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Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

Experimental testing of joints for seismic design of lightweight

structures. Part 2: Bolted joints in straps$
Miquel Casafonta, Alfredo Arnedob, Francesc Rourea, Antonio Rodrı́guez-Ferranc,
Departament de Resistència de Materials i Estructures a l’Enginyeria, E.T.S. d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
Av. Diagonal 647, 08028 Barcelona, Spain
Departament d’Enginyeria de la Construcció, E.T.S. d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
Jordi Girona 1, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Laboratori de Càlcul Numèric (LaCàN), Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada III, E.T.S. d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona 1, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Received 30 November 2005; accepted 21 April 2006


An experimental testing campaign on tensile bolted joints between straps is reported. Two dominant failure modes are identified:
(1) tilting, bearing and tearing of the sheets (TS) and (2) tilting, bearing and net-section failure (NSF). The analysis in terms of ductility
and strength shows that bolted connections are less adequate than screwed connections (reported in Part 1 of this paper) for the seismic
design of X-braced shear walls in lightweight structures. NSF joints are more ductile than TS joints in the sense that they undergo larger
displacements before failure. However, if washers are not used, both types of connections fail before energy dissipation through yielding
of the diagonal straps can occur. Some design recommendations to improve the seismic performance of bolted joints, including the use of
washers, are given. The accuracy of Eurocode 3 formulas to predict the ultimate load is also analyzed.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Light gauge steel; Lightweight steel; Seismic design; Joints; Bolts; Experimental research; Ductility; Failure modes; Net-section failure; Bearing

1. Introduction and construction of lightweight steel buildings. Questions

such as materials for cold-formed steel construction,
A growth in the application of lightweight steel instability of compressed and bent members or connections
technologies in residential construction has taken place in and fasteners have been largely investigated, and they have
recent years, together with the development of a significant already been included in codes for design. However, there
amount of investigations on the issue, mainly focused on are still some specific issues that clearly deserve more
structural questions concerning cold-formed steel mem- research. As pointed out in the first part of this paper [2],
bers. The main current lines of research in this field can be this is the case of the seismic performance of light-
seen in [1]. weight structures, which is also the object of study of the
This research has allowed improving the existing design investigation presented herein.
guides and standards, which are already giving solutions Actually, the paper shows a part of a rather extensive
for the most common problems encountered in the project experimental and numerical [3] research on the behavior of
dissipative X-braced shear walls. The investigation com-
Research supported by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (Grant prises from the experimental study of strap-to-strap
7210-PR-377) and the ‘‘Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia’’ (Grant connections to tests of full X-braced frames. The seismic
DPI2002-12388-E). performance of these frames depends mainly on the
Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 401 56 97; fax: +34 93 401 18 25.
E-mail address: [email protected]
strength of their components. Members and connections
(A. Rodrı́guez-Ferran). should be strong enough to allow the dissipative yielding of
URL: the X-bracings [4].

0263-8231/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
678 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

The investigation is focused on connections. The main The objectives and the scheme of the paper are similar to
objectives are, on the one side, to gain knowledge about what was done for screwed connections. The goals of the
their ductility and their behavior under cyclic loads; and, experiments are:
on the other side, to identify which type of joints are most
suitable for seismic actions, i.e., to know which are the 1. Obtain parameters such as the initial stiffness, yielding
joints that have enough strength to allow the dissipative load, ultimate load and maximum displacement.
yielding of diagonal straps. 2. Obtain complete force–displacement (F–d) curves,
The initial steps of the investigation were presented in a needed for the finite element modeling of X-braced
previous paper [2], devoted to experimental testing of frames [3].
screwed connections subjected to shear loading. The main 3. Identify the failure modes.
conclusion of the analysis of the experimental data is that
the mode of failure is a key issue in seismic design of joints. After that, we analyze the experimental results in order
It is verified that screwed connections should be designed to:
to fail in the net-section failure (NSF) mode, because it is
the most ductile type of failure and because it takes place 1. Classify the various failure modes in terms of their
after the yielding of the straps. seismic suitability (strength and ductility).
In view of this result, it seems that reliable equations to 2. Determine the relation between parameters in joint
predict the mode of failure of a joint are needed to tackle design (steel grade, strap thicknesses, number and
the design of X-braced frames. That is the reason why part diameter of bolts, etc.) and failure mode.
of the first paper is also devoted to verify de accuracy of the 3. Compare experimental ultimate loads of the joints to the
current Eurocode 3 Part 1-3 proposals for the calculation strengths calculated by means of the Eurocode 3 Part 1.3
of joint resistance. It should be pointed out that the design formulas.
Eurocode 3 formulas for the net-section mode of failure
showed to work satisfactory, while the bearing formulas It will also be very interesting to compare the behavior of
gave rather conservative predictions for some of the screwed and bolted connections.
screwed joints. An outline of paper follows. The laboratory experiments
The second part of the investigation, presented in this are described in Section 2 (test specimens) and 3 (test
paper, is focused on bolted connections subjected to shear procedure), and the results are summarized in Section 4
loading. The analysis of the joint behavior is based on the (monotonic tensile tests) and 5 (load–unload tensile tests).
results of a testing campaign performed in the framework Three main features are studied: the modes of failure, the
of the RFCS research project ‘‘Seismic design of Light force–displacement curves, and the ductility and stiffness of
Gauge Steel Framed Buildings’’. Lap joints between two the connections. The remainder of the paper is devoted to
straps connected by means of two rows of bolts are tested the analysis of the results. The seismic suitability of the
under monotonic and cyclic load, see Fig. 1. joints is discussed in Section 6. Then, in Section 7, the
ultimate loads are compared to the values predicted by the
Eurocode. Recommendations for design and the conclud-
ing remarks of Sections 8 and 9 close the paper.

