TB FactSheet en

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Every day, more than 4100 people die from tuberculosis (TB) and nearly 30 000 people fall ill
with TB disease, despite it being preventable and treatable.
TB can affect anyone, anywhere. However, the probability of developing TB disease is 18
times higher among people living with HIV.
All people living with HIV should get TB preventive treatment. Nearly 7.5 million people
living with HIV were given preventive TB treatment in 2018–2020, surpassing the global
target of 6 million between 2018 and 2022 ahead of time.

TB is the main cause of death among people living with HIV, accounting for around one
third of AIDS-related deaths globally. In 2020, an estimated 214 000 people living with HIV
died from TB.

The global target for reducing TB deaths among people living with HIV by 2020 was missed
(62% vs 75%).
HIV testing of people living with HIV and people with TB is key to preventing TB-related
deaths among people living with HIV.
All people living with HIV should be tested for TB and all people with TB should be
screened for HIV.

Global spending on TB diagnostics, treatments and prevention in 2020 was less than half of
the global target of US$ 13 billion annually by 2022. For research and development, an
extra US$ 1.1 billion per year is needed.

TB/HIV data

ÿ Reduced access to TB diagnosis and treatment has resulted in an increase in TB

deaths. deaths. The best estimates for 2020 are 1.3 million TB deaths among HIV-
negative people (up from 1.2 million in 2019) and an additional 214 000 among people
living with HIV (up from 209 000 in 2019), with the combined total back to the level of 2017.

ÿ Of the TB deaths among people living with HIV, 50% were men, 40% were women and
9.8% were children.

ÿ Among all incident episodes of TB, 8% were among people living with HIV. The
proportion of TB episodes coinfected with HIV was highest in countries in the World
Health Organization African region, exceeding 50% in parts of southern Africa.

ÿ Nearly 12 million TB-related HIV deaths were averted in the period 2000–2020
because of TB/HIV-related interventions.

2030 | Ending the AIDS epidemic

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ÿ The global coverage of HIV testing among people diagnosed with TB remains high in 2020,
at 73% (up from 70% in 2019). However, the absolute number of people diagnosed
with TB who knew their HIV status fell from 4.8 million in 2019 to 4.2 million in 2020 (a
reduction of 15%).
In 87 countries and territories, at least 90% of people diagnosed with TB knew their HIV
status. The coverage of antiretroviral therapy among people diagnosed with TB and
known to be HIV-positive was 88% in 2020, the same level as in 2019.

ÿ Treatment success rates remain lower among people living with HIV (77% globally in
2019), although there have been steady improvements over time.

ÿ The global number of people living with HIV annually provided with TB preventive
treatment increased from fewer than 30 000 in 2005 to 3.0 million in 2019, with a
reduction of 23% between 2019 and 2020, to 2.7 million.

ÿ At least 6 million people living with HIV provided with TB preventative treatment by 2022
(already reached).

ÿ Ensure that 90% of people living with HIV receive preventive treatment for TB by 2025.

ÿ Reduce TB-related deaths among people living with HIV by 80% by 2025 (compared to
a 2010 baseline).

Communications and Global Advocacy | +41 22 791 4237 | [email protected]

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