Simile and Metaphor Worksheet Anri Tsetskhladze

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Name: Anri Tsetskhladze

Simile and Metaphor Worksheet 1

Directions: Read each example. Determine whether each is a simile or metaphor. Choose your
answer and explain which two things are being compared.

Example: My mind is a puddle in the street reflecting green.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor
What two things are being compared?
The speaker is comparing his mind to a puddle.

1. The faces at the street crossings shine like a row of eggs on a pantry shelf.
This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The faces at the street crossings are being compared to a row of eggs on a pantry

2. He overwhelmed the boxer with avalanches of punches.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The boxer is being compared to an avalanche of punches.

3. The musicians spun great webs of sound.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The musicians are not literally spinning webs of sound, but the author is using
this metaphor to describe the intricate and complex nature of their music.

4. A hundred miles of landscape spread before me like a fan.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor
Metaphor; The landscape is not literally spreading out like a fan, but the author is using
this metaphor to describe the vastness and openness of the view.

5. We were crushed by the hammer of sunlight.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The people are being compared to the hammer of sunlight, which is crushing them.

6. Fear fell from us like steel armor.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; Fear is being compared to steel armor, which is falling off of the people.

7. The night is as cold as a sharp sword.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The night is not literally as cold as a sharp sword, but the author is using this
metaphor to describe its harsh and unforgiving nature.

8. Her voice was like water bubbling from a silver jar.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The author is not saying that the woman's voice is literally water bubbling from
a silver jar, but they are using this metaphor to describe its purity and clarity.

9. Children are the most beautiful flowers of all.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor
Metaphor; The author is not saying that children are literally flowers, but they are using
this metaphor to describe their innocence and beauty.

10. There I waited, crouched behind my pointed wall of words.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The author is comparing their position to being crouched behind a wall of words.

11. The town was set along the coast like a little pearl in an emerald band.
This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The town is not literally a little pearl in an emerald band, but the author is
using this metaphor to describe its beauty and setting.

12. The strong men live on, fighting, singing, lucky as plungers.
This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The strong men are being compared to plungers, which are lucky.

13. The gnashes of northern winds are the best Norwegian wines to him.
This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The author is not saying that the gnashes of northern winds are literally the best
Norwegian wines, but they are using this metaphor to describe their harshness and

14. Your voice is like bells over roofs at dawn.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor
Metaphor; The author is not saying that the speaker's voice is literally bells, but they are
using this metaphor to describe its clarity and beauty.

15. Your shadow is sunlight on a plate of silver.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The author is not saying that the speaker's shadow is literally sunlight on a
plate of silver, but they are using this metaphor to describe its beauty and fleeting nature.

16. She smiled her sugary smile.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The author is comparing the woman's smile to sugar.

17. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars.
This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The author is comparing the flowers to stars.

18. One large opal hung like a milky, rainbow moon.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Metaphor; The opal is not literally a milky, rainbow moon, but the author is using this
metaphor to describe its beauty and iridescence.

19. The cup of my heart is still, and cold, and empty.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor
Metaphor; The author is not saying that the cup of their heart is literally still, cold, and
empty, but they are using this metaphor to describe their emotional state.

20. Her kisses are sharp buds of fire.

This is an example of... Simile / Metaphor

Simile; The author is comparing the kisses to sharp buds of fire.

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