Èçäàòåëüñêî-Ïîëèãðàôè×Åñêèé Òâîð×Åñêèé Äîì O Qituvchi Òàøêåíò 2017

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ÒÀØÊÅÍÒ — 2017
ÓÄÊ: 811.111(075.3)
ÁÁK 81.2 Àíãë–922
N 52

Ëóòôóëëî Æóðàåâ, Ñâåòëàíà Õàí, Ëþäìèëà Êàìàëîâà
Óðèíáîé Õîøèìîâ, Õóðìàò Ãàíèåâà, Ðîçàëèÿ Çûðÿíîâà, Øîèðà Ýðíàçàðîâà,
Òóòè Òóðñóíîâà

The new edition of “Fly High 5” is prepared by Lutfulla Jurayev, Svetlana Khan
and Ludmila Kamalova. It is based on “Fly High 5” 2000 which was the result of a
collaboration between the Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan, The British Council
and “O‘qituvchi” Publishing House, authored by Lutfulla Jurayev, Svetlana Khan, Rozaliya
Ziryanova, Urinboy Hoshimov, Hurmat Ganiyeva, Ludmila Kamalova, Shoira Ernazarova and
Tuti Tursunova.
The team are particularly grateful to the teachers and students of the schools who
partici pated in the piloting of this book and whose valuable advice and comments have
helped greatly in its development:
Special thanks should also go to the following people for their support throughout
the project:
Ms. Kh. Isakjanova, Republican Education Centre, Ministry of Public Education
Prof. M. Iriskulov, the Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Innovations under the
Uzbekistan World Languages University
The new edition of “Fly High 5” was developed with the assisstance of the Repub-
lican Scientific-Practical Center of Innovations under the Uzbekistan World Languages
University and the British Council, Tashkent. Special thanks go to Wendy Arnold for her
sustained support and encouraging feedback.
The authors and publishers also gratefully acknowledge the following sources from
which short quotations have been used:
TV HITS, Attic Futura Publication, London
Jazz Chants, Carolyn Graham, Oxford University Press
George Woolard, Lessons with Laughter LTP, 1996
A. Gotebiowska, Getting Students to Talk, Prentice Hall, 1990
– àóäèðîâàíèå è ïîíèìàíèå íà ñëóõ, âûïîëíåíèå âèäåîçàäàíèé;

– âûïîëíåíèå çàäàíèé â èãðîâîé ôîðìå;

– çàäàíèÿ äëÿ ïèñüìà ñ ðàáî÷åé òåòðàäè; ó÷åíèêè îòêðûâàþò ðàáî÷óþ

òåòðàäü, ïåðåïèñûâàþò è âûïîëíÿþò ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå çàäàíèÿ;

– çàäàíèÿ äëÿ ïèñüìà èç ó÷åáíèêà; ó÷åíèêè ïåðåïèñûâàþò è âûïîëíÿþò

ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå çàäàíèÿ â òåòðàäè;
– äèàëîãè äëÿ ïðàêòèêè ãîâîðåíèÿ.

Èçäàíî íà ñðåäñòâà Ðåñïóáëèêàíñêîãî öåëåâîãî

êíèæíîãî ôîíäà.

© Ë. Æóðàåâ è äð.
ISBN 978-9943-22-121-5 © ÈÏÒÄ “O‘qituvchi”, 2017.
Dear Pupil !

Welcome to New Fly High !

This classbook is full of interesting and fun activities and exercises
which will help you learn and practise English. At the back of the book
you can find a useful list of grammar points and vocabulary.
The workbook contains extra exercises and activities to help you
practise your English in the classroom or at home.
With the help of the progress checks you can test the knowledge
you got from the units.
There is also a multemedia resource which you can use with your
teacher or at home to develop your listening skills.
Remember that the best way to learn English is by using it. Try to use
English as much as you can during your lessons and at home with your
We hope that you will enjoy using this course and that your own
English will soon be flying high!
Have fun!
The Authors

Äîðîãîé äðóã!
Äîáðî ïîæàëîâàòü â ó÷åáíèê New Fly High !
 ýòîì ó÷åáíèêå ìíîãî èíòåðåñíûõ è çàáàâíûõ çàäàíèé è óïðàæ-
íåíèé, êîòîðûå ïîìîãóò òåáå â èçó÷åíèè àíãëèéñêîãî ÿçûêà.  êîíöå
êíèãè òû íàéäåøü ïîëåçíûé ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê è ñëîâàðü.
Ðàáî÷àÿ òåòðàäü âêëþ÷àåò â ñåáÿ äîïîëíèòåëüíûå çàäàíèÿ è
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 êîíòðîëüíûõ ðàáîòàõ òû ìîæåøü ïðîâåðèòü ñâîè çíàíèÿ,
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âàòüñÿ èì. Ñòàðàéñÿ ïîëüçîâàòüñÿ àíãëèéñêèì ÿçûêîì êàê ìîæíî ÷àùå
íà óðîêàõ è äîìà ñ äðóçüÿìè.
Ìû íàäååìñÿ, ÷òî òû ïîëó÷èøü óäîâîëüñòâèå, çàíèìàÿñü ïî ýòèì
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ñòàíåò íàìíîãî âûøå!
Ó÷èñü ñ ðàäîñòüþ!
Units Titles Page Topics Hours
1 All about me
1 My favourite things 6 Personal information
2 I have two sisters. 7 Families
3 Who is the youngest? 8 People’s ages 7
4 Where are you from? 9 Countries, cities, hobbies
5 What’s your address? 10 Addresses and telephone
6 Project 11 numbers
2 At home and at work
1 They live in a ... 12 House and its rooms
2 What number is your house? 13 Jobs
3 What’s your job? 14 Professions 8
4 Where do you work? 15 Workplaces
5 How do you go to ... ? 16 Transport
6 Project 17

3 What do you look like?

1 His hair is short and curly. 18 Parts of the body
2 He is tall and thin. 19 Shapes
3 My robot has ... 20 Colours 8
4 My family is ... 21 Sizes
5 He didn’t stay at home. 22 Families
6 Project 23

4 My school life
1 Today is ... 24 Days of the week
2 The third day is Wednesday 25 Ordinal numbers
3 On Thursday I ... 26 I must ... 8
4 We must do our homework 27 School subjects
5 School subjects 28
6 Project 29

5 I like English. Do you?

1 I like ... . It’s fun. 30 School subjects
2 What time is it? 31 Time
3 Midday? Midnight? 32 School timetables 8
4 Do you like it? 33 Likes and dislikes
5 When does the school start? 34 School life
6 Project 35
6 In the classroom
1 Classroom things 36 The classroom
2 Lucy’s pen is blue. 37 School things
3 It’s my book. 38 School buildings 8
4 This – that, these – those 39 Colours

5 Our school is old but nice. 40

6 Project 41

7 My day
1 I usually wake up at ... . 42 Daily routines
2 Aziz often plays football. 43 Daily activities
3 The Whitfields visit Tashkent. 44 Visiting places 8
4 What do you do after school? 45 Time
5 Does he ...? Yes, he does. 46
6 Project 47

Units Titles Page Topics Hours
8 Things I like
1 I like playing ... . 48 Hobbies
2 Do you have a hobby? 49 Music
3 Do you like singing? 50 Sports activities 8
4 I like music. 51 TV programmes
5 What’s on Channel 4? 52
6 Project 53

9 Furry friends
1 Pets 54 Pets
2 Domestic animals 55 Domestic animals
3 My dog can ... . 56 Animals’ food 8
4 I look after my pets. 57 Animals’ activities
5 Happy pets 58 Looking after animals
6 Project 59

10 Wildlife
1 Habitat is home. 60 Wild animals
2 What can animals do? 61 Wild animal habitats
3 At the zoo 62 Numbers above 100 8
4 Dangerous animals 63 Animal lives
5 How long can animals live? 64
6 Project 65

11 Seasons
1 My favourite season 66 Seasons
2 Summer holidays are fun! 67 Temperatures
3 Autumn 68 Months 8
4 Winter days 69 Seasonal activities
5 Spring is coming. 70
6 Project 71

12 The weather
1 What’s the weather like? 72 Kinds of weather
2 Sunny days are lovely! 73 More about weather
3 What’s the temperature? 74 Temperature 8
4 Seasons and weather 75 Storms
5 Stormy weather 76
6 Project 77
13 Spring holidays
1 I like Navruz. 78 Months and holidays
2 Come and stay with us. 79 Uzbek meals, sweets
3 Navruz in Bukhara 80 Holiday activities and meals 7
4 Fun in April 81

5 May Day holiday 82

6 Project 83
Progress Checks 85-91 Tests

Workbook 92-122 Classwork and homework

Grammar 123-133 Grammar points in Russian

English–Russian Wordlist 134-159 Words learnt in Classes 1-5

LESSON 1 My favourite things
1 Listen and repeat.

2 Play “My name’s Aziz”.

3a Look, read and write about Aziz.

His name’s ...

His hobby’s ...
His favourite sport ...
His favourite subject ...
His favourite season ...
His favourite holiday ...
His favourite animal ...
UNIT 1 All about me

3b Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

e.g. A: What’s his hobby?
B: Playing chess.
3c Work in pairs. Play “Interview”.
e.g. What’s your surname?

4 Play “Two things about me.”

I like ... I’m good at ...

No, it’s false.
Yes, it’s true.

I can ... My favourite ...

LESSON 2 I have two sisters.
1 Sing the song.

2 Play “I have a sister. Her name’s Kamila.”

e.g. I have a sister. Her name’s Kamila. I have a brother. His
name’s Kamol.
3a Read and complete.

Our family is big. My father’s name is Karim. My mother’s name is

Odina. I have two sisters and one brother. My elder sister Sabina is
a student at medical college. She wants to be a nurse. My brother
Davron and sister Madina go to the kindergarten. They are twins. They
cannot read and write. They can count. They are very good at counting.
We have a cat Snowball. Snowball’s favourite food is fish.





UNIT 1 All about me


3b Work in pairs. Point and say. son

e.g. A: (points)
B: It’s Aziz’s father. Aziz is Karim’s son.

4 Play “What’s your friend’s

name?” Remember:
e.g. A: What’s your friend’s name?
B: Samira. What’s your friend’s My friend’s name’s Lucy. [z]
name? My cat’s name’s is Tiger. [s]
C: ...
LESSON 3 Who is the youngest?
1 Sing the song.
In this photo I’m 2 years old. I was
small. I was happy. My favourite toys
2a Look, read and continue. were a train and a teddy bear. I didn’t
go to school. I didn’t do my homework.
I didn’t clean my room. I didn’t ...

wash the dishes, sweep the

floor, mop the floor, feed the
animals, take the rubbish out

2b Play “My favourite toy was

a car”.

3 Play “Who is the eldest in your

A: Who is the eldest in your family?
B: My grandad. He’s 95 years old.

4 Play “Who is the youngest in your family?”

A: Who is the youngest in your family?
B: My brother. He’s 5 years old.

5 Read and match.

UNIT 1 All about me

My brother is a doctor.
His name’s Nargiza.
My grandad is the youngest in our family.
He was a pupil.
My uncle worked the kindergarten.
My aunt’s name is Botir.
My sister is the eldest in our family.
She goes to in the bank.

6 Write about your family.

Who is the youngest in your family? e.g. My granny is the eldest in
My sister. / My sister is the youngest. our family. She is 88 years
Who is the eldest in your family? old. I am the youngest in our
family. I am ...
LESSON 4 Where are you from?
1 Sing the song. 2 Play “My uncle’s from Termez”.
e.g. A: My uncle’s from Termez.
3a Look, read and match. B: My uncle’s from Nukus.

1 2 3

My name’s Mary. I’m 11 years old. I live in London, the capital of England.
My hobbies are: playing the piano, listening to music and reading books.
My favourite sport is football.
My favourite subject is maths.
Please write to me,
[email protected] a

My name’s Harry. I’m 11. I’m from Germany.
My hobbies are: playing the guitar, watching TV, playing chess
and computer games.
My favourite sports are: hockey and basketball.
My favourite subjects are music and PE.
Please write to me,

UNIT 1 All about me

[email protected] b
My name’s Sara. I’m 12. I live in a small village in France.
My hobbies are: riding a bike, listening to music, drawing and watching TV.
My favourite sports are: volleyball and football. My favourite subject is
Please write to me,
[email protected]

3b Choose a letter. Read and write.

e.g. His name is ... / Her name is ...
3c Work in pairs. Listen and guess. subject – subjects
e.g. A: My friend’s hobbies are hockey and chess. hobby – hobbies
B: His name’s Harry.
LESSON 5 What’s your address?
1 Sing the song. Hi, my name’s Aziz Abdullayev. I live in
Istiqbol. I go to school number 12, Class
2 Look, read and complete. 5B. My class teacher’s name is Tahmina
Rahimova. My address is 25 Navoi
3 Play “What’s your street. My telephone number is 67843
address?” 92. Music is my hobby. I’m good at
singing. I want to play the guitar.
4 Read and say True or False.

Hello Aziz,
Our family is not big. There are four in our family. I have a father, mother
and a brother. My father’s name is Thomas, my mother’s name is Kate. They
are teachers, they work at the university. My brother Daniel is 8 years old,
he is in Grade 3. We have two cats: Tiger and Fluffy. We all like football.
Our favourite team is Arsenal.
Our grandad and granny live in France. We go to France every summer. We
love swimming and horse riding.
Please write to me,
UNIT 1 All about me

5 Read the answers and write the questions.

e.g. What’s her name?
1) Lucy Whitfield 3) England 5) 283207
2) 12 4) 4 Clover Road 6) football

LESSON 6 Project
1 Sing the song. 2 Look at Aziz’s English Portfolio.

UNIT 1 All about me

3 Listen to Aziz’s presentation.

This is my English Portfolio. Part 1 is

All about me. Part 2 is My family.
Look, this is my photo. I was 10 years old,
I was in Class 4. Now I’m in Class 5 and
I’m 11 years old. My birthday is in August,
August is my favourite month. My hobby is
collecting cards. I have cards from Russia,
Kazakhstan, Germany, France and England.
They are beautiful. I have cards from
Uzbekistan too. They are from Bukhara,
Samarkand, Tashkent and Nukus.

LESSON 1 They live in a ...
1 Listen and repeat. a dresser, a chair, a table,
a fridge, a bed, a cooker, a mirror,
2a Look and write the words. a blanket, a computer, a pillow,
a rug

2b Play “Ball”.

3a Look and say.

UNIT 2 At home and at work

3b Listen and show.

3c Listen and say.

4 Listen and repeat.

go – went eat – ate
come – came sleep – slept
sit – sat
LESSON 2 What number is your house?
1 Sing the song.
2 Play Bingo.
a chair a bedroom a kitchen
Bingo!!! a fridge a dresser a table

3a Read and write

the questions.

At home and at work

Our family lives in a house. We live in Navoiy
street. Our house number is 27. We have a
kitchen, a big living room, two bathrooms and
four bedrooms. One bedroom is for my
grandparents. They are my father’s parents. We
love them. My favourite room is our living room.
We often play chess and read books there.
Sometimes we watch TV there.

3b Work in pairs. Play “Ask and answer”.


3c Report. e.g. Sabina’s house number is 35. They have 5

rooms. Sabina’s favourite room is her bedroom. She
plays games, reads books and does her homework

4 Play “What number is your house?”

LESSON 3 What’s your job?
1 Sing the song.
2a Match the pictures
and words.
1 a teacher
2 a taxi driver a
3 a doctor b
4 an electronic engineer
5 a mechanic
6 a farmer d e f
7 a pupil
8 a secretary
9 a businessman
(a businesswoman)

2b Listen and repeat.

2c Look, listen and match.
e.g. 1f
3a Ask and answer.
e.g. A: What’s your father’s job?
UNIT 2 At home and at work

B: He’s a taxi driver. What’s your father’s job?


3b Ask and answer.

e.g. A: What do your parents do?
B: They are teachers. What do your sisters do?
4 Read and answer the questions.
1) What’s Mrs Whitfield’s job?
2) Where does she work?
3) What’s Mrs Simpson’s job? i
4) What’s Mr Simpson’s job?

Mrs Whitfield is from England. She is

Lucy’s and Daniel’s mother. Mrs
Remember: Whitfield is a French teacher. She
works at the university. She loves her
one businessman job. She has a father and mother.
two businessmen They live in France. Her father Mr
Simpson, is a businessman. He has a
one businesswoman
shop in their village. Her mother Mrs
two businesswomen
Simpson, is an English teacher.

LESSON 4 Where do you work?
1 Sing the song. college, school,
hospital, farm, bank, museum,
flower shop, book shop,
2 Play “Where do you work?”
toy shop, supermarket,
police station
A: Where do you work?
B: At the hospital.
A: Are you a doctor?
B: No.
A: Are you a nurse?
B: Yes.

3a Read and match. b

1) Hi, my name is Lisa. I work
at the bank. I’m a secretary.
2) Hello, I’m Dave. I work at the
school. I’m a maths teacher. I
like my job.
3) Good morning. My name’s Andy. e
I work at the supermarket. I’m
a shop assistant. My job is

At home and at work

4) Hi, I’m David. I’m a doctor. I
work at the hospital.
5) Hello, my name’s Julia. I’m a
German teacher. I work at the a
college. I like my pupils.

3b Complete the sentences.

4 Play “Yes./No.”

e.g. A: Do you work at the college?

B: No. (No, I don’t.)
A: Do you work ...?

Remember: c

Teachers work at the school.

Farmers work on the farm.

LESSON 5 How do you go to ... ?
1 Sing the song.

2a Read about Anji.

Hi, my name’s Anji. I live in a small

village in the mountains. My school is
far from the village. It’s about 20
kilometres from my house. I go to
school on foot. I like my school, my
teachers and my friends. My favourite
subject is maths. I want to be a maths

2b Write T for true and F for false.

UNIT 2 At home and at work

1) Anji lives in the mountains.

2) There is a small school in her village.
3) Her school is far from her village.
4) She goes to school on foot.
5) She doesn’t like maths.

3 Work in groups. Play “How do

you go to ...?”.
e.g. A: How do you go to school?
B: By bus.
A: Is your house far from the school?
B: Yes, it’s about 25 kilometres.

4 Listen and complete. Name: e.g. Jessica

Answer the questions. School number:
She lives from school.
1) What is Jessica’s school number?
How she goes to school:
2) Does she live far from school?
3) How does she go to school? Hobby:
4) Does she like rainy weather? Favourite subjects:
5) What are her favourite subjects?

LESSON 6 Project
1 Sing the song.

2a Answer the questions and complete the table.

1) What’s your name? 4) What’s your telephone number?

2) How old are you? 5) Do you live far from school?
3) Where do you live? 6) How do you go to school?
What’s your address? 7) What’s your favourite subject?

name age address telephone go to school favourite subject

2b Work in groups of 4.
Ask the questions and complete the table.

2c Write about your friend.

At home and at work

I can
I can talk about my family and my friends.
ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ñâîåé ñåìüå è äðóçüÿõ.

I can write a letter to a friend.

ß ìîãó íàïèñàòü ïèñüìî äðóãó.

I can talk about my English Language Portfolio.

ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ñâîåì ïîðòôîëèî íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå.

I can say my school and home address.

ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü ñâîé äîìàøíèé è øêîëüíûé àäðåñ.

I can talk about jobs.


ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ïðîôåññèÿõ.

I can say how I get to school.

ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü, êàê ÿ äîáèðàþñü äî øêîëû.

2 – New Fly High 5 17

LESSON 1 His hair is short and curly.
1 Listen and repeat.

2a Listen and repeat.

long short straight curly

blond dark dark blond

Robot A Robot B

Alisher Roma
Lena Barno
2b Complete the
2c Work in pairs. Listen and say. sentences.

e.g. A: She has short, straight, dark hair.

B: Barno.

long straight dark
He has hair
short curly blond
UNIT 3 What do you look like?


3 Look at Zizi. Read and choose the words.

e.g. Her head is square.

This is a robot-girl. Her name is Zizi. Her head is

round/square. She has long/short hair. Her hair is
curly/straight and blond/dark. She has a big/small
nose and a big/small mouth. Her ear is big/small.
Her eyes are round/square.


4 Read and draw.

round face
round faces
long hair This robot has a round head. Its mouth is big.
long hairs It has four ears and two square eyes. Its nose
My hair is long. is round. It has short, straight hair.
She – her
He – his
It – its

LESSON 2 He is tall and thin.
1 Sing the song. tall strong
thin short
2 Listen and repeat.

3 Write five sentences

and play “Who Is My

e.g. She is not tall. She is thin. Her

nose is small. Her eyes are brown.
She has long, straight, black hair.

4 Match the names

and words.

1 Lucy a tall and strong

2 Daniel b short
3 father c tall
4 mother d short and plump
5 grandmother e tall and thin

What do you look like?

5a Read and write six

Lucy’s family
This is Lucy and her family. They live in a village near Cambridge.
Lucy is a tall girl. She has long, curly, black hair. Her grandmother is
short and thin. Her hair is white. Mr Whitfield is tall and strong.
His hair is short and curly. Mrs Whitfield is a nice woman. She is
tall. She has blond hair. It is short and straight. Her eyes are blue.
Lucy’s brother Daniel is tall and thin. He has red hair. It is short
and straight. His eyes are brown.

5b Listen and check your

answers. Remember:

She has long hair.

5c Work in groups. Talk about
She has long, curly hair.
Lucy’s family.
She has long, curly, black hair.
e.g. Lucy has long, straight hair. She Her hair is long and curly.
is English. Her grandmother
has short white hair.
LESSON 3 My robot has ...
1 Sing the song. 2 Listen. Write T for True and
F for False. e.g. 1T
3 Listen and repeat. 1) Aziz’s father is tall.
2) His mother is tall.
3) Her eyes are blue.
4) Sabina is short.
5) She has long hair.
arm 6) Madina has curly hair.
7) Davron is six years old.
8) His eyes are brown.

c d
4a Read and find the robot.

This robot has a big, square head.

He has a small, round body and
short arms and short legs.

a b
UNIT 3 What do you look like?

e f

g h
4b Work in pairs. Speak and guess.
e.g. A: This robot has ...
B: Is this robot b ?

5a Draw a robot and write

Remember: about it.
e.g. My robot has a big round
This robot has head. My robot has four
arms and three legs.
a small round green head.
big square blue
5b Work in groups. Read about
your robot to your group.

LESSON 4 My family is ...
1 Sing the song.

2 Play “Funny Monsters”.

3 Work in pairs. Write three sen-

tences with your partner’s words.

curly, straight, short, dark,

blond, tall, long, strong, thin, plump,
nice, big, small, eyes, hair, mouth, legs,
head, arms, ears, nose, body

4a Match the pictures and people.

e.g. 1 Shahlo
Shahlo’s family

3 My name is Shahlo. There are six

6 people in my family. I have a father, a
2 mother, a sister and two brothers. My

What do you look like?

father is tall and thin. His hair is
short and black. My mother is short.
Her face is round. My sister’s name
is Nilufar. She has long, dark hair.
Her eyes are brown. My brothers’
1 names are Nodirbek and Mirumid.
Nodirbek is very tall. He has long
arms and legs. His hair is black.
5 Mirumid is not tall. He is strong and
plump. He has short, curly hair.

4b Write questions for the answers.

1 She has two brothers and a sister.
e.g. How many sisters and brothers does Shahlo have?
2 Her sister’s name is Nilufar.
3 Her brothers’ names are Nodirbek and Mirumid.

4 Her father is tall and thin.

5 Her mother is short and plump.
5 Write about your family or imaginary family.
Íàïèøèòå î ñâîåé ñåìüå èëè î âîîáðàæàåìîé.
My name is ... . I have ... . My father ... . My mother ... .
My sister’s name ... . My brother’s name ... .
LESSON 5 He didn’t stay at home.
1 Sing the song.

2a Look and say what Ahror did.

e.g. He played football.

2b Read. Say the first form of the verbs.

e.g. stayed – stay
Dear Ahror,
Yesterday I was very busy. I stayed at home and
helped my mother. In the morning I cleaned the
room, swept and mopped the floor. After lunch I
washed the dishes and took the rubbish out. In
the evening I talked to my friend on the phone.
UNIT 3 What do you look like?

2c Read about Nodira and
write about Ahror.
e.g. Yesterday Nodira stayed at
Ahror didn’t stay at home.

3a Write two true sentences

and one false sentence
about yesterday.
3b Work in pairs. Listen and
find a false sentence.
e.g. A: 1) I played football.
2) I did my homework.
3) I took the rubbish out.
B: You didn’t take the rubbish
Remember: out.
A: You didn’t take the A: Yes, I did.
rubbish out. B: You didn’t play football.
B: Yes, I did. (No, I did.) A: Yes, it’s true.
3c Make a report.

LESSON 6 Project
1 Sing the song.

2 Look, listen and repeat.

3a Look at the pictures.

Answer the questions.
1 Who is this boy?
2 How old is he?
3 What does the boy look like?
4 Why is he famous?
5 Do people in many countries love him?
6 What are his parents’ jobs?
3b Read the text. Check your answers.

Jurabek Juraev is eight years old. He

was born in Andijan. When he was
four years old, he started singing.
Many people love his songs. He is the
most favourite Uzbek boy in the Inter-
net. His parents do not sing. His mother

What do you look like?

is a doctor, his father is an engineer.
Jurabek sings songs in 17 languages:
Uzbek, Indian, English, Russian ... . He
sings his favourite songs. He wants to
be a famous singer.

4a Work in groups. Prepare a presenta-

tion about a celebrity. Use the ques-
1 Where is s/he from?
2 What does s/he do?
3 What does s/he look like?
4 Why is s/he famous?
5 What is she wearing?
4b Make the presentation on your

LESSON 1 Today is ...
1 Listen and repeat.

2 Look and write

the days.

3 Listen and match.

a b c

go — went
4a Read and answer the questions. see — saw
buy — bought
1 Where did they go on Monday? eat — ate
2 What did they see in the Art museum?
UNIT 4 My school life

Whitfield family went to Uzbekistan in the summer. They had a

wonderful week in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. Tashkent is
the biggest city in the country. There are a lot of interesting places
in Tashkent. Look at Lucy’s diary.

Mon Art Museum interesting pictures

Tue Chorsu Market fresh fruit and vegetables
Weds Train Museum old trains
Thu Amir Temur Square Amir Temur Museum
Fri Tashkent Zoo a lot of animals
Sat Tashkent Land delicious ice cream

4b Read and write the questions.

e.g. 1 Where did they go on Tuesday?
2 What did they buy in Chorsu Market?
LESSON 2 The third day is Wednesday.
1 Sing the song. 3 Chain Drill.
e.g. A: First.
2 Look, listen and repeat. B: Second.

5th 6th 8th 10th
nd rd

4a Make sentences. 4b Chain Drill.

e.g. Monday is the first day of the week.
e.g. A: Tuesday.
Monday the fifth B: Tuesday’s the
Tuesday the third second day of
Wednesday the first the week.
Thursday is the seventh day of the week.

My school life
Friday the sixth
Saturday the fourth
Sunday the second

5 Look, ask and answer.

e.g. A: What day is
the third? Remember:
B: It’s Thursday.
one - the first seven – the seventh
two – the second eight– the eighth

three – the third nine – the ninth

four - the fourth ten – the tenth
five – the fifth eleven – the eleventh
six – the sixth twelve –the twelfth

LESSON 3 We must do our homework.
1 Sing the song.

2a Look, listen and repeat. MUST

Pupils must go to Pupils must work Pupils must clean

school every day. hard. the classroom.

Pupils mustn’t play football Pupils mustn’t write Pupils mustn’t do home-
in the classroom. in the Pupil’s Books. work in the lesson.

2b Translate the sentences 4a Look, read and complete.

in 2a.

3 Make the sentences.

play with matches.

UNIT 4 My school life

draw in our Pupil’s Books.

get ready for our lessons.
must write words in our books.
mustn’t learn the poem by heart.
go to school on Sunday.
learn English words.

Daddy said:
Don’t watch TV. You must play
Remember: the piano.
Mum said:
We must do our homework. Don’t play computer games.
We mustn’t write in our Pupil’s Books. You must clean the room.
must not = mustn’t
4b Look, read and complete.

LESSON 4 On Thursday I ...
1 Sing the song.

2a Look, read and say. wash the dishes feed the animals

e.g. On Monday Aziz must wash

the dishes. mop the floor take the rubbish

2b Work in pairs. Listen

go shopping clean the room
and say.
e.g. A: Wednesday.
B: On Wednesday Aziz must take the rubbish
go shopping. out
y !!!
kunda ing

3a Complete your diary.

3b Work in pairs.
Play “Sorry, I must ...”.

My school life
e.g. A: Let’s go to the zoo on Monday.
B: Sorry, I can’t. I must go shopping.
A: Let’s go to the zoo on Wednesday.
B: OK.


on Monday

LESSON 5 School subjects
1 Sing the song.
2a Work in pairs. Point and say.
e.g. A: Number 1.
B: It’s English. 3

1 2

5 6

3a Look and answer.

e.g. A: What’s the first
lesson on Monday?
B: English. (It’s English.)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 7

1 English Art Mother tongue Mathematics
2 Mother tongue Mathematics Mother tongue Art
3 PE Computers PE English
4 Mathematics English Music Computers

3b Work in pairs. Listen and Friday Saturday

guess the day. 1 Mother tongue PE
e.g. A: The second lesson is mother 2 Music Mother
UNIT 4 My school life

tongue. The third lesson 3 Mathematics tongue

is PE. 4 Mathematics Computers
B: It’s Wednesday.

4a Look, read and match

the words.
1 interesting a ñêó÷íûé
2 fun b òðóäíûé
3 difficult c èíòåðåñíûé
4 boring d ïîòîìó ÷òî
5 because e çàáàâíûé

4b Work in pairs. Play “Do you like ...?”

e.g. A: Do you like maths?

B: No. I don’t like it because it’s difficult. Do you like maths?
A: Yes. I like it because it’s interesting.

LESSON 6 Project
1 Sing the song. What’s your favourite day of the week?
What’s your favourite month?
2a Work in groups of 5/6.
What’s your favourite subject?
Make a group graph.
2b Present your group graph. Look at the example.

Favourite day
e.g. A: Our first favourite day is Sunday. Two girls and two boys
like Sunday because we don’t have lessons.
B: Our second favourite day is Saturday. One girl and one boy
like Saturday because we have three lessons on Saturday.
Favourite month
e.g. C: Our first favourite month is August. Two girls and one boy
have birthdays in August.
D: Our second favourite month is March. Two girls like it because
we have two holidays in March.
Favourite subject
e.g. E: Our first favourite subject is English. Two girls and one boy
like it because it’s fun.
F: Our second favourite subject is PE. Two boys like it because
they like sport.

My school life
I can
I can describe people. ß ìîãó îïèñàòü ëþäåé.
e.g. She has short, straight, dark hair.
I can write about my family. ß ìîãó íàïèñàòü î ñâîåé ñåìüå.
I can write questions about families.
ß ìîãó íàïèñàòü âîïðîñû î ñåìüÿõ.
e.g. How many sisters and brothers do you have?
I can talk about school timetable.
ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ðàñïèñàíèè óðîêîâ.

I can say why I like/don’t like subjects.

ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, ïî÷åìó ìíå íðàâÿòñÿ / íå íðàâÿòñÿ ïðåäìåòû.
e.g. I like computers because it’s interesting.
I don’t like maths because it’s difficult.
I can write a diary. ß ìîãó ñîñòàâëÿòü äíåâíèê.
LESSON 1 I like ... . It’s fun.
1 Listen and repeat. 2b Listen and repeat.

2a Match the words
and pictures. b
1 handicrafts
2 botany
3 geography
4 literature
5 playground
6 timetable
7 history
c e
No Monday Tuesday
1 Maths English
d 2 Literature Art
3 Russian History
4 Uzbek PE
3 Chain Drill. 5 Geography Botany

e.g. A: I like geography. What about you?

B: I like history. What about you? f
UNIT 5 I like English. Do you?

4 Copy and complete the table with " or & .

e.g. A: I like handicrafts because it’s fun.
B: I don’t like handicrafts because it’s boring.

No you your friend g

1 handicrafts "
2 literature difficult,
3 art fun
4 English
5 history
6 maths
7 botany
8 PE
5 Report.
e.g. We like ... and ... .
We don’t like ... and ... .
6 Play “My Favourite Subject”.
I like ... .
I don’t like ... . e.g. A: Is it botany?
B: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.
LESSON 2 What time is it?
1 Sing the song. 3 Find the words in the Wordlist.
1 when
2 Play “Snowball”. 2 half past
3 quarter to 09.00 09.30
4 quarter past
4a Look, listen and 5 time
learn to tell the 6 o’clock 09.15 09.45
time. 7 break
8 minute

It is (a) quarter
It is nine o’clock. past nine.
It is half past It is (a) quarter
4b Look and say. nine. to ten.

I like English. Do you?

e.g. It’s half past four.

play football,
go to school, play tennis,
write a letter, have Coca Cola,
go to my granny, play Bingo,
meet my friend, listen to songs,
talk to my friend on the

5 Chain Drill.
e.g. A: What time is it? Remember:

B: It’s ... . What time is it?

It’s 12 o’clock.
6 Work in pairs. Draw and complete the (a) quarter past 12
clocks. half past 12
(a) quarter to 1
7 Play “My Favourite Time”.

LESSON 3 Midday? Midnight?
1 Sing the song. 2b Copy and write in the
correct place.
2a Look and say. midnight in the evening
p.m. midday in the afternoon
a.m. midnight
midday in the afternoon 07.45
in the morning in the evening
a.m. p.m.
08.00 20.00 a.m.
e.g. 07.45a.m.
3a Draw and complete
the clocks.
4b Work in pairs. Ask and
3b Work in pairs. Draw, ask
and complete.
e.g. What time is it? It’s ... . Pupil A: Look at this
4a Look and answer. Pupil B: Look at page 35.
e.g. A: When is English? e.g. What’s the second lesson
B: It’s at ... . on Monday?
UNIT 5 I like English. Do you?

5a Write today’s timetable.

Remember: 5b Play “My Favourite School Time”.

12 o’clock e.g. My favourite time is ... .
midday We have ... .
at midnight
six a.m. PE, Uzbek,
half past seven botany, geography,
computers, history, Russian, art,
in the afternoon
literature, maths

LESSON 4 Do you like it?
1 Sing the song.

2 Play “I think
it’s a chair!”

3a Find the frog.

3b Look and answer.

What is the frog’s job?

I like English. Do you?

4 Chain Drill.
e.g. A: Do you like ... ? handicrafts, literature,
B: Yes./No. Do you like ...? art, English, history, maths,
botany, PE, mother tongue
5a Read.
Lucy: Do you go to school?
Aziz: Yes, I do.
Lucy: Do you have maths?
Aziz: Yes, we do.
Lucy: Do you like it?
Aziz: No, I don’t.
Lucy: Why?
Aziz: I think it’s difficult. (It’s difficult.)

5b Work in pairs. Complete Aziz

and Lucy’s dialogue.

do maths, do your homework,


work hard, do crosswords,

play football, like your teachers, Remember:
like school, write in your Pupil’s Do you like ... ?
Book Yes, I do.
No, I don’t.
5c Role play.

3 – New Fly High 5 33

LESSON 5 When does the school start?
1 Sing the song. 2 Play “True/False”.

3 Read and answer the questions.

1 When do children in Germany go to school?

2 When does the school start?
3 How many lessons do they usually have?
4 How many big breaks do they have?
5 What do they do in the afternoon?
6 Do they wear a uniform?

Children in Germany go to school every day from Monday to Friday. Children

must come to school between 7:30-8.15am. There are usually five or six
lessons. Lessons are 45 minutes. There is usually a five-ten minute break
between lessons. There are two big breaks for 20 minutes. Sometimes
children go and play in the playground. School lessons usually finish before
lunch. In the afternoon, pupils can go home, or stay at school. They can go
to clubs or do homework. Pupils don’t wear a uniform.
UNIT 5 I like English. Do you?

4a Listen and answer the

1 Do they wear a uniform?
2 When do children in England go to school?
3 How many lessons do they usually have?
4 How many big breaks do they have?
5 When does the school end? I go to school Red
6 What do they do in the evening? Wood in London. ...

4b Work in pairs. Read and say True or False.

1 English children have lessons on Saturday.
2 English children have lessons only in the morning.
3 They have a big lunch break.
4 They never wear uniforms.
5 School ends at a quarter past three.
6 They usually do their homework at home.
LESSON 6 Project
1 Sing the song.

2 Play “Time Race”.

3 Work in groups. Play “Language Expert”.

long short regular irregular Yes/No I like ... Do you ...?

words words verbs verbs
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
200 200 200 200 200 200 200
300 300 300 300 300 300 300
400 400 400 400 400 400 400


I like English. Do you?


Unit 5 • Lesson 3
Activity 4b Work in pairs.
Ask and answer.

Pupil B: Look at this timetable.

e.g. What’s the first lesson

on Monday?

LESSON 1 Classroom things
1 Listen and repeat. 1) a map 5) a marker
2) a desk 6) a portfolio
2a Match the classroom 3) a whiteboard 7) a shelf
things and words. 4) a computer (shelves)


a b

2b Listen and repeat.

3 Write labels and put them

on things in the classroom.

Where is the cat?

UNIT 6 In the classroom

at on
in under
4 Picture dictation.
e.g. Group A: There are 2 windows. There is a big table. There
are 6 desks. There is a map on the wall.
5 Read and match.
a) Geography Room
1 This room is big. There’s a whiteboard, a teacher’s b) Computer Room
table, 20 desks, three big windows and four shelves c) English Room
on the wall. There are nice pictures on the walls.
There are 21 computers in the room.
2 This room is not big. There’s a whiteboard, a teacher’s
table, 10 desks, two windows and flowers. There are
nice posters on the walls. Pupils like this room. They Remember:
speak English, sing songs and play games. on the wall
3 This room is very big. There’s a whiteboard, a teacher’s in the desk
table, 24 desks, three big windows and five shelves at the door
on the wall. There are maps, pictures and flags. under the chair

LESSON 2 Lucy’s pen is blue.
1 Listen and repeat. w!
It’s a rainbo
2a Watch, listen and match. It’s a rainbo
Red, orange
red îðàíæåâûé Yellow and
and violet.
orange çåëåíûé Blue, indigo
yellow êðàñíûé
green ñèíèé
blue ãîëóáîé
indigo ôèîëåòîâûé
violet æåëòûé
2b Work in pairs. Listen and guess.

e.g. A: It’s green, orange,

yellow and
indigo. A: They are blue, green, orange,
B: A flower? red, pink and purple.
A: No, try again. B: Flowers?
B: A parrot? A: No, try again.
A: Yes! B: Copybooks.
A: Yes!

