Verify Access Level 2 Quiz Attempt Review
Verify Access Level 2 Quiz Attempt Review
Verify Access Level 2 Quiz Attempt Review
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You must receive a score of 75% or higher on the quiz to complete the course.
IBM Directory
Verify Directory
Identity Fabric
Question 3 The sales interns were doing some research and
Incorrect presented on a client call. They found out that the
advanced authentication market will grow at a
Points out of
compound growth rate of 14.4% from 2021 to 2026.Back Next
What is the projected size of this market in 2026?
$13.6 Billion
$26.1 Billion
$9.5 Billion
$7.4 Billion
Question 4 A client heard that IBM adopted this solution
Correct internally for employees and contractors and
externally for clients, but could not remember what
Points out of
the solution was. This solution provides a consistent Back Next
and improved user experience, and simplifies the
application integration process, among other things.
Which solution did IBM implement?
Cloud Identity
Verify IDaaS
Verify SaaS
Identity Governance
Question 5 I am leading the digital transformation journey and
Correct want to provide a frictionless experience for users.
One of my biggest concerns is the lack of company-
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wide technical knowledge to help me reach my goals.Back Next
Who am I?
Question 6 A client has many legacy apps and has been hesitant
Incorrect about moving to cloud. Due to competitive market
pressure, they are now looking for cloud technology
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and adaptive access with a toggle switch. What
should be included in the seller's proposal?
Push technology
Fingerprint recognition
Face recognition
Verify Privilege
Verify SaaS
Verify Governance
Verify Access
Question 11 A client says that IBM access solutions are old and
Correct only focus on legacy applications. How should the
seller respond?
Points out of
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Points out of
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1.00 Adaptive access
Single sign-on (SSO)
Identity governance
Advanced authentication
Question 14 When competing against Okta, which of the following
Correct might be a good approach to beat them?
Points out of
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1.00 Sell consumer identity and access management
Focus on their integration with applications
Verify Privilege
Verify Governance
Question 17 The seller is engaged in a competitive battle against
Correct Microsoft. The client perceives Microsoft's access
management solution to be free of charge. How can
Points out of
the seller win? Back Next
One Identity
$33.9 Billion
$32.6 Billion
$10.1 Billion
$15.7 Billion
Question 22 According to Forrester, the user benefits of IBM
Correct Security Verify over a three year period equate to
how much?
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Key developer
Points out of
1.00 20