrated in Figure 1-1. On the client side, the Net-Libraries are part of the SQL Native Client. The configuration of the client and the instance of SQL Server determine which protocol is used. SQL Server can be configured to support multiple protocols simultaneously, coming from different clients. Each client connects to SQL Server w ith a single protocol. If the client program does not know which protocols SQL Serve r is listening on, you can configure the client to attempt multiple protocols sequentially. The follow ing protocols are available: Shared Memory The simplest protocol to use, with no configurable settings. Clients using the Shared Memory protocol can connect only to a SQL Server instance running on the same computer, so this protocol is not useful for most database activity. Use this protocol for troubleshooting when you suspect that the other protocols are configured incorrectly. Clients using MDAC 2.8 or earlier cannot use the Shared Memory protocol. If such a connection is attempted, the client is switched to the Named Pipes protocol. Name d Pipes A protocol developed for local area networks (LANs). A portion of memory is used by one process to pass information to another process, so that the output of one is the input of the other. The second process can be local (on the same computer as the first) or remote (on a networked computer). TC P/IP The most widely used protocol over the Internet. TCP/IP can communicate across interconnected networks of computers with diverse hardware architectures and operating systems. It includes standards for routing network traffic and offers advanced security features. Enabling SQL Server to use TCP/IP requires the most configuration effort, but most networked computers are already properly configured. Virtual Interface Adapte r (VIA) A protocol that works with VIA hardware. This is a specialized protocol; configuration details are available from your hardware vendor.
Tabular Data Stream Endpoints SQL Server 2005 also introduces a new concept for defining SQL Server connections: the connection is represented on the server end by a TDS endpoint. During setup, SQL Server creates an endpoint for each of the four Net-Library protocols supported by SQL Server, and if the protocol is enabled, all users have access to it. For disabled protocols, the endpoint still exists but cannot be used. An additional endpoint is created for the dedicated administrator connection (DAC), which can be used only by members of the sysadmin fixed server role. (Ill discuss the DAC in more detail in configuration chapter.) The Re lational Engine As mentioned earlier, the relational engine is also called the query processor. It includes the components of SQL Server that determine exactly what your query needs to do and the best way to do it. By far the most complex component of the query processor, and maybe even of the entire SQL Server product, is the query optimizer, which determines the best exec ution plan for the queries in the batch. The relational engine also manages the execution of queries as it requests data from the storage engine and processes the results returned. Communication between the relational engine and the storage engine is generally in terms of OLE DB row sets. (Row set is the OLE DB term for a result set.) The storage engine comprises the components needed to actually access and modify data on disk.
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The Command Parser The command parser handles Transact-SQL language events sent to SQL Server. It checks for proper syntax and translates Transact-SQL commands into an internal format that can be operated on. This internal format is known as a query tree. If the parser doesnt recognize the syntax, a syntax error is immediately raised that identifies where the error occurred. However, non-syntax error messages cannot be explicit about the exact source line that caused the error. Because only the command parser can access the source of the statement, the statement is no longer available in source format when the command is actually executed. The Query Optimizer The query optimizer takes the query tree from the command parser and prepares it for execution. Statements that cant be optimized, such as flow-of-control and DDL commands, are c ompiled into an internal form. The statements that are optimizable are marked as such and then passed to the optimizer. The optimizer is mainly concerned with the DML statement SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE, which can be processed in more than one way, and it is the optimizers job to determine which of the many possible ways is the best. It compiles an entire command batch, optimizes queries that are optimizable, and checks security. The query optimization and compilation result in an execution plan. The first step in producing such a plan is to normalize each query, which potentially breaks down a single query into multiple, fine-grained queries. After the optimizer normalizes a query, it optimizes it, which means it determines a plan for executing that query. Query optimization is cost based; the optimizer chooses the plan that it determines would cost the least based on internal metrics that include estimated memory requirements, CPU utilization, and number of required I/Os. The optimizer considers the type of statement requested, checks the amount of data in the various tables affected, looks at the indexes available for each table, and then looks at a sampling of the data values kept for each index or column referenced in the query. The sampling of the data values is called distribution statistics. Based on the available information, the optimizer considers the various access methods and processing strategies it could use to resolve a query and chooses the most cost -effective plan. The SQL Manage r The SQL manager is responsible for everything related to managing stored procedures and their plans. It determines when a stored procedure needs recompilation, and it manages the caching of procedure plans so that other processes can reuse them. The SQL manager also handles auto parameterization of queries. In SQL Server 2008, certain kinds of ad hoc queries are treated as if they were parameterized stored procedures, and query plans are generated and saved for them. SQL Server can save and reuse plans in se veral other ways, but in some situations using a saved plan might not be a good idea. The Database Manager The database manager handles access to the metadata needed for query compilation and optimization, making it clear that none of these separate module s can be run completely separately from the others. The metadata is stored as data and is managed by the storage engine, but metadata elements such as the data types of columns and the available indexes on a table must be available during the query compilation and optimization phase, before actual query execution starts. The Query Executor The query executor runs the execution plan that the optimizer produced, acting as a dispatcher for all the commands in the execution plan. This module steps through each command of the execution plan
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until the batch is complete. Most of the commands require interaction with the storage engine to modify or retrieve data and to manage transactions and locking. The Storage Engine The SQL Server storage engine has traditionally been considered to include all the components involved with the actual processing of data in your database. SQL Server 2005 separates out some of these components into a module called the SQLOS. In fact, the SQL Server storage engine team at Microsoft actually encompasses three areas: access methods, transaction management, and the SQLOS. Transaction Se rvices A core feature of SQL Server is its ability to ensure that transactions are atomic that is, all or nothing. In addition, transactions must be dura ble, which means that if a transaction has been committed, it must be recoverable by SQL Server no matter what even if a total system failure occurs 1 millisecond after the commit was acknowledged. There are actually four properties that transactions must adhere to, called the ACID properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. Locking Ope rations Locking is a crucial function of a multi-user database system such as SQL Server, even if you are operating primarily in the snapshot isolation level with optimistic concurrency. SQL Server lets you manage multiple users simultaneously and ensures that the transactions observe the properties of the chosen isolation level. Even though readers will not block writers and writers will not block readers in snapshot isolation, writers do acquire locks and can still block other writers, and if two writers try to change the same data concurrently, a conflict will occur that must be resolved. The locking code acquires and releases various types of locks, such as share locks for reading, exclusive locks for writing, intent locks taken at a higher granularity to signal a potential plan to perform some operation, and extent locks for space allocation. It manages compatibility between the lock types, resolves deadlocks, and escalates locks if needed. The locking code controls table, page, and row locks as well as system data locks. The SQLOS Whether the components of the SQLOS layer are actually part of the storage engine depends on whom you ask. In addition, t rying to figure out exactly which components are in the SQLOS layer can be rather like herding cats. I have seen several technical presentations on the topic at conferences and have exchanged e-mail and even spoken face to face with members of the product team, but the answers vary. The manager who said he was responsible for the SQLOS layer defined the SQLOS as everything he was responsible for, which is a rather circular def inition. Earlier versions of SQL Server have a thin layer of interfaces between the storage engine and the actual operating system through which SQL Server makes calls to the OS for memory allocation, scheduler resources, thread and worker management, and synchronization objects. However, the services in SQL Server that needed to access these interfaces can be in any part of the engine. SQL Server requirements for managing memory, schedulers, synchronization objects, and so forth have become more complex. Rather than each part of the engine grow ing to support the increased functionality, all services in SQL Server that need this OS access have been grouped together into a single functional unit called the SQLOS. In general, the SQLOS is like an operating system inside SQL Server. It provides memory management, scheduling, IO management, a framework for locking and transaction management, deadlock detection, and general utilities for dumping, exception handling, and so on. Another member of the product team described the SQLOS to me as a set of data structures and APIs that could potentially be needed by operations running at any layer of the engine. For example, consider various operations that require use of memory. SQL Server doesnt just need memory when it reads in data pages through the storage engine; it also needs memory to hold query plans developed in the query processor layer. Figure 1-1 (shown earlier) depicts the SQLOS layer in several parts, but this is just a way of showing that many SQL Server components use SQLOS functionality.
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The maximum amount of data and overhead that is contained in a single row on a page is 8,060 bytes (8 KB). Extents Extents are the basic unit in which space is managed. An extent is eight physically contiguous pages, or 64 KB. This means SQL Server databases have 16 extents per megabyte. SQL Server has two types of extents: Uniform extents are owned by a single object; all eight pages in the extent can only be used by the owning object.
Mixed extents are shared by up to eight objects. Each of the eight pages in the extent can be owned by a different object. A new table or index is generally allocated pages from mixed extents. When t he table or index grows to the point that it has eight pages, it then switches to use uniform extents for subsequent allocations. If you create an index on an existing table that has enough rows to generate eight pages in the index, all allocations to the index are in uniform extents.
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Managing Exte nt Allocations SQL Server uses two types of allocation maps to rec ord the allocation of extents: Global Allocation Map (GAM) GAM pages record what extents have been allocated. Each GAM covers 64,000 extents, or almost 4 GB of data. The GAM has one bit for each extent in the interval it covers. If the bit is 1, the extent is free; if the bit is 0, the extent is allocated. Shared Global Allocation Map (SGAM) SGAM pages record which extents are currently being used as mixed extents and also have at least one unused page. Each SGAM covers 64,000 extents, or almost 4 GB of data. The SGAM has one bit for each extent in the interval it covers. If the bit is 1, the extent is being used as a mixed extent and has a free page. If the bit is 0, the extent is not used as a mixed extent, or it is a mixed extent and all its pages are being used. Each extent has the following bit patterns set in the GAM and SGAM, based on its current use. Current use of extent Free, not being used Uniform extent, or full mixed extent Mixed extent with free pages Tracking F ree Space Page Free Space (PFS) pages record the allocation status of each page, whether an individual page has been allocated, and the amount of free space on each page. The PFS has one byte for each page, recording whether the page is allocated, and if so, whether it is empty, 1 to 50 percent full, 51 to 80 percent full, 81 to 95 percent full, or 96 to 100 percent full. GAM bit setting 1 0 0 0 0 1 SGAM bit setting
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6. Memory Architecture
32-bit Vs 64-bit Arc hitecture A 32-bit machine can directly address only 4 GB of memory, and by default, Windows itself reserves the top 2 GB of address space for its own use, which leaves only 2 GB as the maximum size of the VAS for any application, such as SQL Server. You can increase this by enabling a /3GB f lag in the systems Boot.ini file, which allows applications to have a VAS of up to 3 GB. If your system has more than 3GB of RAM, the only way a 32-bit machine can get to it is by enabling AWE. One benefit in SQL Server 2005 of using AWE, is that memory pages allocated through the AWE mechanism are considered locked pages and can never be swapped out. On a 64-bit platform, the AWE Enabled configuration option is present, but its setting is ignored. However, the Windows policy Lock Pages in Memory option is available, although it is disabled by default. This policy determines which accounts can make use of a Windows fea ture to keep data in physical memory, preventing the system from paging the data to virtual memory on disk. It is recommended that you enable this policy on a 62-bit system. On 32-bit operating systems, you will have to enable Lock Pages in Memory policy w hen using AWE. It is recommended that you dont enable the Lock Pages in Memory policy if you are not using AWE. Although SQL Server w ill ignore this option w hen AWE is not enabled, other processes on the system may be impacted. All 32-bit applications have a 4-gigabyte (GB) process address space (32-bit addresses can map a maximum of 4 GB of memory). Microsoft Windows operating systems provide applications with access to 2 GB of process address space, specifically know n as user mode virtual address space. All threads owned by an application share the same user mode virtual address space. The remaining 2 GB are reserved for the operating system (also known as kernel mode address space). All operating system editions starting with Windows 2000 Server, including Windows Server 2003, have a boot.ini sw itch that can provide applications with access to 3 GB of process address space, limiting the kernel mode address space to 1 GB.
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Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) extend the capabilities of 32-bit applications by allowing access to as much physical memory as the operating system supports. AWE accomplishes this by mapping a subset of up to 64 GB into the user address space. Mapping between the application buffer pool and AWE- mapped memory is handled through manipulation of the Windows virtual memory tables. To enable support for 3 GB of user mode process space, you must add the /3gb parameter to the boot.ini file and reboot the computer, allow ing the /3gb parameter to take effect. Setting this parameter allows user application threads to address 3 GB of process address space, and reserves 1 GB of process address space for the operating system. If there is more than 16 GB of physical memory available on a computer, the operating system needs 2 GB of process address space for system purposes and therefore can support only a 2 GB user mode address space. In order for AWE to use t he memory range above 16 GB, be sure that the /3gb parameter is not in the boot.ini file. If it is, the operating system cannot address any memory above 16 GB. Dynamic Memory Manageme nt The default memory management behavior of the Microsoft SQL Server Dat abase Engine is to acquire as much memory as it needs without creating a memory shortage on the system. The Database Engine does this by using the Memory Notif ication APIs in Microsoft Windows. Virtual address space of SQL Server can be divided into two distinct regions: space occupied by the buffer pool and the rest. If AWE mechanism is enabled, the buffer pool may reside in AWE mapped memory, providing additional space for database pages. The buffer pool serves as a primary memory allocation source of SQL Server. External components that reside inside SQL Server process, such as COM objects, and not aware of the SQL Server memory management facilities, use memory outside of the virtual address space occupied by the buffer pool. When SQL Server starts, it computes the size of virtual address space for the buffer pool based on a number of parameters such as amount of physical memory on the system, number of server threads and various startup parameters. SQL Server reserves the computed amount of its process virtual address space for the buffer pool, but it acquires (commits) only the required amount of physical memory for the current load. The instance then continues to acquire memory as needed to support the workload. As more users connect and run queries, SQL Server acquires the additional physical memory on demand. A SQL Server instance continues to acquire physical memory until it either reaches its max server memory allocation target or Windows indicates there is no longer an excess of free memory; it fre es memory when it has more than the min server memory setting, and Windows indicates that there is a shortage of free memory. As other applications are started on a computer running an instance of SQL Server, they consume memory and the amount of free physical memory drops below the SQL Server target. The instance of SQL Server adjusts its memory consumption. If another application is stopped and more memory becomes available, the instance of SQL Server increases the size of its memory allocation. SQL Serve r can free and acquire several megabytes of memory each second, allowing it to quickly adjust to memory allocation changes. Effects of min and max server memory The min server memory and max server memory configuration options establish upper and lower limits to the amount of memory used by the buffer pool of the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine. The buffer pool does not immediately acquire the amount of memory specified in min server memory . The buffer pool starts with only the memory required to initialize. As the Database Engine workload increases, it keeps acquiring the memory required to support the workload. The buffer pool does not free any of the acquired memory until it reaches the amount specified in min server memory. Once min server memory is reached, the buffer pool then uses the standard algorithm to acquire and free memory as needed. The only difference is that the buffer pool never drops its memory allocation
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below the level specified in min server memory, and never acquires more memory than the level specified in max server memory. The amount of memory acquired by the Database Engine is entirely dependent on the workload placed on the instance. A SQL Server instance that is not processing many requests may never reach min server memory. If the same value is specified for both min server memory and max server memory, then once the memory allocated to the Database Engine reaches that value, the Database Engine stops dynamically freeing and acquiring memory for the buffer pool. If an instance of SQL Server is running on a computer where other applications are frequently stopped or started, the allocation and deallocation of memory by the instance of SQL Server may slow the startup times of other applications. Also, if SQL Server is one of several server applications running on a single computer, the system administrators may need to control the amount of memory allocated to SQL Server. In these cases, you can use the min server memory and max server memory options to control how much memory SQL Server can use. SQL Server supports Address Window ing Extensions (AWE) allowing use of physical memory over 4 gigabytes (GB) on 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows operating systems. Up to 64 GB of physical memory is supported. Instances of SQL Server that are running on Microsoft Windows 2000 use static AWE memory allocation, and instances that are running on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 use dynamic AWE memory allocation. Buffer Manageme nt A buffer is an 8-KB page in memory, the same size as a data or index page. Thus, the buffer cache is divided into 8-KB pages. The buffer manager manages the functions for reading data or index pages from the database disk files into the buffer cache and writing modified pages back to disk. A page remains in the buffer cache until the buffer manager needs the buffer area to read in more data. Data is written back to disk only if it is modif ied. Data in the buffer cache can be modif ied multiple times before being written back to disk. Using AWE Microsoft SQL Server uses t he Microsoft Windows Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) API to support very large amounts of physical memory. SQL Server can access up to 64 gigabytes (GB) of memory on Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft Windows Server 2003. AWE is a set of extensions to the memory management functions of Windows that allow applications to address more memory than the 2-3 GB that is available through standard 32-bit addressing. AWE lets applications acquire physical memory, and then dynamically map views of the nonpaged memory to the 32-bit address space. Although the 32-bit address space is limited to 4 GB, the nonpaged memory can be much larger. This enables memory-intensive applications, such as large database systems, to address more memory than can be supported in a 32-bit address space. Before you configure the operating system for AWE, consider the follow ing: AWE allows allocating physical memory over 4 GB on 32-bit architecture. AWE should be used only when available physical memory is greater than user- mode virtual address space.
To support more than 4 GB of physical memory on 32-bit operating systems, you must add the /pae parameter to the Boot.ini file and reboot the computer. For more information, see your Windows documentation. If there is more than 16 GB of physical memory available on a computer, the operating system requires 2 GB of virtual address space for system purposes and therefore can support only a 2 GB user mode virtual address space. For the operating system to use the memory range above 16 GB, be sure that the /3gb parameter is not in the Boot.ini file. If it is, the operating system cannot use any physical memory above 16 GB. Memory management is a huge topic, and to cover every detail would require a whole volume in itself. My goal in this section is twofold: first, to provide enough information about how SQL Server
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uses its memory resources so you can determine whether memory is being managed well on your system; and second, to describe the aspects of memory management that you have control over so you can understand when to exert that control. By default, SQL Server 2008 manages its memory resources almost completely dynamically. When allocating memory, SQL Server must communicate constantly with the operating system, which is one of the reasons the SQLOS layer of the engine is so important. The Buffer Pool and the Data Cache The main memory component in SQL Server is the buffer pool. All memory not used by another memory component remains in the buffer pool to be used as a data cache for pages read in from the database files on disk. The buffer manager manages disk I/O functions for bringing data and index pages into the data cache so data can be shared among users. When other components require memory, they can request a buffer from the buffer pool. A buffer is a page in memory thats the same size as a data or index page. You can think of it as a page frame that can hold one page from a database. Most of the buffers taken from the buffer pool for other memory components go to other kinds of memory caches, the largest of which is typically the cache for procedure and query plans, which are usually called the procedure cache. Occasionally, SQL Server must request contiguous memory in larger blocks than the 8-KB pages that the buffer pool can provide so memory must be allocated from outside the buffer pool. Use of large memory blocks is typically kept to minimum, so direct calls to the operating system account for a small fraction of SQL Server memory usage.
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7. Thread and Task Arc hitecture Overvie w Threads are an operating system feature that lets application logic be separated into several concurrent execution paths. This feature is useful when complex applications have many tasks that can be performed at the same time. When an operating system executes an instance of an application, it creates a unit called a process to manage the instance. The process has a thread of execution. This is the series of programming instructions performed by the application code. For example, if a simple applicatio n has a single set of instructions that can be performed serially; there is just one execution path or thread through the application. More complex applications may have several tasks that can be performed in tandem, instead of serially. The application can do this by starting separate processes for each task. However, starting a process is a resource-intensive operation. Instead, an application can start separate threads. These are relatively less resource-intensive. Additionally, each thread can be scheduled for execution independently from the other threads associated with a process. Threads allow complex applications to make more effective use of a CPU, even on computers that have a single CPU. With one CPU, only one thread can execute at a time. If one thread executes a long-running operation that does not use the CPU, such as a disk read or write, another one of the threads can execute until the first operation is completed. By being able to execute threads while other threads are waiting for an operation to be completed, an application can maximize its use of the CPU. This is especially true for multi-user, disk I/O intensive applications such as a database server. Computers that have multiple microprocessors or CPUs can execute one thread per CPU at th e same time. For example, if a computer has eight CPUs, it can execute eight threads at the same time. Allocating Threads to a C PU By default, each instance of SQL Server starts each thread. The operating system then assigns each thread to a specific CPU. The operating system distributes threads from instances of SQL Server evenly among the microprocessors, or CPUs on a computer. Sometimes, the operating system can also move a thread from one CPU with heavy usage to another CPU. SQL Server administrators can use the affinity mask configuration option to exclude one or more CPUs from being eligible to run threads from a specific instance of SQL Server. The affinity mask value specifies a bit pattern that indicates the CPUs that are used to run threads from that instance of SQL Server. For example, the affinity mask value 13 represents the bit pattern 1101. On a computer that has four CPUs, this indicates that threads from that instance of SQL Server can be scheduled on CPUs 0, 2, and 3, but not on CPU 1. If affinity mask is specified, the instance of SQL Server allocates threads evenly among the CPUs that have not been masked off. Another effect of affinity mask is that the operating system does not move threads from one CPU to another. However, affinity mask is rarely used. Most systems obtain optimal performance by letting the operating system schedule the threads among the available CPUs. Using the lightweight pooling Option The overhead involved in switching thread contexts is not very large. Most instances of SQL Server will not see any performance differences between setting the lightweight pooling option to 0 or 1. The only instances of SQL Server that might benefit from lightweight pooling are those that run on a computer having the follow ing characterist ics: A large multi-CPU server. All the CPUs are running near maximum capacity. There is a high level of context switching.
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These systems may see a small increase in performance if the lightweight pooling value is set to 1. We do not recommend that you use fiber mode scheduling for routine operation. This is because it can decrease performance by inhibiting the regular benefits of context switching, and because some components of SQL Server cannot function correctly in fiber mode Thread and Fiber Execution Microsoft Windows uses a numeric priority system that ranges from 1 through 31 to schedule threads for execution. Zero is reserved for operating system use. When several threads are waiting to execute, Windows dispatches the thread with the highest priorit y. By default, each instance of SQL Server is a priority of 7, which is referred to as the normal priority. This default gives SQL Server threads a high enough priority to obtain sufficient CPU resources without adversely affecting other applications. The priority boost configuration option can be used to increase the priority of the threads from an instance of SQL Server to 13. This is referred to as high priority. This setting gives SQL Server threads a higher priority than most other applications. Thus, SQL Server threads will generally be dispatched whenever they are ready to run and will not be pre -empted by threads from other applications. This can improve performance when a server is running only instances of SQL Server and no other applications. However, if a memory-intensive operation occurs in SQL Server, however, other applications are not likely to have a high-enough priority to pre-empt the SQL Server thread. If you are running multiple instances of SQL Server on a computer, and turn on priorit y boost for only some of the instances, the performance of any instances running at normal priority can be adversely affected. Also, the performance of other applications and components on the server can decline if priority boost is turned on. Therefore, it should only be used under tightly controlled conditions. Hot Add CPU Hot add CPU is the ability to dynamically add CPUs to a running system. Adding CPUs can occur physically by adding new hardware, logically by online hardware partitioning, or virtually through a virtualization layer. Starting with SQL Server 2008, SQL Server supports hot add CPU. Requirements for hot add CPU: Requires hardware that supports hot add CPU. Requires the 64-bit edition of Windows Server 2008 Datacenter or the Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition for Itanium- Based Systems operating system. Requires SQL Server Enterprise.
SQL Server does not automatically start to use CPUs after they are added. This prevents SQL Server from using CPUs that might be added for some other purpose. After adding CPUs, execute the RECONFIGURE statement, so that SQL Server w ill recognize the new CPUs as available resources.
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4. On the SQL Server Component Update page, Setup installs software required for SQL Server 2005. For more information about component requirements, To begin the component update process, click Install. To continue after the update completes, click Finish.
5. On the Welcome page of the SQL Server Installation Wizard, click Next to continue. 6. On the System Configuration Check (SCC) page, the installation computer is scanned for conditions that may block Setup. click Continue.
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7. On the Registration Information page, enter information in the Name and Company text boxes. To continue, click Next.
8. On the Components to Install page, select the components for your installation. A description for each component group appears in the Components to be Installed pane when you select it. You can select any combination of check boxes. When you select SQL Server or Analysis Services, if Setup detects that you are installing to a virtual server, the Install as a Virtual Server check box is enabled. You must select this option to install a failover cluster.
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9. To install individual components, click Advanced. Otherwise, click Next to continue. 10. If you clicked Advanced on the previous page, the Feature Selection page is displayed. On the Feature Selection page, select the program features to install using the drop -down boxes. To install components to a custom directory, select the feature and then click Browse. To continue when your feature selections are complete, click Next. 11. On the Instance Name page, select a default or named instance for your installation. If a default or named instance is already installed, and you select the existing instance for your installation, Setup upgrades it and provides you the option to install additional components. To install a new default instance, there must not be a default instance on the computer. To install a new named instan ce, click Named Instance and then type a unique instance name in the space provided.
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12. On the Service Account page, specify the user name, password, and domain name or SQL Server service accounts. You can use one account for all of the services. Optionally, you can specify an individual account for each service. To specify an individual account for each service, select Customize for each service account, select a service name from the drop-down box, and then provide login credentials for the service. To proceed, click Next.
13. On the Authentication Mode page, choose the authentication mode to use for your SQL Server installation. If you select Windows Authentication, Setup creates an sa account, which is disabled by default. Enter and confirm the system administrator (sa) login when you choose Mixed Mode Authentication. Passwords
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are the first line of defense against intruders, so setting strong passwords is essential to the security of your system. Never set a blank or weak sa password.
To set separate collation settings for SQL Server and Analysis Services, select the Customize for each service account check box. After you select the check box, a drop-down selection box appears. Select a service from the drop-down selection box and then assign its collation. Repeat for each service. To proceed, click Next. 14. On the Error Reporting page, optionally clear the check box to disable error reporting. For more information about error reporting functionality, click Help at the bottom of the page. To proceed, click Next.
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15. On the Ready to Install page, review the summary of features and components for your SQL Server installation. To proceed, click Install.
16. On the Installation Progress page, you can monitor installation progress as Setup proceeds. To view the log file for a component during installation, click the product or status name on the Installation Progress page. 17. On the Completing the Microsoft SQL Server Installation Wizard page, you can view the Setup summary log by clicking the link provided on this page . To exit the SQL Server Installation Wizard, click Finish.
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18. If you are instructed to restart the computer, do so now. It is important to read the message from the Setup program when you are done with installation. Failure to restart the computer may caus e failures when you run the Setup program in the future.
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Pre- Requisites You have planned your Instance name if it is a named Instance You have planned all the Data Directory. I.e. Where to keep System Databases, TempDB, a nd User Databases. (If not you can go by Default but it is not generally recommended). You have planned Startup Account for all the services. (If not you can go by Default but it is not generally recommended.) You have a list of features that you want to install. Like if you are not going to use File stream no need to configure that during installation Step 1: Insert the DVD The system w ill automatically detect the system configuration and it install the .Net Framework and Windows Installer 4.5 if required. My installation Screen is as follows :-
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Step 2 : System has installed . Net Framework 3.5 and rebooted the system. Next step is to install SQL Server 2008. In "SQL Server Installation Center" , navigate to "Installation" -- >> click "New Installation or Add Features to an Existing Installation."
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In the Instance Configuration Screen you need to select the inst ance type (default /named) and other instance related setting. The one new thing in SQL Server 2008 is InstanceID. Instance Configuration Instance ID - By default, the instance name is used as the Instance ID. This is used to identify installation directories and registry keys for your instance of SQL Server. This is the case for default instances and named instances. For a default instance, the instance name and instance ID would be MSSQLSERVER. To use a non-default instance ID, specify it in the Instance ID field.
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Best Practices on Installation: 1. Always fully document installs so that your SQL Server instances can easily be reproduced in an emergency. 2. If possible, install and configure all of your SQL Server instances consistently, following an agreed upon organization standard. 3. Dont install SQL Server services you dont use, such as Microsoft Full-Text Search, Notification Services, or Analysis Services. 4. For best performance of SQL Server running under Windows, turn off any operating system services that arent needed. 5. For optimum SQL Server performance, you want to dedicate your physical servers to only running a single instance of SQL Server, no other applications. 6. For best I/O performance, locate the database files (.mdf) and log files (.ldf) on separate arrays on your server to isolate potentially conflicting reads and w rites. 7. If tempdb will be used heavily, also put it on its own separate array. 8. Do not install SQL Server on a domain controller. 9. Be sure that SQL Server is installed on an NTFS partition. 10. Dont use NTFS data file encryption (EFS) and compression on SQL Server database and log files.
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b.) Restart services. c.) Confirm path of database files using the query USE tempdb; SELECT physical_name f rom sys.database_files. 2. Moving model and msdb databases. a.) Execute the script below. USE master; GO alter database msdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = MSDBData,FILENAME='NEW PATH'); go alter database msdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = MSDBLog,FILENAME='NEW PATH'); go USE master; GO alter database model MODIFY FILE (NAME = modeldev,FILENAME='NEW PATH') ; go
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Stop services Copy the files to the new location Restart services. Confirm path of database files using the below query.
USE msdb; SELECT physical_name from sys.database_files USE model; SELECT physical_name from sys.database_files 3.) Moving master database: a.) Edit the startup parameters to reflect the new path for d, l and -e parameters.
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b.) Stop the services. c.) Move the master and resource database files to the new location d.) Start the services using NET START MSSQLSERVER /f /T3608 (*MSSQLSERVER is for default instance, if you have installed named instance then you need to use NET START MSSQL$Instancename /f /T3608) Example
f.) Execute the script given below from sqlc md USE master; GO alter database mssqlsystemresource MODIFY FILE (NAME = data,FILENAME='NEW PATH\mssqlsystemresource.mdf'); go alter database mssqlsystemresource MODIFY FILE (NAME = log,FILENAME='NEW PATH\mssqlsystemresource.ldf'); go alter database mssqlsystemresource set READ_ONLY; go Example
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g.) Stop the services h.) Start sql services. i.) Confirm if the data files and log files reside on desired path using the query SELECT physical_name from sys.master_files.
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3. Once setup files are extracted go to the folder where the files are extracted and click Setup.exe. This will open up SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 screen as shown in the snippet below. In the Welcome screen the SQL Server 2008 Setup program w ill check for few rules before applying the Service Packs. If any of the rules are failing, the installation w ill not continue further. Hence, you need to fix those issues before continuing w ith the installation.
4. In License Te rms screen, read the license agreement and then select the check box at the bottom of the page to accept the licensing terms and conditions of the product. Click Next to continue with the installation.
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5. In Se lect Features screen, select the SQL Server Instance and select the features of SQL Server 2008 which need to be upgraded. A brief description about each feature is shown in the right side panel along with the Language, Edition, Patch Level, Arc hitecture, Se rvice Pac k and Upgrade Status w hen each of the features is selected. The different components which are available for upgrade within SQL Server 2008 are mentioned below: Database Engine Services SQL Server Replication Full-Text Replication Analysis Services Reporting Services Shared Features Business Intelligence Development Studio Client Tools Connectivity Integration Services Client Tools Backwards Compatibility Client Tools SDK SQL Server Books Online Management Tools Basic Management Tools Complete
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Once all the features are selected click Next to continue with the SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installation. 6. In Chec k Files In Use screen the setup will check for SQL Server related files which are currently being used. If there are any such files then they need to be released before performing the Service Pack installation. Click Next to continue with the installation.
7. In Ready to Upgrade screen you can verify the list of features which will be upgraded during the installation. If you are fine with the list of features, then click Upgrade to perform the actual Service Pack installation.
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8. In Upgrade Progress screen you w ill be able to see the installation progress. It will approximately take 30 minutes to complete the installation. The installation time varies depending upon the hardware configuration.
9. Once the Service Pack installation is successful you will be able to see the Success message as shown in the snippet below.
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10. On the Complete screen you will be able to see Your SQL Serve r 2008 update operation has completed successfully message. Click Close to end the installation setup.
11. You can verify the SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) installation by executing the query below in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS 'Edition', SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS 'ProductVersion', SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS 'ProductLevel', SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceLastUpdateDateTime') AS 'ResourceLastUpdateDateTime', SERVERPROPERTY('ResourceVersion') AS 'ResourceVersion'
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Upgrade Adv isor Upgrading from the previous version of SQL Server to a newer version is always a challenging task for a Database Administrator. In order to improve the SQL Server 2008 upgrade experience, Microsoft introduced a free tool called SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor (SSUA). This tool basically does the analysis of installed components of the earlier SQL Server versions, and generates a report which has details about the issues that need to be fixed either before or after you upgrade to SQL Server 2008. Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor helps database administrators analyze the existing instances of SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 databases. It identifies feature s and configuration changes that might affect your successful upgrade to SQL Server 2008. Once the entire analysis is done by the tool, it documents all the upgrade issues along with providing a link for issue resolution. The tool also identifies all potential upgrade blockers that might occur during or after the upgrade without actually performing the actual upgrade. Database Administrators should utilize this wonderful tool during the upgrade planning phase of the project to analyze SQL Server 2000 and SQ L Server 2005 instances. This tool can analyze different components of SQL Server such as SQL Server, Analysis Services, Notification Services, Reporting Services, Data Transformation Services, Integration Services, Scripts and SQL Trace Files. I strongly recommend using this tool in advance to avoid any last minute surprises during the actual upgrade. Dow nload Link for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Tool
SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Tool is available as a free download from the following lin k: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=F5A6C5E9 -4CD9-4E42-A21C7291E7F0F852&displaylang=en
You can also get the installation copy of SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Tool from Servers\Redist\Upgrade Advisor folder of the SQL Server installation media. Using SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Tool After the successful installation of SSUA you can access it from Sta rt menu - Click Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor.
On the Welcome to SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor screen there are three options namely Read more about Upgrade Advisor, Check for updates and Read more about Upgrade Issues. I advise you to check for latest updates before using the tool, as Microsoft keep adding new rules and functionalit y to the tool to provide better customer experience while upgrade to a higher versions of SQL Server.
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In the same screen you can see two more links to the wizards namely Launch Upgrade Advisor Analysis Wizard and Launch Upgrade Advisor Report Viewer. The Launch Upgrade Advisor Report Viewer w ill launch the report viewer from w here you can see reports which were earlier generated by this tool in the previous analysis. You need to click on Launc h Upgrade Advisor Analysis Wizard option to launch the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Analysis Wizard as show n in the below snippet.
Click Next to see SQL Server Components screen where you will be asked to select the SQL Server Components which you want to analyze using this tool. In the Server Name textbox provide the na me of the SQL Server which needs to be analyzed.
Once the Server Name is provided, you can either select the components manually or click the Detect button. The detect functionality will automatically detect the SQL Server Components which are installed on the SQL Server that needs to be checked for upgrade issues. In case you want to analyze a server which has multiple instances, then you have to specify just the name of the server in the server name box and select the components manually or allow the tool to detect by clicking Detect button. Once the components are identified clic k Next to see the Connection Parameters screen.
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In the Connection Parameters sc reen select the Instance Name from the dropdow nlist (for this article default instance of SQL Server 2005 is used by this tool for analysis) against which you want to do the analysis. In the Authentication screen you can either select Windows Authenticatio n or SQL Server Authentication. In the above snippet you can see that I have selected SQL Authentication and I have provided the Username and Password to establish the connection. Click Next to see the SQL Server Parameters screen.
In the SQL Server Parameters screen you need to enter the parameters for SQL Server analysis. You can check box All Databases if you want to analysis issues for all the databases present on the SQL Server Instance. Else you can check only those databases against which you want to perform the analysis. It is always a good practice to choose All Databases opt ion when you are planning to do an in-place upgrade. There are two other options like Analyze trace files and Analyze SQL batch file. If you have any you can check the options and provide the path of the files for the analysis. You can also run trace files against Upgrade Advisor. This way you will be able to analyze any adhoc query getting executed from the applications which uses SQL Server. The recommended SQL profile template is SQLProf ilerTSQL_Replay, as this will have unique number of queries. Click Next to see DTS Parameters screen.
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In the DTS Parameters screen you have radio buttons to choose the location of DTS packages. You can either analysis all the DTS packages on the SQL Server or you can analyze DTS packages which are stored as file. If you want to analyze the DTS packages stored as files then you need to select the second option and provide the path of the DTS package files. Click Next to see the SSIS Parameters screen.
In the SSIS Parameters screen you have radio buttons to choose the location of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) packages. You can either analysis all the SSIS packages on the SQL Server or you can analyze SSIS packages which are stored as file. If you want to analyze the SSIS packages stored as files then you need to select the second option and provide the path of the SSIS package files. If your SSIS packages are encrypted then you also need to specify the Password for the package and then Click Next to see the Confirm Upgrade Advisor Settings screen.
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In the Confirm Upgrade Advisor Settings screen you can see the summary of all the options which you have selected in the previous screens. Finally click on Run button to capture the analysis using the Upgrade Advisor Tool.
Once you click on Run you will be redirected to Upgrade Advisor Progress screen. You could see in the above snippet that when analyzing SQL Server its basically running 103 rules. Rules are nothing but scenarios according to Microsoft which will prevent you from successful upgrade. Once the analysis has completed you will see the below screen.
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In order to see the detailed analysis report you need to click on Launch Report button which will open up Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Report Viewer as shown in the below snippet. The results of the analysis are basically stored in an XML f ile in the follow ing folder location C:\Documents and Settings\NTUserName \My Documents\SQL Server 2008 Upgrade Advisor Reports\SERVERNAME\.
From the Instance or component dropdow nlist you can choose components like SQL Server, Database Transformation Services, and Integration Services etc based on the selections which you have done before in the SQL Server Selections screen. The When to Fix column within the report mentions the stage of upgrade in w hich the issue needs to be fixed. The options under When to Fix are Before, After or Advisory. The one which are classified to be in Before category are very important issues as they are upgrade blockers and it needs to be fixed before you starts the upgrade of SQL Server. The issues which are classified to be in After category can be fixed after the upgrade of SQL Server as
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they are of Medium priority. The issues which are classified to be in Advisory category are informative messages. The issues which are in After and Advisory category should not be ignored by the DBA even though they wont affect the Upgrade. They basically inform you that your server is not configured as per best practices suggested by Microsoft. You can double click on each and every issue to know the steps for the issue resolution. Once you double click an issue you will see the below screen.
Click on Show affected objects to see the list of objects which are affected and needs to be fixed. Similarly if you are not sure about how to resolve the issues identified then you can click on Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve it link to see the steps to be followed for issue resolution. This tool identifies most of the potential upgrade blockers on your existing SQL Server instances and can prevent you from a smooth upgrade. Database Administrators should utilize this wonderful tool during the upgrade planning phase of the project to analyze SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 instances. In-Place Up gradation from SQL se rver 2005 to 2008 1. Insert the SQL Server installation media, and from the root folder, double-click setup.exe. To install from a network share, move to the root folder on the share, and then double -click setup.exe. If the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup dialog box appears, click OK to install the prerequisites, then click Cancel to exit SQL Server 2008 installation. 2. If the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installation dialog box appears, select the check box to accept the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 License Agreement. Click Next. To exit SQL Server 2008 installation, click Cancel. When installation of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is complete, click Finish. 3. Windows Installer 4.5 is also required, and may be installed by the Installation Wizard. If you are prompted to restart your computer, restart, and then run SQL Server 2 008 Setup.exe again. 4. When prerequisites are installed, the Installation Wizard will start the SQL Server Installation Center. To upgrade an existing instance of SQL Server 2008, click Upgrade from SQL Serve r 2000 or SQL Se rver 2005. 5. If Setup support files are required, SQL Server Setup will install them. If you are instructed to restart your computer, restart before you continue. 6. The System Configuration Checker will run a discovery operation on your computer. To continue, click OK. Setup log files are created for your installation. 7. On the Product key page, click an option button to indicate whether you are upgrading to a free edition of SQL Server, or whether you have a PID key for a production version of the product. 8. On the License Terms page, read the lic ense agreement, and then select the check box to accept the license terms and conditions. Clic k Next to continue. To end Setup, click Cancel. 9. On the Select Instance page, specify the instance of SQL Server to upgrade. 10. On the Feature Selection page, the features to upgrade will be preselected. A description for each component group appears in the right pane after you select the feature name. Be aware that you cannot change the features to be upgraded, and you cannot add features during the upgrade operation. To add features to an upgraded instance of SQL Server 2008 after the upgrade operation is complete. 11. On the Instance Configuration page, specify whether to install a default or a named instance. Instance ID By default, the instance name is used as the Instance ID. This is used to identify installation directories and registry keys for your instance of SQL Server. This is the case for default instances and named instances. For a default instance, the instance name and instance ID
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would be MSSQLSERVER. To use a nondefault instance ID, select the Instance ID check box and provide a value. Instance root directory By default, the instance root directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\. To specify a nondefault root directory, use the field provided, or click Browse to locate an installation folder. All SQL Server service packs and upgrades will apply to every component of an instance of SQL Server. Detected instances and features The grid will show instances of SQL Server that are on the computer where Setup is running. If a default instance is already installed on the computer, you must install a named instance of SQL Server 2008. Click Next to continue. 12. The Disk Space Requirements page calculates the required disk space for the features that you specify, and compares requirements to the available disk space on the computer where Setup is running. 13. Work flow for the rest of this topic depends on the features that you have specified for your installation. You might not see all the pages, depending on y our selections. 14. On the Server Configuration - Service Accounts page, specify login accounts for SQL Server services. The actual services that are configured on this page depend on the features that you are upgrading. Authentication and login information will be carried forward from the previous instance of SQL Server. You can assign the same login account to all SQL Server services, or you can configure each service account individually. You can also specify whether services start automatically, are started manually, or are disabled. Microsoft recommends that you configure service accounts individually so that SQL Server services are granted the minimu m permissions they have to have to complete their tasks. To specify the same login account for all service accounts in this instance of SQL Server, provide credentials in the fields at the bottom of the page. Security Note Do not use a blank password. Use a strong password. When you are finished specifying login information for SQL Server services, click Next. 15. Use the Server Configuration Collation tab to specify nondefault collations for the Database Engine and Analysis Services. On the Full-Text Search Upgrade Options page, specify the upgrade options for the databases being upgraded. 16. On the Error and Usage Reporting page, specify the information that you want to send to Microsoft that will help improve SQL Server. By default, options for error reporting and feature usage are enabled. 17. The System Configuration Checker will run one more set of rules to valida te your computer configuration with the SQL Server features that you have specified before the upgrade operation begins. 18. The Ready to Upgrade page displays a tree view of installation options that were specified during Setup. To continue, click Install. 19. During installation, the progress page provides status so that you can monitor installation progress as Setup continues. 20. After installation, the Complete page provides a link to the summary log file for the installation and other important notes. To complete the SQL Server installation process, click Close. 21. If you are instructed to restart the computer, do so now. It is important to read the message from the Installation Wizard when you have finished w ith Setup. Best Practices while Upgrading: 1. Run the Upgrade Advisor before upgrading. Make any necessary changes before performing the upgrade. 2. Perform a test upgrade of your test SQL Servers before you upgrade your production servers. And dont forget to test your applications with the new version also. 3. Before you upgrade, be sure you have a plan in place to fall back to in case the upgrade is problematic. 4. Dont upgrade SQL Server clusters in place. Instead, rebuild them on new hardware.
