Methodology of Organizing Musical Gymnastics in High Schools

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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785

Methodology of Organizing Musical Gymnastics in High Schools

Kazakov Shavkat Norqobilovich

Teacher of Tashkent State Pedagogical University

Abstract: This article analyzes the specific aspects of musical rhythmic gymnastics, the
requirements for the organization of lessons related to this sport, recommendations on the
methodical support of lessons, and the compatibility of this sport with the age and physiological
characteristics of secondary school students.
Keywords: aerobics, musical gymnastics, complex writing exercises, jazz gymnastics, aerobic
games, movement tempo.
Humanity has been using musical exercises (musical gymnastics, aerobics) since ancient times.
In musical gymnastics, it can be seen that the focus is mainly on the development and
coordination of the body, stature, movements, and thus on strengthening strength and training
By the end of the 19th century, the development of musical gymnastics acquired a new meaning.
At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, this direction associated
with the name of the French physiologist J. Demeny, that is, the system of physical exercises, is
based on the rhythm and harmony of movements. It is mainly based on the successive alternation
of relaxation and contraction of muscles. The specialist attached great importance to agility and
flexibility, he emphasized the naturalness of movements and the correct execution of movement
techniques. In its direction, all actions are required to be periodic, continuous and performed
according to directions.
By the 60s of the 20th century, a new direction in gymnastics appeared, that is, jazz-gymnastics
based on the use of rhythmic music. The founder of this gymnastics is M. Beckman, who
describes the specific aspects of this direction in his work "Jazz-gymnastics". Features of jazz
gymnastics include:
a) very short time is devoted to explaining the performance of exercises, and actions are
densely placed;
b) exercises are performed to the sound of music;
c) training was conducted without competition [2].
By the 70s of the 20th century, aerobic games aimed at developing healthy physical activity
appeared. According to its founder, J. Sorensen, the program of aerobic games involves rhythmic
running, jumping, bending, sitting and doing a lot of dance steps and movements. According to
its structure and content, aerobic dances are close to modern musical rhythmic gymnastics and
Based on the above, it can be concluded that modern aerobics is not a new type of physical
education, but the successor of modern musical rhythmic gymnastics, which appeared on the
basis of European gymnastics schools, and also contains elements typical of Eastern culture and
oriental choreography.
Musical rhythmic gymnastics is constantly updated, conducted on the basis of a logically
thorough, scientifically based program, especially the training is organized on the basis of music

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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

and conducted with a high level of emotion. has been one. In this respect, the process of its
formation as an independent sport has been completed today.
The analysis and study of the conducted scientific research shows that musical rhythmic
gymnastics with its smooth and soft movement system plays an important role in the regular and
effective functioning of the cardiovascular system. Here, during the execution of the exercises in
accordance with the tempo of the music, it is necessary to perform up to 150 and more
movements per minute, and the music plays the role of a stimulus for working, performing
exercises, and moving without feeling tired. It is here that overloading without realizing it can
sometimes be dangerous for human life, especially for women. Because most of the practitioners
are women.
Teaching exercises is a pedagogical process, which requires a planned and methodical correct
organization of the actions of the teacher and students. This process is directed to the fulfillment
of the main goals and tasks of physical education, it is directed to the formation of movement
skills and qualifications, the development of a complex of physical qualities, and the training of
moral and willful qualities in the participants. Teaching exercises are carried out on the basis of
known universal didactic principles, which are formed on the basis of preliminary theoretical
During the training, various exercises are performed, new ones are taught and old ones are
repeated. As a result, mastering old and new exercises becomes easier.
When organizing classes on classical aerobics, it is necessary to take into account the following
methodological requirements to ensure the coordination of movements:
1. Combining old and new exercises is effective in acquiring new behaviors.
2. Teaching movements in sequence is more effective than teaching them in parallel.
3. When choosing and grouping actions close to each other, it is necessary to rely not only on
its external signs, but also on the structure of the action, in particular, its quantitative
indicators, amplitude, time, tension, speed, rhythm, etc.
4. The process of teaching exercises consists of a system of certain actions of the student and
the teacher, where it is necessary to take into account three stages:
5. 1) primary education;
6. 2) in-depth study;
7. 3) strengthening and improving actions.
8. Performing exercises in the above stages are interrelated, and each stage requires specific
methods and techniques. Before teaching new exercises, the student must thoroughly master
the training program for the upcoming movements. Such planned learning is called the use of
algorithms in science.
9. We think that it is appropriate to approach algorithmic tasks with the following basic
10. assignments must fully and clearly indicate the nature of each action;
11. algorithmic instructions can be created only for one action or for a series of actions.
12. all educational tasks should be carried out in interdependence and connection, and their
fulfillment should grow.
In order for the acquired exercises to have a reliable and effective effect on the learner, it is
necessary to follow the following requirements:
a) it is necessary to determine the goals of performing the exercises and complete the set of
performed actions;
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 8 | Aug- 2023 | 2
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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