3 Listen and match.

e.g. Lucy’s pen is blue.
Lucy’s pen yellow
Andy’s pen red
Sally’s pen green

UNIT 6 In the classroom

Jenny’s ruler blue
Teddy’s ruler pink
Kate’s ruler white
4a Work in pairs. Look and find five differences.
e.g. The girl’s desk is white. The boy’s desk is green.

4b Write five sentences.
Setora’s pen
e.g. The girl’s pencil case is pink. is green.
The boy’s pencil case is blue.

LESSON 3 It’s my book.
1 Listen and sing.

2a Listen and repeat. 2b Show and say.

e.g. A: (shows his sharpener) I have
I my we our
a sharpener. My sharpener is
he his you your black and orange.
she her they their B: His sharpener is black and
orange. My sharpener is red.
4a Look, read and complete.
3 Look, listen and answer.
e.g. Teacher: Whose book is it? Is
Whose chair is it? it your book, Jasur?
Jasur: No, it’s not my book.
Is it your chair, Davron? Teacher: Is it your book, Aziz?
Aziz: Yes, it’s my book.

Is it ... chair, Umid?

Sorry, it’s ... chair.
UNIT 6 In the classroom

No ...
No, it’s not my chair.

4b Work in groups of 4.
Role play.

5 Listen, look and find.

e.g. Kamols’ rucksack ....

Davron’s rucksack ....
Aziz’s rucksack ....

6 Complete the sentences.

Use: my, your, his, her.

LESSON 4 This – that, these – those
1 Listen and sing.
Teacher: I spy with my little eye
2 Play “I Spy”. something beginning
with ‘d’.
Pupil 1: Is it a door?
3 Work in groups. Point and say. Teacher: No.
e.g. this desk – that desk Pupil 2: Is it a desk?
these desks – those desks Teacher: Yes.

4 Work in pairs. Play “Robot”.

e.g. Touch this/that chair. 5 Work in pairs. Make a dialogue.
Touch these/those desks.

This book?
Can you show me that book, Oh, here you are.

Thank you.
No, that book. The blue book.

UNIT 6 In the classroom

Can you give me that book
and that pencil? This book?

OK. And this pink pencil?

No, the red book.

Yes, thank you. this book – that book
these books – those books
Can you show/give me ... ?

LESSON 5 Our school is old but nice.
1 Listen and sing. a b
2a Match the pictures
and words.
1) a classroom
2) a playground
3) a gym
4) a canteen
5) a staff room c
6) a library d
2b Listen and repeat.

2c Look and say.

e.g. There’s a canteen in the
school. There are tables
in the canteen.
3 Work in pairs. Listen and guess.
e.g. A: This room is big. f
There are tables in it.
There are two flowers.
B: It’s a canteen (A canteen).
4a Read the letter.
Answer the questions.
1 Where’s Iris from?
2 What’s her favourite subject?
UNIT 6 In the classroom

Dear Madina,
How are you? I am fine. My brother Ted is 4 years old. He goes to kinder-
garten. He likes his kindergarten and his teacher Mrs Green. I go to school.
My school is in West Street in London. It’s old but beautiful. There is a
big library, a staff room, a gym, a canteen and a lot of classrooms. The
first lesson is at 9.15. We have four lessons in the morning and two in
the afternoon. At school we have English, French, maths, history and music.
I like French very much. I like listening to French songs and I can sing
French songs. I like reading, I have a lot of French books.
What about you? What’s your favourite subject?
Please write to me.
Iris Remember:
There is a canteen in the school.
4b Complete the sentences.
There are maps on the wall.
e.g. Her school is in London It’s old but beautiful.
but our school is in Tashkent.
LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing. 2 Listen and complete
the sentences.
3 Read and write your poem.

What’s purp
d pencils,
My pens an
My sister’s
e r boo ks and rulers,
nd m y bro ther’s cap!

4 Find the one odd out.

e.g. Pencils, copybooks, erasers are school
things but botany is a subject.
pencil copybook eraser botany helicopter elephant bus minivan
teacher brother driver secretary tiger lion kitchen monkey
history maths literature pencil case carrot apple peach apricot

I can

UNIT 6 In the classroom

1) I can use the words ‘half past’, ‘quarter to/past’ to tell the time.
ß ìîãó èñïîëüçîâàòü ñëîâà “half past”, “quarter to/past”, ÷òîáû ñêàçàòü âðåìÿ.
e.g. It’s half past 6.

2) I can ask what time it is. ß ìîãó ñïðîñèòü î òîì, êîòîðûé ÷àñ.

3) I can talk about a school day of children in Great Britain and Germany.
ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î øêîëüíîì äíå äåòåé â Âåëèêîáðèòàíèè è Ãåðìàíèè.

4) I can describe a classroom. ß ìîãó îïèñàòü êëàññíóþ êîìíàòó.

5) I can say whose things are.
ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, ÷üè âåùè.
e.g. It’s my book.

6) I can say what colour things are.

ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, êàêîãî öâåòà âåùè
e.g. Lucy’s pen is pink.
7) I can use this/that and these/those in sentences.
ß ìîãó èñïîëüçîâàòü “this/that” è “these/those” â ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ.

LESSON 1 I usually wake up at ...
1 Listen and repeat.

2 Play “Clock Line”.

3a Look, listen and repeat.

get washed
wake up

get dressed =
put on clothes
do (brush/comb)
3b Chain Drill. my hair
e.g. A: I wake up at 7 o’clock.
When do you wake up?
B: I wake up at 7.10. I get get to school
dressed at 7.30. When do leave home
you get dressed?
3c Chain Drill. usually often
e.g. A: I always leave home at 7.45. And you? sometimes
4 Look and make sentences.
Affirmative Negative
I usually get washed at 7.10. I don’t usually get washed at 7.10.
You always work on Saturday. ...
We often play football. ...
They go home on foot. ...
UNIT 7 My day

5 Work in pairs. Make sentences with:

always, usually, often, sometimes, never
e.g. My friends always work hard.
Remember: go to school,
I always brush my teeth. play football on Sunday,
I usually do (brush) my hair. do my homework, wake up at 6.00,
I sometimes wake up at 6 o’clock. get up at 6.15, have geography on
I often have breakfast at 7 o’clock. Monday, like English lessons, go to
I never go to school at 5 o’clock. the park, fly a kite, play sew-saw
I never don't go to school at ... play tag, play hopscotch

LESSON 2 Aziz always wakes up at ...
1 Listen and repeat.

2 Look, listen and repeat.

have a break
for lunch
leave school

come (get) home air the room

3a Listen, repeat and read.

eat biscuits
wakes cleans goes finishes
gets tells does washes
writes comes plays watches
walks reads has teaches
eats leaves airs

3b Say the words.

has is writes listens speaks touches

3c Listen and check your answers. clean the table

4a Listen and say what Aziz does in the morning. do homework

Use: before, after, then.
e.g. Aziz always wakes up at 7 o’clock and gets up at 7.10 in
the morning. Then he makes his bed.
UNIT 7 My day
After this he ... Before breakfast he ...

4b Listen. Read Aziz’s words and Remember:

the sentences you say about him. I/we/you/they play football.
Aziz: I don’t eat manti, palov, soup, salads, S/he plays football.
eggs and sausages. I don’t drink tea or milk. I/we/you/they don’t play
You: Aziz doesn’t eat manti, palov, soup,
S/he doesn’t play football.
salads, eggs and sausages. He doesn’t
have – has
drink tea and milk.
watch – watches
4c Write the sentences about Aziz.

LESSON 3 The Whitfields visit Tashkent.
1 Sing the song. 2 Work in groups. Play “Snowball”.
e.g. A: I don’t ride a horse.
3a Look, read and guess B: A doesn’t ride a horse.
the new words. I don’t ...

Mrs Whitfield works at the university Tashkent is a beautiful city.

and she has a lot of students. Lucy and Daniel have a lot of
friends in Tashkent.

The Registan in
Samarkand is very

Yes, it is. Bukhara

and Khiva are
beautiful, too.

The Whitfields sometimes visit historical places in

Uzbekistan. They interest the Whitfields very much.

3b Listen and repeat.

university, student, visit, historical places, interest
UNIT 7 My day

3c Listen and answer.

1 What historical places do the Whitfields visit?
2 Do the Whitfields like Uzbekistan?
3 What do Lucy, Daniel and their friends in Tashkent do very often?
4a Work in pairs. Ask and
Aziz Lucy
11 years old
Pupil A: You are Aziz. Look
at this table. Ask
25 Navoi Street, Istiqbol
Lucy questions.
Pupil B: Look at page 47.
6 people
4b Tell the class about Aziz/Lucy. pupil

LESSON 4 What do you do after school?
1 Sing the song.

2 Play “Ball”.

3a Look, listen and repeat.

do the washing

have (take) a shower

do the ironing do the shopping

= go shopping
3b Chain Drill.
e.g. On Sundays I do the shopping.
What do you do on Sundays?
4 Chain Drill. go to bed = sleep =
fall asleep
e.g. After school I do my homework.
What do you do after school?
5 Read and give a title.

He is strong and healthy. He gets up very early in

the morning and he does 100 sit-ups. Then he has a
cold shower. He gets dressed. After this he has a UNIT 7 My day
big breakfast: five cups of tea, bread, sausages,
eggs, biscuits and a lot of fruit. Then he brushes
his teeth. After this he goes to work.
He goes to work on foot. He never goes by bus.
He works in a sports centre. At two o’clock he has
a big lunch: a salad, a bowl of soup, bread, 2 som-
sas, 4 shashliks and 3 glasses of fruit juice. Then
he works hard. He goes home at six o’clock.
He has dinner at eight o’clock. He goes to bed at
ten o’clock. What is his job?

LESSON 5 Does he ...? Yes, he does.
1 Sing the song. Do you like biscuits? Yes, I do.

2 Read and find Does your friend like Yes, he does.

differences. biscuits?

3a Read and say. Do you like homework? No, I don’t.

3b Complete Does your friend like No, he doesn’t.

the table. homework?

3c Report.
You Your friend
Affirmative Interrogative Answer Interrogative Answer
I get up at Do you usually Yes, I do. Does your Yes, he does.
seven o’clock. get up at 7 No, I don’t. friend get up No, he doesn’t.
o’clock? at 7 o’clock?
I get washed
at eight o’clock.
I play football
on Sundays.

4 Play “Does s/he...?” 5 Look, read and match.

b 1 She is never late. She always
gets to school on time and comes
home from school at one o’clock.
Usually she has her lunch at home.

2 He likes sport very much. He is

a very good football player. He always
c plays football with his friends. But he
d is not good at maths at all.
UNIT 7 My day

3 He is a very good pupil. He is always

on time for his lessons. There are a lot of
books on his desk. His favourite subject is
English. He does his homework in the
evening and gets good marks.

4 She is always good at lessons. She

Remember: always does her homework. At home
Do I/we/you/they play football? she likes to help her mother. She
Does s/he play football? cleans the table, washes dishes, sweeps
and mops the floor, does the ironing...
LESSON 6 Project
1 Sing the song. Yum, yum.

2a Write questions about Heggy.


wake up have breakfast

2b Ask your teacher questions about Heggy.

e.g. Does Heggy like biscuits?
Does Heggy have breakfast at 7 o’clock?
go to bed
3a Draw your robot.

3b Write sentences about what the robot does/doesn’t do.

e.g. She doesn’t go to sleep.
1 have a rest 10 always do (my) homework
2 do the shopping 11 do the ironing on Sundays
3 usually get up at 12 watch TV
4 always get washed at 13 sometimes have geography lessons
5 brush (my) hair every day 14 come home late
6 have breakfast 15 usually air the room
7 have two cups of tea 16 go to school on time
8 do the washing 17 often eat biscuits
9 often take a shower
3c Report. UNIT 7 My day

Unit 7 Lesson 3
Lucy Aziz
Activity 3a Work in pairs. 12 years old
Ask and write. Westley, near Cambridge
Pupil B: You are Lucy. Look 4 Clover Road, Westley
at this table. Ask 283207
Aziz questions. 4 people

LESSON 1 I like playing ...
1 Listen and repeat.

2a Look, listen and repeat.

2b Look and say. go to the circus

e.g. do sums – doing sums play chess
sew – sewing

go to the
play draughts cinema

play badminton
go to the theatre

2c Work in pairs. Ask and answer. do sums

e.g. Do you like playing chess? sew
Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
2d Report.
e.g. I like doing sums. Umida likes doing sums.
I like sewing. Nargiza doesn’t.
3a Look and read.
e.g. I like doing sums. Umida likes doing sums. puzzles
I like doing sums and Umida does too.
UNIT 8 Things I like

I like sewing. Nargiza doesn’t.

I like sewing but Nargiza doesn’t.
4 Listen. Tick the things
3b Write 3 sentences with ‘but’. the boys like.

Aziz Ali Vali

1 see-sawing
2 playing draughts
Remember: 3 playing chess
4 playing football
play + ing = playing 5 running
write + ing = writing 6 writing poems
sit + ing = sitting and drawing
I like/don’t like + (v + ing). 7 doing crosswords
I like cooking and Umida does too. and puzzles
I like football but Nargiza doesn’t. 8 cooking

LESSON 2 Do you have a hobby?
1 Listen and repeat. What’s violet?
My pens and
2 Look, listen and repeat. My siste

write poems

ride a bike/cycle

collect coins
take photos
ride a horse

3 Chain Drill.
e.g. A: Do you have a hobby?
B: I like collecting coins. draw
And you? Do you have
a hobby?

4a Play “My friend likes...”.

Write the names.
4b Report.
e.g. Rustam likes writing poems.
5a Listen and choose a title.
1 Lucy’s hobbies read stories/fairy tales
2 Lucy’s letter
3 Lucy and her brother 5b Read and write Lucy’s hobbies.

UNIT 8 Things I like

Dear Aziz
I hope you and your family are well. Thank you for your letter. I like
reading about your family. It’s half-term and we have one week of holiday.
It’s great! I like half-term because I do all the things I like. For example,
I go to the park. There is a playground and my brother Daniel likes play-
ing football. I like playing computer games and collecting coins. I have a
collection of coins from a lot of countries: America, India, France, Germany,
Australia, Russia and Uzbekistan. What about you? What do you like doing?
Do you have a hobby? Please write and tell me. There are two things I
don’t like. I don’t like washing the dishes and cooking!

4 – New Fly High 5 49

LESSON 3 Do you like singing?
1 Listen and sing. a b

2a Match the pictures and words.

1) roller-skate c d
2) ride a skateboard
3) do the long-jump
4) do the high-jump
5) jump/ski p a rope
6) go fishing f
7) fly a kite
8) skate
9) ski h
10) sledge

2b Listen and repeat.

3 Do, ask and answer. g
e.g. A: (mimes an activity)
B: Do you like skating?
A: Yes I do./No, I don’t.
4a Read and answer. j

1 Do you like sewing?

2 Do you like reading?
3 Do you like collecting coins?
4 Do you like doing puzzles?
5 Do you like playing chess?
6 Do you like playing draughts? 4b Write the scores and
7 Do you like dancing?
total them.
8 Do you like watching TV?
9 Do you like listening to music? Yes, I do. Sometimes. No, I don’t.
UNIT 8 Things I like

10 Do you like cycling? 1 a=3 b = 2 c = 1

11 Do you like swimming? 2 a = 3 b = 2 c = 1
3 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
12 Do you like cleaning the room? 4 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
13 Do you like doing the ironing? 5 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
14 Do you like doing the shopping? 6 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
15 Do you like doing the washing? 7 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
16 Do you like feeding the animals? 8 a = 1 b = 2 c = 3
17 Do you like laying the table? 9 a = 3 b = 2 c = 1
10 a=3 b = 3 c = 3
18 Do you like mopping/sweeping the floor? 11 a=1 b = 2 c = 3
19 Do you like taking the rubbish out? 12 a=1 b = 2 c = 3
13 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
4c Read and answer. Are you quiet? 14 a=1 b = 2 c = 3
15 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
32 + You are a quiet girl/boy. 16 a=3 b = 3 c = 3
26 + You are sometimes quiet and 17 a=1 b = 2 c = 3
sometimes active. 18 a=3 b = 2 c = 1
19 — You are usually an active girl/boy. 19 a=3 b = 2 c = 1

LESSON 4 I like music.
classical music
1 Listen and sing.
2 Listen, repeat and read.

3 Listen and repeat.
What music do you like? rubob piano
I like jazz, jazz, jazz.
What music do you like?
pop music
I like pop, pop, pop. saxophone
4 Chain Drill.
e.g. A: What music do you like?
B: I like pop but I don’t like jazz.
What music do you like?
5a Look, listen and repeat.
A: What do you do in the evening?
B: I listen to the radio. I like music. jazz
A: What music do you like, Bobur?
B: I like pop. What about you? rock
A: I like classical Uzbek music. music
B: I do too.

5b Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue.

6a Read. Say what Lucy’s favourite music is.

Dear Aziz
Thank you for your letter.
I like reading about your hobbies. I like listening to music.

UNIT 8 Things I like

My favourite music is pop. I don’t like jazz or rock. My
favourite singer is Whitney Houston. I like her singing.
She’s fantastic! What’s your favourite music? And who is
your favourite singer?
Please write to me soon.

6b Write about Lucy.

7 Chain Drill. What music do you like?
e.g. A: I play the doira. What about you? I don’t like pop or rock.
B: I don’t play the doira. I play the I play the guitar/the doira.
piano. What about you? CD = compact disc

LESSON 5 What’s on Channel 4?
1 Listen and sing. c d

2 Match the pictures and words.

Listen and repeat.
1) nature programme
2) sports programme
b e f
3) music programme a
4) comedy
5) cartoon
6) horror film
7) on Channel 4
3 Chain Drill.
e.g. A: What programmes do you like?
B: Nature programmes.
4 Read and say what programmes
Sarah and Scott like/don’t like.

Hello. I’m Sarah. I sometimes watch TV. I like

watching nature and music programmes. They
are interesting. I like cartoons too. They are fun.
I don’t like horror films. My favourite programme
is Musical Parade.

Hi. I’m Scott. I often watch TV. I like watching

TV. My favourite programme is football. I like
horror films and cartoons too. I don’t like nature
programmes. They are boring.

5 Work in pairs. Say what programmes

UNIT 8 Things I like

your family like/don’t like.

e.g. My father likes ... but he doesn’t like ... .

6a Look and choose two programmes. Write

Time Channel Programme
I e.g. 7 2 Children’s BBC
o’clock Breakfast, Litle
Polar Bear
6b Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
e.g. A: What do you want to watch?
Remember: B: Children’s BBC Breakfast on
I like nature programmes. Channel 2 at 7 o’clock.
I like the Alladin. 6c Report.
e.g. I want to watch ... at ... .
I like to watch ... .
My partner wants to watch ... at ... .
LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing.
2 Work in groups. Copy and write your group TV interview.
Group A: Write about sport and famous sportsmen. (Unit 7)
Group B: Write about famous film stars, music and singers. (Unit 8)
Group C: Write about school. (Unit 6)
Name of Programme
Channel ...
Name of Programme ...
Day of Programme ...
Time of Programme ...
‘Hello. Today our programme is about ... (name of famous person) ...
3 Act out your group TV interview.
Interview Famous man/woman
e.g. Hello. Today our programme is about ... .
What do you do? I am a ... .
Do you like your job? Oh, yes, yes, yes.
When do you get up? At ... .
What do you have for breakfast? ...

I can
1) I can describe my day. ß ìîãó îïèñàòü ñâîé äåíü.
e.g. I wake up at 6.30. I get up at ... . I ... at ... .
2) I can say how often I do things.
ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, êàê ÷àñòî ÿ ñîâåðøàþ ðàçíûå äåéñòâèÿ.
e.g. I always leave home at 7.45.
3) I can use the 3rd person singular.
ß ìîãó èñïîëüçîâàòü òðåòüå ëèöî åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà.

UNIT 8 Things I like

e.g. Aziz always wakes up at 7 o’clock. He doesn’t drink tea and milk.
4) I can say the events in sequence. ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ñîáûòèÿõ â ïîñëåäîâàòåëü-
íîñòè: Aziz gets up at 7.10. Then he ... . After this he ... . Before breakfast he ... .
5) I can ask and say my likes/dislikes.
ß ìîãó ñïðîñèòü è ñêàçàòü î òîì, ÷òî ìíå íðàâèòñÿ/íå íðàâèòñÿ.
e.g. I like doing sums. Do you like skating? Yes, I do./No I don’t.
6) I can use “and” and “but”. ß ìîãó èñïîëüçîâàòü ñîþçû “and” è “but”.
e.g. I like cooking and Umida does too. I like football but Rano doesn’t.
7) I can say my and my friend’s hobbies.
ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü î ëþáèìûõ çàíÿòèÿõ ñâîèõ è ñâîåãî äðóãà.
e.g. Do you have a hobby? I like collecting coins. Rustam likes writing poems.
8) I can talk about my favourite music and singer.
ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ñâîåé ëþáèìîé ìóçûêå è ïåâöå.
e.g. My favourite music is pop. My favourite singer is ... . He/She ... .
9) I can talk about my favourite TV channels and programmes.
ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ìîèõ ëþáèìûõ òåëåêàíàëàõ è ïðîãðàììàõ.
e.g. A: What programmes do you like? B: Nature programmes.
1 Listen and repeat.
2a Match the pictures and words.

1 dove d a
2 quail
3 rabbit c
4 canary
5 parrot e f
6 goldfish
7 tortoise
8 hedgehog g
9 dog – puppy h
10 cat – kitten

2b Listen, repeat and point.

2c Work in pairs. Say and point.

2d Write the plural of

the words in 2a.
3a Read and answer.
How many pets does Lucy’s family have? i j

Dear Sabina
Thank you for your letter. Today I want to write about our pets. Last
year we had two cats: Fluffy and Tiger. But this year we have more pets.
My mother has two cats and three kittens. My father likes rabbits and
we have two. Their names are Flossie (white) and Blackie (black). My
UNIT 9 Furry friends

brother Daniel likes dogs and he has a dog Paws and two puppies. He has
two hedgehogs and a tortoise too. I like fish and I have three goldfish.
We like canaries and we have a canary.
Do you have pets? Please write to me about your pets.

3b Work in pairs. Say what Lucy/

her brother has/doesn’t have.
e.g. Lucy has three goldfish. She doesn’t
have a tortoise.
Remember: 4 Work in pairs. Say what pets you/
a fish – three fish your family have/don’t have.
a canary – four canaries e.g. We have a cat and a dog.
We don’t have a parrot or a dove.
LESSON 2 Domestic animals
1 Listen and repeat. a b

2a Match the pictures and words.

1 goose – gosling
2 goat – kid c
3 turkey – poult
4 donkey – foal d
5 horse – foal e
6 pig – piglet
7 duck – duckling
8 sheep – lamb
9 cow – calf
10 hen – rooster – chick

2b Listen and repeat.

3a Read and find. f h

It is a domestic animal. It lives in the yard.
It has two legs. It has a long neck. It likes
water. What animal is it?
It lives on the farm. It has four legs. It has
long ears. It’s grey. What animal is it?
3b Work in pairs. Say what animals
you like/don’t like. Use ‘but’. j
e.g. I like ducks but I don’t like geese. i
4a Listen and repeat.

UNIT 9 Furry friends

I he she it we you they
me him her it us you them

4b Say what animals your family like/don’t like.

e.g. Mum likes cows but I don’t like them.
I like sheep but my sister doesn’t like them.
5 Draw your animal(s) or the animals you like. Remember:
Write about them.
a sheep – two sheep
e.g. This is my kid. I like it and it likes me.
a goose – two geese
These are my sister’s chicks. I don’t like
a calf – two calves
them and they don’t like me.
6 Sing the song ‘There is/are’.

LESSON 3 My dog can ...
1 Listen and sing.

2a Match the pictures and words.

1 milk 5 corn a
2 meat 6 bite b
3 bone 7 bark
4 grass

2b Listen, repeat
and read aloud.
c d
3a Listen and repeat. e
loud – loudly soft – softly slow – slowly
happy – happily noisy – noisily g
3b Chain Drill.
A: My puppy barks loudly. And yours?
B: My puppy barks softly. And yours?

4a Listen and number the animals. f

a sheep b hens c a dog d a horse e a cat f a pig g a donkey
h ducks i a cow j a goat k geese l a rooster m a turkey
4b Look at the table. Listen and repeat the words for animal sounds.
4c Choose animals. Make sentences.
e.g. Dogs bark loudly. They like eating meat and bones. They can bite.
Animal Sound How Eat Animal Sound How Eat
dogs bark loudly bone, meat donkeys bray loudly grass
cats meow softly milk, meat cows moo noisily grass
UNIT 9 Furry friends

sheep baa happily grass goats bleat happily grass

horses neigh noisily grass geese honk noisily corn, grass
hens cluck slowly corn ducks quack softly corn, grass
roosters crow noisily corn corn, grass,
turkeys gobble loudly corn pigs oink noisily vegetables,
5 Think about a fantasy pet. What animal is it?
What can it do? e.g.
My donkey can ... .
sing English songs
Remember: draw pictures
watch TV
My dog can bark loudly.
do Uzbek dances
happy – happily
write poems
My donkey can sing.
speak to me and my parents
It eats grass.
play chess with my cat
drive a car
LESSON 4 I look after my pets.
1 Listen and sing.
2 Listen, repeat and match.

1 feed a pet 4 take a pet for a walk

2 be kind to a pet 5 look after a pet
3 keep a pet clean
a + b + c + d = look after
3 Chain Drill. c
e.g. A: I feed my dog. And you?
B: I keep my dog clean. And you?
4 Answer the question.
How many times a day/week do
you do these things?
My pet
I clean my pets ... times a week.
I feed ... times a day.
I take my pet for a walk ... times a week.
I brush my pet ... times a week.
I clean my room ... times a week.
I watch TV ... times a day. 5a Listen to Alisher and Aziz.
I go for a walk ... times a week. What does Alisher want?
I do my hair ... times a day. 5b Copy, listen and complete.

5c Complete the sentences. Animal Eats How many


UNIT 9 Furry friends

5d Say the sentences in order.

look after
be kind to a dog
feed BUT
take for a walk
a dog
keep clean
How many times a day do you eat?
I eat three times a day.

LESSON 5 Happy pets
1 Listen and sing. 2b Write the questions.

2a Draw a pet and write. 1 pet/What/do/want/you?

2 pet’s/is/name/What/your?
Animal: Colour:
Name: Look after: 3 your/What/pet/colour/is?
Food: 4 pet/you/look after/your/Do?
2c Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 5 you/food/give/What/do/it?
6 clean/keep/you/pet/Do/your?
3 Imagine you are a fantasy dog.
Talk about your human.
My human cleans my house
Ïðåäñòàâüòå, ÷òî âû ãîâîðÿùèå ñîáàêè.
every day.
Ïîãîâîðèòå î ñâîèõ õîçÿåâàõ-ëþäÿõ.

clean, wash, My human cleans my house

feed, play with, every week.
go for a walk with,
talk to, give meat/bones/
milk/water, look after, be
kind to, keep clean, brush,
wash, take a photo, take a
video, play draughts with, play
chess with, read fairy tales/
stories to, cook
meals for
My human gives me water
every day.
4 Listen and sing the
song ‘On the farm’. My human gives me water
The cow and her calf two times a day.
Say moo-moo-moo.
The horse and her foal
UNIT 9 Furry friends

Say neigh-neigh-neigh.
The sheep and her lamb
Say baa-baa-baa
On the farm.
The duck and her duckling
Say quack-quack-quack.
The goose and her gosling
Woof, woof.
Say honk-honk-honk.
The hen and her chicks
Say cluck-cluck-cluck.
On the farm.

LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing.

2 Work in groups. Draw your fantasy pet.

Write about it.
e.g. Our pet is a... .
Its name is... .
It has a red body and four purple legs.
It has long green ears.
It can dance and sing.
It likes jazz and horror films.
3 Report about your group’s fantasy pet.
e.g. Our pet is a... .


UNIT 9 Furry friends

4 Say the tongue twister.
Eleven hens with twelve eggs in ten nests.

LESSON 1 Habitat is home.
1 Listen and repeat. varan
2a Find the new animals.
Listen and repeat.

lion wolf

camel whale
2b Write the plural
of the words in 2a.
2c Listen and repeat.

camels, varans, lizards, deer,

tortoises, foxes, wolves, turtles, dolphin
dolphins, sharks, whales
3a Answer the question.
What is habitat? turtle shark
3b Match the animals and habitats.
UNIT 10 Wildlife

the forest the mountains the desert ocean

3c Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

e.g. A: Where do wolves live?
B: They live in the mountains and forests.
Remember: Where do crocodiles live?
A: They live in water. Where do ... ?
a tortoise – a lot of tortoises
a fox – a lot of foxes bear, hare,
a deer – a lot of deer hyena, crocodile, giraffe,
a wolf – a lot of wolves lion, hi ppo, zebra, fish,
spider, bird

LESSON 2 What can animals do?
1 Listen and repeat.

2 Find the new animals.

Listen and repeat. monkey
3a Read and answer the
1 What was the boy’s name?
2 Where did he live? elephant


tiger bear

black panther

People live in cities and villages. Look at the boy in the picture. He lived
in the jungle. His name was Mowgli. He did not live with his parents. In
the jungle his father was a wolf. His mother Ruksha was a wolf too. Little
wolves were his brothers. He liked playing with them. Mowgli had a lot of
friends: the bear Balu, the black panther Bagira and the big snake Kaa.
They were kind to Mowgli and looked after him. The tiger Sher Khan
wanted to eat him up. There were a lot of monkeys in the jungle. They
wanted to take Mowgli because he looked like a monkey. Mowgli was
happy in the jungle because it was his home.

3b Read and match the animals and their names.

1 Ruksha a black panther UNIT 10 Wildlife
2 Bagira b tiger
3 Balu c big snake
4 Kaa d bear climb
5 Sher Khan e wolf run

3c Write T for True or F for False.

4 Write what animals in eat
the jungle can do.
e.g. Bears can run, climb
and swim. sleep walk

LESSON 3 At the zoo
1 Listen and sing.

2 Look and name the

animals at the zoo.

3a Look and read.

The elephant eats
bananas every day.
Now it is washing the
tiger. It isn’t singing.

3b Read and find the

missing animal. Pssst.
He’s coming.

A special Sunday

Usually the animal keeper cleans and

feeds the animals every day. Usually
the lion and crocodile sleep. The
elephant eats bananas. The gazelles run. The
ducks swim and the bear asks for food. But
this Sunday the keeper is sick and the animals
are having fun. The elephant is washing the
tiger. The snake is singing to the lion. The
little tigers are playing with the bear. The ducks
are listening to music. The gazelles are roller-
skating. The little wolves are playing football.
The monkeys are dancing.

3c Read and complete.

Use is/are.
3d Work in pairs. Say about animals.
UNIT 10 Wildlife

e.g. The elephant is washing

the tiger now. e.g. A: The ducks.
B: The ducks are listening to
music. The bear.
4 Read and complete the story.

Remember: The zoo director visits the animals

every Sunday afternoon at four o’clock.
Usually the crocodile sleeps. He visits the animals this Sunday.
The crocodile is reading now. The animals are not having fun.
The crocodile is not sleeping now. The elephant is not washing the
The wolves are playing now. tiger. The gazelles are not roller-
skating. ...

LESSON 4 Dangerous animals
1 Listen and sing.

2a Read and answer the question.

What is a safari park?

There are a lot of safari parks in

Great Britain. A safari park is like
a very big zoo. The animals there do
not live in cages. They are free. Safari parks are
good for animals. You can visit a safari park on
foot or by car. In the park with lions and tigers
you must be in a car. There are a lot of dangerous
animals. You must not open the car doors or
windows. The lions can attack you.

2b Read about safari parks and say True or False.

1 In safari parks animals must live in cages.
2 The dangerous animals must be free.
3 You must go on foot in a safari park.
4 You must be in a car in a safari park.
5 You must not open the car doors and windows. walk,
UNIT 10 Wildlife
Match the animals and activities. get washed, eat,
stand, sit, climb,
2d Work in pairs. Find five differences. sleep, fly, swim,
Pupil A: Look at the picture in 2a. run
Pupil B: Look at the picture on page 115.
e.g. A: Is the elephant getting washed now? B: No, it isn’t.
A: Is it walking now? B: Yes, it is.
3a Listen and repeat.
spots, see,
3b Listen and complete. tree, leopard, Is the elephant walking now?
dangerous, Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
3c Write about leopards. well

LESSON 5 How long can animals live?
1 Listen and sing. 150
a b
2a Match the numbers.
30 eighty
40 one hundred d
60 g f
50 thirty
80 forty 50 e
100 fifty
40 h
2b Write the numbers.
e.g. 150 one hundred and fifty 30
60, 70, 90, 100, 150 i
3 Work in pairs. Find the 10
answer in the graph.
e.g. A: How long can snakes live?
B: They live about 20 years. a b c d e f g h i
How long ... ?
4a Read and answer. Jackie was a little monkey. He
Was Jackie a clever monkey? lived in the zoo. Children liked
him and gave him sweets. The
animal keeper said to Jackie’s
GIVE JACKIE SWEETS! parents, “Don’t give him sweets.
It is not good for him.” “Oh,
Keeper”, said his mother. “We
don’t give him sweets. But every
day children come to him. They
give our Jackie sweets.” “I can
help you”, said the keeper. He
wrote a sign on the cage: DON’T
children came to Jackie’s cage
again, they saw a big sign on it.
UNIT 10 Wildlife

They didn’t give him any sweets.

But Jackie liked sweets. Look at
the picture. What did Jackie do?
Remember: Was Jackie a clever monkey?

How long can snakes live? 4b Put the sentences in order.

About 20 years.
three thirteen thirty a Children didn’t give him sweets.
five fifteen fifty b Jackie lived in the zoo.
eight eighteen eighty c Every day children gave Jackie sweets.
a hundred d Jackie liked sweets.
e The keeper wrote a big sign.
f Jackie was a clever monkey.

LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing.
2 Work in groups. Ask and guess.
e.g. Is it a domestic/wild animal? Where does it live? Is it big?
What colour is it? Does it have/eat ... Can it...
3a Work in groups. Choose a habitat. Prepare a presentation about it.
1) What is your habitat like?
2) Which animals live there?
3) Write about one of the animals.
4) Draw this animal.

3b Make the presentation on the habitat.

I can
1) I can name domestic and wild animals. ß ìîãó íàçâàòü äîìàøíèõ è äèêèõ
æèâîòíûõ. e.g. a sheep, a donkey, a turkey, a gazelle, a tortoise, a dolphin ...
2) I can say the plural of animals. ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü î æèâîòíûõ âî ìí. ÷èñëå.
e.g. a sheep – a lot of sheep; a deer – a lot of deer; a goose – geese ...
3) I can say sentences with “me/him/her/it/us/you/them”.
ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ “me/him/her/it/us/you/them”.
4) I can say how I look after my pet. ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, êàê ÿ óõàæèâàþ çà
äîìàøíèì ïèòîìöåì. e.g. I clean my pet three times a week.
5) I can name five habitats and say what animals live there.
ß ìîãó íàçâàòü ïÿòü ñðåä îáèòàíèÿ è ñêàçàòü êàêèå æèâîòíûå æèâóò òàì. UNIT 10 Wildlife
e.g. the ocean, the forest, the mountains ...
In the desert camels, varans, snakes, lizards and tortoises live.
6) I can ask and say what the animals are doing now.
ß ìîãó ñïðîñèòü è ñêàçàòü, ÷òî æèâîòíûå äåëàþò â äàííûé ìîìåíò.
e.g. The dolphins are swimming now. Is the fox eating?
7) I can ask and say how long some animals can live.
ß ìîãó ñïðîñèòü è ñêàçàòü, êàê äîëãî ìîãóò æèòü æèâîòíûå.
e.g. How long can snakes live? The snakes can live about 20 years.
8) I can say the events in the past. ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ñîáûòèÿõ â
ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè. e.g. Jackie was a little monkey. He lived in the zoo.
9) I can describe an animal. ß ìîãó îïèñàòü æèâîòíîå.
5 – New Fly High 5 65
LESSON 1 My favourite season
1 Listen and repeat. 3
2a Look and answer the questions.

1) How many seasons are there in Uzbekistan?

2) What are winter/spring/summer/autumn months?
3) Which is your favourite season?

1 2

2b Read and match with the pictures.

After hot days it is cool. The days
are shorter. But I can eat a lot C
of fruit and vegetables. Every day The sun shines a lot. The days
my friends and I go for walks are sunny and hot. It does not
and play football. We go to school. rain. I can eat ice cream and
swim in the river. The water in
B the river is warm.
The days are so beautiful!
There is snow on the trees
and houses. It is cold. But
UNIT 11 Seasons

The days are longer and the nights

I can ski and play snowballs. are shorter. The days are nice and
At home I play computer warm. There are a lot of beautiful
games and read books. flowers. Swallows and other birds
are here. I can fly a kite, run, jump
and play games in the yard.
2c Listen and check.

3a Work in pairs. Look, copy and complete.

3b Work in groups. Make sentences and talk about the seasons.

e.g. It’s spring. It’s warm. In spring the trees are green. We have
clean yards. On the farms there are baby animals. I can play...

LESSON 2 Summer holidays are fun!
1 Listen and repeat. e

2 Listen and put the pictures

in the correct order.
a c


3 Work in pairs. Ask and write

five differences.
e.g. A blue sky – a grey sky
Pupil A: Look at this picture.
Pupil B: Look at page 71.
Is there a ...? Do you have a ...?
What colour is/are ...?
What is/are ... doing?

UNIT 11 Seasons
4 Read and say True or False.
Last summer my parents, my elder brother and I went to a small town near
the Black sea. We got there by train. I like to go by train, look in the window
and see beautiful nature. When we came to the town, it rained a lot. We went
to the hotel by taxi. We got up at eight o’clock in the morning and went for
breakfast. For breakfast we ate porridge. I did not like it. After breakfast we
went to the sea. We wanted to swim and sunbathe but it was cloudy and
cool. So we did not swim. In the evening we stayed in the hotel and watched TV.

1 They went to a big city near the Black Sea. 4 They got up at seven o’clock.
2 She likes to look in the window and see 5 After breakfast they went to
beautiful nature. the cinema.
3 They went to the hotel by taxi. 6 In the evening they watched TV.
LESSON 3 Autumn
1 Listen and sing.