2. Test specimens

The bolt joints tested are similar to the screw joints of the
investigation reported in the first part of the paper (Fig. 1)
[2]. For example, the steel grade of the straps is the same,
either S 350 GD+Z or S 250 GD+Z [5]. The nominal and
mechanical properties of these steels are shown in Table 1.
It should be noticed that the experimental fyt and fut are
rather higher than the nominal fy and fu.
Bolts of two different diameters are used to connect the
straps: 8 and 10 mm. The heads of these bolts are
hexagonal and the shafts are threaded all along their
length. All the straps of steel grade S 350 GD+Z are
connected with washers, while washers are only used in 4
out of the 38 S 250 GD+Z straps. When used, washers of
20 mm F are placed under the bolt head and nut.
The torque applied to the bolts is not measured. Bolts
are tightened by hand using standard tools, so the torque
Fig. 1. Bolt joint. should be small.
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 679

Table 1 Table 2
Steel mechanical properties Main dimensions of specimens and results of tests

Steel fy fu t fyt fut Connection t1t t2t a1t a2t Failure mode Put (N)
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (mm) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)
0.85-0.85-10-2-S250 0.88 0.89 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 22731
S-350 GD+Z 350 420 1 392 520 0.85-1-10-2-S250 0.88 1.03 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 23842
1.5 387 519 0.85-1.5-10-2-S250 0.88 1.54 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 24450
3 385 512 1-1-10-2-S250-A 1.02 1.04 100.0 100.3 T+B+NSF 27884
1-1-10-2-S250-B 1.04 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 28160
S-250 GD+Z 250 330 0.85 285 345 1-1-10-2-S250-C 1.02 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 28095
1 303 393 1-1-10-2-S250-D 1.04 1.02 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 27828
1.5 317 391 1-1-10-2-S250-E(W) 1.01 1.04 100.0 100.1 T+B+NSF 30039
1-1-10-2-S250-F(W) 1.03 1.02 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 30746
fy is the nominal yield stress, fu the nominal ultimate stress, t the nominal
1-1-10-2-S250-G 1.03 1.03 99.9 100.0 T+B+NSF 28332
thickness, fyt the measured yield stress, fut the measured ultimate stress.
1-1.5-10-2-S250 1.03 1.59 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 30112
1.5-1.5-10-2-S250 1.57 1.59 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 44734
0.85-0.85-8-2-S250 0.88 0.88 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 20529
The nominal length of the straps is either 350 mm, when 0.85-1-8-2-S250 0.87 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 20433
0.85-1.5-8-2-S250 0.88 1.59 100.0 100.0 T+B+NSF 23131
connected by means of one column of bolts, or 375 mm,
1-1-8-2-S250-A 1.03 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 22829
when connected by means of two columns. Their thickness 1-1-8-2-S250-B 1.04 1.58 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 22441
ranges from 0.85 to 1.5 mm, and their width is always the 1-1.5-8-2-S250 1.04 1.58 100.1 100.0 T+B+NSF 28419
same, 100 mm. The tolerance of the bolt holes drilled in the 1.5-1.5-8-2-S250 1.59 1.59 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 37572
straps is 1 mm. 0.85-0.85-10-1-S250 0.89 0.89 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 14335
0.85-1-10-1-S250 0.88 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 12933
Fig. 3 shows the position of the bolts: the spacing and
0.85-1.5-10-1-S250 0.88 1.57 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 12508
the longitudinal and transverse edge distances. The joint 1-1-10-1-S250-A 1.05 1.05 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 15391
lay out is identical for all the specimens. 1-1-10-1-S250-B 1.05 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 15279
The bolt connections are listed in Table 2 together with 1-1-10-1-S250-C 1.04 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 14395
their main dimensions and test results. The first column of 1-1-10-1-S250-D 1.04 1.04 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 15326
1-1-10-1-S250-E(W) 1.04 1.03 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 17537
the table shows the joint notation, whose meaning is
1-1-10-1-S250-F(W) 1.02 1.02 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 17865
explained in the following example: 1-1-10-1-S250-G 1.03 1.03 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 15132
1-1.5-10-1-S250 1.05 1.59 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 14158
t1  t2  F  nc  sg  lðWÞ; 1.5-1.5-10-1-S250 1.60 1.59 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 25872
1  1  10  2  S250  EðWÞ; 0.85-0.85-8-1-S250 0.88 0.88 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 12374
0.85-1-8-1-S250 0.88 1.03 100.2 100.0 T+B+TS 10082
0.85-1.5-8-1-S250 0.89 1.58 100.1 100.2 T+B+TS 10344
where t1 is the thickness of the first strap (t1 ¼ 1 mm), t2 the
1-1-8-1-S250-A 1.05 1.04 100.1 100.0 T+B+TS 12189
thickness of the second strap (t2 ¼ 1 mm), F the diameter 1-1-8-1-S250-B 1.04 1.04 99.9 100.0 T+B+TS 12180
of the bolt (F ¼ 10 mm), nc the number of bolt columns 1-1.5-8-1-S250 1.04 1.57 99.9 100.1 T+B+TS 13137
(nc ¼ 2), sg the steel grade (S250 GD+Z), l: letter used 1.5-1.5-8-1-S250 1.58 1.58 100.0 100.0 T+B+TS 21855
when there are two or more identical joints (E), (W) 1-1-10-1-S350(W) 0.99 0.98 100.0 100.1 T+B+TS 19575
1.5-1.5-10-1-S350(W) 1.48 1.48 100.2 100.2 T+B+TS 45471
denotes that washers are used.
1-1-10-2-S350-A(W) 0.98 0.98 100.2 100.1 T+B+NSF 39120
1-1-10-2-S350-B(W) 0.99 0.98 100.1 100.1 T+B+NSF 38710
1.5-1.5-10-2-S350(W) 1.50 1.50 100.0 100.1 T+B+NSF 59690
3. Test procedure
t1t is the measured t1 thickness (Fig. 4), t2t the measured t2 thickness, a1t
the measured a1 width, a2t the measured a2 width, Put the measured
Tests are performed applying the same procedure as the ultimate load, T the tilting, B the bearing, NSF the net-section failure, TS
one previously followed in the experimental campaign of the tearing of the sheet.
screw connections [2].
The first operation is to measure the actual dimensions
of the joint components (see some of the measured values
in Table 2 and the full collection of measurements in [6,7]). Every 0.04 mm, the applied force (F) and the length
Afterwards, the specimens are labelled and a line is drawn increment of the joint (d) are measured and stored in a
along the axis of the straps. This line is used to center the computer. On the basis of these data, F–d curves, such as
specimens in the testing machine. Fig. 2 shows a joint ready the ones shown in Figs. 9–14, are drawn. It can be seen that
to be tested. the specimens are loaded until they fail and the measured
A 250 kN universal testing machine is used to load the load is almost zero.
joints. Tests are displacement-controlled and the load is In the course of an earthquake, displacements change
applied at a rate of 0.01 mm/s when the elongation of the their sign and, as a consequence, joints are subject to
joint is lower than 2 mm; and at a rate of 0.02 mm/s when reversing movements. For this reason, apart from mono-
the elongation is higher. tonic tensile tests, load–unload tests are also performed.
680 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691