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5. If you upgrade from a previous version of SQL Server, you should update all of the statistics in all your databases using either UPDATE STATISTICS or sp_updatestats. This is because statistics are not automatically updated during the upgrade process.
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By default, the only network protocols enabled for most editions of SQL Server are TCP/IP and Shared Memory. The Developer and Enterprise Evaluation editions are configured with all protocols except Shared Memory disabled during installation, but the remaining protocols can be enabled if required. If a protocol is not enabled, SQL Server will not listen on an endpoint that is configured to utilize that protocol. The SQL Server Configuration Manager is used to configure server protocols. Shared Memory The Shared Memory protocol can only be used by local connections, because it is a shared memory and process space used for inter-server communication. It has only one configurable property: Enabled. The Enabled property can be set to Yes or No, resulting in a status of Enabled or Disabled. Name d Pipes Named Pipes uses Inter-Process Communication (IPC) channels for efficient inter-server communication, as well as local area network (LAN) communication. The Named Pipes protocol has some enhancements in SQL Server 2008 including support for encrypted traffic, but because of the excessive overhead of Named Pipes when connecting across networks or f irewalls, and the additional port that Named Pipes requires to be opened (445), it is generally a good idea to leave the Named Pipes protocol disabled. However, there are many applications that take advantage of the Named Pipes protocol because they were designed for local network implementations. Named Pipes prov ides easy access to Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) within a single security domain, and so is advantageous to these applications. If you need to support one of these applications, and the SQL Server is not exposed to external traffic, the risk of enabling the Named Pipes protocol and corresponding endpoint is minimal. Named Pipes has two configurable properties: Enabled and Pipe Name. The Enabled property works the same as the Shared Memory protocol. The Pipe Name specifies the inter-process pipe that SQL Server w ill listen on. The default pipe is \\.\pipe\sql\query. TC P/IP The TCP/IP protocol is the primary and preferred protocol for most SQL Server installations. It is configured on two separate tabs on the TCP/IP Properties window: the Protocol tab and the IP Addresses tab, as shown
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The Protocol tab has the following four configurable properties: Enabled This works the same as the other protocols. Keep Alive This specifies how many milliseconds SQL Server waits to verify an idle connection is still valid by sending a KEEPALIVE packet. The default is 30,000 milliseconds. Listen All This specifies whether SQL Server will listen on all IP addresses configured on the server. No Delay This option specifies whether the TCP protocol queues small packets to send out larger packets. This queuing is typically undesirable in transaction-based systems, and so it should be left in its default configuration of No.
Surface Area Configuration for se rvices a nd Connections. There are two ways to view the various services and connec tions on a given server. The first is by instance, and this is usually the easiest method.
However, if you have multiple components on the same server, such as multiple instances of the database engine, it may be easier to group by component, which is what the second tab (View by Component) is for:
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Once you've settled on your view, the next step is to actually configure each component. Every component listed will have a Service option where you can configure the startup status for the service as well as control the current state of the service itself. For instance, the following image is of the MSSQLSERVER database engine service, which is set to Automatic, meaning it will start when the computer starts up.
You have the ability to set any of the following startup types: Automatic - The service will start when the computer starts up. Manual - The service is capable of being started, but must be started manually by an authorized user (Power Users or Administrators local group membership). Disable d - The service cannot be started unless the startup type is changed.
In addition to the service configurations, the Database Engine and Analysis Services have additional options. For the database engine, there is the Remote Connections configuration.
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As the highlighted section shows, you can configure the database engine either to lis ten only for local connections (originating from the same computer as SQL Server) or to listen for both local and remote connections. In addition, if you choose for SQL Server to listen for remote connections as well, you'll have the choice whether to use TCP/IP, Named Pipes, or both. In general, for network connections, you'll want to use TCP/IP. In my experience, Named Pipes sometimes suffers from timeout issues that you don't get with TCP/IP. The Dedicated Administrator Connection In SQL Server 2005, Mic rosoft introduced a new feature called Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC). Using this feature a SQL Server Database Administrator can connect to a SQL Server Instance when the database engine is not responding to regular connections. During such a sc enario a DBA can connect to the SQL Server Instance to troubleshoot and to kill any of the SQL Server Processes which are causing the issues. The DAC allows database administrators to connect to a SQL Server Instance and to execute T -SQL commands to troubleshoot and fix issues rather than rebooting the SQL Server which could lead to database corruption or other problems. By default, the remote Dedicated Administrator Connection feature is disabled in SQL Server 2005 and later versions. Its a good practice to enable the DAC feature once the SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2008 is installed on every instance as this will help you troubleshoot issues when regular connections are not responding. However, only one dedicated administrator connection is allowed at a time on SQL Server 2005 and later versions. Enable Dedicated Administrator Connection in SQL Serve r 2008 Using TSQL Execute the below T-SQL to enable remote clients to utilize the Dedicated Administrator Connection. Use master GO sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 GO /* 0 = Allow Local Connection, 1 = Allow Remote Connections*/ sp_configure 'remote admin connections', 1 GO RECONFIGURE GO
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Enable Dedicated Administrator Connection in SQL Serve r 2008 Using SQL Server 2008 Manageme nt Studio Database Administrators can also enable Dedicated Administrator Connection Feature using SQL Server 2008 Management Studio. This can be done by right clicking the SQL Server Instance and selecting the Facets option from the drop down list as shown in the snippet below.
This will open up Vie w Facets window as shown in the snippet below. Here you need to select Surface Area Configuration facet as highlighted and then select the option as True for Remote DacEnabled.
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Finally, click OK to save the configuration changes in the Vie w Facets w indow. You can also enable other database engine features like AsHocRemoteQueriesEnabled, ClrIntegrationEnabled, DatabaseMailEnabled, OleAutomationEnabled, ServiceBrokerEndpointActive, SoapEndpointsEnabled, SQLMailEnabled, WebAssistanceEnabled, XPCmdShellEnabled etc when required using the Surface Server Configuration Facet which is available in SQL Server 2008 Management Studio. Once the Dedicated Administrator Connection is enabled you can connect to SQL Server 2008 using either SQL Server Management Studio or using SQLCMD. Using DAC with SQL Se rver Management Studio You need to specify ADMIN: before the SQL Server Instance name when trying to connect to an SQL Server Instance to using DAC feature as shown in the snippet below.
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Once you are connected to SQL Server Instance using DAC, then you can execute code such as the code below to check the SQL Server health. -- Locking Information SELECT * FROM sys.dm_tran_locks GO -- Cache Status SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters GO -- Active Sessions SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions GO -- Requests Status SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_requests GO
In order to send mail using Database Mail in SQL Server, there are 3 basic steps that need to be carried out. 1) Conf igure Email , 2) Create Profile and Account To configure it, we need to enable the Database Mail XPs parameter thro ugh the sp_configure stored procedure, as shown here:
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Step 2) Create Profile and Account: You need to create a profile and account using the Configure Database Mail Wizard which can be accessed from the Conf igure Database Mail context menu of the Database Mail node in Management Node. This w izard is used to manage accounts, profiles, and Database Mail global settings which are shown below:
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Best Practices in Configuration/ Database Settings: 1. Unless you know exactly what you are doing and have already performed impartial experiments that prove that making SQL Server configuration changes helps you in your particular environment, do not change any of the SQL Server configuration settings. 2. In almost all cases, leave the auto create statistics and auto update statistics options on for all user databases. 3. In most cases, the settings for the maximu m server memory and the minimum server memory should be left to their default values. This is because the default values allow SQL Server to dynamically allocate memory in the server for the best overall optimum performance. If you use AWE memory, then this recommendation is to be ignored, and maximum memory needs to be set manually. 4. Many databases need to be shrunk periodically in order to free up disk space as older data is deleted from the database. But dont be tempted to use the auto shrink database option, as it can waste SQL Server resources unnecessarily. Instead, shrink databases manually. 5. Dont rely on AUTOGROWTH to automatically manage the size of your databases. Instead, proactively monitor and alter database size as circumstances dictate. Only use AUTOGROWTH to deal with unexpected growth. Tempdb Configuration In SQL Server 2005/2008, TempDB has taken on some additional responsibilities. As such, some of the best practice has changed and so has the necessity to follow these best practices on a more wide scale basis. In many cases TempDB has been left to default configurations in many of our SQL Server 2000 installations. Unfortunately, these configurations are not necessarily ideal in many environments. With some of the shifts in responsibilities in SQL Server 2005/2008 from the user defined databases to TempDB, what steps should be taken to ensure the SQL Server TempDB database is properly configured? What is TempDB responsible for in SQL Se rver 2005/2008
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Global (##temp) or local (#temp) temporary tables, temporary table indexes, temporary stored procedures, table variables, tables returned in table-valued functions or cursors. Database Engine objects to complete a query such as work tables to store intermediate results for spools or sorting from particular GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or UNION queries. Row versioning values for online index processes, Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) sessions, AFTER triggers and index operations (SORT_IN_TEMPDB). DBCC CHECKDB work tables. Large object (varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) text, ntext, image, xml) data type variables and parameters.
Best practices for TempDB Do not change collation from the SQL Server instance collation. Do not change the database owner from sa. Do not drop the TempDB database. Do not drop the guest user from the database. Do not change the recovery model f rom SIMPLE. Ensure the disk drives TempDB resides on have RAID prot ection i.e. 1, 1 + 0 or 5 in order to prevent a single disk failure from shutting down SQL Server. Keep in mind that if TempDB is not available then SQL Server cannot operate. If SQL Server system databases are installed on the system partition, at a minimu m move the TempDB database from the system partition to another set of disks. Size the TempDB database appropriately. For example, if you use the SORT_IN_TEMPDB option when you rebuild indexes, be sure to have sufficient free space in TempDB to store sorting operations. In addition, if you are running into insufficient space errors in TempDB, be sure to determine the culprit and either expand TempDB or re-code the offending process.
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Normal configuration is to start the SQL Server service automatically. If a server is intentionally restarted because of software or hardware maintenance, or unintentionally restarted due to a pow er or hardware failure, SQL Server will become available without additional attention from an attendant. Possible reasons to configure SQL Server not to start automatically include the follow ing scenarios: You want to investigate the cause of the restart before making the database available. SQL Server is not always needed, and you wish to control conserve computer resources, such as on a laptop computer.
Starting SQL Se rver Manually You can manually start an instance of Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Server Agent using the follow ing methods. Method Description
SQL Server Start, pause, resume, and stop an instance of a local SQL Serve or SQL Configuration Manager Server Agent service. Command prompt Start an instance of SQL Server or SQL Server Agent service from a command prompt by the net start command or by running sqlserv r.exe.
Use sqlse rvr.exe to start SQL Server from a command prompt only to troubleshoot SQL Server. Before you start an instance of SQL Server using sqlse rvr.exe from a command prompt (independent of SQL Server Configuration Manager), consider the follow ing: SQL Server runs in the security context of the user, not the security context of the account assigned to run SQL Server during setup. All system messages appear in the window used t o start an instance of SQL Server.
SQL Se rver can be stopped/started from SQL Se rver Configuration Manage r To start the default instance of SQL Server On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager. In SQL Server Conf iguration Manager, expand Services, and then click SQL Server. In the details pane, right-click SQL Server (MSSQLServer), and then click Start. A green arrow on the icon next to the server name and on the toolbar indicates that the server started successfully. Click OK to close SQL Server Configuration Manager.
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To start a named instance of SQL Server On the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2008, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager. In SQL Server Conf iguration Manager, expand Services, and then click SQL Server (<instance_name>). In the details pane, right-click the named instance of SQL Server, and then click Start. A green arrow on the icon next to the server name and on the toolbar indicates that the server started successfully. Click OK to close SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Mic rosoft SQL Server service can be sta rted by using Net commands. To start the default instance of SQL Server From a command prompt, enter one of the following commands: net start "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" -ornet start MSSQLSERVER To start a named instance of SQL Server From a command prompt, enter one of the following co mmands. Replace <instancename> with the name of the instance you want to manage. net start "SQL Server ( instancename )" -ornet start MSSQL$ instancename To start SQL Server with startup options Add startup options to the end of the net start "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" statement, separated by a space. When started using net start, startup options use a slash (/) instead of a hyphen (-). net start "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" /f /m -ornet start MSSQLSERVER /f /m Starting an Instance of SQL Se rver (sqlservr.exe) If the SQL Server Database Engine does not start, one troubleshooting step is to attempt to start the Database Engine from the command prompt. By default, sqlservr.exe is located at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn. If a second instance of SQL Server is installed, a second copy of sqlservr.exe is located in a directory such as C:\Program F iles\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\binn. You can start one instance of SQL Server by using sqlservr.exe from a different instance, but SQL Server will start the version of the incorrect instance as well, including service packs, which may lead to unexpected results. To avoid this, use the MS -DOS change directory (cd) command to move to the correct directory before starting sqlservr.exe To start a named instance of SQL Server in single-user mode from a command prompt From a command prompt, enter the follow ing command: sqlservr.exe -m -s <instancename> SQL Se rver Se rvice Startup Options
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When you install SQL Server, Setup w rites a set of default startup options in the Microsoft Windows registry. You can use these startup options to specify an alternate master database file, master database log file, or error log file. Startup options can be set by using SQ L Server Configuration Manager. De fault startup options -d master_file_path Description The fully qualif ied path for the master database file (typically, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\MSSQL\Data\master.mdf). If you do not provide this option, the existing registry parameters are used.
The fully qualif ied path for the error log file (typically, C:\Program Files\Microsoft -e error_log_path SQL Server\MSSQL. n\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG). If you do not provide this option, the existing registry parameters are used. -l master_log_path The fully qualif ied path for the master database log file (typically C: \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\MSSQL\Data\mastlog.ldf). If you do not specify this option, the existing registry parameters are used.
You can override the default startup options temporarily and start an instance of SQL Server by using the following additional startup options.
Shortens startup time when starting SQL Server from the command prompt. Typically, the SQL Server Database Engine starts as a service by calling the Service Control Manager. Because the SQL Server Database Engine does not start as a service when starting from the command prompt, use -c to skip this step. Starts an instance of SQL Server with minimal configuration. This is useful if the setting of a configuration value (for example, over-committing memory) has prevented the server from starting. Allows you to start a named instance of SQL Server. Without the -s parameter set, the default instance will try to start. You must switch to the appropriate BINN directory for the instance at a command prompt before starting sqlserv r.exe. For example, if Instance1 were to use \mssql$Instance1 for its binaries, the user must be in the \mssql$Instance1\binn directory to start sqlservr.exe -s instance1.
Indicates that an instance of SQL Server should be started with a specified trace flag ( trace#) -T in effect. Trace flags are used to start the server with nonstandard behavior. For more trace# information, see Trace Flags (Transact-SQL).
Starting SQL Se rver in Single-User Mode Under certain circumstances, you may have to start an instance of Microsoft SQL Server in single -user mode by using the startup option -m. For example, you may want to change server conf iguration options or recover a damaged maste r database or other system database. Both actions require starting an instance of SQL Server in single-user mode. When you start an instance of SQL Server in single-user mode, note the following: Only one user can connect to the server. The CHECKPOINT process is not executed. By default, it is executed automatically at startup.
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Starting SQL Se rver with Minimal Configuration If you have configuration problems that prevent the server from starting, you can start an instance of Microsoft SQL Server by using the minimal configuration startup option. This is the startup option f starting an instance of SQL Server w ith minimal configuration automatically puts the server in single user mode. When you start an instance of SQL Server in minimal configuration mode, note the following: Only a single user can connect, and the CHECKPOINT process is not executed. Remote access and read-ahead are disabled. Startup stored procedures do not run.
After the server has been started with minimal configuration, you should change the appropriate server option value or values, stop, and then restart the server. Case Study/Practical Trouble Shooting Problem: Moved TempDB but forgot to add the name of the MDF and LDF at the end of the file path Error: 5123, Severity: 16, State: 1 when moving TempDB Solution: To move tempdb is a fairly simple task, that can very easily be done incorrectly, which w ill cause the SQL server to not start up the next time it is restarted, which is generally immediately to put the file moves for tempdb into place. To start off with get the file path information for the current configuration of tempdb, you will need this to fall back to if you have a problem: SELECT name, physical_name FROM sys.database_files To move the files, you simply use ALTER DATABASE as follows: ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'tempdev', FILENAME = 'c:\program files\microsof t sql server\mssql.2\mssql\sqldata\tempdb.mdf') ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'templog', FILENAME = 'c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql.2\mssql\sqldata\tempdb.ldf ') To break my instance I am going to omit the file names and only provide the path, which is what was done in both of the posts that inspired this tread: ALTER DATABASE te mpdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'tempdev', FILENAME = 'c:\program files\microsof t sql server\mssql.2\mssql\sqldata\') ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'templog', FILENAME = 'c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql.2\mssql\sqldata\') This will output the following result: The file "tempdev" has been modified in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started. The file "templog" has been modified in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started. You can rerun the above query to validate the change occurred, but it won't take effect until you restart the service, so I went ahead and restarted my SQL Instance and it fails as expected with the follow ing error in the error log:
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Error: 5123, Severity: 16, State: 1. CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql.2\mssql\data\'. Could not create tempdb. You may not have enough disk space available. Free additional disk space by deleting other files on the tempdb drive and then restart SQL Server. Check for additional errors in the event log that may indicate why the tempdb f iles could not be initialized. I had given the error information from the log file for why SQL Server failed to start. So now that we can't get into SQL Server how do we fix it. Well it isn't all that difficult to do, but you have to drop to the command prompt to do it. First open the command prompt by running cmd in the Run box: Then change directories to the Binn directory under your SQL Instances path: Then run sqlservr with the -c and -f startup parameters which will start SQL Server in minimal configuration mode.
NOTE: Do not use any other startup parameters or Trace Flags as these can cause SQL to try to create tempdb f rom the settings that are wrong and again fail to start. When you start SQL Server from the command prompt it will spool the log information out to the command prompt screen. When it shows Recovery is complete the SQL Server Instance is running in single user mode and can be connected to through SSMS or sqlc md.
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Once you connect to the object explorer details [query analyzer] then run the correct ALTER DATABASE scripts to fix the tempdb path. ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'tempdev', FILENAME = 'c:\program files\microsof t sql server\mssql.2\mssql\data\tempdb.mdf') ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = 'templog', FILENAME = 'c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql.2\mssql\data\tempdb.ldf') Once this has been run, you can close the SQL Server Instance running in the command prompt by pressing Ctrl+C with the window active. Then restart the SQL Service from the Services.msc snapin or the Computer Management Console and you should be back in business.
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Step 3: After executing the command in step 2 the rebuild process will start and will complete within 5 minutes. You can verify w hether the databases are rebuild by navigating to folder containing the data and log files for the system databases. If you arrange them using modified date it will clearly show the time when it was last modif ied and it is the time when we executed the command in Step 2. Step 4: Once the rebuild is completed, connect to the SQL server using SSMS. In the object explo rer only the system databases will be available. If any user db were present prior to rebuild it will be lost and we need to perform as below to retrieve it. 1. Restore from the backup taken in Step 1 (or) 2. We can attach from the data and log files of the user db as they will not be cleaned up during rebuild process. NOTE : No Need to detach all the user databases before rebuild as the ldf and mdf f iles will be present in the same path as usual and w ill not be overwritten. Now we need to restore the system databases from the backup which we took in Step 1.
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Master database can be restored only in Single user mode (refer Step 5) and other dbs can be restored normally. NOTE : The ldf and mdf files of the system databases will be overwritten and hence we canno t perform detach/ attach operation. Step 5: In order to restore master database perform the below steps, Stop SQL server and start it using the below command from the command prompt NET START MSSQLSERVER /c /m which will start SQL in single user mode Note: For default instance its MSSQLSERVER, for named instance its MSSQL$instancename Type as shown in the below screenshot. Once the restore is completed SQL server will shut down and hence we need to start it normally and access the databases.
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setup.exe /q /ACTION=RebuildDatabase /INSTANCENAME=InstanceName /SAPWD="New SA Password" /SQLCollation=CollationName /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Admin ID" Where, /q - perform silent installation /Action - We are rebuilding the system databases to change the collation hence the parameter is always RebuildDatabase only /INSTANCENAME - Name of the instance you are going to change the collation /SAPWD - Provide new password for SA login /SQLCollation - Provide the new collation name of SQL Server /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS - Provide a account name which has admin rights in sql server. Please note that this account should be windows authenticated account having sysadmin privilege in sql server Once its done check the new collation of sql server Attach all the user databases to SQL Server and re-create the logins. Check application functionality.
I'm going to test the above steps with an SQL Server 2008 environment which has an existing collation "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (Latin1- General, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order 54 on Code Page 1252 for non-Unicode Data)" to the collation "SQL_Ukrainian_CP1251_CS_AS (Ukrainian, casesensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order 107 on Code Page 1251 for non-Unicode Data)" Sample exercise to change the collation Before changing the collation you can find the collation name.
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Execute the below command in Dos prompt to start changing the collation M:\SQL2k8\setup.exe /q /ACTION=RebuildDatabase /INSTANCENAME=SQLEXPRESS /SAPWD="SQL2K8" /SQLCollation=SQL_Ukrainian_CP1251_CS_AS /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="SAGARSYS\Admin" Where M:\ is my DVD drive letter.
Since this is silent installation it wont ask anything it will just st art working on it, once its done the DOS prompt will be like below
You can find from the screenshot below is that the new collation will be Cyrillic_General_CI_AI. That's all collation change has successfully completed.
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Advantages/Disadvantages of In-Place to Side-by-Side Side By Side Migration: Advantages Migration provides more granular control over the upgrade process Having new and old instances side-by-side helps with testing & verif ication
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Legacy instance remains online during migration Flexibility to implement migration with failover Dis-advantages May require new or additional hardware resources Applications need to be directed to new instance In-Place Migration/Upgrade: Advantages Easier, faster, less headache for small systems Requires no additional hardware Applications remain pointing to old instance Dis-advantages Less granular control over upgrade process Instance remains offline during part of upgrade Not best practice for all components Analysis Services cubes are recommended to be migrated
Upgrade Internals
Old instance fully Install setup prerequisites available Check for upgrade blockers Install new SQL Server 2005 binaries Old instance not available 4. Stop SQL2K Bits 5. Point service to new bits 6. Start service in single user Point of no return mode 7. Attach resource database 8. Stop service 9. Restart service Partial availability 10. Start updating all databases starts here 11. Execute Replication and SQL Agent upgrade scripts New instance fully 12. Uninstall old binaries available
1. 2. 3.
1. Migrating the database by using Bac kup & Restore By using backup, you can backup a database without interrupt any transactions on the database. I will backup a database from SQL Server 2005 and restore the data base to another SQL Server 2005/2008 instance. 1. Connect to source server. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and connect to BKKSQL2005.
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3. On Back up Database window, you can configure about backup information. If youre not familiar these configurations, you can leave default values. Here are some short descriptions. a. Database a database that you want to backup. b. Backup type you can select 2 options: Full and Differential. If this is the first time you backup the database, you must select Full. c. Name Name of this backup, you can name anything as you want. d. Destination the file that will be backup to. You can leave as default. Default will backup to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup. e. Click OK to proceed backup.
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4. Wait for a while and youll see a pop-up message when backup is finished.
5. Browse to the destination, youll see a backup file (.bak format) which you can copy to other server for restore in the next step. Default backup directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup.
Restore the database. Next, I will restore the Adventure Works database from a file that Ive created above to BK01BIZ001 which runs Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition.
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1. Copy the backup file from source server to destination server. Ive copied into the same directory as source server.
2. Connect to destination server. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express and connect to BK01BIZ001. 3. Right-click on Databases. Select Restore Database
4. Restore Database window appears. On Source for restore, select from device and click [...] button to browse file.
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5. On Specify Backup, ensure that Backup media is File and click Add.
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6. On Locate Backup File, select the backup file. This is the backup file that was created in Backup a database section and was copied to this server. Click OK.
7. Back to Restore Database window. a. On Destination for restore, select Adventure Works. Note: If you havent added the backup file on Source before (step 4-6), you wont see the database name on Destination. b. On Source for restore, check the box in front of the backup name (in Restore column). c. Click OK.
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9. Now youll see the restored dat abase on the destination SQL Server.
2. Migrating the database using copy database wiza rd What is copy database wizard? Copy Database Wizard is a new feat ure from SQL Server 2005 onwards. You can make use of this feature to copy \ move databases between different instances of SQL Server. It can be used for the below purposes
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Transfer a database when the database is still available to users by using the SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) method. Transfer a database by the faster detach-and-attach method w ith the database unavailable during the transfer. Transfer databases between different instances of SQL Server 2005. Upgrade databases from SQL Server 20 00 to SQL Server 2005.
Note: The Server f rom which you are running CDW should be patched with minimu m SQL Server SP2 (better update with latest SP) for Copy Database Wizard (CDW) to work properly Permission Required: To use the Copy Database Wizard, you must be a member of the sysadmin f ixed server role on the source and destination servers. To transfer databases by using the detach-and-attach method, you must have file system access to the file-system share that contains the source database files. How to Use it? Open SSMS in source or destination server which is running SQL Server 2005 Right click on any of the database and then click on Tasks from the select Copy database wizard as shown below
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Click on next to proceed with wizard, In this screen you need to provide the source server name and the credentials
After this click on next and in this screen provide the destination server(which should be SQL Server 2005) and its c redentials
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Once source & destination server details given, you need to select the way by which you are going to copy \ move the database. Detach \ Attach Faster methods, requires db to be offline. Users will be disconnected and physical files of the db will be copied to the destination server SMO Slower method, db will be in online state. This will create the db in the destination server with the same name and copy all the datas from source
Once the movement method chosen you can select the databases from the source server and you need to specify whether its move or copy. Copy Will copy the db to the destination server and the database will be online in both the servers Move In this method the wizard automatically deletes the source database after moving the database to destination
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In the next page you need to provide the new db name and the path where CDW should place the physical files in the destination server
The next page is the good feature in CDW, here you can select the logins, objects, jobs & SP which is related to the database you are trying to copy making our job simpler. Here Im just copy the logins alone.
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In the next page you need to provide the package name and the log file for this process, so that incase of failure you can review it.
In the next window you can select the package to execute immediately or else you can schedule the same to run after some time after EOD
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You can review the full summary before it proceeds as shown in the below screenshot
Clicking on finish will create a job with the name mentioned in Conf igure the package page. If you have selected to run immediately the job will be scheduled to run in the near time or else it will be scheduled as given in the page. Note: Once the db copy \ movement is done you can delete the job or else it will be stayed in your job list.
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Once it succeeded the db will be moved \ copied to the destination server. You can query sys.databases catalog view to check the same.
Conside rations: You cannot move system databases Selecting move option w ill delete the source db once it moves the db to de stination server If you use SMO method to move full text catalogs then you need to repopulate it SQL Server Agent should be running or else it will fail in job creation step You cant move encrypted objects (like objects, certificates etc) using CDW
3. Migrating the database by using Detach & Attach method. If database is to be from one database to another database, the following script can be used detach from old server and attach to new server. Process to move database : ----Step 1 : Detach Database using follow ing script USE [master] EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db @dbname = N'AdventureWorks', GO
----Step 2 : Move Data files and Log f iles to new location Step 3 : Attach Database using follow ing Open Object Explorer in SQL Server and right click on Databases and select Attach menu item as you see in the below image.
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Now, select a file option and use Browse button to browse your MDF and LDF files as seen in below image. That's it. Your database is attached now and ready to use. The reverse operation of Attach is detach. The Detach option removes the database from the Databases list in the Object Explorer and saves the files to the given location. Right click on the database name you would like to detach and select Detach menu ite m.
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Migrating Logins & Fixing Orphaned Users: To Detect Orphane d Users: To detect orphaned users, execute the following Transact-SQL statements: USE <database_name>; GO; sp_change_users_login @Action='Report'; or EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Report'; Note: sp_change_users_login cannot be used with SQL Server logins that are created from Windows.
To Resolve an Orphaned User -----Script to find orpahend users----------exec sp_change_users_login 'Report' Use Master SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + loginname + '''' ,', @defdb = ''' + dbname + '''' ,', @deflanguage = ''' + language + '''' ,', @encryptopt = ''skip_encryption''' ,', @passwd =' , cast(password AS varbinary(256)) ,', @sid ='
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loginname not like 'Builtin%' and loginname Not like 'sa' Run the above script on Source server copy the result and execute on Destination server Eg:-EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = 'CorpCommUser' , @defdb = 'CorpComm' , 'us_english' , @enc ryptopt = 'skip_encryption' , @passwd 0x01003F04413C64CEE4767BA2DD0053A02C6056640C4C88C24DFA , 0xCEE1766A76520E43A98DCB141B031F7E @deflanguage @sid = = =
Mapping a database user to a new SQL Server login: -- --Map database user MB-Sales to login MaryB. EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'MB-Sales', 'MaryB'; Automatically mapping a user to a login: how to use Auto_Fix to map an existing user to a login of the same name, or to create the SQL Server login Mary that has the password B3r12-3x$098f6 if the login Mary does not exist. EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'Mary', NULL, 'B3r12-3x$098f6'; Migrating DTS Pac kages to SSIS Determining how you will upgrade your DTS packages to SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is the first step in creating a DTS-to-SSIS migration strategy. To start the upgrade, run the SQL Server 2005 Upgrade Advisor, which has an option specifically for DTS. Since everything has changed between DTS and SSIS, the upgrade w ill not be easy, but that shouldnt concern you as long as you understand the process and what youll need to do going forward. What happe ns during the upgrade ? When making the upgrade, you will need to determine how you will manage these legacy DTS packages in the future. The DTS runtime w ill continue to be available, and will have been updated to enable DTS packages to connect SQL Server 2005 data sources. But the DTS designer components are removed along w ith SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager. You cannot connect to a SQL Server 2005 instance using the SQL Server 2000 E nterprise Manager. But SQL Server Management Studio, which is the SQL Server 2005 replacement for Enterprise Manager, supports DTS packages. Downloading designe r tools In the Object Explorer window, under the Management Legacy nodes, you will find Data Transformation Services. This is the equivalent of local packages, and is the same table as mentioned above. You can import packages and start the DTS-to-SSIS migration wizard from there, but to do any editing work or manage packages you must download and ins tall the Microsoft SQL Server 2005
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DTS Designer Components. These can be found at the Microsoft download center as part of the feature pack for SQL Server 2005. With the full DTS Designer, you can now create or edit DTS packages as you have done in the pas t. SQL Server Management Studio does not support Meta Data Services, so you will not be able to enumerate or edit packages stored there. The first screen that will hit you is the splash screen. On here you can choose if you want to see the screen again or not
Now you have to choose from w here to get your DTS package
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Now you need to tell the wizard into which directory you want to save the package
Because a Structured Storage File can store more than one package we need to tell the wizard which package to migrate
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If your package is protected by a a password then you will need to supply it here
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Where do you want to store a log detailing what happened during the migration?
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reckoned with. The basic steps to take are to indicate the source of data and the destination to which it needs to be transferred. In order to match the differences some mappings may be necessary if the source and destination are not both SQL Servers. The MS Excel file PrincetonTemp.xls used in this example is a simple spread sheet data that shows the temperature variations during a year and the maximum recorded temperature. The data type used for the column Month is text and of the others are numbers.
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Click Next. The default page gets displayed. In the 'Choose a Data Source' page click on the handle along the data source and choose Microsoft Excel file as the data source as shown.
Click Next. The 'Select the source from which to copy data' shows up. Use the Browse...button to bring in the location information of PrincetonTemp.xls to the window as shown. The Excel version displayed by default (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) is proper for the MS Access version used in this article. Keep the 'First row has column names' option checked. Note that the MS Access 2007 is not supported.
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Click Next. The 'Choose the Destination' page shows up with SQL Server Native Client 10.0 as default and the resident server as Hodentek2\Mysorian. The server is configured for Windows authentication. Accept the defaults. In case your server is configured for SQL Server authentication you need to have the information ready. The database is displaying <default >. Click on the handle and choose a database from the drop-down list. Herein TestNorthwind is chosen. You can choose any database including the tempdb. Note that you can begin to create a new database as well, if you choose to do so by using the New...button. Click Next. The 'specify the Table Copy or Query' page of the wizard shows up. Since we are transferring only one table, accept the default option, Copy data from one or more tables or views .
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Click Next. Since sheet one has the data place check mark for 'Sheet1$' as shown. Only Sheet1 has data in this XLS file. Modify the destination column to read dbo.PrincetonTemp instead of the default [dbo].[Sheet1$] as shown.
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Click Next. In the 'Save and Run Package' page of the wizard accept the defaults shown. You could also save it as a package as well for later use.
Click Next. The 'Complete the Wizard' page gets displayed. Check if the information is correct (this is a summary of options you have chosen). If it is not correct you can hit the back button and move back to the pages you visited earlier in the reverse order.
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Click Finish. The program starts running and you should see a progress window displaying 'Performing Operation...' as shown.
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When the operation is completed you should see the following window and you can keep a copy of the report as to how the import was executed using the Report drop-down button. The import in this case was successful as shown above. If there is an error there should be a hyperlink to the message in the Message column of the above window, presently the message is 12 rows transferred. Close the wizard. The transfer is finished.
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The month column data type for the destination is nvarchar (255). The Source had 'Text' as data type for this column. We need to cast it properly. Click on nvarchar in the 'Type' column and change it to char as shown. Click OK. Change destination table name from [dbo].[Sheet1$] to [dbo].[PrincetonTemp] as done previously. Click Next.
In the 'Save and Run Package' page accept defaults as previously. Click Next. The 'Complete the Wizard' page shows up. Click Finish. You get the wizard announcing 'The execution was successful'. Close the wizard. Refresh the Tables node of the Northwind database in Management Studio. Now right click the PrincetonTemp and choose to select top 1000 rows as before. You will see that all the data in source is in the destination.
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Case Study: Transferring Jobs and Logins using SSIS We can use SQL Server Integration Services to transfer the logins and jobs f rom SQL 2005 to another SQL 2005 or SQL 2008. This comes in handy when its difficult to script each of the jobs. Firstly we need to create an SSIS package. Open Business intelligence development studio click file new project select integration services project as the template and provide a suitable name for it.
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Open solution explorer using Ctrl + Alt +L or go to view and select solution explorer. Expand SSIS under solution explorer and expand SSIS packages right click and select new SSIS package. 1. Drag and drop Transfer Job task from Control flow item into Control flow tab and double click it 2. In the general tab, give a specific name and description for the transfer job task 3. In Jobs tab, specify the source and destination server name under connections and test the connection as shown below 4. We also have an optio n to specify whether to transfer all the jobs or specific jobs. In my case I am setting the option as False so as to transfer only specific jobs. Then we need to select the list of jobs that needs to be transferred from the JobsList 5. In the options, if the objects already exist (in our case it is the job) we need to specify what needs to be done. We can either specify it as FailTask if the job exists in destination or skip the object or overwrite it if its already present 6. Finally we need to specify the option to enable the jobs in destination server after getting transferred
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Once the above steps are completed we need to save the package (Ctrl + S) and execute it as shown below. We can view the status of the package execution under Progress tab.
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We also have an option to rename the package as indicated by the arrow marks.
Once the package has executed successfully we can schedule the package as a job. First connect to Integration service right click MSDB Import package select file system specify the package path and provide a name for the SSIS package.
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Expand SQL Agent node and right click on Jobs new job and select the type as SQL Server Integration Services Package. Specify server name and package source as SQL Server. Click the ellipse button next to package and select the package we created. Specify the schedule for the job as per your desire.
To create a package for Transfer login task, we need to create a new package and drag and drop the transfer login task f rom control flow items w indow and specify the source, destination server name. We need to choose the option to transfer all the logins or selected logins for specific databases. Also we have option to overwrite/skip/fail the package similar to the transfer job task. Finally we need to set the option CopySids as true to transfer the security identifiers as well. We need to enable this option in for transferring logins while doing log shipping where there might be mismatched id due to restore operation.
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2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 includes a number of server-level roles that are available to simplify management (and the delegation of management) for SQL logins. These are often referred to as fixed
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2008 because membership is the only thing you can really change about these roles. The fixed 2008 are designed to allow you to automatically assign a common set of permissions to a login, based upon the purpose of the role. Role sysadmin serveradmin Description Members have full administrative access to the SQL Server, and can perform any action. By default, this includes the BUILTIN\Administrators group. Members can change server-wide configurations and shut down the server.
securityadmin Members can manage SQL logins, including changing and resetting passwords as needed, as well as managing GRANT, REVOKE, and DENY permissions at the server and database levels. dbcreator diskadmin setupadmin bulkadmin Members can create, drop, alter, and restore any database for the server. Members can manage disk files for the server and all databases. Members can add and remove linked servers. Members of this role can execute the BULK INSERT statement for any database on the server.
processadmin Members can manage and terminate processes on the SQL Server.
Creating Logins in Management Studio To create logins from Management Studio, follow these steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. From the Object Explorer, expand your server. Expand the Security folder. Right-click Logins and select New Login. In the New Login dialog box (see Figure ), either type the Login name you want to add, or click the Search button to browse for a Windows account.
Figure: New Login dialog box 5. If you are creating a SQL Login, select the SQL Server authentication radio button. 6. Also, when you select SQL Server authentication, you can choose to not enforce the password policies. 7. You may also want to change the users default database and language.
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Credentials Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008 includes a new feature for mapping SQL Server logins to external Windows accounts. This can be extremely useful if you need to allow SQL Server log ins to interact with the resources outside the scope of the SQL Server itself (such as a linked server or a local file system). They can also be used with assemblies that are configured for EXTERNAL_ACCESS. Credentials can be configured as a one-to-one mapping, or a many-to-one mapping, allow ing multiple SQL Server logins to use one shared Windows account for external access. Logins, however, can only be associated with one credential at a time. Creating a Ne w C redential To create a new credential, follow t hese steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. In Object Explorer, expand your server. Expand the Security folder. Right-click Credentials and select New Credential. Type a name for the credential (see Figure).
Figure: New Credential properties screen 5. 6. 7. 8. Either type the name of a Windows account, or click the button to browse for an account. Enter the password for the account. Re-enter the password to confirm. Click OK. Description Returns information about all server-level principals. Returns information about SQL Server logins.
sys.server_role_members Returns the role ID and member ID for each member of a server role. Fixed Database Roles Every SQL database has a list of fixed database roles that allow you to delegate permissions to users as necessary. As with the fixed 2008, membership is the only thing you can change about these roles. It is important to know how and when to use t hese roles.
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The following table shows the fixed database roles. Role db_accessadmin Description This role can add or remove access for Windows logins, Windows groups, and SQL Server logins. Members of this role can read data from all user tables. Members of this role can write data from all user tables. This role can execute data definition language (DDL) statements for any object in the database.
db_backupoperator This role has the right to back up the database. db_datareader db_datawriter db_ddladmin
db_denydatareader This role is explicitly excluded from being able to read from any user table with the database. db_denydatawriter This role is explicitly excluded from being able to write to any table in the database. db_ow ner Members of this role can perform any activity within the database. New to SQL Server 2008 is the ability for this role to drop the database from the server. The dbo user is automatically a member of this role. This role can manage permissions and role membership within the database. Membership in the public role is automatic. Permissions that apply to the public role apply to everyone who accesses the database.
db_securityadmin public
Note that the fixed database roles include db_denydatareader and db_denydatawriter. These roles explicitly deny read or w rite access to user tables in the database, and should be used sparingly. Deny permissions are authoritative and cannot be overridden. Database Use rs Database users are another component of the security model employed by Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Users are granted access to database securables, either directly or through membership in one or more database roles. Users are also associated with ownership of objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures. When a login is created, unless it is a member of a fixed server role with database administrative privileges, that login has no explicit permissions within the various databases attached to the server. When this happens, the login is associated with the guest database user, and inherits the permissions of that user account.
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Permissions Permissions are at the heart of security in SQL Server 2008. In t he previous section, you looked at the different types of objects that can be created to help manage security by identifying to whom you can grant access. In this section, you look at permissions that can be applied to the different resources in SQL Server. To begin with, you should understand there are essentially three permission states that exist: GRANT, GRANT_W_GRANT, and DENY. In addition, when a principal does not have an explicit permission defined, the permission is considered revoked. The follow ing table shows the different permission states. Permission GRANT Description This state means that you have been given the right to perform this action, or interact with this resource based on what the actual permission is.
GRANT_W_GRANT Not only can you perform this action, but you also have the right to give others the ability to perform this action. DENY REVOKE You cannot perform this action. This is also know n as an explicit deny, because nothing will allow you to perform this action. This is not really a permission state as much as it is the absence of a permission state. Revoked permissions will not show up in a sysprotects table or sys.sysprotects view, and are considered an implicit deny. The idea is that if you havent been granted this permission, either directly or through membership in a role w ith that permission, it is safe to assume you shouldnt be doing that. Therefore, you will not be doing that.
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To control permission states, you can use the Object Explorer or Transact-SQL. The three commands that you can use to control permission states are GRANT, REVOKE, and DENY, which are described in the following table. Command Description GRANT This command allows you to grant the right to perform and action or interact with an object in a specific way. The GRANT statement includes the WITH GRANT OPTION option, which also allows the grantee the ability to become a grantor of this permission. This command removes any explicit permission granted to the grantee, either grant or deny. Revoked permissions will remove the ability to perform that task. Remember that if the user is a member of another role, they may still have the ability to perform the action, unless an explicit deny is specified. This command creates an entry that will prevent the user from performing the action. Denied permissions cannot be overridden by grant permissions.
Best Practices on Security 1. Ensure the physical security of each SQL Server, preventing any unauthorized users to physically accessing your servers. 2. Only install required network libraries and network protocols on your SQL Server instances. 3. Minimize the number of sysadmins allowed to access SQL Server. 4. As a DBA, log on w ith sysadmin privileges only when needed. Create separate accounts for DBAs to access SQL Server when sysadmin privileges are not needed. 5. Assign the SA account a very obscure password, and never use it to log onto SQL Server. Use a Windows Authentication account to access SQL Server as a sysadmin instead. 6. Give users the least amount of permissions they need to perform their job. 7. Use stored procedures or views to allow users to access data instead of letting them directly access tables. 8. When possible, use Windows Authentication logins instead of SQL Server logins. 9. Use strong passwords for all SQL Server login accounts. 10. Dont grant permissions to the public database role. 11. Remove user login IDs who no longer need access to SQL Server. 12. Remove the guest user account from each user database. 13. Disable cross database ownership chaining if not required. 14. Never grant permission to the xp_c mdshell to non-sysadmins. 15. Remove sample databases from all production SQL Server instances. 16. Use Windows Global Groups, or SQL Server Roles to manage groups of users that need similar permissions. 17. Avoid creating network shares on any SQL Server. 18. Turn on login auditing so you can see who has succeeded, and failed, to login. 19. Dont use the SA account, or login IDs who are members of the Sysadmin group, as accounts used to access SQL Server from applications. 20. Ensure that your SQL Servers are behind a firewall and are not exposed directly to the Internet. 21. Remove the BUILTIN/Administrators group to prevent local server administrators from being able to access SQL Server. 22. Run each separate SQL Server service under a different Windows domain account. 23. Only give SQL Server service accounts the minimu m rights and permissions needed to run the service. In most cases, local administrator rights are not required, and domain administrator rights are never needed. SQL Server setup w ill automatically configure service accounts with the necessary permissions for them to run correctly, you dont have to do anything. 24. When using distributed queries, use linked servers instead of remote servers. 25. Do not browse the web from a SQL Server. 26. Instead of installing virus protection on a SQL Server, perform virus scans from a remote server during a part of the day when user activity is less. 27. Add operating system and SQL Server service packs and hot fixes soon after they are released and tested, as they often include security enhancements.