2a Work in groups. Copy the table. Ask and complete.

e.g. Dilnoza, do you read books (when it rains)? Yes, I do.
Do you do your homework (when it rains)? No, I don’t.
name read books watch TV play games do homework
Dilnoza " " & &
2b Report. e.g. Dilnoza reads books and watches TV (when it rains).
3a Answer the questions.
1 How many seasons are there in Uzbekistan?
2 How many seasons are there in Africa?
3b Listen and choose the right words.
Thumbelina is a girl/boy. She had a sister/mother. They lived in a big
house/flat. In Uzbekistan there are two/four seasons: winter, spring,
summer and autumn. It was summer. It was hot/cold. In autumn
swallows go to Africa/England. In Africa there are only two/three seasons:
winter and summer. Thumbelina likes to live in a flat/flower.

4 Work in two groups. Read, choose and write the sentences.

1 I like autumn because it rains a lot and I like rainy weather. 2 I like
winter because it is cold and I like fresh air. 3 It is cool. 4 It is snowy.
5 Yellow, red, and orange trees are fantastic! 6 There is snow on trees
and houses. 7 I like autumn flowers. 8 I like skiing in the mountains.
9 These flowers are wonderful. 10 I like playing hockey. 11 It is time
to go to school. 12 I feel very healthy and happy. 13 I have a lot of
friends at school. 14 I like fresh air and beautiful nature.

Group A: Autumn.
e.g. 1 I like autumn because it rains a lot and I like rainy weather. ...
Group B: Winter.
UNIT 11 Seasons

e.g. 2 I like winter because it is cold and I like fresh air. ...
5 Read and answer the questions.
1 October
1 Why does Sabina write the letter to Lucy?
Dear Sabina
2 When is Teachers’ Day in England?
I hope you and your family are
15 September well. My mother thanks you for
Dear Lucy your best wishes. It is interesting
I hope you are well. Please give for us. We don’t have Teachers’
my best wishes to your mother Day in England. My Mum likes this
for Teachers’ Day on 1 October. holiday. Now in our family we
I hope she has a happy holiday. want to have Teachers’ Day too!
Love Love
Sabina Lucy

LESSON 4 Winter days
1 Listen and sing. 3 Look at the calendar. Write
in order.
2 Look, listen and repeat. e.g. The eighth of March,
21 first
22 twenty second

23 third
27 + th

4a Write the sentences.

e.g. Bob’s birthday is on the
twenty-seventh of December.
4b Work in pairs. Ask and guess your partner’s birthday.
e.g. A: My birthday is in June/September... .
B: Is it on the twenty-second?
A: Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.
5a Read the text and answer Polar bears are very big. They are
the questions. three metres long. They live in the
1) Who teaches a polar bear to swim? Arctic. It is very cold there but polar
2) Why do polar bears put their noses bears swim in the Arctic Ocean.
in the snow? The mother polar bear teaches her
baby to swim. The mother polar
bear makes a house in the snow.
The little bears are with the parents
for a year. They like playing. Baby
polar bears put their noses in the
snow when they play Hide and Seek.
UNIT 11 Seasons

5b Say True, False

or Don’t know. Remember:
a Polar bears are good mothers. 21 twenty-first
b They like water. 22 twenty-second
c All children like playing with polar bears. 23 twenty-third
d Polar bears are brown. 24 – 30 } th
e Polar bears are domestic animals.
f Father bears find fish for baby bears.
LESSON 5 Spring is coming.
1 Listen and sing. 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
e.g. A: What’s the cow’s baby?
B: A calf. What’s the duck’s
2 Play “Find Your Partner”.

4a Read and put the verbs in duckling, chick, puppy,

the Past Simple. calf, kid, lamb, foal, kitten
Horse, Cat, Goat, Sheep, Hen,
Dog, Cow, Duck
The Ugly Duckling

When spring came, there were a lot of baby animals on the farm. Mother
Duck (1 have) five little eggs and one big egg. One day the five little eggs
(2 open) and five little ducklings came out. The ducklings were very nice.
Then the big egg opened and a big ugly duckling came out. He went to the
farm yard. There were a lot of baby animals. A foal played with a little lamb
and a kid. But they (3 not want) to play with the ugly duckling. “Go away! You
are ugly,” they said. The ugly duckling (4 see) little yellow chicks. They were
funny. But they did not swim. The ugly duckling did not have friends.
Winter came. The ugly duckling went to a small house and (5 live) there. In
spring the ugly duckling (6 go) to the river. In the water he saw a beautiful white
bird. “Who is it?” he asked. The other beautiful white bird said, “It’s you. You are
a beautiful white bird”. Now the ugly duckling had a friend and he (7 be) happy.

4b Listen and check.

4c Read and write T for

True and F for False.
e.g. 1 F
1 Mother Duck had five big eggs
and one little egg.
UNIT 11 Seasons

2 A foal, a lamb and a kid did not

want to play with him.
3 Little chicks were funny.
4 In winter the ugly duckling lived in a small
5 In spring he went to the farm yard.
6 The ugly duckling was a beautiful white bird.

5 Write in order.

December October, March,

June, April, August, February, November,
July, May, September, May

LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing.

2a Read and write your answers.

How active are you? Say what you like doing:
1 on a warm spring 2 on a rainy day 3 after lessons
a sitting in the yard a going to the cinema a reading books
b going for a walk b having a rest at home b visiting my friends
c playing tennis c playing chess and c playing games
or football draughts with my family with my friends
2b Find and write your score. 2c Read.
scores How active are you?
1 2 3 results
a 0 a 1 a 0 5 – 6 Great! You are very active.
b 1 b 0 b 2 2 – 4 You are active.
c 2 c 2 c 1 0 – 1 You are not active.

3 Work in groups. Copy and Uzbekistan

complete the table about spring summer autumn winter
Uzbekistan. months June
4 Listen and complete August
the table. days cold
5 Work in groups. spring summer autumn winter

Group A: Talk about seasons

months December
in Uzbekistan. January
Group B: Talk about seasons February
in Australia. days cool

UNIT 11 Seasons
Unit 11 Lesson 2
Activity 3 Work in pairs. Ask and
write five differences.
Pupil B: Look at this picture.
Is there a ...?
Do you have a ...?
What colour is/are ...?
What is/are ... doing?

LESSON 1 What’s the weather like?
1 Listen and repeat. b
2 Look at the pictures.
Guess the new words.
fine bad freezing

3a Copy and write the

words under the line.
hot cold freezing
warm cool
45° 35° 25° 15° -5° -15° c
e.g. very
3b Chain Drill.
e.g. A: What do you do when it’s freezing/hot/
B: I put on my coat/stay at home/go for walks/
go swimming/watch TV/play in the yard...
4 Look, read and translate.
a Why are you happy? J b Why are you sad? L
Because the weather is nice. Because the weather is bad.
5a Listen and say what weather Akmal likes and why.

5b Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 5c Report about your partner.

e.g. A: What weather do you like? e.g. B stays at home when it’s cold.
B: I like cool/cold/... weather. S/he reads books and watches
TV because s/he doesn’t like
UNIT 12 The weather

A: Why do you like ... weather?

B: Because when it’s ... I can ... . cold weather.
What weather do you like? The weather is different in the morning,
in the afternoon and in the evening.
6 Read and find the parts of a day.
1 ________ the weather is nice again.
Children go to the yard and play games.
a In the morning
They climb, run, play hopscotch, play tag
b In the afternoon
and play hide and seek. People come
c In the evening
home from work.
2 ________ the weather is nice. A cool
wind blows. The sun shines, the sky is
bright. It is a good time to go for walks.
Remember :
Children go to kindergarten.
What do you do when it’s cold? 3 ________ it’s very hot. There are no
I put on my coat (when it’s cold). clouds in the sky. There is no wind.
(When it’s cold) I put on my coat. People stay under the trees. Many
people stay at home.

LESSON 2 Sunny days are lovely!
1 Listen and repeat.

2a Match the words and pictures.

ice – icy
fog – foggy a b

1 rainy
2 sunny
3 foggy
4 icy
5 windy c e
6 cloudy d
2b Look and say what kind of day it is.
e.g. It’s a rainy day.
2c Work in pairs. Ask and answer.
A: (Points to a picture.) What kind of day is it?
B: It’s a windy day. What kind of day is it? f

3a Look at the map of Uzbekistan and say

what the weather is like.
e.g. It’s foggy in Kokand.


UNIT 12 The weather

Urgench Gulistan Kokand Fergana



3b Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

Remember: e.g. A: What’s the weather like in Kokand?
It’s a rainy day. B: It’s foggy in Kokand. What’s the
It’s a foggy day. weather like in Nukus?
It’s an icy day. 3c Write the weather in your place.
e.g. In Nukus it’s cold and icy.
LESSON 3 What’s the temperature?
1 Listen and sing.

2a Look and guess the

new words.

2b Listen, repeat and


3 Look and write

the temperature.
Use “It’s minus...” when the temperature is under 0.
e.g. It’s minus five degrees.

4 Work in pairs. Speak about the temperature and the weather.

e.g. A: Picture one.
B: It’s sunny. It’s hot. The temperature is 40 degrees. Picture five.
1 2 3 4
UNIT 12 The weather

40° 20° 0° -8°

weather temperature
place clothes
in spring on rainy days on sunny days
10º London

5a Listen, copy and complete

Remember : the table.
The temperature is five degrees.
The temperature is minus five
(degrees). 5b Say what you know about
14° = fourteen degrees British weather.
LESSON 4 Seasons and weather
1 Listen and sing.
cold, cool,
2 Talk about the weather in Uzbekistan in winter. freezing, icy, snowy,
foggy, cloudy, sunny,
3a Read and find the word with*. the temperature is/
Phew. This is not for me. It’s dry and hot. The
sun is shining. I don’t like the sun because I
melt*. Help me! I’m sick. I must have cold
because I must have snow. I must have freezing
weather because I must have fresh air. I must
have snow and ice. Sun, sun, go away!

3b Say the sentences about the snowman.

e.g. J I like winter because it’s freezing.
L I don’t like sun because I melt.
J winter ... freezing J ice ... can sledge
J wind ... cold L warm weather ... melt
J cold ... can have snow L dry and hot weather ... melt
J snow ... can play snowballs L warm days ... melt

UNIT 12 The weather

4 Work in groups. Say what season and what weather you like/don’t like.
e.g. I like summer because it’s hot. I like hot weather because I can go
swimming. / I don’t like summer because it’s hot. I don’t like hot
weather because I can’t play football.
5 Read about Tashkent. Answer the question.
Which months are dry/cold/hot/rainy?

The weather in Tashkent is very dry. The

summer is long, hot and dry. But in the
mountains near Tashkent there is snow in
summer. In July the temperature is about Remember:
37 degrees. There are about 200 sunny
days. The spring is wet and very rainy in I like + noun ... because ... .
the mountains. In winter there is snow, I like winter because it’s
but not a lot. In January the temperature cold and I can have snow.
is usually 1 to -2 degrees.

LESSON 5 Stormy weather
1 Listen and sing.

2a Match the words. Write the meaning.

1 hailstone a ÷óâñòâîâàòü
2 hail b ÿðêèé
3 bright c (èäåò) ãðàä
4 duststorm d ìåòåëü, âüþãà
5 feel e ïûëüíàÿ áóðÿ
6 snowstorm f ãðàäèíà
7 thunderstorm g ãðîçà

2b Listen, repeat and read.

2c Chain Drill. 3a Read and say.

e.g. I like/don’t like hailstorm. I am happy. = I feel happy.
What about you? I feel sad/angry/hot/warm/cold.
3b Chain Drill. happy J
I like/don’t like hailstorm. I feel happy/sad.
angry K
3c Listen and complete the sentences. sad L
1 The boy feels ... because he ... hailstorm.
2 The girl feels ... because she ... rain.
4 Work in pairs. Look and speak about
the people in the pictures.
e.g. A: How does s/he feel? (How do they feel?)
B: S/he feels ... because s/he likes ... .
(They feel ... because they don’t like ...)
UNIT 12 The weather

5 Read and say the season.

I feel happy (angry, sad). The sky is not so bright. There are usually
I feel angry because ... . dark clouds and it is very windy. The sun
I am happy/angry/sad. does not shine and there are often hail-
storms. The days are short and dark.

LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing.

2a Work in groups. Copy and complete the maps of

Uzbekistan and England, Scotland and Wales with
symbols and temperatures.

2b Write the reports about Uzbekistan and England, Scotland and

Wales and get ready for the TV programme.
e.g. Tuesday 7 June. In Fergana the weather is nice.
It’s warm and sunny. The temperature is 20°-24°.
2c Report.
e.g. Today is Tuesday 7 June.
Here is the weather forecast.
In Bukhara it is...

I can
1) I can talk about my favourite season. ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ëþáèìîì ñåçîíå.
e.g. I like spring. The grass and trees are green. On the farms there are baby ... .
2) I can talk about my summer holidays. ß ìîãó ðàññêàçàòü î ñâîèõ ëåòíèõ
êàíèêóëàõ. e.g. Last summer my parents and I went to the Black sea.
3) I can talk about special days. ß ìîãó ãîâîðèòü î ñïåöèàëüíûõ äíÿõ.
e.g. When is your birthday? My birthday is on the twenty-second of July.

UNIT 12 The weather

4) I can say the months of a year in order. ß ìîãó íàçâàòü ìåñÿöû ãîäà ïî
ïîðÿäêå. e.g. January, February...
5) I can ask and say what people do when it’s hot/warm/cool/cold/freezing.
ß ìîãó ñïðîñèòü è ñêàçàòü, ÷òî äåëàþò ëþäè, êîãäà ïîãîäà æàðêàÿ/òåïëàÿ/
ïðîõëàäíàÿ/õîëîäíàÿ/ìîðîçíàÿ. e.g. I put on my coat/stay at home/go for walks...
6) I can tell what the weather is like in different parts of a day.
ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, êàêàÿ ïîãîäà â ðàçíûå ÷àñòè äíÿ.
e.g. In the morning the weather is nice. A cool wind blows.
7) I can talk about the weather and temperature in Uzbekistan and England.
ß ìîãó ãîâîðèòü î ïîãîäå è òåìïåðàòóðå â Óçáåêèñòàíå è Àíãëèè.
e.g. What’s the weather like in Kokand? It’s sunny. It’s hot. The temperature is 40° .
8) I can ask and say how people feel about the weather.
ß ìîãó ñïðîñèòü è ñêàçàòü, êàê ëþäè îòíîñÿòñÿ ê ïîãîäå.
e.g. I feel angry because ... . How does s/he feel? S/he feels ... because s/he ... .
9) I can say what people do when it’s cold/hot ...
ß ìîãó ñêàçàòü, ÷òî äåëàþò ëþäè, êîãäà õîëîäíî/æàðêî ... .
e.g. In summer it’s always hot. People go swimming and play football.
LESSON 1 I like Navruz.
1 Listen and repeat. 1 New year begins a in July.
2 Independence Day is b on 21 March.
2a Read and match. 3 Children do not study c on 8 March.
4 Women’s Day is d on 1 September.
2b Look and say the dates. 5 Teachers’ Day is e on 1 January.
6 Navruz is f on 1 October.
e.g. 21 March = the twenty
first of March

3a Read and give a title. Answer the question.

How do you say “Assalom Navro‘z” in English?

21 March is the Navruz holiday. It is the Asian

New Year. People in Central Asia celebrate this
holiday. There is a lot of music, dancing and
singing. People in our country like it very much.
They do not work on this day. They visit their
friends and family and say “Happy Navruz”. They
invite them to their homes. Often they take their
children to the park. This is the first day of the
spring holidays in schools. Children love Navruz.

3b Answer the questions.

e.g. Where do people celebrate Navruz?
People celebrate Navruz in Central Asia.
UNIT 13 Spring holidays

1 Is Navruz the Asian New Year?

2 When do people celebrate Navruz?
3 What do people do on this holiday?
4 Do people go to work at Navruz?
5 What do children do at Navruz?
6 Do people love Navruz?
4a Read and add two sentences.
it’s a good holiday.
the weather is nice.
I like Navruz I like spring.
Remember: because there is a lot of music.
1 May- the first of May we visit our friends.
In July the spring holidays begin.
On 21 March
4b Work in groups. Ask and answer.
Happy Navruz!
Why do you like Navruz?
Happy Birthday!
e.g. I like Navruz because it’s a good
LESSON 2 Come and stay with us.
1 Listen and repeat.

2a Read and give a title.

At Navruz people cook palov, manti and
shashlik. There are a lot of cakes, jam and
sweets. And of course women cook sumalak.
They must be good at cooking it. Children
like sumalak. All the children in the Abdullaev
family like eating sumalak very much. Their
mother cooks it every year.

2b Write questions to 3 Write the invitation.

the answers.

UNIT 13 Spring holidays

e.g. At Navruz people cook palov,
manti and shashlik.
What do people cook at Navruz?
1 Women cook sumalak. What ... ?
2 Children like eating sumalak.
What ... ?
3 The children in the Abdullaev
family like sumalak. What ... ?
4 The mother cooks sumalak very well.
What ... ?

Dear ...
4 Write an invitation
Thank you for your
Remember: to your friend.
At Navruz 5 Answer your See you at Navruz.
At New Year friend’s invitation. Love
On Sunday 6 Play “Four ...
At Hayt Corners”.
LESSON 3 Navruz in Bukhara
1 Listen and sing. 1 Vika can come at three o’clock.
2 Nancy likes sumalak.
2a Listen and answer. 3 They are happy.
Who is staying in Bukhara? 4 Nargiza invites Vika to the park.
What holiday is it? 5 Nancy, a girl from Australia, is
2b Listen again. Put the staying in Bukhara.
6 The girls are eating sumalak.
sentences in order.

3a Read and answer.

Is Nancy happy in Bukhara?
city old
Which words tell us this? wal
Dear Meg
I’m having a good time here in Bukhara. We are visit-
ing people and eating a lot of food. My new friends
are great! Bukhara is a beautiful town with a lot of of e m
interesting places. Look at my photos. They’re beauti- Ism au
ail sole
ful! What’s your favourite? I like the Ark. The wea- Sa um
ther is fine. Look at the sky! Blue, blue, blue! ni
The Ark
UNIT 13 Spring holidays

3b Answer the questions.

What is Nancy doing?
What is Bukhara like?
What is the weather like?
Which places does Nancy visit?
Visit Shakhrisabz. Shakhrisabz is a
4 Work in pairs. Read and beautiful town. There are a lot of
answer. interesting places. There is the
Do you want to visit Bukhara Ak-Saray Palace, Kok Gumbaz
or Shakhrisabz? Why? Mosque and the old Mausoleum.
Look at the photo. In spring the
e.g. I want to visit Shakhrisabz weather is warm and nice.
because it’s a beautiful Please visit beautiful Shakhrisabz.
town. I can see...
LESSON 4 Fun in April
1 Listen and sing.

2a What do you do on this day?

2b Read and do.

Pinch punch
First of the month
And no returns!

3a Listen and answer the questions.

1 Do people always say true things on the first of April?
2 Do you think April Fool’s Day is a good day?

3b Listen again and put the sentences in order.

e.g. 1b
a For example, Lucy’s mother says to Lucy, “Look! There’s a black cat in
your schoolbag. Lucy looks in her schoolbag but there is no cat there.
b April Fool’s Day is a funny day in England. It is on 1 April.
c Her mother laughs and says, “April Fool!”.
d On 1 April people say things which are not true. When the things are
funny, people laugh.
e But we can’t do it after

UNIT 13 Spring holidays

twelve o’clock. This is the Channel 27 six o’clock
news. Look at this new tree. It has
4 Read 1 April news. Is it true? sweets. People come and take them.
Phone us if you want to eat them.
5a Read Aziz’s joke for 1 April. Our telephone number is 222255555.
There’s a spider on your

April Fool!
Ah! Ah!

5b Work in pairs. Write a joke for 1 April.

5c Tell the class your joke for 1 April.

6 – New Fly High 5 81
LESSON 5 May Day holiday
1 Listen and sing.

2 Look and answer.

1) Who do you see in the
2) What colour are the girls’
3) What are the girls doing?
4) What season is it?
5) What country is it?

3a Read and choose a title.

1 My favourite season
2 May Day in England
3 Dancing

May Day is a holiday in England. On May Day young people take flowers to
their homes. They sing spring songs and choose a May king and May
queen. The May king and May queen have beautiful spring flowers on their
heads. Children dance round a maypole with coloured ribbons. The ribbons
make a bright picture on the maypole. But not a lot of people do it now.
a b c
3b Look and match the sentences
in 3a and the pictures.

3c Make pairs of words.

1 grey a queen
2 young b a lot of
UNIT 13 Spring holidays

3 not a lot of c bright

4 king d old

4 Put the words in order. 5 Say True or False.

e.g. 1 May Day is a holiday
British people cook sumalak on 21 March.
in England.

People take a maypole to their homes.

May Day is a holiday in India.
On May Day people have a
Who do you see in the picture?
lot of flowers.
What do you see in the picture?
On May Day/April’s Fool Day
At Navruz children dance round
girl’s dresses
the maypole with ribbons.
girls’ dresses
People like singing on May Day.

LESSON 6 Project
1 Listen and sing. 2 Work in pairs. Make a new spring
holiday. Copy and complete.
3 Draw and describe When ...
a present for your Name ...
new spring holiday. What people do ...
What children do ...
What people eat ...
Presents ...

tugun perfume flowers




4 Work in groups of four. Ask and guess the present.

e.g. Is it big/small?
Is it round/square?
What colour is it?
What can we do with it?
5 Report to the class. Describe your new spring holiday and present.
e.g. Our new spring holiday is on 30 April. Its name is ... .

UNIT 13 Spring holidays

I can
1) I can say about my favourite things/sport/subject/month/season/holiday.
e.g. My hobby’s tennis.
2) I can say about my family.
e.g. My mother’s name is...
3) I can say about who is the youngest/oldest in my family.
e.g. My grandad is the oldest in my family.
4) I can say about my favourite toys when I was a little girl/boy.
e.g. My favourite toys were a train and a teddy bear.
5) I can say about my house/flat.
e.g. Our family lives in a house/flat. We have a kitchen...
6) I can say about my parents’ jobs and where they work.
e.g. My mother’s a doctor. She works at the hospital.
7) I can say how people look like.
e.g. She is tall/short. She is thin/plump. She has long straight blond hair.
I can
8) I can say what people did in the past.
e.g. Yesterday I stayed at home. I helped my mother.
9) I can say what people must and mustn’t do.
e.g. We must learn English words. We mustn’t play with matches.
10) I can say about school timetable.
11) I can ask and say the time.
e.g. What time is it? It’s...
12) I can talk about school rooms (geography room, computer room...)
13) I can say the rainbow colours.
14) I can ask and talk about my day and my friend’s day.
e.g. I always get up at 7 o’clock. S/he gets up at...
15) I can ask and say about things I like doing.
e.g. I like playing ... Do you like playing chess? S/he doesn’t like doing
16) I can say about baby animals and how I look after them.
e.g. gosling, kid, poult, foal, lamb ... My puppy barks loudly/softly/noisly...
I feed my pet.
17) I can talk about different habitats and the animals.
e.g. Sharks, whales, dolphins and turtles live in the ocean.
18) I can ask and say about how long the animals can live.
e.g. How long can snakes live? They live about 20 years.
19) I can say what people did on their summer holidays.
e.g. Last summer we went to a small town near the Black sea.
UNIT 13 Spring holidays

20) I can talk and write about my favourite season.

e.g. I like autumn because it rains a lot and I like rainy weather.
21) I can say a fairy tale.
e.g. The ugly duckling.
22) I can ask and say about the weather and temperature in different
e.g. What kind of day is it? It’s cold. The temperature is minus three
23) I can say how people celebrate holidays.
e.g. 21 March is the Navruz holiday.
24) I can write an invitation card.
e.g. Dear Nancy
Come and stay with us at Navruz.
25) I can sing a lot of songs.
e.g. “I have a grandad”, “I like English”, “Seasons” and others.

Unit 1 All about me
Progress Check 1
1 Complete the sentences. Use the words: are, like, is, have, am. (5x2=10)
Hello. I (1) ... Lucy. My father’s name (2) ... Thomas. My parents (3) ...
teachers. We (4) ... two cats. We all (5) ... football.
2 Write questions to the answers. (5x2=10)
1) My name is Akmal. your/What’s/name?
2) I am from Uzbekistan. are/Where/from/you?
3) I am 11 years old. you/are/How/old?
4) 10 Bobur Street, Istiqbol. address/your/What’s?
5) I am fine. are/How/you?
3 Complete the sentences about you. (5x2=10)
1) My name’s ... . 2) My favourite holiday is ... . 3) My hobbies are: ... .
4) My favourite sports are: ... . 5) My favourite subject is ... .
4 Complete the sentences about your family. (5x2=10)
e.g. There are four people in my family.
1) There are ... . 2) I have ... . 3) My father’s name ... . 4) My mother
is ... . 5) My elder brother ... . 6) My younger sister ... .

5 Listen and choose the right words. (5x2=10)

1) There are four/five people in Kate’s family. 2) Kate’s father is 55/45

years old. 3) They have three/two cats. 4) Kate’s mother is younger/older
than her father. 5) Tom is the oldest/youngest in the family. 6) Kate is
12/11 years old.

Total: 50 points

Unit 2 At home and at work

Progress Check 2
1 Complete the sentences. Use the words: sisters, lives, are, plays, is.
Progress Checks
Aziz (1) ... in a house. There (2) ... six people in his family. He has a
father, a mother, a brother and two (3) ... . His favourite room (4) ... living
room. He (5) ... chess and reads books there.
2 Look and match. e.g. 1b (5x2=10)
1) A doctor works a) at the college.
2) A secretary works b) at the hospital.
3) A teacher works c) at the police station.
4) A farmer works d) at the supermarket.
5) A policeman works e) on a farm.
6) A shop assistant works f) at the office.
3 Match the questions and answers. e.g. 1d (5x2=10)
1) Where do you work? 2) What do you do? 3) Do you have a grandmother?
4) How old is your sister? 5) How many people are there in your family?
6) What’s your address?
a) I’m a mechanic. b) 5 Amir Temur Street, Ferghana. c) There are four.
d) I work at the office. e) She is eight. f) Yes, I do. I have a grandfather too.
4 Write the sentences. (5x2=10)
e.g. 1) is/English/she. She is English. 4) you/Where/work/do?
2) She/a sister/and/has/a brother. 5) favourite/your/What’s/subject?
3) do/What/you/do? 6) goes/on/to/school/foot/He.
5 Listen and write T for true and F for false. (5x2=10)
1) Jessica has a sister. T 4) She goes to work on foot.
2) Jessica works at the hospital. 5) Her work starts at 6 o’clock.
3) Monica is a nurse. 6) She goes to bed at 11 o’clock.
Total: 50 points

Unit 4 My school life

Progress Check 3 (5x2=10)
1 Complete the sentences. Use the words: sixth, third, first, second, fifth.
1) Wednesday is the third day of the week. 2) Friday is the ... day of the
week. 3) Monday is the ... day of the week. 5) Tuesday is the ... day of
the week. 4) Saturday is the ... day of the week. 6) Sunday is the ... day
of the week.
2 Read and choose. e.g. 1 mustn’t (5x2=10)
1) We must/mustn’t play with matches. 2) We must/mustn’t go to school
on Sunday. 3) We must/mustn’t get ready for our lessons. 4) We must/
mustn’t learn English words. 5) We must/mustn’t work hard. 6) We must/
mustn’t play football in the classroom.
3 Match. e.g. 1f (5x2=10)
1) go 2) see 3) buy 4) swim 5) eat 6) have
Progress Checks

a) swam b) bought c) ate d) saw e) had f) went

4 Complete the sentences about you. (5x2=10)
1) My head is big and round. 2) My eyes are ... . 3) My nose ... . 4) My
mouth ... . 5) My ears ... . 6) My hair ... .
5 Listen and complete with: dancing, swimming, playing chess (5x2=10)
Monday e.g. swimming
Saturday Total: 50 points
Unit 5 I like English. Do you?
Progress Check 4
1 Complete the sentences about you. (5x2=10)
1) I like botany. It’s interesting. 4) I don’t like ... . It’s boring.
2) My favourite lesson is ... . 5) I don’t like ... . It’s difficult.
3) I like ... . It’s fun. 6) I (don’t) like ... . We sing songs there.
2 Look and write. (5x2=10)
e.g. 8.00 – It’s eight o’clock.
1) 8.00 2) 10.30 3) 4.45 4) 8.15 5) 7.00 6) 12.15
3 Complete the sentences. (5x2=10)
1) I play football in/at the evening. 2) I go to school in/at 8 o’clock.
3) I have lunch at/in 2 o’clock. 4) We don’t have lessons on/at Sunday.
5) I go to school at/in the morning.
4 Write questions for the answers. (5x2=10)
e.g. My sister has dark eyes. What colour eyes does your sister have?
1) My sister has dark eyes. have/What/eyes/colour/does/your sister?
2) Her hair is long and straight. her/What’s/like/hair?
3) He has brown eyes. eyes/What colour/does/have/he?
4) Yes, it is. Is/interesting/history?
5) Yes. We have lessons on Friday. lessons/Do/have/you/Friday/on?
6) My brother’s name is Davlat. your/What’s/name/brother’s?
5 Listen and match. e.g. 1c (5x2=10)
1) What’s your school like? a) I like music.
2) Is there a library there? b) I like Shahzoda very much.
3) Do you like PE? c) It’s nice.
4) What’s your favourite subject? d) Yes, I’m good at singing.
5) Do you like singing? e) Yes, there is.
6) Who is your favourite singer? f) No, it’s boring.
Total: 50 points

Unit 7 My day
Progress Check 5 Progress Checks
1 Put the sentences in order. e.g. 1e (5x2=10)
a) I come home and have lunch. d) I have breakfast and go to school.
b) Then I do my homework. e) I get up at 7 o’clock.
c) I go to bed at 10 o’clock. f) I get washed in the bathroom.
2 Write questions to the answers. (5x2=10)
e.g. 1) He gets up at 7 o’clock. When does he get up?
2) He gets washed in the bathroom. in/the/What/does/do/bathroom/he?
3) Yes, he does. he/have/Does/breakfast?
4) He comes home at 2 o’clock. does/come/he/home/When?
5) In the evening he does his homework. do/does/he/his/When/homework?
6) He goes to bed at 10 o’clock. does/When/he/to/bed/go?
3 Complete the sentences about you. Use the words: always, never,
often, usually, sometimes. (5x2=10)
e.g. 1) I never go to school by bus.
1) I go to school by bus. 4) I go to the park on Sunday.
2) I get up at 6 o’clock. 5) I play football.
3) I work hard. 6) I go home on foot.
4a Listen and underline. (5x2=10)

Sam Libby lives in Paris/London. He teaches history at the university and he

has a lot of students. He gets up at 6 o’clock/6.30 and has breakfast at
7 o’clock/7.30. He starts work at 8 o’clock/9 o’clock. He goes home at
4 o’clock/4.30. He likes his job because it’s very interesting but he doesn’t
work every day. On Tuesday and Thursday he stays at home/goes to work.

4b Read and match. e.g. 1d (5x2=10)

1) Where does Sam live? a) Yes, it is.
2) What does he do? b) No, he doesn’t.
3) When does he get up? c) At 4 o’clock
4) Is his job interesting? d) He lives in London.
5) When does he go home? e) At 6.30.
6) Does he work every day? f) He is a history teacher.
Total: 50 points

Unit 8 Things I like

Progress Check 6
1 Read and answer the questions. (5x2=10)
My name is Henry. I like playing computer games. They are very interesting.
My little sister doesn’t like computer games. She likes collecting dolls. She
has a lot of beautiful dolls. On Sunday I like playing football with my friends.
My sister likes playing see-saw in the playground.

e.g. 1) What is the boy’s name? The boy’s name is Henry.

Progress Checks

1) What is the boy’s name? The/is/name/boy’s/Henry.

2) What is the boy’s hobby? hobby/His/playing/is/computer/games.
3) Does his sister like playing doesn’t/No,/she.
computer games?
4) What is her hobby? dolls/She/collecting/likes.
5) What does he like doing Sunday/On/he/playing/likes/football/his
on Sunday? friends/with.
6) What does his sister like see-saw/She/likes/playing/in/playground/the.
doing on Sunday?
2 Complete the sentences with: and, but. (5x2=10)
e.g. I like tea but my brother doesn’t.
1) I like tea ... my brother doesn’t.
2) I like pop music ... my friend does too.
3) Alisher likes cycling ... his sister doesn’t.
4) I play the dutor ... my father does too.
5) I like nature programmes ... my mother does too.
6) Karim likes playing chess ... his cousin doesn’t.
3 Put the words in the correct boxes. (10x1=10)
nature, saxophone, comedy, botany, sports, playing draughts, sewing, rubob,
maths, doira, collecting coins, mother tongue

TV programmes hobby school subjects musical instruments

sports collecting coins

4 Write the sentences. (5x2=10)

1) on time/He/his/always/for/lessons/is. 4) do/What music/like/you?
2) My/nature/favourite/programme/is. 5) a hobby/have/Do/you?
3) I/music/like/programme/don’t.
5 Listen and complete. Use: cartoons, dancing, sports programmes,
rubob, guitar, piano. (5x2=10)
likes musical instrument
Kate e.g. cartoons

Total: 50 points

Unit 9 Furry friends

Progress Check 7
1 Match the words. e.g. cow – calf (10x1=10)
1) cow a) poult 7) pig g) foal
2) horse b) duckling 8) goat h) calf
3) sheep c) kid 9) camel i) lamb
4) goose d) calf 10) donkey j) piglet
5) duck e) foal 11) hen k) gosling
6) turkey f) chick

Progress Checks
2 Match. (5x2=10) dogs hens cluck baa
e.g. Horses neigh. cats sheep miaow neigh
3 Write the questions. (5x2=10)
1) you/times a day/do/How many/eat?
2) you/Do/your pet/look after?
3) do/How many times/you/a week/watch TV?
4) do/times a week/you/clean/How many/your room?
5) times a week/How many/you/go/do/to school?
4 Match. e.g. 1f (5x2=10)
1) it a) them 4) he d) him
2) they b) us 5) we e) me
3) I c) you 6) you f) it
5 Listen and count the animals on the farm. (10x1=10)

cows donkeys horses sheep goats hens roosters turkeys geese ducks
e.g. 3 x

Total: 50 points

Unit 11 Seasons
Progress Check 8
1 Complete the sentences. Use the words: rains, warm, shines, beautiful,
season, yellow. (5x2=10)
Spring is a nice (1) season in Uzbekistan. In spring it is (2) ... . In the parks
and streets there are many (3) ... flowers. They are red, white and (4) ... .
The sun (5) ... . The days are very nice. In March it often (6) ... .
2 Write the questions. (5x2=10)
1) seasons/How many/there/are? 4) What/colour/in spring/the sky/is?
2) What season/after/comes/spring? 5) it/Is/cool/in/May?
3) the sky/the sun/in/Is there?
3 Choose the correct word. (5x1=5)
April is a (1) ... month. It’s the (2) ... month of the year. Friday is the
(3) ... day of the week. December is the (4) ... month of the year. June,
(5) ... and August are summer months.
1) a autumn b winter c spring d summer
2) a second b fifth c sixth d fourth
3) a fifth b first c second d third
4) a tenth b twelfth c second d first
5) a May b March c April d July
4 Find the odd word. (5x1=5)
1) red thin brown black 4) desert flat forest mountains
2) mother leg daughter family 5) climb swim run clever
Progress Checks

3) cow tiger elephant crocodile

5 Read the text. Write T for true or F for false. (5x2=10)

Hello! My name’s Tim. I’m a robot. I don’t go to school but I like reading.
I like reading books about animals. I have a friend. He’s a boy. His
name’s Sardor. He’s twelve. He goes to school. He gets up at 6.30.
He likes English, maths and history. Sardor has a dog. His dog is big
and white. Sardor likes playing with his dog but he doesn’t like cleaning
his room.

1) Tim likes playing with the dog. 4) Sardor’s dog is black.

2) Tim is a robot. 5) Tim and Sardor are friends.
3) Sardor is twelve.
6 Listen and choose the right words. (5x2=10)
Last summer I with my little (1) brother/sister went to the village. Our
(2) grandparents/parents live there. The village is near the (3) ocean/
river. My sister (4) likes/doesn’t like swimming. We went (5) fishing/
swimming. The weather was (6) bad/nice.
Total: 50 points

Unit 12 The weather

Progress Check 9
1 Match the sentences. e.g. 1b (5x1=5)
1) On a rainy day 2) In winter it 3) Bears can 4) In July it is
5) Polar bears 6) Monkeys are
a) are big and white. b) I like watching TV. c) winter in Australia.
d) climb and run. e) is cold. f) wild animals.
2 Write the questions. (5x2=10)
1) like/the/What’s/weather/today? 4) winter/can/you/do/What/in?
2) you/do/do/when/it’s/hot/What? 5) do/What/you/like/doing/in spring?
3) like/you/Do/hailstorms?
3 Write True or False. (5x1=5)
1) In winter the days are long. 2) In Australia it is hot in January. 3) We
go swimming when it is cold. 4) It is freezing when the temperature is
under 0. 5) When it is hot people like swimming.

4 Write what animals are doing now. (5x2=10)

e.g. Monkeys climb. = They are climbing now.
The crocodile swims. = It is swimming now.
1) Birds fly. 2) Gazelles run. 3) The dog jumps. 4) The tiger eats.
5) Elephants walk.
5 Choose the correct answer. (5x2=10)
1) Which animal gives milk? a) hen; b) rooster; c) cow; d) turkey

Progress Checks
2) What can canaries do? a) speak; b) read; c) dance; d) sing
3) What do rabbits like eating? a) carrots; b) bones; c) cats; d) fish
4) What animal works hard? a) monkey; b) cow; c) donkey; d) lion
5) What animal looks like a tiger? a) dog; b) cat; c) turkey; d) goose

6 Listen and write T for True and F for False. (5x1=5)

1) The weather in Tashkent is very dry. e.g. T
2) The summer is long, cool and dry.
3) In the mountains near Tashkent there is snow in summer.
4) In July the temperature is about 37 degrees.
5) The spring is wet and very snowy in the mountains.
6) In January the temperature is usually 1 to plus 2 degrees.
Total: 50 points
Lesson 1 My favourite things
She/He likes
Homework She/He can
Write 4 sentences about your friend. Use: She’s/He’s good at
Íàïèøèòå 4 ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î äðóãå. Èñïîëüçóéòå: Her/His favourite

Lesson 2 I have two sisters.

3a Read and complete.
1 There are children in the family.
2 The eldest sister’s is Sabina.
3 Sabina wants to be a .
4 Davron and Madina cannot and .
5 They can .
6 The cat’s name is .
7 Snowball likes .

1 Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1 My father’s sister is my aunt.
2 My father’s brother is my
3 My mother’s father is my
4 My mother’s mother is my granny
5 My uncle’s brother is my

2 Write three questions. Íàïèøèòå òðè âîïðîñà.

e.g. What’s your uncle’s name?
1 What’s your
2 What’s
3 What

Lesson 3 Who is the youngest?