25 25

Fig. 3. Joint lay out.

Fig. 2. Specimen ready to be tested.

In these tests, it is particularly important to capture the

unloading branch of the cyclic axial load response.
The cyclic tests are carried out unloading four times to a
near zero load (see Figs. 23 and 24). Only tension forces are
applied to the diagonal straps, because they do not have
compression strength. The experimental procedure fol-
lowed is similar to the one explained above. The only
difference is that the unloading process is load-controlled
to ensure that the specimens are always in tension and do
not become compressed.
t2 t1
4. Results of monotonic tensile tests

4.1. Modes of failure

The specimens show various phenomena during the tests

[8–11]: tilting (T), bearing (B), curling and tearing of the
sheets (TS), and NSF.
Tilting and bearing are observed in all the joints. Tilting
is more evident when the joint connects two straps of the
same thickness, while joints connecting two specimens of
different thickness are more prone to bearing.
Depending on the final mode of failure, joints can be
classified into two groups: joints that fail due to the bearing t2 t1
and tearing phenomena (T+B+TS), and joints that are
Fig. 4. Strap thickness.
subjected to NSF (T+B+NSF) (Figs. 5 to 8).
Those joints that fail T+B+NSF show tilting and
bearing from the first steps of the loading process (Fig. 5). originate near the center of the bolt holes, in a similar way
Afterwards, the failure begins from the center of the as in the NSF mode. In this case, however, tears propagate
original bolt holes, and it propagates perpendicularly to the diagonally and the straps experience considerable curling
direction of loading until it reaches the lateral edge of the (Fig. 8).
strap (Fig. 6). Necking of the sheet width in the zone of The number and diameter of bolts and the thickness of
failure and a small out-of-plane deformation are also the straps are the parameters that determine the modes of
observed. failure of the specimens. All the joints with one column
In relation to the bearing failure (T+B+TS), two types of bolts fail bearing (T+B+TS), while the mode of failure
of joints may be distinguished (see [11]). On the one hand, of the joints with two columns depends on the diameter of
there are joints where diagonal tears initiate at the edge of the bolt and the thickness of the straps. NSF (T+B+NSF)
the zone affected by bearing, and advance until the end of is observed in joints with two columns of 10 mm diameter
the straps with significant curling of the sheet (Fig. 7). This bolts and joints with two columns 8 mm diameter bolts
type of bearing failure is mainly observed in joints connecting straps of different thickness. Joints connecting
connecting straps of different thickness. On the other straps of the same thickness by means of two columns of
hand, when both straps have the same thickness, tears 8 mm diameter bolts fail T+B+TS.
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 681

Fig. 8. Bearing failure in specimen 1-1-10-1-S250-A.

Fig. 5. Tilting+bearing in specimen specimen 0.85-1-10-2-S250.
4.2. Force–displacement curves

The force–displacement curves of T+B+NSF joints are

different from the curves of T+B+TS joints. Figs. 9 and
10 show the F–d curves of two joints that fail T+B+NSF.
Both have two initial elastic branches, with different
stiffness, separated by a small irregular horizontal branch
that corresponds to the slipping of the straps. Subse-
quently, the joint yields and the curve either shows a small
drop, if one of the straps is thin, 0.85 mm (Fig. 9), or it goes
directly to the hardening branch (Fig. 10). The maximum
load is achieved at the end of this hardening branch, which
is followed by a sudden failure.
The Agtfyt line plotted in these figures corresponds to the
yielding load of the strap. This value will be used
afterwards, when the seismic suitability of the joints is
Joints connecting two straps by means of one column of
bolts, which always fail T+B+TS, show F–d curves such
Fig. 6. Net-section failure in 1-1.5-10-2-S250.
as the ones of Figs. 11 and 12. As in the T+B+NSF
curves, the slipping and the two initial elastic branches can
be seen. These curves also have a well-defined first drop
after yielding, that is followed by a hardening branch with
one or more load peaks. The maximum load is achieved
just before the first drop (Fig. 11) or, afterwards, in the
hardening interval (Fig. 12).
When a T+B+TS joint connects two straps by means of
two columns of bolts, the F–d curve may be different. See,
for instance, the curve of Fig. 13, where neither the first
drop nor the hardening branch are well defined.

4.3. Ductility and stiffness of the connections

The ductility of the connections is studied by means of

the displacement ductility ratio rd ¼ d u =d y , where du is
the displacement corresponding to the maximum load
(or to the last load peak, in curves such as the one shown in
Fig. 7. Bearing failure in specimen 0.85-1.5-10-1-S250. Fig. 11), and dy is the displacement at yielding.
682 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

50000 50000

40000 40000

30000 30000

F (N)
F (N)

20000 20000

10000 10000

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
d (mm) d (mm)

Fig. 9. F–d curve of a T+B+NSF joint. Specimen 0.85-1.5-8-2-S250. Fig. 12. F–d curve of a T+B+TS joint. Specimen 1-1-10-1-S250-C.