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28. Encrypt all SQL Server backups w ith a third-party backup tool, such as SQL Backup Pro. 29. Only enable C2 auditing or Common Criteria compliance if required. 30. Consider running a SQL Server security scanner against your SQL servers to identify security holes. 31. Consider adding a certificate to your SQL Server instances and enable SSL or IPSEC for connections to clients. 32. If using SQL Server 2005, enable password policy checking. 33. If using SQL Server 2005, imple ment database encryption to protect confidential data. 34. If using SQL Server 2005, dont use the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration tool to unlock features you dont absolutely need. 35. If using SQL Server 2005 and you create endpoints, only grant CONNECT pe rmissions to the logins that need access to them. Explicitly deny CONNECT permissions to endpoints that are not needed by users. Problem/Case Study: 1. How to grant column level permissions on another schema? 2. How to Grant limited permissions to create views in another schema? Solution In SQL Server 2005 and 2008 you can grant permissions at the schema level and, in fact, this is what you'll need to do to give them the ability to create the views. This script below creates an example database along with a role to which we'll assign the permissions to. Note that while I'm using the dbo schema, that's only because there's no logical schema name to use since this isn't a real world example. Typically you would name your schema to group objects and the schema name should reflect what the grouping is. For instance, Person or Product. As can be seen from the example, the LimitedCreatorRights role has the ability to create views in the database and select on tables and views that are located in the dbo schema.
CREATE DATABASE yourdb; GO USE yourdb; GO CREATE ROLE LimitedCreatorRights; GO GRANT CREATE VIEW TO LimitedCreatorRights; GO GRANT SELECT ON SCHEMA::dbo TO LimitedCreatorRights; GO CREATE USER TestUser WITHOUT LOGIN; GO EXEC sp_addrolemember 'LimitedCreatorRights', 'TestUser'; GO CREATE TABLE dbo.ATest (TestID INT); GO
One thing we've not given is the permission to create tables. In the following examples you will see that I am using the EXECUTE AS and the REVERT commands. The EXECUTE AS allows you to still be logged in w ith sysadmin rights, but run these examples using the TestUser permissions and the REVERT returns permissions back to the original user. So if a user that is a member of this role attempts to create a table in the dbo sche ma, it'll fail:
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USE yourdb; GO -- This will fail, as TestUser doesn't have CREATE TABLE permissions EXECUTE AS USER = 'TestUser'; GO CREATE TABLE dbo.ASecondTable (TestID INT); GO REVERT; GO Error Msg 262, level 14, state 1, line 2 Create table permission denied in database yourdb
Error Msg 2760, level 16, state 1, procedure Aview, line2 The Specified schema name dbo either does not exist or you dont have permissions The catch is that the TestUser must have the permission to modify the dbo schema. We can accomplish this by assigning that permission to a role the TestUser is a member of:
-- Once permission is granted, re-run the previous CREATE VIEW -- statement. It will now succeed. GRANT ALTER ON SCHEMA::dbo TO LimitedCreatorRights; GO
Now, if you go back and re-run the CREATE TABLE and the CREATE VIEW statements above, you'll see the CREATE TABLE statement fails (we didn't give TestUser or any role it is a member of the permission to create a table), but the create view statement will succeed. Create Table Fails: Error msg create table permission denied in database yourdb Create Vie w is Now Successful
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Case study 3: How to Recover "SA" password when you forget it. - SQL 2005/2008 What to do if you forgot SA password in SQL Server 2005/2008? In general if you forgot SA password or if the SA account is disabled these are the options to login into SQL Server 2005 and reset or enable SA. 1. If Builtin\Administrator is present in SQL Server, you can login w ith an ID which is member of Administrators group and reset the SA password. 2. Or else if you have some other ID which is having sysadmin privilege in SQL level(this also SQLservice account), you can login with that and reset SA. But in case if you have the following scenario where, 1. You have disabled SA (or) forgotten SA password 2. You followed the best security practice and removed Builtin\administrator from SQL Server So you cannot login with a sysadmin ID into SQL Server, and you start thinking about uninstalling SQL Server 2005. No need to perform any uninstall and reinstall in such scenarios in SQL Server 2005 as you have this option where the Members of Windows Administrative groups have sysadmin privilege in SQL Server if you start SQL Server 2005 in Single user mode. Consider this example, where I have disabled SA and removed Builtin\Administrator from SQL Server 2005. Refer the below screenshots which displays the error message I get when I login Administrator and SA,
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Refer the below screenshot which shows the members of windows administrator group,
I perform the follow ing steps, 1. Create account test at OS level with admin privileges. Login with the ID Test @OS Level 2. 2. Stop SQL Server 2005 using the command, NET STOP MSSQLSERVER 3. 3. Start SQL Server 2005 in Single-User mode using the command, NET START MSSQLSERVER /m 4. 4. Login into SQL Server 2005 using the ID Test as shown in the below scree nshot,
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5. Since SQL Server is started in Single-User mode it will allow only one connection and hence you will get the following error if you click the New Query
6. Disconnect and close the Object Explorer and then connect using New Query you will be able to connect as shown below, and then enable SA login using t he command ALTER Login SA enable
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7. Now you need to Stop SQL Server and start it normally using the command, NET START MSSQLSERVER and connect using SA or the new login you created and proceed as shown below,
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Creating a Ne w Job Begin by creating a new job in SQL Server Management Studio. For this example, youre going to populate only the most basic information about the job from the General properties page. 1. In Object Explorer, expand SQL Server Agent. 2. Right-click Jobs and selec t New Job. 3. In the New Job dialog box, enter Simple Bac kup as the job name.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Leave the Owner as the default. Select Database Maintenance in the Category drop-down list. In the description, enter Simple Bac kup Job. Test 1. Remove the check next to Enabled. Click OK.
This c reates a new job, and prevents the job from running once you close the New Job window. Now youre going to add a Transact-SQL step that will perform a full backup of the AdventureWorks database onto the local disk. Before beginning, you should create a folder called dbBackups on your C: drive. 1. From Object Explorer, expand your server, and then expand SQL Server Agent. 2. Expand Jobs. 3. Right-click Simple Backup and select Properties. 4. Under the Select a Page list, select Steps. 5. Click the New button. 6. In the Step Name box, enter Adventure Works Bac kup. 7. In the Type drop-down list, ensure that Transact-SQL is listed. 8. Leave Run as empty. 9. Ensure that master is the selected database. 10. Enter the follow ing code in the command window: 11. BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = C:\dbBackups\AWFull.bkf ; 12. Click OK to close the New Job Step window. 13. Click OK to close the Job Properties window. 14. In the SQL Server Management Studio Note, it informs you that the last step will be changed from Goto Next Step to Quit with Success. Click Yes.
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You have now created a simple job step. Feel free to enable the job by right -clicking the job and selecting Enable from the context menu. You can also manually run the job at any time, even if its disabled, by right-clicking and selecting Start Job. The job should execute with success. Creating Schedules To automate many of the tasks you need to perform to maintain your SQL Server, you must define schedules for when your jobs run. Schedules, not unlike categories, can be created and managed independently of the creation and management of jobs. This allows you to use the same schedule for multiple jobs. Create a new schedule for your Simple Backup job that will run the job every weekday at noon: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. From Object Explorer, expand your server, and then expand SQL Server Agent. Right-click Jobs and select Manage Schedules. In the Manage Schedules window, click New In the New Job Schedule window, enter Wee kdays - Noon for the schedule name. Ensure that the schedule type is Recurring, and ensure the schedule is Enabled. In the Frequency schedule, make sure that the schedule is set to occur weekly. Select the checkboxes for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. If selected, remove the check in the box next to Sunday. In Daily frequency, select t he radio button marked Occurs once at: and set the time to 12:01:00 PM. 10. Leave the Start date as the current date, and ensure that No end date is selected. 11. Click OK.
Creating Operators/Ale rts Operators are objects that represent a unit of notification for SQL Serve r Agent jobs and alerts. Operators can represent an individual person, or a group. Operators are not associated with database or server principals, but are exclusive to the SQL Server Agent service. When you create a new operator, you assign a name to the operator, and then define the methods for notifying the operator. Your options for notifying an operator include email, NET SEND using the Windows Messenger service, and SMTP-enabled pager.
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Create a new operator for the administrator account. This operator w ill be available for paging only on the weekend. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From Object Explorer, expand your server, and then expand SQL Server Agent. Right-click the Operators folder and select New Operator. In the New Operator window, enter Se rver Administrator in the Name fie ld. Ensure that the Enabled box is checked. In the e-mail name field, enter administrator@adventure works.com. Leave the Net send address field empty. Click OK to close the New Operator properties window.
Creating new alert If you open the properties of the properties of the operator you just created, you will notice there are two additional pages. The notification page displays a list of jobs and alerts that have sent notifications to this operator. The history page reports the time of the last notification attempt fo r each notification type.
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Creating a new operator Maintenance Plans Maintenance plans can be created using the Maintenance Plan Wizard or using the design surface. The Wizard is useful if the DBA wants to create a basic maintenance plan. If he intends to create enhanced work flow then, it is advisable to use the design surface. Maintenance Plans are displayed only to users connected using the Windows Authentication. The Maintenance Plan Wizard helps set up the core maintenance tasks for optimum performance of the SQL Server components. To start the Maintenance Plan Wizard 1. Expand the server.
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3. Right-click Mainte nance Plans and select Maintenance Plan Wiza rd. This launches the wizard and you can now step through and create a plan customized to meet your maintenance requirements.
The first step is to give a name to the Maintenance plan along w ith a description. Enter the name, description, the server details and authentication mode and click Next.
The next step is to specify the areas where the DBA wants to set up Maintenance options.
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The Next screen prompts the Administrator select the order in which he wants the maintenance tasks performed. He can move the items up and down the list until he is satisfied w ith the order using the Move up.. and move down buttons.
The next task is to specify the details for each task. The DBA is taken through Wizard screens for each of the tasks he has selected. The first is t he Shrink Database task as per the list above. The DBA now specifies the databases in the window that pops up(illustrated below) when he clicks on the Databases combo box. After specifying the databases he returns to the Wizard screen and specifies the event at which the Shrinking should happen and the amount of free space that should remain after the shrink. He has also to specify whether the space should be retained or returned to the operating system.
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The Next task is the definition of the Database check integrity task. By default this is the first task. The user has to select the databases and specify whether indexes have to be included or not. The window that pops up is similar to the one above.
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The Next task is to enter the specifications for the Reorganize Index task. Select the tables from the popup window and specify the tables and views required. The Administrator has to also specify whether he wants to c ompact large objects or not.
Rebuilding the Index involves selection of the databases, objects and setting the space options. The DBA can als o set Advanced options such as P ad Index, Sort results to tempdb, Ignore duplicate keys and Keep index online while reindexing.
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The Update statistics task prompts the user to select the database, objects and the update options.
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The Next task is the definition of Back up options. The first is for Full task. There are a number of options whic h the user has to specify. The next backup options are for differential backup. The user has to specify which databases have to be backed up, where it has to be backed up and so onThe user c an also set up the option for a back up verification check by checking the check box provided for the purpose.
The Next options required to be set are the Transaction log backup options. Again the user has to specify what to backup, where to backup and so on.. He can also specify a backup integrity verification check.
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The Next screen prompts for Plan properties. The user has to specify whether he wants to retain default properties or he wants to change them. If he needs to change them, he has to click on the Change button and navigate through the screens setting the options he is prompted to give as illustrated in the screen shots below.
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1. Avoid overlapping jobs on the same SQL Server instance. Ideally, each job should run separately at different times.
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2. When creating jobs, be sure to include error trapping, log job activity, and set up alerts so you know instantly when a job fails. 3. Create a special SQL Server login account whose sole purpose is to run jobs, and assign it to all jobs. 4. If your jobs include Transact-SQL code, ensure that it is optimized to run efficiently. 5. Periodically (daily, weekly, or monthly) perform a database reorganization on all the indexes on all the tables in all your database. This will rebuild the indexes so that the data is no longer logically fragmented. Fragmented data can cause SQL Server to perform unnecessary data reads, slowing down SQL Servers performance. Reindexing tables will also update column statistics. 6. Dont reindex your tables when your database is in active production, as it can lock resources and cause your users performance problems. Reindexing should be scheduled during down times, or during light use of the databases. 7. At least every two weeks, run DBCC CHECKDB on all your databases to verify database integrity. 8. Avoid running most DBCC commands during busy times of the day. These commands are often I/O intensive and can reduce performance of the SQL Server, negatively affecting users. 9. If you rarely restart the mssqlserver service, you may find that the current SQL Server log gets very large and takes a long time to load and view. You can truncate (essentially create a new log) the current server log by running DBCC ERRORLOG. Set this up as a weekly job. 10. Script all jobs and store these scripts in a secure area so they can be used if you need to rebuild the servers.
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Activity Monitor SSMS 2008 Activity monitor has been refreshed in SQL Server 2008 Management studio. Microsoft has recoded the activity monitor w ritten for SQL 2005 to provide more information on SQL Server processes and how these processes affect the current instance of SQL Server. The first change which I experienced is the real time graphical view of processes, CPU time etc, this really helps us to know the status of the server immediately. Activity Monitor is a tabbed document, which has 5 tabs to show the status of the server as show n below. All these tabs are collapsible, so when you expand a tab it will collect information regarding to that tab and provide the output, if the tab is collapsed then it will stop collecting information f rom the server. Overview, Active User Tasks, Resource Waits, Data File I/O, and Recent Expensive Queries are the 5 tabs of activity monitor.
How to ope n Activity monitor in SQL Se rver 2008 Manageme nt studio? In the old version of management studio you can open activity monitor under Management folder, but now its changed in SSMS 2008. A user can open activity monitor in two ways either from object explorer or through tool bar. An additional option is also set to SSMS startup, you can enable activity monitor in SSMS startup so that when you open SSMS 2008 activity monitor w ill also gets opened.
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Open through Object Explorer * Connect to SQL server * Right click on the SQL server instance name , * Now click on the activity monitor to open it
Open through Toolbar * Open Management studio 2008, * In the standard toolbar you can find the icon shown below, clicking on that will open activity monitor. * Once its opened you can connect to SQL server instance to get the status
Setting startup option in SSMS * Open SSMS 2008, Go to Tools> Options * In the left hand pane expand Environment and click on General * In the right hand pane click on At startup drop down menu , now select Open Object explorer and activity monitor as shown below * Click Ok and restart SSMS
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Five tabs of Activ ity Monitor Activity monitor has 5 tabs to describe the server status, lets see one by one. Al l these tabs are collapsed by default except Overview tab. Overvie w Overview tab is the first tab and its expanded by default. This pane shows the graphical displays of instance information which has % Processor Time, Waiting Tasks, Database I/O and Batch Requests/sec as shown below
Active User Tasks This pane shows information for active user connections to the instance. This tab also provid e more information in columns, you can rearrange the columns and sort or filter the columns as per your need. You can also run profiler from here for a particular process, just right click on a process and click on Trace process in SQL Server profiler, prof iler will start capturing the process.
Resource Waits This pane shows information about waits for resources for the instance.
Data File I/O This pane shows information about the database files for the databases that belong to the instance.
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Rece nt Expensive Que ries This pane shows information about the most expensive queries that have been run on the instance over the last 30 seconds. The information is derived from the union of sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_query_stats, and includes queries in process and queries that finished during the time period.
Activity monitor works with old version of SQL Servers? Yes, Activity monitor works well when you connect to old versions of SQL. You will get the similar output in old versions too. What are the pe rmissions required to use Activity Monitor? If you are connecting to SQL 2005 or SQL 2008 then the user should have VIEW SERVER STATE permission. If you are connecting to SQL 2000 then the user should have select permission on sysprocesses and syslocks tables in master table. By default public will have the privilege.
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8. Create SQL Server alerts to notify you of potential problems, and have them emailed to you. Take actions as needed. 9. Run the SQL Server Best Practices Analyzer on each of your servers instances on a periodic basis.
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Rollback operations are also logged. Each transaction reserves space on the transaction log to make sure that enough log space exists to support a rollback that is caused by either an explicit rollback statement or if an error is encountered. The amount of space reserved depends on the operations performed in the transaction, but generally is equal to the amount of space use d to log each operation. This reserved space is freed when the transaction is completed. The section of the log file from the first log record that must be present for a successful database wide rollback to the last-written log record is called the active part of the log, or the active log. This is the section of the log required to do a full recovery of the database. No part of the active log can ever be truncated. 2. Transaction Log Physical Arc hitecture The transaction log is used to guarantee the data integrity of the database and for data recovery. The topics in this section provide the information about the physical architecture of the transaction log. Understanding the physical architecture can improve your effectiveness in managing transaction logs . The transaction log in a database maps over one or more physical files. Conceptually, the log file is a string of log records. Physically, the sequence of log records is stored efficiently in the set of physical files that implement the transaction log. The SQL Server Database Engine divides each physical log file internally into a number of virtual log files. Virtual log files have no fixed size, and there is no fixed number of virtual log files for a physical log file. The Database Engine chooses the size of the virtual log files dynamically while it is creating or extending log files. The Database Engine tries to maintain a small number of virtual files. The size of the virtual files after a log file has been extended is the sum of the size of the exist ing log and the size of the new file increment. The size or number of virtual log files cannot be configured or set by administrators. The only time virtual log files affect system performance is if the log files are def ined by small size and growth_increment values. If these log files grow to a large size because of many small increments, they will have lots of virtual log files. This can slow down database startup and also log backup and restore operations. We recommend that you assign log files a size value close to the final size required, and also have a relatively large growth_increment value
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The transaction log is a wrap-around file. For example, consider a database with one physical log file divided into four virtual log files. When the database is created, the logical log file begins at the start of the physical log file. New log records are added at the end of the logical log and expand toward the end of the physical log. Log truncation frees any virtual logs whose records all appear in front of th e minimum recovery log sequence number (MinLSN). The MinLSN is the log sequence number of the oldest log record that is required for a successful database-wide rollback. The transaction log in the example database would look similar to the one in the following illustration.
When the end of the logical log reaches the end of the physical log file, the new log record s wrap around to the start of the physical log file.
This cycle repeats endlessly, as long as the end of the logical log never reaches the beginning of the logical log. If the old log records are truncated frequently enough to always leave sufficient room for all the new log records created through the next checkpoint, the log never fills. However, if the end of the logical log does reach the start of the logical log, one of two things occurs: If the FILEGROWTH setting is enabled for the log and space is available on the disk, the file is extended by the amount specified in growth_increment and the new log records are added to the extension. For more information about the FILEGROWTH setting, see ALTER DATABASE (Transact SQL). If the FILEGROWTH setting is not enabled, or the disk that is holding the log f ile has less free space than the amount specified in growth_inc rement, an 9002 error is generated.
If the log contains multiple physical log files, the logical log w ill move through all the physical log files before it wraps back to the start of the first physical log file 3. Chec kpoint Operation Checkpoints flush dirty data pages from the buffer cache of the current database to disk. This minimizes the active portion of the log that must be processed during a full recovery of a database. During a full recovery, the following types of actions are performed: The log rec ords of modifications not flushed to disk before the system stopped are rolled forward. All modif ications associated with incomplete transactions, such as transactions for which there is no COMMIT or ROLLBACK log record, are rolled back. A checkpoint performs the follow ing processes in the database: Writes a record to the log file, marking the start of the checkpoint. Stores information recorded for the checkpoint in a chain of checkpoint log records. One piece of information recorded in the checkpoint is the log sequence number (LSN) of the first log record that must be present for a successful database-wide rollback. This LSN is called the Minimum Recovery LSN (MinLSN). The MinLSN is the minimu m of the:
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LSN of the start of the checkpoint. LSN of the start of the oldest active transaction.
The checkpoint records also contain a list of all the active transactions that have modif ied the database. If the database uses the simple recovery model, marks for reuse the space that precedes the MinLSN. Writes all dirty log and data pages to disk. Writes a record marking the end of the checkpoint to the log file. Writes the LSN of the start of this chain to the database boot page.
Activities That Cause a Chec kpoint Checkpoints occur in the follow ing situations: A CHECKPOINT statement is explicitly executed. A checkpoint occurs in the current database for the connection. A minimally logged operation is performed in the database; for example, a bulk-copy operation is performed on a database that is using the Bulk-Logged recovery model. Database files have been added or removed by using ALTER DATABASE. An instance of SQL Server is stopped by a SHUT DOWN statement or by stopping the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service. Either action causes a checkpoint in each database in the instance of SQL Server. An instance of SQL Server periodically generates automatic checkpoints in each database to reduce the time that the instance would take to recover the database. A database backup is taken. An activity requiring a database shutdown is performed. For example, AUTO_CLOSE is ON and the last user connection to the database is closed, or a database option change is made that requires a restart of the database.
Active Log The section of the log file from the MinLSN to the last-written log record is called the active portion of the log, or the active log. This is the section of the log required to do a full recovery of the database. No part of the active log can ever be truncated. All log records must be truncated from the parts of the log before the MinLSN. The following illustration shows a simplified version of the end-of-a-transaction log with two active transactions. Checkpoint records have been compacted to a single record.
LSN 148 is the last record in the transaction log. At the time that the recorded checkpoint at LSN 147 was processed, Tran 1 had been committed and Tran 2 was the only active transaction. That makes the first log record for Tran 2 the oldest log record for a transaction active at the time of the last checkpoint. This makes LSN 142, the Begin transaction record for Tran 2, the MinLSN. Long- Running Transactions
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The active log must include every part of all uncommitted transactions. An application that starts a transaction and does not commit it or roll it back prevents the Database Engine from advancing the MinLSN. This can cause two types of problems: If the system is shut down after the transaction has performed many uncommitted modifications, the recovery phase of the subsequent restart can take much longer than the time specified in the recovery inte rval option. The log might grow very large, because the log cannot be truncate d past the MinLSN. This occurs even if the database is using the simple recovery model, in which the transaction log is generally truncated on each automatic checkpoint.
4. Write-Ahead Transaction Log SQL Server uses a write-ahead log (WAL), which guarantees that no data modif ications are written to disk before the associated log record is written to disk. To understand how the write-ahead log works, it is important for you to know how modified data is written to disk. SQL Server maintains a buffer cache into which it reads data pages when data must be retrieved. Data modifications are not made directly to disk, but are made to the copy of the page in the buffer cache. The modification is not written to disk until a checkpoint occurs in the database, or the modification must be written to disk so the buffer can be used to hold a new page. Writing a modified data page from the buffer cache to disk is called flushing the page. A page modified in the cache, but not yet written to disk, is called a dirty page. At the time a modification is made to a page in the buffer, a log record is built in the log cache that records the modification. This log record must be written to disk before the associated dirty page is flushed f rom the buffer cache to disk. If the dirty page is flushed before the log record is written, the dirty page creates a modification on the disk that cannot be rolled back if the server fails before the log record is written to disk. SQL Server has logic that prevents a dirty page from being flushed before the associated log record is written. Log records are written to disk when the transactions are committed. Managing the Transaction Log Log truncation, which is automatic under the simple recovery model, is essential to keep the log from filling. The truncation process reduces the size of the logical log file by marking as inactive the virtual log files that do not hold any part of the logical log. In some cases, however, physically shrinking or expanding the physical log file is useful. Transaction Log Truncation If log records were never deleted from the transaction log, it would eventually fill all the disk space that is available to the physical log files. Log truncation automatically frees space in the logical log for reuse by the transaction log. Except when delayed for some reason, log truncation occurs automatically as follows: Under the simple recovery model, after a checkpoint. Under the full recovery model or bulk-logged recovery model, after a log backup, if a checkpoint has occurred since the previous backup
How Log Truncation Works Truncation does not reduce the size of a physical log file. Reducing the physical size of a log file requires shrinking the file.
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The transaction log is a wrap-around file. When the database is created, the logical log file begins at the start of the physical log file. New log records are added at the end of the logical log and expand toward the end of the physical log. The transaction log in a database maps over one or more physical files. The SQL Server Database Engine divides each physical log file internally into a number of virtual log files. Log truncation frees space in the logical log by deleting inactive virtual log files form the start of the logical log Virtual log files are the unit of space that can be reused. Only virtual log f iles that contain just inactive log records can be truncated. The active portion of the transaction log, the active log, cannot be truncated, because the active log is required to recover the database. The most recent checkpoint defines the active log. The log can be truncated up to that checkpoint. When the checkpoint is performed, the inactive portion of the transaction log is marked as reusable. Thereafter, the inactive portion can be freed by log truncation. Truncation free s the inactive virtual log files for reuse. Eventually, when a new record is written to a freed virtual log, that virtual log file becomes active again. One piece of information recorded in a checkpoint is the log sequence number (LSN) of the first log record that must be present for a successful database-wide rollback. This LSN is called the minimum recovery LSN (MinLSN). The start of the active portion of the log is the virtual log that contains the MinLSN. When a transaction log is truncated, only the log records in f ront of this virtual log file are freed for reuse. The following illustrations show a transaction log before and after truncation. The first illustration shows a transaction log that has never been truncated. Currently, four virtual log file s are in use by the logical log. The logical log starts at the front of the first virtual log file and ends at virtual log 4. The MinLSN record is in virtual log 3. Virtual log 1 and virtual log 2 contain only inactive log records. These records can be truncated. Virtual log 5 is still unused and is not part of the current logical log.
The second illustration shows how the log appears after being truncated. Virtual log 1 and virtual log 2 have been freed for reuse. The logical log now starts at the beginning of virtual log 3. Virtual log 5 is still unused, and it is not part of the current logical log.
Managing the Size of the Transaction Log File Monitoring Log Space Use
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You can monitor log space use by using DBCC SQLPERF (LOGSPACE). This c ommand returns information about the amount of log space currently used and indicates when the transaction log is in need of truncation. For information about the current size of a log file, its maximum size, and the autogrow option for the file, you can also use the size, max_size, and growth columns for that log file in sys.database_files. Shrinking the Size of the Log File Log truncation is essential because it frees disk space for reuse, but it does not reduce the size if the physical log file. To reduc e its physical size, the log file must be shrunk to remove one or more virtual log files that do not hold any part of the logical log (that is, inactive virtual log files). When a transaction log file is shrunk, enough inactive virtual log files are remove d from the end of the log file to reduce the log to approximately the target size. Shrinking the Transaction Log If you know that a transaction log file contains unused space that you will not be needing, you can reclaim the excess space by reducing the size of the transaction log. This process is know n as shrinking the log file. Shrinking can occur only while the database is online and, also, while at least one virtual log file is free. In some cases, shrinking the log may not be possible until after the next log truncation. DBCC SHRI NKFILE (Transact-S QL) Shrinks the size of the specified data or log file for the current database or empties a file by moving the data from the specified file to other files in the same filegroup, allow ing the file to be remo ved from the database. You can shrink a file to a size that is less than the size specified when it was created. This resets the minimu m f ile size to the new value. Shrinking a data file to a specified target size The following example shrinks the size of a data file named DataFile1 in the UserDB user database to 7 MB. USE UserDB; GO DBCC SHRINKFILE (DataFile1, 7); GO
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Transaction log marks These are only available under Full and Bulk logged recovery models. Log marks are set in the transaction you want to recover to. You can do this w ith the begin transaction statement: BEGIN T RANSACTION TranMark1 WITH MARK 'The mark descript ion' The name of the mark in the transaction log is TranMark1. After this transaction commits the mark is inserted into the logmarkhistory table in the msdb database and into the transaction logs of other related databases. Related databases are beyond the scope of this article, but simply put: the databases are related when w e make related updates to them (e.g.: update to table1 in db1 has to be followed by update to table2 in db2). With log marks over multiple databases we can recover all databases to a specific related state to each other. Ty pes of Bac kups: Full database Bac kup This backs up the whole database. In order to have further differential or t ransaction log backups you have to create the full database backup f irst. -- Back up the AdventureWorks as full backup BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = N'c:\AdventureWorksDiff.bak' Diffe re ntial database bac kup Different ial database bac kups are cumulat ive. This means that each differential database backup backs up the all the changes fro m the last Full database backup and NOT last Differential backup. -- Back up the AdventureWorks as different ial backup BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = N'c:\AdventureWorksDiff.bak' WITH DIFF ERENTIAL Transaction log bac kup Transaction log backup aren't possible under the Simple Recovery model. Two transaction logs can't contain the same transactions w hich means that when restoring you have to restore every backup in the order they were taken -- Back up the AdventureWorks transaction log BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks TO DISK = N'c:\AdventureWorksLog.bak'
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Tail log bac kup There seems to be a lot of confusion about this one since it's a new term in SQL Server 2008 (I haven't heard it being used in SS2k). A Tail log bac kup is the last Transaction log bac kup that you make prior to restoring a database. What this means is that if your db crashes for w hatever reason, you have to backup your t ransaction log so that you can do point in ti me recovery. This last backup is called Tail log backup. If your data file (MDF) is unavailable you need to use WIT H NO_T RUNCAT E option: -- Back up the AdventureWorks tail-log BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks TO DISK = N'c:\AdventureWorksTailLog.bak' WIT H NO_T RUNCATE If your database is in OFFLINE or EMERGENCY state then tail log backup isn't possible. Mirrore d bac kup Mirrored backups simply write the backup to more than one destination. You can w rite up to four mirrors per media set. This increases the possibility of a successful restore if a backup media gets corrupted. Following statement gives us two backups that we can restore from: -- make one backup on d: disk and a mirror on e: disk BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = 'd:\AdventureWorksMirror_1.bak' MIRROR TO DISK = 'e:\AdventureWorksMirror_2.bak' -- create a new mirrored backup set WITH FORMAT; Copy-only bac kup Copy-only backups are new in SQL Serve r 2008 and are used to create a full database or transaction log backup w ithout breaking the log chain. A copy -only full backup can't be used as a basis for a different ial backup, nor can you create a differential copy only backup. -- Back up the AdventureWorks database as copy only BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = N'c:\AdventureWorksDiff.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY
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-- Back up the AdventureWorks transaction log as copy only BACKUP LOG AdventureWorks TO DISK = N'c:\AdventureWorksLog.bak' WIT H COPY_ONLY File and file group bac kup If you have your data spread across mult iple files or filegroups you can take a full or differential backup of file(s) or f ilegroup(s): -- Backup AdventureWorks_f ile1 file of the -- AdventureWorks database to disk -- note that AdventureWorks has to have a AdventureWorks_f ile1 f ile BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks FILE = 'AdventureWorks_f ile1' TO DISK = 'e:\AdventureWorks_f ile1.bak' GO
-- Backup AdventureWorks_f ilegroup1 filegroup of the -- AdventureWorks database to disk -- note that AdventureWorks has to have a -- AdventureWorks_filegroup1 f ilegroup BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks FILEGROUP = 'AdventureWorks_filegroup1' TO DISK = 'e:\AdventureWorks_f ilegroup1.bak' GO For differential backups just add WIT H DIFFERENTIAL opt ion to the upper examples. Partial F ile group bac kup Partial f ilegroup backups are used to backup large databases with one or more read -only f ilegroups. In a way they are similar to full database backup, but by default they don't include read -only files or filegroups. This means that they contain the primary f ilegroup, every read/w rite filegroup and an optional number of read only files or filegroups.
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-- Create a part ial filegroup backup. backs up all read/w rite filegroup -- and the read only AW_ReadOnly_FileGroup1 f ilegroup BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS, F ILEGROUP = 'AW_ReadOnly_FileGroup1' TO DISK = 'e:\AdventureWorks_partial.bak' For differential backups just add WIT H DIFFERENTIAL opt ion to the upper example.Note that all file and f ile group names are logical and not physical names. Restore: Recovery states: To determine the state of the database after the store operation, you must select one of the options of the Recovery state panel. RESTORE WITH RECOVERY Leave the database ready for use by rolling back the uncommitted transactions. Additional transaction logs cannot be restored. Recovers the database after restoring the final backup checked in the Select the backup sets to restore grid on the General page. This is the default option and is equivalent to specifying WITH RECOVERY in a RESTORE statement (Transact-SQL). RESTORE DATABASE [AdventureWorksNew] FROM DISK = N'\\nas\Backup\L40\SQL2008\AdventureWorks_backup_200702120215.bak' WIT H FILE = 1, MOVE N'AdventureWorks_Data' TO N'C:\Data\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorksNew _Data.mdf', MOVE N'AdventureWorks_Log' TO N'C:\Data\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorksNew _Log.ldf ' RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY : Leave the database non-operational, and do not roll back the uncommitted transactions. Additional transaction logs can be restored. ---Used in Mirroring Leaves the database in the restoring state. This allows you to restore additional backups in the current recovery path. To recover the database, you will have to perform a restore operation by using the RESTORE WITH RECOVERY option (see the preceding option). This option is equivalent to specifying WIT H NORECOVERY in a RESTORE statement.
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If you select this option, the Preserve replication settings option is unavailable. RESTORE WITH STANDBY: Leave the database in read-only mode. Undo uncommitted transactions, but save the undo actions in a standby file so that recovery effects can be reverted. () ---Used in log-shipping Leaves the database in a standby state, in which the database is available for limited read-only access. This option is equivalent to specifying WITH STANDBY in a RESTORE statement. Choosing this option requires that you specify a standby file in the Standby file text box. The standby file allows the recovery effects to be undone. Standby file : Specifies a standby file. You can browse for the standby f ile or enter its pathname directly in the text box.
Practical troubleshooting
1. Backup & Restore for SQL Server 2005&2008 In a typical installation SQL Se rver stores its data in two files. One has an MDF extension and stores the data itself and the other has an LDF extension and stores the transaction log. You can configure SQL Server to have multiple data files and multiple transaction log files if you'd l ike but that's beyond the scope of this article. When SQL Server processes a transaction it goes through the following steps: 1. It writes what it's going to do to the transaction log. 2. It makes the change to the data file. This change is typically made on the in-memory copy of that portion of the data file. 3. It writes to the log that the transaction is committed. 4. The CHECKPOINT process writes the portion data file associated with the transaction to disk. This might happen anywhere from seconds to minutes after the step above. 5. It writes to the log that the transaction is "hardened". The simplest type of backup is the Full Backup. The screen shots below are from SQL Server 2005's Management Studio (SSMS). At a min imu m you need to verify three things on this s creen. First, that the correct database is selected. Second, the backup type is set to FULL. Finally you need to choose the backup file name. On the Options tab you can specify whether SQL Server should replace or append the backup to the backup file. Keep in mind that the backup file is relative to where SQL Server is installed and not where you're running SSMS.
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If you want to issue a backup statement yourself you can use SSMS to script it out for you. Click the Script button at the top of the dialog box and SSMS will generate this SQL statement for you:
BACKUP DATABASE [AdventureWorks] TO DISK = N'\\nas\Backup\L40\SQL2005\AdventureWorks_backup_200702120215.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'AdventureWorks-Full Database Backup', STATS = 10
You can see how these options map back to the dialog box. The NOINIT clause is what says to append the backup to the existing backup file. The other option is INIT which will overwrite the backup file. The BACKUP statement will create a single file with a BAK extension that contains what is in your data file and log file. You can backup the database while SQL Server is running and people can still use the database. It might be a little bit slower depending on your disk throughput. Restoring a database is a little more complicated. Right-clicking on Databases in SSMS brings up a dialog box like this:
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I've already changed the database name to AdventureWorksNew. I clicked the From Device radio button and navigated to my backup file. If you're restoring on the same computer where the original database resides y ou can just leave the From Database radio button selected and choose the database. It will automatically select the backup. Clicking on the options tab brings us to the second part of the dialog:
Notice that it wants to restore the two file names right on top of the file names for AdventureWorks. SQL Server won't actually let you do that unless you check the "Overwrite the existing database" checkbox above. You'll need to edit those filenames to change the name. If I script this statement out it gives me this:
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Notice the MOVE commands have the new file name that I typed in. One thing to be aware of is the SQL Server Recovery Model. If you right-click on a database and choose Properties and then click the Options tab you'll see the recovery model as the second item listed. The two main settings for this are Simple and Full. In Simple Recovery SQL Server doesn't keep transactions in the transaction log that have already been "hardened" to disk. They are automatically removed and the space in the file is reused. In Full Recovery mode SQL Server keeps every transaction in the transactio n log file until you explicitly backup the transaction log. Simple Recovery mode is better for developers or servers that are only backed up nightly. In Full Recovery mode you'll need to do transaction log backups which I'll cover in a future article. If you see your database growing larger and larger the most likely cause is a growing transaction log. To resolve this, change the recovery model to Simple, backup the database and then shrink the database. You can shrink the database by right-clicking on the database and choosing Tasks -> Shrink -> Database and then clicking OK. When you create a database, SQL Server starts with a copy of the "model" database. If you set the Recovery Model of the "model" database to Simple all future databases will start out in Simple Recovery mode.
2. Copy Only Bac kup for SQL Se rver 2005 a nd SQL Server 2008 Problem I have implemented a backup plan for my SQL Server databases. I take a daily full backup supported with hourly differential backups. A restore plan is documented based on this backup plan along with the location and time of the backups mentioned in the plan. Often I am required to update the test or development server with a recent copy of the production database. For this purpose I take a full backup of the required database. The problem is that such ad hoc backups interrupt my planned recovery sequence in case of a needed recovery. Is there any way that my ad hoc backups will not interrupt the sequence of my backup plan? Solution Fortunately in SQL Server 2005 and onwards we have a backup option for such a situation. This backup option is known as Copy Only backups. This option is specifically for creating an ad hoc backup that will not disturb the planned restore sequence for that database.
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Copy Only backups can be used for creating a full backup or a transaction log backup. This option is not implemented for differential backups. In practical scenarios you will rarely need to create a Copy Only log backup, however the copy only option may be frequently used with full backups. Although the Copy Only option is available for SQL Server 2005 there is not a way to create them using SSMS in SQL 2005. If you have SSMS 2008 you can use the GUI or you have to use a T -SQL statement to create Copy Only backups. First let's look at how this can be done using SSMS 2008 to create Copy Only backup Go to the backup database window as you would for a normal backup
Just below the "Backup type" menu, you will find a check box for "Copy Only Backup" Click this check box Fill out all other related information as you would for a normal backup and click OK
Note: The check box for "Copy Only Backup" will also be active for differential backu ps, but it will have no affect other than creating a normal differential backup. Second, to create a Copy Only backup with T -SQL you can issue the following command: -- Create full backup with Copy Only option BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = 'D:\WithoutCopyOnly_AdventureWorks.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY GO Before going further it will be good to summarize the concept that a full backup with the copy only option is independent of the sequence of your other normal backups. So after you create a backup with the copy only option, you would be able to work with the recovery plan based on your scheduled backups without this impacting your restore process.
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We will use LSN (log sequence number) information to track the full backup that is the base for the differential backups. First we will note the LSN for the differential base of the AdventureWorks database. Script # 1: Note current differential base LSN SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [DB Name], differential_base_lsn AS 'Note differential base LSN' FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID('AdventureWorks') AND type_desc = 'ROWS' GO The differential_base_lsn affects the sequence in which combination of backups are to be restored in a recovery. You may also get detailed information about the LSN of any da tabase from table msdb..backupset.
Now we have to confirm that a full backup without the Copy Only option will update the differential_base_lsn. For this purpose we will issue a full backup command w ithout the Copy Only option and we will note the change in the LSN to prove that the updated differential base LSN is the LSN of our last full backup.
Script # 2: Create full backup and compare LSN information -- Create full backup -- Run script after changing Backup path BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = 'D:\WithoutCopyOnly_AdventureWorks.bak' GO -- Get differential_base_lsn after full backup SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [DB Name], differential_base_lsn AS 'Updated differential base LSN' FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID('AdventureWorks') AND type_desc = 'ROWS' GO -- Get LSN of recent full backup for match purpose SELECT database_name, backup_start_date, is_copy_only, first_lsn as 'LSN of full bakup' FROM msdb..backupset WHERE database_name = 'AdventureWorks' ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC GO
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In the follow ing result set, we can verify that LSN has been changed for the differential backup restore base and matches our full backup LSN. Both marked LSNs below are the same which confirms that the last backup is our differential base.
Now we will create a full backup with the Copy Only option an d it will be proved that the full backup with the Copy Only option will not affect the differential base LSN of our database. In other words the full backup with the Copy Only option w ill not affect the base full backup for the differential backups.
Script # 2: Create full backup w ith copy only option and compare LSN information -- Create full backup with copy only option -- Run script after changing Backup path BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = 'D:\CopyOnly_AdventureWorks.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY GO -- Get differential_base_lsn after full backup with copy only option SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [DB Name], differential_base_lsn AS 'Un changed differential base LSN' FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = DB_ID('AdventureWorks') AND type_desc = 'ROWS' GO -- Get LSN of recent full backup with copy only option for match purpose SELECT database_name, backup_start_date, is_copy_only, first_lsn as 'LSN of last full bakup' FROM msdb..backupset WHERE database_name = 'AdventureWorks' ORDER BY backup_start_date DESC GO In the follow ing image we can verify that after a full backup with the Copy Only option the differential base LSN is unchanged and it matches the LSN of the previous full backup (both are marked red). Also note that the last full backup with the Copy Only option is also there (marked green).
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Follow ing considerations will be helpful while using backups w ith the Copy Only option. Copy Only option w ill also work for compatibility level 80 databases in a SQL Server 2005 instance Transaction log backups with the Copy Only option preserves the existing log archive point, hence it will not truncate the transaction logs of that database. There is no enhanced consideration required while restoring a backup created with the Copy Only option. A full backup with Copy Only option can not be used as a base for restoring differential backups A log backup w ith Copy Only option may be created for databas es with recovery model full or bulk logged only. A full backup with Copy Only option may be created for databases with any recovery model.