1 Write the questions. Íàïèøèòå âîïðîñû.
the youngest/Who/in your family/is?
is/the eldest/in your family/Who?
2 Read the answers. Write the questions.
Ïðî÷èòàéòå îòâåòû. Íàïèøèòå âîïðîñû.
1 _____________________________________. My name is Tom.
2 _____________________________________. My dad’s name is Harry.
3 _____________________________________. My mum’s name is Barbara.
4 _____________________________________. My sister’s name is Sara.
5 _____________________________________. My brother’s name is Ron.

Lesson 4 Where are you from?

Choose a letter and write an answer. Âûáåðèòå ïèñüìî è íàïèøèòå îòâåò.

Hi ____________,
My name’s _________________. I’m ____________________. I live _______________.
My hobbies are: _____________________________________________________________
My favourite sports are: _____________________________________________________.
My favourite subject is ______________________________________________________.
Please write to me,

Lesson 5 What’s your address?

2 Look, read and complete. Istiqbol Musical School
Ïîñìîòðèòå, ïðî÷èòàéòå è
çàïîëíèòå. Name __________________________________
Surname _______________________________
Homework School number _________________________
Class teacher’s name ___________________
Look at Activity 4. Address:
Write about Lucy. Street __________________________
Ïîñìîòðèòå íà óïðàæíå- House number _________________
íèå 4. Íàïèøèòå î Ëþñè. Telephone number ______________________

Lesson 1 They live in a ...
a dresser,
Classwork a chair, a table,
2a Look and write the words. a fridge, a bed,
a cooker, a mirror,
a kitchen a bedroom a living room a blanket, a computer,
a pillow,
a rug
Look at Activity 4. Complete the sentences.
Ïîñìîòðèòå íà óïðàæíåíèå 4. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
Every day Yesterday

e.g. I go to school at 8. e.g. I went to school at 7.30.

I home at 2. I home at 3.
I with Ozoda. I with Umida.
I tomato salad. I cucumber salad.
I in my bedroom. I in the living room.

Lesson 2 What number is your house?

3a Read and write the questions.

1) house/What number/your/is?
2) have/How many rooms/do you?
3) is/What/favourite room/your?
4) do you do/What/in your favourite room?

Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

1) e.g. We cook in the kitchen.

2) We ________________________________________________ in the living room.
3) We ________________________________________________ in the bedroom.
4) We ________________________________________________ in the gym.
5) We ________________________________________________ in the canteen.
6) We ________________________________________________ in the library.

Lesson 3 What’s your job?
Answer the questions. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû.
1) Where is Mrs Whitfield from? __________________________________________________
2) What is her job? _______________________________________________________________
3) Where does she work? _________________________________________________________
4) Where do her parents live? ____________________________________________________
5) What is her father’s job? ______________________________________________________
6) What is her mother’s job? _____________________________________________________

Lesson 4 Where do you work?

3b Complete the sentences.
1) Lisa is a ______________________. She works at the _______________________.
2) Andy is _______________________. He works ________________________________.
3) David _________________________. He _______________________________________.
4) Julia ___________________________. She ______________________________________.

Write true sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðàâèëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1) Directors work at the shop. e.g. No, directors work at the school.
2) Teachers work at the hospital.
3) Nurses work at the bank.
4) Police officers work at the museum.
5) Doctors work at the police station.
6) Shop assistants work on the farm.
7) Farmers work at the college.

Lesson 5 How do you go to ... ?

Write answers to the questions. Íàïèøèòå îòâåòû íà âîïðîñû.
1) Do you live far from school? Yes, it’s about 15 kilometres from the school.
2) How do you go home?

Lesson 1 His hair is short and curly.
2b Complete the sentences.
e.g. 1) Roma has curly and blond hair.
2) Lena has _________________________________________ hair.
3) Barno has _________________________________________ hair.
4) Alisher has dark ___________________________________ hair.
5) Robot A has a ____________________________________ head.
6) Robot B has a ____________________________________ head.

1 Match the words and pictures.
Íàéäèòå ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå êàðòèíêè ê ñëîâàì.
b c
1 long 2 red 3 big 4 round
5 brown 6 square 7 blue

2 Write the words. Íàïèøèòå ñëîâà.

1) = not short
2) = not curly
3) = not big a g f e
4) = not square

Lesson 2 He is tall and thin.

1 Complete the sentences with is/isn’t, are/aren’t.
Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ ñëîâà “is/isn’t” èëè “are/aren’t”.
1) His hair __________ dark. It’s blond. 4) My hair ____________ blue.
2) Her eyes _________ brown. 5) My eyes ____________ green.
3) Her hair __________ long and curly. 6) His eyes ____________ yellow.
2 Look, read and find Bobur and Malika.
Ïîñìîòðèòå, ïðî÷èòàéòå è íàéäèòå
Áîáóðà è Ìàëèêó.

Bobur is a tall boy. He has short, straight,

dark hair. His nose is small. His eyes
are dark. Malika is 9 years old. She is
short and thin. She has short, curly, dark
hair. Her nose is small.
Malika a b c d e f
Lesson 3 My robot has ...
1 Write the sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
e.g. have/eyes/I/brown. I have brown eyes.
1) father/my/tall/is
2) sister/his/has/hair/long
3) eyes/my/are/brown
4) her/is/nose/small
2 Write the words in the correct place. Add more words.
Íàïèøèòå ñëîâà â ïðàâèëüíîì ìåñòå. Äîáàâüòå åùå ñëîâà.
mother teacher red white leg green doctor son ear father
driver hair
family job colour body
e.g. mother

3 Look, read and find Tom, Dick, Pete and Mark.

1 2 3 4
Tom, Dick, Pete and Mark are friends.
Pete does not have long legs. Dick does
not have big ears. Mark and Tom have
curly hair. The thin boy is not Tom.

Lesson 4 My family is ...

Write about your family.
Íàïèøèòå î ñâîåé ñåìüå.
There are ___________ ___________ in my family. This is my ___________. Her/his
name is ___________. I have ___________ sisters/brothers. My sisters/brothers are
____________ ____________old. My sister’s/sisters’ name(s) is/are ____________. My
brother’s/brothers’ name(s) is/are _____________. My _____________ is tall/short.
Her/his hair is _____________. Her/his eyes are_____________.

Lesson 5 He didn’t stay at home.

2c Read about Nodira and write about Ahror.
e.g. 1) Yesterday Nodira stayed at home. Ahror didn’t stay at home.
2) Nodira helped her mother.
3) Nodira cleaned the room.
4) Nodira swept the floor.

7 – New Fly High 5 97

5) Nodira washed the dishes.
6) Nodira mopped the floor.
7) Nodira took the rubbish out.
8) Nodira talked to her friend on the phone.

3a Write two true sentences and one false sentence about yesterday.
e.g. I played with my little sister. I had six lessons. I went to
the doctor yesterday.

1 Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple form.
Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. Èñïîëüçóéòå ïðîñòóþ ïðîøåäøóþ ôîðìó ãëàãîëà.

Last Sunday I _________ (visit) my friend Laziza. We _________ (play) computer

games. Then we _________ (listen) to music and _________ (dance). In the
afternoon, we _________ (walk) to the park with her brother Alibek. And in
the evening we _________ (watch) a funny film and _________ (laugh) a lot. It
_________ (be) great.

2 Bring a photo of your favourite celebrity to your class.

Ïðèíåñèòå ôîòîãðàôèþ ñâîåé ëþáèìîé çíàìåíèòîñòè â êëàññ.

3a Find the words “pocket” and “surprise” in the Wordlist.

Íàéäèòå çíà÷åíèÿ ñëîâà “ðocket” è “surprise” â ñëîâàðå.

3b Read the text and write T for True and F for False.
Ïðî÷èòàéòå òåêñò è íàïèøèòå T äëÿ ïðàâèëüíûõ, F äëÿ ëîæíûõ

Rufty Tufty is a black doll. He has a black face and curly black hair. His eyes
are brown. His mouth is red. He has white teeth. Rufty Tufty does not like
to get up early. One morning Mother says, “It’s time to get up, Rufty Tufty.”
“I don’t want to get up,” says Rufty Tufty. “Do you want to get a surprise?”
asks Mother. Rufty Tufty loves surprises. He opens his eyes and asks, “Can
I play with it?” “No, you can’t. It’s a new red jacket.” “It isn’t a surprise. I
don’t like it,” says Rufty Tufty. “But the jacket has five pockets,” says Mother.
“Oh, five pockets!” says Rufty Tufty and jumps out of bed. He is happy.

1) Rufty Tufty is a boy. 5) He loves surprises?
2) He has a black face and hair. 6) The jacket has four pockets.
3) His eyes are blue. 7) He likes his new red jacket.
4) He likes to get up early.

Lesson 6 Project
1 Complete the sentences in the Past Simple form.
Çàïîëíèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñ ãëàãîëîì â ïðîñòîé ïðîøåäøèé ôîðìå.
e.g. 1) Nilufar and Dildora watched (watch) a film last night.
2) Alim _________________ (clean) his teeth in the morning.
3) Guzal __________________ (phone) her friend yesterday.
4) We played with a dog and _________________ (laugh) a lot.
5) The children ____________________ (play) tennis yesterday.
6) Olim __________________ (stay) at home last Saturday.

2 Find “hedgehog” in the Wordlist.

Íàéäèòå çíà÷åíèå ñëîâà “hedgehog” â ñëîâàðå.

3 Read and write answers.

Ïðî÷èòàéòå è íàïèøèòå îòâåòû íà âîïðîñû.

My name’s Heggy. I’m a hedgehog. There are ten in my family. We live

in a small house. My grandparents are nice. I have three brothers. Their
names are Hoggy, Higgy and Huggy. So there are four boys in my family.
I have two sisters. My sisters are small and nice. My parents are big and
strong. I am strong too. I have a long face, dark eyes, a long nose and
a small mouth. I have big ears and short legs.

Is Heggy a hedgehog?
e.g. Yes, he is.
Are there nine hedgehogs in Heggy’s family?
No, there aren’t.
Does Heggy have grandparents?
Does Heggy have three brothers?
Is Heggy’s father strong?
Is Hoggy Heggy’s sister?
Does Heggy have a long nose?
Does Heggy have blue eyes?
How many girls are there in Heggy’s family?
4 Draw Heggy. Íàðèñóéòå Õåããè.

Lesson 1 Today is ...

2a Look and write the days.

e.g. Mon Monday Fri

Tue Sat
Weds Sun

Read the answers. Write the questions.
Ïðî÷èòàéòå îòâåòû. Íàïèøèòå âîïðîñû.

e.g. Where did they go ? On Tuesday they went to Chorsu Market.

1 ___________________________________? On Friday they went to Tashkent Zoo.
2 ___________________________________? They bought fresh fruits and vegetables.
3 ___________________________________? They saw old trains.
4 ___________________________________? They ate ice cream.

Lesson 2 The third day is Wednesday.


Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

1 What’s the first month of the year? It’s January.
2 What’s the month of the year? It’s February.
3 What’s the month of the year? It’s March.
4 What’s the month of the year? It’s May.
5 What’s the month of the year? It’s August.
6 What’s the month of the year? It’s November.
7 What’s the month of the year? It’s December.

Lesson 3 We must do our homework.

4a Look, read and complete.

I cannot _________________________________ and _____________________________________.

I must _________________________________ and _____________________________________.

4b Look, read and complete.
Daddy said:
Don’t ____________________________________.
You must _______________________________.

Mum said:
Don’t ____________________________________.
You must _______________________________.

Look at Activity 3. Write 2 sentences with must and 2 with mustn’t.
Ïîñìîòðèòå íà óïðàæíåíèå 3. Íàïèøèòå 2 ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñ must è 2 ñ mustn’t.

Lesson 4 On Thursday I ...

3a Complete your diary.

Do the crossword. Ðåøèòå êðîññâîðä.


1 It’s the eighth month of the year. 4 It’s the sixth day of the week.
2 It’s the seventh day of the week. 5 It’s the fourth month of the year.
3 It’s the fourth day of the week. 6 It’s the fifth month of the year.
? It’s the
Lesson 5 School subjects
Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1 I like ______________________________ because it is ______________________________.
2 I like ______________________________ because it is ______________________________.
3 I don’t like ________________________ because it is ______________________________.
4 I don’t like ________________________ because it is ______________________________.

Lesson 1 I like ... . It’s fun.
1 Choose a day and write your timetable.
Âûáåðèòå äåíü è íàïèøèòå ñâîå ðàñïèñàíèå óðîêîâ.
(Day) .
My first lesson is .
My second lesson is .
My third .
My fourth .
My .
2 Copy and complete. Ïåðåïèøèòå è çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
My friend is a . He goes to
five days a week. He learns a lot of . His favourite subjects
are and . He doesn’t like .

3 Match. Íàéäèòå ïîäõîäÿùèé îòâåò ê âîïðîñó.

1 How many lessons do you have on Friday? a No, it’s boring.
2 Is geography your favourite subject? b No, it’s maths.
3 Is your first lesson English today? c Six.
Lesson 2 What time is it?
1a Look and draw. 1b Look and write.
Ïîñìîòðèòå è íàðèñóéòå ÷àñû. Ïîñìîòðèòå è íàïèøèòå âðåìÿ.

1 07.45 e.g. 3 15.30 1 e.g. 13.00 3

2 10.00 4 12.15 2 4

1c Read, draw and write. Ïðî÷èòàéòå, íàðèñóéòå ÷àñû è íàïèøèòå âðåìÿ.

1 It’s half past three. 3 It’s a quarter to seven.

2 It’s two o’clock. 4 It’s a quarter past seven.

Lesson 3 Midday? Midnight?
Copy and complete the sentences. Ïåðåïèøèòå è çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
In the morning I
In the afternoon I
In the evening I
I go to school
What time is it? It’s
My friend and I play football

Lesson 4 Do you like it?

1a Match. Íàéäèòå ïîäõîäÿùèé ïåðåâîä. 1b Check your answers
1 have lunch a íà÷èíàòü in the Wordlist.
2 have a break b îáåäàòü Ïðîâåðüòå ñâîè
3 have lessons c çàíèìàòüñÿ îòâåòû â ñëîâàðå.
4 begin d çàêàí÷èâàòü
5 end e äåëàòü ïåðåðûâ

Lesson 5 When does the school start?

1 Answer the questions. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû
1 When do children in Uzbekistan go to school?
2 When does the school start?
3 How many lessons do you usually have?
4 How many big breaks do you have?
5 What do you do in the afternoon?
6 Do you wear a uniform?
2 Write 2 true and 2 false sentences about schools in Germany.
Íàïèøèòå 2 ïðàâèëüíûõ è 2 ëîæíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î øêîëàõ â Ãåðìàíèè.
e.g. In Germany children have lessons in the morning and in the afternoon.

3 Write in order. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ïî ïîðÿäêó.

e.g. Fred likes school.
a She likes music too. e But he is not a pupil; he is four.
b Fred has a sister Betsy. f She does not like maths.
c Fred likes school. g She is a pupil in the fifth class.
d Betsy likes literature and history.
Lesson 1 Classroom things
1 Complete the sentences. Write about your classroom.
Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. Íàïèøèòå î ñâîåé êëàññíîé êîìíàòå.
There is one in the classroom.
There are two in the classroom.
There are three in the classroom.
There are four in the classroom.
There are five in the classroom.
2 Choose a classroom. Write four sentences about it. Do not write
the name of the room. Âûáåðèòå êëàññíóþ êîìíàòó. Íàïèøèòå ÷åòûðå
ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î íåé. Íå ïèøèòå íàçâàíèå êîìíàòû.

Lesson 2 Lucy’s pen is blue.

Write the sentences. Use “his/her”. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ “his/her”.
1) The girl’s ball is orange. e.g. Her ball is orange.
2) The boy’s ball is white.
3) Kamola’s bag is pink.
4) Jasur’s pencil is brown.
5) Setora’s eraser is red.
6) Bobur’s eraser is black.

Lesson 3 It’s my book.

6 Complete the sentences. Use: my, your, his, her.
1) Where’s ___________ book, Aziz? Is this ___________ book?
No, it’s Ulugbek’s book.
2) Madina has a green bag. ___________ bag is nice.
3) My brother bought a new car. ___________ car is black.
4) Where’s my sister’s bag? It’s not ___________ bag.
___________ bag is red and pink.

Complete the sentences. Use: your, my, his.
Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ “your, my, his”.

Aziz: Kamol, is it ___________ rucksack?
Kamol: No. ___________ rucksack is black and white.
Aziz: Where’s ___________ rucksack?
Kamol: Look ... is it ___________ rucksack?
Aziz: No, it’s Davron’s rucksack. It’s black and orange. ___________ rucksack
is brown.

Lesson 4 This – that, these – those

Answer the questions. Îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû.
e.g. Madina’s hair is brown. hair eyes
1 Whose hair is brown?
Anna blond green
2 Whose hair is blond?
3 Whose hair is black? John red blue
4 Whose eyes are green? Dilnoza black brown
5 Whose eyes are blue?
Madina brown black
6 Whose eyes are black?
7 Whose eyes are grey? Timur brown grey

Lesson 5 Our school is old but nice.

4b Complete the sentences.
e.g. Her school is in London but our school is in Tashkent.
1) Her school is in London but our school is in
2) Her first lesson is at 9.15 but our first lesson
3) She has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon but
we have
4) She can sing French songs but we can
5) She has a lot of French books but we have

Homework Dear Iris,

Write a letter to Iris. ............................................................................................
Describe your school. ............................................................................................
Íàïèøèòå ïèñüìî Èðèñ. ............................................................................................
Îïèøèòå ñâîþ øêîëó. Please write to me.
Lesson 6 Project Love,
2 Listen and complete the sentences.
e.g. Sally is in the garden. Sally is playing with her sister’s
She doesn’t go to She cannot but she can
Lesson 1 I usually wake up at ...
1 Write the sentences in order. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ïî ïîðÿäêó.
a) I put on clothes. e) I get to school at 7.45.
b) I get washed. f) I usually brush my teeth.
c) I have breakfast with my family. g) I brush my hair.
d) I wake up at 7.10 and get up at 7.20. h) I leave home.
2 Write what you do at these times. Íàïèøèòå, ÷òî âû äåëàåòå â ýòî
6.00 6.30 7.00 7.15 8.00 8.00 – 9.00

Lesson 2 Aziz often plays football.

4c Write the sentences about Aziz.
I don’t stay at school.
I don’t play tag.
I don’t play computer games.
I don’t lay the table for dinner.
1 Complete the sentences for s/he. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ äëÿ “s/he”.
e.g. I clean the table. She cleans the table.
1 I teach English. She English.
2 We come home at 2 o’clock. He home at 1 o’clock.
3 We often watch TV. She often TV.
4 You never play football. He never football.
5 They always brush their teeth. He his teeth.
6 I do my homework. She her homework.
7 I get up at 7 o’clock. He up at 7 o’clock.
8 We have a break for lunch. She a break for lunch.
9 I eat biscuits for lunch. She biscuits for lunch.
10 I finish my lunch at 12.30. He his lunch at 12.30.
11 They leave school at 1.45. She school at 1.45.

2 Write six sentences. always sometimes

Íàïèøèòå øåñòü ïðåäëîæåíèé. I my friend I my friend
clean my room ü ü
e.g. I always clean
do my hair ü ü
my room. My friend
sometimes cleans do homework ü ü
his room. play football/tennis ü ü

3 Write 3 things you and your family don’t do. feed the animals,
Íàïèøèòå 3 âåùè, êîòîðûå âû è âàøà lay the table, go shopping,
ñåìüÿ íå äåëàåòå. clean the room, mop the floor,
e.g. I don’t lay the table. Salim sweep the floor, take the rub-
doesn’t go shopping. bish out, wash the dishes, play
computer games, go fishing,
Lesson 3 The Whitfields take photos, eat cakes, eat
visit Tashkent. ice-cream, sing songs,
dance, ride a horse
1 Write what your parents, brothers and sisters do/don’t do.
Íàïèøèòå, ÷òî âàøè ðîäèòåëè, áðàòüÿ è ñåñòðû äåëàþò/íå äåëàþò.
2 Copy and complete the words.
1) s de t
2) be tifu
3) h s ri a
4) uni er it

Lesson 4 What do you do after school?

1 What do you do after school? Write sentences.
×òî âû äåëàåòå ïîñëå øêîëû? Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

2 Write about your favourite sportsman or film star.

Íàïèøèòå î ñâîåì ëþáèìîì ñïîðòñìåíå èëè êèíîçâåçäå.

Lesson 5 Does he ...? Yes, he does.

1 Read the texts in Activity 5. Write a similar text about a pupil in your
class. Don’t write his/her name. Ïðî÷èòàéòå òåêñòû â óïðàæíåíèè 5. Íàïè-
øèòå àíàëîãè÷íûé òåêñò îá ó÷åíèêå âàøåãî êëàññà. Íå ïèøèòå åãî/åå èìÿ.
2 Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1) Does she like maths? 5) he read German books?
2) Do you get up at 5 o’clock? 6) they go to school on time?
3) she watch TV? 7) this pen write?
4) you play hockey?

Lesson 6 Project
Write sentences about Heggy. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î Õåããè.
e.g. Heggy wakes up at ... .
Lesson 1 I like playing ...
1 Write four sentences about what your family likes and doesn’t like.
Íàïèøèòå 4 ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î òîì, ÷òî âàøà ñåìüÿ ëþáèò è íå ëþáèò.
e.g. My father likes playing draughts but my mother doesn’t.
2 Write the -ing forms of these words. Íàïèøèòå “-ing” ôîðìó ýòèõ ñëîâ.
speak open play stop run live sit

Lesson 2 Do you have a hobby?

4a Play “My friend likes...”. Write the names.
e.g. A: Do you like playing chess? Rustam: Yes, I do.
n playing chess e.g. Rustam n doing puzzles
n collecting cards n playing computer games
n writing poems n taking photos
n collecting coins n playing draughts

1 Write Aziz’s letter to Lucy about his hobbies.
Îò èìåíè Àçèçà íàïèøèòå ïèñüìî Ëþñè î åãî óâëå÷åíèÿõ.
2 Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, èñïîëüçóÿ ñëîâà â îáëàêå.
get up,
e.g My granny likes sewing. I don’t like .
sew, write, play,
I like letters. Ali likes chess. draw, speak,
I don’t like early. Aziz doesn’t like maths. do
Does he like English? Does your brother like tennis?
He likes puzzles. He doesn’t like his homework.

Lesson 3 Do you like singing?

1 Complete the questions with “do”, “does” and the right words.
Çàïîëíèòå âîïðîñû ñ ïîìîùüþ “do”, “does” è ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèìè ñëîâàìè.
e.g. Does she like cycling? Do you like doing puzzles?
1) she roller-skating? 5) you fishing?
2) you the long-jump? 6) she a rope?
3) you cards? 7) you the high-jump?
4) she a kite? 8) she a skateboard?
2 Write a quiz for your friend. Use Activities 4a, 4b and 4c as a model.
Íàïèøèòå âîïðîñíèê äëÿ ñâîåãî äðóãà. Èñïîëüçóéòå óïðàæíåíèÿ 4a, 4b è
4c èç óðîêà 3 â êà÷åñòâå ïðèìåðà.

Lesson 4 I like music.
Classwork listen to,
watch TV, play, radio,
5b Work in pairs. Complete the dialogue. CD, pop, jazz, rock,
A: What do you do in the evening? classical music, the guitar,
B: I . the rubob, the doira,
A: What kind of music do you like? the piano, the dutor,
B: I . What about you? the saxophone
A: I .
B: I do too. / I don’t.
6b Write about Lucy.
likes , but she doesn’t like .
is Whitney Houston.
likes to music.
1 Complete the letter. Çàêîí÷èòå ïèñüìî.

Dear Lucy
Thank you for your letter. I like ___ ___ too. My favourite music is ___ .
I like ____ too. I don’t like ____ . My favourite singer is ____ . S/he is
fantastic! Please write to me about your hobbies and favourite singers.

2a Interview your family and complete the table. Ïîáåñåäóéòå ñî ñâîåé

ñåìüåé è çàïîëíèòå òàáëèöó. e.g. What music do you like, Mum?
name jazz pop Uzbek classical music classical music rock
e.g. Mum û ü ü û û
2b Write sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
e.g. Mum likes pop and Uzbek classical music but she doesn’t like
jazz, rock or classical music.

Lesson 5 What’s on Channel 4?

1a Ask and write what programmes, channels your family like/don’t like.
Ñïðîñèòå è íàïèøèòå, êàêèå ïðîãðàììû, êàíàëû âàøåé ñåìüå íðàâÿòñÿ/íå íðàâÿòñÿ.

family channel programmes likes doesn’t like

e.g. Mum Yoshlar Music,Tahlilnoma,Comedy Films ü

1b Write sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

e.g. Mum watches Music, Tahlilnoma and comedy films on Yoshlar channel.
Lesson 1 Pets
1 Write sentences with “have/has”. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñ “have/has”.
e.g. Murod has two cats.
Asila and Komila
Sardor’s father and

Rasul and

2 Write the correct sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðàâèëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

Do you has/have a pet? There are/is two rabbits on the farm.
I has/have a dog. There are/is a hedgehog in the yard.

Lesson 2 Domestic animals

1 Look at the pictures and complete the letter.
Ïîñìîòðèòå íà ôîòîãðàôèè è çàïîëíèòå ïèñüìî.
Dear Lucy
Thank you for your letter. I like it.
We like s. We have a big farm.
We have animals on our farm. We have
three and three , two and
four , five and two .
Madina and I have three and four ,
a and seven . Aziz and Davron have
two and eight , a and
three . The dog's name is Olapar.
My father has a and a .
Please write to me soon.

2a Read, guess and write. Ïðî÷èòàéòå, óãàäàéòå è íàïèøèòå æèâîòíîå.

1 It lives on the farm. It has four legs. It is big. It has small ears. It is
black and white and sometimes brown. It is a .
2 It lives in the house. It is yellow. It is small. It likes water. It is a .
2b Write about an animal for your partner to guess.
Ïî ïðèìåðó â óïð. 3à íàïèøèòå î æèâîòíîì äëÿ äðóãà, ÷òîáû äîãàäàòüñÿ.
Lesson 3 My dog can ...
1 How much do you know about animals? Write T for True or F for False.
Ñêîëüêî âû çíàåòå î æèâîòíûõ? Íàïèøèòå T äëÿ ïðàâèëüíûõ èëè F äëÿ
ëîæíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé.
1 Kittens are young cats. 5 Dogs are old puppies.
2 Rabbits can bite. 6 Rabbits can sing.
3 Dogs often meow. 7 Donkeys do not have ears.
4 Dogs and cats can be friends. 8 Geese are always noisy.
2a Read the text. Ïðî÷èòàéòå òåêñò.

On a big farm there was a house. In this house lived a family: a father
mouse, a mother mouse and a little mouse. The father said to the little
mouse: “Son, you must be afraid of cats because they can eat you up.
Let’s go to the yard and see the cat.” First they saw a green frog. The
mouse asked: “Dad, is this the cat?” His father said: “No, it’s a frog, it’s
small”. Then they met a cow. The son asked: “Is this the cat?” His father
said: “No. The cat is not very big.” They went on and the son asked: “Is
this the cat?” The father said: “No. It’s a sheep”. Now the mouse
asked: “What colour’s the cat?” The father said: “It’s black and
white.” “Are those cats?” asked his little son. “Those are ducks”, said
his father, “and those are hens.” Suddenly, the father saw the cat and
ran away. But the little son was not afraid of it. A dog saw the cat too
and began to bark. The cat climbed the tree and the mouse said: “Now
I know that the cat can eat me and it says: Woof-woof.”

2b Write the answers. Íàïèøèòå îòâåòû íà âîïðîñû.

1 What animals did the mouse see? Êàêèõ æèâîòíûõ âèäåë ìûøîíîê?
2 Why did the father mouse want to show the cat to his son?
Ïî÷åìó ïàïà ìûøü õîòåë ïîêàçàòü ñâîåìó ñûíó êîøêó?
3 Was the mouse right? Does the cat say “Woof-woof”?
Ïðàâ ëè ìûøîíîê? Ãîâîðèò ëè êîò “Ãàâ, ãàâ”?

Lesson 4 I look after my pets. for a walk,

look after, Sunday, bones,
Classwork pets, fish, corn, feed, cat,
5c Complete the sentences with the words: dog

Alisher goes to his granny in Samarkand this . He asks his

friend to his . He has a dog, a cat, and hens.
Aziz must the dog two times a day and take him
every morning and evening. There is in the fridge for the
and for the . The hens eat .
1 Write the dialogue between Nodira and her mother.
Íàïèøèòå äèàëîã ìåæäó Íîäèðîé è åå ìàòåðüþ.
I like animals. / Can I have a pet? / OK. This birthday you can have a
small dog. / A dog. / What pet do you want? / You must keep him
clean and take him for a walk. / Don’t forget.
Nodira: I like animals. Can I have a pet?
2 Write sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1 my/look/you/can/after/pets.
2 feed/two/you/them/must/times/a day.
3 milk/don’t/and/forget/water.

Lesson 5 Happy pets G

Homework C H I C K M E L V A
1 Find and write twenty-one animals. èêî S O GW P F K I D R
Íàéäèòå è íàïèøèòå äâàäöàòü îäíî æèâîòíîå. H R A B B I T C O O
2 Complete the words. Äîïèøèòå ñëîâà. E D U C K H E N H T
1) h ___ r ___ ___
2) ___ ___ b ___ ___ t 7) ___ ___ ___ ___ l ___ ng 12) p ___ ___ let
3) s ___ ___ e ___ 8) r ___ ___ s ___ ___ ___ 13) ___ ___ ___ il
4) ___ ___ ___ ck 9) ___ ___ tt ___ ___ 14) ___ ___ pp ___
5) ___ o ___ ___ ey 10) ___ ___ dgeh ___ ___ 15) ___ ou ___ ___
6) t ___ ___ k ___ ___ 11) t ___ rt ___ ___ ___ e 16) ___ oldfi ___ ___
3 Find and write the odd word. Íàéäèòå è íàïèøèòå ëèøíîå ñëîâî.
1 donkey goat sheep rooster 3 goose rooster horse turkey
2 pig horse cow duck 4 rabbit cow donkey fish

4 What pet animals are popular in Uzbekistan? Write them.

Êàêèå äîìàøíèå æèâîòíûå ïîïóëÿðíû â Óçáåêèñòàíå? Íàïèøèòå èõ.
Great Britain and Uzbekistan
the USA
Lesson 1 Habitat is home. J L I Z A R D M

Homework D O L P H I N W
1 Find and write eight animals. êè K F R O G O G A
Íàéäèòå è íàïèøèòå âîñåìü æèâîòíûõ. N P Q C A M E L
2 Choose an animal and write about it. Do not write the T O R T O I S E
name. Âûáåðèòå æèâîòíîå è íàïèøèòå î íåì. Íå
ïèøèòå åãî íàçâàíèå.
e.g. They are green.They are big. They live in Australia. They live in water.
They have four legs and a long tail. They eat fish. They like eating humans too!
Lesson 2 What can animals do?
3c Write T for True or F for False.
1 Wolves were Mowgli’s family. 5 Bagira looked after Mowgli.
2 Sher Khan was his friend. 6 The snake wanted to eat Mowgli up.
3 Balu was a black panther. 7 Mowgli didn’t like the tiger.
4 Mowgli looked like a wolf. 8 Mowgli liked to live in the jungle.
1 Complete the sentences. Çàêîí÷èòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1 Monkeys can ________________ but they can’t _______________________________.
2 Ducks can __________________ but they can’t ________________________________.
3 Tigers ca ___________________ but they can’t ________________________________.
4 Gazelles can ________________ but they can’t ________________________________.
2 Read and complete the sentences. Use these words:
Ïðî÷èòàéòå è çàïîëíèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ. Èñïîëüçóéòå ýòè ñëîâà: habitat,
The mountains in _______________________ are beautiful. flowers, winter,
There are a lot of ________________________ there. In the beautiful
mountains there are a lot of small animals, snakes, birds and ___________________
butterflies too. It is very cold in the mountains in ___________________________.
Not many big animals live there. It is a ________________________ for wild goats
and sheep, hyenas and bears.

Lesson 3 At the zoo

Classwork 3c Read, copy and complete. Use is/are.
e.g. The elephant is washing the tiger now.
The ducks _____ listening to music. The little tigers _____ playing with the
bear. The snake _____ singing to the lion. The monkeys _____ dancing. The
little wolves _____ playing football. The bear _____ playing with little tigers.
The gazelles _____ roller-skating. The crocodile _____ reading.

8 – New Fly High 5 113

1 Write sentences. Íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
1 are/the ducks/now/swimming.
2 are/jumping/now/the monkeys.
3 is/now/the lion/not/sleeping.
4 is/the bear/now/eating.
2 Write Big Cats. Íàïèøèòå áîëüøèõ êîøåê.
e.g. a lion
3 Complete the story in Activity 4. Çàâåðøèòå ðàññêàç â óïðàæíåíèè 4.

Lesson 4 Dangerous animals

2c Match the animals and activities. 3b Listen and complete.
1) an elephant a) climb
Class of Big/
2) zebras b) eat Eats Habitat
animals Small
3) deer c) fly
4) a monkey d) eat
5) a lion e) get washed
6) birds f) swim
3c Write about leopards.
7) a crocodile g) run e.g. Leopards swim well.

1 Write the questions to the answers. Gr-r-r
Íàïèøèòå îòâåòû íà âîïðîñû.
e.g. The elephant is walking.
Is the elephant walking?
1) The zebras are eating. 3) The monkey is climbing.
2) Three deer are standing. 4) The crocodile is swimming.

2 Read and answer the questions. Ïðî÷èòàéòå òåêñò è îòâå÷àéòå íà âîïðîñû.

1) Which pets do people usually have?
2) Which dangerous animals do people sometimes keep?
3) Where do people keep them?
4) Do you want to have a wildlife pet?

People’s dangerous pets

People like to have pets. A lot of people keep cats, dogs, goldfish and
canaries. But some people want to keep dangerous animals in their homes
and yards: monkeys, crocodiles, tigers, lions, bears, snakes, big lizards and other
wildlife. We must not keep wildlife in our homes. It is dangerous. These
animals can attack you. They must live in their habitat.

Lesson 5 How long can animals live?
1a Complete the sentences with verbs in Past Simple.
Ïîñòàâüòå â ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ãëàãîëû â ïðîñòîì ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè.
e.g. Jackie was (be) a little monkey.
Children ________ (give) him sweets. Jackie’s mother ________ (say) to the zoo keeper,
“We don’t give him sweets”. The zoo keeper ________ (write) a sign. The children
________ (see) the sign on the cage. Jackie ________ (be) a clever monkey.
1b Number the pictures. Ïîñòàâüòå êàðòèíêè ïî ïîðÿäêó.


a b c d e

2 Read and answer the questions. Ïðî÷èòàéòå òåêñò è îòâå÷àéòå íà âîïðîñû.

1 Where are the tugai forests?
2 Which animals live in the tugai?
There are tugai forests near the Syr Darya, Amu Darya and Zarafshan rivers.
There are deer in the tugai. When you are in the tugai you can’t see the wild
animals. They don’t like people. They run fast. But you can sometimes see
birds, wild ducks, frogs, hedgehogs and beautiful butterflies. Usually the snakes
in the tugai are not poisonous, but there are a lot of mosquitoes!

Unit 10 Lesson 4
Activity 2d Work in pairs.
Find five differences.
Pupil B: Look at this picture.
e.g. B: Is the elephant walking now?
A: No, it isn’t.
B: Is it getting washed
A: Yes, it is.

Lesson 1 My favourite season
3a Work in pairs. Look, copy and complete.

1 Write about your mother’s or your father’s favourite season but don’t
write the season. Íàïèøèòå î ëþáèìîì ñåçîíå âàøåé ìàòåðè èëè îòöà,
íî íå ïèøèòå ñåçîí.
2 Read and name the seasons. Ïðî÷èòàéòå è íàçîâèòå ñåçîíû.
e.g. It’s autumn. B
A Dear Janet
Hi Tom My holiday is great! The
I’m fine. There are a lot of interesting days are nice. It’s hot.
things here in Uzbekistan. Every day my We swim every day.
friends and I go for walks. I eat a lot Love
of fruit. It’s great! Susan

Dear Kevin C Dear Mum

I’m in a nice place now. I like I’m OK. It’s very interesting here.
it very much. I’m out on my skis The days are nice and warm.
all day! There are a lot of beautiful
Love flowers. They are nice!
John Love

Lesson 2 Summer holidays are fun!

1 Read and choose the correct words. Ïðî÷èòàéòå è âûáåðèòå ïðàâèëüíûå ñëîâà.
My difficult/favourite season is summer, because I was born in summer. It is
warm and sometimes cold/hot. There are a lot of flowers, fruit and vegetables.
In summer I can go to the sea or a river. I like swimming/flying. My hobby
is playing chess. I like playing chess with my father. I have a bicycle. My friends
and I often ride horses/bicycles. With my family and our dog we go to the
forest. We like nature. We like cooking/listening to birds. Sometimes I and my
elder sister go to the village for a month. My grandmother and grandfather/
driver live there. My sister and I help them in the garden. In summer I
sometimes can see a snow/rainbow. Summer is a rainbow of colours!
2 Write a letter to your British friend about summer in Uzbekistan.
Íàïèøèòå ïèñüìî ñâîåìó áðèòàíñêîìó äðóãó î ëåòå â Óçáåêèñòàíå.

Lesson 3 Autumn
1 Complete the sentences. Use first, second, third.
Èñïîëüçóÿ “first, second, third”, çàïîëíèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
June is the __________ month of summer. Monday is the __________ day of
the week. October is the __________ month of autumn. August is the
__________ month of summer. Tuesday is the __________ day of the week.
2 Read and write the verbs in Past Simple.
Ïðî÷èòàéòå è íàïèøèòå ãëàãîëû â ïðîñòîì ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè.
A big black dragon (live) in the mountains. There was a village near the
mountains. One day the dragon attacked the people in the village. The people
(give) a lot of food to the dragon. The dragon (eat) the food, but it attacked
the village. The people (give) their cows, sheep, goats and horses to the
dragon. The dragon (eat) the animals and attacked the village. The people
(give) the most beautiful girl to the dragon. There was a young and strong boy.
He (want) to help the girl. He (attack) the dragon and killed it. They (come)
to the village. The people (be) happy.

Lesson 4 Winter days

4a Write the sentences.
e.g. Bob’s birthday is on the
twenty-seventh of December.