50000 50000

40000 40000

30000 30000
F (N)

F (N)

20000 20000

10000 10000

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
d (mm) d (mm)
Fig. 10. F–d curve of a T+B+NSF joint. Specimen 1.5-1.5-10-2-S250. Fig. 13. F–d curve of a T+B+TS joint. Specimen 1-1-8-2-S250-A.

50000 50000

40000 40000
30000 30000
F (N)

F (N)

20000 20000

10000 10000

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
d (mm) d (mm)
Fig. 11. F–d curve of a T+B+TS joint. Specimen 0.85-1.5-8-1-S250. Fig. 14. F–d curve of a T+B+NSF joint. Specimen 1-1-10-2-S350-A (W).

All the calculated rd ratios are above 2, as shown in tively, it can also be concluded that T+B+NSF joints are
Table 3, so the joints can be considered ductile. From more ductile than T+B+TS joints.
Figs. 15 and 16, which depict the values of the ductility In relation to ductility, it was also investigated whether
ratios and the values of displacement at failure, respec- the two types of T+B+TS failure mentioned in Section 4.1
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 683

Table 3 25
Ductility ratios and stiffness
Connection rd rf k1 k2 du T+B+TS

0.85-0.85-10-2-S250 18.9 0.95 75323 — 20.4

0.85-1-10-2-S250 10.9 1.00 66268 6239 17.7 15
0.85-1.5-10-2-S250 14.5 1.02 95235 8811 19.2

1-1-10-2-S250-A 7.0 0.94 75260 7538 14.3
1-1-10-2-S250-B 9.9 0.94 80692 8612 19.4
1-1-10-2-S250-C 7.2 0.96 78000 9174 15.4
1-1-10-2-S250-D 5.6 0.95 75965 8087 13.4
1-1-10-2-S250-E(W) 16.5 1.02 69000 9450 26.8
1-1-10-2-S250-F(W) 13.4 1.05 61031 8919 24.9 5
1-1-10-2-S250-G 6.5 0.94 74353 7549 15.7
1-1.5-10-2-S250 6.6 1.00 85337 11271 14.9
1.5-1.5-10-2-S250 6.0 0.92 121200 14890 15.5 0
0.85-0.85-8-2-S250 8.9 0.86 67083 — 8.9 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
0.85-1-8-2-S250 13.1 0.86 68744 3470 10.6
Put (N)
0.85-1.5-8-2-S250 12.9 0.97 81365 5096 16.2
1-1-8-2-S250-A 3.9 0.76 83900 5883 7.7 Fig. 15. Ratio rd ¼ d u =d y vs. ultimate load Put.
1-1-8-2-S250-B 3.6 0.75 84000 6842 10.1
1-1.5-8-2-S250 4.8 0.94 66700 9306 10.3
1.5-1.5-8-2-S250 3.1 0.77 78520 10761 10.4 25
0.85-0.85-10-1-S250 8.0 0.59 97228 — 11.1
0.85-1-10-1-S250 4.6 0.54 64200 3592 9.0 T+B+NSF
0.85-1.5-10-1-S250 4.7 0.52 54208 5206 8.4
20 T+B+TS
1-1-10-1-S250-A 4.0 0.51 76850 4427 10.2
1-1-10-1-S250-B 4.5 0.50 57454 4585 9.5
1-1-10-1-S250-C 6.0 0.48 60836 4431 13.5
1-1-10-1-S250-D 4.0 0.51 60622 4147 9.5 15
1-1-10-1-S250-E(W) 6.1 0.58 76350 6600 9.7

1-1-10-1-S250-F(W) 5.6 0.60 64533 5201 8.5

1-1-10-1-S250-G 3.0 0.50 66428 4061 10.2
1-1.5-10-1-S250 2.6 0.47 63216 4396 6.6
1.5-1.5-10-1-S250 4.4 0.53 83000 7901 8.9
0.85-0.85-8-1-S250 6.5 0.52 57750 4993 8.4
0.85-1-8-1-S250 7.4 0.42 60417 3490 8.5 5
0.85-1.5-8-1-S250 4.7 0.43 65366 2164 8.1
1-1-8-1-S250-A 7.4 0.41 69388 3297 8.2
1-1-8-1-S250-B 2.6 0.40 47137 2834 7.4 0
1-1.5-8-1-S250 4.9 0.44 68450 3466 8.7 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
1.5-1.5-8-1-S250 3.0 0.45 100500 5134 8.4
Put (N)
1-1-10-1-S350(W) 2.4 0.53 61766 5978 8.1
1.5-1.5-10-1-S350(W) 5.3 0.81 71550 9391 17.4 Fig. 16. Displacement du vs. ultimate load Put.
1-1-10-2-S350-A(W) 6.9 1.06 65937 9676 24.5
1-1-10-2-S350-B(W) 7 1.04 57000 9574 19.9
1.5-1.5-10-2-S350(W) 8.4 1.06 82300 15752 20.0 is verified that k2 also depends on the thickness of the
sheets and the diameter of the bolts. The higher the values
rd is the displacement ductility ratio, rf the force ductility ratio, k1 the of these parameters, the higher the stiffness.
stiffness of the first linear branch, k2 the stiffness of the second linear
branch, du the ultimate displacement.
Similar results are obtained in two other investigations
on stiffness [9,12,13], which also propose formulas for the
show different rd values. The conclusion of this study is that calculation of k2:
both modes of failure give similar ductility ratios and
similar F–d curves. k2 ¼ from ½9; 12, (1)
Apart from the ductility ratios, the stiffness of the two 5nðð10=t1 Þ þ ð10=t2 Þ  2Þ
initial elastic branches is included in Table 3, where k1 and
k2 are the values measured before and after slipping, d
respectively. k2 ¼ 6; 8 from ½13, (2)
ðð5=t1 Þ þ ð5=t2 Þ  1Þ
The effect of different parameters on these stiffnesses has
been investigated. It is possible to see that both k1 and k2 where d is the diameter of the bolt, t1, t2 the measured
increase with the number of bolt columns. No other clear thickness of the straps (from Table 2), n ¼ 5 for joints in
correlation between k1 and other parameters can be found tension where the position of the shear plane is in the
from the results of the tests performed. On the contrary, it threaded part of the bolt shaft (see [12]).
684 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