3. How to restore a Suspect database : If you f ind your Database in Suspect mode then please keep your nerve strong. Just proceed step by step what I am written bellow. I think you w ill get out of this trouble. SQL Server 2008 introduced a new DB Status called Emergency. This mode can change the DB from Suspect mode to Emergency mode, so that you can retrieve the data in read only mode. The steps are... After executing the script given below you will get back your Database in operational mode. Exec Sp_resetstatus Yourdbname Alter database yourdbname set emergency Dbcc checkdb(yourdbname) Alter database yourdbname set single_user with rollback immediate Dbcc checkdb (yourdbname , repair _allow _data_loss) ALTER DATABASE yourDBname SET MULTI_USER 4. Bac kup and restore of the Resource database: The Resource database (shortly referred to as RDB) is a hidden, read-only database that contains all the system objects that are included with SQL Server 2005. This is the reason why it does not appear in SQL Server Management Studio. It contains all the system objects that ship with SQL Server 2005. These objects physically exist in the Resource database but logically appear in the sys schema of every database on the instance. It complements the master database in a sense as the SQL Server service now also depends on this database. The Resource database makes it easy for service packs
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to be applied or rolled back whenever necessary. In SQL Server 2000, whenever a service pack is applied, all the system objects that reside on both system and user databases will be u pdated, making it more difficult to rollback the change whenever necessary. It is also the reason why Microsoft recommends that you backup all the system and user databases before applying a service pack. In SQL Server 2005, changes will only be made to t he this database and will be ref lected on all the system and user databases on the instance. If you need to apply a service pack on multiple instances, all you need to do is copy the Resource database's MDF and LDF files to the target instances. Rolling back the changes is as simple as overw riting the database files with an older copy. The physical file names of the Resource database are mssqlsystemresource.mdf and mssqlsystemresource. ldf and are located, by default, in <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\ Why is it important? The Resource database appears to be a critical system database as the SQL Server service is now dependent on this. You can verify by renaming the database files while the service is stopped. You will not be able to start the service after this. You can also try moving the master database on a different location without moving the Resource database together with it and you will not be able to start the service. It's location is dependent on the master database. This is critical during a disaster recovery process as we have gotten used to dealing with only the master database in previous versions. Backing up the Resource database Since the Resource database is not available from the SQL Server tools, we cannot perform a backup similar to how we do it with the other databases. You can backup the database using the follow ing options: 1. You can use a simple xcopy command to copy from the source location to a destination where you keep your daily database backups. Use the -Y option to suppress the prompt to confirm if you want to overwrite the file. You can create a scheduled task to do this on a daily basis. If you want to keep multiple copies of the database files, you can create an automated script to rename them after the copy process. xcopy <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\mssqlsystemresource.mdf <destination folder> /Y xcopy <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\mssqlsystemresource.ldf <destination folder> /Y 2. You can use your file-based backup utilities such as NTBackup, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, Symantec BackupExec, etc. Restoring the Resource database It is important to document the location of your master database as part of your disaster recovery process. In previous versions of SQL Server, all we need to do to restore the server instance is to worry about the master database. After a SQL Server 2005 instance has been rebuilt a restore of the master database will be done, the Resource database files should go along with it should a WITH MOVE option be required. This means that if the old location of the master database will be different from the one after the restore, the Resource database files should already be there prior to restoring the master database. This is very critical if a hardware failure occurred and you need to move the system databases on a different drive during the server instance rebuild. To restore the Resource database, just copy the database files to the location of the master database files. If you have an older version of the Resource database, it is important to re-apply any
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subsequent updates. This is why the recommended approach is to simply do a daily backup of these files. Best Practices on High Availability, Bac kup & Restore Gene ral High Availability: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Physically protect your SQL Servers from unauthorized users. Physically document all of your SQL Server instances. Incorporate effective change management. Always use a RAIDed array or SAN for storing your data. Use SQL Se rver clustering, database mirroring, or log shipping to provide extra fault tolerance. Replication is not an effective means to protect your data. Always use server-class hardware, and standardize on the same hardware as much as possible. Use hardware and software monitoring tools so you can quickly become aware of when problems first arise. 8. After testing, apply all new service packs and hot fixes to the OS and SQL Server. 9. Cross-train staff so that there are multiple people who are able to deal with virtually any problem or issue. Disaster Recovery 1. You must create a disaster recovery plan and include every detail you will need to rebuild your servers. 2. As your SQL Servers change over time, dont forget to update your disaster recovery plan. 3. Write the disaster recovery plan so that any computer literate person will be able to read and follow it. Do not assume a DBA will be rebuilding the servers. 4. Fully test your disaster recovery plan at least once a year. Backup 1. All production databases should be set to use the full recovery model. This way, you can create transaction log backups on a periodic basis. 2. Whenever possible, perform a daily full backup of all system and user databases. 3. For all production databases, perform regular transaction log backups, at least once an hour. 4. Perform full backups during periods of low user activity in order to minimize the impact of backups on users. 5. Periodically test backups to ensure that they are good and can be restored. 6. Backup first to disk, then move to tape or some other form of backup media. 7. Store backups offsite. 8. If using SQL Server 2005 encryption, be sure to backup the service master key, database master keys, and certificates. 9. If you find that backup times take longer than your backup window, or if backup file sizes are taking up too much space on your storage device, consider a third party backup program, such as SQL Backup Pro. 10. Document, step-by-step, the process to restore system and user databases onto the same, or a different server. You dont want to be looking this information up during an emergency.
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Deepak\Test--->Monitor The database for which I am configuring Log shipping is named as "sansu" and it is present in primary server.The follow ing are the steps I followed, Step 1: Take a full backup of the DB to be log shipped in primary server (i.e sansu) and restore it in secondary server WITH STANDBY option Step 2: Right Click the DB to be log shipped in primary server, select Task and Ship Transaction logs option and ensure that you enable the option "enable this as a primary database in log shipping "
Step 3 : Click Backup settings and give the primary server name\\tran log older(shared folder) and also mention the local hard drive in the primary server where the shared folder resides in the subsequent box
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Step 4 :There are options "Delete files older than" it helps to remove the old transaction log backup files from the shared folder in the primary and "Alert if no backup occurs within" it sends an alert if a tran log backup has not happened for a stipulated time mentioned there. Step 5 : Click the schedule option for the tran log backup and schedule as per your desire
Step 6 :As mentioned in Step 2,below the enable option select "Add" option to add the secondary server and connect to it via the connect option. Step 7 :In the "Initialize secondary database" option choose the 3rd option "No, secondary database is initialized" because we have manually taken a full backup and restored as in Step1.If we havent done Step1,we can choose options 1 which will take a fresh full backup and restore it in secondary server or option 2 which will restore from an existing backup rather than a fresh backup.In that case you need to point the location where the backup file resides and also the name of the data and log files in the restore options.
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Step 8 :Choose the Copy files tab and specify the path where the tran log is copied and put in the secondary and schedule the job and fill the delete old files option.
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Step 9 :In the Restore transaction log tab choose STANDBY mode and "disconnect users in db when restoring backup, because if the users are accessing the db restoration will fail. In "Delay Restoring Backups " if it is 0 minute(s) as soon as copy job completes, restore job will start immediately without any delay. In "Alert if no restore occurs within" option if restore does not happen for a stipulated amount of time mentioned here an alert is issued. Also schedule the restore job as per your desire.
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Step 10 :Choose the page as in Step2 and enable the "Use a monitor server instance" and connect to a new sql instance(Deepak\Test)which will monitor the log shippings backup,copy and restore jobs and will help in troubleshooting. We can also configure the secondary server instance(Deepak\sansu) as monitor.Both are correct it all depends on your requirements.Click Ok and the log shipping is configured with all 3 jobs and status will be shown as success.
If you see the below screenshot which shows the secondary db sansu which is in read only mode, further 3 jobs will created 1 in the primary server which is the backup job and other 2 in secondary server which is the copy and restore job. In the monitor server an alert job will be created to generate alerts if the copy or restore job fails for a stipulated amount of time. You can view the jobs created by navigating to SQL server agent and then beneath it you have a folder called Jobs, which displays the jobs present in that server.
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Failover in SQL 2008 Log Shipping The most important aspect in Log Shipping is Failover. Lets discuss it detail ! ! ! If the primary server in Log Shipping becomes unavailable or if it is going to be down due to some manual inte rvention, DBA should immediately perform the follow ing steps for failover. Step 1: Try to backup the Tail end of the transaction log in primary server with NORECOVERY option i.e perform a tran log backup if the primary is still accessable. Backup log DBName to disk = "Local path or Network path" with NORECOVERY ---> A Else execute the below T-SQL in secondary server to bring the secondary online, Restore database DBName with Recovery ---> C Step 2: If you were able to perform ---> A in step 1 then proceed with ---> B in step 2 to bring the secondary db online from read-only state.If you were able to perform only ---> C in step1 then go to step 3 Restore log DBName from disk = "Local path or Network path" with RECOVERY ---> B Step 3: The syslogins and sysusers table in primary and secondary server should be in sync otherwise the DB users and other application users from primary will not be able to login into SQL server or into the DB in secondary server after failover occurs. Two ways are there to accomplish t he above task namely * Create the highly critical appplication users logins in the secondary server similar to primary just before configuring log shipping.Use the below sps to resolve orphaned users USE GO sp_change_users_login @Action='update_one', @UserNamePattern='', @LoginName='' GO Script to find orpahe nd use rs exec sp_change_users_login 'Report' Use Master SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT 'EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = ''' + loginname + '''' ,', @defdb = ''' + dbname + '''' ,', @deflanguage = ''' + language + '''' ,', @encryptopt = ''skip_encryption''' ,', @passwd =' , cast(password AS varbinary(256))
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,', @sid =' , sid FROM sys.syslogins where loginname Not like 'NA%' and
loginname not like 'Builtin%' and loginname Not like 'sa' Run the above script on Source server copy the result and execute on Destination server Eg:-EXEC sp_addlogin @loginame = 'CorpCommUser' , @defdb = 'CorpComm' 'us_english' , @encryptopt = 'skip_encryption' , @passwd = 0x01003F04413C64CEE4767BA2DD0053A02C6056640C4C88C24DFA 0xCEE1766A76520E43A98DCB141B031F7E , @deflanguage = , @sid =
Step 4: Also Disable the log shipping jobs in the primary and secondary servers,once failover occurs. Step 5: Once the failover occurs the original secondary server is configured as primary and log shipping is again newly configured from this new primary server(original secondary) to original primary(now secondary). Step 6: When you once again want to revert t o the original state of log shipping i.e original primary was primary and original secondary was secondary, you need take a full backup in new primary server(original secondary) and restore it in original primary and reconfigure the log shipping from the original primary to original secondary. Frequently Raised Errors In Log-Shipping Question : IS it possible to log ship database betwee n SQL 2000 & SQL 2008? Answer: No, thats impossible, In SQL 2008 transaction log architecture is changed compared to SQL 2000 and hence you wont be able to restore tlog backups from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008 or vice versa. Question:Im getting the be low e rror message in restoration job on seconda ry se rver, WHY? [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4305: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The log in this backup set begins at LSN 7000000026200001, which is too late to apply to the database. An earlier log backup that includes LSN 6000000015100001 can be restored. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally. Answer: Was your sql server or agent restarted Yday in either source or destination ? because the error states there is a mismatch in LSN. A particular tran log was not applied in the destination server hence the subsequent tran logs cannot be applied as a result !
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You can check log shipping monitor \ log shipping tables to check the which transaction log is last applied to secondary db, if the next consecutive transaction logs are available in the secondary server share folder you manually RESTORE the logs with NORECOVERY option, Once you restored all the logs automatically from the next cycle the job will work fine. Incase if you are not able to find the next transaction log in secondary server shared folder, you nee d to reconfigure log shipping. Try the below tasks to re-establish log shipping again. Disable all the log shipping jobs in source and destination servers Take a full backup in source and restore it in secondary server using the With Standby option Enable all the jobs you disabled previously in step1
Question: Is it possible load balance in log shipping? Answer: Yes of course its possible in log shipping, while configuring log shipping you have the option to choose standby or no recovery mode, and there you select STANDBY option to make the secondary database read-only. Question: Can I take full bac kup of the log shippe d database in prima ry serve r?? Answer: In SQL Server 2000 you wont be able to take full backup of log shipped database, because this will break the LSN chain and it directly affects the log shipping. In SQL Server 2008, yes its possible. You can take full backup of log shipped database and this wont affect the log shipping. Question : Can I shrink log shipped database log file?? Answer: Yes of course you can shrink the log file, but you shouldnt use WITH TRUNCATE option. If you use this option obviously log shipping w ill be disturbed. Question : Can I take full bac kup of the log shipped database in secondary server?? Answer: No chance, you wont be able to execute BACKUP command against a log shipped database in secondary server. Question: Ive configured Log shipping successfully on sta ndby mode, but in the restoration job Im getting the be low error. What I do to avoid this in future ?? Message 2006-07-31 09:40:54.33 *** Error: Could not apply log backup file C: \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\LogShip\TEST_20060731131501.trn to secondary database TEST.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) *** 2006-07-31 09:40:54.33 *** Error: Exclusive access could not be obtained because the database is
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in use. RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally.(.Net SqlClient Data Provider) *** Answer: To restore transaction logs to the secondary db, SQL Server needs exclussive acce ss on the database. When you configure it in standby mode, users will be able to access the database and runs query against the secondary db. Hence If the scheduled restore jobs runs at that time, the db will have a lock and it wont allow SQL Server to restore the tlogs. To avoid this you need to check Disconnect users in the database when restoring backups options in log shipping configuration wizard. Question : Suddenly Im getting the error below, How can I rectify this??? [Microsoft SQL-DMO (ODBC SQLState: 42000)] Error 4323: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The database is marked suspect. Transaction logs cannot be restored. Use RESTORE DATABASE to recover the database. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE LOG is terminating abnormally Answer : We had the same issue some time ago, this was related to a new file being created in a filegroup on the source. Dont know if this applies to your case, but restoring a backup of this new file on the secondary server solved the problem. Question : Is it possible to log ship database from SQL server 2005 to SQL server 2008 a nd vice versa? Answer : Yes you can log ship database from SQL server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 this will work. However log shipping from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2005 is not possible because you wont be able to restore SQL server 2008 backup to SQL Server 2005 (downgrading version) Error message 14420 and e rror message 14421 that occur when you use log shipping:
Error message 14420 Error: 14420, Severity: 16, State: 1 The log shipping destination %s.%s is out of sync by %s minutes. Error message 14421 Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1 The log shipping destination %s.%s is out of sync by %s minutes. If you are using SQL Server 2008, the description for these error messages are different: Error message 14420 Error: 14420, Severity: 16, State: 1 The log shipping primary database %s.%s has backup threshold of %d minutes and has not performed a backup log operation for %d minutes. Check agent log and logshippin g monitor information.
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Error message 14421 Error: 14421, Severity: 16, State: 1 The log shipping secondary database %s.%s has restore threshold of %d minutes and is out of sync. No restore was performed for %d minutes. Restored latency is %d minutes. Check agent log and logshipping monitor information. Log shipping uses Sqlmaint.exe to back up and to restore databases. When SQL Server creates a transaction log backup as part of a log shipping setup, Sqlmaint.exe connects to the monitor server and updates the log_shipping_primaries table with the last_bac kup_file name information. Similarly, when you run a Copy or a Restore job on a secondary server, Sqlmaint.exe connects to the monitor server and updates the log_shipping_seconda ries table. As part of log shipping, alert messages 14220 and 14221 are generated to track backup and restoration activity. The alert messages are generated depending on the value of Backup Ale rt threshold and Out of Sync Alert threshold respectively. The alert message 14220 indicates that the difference between current time and the time indicated by the last_backup_file name value in the log_shipping_primaries table on the monitor server is greater than value that is set for the Backup Alert threshold. The alert message 14221 indicat es that the difference between the time indicated by the last_bac kup_filename in the log_shipping_primaries table and the last_loaded_file name in the log_shipping_secondaries table is greater than the value set for the Out of Sync Ale rt threshold. Resolution: Troubleshooting Error Message 14420 By definition, message 14420 does not necessarily indicate a problem with log shipping. The message indicates that the difference between the last backed up file and current time on the monitor server is greater than the time that is set for the Backup Alert threshold. There are serveral reasons why the alert message is generated. The following list includes some of these reasons: 1. The date or time (or both) on the monitor server is different from the date or time on the primary server. It is also possible that the system date or time was modified on the monitor or the primary server. This may also generate alert messages.
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2. When the monitor server is offline and then back online, the fields in the log_shipping_primaries table are not updated with the current values before the alert message job runs. 3. The log shipping Copy job that is run on the primary server might not connect to the monitor server msdb database to update the fields in the log_shipping_primaries table. This may be the result of an authentication problem between the monitor server and the primary server. 4. You may have set an incorrect value for the Backup Alert threshold. Ideally, you must set this value to at least three times the frequency of the backup job. If you change the frequency of the backup job after log shipping is configured and functional, you must update the value of theBackup Alert threshold accordingly. 5. The backup job on the primary server is failing. In this case, check the job history for the backup job to see a reason for the failure. Troubleshooting Error Message 14421 By definition, message 14421 does not necessarily indicate a problem with Log Shipping. This message indicates that the difference between the last backed up file and last restored file is greater than the time selected for the Out of Sync Alert threshold. There are several reasons why the alert message is raised. The follow ing list includes some of these reasons: 1. The date or time (or both) on the primary server is modified such that the date or time on the primary server is significantly ahead between consecutive transaction log backups. 2. The log shipping Restore job that is running on the secondary server cannot connect to the monitor server msdb database to update the log_shipping_secondaries table with the correct value. This may be the result of an authentication problem between the secondary server and the monitor server. 3. You may have set an incorrect value for the Out of Sync Ale rt threshold. Ideally, you must set this value to at least three times the frequency of the slower of the Copy and Restore jobs. If the frequency of the Copy or Restore jobs is modif ied after log shipping is set up and functional, you must modify the value of the Out of Sync Ale rt threshold accordingly. 4. Problems either w ith the Backup job or Copy job are most likely to result in "out of sync" alert messages. If "out of sync" alert messages are raised and if there are no problems w ith the Backup or the Restore job, check the Copy job for pot ential problems. Additionally, network connectivity may cause the Copy job to fail. 5. It is also possible that the Restore job on the secondary server is failing. In this case, check the job history for the Restore job because it may indicate a reason for t he failure.
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If you dont currently employ clustering or database mirroring for your SQL Servers because of cost, consider employing log shipping to help boost your high availability. It provides reasonably high availability at low cost.
If you take advantage of SQL Server 2000 or 2005 log shipping capability, you will want to keep the log shipping monitoring service on a SQL Server of its own, not on the source or destination
Servers participating in log shipping. Not only is this important for fault tolerance, but because the log shipping monitoring service incurs overhead that can affect the performance of the source and destination servers.
Monitor log shipping daily to ensure that it is working successfully. Learn what you need to know to fix shipping if synchronization is lost between the production and backup databases. Document, and test your server recovery plan, so you will be ready in case of a server failure.
Case Study: How to add files to a log-shipped database How to add a file to a log shipped database without reconfiguring log shipping. I did it in SQL 2008 Enterprise edition server to find out the information. Steps: 1. I configured log shipping between the databases infisystem 2. Stopped and disabled all the backup, copy and restore jobs. 3. Added a secondary file named Inf i_data1.ndf to the log shipped inf isystem database in primary server. The following is the script to add a new file to the infisystem database in primary server: ALTER DATABASE infisystem ADD F ILE ( NAME = Infi_data1, FILENAME ='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\Infi_data1.ndf', SIZE = 5MB, MAXSIZE = 15, FILEGROWT H = 10% ) 4. Manually took a transaction log backup for the database after adding the file 5. Manually copied the transaction log backup f ile to secondary server
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6. Manually restored that particular transaction log backup using the WITH MOVE option and WITH NORECOVERY clause in secondary server 7. Basically while using the WITH MOVE option I would mention the newly create d secondary file i had recently added to the log shipped database.
RESTORE filelistonly from disk='D:\Database\SQLDBA\Infisys.trn' RESTORE log Infisystem F ROM Disk='D:\Database\SQLDBA\Inf isys.trn' WITH MOVE 'Inf i_data1' TO 'C:\Program F iles\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.KATMAI\MSSQL\DATA\Infi_data1.ndf', norecovery Enable all Jobs and see the log-shipping status in monitor server.
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Components in Mirroring: Database mirroring consist of the following components 1. Principal ---> The Principal is the originating server i.e it is the source server which contains the database which is configured for mirroring. There can be only one principal database and it has to be in a separate SQL Server instance than the mirror database. 2. Mirror ---> The Mirror is the receiving database in a mirror pair i.e it is the destination server which contains the mirrored database. There can be only one mirror for each principal database. The mirror needs to be on its own separate SQL Server instance preferably on separate physical server. 3. Mirrored Pair ---> A Principal and Mirror operating together are called a Mirrored Pair. The changes on the principal are reflected in the mirrored database 4. Witness ---> A Witness is optional and it monitors the Mirrored Pair. It ensures that both principal and mirror are functioning properly. The Witness is also a separate SQL Server instance preferably on a separate physical server than principal and mirror. One Witness server can monitor multiple Mirrored Pairs. 5. Quorum ---> A Quorum is the relationship between the Witness, Principal and the Mirror. 6. Endpoint ---> Endpoint is the method by w hich SQL Server Database engine communicates with applications. In the context of Database mirroring endpoint is the method by which the Principal communicates with the Mirror. The mirror listens on a port defined in the endpoint. The default is 5022. Each database mirror pair listens on its own unique port. To list all the database mirror endpoints run, ---> Select * from sys.database_mirroring_endpoints To list all the endpoints
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---> Select * from sys.tcp_endpoints Database Mirroring can be configured for three different operating modes: High Availability Ope rating Mode - This provides durable, synchronous transfer of data between principal and mirror, including automatic failure detection and failover. There is performance overhead on this mode because a transaction is not considered committed until SQL Server has successfully committed it to the transaction log on both the principal and the mirror database. And as the distance between the principal and the mirror increases, the performance impact also increases. There is a continuous ping process between all three to detect failover. If the witness server is not visible from the mirror, you must either reconfigure the operating mode for the database mirroring session or turn off the witness. Alternatively, you can manually fail over a database mirroring session at the mirror in High Availability Mode by issuing the following command at the principal. You can also issue the same command if you have to take principal down for maintenance. ALTER DATABASE SET PART NER FAILOVER High Pe rformance Ope rating Mode - In this configuration you dont need a WITNESS Server and the Mirror Server acts as an WARM standby and does not support automatic failure detection or failover. There is any asynchronous data transfer between principal and mirror. This mode provide better performance and you can have geographic dispersion between the principal and the mirror. High Protection Operating Mode (Recommended Mode) - This mode is the same as High Availability Mode except failover is manual and you have to manually promote the mirror to be the principal. Data transfer is synchronous. Pre requisites for Database Mirroring 1. Make sure that the two partners that is the principal server and mirror server, are running the same edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The partners require either SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition or SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. 2. If you are using a witness, make sure that SQL Server 2005 is installed on its system. The witness can run on any reliable computer system that supports SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition, Workgroup Edition, or Express Edition. 3. SQL 2005 SP1 or later version is required for Mirroring 4. The principal database must be in the FULL recovery model. Log records that result from bulklogged operations cannot be sent to the mirror database. 5. Verify that the mirror server has enough disk space for the mirror data base. 6. All of the server instances in a mirroring session should use the same master code page and collation. Differences can cause a problem during mirroring setup. 7. The mirror database must have the same name as the principal database. 8. The mirror database must be initialized from a restore of the principal database w ith
NORECOVERY, followed by restores in sequence of principal transaction log backups. Prior to configuring mirroring ensure that at least 1 tran log is restored in addition to full backup w ith NORECOVERY mode.
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First take full backup and one Transaction log backup f rom Principal server and restore it on Mirror server with NO Recovery Option. Please follow the screen shots to setup Database mirroring. 1. Right Click on Database <AGTest> Go to Properties- Click on Mirroring.
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4. Note: If you wish to configure Witness serve r Click on Yes radio Button if not Click No button. This configuration is without Witness box. 5. Choose the servers to configure (Principa l & Mirror) Click on Next Button
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7. Click on Next to Select Mirror Se rver Insta nce by using Pull down Menu and hit Connect Button
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9. Verify the listene r port of Mirror server and hit Next Button.
10. Service Accounts Screen Leave Both Princ ipal and Mirror F ields Blank
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11. Note: If both servers are on same Domain, same subnet mask & has same service domain account then both Princ ipal and Mirror Fields should be left blank or need to mention the a specify account that can be used for configuration. 12. Verify the configuration before you hit finish Button
13. Once you hit Finish Button then you will get the below screen 14. Click on Start Mirroring Button.
Failover in Database Mirroring using GUI mode where both Principal and mirror servers are available.
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Please refresh both Principal and Mirror servers to view the changes How can I bring mirror database online a fter principal server is down ? Safety F ULL with Witness: Well the answer for this 'depends on the mode in which mirroring is configured'. If mirroring is configured in High Availability mode (Full safety) then we don't need to worry about failover as the mirror server w ill form a quorum w ith witness and will initiate an automatic failover. The safety level can be set using the below command, ALTER DATABASE dbname SET SAFETY FULL ALTER DATABASE dbname SET SAFETY OFF
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Safety F ULL without Witness: This scenario provides high safety, but automatic failover is not allowed. This mode is called as High Protection mode. In the event of failure of the principal, the database service becomes unavailable. You need manual intervention to make the database service available. You must break the mirroring session and then recover the mirror database. For example, prior to the failure, Server_A and Server_B acted as pri ncipal and mirror respectively. Server_A fails. You need to execute the following on Server_B to make the database service available: ALTER DATABASE dbname SET PARTNER OFF RESTORE DATABASE dbname WITH RECOVERY Safety OFF : In the event of failure of the principal, the database service becomes unavailable. You can perform a force service to make the database service available on the mirror. However, since the safety level is OFF, it is possible that there were transactions that didnt make it to the mirror at the time of the failure of the principal. These transactions will be lost. Therefore, manual failover with safety OFF involves acknowledging the possibility of data loss. For example, prior to the failure, Server_A and Server_B acted as principal and mi rror respectively. Server_A fails. You need to execute the following on Server_B to make the database service available: ALTER DATABASE dbname SET PARTNER FORCE_SERVICE_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS Once the database on Server_A becomes operational, it automatically ass umes the role of the mirror. However, the mirroring session remains SUSPENDED, and you w ill need to manually RESUME the mirroring session. This can be achieved using GUI Mode also. 1. On Principal Server - <Database> -Right click Go to Properties and Click on Mirroring.
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Now database mirroring is in Suspended mode. 4 To Resume the database mirroring on same screen Click on Resume Button
Advantages Database Mirroring: Database mirroring architecture is more robust and efficient than Database Log Shipping. It can be configured to replicate the changes synchronously to minimized data loss. It has automatic server failover and client failover mechanism. Configuration is simpler than log shipping and replication, and has built -in network encryption support (AES algorithm). Because propagation can be done asynchronously, it requires less bandw idth than synchronous method (e.g. host-based replication, clustering) and is not limited by geographical distance with current technology.
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Database mirroring supports full-text catalogs. Does not require special hardware (such as shared storage, heart -beat connection) and clusterware, thus potentially has lower infrastructure cost
Disadvantages of Log Shipping: Potential data lost is possible in asynchronous operation mode. RTO w ill vary and depend on several factors, such as propagation interval time and bandw idth speed. Mirror server/database is not available for user operation. It only works at database level and not at server level. It only propagates changes at database level, no server level objects, such as logins and fixed server role membership, can be propagated. Automatic server failover may not be suitable for application using multiple databases.
Mirroring Vs Clustering Clustering Clustering failover using SQL Virtual Server provides the highest availability because it immediately fails over to the second node. This failover is transparent to the end-user/client application. Clustering failover provides protection against SQL Server failures, Windows operating system crashes and hardware failures (other than disk subsystem). Clustering failover requires special hardware. Also, failover clustering uses a shared disk subsystem, and therefore, the computers must be physically located in the same data center, unless you plan to implement Distance Clustering. Failover clustering does not protect you against a failure in the disk subsystem and the data loss that results because of the hardware failure. Troubleshooting Information on Data base Mirroring Mirroring Catalog Views: A database mirroring session consists of the relationship formed between the partner serves and potentially the witness server. Each of the participating servers keeps some metadata about the session and the current state of the databases. * sys.database_mirroring ---> provides information about principal and mirror * sys.database_mirroring_witnesses ---> provides information about witness server Database Mirroring
This same can be achieved w ith HighAvailability operation mode without additional w itness server. Db mirroring provides protection against SQL server, database failures. Here incase of db mirroring you dont require any additional hardware. To configure db mirroring, we need an SQL instance or server linked to the primary server which will provide you high availability.
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All the metadata required for database mirroring (in particular the mirroring failover lsn and partner server names) are kept by the mirroring partners. The witness only keeps data necessary for its role as a witness in a High Availability mode, in particular the role sequence number, which tracks the number of role changes in the session. Database mirroring states and transition: Database states for each server are kept during the database mirroring session, recorded on each partner server, and reported by the sys.database_mirroring catalog view. The mirroring_state column returns a number for the state, and the mirroring_state_desc column returns the descriptive name f or the state. State information about the witness is also reported from the same catalog view. In addition to the states reported for each database, there are three phrases that are usef ul in describing the servers and databases involved in database mirroring. 1. Exposed - The data on the principal is exposed w hen it is processing transactions but no log data is being sent to the mirror. When a principal database is exposed, it is active with user connections and processing transactions. However, no log records are being sent to the mirror database, and if the principal should fail, the mirror will not have any of the transactions from the principal from the point the principal entered the exposed state. Also, the principal's transaction log cannot be truncated, so the log file will be growing indefinitely. 2. Cannot serve the database - When a principal server does not allow any user connections to the database and any transactions to be processed. When a witness has been set, if the principal server cannot form a quorum w ith another server, it will stop serving the database. It will not allow user connections and transactions on the principal database, and will disconnect all current users. As soon as it can form a quorum again, it will return to serving the database. 3. Isolated - A server is isolated when it cannot contact any of the other servers in the database mirroring session, and they cannot contact it. A server may be operational but communication lines are down between it and both other servers in the database mirroring session. In that case, we'll call the server isolated. If a witness has been set, then, if the principal server becomes isolated, it will no longer be able to serve the database, because there is no server in the session with which it can form a quorum. When safety is FULL, the principal first enters the SYNCHRONIZING state and as soon as it synchronizes with the mirror, both partners enter the SYNCHRONIZED state. When safety is OFF, the partner databases start with the SYNCHRONIZING state. Once the mirror has caught up, the state goes to SYNCHRONIZED and stays there regardless of how far behind it is. For both safety settings, if the session is paused or there are redo errors on the mirror, the principal enters the SUSPENDED state. If the mirror becomes unavailable, the principal w ill enter the DISCONNECTED state. In the DISCONNEC TED and SUSPENDED states: When a witness has been set, if the principal can form a quorum w ith the witness or mirror server, the principal database is considered exposed. That means the principal database is active with user connections and processing transactions. However, no log records are being sent to the mirror database, and if the principal should fail, the mirror will not hav e any of the transactions from the principal from the point the principal entered that state. Also, the principal's transaction log cannot be truncated, so the log file will be growing indefinitely. When a w itness has been set, if the principal cannot form a quorum w ith another server, it cannot serve the database. All users will be disconnected and no new transactions will be processed. When safety is OFF, the principal database is considered exposed, because no transaction log records are being sent to the mirror
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Database Snapshots are completely unrelated to Snapshot Replication and Snapshot Isolation. Uses of Database Snapshot The following are the important usage of snapshots namely, 1. Re porting Purposes --> When your db is used for reporting purposes you can create snapshots so that they provide a static view of the data and also prevents blocks from occurring as insert or update statements are prevented as snapshots are read-only copies of your source db. 2. Query ing data from standby se rvers --> In Database mirroring the mirror db will be in NORECOVERY mode and you cannot read the contents of the db. If you want to read through the contents of mirrored db or if you want to use the mirrored db for reporting purposes you can make use of Database Snapshots. 3. System upgrades --> Before applying service packs the DBA will take backup for all the databases which will be time consuming and also takes lot of space. In such scenarios database snapshots comes handy. Creating the snapshot consumes less amount of time and also the space required is very minimal. Creating Database Snapshot One of the exasperating things while creating a snapshot is that you cannot use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) instead you need to make use of T-SQL. I am creating a snapshot of the database Deepak as follows, CREATE DATABASE Deepak_snapshot_2030 on (NAME=Deepak,FILENAME='D:\Test\Deepak_ss.ff') AS SNAPSHOT OF Deepak The Snapshot name is Deepak_snapshot_2030. It can be any name but its advisable to include the time @ which the snapshot was created, in my case it is 2030(i.e 8:30 pm) so that it will be easy to identify.While creating a snapshot a Sparse file is created in my case it is named as Deepak_ss.ff. You need to ensure that the drive containing this sparse file must have NTFS file system else you will not be able to create the snapshot. Initially I tried to create a database snapshot in F: \drive which has FAT file system and received the below error. Refer the below figure,
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Case study/practical troubleshooting: 1: Login Failures while connecting to ne w principal database a fte r failover? After configuring database mirroring in SQL Server 2008 and performing failover, the original mirror database now becomes the new principal database. We might have even created the same login (as in principal) in original mirror server prior to failover. But after failover if we try to connect or if the application tries to connect, the following error will be returned,
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In that case we need to map the login to the user in the database using the procedure sp_change_users_login after which the application or the user w ill be able to successfully connect to the new principal database. This problem occurs because the SIDs the SQL Server logins on each server do not match. Although the names for the logins are the same, the login is resolved via the SID. This is not a problem with Windows/Domain user/group logins because the SIDs for these logins are created based on the domain SID for the user/group, and hence will be the same for the same given user/group no matter what SQL Server the user/group is added to. In order to make the sp_change_users_login synchronization step unnecessary, we need to create the SQL Server logins on the mirror server not only with the same name, but also with the same SID as on the principal server. This can be accomplished by using the SID specification in the 'CREATE LOGIN statement when creating the logins on the mirror server. Here is an example where we create a the same login in mirror server as the one in principal server. CREATE LOGIN WITH PASSWORD ='password',SID ='sid for same login on principal server' To retrieve the SID for each login from the principal server query the sys.sql_logins catalog view. You can also create all the logins with same SID in mirror serve r from principal server using sp_helprevlogin procedure. Consider this step as pre-requisite for configuring db mirroring. 2: How to move the database files of a mirrored database to a ne w location without any downtime. Principal Server N1SQL1VS1 Dbname is Deepak Mirror Server N1SQL1DEV1MAA\KATMAI Witness Server N1SQL1VS1\SQL2008 - Dbname is Deepak
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I have used witness server to facilitate automatic failover. All the 3 machines are having SQL 2008 RTM Enterprise edition as shown in the below screenshot. I am moving the log file from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA folder to C:\Temp folder.
The steps I am mentioning below are applicable for SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 servers. Step1: Execute the below query in Principal server, USE Master ALTER DATABASE Deepak MODIFY FILE (NAME='Deepak_log', FILENAME='C:\TEMP\Deepak_log.ldf') The following will be the output of the above command. The file "Deepak_log" has been modif ied in the system catalog. The new path will be used the next time the database is started. Step2: Now stop SQL Server in principal server N1SQL1VS1, move the deepak_log.ldf file to C: \temp
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In principal server, As shown in the below screenshot the mirror server N1SQL1DEV1MAA \KATMAI now becomes the new principal server and w ill be in disconnected state as the SQL Server in original principal server is down.
Step3: Start SQL Service in N1SQL1VS1 and it will now become the new mirror server and the database will be in Restoring state. The new principal server is N1SQL1DEV1MAA \KATMAI and w ill be in Synchronized state as shown in the below screenshot.
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Step4: Now to move the log file in the new principal server N1SQL1DEV1MAA\KATMAI we have to repeat the steps mentioned in Step1. The database files reside in D:\database\data\ folder and w ill be moved to C:\temp folder. Step5: Execute the below query in new Principal server, N1SQL1DEV1MAA\KATMAI USE Master ALTER DATABASE Deepak MODIFY FILE (NAME='Deepak_log', FILENAME='C:\TEMP\Deepak_log.ldf') The following will be the output of the above command. The file "Deepak_log" has been modif ied in the system catalog . The new path will be used the next time the database is started. Step6: Now stop SQL Service in the new principal server N1SQL1DEV1MAA\KATMAI (failover will happen and the now the principal server is N1SQL1VS1 and mirror server w ill be N1SQL1DEV1MAA\Kat mai) and move the database files to the new location C:\Temp and start SQL Server as shown in the below screenshot.
Step7: Connect to the new principal server N1SQL1VS1 and run sp_helpdb deepak and check the location of the database files. As shown in the below screenshot it will now reside in the new location C:\temp.
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Similarly do a failover and run sp_helpdb deepak, you can see that the new location for the new database as C:\Temp.
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25. Replication
As it relates to SQL Server, replication is a way of keeping data synchronized in multip le databases. Implementing and maintaining replication might not be a simple proposition: If you have numerous database servers that need to be involved in various types of replication, a simple task can quickly become complex. Implementing replication can also be complicated by the application architecture. Microsoft SQL Server has supported replication since version 6.0, and setting up replication has become significantly easier over the years (in fact, 99 percent of replication setup can be accomplished by clicking through replication wizards). However, replication involves much more than setup, and unfortunately there aren't many sources of information for implementing and troubleshooting it. The only way to learn replication is to dig through the knowledge base articles and figure things out on your own. Re plication Te rminology SQL Server replication is commonly described by using the publisher/subscriber metaphor. A database server that makes data available for replication (source server) is referred to as the publisher; a collection of one or more database objects that are enabled for replication is called a publication. SQL Server supports replicating tables, views, stored procedures, and user-defined functions. One or more servers that get data and/or transactions from the publisher are called subscribers. Replication is managed by the system database, which by default is called distribution. A distribution databasewhich can reside on the publisher, subscriber, or on a separate serveris created when you configure replication. The server that hosts the distribution database is referred to as the distribution server or distributor. It is recommended that you always use a server that is dedicated to distributing transactions. Thus, the distribution server should be used for nothing but replication. Each database server can act as a publisher and subscriber at the same time. Each publisher can have multiple subscribers, and each subscriber can receive transactions from multiple publishers. You should also become familiar with replication agents, which are implemented as SQL Server jobs that perform a particular task according to their schedule. Snapshot Replication Snapshot replication simply takes a "snapshot" of the data on one server and moves t hat data to another server (or another database on the same server). After the initial synchronization snapshot, replication can refresh data in published tables periodicallybased on the schedule you specify. Although snapshot replication is the easiest t ype to set up and maintain, it requires copying all data each time a table is refreshed.
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Between scheduled refreshes, data on the publisher might be very different from the data on subscriber. In short, snapshot replication isn't very different from empty ing out the destination table(s) and using a DTS package to import data from the source. Transactional Re plication Transactional replication involves copying data from the publisher to the subscriber(s) once and then delivering transactions to the subscriber(s) as they occur on the publisher. The initial copy of the data is transported by using the same mechanism as w ith snapshot replication: SQL Server takes a snapshot of data on the publisher and moves it to the subscriber(s). As database users insert, update, or delete records on the publisher, transactions are forwarded to the subscriber(s). To make sure that SQL Server synchronizes your transactions as quickly as possible, you can make a simple configuration change: Tell it to deliver transactions continuously. Alternatively, you can run synchronization tasks periodically. Transactional replication is most useful in environments that have a dependable dedicated network line between database servers participating in replication. Typically, database servers subscribing to transactional publications do not modify data; they use data strictly for read-only purposes. However, SQL Server does support transactional replication that allows data changes on subscribers as well. Merge Replication Merge replication combines data from multiple sources into a single central database. Much like transactional replication, merge replication uses initial synchronization by taking the snapshot of data on the publisher and moving it to subscribers. Unlike transactional re plication, merge replication allows changes of the same data on publishers and subscribers, even when subscribers are not connected to the network. When subscribers connect to the network, replication will detect and combine changes from all subscribers and change data on the publisher accordingly. Merge replication is useful when you have a need to modify data on remote computers and when subscribers are not guaranteed to have a continuous connection to the network. Replication can be used effectively for many different purposes, as discussed in the follow ing sections. Providing High Availability Occasionally, you might consider using replication for high availability; that is, to replicate transactions from the main server to a standby server. If the main server fails, you can then point your data sources to the standby server. Be aware that using replication for high availability takes careful planning and testing. Replication does not provide any sort of automatic fail-over. SQL Server supports other methods of providing high availability, such as clustering and log-shipping, which might be more appropriate for your environment. Transporting Data Another common use for replication is to simply move data changes from publishers to subscribers. This method is particularly useful for moving transactional data to a data warehousing server, in which it is transformed and aggregated for OLAP reporting. SQL Server provides other ways of transporting data: DTS, BCP, BULK INSERT statements, and others. Be sure to carefully consider the alternatives before implementing replication because other solutions might be cheaper or even faster than replication. Replication needs to be planned carefully. Setting things up is easy, but there is no magic UNDO button that will reverse all your actions. Therefore, be sure to test your plan thoroughly before implementing a replication solution. The follow ing sections discuss some of the planning steps necessary for transactional replication.
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Re plication Agents Transactional replication involves three agents: snapshot, log reader, and distribution. The snapshot agent takes a snapshot of records on the publisher and copies the data out to the snapshot folder. The snapshot agent also generates scripts for database schema and includes CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX scripts. The snapshot agent doesn't have to run continuously for transactional replication. If you get your replication working properly the first time, you might never have to run the snapshot agent again after the initial synchronization. However, if you do have problems with the subscriber servers missing data, the snapshot agent is there to help. The log reader agent reads the transaction log on the published databases. This agent moves transactions that are marked for replication to the distribution database. The distribution agent delivers transactions from the distribution database to the subscribers. Log reader and distribution agents have to run continuously (or at scheduled intervals) to keep replication working. In addition to snapshot, log reader, and distribution agents, replication also uses a few other jobs (agents) to keep things organized. The history cleanup agent, for example, is used to delete transactions that have already been delivered from the distribution database. Indeed, if this agent did not work, the distribution database would grow very large. Agent Profile Settings Replication agents are implemented as SQL Server jobs that call executable files with certain parameters. You should be aware that clicking through the replication wizards configures agents to run with default parameters. If you need to tweak agent parameters for troubleshooting or for performance reasons, you'll have to modify the replication agent's prof ile. (I'll discuss replication agents' parameters in the next article.) Security Conside rations Replication agents must have appropriate security permissions to read data on the publisher, move transactions to the distributor and apply the data and transactions to the subscribers. Y ou can allow replication agents to run using security credentials of SQL Server Agent service; alternatively, you can define a login that has a more limited set of permissions. Security is not a joking matter: Allow your replication agents too much freedom, and a hacker can destroy your data on publishers as well as subscribers. On the other hand, not granting sufficient permissions to the agents prevents replication from working properly. Considerations for Transactional Replication There are a number of considerations for transactional replication: Transaction log space.
For each database that will be published using transactional replication, ensure that the transaction log has enough space allocated. The transaction log of a published database might req uire more space than the log of an identical unpublished database, because the log records are not truncated until they have been moved to the distribution database. If the distribution database is unavailable, or if the Log Reader Agent is not running, the transaction log of a publication database continues to grow. The log cannot be truncated past the oldest published transaction that has not been delivered to the distribution database. We recommend that you set the transaction log file to auto grow so that the log can accommodate these circumstances.
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We recommend that you set the sync with bac kup option on the distribution database, which delays the truncation of the log on the publication database until the corresponding transactions in the distribution database have been backed up. This can result in a larger transaction log in the publication database. Disk space for the distribution database.
