DPM 102 (Solutions)

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DPM 102 (Solutions)

C to E

C. RC Passage

Explanation :

1. Refer to para 2 the comparison to an acorn and oak tree shows that the author does not
consider the embryo to be a miniature adult.
Choice (D)

2. Refer to para 6 where the words in quote occur and the context shows that this may be the
argument of the critics of stem cell research. So it means that just as natural mortality does not
give us the license to kill, so the natural loss of embryo does not justify deliberate destruction of

Choice (C)

3. Refer to paras 3 and 4. His argument is that if embryos can be destroyed or frozen in fertility
clinics, then why such a hue and cry when they are used for stem cell research.
Choice (B)

4. Statement (a) cannot be inferred as the passage does not have the relevant figures.
Statement (b) is true as shown in the case of in intro fertilization. Statement (c) is true — refer to
the first sentence of para 4. Statement D is negated in the concluding lives of the passage.
Choice (A)
5. Refer to para 2 at the end of the para ho says acorns and oak trees are different kinds of
things. So it Implies that embryo and human beings are also different. This wings on the
assumption that acorns and embryos lack Individuality.
Choice (D)

6. Refer to para 3 — his argument is that if the destruction of the embryo is criminal, then it
should be totally banned. But since the government allows private funding and funds some stem
cell research, the morality is linked to what it is used for.
Choice (B)

7. Refer to para 5 — the comparison is between destruction of embryo for stem cell. research
and that in fertility clinic.
Choice (C)

8. The author appears to agree with Dr. Sandel's views. Para 1 shows that the argument
against stem cell research is the view of 'some' (line 2). The author does not agree and uses Dr.
Sandel's views to express his opinion.
Choice (A)

9. Refer to the concluding lines of the passage — what is needed is legislation not a bar.

Choice (D)

10. Dr. Sandel does not believe an embryo is a human being or that it has a soul.
Choice (D)
D. Quantitative Aptitude(Q1-Q10):

Answer Keys

1. Choice (D)
2. Choice (B)
3. Choice (B)
4. Choice (B)
5. Choice (C)
6. Choice (B)
7. Choice (B)
8. Choice (C)
9. Choice (B)
10. Choice (B)


Let BP be equal to x m and let ∠APB = θ
∴ PD = (26-x ) m

∠CPD = 90 - ∠APB = 90 - θ
9 16
i.e., tanθ = and tan 90  θ  =
x 26  x
 cotθ =
26  x
 9  16 
now, (tanθ)(cotθ) = 1 I.e.   =1
 x  26  x 
x2 – 26x +144 = 0
=> (x-18)(x-8) = 0
Therefore x = 8 or 18.
When x is 8.
Area of triangle ABD = 36
Area of triangle CDP = 144
Area of triangle APC = 145
⇒ k = 29/36.
when x is 18
Area of triangle ABD = 81
Area of triangle CDP = 64
Area of triangle APC = 180
⇒ k = 36/29.
Therefore value of k is either 29 /36 or 36 /29 Choice (D)


Let O be the center of the circle.

Let us denote the radius of the circle by r.
Let D be the midpoint of BC.
BD = OB cos30° = r√3/ 2
Side of the triangle,
BC = 2BD = r√3
Since ∠A = 60
∠B = ∠C = (180-∠A)/2 = 60 (∵ AB = AC)

Area of ∆ABC =
 2
r 3 =
3 3r 2
Area of all the thee segments lying outside the triangle

3 3r 2
= Area of the circle – Area of the triangle = πr 2 

2  2 3 3r 2 
Unshaded area =  πr  
3  4 

percentage of the area of the circle that is not shaded is

2  2 3 3r 2 
πr  
3  4 
 100  percentage ≈ 39 % Choice (B)
πr 2

Put x-1 =X and y+2 = Y
Then the given function becomes |X| +|Y| = 3
The graph of this function is as follows: (0,3)

∴ Area of the required region = ½ * 6 *6 = 18 square units

Choice (B) O 3,0


The basic salary(each) = 1500/0.2 = 7500
A's gross salary = 7500 × 3 = 22500
Also B's gross salary = 7500/0.4 = 18750
A's expenditure = 120 % of B's HRA
= 1.2 × 18750 × 0.6 = 1.2 × 11250 =13500
∴ A's savings = 9000 – 1500 = 7500
B's expenditure = 150 % of A's basic salary
= 1.5 × 7500 = 11250
B's savings = 7500 – 1500 = 6000
∴ (A+B)'s total savings = 13500
Choice (B)


There is no hole till half the tank is filled. Hence, time taken

 
1  1 

= = 4minutes
2 1 1 
 + 
 40 10 
from h/2 to 2h/3 , two pipes and 1 leak are in operation and they have to fill 2/3 – ½ = 1/6 of the

 
1  1  20
∴ time taken = minutes
6 1 1 1  13
 +  
 10 40 60 

Now, the second leak also comes into operation and the two pipes and two leaks together had
to ensure that 1/3 of the tank is filled.

