CPM 301 Assignment 2023.09.22
CPM 301 Assignment 2023.09.22
CPM 301 Assignment 2023.09.22
CPM 301
• Introduction 1.1
• Selection project process 1.2
i. Human resources impact
ii. Public reaction
iii. Expected time frame.
iv. Risk
• Project cycle 1.3
i. Initiating phase
ii. Planning
iii. Performance stage
iv. Closing
• Police risk 1.4
• Closing project cycle 1.5
• Hot spot 1.6
• Leadership 2.1
i. Empower the team.
ii. Establish guidelines.
iii. Give constructive feedback.
iv. Communication
v. Recognize
• Leadership recommendation 2.2
It affects us all.
1. 1 Introduction
A hot spot is a small geographical area where crime occurs often enough that its predictable. This
small, areas are known as micro units of geography. An officer should be able to stand in the center
of the hotspot and see most of it with their naked eye (Sherman and others, 1989) hotspot policing
involves increasing visible patrols this discourages offenders from taking advantage of opportunities
to commit crime. Strategies of place based (crime prevention) policing can be as simple as drastically
increasing officers time spent at hotspot. In a review (Braga ET AL 2019 a) subject suggested that the
extend evaluation research provides robust evidence that hotspot policing is an effective crime
prevention strategy(p289). The hotspot perspective suggests that police can reduce crime by
focusing their resources on the small number of places that generate most crime problems
(Sherman and Weisburd 1995. Eck and Weisburd 1995)
IV. Risk.
• Scope risk, also known as scope creep, occurs when the initial project objectives aren’t well
defined. The importance of communicating your project roadmap well defined it's important
to communicate your project through map with stakeholders from the beginning and hold
firm to those parameters. If you don't communicate your project scope effectively,
stakeholders may try to change requirements mid- project. Performance risk occurs when
the project doesn't perform as well as initially expected. While you can’t always identify the
root cause of low performance you can identify project risks that may lead to low
performance and look for ways to prevent this risk. Time risk, also known as project
schedule risk, is the risk that task in your project will take longer than expected delivery
date, or overall performance. Resources risk occurs if you don't have enough resources to
complete the project, resources allocation should happen early in the project planning
process. (Project planning, Team Asana 8th 2022).
1.3 Project cycle
Initiating phase
• This first phase of the project life cycle involves identifying a need, problem, or opportunity
in this regard the SAPS and the community of RIETPOORT have identified an area in which
crime is often committed and such area must be addressed, strategists be put in place to
reduce crime from such area. The need for projects is often identified as part of an
organization’s (SAPS) strategic planning process projects are a means to implement
elements of specific strategies or actions. The district commander has given go ahead to the
station commander to have a project on implementing strategies to reduce crime. The
project charter has been documented, the charter includes-justification of the project,
completion date, project objectives and the expected benefits (project management in
south Africa, J. Gido, J.P Clements, R. Baker, N. HARINARAIN, ERESIA-EKE 2nd ed 11-12).
• The district commander and the station commander held their meeting discussing on how
they can reduce crime in RIETPOORT. A proposal of a project was done whereby members
would be increased and vehicles which are newly bought will be used in the project in which
a plan of motion has been drawn every hotspot that is identified will be allocated three
vehicles in which two members per vehicle and also four foot patrollers members will be
added by six CPF members and all the foot patrollers will be given pepper sprays, state cell
phones and protective gear.
i. Planning
• Once the project is authorized the next phase of the project life cycle is to do detailed
planning for how to accomplish the project. It is necessary to lay out a road map that shows
how the project scope will be achieved within budget and on schedule. Project planning
involves determining what needs to be done, how it will get done, who will do it, how long it
will take, how much it will cost and the potential risks. benefits (project management in
south Africa, J. Gido, J.P Clements, R. Baker, N. HARINARAIN, ERESIA-EKE 2nd ed 12).