Lola Shuhrat Azamat Nelly

1 Write. Sally Bob
The eighteenth of April. e.g. 18 April The twelfth of November.
The eleventh of September. The twenty-eighth of June.
The twenty-first of December. The third of July.
The thirtieth of January. The twenty-fifth of April.
2 Write 5 sentences about your favourite season. Do not write the season.
Íàïèøèòå 5 ïðåäëîæåíèé î âàøåì ëþáèìîì ñåçîíå. Íå ïèøèòå íàçâàíèå.
Lesson 5 Spring is coming.
1 Choose the right word. Âûáåðèòå ïðàâèëüíîå ñëîâî.
1 In spring the days are shorter/longer. 2 In summer the days are the
hottest/coldest. 3 In autumn the nights are shorter/longer. 4 In winter the
days are the hottest/coldest. 5 February is the longest/shortest month of
a year. 6 The longest/shortest days of a year is in June. 7 The longest/
shortest days of a year are in December.
2 Write the questions. Íàïèøèòå âîïðîñû
1 it/is/hot/summer/in? e.g. Is it hot in summer?
2 season/is/your/what/favourite/?
3 the first/January/is/month?
4 like/you/swimming/do/?

Lesson 6 Project
1 Make the sentences correct. Write capital letters.
Íàïèñàâ çàãëàâíûå áóêâû, èñïðàâüòå îøèáêè â ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ.
e.g. 1 Laura Jackson is from England.
1 laura jackson is from england.
2 her friend komila hasanova is from uzbekistan.
3 the spring months are march, april and may.
4 we have english on monday, wednesday and saturday.
5 anvar’s favourite subjects are english and maths.
6 my friends from australia want to visit tashkent,
samarkand and khiva.
2 Put the sentences in order.
Ðàñïîëîæèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ïî ïîðÿäêó.
e.g. 1f Hello, Nancy.
a Oh, it’s winter in Australia. It’s cold. I’m at home.
b Hello Rustam. How is Tashkent?
c Thanks.
d Great! It’s summer. We eat ice cream and
swim. What about you?
e Come and visit us in Tashkent.
f Hello, Nancy.

Lesson 1 What’s the weather like?
1 Watch today’s programme or read the newspaper or listen to the radio.
Find out the weather forecast for tomorrow. Ïîñìîòðèòå ñåãîäíÿøíþþ
ïðîãðàììó èëè ïî÷èòàéòå ãàçåòó èëè ïîñëóøàéòå ðàäèî. Óçíàéòå ïðîãíîç
ïîãîäû íà çàâòðà.
e.g. It’s an icy day. It’s snowy. It’s cold.
2a Read the dialogue. Ïðî÷èòàéòå äèàëîã.
D: Hello Rustam.
R: Hi Dildora. How are you?
D: I’m fine. Today is the first day of spring.
R: What’s your favourite weather?
D: I like warm weather. What about you?
R: I like cold weather.
D: What do you do when it is cold?
R: I go sledging.
2b Correct the false sentences. Èñïðàâüòå ëîæíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
e.g. It’s the first day of winter.
It’s the first day of spring.
Rustam likes hot weather. ____________________________________________________
Dildora likes cool weather. ____________________________________________________
Dildora goes sledging when it’s cold. _____________________________________

Lesson 2 Sunny days are lovely!

Homework D Q RWA R M D I L
1 Find and write 13 weather O J B A D F I N E J
words. Can you find more?
Íàéäèòå è íàïèøèòå 13 ñëîâ Glasgow
î ïîãîäå. Âû ìîæåòå íàéòè L I E L H C D U F O
åùå áîëüøå? èêìî D K Z O I I C OO L
2 Look at the map of England, W I ND Y L I L G E
Scotland and Wales. Write A M GY S U N N Y S Oxford
the weather. Ïîñìîòðèòå íà Cardiff
êàðòó Àíãëèè, Øîòëàíäèè è Óýëüñà. Íàïèøèòå ïîãîäó. London
e.g. It’s sunny in London.
Lesson 3 What’s the temperature?
Look at the example. Draw thermometers and write sentences.
Ïîñìîòðèòå íà ïðèìåð. Íàðèñóéòå òåðìîìåòðû è íàïèøèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

e.g. The temperature is minus five.

-5C° 40C° 20C° -10C° 0C° 9C° -12C°
Lesson 4 Seasons and weather
1a Read and write four sentences about Samarkand and Khorezm.
Ïðî÷èòàéòå è íàïèøèòå ÷åòûðå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î Ñàìàðêàíäå è Õîðåçìå.
summer dry, hot, 28° - 32° in July, 20° - 24° in the mountains
the spring rainy
weather winter cold, often there is snow, -2° in January, -8° in the mountains
autumn warm and rainy, cool in October and November
sunny days 269

summer very hot, dry, about 37° in July
the spring rainy in March and April
weather winter cold, freezing, there is no snow, -5° in January
autumn warm in September, rainy and cool in October and November
sunny days 200

1b Write four sentences about your home town.

Íàïèøèòå ÷åòûðå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ î âàøåì ðîäíîì ãîðîäå.

Lesson 5 Stormy weather

Homework fun, nice,
Look at the table and write about: boring,
Ïîñìîòðèòå íà òàáëèöó è íàïèøèòå: interesting
a) the season and weather î ñåçîíå è ïîãîäå;
b) what people do/don’t do î òîì, ÷òî ëþäè äåëàþò/íå äåëàþò;
c) how people feel î òîì, êàê ëþäè ÷óâñòâóþò ñåáÿ.

season weather activities

summer always hot swim, play football

autumn warm, often rains, wind, duststorm, sometimes eat a lot of fruit,
hailstorm, thunderstorm, hail, cool and cold don’t swim
play snowballs, walk in
cold, freezing, often cloudy, foggy, sometimes
winter the morning, skate, ski,
sunny and warm, snow, rain, never hot
don’t play football
collect flowers, work
spring usually warm, often rains, wind, thunderstorm, on a farm, fly kites,
sometimes hailstorm, hail and snow, warm feed animals with grass

e.g. In summer it is always hot. People go swimming and play football.

They feel happy because it is fun.
Lesson 1 I like Navruz.
Homework weather
1 Write what your family do at Navruz. happy
Íàïèøèòå, ÷òî äåëàåò âàøà ñåìüÿ â Íàâðóç. week
e.g. At Navruz we go to the park. holiday
2 Complete the sentences with the words in the cloud.
Äîïîëíèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñëîâàìè èç îáëàêà.
1 Navruz is the Asian New ____________ . 2 Is the ____________ nice on this
day? 3 My parents and I like this ___________. 4 We are ___________ at Navruz.
3 Make and write a card to your friend.
Ñäåëàéòå è íàïèøèòå êàðòî÷êó ñâîåìó äðóãó. e.g. To Sabina
Happy Birthday!
Lesson 2 Come and stay with us. Love
Homework Lucy
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the cloud.
Äîïîëíèòå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ñëîâàìè èç îáëàêà.

palov, Navruz, like, mother, traditional, sweets

At ___________ my father cooks special food. He is good

at cooking ___________. We eat a cake and ___________ with
tea. My ___________ cooks sumalak. It is a ___________ dish
at Navruz. We ___________ it very much.
2 Write a letter to your friend about Hayt. Dear ...
Íàïèøèòå ïèñüìî ñâîåìó äðóãó î Õàéèòå. e.g. At Hayt we ...

Lesson 3 Navruz in Bukhara

1 Write about your home town. Íàïèøèòå î ñâîåì ðîäíîì ãîðîäå.

Visit beautiful ...

... is a beautiful town/city/village.
There are a lot of interesting things.
There is ...
... Look at the photo/picture.
... In ... the weather is ...
Please ... ...

2 Answer the questions. Íàïèøèòå îòâåòû íà âîïðîñû.

1 What does your city/town/village look like at Navruz?
2 What do you like doing at Navruz?
3 What does your mother cook well?
Lesson 4 Fun in April
Read about Fluffy and answer
the questions. Ïðî÷èòàéòå î
Ôëàôôè è îòâåòüòå íà âîïðîñû.
1 How does Fluffy feel? Why?
2 Is it a true story?

The weather is bad. It is cold and

snowy. Fluffy, the polar bear is sad.
She looks at her mother and says,
“Mum, am I a polar bear?”
“Yes, of course you are, my dear.
You are a beautiful polar bear.”
“Are you sure, mum?”
“Of course I’m sure. You are snow-white (like a snow), you can swim in the
cold water, you can walk on the ice. I’m sure you are a polar bear. Why do
you ask?”
Fluffy says, “Because I’m freezing cold.”

Lesson 5 May Day holiday

4 Put the words in order.
e.g. 1 May Day is a holiday in England.
1 in/is/a holiday/May Day/England.
2 May Day/On/young/people/to/their homes/take flowers.
3 sing/spring/They/songs.
4 Children/round/dance/a maypole.
5 make/a/The ribbons/bright/picture.
6 a lot/Not/of people/it/do/now.
Homework R I B B O N Q
1 Find 10 words. Íàéäèòå 10 ñëîâ. S P R I N G U
2 Make a poster “Celebrations in England and
Uzbekistan.” Draw and write. Ñäåëàéòå, íàðèñóéòå è N O G I R L E
íàïèøèòå ïëàêàò “Òîðæåñòâà â Àíãëèè è Óçáåêèñòàíå”. G L H O M E N
e.g. New Year Navruz,
Hayt, April Fool’s M A Y P O L E
In England at 12 o’clock people
Day, May Day,
say “Happy New Year!” They visit Teachers’ Day,
their family and friends. Birthday, New
Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
1) Èìÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå (Noun)
Ñëîâà, îáîçíà÷àþùèå íàçâàíèÿ ïðåäìåòîâ è îòâå÷àþùèå íà âîïðîñ êòî? (who?) èëè
÷òî? ( w h a t ? ) ÿâëÿþòñÿ èìåíàìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè. Ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå ìîãóò
óïîòðåáëÿòñÿ ñ àðòèêëÿìè. Â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå èìååò òîëüêî äâà
ïàäåæà: îáùèé ïàäåæ (student) è ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ (student’s).
Èñ÷èñëÿåìûå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, òàêèå êàê book, car, chair, ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàçâàíèÿìè
ïðåäìåòîâ, ïîääàþùèõñÿ ñ÷åòó. Ïîýòîìó ìû ìîæåì ñêàçàòü one car, two books,
three chairs. Îíè ìîãóò èìåòü ôîðìó åäèíñòâåííîãî (a cat, one book) è ìíîæåñò-
âåííîãî ÷èñëà (two chairs, a lot of books). Ïîñëå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ â åäèíñòâåííîì
÷èñëå èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ãëàãîëû åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà, à ïîñëå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ âî
ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå ãëàãîëû ñîîòâåòñòâåííî áóäóò âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå: This
book is boring. These books are interesting.
Íåèñ÷èñëÿåìûå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, òàêèå êàê rice, water, ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàçâàíèÿìè ïðåä-
ìåòîâ, êîòîðûå íåëüçÿ ïåðåñ÷èòàòü ïî åäèíèöàì. Ìû ìîæåì ñêàçàòü rice, íî íå
ìîæåì ñêàçàòü one rice. Ïîýòîìó íåèñ÷èñëÿåìûå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå èìåþò òîëüêî ôîð-
ìó åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà, è åñòåñòâåííî, ïîñëå íèõ ãëàãîëû ñòîÿò â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå.
Ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ
Ôîðìà ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ îáðàçóåòñÿ ïóòåì äîáàâëåíèÿ
îêîí÷àíèÿ -s èëè -es, íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü ïðè ýòîì îïóñêàåòñÿ.
Åäèíñòâåííîå ÷èñëî Ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî
a banana – áàíàí bananas – áàíàíû
a cat – êîøêà cats – êîøêè
an orange – àïåëüñèí oranges – àïåëüñèíû

Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
Îêîí÷àíèå -s (-es), îáðàçóþùåå ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ,
ïðîèçíîñèòñÿ ïî-ðàçíîìó:
1. ïîñëå k, p, t [s] cat – cats; cap – caps
2. ïîñëå b, d, g, l, m, n, r, v, w -s pen – pens; dog – dogs
3. ïîñëå ãëàñíûõ boy – boys
4. ïîñëå -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -tch -es class – classes; box – boxes
5. ïîñëå -se, -ce, -ze, -ge, -o -s horse – horses; page – pages
wolf – wolves; calf – calves
6. ïîñëå -f, -fe -es [vz]
shelf – shelves
canary – canaries; puppy –
7. ïîñëå ñîãëàñíûé + y -ies [iz]
puppies; hobby – hobbies
 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå åñòü òàêèå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî êîòîðûõ îá-
ðàçóåòñÿ ïóòåì èçìåíåíèÿ êîðíÿ ñëîâà: man – men, woman – women, goose – geese,
child – children, foot – feet. Åùå åñòü òàêèå ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, ó êîòîðûõ ìíîæåñòâåí-
íîå è åäèíñòâåííîå ÷èñëà îäèíàêîâû: fish – fish, sheep – sheep, deer – deer, hair – hair.
2) Àðòèêëü (Article)
Àðòèêëü, êîòîðûé ñâîéñòâåí àíãëèéñêîìó ÿçûêó, èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïåðåä ñóùåñòâè-
òåëüíûìè.  ðóññêîì ÿçûêå íåò ïîäîáíîé ÷àñòè ðå÷è.
Ñóùåñòâóþò äâà âèäà àðòèêëÿ: 1) íåîïðåäåëåííûé – a, an; 2) îïðåäåëåííûé – the.
Ïåðåä ñëîâàìè, íà÷èíàþùèìèñÿ ñ ñîãëàñíîãî çâóêà (íàïðèìåð, b, c, d, f, g, h)
ñòàâèòñÿ à: a book, a coat, a house, a letter. À ïåðåä ñëîâàìè, íà÷èíàþùèìèñÿ
ñ ãëàñíîãî çâóêà (íàïðèìåð, a, e, i, o, u) ñòàâèòñÿ an: an address, an egg, an old house.
Çàïîìíèòå! a/an èñïîëüçóåòñÿ òîëüêî ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè â åäèíñòâåííîì
÷èñëå. Îíè íå èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, à òàêæå
ñ íåèñ÷èñëÿåìûìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè.
Íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü Îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü
a [E] an [En] the [DE]
Íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü èñïîëüçóåòñÿ â Îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü èñïîëüçóåòñÿ â
ñëåäóþùèõ ñëó÷àÿõ: ñëåäóþùèõ ñëó÷àÿõ:
– ñ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè â åäèíñòâåííîì – ïåðåä ïîðÿäêîâûìè ÷èñëèòåëüíûìè:
÷èñëå: a cat, a zebra, an orange. the first, the second, the third
– êîãäà î ÷åì-ëèáî ãîâîðèòñÿ â ïåðâûé – ïðè ïîâòîðíîì óïîòðåáëåíèè â ðå÷è
ðàç: This is a book. íàçâàíèÿ ÷åãî-ëèáî: The book is good.
– ñ èñ÷èñëÿåìûìè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè ⠖ êîãäà ãîâîðÿùèé äóìàåò, ÷òî ñëóùà-
åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå ïîñëå have (has); òåëü çíàåò, î ÷åì èäåò ðå÷ü: Open
there is: I have a brother. There is a ball. the window please.
– â îáùèõ óòâåðæäåíèÿõ, êîãäà ìû íà- – ïåðåä ïðåâîñõîäíûìè ñòåïåíÿìè
çûâàåì êàêîé-ëèáî ïðåäìåò, ëèöî, ÿâ- ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ: the fastest train
ëåíèå, ïîíÿòèå: He is a nice man. – ñ ìóçûêàëüíûìè èíñòðóìåíòàìè:
– êîãäà ãîâîðèòñÿ î ÷åé-ëèáî ïðîôåññèè: the guitar
My father is a teacher.
Îòñóòñòâèå àðòèêëÿ
– Àðòèêëü íå èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïåðåä èìåíàìè ñîáñòâåííûìè: Uzbekistan, England, Zafar.
– Àðòèêëü íå èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïåðåä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, íàïðè-
ìåð: Cats and dogs are animals.
3) Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ (Possessive case)
Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ (-’s èëè -’) óêàçûâàåò íà ïðèíàäëåæíîñòü è
ñîîòâåòñòâóåò â ðóññêîì ÿçûêå ðîäèòåëüíîìó ïàäåæó ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî. Â ôîðìå ïðè-
òÿæàòåëüíîãî ïàäåæà ìîãóò óïîòðåáëÿòüñÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå îäóøåâëåííûå è èìåíà
ñîáñòâåííûå: John’s bike (âåëîñèïåä Äæîíà); the dog’s tail (õâîñò ñîáàêè).
Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå îáðàçóåòñÿ çà ñ÷åò
Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê

ïðèáàâëåíèÿ -’s ê ôîðìå îáùåãî ïàäåæà. Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ âî

ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, îêàí÷èâàþùèõñÿ íà -s/-es, îáðàçóåòñÿ ïðèáàâëåíèåì îäíîãî
àïîñòðîôà. Ñðàâíèòå: the student’s books (êíèãè ñòóäåíòà)
the students’ books (êíèãè ñòóäåíòîâ)
Ïðè îòñóòñòâèè îêîí÷àíèÿ -s/-es ó ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå (íà-
ïðèìåð, men, women, children, people) ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûé ïàäåæ îáðàçóåòñÿ ïðè ïîìîùè
-’s, òî åñòü, òàê æå, êàê ó ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûõ â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå: the children’s park.
4) Èìÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå (Adjective)
Èìÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå – ÷àñòü ðå÷è, îáîçíà÷àþùàÿ ïðèçíàê, êà÷åñòâà ëèöà èëè ïðåä-
ìåòà è îòâå÷àþùàÿ íà âîïðîñû êàêîé?, êàêàÿ?, êàêèå? Òàêèå ñëîâà êàê bad, big, boring,
good, interesting, new, old, small ÿâëÿþòñÿ èìåíàìè ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè. Îíè èñïîëüçó-
þòñÿ ïåðåä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûìè, à íå ïîñëå íèõ: a big ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå house ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå.
 îòëè÷èå îò ðóññêîãî, â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå íå èçìåíÿþòñÿ ïî
ðîäàì, ÷èñëàì è ïàäåæàì: a fast car; fast cars. Ïðè óïîòðåáëåíèè íåñêîëüêèõ
ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ ïåðåä ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûì, ñîþç and íå èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ìåæäó íèìè:
a big bad wolf (íî íå a big and bad wolf). Òàêæå, ïîðÿäîê èõ èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ
áóäåò ñëåäóþùèì: 1) êîëè÷åñòâî; 2) ðàçìåð; 3) ôîðìà; 4) öâåò; 5) íàöèîíàëüíîñòü;
6) ìàòåðèàë. Íàïðèìåð: My robot has three large round black eyes.
Ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå ìîãóò èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ ïîñëå òàêèõ ãëàãîëîâ êàê be, become, get, look,
feel. Íàïðèìåð: The water is cold. She looks happy. I feel hot/happy/angry/sad. Ïðè
óïîòðåáëåíèè íåñêîëüêèõ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ ïîñëå òàêèõ ãëàãîëîâ ñîþç and èñïîëüçóåòñÿ
ìåæäó ïîñëåäíèìè äâóìÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè: He was tall, dark and handsome.
Íåêîòîðûå ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå ìîãóò îáðàçîâàòüñÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ “-y” ê ñóùåñò-
âèòåëüíûì, íàïðèìåð: rain+y = rainy, cloud+y = cloudy, sun+ny = sunny, ice+y = icy.
Ñòåïåíè ñðàâíåíèÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ
 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå åñòü òðè ñòåïåíè ñðàâíåíèÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ: ïîëîæèòåëüíàÿ,
ñðàâíèòåëüíàÿ, ïðåâîñõîäíàÿ.
Ïîëîæèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî – ýòî åãî íà÷àëüíàÿ ôîðìà, áåç äîáàâëåíèÿ
âñïîìîãàòåëüíûõ ÷àñòèö: nice, green, old, young, tall, strong, beautiful, fast, slow,
hungry, sad è ò.ä.
Ñðàâíèòåëüíàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî: -er, more, than
Ñðàâíèòåëüíàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ ñðàâíåíèÿ ÷åãî-ëèáî ñ ÷åì-
ëèáî. Ñðàâíèòåëüíàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî îáðàçóåòñÿ ïóòåì äîáàâëåíèÿ ê ïðîñòîé
ôîðìå îäíîñëîæíîãî èëè äâóñëîæíîãî ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî ÷àñòèöû “-er” èëè óïîòðåáëåíèÿ
ñëîâà “more” (áîëåå) ïåðåä ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè, ñîñòîÿùèìè èç äâóõ èëè áîëåå ñëîãîâ.
Ïîñëå ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî â ñðàâíèòåëüíîé ñòåïåíè ñòàâèòñÿ ñîþç “than” è ñðàâíè-
âàåòñÿ äðóãîé ïðåäìåò. Íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê äàííàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ ïåðåâîäèòñÿ
êàê: taller – âûøå, longer – äëèííåå, more beautiful – êðàñèâåå, áîëåå êðàñèâûé.
-er äîáàâëÿåòñÿ ê: more èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïåðåä:
1. ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì ñ îäíèì ñëîãîì, íàïðèìåð: äâóñëîæíûìè èëè ìíîãîñëîæíû-
tall – taller, old – older, long – longer è ò.ä.; ìè ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè, íàïðèìåð:
2. ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì ñ äâóìÿ ñëîãàìè, êîòîðûå çà- interesting – more interesting
êàí÷èâàþòñÿ íà -ó. Çäåñü -ó çàìåíÿåòñÿ íà -i: beautiful – more beautiful
happy – happier, hungry – hungrier; boring – more boring
3. Åñëè êðàòêîå ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå èìååò îäíó difficult – more difficult
ãëàñíóþ + îäíó ñîãëàñíóþ, ïîñëåäíÿÿ ãëàñ-
íàÿ óäâàèâàåòñÿ: hot – hotter, big – bigger.
Íî åñëè îíî èìååò îäíó ãëàñíóþ + w,
òîãäà w íå óäâàèâàåòñÿ: low – lower.
Ïðåâîñõîäíàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî
Ïðåâîñõîäíàÿ ñòåïåíü óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ ñðàâíåíèÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî ñ öåëîé ãðóïïîé.
Îáû÷íî ïðåâîñõîäíàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî îáðàçóåòñÿ ïóòåì äîáàâëåíèÿ ê ïðîñòîé

Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
ôîðìå îäíîñëîæíîãî èëè äâóñëîæíîãî ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî ñóôôèêñà “-est” èëè óïîòðåáëå-
íèÿ ñëîâà “most” (íàèáîëåå) ïåðåä ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè, ñîñòîÿùèìè èç äâóõ è áîëåå ñëîãîâ
Ïåðåä ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì â ïðåâîñõîäíîé ñòåïåíè íóæíî ñòàâèòü îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü.
Íà ðóññêèé ÿçûê ïðåâîñõîäíàÿ ñòåïåíü ïðèëàãàòåëüíîãî ïåðåâîäèòñÿ êàê:
the tallest – ñàìûé âûñîêèé; the longest – ñàìûé äëèííûé è ò.ä.
-est äîáàâëÿåòñÿ ê: most èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïåðåä:
1. ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì ñ îäíèì ñëîãîì, íàïðèìåð: äâóñëîæíûìè èëè ìíîãîñëîæíû-
cold – the coldest, big – the biggest è ò.ä.; ìè ïðèëàãàòåëüíûìè, íàïðèìåð:
2. ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì ñ äâóìÿ ñëîãàìè, êîòîðûå çà- interesting – the most interesting
êàí÷èâàþòñÿ íà -ó. Çäåñü -ó çàìåíÿåòñÿ íà -i: beautiful – the most beautiful
easy – the easiest, early – the earliest; boring – the most boring
3. Åñëè êðàòêîå ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå èìååò îäíó difficult – the most difficult
ãëàñíóþ + îäíó ñîãëàñíóþ, ïîñëåäíÿÿ ãëàñíàÿ
óäâàèâàåòñÿ: hot–the hottest, big –the biggest.
Íî åñëè îíî èìååò îäíó ãëàñíóþ + w,
òîãäà w íå óäâàèâàåòñÿ: low – the lowest.

5) Ïîâåëèòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå
Ïîâåëèòåëüíîå íàêëîíåíèå ïåðåäàåò ïðèêàç èëè ïðîñüáó. Â ïîâåëèòåëüíîì
íàêëîíåíèè ãëàãîë ñòàâèòñÿ â íà÷àëå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ áåç ÷àñòèöû “to”. Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ
ôîðìà ïîâåëèòåëüíîãî íàêëîíåíèÿ îáðàçóåòñÿ ñ ïîìîùüþ îòðèöàíèÿ “Don’t”, êîòîðîå
ñòàâèòñÿ íà ïåðâîå ìåñòî (ñì. â òàáëèöå).
Óòâåðäèòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà Îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà
Go straight. Èäèòå ïðÿìî. Don’t go straight. Íå õîäèòå ïðÿìî.
Turn right. Ïîâåðíèòåñü íàïðàâî. Don’t turn right. Íå ïîâîðà÷èâàéòå íàëåâî.
Turn left. Ïîâåðíèòåñü íàëåâî. Don’t turn left. Íå ïîâîðà÷èâàéòå íàëåâî.
Stop. Îñòàíîâèòåñü. Don’t stop. Íå îñòàíàâëèâàéòåñü.

6) Èìÿ ÷èñëèòåëüíîå (Number)
Ñëîâà, óêàçûâàþùèå íà êîëè÷åñòâî èëè ïîðÿäîê ïðåäìåòîâ, íàçûâàþòñÿ ÷èñëèòåëü-
íûìè. ×èñëèòåëüíûå äåëÿòñÿ íà êîëè÷åñòâåííûå (Cardinal Numbers) è ïîðÿäêîâûå
(Ordinal Numbers).
Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå
Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå óêàçûâàþò íà êîëè÷åñòâî ëèö èëè ïðåäìåòîâ è
îòâå÷àþò íà âîïðîñ ñêîëüêî? (how many?), íàïðèìåð: one, two, three è ò.ä.
Íà÷èíàÿ ñ 20-òè ìåæäó äåñÿòêàìè è åäèíèöàìè ñòàâèòñÿ çíàê “-”, íàïðèìåð:
twenty-five, thirty-seven, forty-eight, fifty-four, sixty-six, seventy-nine.
Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îò 1 äî 100
1–10 11–20 21–100
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two è ò.ä.
3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty
4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty
5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty
6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty
7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy
8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty
9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety
10 ten 20 twenty 100 a / one hundred
Êîëè÷åñòâåííûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îò 100 äî 1000
 ÷èñëèòåëüíûõ áîëåå ÷åì 100 ïåðåä åäèíèöàìè è äåñÿòêàìè èñïîëüçóåòñÿ “and”,
à íà÷èíàÿ ñ 120-òè ìåæäó äåñÿòêàìè è åäèíèöàìè ñòàâèòñÿ çíàê “-”.
100 a / one hundred 183 a / one hundred and eighty-three
Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê

101 a / one hundred and one 415 four hundred and fifteen
102 a / one hundred and two 525 five hundred and twenty-five
111 a / one hundred and eleven 678 six hundred and seventy-eight
120 a / one hundred and twenty 750 seven hundred and fifty
127 a / one hundred and twenty-seven 1000 a / one thousand
Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå
Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå óêàçûâàþò íà ïîðÿäîê ïðåäìåòîâ è îòâå÷àþò íà âîïðîñû
êîòîðûé?, êàêîé? (which?). Ïåðåä ïîðÿäêîâûì ÷èñëèòåëüíûì èñïîëüçóåòñÿ
îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü “the”: the tenth, the sixth, the third.
Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îáðàçóþòñÿ ïóòåì ïðèáàâëåíèÿ “-th” êî âñåì êîëè÷åñò-
âåííûì ÷èñëèòåëüíûì êðîìå 1, 2, 3. Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îò îne, two, three
áóäóò êàê: one – the first; two – the second; three – the third. Ïðè îáðàçîâàíèè ïî-
ðÿäêîâûõ ÷èñëèòåëüíûõ ñ ïîìîùüþ “-th”, íåêîòîðûå èçìåíåíèÿ ìîãóò íàáëþäàòüñÿ â
ïèñüìå ñëåäóþùèõ ÷èñåë: five – t h e f i f t h ; e i g h t – t h e e i g h t h ; n i n e – t h e n i n t h ;
twelve – the twelfth.
Ïîðÿäêîâûå ÷èñëèòåëüíûå îò 1 äî 100
1–10 11–20 21–100
1st the first 11th the eleventh 21st the twenty-first
2nd the second 12th the twelfth 22nd the twenty-second è ò.ä.
3rd the third 13th the thirteenth 30th the thirtieth
4th the fourth 14th the fourteenth 40th the fortieth
5th the fifth 15th the fifteenth 50th the fiftieth
6th the sixth 16th the sixteenth 60th the sixtieth
7th the seventh 17th the seventeenth 70th the seventieth
8th the eighth 18th the eighteenth 80th the eightieth
9th the ninth 19th the nineteenth 90th the ninetieth
10th the tenth 20th the twentieth 100th the hundredth

7) Ìåñòîèìåíèå (Pronouns)
Ìåñòîèìåíèå – ÷àñòü ðå÷è, êîòîðàÿ óêàçûâàåò íà ëèöà, ïðåäìåòû, èõ ïðèçíàêè,
êîëè÷åñòâî, íî íå íàçûâàåò èõ. Ìåñòîèìåíèå îáû÷íî óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â ïðåäëîæåíèè
âìåñòî èìåíè ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî, èíîãäà – âìåñòî ÷èñëèòåëüíîãî.
Ëè÷íûå Ïðèòÿæàòåëüíûå Îáúåêòíûé ïàäåæ
ìåñòîèìåíèÿ ìåñòîèìåíèÿ ëè÷íûõ ìåñòîèìåíèé
I I (ÿ) my (ìîé, ìîÿ, ìîå) me (ìåíÿ, ìíå)
II you (òû) your (òâîé, òâîÿ, òâîå) you (òåáÿ, òåáå)
åä. ÷.

he (îí) his (åãî) him (åãî, åìó)

III she (îíà) her (åå) her (åå, åé)
it (îí, îíà, îíî) its (åå, åãî) it (åãî, åìó; åå, åé)
I we (ìû) our (íàø) us (íàñ, íàì)
ìí. ÷.

II you (âû) your (âàø) you (âàñ, âàì)

III they (îíè) their (èõ) them (èõ, èì)
Óêàçàòåëüíûå ìåñòîèìåíèÿ: this – these, that – those
This (ýòà, ýòîò, ýòî) óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû ïîêàçàòü ïðåäìåò, áëèçêèé ê ãîâîðÿ-
ùåìó. That (òà, òîò, òî) óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû ïîêàçàòü ïðåäìåò, óäàëåííûé îò
ãîâîðÿùåãî. Íàïðèìåð: This is a cat – Ýòà – êîøêà. That is a dog – Òà – ñîáàêà.
These (ýòè) óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû ïîêàçàòü ïðåäìåòû âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì
÷èñëå, ôèçè÷åñêè áëèçêèõ ê ãîâîðÿùåìó. Those (òå) óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ òîãî, ÷òîáû
ïîêàçàòü ïðåäìåòû âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, óäàëåííûõ îò ãîâîðÿùåãî. Íàïðèìåð:
these photos – (âîò) ýòè ôîòîãðàôèè; those pencils – (âîò) òå êàðàíäàøè
8) Ïðåäëîã (Prepositions)

Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ñóùåñòâóþò ìíîæåñòâî ïðåäëîãîâ. Èç-çà òîãî, ÷òî ìíîãèå èç
íèõ èìåþò áîëåå ÷åì îäíî çíà÷åíèå, îíè ñ÷èòàþòñÿ ñëîæíûìè ïðåäëîãàìè. Ïðåäëîã
â îäíîì ÿçûêå ìîæåò èìåòü íåñêîëüêî ïåðåâîäîâ â äðóãîì ÿçûêå.
Ïðåäëîãè âðåìåíè: at, on, in, before, after
Ïðåäëî㠓at”. Ýòîò ïðåäëîã èñïîëüçóåòñÿ, ÷òîáû ñêàçàòü âðåìÿ ïî ÷àñàì.
Íàïðèìåð: I get up at 6.30. I have breakfast at seven.
Ñî ñëîâàìè “night, midnight, midday, a.m., p.m.” èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïðåäëî㠓at”.
Íàïðèìåð: I go to bed at night. We watch cartoons at five p.m.
Ñ ïðàçäíèêàìè òàêæå èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïðåäëî㠓at”. Íàïðèìåð: We cook sumalak at
Navruz. We have a lot of fun at New Year.
Çàïîìíèòå! Èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âîïðîñ “What time...?”, à íå “At what time...?”, ÷òîáû
ñïðîñèòü “â êîòîðîì ÷àñó ... ?”. Íàïðèìåð: What time is the film?
Ïðåäëî㠓on” (â). Ýòîò ïðåäëîã óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïåðåä äíÿìè íåäåëè, äàòàìè, è
òàêèìè âûðàæåíÿìè êàê Monday morning, Friday afternoon. Íàïðèìåð: I was at
home on Wednesday. I get up late on Sundays. My birthday in on 15 May.
I go swimming on Monday mornings. We don’t work on Constitution Day.
Ïðåäëî㠓in” (â, â òå÷åíèå) óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïåðåä ÷àñòÿìè ñóòîê, êàê morning,
afternoon, evening ž in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. Íàïðèìåð:
I go to school in the morning.
Êðîìå òîãî, ïðåäëî㠓in” óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïåðåä ìåñÿöàìè, ãîäàìè è âðåìåíàìè
ãîäà: My birthday is in April. I was born in 2008. Snow falls in winter.
Çàïîìíèòå! Ïðåäëîãè íå óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ ïåðåä âûðàæåíèÿìè ñ “this, next, last,
every”. Íàïðèìåð: What are you doing this afternoon? Goodbye. See you next
week. We played tennis last Saturday. I go to my friend’s house every week.
Ïðåäëî㠓before” (äî, ïåðåä) èñïîëüçóåòñÿ, ÷òîáû ñêàçàòü, ÷òî êàêîå-ë. äåéñòâèå
ïðîèñõîäèò ïåðåä êàêèì-ë. âðåìåíåì, à ïðåäëî㠓after” (ïîñëå) – ïîñëå, íàïðèìåð:
Before breakfast I get up and have a shower. After lunch I play basketball.

Ïðåäëîãè ìåñòà: in, on, at
Ïðåäëî㠓in” (â, íà) óêàçûâàåò íà íàõîæäåíèå â ïðåäåëàõ èëè âíóòðè ÷åãî-ë. Íà-
ïðèìåð: ‘Where’s Botir?’ ‘In the kitchen.’ There’s nothing in the fridge.
Ïðåäëî㠓in” òàêæå óêàçûâàåò íà íàõîæäåíèå â/íà êàêîì-ë. ìåñòå: íà óëèöå, â
ðàéîíå, â ãîðîäå, â îáëàñòå, â ðåñïóáëèêå, â ãîñóäàðñòâå, â ñòðàíå. Íàïðèìåð: They
live in Navoi Street. Farid is in Bukhara.
Ïðåäëî㠓on” (íà) óêàçûâàåò íà íàõîæäåíèå íà ÷åì-ë. èëè íà ïîâåðõíîñòè ÷åãî-ë.
Íàïðèìåð: There are six books on the table. She has photos on the wall.
Ïðåäëî㠓on” òàêæå óêàçûâàåò íà íàõîæäåíèå ïðåäìåòà íàïðàâî èëè íàëåâî ÷åãî-ë.
Íàïðèìåð: The fridge is on the right. The cupboard is on the left.
Ïðåäëî㠓at” (ó, îêîëî; íà, â) óêàçûâàåò íà íàõîæäåíèå îêîëî êàêîãî-ë. ïðåäìåòà
èëè â êàêîì-ë. ìåñòå. Êðîìå òîãî, ýòîò ïðåäëîã èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ñ ìåñòàìè âñòðå÷è,
îñòàíîâêàìè/ñòàíöèÿìè. Íàïðèìåð: The boy is at the door. Let’s meet at Aziz’s
house this evening. Turn left at the bus stop/corner.
Ïðåäëî㠓at” òàêæå èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ñî ñëåäóþùèìè ñëîâàìè: at breakfast/lunch/dinner,
at home, at a restaurant, at work, at the office, at the theatre/cinema, at a party,
at (the) school/college/university, at the hospital, at the bank, at the supermarket.
Äðóãèå ïðåäëîãè ìåñòà
under – ïîä; near – îêîëî, ðÿäîì; in front of – ïåðåä; opposite – íàïðîòèâ;
behind – ïîçàäè; next to – ðÿäîì ñ ...; between – ìåæäó; from – èç, îò, ñ
The book is under the chair. The cooker is between the window and table. The sports
club is opposite the library. The library is next to the school. Malik is in front of Tohir.
Tohir is behind Malik. We live in a village near the town. Take it from him.
Ïðåäëîãè “by” è “on”
Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê

Ïðåäëî㠓by” óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå äëÿ ïåðåäà÷è çíà÷åíèÿ: ïîåõàòü

êóäà-íèáóäü íà êàêîì-ëèáî òðàíñïîðòå, ñîâåðøèòü ïóòåøåñòâèå (íàïðèìåð: by
bus, by car, by minivan, by train, by bike, by motorbike, by plane). Äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ
çíà÷åíèÿ ïîéòè êóäà-ëèáî ïåøêîì èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ïðåäëî㠓on” (íàïðèìåð: on foot).

Ïðåäëîãè íàïðàâëåíèÿ
Ïðåäëî㠓to” (ê, â, íà) óêàçûâàåò íà íàïðàâëåíèå: I go to school on foot.
Ïðåäëîãè “from... to...” (èç... â...; îò... äî...) ìîãóò áûòü ïðåäëîãàìè íàïðàâëåíèÿ
è âðåìåíè: I walk from school to home. I have lunch from 1 o’clock to 1.30.
Ïðåäëî㠓get to” îçíà÷àåò: ïîïàäàòü, ïðèáûâàòü êóäà-ë.; äîáèðàòüñÿ äî êàêîãî-ë.
ìåñòà: I get to school at 8 o’clock.
Çàïîìíèòå! Ìåæäó “get” è “home” íå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ “to”: I get home at 2 o’clock.