Ensure that you have enough disk space to store replicated transactions in the distribution database: If you do not make snapshot files available to Subscribers immediately (which is the default): transactions are stored until they have been replicated to all Subscribers or until the retention period has been reached, whichever is shorter. If you create a transactional publication and make the snapshot files available to Subscribers immediately: transactions are stored until they have been replicated to all Subscribers or until the Snapshot Agent runs and creates a new snapshot, whichever is longer. If the elapsed t ime between Snapshot Agent runs is greater than the maximum distribution retention period for the publication, which has a default of 72 hours, transactions older than the retention period are removed from the distribution database. Although making the snapshot available to Subscribers immediately improves the speed with which new Subscribers have access to the publication, the option can result in increased disk storage for the distribution database. It also means that a new snapshot is generated each time the Snapshot Agent runs. If the option is not used, a new snapshot is generated only if there is a new subscription. Primary keys for each published table.
All published tables in transactional replication must contain a declared primary key. Existing tab les can be prepared for publishing by adding a primary key using the Transact-SQL statement Configuring the Transactional Replication with SQL server 2005. Configuring a Distributor SQL Server 2005 introduced numerous welcome improvements to replication, not the least of which is shorter wizards. Follow ing a wizard isnt difficult, but fewer wizard screens certainly make replication setup quicker. As a rule, replication wizards in SQL Server 2005 are nearly 50% shorter than those in SQL Server 2000. The first step in configuring replication is designating a server that will take care of storing and delivering replicated transactionsthe distributor. A single server can act as a publisher, distributor, and a subscriber, all at the same time. However, in a rea listic scenario youre likely to use two different servers as publisher and subscriber. Using a separate server as the distributor can help to reduce the load on the publisher. To invoke the Configure Distribution Wizard, connect to an instance of SQL Serv er by using the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), navigate to the "replication" folder, right -click this folder, and choose Configure Distribution from the pop-up menu. Replication wizards are no longer modal; that is, you can continue working w ith SSMS while the wizard is active. The first screen of the wizard simply informs you of the tasks that this wizard can help you to accomplish. If you dont ever want to see this screen again, simply check the option to skip the introductory screen in the future. The next screen asks whether you want to use the local server or a different server as the distributor. Fig -1
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If you want to use a remote distributor, you must first run the Configure Distribution Wizard on that server. For this example, Ill use the sa me instance as both publisher and distributor. The next screen allows you to specify the snapshot folder where data and schema of the published database will be stored. By default, the snapshot folder is called ReplData and is created within the directory where the current SQL Server instance is installed.
Notice the warning in the dialog box, indicating that the current directory doesnt support pull subscriptions. To use pull subscriptions, you need a network folder for storing snapshots. Because both publisher and subscriber instances of SQL Server in this example will reside on the same computer, I can safely disregard this message, and simply click Next. The following screen allows for configuring the distribution databases name and the location f or its data and transaction log files. By default, the distribution database is called distribution; you can modify the name if you have a compelling reason to do so. For example, if you have dozens or
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hundreds of publications, you might want to have multiple distribution databases, with descriptive names for each one. The wizard will use the default location for database and log files. You can configure the default location on the Database Settings tab in the Server Properties dialog box in SSMS (right-click the server and choose Properties to access the dialog box). Alternatively, you can change file locations in the wizard, Fig-3
The next screen enables servers to use the current distributor when theyre configured as publishers (see Figure 4). This screen has a couple of interesting options. First, if you click the ellipsis (...) button next to a publisher, youll get a dialog box that allows you to configure the log reader agents security credentials as well as the snapshot folder for this publisher, as shown in Figure 5
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Second, the Add button allows you to add a SQL Server or Oracle publisher. This feature is worth your attention because using the distribution database for an Oracle publisher wasnt available in previous versions. After youve enabled the publishers, you can set a password for remote publishers (see Figure 6). You must enter the same password twice. SQL Server 2005 allows the administrator to enforce password policies and password expiration. Hence, the wizard warns you that the password you enter for a remote publisher must meet the password policy requirements.
After you click Next on this screen, you can configure distribution right away, save the script for later execution, or perform both actions. If you choose to save the script, youll be asked for the location where you want to save the file. At this point, the wizard presents a synopsis of the steps its about to undertake; once you click Finish, the wizard will create the script for adding a distributor and/or save the script, depending on what you specified. Once youve configured the distribution database, you can read or modify the distributor properties by right-clicking the replication folder and choosing Distributor Properties. The resulting dialog box has two pagesa "general" page and a "publishers" page. The "general" page allows you to view distribution database properties and modify settings for transaction retention and/or history retention (see Figure 7).
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Notice that youre also allowed to create and configure a queue reader agent from this screen. The queue reader agent is beyond the scope of this article. The "publishers" page of the Distribution Database Properties dialog box lets you add a publisher or change existing publishers properties. WARNING The Configure Distribution Wizard adds a login called "distributor_admin" to your server. This login is a member of the sysadmin server rolemeaning that it has no limitation as far as what it can do on the server. This is why its absolutely imperative to create a strong password for connecting to the distributor. Creating a Publication Once youve configured a distributor, youre ready to create publications. To invoke the publication wizard, right-click the local publications folder and choose New Publication from the pop-up menu. As with the Distribution Configuration Wizard, the first screen of this wizard is introductory in nature and can be skipped. The second screen allows you to choose the database in which you want to create a publication; for purposes of this article, Ill create a publication within the AdventureWorksDW database that can be created as part of SQL Server 2005 installation. After selecting the database, you must choose the publication type. The wizard offers the following options: Snapshot Publication Transactional Publication Transactional Publication with Updatable Subscriptions Merge Publication
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The wizard includes a brief description of each type of publication. Ill use the transactional publication for this example; refer to my earlier articles for more info about other publication types. A transactional publication can contain one or more articles. An article can be a table, a view (including indexed views), a user-defined function, or a stored procedure. For this example, Ill replicate the dimAccount table from the AdventureWorksDW database. As shown in F igure 8, I can replicate all columns or a subset of all columns within a given table.
Replication has certain rules as far as which columns can be filtered. Transactional replication prohibits filtering primary-key columns. In addition, if your publication allows updateable subscriptions, you must replicate the msrepl_tran_version column (added by SQL Server when you create such publications). Further, publications that allow updateable s ubscriptions must replicate any column that doesnt allow nulls, doesnt have a predefined default, and isnt an identity column. If you check the box Show Only Checked Objects in the List, the wizard limits the list of articles to only those that have been checked. The Article Properties button allows you to set properties for the highlighted article or for all table articles. As Figure shows, you can set a multitude of replicationrelated properties for each article.
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Most properties you can set for table articles are self -explanatory; for example, the Copy Foreign Key Constraints option instructs the replication to include foreign key constraints when cre ating the table in the subscriber database. A few properties deserve additional consideration: Destination Object Name, Destination Object Owner. The destination table isnt required to have the same name or the same owner as the source object. Convert Data Types. This option automatically changes a user-defined data type to the base data type, because the user-defined data type might not exist on the subscriber(s). Convert TIMESTAMP to BINARY. When replicating a column w ith a TIMESTAMP data type, you can convert it to BINARY. The TIMESTAMP data type tracks the sequence of modifications; every time you change a data row, SQL Server will automatically change the value of the column with the TIMESTAMP data type. This is important because, if youre not caref ul, you might end up with different values in the column with the TIMESTAMP data type on the publisher and the subscriber. Convert MAX Data Types to NTEXT and IMAGE. This option translates VARCHAR(MAX) and VARBINARY(MAX) data types, which are new in SQL Server 2008, to respective data types supported in previous versions. Convert XML to NTEXT. Translates the new XML data type to NTEXT. Another option that wasnt available through w izards in previous versions of SQL Server is automatic identity range management. This option allows the database administrator to set the ranges of valid values for the identity column in the publisher and subscriber databases. For example, we could assign values 1,000,000 and greater to the publisher and 1 to 1,000,000 to the
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subscriber. When the publisher database reaches the upper limit for the identity range, it will automatically assign a new range so that publisher and subscriber identity values dont overlap. The final group of options (not shown in Figure 9) determines how to replicate INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to the subscriber. Once youve set the necessary properties for the article you want to replicate, y ou can add publication filters (see Figure 10). In previous versions of SQL Server, these filters were referred to as horizontal filtersyou create them by supplying a WHERE clause to limit the number of published rows. As shown earlier, now you can filter the publication vertically by specifying which columns to publish.
The next step is to create a snapshot and/or specify the snapshot agents schedule, as shown in
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The snapshot agent copies the schema and data of the replicated article(s) into the snapshot folder. If you click the Change button on this screen, youll get the typical dialog box for creating job schedules; you can run the snapshot agents monthly, weekly, daily, or even multiple times per day. Next you specify the security settings for the snapshot and log reader agents ( see Figure 12). Ill discuss replication security in greater detail in a later article about transactional replication agents. For now, you just need to know that you can customize security for each agent or use different credentials for each. The wizard next offers you the option to script the commands for creating the publication. Review the synopsis of the steps the wizard is about to undertake; then specify the publication name and click Finish to create the publication.
You can view the newly created publications properties by expanding the local publications folder, right-clicking the publication, and choosing Properties from the pop-up menu. The properties dialog box has several pages, each of which has a specific purpose: Gene ral. Shows the publications name, description, type, and the database on which the publication is based. You can modify subscription expiration options from this page. Articles. Lets you review the published articles, modify their properties, or add new articles to the publication. Filter Rows. Allows you to create horizontal filters for articles. Snapshot. Enables you to specify the snapshot folder location, snapshot format, or additional scripts to be executed before and after applying the snapshot. Agent Security. Controls security settings for the log reader and snapshot agents. Subsc ription Options. Provides a multitude of options for subscribers to the current publication. The following table describes the subscription options you can set through the Publication Properties dialog box. Note that several of these options are new in SQL Server 2005.
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Creating Subsc riptions Unlike previous versions, of SQL Server 2005 allows you to use the same wizard to create either pull or push subscriptions. To invoke the new subscription wizard right -click the publication (or the local subscriptions folder) and choose New Subscriptions from the pop-up menu. After you get past the introductory screen, select the publication for which you want to create subscription(s). Next, indicate whether you want to use pull or push subscriptions (see Figure 13). Pull subscriptions reduce the load on the publisher, whereas push subscriptions make it easy to administer all subscriptions at the central location. For this example, Ill use push subscriptions, but the wizard screens are nearly identical for pull subscriptions.
Next you choose a subscribing server and database, as shown in Figure 14. You can use an existing database or create a new database; if you choose to create a new database on the subscribing server, youll get the typical dialog box for creating databases. More interestingly, note that the wizard allow s you to use a non-SQL Server subscriber. You can choose either an Oracle or IBM DB2 subscriber for push subscriptions; only SQL Server subscribers are supported if using pull subscriptions.
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After specifying the subscriber server and database, you need to configure distribution agent, keep in mind that you can either impersonate the SQL Server Agent or use a separate Windows login or SQL Server login for the distribution agent. For this example, Ill use the SQL Server Agent service account for running the distribution agent and for connecting to the subscriber.
Now its time to define a synchronization schedule how often you want the replicated transactions to be delivered to the subscriber(s). Replicating t ransactions continuously is the best option if you want to achieve minimal latency; however, this option requires more work on the publisher for push subscriptions and on the subscriber for pull subscriptions. Scheduled delivery is a good option if you want to minimize the load during business hours and deliver commands only at certain times each day. On-demand delivery can be a viable option if you want to synchronize your databases only occasionally.
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After indicating the desired synchronization schedule, you can initialize the subscription database. During initialization, replication creates the published objects schemas and copies data from the snapshot folder to the subscription database; in addition, the stored procedures used for replication are created in the subscriber database. In the dialog box, you can specify that you dont want to initialize the subscriptionsthis option is useful if the schema and data already exist on the subscriber. Other options are to initialize subscriptions immediately or at first synchronizationthat is, the first time the snapshot agent runs.
Youre done specifying all the information that the wizard needs to create subscriptions. At this point, you have the option to script the subscription and/or to create subscriptions. The wizard allows you to review the summary of the steps its about to undertake before you click the Finish button. Peer To Pee r Re plication Peer-to-peer replication provides a scale-out and high-availability solution by maintaining copies of data ac ross multiple server instances, also referred to as nodes. Built on the foundation of transactional replication, peer-to-peer replication propagates transactionally consistent changes in near real-time. This enables applications that require scale-out of read operations to distribute the reads from clients across multiple nodes. Because data is maintained across the nodes in near realtime, peer-to-peer replication provides data redundancy, which increases the availability of data. With Peer to Peer replication the idea is that any subscriber is also a publisher, so data can move bot h ways such as bi-directional replication. With Peer to Peer replication there is a mechanism that know s when a transaction has been replicated, so the transaction does not cont inue to be replicated over and over again. The one area that still needs to be handled is if the same data is modified on multiple servers and therefore some type of conflict resolution may need to take place. Below is a diagram that shows how Peer to Peer replication works. This diagram shows two different configurations: on the left side both notes A and B are used for reading and w riting and on the right side only node B is used for reading and w riting where node A is used only for reading data. The application server, which could be a web server, determines which node is used for which component.
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The following scenarios illustrate typical uses for peer-to-peer replication. This model could be further extended to have a node C, D, etc... and the application server could determine which server is utilized for reading and/or writing. In most cases database servers are more read intensive then write intensive, so having more read only nodes would allow you to get additional I/O throughput on your database servers. If you also needed to have more nodes handling writes, you could build this into your application servers to determine which writes are done to what servers. With Peer to Peer replication when data updates take place the data is then replicated to all other Peers, so the offloading of read activities could be directed to any one of the nodes. From a failover solution, since all nodes act as both publishers and subscribers you can easily point your application server to any of the nodes to act as your primary database. Case Study: How to Configure Peer-to-Peer replication P2P replication is new to SQL server 2005 and though looks like complex in theory its one of the easiest to configure and maintain on long run. The follow ing steps take you through the configuration process. Configuring the distributor Distributor has to be configured for all the nodes participating in the replication. Each node should have its own distributor. Once you click the configure distribution you will be taken to the welcome screen. Click next.
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Next you will be asked for the details of the distribution database server and name. Confirm the detail and click next. Next you will be asked for the shared folder where the snapshot will be placed. Confirm and Click next.
Next you will be asked to confirm the details of Distribution database click next after confirmation.
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Once you are done with this, click finish so that the distributor will be configured for the server. Remember to follow these steps for all nodes participating in the replication. If you already have it configured the you are all set to start with the data replication.
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Configuring Publication database: The next step involved is configuring the publication for the replication instance. Login to one of the node and create a new publication following the below steps. On the welcome screen, click next.
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Select the articles to be published and click next. Remember that P2P replica tion is a kind of transactional replication you can add articles only having a primary key column.
You cannot filter rows in P2P replication so ignore the next screen clicking next.
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Next screen is about creating the snapshot for the publication. Choose what you need and click next.
Configure the agent security for the publication and click next. This is the login which the replication agents will use to communicate within themselves.
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Once you see success in all the steps click close. You have created the publication for this replication instance. The next step is in configuring this publication for P2P replication.
Click on the properties of the publication. Move to the subscriptions options page. You will see an option Allow Peer-to-Peer replication. Change the value from False to True.
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Then Right click the publication and you will see configure peer-to-peer replication. Click that to proceed. Click the publication for which you need to configure the replication instance and click next.
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Configure the log reader agent security for the peers and click next.
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Here you will need to provide the details of how you initialized the database in the peer. You can either create database manually or restore a database. In this case I have restored the database with no changes gone to the database in the publisher. Click next.
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Click finish. Check for the errors and warnings in the results screen.
Once all steps have been configured successfully, you are done with configuring P2P replication.
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Script the replication topology as part of your disaster recovery plan so you can easily recreate your replication topology if needed.
Use default replication settings, unless you can ensure that a non-default setting will actually improve replication performance or other issues. Be sure that you test all changes to ensure that they are as effective as you expect.
Fully understand the implications of adding or dropping articles, changing publication properties, and changing schema on published databases, before making any of these changes. Periodically, validate data between publishers and subscribers. Regularly monitor replication processes and jobs to ensure they are working. Regularly monitor replication performance, and performance tune as necessary. Add alerts to all replication jobs so you are notif ied of any job failures.
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dont think that clustering is all you need for creating a highly available SQL Server. It is just one part. What Are the Types of C lustering? When you decide you want t o cluster SQL Server, you have a choice of configuring what is called Active/Active or an Active/Passive cluster. Each has its own pros and cons. Lets look at each, in the context of a two-node SQL Server cluster. An Active/Active SQL Server cluster means that SQL Server is running on both nodes of a two-way cluster. Each copy of SQL Server acts independently, and users see two different SQL Servers. If one of the SQL Servers in the cluster should fail, then the failed instances of SQL Server will failover to the remaining server. This means that then both instances of SQL Server will be running on one physical server, instead of two. As you can imagine, if two instances have to run on one physical server, performance can be affected, especially if the servers have not been sized appropriately. An Active/Passive SQL Server cluster refers to a SQL Server cluster where only one instance of SQL Server is running on one of the physical servers in the cluster, and the other physical server does nothing, other that waiting to takeover should the primary node should fail. From a performance perspective, this is the better solution. On the other hand, this option makes less productive use of your physical hardware, which means this solution is more expensive. Personally, I prefer an Active/Passive configuration as it is easier to set up and administer, and overall it will provide better performance. Assuming you have the budget, this is what I recommend. When the installation process does begin, the setup program rec ognizes all the nodes, and once you give it the go ahead to install on each one, it does, all automatically. SQL Server 2005 binaries are installed on the local drive of each node, and the system databases are stored on the shared array you designate. In the next section are the step-by-steps instructions for installing a SQL Server 2005 instance in a cluster. The assumption for this example is that you will be installing this instance in a 2-node active/passive cluster. Even if you will be installing a 2-node active/active or a multi-node cluster, the steps in this section are virtually the same. The only real difference is that you will have to run SQL Server 2005 setup for every instance you want to install on the cluster, and you will have to specify a different logical drive on the shared array. Two/Four- Node Clustering? SQL Server can be clustered using two nodes (using Windows 2000 Advanced Server), or it can be clustered using more than two nodes (using Windows 2000 Datacenter). Since I dont personal ly have any experience is three or four node clustering, I wont be discussing it here. But for the most part, what I say about two-node clustering also applies to three- or four-node clustering. How Does Cluste ring Work?
Clustering is a very complex technology, so I will focus here on the big picture. In a two -cluster node, one of the SQL Servers is referred to as the primary node, and the second one is referred to as the secondary node. In an Active/Passive cluster design, SQL Server will run on the prima ry node, and should the primary node fail, then the secondary node will take over. When you build a two-node cluster using Windows 2000 Advanced Server and Microsoft Clustering Service, each
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node must be connected to a shared disk array using either SCSI cables or fibre channel. Typically, this shared disk array is a stand-alone unit that houses a RAID 5 or RAID 10 disk array. All of the shared data in the cluster must be stored on this disk array, otherwise when a failover occurs, the secondary node in the cluster cannot access it. As I have already mentioned earlier, clustering does not help protect data or the shared disk array that it is stored on. Because of this, it is very important that you select a shared disk array that is very reliable and include s fault tolerance. Besides both servers being connected to a shared disk array, both nodes of the cluster are also connected to each other via a private network. This private network is used for each node to keep track of the status of the other node. For example, if the primary node experiences a hardware failure, the secondary node will detect this and will automatically initiate a failover. So how do clients who are accessing SQL Server know what to do when a failover occurs in a cluster? This is the cleverest part of Microsoft Cluster Service. Essentially what happens in a SQL Server cluster is that you assign SQL Server its own virtual name and virtual TCP/IP address. This name and address is shared by both of the servers in the cluster. Typically, a client will connect to the SQL Server cluster using the virtual name used by the cluster. And as far as a client is concerned, there is only one physical SQL Server, not two. Assuming that the primary node of the SQL Server cluster is the node running SQL Se rver on an Active/Passive cluster design, then the primary node will respond to the clients requests. But if the primary node fails, and failover to the secondary node occurs, the cluster will still retain the same SQL Server virtual name and TCP/IP address, although now a new physical server will be responding to clients requests. During the failover period, which can last several minutes (the exact amount of time depends on the number and sizes of the databases on SQL Server, and how active they are), clients will be unable to access SQL Server, so there is a small amount of downtime when failover occurs. How the client software reacts to the failover process depends on the software. Some software will just wait the failover out, and when the failover ha s completed, it will continue just as nothing had happened. Some software will present a message box on the screen, describing a lost connection. Other client software will not know what to do, and users may have to exit, and then reload the client before they can access SQL Server again. As part of the testing process when implementing a SQL Server cluster, it is important to find out how all of the client software that connects to SQL Server reacts to a failover. This way, you can inform your users of wha t to expect, so they are better able to deal with it when it does occur. Once a failover occurs, you will want to find out what caused the failover, and then take the necessary action and correct the problem. Once the problem has been fixed, the next step is to failover SQL Server back to the primary node from the secondary node. You can schedule to do this anytime, preferably when user activity is light on the system. What are the Pros and Cons of Clustering? Implementing SQL Server clustering is a big de cision, and one fraught with many gochas. Before you undertake such a large and important project, you will want to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of clustering, which
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include, but are not limited to: Pros of SQL Server Clustering
Reduces downtime to a bare minimum. Permits an automatic response to a failed server or software. No human intervention is required. It allows you to perform upgrades without forcing users off the system for extended periods of time. It allows you to reduce downtime due to routine server, network, or database maintenance. Clustering doesn't require any servers to be renamed. So when failover occurs, it is relatively transparent to end-users.
Failing back is quick, and can be done whenever the primary server if fixed and put back on-line. In some cases, clustering can be used to increase the scalability of an application. For example, if a current cluster is getting too busy, another server could be added to the cluster to expand the resources and help boost the performance of the application.
Cons of Clustering
More expensive than other failover alternatives, such as log shipping or stand -by servers. Requires more set up time than other alternatives. Requires more on-going maintenance than other alternatives. Requires more experienced DBAs and network administrators.
Clustering SQL Server To begin the installation, run Setup.exe. After an introductory screen, you will get the first install dialog box as shown in the figure below.
The Installing Prerequisites dialog box lists the prerequisites that need to be installed before installation of SQL Server 2005 can begin. The number of components may vary from the above figure, depending on what you have already installed on your nodes. What is interesting to note here
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is that these prerequisite components will only be installed immediately on the active node. They will be installed on the passive node later during the installation process. This is done automatically and you don't have to worry about it. Click Install to install these components. When completed, you will get a dialog box telling you that they were installed successfully, and then you can the click Next to proceed. On occasion, I have seen these components fail to install correctly. If this happens, you will have to troubleshoot the installation. Generally speaking, try rebooting both nodes of the cluster and try installing them again. This often fixes whatever caused the first setup try to fail. Once the prerequisite components have been successfully installe d, the SQL Server Installation Wizard launches, as you can see in the figure below.
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The next step is for the SQL Server Installation Wizard to perform a System Configuration Check. This is very similar to the check that was performed with clustering services when you installed Windows Server 2003 Clustering. Ideally, you want all checks to be successful, with a green icon. If you get any yellow warning or red error icons, then you need to find out what the problem is, and correct it before proceeding. In some cases, yellow warning icons can be ignored, but red error icons cannot. If you have any yellow or red icons, you may have to abort the setup proce ss, fix the problem, then restart the setup process. Assuming all is well, click Next to proceed. The next dialog box is Registration, where you enter your company name and license key, if applicable. Next, you must select the SQL Server 2005 components to install. See below.
I want to point out the options to "Create a SQL Server failover cluster" and to "Create an Analysis Server failover cluster" (currently grayed out). Since we are creating a SQL Server 2005 cluster, you must select the "Create a SQL Server failover cluster." If you are going to install Analysis Services (not covered in this example) then you must select "Create an Analysis Server failover cluster." Once you have selected all the components you need to include, click Next.
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As with any install of SQL Server 2005, the next step is to select the name of the instance to be installed. You can choose between a default instance and a named instance. Click Next to proceed.
Now, here is a very important step. This is when you enter the name of the virtual SQL Server 2005 instance you are currently installing. This is the name that clients will use to connect to this instance. Ideally, you have already selected a name to use that makes the most sense to your organization. Click Next to proceed. If you ever need to change this virtual name, you will have to uninstall and then reinstall SQL Server 2005 clustering.
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This is also a very important step. This is where you enter the virtual IP address for this instance of SQL Server 2005. Like the cluster virtual name, it is used by clients to connect to this instance of SQL Server 2005. The IP address must belong to the same subnet as the IP addresses used by all of the nodes.
In addition, in this dialog box you must select the network to be used fo r the public networkthe network used by the clients to connect to this instance of SQL Server 2005. All of the available networks will be listed in the drop-down box next to Network to use. If you have named the public and private networks Public and Private, respectively, it will be very easy for you to select the correct network, as I have above. Once you have entered the IP address and selected the public network, click on Add, so that the information you just selected is in the Selected networks and IP addresses box. Then click Next.
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In this dialog box, select the SQL Server Group as the group where you want to create the SQL Server resources. In addition, be sure that the Data files will be created on the correct logical drive of the shared array using the folder name you choose. Click Next to proceed.
Now, you specify which nodes you want to install this instance of SQL Server on. Because our example is for only two nodes, the default setting works for us. Notice that under Required node is SQL2005A, which is the name of the physical node where we are running the setup program. And under Selected nodes is SQL2005B, the second physical node in our 2-node cluster. Click Next to proceed.
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In this dialog box, we must select an account (with password) t hat has administrative rights on all of the nodes where we want to install this instance of SQL Server 2005. This can be any domain account that is a local administrator of all the nodes. Click Next to proceed.
The Service Account dialog box is identical to the one you see when you install SQL Server 2005 on a non-cluster, and it is configured the same. Click Next to proceed.
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In this dialog box, you must select pre-existing global domain groups that are used to contain the startup account for each clustered service. You can choose to add all three services to the same global domain group, or to create separate global domain groups, one for each service, as has been done above. Once you have selected appropriate domain groups, click Next to proceed. The next four dialog boxes of the Installation Wizard, not shown here, are the same as for any other installation of SQL Server 2005. After you have completed these steps, the installation of this instance of SQL Server 2005 begins, and you see the following d ialog box.
The installation process will take some time as it is installing the binaries on both nodes of the cluster, and installing the system data files on the shared array. The Setup Progress step shows the status of the first node's install. If you want to see the status of the second node's install, you can change the drop-down box next to Node to the second node and watch its progress.
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As the installation proceeds, you will want to see all green icons next to each installation step. If any step should fail, then the entire installation process will need to be rolled back, any problems fixed, and SQL Server 2005 installed fresh. In most cases, cancelling a bad installation will uninstall what has already been installed, but not always. Sometimes, if the installation breaks, it just dies and a rollback of what has been done so far will not occur. If this is the case you can either choose to reinstall on top of the existing bad install (which often does not work), manually uninstall the failed installat ion (check Microsoft's Web site for assistance in this area), or rebuild your cluster from scratch (starting with the operating system). It the install was a success, you will see a final dialog box, where you can click Finish. SQL Server 2005 clustering had now been successfully installed on the two cluster nodes. Clustering Analysis Services SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services can be clustered just like SQL Server 2005, and in fact, is installed using the same setup program used to install SQL Server 2005. Below are some points to keep in mind if you should decide to cluster SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services. SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services can be installed by itself, or with SQL Server 2008. Because some of the features of Analysis Services require components of the SQL Server 2005 database engine, it is generally a good idea to install both of them in your cluster. SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services is installed using the same setup program as SQL Server 2005. When running the setup program, you select, or not select, Analysis Services to be installed in the "Components to Install" screen. Because SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services needs to store program f iles, data files, and shared files, you will have to specify the location of your shared array, where they will reside. These files must reside on a shared array if you want Analysis Services to run after a failover. To specify the location of the shared array, you must select the "Advanced" button from the "Components to Install" screen in the setup wizard.
Other than the above, installing SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services in a cluster is virtually identical to installing SQL Server 2005 in a cluster. Installing the Se rvice Pac k and Hot Fixes Once you have installed SQL Server 2005 clustering, your next step is to install the latest SQL Server 2005 service pack and hot fixes, which can be downloaded from Microsoft's Web site. Installing a service pack or hot fix is fairly straightforward because they are cluster-aware. Once the service pack or hot fix setup program is started, it detects that you have a cluster and will upgrade all nodes simultaneously. Once setup is complete, you may need to reboot your servers and failover the nodes. Generally, once I have run the service pack, I like to reboot the active no de first. Once it has rebooted, then I reboot the passive node. This way, failover and failback is automatic. Checking the SQL Se rver 2005 Installation from C luste r Administrator Once an instance of SQL Server 2005 clustering is installed, you can view its cluster resources by going to Cluster Administrator and opening up the SQL Server Group resource, as shown below.
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This figure shows the cluster resources for the SQL Server 2005 cluster we just built. We see all of the names of the resources, their stat e, and which node the resources are running on. As I have already mentioned, Cluster Administrator is a great tool for seeing if all the resources are up and running and which node is the current active node. Here is a brief rundow n on each of the SQL Server 2005 cluster resources: Disk F: This is the shared disk array where the SQL Server data files and logs are stored. SQL Network Name (sqlcluster): This is the virtual SQL Server name used by clients to connect to this clustered instance of SQL Server 2005. The name "sqlcluster" is the name I have assigned this cluster instance, and will not be the same as your cluster, unless you name yours the same as mine. SQL IP Address (sqlcluster): This is the virtual SQL Server IP address used by clients to connect to this clustered instance of SQL Server 2005. Again, the name "sqlcluster" is the name of the virtual server, and is the one I have used for this cluster. Your name will most likely be different. SQL Server: This is the SQL Server service. SQL Server Agent: This is the SQL Server Agent service. SQL Server FullText: This is the SQL Server FullText service. Even though you may not use this service, it is automatically installed as a cluster resource.
Installing Cluste ring on Multiple Nodes When I talk about installing SQL Server 2005 clustering on multiple nodes, I am referring to two different scenarios. They include: A 2-node active/active cluster, where you are running a single instance of SQL Server 2008 on each node. If one of the two active nodes should fail, then the failed active instance would failover to the other active node, with the end result that you are running two active instances of SQL Server 2005 on the same physical node. A 3-node to 8-node SQL Server 2005 cluster where one of the nodes is designated as a passive node for failover purposes, and the rest are active nodes, with each one running a single instance of SQL Server 2005. Should any of the active nodes fail, then the failover would go to the designated passive node to run on.
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Installing multiple instances of SQL Server in a cluster is virtually identical to installing a SQL Server 2005 cluster as described above. In general, here is what you need to know about installing multiple instances of SQL Server 2005 in a cluster: All of the nodes in the cluster should have identical hardware and software, and be configured identically. You will need a hub or switch for the private network connection among the nodes. You will need a separate shared drive for each instance of SQL Server 2005 installed. These are besides the shared drive required for the quorum. You only need one quorum drive for your cluster. You will need distinct virtual names and IP addresses for each SQL Server 2005 instance. Each SQL Server 2005 instance must be in its own distinct resource group in the cluster. You will need to run SQL Server 2005 Setup for each separate instance of SQL Server 2005 you want in the cluster. You will need to configure each active node, should a failover occur, to failover to the designated passive node.
Because running more than a single instance of SQL Server 2005 on a cluster is complex, I highly recommend that you build this cluster from scratch, and test it thoroughly before putting it into production. Test, Test, and Test Again Once you have installed SQL Server 2005 clustering on your nodes, you need to thoroughly test the installation, just as you did after first installing Windows Server 2003 Clustering. But not only do you want to test SQL Server 2005 clustering, you also want to test how your clients "react" to failovers. Because of this, the follow ing testing section is very similar to the one you previously read, but has been modif ied to meet the more complex needs of the additional client testing you need to do. Below are a series of tests you can perform to verify that your SQL Server 2005 cluster, and their clients, works properly during failover situations. After you perform each test, verify if you get the expected results (a successful failover), and also be sure you check the W indows log files for any possible problems. If you find a problem during one test, resolve it before proceeding to the next test. Pre paring for the Testing Identify a workstation that has Cluster Administrator on it, and use this copy of Cluster Administra tor for interacting with your cluster during testing. Now for the hard part. Essentially, you need to test how each client will be accessing your SQL Server 2005 cluster. In other words, you want to test to see what will happen to each client should a failover occur. Some client software deals with clustering failovers automatically, while others choke and die. The only way to know for sure is to test them. Of course, to test your applications, you will have to install the appropriate databases on the clust er before you begin. To test them, you must first identify all the client applications, which might be one product, or a dozen products. Each of these products will have to be configured to access the virtual server name (and IP address) on the new SQL Server instance. In addition, for the clients to work, you will have to have the appropriate databases restored or installed on the new cluster. Yes, this is a lot of work. But this is necessary if you want a highly available clustering solution you can count on. Once you have at least one copy of each of your client applications connected to the SQL Server 2005 instance, you are ready for testing. Keep in mind, that while testing, you are testing multiple things, including the Windows Server 2003 cluster, the SQL Server 2005 cluster, and the client applications. Move Groups between Nodes
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The easiest test to perform is to use Cluster Administrator to manually move the cluster and SQL Server resource groups from the active node to a passive node, and then back a gain. To do this, right-click on a resource group and then select Move Group. This w ill initiate the move of the resources groups from your active node to the designated passive node. Once this happens, check Cluster Administrator and each of the client applications. Each should continue to operate as if no failover had occurred. Cluster Administrator should pass this test easily. The clients are another story. You will need to check each client to see if they continue to work as before. If not, you need to determine why not, which is not always easy. Most clients that stop working after a failover w ill reconnect if you exit and restart the client. Once the group has been successfully moved from the active node to a passive node, then use the same procedure above to move the group back to the original node. And as before, check Cluster Administrator, the clients, and the Event Logs to see if there were any problems. If you have Cluster Service or SQL Server 2005 problems due to the test failover, you need to resolve them now before proceeding. If you have a client problem, you can continue with your testing and try to resolve them later. In most cases, if a client fails this first test, it will fail all of the tests. Manually Initiate a Failover in Cluster Adm inistrator This test is also performed f rom Cluster Administrator. Select any of the resources found in the SQL Server Group resource group (not the group itself), right -click on it, and select Initiate Failure. Because the cluster service always tries to recover up to three times from a failover, if it can, you will have to select this option four times before a test failover is initiated. As above, after the first failover, check for any problems, then failback using the same procedure. Then check again for problems. Manually Failover Nodes by Turning Them Off Turn off the active node. Once this happens, watch the failover in Cluster Administrator and the clients. As before, check for any problems. Next, turn on the node and wait until it boots back up successfully. Then turn off the now current active node by turning it off hard. And again, watch the failover in Cluster Administrator and the clients, and check for problems. Turn the node back on when done. Manually Failover Nodes by Breaking the Public Net work Connections Unplug the public network connection from the active node. This will cause a failover to a passive node, which you can watch in Cluster Administrator and the clients. Check for any problems. Now, plug the public network connection back int o the server. And unplug the public network connection from the now active node. This will cause a failover to the current passive node, which you can watch in Cluster Administrator. And again, watch the failover in Cluster Administrator and the clients, a nd check for problems. Once the testing is complete, plug the network connection back into the server. Manually Failover Nodes by Breaking the Shared Array Connection From the active node, remove the shared array connection. This will cause a failover, which you can watch in Cluster Administrator and the clients. Check for any problems. Next, reconnect the broken connection from the now active node, and remove the shared array connection. Watch the failover in Cluster Administrator. And again, watch the failover in Cluster Administrator and the clients, and check for problems. When done, reconnect the broken connection. If you pass all of these tests the first time, it would almost be a miracle. But I do believe in miracles. If you run into problems, you have to figure them out.
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Ready for Production Once you have successfully tested your production SQL Server 2005 cluster, you are ready to go into production. If you have time, you might want to consider running the cluster in test mode for a while, "playing" w ith it to learn more about how it works under various conditions. But even if you don't have any extra time to "play" with your cluster, it should be ready to go into production. Now pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Installing SQL Se rver 2008 on a Windows Se rver 2008 cluster There are two options to install SQL Server 2008 on a cluster. The first one is by using the integrated failover cluster install with Add Node option and the second one is the Advanced/Enterprise installation option. The process outlined below will take into account the first option. To install SQL Server 2008: 1. Run setup.exe from the installation media to launch SQL Server Installation Cente r. Click on the Installation link on the left-hand side 2. Click the Ne w SQL Server failover c luste r insta llation link. This will run the SQL Se rver 2008 Setup w izard
3. In the Setup Support Rules dialog box, validate that the checks return successful results and click Next.
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4. In the Product Key dialog box, enter the product key that came with your installation media and click Next.
5. In the License Terms dialog box, click the I accept the license terms check box and click Next. You probably haven't read one of these, but if you feel inclined go for it.
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6. In the Setup Support Rules dialog box, click Insta ll. Validate that the checks return successful results. If the checks returned a few warnings, make sure you fix them before proceeding with t he installation. An example of this is the Network binding order. The public network cards should be first on both nodes. Also, you can disable NETBIOS and DNS registration on the network cards to avoid network overhead. Be sure to check your binding order as well. For the Windows Firewall, make sure that you open the appropriate port number on which SQL Server w ill communicate. You can do this after the installation. Alternatively, you can disable Windows Firewall during the installation and enable it later with the proper configuration. Clic k Next to proceed.
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7. In the Feature Selection dialog box, select only the components that you want installed. For the Shared feature directory, you can keep the default path if you have sufficient disk space on your C:\ drive or anywhere that is a local disk as this will be used by the SQL Server installation process later on. The directory for the clustered database engine will be different. Click Next.
8. In the Instance Configuration dialog box, enter the SQL Server Network Name. This is the name that will be available on the network for the clients. This will vary depending on your selection of whether it is a default or named instance. In this example, default instance is selected. A couple of things need highlighting in this section. By default, the instance name is used as the Instance ID. This is used to identify installation directories and registry keys for your instance of SQL Server and is helpful when you want to run multiple instances in a cluster. This is the case for default instances and named instances. For a default instance, the instance name and instance ID would be MSSQLSERVER. To use a non-default instance ID, you should select the Instance ID box and specify a value. The section on Detected SQL Se rver instances a nd features on this compute r would make sense if there are other SQL Server instances running on your server.
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9. In the Disk Space Re quireme nts dialog box, check that you have enough space on your local disks to install the SQL Server 2008 binaries and click Next.
10. In the Cluster Resource Group dialog box, check the resources available on your Windows Server 2008 cluster. This will tell you that a new Resource Group will be created on your cluster for SQL Server. To specify the SQL Server cluster resource group name, you can either use the drop-down box to specify an existing group to use or type the name of a new group to create it. Click Next.
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11. In the Cluster Disk Se lection dialog box, select the available disk groups that are on the cluster for SQL Server 2008 to use. In this example, two clustered disk groups APPS and APPS2 have been selected to be used by SQL Server 2008. I will be using one disk resource for the system databases while the other one for the user databases. Click Next.
12. In the Cluster Network Configuration dialog box, enter the IP address and subnet mask that your SQL Server 2008 cluster will use. Deselect the checkbox under the DHC P column as you will be using static IP addresses. If you have not disabled your IPv6 adapters and protocols, it would be better to uncheck the row for IPv6
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13. In the Cluster Sec urity Policy dialog box, accept the default value of Use service SIDs (recommended). In Windows Server 2003, we specify domain groups for all SQL Server services but in Windows Server 2008, this is the recommended option.
14. In the Server Configuration dialog box, enter the credentials that you will use for your SQL Server service accounts in the Service Accounts tab. In the Collation tab, select the appropriate collation to be used by SQL Server. Note that the startup type is s et to manual for all clusteraware services and cannot be changed during the installation process. Click Next.
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15. In the Database Engine Configuration dialog box, selec t the appropriate Authentication Mode. If you want to add the currently logged on user to be a part of the SQL Server administrators group, click the Add Curre nt User button.
On the Data Directories tab, enter the path where your system and user database files will be created. This will default to the first shared disk in the cluster so in case you want to change it to the other shared disks to be used by SQL Server 2 008, modify accordingly. If you intend to use the new FILESTREAM feature, click the FILESTREAM tab and set the appropriate configurations. Click Next
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16. In the Error and Usage Reporting dialog box, click Next.
17. In the Cluster Installation Rules dialog box, verify that all checks are successful and click Next.
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18. In the Ready to Install dialog box, verify that all configurations are correct. Click Next.
19. In the Complete dialog box, click Close. This concludes the installation of a SQL Server 2008 Failover Cluster
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At the completion of a successful installation and configuration of the node, you now have a fully functional failover cluster instance. To validate, open the Failover Cluster Manageme nt console, and click on SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) under Se rvices a nd Applications. Make sure that all dependencies are online
Although we do have a fully functioning SQL Server 2008 failover cluster, it does not have high availability at this point in time because there is only one node in the failover cluster. We still have to add the second node to the SQL Server 2008 cluster. In the last part of this series, we will add the second node in the failover cluster and install the latest cumulative update Adding a node on a SQL Serve r 2008 Failove r C luster To add a node on a SQL Server 2008 failover cluster: 1. Run setup.exe from the installation media to launch SQL Server Installation Cente r
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2. Click on the Installation link on the left-hand side. Click the Add node to a SQL Se rver failover cluste r link. This will run the SQL Se rver 2008 Setup w izard. There are a couple of glitches when you get to this point. One of them is a popup error with an error message "failed to retrieve data for this request " while in this step. I've seen a Microsoft Connect item on this but refers to CTP6 so I was thinking it has already been resolved. After a few searches and questions asked, SQL Server MVP Geoff Hiten advised that prior to adding another node in the cluster, any cumulative update should be pre-applied to the node before the main installation as the cluster install of the RTM version has some bugs. This creates a patched install script for the RTM installer to use. The fix started with cumulative update 1 so, technically, you can apply any cumulative update. Sounds weird, but it works. You still hav e to apply the patch after the installation.
3. In the Setup Support Rules dialog box, validate that the checks return successful results and click OK. 4. In the Product Key dialog box, enter the product key that came with your installation media and click Next. Again, a few glitches on this step. This might seem unusual as you are only being asked about the Product Key. There is also a Microsoft Connect item for this which basically asks you to run the setup.exe in command prompt. There is a popup error w ith an error message "The current SKU is invalid" while in this step. This usually happens when you use a media with a supplied product key, like the one that comes with an MSDN subscription. What worked for me was to copy the installation media on a local disk locate the file DefaultSetup. ini file f rom the installation files and delete it or move it to different location. If you opt to delete the file, make sure you note down the product key written on this file as you will need to manually key this in during the installation process. 5. In the License Terms dialog box, click the I accept the license terms check box and click Next. 6. In the Setup Support Rules dialog box, click Insta ll. Validate that the checks return successful results. Again, make sure to fix any errors returned by this check before proceeding with the installation. 7. In the Cluster Node Configuration dialog box, validate that the information for the existing SQL Server 2008 cluster is correct.
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8. In the Se rvice Accounts dialog box, verify that the information is the same as what you have used to configure the first node.