These formulas have been applied here to predict the of the connection only depends on k2, because slippage
stiffness of the connections tested. The values obtained always occurs before the service life of the structure. For
with both equations are similar, and many of them above this reason, k1 is not considered relevant. An F–d model is
the experimental results (Figs. 17 and 18): even proposed in [12], where k2 is used for the stiffness
before and after slipping. However, it should be noticed
Eq. (1): Mean value of k2t =k2 : gk2 mean ¼ 0:90,
that k1 is considerably higher than k2 (Table 3), and that, if
Standard deviation of k2t =k2 : sg ¼ 0:24. a connection is designed without slipping [12], k1 becomes
Eq. (2): Mean value of k2t =k2 : gk2 mean ¼ 0:86, relevant.
Standard deviation of k2t =k2 : sg ¼ 0:21,
4.4. The effect of washers on the strength and behavior of
where k2t is the experimental stiffness, k2 the calculated joints
It should be noted that Eq. (1) was defined to Joints 1-1-10-2-S250 and 1-1-10-1-S250 were tested
overestimate the value of k2 [12], and that the thickness with and without washers. Comparing the results of the
of the straps tested are out of the range of validity of tests, it can be seen that washers increase the strength of
Eq. (2) [13]. connections. The resistance of joint 1-1-10-2-S250, which
No formula has been found in the literature to predict fails T-B-TS, is 8.6% higher when washers are used. The
the value of k1. In fact, in [12] it is stated that the stiffness increase in strength of joint 1-1-10-S250, which fails
T+B+NSF, is even higher, close to 17%.
Washers also increase the ductility of the T+B+NSF
1.6 joint. This can be clearly seen in Fig. 19, where the F–d
t1=0.85 curves of the joint with and without washers are compared.
1.4 t2=1.00 The corresponding values of displacement ratio also allow
t3=1.50 to detect this gain in ductility: rd ¼ 7:40 and rdw ¼ 14:97
(mean values).
1 On the contrary, washers almost do not change the
ductility of joint 1-1-10-1-S250, that fails T+B+TS. Its

0.8 displacement ratio only increases from rd ¼ 4:62 to

rdw ¼ 5:83. Fig. 20 also shows that the F–d curves are not
considerably affected. It can only be observed an increase
0.4 in ultimate load, but not an increase in ultimate displace-
0.2 However, washers modify the behavior of T+B+TS
joints in one sense. They change the mode of failure of
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 those joints where the tears provoked by bearing originate
k2t (N/mm) near the center of the bolt holes. When washers are used,
these joints fail in pure bearing, showing tears initiated
Fig. 17. k2t/k2 values. k2t calculated with (1). at the edge of the zone affected by bearing (see Figs. 21
and 22).
1.4 t2=1.00

F (N)



0.2 5000
Without washers With washers
0 0
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
k2t (N/mm) d (mm)

Fig. 18. k2t/k2 values. k2t calculated with (2). Fig. 19. F–d curve of a T+B+NSF joint. Specimen 1-1-10-2-S250.
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 685

35000 F–d curves, the modes of failure and the ultimate loads are
similar to those of the monotonic tensile tests. For the sake
of comparison, Figs. 23 and 24 show, plotted in the same
25000 graph, curves of monotonic and load–unload tests.
It can also be seen that the unloading paths are similar to
20000 the reloading paths, and that no stiffness degradation
F (N)

With washers

Without washers
6. Joint design for X-braced dissipative frames
A force ductility ratio is defined as rf ¼ Put =ðAgt f yt Þ,
0 where Put is the experimental ultimate load of the joint, and
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
d (mm)
(Agtfyt) is the yielding load of the strap, calculated from the
measured gross cross section area, Agt ¼ at tt (Table 2), and
Fig. 20. F–d curve of a T+B+TS joint. Specimen 1-1-10-1-S250. the measured yield stress of the steel, fyt (Table 1). This
ratio allows to know if a joint is suitable for seismic design
[2]. Joints with ratios higher than 1 have good seismic
behavior, because they fail once the strap has already
yielded and, as a consequence, the dissipative action can
Fig. 25 shows the rf values calculated for all the
specimens connected without washers. The ratios of the



F (N)


Fig. 21. T+B+TS failure of specimen 1-1-10-1-S250-A, without washers. 10000


0 5 10 15 20 25
d (mm)

Fig. 23. F–d curve of a load–unload test. Specimen 1-1-10-2-S250.



F (N)


Fig. 22. T+B+TS failure of specimen 1-1-10-1-S250-F, with washers.

5. Results of load–unload tensile tests 0

0 5 10 15 20 25
d (mm)
As it occurred in screw connections [2], the unloading of
the specimens does not change the results of the tests. The Fig. 24. F–d curve of a load–unload test. Specimen 1-1-8-2-S250.
686 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

1.2 so that it can be directly evaluated whether a joint is

T+B+NSF suitable for seismic design. It should be noticed that all the
T+B+TS F–d curves of T+B+NSF joints with washers cross the
1 line of yielding load; but almost none of the joints without
washers cross it. See Figs. 14 and 19 of specimens 1-1-10-2-
S350-A and 1-1-10-2-S250, respectively.
The force ductility ratios of T+B+NSF bolt joints
are compared in Fig. 26 to the ratios of T+NSF joints

obtained in the previous investigation on screws [2]. This

figure clearly evidences that, from the seismic point of view,
screw joints are better than bolt joints. Note that all the
ratios of the screw connections are above 1. The use of
washers in T+B+NSF bolted joints improve their ratios,
good values are obtained (rf 41), but it is important to
0.2 point out that these values are still low compared to the
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 ratios of screw connections.
Put (N)

Fig. 25. Strength ductility ratio vs. ultimate load. 7. Strength of bolted connections

In this section, the connection maximum load carrying

capacities obtained in the tests are compared to those that
Bolts (W)
result from design calculations.
Screws The Eurocode 3 Part 1.3 is applied to predict the
strength of specimens. According to this code, there are
three possible modes of failure when loading a joint in
1.1 shear: bearing (includes end-tearing), NSF and shear
failure of the screws. This last mode is not considered in

this paper, because it is not observed in the tests.