9) Ïðîñòîå íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ (Present Simple Tense)

Ïðîñòîå íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ:
à) äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ äåéñòâèé, îáùèõ äëÿ âñåõ âðåìåí. Íàïðèìåð: My parents live
near Samarkand (Ìîè ðîäèòåëè æèâóò íåäàëåêî îò Ñàìàðêàíäà).
á) äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ îáû÷íûõ, ÷àñòî ïîâòîðÿþùèõñÿ äåéñòâèé. Íàïðèìåð: We play
football on Saturdays (Ìû èãðàåì â ôóòáîë ïî ñóááîòàì).  ýòîì ñëó÷àå ÷àñòî
èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ñëåäóþùèå íàðå÷èÿ âðåìåíè: always (âñåãäà), never (íèêîãäà), often
(÷àñòî), sometimes (èíîãäà), usually (îáû÷íî), once a day (îäèí ðàç â äåíü), twice
a week (äâàæäû â íåäåëþ), everyday/month/year (êàæäûé äåíü/ìåñÿö/ãîä).
Îáðàçîâàíèå óòâåðäèòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé â ïðîñòîì íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè
Äëÿ âñåõ ëèö (I, you, we, they), êðîìå 3 ëèöà åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà (he, she, it),
óòâåðäèòåëüíûå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îáðàçóþòñÿ ïðè ïîìîùè ãëàãîëîâ áåç ÷àñòèöû “to”.  3
ëèöå åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ãëàãîëîâ ïðîñòîãî íàñòîÿùåãî âðåìåíè ê ãëàãîëó
ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå “-s” èëè “-es” (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó íà ñòð. 129).

Êàê ïðèáàâèòü îêîí÷àíèå “-s” èëè “-es” ê ãëàãîëàì 3 ëèöà åä. ÷èñëà?
1) Îêîí÷àíèå -s ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ êî ìíîãèì ãëàãîëàì: work ž works;
2) Ê ãëàãîëàì, îêàí÷èâàþùèìñÿ íà -s, -sh, -ch, -x, ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -es:
wash ž washes; teach ž teaches;
3) Ê ãëàãîëàì, êîòîðûå èìåþò íåïðîèçíîñèìóþ -e â îêîí÷àíèè, äîáàâëÿåòñÿ -s:
write ž writes;
4) Ê ãëàãîëàì, îêàí÷èâàþùèìñÿ íà -o, ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -es: go ž goes;
do ž does;
5) Èñêëþ÷èòåëüíûé ñëó÷àé: have ž has;
6) Ãëàãîëû 3 ëèöà åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà ñ îêîí÷àíèåì -y îáðàçóþòñÿ ñëåäóþùèì
îáðàçîì: ê ãëàãîëàì, îêàí÷èâàþùèìñÿ íà ãëàñíóþ + y (-ay, -ey, -oy, -uy), ïðèáàâ-
ëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -s: say ž says; play ž plays;
7)  ãëàãîëàõ, îêàí÷èâàþùèõñÿ íà ñîãëàñíóþ + y (-dy, -ly, -py, -ry è ò.ä.), áóêâà
-y ìåíÿåòñÿ íà -i è ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -ås: fly ž flies.
Îáðàçîâàíèå âîïðîñèòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé
Äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ âîïðîñèòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âñïîìîãàòåëüíûé
ãëàãîë “do” èëè “does”. Âñïîìîãàòåëüíûé ãëàãîë “do” èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ñî âñåìè ëèöàìè,
êðîìå 3 ëèöà åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà. Äëÿ 3 ëèöà åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà èñïîëüçóåòñÿ
âñïîìîãàòåëüíûé ãëàãîë “does”, êîòîðûé ñòàâèòñÿ ïåðåä ïîäëåæàùèì. Ïðè îáðàçî-
âàíèè âîïðîñèòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ïðè ïîìîùè âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà “does”
îñíîâíîé ãëàãîë òåðÿåò îêîí÷àíèå “-s” èëè “-es” (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó íèæå).
Îáðàçîâàíèå îòðèöàòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé
Äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ îòðèöàòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èñïîëüçóåòñÿ “do not (don’t)” èëè
“does not (doesn’t)”. Âñïîìîãàòåëüíûé ãëàãîë “do not (don’t)” èñïîëüçóåòñÿ âî
âñåõ ëèöàõ, êðîìå 3 ëèöà åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà. Äëÿ 3 ëèöà åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà
èñïîëüçóåòñÿ “does not (doesn’t)”, êîòîðûé ñòàâèòñÿ ïîñëå ïîäëåæàùåãî. Ïðè

Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
îáðàçîâàíèè îòðèöàòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ îñíîâíîé ãëàãîë òåðÿåò îêîí÷àíèå “-s” èëè
“-es” (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó íèæå).
Ëèöà Óòâ. ïðåä. Âîïð. ïðåä. Îòð. ïðåä.
I I like ... . Do I like ... ? I do not (don’t) like ... .
II You like ... . Do you like ... ? You do not (don’t) like ... .
åä. ÷.

He he He
III She likes ... . Does she like ... ? She does not (doesn’t) like ... .
It it It
I We we We
ìí. ÷.

II You like ... . Do you like ... ? You do not (don’t) like ... .
III They they They

10) Ãëàãîë “to be” (áûòü) â ïðîñòîì íàñòîÿùåì âðåìåíè: am/is/are

Ëèöà Óòâ. ïðåä. Âîïð. ïðåä. Îòð. ïðåä.

I I am (I’m) Am I? I am not (I’m not)
II You are (you’re) Are you? You are not (you’re not)
åä. ÷.

He (he’s) he He (he’s not)

III She is (she’s) Is she ? She is not (she’s not)
It (it’s) it It (it’s not)
I We (we’re) we We (we’re not)
ìí. ÷.

II You are (you’re) Are you ? You are not (you’re not)
III They (they’re) they They (they’re not)

9 – New Fly High 5 129

11) Íàñòîÿùåå äëèòåëüíîå âðåìÿ (Present Continuous Tense)
Ëèöà Óòâ. ïðåä. Âîïð. ïðåä. Îòð. ïðåä.
I I am (’m) working. Am I working? I am not (’m not) working.
II You are (’re) working. Are you working? You are not (’re not) working.
åä. ÷.

He he He
III She is (’s) working. Is she working? She is not (’s not) working.
It it It
I We we We
ìí. ÷.

II You are (’re) working. Are you working? You are not (’re not) working.
III They they They
Îáðàçîâàíèå. Äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ óòâåðäèòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, âûðàæàþùåãî
íàñòîÿùåå äëèòåëüíîå âðåìÿ, èñïîëüçóåòñÿ îäíà èç ôîðì íàñòîÿùåãî âðåìåíè ãëà-
ãîëà “to bå” (am, is, àrå), à òàêæå ê ãëàãîëó ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå “-ing”. (ñì.
ñâåäåíèÿ îá îáðàçîâàíèè ãëàãîëîâ ñ îêîí÷àíèåì “-ing” â ðàçäåëå “Gerund”).
 óñòíîé ðå÷è èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ñîêðàùåííàÿ ôîðìà ãëàãîëî⠓am”, “is”, “are” ž ’m, ’s, ’re.
Íàïðèìåð: I’m working. He’s (she’s/it’s) coming. We’re (you’re/they’re) talking.
Äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ âîïðîñèòåëüíîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îäíà èç ôîðì íàñòîÿùåãî
âðåìåíè ãëàãîëà “to bå” (am, is, àrå) ñòàâèòñÿ ïåðåä ïîäëåæàùèì, à ïîñëå ïîäëå-
æàùåãî èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ãëàãîë ñ îêîí÷àíèåì “-ing” (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó âûøå).
Ïðè îáðàçîâàíèè îòðèöàòåëüíîé ôîðìû, ïîñëå ôîðìû ãëàãîëà “to bå” èñïîëü-
çóåòñÿ îòðèöàíèå “not”, çàòåì ãëàãîë ñ îêîí÷àíèåì “-ing”.  óñòíîé ðå÷è â òàêîì
ïðåäëîæåíèè èñïîëüçóåòñÿ êðàòêàÿ ôîðìà îòðèöàíèÿ “am not”, “is not”, “are not” ž
’m not, ’s not, ’re not (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó âûøå).
Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê

Óïîòðåáëåíèå. Íàñòîÿùåå äëèòåëüíîå âðåìÿ èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ îáîçíà÷åíèÿ:

à) äåéñòâèÿ, êîòîðîå ïðîäîëæàåòñÿ â òå÷åíèå ðå÷è ãîâîðÿùåãî: I am speaking
now (ß ñåé÷àñ ãîâîðþ). He is writing a letter (Îí ïèøåò ïèñüìî).
á) çàðàíåå çàïëàíèðîâàííîãî äåéñòâèÿ, êîòîðîå ïðîèçîéäåò â áóäóùåì: Next week
we are going to Bukhara (Íà ñëåäóþùåé íåäåëè ìû ïîëåòèì â Áóõàðó).
12) Ïðîñòîå ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ (Past Simple Tense)
Óïîòðåáëåíèå. Ïðîñòîå ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ:
à) äåéñòâèÿ, ïðîèñõîäèâøåãî â êàêîé-òî ïåðèîä âðåìåíè â ïðîøëîì è íå ñâÿçàí-
íîãî ñ ìîìåíòîì ðå÷è, òàêèì êàê: yesterday (â÷åðà), last week (íà ïðîøëîé
íåäåëè), last year (â ïðîøëîì ãîäó), in 2016 (â 2016 ãîäó) è äð. Íàïðèìåð:
I didn’t see you yesterday. What time did you come?
á) ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíî ïðîèñõîäèâøèõ â ðàññêàçå äåéñòâèé, íàïðèìåð: He went into
the cafe, had a cup of tea and ...
Âðåìåíà â ïðîøëîì

Ïðîøëûé ãîä Ïðîøëàÿ íåäåëÿ Â÷åðà Ñåé÷àñ

Îáðàçîâàíèå. Óòâåðäèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå
Óòâåðäèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå ýòîãî âðåìåíè îáðàçóåòñÿ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ïðîøåäøåé
ôîðìû ãëàãîëà ïîñëå ïîäëåæàùåãî.  îòëè÷èå îò ãëàãîëà ïðîñòîãî íàñòîÿùåãî âðåìåíè,
ãëàãîë ïðîñòîãî ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè íå ñïðÿãàåòñÿ â 3 ëèöå åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà,
à èìååò îäèíàêîâóþ ôîðìó äëÿ âñåõ ëèö åäèíñòâåííîãî è ìíîæåñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà
(ñì. òàáëèöó íà ñòð. 131).
Ãëàãîëû ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè áûâàþò ïðàâèëüíûìè è íåïðàâèëüíûìè. Ãëàãîëû,
êîòîðûå îáðàçóþò ïðîøåäøóþ ôîðìó ñ ïîìîùüþ îêîí÷àíèÿ -åd, ÿâëÿþòñÿ ïðàâèëü-
íûìè. Ãëàãîëû, êîòîðûå íå îáðàçóþò ïðîøåäøóþ ôîðìó ñ ïîìîùüþ îêîí÷àíèÿ -åd,
à äðóãèìè ïóòÿìè (íàïðèìåð, èçìåíåíèåì êîðíÿ) ÿâëÿþòñÿ íåïðàâèëüíûìè ãëàãîëàìè.

Êàê îáðàçóþòñÿ ïðàâèëüíûå ãëàãîëû ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè?
1) Îêîí÷àíèå -ed ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ êî ìíîãèì ãëàãîëàì: work ž worked; help ž helped;
2) Ê ãëàãîëàì, èìåþùèì íåìóþ -å â îêîí÷àíèè, äîáàâëÿåòñÿ -d: hope ž hoped;
3) Ôîðìà ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè ãëàãîëîâ ñ îêîí÷àíèåì -y îáðàçóþòñÿ ñëåäóþùèì
îáðàçîì: à) ê ãëàãîëàì, îêàí÷èâàþùèìñÿ íà ãëàñíóþ + y (-ay, -ey, -oy, -uy),
ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -ed: play ž played; enjoy ž enjoyed;
á) â ãëàãîëàõ, îêàí÷èâàþùèõñÿ íà ñîãëàñíóþ + y (-dy, -ly, -py, -ry è ò.ä.),
áóêâà -y ìåíÿåòñÿ íà -i è ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå -ed: try ž tried; reply ž replied.
Óäâîåíèå ñîãëàñíûõ ïðè äîáàâëåíèè îêîí÷àíèÿ “-ed”
1) åñëè ê ãëàãîëàì ñ îäíîé ãëàñíîé + îäíîé ñîãëàñíîé äîáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå
-ed, ñîãëàñíûå óäâàèâàþòñÿ: plan ž planned; stop ž stopped;
2) ñîãëàñíûå â ãëàãîëàõ, ãäå äâå ãëàñíûå + îäíà ñîãëàñíàÿ èëè îäíà ãëàñíàÿ + äâå
ñîãëàñíûå, ïðè äîáàâëåíèè -ed íå óäâàèâàþòñÿ: wait ž waited; work ž worked;
3) åñëè ïîñëåäíûé ñëîã ìíîãîñëîæíûõ ñëîâ íàõîäÿòñÿ ïîä óäàðåíèåì è åñëè ýòîò ñëîã
ñîñòîèò èç îäíîé ãëàñíîé + îäíîé ñîãëàñíîé, ïðè äîáàâëåíèè îêîí÷àíèÿ -ed, ñî-
ãëàñíûå óäâàèâàþòñÿ: preFER ž preferred. Èíà÷å íå óäâàèâàþòñÿ: WONder ž wondered.
Êàê îáðàçóþòñÿ íåïðàâèëüíûå ãëàãîëû ïðîøåäøåãî âðåìåíè?
 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå íå ñóùåñòâóþò êîíêðåòíûõ ïðàâèë äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ ïðî-
øåäøåãî âðåìåíè íåïðàâèëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ. Ïîýòîìó, èõ ìîæíî óñâîèòü òîëüêî èçó-
÷åíèåì íàèçóñòü: be – was/were, buy – bought, come – came, do – did, eat – ate,
get – got, give – gave, go – went, have – had, say – said, see – saw, sit – sat,
sleep – slept, sweep – swept, take – took, write – wrote.
Îáðàçîâàíèå âîïðîñèòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé â ïðîñòîì ïðîøåäøåì

Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
Äëÿ âñåõ ëèö âîïðîñèòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå â ïðîñòîì ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè îáðà-
çóåòñÿ âñòàâëåíèåì âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà “did” ïåðåä ïîäëåæàùèì. Ïðè ýòîì,
îñíîâíîé ãëàãîë ïîñëå ïîäëåæàùåãî áóäåò â èíôèíèòèâíîé ôîðìå áåç ÷àñòèöû “to”
(ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó íèæå).
Îáðàçîâàíèå îòðèöàòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèé â ïðîñòîì ïðîøåäøåì
Äëÿ âñåõ ëèö îòðèöàòåëüíîå ïðåäëîæåíèå â ïðîñòîì ïðîøåäøåì âðåìåíè îáðà-
çóåòñÿ âñòàâëåíèåì âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà did not (didn’t) ïîñëå ïîäëåæàùåãî.
Ïðè ýòîì, îñíîâíîé ãëàãîë ïîñëå did not (didn’t) áóäåò â èíôèíèòèâíîé ôîðìå áåç
÷àñòèöû “to” (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó íèæå).

} }} }
Óòâ. ïðåä. Âîïð. ïðåä. Îòð. ïðåä.
You You You
åä. ÷.

He He He did not (didn’t) cook

She cooked cakes. She cook cakes. She cakes.
It saw the cow. D i d It see the cow. It did not (didn’t) see
We We We the cow.
ìí. ÷.

You You You

They They They

13) Âûðàæåíèå there is (there are)

 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå “there is” óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå, êîãäà ãîâîðÿò,
÷òî â êàêîì-òî îïðåäåëåííîì ìåñòå íàõîäèòñÿ ïðåäìåò. Âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå
óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ “there are”. Íàïðèìåð: There is an orange in the box –  ÿùèêå
íàõîäèòñÿ àïåëüñèí. There are oranges in the box –  ÿùèêå íàõîäÿòñÿ àïåëüñèíû.

Óòâ. ïðåä. Âîïð. ïðåä. Îòð. ïðåä.
There is (there’s) a book Is there a book on the There is not (isn’t) a book
on the table. table? on the table?
There are a lot of books Are there a lot of books There are not (aren’t) a lot
on the table. on the table? of books on the table?
14) Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû: can è must
Ìîäàëüíûå ãëàãîëû – ñïåöèàëüíàÿ ãðóïïà âñïîìîãàòåëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ. Îíè èñïîëü-
çóþòñÿ ïåðåä äðóãèìè îñíîâíûìè ãëàãîëàìè è âûðàæàþò íå äåéñòâèå, a îòíîøåíèå
ê íåìó, íàïðèìåð: âîçìîæíîñòü, íåîáõîäèìîñòü, ñïîñîáíîñòü è ò.ï.
Ìîäàëüíûé ãëàãîë ñan óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïåðåä äðóãèìè îñíîâíûìè ãëàãîëàìè è:
à) âûðàæàåò ôèçè÷åñêóþ èëè óìñòâåííóþ ñïîñîáíîñòü, óìåíèå è èìååò â ðóññêîì
ÿçûêå òàêèå çíà÷åíèÿ êàê óìåòü, ìî÷ü, íàïðèìåð: I can jump – ß ìîãó ïðûãàòü.
Can you count? – Òû óìååøü / âû óìååòå ñ÷èòàòü?
á) âûðàæàåò ðàçðåøåíèå â âîïðîñå: Can I/we ...? – Ìîæíî ìíå/íàì ...? Íàïðèìåð:
Can I use the phone, please? – Ìîæíî ìíå èñïîëüçîâàòü âàø/òâîé òåëåôîí,
ïîæàëóéñòà? Mum, can we play here? – Ìàìà, ìîæíî íàì çäåñü èãðàòü?
ñ) èñïîëüçóåòñÿ, ÷òîáû ïîïðîñèòü ÷òî-ë. ÷åðåç âîïðîñ: Can I/we have...?
Íàïðèìåð: Can I have your pen, please? – Äàéòå ìíå âàøó ðó÷êó, ïîæàëóéñòà.
Ìîäàëüíûé ãëàãîë must: Ýòîò ìîäàëüíûé ãëàãîë òîæå óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ïåðåä
äðóãèìè îñíîâíûìè ãëàãîëàìè è èìååò òàêèå çíà÷åíèÿ êàê äîëæåíñòâîâàíèå,
äîëã, íåîáõîäèìîñòü, îáÿçàòåëüñòâî, íàïðèìåð: Pupils must go to school
every day – Ó÷åíèêè äîëæíû êàæäûé äåíü õîäèòü â øêîëó.
Âîïðîñèòåëüíàÿ è îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà ìîäàëüíûõ ãëàãîëîâ ñan è must îáðàçóþòñÿ
íå ñ ïîìîùüþ âñïîìîãàòåëüíîãî ãëàãîëà do, do not, à ïóòåì âñòàâëåíèÿ
Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê

ìîäàëüíîãî ãëàãîëà ïåðåä ïîäëåæàùèì è îòðèöàòåëüíîãî ÷àñòèöû “not” ïîñëå

ìîäàëüíîãî ãëàãîëà (ñìîòðèòå òàáëèöó íèæå).

} }} }
Óòâ. ïðåä. Âîïð. ïðåä. Îòð. ïðåä.
You You You
He He He
She can Can She She cannot (can’t) speak
speak English. speak English?
It must Must It It must not (mustn’t) English.
We We We
You You You
They They They

15) Gerund – Ãåðóíäèé

 àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå ãëàãîëû, èìåþùèå îêîí÷àíèå “-ing”, íàçûâàþòñÿ ãåðóíäèé.
Ãåðóíäèé – ôîðìà ãëàãîëà, êîòîðàÿ èìååò ñâîéñòâà ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîãî. Íàïðèìåð:
I like singing. – ß ëþáëþ ïåòü. Singing is my hobby. – Ïåíèå – ìîå õîááè.
Êàê îáðàçóþòñÿ ôîðìû ãëàãîëà ñ îêîí÷àíèåì “-ing” ?
1) Áîëüøèíñòâî ãëàãîëîâ: v + -ing. Íàïðèìåð: work ž working; sleep ž sleeping.
2) Ãëàãîëû, îêàí÷èâàþùèåñÿ íà “-e”: (-e) + ing. Íàïðèìåð: make ž making.
Óäâîåíèå ñîãëàñíûõ ïðè äîáàâëåíèè îêîí÷àíèÿ “-ing”
1) åñëè ê ãëàãîëàì ñ îäíîé ãëàñíîé + îäíîé ñîãëàñíîé äîáàâëÿåòñÿ îêîí÷àíèå
“-ing”, ñîãëàñíûå óäâàèâàþòñÿ: plan ž planning; stop ž stopping;
2) ñîãëàñíûå â ãëàãîëàõ, ãäå äâå ãëàñíûå + îäíà ñîãëàñíàÿ èëè îäíà
ãëàñíàÿ + äâå ñîãëàñíûå, ïðè äîáàâëåíèè îêîí÷àíèÿ “-ing” íå óäâàèâàþòñÿ:
wait ž waiting; work ž working.

16) like/don’t like/love + ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå èëè ãåðóíäèé
Ïîñëå ãëàãîëîâ like, don’t like è love èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíûå, íàïðèìåð:
I like cartoons. I don’t like horror films. I love music programmes.
Åñëè ïîñëå ãëàãîëîâ like, don’t like è love èñïîëüçóåòñÿ ãëàãîë, òîãäà îí áóäåò
â ôîðìå ãåðóíäèÿ, íàïðèìåð: He likes playing chess. He doesn’t like going to
the cinema. Do you like dancing? (Ñì. òåìó 15 î ãåðóíäèÿ íà ñòð. 132).
17) Íàðå÷èå (Adverb)
Íàðå÷èå óêàçûâàåò íà ïðèçíàê äåéñòâèÿ. Îíî îïðåäåëÿåò ãëàãîë è ïîêàçûâàåò, êàê
è êàêèì îáðàçîì äåéñòâèå ïðîèñõîäèò. Íàïðèìåð:
I play ãëàãîë tennis well íàðå÷èå. (ß õîðîøî èãðàþ â òåííèñ.)
Ìíîãèå íàðå÷èÿ îáðàçóþñÿ ïðèáàâëåíèåì ñóôôèêñà “-ly” ê ïðèëàãàòåëüíûì, íàïðèìåð:
Ïðèëàãàòåëüíûå: quick careful bad loud soft noisy slow happy
Íàðå÷èÿ: quickly carefully badly loudly softly noisily slowly happily
Òàê êàê íåêîòîðûå ñëîâà ÿâëÿþòñÿ íàðå÷èÿìè, èì íå ïðèáàâëÿåòñÿ ñóôôèêñ “-ly”.
Íàïðèìåð: well (õîðîøî), fast (áûñòðî), late (ïîçäíî), hard (ñèëüíî, óïîðíî, óñåðäíî).
18) Ñîþçû (Conjunctions): and, but, before, after, then, because, or
Ñîþçû – ýòî ñëóæåáíûå ñëîâà, êîòîðûå óñòàíàâëèâàþò ñâÿçü ìåæäó ñëîâàìè,
ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèÿìè è ÷àñòÿìè ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.  ñïèñîê òàêèõ ñîþçîâ ìîæíî âêëþ÷èòü
and, but, before, after, then, because, or è òàê äàëåå.
“And” (è) – ñîåäèíèòåëüíûé ñîþç. Ïðè èñïîëüçîâàíèè â ïðåäëîæåíèè íåñêîëüêèõ îä-
íîðîäíûõ ÷ëåíîâ, ïîñëåäíûå äâà ñîåäèíÿþòñÿ ñîþçîì “and”. Íàïðèìåð: I have a
mum and a dad. I like watching football, playing chess and listening to music.
“But” (íî) – ïðîòèâèòåëüíûé ñîþç. Ýòîò ñîþç èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ îäíîãî
ìíåíèÿ, ïðîòèâîðå÷àùåãî äðóãîìó ìíåíèþ è óïîòðåáëÿåòñÿ ìåæäó íèìè. Òàêèì
îáðàçîì, îí ñîåäèíÿåò äâà ïðåäëîæåíèÿ äðóã ñ äðóãîì. Íàïðèìåð: It’s old but

Ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé ñïðàâî÷íèê
beautiful. Her school is in London but our school is in Tashkent.
Ñîþç “then” (ïîòîì, çàòåì) èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ ëîãè÷åñêîé ïîñëåäîâà-
òåëüíîñòè äåéñòâèé ïðè ðàññêàçå îá îïðåäåëåííîì ñîáûòèè. Íàïðèìåð: Aziz’s mother
gets up early and she makes breakfast. Then she cleans the house.
Ñîþç “because” (ïîòîìó ÷òî, òàê êàê) èñïîëüçóåòñÿ äëÿ âûðàæåíèÿ äåéñòâèÿ,
ñëóæàùåãî ïðè÷èíîé èíîìó äåéñòâèþ. Íàïðèìåð: I don’t like maths because it’s
difficult. Two girls and two boys like Sunday because we don’t have lessons.
Ñîþç “or” (èëè) ñâÿçûâàåò äâà èëè íåñêîëüêî ïðåäëîæåíèé èëè îäíîðîäíûõ
÷ëåíîâ ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, è óêàçûâàåò íà:
a) âûáîð îäíîé èç äâóõ âîçìîæíîñòåé èëè: You can go home or stay at school.
á) íåîïðåäåëåííîñòü èëè íåòî÷íîñòü èëè: There are usually five or six lessons.
ñ) ñâÿçûâàåò äâà îäíîðîäíûõ ÷ëåíà ïðåäëîæåíèÿ (â îòðèöàòåëüíûõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ
èëè ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ ñ îòðèöàòåëüíûì çíà÷åíèåì) íè ... íè; (è) áåç ... è áåç: I don’t
drink tea or milk – ß íå ïüþ íè ÷àé, íè ìîëîêî. I don’t like jazz or rock.
19) Ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ â àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå
Ïîðÿäîê ñëîâ â àíãëèéñêîì è ðóññêîì ÿçûêàõ ðàçëè÷åí.  aíãëèéñêîì ïðåäëî-
æåíèè ñíà÷àëà ñòîèò ïîäëåæàùåå, ïîòîì ñêàçóåìîå, çàòåì äîïîëíåíèå è â êîíöå
îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî. Åñëè ïîìåíÿòü ìåñòàìè ñëîâà â àíãëèéñêîì ïðåäëîæåíèè, òî
çíà÷åíèå ýòîãî ïðåäëîæåíèÿ èçìåíèòñÿ èëè ïðåäëîæåíèå ñòàíåò áåññìûñëåííûì. Â
ðóññêîì ÿçûêå îò èçìåíåíèÿ ïîðÿäêà ñëîâ â ïðåäëîæåíèè ñìûñë âûñêàçûâàíèÿ íå
ìåíÿåòñÿ. Ýòî ìîæíî ÿñíî óâèäåòü íà ñëåäóþùåì ïðèìåðå:
ïîäëåæàùåå ñêàçóåìîå äîïîëíåíèå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî
The children are playing football now.
íåò ñòðîãîãî ïîðÿäêà ñëîâ
Ñåé÷àñ äåòè èãðàþò â ôóòáîë.
Äåòè ñåé÷àñ èãðàþò â ôóòáîë.
Äåòè èãðàþò â ôóòáîë ñåé÷àñ.

20) Ìåñòî îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà âðåìåíè â àíãëèéñêèõ ïðåäëîæåíèÿõ
Òàêèå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà âðåìåíè, êàê every morning (day), on Fridays (Mondays ...)
ìîãóò íàõîäèòüñÿ â íà÷àëå èëè â êîíöå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.
îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî ïîäëåæàùåå ñêàçóåìîå äîïîëíåíèå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî
Every day I watch TV (every day).
(On Sundays) I don’t go to school (on Sundays).
Òàêèå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâà âðåìåíè, êàê always, usually, often, sometimes, never îáû÷íî
óïîòðåáëÿþòñÿ ïîñëå ïîäëåæàùåãî.
ïîäëåæàùåå îáñòîÿòåëüñòâî ñêàçóåìîå äðóãèå
I always brush my teeth.
We never swim in winter.

English-Russian Wordlist
adj – adjective – ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå num – number – ÷èñëî
adv – adverb – íàðå÷èå pl – plural – ìíîæåñòâåííîå ÷èñëî
conj – conjunction – ñîþç prep – preposition – ïðåäëîã
det – determiner – îïðåäåëÿþùåå ñëîâî pron – pronoun – ìåñòîèìåíèå
int – interjection – ìåæäîìåòèå v – verb – ãëàãîë
n – noun – ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå
a [E] íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü
about prep, adv [E"baçt] 1) î; 2) îêîëî
about your friend î òâîåì äðóãå
at about 8 o’clock îêîëî âîñüìè ÷àñîâ
A act (out) v [Ïkt ("açt)] èãðàòü, äåéñòâîâàòü
active adj ["ÏktIv] àêòèâíûé
activity n [Ïk"tIvIti] 1) äåÿòåëüíîñòü; 2) óïðàæíåíèå
address n [E"dres] àäðåñ
after prep ["A†ftE] ïîñëå
afternoon n [®A†ftE"nu†n] ïîñëåîáåäåííîå âðåìÿ
Good afternoon. Äîáðûé äåíü!
in the afternoon adv äíåì
again adv [E"gen, E"geIn] ñíîâà, îïÿòü
age n [eIdZ] âîçðàñò
air n [eE] âîçäóõ
air the room v+n ["eE DE "ru†m] ïðîâåòðèâàòü êîìíàòó
album n ["ÏlbEm] àëüáîì
all pron [O†l] âñå
all the things âñå âåùè
aloud adv [E"laçd] âñëóõ
alphabet n ["ÏlfEbet] àëôàâèò

also adv ["O†lsEç] òàêæå, òîæå

always adv ["O†lwIz, "O†lweIz] âñåãäà
a.m. [®eI"em] âðåìÿ ñ 12 ÷àñîâ íî÷è äî 12
÷àñîâ äíÿ
America n [E"merIkE] Àìåðèêà
Amir Temur Square [E"mIE ®temu†r "skweE] ñêâåð Àìèðà Òåìóðà
an [En, Ïn] íåîïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü
and conj [End, Ïnd] è
And you? À âû?
angry adj ["ÏNgri] ñåðäèòûé
animal n ["ÏnImÒEÔl] æèâîòíîå
answer n, v ["A†nsE] 1) îòâåò; 2) îòâå÷àòü
ant n [Ïnt] ìóðàâåé
any more ["enimO†] áîëüøå
apple n ["ÏpÒEÔl] ÿáëîêî
apple juice n+n ["Ïpl "dZu†s] ÿáëî÷íûé ñîê
apricot n ["eIprIkt] àáðèêîñ
April n ["eIprÒEÔl] àïðåëü
April Fool’s Day ["eIprl "fçlz deI] äåíü øóòîê 1 àïðåëÿ
Aral Sea n+n ["ÏrEl "si†] Àðàëüñêîå ìîðå
Arctic n ["A†ktIk] Àðêòèêà
Arctic Ocean n+n ["A†ktIk EçSÒEÔn] Ñåâåðíûé Ëåäîâèòûé îêåàí
are v [A†] áûòü (âî ìíæ.÷èñëå)
Are you ...? Âû ... ?
arm n [A†m] ðóêà
art n [A†t] èñêóññòâî (èçîáðàçèòåëüíîå)
Art Museum n+n ["A†t mju†®zIEm] Ìóçåé Èñêóññòâ
Asian adj ["eISÒEÔn, "eIZEn] Àçèàòñêèé
ask v [A†sk] ñïðàøèâàòü, ïðîñèòü
at prep [Et, Ït] ó, çà, ïðè
at all âîîáùå
ate v [eIt] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “eat”
attack v [E"tÏk] àòàêîâàòü, íàïàäàòü
August n ["O†gEst] àâãóñò
aunt n [A†nt] òåòÿ
Australia n ["streIlIE] Àâñòðàëèÿ
autumn n ["O†tEm] îñåíü
awful adj ["O†fÒEÔl] óæàñíûé
baa v [bA†] áëåÿòü (îá îâöå)
baby n ["beIbi] ìëàäåíåö, ðåáåíîê
bad adj [bÏd] ïëîõîé B
bag n [bÏg] ñóìêà
ball n [bO†l] ìÿ÷
banana n pl (-s) [bE"nA†nE] áàíàí
bank n [bÏNk] áàíê
bark v [bA†k] ëàÿòü
basketball n ["bA†skItbO†l] áàñêåòáîë
bath n [bA†T] âàííà
bathroom n ["bA†Trçm] âàííàÿ êîìíàòà
be v (am, is, are) v [bi†] [Em, Iz, E, A†] áûòü
be afraid of v [bI E"freId Ev] áîÿòüñÿ
be careful v [bI "keEfçl] áûòü îñòîðîæíûì
be kind to v [bI "kaInd tE] áûòü äîáðûì ê (êîìó-òî)
bean n [bi†n] áîá, ôàñîëü
bear n [beE] ìåäâåäü

beautiful adj ["bju†tIfÒEÔl] êðàñèâûé

because conj [bI"kz, bI"kEz] ïîòîìó ÷òî
bed n [bed] 1) êðîâàòü; 2) ïîñòåëü
go to bed ["gEç tE "bed] ëîæèòüñÿ ñïàòü
bedroom n ["bedrçm] ñïàëüíàÿ êîìíàòà
bee n [bi†] ï÷åëà
before adv [bI"fO†] ïåðåä, äî
begin v [bI"gIn] íà÷èíàòü, íà÷èíàòüñÿ
behind prep [bI"haInd] ïîçàäè
best adj [best] ëó÷øèé
between prep [bI"twi†n] ìåæäó

big adj [bIg] áîëüøîé
bike n [baIk] âåëîñèïåä, ìîòîöèêë
biker n ["baIkE] âåëîñèïåäèñò
biking n ["baIkIN] âåëîñïîðò
bird n [b¸†d] ïòèöà
birdhouse n ["b¸†dhaçs] ñêâîðå÷íèê
birthday n ["b¸†TdeI] äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ
birthday cake n+n ["b¸†Tdi "keIk] òîðò íà äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ
birthday card n+n ["b¸†Tdi "kA†d] îòêðûòêà íà äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ
birthday party n+n ["b¸†Tdi "pA†ti] ïðàçäíèê íà äåíü ðîæäåíèÿ
biscuit n ["bIskIt] (ñóõîå) ïå÷åíüå
bite v [baIt] êóñàòü
black adj [blÏk] ÷åðíûé
black panther adj+n ["blÏk"pÏnTE] ÷åðíàÿ ïàíòåðà
blackboard n ["blÏkbO†d] êëàññíàÿ äîñêà (÷åðíàÿ)
blanket n ["blÏNkIt] îäåÿëî
blazer n ["bleIzE] áëåéçåð, ïèäæàê
bleat v [bli†t] áëåÿòü (îá îâöå)
blew [blu†] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò ”blow”
blond adj [blnd] áåëîêóðûé
blouse n [blaçz] áëóçêà (æåíñêàÿ êîôòà)
blow v [blEç] äóòü (î âåòðå)
blue adj [blu†] ãîëóáîé
boar n [bO†] êàáàí
board n [bO†d] êëàññíàÿ äîñêà
body n pl (bodies) ["bdi] òåëî, òóëîâèùå
B bone n [bEçn] êîñòü
book n [bçk] êíèãà
book shop n+n ["bçkSp] êíèæíûé ìàãàçèí
boots n [bu†ts] áîòèíêè, áóòñû
boring adj ["bO†rIN] ñêó÷íûé
botany n ["btEni] áîòàíèêà
bought v [bO†t] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “buy”
bowl n [bEçl] ìèñêà, òàðåëêà
a bowl of ... [E "bEçl Ev ...] òàðåëêà ñ ...
a bowl of salad [E "bEçl Ev "sÏlEd] òàðåëêà ñ ñàëàòîì
box n [bks] êîðîáêà
boy n pl (boys) [bOI] ìàëü÷èê
branch n [brA†ntS] âåòêà
bray v [breI] êðè÷àòü (îá îñëå)
bread n pl (-) [bred] õëåá
break n, v [breIk] 1) ïåðåìåíà; 2) ëîìàòü
breakfast n ["brekfEst] çàâòðàê
have breakfast v+n çàâòðàêàòü

bright adj [braIt] ÿðêèé, ñâåòëûé

British adj ["brItIS] áðèòàíñêèé; àíãëèéñêèé
brother n ["br¯DE] áðàò
brown adj [braçn] êîðè÷íåâûé
brush n, v [br¯S] 1) ùåòêà; 2) ÷èñòèòü ùåòêîé
brush teeth n+v ["br¯S ti†T] ÷èñòèòü çóáû
bull n [bçl] áûê
bus n [b¯s] àâòîáóñ
go home by bus åõàòü äîìîé íà àâòîáóñå
businessman n pl (-men) ["bIznIsmEn] áèçíåñìåí
businesswoman n (-women) ["bIznIs®wçmEn] äåëîâàÿ æåíùèíà

busy adj ["bIzi] çàíÿòîé, äåÿòåëüíûé
but conj [b¯t] íî, à
butterfly n pl (-ies) ["b¯tEflaI] áàáî÷êà
buy v [baI] ïîêóïàòü
by prep [baI] ïî, íà
by metro [baI "metrEç] íà ìåòðî
bye int [baI] Äî ñâèäàíèÿ!