9. In the Error and Usage Reporting dialog box, click Next 10. In the Add Node Rules dialog box, verify that all checks are successful and click Next 11. In the Ready to Add Node dialog box, verify that all configurations are correct and click Insta ll 12. In the Complete dialog box, click Close. This concludes adding a node to a SQL Server 2008 Failover Cluster
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You can validate your cluster installation by expanding the Serv ices and Applications node and check the cluster name of your SQL Server instance. You can now see an option to move the service to another node, in this case, the node you've just added in your failover cluster
Applying patches on a SQL Se rver 2008 cluster Part of the tasks of a DBA is to apply patches on the database engine and a SQL Server 2008 failover cluster is no exception. In fact, it is not as straight -forward as applying patches and service packs on a stand-alone server. It is important to note that when applying patches or service packs to a SQL Server failover cluster, you should apply them first on the passive node. After completing the
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installation on the passive node, failover the SQL Server 2008 cluster resource to this node making it the active node. Once the SQL Server service and all other dependencies are up, you can, then, apply the patches on the new passive node. The latest available patch for SQL Server 2008 is cumulative update 4 and is available for request from Microsoft. For more information, check out this Microsoft KB article. You will have to request for the patch from Microsoft as it is not available from the Microsoft Download Center. The screenshots below show cumulative update 3 (version 10.0.1600.22) but the process is basically the same. Also, note that even though you may have already applied the cumulative update due to the bug mentioned above for adding a node in a failover cluster, you still have to apply the patch on both nodes To apply patches on a SQL Server 2008 failover cluster node: 1. Run SQLServer2008- KB960484-x86.exe (this would depend on the cumulative update that you want to apply) from the hotfix package you have requested from Microsoft 2. In the We lcome dialog box, validate that the checks return successful results.
3. In the License Terms dialog box, click the I accept the license terms check box and click Next
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4. In the Select Features dialog box, validate the SQL Server 2008 components by clicking on the check box. The Upgrade Status field will tell you w hether or not the patch has already been applied. Click Next
5. In the Ready to Update dialog box, verify that all configurations are correct and click Patch
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6. In the Update Progress dialog box, validate that the installation was successful.
7. In the Complete dialog box, click Close. This concludes patching the passive node of a SQL Server 2008 Failover Cluster
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After successfully installing the patc h on the passive node, move the SQL Server 2008 cluster resource to this node so it will become the new active node. Make sure that all the SQL Server 2008 cluster dependencies are online prior to applying the patch on the other node. Repeat the process outlined above to the new passive node. A more comprehensive approach for applying a SQL Server 2008 patch to a failover cluster instance is defined in this Microsoft KB article
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The Quorum drive must be on its own fault -tolerant, dedicated, logical drive. Once the cluster has been installed, test it thoroughly for every possible failure scenario. Do not run antivirus or antispyware on a SQL Server cluster. If you need to reconfigure any Windows or SQL Server clustering configuration options, such as IP addresses or virtual names, you will need to uninstall clustering and then reinstall it.
Monitor active production clusters on a daily basis, looking for any potential problems. Periodically test failover on production servers to ensure all is working well. Once you have a stable SQL Server Cluster running, be very leery about making any changes to it, whatsoever.
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Partitions Table and index pages are contained in one or more partitions. A partition is a user-defined unit of data organization. By default, a table or index has only one partition that contains all the table or index pages. The partition resides in a single filegroup. A table or index w ith a single partition is equivalent to the organizational structure of tables and indexes in earlier versions of SQL Server. When a table or index uses multiple partitions, the data is partit ioned horizontally so that groups of rows are mapped into individual partitions, based on a specified column. The partitions can be put on one or more filegroups in the database. The table or index is treated as a single logical entity when queries or updates are performed on the data. To view the partitions used by a table or index, use the sys.partitions (Transact-SQL) catalog view. Clustered Tables, Heaps, and Indexes SQL Server tables use one of two methods to organize their data pages within a partitio n: Clustered tables are tables that have a clustered index.
The data rows are stored in order based on the clustered index key. The clustered index is implemented as a B-tree index structure that supports fast retrieval of the rows, based on their
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clustered index key values. The pages in each level of the index, including the data pages in the leaf level, are linked in a doubly-linked list. However, navigation from one level to another is performed by using key values. Heaps are tables that have no clustered index.
The data rows are not stored in any particular order, and there is no particular order to the sequence of the data pages. The data pages are not linked in a linked list. For more information, see Heap Structures. Indexed views have the same st orage structure as clustered tables. When a heap or a clustered table has multiple partitions, each partition has a heap or B-tree structure that contains the group of rows for that specific partition. For example, if a clustered table has four partitions, there are four B-trees; one in each partition. Nonclustere d Indexes Nonclustered indexes have a B-tree index structure similar to the one in clustered indexes. The difference is that nonclustered indexes do not affect the order of the data rows. The leaf level contains index rows. Each index row contains the nonclustered key value, a row locator and any included, or nonkey, columns. The locator points to the data row that has the key value. Allocation Units An allocation unit is a collection of pages within a heap or B-tree used to manage data based on their page type. The following table lists the types of allocation units used to manage data in tables and indexes. Allocation unit type IN_ROW_DATA Pages are of type Data or Index. Large object data stored in one or more of these data types: text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), or CLR userdefined types (CLR UDT). Pages are of type Text/Image. Variable length data stored in varchar, nvarchar, varbinary, or sql_variant columns that exceed the 8,060 byte row size limit. Pages are of type Data. A heap or B-tree can have only one allocation unit of each t ype in a specific partition. To view the table or index allocation unit information, use the sys.allocation_units catalog view. IN_ROW_DATA Allocation Unit For every partition used by a table (heap or clustered table), index, or indexed view, there is one IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit that is made up of a collection of data pages. This allocation unit also contains additional collections of pages to implement each nonclustered and XML index defined for the table or view. The page collections in each partition of a table, index, or indexed view are anchored by page pointers in the sys.system_internals_allocation_units system view. Is used to manage Data or index rows that contain all data, except large object (LOB) data.
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Each table, index, and indexed view partition has a row in sys.system_internals_allocation_units uniquely identified by a container ID (container_id). The container ID has a one-to-one mapping to the partition_id in the sys.partitions catalog view that maintains the relationship between the table, index, or the indexed view data stored in a partition and the allocation units used to ma nage the data within the partition. The allocation of pages to a table, index, or an indexed view partition is managed by a chain of IAM pages. The column first_iam_page in sys.system_internals_allocation_units points to the first IAM page in the chain of IAM pages managing the space allocated to the table, index, or the indexed view in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit. sys.partitions returns a row for each partition in a table or index. A heap has a row in sys.partitions with index_id = 0.
The first_iam_page column in sys.system_internals_allocation_units points to the IAM chain for the collection of heap data pages in the specified partition. The server uses the IAM pages to find the pages in the data page collection, because they are not linked. A clustered index on a table has a row in sys.partitions w ith index_id = 1.
The root_page column in sys.system_internals_allocation_units points to the top of the clustered index B-tree in the specified partition. The server uses the index B-tree to find the data pages in the partition. > 1. Each nonclustered index created for a table or a view has a row in sys.partitions with index_id
The root_page column in sys.system_internals_allocation_units points to the top of the nonclustered index B-tree in the specified partition. ROW_OVERF LOW_DATA Allocation Unit For every partition used by a table (heap or clustered table), index, or indexed view, there is one ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation unit. This allocation unit contains zero (0) pages until a data row with variable length columns (varchar, nvarchar, varbinary, or sql_variant) in the IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit exceeds the 8 KB row size limit. When the size limitation is reached, SQL Server moves the column with the largest width from that row to a page in the ROW_OV ERFLOW_DATA allocation unit. A 24-byte pointer to this off-row data is maintained on the original page. Text/Image pages in the ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation unit are managed in the same way pages in the LOB_DATA allocation unit are managed. That is, the T ext/Image pages are managed by a chain of IAM pages. LOB_DATA Allocation Unit When a table or index has one or more LOB data types, one LOB_DATA allocation unit per partition is allocated to manage the storage of that data. The LOB data types include text, ntext, image, xml, varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), and CLR user-defined types.
Heap Structures
A heap is a table without a clustered index. Heaps have one row in sys.partitions, with index_id = 0 for each partition used by the heap. By default, a heap has a single partition. When a heap has multiple partitions, each partition has a heap structure that contains the data for that specific
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partition. For example, if a heap has four partitions, there are four heap structures; one in each partition. The column first_iam_page in the sys.system_internals_allocation_units system view points to the first IAM page in the chain of IAM pages that manage the space allocated to the heap in a specific partition. SQL Server uses the IAM pages to move through t he heap. The data pages and the rows within them are not in any specific order and are not linked. The only logical connection between data pages is the information recorded in the IAM pages Table scans or serial reads of a heap can be performed by scannin g the IAM pages to find the extents that are holding pages for the heap. Because the IAM represents extents in the same order that they exist in the data files, this means that serial heap scans progress sequentially through each file. Using the IAM pages to set the scan sequence also means that rows from the heap are not typically returned in the order in which they were inserted.
The following figure shows how the SQL Server Database Engine uses IAM pages to retrieve data rows in a single partition heap.
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will also have one ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation unit per partition if it contains variable length columns that exceed the 8,060 byte row size limit. The pages in the data chain and the rows in them are ordered on the value of the clustered index key. All inserts are made at the point where the key value in the inserted row fits in the ordering sequence among existing rows. The page collections for the B-tree are anchored by page pointers in the sys.system_internals_allocation_units system view. For a clustered index, the root_page column in sys.system_internals_allocation_units points to the top of the clustered index for a specific partition. SQL Server moves down the index to find the row corresponding to a clustered index key. To find a range of keys, SQL Server moves through the index to find the starting key value in the range and then scans through the data pages using the previous or next pointers. To find the first page in the chain of data pages, SQL Server follows the left most pointers from the root node of the index.
Non clustered indexes c an be defined on a table or view with a clustered index or a heap. Each index row in the non clustered index contains the non clustered key value and a row locator. This locator points to the data row in the clustered index or heap having the key value. The row locators in non clustered index rows are either a pointer to a row or are a clustered index key for a row, as described in the following:
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If the table is a heap, which means it does not have a clustered index, the row locator is a pointer to the row. The pointer is built from the file identifier (ID), page number, and number of the row on the page. The whole pointer is known as a Row ID (RID). If the table has a clustered index, or the index is on an indexed view, the row locator is the clustered index key for the row. If the clustered index is not a unique index, SQL Server makes any duplicate keys unique by adding an internally generated value called a unique ifier. This fourbyte value is not visible to users. It is only added when required to make the clustered key unique for use in non clustered indexes. SQL Server retrieves the data row by searching the clustered index using the clustered index key stored in the leaf row of the non clustered index.
Non clustered indexes have one row in sys.partit ions with index_id >0 for each partition used by the index. By default, a non clustered index has a single partition. When a non clustered index has multiple partitions, each partition has a B-tree structure that contains the index rows for that specific partition. For example, if a non clustered index has four partitions, there are four B-tree structures, with one in each partition. Depending on the data types in the non clustered index, each non clustered index structure will have one or more allocation units in which to store and manage the data for a specific partition. At a minimum, each non clustered index w ill have one IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit per partition that stores the index B-tree pages. The non clustered index will also have one LOB_DATA allocation unit per partition if it contains large object (LOB) columns. The page collections for the B-tree are anchored by root_page pointers in the sys.system_internals_allocation_units system view.
Figure shows the structure of a non clustered index in a single partition. Index F ragmentation in SQL Se rver Index fragmentation is a phenomenon where the index content s are scattered. Normally the contents are in contiguous fashion which helps in fast retrieval of the underlying data. When the indexes are fragmented the data access becomes time consuming because of the scattered data that needs to be searched and read.
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Fragmentation occurs as data is modified. The follow ing are the two types of Index fragmentation: 1. Internal fragmentation 2. External fragmentation Internal fragmentation: This happens when space is available within your index page i.e. when the index pages have not been filled as full as possible. Due to internal fragmentation the index is taking up more space than it needs to. Thus when scanning the index it results in more read operations. Internal fragmentation also happens due to specifying a low value of fill factor (which determines the % of space to be filled in a leaf level page). This is also caused by rows that are removed by DELETE statements or when pages are split and only filled to about half. Empty space on pages means there are less rows per page, which in turn means more page reads. External Fragmentation: External fragmentation occurs when the pages are not contiguous on the index. If the pages in a book are NOT ordered in a logical way (page 1, then page 2, then page 3 and so on) causing you to go back and forward to compound the information and make sense of the reading. External fragmentation happens when there are frequent UPDATES and INSERTS in a table having small amount of free space in the index page. Since the page is already full or only has less free space left and if it is not able to accommodate the new row inserted or updated, as a result Page split happens in order to allocate the new row. Due to page split, original page will be split such that half the rows are left on the original page and the other half is moved to the new page. Mostly the new page is not contiguous to the page being split. Page split is an expensive operation and should always be avoided. How to dete rmine fragmentation? The following query will give the frag mentation information of a particular table named person.address in adventureworks database. Please modify the query to replace the database name and table name according to your requirements. SELECT CAST(DB_NAME(database_id) AS varchar(20)) AS [Database Name], CAST(OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS varchar(20)) AS [TABLE NAME], Index_id, Index_type_desc, Avg_fragmentation_in_percent, Avg_page_space_used_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID('AdventureWorks'),OBJECT_ID('person.address'),NULL,NULL, 'Detailed') If you wish to identify the fragmentation information for the tables in a particular database please use the below query. I am using it to find the fragmentation in Adventureworks database. SELECT CAST(DB_NAME(database_id) AS varchar(20)) AS [Data base Name], CAST(OBJECT_NAME(object_id) AS varchar(20)) AS [TABLE NAME], Index_id, Index_type_desc, Avg_fragmentation_in_percent, Avg_page_space_used_in_percent FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID('AdventureWorks'),NULL,NULL,NULL,'Detailed') Take a look at the output of the following columns in the above query: Avg_fragme ntation_in_pe rcent:
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If the value is >5 and <30 you need to REORGANIZE the index using ALTER index REORGANIZE command. If the value is >30 you need to REBUILD the indexes using ALTER index REBUILD command. Avg_page _space_used_in_pe rcent: This value represents the amount of page space used in an index. If the value is <75% and >60% w e need to REORGANIZE the indexes else REBUILD the indexes. De fragmenting the Indexes: We need to either use ALTER INDEX REBUILD or ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE commands to remove the fragmentation from the indexes. Generally its advisable to schedule a job to do this operations in OFF-Production hours as they consume lots of resources.
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Server does nt have to look up the actual data in the table, reducing logical and/or physical I/O, and boosting performance.
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Factors That Impact Performance Most users perceive the performance of their SQL Server based on the responsiveness of their application. While SQL Server itself does play a part in application responsiveness, before we can isolate SQL Server as the source of a performance issue, we first need to understand the factors that impact the performance of your application. We will look into these factors for completeness before we switch our focus to troubleshooting performance problems in SQL Server. At a high level, many factors can impact the performance and scalability that can be achieved in your application. We will be looking at the following: Application Architecture Application Design Transactions and Isolation Levels Transact-SQL Code Hardware Resources SQL Server Configuration
In this I am explaining about the Transactions and Isolation levels, Hardware resources and SQL server configuration Transactions and Isolation Levels Applications interact with SQL Server using one or more transactions. A transaction can be started explicitly by executing the BEGIN TRANSACTION Transact-SQL statement or implicitly, by SQL Server, for each statement that is not explicitly encapsulated by the transaction. Transactions are very fundamental to database systems. A transaction represents a unit of work that provides the following four fundamental properties: Atomicity Changes done under a transaction that are either all commit or are rolled back. No partial changes are allowed. It is an all-or-nothing proposition. Consistency Changes done under a transaction database from one consistent state to another. A transaction takes a database from one consistent state to another. Isolation Changes done by a transaction are isolated from other concurrent transa ctions until the transaction commits.
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Hardware Resources Hardware resources are the horsepower you need to run your application. It will do you no good if you have a well-designed application, but it is running on hardware that is not on a par with the demands of the workload. Most often, an application is tested in a small-scale environment with simulated workload. While this does serve a useful purpose, clearly it is not a replacement for measuring the performance of the workload and the hardware it actually runs on in production. So when your application hits performance issues, it can be the hardware, however, that is not necessarily so. Any hardware resource (CPU, I/O, memory, or network) that is pushed beyond its operational capacity in any application tier will lead to a slowdown in your application. Note, too, that hardware bottlenecks may also be caused by poor application designs, which ultimately need to be addressed. In such cases, upgrading hardware is a short -term solution at best. SQL Se rver Configuration SQL Server is designed to be self-tuning to meet the challenges of the workload. In most cases, it just works well w ith out-of-the-box configuration settings. However, in some cases, you may need to tweak configuration parameters for maximu m performance. Inside SQL Server 2005: The Storage Engine (Microsoft Press, 2006) has some additional details about configuration options. In this section, we will list the options that you will most likely need to monitor to track down performance issues. The relevant configuration options can be considered to be either CPU-related or memoryrelated options. CPU- Re lated Configuration Options The CPU-related configuration options are used, for exa mple, to control the number of CPUs or sockets that can be used by a SQL Server instance, maximum degree of parallelism, and the number of workers. Some commonly used options in this category include the follow ing: Affinity Mask This option can be used to control the mapping of CPUs to the SQL Server process. By default, a SQL Server uses all processors available on the Server box. A general recommendation is not to use affinity mask option, as SQL Server performs best in the default setting. You may, however, want to use this option under two situations. o First, if you are running other applications on the box, the Windows operating system may move around process threads to different CPUs under heavy load. By using affinity masks, you can bind each SQL Serve r scheduler to its own CPU. This can improve performance by eliminating thread migration across processors, thereby reducing context switching. Second, you can use this parameter to limit the number of CPUs on which a SQL Server can run. This is useful if you are running multiple SQL Server instances on the same Server box and want to limit CPU resources taken by each SQL Server and to minimize their interference.
Lightweight Pooling When this configuration is enabled, SQL Server makes use of Windows fibers . A worker can map to a Windows thread or to a fiber. A fiber is like a thread, but it is cheaper than normal thread because switching between two workers (that is, fiber threads) can be done in user mode instead of kernel mode. So if your workload is expe riencing a CPU bottleneck with signif icant time spent in kernel mode and in context switching, you may benefit by enabling this option. You must test your workload with this option before enabling it in the production system, as more often than not this option may cause performance regression. You should also keep in mind that CLR integration is not supported under lightweight pooling. Max Worker Threads You can think of workers as the SQL Server threads that execute user or batch requests. A worker is bound to a batch until it completes. So the maximum number of workers limits the number of batches that can be executed concurrently. By default, SQL Server sets the Max Worker Threads as described in the follow ing table.
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Numbe r of CPUs 32-bit computer 64-bit computer <= 4 processors 8 processors 16 processors 32 processors 256 288 352 480 512 576 704 960
For most installations, this default setting is fine. Each worker takes 512- KB memory on a 32-bit, 2 MB on X64, and 4 MB on IA64. To preserve memory, the SQL Server starts off with a smaller number of workers. The pool of workers grows or shrinks based on the demand. You may want to change this configuration under two conditions. The first is if you know that your application uses a smaller number of worke rs. By configuring it to a lower number, the SQL Server does not need to reserve memory for the maximu m number of workers. The second is if you have many long running batches (presumably involving lock waits), such that the number of workers needed may exceed the default configuration. This is not a common case, and you may want to look at your application design to analyze this. Max Degree of Parallelism This configuration parameter controls the maximum number of processors or cores that can be deployed to execute a query in parallel. Parallel queries provide better response time but take more CPU resources. You need to look into this configuration parameter if you are encountering CPU bottleneck, described later in this chapter.
Memory- Relate d Configuration Options The memory-related configuration options are used to control the memory consumed by SQL Server. Some of the commonly used configuration options in this category include the follow ing: Max and Min Se rver Memory This is perhaps the most critical of the configuration options, especially in 32-bit configurations, from a performance perspective. This configuration parameter is often confused with the total memory configured for a SQL Server, but it is not the same. It represents the configured memory for the buffer pool. SQL Server, or any database server for that matter, is a memory-hungry application. You want to make as much memory available for SQL Server as possible. The recommendation on 64 bits is to put an upper limit in place to reserve memory for the OS and allocations that come from outside the Buffer Pool. You will also need to cap the memory usage by SQL Server when other applications (including other instances of SQL Server) are running on the same Server box. AWE Enabled On a 32-bit box, the SQL Server process can only address 2 GB of virtual memory, or 3 GB if you have added the /3 GB parameter to the boot.ini file and rebooted the computer, allow ing the /3 GB parameter to take effect. If you have physical memory greater than 4 GB and you have enabled this configuration option, the SQL Server process can make use of memory up to 64 GB normally, and up to 16 GB if you have used /3 GB parameter. Additionally, the SQL Server process requires Lock Pages in Memory privilege in conjunction with AWE-Enabled option. There are some restrictions in terms of the SQL Server SKU and the version of the Windows operating system under which you are running. You should be aware of certain key things when using the AWE option. First, though it allows the SQL Server process to access up to 64 GB of memory for the buffer pool; the memory available to query plans, connections, locks, and other critical structures is still limited to less than 2 GB. Second, the AWE- mapped memory is non pageable and can cause memory starvation to other applications running on the same Server box. Starting with SQL Server 2005, the AWE memory can be released dynamically, but it still cannot be paged out. SQL Server may release this memory in response to physical memory pressure. Third, this option is not available on a 64-bit environment. However, if the SQL Server process has been granted Lock Pages in Memory privilege, the buffer pool will lock pages in memory and these pages cannot be paged out. Best Practices on Performance Tuning Regularly monitor your SQL Servers for blocked transactions.
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Regularly monitor system performance using System Monitor. Use System Monitor for both realtime analysis and for historical/baseline analysis.
If running SQL Server 2005, SP2 or later, install the free SQL Server Performance Dashboard. It can be used for real-time monitoring and performance troubleshooting. Regularly monitor activity using Profiler. Be sure that traces are taken during the busiest times of the day so you get a more representative trace of what is going on in each server. When running the Profiler, do not collect more data than you need to collect.
Perform performance monitoring from a computer that is not the SQL Server you are monitoring. Run monitoring tools on a separate deskt op or server.
Practical Trouble shooting on Pe rforma nce This document was prepared based on the experience I had in the project (screenshots/queries/examples) and from some blogs (content) on the web. I divided this into two parts: Part A discuss about how to setup counters and how to collect the data for analysis. Part B discusses about the performance counters which are to be used in sql server and threshold limits. A. SQL Se rver: Pe rformance Counte rs Setup-Collect-Analyze B. SQL Serve r: Pe rformance Counters- Thresholds SQL Se rver: Performance Counte rs Setup-Collect-Analyze This document was prepared based on the experience I had in the project (screenshots/queries/examples) and from some blogs (content) on the web. Table of Contents Setting up performance monitor counters Case 1: Collection of performance data with SQL Server Agent jobs Case 2: Collection of performance data with SQL Trace Case 3: Collection of performance data using command line tool Case 4: Load the performance data to SQL Server Typical practical issue faced in the project and analysis Setting up Performance Monitor Counters Step 1: How can we setup Performance Monitor to collect data all of the time, so we can go back and review the data when needed?
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Perf-Mon comes with all OS versions best to use this as it is free There are many ways to configure this tool : I would like to share the method that I have been using and it how it has worked for me
P.S -> There is no exact threshold for lot of the counters to determine if there is an issue on your server, so it is very important to collect performance counter data while the server is running healthy, so you can give yourself a baseline to measure against Start Perfmon There are many ways to start perfmon and here are a few methods . Here it goes "Click Start, click Run, and then type perfmon.msc or perfmon in the Open box. When it starts you will get a screen like the follow ing
Click the plus sign next to "Performance Logs and Alerts" to expand.
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On the menu select Action -> New Log Settings and enter a name that makes sense to you. I usually put either the server name or a generic name like "PerfMon". If you store these files in a central place for several servers, it helps to use the server name as the filename. For this example, I am just using a generic name and clicking "OK
Setup PerfMon: There are three areas that you have to setup.
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1. Counters to monitor: what are the areas that you want to monitor 2. Log file type: format for storing the data 3. Schedule: how often you want to track and store the collected data Setting up counters to monitor Let's add some counters. Click "Add Counters..." to choose individual counters or if you wish you can choose "Add Objects... One thing to note is that if you select "Add Objects..." you may add counters that you never need and it will not only waste storage, but also resources from the system, so I don't recommend it. So, let's choose three counters for our example. Counter 1: Performance objects: Processor Select counters from list: % Processor Time Choose Select instance from list: _Total
Counter 2: Performance objects: Memory Select counters from list: Pages/sec Choose Select instance from list: empty If you are not sure what information the counter will give you, you can click "Explain", it will open another window and offer an explanation of the counter that you chose. Here is the example of Counter 1, % Processor Time.
Once you are done, your screen should like the below screenshot.
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For production servers, obviously you don't want to collect data every 15 seconds which may put too much pressure on your server and also waste storage as well. Depending on what you do, you may want to choose to collect every 1 min to every 15min. I do not recommend setting longer then 10 mi n though, because that may not capture enough information to troubleshoot an issue. I will choose every 1 minute for this example. Now, if you are collecting to the server locally, you do not need to set "Run As:" but if you are collecting data from a remote server, then you need to set the service account, which has proper permissions to collect the data. The service account needs to have at least "Profiler system performance" rights from Local Security Settings. For more information, you can read this article: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windows2000serv/reskit/gp/551.mspx?mf r=t rue
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Setting "Log Files" type. This will decide how the data will be stored once it is collected. For this example I chose "Text file (Comma de limited)" and chose "End file names with: yyyymmdd "
And then choose "Configure ". Dont save the perf logs data on C$ as there might be chance that C$ will run out of space on the C drive which then impacts the O/S
Schedule this is how I usually setup my schedules. Start Log At: 12:00:00 PM on FOLLOWING DAY and Stop Log After 1 days and choose "Start a new log file "
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Here is the example, assume I set this up on 4/18/2009, here is the example how it will look like.
This will create one file each day with a filename like D:\PerfLogs\PerfMon_20090417.csv Click "OK" to finish this step.
Before you setup the schedule, you can first run it manually by clicking this icon
This will let you make sure you are collecting the correct data before scheduling it to run.
For the test, check to make sure it created the file correctly.
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To look at the data using Excel, just double click on the CSV file that was created to see if you are collecting the counters correctly.
Tip> Once you are done testing, go back to the "Schedule" section and reset the schedule correctly once again especially "start a new file" section. Tip> Also setup a script to delete old files, so you don't run out of space on your file system. Now I w ill show you how I use Excel to analyze the data to help determine where your bottlenecks may be and also an easy way to create quick reports and charts for your SQL Servers. Before we get started here are a couple of things you will need for this tip. Microsoft Excel 2007 - you also can use Excel 2003 or earlier version but for this tip, I used the latest version. Perf mon trace files at least one day in "csv " format. - If you have a file in "blg" format, you can easily convert it by using the "relog" tool.
Step 1: Ope n the csv file Once you have collected the performance data you can open the csv file using Excel and you should see data similar to the following.
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Step 2: Adjust the format To allow easy reporting of the data there are a few things that I do to adjust the data. Replace server name with an empty string - it helps to make reading the counter names easier. In this case I am replacing "\\T KSBISAS\" the name of my server to nothing. (This is optional, but recommended)
Cell - A1: Replace "(PDH-CSV 4.0) (Pacific Standard Time)(480)" with "Time" (Optional, but recommended) Delete the second row - very often, the first data row has bad data
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Step 3: Create PivotTable with PivotChart From the Insert menu select PivotTable and then select PivotChart as shown below
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After you select the above you will get a screen similar to the following. (to get a bigger workspace area you can close the "PivotChart Filter Pane")
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Step 4: Let's ge nerate our first graph For this example we will look at CPU From the "PivotTable Field List " select "Time" and drag it into the "Axis Fields (Categories)" area From the "PivotTable Field List " select "Memory\Available MBytes" and d rag it into the "Values" area At this point you will have a graph similar to the one shown below
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You can now just select the chart and copy and paste it into a report, an email, Word document etc... as shown below
If you want to change it from processor time to batch requests you can remove " Memory\Available MBytes" and select "Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes" and you will get a chart like below
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Case 1: Most customers asked me how I can schedule the counter [automatically] in such a way that it runs during processing window/during data load window. Solution: In the schedule window please select Manually (using the shortcut option) under Start Log and Stop Log. Since we will be starting and stopping this from the command line we can set all of the settings to manual. Once you are done click OK and your Counter Log has been saved.
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To start and stop this collection of counters called SIRPatc h we can issue the following commands from the Windows command line, from a batch job or from a job step in a SQL Server job. To start logman start SIRPatch To Stop logman stop SIRPatch After you start and stop the data collection, it will create a file such as D:\PerfLogs\SIRPatch_000001.csv. This file can then be opened with the Performance Monitor tool to see the data for the counters that you just collected. If you run the commands again it will create a new file called D:\PerfLogs\ SIRPatch_000002.blg, so the first file is not overwritten. Case 2: When troubleshooting a SQL Server performance problem, one of the tools to use is Profiler. This tool allows you to collect metrics on statements that are run on your SQL Server for analysis and troubleshooting. The problem with using Prof iler is that it is a client tool and unless it is run on the server itself the connection may be lost and your trace stops. This usually happens right before the problem your trying to troubleshoot occurs and you don't end up collecting that valuable information you need. One alternative to using Prof iler is to run a Server S ide Trace. This process runs on the server and collects trace statistics pretty much the same way that you do using Prof iler, but the process involves running a T-SQL script to start, run and stop the trace vs. using the Profiler GUI. The server side trac e can be modif ied to collect any event that the trace process can capture, but for this example we are just looking at SQL: St mtCompleted events which occur when a T -SQL statement has completed. For a complete list of events please check the following loca tion. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260314.aspx
In addition to collecting information on certain events, you can also specify what data to collect. In this example we are c ollecting the statements or Text Data, the SPID, Duration etc... For a complete list of columns http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260314.aspx Column Numbe r 1 12 13
Description Text value dependent on the event class that is captured in the trace. Server Process ID assigned by SQL Server to the process associated with the client. Amount of elapsed time (in milliseconds) taken by the event. This data column is not populated by the Hash Warning event.
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14 15
StartTime Time at which the event started, when available. EndTime Time at which the event ended. This column is not populated for starting event classes, such as SQL: BatchStarting or SP: Starting. It is also not populated by the Hash Wa rning event. Number of logical disk reads performed by the server on behalf of the event. This column is not populated by the Lock: Re leased event. Number of physical disk writes performed by the server on behalf of the event.
To create the trace for these events and columns the command would look as follows: /***********************************************/ /* Server Side Trace */ /***********************************************/ -- Declare variables DECLARE @rc INT DECLARE @TraceID INT DECLARE @maxF ileSize bigint DECLARE @f ileName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @on bit -- Set values SET @maxFileSize = 5 SET @fileName = N'C:\TestTrace' SET @on = 1 -- Create trace EXEC @rc = sp_trace_create @TraceID output, 0, @fileName, @maxFileSize, NULL -- If error end process IF (@rc != 0) GOTO error -- Set the events and data to collect EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45, EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45, EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45, EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45, EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45, EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45, EXEC sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 45,
1, @on 12, @on 13, @on 14, @on 15, @on 16, @on 17, @on
-- Set Filters -- filter1 include databaseId = 6 EXEC sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 3, 1, 0, 6 -- filter2 exclude application SQL Prof iler EXEC sp_trace_setfilter @TraceID, 10, 0, 7, N'SQL Profiler' -- Start the trace EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 1 -- display trace id for future references SELECT TraceID=@T raceID GOTO finish
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-- error trap error: SELECT ErrorCode=@rc -- exit finish: GO There are basically four components to this to get this running: sp_trace_create - this procedure creates the trace and has 5 parameters o o o o o TraceID - the ID of the trace Options - various options that can be set TraceFile - physical file name where you want to write the trace file MaxFileSize - size of the file, before closing and creating subsequent files StopTime - time to stop the trace
sp_trace_setevent - this procedure specifies what event to capture and what column to capture o o o o TraceID - the ID of the trace EventID - the ID of the event you want to capture ColumnID - the ID of the column you want to capture On - whether you want to turn this event on or off
sp_trace_setfilter - this procedure specifies the filters to set. This determines whether you include or exclude data o o o o o TraceID - the ID of the trace ColumnID - the ID of the column you want to set the filter on LogicalOperator - specifies whether this is an AND or OR operation ComparisonOperator - specify whether the value is equal, greater t hen, less the, like, etc... Value - the value to use for your comparison
sp_trace_setstatus o o TraceID - the ID of the trace Status - stop, start or close a trace
To add additional events and columns you would just include additional sp_trace_setevent commands such as the following to collect event 10 RPC: Completed for the same columns that we were collecting above. EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC EXEC sp_trace_setevent sp_trace_setevent sp_trace_setevent sp_trace_setevent sp_trace_setevent sp_trace_setevent sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, @TraceID, @TraceID, @TraceID, @TraceID, @TraceID, @TraceID, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, @on 12, @on 13, @on 14, @on 15, @on 16, @on 17, @on
To start, stop and delete a trace you use the following commands. Task Command Notes
312 | P a g e
To find traceid To start a trace To stop a trace To close and delete a trace
SELECT * FROM :: fn_trace_getinfo(default) sp_trace_setstatus traceid, 1 sp_trace_setstatus traceid, 0 sp_trace_setstatus traceid,0 sp_trace_setstatus traceid, 2
This will give you a list of all of the traces that are running o n the server. TraceId would be the value of the trace TraceId would be the value of the trace To delete you need to stop the trace first and then you can delete the trace. This will close out the trace file that is written.
Once the data has been collected you can load the data into a trace table and then run queries against the trace file. Following are some commands that can be used to load the trace data into a trace table. Task Command Notes
To load a trace
sqlTableToLoad replace this with the table where you will load the data to --Load into a new table traceFileName use the correct SELECT * INTO sqlTableToLoad path for the file that you will be reading FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('traceFileName', DEF the data from. If you are on the server AULT) use the UNC path. default if this is set to default --Load into an existing table the load will load the file you specified as INSERT INTO sqlTableToLoad well as all additional sequenced files that SELECT * FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('traceFileN exist. If you want to only load one file ame', DEFAULT) change the word default to a number of files you want to load. SELECT * FROM sqlTableToLoad
So let's stay we have a job called LoadOLAPData that runs a stored procedure called spLoadOLAPData. To collect the performance and trace data for this job we can setup additional jobs steps to start these processes before the process and then stop them after the process. Before we get into the job steps, let's assume the following have been created already. 1. Stored procedure spLoadOLAPData exists 2. The performance counter log called "PerfMon" has been setup 3. A stored procedure called "spStartTrace" that has our server side trace settings has been setup. This stored procedure takes one parameter called @filename that is used for the name of the trace files. The default path is "D: \perf logs". Job Command Step 1 2 spStartTrace 'LoadOLAPData' logman update sqlcounters -o D:\perf logs\LoadOLAPData Command Type T-SQL CmdExec Purpose Starts the server side trace with an output file name of D:\perflogs\LoadOLAPData.trc This modifies the output file name for the performance counters to D:\perf logs\LoadOLAPData.
313 | P a g e
3 4 5
logman start perf mon EXEC spLoadOLAPData DECLARE @traceID int SELECT @traceID=t raceID FROM :: fn_trace_getinfo(default) where value = 'd:\perflogs\' + 'LoadOlapData' EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @traceID, 0 EXEC sp_trace_setstatus @traceID, 2
This starts the performance counter collection. This is our normal job step to load the data or whatever the job does. This step identifies which trace has been setup for the LoadOlapData process. It gets the TraceID and stops and then closes the trace, so you can see the results.
When the job is run and comp letes there will be at least two files created one for the performance counters and a second for the trace. These files can then be loaded using either Performance Monitor or Prof iler so you can see the results of the job Case 3: TYPEPERF.EXE: Collect performance data with command line tool TYPEPERF.EXE is a command line tool included w ith the Windows operating system that writes performance data to the command window or to a file
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The goal of using TYPEPERF is to capture performance data in a repeatable way; e.g. specify your options in a batch file that you can execute as required. The default is to display the performance data in the command window; alternatively you can use the -f option to specify a CSV file (comma separated values), TSV file (tab separated values), etc. To get started let's figure out what performance objects are available then setup TYPEPERF to capture some performance data. There are two options that you can use to get the list of performance objects on a particular machine: -q [object] lists the installed counters without the instances -qx [object] list the counters including the instances
In both cases [object] is an optional parameter which filters the list to just that object. The default is to query the performance object s on your current machine; you can include -s <computer name> to specify another machine. To get the list of counters for the SQL Server Buffer Manager object enter the following command: TYPEPERF -q "SQLServer: Buffer Manager" You will see output simila r to the follow ing:
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To get a list of counters with instances enter the following command: TYPEPERF -qx "SQLServer:Databases" | FIND "tempdb" You will see output similar to the follow ing:
Instances in this case (-x option) report the performance counters for the SQLServer: Databases object for each SQL Server database (there is also a _Total instance which combines all databases). The above output was filtered to include just the tempdb database by piping to the FIND command. When you are working wit h a named instance of SQL Server, the performance objects will reflect the SQL Server instance name. For example I am running an instance of SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition which is named SQL2005; the performance objects are named MSSQL$SQL2005 instead of SQLServer as show n above. Use the -q or -qx options to get the list of performance counters, redirect the list to a text file, then edit the file as necessary to get just the performance counters that you want to capture. Include the -cf <f ilename> option on your TYPEPERF command line to get the list of counters to report on from a text file.
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Now we are ready to use TYPEPERF to report some performance data. Here is a sample command: Let us create text file named C:\PerfMon.txt with the follow ing count ers (one per line) \SQLServer:Databases(_Total)\DBCC Logical Scan Bytes/sec \SQLServer:Databases(tempdb)\Percent Log Used \SQLServer:Buffer Manager\Buffer cache hit ratio \SQLServer:General Statistics\User Connections \SQLServer:Locks(_Total)\Lock Requests/sec \\SQLServer:SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec TYPEPERF -cf PerfMon.txt The above command will display the counters in the text file PerfMon.txt in the command w indow every second. Hit Ctrl-C to cancel.
Here is another example: TYPEPERF -f CSV -o PerfMon.csv -si 15 -cf PerfMon.txt -sc 60 The above example writes the counter values to PerfMon.csv every 15 seconds. It stops after writing out the counters 60 times (i.e. 15 minutes). An example of the output is shown below in Excel 2007:
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In the above screen shot the custom format used for the Time column is m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss. Case 4: How to Load Performance data to SQL Server Are you ready to push counter data you collected into SQL Server? To do this use relog To use relog to input your performance monitor counters into SQL Server you must first select a database you wish to push them into and then create a system DSN to this SQL Server database (any version of SQL Server will work from SQL 2000 to SQL 2008). Use Windows Authentication as you dont want to worry about saving the account and password in the DSN. Open up the Data Sources (ODBC) (In the Control Panel applet in the Administrative Tools section) Under "User DSN" click "Add" and select SQL Server for your driver and click "Finish" Give your System DSN a name call it "relog", and then point to a SQL Server in the drop down list or type in the server name and click "Next" Select Windows Authentication (ensure that your windows login has dbo rights in the database that you wish to write your performance monitor counters to). and click "Next " Select your database from the dropdow n and click "Next " Click "F inish" Click "Test Data Source..." to test your data source If the test was successful click "OK" and click "OK" again and then close this applet
Now push your performance monitor counters to your SQL Server database by using the follow ing command. Server Name is the name of the server which you collected the data on. This name will be written to the SQL Server table DisplayToID that is created and you can query on it when you want to look at your counters. You will want to run this command in the folder that has the "blg" file that was created or you will need to specify the path too. Also, you need to make sure the filename that was created is what is used for the command. relog PerfMon.blg -f SQL -o SQL:relog!ServerName Analyze the Data
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Now that the data has been loaded it is time to query the data. The collection tables that are created when the data is loaded are the following: DisplayToID - table containing information about your collection CounterDetails - contains details about your perf mon counters CounterData - contains the actual counter data
Here is a sample query illustrating how to access your perf mon counter data. He re we are looking for context switches (Page Faults/sec). This will group the data in one minute intervals. SELECT TOP 10 MachineName, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), CounterDateTime)) as [Date], AVG(CounterValue) as Average, MIN(CounterVa lue) as Minimum, MAX(CounterValue) as Maximu m FROM CounterDetails JOIN CounterData ON CounterData.CounterID = CounterDetails.CounterID JOIN DisplayToID ON DisplayToID.GUID = CounterData.GUID WHERE CounterName = 'Page Faults/sec' GROUP BY MachineNa me, CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(VARCHAR(16), CounterDateTime)) Here is a sample result set
SQL Se rver: Performance Counte rs- Thresholds Performance Non Disk Counters Performance Disk Counters Performance SQL Server Counters
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To troubleshoot overall Database system performance issue, analyzing performance counters is the best way to start. By collecting performance counters during busy period for few days consistently and analyzing those data would give a better idea about overall system problems regarding Memory, CPU, and/or Disk I/O. Please note, for troubleshooting a particular SQL problem such as a stored procedure or a piece of T -SQL, it is better to look at the query execution plan and SQL Trace data and identify the need of redesigning a query or table indexes. Follow ing are some key performance counters to use while assessing a performance issues on SQL Server. Memory and Disk I/O complements each other. Memory issues on the system could affect disk I/O and vice versa. It is very critical to carefully observe the trend of performance counters data over a long period of time to identify the real problem. Performance Non- Disk Counters Object Memory Counter Available Mbytes Pre ferred Value > 100MB Description Available MBytes is the amount of physical memory available to processes running on the computer, in Megabytes. Note that this counter displays the last observed value only. It is not an average. Higher the value poor the performance. Pages Input/sec is the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page in virtual memory that is not in its working set or elsewhere in physical memory, and must be retrieved from disk. See KB 889654. Pages/sec is the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. Investigate if over 100 pages per second on a system with a slow disk, usually even 500 pages per second on a system with a fast disk subsystem may not be an issue. Note: Values of >20 pages that appear in many other sources of documentation are out of date. A high value for the Memory: Pages/sec counter does not necessarily indicate memory pressure or a System Monitor reporting error. To gain an accurate reading of your system, you must also monitor other counters (Pages Input/Sec, %Usage, %Usage Peak). See KB 889654. The amount of the Page File instance in use in percent. See KB 889654. The peak usage of the Page File instance in
Pages Input/Sec
< 10
See Description
320 | P a g e
Process (sqlservr)
%Processor Time
< 80%
Process (msmdsrv)
%Processor Time
< 80%
percent. See KB 889654. % Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that all of process threads used the processor to execution instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. For the SSAS. 80% is for a server which is dedicated to SSAS. % Privileged Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. % Processor Time is the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. For standard servers with long Quantums <= 4 per CPU Excellent < 8 per CPU Good < 12 per CPU Fair
%Privileged Time
Performance Disk Counte rs When the data files are places on a SAN ignore the follow ing!! Use the performance tools provided by the SAN vendor instead Pre ferred Object Counter Description Value Measure of disk latency. Avg. Disk sec/Read is the average time, in seconds, of a read of data from the disk. More Info: Avg. Disk PhysicalDisk < 8ms Reads Sec/Read Excellent < 08 Msec ( .008 seconds ) Good < 12 Msec ( .012 seconds ) Fair < 20 Msec ( .020 seconds ) Poor > 20 Msec ( .020 seconds ) Measure of disk latency. Avg. Disk sec/Write is the average time, in seconds, of a write of data to the disk. < 8ms (non cached) PhysicalDisk Avg. Disk sec/Write < 1ms (cached) Non cached Writes Excellent < 08 Msec ( .008 seconds ) Good < 12 Msec ( .012 seconds ) Fair < 20 Msec ( .020 seconds ) Poor > 20 Msec ( .020 seconds ) Cached Writes Only Excellent < 01 Msec ( .001 seconds ) Good < 02 Msec ( .002 seconds ) Fair < 04 Msec ( .004 seconds ) Poor > 04 Msec ( .004 seconds
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SQLServer:Access Methods
Forwarded Records/sec
Rows w ith varchar columns can experience expansion when varchar values are updated with a longer string. In the case where the row cannot fit in the existing page, the row migrates and access to the row will traverse a pointer. < 10 per 100 Batch This only happens on heaps (tables Requests/Sec without clustered indexes). Evaluate clustered index for heap tables. In cases where clustered indexes cannot be used, drop non-clustered indexes, build a clustered index to reorg pages and rows, drop the clustered index, then recreate non-clustered indexes. This counter monitors the number of full scans on base tables or indexes. Values greater than 1 or 2 indicate that we are having table / Index page scans. If we see high CPU then we need to investigate this counter, otherwise if the full scans are on small tables we can ignore this counter. A few of the main causes of high Full Scans/sec are Missing indexes Too many rows requested Queries with missing indexes or too many rows requested will have a large number of logical reads and an increased CPU time. Number of index searches. Index searches are used to start range scans, single index record fetches, and to reposition within an index. Index searches are preferable to index and table scans. For OLTP applications, optimize for more index searches and less scans (preferably, 1 full scan for every 1000 index searches). Index and table scans are expensive I/O operations.