1 The strength of the connections is calculated as follows:

 Bearing resistance:
Pb;Rd ¼ 2:5ab kt f u dt=gM2 , (3)
where ab is the smallest of 1.0 or e1/(3d); e1the end
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 distance from the center of the bolt to the adjacent end
Put (N) of the connected part, in the direction of load transfer; d
the nominal diameter of the bolt;
Fig. 26. Strength ductility ratio vs. ultimate load for screw and bolt NSF
joints. kt ¼ ð0:8t þ 1:5Þ=2:5
for 0:75 mmptp1:25 mm, kt ¼ 1:0 for t41:25 mm;
where t is the thickness of the thinner connected
T+B+TS joints are rather low, ranging from 0.4 to about strap; fu the ultimate tensile strength of the strap
0.8. Ratios of T+B+NSF joints are better, but most of (fut in Table 1); gM2 the material partial factor.
them are also below 1. Therefore, it can be concluded from  Net-section resistance:
these results that, although bolted connections are ductile, Pn;Rd ¼ ð1 þ 3rðd 0 =u  0:3ÞÞAn f u =gM2
as discussed in Section 4.3, they are not suitable for seismic
but Pn;Rd pAn f u =gM2 , ð4Þ
design. They do not allow the dissipative action of diagonal
straps in X-braced frames. where r is the (number of bolts at the cross-section)/
When washers are used, the strength of T+B+TS (total number of bolts in the connection); d0 the nominal
connections increases, but their ductility does not change diameter of the hole; u ¼ 2e2 but upp2 ; e2 the edge
considerably (Section 4.4). On the contrary, the effect of distance from the center of the bolt to the adjacent edge
washers on T+B+NSF joints is more significant (Fig. 26). of the connected part, in the direction perpendicular to
They exhibit longer hardening branches and failure loads the direction of load transfer; p2 the spacing center-to-
higher than the yielding loads of the straps. This results in center of bolts in the direction perpendicular to the
good rf values (rf 41), as shown in Table 3. direction of load transfer; An the net cross-sectional area
The F–d curves included in this paper are plotted of the strap; fu the ultimate tensile strength of the strap
together with the calculated yielding load of the straps, (fut in Table 1); gM2 the material partial factor.
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 687

Table 4
Calculated strengths and strength ratios

Connection Pu3 mm (N) Pn,Rd (N) Pb,Rd (N) Put Put Pu3 mm
Pn;Rd Pb;Rd Pb;Rd

0.85-0.85-10-2-S250 — 19889.3 20981.5 1.14 — —

0.85-1-10-2-S250 — 19899.5 20981.5 1.20 — —
0.85-1.5-10-2-S250 — 19886.8 20981.5 1.23 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-A — 26544.5 29322.0 1.05 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-B — 26692.1 29724.9 1.06 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-C — 26152.8 28921.1 1.07 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-D — 26149.5 28921.1 1.06 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-E (W) — 26203.2 28921.1 1.15 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-F (W) — 26173.0 28921.1 1.17 — —
1-1-10-2-S250-G — 26412.3 29322.0 1.07 — —
1-1.5-10-2-S250 — 26705.8 29724.9 1.13 — —
1.5-1.5-10-2-S250 — 41057.2 49852.5 1.09 — —
0.85-0.85-8-2-S250 17801.3 19490.9 19764.6 — 1.04 0.90
0.85-1-8-2-S250 — 19256.5 19482.2 1.06 — —
0.85-1.5-8-2-S250 — 19490.9 19789.8 1.19 — —
1-1-8-2-S250-A 21174.7 26157.9 28143.6 — 0.81 0.75
1-1-8-2-S250-B 20442.1 26157.9 28072.2 — 0.80 0.73
1-1.5-8-2-S250 34301.5 26460.8 28454.8 1.07 — —
1.5-1.5-8-2-S250 — 40468.1 47328.2 — 0.79 0.72
0.85-0.85-10-1-S250 10672.5 17377.2 10654.8 — 1.35 1.00
0.85-1-10-1-S250 9707.2 17177.1 10490.8 — 1.23 0.93
0.85-1.5-10-1-S250 9590.7 17172.7 10490.8 — 1.19 0.91
1-1-10-1-S250-A 12555.7 23291.1 15065.0 — 1.02 0.83
1-1-10-1-S250-B 12577.2 23297.0 15065.0 — 1.01 0.83
1-1-10-1-S250-C 12452.3 23052.2 14862.5 — 0.97 0.84
1-1-10-1-S250-D 13559.8 23291.1 15065.0 — 1.02 0.90
1-1-10-1-S250-E (W) 16873.3 23049.3 14862.5 — 1.18 1.14
1-1-10-1-S250-F (W) 15762.0 22819.4 14661.0 — 1.22 1.08
1-1-10-1-S250-G 12516.6 22825.2 14661.0 — 1.03 0.85
1-1.5-10-1-S250 12598.8 23306.0 15065.0 — 0.94 0.84
1.5-1.5-10-1-S250 23014.9 35917.4 25252.1 — 1.02 0.91
0.85-0.85-8-1-S250 10443.7 15201.3 9920.1 — 1.25 1.05
0.85-1-8-1-S250 7561.7 15249.5 9882.3 — 1.02 0.77
0.85-1.5-8-1-S250 8530.6 15234.7 9882.3 — 1.05 0.86
1-1-8-1-S250-A 9755.0 20433.3 14036.1 — 0.87 0.69
1-1-8-1-S250-B 11478.3 20418.4 14018.3 — 0.87 0.82
1-1.5-8-1-S250 11159.4 20393.5 14000.5 — 0.94 0.80
1.5-1.5-8-1-S250 17817.6 31398.9 23480.5 — 0.93 0.76
1-1-10-1-S350 (W) 17192.7 28994.6 18346.3 — 1.07 0.94
1.5-1.5-10-1-S350 (W) 27449.1 44394.4 31140.0 — 1.46 0.88
1-1-10-2-S350-A (W) — 33585.6 36692.6 1.16 — —
1-1-10-2-S350-B (W) — 33589.9 36692.6 1.05 — —
1.5-1.5-10-2-S350 (W) — 51986.2 62712.5 1.15 — —