 
1  1  10
 = minutes
So, time taken =
3 1 1 1 1  3
 +   
 10 40 60 120 
So, total time taken = 4 + 20/13 + 10/3 = 8 34/39 minutes
Choice (C)

The adjacent figure represents

the cuboidal room and the spider needs
to travel from A to G.
It can cover the path in the
following ways.
I. A to G intersecting BC
II. A to G intersecting BF and
III. A to G intersecting EF
Let us consider the total distance covered in each case to determine the least of them.
I. A to G intersecting BC

AG = AD 2 + DG 2 = 10 2 + 27 2 = 829

II. A to G intersecting BF

AG = GC 2 + AC 2 = 12 2 + 25 2 = 769

III. A to G intersecting
EF = AB 2 + BG 2 = 15 2 + 22 2 = 709

Therefore the minimum distance the spider

needs to cover is 709 feet. Choice (B)

Let the total distance covered from A to b be l km and the uphill and downhill distances be u km
and d km respectively.
u d l  u + d 
Now, + + = 2.......1
60 40 48
u d l  u + d 
+ + = 2.5.......2 
40 60 48
l 9
adding (1) and (2) , we get =  l = 108 . Choice (B)
24 2

Let the total work be 72 units
Therefore B and C can do 72/18 = 4 units per day whereas
A and B can do 72/24 = 3 units per day
To complete the work , A worked for 28 days, B worked for 10 days and C worked for 6 days.
Let us denote the number of units completed by A , B and c per day a,b,c respectively.
∴ 28a + 10b + 6c =72
=> 24a + 4(a+b) +6(b+c) = 72
24a + 4(3) +6(4) = 72
∴ a = 1.5, b = 1.5 and c=2.5
Thus, the number of days taken by A, B and C together to complete the entire work
72 72 1
= = = 13 days . Choice (C)
a + b + c 5.5 11

Let the price of each packet of laxmi bombs and sutli bombs before the increase be L and S
3L + 4S = 500........... (1)
L 3
It is also given that =
S 4
Let L = 3k and S = 4k.
From (1), we get l = 60 and S = 80
Let the increase in the price of each packet of sutli bomb be x. Therefore, the increase in the
price of each packet of Laxmi bombs = 1.25x
It is given that
5(S+x) = 6(L+1.25x)
5S – 6L = 2.5x ---------(2)
∴ 5(80) – 6(60) = 2.5x => x =16
∴ The new prices are as follows
Laxmi bombs price = 80
sutli bombs price = 96
∴ 5 (L+1.25x) + 2(S+x) = 5(80) +2(96) = 592.
Therefore, this year he needs to spend Rs. 92 more than what he spent last year.
Choice (B)

Which box has how many balls and combination of which type of balls does not matter in this
question because all balls are similar and all box are similar.
If 1 box used – 1 way- 15,0,0
If 2 box used – 7 ways- (14,1), (13,2)........(8,7)
If 3 box used- 19 ways(by counting)
total -27 ways
Alternate way:
If box are different then total cases are 17!/15!*2!= 136 ways
If only 2 box has same number of balls – 7 *3 =21 ways
If all box has equal ball – 1 case
So total number of cases are

19 + 7 + 1. Choice (B)
E. DILR – 1 Set

Answer Key

1. Choice (D)
2. Choice (D)
3. Choice (C)
4. Choice (A)
5. Choice (C)

Solutions for questions 1 to 5:

As D got 24 marks, the only possibility is

3 × 2 + 6 × 3 = 24
=> 9 correct attempts.

Now as E got 39 marks, the only possibility is

(7+6) × 3 = 39
=> 13 correct attempts.

But given that D and E got the same number of correct attempts in Physics and
Chemistry respectively (i.e. 6 correct attempts)
=> D has 3 correct attempts in chemistry and E has 7 correct attempts in physics.
As F got 51 marks the only possibility is
9 × 4 + 5 × 3 = 51
=> F has 14 correct attempts.

But given that B and C has the number of correct attempts in chemistry as the correct
attempts of F in different subjects.
=> B and C got 5 and 9 correct attempts in chemistry respectively.
(∵ total correct attempts of B is 7)
=> B and C got 7-5 =2 and 13-9 =4 correct attempts in physics.

As the total correct attempts of B, C, D and E in chemistry = 5 + 9+3+6 = 23.

F can have at most 7 correct attempts in chemistry.

=> F has 5 correct attempts in chemistry and 9 in physics.
=> A has 8 and 2 correct attempts in physics and chemistry respectively.

Number of questions attempted correctly

Student Total marks
Physics Chemistry Total
A 8 2 10 36
B 2 5 7 19
C 4 9 13 44
D 6 3 9 24
E 7 6 13 39
F 9 5 14 51
Total 36 30 66 213

Q.1 A scored 36 marks. Choice (D)

Q.2 D scored the second lowest total marks. Choice (D)

Q.3 In physics, only A and F scored more marks then E. Choice (C)

Q.4 A, D, E and F got more marks in physics than in chemistry. Choice (A)

Q.5 Only A and D scored more than B in physics and less marks in chemistry when compared
to B. Choice (C)

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