• As the project has been approved the station commander will meet with all the station unit
managers and brainstorm all the individual unit’s duties on the project and the time frame of
the project and the objective of the the project. Every unit manager must bring their
members who are skilled on patrolling, profiling individuals, searching, and opening of
dockets. All the arrested suspects should be profiled and checked if there are any repeat
offenders amongst them.
• CPF members should be grouped with SAPS members and be guided on how to conduct
search and how to follow the law while performing their duties. Shifts will be formed
whereby all will report on duty according to the analysis of what time do such crime occur
on the identified hotspot.
ii. Performing stage
• The third phase of the project life cycle is performing the project. Once the baseline plan has
been developed, work can proceed. The project team led by project managers will execute
the plan and perform the activities to produce all the deliverables and to achieve the project
objectives (project management in south Africa, J. Gido, J.P Clements, R. Baker, N.
HARINARAIN, ERESIA-EKE 2nd ed 12-13). The team is performing consistently at a high level.
They are focused on reaching the project goals as a team. The individuals do not exist, the
team members are interdependent. The team (patrol vehicles) are being deployed in
hotspot areas and, police officers can be able to resolve and face any matter they come
across. They don't have to always ask operational commander on how to act as they know
how, to follow all the law. During performing the project, different types of resources will be
utilized, for example applying for sec 205 at court for the cell phone data of all the alleged
iii. Closing
• The final phase of the project life cycle is closing the project. The process of closing the
project involves various actions, including collecting and making final preparations. Project
closure is the last phase of a project it's when the project manager verifies that the
community has accepted the project results. The project manager will also review the entire
project before closing it, rating performance, and comparing that to the baseline. The
manager will arrange a postmortem what worked and if such a project can be continued,
complete paperwork. The commander of the project will give feedback to the district
commander, the decrease of crime on the identified hot spot will be noted together with the
community being trusting the police service on being safe. (project management in south
Africa, J. Gido, J.P Clements, R. Baker, N. HARINARAIN, ERESIA-EKE 2nd ed 14).
• Police officers run a high risk of being attacked, wounded, or even killed by criminals,
hoodlums, and other people whose behavior disagrees with the law and the society norms,
they may also suffer from friendly fire.
• Many police officers are involved in work related accidents vehicle crashes falls during chase,
rescue, and similar operations.
• Police officers usually live under constant apprehension of physical danger work long and
irregular hours and are exposed to unpleasant sight of life this often results in psychological
stress family and personal problems.
• police officers may develop health problems because of spending much time outdoors
including under the sun or in bad weather.
• unavoidable physical contact with people who have contagious diseases is a serious health
• The final phase of the project life cycle is closing the project. The process of closing the
project involves various actions, including collecting and making final payments, evaluating,
and recognizing staff, conducting a post- project evaluation, documenting lessons learned
archiving project documents. The project organization should ensure that copies of
appropriate project documentation are properly organized, filed, and archived so that they
can be readily accessed for use in the future. An important task during this phase is
evaluating performance of the project. The project team should identify lesson learned and
make recommendations for improving performance on future project, to encourage the use
of this information and a knowledge-based system should be established that includes an
easily accessible place to retrieve lessons learned and information from previous project
feedback should also be obtained from this from the community.
• The closing of the project as the time stipulated for it to be performed has been reached the
station commander must meet up with all the involved stakeholders and give feedback on
whether the objective of reducing crime through the crime prevention strategies on hotspot
policing was reached. Statistics should be evaluated, the before project and the after. The
district Commander must be given a report on how the project reduce crime and what
needs to be taken out from that project for future use and what should not be repeated. For
example: how can police perform their duties during the night while there is low shedding in
that hot spot area and the time frame in which crime occurs is exactly when low shedding
occurs, what should be done or implemented to prevent such.
Question 02
• Establish guidelines- define the boundaries within which your employee is free to act.
BY setting clear expectations but not micromanaging them, you are giving your employees
permission to take decide while ensuring that decisions are in line with the organization.
• Recognizing employees for hard work- showing appreciation for work well
done makes it more likely that the person will do it again and do it even better .it will also
encourage them to continue to be innovative, take actions and to solve problem.