Pu3 mmt is the load at 3 mm displacement, Pn,Rd the calculated net-section resistance, Pb,Rd the calculated bearing resistance, Put the measured ultimate

The strength calculations are carried out taking gM2 Table 2, it can be concluded that good predictions of the
equal to 1 and using the core thickness of the strap: failure mode are obtained by means of Eqs. (3) and (4). The
tcor ¼ tttcoating ¼ tt–0.04 mm, where tt is the measured Eurocode 3 equations fail in only four specimens, most of
thickness of the thinner steel sheet (Table 2). which show calculated bearing strengths similar to
The results obtained applying the above formulas can be calculated net-section strengths (see values of specimens
observed in Table 4, where the third and fourth columns 0.85-0.85-8-2-S250, 1-1-8-2-S250-A and 1-1-8-2-S250-B).
include the net-section and the bearing resistance, respec-
tively. The mode of failure of the joints is predicted on the 7.1. Connections failing T+B+NSF
basis of these calculated strengths. The critical mode is the
one that gives the lowest ultimate load. In view of the The NSF Eq. (4) gives acceptable predictions of the
values of the mentioned columns and the sixth column of T+B+NSF failure load, although they are slightly
688 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

1.4 are overestimated. See in Fig. 28 the Put/Pn,Rd ratios

T+B+NSF obtained here for the joints tested without washers. The
T+B+NSF (W) mean value is
Mean value of Put =Pn;Rd : gu mean ¼ 0:96,
1.2 Standard deviation of Put =Pn;Rd : sg ¼ 0:06.

7.2. Connections failing T+B+TS
The Eurocode 3 strengths obtained for the bearing mode
of failure are not as acceptable as the strengths obtained
0.9 for the net-section mode (Table 4):
gu mean ¼ 1:05; sg ¼ 0:16.
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 The mean value of the Put/Pb,Rd ratio is good, but the
Put (N) dispersion is too high (see also Fig. 29). There can be seen
values of strength clearly underestimated for joints with
Fig. 27. Ratio Put/Pn,Rd for T+B+NSF joints. Pn,Rd with reduction washers and joints with 10 mm F bolts. The worst results,
however, are those obtained for some 8 mm F joints, whose
bearing strength is overestimated:
T+B+NSF joints with washers : gu mean ¼ 1:23; sg ¼ 0:16,
T+B+NSF (W) 10 mm F joints : gu mean ¼ 1:12; sg ¼ 0:15,
8 mm F joints : gu mean ¼ 0:97; sg ¼ 0:14.

1.2 In relation to this, it was noticed that some of 8 mm

diameter joints showed a bearing failure mode slightly

different from the mode of failure of 10 mm diameter

joints. A clear tearing out failure was observed when
10 mm F bolts were used (Fig. 30), while for 8 mm F bolts
1.0 the tearing was mixed with a sort of punching or pull-out
phenomenon similar to that of screwed connections (see
Figs. 31 and 32).
It is also interesting to discuss Fig. 33, where Put/Pn,Rd
ratios of joints without washers are plotted against d/t
0.8 ratios. This figure shows that the higher the d/t ratio, the
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000
Put (N)

Fig. 28. Ratio Put/Pb,Rd for T+B+TS joints. Pn,Rd without reduction 1.6
factor. T+B+TS (10)
T+B+TS (8)
conservative. The Put/Pn,Rd ratios of Table 4 and Fig. 27 1.4
T+B+TS (W)
show the accuracy of this formula:
Mean value of Put =Pn;Rd : gu mean ¼ 1:14, 1.2

Standard deviation of Put =Pn;Rd : sg ¼ 0:05.

Some investigations [11,14–16] claim that Eq. (4) is too 1
conservative, and that the NSF ultimate load can be
determined without any reduction factor:
Pn;Rd ¼ An f u =gM2 . (5)
This may be true when straps are connected with
washers, as in the mentioned works. In fact, Fig. 28 shows 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
that predictions are better when the reduction factor is Put (N)
not applied to connections with washers. However, when
Eq. (5) is applied to joints without washers, strengths Fig. 29. Ratio Put/Pn,Rd for T+B+TS joints.
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 689

T+B+TS (10)
T+B+TS (8)




2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 30. Bearing failure in specimen 0.85-1-10-1-S250.
Fig. 33. Ratio Put/Pn,Rd for T+B+NSF joints.