SQLServer:Access Methods
SQLServer:Access Methods
SQLServer:Access Methods
Page Splits/sec
Number of page splits per second that occur as the result of overflowing index pages. Interesting counter that can lead us to our table / index design. This value needs to be low as possible. If you find out that the number of page splits is high, consider increasing the fillfactor of < 20 per 100 Batch your indexes. An increased fillfactor Requests/Sec helps to reduce page splits because there is more room in data pages before it fills up and a page split has to occur. Note that this counter also includes the new page allocations as well and doesnt necessarily pose a problem. The other
323 | P a g e
place we can confirm the page splits that involve data or index rows moves are the fragmented indexes on page splits. This counter indicates how often SQL Server goes to the buffer, not the hard disk, to get data. The higher this ratio, the less often SQL Server has to go to the hard disk to fetch data, and performance overall is boosted. Unlike many of the other counters available for monitoring SQL Server, this counter averages the Buffer Cache Hit Ratio from the time the last instance of SQL Server was restarted. In other words, this counter is not a real-time measurement, but an average of all the days since SQL Server was last restarted. In OLTP applications, this ratio should exceed 9095%. If it doesn't, then you need to add more RAM to your server to increase performance. In OLAP applications, the ratio could be much less because of the nature of how OLAP works. In any case, more RAM should increase the performance of SQL Server OLAP activity. Free list stalls/sec is the frequency with which requests for available database pages are suspended because no buffers are available. Free list stall rates of 3 or 4 per second indic ate too little SQL memory available. Total number of pages on all free lists. This counter tracks how many times a second that the Lazy Writer process is moving dirty pages from the buffer to disk in order to free up buffer space. Generally speaking, this should not be a high value, say more than 20 per second or so. Ideally, it should be close to zero. If it is zero, this indicates that your SQL Server's buffer cac he is plenty big and SQL Server doesn't have to free up dirty pages, instead waiting for this to occur during regular checkpoints. If this value is high, then a need for more memory is indicated. This performance monitor counter tells you, on average, how long data pages are staying in the buffer. If this value gets below 300 seconds, this is a potential indication that your SQL Server could use more memory in order to boost performance.
> 90%
Free pages
> 640
Lazy Writes/Sec
< 20
> 300
324 | P a g e
SQLServer:Buffer Manager
Page lookups/sec
Number of requests to find a page in the buffer pool. When the ratio of page lookups to batch requests is much greater than 100, this is an indication that while query plans are loo king up data in the buffer pool, these plans are inefficient. Identify queries w ith the highest amount of logical I/O's and tune them. Number of physical database page reads issued. 80 90 per second is normal, anything that is above indicates indexing or memory constraint. Number of physical database page writes issued. 80 90 per second is normal, anything more we need to check the lazy writer/sec and checkpoint counters, if these counters are also relatively high then, its memory constraint. > 2 per second indicates that the application is not correctly using connection pooling. > 2 per second indicates that the application is not correctly using connection pooling. The number of users currently connected to the SQL Server.
Page reads/sec
< 90
Page writes/sec
< 90
Note: It is recommended to review this counter along with Batch Requests/Sec. A surge in user connections may result in a surge of Batch Requests/Sec. So if there is a disparity (one going up and the other staying flat or going dow n), then that may be a cause for concern. With a blocking problem, for example, you might see user connections, lock waits and lock wait time all increase while batch requests/sec decreases. This is the number of latch requests that could not be granted immediately. In other words, these are the amount of latches, in a one second period that had to wait. This is the total latch wait time (in milliseconds) for latch requests in the last second Total wait time (milliseconds) for locks in the last second.
SQL Server:Latches
Latch Waits/sec
(Total Latch Wait Time) / (Latch Waits/Sec) < 10 (Total Latch Wait Time) / (Latch Waits/Sec) < 10 See Description
SQL Server:Latches
SQL Server:Locks
325 | P a g e
Note: For Lock Wait Time it is recommended to look beyond the Avg value. Look for any peaks that are close (or exceeds) to a wait of 60 sec. Though this counter counts how many total milliseconds SQL Server is waiting on locks during the last second, but the counter actually records at the end of locking event. So most probably the peaks represent one huge locking event. If those events exceeds more than 60seconds then they may have extended blocking and could be an issue. In such cases, thoroughly analyze the blocking script output. Some applications are written for timing out after 60 seconds and thats not acceptable response for those applications.
SQL Server:Locks
Lock Waits/sec
This counter reports how many times users waited to acquire a lock over the past second. Note that while you are actually waiting on the lock that this is not reflected in this counterit gets incremented only when you wake up after waiting on the lock. If this value is nonzero then it is an indication that there is at least some level of blocking occurring. If you combine this with the Lock Wa it Time counter, you can get some idea of how long the blocking lasted. A zero value for this counter can definitively prove out blocking as a potential cause; a nonzero value will require looking at other information to determine whether it is significant. The number of lock requests that resulted in a deadlock. The Total Server Memory is the current amount of memo ry that SQL Server is using. If this counter is still grow ing the server has not yet reached its steady-state, and it is still trying to populate the cache and get pages loaded into memory. Performance will likely be somewhat slower during this time sinc e more disk I/O is required at this stage. This behavior is normal. Eventually Total Server Memory should approximate Target Server Memory.
SQL Server:Locks
Number of Deadlocks/sec
See Description
326 | P a g e
This counter measures the number of batch requests that SQL Server receives per second, and generally follows in step to how busy your server's CPUs are. Generally speaking, over 1000 batch requests per second indicates a very busy SQL Server, and could mean that if you are not already experiencing a CPU bottleneck, that you may very well soon. Of course, this is a relative numbe r, a nd the bigger your hardwa re, the more batch requests pe r second SQL Server can handle. From a network bottleneck approach, a typical 100Mbs network card is only able to handle about 3000 batch requests per second. If you have a server that is this busy, you may need to have two or more network cards, or go to a 1Gbs network card.
SQLServer:SQL Statistics
Batch Re quests/Sec
See Description
Note: Sometimes low batch requests/sec can be misleading. If there were a SQL statements/sec counter, this would be a more accurate measure of the amount of SQL Server activity. For example, an application may call only a few stored procedures yet each stored procedure does lot of work. In that case, we will see a low number for batch requests/sec but each stored procedure (one batch) will execute many SQL statements that drive CPU and other resources. As a result, many counter thresholds based on the number of batch requests/sec will seem to identify issues because the batch requests on such a server are unusually low for the level of activity on the server.
We cannot conclude that a SQL Server is not active simply by looking at only batch requests/sec. Rather, you have to do more investigation before deciding there is no load on the server. If the average number of batch requests/sec is below 5 and other counters (such as SQL Server processor utilization) confirm the absence of significant activity, then there is not enough of a load to make
327 | P a g e
SQLServer:SQL Statistics
The number of times per second that SQL Server compilations have occurred. This value needs to be as low as possible. If you see a high SQL < 10% of the number value such as over 100, then its an Compilations/sec of Batch Requests/Sec indication that there are lots of adhoc queries that are running, might cause CPU usage, solution is to re-write these adhoc as stored procedure or use sp_executeSQL. < 10% of the number SQL Reof SQL Compilations/sec Compilations/sec This needs to be nil in our system as much as possible. A recompile can cause deadlocks and compile locks that are not compatible with any locking type.
SQLServer:SQL Statistics
TY PICAL PRACTIC AL Troubleshooting Problem Description: One of OLAP processing job that runs daily failing with the follow ing error A time out occurred while waiting for memory resources to execute the query. Rerun the query Production support team used to restart OLAP services when the job fails and restart the job again. This issue is recurring and production team manually monitoring the OLAP job during its 3 hr run window. Due to this the processing SLA is missing daily. Customer Request/Escalation: Please review the configuration of the server to see why we are getting these erro rs almost every day. Is there anything that can be modified in the SQL or Analysis server configuration to resolve this issue? Observations: Here are our observations: 1. 2. 3. 4. SQL Server Version : SQL 2000 SP4 RAM : 8 GB AWE enabled sp_configure [I have pasted output for min and max memory only] name minimu m maximum config_value run_value -----------------------------------------------------------------max server memory (MB) 4 2147483647 3844 3844 min server memory (MB) 0 2147483647 3844 3844
328 | P a g e
SQL Server configured to use max 3.75 GB 5. Please find the boot.ini info on the server here: [boot loader] default =multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT ="Windows Server 2003, Datacenter" /fastdetect /sos /PAE /3GB /debug=disable,noumex /debugport =com1 /baudrate=115200 C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT ="Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons I could see both the switches are present [/PAE and /3GB]. 6. The memory settings I could see on the server for Analysis services is like below Analysis Manager - > Server Right click properties -> Environment Window Under Memory settings Minimum Allocated Memory : 2047 MB Memory Conservation Threshold : 3047 MB If you enable the /3 GB sw itch, you should not set the Memory conse rvation threshold setting to more than approximately 2.7 GB. Setting this value slightly below the 3-GB memory limit ensures that the cleaner thread has sufficient time to respond to low memory conditions and to reduce allocated memory before Analysis Services uses the entire 3-GB address space 7. I have created a perfmon log named MemoryLog on OLAP Serv er and scheduled it to collect the data when OLAP job runs. I have created two jobs to collect Memory related data when OLAP job runs on the server. Job Names: PerfMon-MemoryLog Start PerfMon-MemoryLog Stop Analysis done and Recomme ndations: a) We need to change the Memory conse rvation threshold to 2765 MB [~2.7 GB] and restart Analysis services. b) If we have both /3GB and /PAE in boot.ini, we need to very carefully evaluate the Memory >Free System Page Table Entries counter in PerfMon. The ideal value of this counter should be > 7000. If the value is less than 7000 then connectivity and performance became problematic.
c) I have collected perfmon data [memory object - counters] for the last 5 days when OLAP processing is in progress on the server and the graph for Free System Page Table Entries is like below [Graph is almost similar on those 5 days]. The value is hovering a round 3500.
329 | P a g e
That's getting into the dangerously low range. We would suggest that you consider adding a /userva switch with a value of 2900 [/userva=2900] That should get the free system PTEs into a range closer to 7000. Please change the settings to boot.ini [if you still face performance issues on OLAP Server] 1. Take backup of current boot.ini file 2. Change the configuration of boot.ini as below: [boot loader] default =multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT ="Windows Server 2003, Datacenter" /fastdetect /sos /PAE /3GB /Use rva=2900 /debug=disable,noumex /debugport =com1 /baudrate=115200 C:\CMDCONS\BOOTSECT.DAT ="Microsoft Windows Recovery Console" /cmdcons 3. Reboot the OLAP Server The above settings will keep the server running, but it's definitely living on the edge. These setting will delay the inevitable for a bit, and going to x64 with A S 2000 will delay the inevitable a bit longer (in that environment, the server process can access up to ~3.9GB of memory). If it's absolutely essential to stick with 2000, IA64 would be a much better option. For the longer term, AS 2008 on an x64 platform is really the way to go.
330 | P a g e
Connection2 tries to read same record. USE Northwind SELECT HireDate FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1 You will see that Connection2 cannot read data because an exclusive lock has been set for the resource by Connection1. The exclusive locks are not compatible w ith other locks. Though this reduces the concurrency, as you see, it eliminates the data inaccuracy by not allowing seeing uncommitted data for others. Now lets set the Isolation Level of Connection2 to Read Uncommitted and see. USE Northwind SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED SELECT HireDate
331 | P a g e
As you expected, Connection2 can see the record that is being modified by Connection1 which is an uncommitted record. This is called dirty-reading. You can expect higher level of concurrency by setting the Isolation Level to Read Uncommitted but you may face all concurrency related problems. Imagine the consequences when Connection1 rolls back the transaction but Connection2 makes a decision from the result before the roll back. Read Committed Isolation Level This is the default Isolation Level of SQL Server. This eliminates dirty-reads but all other concurrency related problems. You have already seen this. Look at the sample used above. Connection2 could not read data before the Isolation Level was set to Read Uncommitted. That is because it had been set to the default Isolation Level which is Read Comm itted which in turn disallowed reading uncommitted data. Though it stops dirty-reads, it may introduce others. Lets take a simple example that shows Lost Updates. Employee table contains data related to employee. New employee joins and record is made in the table. USE Northwind INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (LastName, FirstName, Title, TitleOfCourtesy, BirthDate, HireDate) VALUES ('Lewis', 'Jane', 'Sales Representative', 'Ms.', '03/04/1979', '06/23/2007') This table contains a column called Notes that describes the employees education background. Data entry operators fill this column by looking at her/his f ile. Assume that the update code has been written as below. Note that no Isolation Level has been set, means default is set. IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.UpdateNotes', N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROC dbo.UpdateNotes END GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateNotes @EmployeeID int , @Notes ntext AS BEGIN DECLARE @IsUpdated bit BEGIN TRAN SELECT @IsUpdated = CASE WHEN Notes IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID -- new record -- The below statement added to hold the transaction for 5 seconds -- Consider it is as a different process that do something else. WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:5'
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IF (@IsUpdated = 0) BEGIN UPDATE dbo.Employees SET Notes = @Notes WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID END ELSE BEGIN ROLLBACK T RAN RAISERROR ('Note has been alreasy updated!', 16, 1) RETURN END COMMIT TRAN END Operator1 makes Connection1 and executes the follow ing query. EXEC dbo.UpdateNotes 15, 'Jane has a BA degree in English from the University of Washington.' Within few seconds (in this case, right after Operator1 started) Operator2 makes Connection2 and executes the same w ith a different note, before completing the Operator1s process. EXEC dbo.UpdateNotes 15, 'Jane holds a BA degree in English.' If you query the record after both processes, you will see that note that was entered by th e Operator2 has been set for the record. Operator1 made the update and no error messages were returned to it, but it has lost its update. This could be avoided if the record was locked and held as soon as it was identif ied as a not updated record. But obtaining and holding a lock is not possible with Read Committed Isolation Level. Because of this, concurrency related problems such as Lost Updates, Nonrepeatable reads and Phantom reads can happen with this Isolation Level. Re peatable Read Isolation Level This Isolation Level addresses all concurrency related problems except Phantom reads. Unlike Read Committed, it does not release the shared lock once the record is read. It obtains the shared lock f or reading and keeps till the transaction is over. This stops other transactions accessing the resource, avoiding Lost Updates and Nonrepeatable reads. Change the Isolation Level of the stored procedure we used for Read Committed sample. IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.UpdateNotes', N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROC dbo.UpdateNotes END GO CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UpdateNotes @EmployeeID int, @Notes ntext AS BEGIN DECLARE @IsUpdated bit SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ
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BEGIN TRAN SELECT @IsUpdated = CASE WHEN Notes IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = @EmployeeID -- new record Now make two connections and execute below queries just as you did with Read Committed sample. Make sure you set the Note column value back to NULL before executing them. With Connection1; EXEC dbo.UpdateNotes 15, 'Jane has a BA degree in English from the University of Washington.' With Connection2; EXEC dbo.UpdateNotes 15, 'Jane holds a BA degree in English.' Once you execute the c ode with Connection2, SQL Server w ill throw 1205 error and Connection2 w ill be a deadlock victim. This is because, Connection1 obtain and hold the lock on the resource until the transaction completes, stopping accessing the resource by others, avoiding Lost Updates. Note that setting DEADLOCK_PRIORITY to HIGH, you can choose the deadlock victim. Since the lock is held until the transaction completes, it avoids Nonrepeatable Reads too. See the code below. SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ BEGIN TRAN SELECT Notes FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 10 It reads a record from the Employees table. The set Isolation Level guarantees the same result for the query anywhere in the transaction because it holds the lock without releasing, avoiding modification from others. It guarantees consistency of the information and no Nonrepeatable reads. Now lets take another simple example. In this case, we add one new table called Allowances and one new column to Employees table called IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven. The code for changes are as below ; USE Northwind GO -- table holds allowances CREATE TABLE Allowances (EmployeeID int, MonthAndYear datetime, Allowance money) GO -- additional column that tells whet her the birthday allowance is given or not ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees ADD IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven bit DEFAULT(0) NOT NULL GO Assume that company pays an additional allowance for employees whose birth date fall on current month. The below store d procedure inserts allowances for employees whose birth date fall on current
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month and update employees record. Note that WAITFOR DELAY has been added hold the transaction for few seconds in order to see the problem related to it. And no Isolation Level has been set, default applies. IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance', N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance END GO CREATE PROC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance AS BEGIN BEGIN TRAN -- inserts records to allowances table INSERT INTO Allowances (EmployeeID, MonthAndYear, Allowance) SELECT EmployeeID, getdate(), 100.00 FROM dbo.Employees WHERE IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven = 0 AND MONT H(BirthDate) = MONT H(getdate()) -- hold the transaction for 5 seconds -- Consider this is as some other process that takes 5 seconds WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05' -- update IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven column in Employees table UPDATE dbo.Employees SET IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven = 1 WHERE IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven = 0 AND MONT H(BirthDate) = MONT H(getdate()) COMMIT TRAN END Before running any queries, make sure at least one employees birth date falls on current month. Now open a new connection (lets name it as Connection1) and run the stored procedure. In my Northw ind database, I have one record that stratifies the criteria; EmployeeId 6: Michael Suyama. USE Northwind GO EXEC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance Immediately, open Connection2 and insert a new employee whose birth date falls into current month. USE Northwind GO INSERT INTO dbo.Employees (LastName, FirstName, Title, TitleOfCourtesy, BirthDate, HireDate) VALUES ('Creg', 'Alan', 'Sales Representative', 'Ms.', '07/13/1980', '07/20/2007') Go back to Connection2. Once the transaction completed, query the Allowances table and see. You will see a one record that is generated for Michael. Then open the Em ployees table and see that how
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many records have been updated. It has updated two, not only Michael but Alan. Note that no record has been inserted to the Allowances table for Alan. In this case, the new record is considered as a Phantom record and read of the new record called as Phantom Read. This cannot be avoided w ith default Isolation Level that is Read Comm itted. Change the stored procedure and set the Isolation Level as Repeatable Read. IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance', N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance END GO CREATE PROC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance AS BEGIN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ BEGIN TRAN -- inserts records to allowances table INSERT INTO Allowances (EmployeeID, MonthAndYear, Allowance) SELECT EmployeeID, getdate(), 100.00 FROM dbo.Employees WHERE IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven = 0 AND MONT H(BirthDate) = MONT H(getdate())
Now bring the Employees table to original state. UPDATE dbo.Employees SET IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven = 0 DELETE dbo.Employees WHERE FirstName = 'Alan' DELETE dbo.Allowances Open two connections again and try the same. Check the result. Still the Phantom Reads problem exists. In order to avoid this problem, you need to use highest Isolation Level that is Serializable. Serializable Isolation Level This is the highest Isolation Level and it avoids all the concurrency related problems. The behavior of this level is just like the Repeatable Read w ith one additional feature. It obtains key range locks based on the filters that have been used. It locks not only current records that stratify the filter but new records fall into same filter. Change the stored procedure we used for above sample and set the Isolation Level as Serializable. IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance', N'P') IS NOT NULL BEGIN DROP PROC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance END GO
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CREATE PROC dbo.AddBirthdayAllowance AS BEGIN SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE BEGIN TRAN -- inserts records to allowances table INSERT INTO Allowances (EmployeeID, MonthAndYear, Allowance) SELECT EmployeeID, getdate(), 100.00 FROM dbo.Employees WHERE IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven = 0 AND MONT H(BirthDate) = MONT H(getdate()) Run the clean up code again to bring the Employees table to the original state. Now test the stored procedure and INSERT statement with two connections. You will notice that INSERT operation is blocked until Connection1 completes the transaction, avoiding Phantom Reads. Run the clean up code again and drop the new table Allowances and added column
IsBirthdayAllowanceGiven in the Employees table. Whenever we set the Isolation Level to a transaction, SQL Server makes sure that the transaction is not disturbed by other transactions. This is called concurrency control. All the Isolation Levels w e discussed so far come under a control called Pessimistic Control. The Pessimistic control, SQL Server locks the resource until user performs the action she/he needs and then release for others. The other concurrency control is Optimistic Control. Under Optimistic Control, SQL Server does not hold locks but once read, check for inconsistency for next read. The two newly introduced Isolation Levels w ith SQL Server 2005 are Snapshot and Read Committed Snapshot . These two Isolation Levels provide Optimistic Control and they use Row Versioning. Snapshot Isolation Level The Snapshot Isolation Level works with Row Versioning technology. Whenever the transaction requires a modification for a record, SQL Server first stores the consistence version of the record in the tempdb. If another transaction that runs under Snapshot Isolation Level requires the same record, it can be taken from the version store. This Isolation Level prevents all concurrency related problems just like Serializable Isolation Level, in addition to that it allows multiple updates for sa me resource by different transactions concurrently. Since there is a performance impact with Snapshot Isolation Level it has been turned off by default. The impact is explained below w ith the sample. You can enable it by altering the database. ALTER DATABASE Northwind SET ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION ON Lets look at a simple sample. Make sure you have enabled Snapshot Isolation Level in the database before running below query. Open a new connection (Connection1) and execute query below; USE Northwind BEGIN TRAN
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-- update the HireDate from 5/1/1992 to 5/2/1992 UPDATE dbo.Employees SET HireDate = '5/2/1992' WHERE EmployeeID = 1 Now open the second connection (Connection2) and try to retrieve the same record. SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1 As you have seen with examples discussed under other levels, the record cannot be retrieved. Since we have enabled Snapshot Isolation Level in the database, SQL Server stores version of the record. Use below dynamic management view for retrieving versions stored in the store. SELECT * FROM sys.dm_t ran_version_store; You will see one record in the store. Now set the Isolation Level of the Connection2 as Snapshot and try to retrieve the record. SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT BEGIN TRAN SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1 This returns record from the store that was the last consistence version of the record. Note that HireDate of the employee is 05/01/1992 not 05/02/1992. Now go back to the Connection1 and commit the transaction. COMMIT TRAN Again open the Connection2 and execute the query. Note that even though the Connection1 has committed the change, Connection2 still gets the older record. This is because it was th e consistence record in the version store when the Connection2 started the transaction and the same version is read during the transaction. SQL Server keeps this version of the record until no reference for it. If another transaction starts changing same record, another version will be stored and goes on; results longer link list in the version store. Maintaining longer link list and traversing through list will impact the performance. Committing the transaction in Connection2 will remove the reference for the first version and the first version in the store will be removed from separate clean-up process. There is another great feature w ith Snapshot Isolation Level. It is Conflict Detection. One transaction reads a record f rom the version store and later tries to update the record. Another transaction
updates the same record before previous transactions update. This conflict detects by the SQL Server and aborts the previous transaction. Open a connection (Connection1) and run the below query. The update statement causes to add the current consistence version to the version store. USE Northwind
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BEGIN TRAN -- update the HireDate from 5/1/1992 to 5/2/1992 UPDATE dbo.Employees SET HireDate = '5/2/1992' WHERE EmployeeID = 1 Open the second connection (Connection2) and read the same record. Note the Isolation Level. USE Northwind GO SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT BEGIN TRAN SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1 Go back to Connection1 and commit the transaction. COMMIT TRAN Go back to Connection2 and try to update the record. Note that the current transaction still runs. Whenever you execute the UPDATE statement, SQL Server detects the modif ication that has been done by Connection1 in between read and write, it throws an error. UPDATE dbo.Employees SET HireDate = '5/3/1992' WHERE EmployeeID = 1 Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to access table 'dbo.Employees' directly or indirectly in database 'Northwind' to update, delete, or insert the row that has been modif ied or deleted by another transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for the update/delete statement. Once the conflict is detected, it terminates the transaction in Connection2. Though this Isolation Lev el has some great advantageous, this level is not recommended for a database that has many updates. This is suitable for database that is mainly used for read data with occasional updates. Read Committed Snapshot Isolation Level This is the new implementation of the Read Comm itted Isolation Level. It has to be set not at session/connection level but database level. The only different between Read Comm itted and Read Committed Snapshot is, Read Comm itted Snapshot is Optimistic whereas Read Committed is Pessimistic . The Read Committed Snapshot differs from Snapshot in two ways; Unlike Snapshot, it always returns latest consistence version and no conflict detection. Lets test this out. First, enable t he Isolation Level. ALTER DATABASE Northwind SET READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT ON Now open a new connection (Connection1) and run the below query. USE Northwind BEGIN TRAN
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-- update the HireDate from 5/1/1992 to 5/2/1992 UPDATE dbo.Employees SET HireDate = '5/2/1992' WHERE EmployeeID = 1 This makes a last consistence version in the version store. Now open the second connection (Connection2) and try to retrieve the record. USE Northwind GO BEGIN TRAN SELECT * FROM dbo.Employees WHERE EmployeeID = 1 You get a record f rom the version store. The value for the HireDate will be the last consistence value that is 05/01/1992. Go back to Connection1 and commit the transaction. COMMIT TRAN In Connection1, execute the SELECT statement again. Unlike Snapshot the latest consistence is returned that has the HireDate as 05/02/1992. Commit the Connection2 transaction too. Since the maintaining old versions are not necessary with this level, there will be no impact for performance like Snapshot but all the concurrency related problems except dirty reads can happen. Finally, lets summarize. The below table depicts importance points of each level. Dirty Lost Nonrepeatable Pha ntom Concurrency Reads Updates reads reads model Read Uncommitted Read Committed Re peatable Read Serializable Snapshot Read Committed Snapshot Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Pessimistic Pessimistic Pessimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Optimistic Conflict Detection No No No No Yes No
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A Quic k SQL Se rver Inte rnals Discussion We are most familiar w ith the data row. The row size is set only by the definition of the table that holds it (e.g. A table of addresses require more data per row then a table of class names). In SQL Server, a table may def ine a row as storing as litt le as 4 bytes to as much as 8060.This limit is set by the size of the data page, which stores up to 8,192 bytes (8 KB). The remaining 132 bytes are used by SQL Server to track other information under the covers. Although SQL Server is designed around 8 KB pages, the smallest unit of data that SQL Server can allocate is 64 KB. This is called an extent.
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To store the data in a sorted order, as in a phone book, SQL Server uses something called a clustered index. When a typical database is created, clustered indexes exist on nearly all tables. However, just because the data exists in sorted order within the page does not mean that it exists as such within an extent. The reason for this derives from situations in which there is no more room on a given page in which it can insert a row. SQL Server then removes approximately half the page and moves it to another page, which is called a Page Split (Page Splits will not occur with clustered indexes on IDENTITY based columns, but hotspotting may). In some cases, it may move that data to another extent altogether, possibly even allocating a new extent to do so. So, while we start off with names beginning with A and ending with H on one page, and names beginning w ith I and ending with Z on the next page, through usage, we may see that names A through C are now located on one page in one extent, D through E on another extent and S through Z back on the fifth page of the first extent, etc. It is because of the page split that there are times in which we may prefer to use tab les with no clustered indexes at all. However, these tables are usually scratch tables which are highly volatile. In those situations, we desire the quicker write times at the cost of slower reads. Calling DBCC SHOWCONTIG Using Query Analyzer, connect to the database you wish to view. Next, you will need to get the object id of the table(s) you wish to examine. I have simplif ied this task to retrieve the top 10 tables by size using the follow ing script. SELECT TOP 10 'DBCC SHOWCONTIG(' + CAST(id AS NVARCHAR(20)) + ')' + CHAR(10) + 'PRINT '' ''' + CHAR(10) FROM sysindexes WHERE indid = 1 or indid = 0 ORDER BY rows DESC Execute this script in the database that you wish to check, and you will get an output resembling (repeated 10 times, once for each of the 10 largest tables): DBCC SHOWCONTIG(123456789) PRINT '' Copy and paste the complete resultset into your query window and execute it. The Results Explained The results from the previous command will look something like the following: DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'MyTable1' table... Table: 'MyTable1' (1556968673); index ID: 1, database ID: 16
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TABLE level scan performed. - Pages Scanned................................: 18986 - Extents Scanned..............................: 2443 - Extent Switches..............................: 9238 - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 7.8 - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 25.70% [2374:9239] - Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 44.58% - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 87.07 % - Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 1658.7 - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 79.51% DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'MyTable2' table... Table: 'MyTable2' (183984032); index ID: 1, database ID: 16 TABLE level scan performed. - Pages Scanned................................: 28980 - Extents Scanned..............................: 3687 - Extent Switches..............................: 22565 - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 7.9 - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 16.06% [3623:22566] - Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 83.05% - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 87.44% - Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 3151.1 - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 61.07% DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. In the first table, MyTable1, we see that there were 18,986 pages examined to create the report. Those pages existed within 2,443 extents, indicating that the table consumed approximately 97% (7.8 pages per extent on average) of the extents allocated for it. We then see that while examining the pages for fragmentation, the server had to switch extent locations 9, 238 times. The Scan Density restates this by indicating the percentage of all pages within all extents were contiguous. In an ideal environment, the density displayed would be close to 100. The Logical Scan Fragmentation and Extent Scan Fragmentation are indications of how well the indexes are stored w ithin the system when a clustered index is present (and should be ignored for tables that do not have a clustered index). In both cases, a number close to 0 is preferable. There is another anomaly being displayed here that is a little difficult to explain, but it is that SQL Server allows multiple tables to exist within a single extent,
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which further explains the 7.8 pages per extent (multiple tables may not however exist within a page). The next items discuss a somewhat more mundane but important issue of page utilization. Again using the first table as the example, there are an average of 1659 bytes free per page, or that each page is 79.51% utilized. The closer that number gets t o 100, the faster the database is able to read in records, since more records exist on a single page. However, this must be balanced with the cost of writing to the table. Since a page split will occur if a write is required on a page that is full, the overhead can be tremendous. This is exaggerated when using RAID 5 disk subsystems, since RAID 5 has a considerably slower write time compared to its read time. To account for this, we have the ability of telling SQL Server to leave each page a certain percent age full. DBCC REINDEX is a related tool that will reorganize your database information in much the same way Norton Defrag will work on your hard drive (see Books Online for information on how to use DBCC REINDEX). The follow ing report displays the differences in the data after we defragmented the data using DBCC DBREINDEX. DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'MyTable1' table... Table: 'MyTable1' (1556968673); index ID: 1, database ID: 16 TABLE level scan performed. - Pages Scanned................................: 15492 - Extents Scanned..............................: 1945 - Extent Switches..............................: 2363 - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 8.0 - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 81.94% [1937:2364] - Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 15.43% - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 20.15% - Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 159.8 - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 98.03% DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'MyTable2' table... Table: 'MyTable2' (183984032); index ID: 1, database ID: 16 TABLE level scan performed. - Pages Scanned................................: 35270 - Extents Scanned..............................: 4415 - Extent Switches..............................: 4437 - Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 8.0 - Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 99.35% [4409:4438]
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- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.11% - Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 0.66% - Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 3940.1 - Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 51.32% DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator. Here, we can see several key improvements and some examples of how proper indexing can be very important. The most glaring items for us are how well we were able to increase the scan density. Again, using the MyTable1 table as a reference, we can see that out of 1,945 extents, there were only 2363 extent switches. Notice that the number of extent switches is now a lower number than the original number of extents. This is due to the more efficient allocation of the data. And, since there is a significant reduction of the number of extent switches, searches for large quantities of contiguous data will be fulfilled much more quickly. These reports were taken after only a small amount of processing had occurred on this system, yet already we can see that t here has been a fair amount of fragmentation of the data. The table MyTable1 has already begun to show signs of performance degradation. When there is an unusually large amount of new data being inserted into the tables, these numbers will quickly begin to resemble the those that we see in the previous report. In the table MyTable2, we see a stark difference from MyTable1.This is because of some index tuning that I had done on that table. As I said earlier, SQL Server uses the clustered indexes in order to understand how data should be ordered. To prevent page splits, I had SQL Server leave each page only 50% full. This allows for multiple inserts to occur without generating page splits, allow ing our scan density to remain high for a longer period of time. But this also comes at the cost of reducing the quantity of contiguous records on each page and doubles the amount of space consumed by the table, hence the now much larger number of pages and extents scanned. Conclusion From examining the output of DBCC SHOWCONTIG, we were able to locate several key issues. First, we saw that our database was heavily fragmented, and required defragmentation using DBCC DBREINDEX. Next, we were able to tell what percentage of the allocated pages were actually being used by SQL Server. Finally, we saw that by modifying the fillfactor on an index, we had a tremendous affect on page splitting at the cost of more page I/O for each read.
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procedure is modif ied, all clients automatically get the new version. Stored procedures reduce network traffic and improve performance. Stored procedures can be used to help ensure the integrity of the database. e.g. sp_helpdb, sp_renamedb, sp_depends etc. 5. What is Trigge r? A trigger is a SQL procedure that initiates an action when an event (INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE) occurs. Triggers are stored in and managed by the DBMS.Triggers are used to maintain the referential integrity of data by changing the data in a systematic fashion. A trigger cannot be called or executed; the DBMS automatically fires the trigger as a result of a data modif ication to the associated table. Triggers can be viewed as similar to stored procedures in that both consist of procedural logic that is stored at the database level. Stored procedure s, however, are not eventdrive and are not attached to a specific table as triggers are. Stored procedures are explicitly executed by invoking a CALL to the procedure while triggers are implicitly executed. In addition, triggers can also execute stored procedures. Nested Trigger: A trigger can also contain INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE logic within itself, so when the trigger is fired because of data modif ication it can also cause another data modification, thereby firing another trigger. A trigger that contains data modif ication logic within itself is called a nested trigger. 6. What is Vie w? A simple view can be thought of as a subset of a table. It can be used for retrieving data, as well as updating or deleting rows. Rows updated or deleted in the view are updated or deleted in the table the view was created with. It should also be noted that as data in the original table changes, so does data in the view, as views are the way to look at part of the original table. The results of using a view are not permanently stored in the database. The data accessed through a view is actually constructed using standard T -SQL select command and can come from one to many different base tables or even other views. 7. What is Index? An index is a physical structure containing point ers to the data. Indices are created in an existing table to locate rows more quickly and efficiently. It is possible to create an index on one or more columns of a table, and each index is given a name. The users cannot see the indexes, they are just used to speed up queries. Effective indexes are one of the best ways to improve performance in a database application. A table scan happens when there is no index available to help a query. In a table scan SQL Server examines every row in the table to satisfy the query results. Table scans are sometimes unavoidable, but on large tables, scans have a terrific impact on performance. Clustered indexes def ine the physical sorting of a database tables rows in the storage media. For this reason, each database table may have only one clustered index. Non-clustered indexes are created outside of the database table and contain a sorted list of references to the table itself. 8. What is the diffe rence between cluste red and a non-clustere d index? A clustered index is a special type of index that reorders the way records in the table are physically stored. Therefore table can have only one clustered index. The leaf nodes of a clustered index contain the data pages. A nonclustered index is a special type of index in which the logical order of the index does not match the physical stored order of the rows on disk. The leaf node of a nonclustered index does not consist of the data pages. Instead, the leaf nodes contain index rows. 9. What are the diffe rent index configurations a tab le can have? A table can have one of the follow ing index configurations: No indexes
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A clustered index A clustered index and many nonclustered indexes A nonclustered index Many nonclustered indexes 10. What is the use of DBCC commands? DBCC stands for database consistency checker. We use these commands to check the consistency of the databases, i.e., maintenance, validation task and status checks. E.g. DBCC CHECKDB - Ensures that tables in the db and the indexes are correctly linked. DBCC CHECKALLOC - To check that all pages in a db are correctly allocated. DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - Checks all tables file group for any damage. 11. What is a Linked Se rver? Linked Servers is a concept in SQL Server by which we can add other SQL Server to a Group and query both the SQL Server dbs using T-SQL Statements. With a linked server, you can create very clean, easy to follow, SQL statements that allow remote data to be retrieved, joined and combined with local data. Storped Procedure sp_addlinkedserver, sp_addlinkedsrvlogin will be used add new Linked Server. 12. What is Collation? Collation refers to a set of rules that determine how data is sorted and compared. Character data is sorted using rules that define the correct character sequence, with options for specifying casesensitivity, accent marks, kana character types and character width. 13. What are diffe rent type of Collation Sensitivity? Case sensitivity A and a, B and b, etc. Accent sensitivity a and , o and , etc. Kana Sensitivity When Japanese kana characters Hiragana and Katakana are treated differently, it is called Kana sensitive. Width sensitivity When a single-byte character (half-width) and the same character when represented as a double byte character (full-width) are treated differently then it is width sensitive. 14. Whats the difference between a primary key and a unique key? Both primary key and unique enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default primary key creates a clustered index on the column, where are unique creates a nonclustered index by default. Another major difference is that, primary key doesnt allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only. 15. What is a NOLOC K? Using the NOLOCK query optimiser hint is generally considered good practice in order to improve concurrency on a busy system. When the NOLOCK hint is included in a SELECT statement, no locks are taken when data is read. The result is a Dirty Read, which means that another process could be updating the data at the exact time you are reading it. There are no guarantees that your query will retrieve the most recent data. The advantage to performance is that your reading of data will
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not block updates from taking place, and updates will not block your reading of data. SELECT statements take Shared (Read) locks. This means that mult iple SELECT statements are allowed simultaneous access, but other processes are blocked from modifying the data. The updates will queue until all the reads have completed, and reads requested after the update will wait for the updates to complete. The result to your system is delay(blocking). 16. What is diffe rence between DELETE & TRUNC ATE commands? Delete command removes the rows from a table based on the condition that we provide w ith a WHERE clause. Truncate will actually remove all the rows from a table an d there will be no data in the table after we run the truncate command. TRUNCATE TRUNCATE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources than DELETE. TRUNCATE removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the tables data, an d only the page deallocations are recorded in the transaction log. TRUNCATE removes all rows from a table, but the table structure and its columns, constraints, indexes and so on remain. The counter used by an identity for new rows is reset to the seed for the column. You cannot use TRUNCATE TABLE on a table referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint. Because TRUNCATE TABLE is not logged, it cannot activate a trigger. TRUNCATE can not be Rolled back using logs. TRUNCATE is DDL Command. TRUNCATE Resets identity of the table. DELETE DELETE removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row. If you want to retain the identity counter, use DELETE instead. If you want to remove table definition and its data, use the DROP TABLE statement. DELETE Can be used with or w ithout a WHERE clause DELETE Activates Triggers. DELETE Can be Rolled back using logs. DELETE is DML Command. DELETE does not reset identity of the table. 17. When is the use of UPDATE_STATISTIC S command? This command is basically used when a large processing of data has occurred. If a large amount of deletions any modification or Bulk Copy into the tables has occurred, it has to update the indexes to take these changes into account. UPDATE_STATISTICS updates the indexes on these tables accordingly. 18. What is SQL Profile r? SQL Profiler is a graphical tool that allows system administrators to monitor events in an instance of Microsoft SQL Server. You can capture and save data about each event to a file or SQL Server table to analyze later. For example, you can monitor a production environment to see which stored procedures are hampering performance by executing too slowly. Use SQL Profiler to monitor only the events in which you are interested. If traces are becoming too large, you can filter them based on the information you want, so that only a subset of the event
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data is collected. Monitoring too many events adds overhead to the server and the monitoring process and can cause the trace file or trace table to grow very large , especially when the monitoring process takes place over a long period of time. 19. Which TC P/IP port does SQL Se rver run on? How can it be cha nged? SQL Server runs on port 1433. It can be changed from the Network Utility TCP/IP properties > Port number.both on client and the server. 20. What are the authentication modes in SQL Server? How can it be cha nged? Windows mode and mixed mode (SQL & Windows). To change authentication mode in SQL Server click Start, Programs, Microsoft SQL Server and click SQL Enterprise Manager to run SQL Enterprise Manager from the Microsoft SQL Server program group. Select the server then from the Tools menu select SQL Server Configuration Properties, and choose the Security page. 21. Where are SQL se rver users names and passwords are store d in sql se rver? They get stored in master db in the sysxlogins table. 22. Which command using Query Ana lyzer will give you the version of SQL server and operating system? SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), 23. What is SQL serve r age nt? SQL Server agent plays an important role in the day-to-day tasks of a database administrator (DBA). It is often overlooked as one of the main tools for SQL Server management. Its purpose is to ease the implementation of tasks for the DBA, with its full-function scheduling engine, which allows you to schedule your own jobs and scripts. 24. What is log shipping? Log shipping is the process of automating the backup of database and transaction log files on a production SQL server, and then restoring them onto a standby server. Enterprise Editions only supports log shipping. In log shipping the transactional log file from one server is automatically updated into the backup database on the other server. If one server fails, the other server w ill have the same db can be used this as the Disaster Recovery plan. The key feature of log shipping is that is will automatically backup transaction logs throughout the day and automatically restore them on the standby server at defined interval. 25. What command do we use to re name a db? sp_renamedb oldname , newname If someone is using db it will not accept sp_renmaedb. In that case first bring db to single user using sp_dboptions. Use sp_renamedb to rename database. Use sp_dboptions to bring database to multi user mode. 26. What is sp_configure commands and set commands? Use sp_configure to display or change server-level settings. To change database-level settings, use ALTER DATABASE. To change settings that affect only the current user session, use the SET statement. 27. What are the diffe rent types of replication? Expla in. The SQL Server 2000-supported replication types are as follows: Transactional Snapshot
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Merge Snapshot replication distributes data exactly as it appears at a specific moment in time and does not monitor for updates to the data. Snapshot replication is best used as a method for replicating data that changes infrequently or where the most up-to-date values (low latency) are not a requirement. When synchronization occurs, the entire snapshot is generat ed and sent to Subscribers. Transactional replication, an initial snapshot of data is applied at Subscribers, and then when data modifications are made at the Publisher, the individual transactions are captured and propagated to Subscribers. Merge replication is the process of distributing data from Publisher to Subscribers, allowing the Publisher and Subscribers to make updates while connected or disconnected, and then merging the updates between sites when they are connected. 28. What are the OS se rvices that the SQL Server installation adds? MS SQL SERVER SERVICE, SQL AGENT SERVICE, DTC (Distribution transac co-ordinator) 29. What are three SQL key words used to change or set someones permissions? GRANT, DENY, and REVOKE. 30. What does it mean to have quote d_identifie r on? What are the implications of having it off? When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON, identifiers can be delimited by double quotation marks, and literals must be delimited by single quotation marks. When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF, identif iers cannot be quoted and must follow all Transact-SQL rules for identifiers. 31. How to re build Master Database? Shutdown Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and then run Rebuildm.exe. This is located in the Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn directory. In the Rebuild Master dialog box, click Browse. In the Browse for Folder dialog box, select the \Data folder on the SQL Server 2000 compact disc or in the shared network directory from which SQL Server 2000 was installed, and then click OK. Click Settings. In the Collation Settings dialog box, verify or change settings used for the master database and all other databases. Initially, the default collation settings are shown, but these may not match the collation selected during setup. You can select the same settings used during setup or select new collation settings. When done, click OK. In the Rebuild Master dialog box, click Rebuild to start the process. The Rebuild Master utility reinstalls the master database. To continue, you may need to stop a server that is running. Source: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa197950(SQL.80).aspx
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32. What are the basic functions for master, msdb, model, tempdb a nd resource databases? The master database holds information for all databases located on the SQL Server instance and is theglue that holds the engine together. Because SQL Server cannot start without a functioning masterdatabase, you must administer this database with care. The msdb database stores information regarding database backups, SQL Agent information, DTS packages, SQL Server jobs, and some replication information such as for log shipping. The tempdb holds temporary objects such as global and local temporary tables and stored procedures. The model is essentially a template database used in the creation of any new user database created in the instance. The resoure Database is a read-only database that contains all the system objects that are included with SQL Server. SQL Server system object s, such as sys.objects, are physically persisted in the Resource database, but they logically appear in the sys schema of every database. The Resource database does not contain user data or user metadata. 33. What is data integrity? Explain constraints? Data integrity is an important feature in SQL Server. When used properly, it ensures that data is accurate, correct, and valid. It also acts as a trap for otherwise undetectable bugs within applications. A PRIMARY KEY constraint is a unique identifier for a row within a database table. Every table should have a primary key constraint to uniquely identify each row and only one primary key constraint can be created for each table. The primary key constraints are used to enforce entity integrity. A UNIQUE constraint enforces the uniqueness of the values in a set of columns, so no duplicate values are entered. The unique key constraints are used to enforce entity integrity as the primary key constraints. A FOREIGN KEY constraint prevents any actions that would destroy links between tables with the corresponding data values. A foreign key in one table points to a primary key in another table. Foreign keys prevent actions that would leave rows with foreign key values when there are no primary keys with that value. The foreign key constraints are used to enforce referential integrity. A CHECK constraint is used to limit the values that can be placed in a column. The check constraints are used to enforce domain integrity. A NOT NULL constraint enforces that the column will not accept null values. The not null constraints are used to enforce domain integrity, as the check constraints. 34. What is a table called, if it does not have ne ithe r C luste r nor Non-cluste r Index? What is it used for? Unindexed table or Heap. Microsoft Press Books and Book On Line (BOL) refers it as Heap. A heap is a table that does not have a clustered index and, therefore, the pages are not linked by pointers. The IAM pages are the only structures that link the pages in a table together. Unindexed tables are good for fast storing of data. Many times it is better to drop all indexes from table and than do bulk of inserts and to restore those indexes after that.
