Electronic Spectra of Complexes
Electronic Spectra of Complexes
Electronic Spectra of Complexes
ITU Chemistry Department
2019/20 Spring Semester
The band at lowest energy is very weak that is an example of a spin-
fordidden transition.The two bands with intermediate intensities, which
will turn out to be spin allowed transitions between the t2g and eg
orbitals of the comp (t22ge1g t32g), which are derived from the
metal d orbitals. The third feature in the spectrum is the intense band
at short wavelenth labeled CT which is related with charge-transfer.
This splitting of a single transition into two bands is in fact an outcome
of the electron-electron repulsions that will be one focus of this
The electronic spectra of atoms
L= 0 1 2 3 4 ......
S P D F G then alphabetical
3F 3P 1G 1D 1S
3F 1D 3P 1G 1S
The procedure may then be summarized as follows:
1. The bonds in transition metal complexes are not rigid but undergo
vibrations that may temporarily change the symmetry which provides
a way to relax the first selection rule.As a consequence, d-d transitions
having molar absorptivities in the range of approximately 10 to 50
L mol-1 cm-1 commomly occur.
2. Tetrahedral complexes often absorb more srongly than octahedral
complexes of the same metal in the same oxidation state.The mixing
of p orbital character (of u symmetry) with d orbital character provides
a second way of relaxing the first selection rule.
3. Spin-orbital coupling in some cases provides a mechanism of relaxa-
tion of the second selection rule. Such absoption bands are usually
very weak, with typical molar absorptivities less than 1 L mol-1 cm-1.
Our first example will be a metal complex having a d2 configuration
and octahedral geometry: [V(H2O)]3+.
In discussing spectra, it will be particularly useful to be able to relate
the electronic spectra of transition metal complexes to the ligand-
field splitting, o for octahedral complexes.To do this, it will be necas-
cary to introduce two special types of diagrams, correlation diagram
and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.
Correlation Diagrams (Orgel Diagrams)
These diagrams make use of two extremes:
1 Free ions (no ligand field): d2 configuration has 3F,3P,1G,1D, and 1S
terms, with the 3F term being of lowest energy.These term describe
the eneryg levels of a free d2 ion in the absence of any interaction
with ligands.These free ion terms will be shown on the far left.
2 Strong Field Ligand
There are three possible configurations for two d electrons in an octa-
hedral ligand field.
In correlation diagrams, we will show these states on the far right, as the
srong field limit
In actual coordination comp, the situation is intermediate between these
extremes.For d2, the five terms 3F,3P,1G,1D, and 1S; these terms will
represent five different atomic states having different energies.The ef-
fect of ligands tend to push the energy levels toward t22g, t12ge1g, and
e2g configurations.In constructing a diagram to correlate the free ion
and srong field limits, we will seek a way to deal with the in-between
case in which both factors are important.
In an octahedral ligand field the free ion terms will be split into
states corresponding to the irreducible representations as shown
Therefore, relative to the energy of the lowest term, their energy are
E(t22g, T1g) =0 ; E(t12ge1g, T2g) = + o ; E(e2g, A2g) = +2 o
In summary, For a given metal ion, the energy of the individual terms
respond differently to ligands of incresing field strength and the
correlation between free atom terms of a complex can be displayed
on an Orgel diagram.
Tanabe-Sugano diagrams
These diagrams are special correlation diagrams that are particularly
useful in the interpretation of electronic spectra of coordination
comps.The lowest energy state is plotted along the horizontal axis,thus
the vertical distance above this axis is a measure of the energy above
the ground state. This diagrams depict the energy of electronic
states of comp. As a function of the
srength of the ligand field.
the horizontal axis: o/B
B= Racah parameter, a measure of repulsion
between terms of the same multiplicity. For
d2, the energy difference between 3F and 3P
is 15B.
Vertical axis: E/B where E is the energy abo-
ve the ground state.
1 4A2g(F) 4T2g
2 4A2g(F) 4T1g(F)
3 4A2g(F) 4T1g(P)
Electronic spectrum of [Cr(H2O)6]2+
1 5Eg(D) 5T2g
Electronic spectrum of [Mn(H2O)6]2+
Why is absorption by [Mn(H2O)6]2+
so weak?
6A Excited states is no spin-allo-
wed absoption, may be very weak
forbidden transitions to excited state
of spin multiplicity other than 6
Electronic spectrum of [Fe(H2O)6]2+
1 5T2g(D) 5Eg
Electronic spectrum of [Co(H2O)6]2+
1 4T1g(F) 4T2g
2 4T1g(F) 4A2g
1 4T1g(F) 4T1g (P)
Electronic spectrum of [Ni(H2O)6]2+
1 3A2g(F) 3T2g
2 3A2g(F) 3T1g
3 3A2g(F) 3T1g (P)
B1g Eg
B1g B2g