T+B+TS (10)
T+B+TS (8)
T+B+TS (W)

P3 /Pb,Rd



0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000
P3 (N)
Fig. 31. Failure of specimen 1.5-1.5-8-1-S250.
Fig. 34. Ratio Pu3 mm/Pb,Rd for T+B+TS joints.

more conservative the strength prediction. In view of this

result, it is believed that one way of improving the
predictions of Eq. (3) may be by using a gradated bearing
factor, which would depend on d/t. Gradated bearing
factors have been successfully applied in other investiga-
tions [11,14–18].
Finally, it is pointed out that the Eurocode 3 bearing
formula was established on the basis experimental load
values that corresponded to 3 mm of displacement [19]. For
this reason, the results of Eq. (3) (Pb,Rd) are also compared
to the 3 mm loads (Pu3 mm). As it can be seen in Fig. 34, the
Pu3 mm load of the joints tested are lower than the predicted
It should be noted that for many of the joints the Pu3 mm
load is not the maximum load measured in the test.
Fig. 32. Failure of specimen 1.5-1.5-8-1-S250. Maximum loads are usually achieved in the range
690 M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691

of 6–11 mm. The same happened in the tests of screw bolts is high, and it is not easy to keep the net-section area
connections. large enough to allow the dissipative yielding of the straps.
However, the behavior of the T+B+NSF connections
8. Recommendations improves when washers are used, their rf ratios become
higher than 1. This is observed for all the joints tested with
Recommendations are given in this section for the washers. Therefore, the main recommendation is that bolt
design of bolted joints between straps of cold formed joints should be used with washers and designed to fail
steel structures. These recommendations, which are mainly NSF.
related to the geometric layout of the connection, can be Other recommendations may be given in order to
classified in two groups: increase the rf values:

1. Choose the steel with the highest fu/fy ratio, which will
(a) Recommendations for increasing the ductility of the
directly increase the Fn,Rd/Agfy ratio.
2. Use only a row of bolts, which increases the net-section
(b) Recommendations for improving the seismic perfor-
mance of the joint.
3. Drill the minimum feasible bolt diameter, so that the
maximum net-section area is available.
(a) Recommendations for increasing the ductility of the 4. Enlarge the width of the straps in the perforated section
joint: The experimental tests prove that the T+B+NSF to avoid the NSF.
mode of failure is rather more ductile than T+B+TS 5. Place the bolts so that e241.66d, which avoids any
mode. Therefore, it is recommended to design joints that reduction of the net-section area (see the net-section
fail NSF, i.e., to design joints whose bearing strength is strength formula (4)).
higher than the net-section strength (Fb,Rd4Fn,Rd).
From the design point of view and according to the When the rf ratios of T+B+NSF bolted connections
Eurocode 3 calculation formulas: with washers are compared to the ratios of T+NSF
screwed connections [2], it is concluded that the seismic
1. The bearing strength does not increase linearly with the behavior of screws is better. Ratios of screw joints are
thickness of the sheet [12]. For this reason, the Eurocode significantly higher than 1, while ratios of bolts with
3 bearing Eq. (3) includes the factor kt, which gives washers are only slightly higher than 1 (Fig. 26). Conse-
values below 1 when the thickness of the sheet is lower quently, it is also recommended to use screws instead of
than 1.25 mm. Therefore, if a high value of Fb,Rd is bolts in dissipative straps of cold-formed structures.
wanted, so that Fb,Rd4Fn,Rd, sheet thickness above Nevertheless, it is believed that more investigations
1.25 mm are recommended. should be devoted to the seismic suitability of T+B+NSF
2. The bearing formula was defined for the bearing failure bolted joints with washers. In the present paper, from the
and also for the end-tearing failure. The effect of tearing results of a few tests, it has been possible to show the
on strength is considered by means of the ab factor in relevance of washers in the seismic behavior of joints. More
Eq. (3) [12]. To avoid values of ab below 1, bolts should tests should be performed to confirm this point and to
be placed far enough from the end edge of the strap improve the design of connections with washers. For
(e143d according to Eurocode 3). This will also increase instance, it can be investigated whether the use of washers
Fb,Rd with respect to Fn,Rd. in joints of only one row of bolts results in acceptable
dissipative intervals.
A ductile failure (Fb,Rd4Fn,Rd) does not guarantee that Finally, it should be pointed out that the problem of the
the joint will be suitable for seismic design. Other net-section area reduction due to the bolt holes may be
requirements should be accomplished, as it is explained in solved following the fourth recommendation mentioned
the following point (see also Section 6). above. For example, straps of non constant width can be
(b) Recommendations for improving the seismic perfor- used. However, this solution is difficult from the manu-
mance of the joint: The objective is to design joints whose facturing point of view.
strength is higher than the yielding load of the gross cross-
section (Fn,Rd4Agtfy), i.e., joints with rf 41, so that the 9. Conclusions
dissipative action of the straps can develop.
In Section 6, it has been shown that bolted connections The present investigation on bolted connections between
without washers do not satisfy this condition. On the one straps has given results that, in some senses, are similar to
hand, bolt joints failing T+B+TS exhibit very low values the ones obtained in the previous investigation on screwed
of rf ratio and, consequently, they will never be suitable for connections. For instance, here two modes of failure are
seismic design. On the other hand, T+B+NSF joints show also observed, the T+B+TS and the T+B+NSF modes,
higher rf ratios, but most of them are lower than 1. The which show different ductility. Both modes are ductile,
main problem with these joints is that the diameter of the their displacement ductility ratios are above 2 (rd42),
M. Casafont et al. / Thin-Walled Structures 44 (2006) 677–691 691

but the ductility of the joints that undergo the NSF X-braced frame. However, it is also shown that bolted
(T+B+NSF) is higher than the ductility of the joints that joints with washers, designed to fail NSF and to keep the
fail bearing (T+B+TS). Therefore, regarding the ductility maximum available net-section area, allow the dissipative
of the joint itself, the T+B+NSF type of joint is preferred. yielding of the strap. The problem is that in the present
The main difference with screw joints is that none of the investigation only a small group of joints are tested with
mentioned types of bolted connections are suitable for washers, and it is not known whether this type of
seismic design. When the failure mode is T+B+NSF, the connections may be good enough for seismic design.
ultimate load is close to the yielding load of the strap, Further tests should be carried out to give light to this
but most of the times below it. As a consequence, these question.
connections would not allow the development of the
dissipative action of the strap in an X-braced frame. When
the failure is T+B+TS, the strength of the connection is References
even far lower than the yielding load of the strap.
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