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35. What is BC P? When does it used? BulkCopy is a tool used to copy huge amount of data from tables and views. BCP does not copy the structures same as source to destination. 36. How do you load large data to the SQL server database? BulkCopy is a tool used to copy huge amount of data from tables. BULK INSERT command helps to Imports a data file into a database table or view in a user-specified format. 37. Can SQL Serve rs linked to other serve rs like Orac le? SQL Server can be lined to any server provided it has OLE- DB provider from Microsoft to allow a link. E.g. Oracle has a OLE-DB provider for oracle that Microsoft provides to add it as linked server to SQL Server group. 38. How to know which index a table is using? SELECT table_name,index_name FROM user_constraints 39. How to copy the tables, sc hema and v ie ws from one SQL serve r to anothe r? Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services (DTS) is a set of graphical tools and programmable objects that lets user extract, transform, and consolidate data from disparate sources into single or multiple destinations. 40. What is an execution plan? When would you use it? Ho w would you vie w the execution plan? An execution plan is basically a road map that graphically or textually shows the data retrieval methods chosen by the SQL Server query optimizer for a stored procedure or ad -hoc query and is a very useful tool for a developer to understand the performance characteristics of a query or stored procedure since the plan is the one that SQL Server will place in its cache and use to execute the stored procedure or query. From w ithin Query Analyzer is an option called Show Execution Plan (located on the Query drop-down menu). If this option is turned on it will display query execution plan in separate window when query is ran again. 41. What is Data Compression? In SQL SERVE 2008 Data Compression comes in two flavors: Row Compression Page Compression Row Compression Row compression changes the format of physical storage of data. It minimize the metadata (column information, length, offsets etc) associated with each record. Numeric data types and fixed length strings are stored in variable-length storage format, just like Varchar. ( ) Page Compression Page compression allows common data to be shared between rows fo r a given page. Its uses the follow ing techniques to compress data:
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Row compression. Prefix Compression. For every column in a page duplicate prefixes are identified. These prefixes are saved in compression information headers (CI) which resides after page header. A reference number is assigned to these prefixes and that reference number is replaced where ever those prefixes are being used. Dictionary Compression. Dictionary compression searches for duplicate values throughout the page and stores them in CI. The main difference between prefix and dictionary compression is that prefix is only restricted to one column while dictionary is applicable to the complete page. 42. What is Filestream? Filestream allows you to store large objects in the file system and have these files integrated within the database. It enables SQL Server based applications to store unstructured data such as documents, images, audios, videos etc. in the file system. FILEST REAM basically integrates the SQL Server Database Engine w ith New Technology File System (NTFS); it basically stores the data in varbinary (max) data type. Using this data type, the unstructured data is stored in the NTFS file system and the SQL Server Database Engine manages the link between the Filestream column and the actual file located in the NTFS. Using Transact SQL statements users can insert, update, delete and select the data stored in FILEST REAM enabled tables. 43. What is Dirty Read? A dirty read occurs when two operations say, read and write occurs together givin g the incorrect or unedited data. Suppose, A has changed a row, but has not committed the changes. B reads the uncommitted data but his view of the data may be wrong so that is Dirty Read. 44. What is SQLC MD? sqlc md is enhanced version of the isql and osql an d it provides way more functionality than other two options. In other words sqlc md is better replacement of isql (which will be deprecated eventually) and osql (not included in SQL Server 2005 RTM). sqlc md can work two modes - i) BATCH and ii) interactive modes. 45. UNION ALL The UNION ALL command is equal to the UNION command, except that UNION ALL selects all values. 46. What is the diffe rence between Union and Union a ll? The difference between Union and Union all is that Union all will not eliminate duplicate rows, instead it just pulls all rows from all tables fitting your query specifics and combines them into a table. ( ) 47. What is B- Tree? The database server uses a B-tree structure to organize index information. B-Tree generally has follow ing types of index pages or nodes: root node: A root node contains node pointers to branch nodes which can be only one.
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branch nodes: A branch node contains pointers to leaf nodes or other branch nodes which can be two or more. leaf nodes: A leaf node contains index items and horizontal pointers to other leaf nodes which can be many. 48. What is Service Broke r? Service Broker is a message-queuing technology in SQL Server that allows developers to integrate SQL Server fully into distributed applications. Service Broker is feature which provides facility to SQL Server to send an asynchronous, transactional message. it allows a database to send a message to another database without waiting for the response, so the application will continue to function if the remote database is temporarily unavailable. 49. What is Policy Management? Policy Management in SQL SERVER 2008 allows you to define and enforce polic ies for configuring and managing SQL Server across the enterprise. Policy-Based Management is configured in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). Navigate to the Object Explorer and expand the Management node and the Policy Management node; you will see the Policies, Conditions, and Facets nodes. ( ) 50. What is Re plication and Database Mirroring? Database mirroring can be used with replication to provide availability for the publication database. Database mirroring involves two copies of a single database that typically reside on different computers. At any given time, only one copy of the database is currently ava ilable to clients which are known as the principal database. Updates made by clients to the principal database are applied on the other copy of the database, known as the mirror database. Mirroring involves applying the transaction log from every insertion, update, or deletion made on the principal database onto the mirror database. 51. What are Sparse Columns? A sparse column is another tool used to reduce the amount of physical storage used in a database. They are the ordinary columns that have an optimized storage for null values. Sparse columns reduce the space requirements for null values at the cost of more overhead to retrieve nonnull values. 52. What does TOP Ope rator Do? The TOP operator is used to specify the number of rows to be returned by a query. The TOP operator has new addition in SQL SERVER 2008 that it accepts variables as well as literal values and can be used with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETES statements. 53. What is C TE? CTE is an abbreviation Common Table Expression. A Common Table Expression (CTE) is an expression that can be thought of as a temporary result set which is defined within the execution of a single SQL statement. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query. 54. Which are ne w data types introduced in SQL SERVER 2008? The GEOMET RY Type: The GEOMET RY data type is a system .NET common language runtime (CLR) data type in SQL Server. This type represents data in a two-dimensional Euclidean coordinate system.
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The GEOGRAPHY T ype: The GEOGRAPHY datatypes functions are the same as with GEOMET RY. The difference between the two is that when you specify GEOGRAPHY, you are usually specifying points in terms of latitude and longitude. New Date and Time Datatypes: SQL Server 2008 introduces four new datatypes related to date and time: DATE, TIME, DATETIMEOFFSET, and DATETIME2. DATE: The new DATE type just stores the date itself. It is based on the Gregorian calendar and handles years from 1 to 9999. TIME: The new TIME (n) type stores time with a range of 00:00:00.0000000 through 23:59:59.9999999. The precision is allowed w ith this type. TIME supports seconds down to 100 nanoseconds. The n in TIME (n) defines this level of fractional second precision, from 0 to 7 digits of precision. The DATETIMEOFFSET Type: DATETIMEOFFSET (n) is the time-zone-aware version of a datetime datatype. The name will appear less odd when you consider what it really is: a date + a time + a time-zone offset. The offset is based on how far behind or ahead you a re from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time. The DATETIME2 Type: It is an extension of the datetime type in earlier versions of SQL Server. This new datatype has a date range covering dates from January 1 of year 1 through December 31 of year 9999. This is a definite improvement over the 1753 lower boundary of the datetime datatype. DATETIME2 not only includes the larger date range, but also has a timestamp and the same fractional precision that TIME type provides 55. What is RAID and what are diffe rent types of RAID configurations? RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, used to provide fault tolerance to database servers. There are six RAID levels 0 through 5 offering different levels of performance, fault tolerance. MSDN has some information about RAID levels and for detailed information, check out the RAID advisory boards homepage 56. How to restart SQL Server in single use r mode? How to sta rt SQL Serve r in minimal configuration mode? SQL Server can be started from command line, using the SQLSERVR.EXE. This EXE has some very important parameters with which a DBA should be familiar with. -m is used for starting SQL Server in single user mode and -f is used to start the SQL Server in minimal configuration mode. Check out SQL Server books online for more parameters and their explanations. 57. What is bloc king and how would you troubleshoot it? Blocking happens when one connection from an application holds a lock and a second connection requires a conflicting lock type. This forces the second connect ion to wait, blocked on the first. Read up the follow ing topics in SQL Server books online: Understanding and avoiding blocking, Coding efficient transactions. Explain CREATE DATABASE syntax Many of us are used to creating databases from the Enterprise Manager or by just issuing the command: CREATE DATABAE MyDB. 58. What is a deadloc k and what is a live loc k? How will you go about resolv ing deadloc ks? Deadlock is a situation when two processes, each having a lock on one piece of data, attempt to acquire a lock on the others piece. Each process would wait indef initely for the other to release the
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lock, unless one of the user processes is terminated. SQL Server detects deadlocks and terminates one users process. A livelock is one, where a request for an exclusive lock is repeatedly denied because a series of overlapping shared locks keeps interfering. SQL Server detects the situation after four denials and refuses further shared locks. A livelock also occurs when read transactions monopolize a table or page, forcing a write transaction to wait indefinitely. Check out SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY and "Minimizing Deadlocks" in SQL Server books online. Also check out the article Q169960 from Microsoft knowledge base. 59. What are the steps you will take to improve pe rforma nce of a poor performing query? This is a very open ended question and there could be a lot of reasons behind the poor performance of a query. But some general issues that you could talk about would be: No indexes, table scans, missing or out of date statistics, blocking, excess recompilations of stored procedures, procedures and triggers w ithout SET NOCOUNT ON, poorly written query with unnecessarily complicated joins, too much normalization, excess usage of cursors and temporary tables. Some of the tools/ways that help you troubleshooting performance problems are: SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON, SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON, SET STATISTICS IO ON, SQL Server Prof iler, Windows NT /2000 Performance monitor, Graphical execution plan in Query Analyzer. Download the white paper on performance tuning SQL Server from Microsoft web site. Dont forget to check out sql-serverperformance.com 60. As a part of your job, what are the DBCC comma nds that you commonly use for data base mainte nance? DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKTABLE, DBCC CHECKCATALOG, DBCC CHECKALLOC, DBCC SHOWCONTIG, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, DBCC SHRINKF ILE etc. But there are a whole load of DBCC commands which are very useful for DBAs 61. What are statistics, under what circumsta nces they go out of date, how do you update them? Statistics determine the selectivity of the indexes. If an indexed column has unique values then the selectivity of that index is more, as opposed to an index with non-unique values. Query optimizer uses these indexes in determining w hether to choose an index or not while executing a query. Some situations under which you should update statistics: 1) If there is significant change in the key values in the index 2) If a large amount of data in an indexed column has been added, changed, or removed (that is, if the distrib ution of key values has changed), or the table has been truncated using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement and then repopulated 3) Database is upgraded from a previous version. Look up SQL Server books online for the following commands: UPDATE STATISTICS, STATS_DATE, DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS, CREATE STATISTICS, DROP STATISTICS, sp_autostats, sp_createstats, sp_updatestats 62. What are the diffe rent ways of mov ing data /databases between se rvers a nd databases in SQL Serve r? There are lots of options available, you have t o choose your option depending upon your requirements. Some of the options you have are: BACKUP/RESTORE, dettaching and attaching databases, replication, DTS, BCP, logshipping, INSERTSELECT, SELECTINTO, creating INSERT scripts to generate data. 63. How to dete rmine the serv ice pac k curre ntly installed on SQL Server?
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The global variable @@Version stores the build number of the sqlservr.exe, which is used to determine the service pack installed. To know more about this process visit SQL Server service packs and versions. 64. Whats the maximum size of a row? 8060 bytes. Dont be surprised with questions like what is the maximum number of columns per table. 1024 columns per table. Check out SQL Server books online for the page titled: "Maximu m Capacity Specific ations". Explain Active/Active and Active/Passive cluster configurations Hopefully you have experience setting up cluster servers. But if you dont, at least be familiar w ith the way clustering works and the two clusterning configurations Active/Active and Active/Passive. SQL Server books online has enough information on this topic and there is a good white paper available on Microsoft site. Explain the architecture of SQL Server This is a very important question and you better be able to answer it if consider yourself a DBA. SQL Server books online is the best place to read about SQL Server architecture. Read up the chapter dedicated to SQL Server Architecture. 65. What is a Schema in SQL Serve r 2005? Explain how to c reate a ne w Schema in a Database? A schema is used to create database objects. It can be created using CREATE SCHEMA statement. The objects created can be moved between schemas. Multiple database users can share a single default schema. CREATE SCHEMA sample; Table creation Create table sample.sampleinfo { id int primary key, name varchar(20) } 66. What are Page Splits? When there is not enough room on a page for a new row, a Server splits the page, allocates a new page, and moves some rows to the new page. 67. What is SQL Se rver Age nt? SQL Server Agent is a Microsoft Windows service that executes scheduled administrative tasks called jobs. SQL Server Agent uses SQL Server to store job information. Jobs contain one or more job steps. We generally schedule the backups on the production databases using the SQ L server agent. In SQL Server 2005 we have roles created for using SQL Server agents. SQLAgentUserRole SQLAgentReaderRole
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SQL Server Agent for SQL Server 2005 provides a more robust security design than earlier versions of SQL Server. This improved design gives system administrators the flexibility they need to manage their Agent service. Problem The phone interview. It has tales of bringing normally rationale people to a terrified state. I have even heard of a DBA that was so worried about a SQL Server phone interview that 'they just happened to be in the office park' where the company was located and actually wanted the interview face to face. The reality is, just about all organizations that I work with have a phone interview as a right of first passage in the process. The employer wants to quickly determine if the DBA candidate could be qualified for the position from a technical perspective and if they will fit into the team. As a DBA, what sorts of things should you be on the lookout for during a phone interview? What do you think the employer is expecting? Is this the technical interview or not? Should you try to avoid the phone interview all together and just 'pop-in' for a face to face interview? Solution Let's address the last question first, that being should you just 'pop-in' to the office rather than having a phone interview? Phone interviews are setup for a reason. They are intended as a simple means to determine if someone is worth going through the entire interview process. Some organizations have a fairly structured process and follow it closely while other organizations really conduct interviews over lunch or based on a personal contact's network. You need to be the judge and assess the situation for yourself and make the call. In the story I was told about, the results were not positive from either the employer or DBA perspective. So keep that in mind. With that behind us, let's get into the employer and DBA views of the phone interview as well as some potential questions you should be ready to answer. Employer's Pe rspe ctive In some respects, employers handle phone interviews in such a manner that they can use the same questions to assess the skills of the candidates as a means to compare and contrast their skills to determine a candidate ranking. By this I mean candidates in terms of best to worst skill as well as who should and should not progress to the next step in the process, the on-site interview. From an employer's perspective, they are trying to deter mine a few different items during the phone interview: Communication skills Personality
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Technical experience and background Leadership qualities How they could fit into the team
DBA Perspective Here are some thoughts from a DBA perspective when it comes to a phone interview: First, be ready for the phone interview and expect it as a portion of the interview process. Prepare for the phone interview just like you would the on-site interview. Remember if you do not make a good impression with the phone interview that the on-site interview may not be a reality. Remember the phone interview is a right of passage, so first impressions can mean a great deal. Make sure your first impressions are what you want them to be. Simple items like stuttering, stumbling over your words, smoking during the call, chewing gum, etc. may turn off the interviewer quickly. Next, figure out your 30 second elevator pitch and make sure you outline your most important experience and skills as well as how you are going to help t he organization. Just like with your resume, be sure you do not lie. If you do not know the answer to a question, just say you do not know. Be prepared for technical questions from either a technical or non-technical interviewer. Be sure to respond in a way that they can understand the response. The interviewer may be looking for just buzz words or may be not. A good technical interview, from a knowledgeable DBA, can really dig into the details to make sure you truly understand the technology. As muc h as the interview process is about the employer selecting the right employee, also keep in mind that the candidate should select the right organization for themselves. As such, use the phone interview as a means to learn about the organization. If you are give the opportunity, ask the questions you have prepared. The topic of salary and compensation may be discussed. Be prepared for the question. Historically, the response has been to push off the salary figures to as late in the process as possible. As an employer and employee, I disagree. I think it only makes sense to state a range to make sure one party does not have different expectations than the other. If the figures are not even close, it might make sense for either party to stop the process rather than spending a significant amount of time only to be disappointed at the end. Just something to consider.
68. Can you explain the environments you have worked in related to the following items: SQL Server versions, SQL Server technologies, Relational engine, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, Integration Services, Number of SQL Servers, Number of instances, Number of databases, Range of size of databases, Number of DBAs, Number of Developers, Hardware specs (CPUs, memory, 64 bit, SANs) 69. What are the tasks that you perform on a da ily basis and how have you automated them? For example, daily checks could include: Check for failed processes Research errors Validate disk space is not low Validate none of the databases are offline or corrupt Perform database maintenance as available to do so For example, automation could include: Setup custom scripts to query for particular issues and email the team Write error messages centrally in the application and review that data Setup Operators and Alerts on SQL Server Agent Jobs for automated job notification
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70. How do you re-architect a process? Review the current process to understand what is occurring Backup the current code for rollback purposes Determine what the business and technical problems are w ith the process Document the requirements for the new process Research options to address the overall business and technology needs For example, these could include: Views Synonyms Service Broker SSIS Migrate to a new platform Upgrade in place Design and develop a new solution Conduct testing (functional, load, regression, unit, etc.) Run the systems in parallel Sunset the existing system Promote the new system 71. What is your experience with third pa rty applications a nd why would you use them? Experience Backup tools Performance tools Code or data synchronization Disaster recovery\high availability 72. Why Need to improve upon the functionality that SQL Server offers natively Save time, save money, better information or notif ication How do you identify and correct a SQL Server performance issue? Identif ication - Use native tools like Profiler, Perf mon, system stored procedures, dynamic management views, custom stored procedures or third party tools Analysis - Analyze the data to determine the c ore problems Testing - Test the various options to ensure they perform better and do not cause worse performance in other portions of the application Knowledge sharing - Share your experience with the team to ensure they understand the problem and solution, so the issue does not occur again 73. What are some of the new T-SQL commands with SQL Serve r 2005 that you have used and what value do they offer? ROW_NUMBER - Means to page through a result set and only return the needed portion of the result set EXCEPT - The final result set where data exists in the first dataset and not in the second dataset INTERSECT - The final result set where values in both of the tables match PIVOT\UNPIVOT - Expression to flip rows to columns or vice versa Synonyms - Alias to an object (table, stored procedure, function, view) to maintain the original object and refer to the new object as well NOTE - Many more commands do exist, this is an abbreviated list. 74. What are the dy namic manageme nt v iews and what value do they offer? The DMV's are a set of system views new to SQL Server 2005 to gain insights into particular portions of the engine
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Here are some of the DMV's and the associated value: sys.dm_exec_query_stats and sys.dm_exec_sql_text - Buffered code in SQL Server sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors sys.dm_tran_locks - Locking and blocking sys.dm_os_wait_stats - Wait stats sys.dm_exec_requests and sys.dm_exec_sessions - Percentage complete for a process 75. What is the process to upgrade from DTS to SSIS pac kages? You can follow the steps of the migration wizard but you may need to manually upgrade portions of the package that were not upgraded by the wizard For script related tasks, these should be upgraded to new native components or VB.NET code 76. What are some of the features of SQL Server 2008 that you a re looking into and why a re they of inte rest? Change Tracking Plan Guides SQL Data Collector Data Auditing Data compression NOTE - Many more new features do exist, this is an abbreviated list. Keep in mind that these questions are primarily related to the relational engine, so a BI DBA would have a whole different set of questions. In addition, the more you know about the organization and role should guide you down a path for the types of questions you should be prepared for during the phone interview. 77. What is de normalization and whe n would you go for it? As the name indicates, denormalization is the reverse process of normalization. Its the controlled introduction of redundancy in to the database design. It helps improve the query performance as the number of joins could be reduced. 78. How do you impleme nt one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many re lationships while designing tables? One-to-One relationship can be implemented as a single table and rarely as two tables with primary and foreign key relationships. One-to-Many relationships are implemented by splitting the data into two tables with primary key and foreign key relationships. Many -to-Many relationships are implemented using a junction table with the keys from both the tables forming the composite primary key of the junction table. It will be a good idea to read up a database designing fundamentals text book. 79. Whats the difference between a primary key and a unique key? Both primary key and unique enforce uniqueness of the column on which they are defined. But by default primary key creates a clustered index on the column, where are unique creates a nonclustered index by default. Another major difference is that, primary key doesnt allow NULLs, but unique key allows one NULL only. 80. What are user define d datatypes and when you should go for them?
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User def ined datatypes let you extend the base SQL Server datatypes by providing a descriptive name, and format to the database. Take for example, in your database, the re is a column called Flight_Num which appears in many tables. In all these tables it should be varchar(8). In this case you could create a user defined datatype called Flight_num_type of varchar(8) and use it across all your tables. See sp_addtype, sp_dro ptype in books online. 81. What is bit datatype and whats the information that can be stored inside a bit column? Bit datatype is used to store boolean information like 1 or 0 (true or false). Untill SQL Server 6.5 bit datatype could hold either a 1 or 0 and there was no support for NULL. But from SQL Server 7.0 onwards, bit datatype can represent a third state, which is NULL. 82. De fine candidate key, alte rnate key, composite key. A candidate key is one that can identify each row of a table uniquely. Generally a candidate key becomes the primary key of the table. If the table has more than one candidate key, one of them will become the primary key, and the rest are called alternate keys. A key formed by combining at least two or more columns is called composit e key. 83. What are de faults? Is there a column to which a de fault ca nt be bound? A default is a value that will be used by a column, if no value is supplied to that column w hile inserting data. IDENTITY columns and timestamp columns cant have defaults bound to them. See CREATE DEFAULT in books online. 84. What is a transaction and what are AC ID properties? A transaction is a logical unit of work in which, all the steps must be performed or none. ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability. These are the properties of a transaction. For more information and explanation of these properties, see SQL Server books online or any RDBMS fundamentals text book. Explain different isolation levels An isolation level determines the degree of isolation of data between concurrent transactions. The default SQL Server isolation level is Read Committed. Here are the other isolation levels (in the ascending order of isolation): Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Serializable. See SQL Server boo ks online for an explanation of the isolation levels. Be sure to read about SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL, which lets you customize the isolation level at the connection level. Read Committed - A transaction operating at the Read Committed level cannot see changes made by other transactions until those transactions are committed. At this level of isolation, dirty reads are not possible but nonrepeatable reads and phantoms are possible. Read Uncommitted - A transaction operating at the Read Uncommitted level can see uncommitted changes made by other transactions. At this level of isolation, dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantoms are all possible. Repeatable Read - A transaction operating at the Repeatable Read level is guaranteed not to see any changes made by other transactions in values it has already read. At this level of isolation, dirty reads and nonrepeatable reads are not possible but phantoms are possible. Serializable - A transaction operating at the Serializable level guarantees that all c oncurrent transactions interact only in ways that produce the same effect as if each transaction were entirely executed one after the other. At this isolation level, dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantoms are not possible. 85. CREATE INDEX my Index ON my Table(myColumn)What type of Index will get c reated after executing the above statement?
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Non-clustered index. Important thing to note: By default a clustered index gets created on the primary key, unless specified otherwise. 86. Whats the maximum size of a row? 8060 bytes. Dont be surprised with questions like what is the maximum number of columns per table. 1024 columns per table. Check out SQL Server books online for the page titled: "Maximu m Capacity Specifications". Explain Active/Active and Active/Passive cluster configurations Hopefully you have experience setting up cluster servers. But if you dont, at least be familiar w ith the way clustering works and the two clusterning configurations Active/Active and Active/Passive. SQL Server books online has enough information on this topic and there is a good white paper available on Microsoft site. Explain the architecture of SQL Server This is a very important question and you better be able to answer it if consider yourself a DBA. SQL Server books online is the best place to read about SQL Server architecture. Read up the chapter dedicated to SQL Server Architecture. 87. What is loc k escalation? Lock escalation is the process of converting a lot of low level locks (like row locks, page locks) into higher level locks (like table locks). Every lock is a memory structure too many locks would mean, more memory being occupied by locks. To prevent this from happening, SQL Server escalates the many fine-grain locks to fewer coarse-grain locks. Lock escalation threshold was definable in SQL Server 6.5, but from SQL Server 7.0 onwards its dynamically managed by SQL Server. 88. Whats the difference between DELETE TABLE a nd TRUNCATE TABLE commands? DELETE TABLE is a logged operation, so the deletion of each row gets logged in the transaction log, which makes it slow. TRUNCATE TABLE also deletes all the rows in a table, but it wont log the deletion of each row, instead it logs the deallocation of the data pages of the table, which makes it faster. Of course, TRUNCATE TABLE can be rolled back. TRUNCATE TABLE is functionally identical to DELETE statement with no WHERE clause: both remove all rows in the table. But TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and uses fewer system and transaction log resources than DELETE. The DELETE statement removes rows one at a time and records an entry in the transaction log for each deleted row. TRUNCATE TABLE removes the data by deallocating the data pages used to store the tables data, and only the page deallocations are recorded in the transaction log. TRUNCATE TABLE removes all rows from a table, but the table structure and its columns, constraints, indexes and so on remain. The counter used by an identity for new rows is reset to the seed for the column. If you want to retain the identity counter, use DELETE instead. If you want to remove table definition and its data, use the DROP TABLE statement. You cannot use TRUNCATE TABLE on a table referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint; instead, use DELETE statement without a WHERE clause. Because TRUNCATE TABLE is not logged, it cannot activate a trigger. TRUNCATE TABLE may not be used on tables participating in an indexed view. 89. Explain the storage mode ls of OLAP Check out MOLAP, ROLAP and HOLAP in SQL Server books online for more infomation. 90. What are the new features introduced in SQL Se rver 2000 (or the latest re lease of SQL Server at the time of your inte rvie w)? What c hanged betwee n the previous version of SQL Se rver and the curre nt ve rsion?
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This question is generally asked to see how current is your know ledge. Generally there is a section in the beginning of the books online titled "Whats New ", which has all such information. Of course, reading just that is not enough, you should have tried those things to better answer the questions. Also check out the section titled "Backward Compatibility" in books online which talks about the changes that have taken place in the new version. 91. What are constraints? Explain different types of constraints. 92. Constraints enable the RDBMS enforce the integrity of the databas e automatically, without needing you to create triggers, rule or defaults. Types of constraints: NOT NULL, CHECK, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY. For an explanation of these constraints see books online for the pages titled: "Constraints" and "CREATE TABLE", "ALTER TABLE" 93. What is an index? What are the types of indexes? How many c luste red indexes can be created on a table? I c reate a sepa rate index on each column of a table. What a re the advantages and disadvantages of this approac h? Indexes in SQL Server are similar to the indexes in books. They help SQL Server retrieve the data quicker. Indexes are of two types. Clustered indexes and non-clustered indexes. When you create a clustered index on a table, all the rows in the table are stored in the order o f the clustered index key. So, there can be only one clustered index per table. Non-clustered indexes have their ow n storage separate from the table data storage. Non-clustered indexes are stored as B-tree structures (so do clustered indexes), with the leaf level nodes having the index key and its row locater. The row located could be the RID or the Clustered index key, depending up on the absence or presence of clustered index on the table. If you create an index on each column of a table, it improves the query performance, as the query optimizer can choose from all the existing indexes to come up w ith an efficient execution plan. At the same t ime, data modification operations (such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) will become slow, as every time data changes in the table, all the indexes need to be updated. Another disadvantage is that, indexes need disk space, the more indexes you have, more disk space is used. 94. What is RAID and what are diffe rent types of RAID configurations? RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, used to provide fault tolerance to database servers. There are six RAID levels 0 through 5 offering different levels of performance, fault tolerance. MSDN has some information about RAID levels and for detailed information, check out the RAID advisory boards homepage 95. What are the steps you will take to improve pe rforma nce of a poor performing query? This is a very open ended question and there could be a lot of reasons behind the poor performance of a query. But some general issues that you could talk about would be: No indexes, table scans, missing or out of date statistics, blocking, excess recompilations of stored procedures, procedures and triggers w ithout SET NOCOUNT ON, poorly written query with unnecessarily complicated joins, too much normalization, excess usage of cursors and temporary tables. Some of the tools/ways that help you troubleshooting performance problems are: SET SHOWPLAN_ALL ON, SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT ON, SET STATISTICS IO ON, SQL Server Prof iler, Windows NT /2000 Performance monitor, Graphical execution plan in Query Analyzer. Download the white paper on performance tuning SQL Server from Microsoft web site. Dont forget to check out sql-serverperformance.com 96. What are the steps you will take, if you are tasked with securing an SQL Se rver?
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Again this is another open ended question. Here are some things you could talk about: Preferring NT authentication, using server, databse and application roles to control access to the data, securing the physical database files using NTFS permissions, using an unguessable SA password, restricting physical access to the SQL Server, renaming the Administrator account on the SQL Server computer, disabling the Guest account, enabling auditing, using multiprotocol encryption, setting up SSL, setting up firewalls, isolating SQL Server from the web server etc. Read the white paper on SQL Server security from Microsoft website. Also check out My SQL Server security best practices 97. What is a deadloc k and what is a live loc k? How will you go a bout resolv ing deadloc ks? Deadlock is a situation when two processes, each having a lock on one piece of data, attempt to acquire a lock on the others piece. Each process would wait indef initely for the other to release the lock, unless one of the user processes is terminated. SQL Server detects deadlocks and terminates one users process. A livelock is one, where a request for an exclusive lock is repeatedly denied because a series of overlapping shared locks keeps interfering. SQL Server detects the situation after four denials and refuses further shared locks. A livelock also occurs when read transactions monopolize a table or page, forcing a write transaction to wait indefinitely. Check out SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY and "Minimizing Deadlocks" in SQL Server books online. Also check out the article Q169960 from Microsoft knowledge base. 98. What is bloc king and how would you troubleshoot it? Blocking happens when one connection from an application holds a lock and a second connection requires a conflicting lock type. This forces the second connection to wait, blocked on the first. Read up the follow ing topics in SQL Server books online: Understanding and avoiding blocking, Coding efficient transactions. Explain CREATE DATABASE syntax Many of us are used to creat ing databases from the Enterprise Manager or by just issuing the command: CREATE DATABAE MyDB. 99. But what if you have to c reate a database with two filegroups, one on drive C and the other on drive D with log on drive E with an initia l size of 600 MB and with a growth factor of 15%? Thats why being a DBA you should be familiar w ith the CREATE DATABASE syntax. Check out SQL Server books online for more information. 100. How to restart SQL Server in single use r mode? How to sta rt SQL Serve r in minimal configuration mode? SQL Server can be started from command line, using the SQLSERVR.EXE. This EXE has some very important parameters with which a DBA should be familiar with. -m is used for starting SQL Server in single user mode and -f is used to start the SQL Server in minimal configuration mode. Check out SQL Server books online for more parameters and their explanations. 101. As a part of your job, what are the DBCC comma nds that you commonly use for database maintenance? DBCC CHECKDB, DBCC CHECKTABLE, DBCC CHECKCATALOG, DBCC CHECKALLOC, DBCC SHOWCONTIG, DBCC SHRINKDATABASE, DBCC SHRINKF ILE etc. But there are a whole load of DBCC commands which are very useful for DBAs. Check out SQL Server books online for more information.
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102. What are statistics, under what circumsta nces they go out of date, how do you update them? Statistics determine the selectivity of the indexes. If an indexed column has unique values then the selectivity of that index is more, as opposed to an index with non-unique values. Query optimizer uses these indexes in determining whether to choose an index or not while executing a query. Some situations under which you should update statistics: 1) If there is significant change in the key values in the index 2) If a large amount of data in an indexed co lumn has been added, changed, or removed (that is, if the distribution of key values has changed), or the table has been truncated using the TRUNCATE TABLE statement and then repopulated 3) Database is upgraded from a previous version. Look up SQL Server b ooks online for the following commands: UPDATE STATISTICS, STATS_DATE, DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS, CREATE STATISTICS, DROP STATISTICS, sp_autostats, sp_createstats, sp_updatestats 103. What are the diffe rent ways of mov ing data /databases between se rvers a nd databases in SQL Server? There are lots of options available, you have to choose your option depending upon your requirements. Some of the options you have are: BACKUP/RESTORE, dettaching and attaching databases, replication, DTS, BCP, logshipping, INSERTSELECT, SELECTINTO, creating INSERT scripts to generate data. 104. Explain different types of BAC KUPs avaia labe in SQL Server? Given a particular scenario, how would you go about choosing a bac kup plan? Types of backups you can create in SQL Sever 7.0+ are Full dat abase backup, differential database backup, transaction log backup, filegroup backup. Check out the BACKUP and RESTORE commands in SQL Server books online. Be prepared to write the commands in your interview. Books online also has information on detailed backup/restore architecture and when one should go for a particular kind of backup. 105. What is database replication? What are the differe nt ty pes of replication you can set up in SQL Se rver? Replication is the process of copying/moving data between databases on the same or different servers. SQL Server supports the following types of replication scenarios: Snapshot replication Transactional replication (with immediate updating subscribers, with queued updating subscribers) Merge replication See SQL Server books online for indepth coverage on replication. Be prepared to explain how different replication agents function, what are the main system tables used in replication etc. 106. How to dete rmine the serv ice pac k curre ntly installed on SQL Server?
The global variable @@Version stores the build number of the sqlservr.exe, which is used to determine the service pack installed. To know more about this process visit SQL Server service packs and versions. 107. What are cursors? Explain diffe rent types of c ursors. What a re the disadvantages of cursors? How can you avoid c ursors? Cursors allow row-by-row processing of the resultsets. Types of cursors: Static, Dynamic, Forward-only, Keyset-driven. See books online for more information. Disadvantages of cursors:
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Each time you fetch a row from the cursor, it results in a network roundtrip, where as a normal SELECT query makes only one roundtrip, however large the resultset is. Cursors are also costly because they require more resources and temporary storage (results in more IO operations). Further, there are restrictions on the SELECT statements that can be used with some types of cursors. Most of the times, set based operations can be used instead of cursors. Here is an example: If you have to give a flat hike to your e mployees using the follow ing criteria: Salary between 30000 and 40000 5000 hike Salary between 40000 and 55000 7000 hike Salary between 55000 and 65000 9000 hike. In this situation many developers tend to use a cursor, determine each employees salary and update his salary according to the above formula. But the same can be achieved by multiple update statements or can be combined in a single UPDATE statement as shown below: UPDATE tbl_emp SET salary = CASE WHEN salary BETWEEN 30000 AND 40000 THEN sa lary + 5000 WHEN salary BETWEEN 40000 AND 55000 THEN salary + 7000 WHEN salary BETWEEN 55000 AND 65000 THEN salary + 10000 END Another situation in which developers tend to use cursors: You need to call a stored procedure when a column in a particular row meets certain condition. You dont have to use cursors for this. This can be achieved using WHILE loop, as long as there is a unique key to identify each row. For examples of using WHILE loop for row by row processing, check out the My code library sect ion of my site or search for WHILE. Write down the general syntax for a SELECT statements covering all the options. Heres the basic syntax: (Also checkout SELECT in books online for advanced syntax). SELECT select_list [INTO new_table_] FROM table_source [WHERE search_condition] [GROUP BY group_by_expression] [HAVING search_condition] [ORDER BY order_expression [ASC | DESC] ] 108. What is a join and explain diffe rent types of joins.
Joins are used in queries to explain how different tables are related. Joins also let you select data from a table depending upon data from another table. Types of joins: INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs, CROSS JOINs. OUTER JOINs are further classified as LEFT OUTER JOINS, RIGHT OUTER JOINS and FULL OUTER JOINS. For more information see pages from books online titled: "Join Fundamentals" and "Using Joins". 109. Can you have a nested transaction?
Yes, very much. Check out BEGIN T RAN, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVE TRAN and @@TRANCOUNT 110. What is an extended stored procedure? Can you insta ntiate a COM object by using TSQL? An extended stored procedure is a function within a DLL (written in a programming language like C, C++ using Open Data Services (ODS) API) that can be called from T -SQL, just the way we call normal stored procedures using the EXEC stat ement. See books online to learn how to create extended stored procedures and how to add them to SQL Server. Yes, you can instantiate a COM (written in languages like VB, VC++) object from T -SQL by using sp_OACreate stored procedure. Also see books online for sp_OAMethod, sp_OAGetProperty, sp_OASetProperty, sp_OADestroy. For an example of creating a COM object in VB and calling it from T -SQL, see My code library section of this site. 111. What is the system function to get the c urrent use rs use r id?
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USER_ID(). Also check out other system functions like USER_NAME(), SYSTEM_USER, SESSION_USER, CURRENT_USER, USER, SUSER_SID(), HOST_NAME(). 112. What are triggers? How many triggers you can have on a table? How to invoke a trigger on demand? Triggers are special kind of stored procedures that get executed automatically when an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operation takes place on a table. In SQL Server 6.5 you could define only 3 triggers per table, one for INSERT, one for UPDATE and one for DELETE. From SQL Server 7.0 onwards, this restriction is gone, and you could create multiple triggers per each action. But in 7.0 theres no way to control the order in which the triggers fire. In SQL Server 2000 you could specify which trigger fires first or fires last using sp_settriggerorder. Triggers cant be invoked on demand. They get triggered only when an associated action (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) happens on the table on which they are defined. Triggers are generally used to implement business rules, auditing. Triggers can also be used to extend the referential integrity checks, but wherever possible, use constraints for this purpose, instead of triggers, as constraints are much faster. Till SQL Server 7.0, triggers fire only after the data modification operation happens. So in a way, they are called post triggers. But in SQL Server 2000 you could create pre triggers also. Search SQL Server 2000 books online for INSTEAD OF triggers. Also check out books online for inserted table, deleted table and COLUMNS_UPDATED() 113. There is a trigger de fined for INSERT ope rations on a ta ble, in an OLTP system. The trigger is writte n to instantiate a COM object and pass the ne wly insterted rows to it for some custom processing. What do you think of this implementation? Can this be implemented bette r? Instantiating COM objects is a time consuming process and since you are doing it from w ithin a trigger, it slows down the data insertion process. Same is the case with sending emails from triggers. This scenario can be better implemented by loggin g all the necessary data into a separate table, and have a job which periodically checks this table and does the needful. 114. What is a self join? Explain it with an example.
Self join is just like any other join, except that two instances of the same table will be joined in the query. Here is an example: Employees table which contains rows for normal employees as well as managers. So, to find out the managers of all the employees, you need a self join. CREATE TABLE emp ( empid int, mgrid int, empname char(1 0) ) INSERT emp SELECT 1,2,Vyas INSERT emp SELECT 2,3,Mohan INSERT emp SELECT 3,NULL,Shobha INSERT emp SELECT 4,2,Shridhar INSERT emp SELECT 5,2,Sourabh SELECT t1.empname [Employee], t2.empname [Manager] F ROM emp t1, emp t2 WHERE t1.mgrid = t2.empid Heres an advanced query using a LEFT OUTER JOIN that even returns the employees without managers (super bosses) SELECT t1.empname [Employee], COALESCE(t2.empname, No manager) [Manager] FROM emp t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN emp t2 ON t1.mgrid = t2.empid
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