cabbage n ["kÏbIdZ] êàïóñòà

cage n [keIdZ] êëåòêà
cake n [keIk] òîðò, êåêñ; ïèðîæíîå
calendar n ["kÏlIndE] êàëåíäàðü
calf n pl (calves) [kA†f] äåòåíûø (êîðîâû, âåðáëþäà, îëåíÿ, ñëîíà)
call v [kO†l] çâàòü; çâîíèòü
came v [keIm] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò ”come”
camel n ["kÏmÒEÔl] âåðáëþä
camera n ["kÏmErE] ôîòîàïïàðàò
can v [kÏn, kEn] ìî÷ü, óìåòü
Can I have ...? Ìîæíî ìíå ...?
Can I help you? [kEn aI "help ju†] ×åì ìîãó ïîìî÷ü?
Canada n ["kÏnEdE] Êàíàäà
canary n pl (-ies) [kE"neEri] êàíàðåéêà
cannot v ["kÏnEt] îòðèöàòåëüíàÿ ôîðìà îò ”can”
canteen n [kÏn"ti†n] ñòîëîâàÿ
at the canteen [Et DE kÏn"ti†n] â ñòîëîâîé
cap n [kÏp] êåïêà
capital n ["kÏpItl] ñòîëèöà B
car n [kA†] àâòîìîáèëü
card n [kA†d] îòêðûòêà
careful adj ["keEfÒEÔl] îñòîðîæíûé C
carrot n ["kÏrEt] ìîðêîâü
cartoon n [kA†"tu†n] ìóëüòôèëüì
cat n [kÏt] êîøêà
caterpillar n ["kÏtE®pIlE] ãóñåíèöà
CD (compact disk) [®si†"di†] CD (êîìïàêò äèñê)
celebrate v ["selIbreIt] ïðàçäíîâàòü, îòìå÷àòü
celebration n [®selI"breISÒEÔn] ïðàçäíîâàíèå; ïðàçäíèê
Central Asia adj+n [®sentrEl "eISE] Ñðåäíÿÿ Àçèÿ
centre n ["sentE] öåíòð
chain n [tSeIn] öåïî÷êà
chair n [tSeE] ñòóë
chalk n [tSO†k] ìåë
champion n ["tSÏmpIEn] ÷åìïèîí
change v [tSeIndZ] ìåíÿòü, èçìåíÿòü

channel n ["tSÏnl] êàíàë (òåëåâèçèîííûé)

chant n [tSA†nt] ÷àíò (ðèôìîâêà)
check v [tSek] ïðîâåðÿòü
cherry n pl (-ies) ["tSeri] âèøíÿ
chess n [tSes] øàõìàòû
chick n [tSIk] öûïëåíîê
chicken n ["tSIkIn] êóðèöà
child n pl (children) [tSaIld] ðåáåíîê
children n ["tSIldrEn] äåòè
China n ["tSAInE] Êèòàé
Chinese New Year n ["tSaIni†z ®nju† "jIE] Êèòàéñêèé Íîâûé ãîä

chocolate n ["tSklIt] øîêîëàä
choose v [tSu†z] âûáèðàòü
Chorsu Market [tSO†"su† ®mA†kIt] ×îðñó áàçàð
cinema n ["sInImE] êèíîòåàòð
circle n, v ["s¸†kÒEÔl] 1) êðóã; 2) îêðóæàòü
circus n ["s¸†kEs] öèðê
city n pl (cities) ["sIti] êðóïíûé ãîðîä
clap v [klÏp] õëîïàòü, àïëîäèðîâàòü
class n [klA†s] êëàññ; óðîê
classbook n ["klA†sbçk] ó÷åáíèê
classical music adj+n ["klÏsIkÒEÔl ®mju†zIk] êëàññè÷åñêàÿ ìóçûêà
classmate n ["klA†smeIt] îäíîêëàññíèê (öà)
classroom n ["klA†srçm] êëàññíàÿ êîìíàòà
classroom things n+n ["klA†srçm ®TINz] ïðåäìåòû êëàññíîé êîìíàòû
clean adj, v [kli†n] 1) ÷èñòûé; 2) ÷èñòèòü
clean the room v+n ["kli†n DE "ru†m] óáèðàòü êîìíàòó
clean water adj+n ["kli†n "wO†tE] ÷èñòàÿ âîäà
clear adj, v [klIE] 1) ÿñíûé; 2) ïðîçðà÷íûé, ÷èñòûé;
3) ÷èñòèòü
clever adj ["klevE] óìíûé
climb v [klaIm] âçáèðàòüñÿ
clock n [klk] ÷àñû
cloud n [klaçd] îáëàêî
cloudy adj ["klaçdi] îáëà÷íûé
club n [kl¯b] êëóá, êðóæîê
cluck v [kl¯k] êóäàõòàòü (î êóðèöå)
C coat n [kEçt] ïàëüòî
coffee n pl (-) ["kfi] êîôå
coin n [kOIn] ìîíåòà
cold adj, n [kEçld] 1) õîëîäíûé; 2) ïðîñòóäà
I have a cold. [aI "hÏv E "kEçld] ß ïðîñòóäèëñÿ.
collect v [kE"lekt] ñîáèðàòü
collection n [kE"lekSn] êîëëåêöèÿ
college n ["klIdZ] êîëëåäæ
colour n ["k¯lE] öâåò
colour pencils öâåòíûå êàðàíäàøè
coloured adj ["k¯lEd] öâåòíîé
comb n, v [kEçm] 1) ðàñ÷åñêà; 2) ðàñ÷åñûâàòü
come v [k¯m] ïðèõîäèòü
come home v+n [®k¯m "hEçm] ïðèõîäèòü äîìîé
comedy n pl (-ies) ["kmIdi] êîìåäèÿ
complete v [kEm"pli†t] çàâåðøàòü, çàêàí÷èâàòü
computer n [kEm"pju†tE] êîìïüþòåð
computer game n+n [kEm"pju†tE ®geIm] êîìïüþòåðíàÿ èãðà

Constitution Day n [®knstI"tju†Sn "deI] Äåíü Êîíñòèòóöèè

cook v [kçk] ãîòîâèòü (ïèùó); âàðèòü, æàðèòü, ïå÷ü
cooker n ["ku†kE] êóõîííàÿ ïëèòà; ïå÷ü
cool adj [ku†l] ïðîõëàäíûé
copy v ["kpi] ïåðåïèñàòü
copybook n ["kpibçk] òåòðàäü
corn n pl (–) [kO†n] çåðíî, çåðíîâûå
corner n ["kO†nE] óãîë
correct adj, v [kE"rekt] 1) ïðàâèëüíûé; 2) èñïðàâëÿòü
count v [kaçnt] ñ÷èòàòü
country n pl (-ies) ["k¯ntri] ñòðàíà

cousin n ["k¯zn] äâîþðîäíûé áðàò, äâîþðîäíàÿ ñåñòðà
cow n [kaç] êîðîâà
crayon n ["kreIEn] öâåòíîé êàðàíäàø, ìåë
crocodile n ["krkEdaIl] êðîêîäèë
cross n, v [krs] 1) êðåñòèê; 2) ïåðå÷åðêíóòü
crossword n ["krsw¸†d] êðîññâîðä
do crosswords ["du† "krsw¸†dz] ðåøàòü êðîññâîðä
crow v [krEç] êóêàðåêàòü (î ïåòóõå)
crown n [kraçn] êîðîíà
cucumber n ["kju†k¯mbE] îãóðåö
cup n [k¯p] ÷àøêà
a cup of tea [E "k¯p Ev "ti†] ÷àøêà ÷àÿ
cupboard n ["k¯pbEd] øêàô; áóôåò
curly adj ["k¸†li] âüþùèéñÿ, êóäðÿâûé
curtain n ["k¸†tEn] çàíàâåñêà
cycle v ["saIkÒEÔl] åçäèòü íà âåëîñèïåäå

dad n [dÏd] îòåö; ïàïà

dance n, v [dA†ns] 1) òàíåö; 2) òàíöåâàòü
dancer n ["dA†nsE] òàíöîð, òàíöîâùèöà
dangerous adj ["deIndZrEs] îïàñíûé
dark adj [dA†k] òåìíûé
date n [deIt] äàòà
day n [deI] äåíü
dear adj [dIE] äîðîãîé
December n [dI"sembE] äåêàáðü
decoration n [®dekE"reISn] óêðàøåíèå, óáðàíñòâî C
deer n pl (–) [dIE] îëåíü
degree n [dI"gri†] ãðàäóñ D
delicious adj [dI"lISEs] âêóñíûé
desert n ["dezEt] ïóñòûíÿ
desk n [desk] ïàðòà, ïèñüìåííûé ñòîë
dialogue n ["daIElg] äèàëîã
diary n pl (-ies) ["daIEri] äíåâíèê
dictation n [dIk"teISÒEÔn] äèêòàíò
did [dId] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “do”
difference n ["dIfÒEÔrEns] ðàçíèöà
different adj ["dIfÒEÔrEnt] ðàçëè÷íûé
difficult adj ["dIfIkÒEÔlt] òðóäíûé
dinner n ["dInE] óæèí
have dinner óæèíàòü
director n [dI"rektE] äèðåêòîð
dish n [dIS] 1) ïîñóäà; 2) åäà, áëþäî

do v [du†] 1) äåëàòü; 2) âñïîìîãàòåëüíûé ãëàãîë

do homework ["du† "hEçmw¸†k] äåëàòü äîìàøíåå çàäàíèå
do morning exercises ["du† "mO†nIN "eksEsaIzs] äåëàòü óòðåííþþ çàðÿäêó
do sums v ["du† "s¯mz] ðåøàòü çàäà÷è èëè ïðèìåðû
doctor n ["dktE] äîêòîð, âðà÷
dog n [dg] ñîáàêà
doira n [dOI"rA†] äîéðà (ìóçûêàëüíûé èíñòðóìåíò)
doll n [dl] êóêëà
dolphin n ["dlfIn] äåëüôèí
domestic animal adj+n [dE"mestIk "ÏnIml] äîìàøíåå æèâîòíîå
donkey n pl (-s) ["dNki] îñåë

Don’t ...! ["dEçnt ...] ñëóæèò äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ îòðèöàòåëüíîé
ôîðìû ïîâåëèòåëüíîãî íàêëîíåíèÿ: Íå
äåëàé ... !
Don’t play with my dog! Íå èãðàé ñ ìîåé ñîáàêîé!
door n [dO†] äâåðü
dove n [d¯v] ãîëóáü
down adv [daçn] âíèç
dragon n ["drÏgn] äðàêîí
dragon dance n+n ["drÏgn ®dA†ns] òàíåö äðàêîíà
draughts n ["drA†fts] øàøêè
draw v [drO†] ðèñîâàòü
dress n [dres] ïëàòüå
dresser n ["dresE] êîìîä (ïëàòÿíîé øêàô)
drill n [drIl] óïðàæíåíèå
drink v [drINk] ïèòü
drive n [draIv] åçäèòü, âîäèòü (ìàøèíó)
driver n ["draIvE] âîäèòåëü
dry adj [draI] ñóõîé
duck n [d¯k] óòêà
duckling n ["d¯klIN] óòåíîê
duststorm n [®d¯st"stO†m] ïûëüíàÿ áóðÿ
dutor n [dç"tO†r] äóòàð (ìóçûêàëüíûé èíñòðóìåíò)

each adj [i†tS] êàæäûé

eagle n ["i†gÒEÔl] îðåë
ear n [IE] óõî
D earache n ["IEreIk] óøíàÿ áîëü
early adv ["¸†li] ðàíî
Earth Day n+n ["¸†T "deI] Äåíü Çåìëè
E eat (up) v [i†t Ò¯pÔ] åñòü; êóøàòü; ñúåñòü
egg n [eg] ÿéöî
eggplant n ["egplA†nt] áàêëàæàí
eight num [eIt] âîñåìü
eighteen num [®eI"ti†n] âîñåìíàäöàòü
eighth num [eItT] âîñüìîé
eight hundred num [eIt "h¯ndrEd] âîñåìüñîò
eighty num ["eIti] âîñåìüäåñÿò
eighty-one num [®eIti "w¯n] âîñåìüäåñÿò îäèí
elder adj ["eldE] ñòàðøèé (ïî âîçðàñòó)
electronic engineer [I®lek"trnIk ®endZI"nIE] èíæåíåð ïî ýëåêòðîíèêå
elephant n ["elIfEnt] ñëîí
eleven num [I"levÒEÔn] îäèííàäöàòü
eleventh num [I"levEnT] îäèííàäöàòûé
emperor n ["empErE] èìïåðàòîð

end v [end] çàêàí÷èâàòü

engineer [®endZI"nIE] èíæåíåð
England n ["eNglÒEÔnd] Àíãëèÿ
English adj, n ["INglIS] 1) àíãëè÷àíèí; àíãëèéñêèé;
2) àíãëèéñêèé ÿçûê
eraser n [I"reIzE] ëàñòèê, ðåçèíêà
Europe n ["jçErEp] Åâðîïà
evening n ["i†vnIN] âå÷åð
Good evening. Äîáðûé âå÷åð!
in the evening adv âå÷åðîì
every det ["evri] êàæäûé

every day adv ["evrideI] êàæäûé äåíü
everybody pron ["evribdi] êàæäûé; âñå
everything pron ["evriTIN] âñå
everywhere pron ["evriweE] âñþäó; ïîâñþäó
Excuse me, who’s this? Ïðîñòèòå, ýòî êòî?
eye n [aI] ãëàç

face n [feIs] ëèöî

fairy tale adj+n ["feEri "teIl] ñêàçêà
fall v [fO†l] 1) ïàäàòü, ïîíèæàòüñÿ; 2) èäòè (î ñíåãå)
fall asleep v+adj ["fO†l E"sli†p] çàñûïàòü
false adj [fO†ls] íåïðàâèëüíûé, íåâåðíûé
family n pl (-ies) ["fÏmEli] ñåìüÿ
family tree n+n [®fÏmEli "tri†] ãåíåîëîãè÷åñêîå äåðåâî
famous adj ["feImEs] çíàìåíèòûé
fantastic adj [fÏn"tÏstIk] âåëèêîëåïíûé
fantasy n ["fÏntEsi] âîîáðàæåíèå
far adv [fA†] äàëåêî
far from adv ["fA†frEm] äàëåêî îò ...
farm n [fA†m] ôåðìà
farmer n ["fA†mE] ôåðìåð
fast adv [fA†st] áûñòðî
father n ["fA†DE] îòåö
Father’s Day n+n [®fA†DEz "deI] Äåíü Îòöà
favourite adj, n ["feIvÒEÔrIt] 1) ëþáèìûé; 2) ëþáèìàÿ âåùü
February n ["febrçEri] ôåâðàëü
feed v [fi†d] êîðìèòü E
feed the animals v+n ["fi†d DI "ÏnImElz] êîðìèòü æèâîòíûõ
feel v [fi†l] ÷óâñòâîâàòü
feel happy v+adj [®fi†l "hÏpi] áûòü ñ÷àñòëèâûì F
feel angry v+adj [®fi†l "ÏNgri] ñåðäèòüñÿ
feel sad v+adj [®fi†l "sÏd] áûòü ïå÷àëüíûì
feel bored v+adj [®fi†l "bO†d] ñêó÷àòü
fell [fel] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “fall”
fifteen num [®fIf"ti†n] ïÿòíàäöàòü
fifth num [fIfT, fIftT] ïÿòûé
fifty num ["fIfti] ïÿòüäåñÿò
fifty-one num [®fIfti "w¯n] ïÿòüäåñÿò îäèí
fight v [faIt] ñðàæàòüñÿ; áîðîòüñÿ
film star n+n ["fIlmsta†] êèíîçâåçäà
find v [faInd] íàõîäèòü
fine adj [faIn] õîðîøèé; ïðåêðàñíûé, ïðåâîñõîäíûé
I’m fine (OK). Ìíå õîðîøî.
finish n, v ["fInIS] 1) çàêàí÷èâàòü(ñÿ); 2) ôèíèø; êîíåö

fir tree n+n ["f¸†tri†] åëü

fire n [faIE] îãîíü; êîñòåð
fireman n ["faIEmEn] ïîæàðíèê
fireworks n ["faIEw¸†ks] ôåéåðâåðê
first num [f¸†st] ïåðâûé
fish n pl (–) [fIS] ðûáà
five num [faIv] ïÿòü
five hundred num [faIv "h¯ndrEd] ïÿòüñîò
five hundred soums a kilo ïüòüñîò ñóì çà êèëîãðàìì
flag n [flÏg] ôëàã
flat n [flÏt] êâàðòèðà

floor n [flO†] 1) ýòàæ; 2) ïîë
flower n ["flaçE] öâåòîê
flower shop n+n ["flaçESp] öâåòî÷íûé ìàãàçèí
fly v [flaI] ëåòàòü
fly a kite v+n ["flaI E "kaIt] çàïóñêàòü âîçäóøíîãî çìåÿ
foal n [fEçl] 1) æåðåáåíîê; 2) îñëåíîê
fog n [fg] òóìàí
foggy adj ["fgi] òóìàííûé
food n [fu†d] êîðì; ïèùà
foot n [fçt] ñòóïíÿ, ëàïà (æèâîòíîãî)
go on foot õîäèòü ïåøêîì
football n ["fçtbO†l] ôóòáîë
play football v+n èãðàòü â ôóòáîë
football player n+n ["fçtbO†l ®pleIE] ôóòáîëèñò
for prep [fE, fO†] äëÿ
for example = e.g. [fErIg"zA†mpÒEÔl] íàïðèìåð
forecast n ["fO†kA†st] ïðîãíîç ïîãîäû
forest n ["frIst] ëåñ
forget v [fE"get] çàáûâàòü
forty num ["fO†ti] ñîðîê
forty-one num [®fO†ti "w¯n] ñîðîê îäèí
four num [fO†] ÷åòûðå
four hundred num [®fO† "h¯ndrEd] ÷åòûðåñòà
fourteen num [®fO†"ti†n] ÷åòûðíàäöàòü
fourth num [fO†T] ÷åòâåðòûé
fox n [fks] ëèñà
F France n ["frA†ns] Ôðàíöèÿ
French adj, n [frentS] 1) ôðàíöóçñêèé, ôðàíöóç;
G 2) ôðàíöóçñêèé ÿçûê
free adv [fri†] ñâîáîäíûé
freezing adj ["fri†zIN] ìîðîçíûé
fresh adj [freS] 1) ÷èñòûé, ñâåæèé;
2) ñâåæèé, òîëüêî ÷òî ïîëó÷åííûé
fresh air adj+n [®freS "eE] ñâåæèé âîçäóõ
fresh fruit adj+n [®freS "fru†t] ñâåæèå ôðóêòû
Friday n ["fraIdi] ïÿòíèöà
fridge n [frIdZ] õîëîäèëüíèê
friend n [frend] äðóã; ïîäðóãà
friendly adj ["frendli] äðóæåëþáíûé
frog n [frg] ëÿãóøêà
from prep [frEm, frm] èç, îò, ñ
fruit n [fru†t] ôðóêòû
fun n, adj [f¯n] 1) çàáàâà; âåñåëüå; 2) çàáàâíûé

funny adj ["f¯ni] çàáàâíûé, ñìåøíîé

furry adj ["f¸†ri] ìåõîâîé

game n [geIm] èãðà

garden n ["gA†dn] ñàä
gave v [geIv] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “give”
gazelle n [gE"zel] ãàçåëü
gel n [dZel] ãåëü
geography n [dZi"grEfi] ãåîãðàôèÿ
German adj, n ["dZ¸†mEn] 1) íåìåö; íåìåöêèé; 2) íåìåöêèé ÿçûê
Germany n ["dZ¸†mEni] Ãåðìàíèÿ

get v [get] ïîëó÷àòü
get dressed v+adj [®get "drest] îäåâàòüñÿ
get marks v+n [®get "mA†ks] ïîëó÷àòü îöåíêè
get ready v+adj [®get "redi] ãîòîâèòüñÿ
get up ["get¯p] âñòàòü
get washed v+adj [®get "wSt] óìûâàòüñÿ
get home v+n [®get "hEçm] äîéòè/äîáðàòüñÿ äî äîìà
get to school [®get tE "sku†l] äîéòè/äîáðàòüñÿ äî øêîëû
giraffe n [dZI"rA†f] æèðàô
girl n [g¸†l] äåâî÷êà
give v [gIv] äàâàòü; îòäàâàòü
glass n [glA†s] ñòàêàí
a glass of juice [E "glA†s Ev "dZu†s] ñòàêàí ñîêà
go v [gEç] õîäèòü; åçäèòü
go away [®gEç E"weI] óõîäèòü
go fishing v+n ["gEç "fISIN] ðûáà÷èòü
go shopping v+n ["gEç "SpIN] ïîéòè çà ïîêóïêàìè
go straight ["gEç "streIt] èäòè ïðÿìî
go to bed [®gEçtE"bed] ëîæèòüñÿ ñïàòü
go to school èäòè â øêîëó
go to school by bus/on foot åçäèòü â øêîëó íà àâòîáóñå/èäòè â øêîëó
goat n [gEçt] êîçà
gobble v ["gbl] êóëäûêàòü (îá èíäþêå)
goldfish n pl (–) ["gEçld®fIS] çîëîòàÿ ðûáêà
Goldilocks ["gEçldIlks] Çëàòîâëàñêà
good adj [gçd] õîðîøèé G
I’m good at ... [aIm "gçd Et] ß õîðîøî óìåþ ...
Goodbye. [gçd"baI] Äî ñâèäàíèÿ.
Good morning! ["gçd "mO†nIN] Äîáðîå óòðî!
goose n pl (geese) [gu†s gi†s] ãóñü
gosling n pl ["gslIN] ãóñåíîê
got [gt] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “get”
I got here by metro. ß ïðèåõàë íà ìåòðî.
grandad n ["grÏndÏd] äåäóøêà
grandfather n ["grÏnd®fA†DE] äåäóøêà
grandmother n ["grÏnd®m¯DE] áàáóøêà
grandparents n ["grÏnd®peErEnts] äåäóøêà è áàáóøêà
granny n pl (-ies) ["grÏni] áàáóøêà
grape n [greIp] âèíîãðàä
graph n [grÏf, grA†f] ãðàôèê
grass n [grA†s] òðàâà
grasshopper n ["grA†s®hpE] êóçíå÷èê

grassland n ["grA†slÏnd] ëóã; ïàñòáèùå

great adj [greIt] 1) âåëèêèé; 2) Çäîðîâî!
It’s great! Çäîðîâî!
Great Britain n ["greIt"brItEn] Âåëèêîáðèòàíèÿ
green adj [gri†n] çåëåíûé
grey adj [greI] ñåðûé
group n [gru†p] ãðóïïà
grow v [grEç] ðàñòè; âûðàùèâàòü
guess v [ges] äîãàäàòüñÿ
guitar n [gI"tA†] ãèòàðà
gym n [dZIm] ñïîðòçàë

habitat n ["hÏbItÏt] ðîäèíà; ìåñòî îáèòàíèÿ
had [hÏd, hEd] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “have”
hail n, v [heIl] 1) ãðàä; 2) èäåò ãðàä
hailstone n ["heIlstEçn] ãðàäèíà
hailstorm n ["heIlstO†m] áóðÿ ñ ãðàäîì
hair n pl (–) [heE] âîëîñû
do hair v+n ïðè÷åñûâàòüñÿ
half adj [hA†f] ïîëîâèíà
half-term adj+n [®hA†f"t¸†m] êîðîòêèå êàíèêóëû (ïîñëå ñåìåñòðà)
hand n [hÏnd] 1) ðóêà; 2) ñòîðîíà
handball n ["hÏndbO†l] ãàíäáîë
handicrafts n ["hÏndikrA†fts] òðóä (óðîê)
happily adv ["hÏpIli] ñ÷àñòëèâî
happy adj ["hÏpi] ñ÷àñòëèâûé
Happy birthday! int ["hÏpi "b¸†Tdi] Ñ Äíåì Ðîæäåíèÿ!
hard adv [hA†d] ñèëüíî; óïîðíî
work hard v+adv [®w¸†k"hA†d] ðàáîòàòü óñåðäíî
hare n [heE] çàÿö
hat n [hÏt] øëÿïà
hate v [heIt] íåíàâèäåòü
have v [hEv, hÏv] 1) èìåòü; 2) åñòü; ïèòü
I have [aI "hÏv] Ó ìåíÿ åñòü ...
have a break v+n [hEvE "breIk] äåëàòü ïåðåðûâ
have a good time [hEvE ®gçd "taIm] õîðîøî ïðîâåñòè âðåìÿ
have breakfast v+n [hEv "brekfEst] çàâòðàêàòü
have dinner v+n [hEv "dInE] óæèíàòü
H have fun v+n [hEv "f¯n] âåñåëèòüñÿ
have lessons v+n ñèäåòü íà çàíÿòèè; ó÷èòüñÿ; çàíèìàòüñÿ
have lunch v+n [hEv "l¯ntS] îáåäàòü
he pron [hi†] îí
head n [hed] ãîëîâà
headache n ["hedeIk] ãîëîâíàÿ áîëü
healthy n ["helTi] çäîðîâûé
hear v [hIE] ñëûøàòü
hedgehog n ["hedZhg] åæèê
helicopter n ["helIkptE] âåðòîëåò
Hello. [hE"lEç] Çäðàâñòâóéòå!
helmet n ["helmIt] øëåì, êàñêà
help v [help] ïîìîãàòü
hen n [hen] êóðèöà
her adj, pron [hE, h¸†] 1) åå; 2) åé
Her name is ... Åå çîâóò ...
here adv [hIE] çäåñü
Here you are. Âîò, ïîæàëóéñòà.

hero n ["hIErEç] ãåðîé

Hi! [haI] Ïðèâåò!
hide v [haId] ïðÿòàòü(ñÿ)
hide and seek ["haIdEn®si†k] èãðà â ïðÿòêè
high adv [haI] âûñîêî
high-jump n+n ["haIdZ¯mp] ïðûæîê â âûñîòó
do the high-jump v+n ["du† DE "haIdZ¯mp] ïðûãàòü â âûñîòó
high temperature adj+n ["haI "temprEtSE] âûñîêàÿ òåìïåðàòóðà
him pron [hIm] åìó, åãî
hi ppo n ["hIpEç] áåãåìîò
his adj, pron [hIz] åãî

His name is ... Åãî çîâóò ...
historical place adj+n [hI"strIkl ®pleIs] èñòîðè÷åñêîå ìåñòî
history n ["hIstÒEÔri] èñòîðèÿ
hobby n pl (-ies) ["hbi] õîááè
hockey n ["hki] õîêêåé
play hockey v+n èãðàòü â õîêêåé
holiday n ["hlIdeI] 1) ïðàçäíèê; 2) êàíèêóëû
home n [hEçm] äîì (ìåñòî ïðîæèâàíèÿ)
homework n ["hEçmw¸†k] äîìàøíåå çàäàíèå
do homework v+n äåëàòü äîìàøíåå çàäàíèå
honk v [hNk] ãîãîòàòü (î ãóñÿõ)
hop v [hp] ïîäïðûãèâàòü
hope v [hEçp] íàäåÿòüñÿ
hopscotch n ["hpsktS] êëàññèêè (äåòñêàÿ èãðà)
horror film n+n [®hrE"fIlm] ôèëüì óæàñîâ
horse n [hO†s] ëîøàäü
horse riding n ["hO†s "raIdIN] ñêà÷êè
hospital n ["hspItl] áîëüíèöà
at the hospital [Et DE "hspItl] â áîëüíèöå
hot adj [ht] ãîðÿ÷èé
hot dog adj+n ["htdg] õîò äîã
hotel n [hEç"tel] ãîñòèíèöà
house n [haçs] äîì
housewife n ["haçswaIf] äîìîõîçÿéêà
how adv [haç] êàê; êàêèì îáðàçîì
How are you? Êàê ïîæèâàåòå?
How do you go home? Êàê âû äîáèðàåòåñü äî äîìó? H
How did you get here today? Êàê âû äîáðàëèñü ñåãîäíÿ?
How much is it/are they? Ñêîëüêî ýòî ñòîèò?
How long ...? Ñêîëüêî âðåìåíè (êàê äîëãî)? I
How many ...? Ñêîëüêî?
How old are you? Ñêîëüêî òåáå ëåò?
human n ["hju†mEn] ÷åëîâåê
humming bird n ["h¯mINb¸†d] êîëèáðè
hundred ["h¯ndrEd] ñòî
hungry adj ["h¯Ngri] ãîëîäíûé
hyena n [haI"i†nE] ãèåíà
hygiene n ["haIdZi†n] ãèãèåíà

I pron [aI] ÿ
ice [aIs] ëåä
ice cream n+n ["aIskri†m] ìîðîæåíîå
icy adj ["aIsi] ëåäÿíîé
in prep [In] 1) â; íà (î ìåñòå);

2) â (î âðåìåíè)
in front of prep [In "fr¯ntEv] ïåðåä
in the morning adv óòðîì
Independence Day n+n [®IndI"pendEns "deI] Äåíü Íåçàâèñèìîñòè
India n ["IndiE] Èíäèÿ
indigo adj ["IndIgEç] èíäèãî (ñèíå-ôèîëåòîâûé)
information n pl (–) [®InfE"meISÒEÔn] èíôîðìàöèÿ
insect n ["Insekt] íàñåêîìîå
interest v ["IntrIst] èíòåðåñîâàòü(ñÿ)
interesting adj ["IntrIstIN] èíòåðåñíûé
interview n, v ["IntEvju†] 1) èíòåðâüþ; 2) áðàòü èíòåðâüþ

10 – New Fly High 5 145

invitation n [®InvI"teISÒEÔn] ïðèãëàøåíèå
invite v [In"vaIt] ïðèãëàøàòü
iron n ["aIEn] óòþã
do the ironing v+n ["du† DE "aIEnIN] ãëàäèòü (áåëüå)
is v [Iz] áûòü (â 3 ëèöå åäèíñòâåííîãî ÷èñëà)
it pron [It] îí, îíà, îíî
It’s time to ... Ïîðà ... (÷òî-òî ñäåëàòü).
It’s two o’clock. [Its "tu† E"klk] Äâà ÷àñà.
It’s 2.05. [Its "tu† Eç "faIv] Ïÿòü ìèíóò òðåòüåãî.
It’s two thirty. [Its "tu† "T¸†ti] Ïîëîâèíà òðåòüåãî.
It’s two thirty-five. [Its "tu† "T¸†ti "faIv] Áåç äâàäöàòè ïÿòè òðè.
its det, adj [Its] åå, åãî, ñâîé

jacket n ["dZÏkIt] æàêåò, êóðòêà

jam n [dZÏm] äæåì, âàðåíüå
January n ["dZÏnjçEri] ÿíâàðü
Japan n [dZE"pÏn] ßïîíèÿ
jazz n [dZÏz] äæàç (ìóçèêà)
jeans n [dZi†nz] äæèíñû
job n [jb] ðàáîòà
joke n [dZEçk] øóòêà
July n [dZç"laI] èþëü
jump v [dZ¯mp] ïðûãàòü
jump a rope v+n ["dZ¯mp E"rEçp] ïðÿãàòü ñî ñêàêàëêîé
jumper n ["dZ¯mpE] ïðûãóí
jumping n ["dZ¯mpIN] ïðûæêè
I June n [dZu†n] èþíü
jungle n ["dZ¯Ngl] äæóíãëè

J kangaroo n [®kÏNgE"ru†] êåíãóðó

Kazakhstan n [®kÏzÏk"stA†n] Êàçàõñòàí
keep v [ki†p] äåðæàòü, õðàíèòü
K keep clean ["ki†p ®kli†n] ñîäåðæàòü â ÷èñòîòå
keeper n ["ki†pE] ñòîðîæ
L kid n [kId] 1) êîçëåíîê; 2) ðåáåíîê
kill v [kIl] óáèâàòü
kilo n ["ki†lEç] êèëî
a kilo of tomatoes [E "ki†lEç Ev tE"mA†tEçz] êèëîãðàìì ïîìèäîðîâ
kilometre n [kI"lmItE] êèëîìåòð (= 1000 ìåòðîâ)
kind n, adj [kaInd] 1) âèä, ñîðò; 2) ðàçíîâèäíîñòü
kindergarten n ["kIndEgA†tn] äåòñêèé ñàä
king n [kIN] êîðîëü
kitchen n ["kItSIn] êóõíÿ
kite n [kaIt] áóìàæíûé çìåé

kitten n ["kItn] êîòåíîê

know v [nEç] çíàòü
Korea n [kE"rIE] Êîðåÿ

ladybird n ["leIdIb¸†d] áîæüÿ êîðîâêà

lamb n [lÏm] ÿãíåíîê
language n ["lÏNgwIdZ] ÿçûê
last adj [lA†st] ïîñëåäíèé; ïðîøëûé
late adv [leIt] ïîçäíî
be late îïàçäûâàòü
laugh v [lA†f] ñìåÿòüñÿ

lay the table v+n ["leI DE "teIbl] íàêðûâàòü íà ñòîë
lazy adj ["leIzi] ëåíèâûé
leaf n pl (leaves) [li†f] ëèñò; ëèñòâà
learn v [l¸†n] ó÷èòü
learn by heart [®l¸†n baI "hA†t] ó÷èòü íàèçóñòü
leave home/school [®li†v "hEçm \ "sku†l] óõîäèòü èç äîìà/ øêîëû
left adv [left] ëåâûé; ëåâàÿ ñòîðîíà
on the left prep [n DE "left] ñ ëåâîé ñòîðîíû
leg n [leg] íîãà
lemon n ["lemEn] ëèìîí
leopard n ["lepEd] ëåîïàðä
lesson n ["lesÒEÔn] óðîê
Let’s ... [lets] Äàâàéòå...
Let’s go. [®lets"gEç] Äàâàéòå ïîéäåì.
letter n ["letE] 1) áóêâà; 2) ïèñüìî
library n pl (-ies) ["laIbrEri] áèáëèîòåêà
light adj [laIt] 1) ñâåòëûé; 2) ëåãêèé
like v [laIk] ëþáèòü; íðàâèòüñÿ
I’d like ... [aId "laIk ...] ìíå áû õîòåëîñü ...
I like doing ... ß ëþáëþ çàíèìàòüñÿ ... .
line n [laIn] ëèíèÿ
lion n ["laIEn] ëåâ
listen v ["lIsÒEÔn] ñëóøàòü
literature n ["lItÒEÔrEtSE] ëèòåðàòóðà
little adj ["lItl] ìàëåíüêèé
live v [lIv] æèòü
living room n+n ["lIvINrçm] ãîñòèíàÿ L
lizard n ["lIzEd] ÿùåðèöà
London n ["l¯ndEn] Ëîíäîí
long adj [lN] äëèííûé M
long-jump n+n ["lNdZ¯mp] ïðûæîê â äëèíó
do the long-jump ["du† DE "lNdZ¯mp] ïðûãàòü â äëèíó
look v [lçk] 1) ñìîòðåòü; 2) âûãëÿäåòü
The beans look good. [DE "bi†nz "lçk ®gçd] Áîáû õîðîøî âûãëÿäÿò.
look after [®lçk "A†ftE] çàáîòèòüñÿ î êîì-òî
look at ["lçkEt] ñìîòðåòü íà ...
look like ["lçklaIk] âûãëÿäåòü
a lot of [E"ltEv] ìíîãî
loud adj [laçd] ãðîìêèé
loudly adv ["laçdli] ãðîìêî
love n, v [l¯v] 1) ëþáîâü; 2) ëþáèòü
lovely adj ["l¯vli] ëþáèìûé
lunch n [l¯ntS] îáåä
have lunch v+n îáåäàòü

make v [meIk] äåëàòü

make bed v+n çàñòèëàòü êðîâàòü
man n pl (men) [mÏn, men] ÷åëîâåê, ìóæ÷èíà
mandrill n ["mÏndrIl] ìàíäðèë (îáåçüÿíà)
many det ["meni] ìíîãî
map n [mÏp] êàðòà
March n [mA†tS] ìàðò
mark n, v [mA†k] 1) îöåíêà; 2) ñòàâèòü îöåíêó
marker n ["mA†kE] ìàðêåð
market n ["mA†kIt] áàçàð

match n v [mÏtS] 1) ñïè÷êà; 2) ïîäáèðàòü ïîä ïàðó; ñî÷åòàòü
mathematics n [®mÏTI"mÏtIks] ìàòåìàòèêà
maths n [mÏTs] ìàòåìàòèêà
maths teacher n+n ["mÏTs "ti†tSE] ó÷èòåëü ìàòåìàòèêè
mausoleum n [®mO†sE"li†Em] ìàâçîëåé
May n [meI] ìàé
May Day n+n ["meI "deI] Ìàéñêèé Äåíü (â Àíãëèè)
May king n+n ["meI "kIN] Ìàéñêèé êîðîëü
May queen n+n ["meI "kwi†n] Ìàéñêàÿ êîðîëåâà
maypole n ["meIpEçl] Ìàéñêèé Ñòîëá
me pron [mi, mi†] ìíå, ìåíÿ
meaning n ["mi†nIN] çíà÷åíèå
meat n [mi†t] ìÿñî
mechanic n [mI"kÏnIk] ìåõàíèê
meet v [mi†t] âñòðå÷àòü(ñÿ)
melon n ["melEn] äûíÿ
melt v [melt] òàÿòü
meow v [mi"aç] ìÿóêàòü
met v [met] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “meet”
metre n ["mi†tE] ìåòð
metro n ["metrEç] ìåòðî
Mexico n ["meksIkEç] Ìåêñèêà
midday n [®mId"deI] ïîëäåíü
midnight n ["mIdnaIt] ïîëíî÷ü
milk n [mIlk] ìîëîêî
mime v [maIm] èçîáðàçèòü, ïîêàçàòü ìèìèêîé
M minivan n ["mInIvÏn] ìàðøðóòíîå òàêñè
minus n ["maInEs] ìèíóñ
minute n ["mInIt] ìèíóòà
mirror n ["mIrE] çåðêàëî
mobile phone n+n ["mEçbaIlfEçn] ìîáèëüíûé òåëåôîí
model car n+n ["mdl "kA†] ìîäåëü ìàøèíû
Monday n ["m¯ndi] ïîíåäåëüíèê
money n ["m¯ni] äåíüãè
monkey n ["m¯Nki] îáåçüÿíà
monster n ["mnstE] ÷óäîâèùå; ìîíñòð
month n [m¯nT] ìåñÿö
moo v [mu†] ìû÷àòü (î êîðîâå)
mop the floor v+n ["mp DE "flO†] ìûòü ïîëû øâàáðîé
more adv [mO†] 1) áîëåå (ñëóæèò äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ ñðàâíèò.
ñò. ìíîãîñëîæíûõ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ);
2) áîëüøå, áîëåå
more beautiful ["mO† "bju†tIfl] êðàñèâåå
more interesting ["mO† "IntrIstIN] èíòåðåñíåå

morning n ["mO†nIN] óòðî

Good morning. Äîáðîå óòðî.
in the morning adv óòðîì
mosque n [msk] ìå÷åòü
mosquito n pl (-es) [mE"ski†tEç] êîìàð; ìîñêèò
most [mEçst] ñàìûé (ñëóæèò äëÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ ïðåâîñõ.
ñò. ìíîãîñëîæíûõ ïðèëàãàòåëüíûõ)
the most beautiful [DE "mEçst "bju†tIfl] ñàìûé êðàñèâûé
the most interesting [DE "mEçst "IntrIstIN] ñàìûé èíòåðåñíûé
mother n ["m¯DE] ìàìà, ìàòü
mother tongue n+n [®m¯DE "t¯N] ðîäíîé ÿçûê

motorbike n ["mEçtEbaIk] ìîòîöèêë; ìîïåä
mountain n ["maçntIn] ãîðà
mouse n pl (mice) [maçs] [maIs] ìûøü
mouth n [maçT] ðîò
Mr n ["mIstE] ìèñòåð, ãîñïîäèí
Mrs n ["mIsIz] ìèññèç, ãîñïîæà
much det [m¯tS] ìíîãî
mulberry n ["m¯lbEri] òóòîâîå äåðåâî
mum n [m¯m] ìàìà
museum n [mju†"zIEm] ìóçåé
music n ["mju†zIk] ìóçûêà
musical parade adj+n ["mju†zIkÒEÔl pE"reId] ìóçûêàëüíûé ïàðàä
must v [mEst, m¯st] äîëæåí, äîëæíà
my adj [maI] ìîé, ìîÿ, ìîå
My name is ... Ìåíÿ çîâóò ...