b) division of educational material into parts according to actions and division into parts
according to the level of difficulty;
c) feedback, that is, it is necessary to monitor and regulate the performance of exercises by
d) it is necessary to classify the teaching of such exercises, acquisition of material by quality and
e) it is necessary to use "training programs" and special technical means in the process of
teaching exercises.
Training programs should consist of a certain number of slides (frames).
The structure of fitness aerobics classes will be as follows:
If writing a twist, an aerobic part, parterre exercises, and writing a final twist take an average of
45 minutes, then we think that it is appropriate to divide the training parts as follows:
messy writing - 10 minutes;
aerobic part - 15 minutes;
mixed writing (repetition) - 3 minutes;
exercises performed on the floor - 12 minutes;
final scramble writing exercise - 5 minutes.
This structure can be used in schools.
Early entanglement exercises include low-impact exercises, slow-paced step-ups, semi-sits, etc.,
and stretching involves low-amplitude movements.
In the aerobic part, it is advisable to use low-impact exercises, low- and high-speed and high-
impact (large-amplitude) movements (e.g., knee raises, jumping in place, running).
The first jumble writing exercise consists of low-intensity dance moves with low beats.
Exercises performed on the floor are exercises aimed at developing arm muscle strength,
shoulders, chest, abdominal muscles and legs.
The second final jamming exercise will also consist of low-intensity dance exercises with low
Music-based exercises are very healthy - rhythmic music of hygienic importance helps to
organize movements, improves the mood of the participants. The resulting positive feelings lead
to more vigorous exercise, which in turn improves performance. Helps to improve health and
active rest. Here, music is easily remembered because it serves as an educational factor.
In determining the professional skills of a musical-rhythmic gymnastics coach (pedagogue), the
ability to perform musical movements is in the first place.
It is noted in most scientific methodical literature that the use of music in aerobics training
makes the training more interesting and effective. The classes are conducted mainly using
modern music tunes, danceable music that resonates with the participants and the type and tempo
of the training. In this case, the effectiveness of the training depends on how the trainer acquires
the skills, the movements match the music, they provide aesthetic taste and attention in the
participants. Here, the use of modern ICT (information and communication technologies)
effectively helps the coach (pedagogue) in conducting musical-rhythmic exercises. The presence
of a large screen or a mirror in the training hall ensures that the actions of the participants are
performed in accordance with the movements of the trainer under the sounds of music. In
particular, the use of ICT allows the quality of music to sound.
Based on the recommendations of the trainers (pedagogues) with practical experience, it is
Copyright (c) 2023 Author (s). This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 8 | Aug- 2023 | 3
license, visit
International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 26203502
IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

recommended to conduct the successful organization of musical-rhythmic training as shown in

the table below. Depending on the content and direction of the aerobics classes, each trainer
should be able to choose the appropriate music. In it, it is necessary to focus mainly on musical
compositions with a clear rhythm. Often, coaches prefer to use well-known and popular music
and songs. Copyright laws should not be forgotten here. Attention should be paid to this aspect
in order to increase and promote the used music and songs abroad. It should not be forgotten that
the music and songs used in health activities should focus on evoking positive emotions in
Invigorating musical-rhythmic gymnastics (aerobics) can be conducted in the form of a class.
The advantage of conducting a lesson is that the training is conducted by an expert teacher,
trainer, and the set problem is achieved with maximum efficiency.
When developing training programs, first of all, the purpose of conducting such training should
be determined. It is necessary to carefully consider the direction, content and duration of the
training. Training can be done throughout the year, half a year, month, daily training. Such
activities solve three pedagogical problems (educative, healthy and educational). The type of
equipment used, the volume and the types of movements are planned in advance for each
training session.
In general, the organization of musical rhythmic gymnastics classes in secondary schools
increases the interest of students in physical education classes. Taking into account the age and
physiological characteristics of students, this type of sport is suitable for general education
school programs. Aerobics, as a combination of physical exercises and art, serves to form
students' physical, moral and spiritual taste and education.
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terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).To view a copy of this Volume 6, Issue 8 | Aug- 2023 | 4
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