name n [neIm] èìÿ

nature n ["neItSE] ïðèðîäà
Navruz n [n¯v"ru†z] Íàâðóç
near adv [nIE] îêîëî, ðÿäîì
neigh v [neI] ðæàòü (î ëîøàäè)
nest n [nest] ãíåçäî
never adv ["nevE] íèêîãäà
new adj [nju†] íîâûé
New Year adj+n [®nju† "jIE] Íîâûé ãîä
news n [nju†z] íîâîñòè
newspaper n ["nju†s®peIpE] ãàçåòà M
next to prep [“nekst tE] ðÿäîì ñ ...
nice adj [naIs] 1) õîðîøèé; 2) ïðèÿòíûé, êðàñèâûé
night n [naIt] íî÷ü N
at night adv íî÷üþ
nine num [naIn] äåâÿòü O
nine hundred num [naIn "h¯ndrEd] äåâÿòüñîò
nineteen num [®naIn"ti†n] äåâÿòíàäöàòü
ninety num ["naInti] äåâÿíîñòî
ninety-one num [®naInti "w¯n] äåâÿíîñòî îäèí
ninth num [naInT] äåâÿòûé
no adv [nEç] íåò
No, I don’t. Íåò.
No, sorry. Íåò, èçâèíèòå.
noisily adv ["nOIzIli] øóìíî
noisy adj ["nOIzi] øóìíûé
nose n [nEçz] íîñ
notice n ["nEçtIs] çàìåòêà

November n [nEç"vembE] íîÿáðü

now adj [naç] ñåé÷àñ, òåïåðü
number n ["n¯mbE] íîìåð, ÷èñëî
nurse n [n¸†s] ìåäñåñòðà

ocean n ["EçSEn] îêåàí

o’clock adv [E"klk] ÷àñû (âðåìÿ)
October n [k"tEçbE] îêòÿáðü
of prep [Ev, v] ïðåäëîã (ðîäèòåëüíîãî ïàäåæà)
of course [®Ev "kO†s] êîíå÷íî
office n ["fIs] îôèñ

often adv ["fÒEÔn, "ftÒEÔn] ÷àñòî
oh [Eç] íîëü
oink [OINk] õðþêàòü (î ñâèíüå)
old adj [Eçld] 1) ñòàðûé; 2) ïîæèëîé
on prep [n] 1) íà (î ìåñòå); 2) â (î âðåìåíè)
on foot adv [n "fçt] ïåøêîì
one num [w¯n] îäèí
onion n ["¯njEn] ëóê
only adv ["Eçnli] òîëüêî
open v ["EçpEn] îòêðûâàòü
opposite prep ["pEzIt] íàïðîòèâ
or conj [O†] èëè
orange n, adj ["rIndZ] 1) àïåëüñèí; 2) îðàíæåâûé
orange juice n+n ["rIndZ "dZu†s] àïåëüñèíîâûé ñîê
order n ["O†dE] ïîðÿäîê
ostrich n ["strItS] ñòðàóñ
other det ["¯DE] äðóãîé, èíîé
our adj [açE] íàø
ox n [ks] áûê

page n [peIdZ] ñòðàíèöà

pair n [peE] ïàðà
palace n ["pÏlIs] äâîðåö
parade n [pE"reId] ïàðàä
parents n ["peErEnts] ðîäèòåëè
park n [pA†k] ïàðê
O parrot n ["pÏrEt] ïîïóãàé
partner n ["pA†tnE] ïàðòíåð
party n pl (-ies) ["pA†ti] âå÷åðèíêà
P past prep [pA†st] ïðîøëûé
half past [hA†f "pA†st] ïîëîâèíà ...ãî
It’s half past nine. Ïîëîâèíà äåñÿòîãî.
quarter past ["kwO†tE "pA†st] ÷åòâåðòü ...ãî
PE n ["pi† "i†] óðîê ôèçêóëüòóðû
pea n [pi†] ãîðîøèíà
peach n [pi†tS] ïåðñèê
peach juice n+n ["pi†tS "dZu†s] ïåðñèêîâûé ñîê
peacock n ["pi†kk] ïàâëèí
pear n [peE] ãðóøà
pear juice n+n ["peE "dZu†s] ãðóøåâûé ñîê
pen n [pen] ðó÷êà
pencil n ["pensÒEÔl] êàðàíäàø
pencil case n+n ["penslkeIs] ïåíàë
penguin n ["peNgwIn] ïèíãâèí

people n ["pi†pÒEÔl] ëþäè

pepper n ["pepE] ïåðåö
perfume n ["p¸†fju†m] äóõè
person n ["p¸†sÒEÔn] ÷åëîâåê, ëè÷íîñòü
pet n [pet] äîìàøíèé ïèòîìåö
phew int [fju†] ôó
phone v [fEçn] çâîíèòü ïî òåëåôîíó
photo n ["fEçtEç] ôîòîãðàôèÿ
piano n [pi"ÏnEç] ïèàíèíî
pick v [pIk] ñîáèðàòü
picture n ["pIktSE] êàðòèíà, ðèñóíîê

pig n [pIg] ñâèíüÿ
piglet n ["pIglIt] ïîðîñåíîê
pillow n ["pIlEç] ïîäóøêà
pilot n ["paIlEt] ëåò÷èê
pinch punch v [®pIntS"p¯ntS] ùèïàòü
pink adj [pINk] ðîçîâûé
place n [pleIs] ìåñòî
plane n [pleIn] samolyot
plant n, v [plA†nt] 1) ðàñòåíèå; 2) ñàæàòü
play v, n [pleI] 1) èãðàòü; 2) èãðà
play badminton v+n ["pleI "bÏdmIntEn] èãðàòü â áàäìèíòîí
play hopscotch/games v+n ["pleI "hpsktS\geImz] èãðàòü â êëàññèêè/èãðû
play tag v+n ["pleI "tÏg] èãðàòü â ïÿòíàøêè/ñàëêè
play the guitar v+n ["pleI DE gI"tA†] èãðàòü íà ãèòàðå
play the piano v+n ["pleI DE pI"ÏnEç] èãðàòü íà ïèàíèíî
player n ["pleIE] èãðîê
playground n ["pleIgraçnd] èãðîâàÿ ïëîùàäêà
please int [pli†z] ïîæàëóéñòà
plum n [pl¯m] ñëèâà
plump adj [pl¯mp] ïîëíûé; ïóõëûé
plural adj ["plçErEl] ìíîæåñòâåííûé
plus prep [pl¯s] ïëþñ
p.m. [®pi†"em] âðåìÿ ïîñëå 12 äíÿ äî 12 íî÷è
pocket n ["pkIt] êàðìàí
poem n ["pEçIm] ñòèõîòâîðåíèå
point v [pOInt] óêàçûâàòü
poisonous adj ["pOIzÒEÔnEs] ÿäîâèòûé P
polar adj ["pEçlE] ïîëÿðíûé
police officer n+n [pE"li†s ®fIsE] ïîëèöåéñêèé
police station n+n [pE"li†s ®steISn] ïîëèöåéñêèé ó÷àñòîê Q
at the police station [Et DE pE"li†s ®steISn] â ïîëèöåéñêîì ó÷àñòêå
pop n [pp] ïîï (ìóçûêà)
popular adj ["ppjçlE] ïîïóëÿðíûé
porridge n ["prIdZ] êàøà
portfolio n [pO†t"fEçliEç] ïîðòôåëü; ïàïêà
postcard n ["pEçstkA†d] ïî÷òîâàÿ îòêðûòêà
poster n ["pEçstE] ïîñòåð; ïëàêàò
poult n [pEçlt] ïòåíåö; öûïëåíîê; èíäþøîíîê
pour v [pO†] íàëèâàòü; ëèòüñÿ (î äîæäå)
present n ["prezÒEÔnt] ïîäàðîê
programme n ["prEçgrÏm] ïðîãðàììà
pumpkin n ["p¯mpkIn] òûêâà
Pumpkin Museum n+n ["p¯mpkIn mju†®zIEm] Ìóçåé òûêâû
pupil n ["pju†pÒEÔl] ó÷åíèê

puppy n pl (-ies) ["p¯pi] ùåíîê

purple adj ["p¸†pÒEÔl] ôèîëåòîâûé; ïóðïóðíûé
put v [pçt] êëàñòü
put in êëàñòü â ...
put on íàäåâàòü
puzzle n ["p¯zÒEÔl] ïàçë; ãîëîâîëîìêà
do puzzles v+n ["du† "p¯zÒEÔl] ðåøàòü ãîëîâîëîìêè

quack v [kwÏk] êðÿêàòü (îá óòêå)

quail n [kweIl] ïåðåïåëêà
quarter adj ["kwO†tE] ÷åòâåðòü

It is a quarter past nine. ×åòâåðòü äåñÿòîãî.
quarter to ... ["kwO†tE tE] Áåç ÷åòâåðòè ... .
queen n [kwi†n] êîðîëåâà
question n ["kwestSÒEÔn] âîïðîñ
quiet adj ["kwaIEt] òèõèé
quiz n [kwIz] âèêòîðèíà

rabbit n ["rÏbIt] êðîëèê

radio n pl (-s) ["reIdIEç] ðàäèî
rain n, v [reIn] 1) äîæäü; 2) èäåò äîæäü
rainbow n ["reInbEç] ðàäóãà
rainy adj ["reIni] äîæäëèâûé
rat n [rÏt] êðûñà
read v [ri†d] ÷èòàòü
reading n ["ri†dIN] ÷òåíèå
red adj [red] êðàñíûé
region n ["ri†dZÒEÔn] îáëàñòü
remember v [rI"membE] ïîìíèòü
repeat v [rI"pi†t] ïîâòîðÿòü
report n, v [rI"pO†t] 1) îò÷åò; 2) äåëàòü äîêëàä
rest n [rest] îòäûõ
have a rest v+n îòäûõàòü
return v [rI"t¸†n] âîçâðàùàòüñÿ
no returns áåç âîçâðàòà
revision n [rI"vIZÒEÔn] ïîâòîðåíèå
ribbon n ["rIbEn] ëåíòà
Q rice n [raIs] ðèñ
rich adj [rItS] áîãàòûé
R ride v [raId] åõàòü (âåðõîì, íà ìàøèíå/âåëîñèïåäå)
ride a bike v+n ["raId E "baIk] åõàòü íà âåëîñèïåäå
ride a horse v+n ["raId E "hO†s] åõàòü íà ëîøàäè
ride a skateboard v+n ["raId E "skeItbO†d] åçäèòü íà ñêåéòáîðäå
rider n ["raIdE] âñàäíèê; âåëîñèïåäèñò
right adj [raIt] 1) ïðàâèëüíûéi; 2) ïðàâûé
on the right prep [nDE"raIt] ñïðàâà
rise v [raIz] ïîäíèìàòüñÿ
river n ["rIvE] ðåêà
The River Thames [DE "ri†vE "temz] ðåêà Òåìçà
road n [rEçd] äîðîãà
robot n ["rEçbt] ðîáîò
rock n [rk] ðîê (ìóçûêà)
roller-skate v ["rEçlEskeIt] êàòàòüñÿ íà ðîëèêàõ
room n [ru†m] êîìíàòà

rooster n ["ru†stE] ïåòóõ

rose n [rEçz] ðîçà
round adj, adv [raçnd] 1) êðóãëûé; 2) âîêðóã
rubob n [rç"bb] ðóáîá (ìóçûêàëüíûé èíñòðóìåíò)
rucksack n ["r¯ksÏk] ðþêçàê
rug n [r¯g] êîâðèê
rule n [ru†l] ïðàâèëî
ruler n ["ru†lE] ëèíåéêà
run v [r¯n] áåãàòü
run away v+adv [®r¯nE"weI] óáåãàòü
runner n ["r¯nE] áåãóí

runny nose adj+n ["r¯ni ®nEçz] íàñìîðê
Russia n ["r¯SE] Ðîññèÿ
Russian adj, n ["r¯Sn] 1) ðóññêèé; 2) ðóññêèé ÿçûê

sad adj [sÏd] ïå÷àëüíûé

said [sed] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “say”
safari n [sE"fA†ri] ñàôàðè ïàðê
salad n ["sÏlEd] ñàëàò
sat v [sÏt] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “sit”
Saturday n ["sÏtEdi] ñóááîòà
sausage n ["ssIdZ] ñîñèñêà, êîëáàñà
saxophone n ["sÏksEfEçn] ñàêñîôîí
saw [sO†] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “see”
say v [seI] ñêàçàòü, ãîâîðèòü
say goodbye v+n [®seI "gçdbaI] ïîïðîùàòüñÿ
school n [sku†l] øêîëà
at the school [Et DE "sku†l] â øêîëå
schoolbag n ["sku†lbÏg] ïîðòôåëü
schoolboy n ["sku†lbOI] øêîëüíèê
schoolchildren n ["sku†ltSIldrEn] ó÷åíèêè
school things n+n ["sku†l "TINz] øêîëüíûå ïðèíàäëåæíîñòè
score n [skO†] ñ÷åò î÷êîâ (â èãðå)
Scotland n ["sktlEnd] Øîòëàíäèÿ
sea n [si†] ìîðå
season n ["si†zÒEÔn] ñåçîí, âðåìÿ ãîäà
second num ["sekEnd] âòîðîé
secretary n pl (-ies) ["sekrItÒEÔri] ñåêðåòàðü R
see v [si†] âèäåòü
see-saw n ["si†sO†] êà÷åëè S
play see-saw n+n êàòàòüñÿ íà êà÷åëÿõ
sentence n ["sentÒEÔns] ïðåäëîæåíèå
September n [sep"tembE] ñåíòÿáðü
seven num ["sevn] ñåìü
seven hundred num [®sevn "h¯ndrEd] ñåìüñîò
seventeen num [®sevn"ti†n] ñåìíàäöàòü
seventh num ["sevnT] ñåäüìîé
seventy num ["sevnti] ñåìüäåñÿò
seventy-one num [®sevnti "w¯n] ñåìüäåñÿò îäèí
sew v [sEç] øèòü
shampoo n [SÏm"pu†] øàìïóíü
shark n [SA†k] àêóëà
sharpener n ["SA†pnE] òî÷èëêà
she pron [SI, Si†] îíà

sheep n pl (–) [Si†p] îâöà

shelf n pl (shelves) [Self] ïîëêà
shine v [SaIn] ñâåòèòü
shirt n [S¸†t] ðóáàøêà
shop n [Sp] ìàãàçèí
do the shopping v+n ["du† DE "SpIN] äåëàòü ïîêóïêè
at the shop â ìàãàçèíå
shop assistant n ["Sp E®sIstEnt] ïðîäàâåö
short adj [SO†t] êîðîòêèé
shorts n [SO†ts] øîðòû
shoulder n ["SEçldE] ïëå÷î

show v [SEç] ïîêàçûâàòü
shower n ["SaçE] äóø
have/take a shower v+n ïðèíèìàòü äóø
sick n [sIk] áîëüíîé
sign n [saIn] âûâåñêà, çíàê
sing v [sIN] ïåòü
singer n ["sINE] ïåâåö
sister n ["sIstE] ñåñòðà
sit v [sIt] ñèäåòü
Sit down. ["sItdaçn] Ñàäèòåñü.
sit-up n ["sIt¯p] ñåä (ãèìíàñòèêà)
six num [sIks] øåñòü
six hundred num [®sIks "h¯ndrEd] øåñòüñîò
sixteen num [®sIks"ti†n] øåñòíàäöàòü
sixth num [sIksT] øåñòîé
sixty num ["sIksti] øåñòüäåñÿò
sixty-one num [®sIksti "w¯n] øåñòüäåñÿò îäèí
skate n, v [skeIt] 1) êîíüêè; 2) êàòàòüñÿ íà êîíüêàõ
skateboard n ["skeItbO†d] ñêåéòáîðä
ski n, v [ski†] 1) ëûæè; 2) êàòàòüñÿ íà ëûæàõ
ski p v [skIp] ïðûãàòü; ñêàêàòü
skirt n [sk¸†t] þáêà
sky n [skaI] íåáî
sledge n, v [sledZ] 1) ñàíêè; 2) êàòàòüñÿ íà ñàíêàõ
sleep v [sli†p] ñïàòü
slept v [slept] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “sleep”
S slow adj [slEç] ìåäëåííûé
slowly adv ["slEçli] ìåäëåííî
small adj [smO†l] ìàëåíüêèé
snake n [sneIk] çìåÿ
snow n [snEç] ñíåã
snowball n ["snEçbO†l] ñíåæîê
snowman n ["snEçmÏn] ñíåãîâèê
snowstorm n ["snEçstO†m] ñíåæíàÿ áóðÿ, áóðàí, âüþãà
snowy adj ["snEçi] ñíåæíûé
so conj, adv [sEç] 1) èòàê; 2) òàê, äî òàêîé ñòåïåíè, ñòîëü
soap n [sEçp] ìûëî
soft adj [sft] ìÿãêèé
softly adv ["sftli] íåæíî
some det, adj [s¯m] íåêîòîðûå; îäíè
sometimes pron ["s¯mtaImz] èíîãäà
something pron ["s¯mTIN] ÷òî-òî; ÷òî-íèáóäü

son n [s¯n] ñûí

song n [sN] ïåñíÿ
soon adv [su†n] âñêîðå
sore eye adj+n [®sO†r "aI] áîëü â ãëàçå
sore hand adj+n [®sO† "hÏnd] áîëü â ðóêå
sore leg adj+n [®sO† "leg] áîëü â íîãå
sore throat adj+n [®sO† "TrEçt] áîëü â ãîðëå
sorry v ["sri] ñîæàëåòü
Sorry, you have the wrong number. Ïðîñòèòå, âû íàáðàëè íåâåðíûé íîìåð.
sound n [saçnd] çâóê
soup n [su†p] ñóï

sparrow n ["spÏrEç] âîðîáåé
speak v [spi†k] ãîâîðèòü
speak to v+prep ["spi†k tE] ðàçãîâàðèâàòü ñ ...
special adj ["speSÒEÔl] ñïåöèàëüíûé; îñîáåííûé
spell v [spel] ïèñàòü/ïðîèçíîñèòü ïî áóêâàì
spend v [spend] ïðîâîäèòü
spider n ["spaIdE] ïàóê
spider monkey n+n [®spaIdE "m¯Nki] ïàóêîîáðàçíàÿ îáåçüÿíà
spot n [spt] ïÿíî
sport n [spO†t] ñïîðò
sportsman n pl (-men) ["spO†tsmEn] ñïîðòñìåí
sports centre n+n ["spO†ts "sentE] ñïîðòèâíûé öåíòð
sports uniform n+n ["spO†ts "ju†nIfO†m] ñïîðòèâíàÿ ôîðìà
spring n [sprIN] âåñíà
spy n, v [spaI] 1) øïèîí; 2) øïèîíèòü
square adj [skweE] êâàäðàòíûé
staff room n+n [®stA†f"ru†m] ó÷èòåëüñêàÿ
stand v [stÏnd] ñòîÿòü
Stand up. ["stÏnd¯p] Âñòàíüòå.
start n, v [stA†t] 1) íà÷àëî; ñòàðò 2) íà÷èíàòü
stay (at) v [steI] îñòàâàòüñÿ
stay at school ["steI Et "sku†l] îñòàâàòüñÿ â øêîëå
stay with v+prep ["steI wID] îñòàâàòüñÿ ñ ...
stone n ["stEçn] êàìåíü
stop v [stp] îñòàíàâëèâàòüñÿ
story n pl (-ies) ["stO†ri] ðàññêàç
straight adj [streIt] ïðÿìîé (î âîëîñàõ) S
strawberry n ["strO†bEri] êëóáíèêà
street n [stri†t] óëèöà
stri pe n [straIp] ïîëîñà
strong adj [strN] ñèëüíûé
student n ["stju†dÒEÔnt] ñòóäåíò
study v ["st¯di] ó÷èòüñÿ
subject n ["s¯bdZIkt] øêîëüíûé ïðåäìåò
sum n [s¯m] ñóììà
do sums v+n ðåøàòü çàäà÷è èëè ïðèìåðû
summer n ["s¯mE] ëåòî
sun n [s¯n] ñîëíöå
sunbathe v ["s¯nbeID] çàãîðàòü íà ñîëíöå
Sunday n ["s¯ndi] âîñêðåñåíüå
sunflower n ["s¯n®flaçE] ïîäñîëíóõ
sunglasses n ["s¯nglA†sIs] ñîëíöåçàùèòíûå î÷êè
sunny adj ["s¯ni] ñîëíå÷íûé

supermarket n ["su†pE®mA†kIt] ñóïåðìàðêåò

sure adj [SEçE, SO†] óâåðåííûé
Are you sure? Âû óâåðåíû?
surname n ["s¸†neIm] ôàìèëèÿ
surprise n [sE"praIz] ñþðïðèç
swallow n ["swlEç] ëàñòî÷êà
sweep the floor v+n ["swi†p DE "flO†] ïîäìåòàòü ïîë
sweet adj, n [swi†t] 1) ñëàäêèé; 2) êîíôåòà; ñëàäîñòü
swept v [swept] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “sweep”
swim v [swIm] ïëàâàòü
swimming n ["swImIN] ïëàâàíèå

table n ["teIbÒEÔl] 1) ñòîë; 2) òàáëèöà
taekwondo n ["taIkwndEç] òàýêâîíäî (áîåâîå èñêóññòâî)
tail n [teIl] õâîñò
take v [teIk] áðàòü
take for a walk v+n áðàòü íà ïðîãóëêó
take a photo v+n ["teIk E "fEçtEç] ôîòîãðàôèðîâàòü
take the rubbish out ["teIk DE "r¯bIS "açt] âûíîñèòü ìóñîð
talk v, n [tO†k] 1) ðàçãîâàðèâàòü; 2) ðàçãîâîð
talk on the phone v+n ãîâîðèòü ïî òåëåôîíó
tall adj [tO†l] âûñîêèé
tasty adj ["teIsti] âêóñíûé
taxi n ["tÏksi] òàêñè
taxi-driver n ["tÏksi "draIvE] òàêñèñò
tea n [ti†] ÷àé
teach v [ti†tS] ó÷èòü
teacher n ["ti†tSE] ó÷èòåëü
Teachers’ Day n+n ["ti†tSEz "deI] Äåíü Ó÷èòåëÿ
team n [ti†m] êîìàíäà
teddy bear n ["tedi "beE] ïëþøåâûé ìåäâåæîíîê
teeth n [ti†T] çóáû
telephone n ["telIfEçn] òåëåôîí
tell v [tel] ðàññêàçûâàòü; ñîîáùàòü
temperature n ["tempÒEÔrEtSE] òåìïåðàòóðà
ten num [ten] äåñÿòü
tennis n ["tenIs] òåííèñ
tenth num [tenT] äåñÿòûé
T text n [tekst] òåêñò
Thank you. ["TÏNkju†] Ñïàñèáî.
that adj [DEt, DÏt] 1) òî, òà, òî, òå; 2) ýòî, ýòà, ýòîò
the [DE, DI] îïðåäåëåííûé àðòèêëü
theatre n ["TIEtE] òåàòð
their adj [DE, DeE] èõ
them pron [DEm, Dem] èì
then conj [Den] çàòåì
there adv [DeE, DE] òàì
there is/are [DerIz \ DerA†] òàì åñòü ...
thermometer n [TE"mmItE] òåðìîìåòð
these pron [Di†z] ýòè
they pron [DeI] îíè
thin adj [TIn] õóäîé, òîíêèé
thing n [TIN] âåùü, ïðåäìåò
think v [TINk] äóìàòü
third num [T¸†d] òðåòèé
thirteen num [®T¸†"ti†n] òðèíàäöàòü

thirty num ["T¸†ti] òðèäöàòü

thirty-one num [®T¸†ti "w¯n] òðèäöàòü îäèí
this pron adj [DIs] ýòî, ýòîò, ýòà
those pron [DEçz] òå
three num [Tri†] òðè
three hundred num [®Tri† "h¯ndrEd] òðèñòà
thunderstorm n ["T¯ndEstO†m] ãðîçà
Thursday n ["T¸†zdi] ÷åòâåðã
tick v [tIk] îòìå÷àòü ãàëî÷êîé
ticket n ["tIkIt] áèëåò
tiger n ["taIgE] òèãð

tights n ["taIts] êîëãîòêè
time n [taIm] 1) âðåìÿ; 2) ðàç
on time â ñðîê, âîâðåìÿ
timetable n ["taIm®teIbl] ðàñïèñàíèå
tired adj [taIEd] óñòàâøèé
title n ["taItl] íàçâàíèå, çàãëàâèå
to prep [tu, tE, tu†] 1) ê, â (ïðåäëîã íàïðàâëåíèÿ)
2) áåç ... (ïðåäëîã âðåìåíè)
go to school õîäèòü â øêîëó
ten minutes to eleven áåç äåñÿòè îäèííàäöàòü
today adv [tE"deI] ñåãîäíÿ
toe n [tEç] ïàëåö íîãè
toilet n ["tOIlEt] 1) òóàëåò; 2) óíèòàç
tomato n [tE"mA†tEç] ïîìèäîð
tomato salad n+n [tE"mA†tEç "sÏlEd] ñàëàò èç ïîìèäîðîâ
tomorrow adv [tE"mrEç] çàâòðà
tongue twister n+n [®t¯N"twIstE] ñêîðîãîâîðêà
too adv [tu†] òàêæå, òîæå
took v [tçk] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “take”
tooth n pl (teeth) [tu†T] çóá
toothache n ["tu†TeIk] çóáíàÿ áîëü
toothbrush n ["tu†Tbr¯S] çóáíàÿ ùåòêà
toothpaste n ["tu†TpeIst] çóáíàÿ ïàñòà
tortoise n ["tO†tEs] ÷åðåïàõà
total n ["tEçtl] âñåãî, èòîãî
touch v [t¯tS] äîòðàãèâàòüñÿ
tourist n ["tçErIst] òóðèñò T
Tower of London n+n ["taçEr Ev "l¯ndEn] Ëîíäîíñêèé Òàóýð
town n [taçn] (íåáîëüøîé) ãîðîä
toy n [tOI] èãðóøêà
toy shop n+n ["tOISp] ìàãàçèí èãðóøåê
tractor n ["trÏktE] òðàêòîð
tradition n [trE"dISÒEÔn] òðàäèöèÿ
traditional adj [trE"dISnl] òðàäèöèîííûé
Trafalgar Square n+n [trE"fÏlgE "skweE] Òðàôàëüãàðñêàÿ ïëîùàäü
train n [treIn] ïîåçä
trainers n ["treInEz] êðîññîâêè
translate v [trÏns"leIt] ïåðåâîäèòü
transport n ["trÏnspO†t] òðàíñïîðò
tree n [tri†] äåðåâî
trousers n ["traçzEz] áðþêè
true adj [tru†] âåðíûé, ïðàâèëüíûé
try v [traI] ïûòàòüñÿ; ñòàðàòüñÿ
T-shirt n ["ti† "S¸†t] ôóòáîëêà

Tuesday n ["tju†zdi] âòîðíèê

tugai n [tç"gaI] òóãàè
tuli p n ["tju†lIp] òþëüïàí
tummy ache n+n [®t¯mi "eIk] áîëè â îáëàñòè æèâîòà
turkey n pl (-s) ["t¸†ki] èíäþøêà
turn n, v [t¸†n] 1) ïîâîðîò; 2) ïîâîðà÷èâàòü
turn left v+n ["t¸†n "left] ïîâåðíóòü íàëåâî
turn right v+n ["t¸†n "raIt] ïîâåðíóòü íàïðàâî
turtle n ["t¸†tl] ìîðñêàÿ ÷åðåïàõà
twelfth num [twelfT] äâåíàäöàòûé
twelve num [twelv] äâåíàäöàòü

twenty num ["twenti] äâàäöàòü
twenty-one num ["twenti "w¯n] äâàäöàòü îäèí
twin n [twIn] áëèçíåö
two num [tu†] äâà
two hundred num [®tu† "h¯ndrEd] äâåñòè

ugly adj ["¯gli] áåçîáðàçíûé; óðîäëèâûé

umbrella n [¯m"brelE] çîíò
uncle n ["¯Nkl] äÿäÿ
under prep ["¯ndE] ïîä
understand v [®¯ndE"stÏnd] ïîíèìàòü
unhealthy n [¯n"helTi] íåçäîðîâûé
uniform n ["ju†nIfO†m] ôîðìåííàÿ îäåæäà, ôîðìà
unit n ["ju†nIt] ðàçäåë
university n pl (-ies) [®ju†nI"v¸†sIti] óíèâåðñèòåò
up adv [¯p] ââåðõ
Urgench n [çr"gentS] Óðãåí÷
us pron [Es, ¯s] íàñ, íàì
use v [ju†z] èñïîëüçîâàòü
usually adv ["ju†ZçEli] îáû÷íî
Uzbek adj, n ["çzbek] 1) óçáåêñêèé; óçáåê; 2) óçáåêñêèé ÿçûê
Uzbekistan n [®çzbekI"sta†n] Óçáåêèñòàí

varan n ["vÏrEn] âàðàí

vase n [vA†z] âàçà
vegetable n ["vedZtEbl] îâîù
T very adv ["veri] î÷åíü
village n ["vIlIdZ] äåðåâíÿ, êèøëàê
U violet adj ["vaIElIt] ôèîëåòîâûé, òåìíî-ëèëîâûé
visit v ["vIzIt] íàíîñèòü âèçèò, ïîñåùàòü
volleyball n ["vlibO†l] âîëåéáîë
wake up v ["weIk¯p] ïðîñûïàòüñÿ
Wales n [weIlz] Óýëüñ
W walk v [wO†k] ãóëÿòü; èäòè, õîäèòü ïåøêîì
wall n [wO†l] ñòåíà
want v [wnt] õîòåòü, æåëàòü
warm adj [wO†m] òåïëûé
was [wEz, wz] áûë, áûëà (ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “be”
â åäèíñòâåííîì ÷èñëå)
was born [wEz "bO†n] ðîäèòüñÿ
wash v [wS] ìûòü
do the washing v+n ["du† DE "wSIN] ñòèðàòü (áåëüå)

wash the dishes v+n ["wS DE "dISIz] ìûòü ïîñóäó

watch v [wtS] 1) ñìîòðåòü; 2) íàáëþäàòü
watch TV v+n ["wtS ®ti†"vi†] ñìîòðåòü òåëåâèçîð
water n pl (–) ["wO†tE] âîäà
watermelon n ["wO†tEmelEn] àðáóç
we pron [wi, wi†] ìû
wear v [weE] íîñèòü îäåæäó
weather n ["weDE] ïîãîäà
Wednesday n ["wenzdi] ñðåäà
week n [wi†k] íåäåëÿ
well adv [wel] õîðîøî

went [went] ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “go”
were [w¸†] áûëè (ïðîøåäøåå âðåìÿ îò “be”
âî ìíîæåñòâåííîì ÷èñëå)
wet adj [wet] âëàæíûé
whale n [weIl] êèò
what pron, adv [wt] 1) ÷òî; 2) êàêîé
What about you? À âû?
when adv [wen] êîãäà
When’s he/she at home? Êîãäà îí/à áóäåò äîìà?
where adv [weE] ãäå, êóäà
Where are you going? ["weErA† ju† "gEçIN] Êóäà âû èäåòå?
Where can I buy ...? ["weE kEn aI "baI] Ãäå ÿ ìîãó êóïèòü ... ?
which pron [wItS] êîòîðûé
white adj [waIt] áåëûé
whiteboard n ["waItbO†d] áåëàÿ êëàññíàÿ äîñêà
who pron [hu†] êòî
whose pron [hu†z] ÷åé
why pron [waI] ïî÷åìó
wild adj [waIld] äèêèé
wildlife n ["waIldlaIf] äèêàÿ ïðèðîäà
willow n ["wIlEç] èâà
wind n [wInd] âåòåð
window n ["wIndEç] îêíî
windstorm n ["wIndstO†m] áóðÿ, óðàãàí
windy adj ["wIndi] âåòðåííûé
winter n ["wIntE] çèìà
wise adj [waIz] ìóäðûé W
wish n, v [wIS] 1) æåëàíèå; 2) æåëàòü
with prep [wID, wIT] ñ Y
wolf n pl (wolves) [wçlf] ["wçlvz] âîëê
woman n pl (women) ["wçmEn] ["wImIn] æåíùèíà
wonderful adj ["w¯ndEfÒEÔl] êðàñèâûé, ïðåêðàñíûé Z
word n [w¸†d] ñëîâî
wordlist n ["w¸†dlIst] ñïèñîê ñëîâ
work n, v pl (–) [w¸†k] 1) ðàáîòà; 2) ðàáîòàòü
workbook n ["w¸†kbçk] ðàáî÷àÿ òåòðàäü
world n [w¸†ld] ìèð
write v [raIt] ïèñàòü
wrong adj [rN] íåïðàâèëüíûé

yard n [jA†d] äâîð

year n [j¸†] ãîä
years old [®jIEz "Eçld] ... ëåò

yellow adj ["jelEç] æåëòûé

yes adv [jes] äà
yesterday adv ["jestEdi] â÷åðà
you pron [jE, jç, ju†] 1) òû, âû; 2) òåáÿ, âàñ, âàì
young adj [j¯N] ìîëîäîé
your adj [jE, jO†] òâîé; âàø
yucky adj ["j¯ki] îòâðàòèòåëüíûé
yummy adj ["j¯mi] âêóñíûé, àïïåòèòíûé

zebra n ["zi†brE] çåáðà

zoo n [zu†] çîîïàðê

Ñâåäåíèÿ î ñîñòîÿíèè ó÷åáíèêà, âûäàííîãî â àðåíäó
¹ Èìÿ, ôàìèëèÿ Ó÷åáíûé Ñîñòîÿíèå Ïîäïèñü Ñîñòîÿíèå Ïîäïèñü
ó÷åíèêà ãîä ó÷åáíèêà êëàññíîãî ó÷åáíèêà ïðè êëàññíîãî
ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ ñäà÷å ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ

Òàáëèöà çàïîëíÿåòñÿ êëàññíûì ðóêîâîäèòåëåì ïðè ïåðåäà÷å ó÷åáíèêà â

ïîëüçîâàíèå è âîçâðàùåíèè íàçàä â êîíöå ó÷åáíîãî ãîäà. Ïðè çàïîëíåíèè
òàáëèöû èñïîëüçóþòñÿ ñëåäóþùèå îöåíî÷íûå êðèòåðèè:

Íîâûé Ñîñòîÿíèå ó÷åáíèêà ïåðåä ïîñòóïëåíèåì â àðåíäó

Õîðîøî Îáëîæêà öåëàÿ, íå îòîðâàíà îò îñíîâíîé ÷àñòè êíèãè. Âñå ñòðàíèöû èìå-
þòñÿ, öåëûå, íå ïîðâàíû, íå îòêëååíû, íà ñòðàíèöàõ íåò çàïèñåé è ïîìàðîê.
Óäîâëåòâî- Îáëîæêà èçìÿòà, èñ÷åð÷åíà, êðàÿ îáòðåïàíû, îòäåëåíû ÷àñòè÷íî îò îñíîâ-
ðèòåëüíî íîé ÷àñòè êíèãè. Îòðåñòàâðèðîâàíà ïîëüçîâàòåëåì óäîâëåòâîðèòåëüíî.
Íåêîòîðûå ñòðàíèöû èñ÷åð÷åíû, âûðâàííûå ñòðàíèöû ïîäêëååíû.
Íåóäîâëåò- Îáëîæêà èñ÷åð÷åíà, ðàçîðâàíà ïîëíîñòüþ èëè ÷àñòè÷íî îòîðâàíà îò îñíîâ-
âîðèòåëüíî íîé ÷àñòè êíèãè, îòðåñòàâðèðîâàíà óäîâëåòâîðèòåëüíî. Ñòðàíèöû ïîðâàíû,
ðàçóêðàøåíû, èñïà÷êàíû, íåêîòîðûå îòñóòñòâóþò. Âîññòàíîâëåíèå íåâîçìîæíî.

Æóðàåâ, Ëóòôóëëî.
81.2 Àíãë “New Fly High 5” English: äëÿ øêîë îáùåãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ /
N 52 Ë. Æóðàåâ (è äðóãèå) — T.: ÈÏÒÄ “O‘qituvchi”, 2017. — 160 ñ.
ISBN 978-9943-22-121-5 ÓÄÊ: 811.111(075.3)
ÁÁÊ 81.2Àíãë–922
Lutfullo Jo‘rayev, Svetlana Xan, Ludmila Kamalova,
O‘rinboy Hoshimov, Hurmat G‘aniyeva, Rozaliya Ziryanova, Shoira Ernazarova,
To‘ti Tursunova


Ta’lim rus tilida olib boriladigan umumiy o‘rta ta’lim maktablarining 5- sinfi uchun darslik
Birinchi nashr
„O‘qituvchi“ nashriyot-matbaa ijodiy uyi
Toshkent – 2017
Ïåðåâîä÷èê Ë. Æóðàåâ; Õóäîæåñòâåííûé ðåäàêòîð Á. Èáðàãèìîâ;
Õóäîæíèêè: Þ. Ãàáçàëèëîâ, A. ×àïëåíêî; Ñïåö. ðåäàêòîð Ë. Êàìàëîâà;
Òåõíè÷åñêèé ðåäàêòîð Ñ. Íàáèåâà; Êîìïüþòåðíàÿ âåðñòêà è äèçàéí Ë. Æóðàåâ

Èçäàòåëüñêàÿ ëèöåíçèÿ AI ¹291.04.11.2016. Ïîäïèñàíî â ïå÷àòü 26.07.2017.1Ôîðìàò 60x901/8 .

Êåãëü 12, 11. Ãàðíèòóðà “Pragmatica”. Ïå÷àòü îôñåòíàÿ. Áóìàãà îôñåòíàÿ. Ïå÷àòíûõ ëèñòîâ 000.
Óñëîâíî-ïå÷àòíûõ ëèñòîâ 14,62. Ó÷åòíî-èçäàòåëüñêèõ ëèñòîâ 11,52. Òèðàæ 69 552. Çàêàç ¹ .

Èçäàòåëüñêî-ïîëèãðàôè÷åñêèé òâîð÷åñêèé äîì “O‘qituvchi” Óçáåêñêîãî àãåíòñòâà ïî ïå÷àòè è

èíôîðìàöèè. Òàøêåíò, Þíóñàáàäñêèé ð-í., óë. ßíãèøàõàð, äîì 1. Äîãîâîð ¹ 80–17.

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